The Howie Carr Radio Network

Geoff "DoorDash" Diehl and the Kool-Aid Kult Want to Debate | 2.27.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie isn't running for office, but punch-drunk Uber driver Geoff Diehl sure thinks he is. Diehl's actual challenger calls into the show, and Howie covers the Kool-Aid Kult's latest attempts to control the Massachusetts Republican Party.

Broadcast on:
27 Feb 2024

This podcast is brought to you by the Stefano Hair Restoration. For the month of February, Dr. Haines is rolling back prices to pre-COVID fees. Save $1,500 this month when you mention how we go to That's Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Outrage of sadness and of loss. But I think the important thing to focus on is any one instance shouldn't shape our overall immigration policy. All over the world, there are global migration patterns. But because there are so many more undocumented migrants here, we may start to see more crime. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. And to what would be the exact number for that matter, President? Yes, sir. That would be 32. Excuse me, it's ma'am. It is ma'am. I am not here to upset anyone. No, you said, sir. Once again, it's ma'am. Who do you love Howie Car? What do you want to do? What's your 2024 agenda? Because I feel like we live in such crazy times that that is one of the things I feel we hear less about. Look, the 2020 agenda is to finish the job. She is because his brain is flying. Rum swabs, hacks, and moonbaits beware. It's Howie Car. 844-542-42, more pure gold today in Atlanta, Georgia, and Fulton County Court when they're talking about. Apparently, Fannie Willis flunked out of Florida A&M. That's a tough assignment. I don't even know if Claudine Gay or Kamala Harris could have managed that, but she did. Anyway, we're going to get to all that stuff with the trial. The Michigan primary is tonight. Trump's going to have another blowout win. But first, I wanted to deal with some local stuff that involves me. As you know, we've got the state committee races coming up for the Republicans. And I've said before, if the Kool-Aid cult will stop lying about me, I'll stop telling the truth about them. But they haven't taken me up on my offer. So they've got to I got to deal with a lot of lies and BS today. But the first thing I wanted to mention was that this morning, DoorDash deal, the Uber driver and failed candidate. Apparently, he's taken so many blows to the head. He's punched drunk like an age prize fighter. And he doesn't even remember who he's running against. He went on a show this morning and challenged me toward the bait. He's running for the state committee in the second Plymouth and Norfolk district. I don't even live in that district when I'm in Massachusetts. And by the way, I'm not even a registered Republican. I wasn't a registered Republican. I was unenrolled in Massachusetts. But he wants to debate me. He's not running against me. He's running against a guy named Larry Novak, who I used to know back in the day a long time ago. But he's running against Larry Novak. So I want to maybe it's sad when you see somebody get punchy in their old age or even their not so old age for deal. And so I want to help him get back to reality who he's really running against. So I am offering to host a debate between Jeff Dordash deal, the Uber driver. And he's a successful Uber driver. His clients love him. They say he knows English. And Larry Novak, his opponent, I'm offering to hold a debate before the primary, before the election next March 5th, next Tuesday night, a week from today. And I haven't heard from Dordash deal. I just issued the invitation on Twitter. But I have heard from Larry Novak, who's the other candidate in the race. He's on the Brockton City Committee. He's had a few problems over the years, which we'll get into. But you know what, so's Jeff deal. He's had a few problems as well. Larry Novak, do you accept my invitation to engage in a debate with your opponent, Jeff Dordash deal? I would. I'd like to talk about the future of the Republican Party. Under Jeff's leadership, we've lost 12 with one of the registered Republicans in the district. The town committees have sunk to an all-time low. These are people exiting the party, not joining the party. 12% is a huge figure. Brockton is number one in that district. They're 245 members, 201 men die. The secretary from open hot surgery, so it dropped to 244. That's the first time since 1928 that we've filled the committee. We received no help. We've never seen Jeff deal. He never comes to Brockton. And that's in his district. Avon is an organized, Randolph is an organized, Halifax is an organized, Whitman dropped from 31 people to 25. Those would just drop. He and his wife, they didn't do anything. They didn't do anything. And when he ran for governor the last time, he lost one of the two towns that he represented in the general court. Abington. Yeah. And you're right. He did very poorly in Abington, really. And it's a decrease in electability, it shows. He was a Democrat up to 2009. And before that, for five years, he never voted. From 1997 to 2002, he never cast a vote. In 2003 to 2009, he voted for, he claimed, he voted for Biden. Anyone that voted for