Heartland Journal Podcast

Heartland Journal Podcast EP225 Antonio “Tony” Renteria & More 7 3 24

Joining us is Antonio “Tony” Renteria currently is Founder, Chairman and CEO of LUCA, Latinos United for Conservative Action a Hispanic Evangelical Organization which is a movement within and a DBA of Poder Latino a 501c4, as well as the LUCA Foundation (a faith and education 501c3 Non-Profit Organization, and the LUCA Fed PAC, and an Ambassador for the RNHA. He also serves on The Hispanic 100 Board of Directors, a national mentorship and scholarship organization and serves on the National Latinos for Trump team, which is an integral part of representing the Latino voice for the 2024 Donald J. Trump Presidential Campaign. For more information go to  If you like what you hear make sure to subscribe to the show and share it with your friends. You can find us at

1h 7m
Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
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Welcome to the Heartland Journal Podcast with your host Vincent Cavalieri. Good day everyone and welcome to another edition of the Heartland Journal Podcast. I'm your host, Mill Creek City Councilman Vincent Cavalieri, and I'm certainly glad you're with us today. We invite you as always to check us out at We ask you to subscribe, like us, comment, let us know and let us know how we're doing. We'd appreciate that. Where subscriptions are going up and so it's a good thing. And feel free to check out our Rumble channel, which has a lot of great Heartland Journal shows, past and present. You can also catch our editorials and op-eds on there as well. As always, we promise to make this an informative use of your valuable time, and also in keeping with that same promise, it's my mission to bring you great guests, guests with their finger on the pulse of your community, people you want to hear from and people you certainly need to hear from. And tonight's no different. Antonio Renteria, Tony Renteria, heads up an organization called Luca, which is short for Latinos for United Conservative Action. He'll be joining us and we are of course very excited to have him on. And we'll bring him on in a few moments. And remember here at Heartland Journal, our mission is very simple. To always endeavor to make this a place where dialogue and debate will thrive and survive and the truth will always have a home. That's our eternal pledge to you. Friends if you ever believed that your vote doesn't count or doesn't matter, let me be the first to tell you that I can assure you that you're wrong. In the last election cycle, while I was personally out on the campaign trail, I came across members of our community who simply opted out of voting. And their reasons varied. Some believed that elections are "rigged" and "some just disliked all the candidates altogether" and for them and for everybody, I want to share a bit of history really quick. In 2000, one of the closest presidential elections took place. President George Bush narrowly defeated Al Gore by winning the state of Florida and 537 votes separated the two or 0.0009% of the votes cast. What you think about that for just a moment because George Bush went on to serve two full presidential terms because of 537 votes for the most part from roughly 6 million cast. We've actually had in this country some elections decided by the flip of a coin when there's been a statistical tie. One or more votes would have made the difference in those races. And I mention this because there is an untapped voting bloc that conservatives fail to win over time and time again and there's really no reason for this. This is like the third or fourth show that we've done regarding political activist organizations and I intend to do more because they're valuable. They're valuable for a community and its perpetuation. Did you know that Latinos make up almost 18% of the population in America making them an incredibly important untapped voting group and a nation of more than 300 million people. It's important that we align ourselves with citizens with similar value systems. In the upcoming election it's estimated that Latinos will make up 14.7 of the upcoming vote. And Latinos are traditionally hard working, God fearing and family first oriented people. And this is the common ground that we share. This is what enriches America. And if we did this, if we found a common ground with the Latino community, we would never lose another election. Hispanic Americans represent the fastest growing voter bloc in America. And although Donald Trump made some end roads and gained some ground on Hispanics in 2020, he still pulled only 41% of these like minded voters. Progressives target minority groups and depend on them staying illiterate or uninformed in the voting booth. Orange man bad, dementia man good, you see how that works out. What makes this year different is that a generation of Latinos have a great sample size to view from the last three years. It's obvious to them that Trump's policies were not racist as they've been led to believe. And they've learned the hard way that Democrats are trying to put them back in the so called poverty plantation. I suspect there'll be a huge pivot among Latino voters this year because fuel prices cost the groceries, the price of housing and national security are all going to be factored into the 24 election. The majority of life is on the ballot. We are going to take a quick break. And when we do, Tony Renteria from Luca is going to be joining us and we're going to take a deep dive into why educating the Latino and really every other minority community is a matter of survival at this point for America. So please stay tuned. Don't go away. We will be right back. I'm Jack Nealey, I'm with the Knoxville History Project. And I'm on the Heartland Journal podcast. Welcome back. Welcome back, everyone. Welcome back to the show. And thanks for sticking around. You think you're going to be glad that you did. Tonight's guest was born in El Paso, Texas and currently resides in Lubbock. He's the chairman, CEO of Tomar Inc., a national business management consulting firm. He's the COO, the CFO of Texas Power Suppliers and Renbros Inc., also in Lubbock, Texas. He attended college, he served as writer and editor of La Ventana Yearbook and was a contributor for Word, publication magazine and sports writers for the university daily. He served as the editor for an online journal called PolitiFix until the magazine was eventually pulled from the app store by Apple because they had the temerity to question the 2020 election. He spent his entire adult life working either or managing political campaigns, both locally and federally. He's the founder and chairman and CEO of Latino is United for Conservative Action, which is a non-profit political activist organization, I'm guessing, but we'll get into that. Over the years, he's served on numerous boards and commissions and I'm going to share some of them because I think it goes to the character of the man that we have here tonight. He's served on the United Way, he's served on the Boys and Girls Club, rape crisis center, women's protective services, child protective services, your court court appointed special advocate, and you're also a former chairman of the Lubbock Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, always putting his community first, of course. He takes pride in being a father and grandfather, but mostly from being a man of faith, serving Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior. Did I get that all in? Welcome to the show. Well, thank you very much, and you absolutely did a great job. I've always loved serving other people, and that's one thing, I'm a people person and have been for some time in my life, it's a passion of mine to do the best I can to serve our community, whether it be in politics or through the church or through different organizations that we have. I feel like the Lord has blessed me in my life in many ways, he pulled me out of a very tumultuous situation as a