The Howie Carr Radio Network

MassGOP Chair Amy Carnevale and Her Competent Candidates | 2.27.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Massachusetts Republican Party Chair Amy Carnevale calls in to dispute charges made against Howie by Geoff "DoorDash" Diehl. Candidates for the Massachusetts Republican State Committee call in with their horror stories about Diehl and former Party Chair Jim "Jones" Lyons.

Broadcast on:
28 Feb 2024

This podcast is brought to you by Bistofano Hair Restoration. For the month of February, Dr. Highness is rolling back prices to pre-COVID fees. Save $1,500 this month when you mention how we go to That's Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Outrage of sadness and of loss. But I think the important thing to focus on is any one instance shouldn't shape our overall immigration policy. All over the world, there are global migration patterns. But because there are so many more undocumented migrants here, we may start to see more crime. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. And what would be the exact number for that man or president? Yes, sir. That would be 32. Excuse me, it's ma'am. It is ma'am. I am not here to upset anyone. No, you said sir. What's again, it's ma'am. Who do you love Howie Car? What do you would you want to do? What's your 2024 agenda? Because I feel like we live in such crazy times that that is one of the things I feel we hear less about. Look, the 2020 agenda is to finish the job. Yes, because his brain is flying. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. 844-542-42. We are a week away from the elections, the primary elections, super Tuesday in Massachusetts. But in addition to the presidential primary, there are also the elections for the Republican and Democrat state committees. The Democrat state committee is pretty much routine. But the Republican state committee battle continues unabated. And it's just a lot of lies are being spread around. And some of the lies involve me. And so we'll talk about the whole thing. Jeff Diehl today challenged me to a debate door dash on another radio show, even though I'm not running against him, but I've offered to conduct a debate between him and his opponent, Larry Novak. We had Larry Novak's already accepted the challenge. Diehl is a sheep and sheep's clothing. I don't think he'll come on to debate his opponent. But we'll just offer the free time to Larry Novak to make his pitch. But I also, there was another lie that was spread today. And it's been spread before. And the lie is that I am on the payroll of the Republican state committee for $500 a month as if as if I that could support me for one thing. But I'm not on the payroll. And I just wanted to bring on Amy Carnavali, the chair of the Republican state committee, to explain what happened. It's been explained to the Kool-Aid cult over and over and over again. But they just lie. I don't know how else to put it. They lie. Amy Carnavali, thanks for being with us here on The Howie Car Show. Why is The Howie Car Radio Network currently getting $500 a month from the Republican state committee in Massachusetts? Hi, Howie. Thanks for having me on to explain this. So under the prior chairmanship, Jim Lyons had authorized spending to benefit the Jeff deal campaign on The Howie Car Network to the tune of $7,650, like many other invoices that went unpaid. So I made it in more compared to the other vendors. I got off easy. Most of them got stiffed a lot worse than I did. Yeah, we certainly we certainly had a lot of bills higher than that. But I made a commitment. If the work was done, we were going to make good on those commitments. So we could kind of hold our heads high again as a party in Massachusetts. So The Howie Car Network was good enough to agree to let us go on a payment plan of $500 a month until we had that paid off. And so those payments started a few months ago. So ironically, this invoice was to benefit Jeff deal in his campaign. And yet, he's the one taking issue with the payments. So it's really quite ironic. Right. And one of his guys, Mr. Meat Raffle of Tony Ventresca, raised this pointed in an earlier meeting of the state committee. And you explained to Meat Raffle what the money was for. And I think Dordash heard it as well, didn't he? And yet they still go out and their minions are are like continue to lie about it. The point's been raised at two previous meetings. So our last meeting, we had a meeting last week and a couple months before that. And it was raised both times. And myself and our executive director both explained what the what the invoice was and why the payments were being made. And of course, it was at all death that were we're paying off under the previous leadership. So it's really astounding. And furthermore, I'll just point out too. And we put out some documentation to support this fact that Jeff deal continues to file monthly reports with the OCPF or