Biden, it's crazy. So he voted for, so he's a guy who voted for Biden in 2008 in the Democrat primary for president. So the other choices he had were Obama and Hillary. So he figured that was the least loathsome of the choices. But I don't see much difference between any of the three of them. If you voted for Biden, I mean, in his friend, Jim Lyons, he was running as a Democrat when Dukakis and Ted Kennedy and Fritz Mondale were trying to knock out Reagan. It's in the PD-40s. You can look it up in the election books. He was running as a Democrat in 1982 and 1984. And the money guy who supports him is Rick Green. He hates Trump. He backed Kasich in 2016 and he backed DeSantis this year. Jim Jones backed Ted Cruz in 2016. And now they're claiming they're big Trumpers. But Trump's going to be the nominee. They've never done anything for Trump. Jeff Diehl's SWAT pot is to get elected state representative. In 2010, he ran for the state rep of my recollection as right. So he's SWAT pot is in 2009. It was an opportunity to get an nomination. He ran for the state Senate and brought them lost. He ran for the job. Lost big time. Lost big time, even though he outspent this guy, Michael Brady, who's a drunkard, two to one. He still lost in a landslide. And he lost the United States Senate. He lost the governorship. And he couldn't be nominated for party chairman. And you know what? He doesn't care about any of the people. He has never been to a meeting in four years in the city of Brockton. He came to two executive committee meetings. His wife came to one looking for delegates. That is it. The Brockton didn't vote any delegates for him. We have the largest community in the second Plymouth district. Yes, I did have my problems. How are you right? I was indicted on a money laundering charge. I was a lawyer representing a client. And that client was wired by the government to get me the whole time. It was set up by the government. The rule of law and our basic rights now are being eroded. President Trump is right. The system is rigged. He talks about it all the time. The system is rigged for the government. How can you win 96% of the time? The lawyers win 4%? Yeah. It's impossible. So, but Larry, whatever happened to you, you've paid your debt to society. The Republican Party is saying the Jeff Deal still owes over a quarter of a million dollars to in his unpaid bills from 2022. There's a lawsuit going on. Yeah, I heard that. And I think he ought to pay them. The party never approved the expenses. I was the treasurer of the state party for years. You have to bring it to the vote of the floor to get approval when it is on the budget. Well, Jim Lyons, who never won anything, we went from six senators down to three under his tenure. And we would have lost the other three if he kept it up. Lost three DAs, lost three sheriffs, one district attorney, lost every constitutional office, every referendum question, most of them, he couldn't even get on to the ballot. They went zero for 19 in congressional and Senate races. It was a complete disaster and now Jeff Deal wants to get back in and become chairman. And so he can write off this $250,000 that he may end up owing depending on how the court case goes. And I just, I wouldn't imagine he would if they wasn't approved by the party. Right. I mean, he doesn't have the approval. I mean, I was charging out a check of that kind of money, has to go to the party, the members of the state committee. I was the state committee man in this district. I looked at these town committees and he's done no work. It is P.I. Look, when you go through them, yeah, Avonnaut organized, Eastbridge water down, it's gone down. Halifax not organized, Randolph not August, Whitman, his hometown. There are six members on the town committee. Most of his family now, they're down to 25, the lowest it's ever been. So would you like to take him on on this show and debate him? I would. I would love to debate him. What would you tell him? Well, we're not a time Larry. What would you tell DoorDash deal if you had him at an end of debate? You fail to do the job. You fail to increase the party that your type of image of the party is losing members. It's time to retire. Four things in your war is that four things he should walk. All right, Larry Novak, the invitation stands. If he doesn't want to take you up on the invitation, we'll have you on on Monday night. And people in the in the district, the second Plymouth and Norfolk district, the biggest city is Brockton. It also includes Eastbridge water, parts of Randolph and one of the other towns, Whitman obviously. It's you have Avon Randolph, Brockton, Whitman, Halifax, and Hanson. All right. We will be talking to you again, Larry, and good luck. And you know, if I lived in that district, I would vote for you even despite your problems over the years. I'd say you're a better candidate than DoorDash deal any day of the week. Okay. We'll be in touch one way or the other. You'll be back on the show, whether he's on or not. Thank you very much. So Jeff wants to debate me. I'm not running. That guy you just heard, he's the one who's running against DoorDash. He's the one who's got to, Jeff has got to take him on and answer all these questions. 