Barry On Deck

#818 - Bronny ROY? Russ a Spicy Nug? Amazon Price Tracker. Astros Trade Deadline. #NBA #NFL #MLB


Bronny ROY?

Russ a spicy Nug?

This is your NCAA 25?

CC in the chat did me dirty (but I do make a pretty female)

Astros trade deadline talk (in depth)

Amazon price tracking software



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2h 42m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
Audio Format:


  • Bronny ROY?

  • Russ a spicy Nug?

  • This is your NCAA 25?

  • CC in the chat did me dirty (but I do make a pretty female)

  • Astros trade deadline talk (in depth)

  • Amazon price tracking software

and much more!











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(upbeat music) - Live from the Biffnet Studios World Headquarters in Spring, Texas, it's Barry on deck. Hosted by former ESPN Houston radio host and stand-up comedian Barry Laminat. Starring Oliver the Cat. Written by Barry Laminat. Produced by Barry Laminat. Directed by, you guessed it, Barry Laminat. Featuring sports, entertainment, special guests, film sessions, and some drinking. Okay, a lot of drinking. Viewer discretion is advised. And now, here's your host, Barry Laminat. Ooh, what's up, you damn dirty dickhead. So welcome to Barry on deck. I am your host, Barry Laminat. Thank you guys for being here. Today's Thursday, July 18th, 2024. And this is episode number 818. Yeah, yeah, 808, don't question me. Don't you, don't, don't you make me feel like I don't know what the hell is going on, even though I don't, don't, how dare you, huh? How dare you, sir, and or ma'am. Welcome to the show, welcome to the program. Hey, little hi, how are ya? Good to have you along the final day of the show. Last show of the week, I should say. Final day of the show makes it sound like I'm quitting. Final day of the show, that's it. No, final show of the week would be more accurate. Not the final day of the show. Final show of the week, let's finish up strong. It has to be since its August 18th. What, what? July 18th. Damn it, don't confuse me, Donna. Don't you, don't you confuse me, okay? How dare you, ma'am. All right, we got no sports to discuss. And quite honestly, I don't care. I really don't, I don't, I don't, I love sports, but now that I don't have to like be on radio, and I mean, I still do it here. I still, it's still part of my job. But I always felt like on radio, I had to like be a super nerd about it. In here, it's like, if I don't want to talk about something, I just, I don't want to talk about it. Like, I don't have to. I don't, I don't want to talk about it. So I don't feel like the pressure. And I, that may be a good thing, may be a bad thing. I don't know, I don't know. But I don't, AJ used to say this a lot, and I agreed with it wholeheartedly, but AJ offered me my old colleague, and then later program director over at ESPN 975 here in Houston. He used to say if you're so consumed by sports that that's all your life is. You need to get life. Like, you know, it's, 'cause there's people that would call into the radio shows and be like, oh, stick to sports. Why are you talking non-sports? That's all they wanted you to do was talk sports. And it's like, yeah, bro, like people have lives and are interested in other things. So that's, I mean, I'm kind of there, but in a way, I don't know. I don't, I wouldn't say I'm burned out on sports. I just, I've lost my ability to care as much about 'em. That makes sense. I mean, I still care. I'll probably be more excited when football season rolls around again. - Heck yeah! - But, I don't know. Don is a good, let's talk golf. The Open Championship. I mean, yeah, I guess, I guess we could do that. Let's get to all of these resubs. Mamie! As a resubscribe for 19 months, she's been subscribed for 29 months. I don't know what Twitch did. Twitch screwed something up royally because all of you guys, your numbers are way off. It says, like Mamie says a resubscribe for 19 months at tier one. And then it says they've been subscribed for 29 months. That makes no sense. Mamie, you got screwed in that department. I don't understand why they did that. I don't understand why that makes no sense. You know what I mean? That's super weird. I don't know why they do that. But, I love you Mamie. Thank you, sweet thing. Alec, thank you for the nine bits, my friend. Alec said, Barry, I go back out tomorrow for a month. Our last underway before deployment. I miss you guys. Bro, I miss you too. Be safe out there, sir. It sucks. I hate it for you. Again, you don't know where you're going, do you? For those of you that don't know, Alec, let's see if I can find it. Where is it? No, well, they don't show the bits. Oh, there we go. There you go. Oh, shit. Did it wrong? Did it wrong again? Did it wrong again? Every time. There it goes, right there. There's Alec. There's, oh, Alec. Oh, good looking ass, Alec. Make me sick. If you don't know, Alec, he serves in our Navy. All right, I say our Navy. The United States Navy, and he gets shipped off to random locales. They don't really tell him either. So that's what sucks. But Alec, brother, I wish you safe travels as always. Be safe out there. Come back. Come back to us. And be careful. And thank you for gifting a sub to Alex Villanueva. That was very kind of you, Alec. So take care of Alex Villanueva. And he didn't even fucking thank you. What a dick. What a dick. Did he thank you? I don't think he did. He just took it for granted. What an asshole. Alex, or excuse me, Alec, thank you for gifting a sub to Alex Villanueva. I don't have to hear him bitch about the ads that play. Apparently he was too cheap to get his own, but bitched about the ads. Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. And then didn't even want to thank you for it. That's how he is, Alec. That's how he is. That's how he rolls, Alec. Just FYI. That's who you're dealing with. So you're dealing with-- Thank you. Yeah. Nate. What? Nasty Nate in the building. You nasty sub of my gun. Nasty Nate, resubscribe for 27 months. He's been to resubscribe for 29. I don't know what they did. I don't know why they did this. This is so stupid. But Nate, thank you for being subscribed to the channel for 29 whole last months, man. Much appreciated. Joe Proul, thank you for the 303 bins, buddy. All right. Yeah, FJ said, I saw this on the web. What's your Mount Rushmore of H town rappers? Dylon, Dylon, Dylon, Dylon. Oh. Joe Proul. Who's your Mount Rushmore of-- Who's on your Mount Rushmore of US presidents? Jimmy Carter. Um, Andrew Johnson. It's just gonna name all the words. I'm just trying to name all the ones that have been impeached or close to it. Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, Trump. What's-- Oh, Nixon. There you go. There's your Mount Rushmore. More like Mount Rush less. I know. I hate me, too. Alec, thank you for the 69, I like the 69 bins, buddy. What up, Eric? Good to see you, Mr. Resendez. Nested Nate in the building. What up, homie? Uh, all right. Let's see, uh, my Mount Rushmore of Houston rappers. Geez, I think you gotta go-- to me, you gotta go Scarface 1 without a doubt. Now, this gets tricky, whatever, Rudy Rob, over on the YouTubes. It gets tricky, because are you counting Bumbie and Pimpsy? Are you counting it as a group? Or are you going individuals? So are you saying UGK? Or are you saying you can only pick like Bumbie or Pimpsy, or if you pick both, that's two of the four? So I need clarification. You know what I'm saying? Are we picking the ghetto boys, or am I just going with Scarface? So what up, Perry? Alex said, by the way, NCAA 25-- or College Football 25-- NCAA 25 is fucking amazing. I don't have it yet. I'm debating-- I feel like if I buy it, I'm cooked. I'm never going to get shit done. If I buy the game, it's over. My career in comedy, my career in streaming, it's all going to go to shit. I will get nothing done. I will wake up in the morning, and I will be playing College Football until 2/12, and then I'll be scrambling to go live. The show won't start until 4.50, and then we end at 4.55. I don't know. Spoon changed-- Spoon changed his photo. You raggedy bitch, spoon. You raggedy. Perry said, yeah, leave it on the shelf, Truman. Okay. Oh, shut up, Rudy. Rudy Rod said, so what's new? Okay. Spoon said, are you all on PS5? Yes, I'm on a PS5. Well, I mean, I have one right there, but yeah. Heart drops that I'm playing now, and yeah, my productivity for the weekend just evaporated. Yeah. Oh, we got a walled side, come on. So yeah, okay. FJ said, my show, my rules. You damn right it is. It's about time somebody agreed with me on this. Somebody print that. Hey, I should put that on that sign right there. Fuck love each other. I'm putting my show, my rules. We should start a BOD Dynasty League, and then I really wouldn't get shit done. I just felt 15 years old again. Oh, really? You found a hair on your balls? Hey, spoon. You want to play some PS5? Alex, that I mean we are getting closer to 5 p.m. start time. You just get the fuck out. I don't have time for your negativity. Just get out of here. Just get the fuck out. Just get out. Get out of here. Just go on. I don't have time for your negativity. Don't said, see you later, Gator. Just go on. Just go on and get, get, get that, get out of here. I don't have time for this. I'm a busy man. You want to know what I was doing today? You want to know? You want to know? I was trying to find a good deal on college football 25. No, I'm just kidding. You're right. Don't it. They never learn. How you going to talk shit to the host? Itchy trigger finger. Itchy trigger finger. Alec is on PS5, too. Jopro said his PS5 like a generator. The CC. So, uh, CC, thank you for the 18, man. She said because I forgot. Thankful Thursday. Girl, you know. All right. Don't worry about it. Alec, uh, Alex talked to big balls for someone not subscribed. Oh, yeah. Alex talking all that shit. Alex talking all that shit, you don't even start on top. Bitch, you're not even subscribing to the channel. Why should I listen to you? I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. I don't listen to non-subscribers. I don't take criticism from non-subscribers. I mean, I don't take criticism from subscribers. Yeah. I don't take criticism. It hurts. It hurts. Barry said, "Tell Todd we love him." Go on, get. Itchy said, "I think my nephew is the only one I know with an Xbox." Um, I think Walt is on an Xbox. He's on an Xbox 360. Uh, Walt's at his, his, um, Houston rap Mount Rushmore, Scarface, Paul Wall, Slim Thug, and Sauce Walker. I don't even know what the fuck that is. UGK from Houston, so I don't count them. I mean, UGK is not from Houston, but they claim Houston just as much as Houston claims them. I mean, I know they say PA, PA, claim Port Arthur, but you can't, you can't look around without Bunby wearing some astro shit and claiming Houston and it, it, it's, there's just this marriage of UGK and Houston. It's just one of those things. It's just kind of became a thing. You know what I'm saying? So, um, I'm going to go riff-raff, um, yeah, I'm going to go riff-raff, I'm going to go to low, I'm going to go, uh, uh, what was the dude? Oh, what was his name, the one that used to see, uh, all the crazy, uh, oh man, no, Nate, we're not putting South Park Mexican on the list. Oh, Marshall's fan, thank you for the 100 bids, buddy. Uh, Alex Villanueva said I'm back on YouTube for seven minutes. Oh, you think so? Is that what you think? And YouTube timed out for ten minutes. You're gone. No, you're not. Uh, you're not on YouTube for seven minutes. Boom. Ah, boom, boom, got to be up there. What knows what's up? What knows what's up? Uh, no, not chameleon air. Um, who was the dude, not Nitzer if that was a totally different, oh man, he used to rap. Um, I feel like eating a bag of barbecue, broke legs, no, that was, uh, yeah, petals don't get in. Oh man. Oh, rap a lot. Um, who was the dude that used to like rap about just the most glorious shit? Oh, no, not big pokey, not a little flip. I can't remember the dude's name. Oh my God, it wasn't big pokey. I met boom, boom at Cece's party. Yeah. Yeah, he was, uh, it was a big deal. Um, no, not slim thug. No, not Mexican OT. We're not putting him on the list. It was, uh, it was way back in the day. Let's see, rap a lot, uh, horror core gangster nip. Thank you. Yeah. He's got to be on the list. He's got to be on the list for sure. So I would go riff, raff, to low gangster, nip, um, let's see, uh, clover, no, uh, Trinity Garden Cartel and boom, boom. Oh, that's five. You can only have four. All right. I guess