our state age compliance agency. And he's reporting this as an in-kind contribution to his campaign. So it certainly whoever does his report is well aware of this expenditure because they're reporting it. Now, what is the what's the status of this this lawsuit? I know that there's been a dispute. Another vendor has claimed he's owed over close to $300,000 in unpaid bills from the deal for governor campaign. And you guys are saying that these are not these are not party bills that these are Jeff deal bills. What's the stat? How much how much is the money and and and what's the status of this this ongoing litigation? Yes. So the bulk of that that invoice, we believe, was in fact authorized by the deal for governor campaign. And so we've we've taken issue with that. And that's in litigation now. Basically, we've had some depositions and some some paperwork going back and forth. So, you know, we're hopeful we'll get to the bottom of that. But we've used to pay it because we think that the campaign is responsible and not us. Is that is that more than a quarter of a million dollars that deal may owe according to the your party? It is. More than a quarter of a million dollars. Yep. Yep. Good lord. And I mean, and plus it's eating up legal bills continuing that the party is continuing to run up legal bills to to deal with the all the disasters that lions deal and Rick Green and the rest of them in the in the cult created over the past four years when they were winning no election. It's really crazy how we you know, our focus should really be on the Democrats and more a healy and you know, continuing to support and candidates running for local office. And it is a distraction to have to pay these legal bills. There's a couple of nonsense lawsuits out there for back pay and a lawsuit that the former chairman had against her treasure on those of all been heard in court more hopeful they'll be dismissed soon. But it does take party resources and it's a distraction from what we should be doing is talking about like the illegal migrant crisis and unaffordability in Massachusetts. So it's really too bad that there's individuals out there that that continue to distract us from our mission. You know, I'm going to ask you about something else. It's you you tried to deal with this issue earlier. They the you know, the Jim Jones Lions is claiming he had nothing to do with this woman, but some of his offshoots recruited a woman named Lori Kaufman to run as one of their candidates for the state committee. And it turns out that this this woman Lori Kaufman of Dorchester, she's on the ballot. And she's she's running as a with with one of Jim Jones people who owns a bar in Southie. And apparently she's she's Jewish, but she's she's posted all these these horrible anti-Semitic slurs and talking about how much she loves Hitler. I mean, this is one of this they can deny it now, but this is one of their people. And what what are you guys doing about this? This is going to this is going to be a national story tomorrow, my understanding. It's unbelievable. As soon as we were made aware of her candidacy and her views within within two days, we we passed a party resolution condemning her candidacy and urging her with to withdraw. As far as you know, we're concerned as a party, you know, we we denounce her in the strongest possible terms. If she were to show up at a party event, you know, we would escort her to the door. So she is not welcome in the party in Massachusetts. And frankly, I would I would expect any other state as well. And it's just important that that anybody would think about recruiting her as a candidate for any office, either as a Republican or under any party banner. So we have no tolerance for that. We reiterated our condemnation for her candidacy again today. When she and she's she's some of her social medias is on the bottom. It says Jim Lyons. I don't know if Jim Lyons, I don't know how he's connected to her. He claims he's not connected to her, but I'm just reading from her post a couple of days ago. I will also exile all Jews. That's what she says. It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. Certainly we have no association and condemn her in the strongest possible terms. She's not welcome. And in the party as long as I am chairman. Okay. And so the early voting continues. And, you know, if you Amy can't say anything, but if you want to see who who you should who I think you should vote for go to and you can click on it. And we're trying to get the word out. And Amy, this is, you know, you know, you've done a you've done a great job cleaning up the mess. The mailroom manager wanted me to say that that it took a woman to clean up the mess that all these guys made. But you know what? There were a lot of women that were involved in this mess, too. All those were two women. Desiree, who was on the show earlier talking about her father's Nazi metal metals and Amanda Orlando, who's