844-542-40. So I got to deal with a couple of other issues when we come back, but we'll get to other issues. I just have to confront these lies, that these Kool-Aid cultists, some of whom have ties to the, I don't even want to talk about what they have to the people they have ties to. I'll just leave you to Zeke Heil. 844-542-42. The Thunderstorm 3 pack for my friends at Eden Pier are back in stock. Yes, they had a mad rush over the Christmas season, but now they are good to go. 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Have you ever wanted to dive deeper into the philosophies behind modern-day politics? Then don't miss the newest episode of Meet the Experts, where I talk with the creators of the Giants of Political Thought audio series. Available now, wherever you get your Howey Car Show podcast. The Howey Car Show is back. So we're doing, we're trying to stop the Kool-Aid cult, including Deal. And what his campaign treasurer last year was a woman named Desiree Oui-Sihio, and she signed some of these documents along with Amanda Orlando, who's a dear friend of a guy who's now charged with child rape or was a dear friend, a guy charged with child rape. This is the whole basis of the lawsuit that these women signed these documents, the campaign manager and the treasurer, Desiree Oui-Sihio. And Desiree Oui-Sihio, the treasurer, who's now her signature figure in this court case, whether or not Deal is going to be stuck with paying $250,000 that he stepped to the TV stations for. She had a father who was in the bear mock during World War II. And when he died last year, she posted some of his medals on social media, including one with a big swastika on it. And so I put it out there today and said, "What's going on? There's another story in the Universal Hub about one of the other candidates that they were supporting, who's Jewish, but she loves Hitler." And so I just thought this is kind of weird that they have all these connections to the third Reich. And so I just put in, it's her own social media that says that with this swastika medal on it. And so she's responded and she says, "She's angry about the people who gave me but the information about my father." And she put it out on social media and she said, "They aren't fit to kiss his German army war boots." It was a Nazi. He was in the Nazi army, okay? The bear mocked. Desiree wanted to respond. Desiree, go ahead. Are you there? Desiree? I'm here. Go ahead. I wanted to tell you, I have been a big supporter of the Republican Party for 44 years since I was 17. I've helped countless Republican candidates up and down across the spectrum everywhere from city council to the White House. You ask any incumbent state rep, senator, pastor, president. Why did you post the swastika so proudly on your social media? Just a moment. Pass any pastor, president, candidate, you ask any elected official who I am and how much I've done for the party. I was campaign manager. We've got two minutes left, Desiree. Why did you post the swastika? I'll get to this. Now, look, my father passed away at age 98 and a half. And I was honoring him. He is not a Nazi. He was drafted at age 16 to the German army, standard regular army, and he was sent to the Russian front, and he served honorably. He was awarded the Iron Cross for bravery. And he got a medal with a swastika on it, and you posted the medal with the swastika on it. And you apparently asked the German consulate to send up some kind of honor guard. And of course, they didn't want to get involved. They want to get beyond this Nazi past. That was in the regular army, and he served honorably. He was not in the SS. That's how much. Why did you? But Desiree, Desiree, if you hadn't posted, if you hadn't posted a photograph of the swastika, I wouldn't have used any of this. Why did you post a swastika? Do you know what the symbol of the swastika is? No, that was a German, that was an Iron Cross, a German Iron Cross, that he was awarded for holding the line. You posted the Iron Cross, but you also posted the swastika medal. I have posted his infantry badge and his wool badge. He was also wounded in battle. Was there, did you post a swastika? He emigrated here, and he, he earned two engineering degrees, and he married my mother. Yeah, I know that. I know that. But one last time, Desiree, why did you post a swastika? Do you know what that tells people? It was not post any swastika that was an Iron Cross, a voice for flavor, and people were... There's a swastika. There's a swastika there. Iron, Iron Man, Iron Man... Thank you Desiree. Thank you, Desiree. Thank you. Good luck on the lawsuit, and how it got. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 508 says it was a swastika, 100%. It is. She's a, she's a member of Jeff deals campaign, and she posted a swastika. Two swastikas, actually, Taylor pointed out there's two swastikas. We're going to tweet it out if we haven't done so already, just so you can see. I mean, again, if they, if they didn't have swastikas in her social media, I wouldn't have tweeted that out. And there's, by the way, there's another story that's breaking about one of the candidates for the state committee who's Jewish, and then she talks about how much she loves Hitler, and she wants to get rid of all the Jews. That's, that's going to be posted relatively soon. You can go to and get sort of a taste of it, but it's the postings from this woman who was recruited to run Jim Lyons and the, and deal and all have, have denounced her and renounced her. But I mean, on some of the, some of the bottoms of this, this Jewish pro-Nazi woman running on the, for the state committee, she, she puts down Jim Lyons on the bottom. So the, these, this is, this is what, what the same people are up against here. We're going to take some calls on this. 844-542-42. Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver men located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how much will Trump defeat Nikki by tonight in Michigan? More than 40%, 30 to 40%, under 30%, or Nikki will pull out an amazing upset. I saw the latest polls he's up by about 40 or over 40. I'm going to say 30 to 40 and be on the conservative side. 39% say 30 to 40, 37% say more than 40, 21% say under 30 and 2% say Nikki's going to have an amazing upset. 844-542-42. By the way, we're going to do away with the news today. We're going to just go straight, keep us on this on this Republican nonsense. The Kool-Aid cult is trying to get back to destroy the party, so we'll take some calls on this. And by the way, I'm wearing the new t-shirt. It finally came in cheaper to deport than support. I'm holding, I'm standing up right now, a little bit, up in my chair, cheaper to deport than support. It's a great teacher. Check it out on social media. Remember it at,, click on store. By the way, the Graces News, which is being preempted today, is brought to you by TuxTrucks. Two big names in snow removal, GMC and Fisher. Get both the TuxTrucks GMC Fisher in Hudson, Mass. TuxTrucks can build a GMC Fisher plow combination that will easily move more snow for you. Back with a sales consultant at TuxTrucks GMC Fisher, call 1-800-Mytruck, 1-800-Mytruck. By the way, they put out another lie about me today. They said I'm on the payroll for the Republican State Committee for $500 a month. Let me tell you about that. Now, this was, I know this was a lie because they brought this up at a state committee meeting. When you're being HowWeCar, this is the guy, Mr. Meat Raffle, this guy, Tony Vintreska. He's like about, he's a five by five guy. He used to run the meat raffle at the Bill Rick of the F.W., I don't know what he does now. But anyway, why are you bad, HowWeCar, I did money. You know why they're paying me? 500 a month? Because they owe me. Jim Jones Lions, I was another one of the many people that got stiffed along with all the vendors, the TV stations, everybody got stiffed when deal and lions and green were running the party and they owed me like 9,000 bucks. And so they decided that they're trying to work their debts down. They owe the private eyes $50,000. They had to pay fines for state violations of $15,000 and there's another investigation going on which could result in really big money involving lions and some of his and the deal campaign. They had to pay $6,500 in federal fines for the fact that they didn't even bother to report any of the expenditures that they were making. So I'm just, I'm just one of the stiffed vendors. So they said, can we pay you off at 500 bucks a month for the foreseeable future? And I said, yes, that's the payment I'm getting. They're still trying to dig out from under when Jim Jones, a deal and the rest of them took over the party in 2019, they had 700,000 in the bank when they were thrown out last year, January, they were $600,000 in debt and they had lost every single race that they got involved in. I repeat, every single race, 844, 500, 42, 42, Desiree is trying the Pete Rose defense. I didn't read my own, my own book. Yeah, exactly. Let's see. Mary Lou, your next with highway car, go ahead, Mary Lou. Hi, Howie. Long time. This debate is going to be epic. I was laughing my ass off. I could not believe what I was hearing on corner this morning. What gives? Jeff deals lost his mind. He's punchy. He's taken so many pummelings and beatings. He doesn't understand. He's not running against me, he's running against Larry Novak, the guy I just had on. Who do you think would win that debate between him and Larry Novak? Oh my God. Are you kidding? I would pay money to see you debate him. Why would I debate him? He's a loser. I know. He's a loser. I won my last two elections. I was elected to the Wellesley town meeting. When was the last time you won an election? Oh, I don't know. It was last bullet this morning. It really was. And I like Jeff Kuna. I like a lot what he has to say, but no, I'm siding with you on this, but I hope it doesn't get nasty because that's just too weird. It'll be over next week. The Kool-Aid cult will be demolished and then he'll go out. He's already setting himself up for his next beating. He says he's going to run for the state Senate. He's got $7,900 in contributions, $7,700 of which came from his own house. And he got $250 from Amanda Orlando, the campaign manager who also signed the documents for the TV ad buys with Desiree. Now the guy that she used to spend a lot of time with Russell Morris, he's got the child rape charges coming up on Monday in Suffolk, not Suffolk, Salem Superior Court in Essex County. 