I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll stop at Trinity Garden Cartel. There you go, go look those up. Now for real, I think, I think my, uh, I didn't grope you, Clarence, you breasted your titty on my shoulder. That's how that happened Devin, the dude, uh, wait, who was boom, boom, Donna says street military, uh, I'm going to go scar face, uh, Oh, what's this going to say? That's all riff raff back in the day. When I was working at Kroger on Greens Road, dude was counting up change to buy a big K to leader. That's hilarious. That's hilarious. Oh, that's super funny. Alex died twice today. Yes. Yes, he did. Yes, he did. And unlike everything else, I don't run out of time outs. Let him try me again. Um, Oh, wow, Joe pro. That's a really interesting thing. Joe pro said switch this to subscriber only chat. Watch what happens. Oh, damn. Hey, Seuss. Hey, Seuss says I have an Xbox more like a cross box because Jesus. Okay. I feel so stupid. I don't know why I did that. Hey, what's up? Hey, Seuss. Good to see you on me. Not, not Hey, Seuss. Jesus here for you to hate Hey, Seuss, Hey, Seuss, Samaran on YouTube. Hey, Seuss. This Hey, Seuss. We have two, we have two Hey, Seusses. We have two. Jesus is. We have like a stunt double Jesus. So it's like we have, you know what I mean? Like it's, it gets confusing, man. We have two Villanuevas. We have two Hey, Seusses. We had, um, we have, um, a couple of Terence's. We had two black guys to look the same. It's very, it's very confusing, it's very confusing. Hey, what up, Chooey? Hey, Seusses said, but I am the real Hey, Seuss or Jesus, I don't, I don't know which. Oh, yeah. Walt said, Ooh, I forgot about gangster new. Yeah. I couldn't remember his name. I don't know why I kept thinking nits are ebb for some reason. Um, oh, Travis Scott. It's not bad. Uh, air platinum said, Scarface, Camillionaire, zero and ESG. Man, you guys are, you guys do that recency bias stuff. You guys don't give credit to the old school. You guys don't give credit to the guys that paved the way. Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Zero. I mean, okay. Zero's great. Most city Don. Yay. ESG. Cool. Travis Scott. Whoopty doo-dah. Yeah. Nate said, get old boys, but that's like a whole ass group. So oh, shut up Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, I said, um, we're not old like you. I prefer the term polter, um, I just said I'm going to get into business with Clarence where we were people pay us so that they can follow us around a H.E.B. and we can show them where the good snacks are all that see see see Oh, yeah, I suppose that baby. You could forget about Kirk will bangs. I kind of did. I kind of did. He did our streamathon. Jen managed to land Kirk will bangs for the stream without ones. Air platinum said old zero. I found me. ESG was 94, bro. That's not old. No. No, bro. I go back to 86. I go back to the original. I go back to I go back to the ghetto boys when it was ghetto boys ghetto boys bam, bam, bam, ghetto boys ghetto boys bam, bam, bam, like I go back to the ghetto boys when they were using an 808 I go back to the ghetto boys when Willie D was seeing a ball hit hose. What you see? D what you see? D I see some ball hit hose like making trouble ghetto boys you guys don't know shit about making trouble ghetto boys No, DJ from here doesn't count. He's New York. You don't count. What's up, Alex? Welcome back to the program. Yeah, ghetto boys. Let me see if I can find the ghetto boys making trouble that will blow your mind when you hear it. Let me see if this is it ghetto. Uh oh, uh, this is not the one I want though. You guys would never be like, y'all be like, what? That's the kiddo boys. Oh, let's see. Oh, there's assassins. Oh wait, we want make a trouble had a very run DMC run DMC vibe. Let's see snitches. I run this. I had all these I had every ghetto boys album ever. Oh, I'll play it shit. Oh, I scurred I scurred. Let's see. This sounds just like a run DMC. You guys are going to be like, what the hell buried us. Let's run DMC, bro. Um, ladies and germs, let's see, can I just do mp3? No, I gotta get this video. I don't give a shit about the video. Oh, cool. Okay, here is ghetto boys making trouble. Oh, I still got Edo G. Oh, I downloaded that yesterday. That's why. Uh, this is some ghetto boys. This is some OG original shit, which you know about the convicts. Hey, I played that yesterday. Well, you weren't even here. Oh, when I'm going to play that yesterday. Get your ass in that cell boy sitting in the hair is kind of jail yet to be here for it though. All right. This is some original ghetto boys right here. This is from making trouble. This, this album was she don't get me lying. Uh, when was ghetto boys making trouble? Let's see. Making trouble ghetto boys, um, 88 ghetto boys 88, here you go. You ready? You ready for ghetto boys? Making trouble 1988, uh, oh, I didn't have the audio on, here we go. I'm going to play that. There you go. That was some original original ghetto boys. The original ghetto boys now, see, I'm partial to OG style, man, I used to love me some OG style back in the day, but I'll put, I'll put Scarface on my list, um, yeah, shit. Man, I don't know, I don't even, uh, I, you know what, I got my eyes opened up to a guy that, dang, since it goes like, good thing I have my headphones on today. I have my boss, HR manager and new CFO in the room. Oh, please let that cord pop out. Oh, please. Oh, damn, Amy said I was eight sitting in my cousin's cutless rocking out. Yeah, man. They used to be, uh, let me see. Fine. Fine. Uh, it was like, uh, there was some good ghetto boys' songs on that album. Let me see if I can get to make in trouble, but my control, nah, snitches, balls in my world. Yeah, this was pretty good. Um, this was before Scarface, actually. This was like the precursor to, um, Scarface's stuff. This would give you an idea of where they were, what they were doing. Watch. Let me see. Oh, gee, ghetto boys did that Bushwick bill, but he was called a little Billy back in those days. I also do Miss Raheem. Uh, all right. I'm going to put a second name on my list. Uh, and my eyes were open to him. I'll be honest, I didn't know about him until probably six, seven years ago. And somebody locally put me onto him on the radio. Uh, it was, uh, a guy who runs like the hip hop hall, uh, hip hop museum or something like that on Twitter. Kay Reno, Kay Reno needs to be on the Houston, um, Mount Rushmore of rappers. He was a huge influence on most of the OGs. He just never gets the credit for it, but Kay Reno was a guy who, when they would have, you know, battle wraps and shit like that in town, nobody wanted to face that dude. Like he was the man. So, Scarface actually looked up to him too. I'm going to go Scarface, Kay Reno, man, I'm torn, there's so many after that. I don't know. I have to think about it some more. I have to give it some. All right. Here's another one from that album. This is called balls of my word. Check this out. Well, I have in this world, this is like some. This was before before Scarface, he was DJ action. Okay, that's enough, uh, I went to Jersey Village High School. Where are you? One of the original ghetto boys goes to my barbershop. Ready red. Come on at you. Hold on my ground like a motherfucker statue. All right. That's enough. I could do this all day. Don't get me started. We have some shit to talk about. Uh, I don't even remember. Oh, I was going to tell you all some more vacation stories too. We'll get to that today. Promise. Uh, we have other things to discuss as well, including a surprise, I guess. Um, popular candidate for rookie of the year already in the NBA. I don't see it. I don't see it. I think they're full of shit, but they're already saying it. And we'll get to it. Makes me sick, makes me sick that they're saying it because I think it's stupid. But we'll get to that. I got sports headlines and, um, we'll talk about whatever you want. I got some videos too we can download. Uh, oh, yeah, Perry said, I remember you mentioned wall trip. Yeah, I didn't go. That was, that was other people. Yeah, that was my mom went to wall trip and a few others. Um, but new, not me. I did not. Uh, what is this, I don't know why this is doing this damn sure not the French men. What does that mean? I don't understand what the French man means. What does, what does that mean? Oh, the guy that got drafted. Yeah. Yeah, I was like, what are you talking about? Yeah, you're right. Yeah. Um, um, he looks like booty soft. Did we ever do skate fights? I don't believe we did. Yeah, I don't, I don't believe we actually did do skate fights. Uh, now that you mentioned it, um, we will get, what the, oh, I didn't do headlines today. Well, well, there you go. Did my birthday slide not even come through? God damn it. That guy is not cooperating today. There we go. Okay, we have a birthday today. Um, yeah. So, oh, your father in law went to Walter? Yeah. No, uh, Jenny's mom went to Walter. I did not know. I went to a Jewish village. So, uh, so we've got that. What else do I got on the rundown today? Let me see, um, a few other things, eh, yes, a few other things, videos, videos galore, including a, don't it sound excited for the birthday, right? No, we do. I'm excited for the birthday, including a, um, hilarious video. I got to get it out of my email, but it's a new college football NCA a 25 video and, um, hey, if you haven't, if you haven't downloaded, um, college football 25 yet, well, you're going to want to download it now. Hold on, let me get it because this, this gameplay is man. Save. Hold on, here we go. Oh, God, just just for the love of Pete, why are we so slow with it? No, that's not what I wanted. That's what we're doing, baby. Oh, what the fuck are we doing? Uh, okay. Oh, oh, okay, I was like, is this, this is just not going to let me? Let me can download this. It did. It did. Here it is. This is your, this is your new, uh, NCAA football 25, sorry, sorry guys. This is a little, a little discombobulated. I get it. Okay. I get it. Here we go. Everybody ready? Fast in the glow. Look at that. Look at the graphics on that man. Look. Oh, yes. Look at that. What? What the? What the? I love the, I love the flute fail. I love that so much. I just, I love that so much, man. That's got to be one of the best. Whoever came up with that, whoever came up with that is just, oh, God, it's so good. He's just like, I'm going to heaven, mama, I'm going to heaven, mama, I'm going to heaven. Oh, oh, oh, they lift him up in prayer. Let's lift him up in prayer. He's like, I'm an angel. Oh, it's crazy, man. I don't understand. I was boots and he had something similar happened. That's what prime thinks the star kids can run like that and never touch the ground. That's probably true. Joe, bro, said jumping 99 magic powers 99. Ah, that's funny, Joe, pro. Well done indeed, sir. Well done. All right. Yeah. So that was, I had to share that with you must be on a trash ass Xbox. Is that an Xbox? I don't know. Is that I couldn't tell with the controllers. Let's watch it again. Can we tell? Oh, yeah. There's the why. Yep. Yep. That's Xbox for you. So this goes in the dude into the D&D portal instead of the transfer portal. Oh, Amos said he sounds like Andre 3000 on the flute. Let's go. Yo, what up, Steve with the weather guy? Good to see you, Pimp. And dreamcast, dude, like what are we doing? Oh, stairway to heaven, baby, stairway to heaven, stairway to heaven. That's hilarious, man. Uh oh, uh oh, Steve with the guys that I may or may not have gotten sucked into recruiting for four and a half hours last night. Well, you know what? Sometimes you just got to do what you got to do, man. This is starting wide receiver for Colorado Leonardo DiCaprio. Uh, good times. All right, let's get to some sports. Let's lock it up. People. Let's have a show. Come on. Let's get serious about these things. Let's show. Okay. I don't have my bad thing open here. Joe Brody, did you try to bang the chat? That didn't sound right. That didn't sound right. And we tried to bang in the chat. Let's see. Bang. Patreon. Oh shit. Guess who fixed it? I told you I fixed it last night. Okay. Let's do it twice in a row. Um, let's see. Nope. Shut up, shut up, bang the chat. Is this the right place for? Nope. Goddamnit. Dammit. All right. Let's get to some sports headlines. Oh, fuck, I forgot. We don't have sports headlines, but I do have things to talk about. So here is, I forgot I didn't make the slide. Here's something that I saw posted on ESPN that I think is amusing. At the very least, it's amusing. It can't be real, but this article, let me