got some pretty, pretty interesting social postings of guys who are appearing in Salem Superior Court next week on criminal charges. I mean, they were involved in the deal campaign as well, weren't they? Well, how we all I could say is I'm looking for Tuesday to get some of this nonsense behind us. And then we could focus squarely on Joe Biden and more Healy in our doubt ballot races. Boy, there's a lot to focus on. There's sure a lot to focus on this state is so this is in such a disastrous state. All right, Amy Carnavoli, chair of the Republican state committee, and you're doing a really good job. And we appreciate it. 844-542-42, 42, what a mess to dig out from under. You not only have this woman, Laurie Kaufman, you know, saying she she's going to exile all Jews. She's they can deny it now, but they recruited her. These people, their offshoots recruited this woman to run. And now you have this this this woman who was the treasurer of the deal campaign is posting these social media with her father who was in the Nazi army, the Wehrmacht. And they have she's posting metals that have swastikas on them, three of them. And she says, I'm a bad guy for pointing this out. 844-542-844-500, Justin from Boyle's body works. He's a regular listener. He says, right in Justin for state committee. He's Justin Cusano for state right in Justin Cusano for state committee. He's not a Nazi. That's what you say, Justin. I know Justin. He's not a Nazi. I can vouch for him. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr will be right back. Howie Carr is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver meth located in Where New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is how much will Trump defeat Nicki by tonight in Michigan? More than 40%, 30 to 40%, under 30%, or Nicki will pull out an amazing upset. 30 to 40%. 41% say 30 to 40. 40% say more than 40. All right. 844-542-42. We want to have a lot of we have a lot of people want to talk about what's going on. And the total implosion of the Kool-Aid cult, you know, with these promotions of these insane candidates lying about people, mainly me or I'm one of the people they're lying about. Stiffing the vendors, Jeff deal could be looking at a at owing $250,000. That's a lot of deliveries for a door for a door dash guy, isn't it? 250 grand. He could be on the on the hook for 844-542-42. Representative Dave DeCoste, he's a candidate for the for the state committee and he's the most conservative member of the Massachusetts General Corps. Dave DeCoste, you're next with Howie Carr. How are you? Good. I just I wanted to call it and I first of all Amy Amy my opinion is doing a great job and we are we are very very lucky to have her. I would tell you my opinion and I was sworn in as a state rep from down here in Plymouth Fifth, which is no well in Rockland and over in Hanson. Since I've been sworn in that the parties turn around, we're on the upswing. We've got a great new state representative and John Marzy out. I believe it's the fifth to six Worcester, Peter Durant, people calling anyone a rhino. Peter's just as conservative as anyone. And they tried to knock him out. They put in two people to try to knock him out and they didn't even care about when in the seat and it was a winnable seat. And now it's been one back. It wouldn't have been one back if Jim Lyons had still been there. No, and you know this just tends to be the knucklehead pattern. They did the same thing to Senator O'Connor down here and great senator from Waymitz and he's my state senator supporting 100%. But last time around they tried to primary him. But I just wanted to put in a good word for my compatriot on the ticket, which is Janet Fogarty. Janet is is not only a state committee woman, national committee woman. She has done a terrific job. She's a Reagan Republican lifelong Republican. And I hope if in the in our district, which includes Waymitz and Hall, Hingham's Cituic Cohesit, Marshfield and Norwell, I hope that the citizens when they take number one after you get through voting for the presidential candidate, please go down the ticket. And that they really want to test the race and our area will be that race. And I hope you cast a vote for Janet Fogarty. And Dave DeCoste, I loved your quote today in the Boston Globe story about this about this this struggle. I don't see this as a left versus right thing. The races between those who are supporting competent management and those who are supporting going back to inept management. I think that's a perfect description representative. I think it's a perfect I think it's a perfect description too because I've lived through both. And I will tell you as a candidate down here. In Plymouth County, we were about the only area the state has survived and that had a lot to do with fantastically a ship from district attorney Tim Cruz and Sheriff McDonald, our two hires county officers and the team down the GOP