child, and now that I see life through both lenses and I know what it's like to be on the other side, I feel like anything I can do to help contribute to make anybody else's life better is always a good thing. Well, serving your fellow man, there's no better gift to your fellow man than serving your fellow man. Thank you for doing that, and for listeners, you can, when the show is completed or concluded, we will have it on the bumper, he's belongs to a lot more groups and organizations, I just mentioned some of the highlights. Tony, you are the founder and CEO of Luca, tell us what is Luca? We are a, it's a Latinos United for conservative action, you're correct about that, but we are, as we are an organization, we're an action organization that gets into the communities, and basically what we do is we find the best candidate that will serve we the people within each of these communities. We stand in the way of the people that are a danger to any community, whether it be through grooming children, pushing an agenda which we feel is very detrimental, which obviously, and again, I'll tell you, we've straight up taken on the LGBTQ+ community and their attempts to transition children here in Texas, and also doing so in California and several other states. We stand in the path of the people and, of course, those that can't partake themselves. We have parents that call us and they're distraught because of some of the pornography and stuff that pops up in the schools, and they don't really know how to take on these school systems or make people change that. So we get directly involved there, we go testify in front of school board meetings, we testify in commissioner's courts, I know what Girls Inc. was trying to get an 800,000 grant, for instance, out of Tarrant County, and we went to the commissioner's court, you know, that's out in Fort Worth, Texas, with the commissioner's court, we testified brought to several other people, testified against it, and they were shot down. There was a drag queen show that was very explicit, and that was in six flags over Texas, and there were children outside, and these people were parading around just almost naked, might as well have been in front of these kids, and so we started letter writing campaign and really peppered them with them, and then we told them we were going to start marching out there, and they finally said, well, wait, stop, you know, just don't do that anymore. What is your solution? We said, look, just move the show inside. They want to do this, let them do it, but not around children, and put an H restriction up there, or a warning on what it is. So they did, and they moved the show indoors, and it shut down about a week later, nobody was going to it. So obviously, the intent has been to grim these children, you know, so we're facing a time, you know, with, you know, we fight for border security, obviously, we've had people up in the border, we have people reporting of what's going on to show the truth about what's happening, because believe it or not, you know, and a lot of people think that every Latino is for open borders, we're not, we're completely against it, because it directly affects the communities primarily that are on that board. And so anything that we feel in dangers, the communities goes against our constitution or directly in the face of biblical values or family values, we take it on head off. Now Luca has grown substantially in the last few years, and how many states are you in now? Right now we're in 16 states, we have five others that want to come on and we're working with them to do so. Our latest two, obviously, we have Oklahoma and Florida, which, and then we have all the other ones that touch across the coast, and Nevada and stuff, but across the west coast, rather. But we have, you know, we've really done very well across the country. We have people in New Jersey, Kansas wanting to sign on in Virginia and Washington and Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Colorado. So we know we're about to, before this next election, we are really going to get very serious about, you know, protecting the rights in those cities as well, in those states and in the major cities as well that, that are swing cities where, you know, and I can't emphasize enough how important this election is, I think historically, it's probably, and not even probably, it is the most important election in the history of this country. I agree. We're either going to see this country prosper again and start heading back in a direction where people respect this, or we're going to continue falling down into this hole, and we're not going to be able to climb out of it. I mentioned, before you came on, I did my opening monologue, and I mentioned how I believe Latinos are between 14 and 17 percent of the voting bloc now in the United States in general. In Texas, they're quite a bit more. They're almost 40 percent, correct? Yes, yes. We have, you know, the Latino vote in Texas has really mobilized and it's grown in a lot of the reasons is, again, you start talking about the border security issues and everything now that we're fighting, obviously, you know, this big battle that you're seeing at the border now, you know, that started when Greg Abbott told Joe Biden no more, and all the other states came in and joined us. I'll tell you, it's resonating throughout the state and people who are now starting to see, especially from the Latino community, how important it is to vote. And our organization, we get out and we're registering people to vote. We have several people that went out and got sworn in to be able to do that. We're going to do that in every state, every community that we exist. We want to be able to do that because we feel it's very important that people do that. You know, the Latino population, it's growing and growing and growing and they are, we are primarily conservative. If you really take a look at our backgrounds, I mean, people don't realize we've been voting for a Democrat in office at every level in several places for years and years and years without really taking a look at it, and that all started back when Kennedy was president, he was Catholic, most of us are Catholic, we're like, great, great marriage. What they didn't realize is that Johnson, when he took over as one of the biggest races on the planet, and everybody knew that if you look back historically, which Democrats don't like us to do, and he started making a lot of these changes to really woo that boat over successfully, in the meantime, the policies that he was putting forward were just so detrimental, you know, and you know, if you look at it, it's not just detrimental to the Hispanic population, look at the black population and all the others when you start talking about abortion, you know, that's, you know, that is one of the most barbaric ways of destroying a newborn, I'm not a newborn baby, I mean, a baby in the womb that there is, and that's ending the cycle of that birth going forward, and you know, so if you talk about why the Latino population is growing, it's because we don't subscribe to abortion or any of these other things they're trying to do, like transgender, and stuff, it's not that we don't do it, but we do it at such a very low cliff because of our values that our population continues to expand to all the others are declining. And now that you mentioned that I was listening to, I'm sure you know who Victor Davis Hanson is over the weekend, and he's a great intelligent man, and he was interviewing residents in San Joaquin County, California, and you remarked a moment ago about the kind of the new education of Latino voters, he was remarking how shocked Latino voters were when they realized their tax dollars were going towards paying for things like transgender surgeries for inmates or illegal immigrant housing or abortion. So is this the kind of advocacy to start moving the needle? It really is, and you know, I'll tell you, we have a group out of Colorado heads, and the biggest concern that you're