The Howie Carr Radio Network

Fani Willis' Text Message Secrets, Biden's Memory Problems, and Migrant Violence | 2.27.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

President Trump's attorneys grill Nathan Wade about his secret text messages with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Joe Biden says he's running to "finish the job in 2020." Um, come again? And Kamala's plans for South America are working smoothly - countries are getting safer as violent criminals flood across America's southern border.

Broadcast on:
27 Feb 2024

This podcast is brought to you by D. Stefano Hair Restoration. For the month of February, Dr. Hyness is rolling back prices to pre-COVID fees. Save $1,500 this month when you mention Howie. Go to That's Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Outrage of sadness and of loss, but I think the important thing to focus on is any one instance shouldn't shape our overall immigration policy. Yes, all over the world there are global migration patterns, but because there are so many more undocumented migrants here, we may start to see more crime. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. And to what would be the exact number for that better president? Yes, sir. That would be 32. Excuse me, it's ma'am. It is ma'am. I am not here to upset anyone. No, you said sir. Once again, it's ma'am. Who do you love Howie Car? What do you would you want to do? What's your 2024 agenda? Because I feel like we live in such crazy times that that is one of the things I feel we hear less about. Look, the 2020 agenda is to finish the job. She is because his brain is flying. Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Car. All right, 844-542-844-542. That is the toll-free number if you'd like to join us. And again, our t-shirts have arrived. They're in-house, cheaper to deport than support. I'm just stood up on social media. You can see cheaper to deport than support. You can order them at Click on store. They're a great bike. Get my book, too. Read all about it. Paperboy, read all about it. All 4, 542-42. Now, we've got a lot to get to. And we'll come back to the Kool-Aid cult stuff. And I'm hoping that we get some of this stuff up about the other candidate claiming to be a Nazi. She's still on the ballot, and she was recruited by one of Jim Jones' people. And they're all backing away from her now that she's talking about how much she hates Jews. And she is Jewish, and she hates Jews, and she loves Hitler. And she's one of their people. She's running against a normal candidate who has a PhD. And it's not the best thing in the world, but it's better than being a self-loathing Jew who posts all the time about how much he loves Hitler. And that's their people. That's who they have. And this poor woman Desiree, who's crying, and she posted three medals with the swastika on them. And I'm a bad guy for pointing it out. And I'm not fit to kiss his German army war boots. Ak-tung Desiree. Not everybody feels that way. Not everybody's in this. Ezekiel Kool-Aid club, Kool-Aid cult caucus of the Republican state GOP. 844-542-844-542-442. Okay, we're going to move on now to, we've got a lot to get to today, other than the Kool-Aid cult and the Wehrmacht and the Nazis, etc, etc. And they're ties to a certain faction of the party, which is trying to regain control. So the hearings have resumed in Fulton County. As you know, Trump and his co-defendants in the bogus case about election interference, which is based on a fake news story that the Washington Post concocted out of thin air. Find the fraud. Never, never happened. But that's what the case is based on. The quote that never happened made up by the Washington Post. And so they have this lawyer, Fannie Willis, a DEI lawyer and a district attorney, very, very stupid, very ignorant. And she put her boyfriend on the payroll and for $650,000, even though he has no criminal experience, you know the story, the background story. So one of his former partners is a guy named Terrence Bradley. And Terrence Bradley knows all about the case, but he didn't want to testify. He claimed he had attorney client privilege with Nathan Wade because he was handling his divorce. And so, so they brought him back. So the judge, he said, I got an attorney client privilege. And the judge said, let me, let me check out what you've been communicating to the defense lawyers. And after he saw it, he said, you know, this is not covered under attorney client privilege. This predates when you became his divorce lawyer. So you have to come back and testify. Guess what's happened today? Amnesia. It stopped me if you've heard this one before. He can't remember anything. I just was looking at Technophog, one of my favorite favorite correspondents. They're on sub stack. It's he's a lawyer, Technophog. Here's, here was a question from one of the defense attorneys to this, Terrence Bradley, who used to be the law partner of Nathan Wade. Did Nathan Wade tell you he had sex at Fannie Willis's office before he was she was DA. And he said, I can't recall. He can't recall. And as one of the people who responded to Technophog's tech said, would you brag about it if you had done Fannie Willis? Very scary, very scary. 