team pulled together. But I'll tell you the rest of the state. We you know, Tim Whalen should be a sheriff. We should have held the DAC. Sheriff Hodson, who by the way, Sheriff Hodson's made one endorsement in these one single endorsement in these state committee races. And it's been for Jared Janet Fogarty. Sheriff Hodson should still be there. And they're trying to blame the loss of the DA's positions in Barnstable County and the sheriff's in in Bristol and Barnstable on the on the the rhinos. I mean, or what they call the rhinos, it's they did it. They they stripped the all all the county candidates down there of any kind of support. So they could throw it behind a door dash deal. They stiff they stiffed all the vendors. Not just me very very little. Yeah, no, you're 100% Yeah, 100% right. How we and right now, we're on the upswing. We're going to and hopefully it pet peeve of mine. I think we'll go over and I won't name any, but I've got one in mind. There is still some former state rep candidates that own that stripped the party and they also parties the money. And if I am elected state committeeman, as one of the things I intend to do is have the have the party start invoicing invoicing these candidates on a monthly basis and enter into a payment plan. Because the vast majority of us, when we went up there, what's what's called assisted mailings and and so forth in the in the past, everyone copped up their money. But there were there were at least one guy who still owes and he should pay up. Good. Good. We thank you. Thank you, Representative the coast for getting on the committee. And thanks for being a great state rep, the most conservative member of the legislature. And he's he's against the Kool-Aid cult. We'll take more calls. We got a lot of candidates that want to call in and we're going to get to all of them as we go through everybody. Hang on. eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. I'm how we got live from the Matthews Brothers Studios eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Our new t-shirts are in cheaper to the port and support. I'm wearing one right now. You can see it and if you're on social media, go to how we car show dot com and click on store to get one. You know, Dave the coast just had a great description of him knuckleheads. I think I'm going to use start using that now on. These people had four years and they they didn't. I don't mind if you're jerks in any facet of life, as long as you win. Just win, baby. As Al Davis used to say, but data they lose. It's it's intolerable to have people who are bodily orifices and they can't deliver. It's horrible. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. We got full lights. We're going to take we're going to take all these calls that we got here, mostly from candidates for the state committee. Elizabeth Ferris Hines is a or excuse me, Elizabeth Hines Ferrick is a she's the candidate against the Lori Kaufman, who's the crazy woman who's who loves Hitler. Elizabeth, you're next with how we car go ahead, Elizabeth. Hi. Hi, Holy car. How are you? Yes. Good. I'm totally totally against against the Mrs. Kaufman views and I can strongly state it is not endemic of the views of the people in the first Suffolk district in my district. I just I can't believe that you know that these people were I mean, I know they've you know, renounced her now, but they went they went out and recruited her. Didn't they? Yes, they did. They did recruit her because I was not of the Jim Lyons Kool-Aid cop. I had a voice in the mind of my own. So they recruited her because I am currently sitting in the seat. And now I mean, and now this is you know, the national publications are making inquiries about this. You know, they go, it's it's just a it's just an unnecessary embarrassment. I think you're going to prevail easily, Elizabeth. But tell people how to how to vote for vote for you. You're running with Tim Smith, correct? Yes, I am. We run together. Yes. Elizabeth Hines Ferrick and Tim Smith, if you're in the first Suffolk district and get out there and vote in the early voting is going on after your vote for president. Go down the ballot. If you're in, this is Boston and vote for, vote for Elizabeth Hines Ferrick and Tim Smith, SMY TH. Thank you, Elizabeth. And thank you for running and putting up with this nonsense from Laurie Kaufman. Thank you, Holly. Thank you for giving me a platform. Thank you. 844-542-42. Beth Lindstrom is a candidate against one of the really nutty, nutty, Kool-Aid cultists. And she wrote a she wrote an interesting piece for the for the op-ed piece for the globe the other day about how Elizabeth Warren is costing the state jobs. I thought it was a very very reasoned piece. Beth Lindstrom, thanks for being with us here on the Howie Car Show. Thank you, Howie. And I want to, after listening to rep Dave and talking about all the fallout down there, just made my blood boil. So