seeing out of them, obviously, you know, that we have several of them from there that are for pro-life, and that's a huge thing, so their faith is driving them. But what's happening in the schools, like a lot of us will sit there and tell you, you know, we may not agree with their lifestyle if you want to live this certainly, you know, I have a daughter that's gay, you know, she's conservative as well, and that's fine, she's no gay marriage, I love her, she's got a great mate, I'm not against that at all, because they're not forcing that agenda on, not even their own children, but on everybody else, and they respect the fact that I have different values. And I respect the fact that they do, you know, it happens, and when it does, as long as they're not going out trying to impose their will upon everybody else, that's fine. So what happens is, and I think what you're, where you're really starting to see that needle turn is at first they were coming after us and we were annoyed by it, no matter what, they're like, yeah, you want to be cause easy, whatever it's fine. But then they went after our children, came for the kids, and they went into the schools, they wanted to transition them, they're trying to give them these agendas, and then they're trying to sexualize them with all these books. Now the Latino population, for sure, because of our culture, we started saying, whoa, we're going to stop right there. So our position in California, and our presence in California for Luca, has grown monumental. And people like Nicole Macario and Art Gomez, and all of the other individuals we have that are leading that there, and we have some really good ones, they are very strong because they love their children. And so you got these mama bears and papa bears that are like, no, you can't have our kids too. And so they're fighting against everything from the governor, which, by the way, Nicole beat the governor. I mean, well, actually she beat the, I think that actually she beat the school board, you know, in what they were trying to do. So then the Attorney General came after, and she's been battling, you know, the Attorney General as well, but our presence has grown and grown and grown because they're coming after our children. And the one thing you'll learn about the Latino population, you know, and I know you've been around civil, we are family oriented. We will not let go and we're community oriented, and especially with the children, we're super protective. And we're protective of people that are too young to defend themselves, to only defend themselves for two weeks to do that. So that all of the things that the Democrats are pushing now is just back firing. So all right, let's get into it then. What are the key issues for Latino voters? How do we, how do we make, how do we make this transcend to the ballot box? Not just not just the issues, but making sure they get up and get out and vote? You know, one thing, and I was talking, and I'm going to go with some stats with you. One of them is, most of the Latino families are middle income, right? You know, we've got to lower it with some upper income, but for the most part, we're middle income people, blue collar, you know, we, you know, every dollar that we make, we earn and we work hard for. So we were talking about this, this, this July 4th, and you remember back when Biden was bragging about how he was saving everybody 16 cents over that weekend on their barbecues? Well, this year, and this is the statistics back at the average meal is $11.72 from last year. Now think about that in today's economy with inflation hitting us hard, and people that are just wanting to celebrate that. And to some, that may not sound like a lot of money, but to a Latino family, it is a lot of money. We, you know, a lot of our families, you know, and I know this because we haven't, we let paycheck to paycheck, but we're, we're, we're steadily, and, and so that's just for the barbecue that you're talking about. Let's talk about this ground beef up 11%, buns up 7%, lemonade up 12%, ice cream 7%, tips 8%, and this is also during the same time that you're reading and you're watching this like what's going on, you know, with the farmers that are being shut down, like an item or they're telling you can't water your point, you know, your, your, your, you know, your fields because they're conserving water when they have more water available to them than they have in the last 20 or so years. So make it make sense. So what we're doing right now as Latinos, we're taking a look at all of this, and I'm telling you, it's not just the Latinos, because we're talking to several other groups. Again, we, we partner up with several groups, and we're seeing more and more people going toward, you know, the right, because inflation is hitting us so hard, and then we already talked about these, these woke policies and the transgenderism and everything, which is really now, and, and all of the porn that's, it's being pushed and, and pedal to the kids, they know these are not conservative policies, they're very liberal policy, and people are waking up to the fact that one their children, you know, are being pulled from them by the government, and to inflation is so high that they can't afford to continue to eat or live or drive to work, you know, it's, it's bad when you go to several places that you used to go to and see a person in front of you, and it's all automated, because these businesses cannot continue going, because it's getting too expensive. And another thing that I think is, it's pretty interesting is all this food that you're seeing that's fake food, I mean, and you're seeing it all over the internet, you know, this appeal stuff that, you know, that's being pushed by, by the Microsoft guy, and I'm, I'm telling you it's, it's really bad, because people are looking at the same, wait a minute, what are you trying to make a seat? So it's, it's really that it's creeping into our everyday lives, you know, it's great that it never had before, and if you look back into the previous presidencies, there were issues here and there, but this is the first presidency, I think, in all any of our lives, where everybody feels it, they feel it in their wallet, they feel it in their churches, they feel it at their schools, their children are being talked into doing something that is very detrimental to them, and it all started with the vaccines, you know, being forced upon you. So you take away people's freedom, you force them down the wrong path, and then later on we find out that it wasn't necessary to do all that. I mean, yeah, so it's, it's very easy to understand everybody's suffering and the Latino community. And so it's, it's always hard for me to comprehend why they still, anybody would still cast a ballot on behalf of progressives. But as I said earlier, we do have, and you don't need a higher education to understand that. Inflation is choking the life out of every family. And so it impacts on your level, I think, on your people's level, and yes, not a derogatory term. No, it's not. And you know what the sad thing is, is the news, which is supposed to be a political watchdog, is a political lap dog, for the, for the left, you know, that's why whenever we can get on podcasts such as this one or any others, and we even put one out ourselves, you have to reach the people at every level you possibly can, because they're being told over and over. They're being fed, right? They're, you know, like if you think about the propaganda, you go all the way back to even the wars, you know, in, in Hanoi, Jane, when she was tossing, you know, she was out there on the radio, you know, telling everybody that their wives were sleeping with people and, you know, there, the propaganda is a powerful tool to those that aren't versed in what is going on. And most people are not. They get their information from the news and when the news lies to you, and they are lying to you. Absolutely. And then, then all you have is a lie to bank on and you're, you know, you