844-542-42. Tom, your next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Hey, Howie. Thanks for having me on today. I just wanted to bring up two points regarding the state committee race. I understand the state committee. The whole point is for them to get more Republicans elected here in Massachusetts. Now, a bit confused because under Jim Lyons, when he was the chair, I think our party went 0-5 in special elections, but under the committee- It went 0-4-20-20 and 0-4-20-22. That's the easiest way to put it. I agree, Howie. Things seem to be going a lot better. We've got a great new state senator out there in Central Mass, Peter Durant. He led the charge of the House against a lot of the crazy ideas from the progressive Democrats. Right. Now he's in the Senate. Tom, here's the thing. This is another story. I know I'm getting deep into the weeds here, but this is another story. So they have a vacancy in the state Senate. As Larry Novak said, they were losing every Senate seat. They were down to three out of 40 Senate seats. So the Democrats have a seat in a sort of purplish area in Worcester and Hampshire counties. And so the Kool-Aid cult put in a woman who was one of their cultists like a Desiree type, she was a Kool-Aid drinker, but there was a problem, Tom. She didn't live in the district. So they couldn't run her. So they put in this guy who had just lost the state reps race to the Democrat state rep who was running for the Senate. And they said, he's not going to win, but we'll just get him some attention and some publicity for the big race, the state committee, the state committee. They were going to use them as a cannon fodder for the state committee. He figured it out and they did it and they and Peter Durant won. They hated Peter Durant. They wanted to beat Peter Durant, but they didn't succeed and now the Republicans got a new seat. This is what the party is up against. These people are insane and they think it's okay to be posting swastikas on social media and it's all right. It's okay. It's not a big deal. Thanks for the call, Tom. Dan, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dan. Yes, howie. How you doing? Good. You remember me, Howie, I'm the guy that you used to talk to and you used to call it to your show before you blocked me because you couldn't debate. Okay. You remember that? No, I don't. Mattel, make your point, Dan. Come on. Make your point. I called you out. I called you out. What's it? What's your point, Dan? Dan, what's your point? You're helping Leah Allen during the debate, right? What? You were denying it. What's it, Dan? Dan, what is your point about this? What's your point about this? Even Caleb, back me. Dan, Dan, do you have a point? I'll let you talk, Howie. Go ahead. Go ahead. One last chance. What's your point about this today? No, no. Let's talk civilly. Back and forth. I'm going to debate you right now. Go ahead. You go first and then I'll talk. Dan. We're not going to talk over each other. Dan. Goodbye. Justin, you're next with Howie Carr. Justin Casano, he's a sane candidate for the state committees on -- he's on the stickers and right in candidate. But go ahead, Justin. Isn't that awesome? Great last caller. This is what we're dealing with, yeah. Soft is a grape. Dan is soft as a grape. Go ahead, Justin. Yeah. Mike, my opponent gets me thrown off the ballot the last second through a discrepancy. No one wants to run against me fair in square. This is insane, these people. I don't know where to even begin, Howie. Don't even know where to begin. I want candidates. We need candidates in all forms. We need candidates up and down the ballot. School board. We need candidates. And all these people care about is the state committee. I mean, we're just playing defense to prevent them from getting back in and finishing wrecking the party. That's the thing. Can any member of the Kool-Aid cult cite one victory from 2019 to 2023? Can you cite one win? They can't, Justin. Can they? No, they can't. We need to stop building the party. We can't have this Republican purity test of who's the purest Republican to run. We need bodies. We need an army. And the thing is the purity test is being enforced by Jim Jones Lyons, who used to be a Democrat. And he was with Mondale and Kennedy and Dukakis. And then he was with Cruz in 2016 and his money guy is Rick Green, who hates Trump, who was with Kasich in 2016 and was with DeSantis. And then their guy, this nit with Jeff Deal, DoorDash Deal, the Uber driver, he took a Democrat ballot in 2008 and he claims he voted for Joe Biden. He's a Biden voter. Okay? These are the people that are running the litmus test for the Republican party in Massachusetts. I don't believe and think so. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. We'll take one more segment of this and then we will move on. I know people are complaining about this. Some people are complaining about this. But sometimes you, there was a guy in the old Yankee back in the day on Beacon Hill and he said, it's easy to get a posse to go after a lion. It's really difficult to get a posse to go after a skunk. We're up against skunks here, lying Democrat skunks. And it takes a while. Sometimes you get a little stinky yourself. 