that's why I'm running. And I want to commend Amy. She has done, she was handed such a mess. And you got to think about how she's had to go out and raise money. Go into donors to be able to say, "Hey, can you donate to the party so I can pay off law, lawsuits and bad debt?" I mean, she's had a tough row of it and she's been doing a great job. So I want to make sure I say that. But yeah, so I am running for a state committee in the Worcester and Middlesex district, Ashby Townsend, Pitchby, Furchburg, Lummister, Shirley Landcaster, Loonenberg, Grotton, Clinton and Westford. So a few towns and I want to make sure I mentioned Mark Badanza, who's running with me. And he's a president of the city council in Lummister. And he has never lost a race. And he's recruited Republican candidates, which this is what the job is. We need to recruit some candidates who can win. And that's what we're going to do. Right. We got to stop screwed around with the state committee and start winning some legislative seats. Because that's where the action really, I mean, this is crazy that we're having to spend all this time and effort to take over what should be, I mean, honestly, it should be a rubber stamp committee, right? Absolutely. And you know what? I was the first female executive director back in 1991, worked four years at the party to be able to recruit candidates under Chairman Ray Shami. And we did. We, you know, weld-solution alone won, but we won 16 state Senate seats and was able to give weld and sustain his gubernatorial veto. That mattered. That mattered. I mean, we are, we are, we did that back then. We should be able to do it again. And that's what we have to do. And that's why, you know, thank you for everybody who is running to help Amy. And you've been the, you've been the victim of lies too. I mean, your, your opponent is saying that she's been endorsed by these committees that never endorsed her. Yeah, I think she's struggling a little bit. But, you know, it'll all come out. We have a, we have a candidate's discussion on Thursday night. So Mark and I are both looking forward to that to be able to have this discussion with our two opponents. Yeah, Mark, Mark comes from a bigger town than, than Beth does. So, you know, and you may know, you may know him a little better than, you know, Beth Lindstrom, even though she's been active for years. But yeah, Mark, Mark and Danza, he's the president of the Livingston City Council. So get out there and vote in, in that district. Thank you, Beth, for being with us. 844-542-42. Judy Crocker, another candidate from down in the Cape, who's been taking a lot of crap from the Kool-Aid cult. Go ahead, Judy. Yes, yes, I have. Yes, I have, you know, Raptor Coast called them. Knuckle has my husband, who is my counterpart on the state committee, Will Crocker, he calls them Kamikaze Republicans. So, you know, they're, they're willing to take down the ship just to make their point or the plane. I don't know how they're blaming you for losing the losing the, the, the sheriff's position and the DA's position when they basically, you know, failed to, to provide any kind of logistical or monetary support for anybody. They were just pumping everything into the doomed deal campaign when he was barely campaigning. Well, they also are blaming me on, blaming me for losing Will's seat in 2020 election when Jim Lyons was the chair and didn't even spend a dime on Will's race. He was a steam comer. That's her husband, Will. And he spent nothing. Yeah, Will Crocker. He didn't spend a dime. Are you there, Howie? I know I'm here. I'm just, I'm just appalled by the, by the, this, this continues to go on. And, and they, and they want to, they want to create all these, these, these ridiculous diversions, whether it's the ridiculous lawsuits or, you know, Jeff Deal tried to debate me when he, when he's running away from his, his, his own opponent in the district, just like he ran away from Chris Doty in the, in the primary. He's, he's failed at every level. They've all failed, you know, Rick Green lost for Congress. Jim Jones lost his a Democrat when Ronald Reagan was president. Then he lost with Tim Cruz. Then then you got Rick Green lost as a, lost as a congressional candidate. He was with Kasich. Then he was with DeSantis and Deal has lost everything. He lost for the state Senate. He lost for the US Senate. He lost for governor. They lost everything, Judy. And they want to take it back over and they, and they bankrupted the party on top of losing all the races. Yeah. I mean, it's crazy to me. I, I look at it and I just shake my head. I, I don't understand what people are missing. This election is about 41 votes. You know, it's about keeping control of the state committee so that these people that want to destroy it can't. That's really what it's about. And instead they're turning around and trying to destroy all of us who've worked so hard. I mean, I've recruited more