get brainwashed into believing something that is not true, and, and then it, until again, the one thing that we have working for us now that I hope will work, but again, you're, you're still going to see a ton of people vote for Biden that are being hurt by Biden. But until you start seeing it affect you at home, and more and more people are waking up to that, then it's, it's really not something that you think about at the level that you and I think about it, because we do study it, we watch it as it happens, and we're mortified by it. But the only way that we can get the people to do this is to get that media machine to I mean, to expose itself, and I think it has in a lot of ways. We're doing it. We're all doing it. You're doing it. We're doing it. The podcast, as you mentioned a second ago and, and, and, and up until like the last two or three months, immigration wasn't even really on the plate for many Americans. They just have no idea, but, but you're on the front lines in Texas. So I, I think I want to start there a little bit. I want, I want to, I want to talk about how illegal immigration is, is choking the life and the resources and opportunity out of Latinos in Texas. Let's start with there because I know it's very significant that, that many are moving to other states just, just for jobs. Yeah. You know, I'll tell you what's interesting about that in Texas, you know, because we are a border state, we see about, you know, 50 times the number of them that any other state does. And we've been able to address those, but we're running out of places and, and ability to do so. And that's why, you know, finally the, you know, the governor did something about it. We had no choice. We're getting choked. But what happens is you get these people, they're unbedded. They're just rushing through the border coming in. And not only are they unbedded, and, and, you know, a lot of them, you know, are nefarious characters and people think it's coming from Mexico. Most of these people aren't from Mexico anymore. It's not being about Mexico a long time coming in from every other country in the planet. And in fact, there were some, you know, some countries that were entering their prisons and sending them out and, and they're in our country right now committing the same crimes that they were arrested for in their country. But when you start having that, and the second they enter, you know, all of a sudden, you know, the, the, the feds are putting them in the nicest hotels. They're giving them all of the health care. They're giving them stipends to live, which is far more than any of our veterans or people on social security get. They're getting, I mean, and when I say health care, they're getting the best health care there is, while our, our veterans are dying off because of real issues that they can't address because they're not even able to see a doctor. And then, you know, they have ways of. And I do, you know, and I actually am familiar with some of the programs that they are that have to report back and that was those are things that were set up through Trump, but that's so few and far between anymore, because when Biden opened the floodgates, you know, they literally were, were swung open. And now it's hard to track down anybody until they go out and commit crimes, which they're doing that a rabbit taste. And the second that they get arrested, they're put back out on the street. But these same people are going in there. They're taking, you know, they're taking jobs, they're overthrowing communities, they're, you know, they're doing things that are farming hardworking American people. And they don't really care about us. They don't, you know, they're out there waving their flag, they're marching on our streets, they're, they're, you know, protesting against us. They're, they're, again, they're committing crimes in these neighborhoods. It's unsafe. So people don't want to go and do the things they were doing before in these same neighborhoods, because a lot of these, these neighborhoods, even in low income neighborhoods, they're some of the safest places you could have been before these idiots came in, because these people all knew each other, they had, you know, I tell you, I used to go up to the valley all the time, which is when I say the valley, it's the border, the border cities in Texas. And some of the coolest people you ever want to meet out there, I used to go out there hunting, I used to go out there and, and just, you know, I had several friends. And now you go out there, and yet you can't go outside after dawn, no, and not because of any of the people that live there, but because of the people that have invaded. And some of these people that have nice ranches and stuff, they are being tore up by the people coming across the border and just doing whatever they want to there. And we are helpless to do anything against them, because if that's protected folks don't realize how extensive the cartel network is and how what giant businesses is for to traffic humans and drugs into the United States. And it's, and it's happening on a scale that's almost unimaginable. I think at the end of this year, the, the, it shows that three, it will show that 3.3 million this year alone will have crossed into the United States illegally. And so, so my question, I want to stay with immigration because I think it's, I think it's a couple of years ago, it's not a topic for the election, but this year it's, it's very much a topic because it's affecting us so much. Do, do hardworking Latinos, they view this mass influx of illegal, do they kind of view it as, as a slap in the face for those Latinos that did it the right way that, that stood in line like my, my, my grandparents, like my in-laws? Oh, absolutely they do and I'll tell you, you know, I come from, you know, I'm a second generation, you know, a Mexican, my grandparents, my great grandparents, they came over because they fought in the war, you know, in World War II, and, and that was back when they needed as many all hands on deck and they could earn their citizenship and they did everything they needed to to do that. I have several friends that waited a long period of time and then when Reagan allowed that amnesty and they, they went out and they did everything, I've seen others, you know, struggle through that, but the one thing you will see and it is unanimous across the board, you, it's very rare that you'll see anybody that disagrees, but, you know, the way that we had immigration set up, it was a process. Everybody, once you got that citizenship and you were, you became a citizen and you're able to come in and work and do the things, it was a huge sense of pride and I'll tell you a lot of, a lot of the immigrants that came over know more about our history than we did. It's incredible, isn't it? Yeah, you know, so they really, they have a ton of pride in this country and, and they are so grateful for their ability to be here because they love this country and they want to be here and, and it's a slap in the face to them because they, they did this, the, the right way. When you start seeing all these other people just screaming across that border, getting all of these benefits, they're still going through the same things that they had before. They don't want all the special treatment. They, they came in here because they wanted to earn it and they did and now they're watching all these other people just running across and, and, you know, acting like we are the worst place on the planet but they're going to be here anyway and they're only here because they want the free stuff that comes with it and, and it's just really sad. And, and I will tell you though, the people that came here legally do resent the people that didn't and why wouldn't they, you know, they, they, they built a life in the very neighborhoods. These, these illegals are coming across and just destroying, you know, they're raising these same children that are being assaulted and raped by them and, you know, and, and ways that then