read you the headline because then immediately I was like, okay, what is this nonsense? Bronny James becomes popular betting pick for Rookie of the Year. Is this just because of who his dad is? Are we not watching basketball? Uh, it says the odds to win NBA Rookie of the Year have shuffled since the start of Summer League with Memphis, Grizzly, Zach, eating now the consensus betting favorite at sports books, but the most popular pick by better so far is a massive long shot with the famous last name. More bets have been placed on Bronny James to win Rookie of the Year than any other player at multiple sports books. James has attracted nearly one in four of the bets placed on the Rookie of the Year market at ESPN bets. Ben and Jim reported taking a $1,000 Rookie of the Year bet on James at 250 to one odds on July 6th from a veteran Ontario and draft King said that only Edie had attracted more money wagered than James and that's Rookie of the Year market. This is 1,000% these morons are betting on his name. If you watch basketball, I mean, first of all, it's not a killer rookie class. So it's not, it's not completely far fetched. But I mean, there's a reason that the dude fell to the Lakers at the end of the second round. He's a project. He's gonna play a lot in the G League. He's not gonna be a starter for sure. He's not gonna be a starter. He's not gonna be a guy that, you know, sees a ton of minutes, at least not for the bulk of the season, I think, or enough of the season that would get him consideration for Rookie of the Year. So I think these guys are just, hey, let's take a flyer on Bronnie James, huh? I mean, his dad is the bran. Look, his dad got him drafted. His dad could get him Rookie of the Year. Let's throw 1,000 down. Bro, just send me the 1,000. Just send me the 1,000. You're not gonna get it back anyways. Don't send it to these corporate greedy sons of bitches. Send it to me. I'll do something good with it. I'll put it's a good use. I mean, I'll buttchug vodka or something, but that's still better than what MGM Grandal will do with it or ESPN bets, which I'm already so sick of, I just gotta hate. Anytime ESPN comes out with something new, you're just gonna be bombarded with it. And nauseam, I just hate it, I just revolt against it. If it wasn't so forced, I probably would be interested in it, but they just force it on you. And it's like, I don't just let it be, man, we'll gravitate to it. If it's a good product, what up, Dre? Um, it says four figure bets on the rookie of the year, July or rare, embedding on any award is typically like 10 months before the winner is announced. But bookmakers are noticing an undeniable interest in the subtle of Bronn James for betters, because these guys are morons. Nobody that cares about their money is throwing money on Bronnny James to win Rookie of the Year, nobody says we're doing more handle on summer. We are doing more handle on summer league than in previous years, most notably in live wagering. Bronnny James, who was taken in the second round by the Lakers is averaging 7.3 points with a plus minus of minus 14 in summer league. As I understand, the wizards open as the consensus favor for for rookie of the year, but was surpassed by Edie and Reed Shepherd of the Houston Rockets at on ESPN bet. Sorry now has the fifth best odds in the ESPN bet at plus 900. Oh, fuck them. I want to see what it is on my let's see. Oh, I don't even know that's probably take me nine hours to find it on Beauvada shit. Last time I tried to find that. Did you get in trouble for saying Rangers? Did it I don't know did it No, you should be able to say that drink unless I did that because of Joe or total Dallas. I may have taken that word out because of total Dallas. I may have done that just to mess with him and then didn't put it back. Probably forgot. That's probably what it is. Thomas said you did. Damn it. All right, my bad. I'll go ahead and I probably took out Rangers, Cowboys, Stars, Mavs. My bad. I'll go put it back in in a second. Trying to find a rookie of the year. Let's see here how we don't care about that. We want. Oh, yeah, what would be futures, I guess? Oh, we want NBA rookie year basketball. We don't want E basketball, WNBA, NBA Summer League Olympics, Olympics, New Zealand, show more. Whoa, what are we doing? What are we doing? Anybody want to bet on international Fiba three on three series? What? Who's got this? Who knows about this? Who keeps data on this shit? Vietnam? Oh, we got a bit on the Ho Chi Minh City wings versus the Saigon Heat. Wow. Saigon Heat favored by 10 and a half at home. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That checks out. That checks out. Saigon Heat, man. They are tough at home. You know what I mean? They, no pun intended. They bring the heat. You can bet on the Nicaraguan Liga superior mean Mexican ln Bp. I don't. This is craziness. Venice Wayland Super Liga. This is okay. This is a lot. I feel like we should maybe bet on this. Let's check it out. Let's see what, let's bet on Vietnamese basketball. Let's go. Well, now this is interesting. Ho Chi Minh's favored or is a plus five and a half on the first half, but only a plus two and a half in the second. That's seven and a half. That's not the 10 and a half. That's what I smell and under here, folks. I smell and under daddy smells and under because look over under 83 over under 43. How the? Oh, that's first half, first quarter. Never mind. Damn it. I was looking at it wrong. I'm blind. I'm blind. Another coach sucks at halftime speeches reminds me of the first year of BOD when we were betting on Korean sports and playing Call of Duty with people who no longer come to the show. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like we should bet on this. Let's just, let's just take a random guess here. What are we going to get guys? What are we doing? Chat. What are we doing? I bet our boy, I forensic would give us the Southeast Asian basketball. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He could. No, the lemonade or 5000 does it cover Asian basketball. Oh, certainly does it cover Vietnamese. I'm really, I'm really feeling that. I'm really feeling that Saigon heat minus two and a half in the first quarter. I'm really feeling that. I don't know why I'm feeling that let's. I'm feeling this though. I'm putting five, five bones on this, five bucks to win six and a quarter. Oh, no, I got to risk six and a quarter to win five. Well, I'm going to bet five to win four. You know why? Because I believe in the Saigon heat guys. I believe in the Saigon heat. I've been following this team for minutes now. All right. If there's one thing I know about the Saigon heat, they come out in the first quarter and they get after it. They get to getting this is we're placing that bet. Suck it nerds. I don't even know. We got to remember to look at this shit. Oh, they play tomorrow at 730 AM. I can't even believe I just placed that bet. And the fuck am I doing Jesus? This is crazy. Told it out and said, go both ways. Put your unit on each side. Okay. Trays that bear, you got to back the hole. Nope. Holes got to eat too. The Saigon heat, Walter, the Saigon heat have bimmy jutler. What? I wonder if the ESPN has the, has Vietnamese basketball. I wonder if we would know anybody on there. Let's see. Saigon heat. Let's see who's on their team. Oh, shit. They got an Instagram, let's go. Saigon heat, Saigon heat nation baby rise up, heat nation. I'm loving this. Oh, shit. What you know about them trophies that's Saigon heat, baby? What you know about them, okay, let's, let's go game day. I don't know what that is. Yeah, what? You don't want to deal with 30? Mm hmm boy, feel like we made the right, oh, what? He's hungry. Ah, that's fantastic. There is the grand, they're, they're social media person. You can put, he's hungry. Why, why does it say he's hungry? There's no reason to say he's hungry, did they, were they trying to say let him eat? He's hungry, he's in the kitchen. I think you mean let him cook now, he's in the kitchen. Oh my God, oh, that's so funny. Oh Jesus, oh my goodness, that is fucking hilarious, look, oh, there you go, let him eat. I think that's what they meant was let him eat and you out here talking about he's hungry. Yeah, that's fantastic, oh, that's fantastic. What is this? Ready for our huge game tonight against the Hanoi buffaloes, what does that say? Home run, I don't think they're mixing up their symbolies and metaphors. Ah, let's see, this is interesting, I'm trying to get a roster, I want to see if we recognize anybody on the roster, I'm trying to, I'm trying to get a roster here, oh I got to get a shirt, I got to get a shirt, I got to get me a Saigon heat jersey now that I'm on the officially on the betting bandwagon, he's hungry, and boom goes the dynamite, that's literally God, that would be so great, that would be my signature call on a dunk, just be all like oh, he's hungry Mark, what, oh, he's hungry. This is so great, the first professional basketball team in Vietnam, Saigon heat, they just throw an out all the, the sayings, they just have them up top, they got on fire, no days off, he's hungry, ah, that's great man, that's fantastic. Alright, so Brony James is your popular pick for Rookie of the Year, not the smart one, but the popular one, take that for what it's worth, touchdown, oh damn it, Cisco, sound like Barry Warner, what, what, you better not lose a game over there, or you'll have a new team by halftime, thanks to Kim Jung, oh, I don't, who's going to be the one to tell Clarence that Vietnam and North Korea are not the same thing, anybody, anybody want to tell Clarence that Kim Jung, whoon, is not Vietnam, Clarence that is so racist, so that is just the most racist, oh, this is because that sounds like a t-shirt Asian folks where, with words that make no sense, airplane Coca-Cola remote control, ah, Steve with the other guys said, okay, who actually timed me out, ah, so my time drew out, ah, CZ, time drew out, CZ, why did you time Steve with the weather guy out, she said he told me to, I don't know if you heard this, there was a trade that went down, yeah, you can't, you can't miss a round with CZ, Oh damn, Bob Newhart died. Steve the other guys that I probably deserved it. You asked for it. You can't say time me out and then CC not be like phew. She's gonna do it. So Bob Newhart died really? I don't know of a good place to get news. I really don't. I really don't know the best place to go for stuff like that. Every place I go has a slant and I don't want that. I don't like that. I don't see that. Yeah, I don't see that. Oh, there it is. Bob Newhart, comedian and sitcom superstar, Dotties at 94. Yeah, I would have thought he had already passed. I'm not gonna lie. If you don't said Twitter has nothing but unbiased fact checked news. Yeah, it does, peepy-dubs. Yes, yes it does. Boy, does it ever. You nailed that, sir. You nailed that, didn't you? Oh, yeah you did. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh man. Okay, if you did not hit wrist and piece to Bob Newhart, I guess this means Barry's in the top five now of the oldest living comedians. I definitely thought he was in the upper room. Yeah, I didn't know. Well, hell, I always forget who's dead and who's not. Joe Russ at 94, 94 is a hell of a run especially for a comedian that survived the cocaine era. Yeah, I think that's the truth. I don't know if you guys heard this, but but, but, hold on, this is acting a damn fool. I shouldn't be made a fool of, sir. It's trying to, it's trying to stagnate it. Oh, you muted it. And that's probably Elon Musk, bro. You gotta blame Elon for that. If you mute, if you muted a word like Trump and then it's still getting through. Yeah, that's Elon and his freedom of speech. All the smoke. All right, you didn't hear about this. There was a trade that went down between the jazz and the Clippers. Not really a huge deal per se, but the significance of the trade really is the fallout of the trade, like what occurred after the trade, which was, so the trade was Clippers and jazz agreed to deal trading. Russell Westbrook. So the Clippers received guard Chris Dunn from the jazz for Westbrook, a second round draft pick swap and cash. Not that big of a deal. I mean, you know, Westbrook is very much in name only. Chris Dunn. Average average five a game last year. I'm looking at it three rebounds. I mean, I don't have these stats memorized, of course. But yeah, for his career. He is. God, what is his career stats? Let's see. He is 7.9 points a game for his career. So, um, so done, headed to the Clippers. Westbrook goes to the jazz. And the jazz also get the, well, they do the second round picks, whoops and cash. But what the jazz are going to do, this is kind of a salary dump, I guess. Jazz are probably going to buy out Westbrook. They're not going to keep him. They're going to buy him out. And then the rumor is that the nuggets are interested in signing Westbrook. Well, I say buy out. This says waived. So he might be waived. But either way, he won't be a jazz. He won't be playing for the Utah jazz, which, by the way, I kind of wish, I kind of wish he did. Because if you'll recall, Russell Westbrook had a ton of run ins in Utah with jazz fans. How great would it be if those asshole sons of bitches had to root for Russell Westbrook now? Oh, it would be like if Jose Altuve was a dodger or a Yankee. If Utah jazz fans had to root for Russell Westbrook, my God, I kind of hope they don't waive him. Just letting play next year. Make those assholes root for him for a year. Oh, God, please, if there's a basketball Jesus. Oh, yeah. Titan Hugo. That's exactly right. Yep. Several run ins. Several run ins. But yeah, that's why I said CC. The rumor is or the prevailing thought is that he's not going to be there. They're going to waive him by a mouth, whatever the proper terminology is. Because this was a salary dump for the jazz. So they don't want him there. And they. They make that move and then the nuggets are said they want some help in the back court. It's weird to me, man. If you want help in the back court, I don't know that you go out and you get Russ. I just don't see that as the answer. Russ's game doesn't lend itself to helping a team in the back court. It doesn't. I mean, Russ is great when Russ is the man. He can't shoot. He's not a great distributor of the ball. He's not a great point guard. Right? I mean, like. And he's not a great shooting guard. He's just athletic and crazy. He's kind of like my ex wife. Athletic and crazy. And they probably both have the same size boobs. She has a nicer ass. But I mean, if I'm trying to upgrade my back court. I mean, I guess if you're upgrading the depth. Yeah, on the bench. Sure, maybe. Yeah. How old is crazy, Russ? Now. He's got to be. He's got to be 36. 37. Oh, he's 35. November he'll turn 36. He's getting up there. He's definitely getting up there. But in the crazy thing is, if you look at. Oh, well, well, well. Look at him. Welcome in Raiders. Oh, my goodness. Look what the crap. Look what the cat dragged in. I'll be damned. I'll be damned to heck. Kyle King is in the building, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome in Raiders. Welcome in Kingsman. This is Barry on deck. I'm your host, Barry Lamenach. Thank you guys for coming in on the raid with Kyle King. Kyle, buddy. Thank you for the raid, my friend. It was good to see you streaming. What were we streaming today? Let me guess. Let me guess. NCAA college football. 25. NCAA college football. 25. Huh? Ha ha ha. Ah, so. So. You see where I was at, Kyle just played an exclusive song for his channel about people sitting on the corner selling dope. Well, that's cool because I have a song about people sitting on the corner doing dope, not selling dope. So that's super interesting. But yeah. Not the same. So what up, Kyle? Good to see you, buddy. Good to see you, man. Hope you're good. What were you streaming today, pal? What was your streaming there, buddy? By the way, if you're not following Kyle King, you should definitely give him a follow deck heads. You should definitely do that. Love you too, buddy. Love you too, smooches. Give him a follow. What were you streaming, bud? What was going down on the streamies? Very on deck versus Kyle King, College Football 35. I don't even have the game. I don't even have a game. I don't know why this is. Oh, College Football, yeah. Yeah, UT Brown said, "How much of our farm system are we about to sell for a pitcher?" It, it, it really depends. It really depends on what pitcher. You know, there's, there's two schools of thought here. Are you going to go out and sign a guy that is going to fill in the upper portion of your rotation? The two, three slot or the, you know, three, the two, three, four slot? Or are you going to get a guy that's just an innings eater? You're going to get a guy that's just an innings eater. You can't give up much. I mean, you just can't. You're already depleted in the farm system. You can't go out and give up one of your upper echelon guys. I just can't afford to do that. So, I don't think that they're going to sell the farm, so to speak. Um, I think, you know, they probably look at surplus. They'll probably look at positionally what they feel like, okay, you know, here's where we stand for the future. Here's what we think will happen because their scouting department has gotten a lot better. It was always good. Obviously, you look at the talent they had. Their scouting department is good, but Dana Brown is a scouting genius. And, um, so it will improve. Here is a list. Uh, if you're curious, here's a list of the Astros top prospects. So, I think one thing that you do is you kind of look at this. Well, first of all, they're not going to trade Jacob Melton. He's the only true prospect that they have that's worth a shit. So, unless you're getting a bona fide stud, I can't see them trading him. He is the only one that's in the top 100 of anybody's rankings. So, you're not getting rid of that, dude. Some of these other guys though, you know, it just depends, right? Bryce Matthews is a guy that Joel was talking about when I did the usual suspects with him on ESPN radio here in Houston a while back that they're high on him. Jake Bloss is a guy that just got some major league experience. They just drafted a catcher, um, which they got pretty good value on based off of where they thought he would go. You know, there's talk of moving a guy like Pedro Leone because there's no room for him anymore. And he's a, he's been underperforming a bit. They're very high on Will Wagner. They wanted him to play. I think Joel said they wanted him to play. Third or first. I don't remember what it was, but he wasn't cut out for it. He just couldn't do it. So these are, they're going to look. They're going to evaluate this and be like, okay. Here's who we think we can use. And here's who we think we got a surplus, but they're definitely not. They're definitely not in a. It's definitely not a position of strength. Their farm system. And they're definitely not going after and getting one of the top arms in this free agent class or this trade deadline class. It's just not going to happen. I just don't see it. So I don't think you have to worry about. To answer your question specifically, how much of the farm system are we about to sell? Probably not much, man. Probably not much. I think what I, what, more importantly, what I think I could see happening. I could see one of the big leaguers being moved. And specifically, and it dawned on me when I was doing the killer bees with Joel the other day, we were talking about how do you compete. If you want some of the big name trade deadline prospects, right? Let's see, trade the deadline candidate rankings and give you a good idea of. Ranking 30 players who could be move. Let's see. I was like, what? I thought I said, Garrett Cole for a second. I was like, what the. Okay. Okay. I was like, what? Um, we's Robert. Yeah. Boba shit. So here are some names for you. So you got Gary crochet, Tarik Scoble, Luis Robert Boba shit, Vladigero, Jr, Zach Eflin, Mason Miller. There's a picture for the A's. He's our closer and Nathan Evaldi. Randy Rosarina. Cody Bellinger with the Cubs. I mean, there's your top 10, right? The Astros are probably not going to get. Um, crocheted the top. Probably not going to get Scoble. Probably not going to go and get Luis Robert. They don't need to. Boba Shatz off that they're not doing that shortstop. I doubt they're getting in the mix for like a flag Guerrero, Jr. at first base. They just probably not doing that, right? Here's the thing. Um, like a Cody Bellinger is interesting, right? When I was talking to Joe, it was like, you really don't have the assets to compete with some other teams that want and have needs at the deadline, specifically a team. Like the Baltimore Orioles. They have a ton. They have the best farm system in baseball. They can just go out. They could probably get the first five guys on that list if they wanted to. They don't need to, but if they wanted to, I love that total Dallas is the guy. Rangers are not sailors. You don't know. Um, so I don't think that they can compete with teams like Baltimore that have a ton of assets. In fact, here, I'll show you that. The Astros farm system right now is currently ranked like 27 in baseball farm system rankings. They want to say it's like 27, 28, just depends on where you look. That's not good. I know that. Um, yeah, here we go. Here's a farm system ranking. Let's see what this says here. It's not the easiest to read. I know because of the black background. Let's see the dark background. Um, number one farm system in baseball Baltimore Orioles. Uh, number two is the Cubs. Number three is the Brewers and they might be doing some thing. Uh, number four is the Padres and they're in the mix. That's the other thing you've got to take into account, especially over in the NL. How many teams are in the mix right now? She let take a look. That's the other thing you can't forget. How many teams are in the mix right now? Um, for a wild card, uh, bruh. Over in the national league. All the way down to the Cubs. The Cubs are three and a half out. That's crazy. I mean, this is the Arizona San Diego or a game back. Pittsburgh is a game and a half back. The Giants and Cincinnati and the Cubs are three and a half, three and a half back. Washington is only six back. There's only two teams that are really truly out of it. Truly out of it. Colorado and Miami. They're not making the playoffs. Even Washington. I mean, they won't leave and they could go on a run. They're only six back. Hell, the Astros did it before they all start break. I mean, granted, you got a ton of leapfrog, but you can't tell me that, you know, San Francisco or one of these teams couldn't do something. And it's, it's really possible. Um, and some of these teams like San Diego could decide, damn that we're with all this talent we have. And a big farm system. We're going for it. We're going for it. American league's a little bit different. You know, you start to fall off pretty quickly after Tampa Bay. Tampa Bay is five and a half back. That's probably the threshold there. So in again, you know, the Angels and A's and White Sox, Toronto's out of it with nine and a half back. The Rangers at seven and a half and Detroit at seven. They're pretty much out of it. Um, Tampa's teetery. And a good indicator too is, I mean, you look at these minus 63 minus seven. Hey, you're really not recovering from that, to be honest. Uh, so I would say probably around the Astros, maybe the Rays, but that's really it. So. That keep that in mind as we look at these farm system rankings, right? So we know that the Padres fourth best farm system will hell. We know they're in it. They're a game and a half out of a wildcard. So that's just four. The Tigers have the fifth best farm system. They're not in it. So they won't be, they won't be buyers at the trade deadline. They'll be sellers. The Rays have the sixth. We established that. Rangers at the seventh best farm system. Dodgers have the eighth best farm system. It's crazy. Pittsburgh has the ninth, the Reds the tenth. So there you go. There's your top 10 farm systems. Yankees 11. And again, they're going to be competing with Baltimore and they're going to be going after big names. So you're going to be competing with the Yankees. You're going to be competing with Baltimore, not to mention all the other teams in the NL that are chasing. So it's going to be really, really difficult for the Astros. Nationals are probably not buyers. Met are at 13. Met are still in it, of course. Let's see. Red Sox. We know that they might do some things, but their farm system's 14. Twins, Diamondbacks, Giants, Mariners, Guardians are 19. White Sox are 20. So that's the top 20 farm systems. 21 is the Rockies. 22 is the Phillies. 23 is the Cardinals. 24 is the Jays. 25 is Oakland. 