844 542. All right. 617 says, I have to give you credit teaming up with the money laundering, meaning Larry Novak, Larry Novak has paid his debt to society. Okay, he doesn't know anything to society. There's a lawsuit in court saying that Jeff deals campaign owes $250,000 to somebody. I'm just, I'm just pointing it out. There's debts and there's debts. 844 542. So, uh, this is a state out. This is Trump's attorney. I think his name is Steve stayed out. He's grilling, uh, Nathan Wade's former law partner about a text message that seems to confirm what's what was going on. Cut 22. Let's go to do what was defense exhibit based on what you just said. Let's go to do what was defense exhibit 26. Okay. In defense exhibit 26, which I showed you last time was two pages of text messages between you and Ms. Monvergent. Correct? Correct. All right. Now, the first page starts off by saying, Ms. Monvergent, like just date, don't hire him. Do you think it started before she hired him? You see that? Do you see that? Yes, I see it. Yes. And your response to that was absolutely correct. I'm going to object ass and answering. All right. So, um, Mr. state, I do think we went through a lot of these texts. We didn't go through this whole one. Just a second to say no. All right. Um, I'm sorry to say that. Well, you said we didn't go through this particular one. We went through. We stopped right there. I want to go. I went. I answered. Because she did something which she just stated a few minutes ago. You said absolutely. Now we can't remember. It's terrible, terrible. That was more chaotic than the first hour of this show. Cut 23. And you are in a situation where you get to get answers. I'm asking you, how did you know that? How did I know when they met? Somebody told you that, right? When they met. Yeah. Yes, correct. Let's hold you. Mr. Way told me when they met. So you had more than one conversation about the relationship between Mr. Way to Ms. Willis because he told you where he met her. Yes, correct. It's incorrect. It's incorrect. It's incorrect. Let's go back to. Let's go back to the exhibit. Why would you speculate that that's when they started the relationship? What would cause you to put that down a speculation? I don't recall, but why I felt that it started at the time. But I do recall that he only met her. And I testified to that that he met her at that conference which was in 2019. I don't recall. I always think it's better to go with the Bulger version to the best my recollection. I cannot recall. 844, 500, 42, 42. We got a lot more of these cuts to get to. And I think it's going to be hard to keep keep them on the case after this, despite of his terrible amnesia that struck him down over the weekend. 844, 500, 42, 42. I'm Howie Carr. Watch Howie Live at Howie Carr Show. He's not just another pretty face. He's an extraordinarily good looking man. He's Howie Carr. That's a little bit of a bromance going on, eh? The emperor of hate Howie Carr is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local Silver Mint dot com. That's local Silver Mint dot com. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question which you can vote in at is how much will Trump defeat Nikki by tonight in Michigan? More than 40%, 30 to 40%, under 30%, or Nikki will pull out an amazing upset. I'm going to say 30 to 40%. I'm going on the conservative side. 39% say 30 to 40, now 40% say more than 40%, 18% say under 30, still 2% say an upset by Nikki. People are looking at those latest tracking polls. That's got it up over 40%. I believe Michigan is a closed primary state, which means Nikki can't get the Democrats in that are trying to mess up Trump to make it easier for Brandon, who thinks it's still 2020, by the way. 844-542-508, are you hoping the attorney asked the divorce attorney if he understands the definition of a booty call? I don't think that's necessary. It's good enough by itself. They don't have to go to anybody into anything. These are all pretty self-explanatory, some of these cuts. I'll play one more cut before you go back to the phone lines. This is Terrence Bradley. This is, again, Trump's lawyer, Satau, is continuing to press him on his text conversations with merchant. Ashley Merchant is the one who turned this up. She's the defense attorney for Mike Roman, who's one of the lesser-known defendants, but she's the one who did the initial legwork that has caused this persecution to implode. Step 24. You knew that Ashley Merchant represented a defendant in this case, when you were text messaging with her, correct? Yes, I did. Yes. And you knew that the reason she was asking you questions about Mr. Wade was because