they can't even defend them because the laws don't seem to apply to them. I mean, every time something, you know, happens, these people are let back out and then they go and do it again. It's incredible. And you, and you look at the long list of, and, and let's talk about that. Let's look at the long list of victims that being created by this administration, 12-year-old Jocelyn Narangay, and I, I hope I'm saying her name correctly, rest in peace, was murdered by illegal immigrants. And she's of one of a long list of victims by this administration. Does this, does this give the Latino community a black eye? I mean, is it creating a kind of bigotry? It gives us a tremendous black eye. And we are disgusted by the people that do these things. We don't want them in this country, we don't want, definitely don't want them in our neighborhoods, and we don't want them attacking our children. But because they're Latino, all of a sudden there's this stigma that's coming out there. And every time more and more of these people come across, it makes the general populace more wary of the Latino population. And fortunately, every, because it's no longer just Latinos, it's, I mean, when you're talking about people from Haiti and all these other places that are doing these things now, and most of them, when you start looking at where they're from, they're from other state, I mean, other countries that are not Mexico, maybe of Latino descent, but they're not from Mexico. So it's not like the Mexican cartel is coming in, it's cartels from all over the country. Now Mexican cartel members are coming over, and that's when you start seeing this big influx of fentanyl and other things, and you start seeing people that thought they were just smoking marijuana and that realized it's laced with fentanyl because they're trying to hook these people on it. And you miss, fentanyl is one of those drugs that if you mix just a little bit too much in it, you've killed somebody. And the fentanyl crisis is so great right now that until we shut down the borders permanently deport as many of these people that are responsible for this, and really start arresting and making that very punitive to have it. This is going to continue being a crisis that America suffers from at a high level. Absolutely. And I was going to say I can only imagine what it's like to live on a border town. I do in a border state, Washington, but the Canadian border, which is by the way, people don't know that it's setting new records every day from the north. People they figured out that since if they're going to close the durian gap, it's time to start moving up north. We'll come in through Canada. So folks that is happening too. Governor Abbott, Governor Abbott, one of the one of the boldest men. And I just I just admire and respect the man so much. And he does it kind of FDRish from the from the wheelchair rate his job for me. How's he doing? You know, during the COVID crisis, he was getting he was getting some slaps in the face because some of the decisions he made, of course, nobody really knew what to do there. But you know, as when he was in AG, he did an amazing job and then he came in and did a very, very good job as governor and then the COVID crisis hit and he took he took some body blows for that politically. But you know, he's certainly recovered and the actions he's taking right now are very, very bold. And he's always been that type of a person I've known him for years and years and he's the type of person that will take a bull by the horns and run with it. You know, but I think he'll even tell you that, you know, he handled COVID wrong. At the very end of it, he came in, realized that, you know, the actions he was taking was hugely unpopular. And you know, he's fixed them since then. But great man, great, great governor. I respect them a lot. And I sure am glad Texas has them. You know, you're talking about Canada, you look at the leadership of somebody like Trudeau and then you compare it to what we have here in Texas and how we're protecting our border and how Trudeau is just opening it up against you guys. And that guy is controlled and so has several others. Obviously Biden is. And you know, if you look at Biden and you take a look at that debate, you're, and you know, we knew about this and how just this guy is riddled with dementia. You know, when you have a former White House doctor, and Ronnie Jackson going out there saying, look, make him take this test. This guy has dementia. And this is somebody that is bored by so many fields. So what do they do? They, they, they punish him by stripping them of his rank, even though they knew that everything that they said about him was a complete lie. But then look at what they did with what they did to Ronnie was on a much smaller level than what they're doing with Trump. Trump's not guilty of anything, you know, but now he's a felon. So we have these caps that we, that we made that said Lucas supports the felon, you know, Trump 24. I'll have to send you one if you ever need to get done with some of your address. I'll send you guys some. But you know, we, we take a lot of pride in somebody and voting for a president that stands up to the population. You know, you look at somebody like, like Trump, and he is bold. And he is in, and he's standing in the way of everything that, that is there. And he's right. You know, if, if, if they weren't attacking him, they would be attacking us. He's just in the way. Well, in much the same way, that's what what Abbott did. You know, Abbott's like, I don't care. I'm not allowing this to happen in my state anymore. And he has Dan Patrick there and, and you know, he's a phenomenal lieutenant governor and, and you know, he's, he's, you have a great age II and can pack since a week. We've got it. We've got a solid team at the top of the state, you know, we have some very, very strong individuals that are in this state that are protecting a lot of the cities and then you got the weak ones. But there are more of the, the bolder, stronger ones in government right now at the state level. And that, and that the boldness when you see leaders being leaders, that kind of rubs off. And mentoring, young leaders or young aspiring leaders, and you mentioned Ken Paxson ago. I'm a huge fan of his and he's, he's one of those guys that just flies under the radar. And I think people don't have any idea of his accomplishments. What happened in Texas? How was he ambushed by the house? What can you do? You know, you know, the dirt, you know, they, they feeling was the, he's the speaker of the house. He's going to be, again, or not of the house representatives. But, you know, him and, and Paxson got into a little bit, you know, there was some dirt that was there on Paxson that, you know, I think Moore was made of, of what the accusations were than, than was actually there. And that all got called out, but it was just a, it was just a bad situation. And, you know, we stood behind Paxson, Paxson came out and spoke, spoke for us, went to him. And, you know, Don Buckingham, who was Art of the Land Commissioner out in the event that Luca did in San Antonio and got to know him real well, just a great guy. And, and, you know, the one thing about, about Ken is he doesn't mix where he shoots from the hip. And so when he says something, that's what it is. And, you know, Dave's one of those that, you know, he, he just, I mean, politicians, yeah, well, you know, he, he really, he went after somebody because he felt like he was being attacked. And so, you know, when you have two bullies and it becomes, you know, who's the bigger bear and obviously Paxson was. But, and, and Dave almost lost his election, you know, and, you know, and I met Dave. He's a pretty good guy. I don't, I don't think anything was malicious. I think it was just one of those things. He's like, okay, you came after me, you know, I'm coming after you. And, you know, you found out who the bigger bear was pretty quick. But I'll tell you, you know, when you, the biggest bear