26 is the Braves, which you expect because they're so good now. That's what happens. Now all your good players come up to the majors and just ask the 27th ranked Houston Astros. This top 100 prospects none, but they have one. 28 is the Royals, 29 is the Marlins, and 30 is the Angels. So they're that rounds that out. I'd rather not give up farm talent. Well, I mean, it's what you got to do. But one thing I thought about, if you want to compete, you just saw that the Orioles, not only are they sitting pretty as a damn good MLB team, but they've got the best farm system in baseball also. So they're definitely in the driver's seat. But so are the Yankees. They got a damn good farm system. The Padres could make some moves, right? The Phillies don't need to. They appear to be loaded. The Dodgers are loaded and they've got a decent farm system. So there's some teams that are definitely sitting in the driver's seat, right? If the Astros really are going to make some moves, one, you could always move some of these contracts and guys that you think you're not going to re-sign. If you don't think you have enough value in AA AAA, well, one thing you could do, you can move Ryan Presley. I mean, he could be an asset for a team down the stretch that maybe, maybe they want to strengthen their bullpen. Maybe they want to, maybe they need a closer. Let's see. Teams that need a closer at the MLB trade deadline. Let's see who that comes up. Every MLB team's priority at the trade deadline two days ago. Let's see. Here, I'll share this with you guys. This is according to Bleacher Report. Orioles need to add a controllable number two. Red Sox need a veteran starter and a proven late inning reliever. To protect a winner and lead, let's see. Who would they hand the ball to an eighth inning to protect a one-run lead and bridge the gap to closer Kenley Janssen? Ryan Presley. Yankees trade for Luis Ringafoe and Tanner Scott. Tampa Bay acquire a top 100 prospect for Isaac Paredes. Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Blue Jays move all rental pieces. Don't sell low on Boba Shitt. White Sox sell high on Garrett Crochet. Yeah, they need to. Eric Fede. Guardians at a playoff caliber starting pitcher. See what I mean? You're dealing with all these teams need arms. You know, Boston needs a veteran starter. So do the Astros. Orioles need a number two. I mean, the Astros probably do too. And everybody's going to be going after Garrett Crochet. Guardians need a playoff caliber starting pitcher. Probably the Astros. Tigers test the market for a school ball. Royals add a controllable run producer. That's not going to be bragmen. Minnesota Twins at a playoff caliber starting pitcher. I'm telling you, it's like what I told Jolie the other day. The problem is, the problem is, no, Astros don't need a closer. The problem is everybody wants pitching. And if you're going to compete, the only way the Astros are truly going to be able to compete at the trade deadline is to move one of their big leaguers. Whether you think that's moving. Alex Bregman. Ryan Presley, who I think is the most logical. And Joel mentioned he's got a no trade clause. That's great. But if he has the opportunity to go be a closer. On a World Series contending team, he might be in. He might be down. He might get to go and be a closer again. And that might interest him. You could, and a lot of people, I would not do this. I mean, I don't even think I would trade pregnant to be honest with you because then you've got to gap at third base and first base. But it depends. If you're trading Bregman for Cody Bellinger, now you've got to figure out what you're going to do with third base. But, you know, yeah, Stephen, what do I say? Maybe Jake Myers has more value. Well, what are you going to do in center now? Do me Chas McCormick? That might be a guy. Chas is definitely a throw-in guy, right? So when you're trying to add value, guys like Chas McCormick, I mean, a guy like Joey Lopafito is a guy who might be, who might have shown enough. You maybe have seen enough to have value now. You know, he tons of power down at AAA has flashed well in the majors. So Lopafito might be a good guy, a good trade candidate, young, good prospect, that you pair up with somebody, right? Especially if you're trying to get an upper echelon arm. But, I mean, I get that, Stephen, Stephen said I'm not thinking of this year. I mean, you have to though. You have to. You have to be thinking about this year. So the only thing that I can think of is this. Now, here's a weird scenario. This is going to sound super crazy. I just lose my iPad. I'm sure if I'm doing this. This is going to sound really crazy. The Astros signed a led misdias to a minor league deal. It is possible that if they traded like an Alex Bregman to a team who has a desirable arm that they're looking for to include. Maybe, and then I'm just spitball in here, right? Just spitball. And this is, you know, I'm not even thinking of positionally who would need what or what, right? But let's say that they, and I won't even use teams. How about this? They find a team that has an arm they want. And in order to compete with other teams, they say, well, you know what, we'll give you Alex Bregman. And we'll give you Loprofito. Because you might lose Bregman, but we'll give you Loprofito who you have team control over. And that team says, great, we'll give you this arm that we covet with a year or two left. And we'll also give you this third baseman who is men. You know, he's got a bat eighth, maybe seventh, maybe ninth. You're going to hit about 230. Going to hit, you know, 15, 20 Dingers, maybe drive in 60 runs. But you're going to get a bona fide stud to arm. You know, that's, I mean, that's something to consider. And then in the offseason, do you try to solve your problem at the corners? First and third. I don't know. Yeah, I get that Alex. I'm just saying they, I was stating a fact that they signed a led Miss Diaz. I mean, he's there. He's an option. He's played third. He's an option. So, I don't know. I don't know what the answer is. I certainly think, I certainly, yeah, I mean, Dubon could play third. I don't know. I don't know how steady he is at third. I don't know. Yeah, Marlon would be great. And that's always that option, right? I mean, you find a guy like Marlon. You find a guy like Diaz. Maybe, maybe Dubon is that guy. Maybe Dubon is enough if the opportunity is there. I don't know. My thought process is I would first look at can you get something for like a Presley, but I don't know. Oh, that's a good question, Donna. Donna said, let me open this can where should the Astros bring back moldy for a coaching position? It is a, it's a really good question. And. I think. I think with the amount of, well, I mean. The short answer is sure. I think, I think he has been the on the field coach. He was and is. And most catchers are, right? And this is why a lot of times catchers make great managers or good managers is because they're managing the game on the field. But I think what you've got to do first, though, Donna is he would have to learn. So he would have to. You know, spend some time in the minors. You know, like he's not just going to come and get a job coaching on the major league level. I don't think. Right away. But I wouldn't be opposed to it. He's beloved on that team. I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to that at all. If he's good for the locker room, if he's good for. For the team? Sure. Why not? It's a good question, Stephen. Hold on. Let's see. Stephen wants to know what is Fromber's contract like? Could you dangle him out there? Let's go to the Astros. Whole ass. Let's look at their whole ass payroll. Oh, yeah. 100% team leader vibes. 100%. And you love those guys. So here is payroll. And what is this? No trade clause. No trade clause. Yeah, see, Joel told me Ryan Presley had a no trade clause. He does not. He does not. Hater and Alteve have no trade clauses. Apparently, that's it. Unless I'm reading it wrong. Let's see. I mean, maybe he does, but let's see. Transactions. Okay, focus. Let's get back to Fromber. Where is Fromber? There he is. So Fromber has. He's got one more year of arbitration, and then he's an unrestricted free agent. So. So yeah, he's got one more year of team control, essentially. He's got one more year of arbitration. He's got one more year of arbitration. He's got one more year of arbitration. He's got one more year of arbitration. He's got one more year of arbitration. He's got one more year of arbitration. He's got one more year of arbitration. And then he becomes an unrestricted free agent. So. There is some value in Fromber because, you know, your rotation is in shambles as it is. The Verlanders hurt. Erkides down. Garcia's hurt. McCullers is hurt. Christian Javier's hurt. Hunter Brown has maybe figured it out, but could relapse in any moment. I mean, no. Fromber might be your only steady option right now. Besides, Renele Blanco, who's never been a starter before. God bless. You get rid of Fromber this year, and you make a playoff run. You're screwed. You've got to have Fromber to have a chance in the playoffs. Oh, you're wrong on that. Stephen said my opinion is this isn't a championship season. You're dead ass wrong on that. Disagree wholeheartedly. I disagree wholeheartedly on that. Brother. Brother what? Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother. Why don't you think this is a championship team? Yeah, JB Francis hurt. Why don't you think this is a championship team? Yeah, JB Francis hurt. Why don't you think this is a championship team, Stephen? I want to hear. I want to hear. Tell me why you don't think this is a championship team. Man, shut your bitch ass up. What? Sorry. I'm. Okay. So, Stephen with the guy says they don't have the pitching. Fair. Fair. But. Again, this is why we're talking trade deadline. And what they do. By the way, add an impact in middle order bat. Commit to selling shed payroll. Imagine that. Total Dallas. They said the Rangers need to commit to selling in shed payroll. Brave that a corner out there. Full blown fire sell for the Marlins. Don't trade away any quality talent. Figure out center field. Sell high on Kyle Finnegan. Which is the Nationals closer. Excuse me. Move any short term places with value. Sell high on Jonathan India. Add a controllable playoff caliber starter for the Brewers. Pirate shop for low cost additions. Push for a winning record. Add a right handed hitting out filter for the Cardinals. That's the market on Christian Walker. Move all rental pieces. Add a durable veteran starting pitcher. Add starting pitching depth. I mean pitching pitching pitching pitching pitching. Don't trade away any quality prospects. Yeah, so not a ton of need for closers by the way. Yo, Joe Pro. Joseph Procescif. Thank you for the 33 bitties, my friend. Joe Pro said. CC posted breaking news in the discord. Hashtag general. I don't see the Astros getting past the Orioles. Guardians are Yankees. Let's, let's, we'll give me a minute. Joe Pro, I want to get to that in a second. I'm going to kill the momentum of this topic. I want to, I want to look at something here. I want to look, hold on, where is Astros? Shoot me, Bob, to Bob, Bob. Uh oh. Yeah, let me get this over here for a second. Uh oh. Roster. No, that's not what I want. I want injuries. There we go. There we go. All right. Let's pop this over here. So, Luis Garcia, the Astros pulled Garcia off his minor league rehab assignment this week according to Brian McTaggart. That was July 16th. Fuck. That's not good. The Astros sent Caratini to the rookie level Florida Complex League on Tuesday to begin a rehab assignment for Victor Caratini. Justin Verlander threw 25 pitches in a bullpen session on Sunday, July 14th. Um, Kyle Tugger played catch in the field before Thursday's game. Lance McCullough's Jr. Astros managed to Joe Spaz said Tuesday that McCullough's will not throw for a few days. JB Frans underwent surgery money to repair a capsule tear in those right shoulders day to day. Oliver Ortega, not really concerned about that. Uh, Kendall Grayman, we know he's gone. Um, has a chance of returning in September. Christian Javier scheduled to go Tommy John Sarger. He's out for the year. Jose Arcadia is out for the year. Um, yeah. So, we know you're not getting back for sure. We know you're not getting back Javier and Arcadia. I'm not going to worry about Kendall Grayman. You're probably not getting him back either. JB Frans, they say day to day. I don't know what this capsule tear thing looks like. I'm not sure. Uh, I'm just not going to put any credence or any, I don't care about Lance McCullough's Jr. And just, you just can't count on it. The, the, the wild card here is what's going on with Luis Garcia. That's, that's what I need to know. That's, that's what we need to