she was trying to show when the relationship began. Correct? No, that's not what I'm saying. It's not beginning of the text message. Why was she dealing with you? She was a dazzled by your intellect, Terrence? Yes, but what messages were before this message before she sent that? I can't answer that question because I don't have them. All I have is what's in front of you. Yes. And it's that she says, do you think it started before she hired me? So you knew, as the counsel for a defendant in this case, that Ms. Merchant was asking you specifically about the knowledge that you had regarding the timing of the relationship between Wade and Ms. Willis, correct? I mean, based on this, yes. He's got a worse memory than Brandon does. Bob, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Bob. Yeah, I would get up to him. And listen, I've been watching this for a couple of days now. All these attorneys and educated experts on law can't remember squat. Did they remember anything that they learned in law school? I wouldn't hire any one of these clowns, liars, or fakers to represent me, would you? But Bob, Bob, what they've remembered is that everybody in DC, Comey, Brennan, Calappa, Strach, Lisa Page, et cetera, et cetera, they all get bulger going back to the days of Billy Bulger. They all get away with just saying, I don't recall because you can't look into somebody's mind. So that's really all they do now. Nobody even tries to tell the truth. That's all it is. None of these people that we're hearing from on the witness stand are exactly Rhodes scholars, but they've learned enough to say, I don't recall, I can't remember. They can't indict you for not remembering. That's not perjury. They get you on perjury when you tell a lie or they call it perjury or obstruction of justice. So that's why nobody says anything anymore. That's all it is. It is very frustrating to just watch this. The guy is such a boob that he's giving away all the information in text. I mean, he's not just meeting this woman for a cup of coffee or something and telling her this stuff. He's texting her this stuff. Then when he gets called out on it, I don't know. I don't know. And he gets away with it. They always get away with it, except for Roger Stone, who we had on a couple of weeks ago. He couldn't remember an email. He said a year and a half earlier, and they indicted him for it. Sal, you're next with how we car go ahead, Sal. All right, how are you ready for this doozy? I went to prominent Boston hospital for a doctor's appointment and sat down to check in. And they asked me the first question mandated by Massachusetts law. What pronoun I like to be addressed as? And I didn't know what to answer. I didn't know how to answer that question. I just said, sure. You know what? That's exactly what I was thinking of, Sal. I would like to be addressed as sir. Sure. I don't know. I was going to say big daddy. How about your honor? Excuse me, it's ma'am. How about my senior? How about my senior? Have you heard about what happened in Richmond yesterday in Virginia? The lieutenant governor is black, black woman. She's a smart. Her name is Win some Earl Sears. And so they've got a transgender now in the state Senate. And as the lieutenant governor, she's the presiding officer of the state Senate in Virginia. And so, so, so she says, she calls the the the trans, the trans woman. Sir, listen to this. Cut eight. Our business, the senator from Prince William rise. The president raised her promontory inquiry. The senator may state it. Madam president, how many votes will be, what it take to pass this bill with the emergency clause? That would be four-fifths senator. And what would be the exact number for that, Madam president? Yes, sir. That would be 32. The question is, shall the bill pass? Those in favor of that motion will record their votes. I those opposed. No. Are the senators ready to vote? She called him, sir, and he got up and walked out. You believe that's how? You can't. Yeah, you're right. That's the right attitude. Nothing is impossible now, no matter how crazy it is. She called him, sir, and he walked out. Because he's, he's not a sir. He's a, he's Danica Rome. I wonder what his real name, if his first, his birth name was Daniel. Now he's Danica. Why didn't he become Daniel? D-A-N-I-E-L-L-A. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-442, 844-542-442. So this is Virginia Lieutenant Governor, when some seers, and she's talking about what just happened with, with the, the Democrat Senator, the trans woman walking out of the Senate when the, she's the presiding officer as the lieutenant governor, called her, sir, was in quite an insult, misgendering. How come it's not a, how come when Biden a couple weeks ago said that he was talking about the three service men killed in Jordan, two of whom happened to be women? How come that wasn't misgendering? How come nobody walked out then? Cut night. I am not here to upset anyone. I am here to do the job that the people of Virginia have called me to do, and that is to treat everyone with respect and dignity. I myself have at times not been afforded that same respect and dignity, but in this body, and as long as I am president of the Senate, and by the grace of God, I will be treated with respect and dignity, and I will treat everyone else with respect and dignity. So that's kind of an apology. I don't know, you know, she had to apologize to a guy for calling him, sir. I mean, how crazy a situation are we in? And it's, it's mainly, it's 99% Democrats here. 844-542-42. So this is, this is Biden last night on some late night talk show that nobody watches, and he's talked about, he's asked about his 2024 agenda, cut four. What do you, what do you want to do? What's your 2024 agenda? Because I feel like we live in such crazy times that that is one of the things I feel we hear less about. Look, the 2020 agenda is to finish the job. Yeah, we do live in crazy. It's not crazy times that we live in whatever your name is host. We live in senile times, senile dementia times. We live in Alzheimer's times. 844-542-42. What'd you say, Taylor? That was Seth Meyers who was speaking to. Oh, Seth Meyers, okay. Uh, the next time I see him, we'll be the first time I see him. I saw that Jimmy Kimmel said he's going to leave. He might leave after his next contract. And I, and he's been on for 21 years, and I have yet to ever once see him. I, I, I, I, barely Trump sent out a, basically a truth social message saying exactly that. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye Bing. So we played this cut for you yesterday, but I want to play it again just to set it up. And this was a Trump at the CPAC convention. And he's talking about his wife, Melania. And then he sees Mercedes schlop schlop. I don't know how pronounce it. Who's at the, she's one of the organizers of the CPAC conference over the weekend. And so he's, he's talking about Melania. And then he sees, sees Mercedes in the first row and says hello to her. And so this is, I want you to hear the exact cut and see how the Dems are playing it. Cut three. My wife are great first lady. She was a great for people. Love her. People love her. Look at that. Wow. Mercedes, that's pretty good. Yeah, she's good. So again, he's talking about Melania and then he sees Mercedes. So he calls out Mercedes. Okay. So they decided to make it so they, the very fake news, the same people who came up with find the fraud and the Russian collusion hoax and said, Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation, etc, etc, etc. They decided that they were going to make a big deal that say that Trump had forgotten the name of his wife. So, but of course you had to sort of be following the news to know that. So Seth Meyers, this, this Democrat operative with a press pass or reputed comedian, made a joke about it. So his audience would understand it because they're, you know, they're just working with, with Biden's caregivers to make him seem like he's a, he's of sound mind, which he so obviously isn't, as you could just tell by the fact that he had noted a difference between 2024 and 2020. So, so now Biden makes a joke about the fact that Trump supposedly forgot his wife's name. Cut to. Well, a couple things. Number one, you got to take a look at the other guy. He's about as old as I'm, but he can't remember his wife's name. It's about how old your ideas are. Look, I mean, this is a guy who wants to take us back. He wants to take us back in Roe v. Wade. He wants to take us back on a whole rate. Enough. Eight, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. So, you've got this, this ongoing thing in with the, the, the murder in Georgia and they've brought in a special prosecutor now into this county in Athens, Georgia, because the, the, the DA, is a wokster and she's never won a murder conviction. She's lost 14 murder cases in a row. She doesn't even basically try violent crime felonies because she's, she loves violent criminals. That's why, that's why the, the savages are all moving to the, to these blue counties because they know they won't be prosecuted. So, but so now they, you know where this was going. It was only a matter of time. They say now the Democrats with operatives with press passes are saying that Republicans are seizing, seizing upon this horrible murder of an innocent American woman by this third world Venezuelan thug criminal. And this is a Jake Tapper, former, former co-holder for Chelsea Clinton's mother-in-law cut 12. Shalita Vigil in Athens, Georgia this afternoon for Lake and Hope Riley. She was the nursing student found dead after going for a job on the campus of the University of Georgia. The suspect in her brutal killing is facing charges, including felony murder. And his status as an undocumented Venezuelan migrant is now renewing the debate over immigration policies. In fact, the suspect