of all of them is Trump and Trump threw all of his support behind Paxson. There's nobody ever going to take him out of this Paxson just wants to go. And, you know, same thing with, with Patrick and with, with Abbott, you know, bear aligned very heavily. And they're very conservative and they're not backing down. So you're going to pick a fight that, you know, one of those streets probably not fight you on a pick. You mentioned the president of the United States a moment ago, Joe Biden. And I think we all saw the debate on Thursday and, and, and those of us that have been doing these podcasts and these shows and these events and speaking publicly, we've been talking about it since day one. So it's no shock to us. To them, it's the emperor has no clothes. So yeah, who's running the country? You know, I'll tell you, it's a lot of the surrogates of Obama, most likely Obama himself, you know, Obama made mention one time that, you know, if he could ever get a, you know, like a president that could go up there that that would be a sounding board for him, then he would do it again. That's the only way he'd do it. And he certainly found it, you know, he doesn't have the, the, the mental stability to do the things that he's quote, unquote done, you know, when, when he came out initially, well, it's about under what 135 executive orders and all of them were just, just horrible for the country, you know, he, I don't think if, if, if with his mental capacity, he could have written one, one of those executive orders on his own, you know, so he definitely has somebody. I mean, he's a puppet. He's, he's being controlled. Uh, in my opinion, I don't want to get your podcasts canceled by, no, no, no, no, so like that they've come for us just like they did for PolitiFix. So we'll get into that in a sec. A quick question and we'll get off the president. Are the Dems going, are they going to replace Joe Biden? Oh, I can't, you know, I know they want to. The problem is is, is a, and, and I would, I would have done it a long time ago. They were dumb not to, but I would. And, and they, they're definitely trying, I think that, uh, uh, the fact that the whole world saw everybody seen bits and pieces of it, they're saying, Oh, that's just political attacks here and there, you know, there, there is AI that that's doing all this AFL off the bike. AI fell off the airport. I mean, off of the stare down the stairs walking up three times, but you know, uh, it's you know, AI is pooping his pants for him. I guess, you know, there are so many embarrassing things that Biden has done, but when it really hit the spotlight was when it was on every channel. And I think they fully expected him to at least crawl through this so they could brag about it and then pretty soon they figured that everybody would just remember the remarks after it, but it was such a bad performance and which was minor for him. If you think about it on what he's done in the past, he's really messed up worse. But because he did it in front of so many people on live television, um, there was no doubt about where he was. So yeah, they want to live. They want to replay some bad, but the they have the, you know, that bad gum constitution that doesn't allow them to do that. So as long as he says he wants to stay, they can't, even at the convention, they can't remove them. They have to vote for him because they take, they've sworn in all to do that. He's already, he's won the primary already. So it's, it's done deal and the, and the law says the money stays with him and his campaign as well. And less right. He relinquishes it. So, um, all right. So let's, I mentioned politics before and it's an, and I want to talk about this. I do want to talk about censorship. So, um, you started an online magazine called politics and, and you, you talked about things about election integrity and COVID vaccine, we covered so many areas. We did spotlights on different individuals or different situations on, you know, the riots, everything else, you know, the summer of love, we did something on that. We covered a lot of things, but it wasn't until we did the, in fact, we had tons of sponsors. We were, you know, our, our readership was growing and growing. And then one day, you know, I did that election. And really what I did was, uh, was there interference is basically the, uh, uh, you know, and the, the question has been posed and it basically talked about that election and what happened and what the perception was and where the states were, why after 11 o'clock that everything go dark and then all of a sudden that big leave changed just overnight when you weren't to, you know, ballot should have been completely counted, why did all of these places lock down that were key places and all of a sudden it just flipped and, you know, so we talked about that and we interviewed different people. Well, when we sent it off to get published and we were ready for it to hit, uh, we got a letter from Apple stating that we have been removed from the platform, but they didn't just remove us from the platform. They deleted all of it. Like they deleted everything and they were able to recast or I think one or two issues that were insignificant, you know, and I was like, wow, you know, and, and they shut us down for like six, seven months and, and we were, and they said, oh, we're just going to turn you back on and, and we'll reinstate you. We'll pay, you know, this much, you know, we'll let you, we're not going to charge you for this many months. Like really, thanks, but the damage had been done and they couldn't, we could not recover our followers because they deleted our entire platform. So they gave us a new platform, everything new name. I mean, so we, we had to read, you know, they, they had a re put, they put us back up on the app store and I don't even know if it's, I'll be honest, after all of that, we talked about what are we going to do, the sponsors were gone, everything was gone where, you know, they got to do it back up again was just horrible. They gutted you and, and, and we've always believed that if we're playing by the rules and if we're paying the fees and we're, we're paying the freight and doing the right thing that, that you're going to have a fair voice. This is after all the United States of America and you were canceled. So my question is, is should commerce pay play a bigger role in regulating big tech at this point? They, they absolutely need to and, and, but you know, here's the problem, you know, government control is always bad, always bad. I think what they need to control, I think what they need to do to regulate it is to eliminate their ability to center us. They need to make sure that these companies are behaving and not just saying, well, we're, we're going to make sure that they're telling the truth. Well, who's truth? You know, because the truth, obviously, when you tell the truth, it's not the truth they want, because they get to choose what the truth is and it's just like, oh, men, men can have babies. No, they cannot. No, they can't. Well, cis men can't. Well, I mean, I mean, cis men can't, but well, okay, there's no such thing as any of those titles quit using them because you're making it up as you go. Men cannot have babies. Women have babies. Men don't have the equipment to have babies just as much as women do not have the equipment to make them, you know, you, you know, to, to impregnate another woman. So or to impregnate a man. So there are things that we are being forced to fed and they want us to believe and they want us to believe these are truths and they are not truths. So what we need to do is we need to go back to time in our country. This country needs to go back to the same time we had when our freedoms were protected, our freedom of speech. So if somebody wants to say men can have babies, let them. And if we want to tell them that they're full of crap, you know, they're, they're just like Biden's diaper, they're full of crap. There's no way that these things are real. So stop saying them or at least to us. You can say all day long, but just don't, you can't make me believe it because it's not true. And there are a lot of other falsehoods that has been thrown at the American public and being called true and it's not. So the, if what's freedom of speech and freedom of expression, they get to tell us one thing and that's fine. That's their choice. But we get to answer, you know, and those are the things that we do. We don't need somebody going in there with, with fact checkers who are just checking it against the liberal handbook. You know, we need, we need them to say, this is our platform, you're responsible for your information. We are not going to interfere with it the way it started, instead of the way it's become. So you mentioned Trump a moment ago and going after Trump and he's fighting the battles for us. Is it fair to say that, that one of the biggest threats to Americans now is law fair? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you think about it, you cannot weaponize the DOJ and, and that is terrible. That's what happens in socialist countries. And then you start killing your enemies and you start and praising them and you start killing them. Now you have a Holocaust in your hand. You know, we are a free country or at least we used to be and we need to get back to that again. So when you start weaponizing the DOJ and you roll, you remove roll of law, then all you're doing is you said, we're just going to be bullies with badges. And we're okay with that because we are the ones that control them. Well, the second you oppose somebody that is dictating your country or that is doing things that are harmful, the second you oppose them, yeah, that's right. You, you risk losing your life. So how is that fair? We need to restore a rule of law to this country. We need, we need our law enforcement to support the laws that are on the books. We can't just go willy-nilly and start saying, oh, this is my political enemy. We're going to make things up. You know, and the fact that people believe that Trump did anything wrong is just absolutely sad. And, and you know, you and I can look at this saying, well, this is unbelievably ridiculous. But there are some people that will sit there until they're blue in the face saying, no, he's guilty and he's a criminal. And you know, and I posted something once on Facebook and it made some people mad, but it was all liberal people. And I said, you know, my prayer for all of you is that you receive the same justice that you wish upon the Donald J Trump and they're like, well, why would you say that? That's mean. That's evil. I'm like, well, wait a minute. So if you think that's evil, why do you wish it upon Trump? So you're saying you're admitting you're evil, no, that it's, you know, Trump's this, I said, okay, well, I just want you to receive the same justice in your life that you're wishing upon him. It's funny. Oh, sorry. Oh, no, I was going to say that that's, it's different for them, I guess. We're witnessing this, this, this crucifixion of Trump, public crucifixion is what it really is. And, and I almost compare it to, it's very Christ-like because if you dare follow this man, you're in trouble to Steve Bannon was sent to prison this week. Rudy Giuliani was disbarred last week. Roger Stone has had his door kicked in. So if you are in that sphere, you're a target, yet there are brave Americans like yourself and, and, and many others myself. And what we're doing here, that we're standing up and pushing back on the group thinking. And so Thursday, we're going to, we're going to hold near and dear in our hearts as a pivot point in America that, that, that, that even the stupid can see now that this person's incapable and what's happening and, and you mentioned the weaponization of the D.I.J. They've weaponized everything, the CDC, the NIH, the EPA, you take your pick and, and they're coming after all of you and, and, and to Donald Trump's credit, he's just put his chin up and he's, he's made the case to all of us as I'm doing this for you. And so I have nothing but respect for the man and I don't have a lot of time left, but I do want to, I know your, your organization, just like mine is, is, is, is, is, is steeped and based in Christianity. Um, is, is it fair to say that in present day America, that Christianity, Christianity is under assault? Oh, absolutely. We really are, you know, uh, uh, in fact, I, I tell people you see this is a political battle battle, you know, this is a battle of good and evil. This is a battle of, of price versus Satan. If you look at that pipeline, uh, deal with that, that march they did, which is absolutely horrible. They're dancing around naked and everything that they'll, they had Satan on banner that they were walking up and down. They did it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That was, that was going to say it was right near you. So, you know, we, we, we, we, and I look at my group, you know, and I have like Melinda Rivera's president, Cassie Willard's vice president and, and, and, you know, several others that are very, very strong in their faith and, and what we believe to be the right thing to do. And we're bold. We don't, we don't back down. That's the one thing that people have always known and I've been this way my whole wife and I've carried this personality into Luca. We will not back down because the stakes are too high. It's not just about politics anymore. This is a, this is a battle against our faith. This is a battle from people that are evil, that are telling us that what God has ordained us to do is not the right thing to do. And I refuse to believe that what they're saying is, oh, let's turn, you know, I mean, God created this man and woman. I mean, it's, it's, it's in black and white in the Bible. And we have ever, and if you look at it, every species of, of living being in this planet is that way. So it didn't just change for us. People that are evil, that are trying to end our ability to reproduce. So they, they go, they start with abortion and then they start promoting all of these agendas that make it's where we can't reproduce with it. And then let's go after the children and let's transition them. So they'll never be able to reproduce and let's give us, you know, let's, let's shoot everybody up with these, you know, these quote unquote vaccines that basically strip our country of, of, they strip our country of, of their ability to reproduce through bot, by attacking their internal organs. They have other things that are going on that are intended to affect our food supply, where they're going to be putting things in it. So it's an attack on humanity. Absolutely. And it's an attack on our families and the family unit. So what I'm trying to do with our organization is get into the places where people are afraid to fight, but they want to. And we say we'll be the frontline for you. And I will tell you this, you know, our little ladies, I would put them up against any, any ten liberal men out there. And, and I would bet big money on it, you know, because our ladies are, they are bold. They do not back down and they are mama bears. So they are loarding over any attempt to harm their children. And so, and they love Luca. They love what we stand for. They are women of faith and, and of course the men are too. And so, but right now the women's voices are stronger. The Latino women especially because so many of the men right now and especially if you're Anglo, which, and I admire you for standing up earlier than you're doing because y'all are the ones that are number one attack overall. You are the bad guy, you're evil incarnate, everything else according to these liberals who are also white, but because you're conservative and white, that makes you the evil person. Well, biblically everything you're doing aligns with what God will just call us to do. Amen. Problem is, it takes guts to do what we do and a lot of cowardice to do what they do. Absolutely right. Just real quick. Quick, I got about two minutes