know. That's, that's what we need to know. So this is Astros Luis Garcia, Astros manager. This was two hours ago on CBS sports. Yeah, Astros manager Dana Brown said in an interview Thursday on the Sean Salisbury show. Today that Garcia's elbow will resume throwing off the mound in a couple of days. Michael Schwab with the Juice Box Journal's reports. Garcia was pulled off his rehab assignment. Uh oh. After not responding well during his most recent rehab start July 4, but he was never shut down from throwing and is almost ready to get back on the bump. Sanders making his way back from Tommy John. And once he's cleared to resume his rehab assignment, he'll likely need multiple starts in the minors before becoming an option for the Astros rotation. So not shut down. So you're telling me there's a chance. So you tell. Um, it's iffy for sure. It's iffy, but I'll say this. Yeah, that is almost the roster size. I'll say this. If you can get Luis Garcia back, you're going to get Verlander back. That's a whole different ball of wax there, right? Let me, let me move this over here real quick. Hold on. Need to get to the depth chart. Because now you have. Verlander from her. Luis Garcia, Hunter Brown, Renele Blanco. You're not looking that bad. I mean, I'm a little concerned about Renele Blanco. Into the playoffs, having not been a starter. Hunter Brown doesn't have the playoff experience just yet, but. Go into the playoffs, if you're Verlander from her. Luis Garcia and either Hunter Brown or Renele Blanco is your fourth starter. It could be worse. Are you, is that the best pitching staff in the postseason? No, but it might be one of the most experienced. At least the first, the third of it, or two thirds of it. So, I mean, you're certainly not, it's certainly not a shitty rotation. But again, this is why I was saying, Joel and I were arguing about this. He was like, no, you just need a fifth starter to get you to the playoffs. And then you're done. No, I'm fully like, I want the Astros to go out and get a legitimate number two. Or if you can, get a one, get crochet. That's great. Trade Bregman, Loper Fido, fucking, I don't care. The ghost of Jeff Bagwell, you just send the statues of Bagwell and Bijo. I don't give a shit. But if you have that, I mean, that's what, that's what is going to win in the playoffs. It's just, that's what's going to win in the playoffs. It's quality arms. It's what's going to win in the playoffs. Quality arms and a quality bullpen. You got to get through one through innings, one through four and eight and nine. I mean, honestly, I would tell you the first three and the last three. Probably the most important innings. First nine outs and the last nine outs are probably the hardest to get in the playoffs. Or we can just say the first six and the last six. But I'm confident in Hader, he's figuring it out. Fabret you was your set up man because you had to trade Presley to get a number two starter. I'm good with that. I'm okay with that. Especially if you get this number two starter. If you look at this, let's, let's think about this logically. Remember the one thing about this Astros team that has changed that is different than these championship teams of the past that the Astros don't have? They don't have that bridge guy. They don't have that utility pitcher. They've always had a great utility man. The Astros have always had a great utility player. Marvin Gonzalez, Allemis Diaz. I don't know why I'm just, we just talked about the guy. Shit. Why am I drawing a blank? We just talked about him playing third base. Oh my god. DuPont. Mauricio DuPont. So they've always had great utility players. Marvin Gonzalez, Allemis Diaz, Mauricio DuPont. The list goes on and on. Right? So what they don't have to me is a guy that can come in and spot start, give you a quality spot start. But also be able to come in in a tricky situation in the playoffs or in a critical game in the regular season, maybe down the stretch. If Hunter Brown goes all Hunter Brown on us in the first or second inning and blows up and gives you gives up two, three, four runs and you're like shit. They got two back in the second, maybe we could just keep this close, they could make a comeback here. Yeah, you guys are throwing out names, the Brad Peacock, the column accused. I'm not saying these guys haven't done a good job from the pin. You guys aren't, you're just throwing out words and making assumptions. I'm not saying that. I'm saying you don't have a bridge guy. You have good middle relief. You have good bullpen guys. You don't have a good bridge guy that can come in and be a lockdown long relief starter. A guy like a Brad Peacock who, if things get wonky in the playoffs and you can't start Justin Verlander on short rest and your only option is fuck. It's game three in a divisional round, we're down two games to one and our only option you're looking down the bench is the bridge guy. In the past, that was Brad Peacock or Colin McHugh and Astros fans were like, whatever. Go get them Charlie Morton. We don't give a fuck. We ain't scared. But you look down now and you're like, go. It kind of used to be Christian Javier. That was the latest version of this. Javier would come out of the bullpen, do some lockdown shit. But then every once in a while, you'd throw him out there to start a game. But he could give you long relief. He could eat innings. But if shit got crazy, especially in the playoffs, if you got out of line as far as starters and games and short rest and all that stuff, and it happens, it seems it happens every single year. We have to have the discussion. Do you start for four games, a short rest? And years past, you just go, hey, Brad Peacock, yo, Colin McHugh. Hey, Charlie Morton. Hey, Christian Javier. It was even guys like, hey, Luis Garcia. Hey, Jose Urquidi. These are all guys that filled this role. Who's that guy? Well, if you go out and you get a solid number two, if you go out and you get a solid, solid number two, you now have Justin Verlander, a solid number two, or maybe Fromber and this guy that you go out and get a solid number two. But those are your top three, and then you add Luis Garcia back in the mix, and then you have Hunter Brown as your five. Now, Renele Blanco, I get it. I get it. He's getting their best pitcher. I know. I know. But my fear is he's going to fade down the stretch. The dude has never pitched this many innings. The dude has never pitched this many innings. The dude has never, ever pitched this many innings. Let's look at his track record. Let's look at his stats. Renele Blanco for his career. In 2022, he pitched six innings, 2023 pitched 52 innings in the majors in 2024. He's already pitched 109 innings. Double what he's pitched over there. Now, I can pull up his minor league stats. Let's see. Let me go to his baseball reference page. Let's see what he did in the minors. Starting in 2016, 50 innings in 2016, 88 innings in 2017, 56 innings in 2018, 49 innings in 2019, a combined of four innings in 2021, actually 45 innings in 2021, 44 innings in 2022. So, I mean, you're getting the, you see what I'm saying. This dude now has pitched 109 innings. He'd never done that before. 73 was the most between Houston and Sugar Land last year. He's by far eclipsed that. I'm really concerned this dude is going to fade. And if he does, they're going to have to go back to bullpen work, but he's used to that. And I could, and I get it. It's wild to think that this dude has been nails. I mean, if it wasn't for Renele Blanco, this team would be in the shitter. He's been their best pitcher all year. You can say what you want. Hunter Brown has turned it around and from her Valdez has been great. But Renele Blanco has saved the Astros bacon all year. But he could be that bridge guy because he's not always been a starter. You can clearly see here this GS is game started. He started eight games, but he pitched in 14, started 11, pitched in 23, started 0, pitched in 32, pitched in 32, started to 19 and 0, 42 and 0, 44 and 0, 15, started 13. So then they started working him in that was in Sugar Land last year. So they started prepping him last year to be a starter, but that's just a new thing. So he's 18 and 18 this year, first time, but that's the thing. And the other option is, is if you were like, no, we're not going to move Renele Blanco to the bullpen. Cool. I get that too. Well, guess what? If Luis Garcia comes back, he could be your bridge guy, especially coming back from Tommy John's surgery. So if you go out and you get a number two, you go out and get that, that second number two, because you already have one in Fromber Valdez. So now you've got two twos, you've two twos. You got Justin, you got Fromber, you got the other guy that you made the trade for, right? That's three. Hunter, Renele Blanco would be your four. Hunter Brown would be your five and getting a Luis Garcia back could be your bridge guy. This is why, to me, it makes so much sense to go out and get an upper echelon two, three guy. It just makes sense for the playoffs, because then now your pitching matches up with just about anybody in the playoffs. Just about anybody. And your lineup is going to be your lineup. You're not scared of anybody. You can go toe to toe with anybody. And your back into your bullpen is going to be good. So. Uh, you go say that Blanco doesn't fade with the sticky stuff scandal, run his Cy Young chances. Uh, he's not going to win a Cy Young, bro. He's, he's not going to. I don't, I know, I don't think it would ruin. It's not. No. To answer the question bluntly, no, it wouldn't ruin his Cy Young chances, but he's not going to win a Cy Young. But it won't ruin his chances. Um. Stephen, like I said, maybe I'll get torch for this, but is Verlander really still the one? Yes. 100%. When healthy? Yeah. Yo, what up? Since a bulldog? Play with the kiddos today, but leave an alert. Hey, thank you, brother. I appreciate that. Thank you for lurking. Jopro said Javier starting the no-no against the Yankees and the playoffs made him a legend. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Exactly. Yeah. And that's the thing, right? So, um, Alex Villanueva mentioned it was Scott. Taylor Scott has been fucking nails. Martinez has done a good job. So if you did trade Ryan Presley, right? Let's say you do that. You're like, all right, we want to compete with the bid boys. We're going after a big name arm. Damn it. We're doing it. We're going for it. Plus, you know, Verlander being Verlander. If he is old and Stephen, the weather guy is right, maybe he's not a one anymore. Damn it. We're getting a bonafide stud ass ace. Let's go. Let's get it. So they do go out and trade Ryan Presley and Loper Fido or some shit like that or whatever. Well, you can move Scott into the setup role or, or into the seventh inning role and bump a Bray you up and that's still a hell of a 789 Scott, a Bray you and Hader. I'll take that to go get my last nine outs. I'll take that. If you're getting a bonafide one or two to get your first nine outs. It's pretty handy. It's pretty handy. The Astros still have a viable opportunity to win the championship this year. I wholeheartedly disagree with you, Stephen, the weather guy. There is still a ton of talent on this team. In fact, in fact, after starting what 12 and 24? Well said, I 100% agree. Thank you. Well, it's good to have you back only when you agree with me. I'm just fucking with you. It's so good to have you back, buddy. In fact, Stephen. The Astros had the best record in the American league after going 12 and 24. Their first 36 games, shit to bed. But they are currently, this team is currently, what's their record at right now? They're 50 and 46. What is? They played 96 games was 96 minus 36 over their last 60 games. Nobody has a better record in the American league. No other team has a better record than the Astros over the last two months of the season. 60 games. We'll call it actually more than that. Two and a half months with off days. So over the last two and a half months of baseball, nobody has a better record than the Astros. So you can't sit there and tell me that they don't have a chance. They absolutely do. I mean, have you not seen how far back from how far back this team has come? With all of these injuries? No, bro. This is not the time to be sellers at the deadline and give up on this team. Mm hmm. No. Damn it, Walt. Don't be saying that out loud. Total Dallas said hang a banner. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to. It's a talking point, Total Dallas. It was a goddamn talking point about why you shouldn't give up on the season and why they won't be outmatched in the playoffs. I wasn't proclaiming that the best team in baseball, Total Dallas. Do you not understand what a goddamn talking point is? That was a goddamn talking point. I'm just saying they were the best team in baseball and say they had the best record in baseball. I said they had the best record in baseball over the last 60 games. Meaning, meaning, they're not going to get, they're not out of the playoffs. You shouldn't give up on them. I swear, I won't come to this, I'm going to do it for camera. [clears throat] Uh, I'm dealing with, like I said, I hope they pull it on. I'm just saying the windows are going to be closed very soon unless they make some uncomfortable moves. Yeah. I think you've got to definitely get younger and healthier in the pitching department. You know what I mean? That's for sure. You're just going to have to, I mean, which is crazy when you think that, boy, just a year and a half to two years ago, you were looking around like, look at all these arms and then injuries. What can you do? So, all right, what am I looking at on the discord? What does everybody go with nuts about? What is CC done on the discord? Oh, I have so many messages. [laughs] Uh, let's see, I'm supposed to be in general. Do I want to show this? Is this something I can show? Uh, what the fuck? [laughs] CC. [laughs] CC, you are so bored. What are you doing, CC? You... [laughs] CC. CC, you've got to, what are you doing? Jesus Christ. Now, I've got to show this bullshit. CC. Damn it. This is what you do to me? This is what you do to me? [sighs] Okay. So, CC apparently doesn't have shit to do other than get some sort of app that changes your face. And rather than do it on her face, which seems like that would be the luck. God, I make a pretty chick. Oh my God. I don't know what this is. I feel like this might be CC's prom date. Rather than do it on her own face, no, she's got to get the filter and do it on my face. What the fuck are we doing, CC? What the fuck are we doing? What are we doing? Oh man, really? What the fuck are we doing? What? What are we doing, CC? What are we doing? This is, this is, this is, this is. What are we doing, CC? Pack. You should be packing. How come you didn't do this to yourself? This looks like CC's prom date, by the way. This is, yeah. My precious, yes, from my precious. That one's fucked up, CC. Of all of them, that one's fucked up. This one is weird. This one just, this one is weird. This one just looks like, I don't know. I wish my face was that skinny. I don't wish my teeth were that big. I don't know. That one's kind of creepy. The bug eye has really freaked me out. I don't know what this one is. This, that mouth. Yeah, that one's weird. This one, you know what this one looks like? This is definitely, this is, this is definitely, CC dated this guy. This was her prom date. This is definitely a sugar daddy for CC. Guarantee. Guarantee you. CC has let this man buy her a drink and a fur coat. 100%. You're like, "Hi, can I pay your rent?" She says that about business. Can I take a yo kitty? I'll pay your rent. Oh shit. Alex had the weather in Florida. It was wild outside lightning as close as fuck. Don't go outside, bro. Florida weather is crazy anyways. Florida weather is wild, dude. Don't do that. Stay inside. Hey, did you get signed up on the Discord? Alex, you got to get on the Discord pimp. Now that you're on Patreon, you got to get on the Discord. They should have sent you an email when you signed up. You got to create a Discord account and you'll have, you got to create a Patreon account and then it'll link the two. You'll get instructions if you didn't let me know I'll send you the link. But you need to get on there. It's a lot of fun. And then CC does shit like this. Normally I wouldn't share this, it would just be on the Discord. But this is, look at this shit. Now thank God, thank God. I'm a sexy bitch. I'm gonna tell you right now. Why'd fuck me? That's a sexy bitch right there. That's a sexy... That's a sexy bitch. One in the chat if you have a boner right now. One in the chat. Put a one in the chat if you have a boner right now. One in the chat. One in the chat if you have a boner right now. Hmm? One in... Aim is fuck you! Aim is put a minus five. Hey man! Tony put a one. CC put a one. That is very sus CC. That is... Aim is... That's my bad aim is... Aim is psycho. That's so fucked up. It looks like white shit name name. Oh, why you do me like that, Perry? Why you do me... Bro, that's a beautiful ass chick right there. That's... That hoe is cute. That hoe is cute. What you talking about? Y'all just scared of pretty chicks. [Laughs] Joe President, I've been to jail. One. [Laughs] Tiko Swami said I just rubbed one out. It's okay. Ain't no shame in it, big boy. Ain't no shame in it. Look how beautiful she is. I like what I've done with my lashes too. It looks like some spider legs and shit. Yeah. I can't help but I'm beautiful, man. I can't help but I'm beautiful. Y'all just a bunch of damn haters is what it is. Just a bunch of haters. Well, Alec, make sure you get on there, brother. Brother? Brother? Hey, real quick. While we are here... While I have you here... I would like... I'd like to teach the world to sing. In perfect harmony. I like to find where to go. Hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't know. I'm trying to update this fucking slide. Oh, you know, you think you have shit figured out. Ah, shut up, Amos. Amos said remember when Wanda walked up on Tommy Davidson on the living color. I'm getting those vibes. Shut up. Amos said you look like Vanna White. You look like Slappy White. Isn't that what he said? Hey, real quick. I do want to say thank you to everybody that sent in a thankful Thursday today. You guys are the best. Thank you for supporting the program. Thank you for supporting the show. There's many ways to do it. There's lots of ways you can support the show. You can watch the ads. Just chill. Watch the ads. That helps. You can be a member of Patreon. You can do that. You can subscribe to the Twitch channel. You can send in bits. You can do a thankful Thursday or you can do none of that and just watch. There's tons of ways to support. All of it is appreciated. All of it helps keep the show going and on the air because unfortunately your boy can't do it for free. It is not sustainable to do it that way. Easy. Thank you for the 68 bits, sweetie. Appreciate you. But I do want to say thank you to everybody that sent them in. Pee-Pee Dubbs. Pee-Pee Dubbs. You didn't have to do that, homie. But Pee-Pee Dubbs made up. He said, "Man, a barrel got me all messed up. I don't miss three weeks." Bro, this ain't, you ain't got, I mean, this ain't a bill. You ain't, you ain't passed due. Homie, I appreciate you. I appreciate whatever it is you do, man. But I thank you, Pee-Pee Dubbs. He sent in $21. So thank you, homie. Donna, all my sweet, sweet Donna. She sent in $10 for a thankful Thursday. Sylvia sent in a $5. Thankful Thursday. Thank you, sweetie. Jen sent in a $5. Thankful Thursday. She checked back in. Life has been hectic for Jen. And Bratz, Sony Spoon, sent in a $5. Thankful Thursday. So thank you guys. Thank you guys for the thankful Thursdays. I really do appreciate it. And honest about it, it really does help me be able to continue doing this show. However you support, not only is it appreciated, but it does help keep us going. So thank you very much. CC sent in $68. And then one, because she said I owe you. Alex said it's difficult to link the discord. Alex, do me a favor. It's really not. I just need to send you a link that you can read on Patreon. So you have your Patreon account set up. Do you have a Discord account set up? If so, what I want you to do is just send me a private message on like Twitter. And just say, hey, send me the info on how to get connected on Discord. And I'll send you a link for stuff you can read. And then it'll walk you through it step by step. You got to be careful. You got to really like read it and pay attention. Because if you didn't do it right when they sent you the emails, you probably missed it. But it's all spelled out in the emails, but this will help you as well. Okay. So just send me that message. And I'll make sure you get the info. Promise. Ah, promise. Oh, oh, oh. Yeah. Jopro said that we ever get jets set up. I don't think I've seen her. She said she got it figured out. That's what she I've last. I heard she said she got it figured out. That's what I was told. I could be wrong, but that's what I was told. So hopefully that's the case. Oh, I was going to ask you guys, did anybody get anything cool on Prime Day? Oh, man, I didn't get to my vacation stories today. Anybody get anything cool? I didn't really, I didn't get anything cool. I just got some shit for the house. I got like a generator cover. I got some light bulbs on sale. I didn't really take advantage of it and get anything like badass. I mean, I bought some like, I bought a hard drive to store old videos of the show on. I bought like, yeah, I didn't get anything like badass. But I just, I wish I did. Just did not, unfortunately. So did you guys, Donna says she got an air purifier. Nice. Very nice. What did you get? CCC, CCC said, oh my God, yes. What did you get? She said, I got a four pack of golf skirts. A fan for the golf cart. A phone holder for the golf cart. A rexom shirt. Damn near killed them. Blue puma golf shoes and a hat that says I put out. Jopro says CCC is going to need a bigger card trunk. That's so funny. Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah. I swear to God, CCC, I'm going to Photoshop your face on Fred Sanford. I'm going to Photoshop your face. CCC going to be rolling around in a red Fred Sanford truck. That's so funny. That's so funny. You know what? I need to look. I don't know whatever the fuck happened to that, Donna. I had to put that on my to do list. The fuck happened to the flask? The flask for CCC. I got to find out what the fuck happened to it. Yeah. I'm glad you said something, Donna. Academy outdoors. Al 12 through 14 are in CCC's car. That's probably true. What was I going to tell you guys? I was going to tell you something. Oh! So, one thing I was doing last night when we were looking at Amazon Prime stuff. Also, Total Wine, Axe. There is a website called Camel? Camel? What? And this website, what it does is a lot of people say that... Stephen, like I said, this sounds suspect. A lot of people say that like Amazon Prime Day is bullshit. That it's not, that it's not, that the prices aren't cheap. That they, what they do is they'll raise the price the day before. And then they lower the price back down on Amazon Prime Day. And you feel like you're saving a bunch of money and you're not. That's what they say. This, this website is supposed to track the prices of stuff. Now, there's also a site called, which does the same thing, but it has a Chrome extension. Also, an Edge extension, Safari, Firefox, and an app. I didn't, I had the app installed, but I uninstalled it. I didn't like the way it looked. But I'll, I'll, for example, I'll install this Chrome extension right now, right? So I've got this Chrome extension installed. Here's the KEEPA. It's enabled. Let's see. So, this CamelCaml, Camel. Yeah. What it does is you take an Amazon product link and you paste it in here, and it'll tell you the history of the price of that product. Thank you. So you can see am I actually getting a good deal on it? Terrence, thank you for re-subscribing, man. Terrence, just re-subscribe. Use a Prime for 17 months. Thank you, buddy. For example, let's find something on Amazon. Let's see. What is something somebody is shopping for? Let's see. Let's see. What is this? Oh, I need to get some of that. Something other. Look, horse, horse, horse. CamelCaml, CamelCaml. It's a garage sale for Amazon shit. It kind of is that. Isn't that PB dubs? Amazon Prime Day, just a, it's a digital garage sale. It kind of feels like that, doesn't it? Terrence, what's up, homie? Weed and feed? Do not use weed and feed. For the love of God, Stephen, have you not learned anything from me? We do not use weed and feed. We do not repeat after me. We do not use weed and feed. Repeat after me. Terrence said I just ordered some Andis T-liner clippers. Oh, those are nice. Those are very nice. Here, we'll do this. Let's see. Hold on. I can't believe you got me looking like a doofus. All right, I'm going to put this over here. Portable AC. Oh, hey, Alec made it in the discord. Let's go. All right, now everybody send Alec a butthole picture. That's what we do on the discord, Alec. You're going to get a butthole picture from it. Just kidding. Alec made it. Let's get it. There he is. I see him. Get ready for the Tom Fulery and shenanigans. Okay, well said a portable AC. That's a good one. That's a good one. Let's look at a portable AC here. Let's see. Portable air conditioners. All right, here's portable ACs. Let's see. We find one on sale. Let's go all prime. Let's see if we see any. Oh, man, none are on sale. Hey, with prime 484. That one was on sale. Hey, here's one hundred and eighty nine dollars. That one is on sale. It's got four stars. Let's see. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, we'll look that one up. So we'll do that. It's a hundred and eighty nine dollars. It's regularly two hundred and sixty nine dollars. No, so there's the two hundred and sixty nine. I like it. All right, so there's one eighty nine ninety nine. So I'm going to go up and I'm going to copy the link for this. Control C and I'm going to paste it over here on camel camel camel. And do a search. And there it says Amazon price history. And here is the price history. One month and it doesn't even have three months or a year. But it says that the price history on it. Two hundred and fifty nine dollars. So that checks out. That's a good deal. They've raised it up to two sixty nine before they dropped it to one eighty nine. But it appears as though that's pretty good. Let's try another one. Let me see here. What's something? Who bought a toothbrush? Jared? Like an electric toothbrush? Oh, ice chest, water hose, ice chest, circulating pump. You can build a portable AC for cheap. The only thing I missed out was fifty percent off a Wi-Fi garage door opener. Prices back to normal today. A Wi-Fi garage door opener. Wi-Fi garage door opener. Mmm Chamberlain. Yeah, none of these are on sale now. Yeah, you fucked up. Oh, here we go. Actually, you know what I'm going to do? I'm just going to go like find something on sale. I just want to show you guys how this works. Let's see. Let's go to all. How do you find deals? Amazon Prime. I just want to find something on sale. Let me just find a damn. There's got to be, like, best sellers, customer service, Amazon basis, buy again, pharmacy, shop by interest, all. Who's the singer's prime video? Music, tablets, shop by departments. Don't they have shit where they're, like, deals? I guess they're not going to do that the day after prime day, I guess. I don't know. I would have thought they would. Mmm. Inspired by your shopping trends. Suck my nut. Well, anyways. Here. Oh, here's a generator. I was actually looking at my dad's. Dad's generator. Let's see if that's, let me see if that works. Let me see if that finds it. Ah, there we go. Okay. Oh, this will work. So I found this was, because I'm thinking about buying my dad's generator one of my stepmom. My dad had bought this generator before he passed away. And my stepmom is getting a whole home generator. So I was like, oh, well, how about yours from you? So this is what he had bought, Duramax 12,000. Does gas appropriate? It actually does natural gas too. He bought the natural gas hookup as well. So it's currently sitting at $1,400. But I took the link, plugged it in, and this is the, so one month, three months, six months. Over the last six months, this has been the price. 1399, but it's been lower. It's been down to shit. The lowest it ever got was $809 January 1st of 2023. So that's, I mean, you can see now where the prices are. Current price is 1399. It's been as high as 1699. The average price is 1145. So if you're buying it right now, you're buying it kind of high. But it's a pretty cool website. And also Kepa, K-E-E-P-A. And they have a plug-in that when you go to the Amazon, oh, it's working. So if you notice on this website, this is the Kepa plug-in. See this price history thing? This is part of that plug-in. So when I come here, I can say, show me the buy box, the Amazon price, and new. I don't need all of this stuff. Just show me for the last three months what the price has been. And this will show you. It's been 1399 for the last three months. Back in May, it was 1299. Back in the beginning of May, it was $1,099. So this is using the browser plug-in for Kepa. So that works too. So, and you can track the products. You can do all kind of shit. But those are two really cool things. Camocamocamocamocamocamocamocamocamocam and keep a browser plug-in. K-E-E-P-A. Pretty cool. There you go. That's that. Let's get out of here. Let's skedaddle. [clears throat] Jumpers, they were long overdue for some Astros to talk Barry on deck. Damn, fine week of shows. Thank you, buddy. Y'all be cool. I don't have enough bail money for everybody. Yeah, y'all be cool, man. Supposed to, like, be raining in a nasty all weekend. Uh, by the way, if you're looking for something to do in the Houston area tomorrow night, 8 o'clock and 10 o'clock, I'll be at the secret group. Hey, since they're bulldog, brother, thank you for the shout-outs the other day. Much appreciated. I didn't get to tell you in person, but thank you as well with the support, my friend. Thanks for hanging out with us. Uh, if you're looking for something to do in the, uh, Houston area, come hang out with me at the secret group. Tomorrow night, 8 o'clock, I'll be just a guy on the show, uh, doing a 10 minute set. But the 10 o'clock show, I will be closing it out doing a 20 minute set. So if you want to stay late, watch. I'll be doing a little extra time and be working on some new shit. Probably get that stuff recorded. Uh, there you go. Um, and then Saturday, I'm in Shreveport. But you guys don't give a shit about that because nobody lives around there. Uh, so. There you go. Hey. No, good times. Don't forget Claire's birthday party at the blue go. Don't shit. Speaking of that, we can't leave because we have a birthday. Damn it. I'm so glad you said something. I'll be damn if we leave. Hey, I'm going nowhere. You almost let me forget sons of bitches. Sons of bitches. Yeah, Alec, you what's under there? Alec, we did miss your birthday shout out. We gotta make sure you get with Jen. You must have joined right, joined right as your birthday too. What day was your birthday, Alec? Tell me when your birthday was. I gotta get it into the spreadsheet. Showed to you. Showed to you. Up to you. Up to you. Alec, what day was your birthday? I'm going to get it on the spreadsheet really. I joined before my birthday. Yeah, but if you didn't tell Jen, I know you didn't know. But, uh, Jen doesn't have an artist that you can't make a shout out. Because what sucks is Patreon, it doesn't have to. So, it's like... If we don't have it, we have to track it all, man. I promise we'll get you next year, brother, for show. Uh, but I got you down now. You are on the spreadsheet forever and ever. The only names I don't have as far as birthdays go. Brian Pettit, Chandler Edwards, Ike. I don't have Jopro's birthday on here. Jopro. Michael Caravantes, NASCAR Johnny, Peter Vila. Our silver, Rob Arrocha. I do, I have his. He's got two accounts. And the top. What a top. Look at that. There you go. Yeah, it's got to have a rite of passage. Shut up, Steven. George, that wasn't birthdays. That wasn't birthdays. Let's go. Our job has a late birthday present. Well, all right. Williams and Des, everyone. Shut up! Well, I call Williams Mister No. 1. You wanna know why I call Williams Mister No. 1? Huh? I'll tell you what. Call Mr. Williams Mister No. 1. Because Williams was the first person to join me. What? Way back when when this little raglan show started out of desperation and sadness and whatever other weird reasons has just gone. Williams and Des found the Patreon. I didn't even announce it. I just found it. You can't hear me? You can't hear me? Is the music too loud? Is that better? See, we can't hear you. I know. Hey, William! I love William! Shut up, Steven. No, Williams and Des was the first person to join me. You found it before I even announced it. So, I always call Williams Mister No. 1. What it is. He was literally the first guy to go out and join. That was pretty cool. So, thank you to Williams and Des, man. Much love to you, brother. I appreciate you still rocking with me. I don't know that he pops in all the time to watch. But he's still there. He's still going strong. And for that, I appreciate you, William. Buddy, I hope you have a fantastic birthday today. Hope you get some road head or a hand job or whatever it is you're into. Probably butt dang. Love you, buddy. Cheers! Now we can go! All right! No relation to Ericerson, Des, no flip. No relation. I have a co-worker that has had the happy birthday flyer on her door for damn near a month. I want to go rant like Barry. Oh, Clarence. Oh, Clarence. You should go in there. And then put me on speaker. Clarence, we got to do that. We got to do that, Clarence. You should go in there and be like, "Hey, Olivia." Um, I noticed that you still had your birthday sign on the door. Yeah, I still have it up. Yeah, cool. And then just lay your phone on the desk. And I'll just be like, "Oh, hey, Olivia." So, I hear you still have your birthday shit on your door, huh? Guess what, Olivia? I'll just go off. I'll just go in on her. I'll go ham on her. Thank you, guys. Appreciate you. Thank you, Alex. Much love. Um, yeah. Thank you, guys, for the kind words. Schedule next week, my bad schedule. Joe Pro! Thank you for Sunday, Pete's buddy. Schedule next week, everybody. No show on Monday. Oh, Jesus. No show on Tuesday. No show on Wednesday. No show on Thursday. We may have to do some morning shows or something. I can't go another week. I can't go a whole last week without doing shows. Donna, thank you for the 55th, sweetie. Yeah, we may have to adjust and just do some morning shows. Do maybe a patio show where we just say, "Fuck it." That just sucks. Don't do it just and just do some morning shows. Do maybe a patio show where we just say, "Fuck it." That just set up the laptop. Smoke is cigar. We can't. We can't do this. Uh, the reason is this. Monday, I have a private at the Houston Improv. From one o'clock to five o'clock. Can't do a show then. On Tuesday and Wednesday. Let's get this out of the way. Donna, thank you for the 50 bits. Uh, so the schedule next week was Monday, I'm doing a private at the Houston Improv for some real estate thing. From one to five PM. So, Tuesday and Wednesday, I'll be filling in for Jamie Branham on the Killer B's at ESPN 97.5. And that is from three until six. Thursday, I leave for Tulsa and I'll be gone at Tulsa Thursday, Friday, Saturday, driving home Sunday. So, I can't do a show on Thursday at all. Uh, so what I think we might have to do is maybe we'll shoot for doing a couple of morning shows or mid-morning shows on Tuesday and Wednesday, maybe? I don't know. It's gonna be tough. We'll figure it out. Maybe we'll do a couple of mid-morning shows Tuesday and Wednesday. And kiss my ass, heartthrob. #consistency. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. How dare you? How dare you? Well, you're gonna say I'm not consistent because I'm working, doing other things. Jeez. See how it is. See how it is. Alright, let's get out of here. I gotta go. We're not even playing the outro anymore. I'm sick of that goddamn song. Is there anybody to raid? If there's not in my follower channel thing that we're not doing it, what the hell is El Trung Yeet-Weto? I don't know what the fuck that is. Are we raiding anybody? Let's see. Following. Blue bashes on Lauren. What's Lauren doing? We're cutting a day. What? You're cutting me. What was that? Oh, Alec wants to raid your betting news. Damn it, I'm trying to form a habit again. Yeah, my bad wall. It's a weird... Yeah. It's such a bad time because we, you know, with vacation and then Barrow cost me a week. And then, yeah. So, my bad sucks. But we'll try to get in a couple of shows. I'll try. I'll do my best. I promise. All right, Alec, we're gonna raid betting news. Here we go. We are off and running. Start the raid. Let's go. Let's go. On this day of 1927, Babe Ruth had his 4,000 hit. True or false? Oh, false, I guess. All right, y'all enjoy the raid. Say hi, everybody. Be nice. Give them a follow if you haven't followed. Represent the community well. I'll talk to you guys. I guess I'm gonna talk to you. I have no idea. We'll figure something out though. I'll post it on the Discord. I'll tweet it out and all those fun things. I love you guys. Do me three favors. Be safe. Be kind. Love each other. Until next time. Goodbye. And he's making a YouTube video. [BLANK_AUDIO]