candidates than almost any other state committee person. I've raised more money for Republican candidates than almost any other state committee person. I've donated over $50,000 of my own money to campaigns. You can look it up on OCPS. You know, Amy and I have been serving together. She's doing a tremendous job. Why are we trying to go back to the losing, you know, last four years? Yeah. I don't get it. Judy Crocker, good luck. And people, if you're on the Cape, Judy Crocker and her husband, Will Crocker, are running for reelection. And they're the ones to vote for after you vote for president. If you're a Republican or an unenrolled and take a Republican ballot, go down and vote for Judy Crocker and Will Crocker. Thank you, Judy. I appreciate it. Nathan Beck, he's running in the western part of the state. Nathan, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Nathan. Hi, Howie. Yeah. So I appreciate everything that everybody has been saying. You know, the whole point of a political party is to get your candidate selected and to get your agenda pushed through the legislature. That's the whole point. And there's too much emphasis on trying to control a party. Okay. So you want to control the party, but to what effects to accomplish what, you know, this extreme group wants to take over the party for the sake of controlling the party, not for the sake of getting anything through the legislature. So I appreciate when people express their conservative views on issues. But what's the point if you can't pass conservative legislation through the state house? So anyway, yes, I have been a voice for the past four years on the state committee for party unity, for working together. You know, you look at Amy, she is a conservative. She's not a rhino. I mean, no one could ever accuse her of that. You know, she she was with Trump from day one. She was with Trump from day one. She unlike unlike Jim Jones, lions, unlike Rick Green. And in 2008, I don't know if she's always been a Republican. So unlike Jeff deal, she didn't vote for Joe Biden in the presidential primary in 2008. Right. Right. Yeah. The the exactly she she is leading us in the direction that we need to be going. And, you know, for for people to say that they are for conservative causes, but then can't get anything done. And as you said, when when they say I'm running as a conservative, but you can't win in the state, it doesn't get us anywhere and it doesn't help us and it doesn't do anything practically for people of everyday lives. What what happens practically is then the city council that's in the state house and and federally as well. And this our party, the Massachusetts Republican Party, unfortunately, has just, you know, we've been struggling for a long time anyway. And now it's just the worst of the worst for the last few years. And Amy's starting to turn that around. And we got some good candidates coming out. But but again, right, we we should we should be on your show, how we talking about how to get Republicans into the state house into the state Senate, you know, turning around the direction the state is going, not turning around the direction, a powerless party is going. So yeah, thank you. Thank you. I don't mind doing it because it has to be done. But you know, all of us should be involved in something a little more productive than running for the board of directors. No, that's what this is. It's the board of directors. It's not it's not the legislature. It's not even the city council or the board Alderman, the select board. So thank you, Nathan. I appreciate it. We're going to get to the rest of these calls. We come back. Everybody hang on. We'll get to everybody before we before we leave the air tonight. Thanks for sticking with us. 844 542 42. If you want to know who to vote for, go to how we car show dot com and look at our picks. It's right at the top of the the home page. And I think you'll get some direction which which way to go. Just we can't let the Kool-Aid cult get back in and rule it finished off the party. They want to finish off the party. They came very close to destroying it totally bankrupting it, losing every office. Now they want to get back in and finish the job. We got to stop them. That's it's as simple as that. They're insane. I'm how we car. Listen to the how we car show from anywhere. Jags. What's the story? Is this go to how we car show dot com and click listen to start streaming how we live in crystal clear. High definition and whispering right in your ear buzz buzz buzz buzz. The how we car show is back. We've got full lines, but I'm going to try to get to the people who are running for the state committee and we'll get that. We'll be talking about this for the rest of the week. I want to have Amanda Peterson on. She's a she's a candidate for the state committee and she's a very young woman and she was the campaign manager for Peter Durant when he won the state senate