left. Sure. Can we survive another four years with the Marxist in charge? No, we cannot. This country is going to go, if, if Biden, I will tell you this and, and if Biden wins this election, it's going to be because he stole it. And with what they're trying to do, they don't even need four more years with him in office, they just need one and they're going to start imposing their will upon us. And I guarantee you it's not going to be good. And if he wins again, we'll never see the ability to win another election again. And so we need Trump to win. This is the most important election in our lives and in the history of this country and in the world, because if you think about it, we are the last benevolent world power that there will ever be the last. And if we go down, the world goes down with us. Yeah. Ever see that one world government, it'll be awful. You're absolutely right. And, and, and I've felt the decline for the last two, three years and, and, and it's really stung. It's, I'm very, I'm very proud to call you friend. I'm very proud of you. You have you on this show and, and hear what you're doing. I hope this inspires people. And we talked earlier about before we went on air about all the groups that we're hoping to merge together and, and this connectivity, this, this getting the voice out there, these alternative platforms, this is, this is the, the 2020 battlefield right now for us. And we're, and we're happy. We're doing God's work. We're happy to put up our dukes for, for the, for the man upstairs. So we're going to, I'll tell you what, I meant to, when you, I want to send you that look ahead with the Trump, but I, I'm going to send you a few of them so that way you give some to your career. If you send it, I'll wear it on the next show. And I think we have a second amendment show coming up. So, so I'll wear it on the next show. Absolutely. We all in the, you know, anytime you want me on, let me know. And I look forward to anytime we can work together. And I want to meet that group that we talked about, but, but I'm proud we're in this battle together. We'll chat off air, but we're going to end it there. Tony, how can the folks get a whole of you and the organization, Luca? Oh, okay. On our website, it's That's our website. You can go on there and there's a place for you to register. And then you can reach our social media through there. All you got to do is click on, on the, the social media link and it'll get you right to that. And, and you can reach us. And, and if you want to reach me, that's Melinda is, Melinda is the, Melinda Rivera is the president and Cassie Will is our vice president. And just use our first names, like it's or And any one of us can help you get started and get involved with Luca. I'd love to have you. Your site's very user friendly. So kudos to whoever put it together. And I've had a chance to go through it. So friends, that's it for today. The organization is Luca, Latinosunited for conservative action. Our guest today has been my new friend, Tony Renteria, and we're thankful he came on board and took time out of his very busy day. So Tony, thank you so much for appearing here today and, and I'll talk to you soon off there. God bless. Take care. Pleasure. ♪ Sing a song about the heartland ♪ ♪ The only place I've been at home ♪ ♪ Sing about the way you're good man ♪ ♪ The works until the day light's gone ♪ Welcome back to the show. What a great guest. Tony Renteria. Luca is the organization, Latinosunited for conservative action. And boy, they're in 16 states now. Where they are, they put in the gas pedal to the floor kudos to them. Friends, just imagine if every Judeo Christian citizen over the age of 18 in the United States voted in our elections. America would once again be that thriving meritocracy that our founders envisioned. You this next generation, you would quite literally reshape America for generations to come. Marxist progressives wouldn't even have a voice anymore. Their communistic viewpoint would be muted. And honestly, folks, it's really, it's really that easy. If we voted based on mutual values, common interests, progressives would simply be referred to as some fringe radical group with zero relevance and policy making. And what that would do is force them to pivot from their radical ideology. And while that sounds like pure paradise, it only happens if you, the people, recognize the potential of what America could be with you behind it. Cities like Chicago, Seattle, New York, San Francisco, they show exactly how dangerous voting progressive Democrat is. They've watched what they've morphed into. Minority Americans have a great sample size to look at these last three years. Are you better now or were you better than? And it's a very simple question to ask. And if you don't answer the way I think it should be answered, then you're being dishonest. These residents in these cities have effectively disenfranchised themselves and allowed a vocal minority to become the largest voting bloc in their community, regardless of ethnicity. It's incumbent upon us to consolidate like-minded voters in order to preserve America's promise for everybody. And 24 represents a very stank opportunity. If every Judeo-Christian voted, we'd have a greater chance of having policies that more accurately reflect our common goals and our vision. And that's important because our republic relies on an informed and active citizenry for its well-being. This is the bedrock of a successful democracy. Think of it this way. If citizens fail to vote, elected leaders will simply ignore their concerns and implement policy without consent of the people. And my friends, that's Marxism, that's communism. This is what progressives have been moving towards these last few years. Latino voters recognize the magnitude of the moment facing American culture today. They are an integral part of change and taking back America. They should also recognize the opportunity that exists to revive the America that they came here for or their families came here for. It's far too early to know how the 24 elections are going to shake out, but it is nonetheless notable that in at least two of the most recent surveys, former President Donald Trump was polling ahead of President Biden among Hispanic voters by a substantial margin. So friends, on the eve of 4th of July, I just wanted to share a quote from one of America's founding fathers, Thomas Payne, he said, and I quote, "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must like me undergo the fatigue of supporting it." I just love that because it defines the true blessings of American citizenship and the duty that comes along with it. Friends, that's it for today's show. We hope you enjoyed it. We hope you got something out of it. Thanks so much for tuning in. Once again, I want to thank Tony Renteria for joining the show. What a patriot, what a dedicated community activist. My honor to know him. Don't forget to check him out at the, it'll be on the bumper, his website. Thank you, Steve, the producer for all the work you do behind the mic. And let's not forget our Heartland Journal CEO, my friend, Steve Abramowitz, who keeps us on the air and brings you the show. Lastly, you'll thank you, the Heartland Journal audience for listening. It's no easy trick bringing you the truth in today's America, but as always stated, we will always endeavor to do so. So until next time, I'm Mill Creek City Councilman, Vincent Cavalieri, and I wish you all God's peace. Take us home, Steve. ♪ Yeah, I've been dreaming of the hard ways ♪ ♪ I've been with the five trees, yeah ♪ ♪ With the river of steep and the first policy ♪ Any of you's or opinions represented on the podcast are a personal and belongs solely to the creator and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the creator may or may not be associated with in a professional or personal capacity unless it's quickly stated. ♪ I still feel the good things fall from the heartland ♪ ♪ Yeah, from the heartland, yeah, from the heartland ♪ (upbeat music)