844, 500, 42, 42. I'm how we car. Omaha Steaks are the very, very best. I said yesterday when I was reading this spot, when I was doing the recorded read, I noticed it's 30 bucks off in addition to the 50% off sale. And I told a mailroom manager, can you please order me another burger flight? All these great types of burgers, some ribeye, ground ribeye, ground sirloin, ground brisket, all these great. I love the burgers more than the steaks. But everybody's got something at Omaha Steaks. It's just a great, great company and they got a great food and great products and it's almost spring. The Omaha Steaks semi-annual sale is here. Get 50% off site wide and save on mouthwatering favorites today. Go to and shop the semi-annual sale where you can load up on all the delicious flavor you crave at half the price. And when you use my promo code Howie at checkout, you'll get an extra $30 off your order. Save big on delicious, tender, juicy steaks, big beefy burgers and so much more. With Omaha Steaks, the possibilities are endless. Endless flavor and endless value, every purchase is backed by their unconditional moneyback guarantee. Go to and shop the semi-annual sale today. And don't forget to use promo code Howie at checkout to get an extra $30 off your order. Hurry because this deal won't last long. Kickstart your spring grilling today. That's promo code Howie at checkout. Minimum purchase may apply. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show. He's Howie Car and he's back. Check out our new t-shirt at Click on store cheaper to deport than support. It's been on sale for a couple weeks, but it just came in so you can see it now, see how beautiful it is on me. We're going to stick with this to the top of the hour, then we'll switch over and though we'll come back to it at six o'clock, we're going to have Amy Carnavalion. She's going to explain the latest lie that they told about me, but I'm on the payroll. They're paying me back when I was stiffed by the Kool-Aid cult, okay? You know, that's a pretty big club. Everybody they did business with, they stiffed pretty much, 844-542, John, you're next with Howie Car. Go ahead, John. Hey, Howie. How are you? It's John Old, I'm a candidate for Republican State Committee against Todd Taylor. Yes, Todd Taylor, the guy who is a, he got $18,000 from the Kool-Aid cult when Jim Jones Lyons was running it for outreach, for voter outreach, and at the same, that was the first time the party had ever gone below 9% in registered voters while he was running it. That's absolutely right. It's funny you asked in your last segment, you know, can you name a victory that we've had at the party? Well, I think one of the biggest victories that we could have is to knock out people like Todd Taylor. And as you mentioned, he's, you know, wasted party dollars and unethically taken party funds for himself, but I think we also should look at Todd's record as a Chelsea city counselor. I mean, this guy is no friend to Republicans and conservatives. He led the charge to double the pay of city counselors. He's led the charge to raise local taxes in Chelsea. And this guy claims to be the conservative America-first person in the race, just makes no sense. His record has. And, you know, John, some people like Rayla Campbell, but she, after she lost in 2022, she posted this guy, Todd Taylor, he didn't get me a single vote in Chelsea. He stabbed Rayla Campbell in the back, according to her. She tweeted it out. I should retweet that out before the election, John, come to think of it. Vote for John. Well, I mean, I think that what would be really interesting too is the Cambridge Republican City Committee, which, believe it or not, is a real organization I had to chuckle at the oxymoron, but they endorsed me in this race against Todd. And part of the reason for that is Todd has never reached out to these people, despite being the state committee man. Like Delary Novak was saying about deal down in Brockton. Right. It's like, you know, these people claim that they're the hard-working conservatives in the race, yet I've lived in the district for a shorter time than Todd's been elected, and I've already secured the endorsement of two of the four committees in this district. Right. Well, we'll talk with you more, John, as we get closer to the campaign, and I'll try to tweet out that thing from Rayla Campbell about what Todd Taylor did. And Todd Taylor, he and his wife are both on the committee. So Lian's kept them in line by giving him $18,000 for outreach as the party's registered base imploded. Eddie, very quickly, Eddie. Go ahead. Howdy. What's happened is everybody's become so entrenched in their party. Nobody's really thinking about what to do to bring the country and stay forward. You give Jeff all the chances he had when he was running for governor. You give him my whole show that he wanted to walk away from. So there's no need for any debates. Yeah. No. The only debate needs to be between him and Larry Novak. That's the guy he's running against. He's not running against make. But I think he's been beaten so badly, so many times, and so many races. There's just nothing left of a guy. You ever seen a punchy old fighter? Ooh, it's sad, that's four dash deal from how we car. [MUSIC PLAYING]