seat. They tried the Kool-Aid cult tried to stop him because they thought he might win, but Amanda with Amanda's help he went he went on to victory. Amanda Peterson candidate for the state committee. Go for it. Hey, how are you? Thank you so much for having me on. Thanks. Thank you, Amanda. Tell people why they should vote for you and where you're running. All right. So I'm running in the Norfolk Lister and Middlesex district and like you mentioned, I was Peter Durant's campaign manager. I'm only 19 years old. I think the party really needs to get younger. We need to recruit younger voters and we need to start unifying this party because it's just despicable and I wanted to bring up. I think it's really funny how he that Jeff wants to debate you, but when Chris Doty was asking for numerous debates on your show back in 2022 during the gubernatorial race, he was nowhere to be found. He was like Biden hiding in the basement. Like a rabbit. What is that going to get him? Exactly. I know. And again, his opponent, Larry Novak, was going door to door today in Brockton, trying to get votes out of the Republican districts and he'll debate him, but Jeff deal is running away from him just like he ran away from Chris Doty. He wants to just deflect. It's pitiful. Amanda, so we're with you and thank you for calling in. I want to get to some of the other candidates here. Alex Haggerty, you're next with Howie Carr. Alex, where are you running? Hi, Howie. Thank you for having me on. Yes, I'm Alex Haggerty. I'm a former havington selectman. I'm running in the Norfolk and Plymouth district. Okay. And so why do you want to be elected to the state committee? We need people on the state committee who know how to win elections. We need to be building our party from the ground up. Jim Lyons promised us in 2019 that we were going to focus on local candidates. I ran for local office. I served on the board of health and I served on the board of selectman during his 10 year. Not once did I get any help from the Republican party under his leadership. So the grassroots wasn't there. We are seeing that now under Amy that we're electing people to the board of selectman. We're electing people to city council. We won Peter Durant's seat. We won the six Worcester district. We need people who know how to govern and know how to campaign. I served as Allison Sullivan Almita, state representative of the 7th Plymouth district. I served as her campaign manager in 2018 in a year where Republicans didn't do well. We knocked doors. We lit dropped. We got our campaign message out and we won big against an entrenched Democrat. We need that same kind of mentality. Yes, I'm only 29 years old. But I know how to win. Let's win together. I'm also running my running mate, Edith Hughes. She's from Quincy. She's a lifelong Republican and she's been electing, you know, helping to move the party forward in Quincy. Alex, you're only 29, but you're 10 years older than Amanda Peterson. So good luck on Tuesday. Thanks for calling in. Tim Smith, he's running in the first Suffolk. That's with with Elizabeth who we talked to earlier against the woman who loves Hitler. And he's running against a bar owner in Southie and it's Nick Collins Senate district. Go ahead, Tim. Make your pitch. Hi, Howard. Yep. Running. It took us two and a half years to get on the committee in the first place. The former chair refused to call our special caucus to fill a vacancy on the committee. And so, you know, we want to run to make sure that we can support Amy and, you know, I'm also a member of Gen Z. So I want to make sure that the Republican party is going after younger voters. With the help of Amy, we're going around the college campuses and speaking to them. In fact, tomorrow we'll be at Tufts University speaking to their GOP club. But yep, my opponent recruited the Nazis to run against us and he hasn't condemned any of her statements. And, you know, Elizabeth and I are proudly running together. I think, I think you're going to have an easier time than some of the earlier people. They have more. I don't know how much of a fight they're going to, the bar owner is going to put up after he brought the Nazi in. And now she's denouncing him, I guess. They're turning on one another, Tim Smith. So anyway, that's in the first district in in in South Boston, Dorchester area, the first Suffolk district. Thank you very much, Tim. I appreciate it. We don't have time for anybody else. Russell, we'll get to you. We'll get to you again. So again, go to go to how we car show dot com and right at the top, it says, you know, stop the Kool-Aid cult and we got to save the mass GOP. We got to stop these people. And if you're early voting, take a look at it and see who to vote for in your in your area. Or if you're waiting till Tuesday, make sure you read up on it. I got a column running tomorrow about this. There'll be stories about the Nazis on the other side. I'm Howie Carr.