had already been arrested first in 2022 after entering the U.S. illegally. Then again, last September charged with acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 and also a motor vehicle license violation. The suspect was released before a detainer could be issued according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement or ICE, all of which has prompted many in Georgia to wonder why this violent man was allowed to remain in the U.S. for so long after so many red flags. So Republicans obviously seizing on this season at the University of Georgia. They're pouncing this girl, this nursing student killed by an undocumented Venezuelan migrant. And they're seizing on this as an example of Biden's failure to protect the American people. Later on out front, Erin Burnett, I think she's on CNN too, she teased the segment on the story by saying Republicans seizing on the death of a college student to call for a crackdown at the southern border. A crackdown at the southern border. Want some more stories about the southern border? A six year old girl provided enough information to trusted adults about sexual abuse she received from a 56 year old illegal alien from Venezuela that he has been arrested. William Gerardo Colmanere's Mendez. This is in Texas was arrested Friday in charge with two counts of capital sexual battery, two counts of fluid or lascivious molestation in one count of showing obscene material to a minor. Here's another one from Virginia. This is a this is another new one. Authorities in Virginia have arrested a 32 year old illegal Venezuelan thug in connection with a sexual assault on a minor. The Campbell County Sheriff's Office confirmed to Fox News. Renzo Mendoza-Montes 32 was arrested last week. And I get compliments on the hyphen. On two felony counts in connection with a sexual assault on a minor. NBC someone's going to be fired over this. NBC, Homeland News, Homeland Security correspondent Julia Ainsley stated that a lot of the record number of illegal aliens in the country has to do with conditions in Central America. And she said because there are so many more undocumented immigrants here, we may start to see more crimes. We may start to see more crimes. I believe we are seeing more crimes and they're very violent crimes. They're very third worldish, the crimes. 844. But you know what's happening in Venezuela, all the criminals are coming up here and raping and murdering and molesting. This is from Bloomberg last month. Venezuela's rate of violent deaths dropped to its lowest level in more than two decades following years of massive migration as both criminals and victims fled the nation's economic crises. Go figure that they're coming to the United States and our murder rates are rising and they're leaving Venezuela and Haiti and all these other third world bleep holes and they're doing better and better. I wish to our country we could have everybody, all the criminals go to. Wouldn't that be nice? Wouldn't that be paradise on Earth? Fred, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Fred. Hey, Howie, I just wanted to ask you what you think. We keep talking about all this stuff and the Republicans are going to win and we're doing this and we're doing that, but really we're doing nothing. We're not doing anything to make things right. We're up in Maine. We got Susan Collins publicly saying that she's not going to support Donald Trump no matter what. So what does that mean? She's going to support Joe Biden, right? Well, I mean, if you're not supporting anybody and you're a Republican, it means you're, yeah, that's what it basically boils down to, isn't it? So how are we going to get out of this? I mean, seriously, how are we going to get out of it? I, you know, I don't know the answer to that question, Fred. I'm, you know, I hope for the best, but you know, I fear, I fear the worst. Did you see the latest polo showing that Donald Trump is trouncing Joe Biden in Maine? Did you see this? I did see that, but I also, I forget this woman's name who's going to run against Angus King or trying to. Yeah. And, and the Republican on the Sunday morning news said, yeah, we know she's a long shot. But why are we running her? If we, if it's such, she's not going to beat Angus King, then why don't we get to go again? But I mean, Fred, you got to have somebody on running against Angus King. He's terrible. I mean, you got to, you got to hope for the best. I mean, you have to, you can't let any, I need these people run on a post. So I mean, even if she's a long shot, it's better than it's better than nothing. The Pan-Atlantic research survey found Trump leading Biden in the state of Maine by 6 percentage points, 38 to 32. Another 21% remain undecided, which even more amazing is that Trump is leading Biden in both congressional districts. You know, the way that's, it's the electoral votes are awarded in Maine. There's one, one for each congressional district. Now the second congressional district, Trump has won it in 2016, and I believe he won it in 2020. But the, the, the first congressional district, Portland and York County, where I, where I grew up and was born, that's, that's become very blue. That's become Massachusetts North. And the fact that Trump is leading there, it's, I mean, again, it's a snapshot, I understand, but it's, it's, it shows how unpopular Brandon really is. 844, thanks for the call, Fred. 844, 542. You've heard me say it before, I need my sleep, not five or six hours. I need seven or eight good hours of uninterrupted sleep. So when I started sleeping on my, started sleeping on my pillow, it was a dream come true. I started sleeping better than ever. My pillow can change your sleep experience too. Just go to my pillow dot com to get yours. Right now, howie fans will get a special offer. You can get my pillows incredible Yiza dream bed sheets for as low as 29.98. A set of pillow cases, only 9.98 and a my pillow mattress topper for as little as 99.99. They also have blankets in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles. Get duvets, quilts, downcomforters, body pillows, bolster pillows, and so much more, all with the biggest discounts ever. Call 800-658-4965 or go to my pillow dot com and use the code Howie. Don't love it. Don't worry. My pillow has a 60 day money back guarantee and a 10 year warranty. That's 800-658-4965 or my pillow dot com. Don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show. You're listening to the Howie Car Show. 844-542. Again, check out my t-shirt on social media, cheaper to deport than support. It's in, and if you order it today, it'll be shipped out tomorrow and go to Click on store. It's a nice t-shirt. We could pre-order it if you pre-ordered it. It probably went out yesterday, but you can order it now and it'll go out tomorrow. 844-542-42. So when the first congressional district in Maine, that's southern Maine, Cumberland, York County is primarily. Trump has ahead 39-31 in the second congressional district, which is most of the state. He's ahead 45-25. I don't know. How is it only 8 points statewide if he's ahead by 20 points in one district? I don't know how that works. The Super Tuesday primary is in Maine. Trump is ahead by 42 in this pulse over Nikki 66-24. It's about what his margin is in Michigan tonight. That'll be an interesting evening. And Angus King, which we were just talking about, he should be arrested for false advertising, calling himself an independent. He's a Democrat. He's ahead by 32.60 to 28. What are you going to do? 844-542-42. Bob, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Bob. Hey, how are we calling from Lisbon Falls, Maine? Yes. And I used to live in Old Orchard Beach for 46 years. And I'm not surprised that Trump is ahead in York County, because except for Bitterford Socko and Old Orchard Beach, a lot of York County is very, very conservative. It's Cumberland County. That's that's wacky left wing. Okay. Portland. Yes. Yeah, Portland. Yeah, sure. Portland, Falmouth, Yarmouth, that here. Cumberland County is way, way to the left, but York County has a lot of Republicans and a lot of conservatives in it. And as far as Demi Kazunas running against Angus King, I know Demi, and she's very qualified. Okay. Yeah. She's the former head of the Republican party in Maine. She's she went to Tufts University, I believe she's a dentist. And she's a long standing conservative. You know, you know, Bob, I'm prejudiced in favor of anybody who has a real job that performs a real service or produces a real product for people, as opposed to these politicians, like the Biden's, for example, you know what I mean? Joe heard a husband Joe on a dental clinic. Okay. In fact, they own several. And she goes to work every day. I would I would vote for her in a in an instant. Thanks. Thanks for the call, Bob. 844 542 42. Steve, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Steve. Hey, how's it going? Hey, I looked up that whole subject an hour ago, the Melania Mercedes thing. Yeah. Not even sitting there. Mercedes is sitting in the front row. Right. Listen to the 15 second clip, and you can tell he's saying, Hey, how about that Mercedes? They like my wife, right? No, exactly. Exactly. It's like when they said, Hey, Russia, give us the give us the 33,000 deleted Hillary emails. He was laughing. Everybody in the audience was laughing. You know, I dare say 90% of the TV audience live was what was laughing. And they made it sound like he was negotiating directly with Putin to get the email. Remember that? It was it was absurd. This is just, it's the same thing. And now they're saying, Oh, you know, it's Russia. Russia is behind these, this FBI document that says the Biden's took $10 million in pay off. Why did the FBI keep it secret then? Why did the FBI believe this and form it if it was if he was an F if he was a Russian informant? I'm how I car.