Barry On Deck

#816 - MLB Home Run Derby was Meh, but I'm convinced Ingrid Andress hates America! #NFL #MLB #NBA

Talking: My A/C saga The HR Derby was meh (from what I watched) The Anthem was awful. Ingrid Andress obviously hates America. "rehab is fun" WTF??? and much more! SUBSCRIBE ON TWITCH: SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE: MERCH:


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1h 48m
Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
Audio Format:


  • My A/C saga
  • The HR Derby was meh (from what I watched)
  • The Anthem was awful. Ingrid Andress obviously hates America.
  • "rehab is fun" WTF???

and much more!











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[music] Live from the Biffnet Studios World Headquarters in Spring, Texas, it's Barry on Deck hosted by former ESPN Houston radio host and stand-up comedian Barry Laminac. Boring Oliver the Cat, written by Barry Laminac, produced by Barry Laminac, directed by, you guessed it, Barry Laminac, featuring sports, entertainment, special guests, film sessions, and some drinking. Okay, a lot of drinking. Viewer discretion is advised, and now here's your host, Barry! Welcome to Barry on Deck. I am your host, Barry Laminac. Thank you guys for being here. Today is Tuesday, July 16, 2024, and this episode number 816. Barry on Deck, welcome to the show, welcome to the program. Hello, hi, how are you? Hope you're doing well, wherever you may be. Good to see you. Thanks for showing up to this little regularly-ass show. Good to be in doing the show. I didn't think it was going to happen at first when there was some crazy things going down this morning. One, I got to tell you. Got to celebrate. Got to celebrate. Finally, Nora and I have AC. What? Our AC went out. Shit. It went out back before we left to go on vacation, which was June 30th. I believe it was back in like June. When did we leave for vacay? When did we head on out on the road? We got on the road, uh, yeah, Sunday, June 30th. Our AC had gone out like June 27th or 28th. We've been without it this whole time. Now we were gone for a week, so it didn't rightly matter. But the cats were hot as shit while we were gone, unfortunately. Well, I say that. We lost the AC. We have two air conditioners. And we lost the one that kind of cools our bedroom and the bathroom and whatnot. So, yeah. I mean, it's not the end of the world. You know, we had the other one, but I'll tell you what, it doesn't make sleeping pleasant. That's for sure. So we get back from vacay. And then of course the hurricane hits. Uh, barrel comes in and knocks out power. So when we got back, we were like, oh, shit, we forgot we don't have air conditioner. That sucks. And then the first night, barrel hadn't hit yet. It was on the way and we were like, oh, this is going to suck. Sleep it in the heat. No AC. And then a barrel was like, oh, you don't like AC. How about no power, bitch? And so it really was a moot point because we didn't have power for a week. And because of that, because the barrel, the parts weren't available because the parts, supply places didn't have power. And it was just a whole goddamn mess. Finally got it all worked out. Finally got it all figured out. Here we are. Almost. Uh, 20 days later. And we don't have to be hot. So hey, look at that. Holy shit. We have an asymmetric risk sighting. What? What? Do my ears and eyes deceive me? Yes, they do. Hold on. Let me. That was the wrong one. There we go. What up asymmetric risk? Good to see you, man. Wow. Long time. No. Read. I guess because chat, I guess. Uh, yeah, man. Good to have you in. Thanks for being here. Thanks for popping back in and hanging out with us. Um, yeah. So it's good. Thank you, sir. Thank you for the 100 bits. So it's good to get some AC in this bitch. You know what's crazy? You know what's crazy? A little story about the AC. And this is a life lesson. Because we all need. Life lessons. I mean. Hey. Hey. Heartthrob. Thank you for resubscribing for 28 months, my friend. Much appreciated. Oh, Alex, they can get parts. Don't let them. You just got to pay extra. Well, let's talk about it. So, you know, we are 20th anniversary trip. I was like, you know what? I want to do something special. Hey, Joe, pro. Holy shit. Joe. Let's go home. All right. Let's go home. All right. Bye, everybody. See y'all later. Thanks. Go on. See y'all there. Bye everybody. Joe. Let's go home. Here's what's crazy. Oh, oh shit. Rob Rob. That's not good. Heartthrob. Barry, I got your present today. I'm ready for Tulsa. I think I know what it is. Philip Bernard is going to dress up in latex and hop around like a bunny. So, I think that's my birthday present. At least that's what I asked for. So, I don't know. I'm excited and nervous. Oh, shut up everybody. It's talking about skinny jeans. Kiss my ass. Kiss my tight pinched balls in the skinny jeans. This is a disaster. Jared's getting all offended. Hey, shut it up. There's no place to sit. No, we couldn't do shit at all last week. So, let me tell you how this went down. Okay. So, here's the thing. The wife and I have our anniversary on the same day every year. Spoiler alert, right? It's always July 1st. Her birthday, coincidentally, is always the day after. It's like she's trying to ruin our anniversary. Her birthday is always July 2nd. Our anniversary is always July 1st. I keep trying to get her to move her birthday, but she won't. Yeah, Donna, I looked it up. I was like, is this how this works? Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah, it's the same day every year, asymmetric risk. I don't get it. I keep thinking it's going to move, but it doesn't. It's the weirdest thing. So, every year, 1st week of July, usually try to go on some sort of vacation to celebrate our anniversary, to celebrate her birthday. And I always make sure that the two are definitely separate. You know what I mean? Like, when it's our anniversary, we do anniversary type shit. We go have a nice dinner. I get her an anniversary gift. So, I get her something that I would normally get her for an anniversary, if it were happening, you know, in August or in February or whenever. I'm not February, it has Valentine's, but whatever. I get her something for her anniversary. And then, so we have a nice dinner or whatever. And then on our birthday, you know, we'll do something for her birth. It's two separate days. I don't want to, you know, I don't want to make, I try to make sure that those are definitely separated and different. And then the, so I planned. I planned a trip. And she's always wanted to go to Big Bend. That has been her thing. That has been the thing that she has really, really wanted to do. That's the thing that she has really been into. She loves going to national parks. And we, we mean, we both do. It's fun. It's a cool thing. She likes to drive around. She likes for me to drive around. Yeah. So she can look at the sites and then, and then, excuse me, I'm bitching a little bit. She wants me to drive. Okay. So she, she offers to drive, but I mean, I'm not going to make her drive. She likes to sight see. So I do all the driving and she does all the, oh, look. Oh, look at that. And then when I look, she's like, Hey, hey. You got to watch the road. Well, stop telling me to look. I can't even enjoy the trip cause I'm, I'm, she'd be like, Oh my God, babe. Look at that. Look at that bear. It's, it's having, it's 69 and a moose. I'm like, what? She's like, you got to keep your eyes on the road. When you just told me there's a bear that has to have 69 and a moose. How am I not supposed to look at that? Wow. I'll take a picture with my iPhone and then it's all blurry and, and I miss it. Yo, what up brother bear? So it's, it's, but we have a lot of fun. We have a good time, but this time around. It was our 20 year wedding anniversary. And so I really wanted to make sure that we did it up right. And she wanted to stay in a cave. There's an in big bend. There is a resort where you can stay in a cave. Not a resort. There's a place. Um, it's not cheap. It's not cheap at all. The whole trip wasn't cheap. The whole trip was very expensive. I would have never thought that it would cost that much. Um, I feel like we could have gone to Europe. It was expensive as shit. And I'll tell you more stories as we go because, oh, they're stories. I have a plethora of vacation stories for you ladies and gentlemen. And we'll get to them throughout the week. But this one is just about the trip in general. So let's just use round numbers. Okay. Let's just use a round number. Let's just say that the trip, all told gas, lodging, food, everything. Let's just say it, it cost $3,000. Just use a round number. So that has been, you know, it's all of the stuff is paid for. It's all right. Already done. That doesn't count all the shit I bought her for our anniversary and her birthday and everything. That's just the trip, right? So yeah, it was like we're dipping into a, you boys going into savings and shit to make it all happen. But we're making it happen because she's worth every penny of it. 20 years is a long time to be married. I want her to enjoy our 20 year wedding anniversary. I want to do something special for her. It's worth it. So as the two days before we're leaving, I come home from the Houston improv on Thursday night. And that's where she goes. Maybe the bedroom's really hot and I was like, what? Well, it's probably just the AC's out of Freon. I'll, uh, I'll call our old pals over at Textron air conditioning. They come out right away. They're fantastic. If you love live up this way in the spring, Williams area and you need some AC folk. They're your folk trust, trust and believe. Textron AC. I don't have the number in front of me, but I can get it. Um, so your boy Jared comes out. Look at his split. Takes a look and he goes. Well, long story short. Your condenser coils are fucked. They are leaking Freon. Oh, you want the phone number? I got you, pimp. I got you. Yep. I got you. Hold on. I got you, pimp. Phone number. Yeah. So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, hold on. Two, eight, one, three, three, oh, no. It is two, eight, one, three, seven, oh, forty seven, forty seven. Two, eight, one, uh, three, seven, oh, uh, forty seven, forty seven. There it is. It is in the chat. Two, eight, one, three, seven, oh, forty seven, forty seven. I should get some kind of discount for this. I'm definitely not a sponsor of the program. Should be now. This is worth thousands of dollars. They just don't even realize that. Let me know if you use them, Jesus. I should get some, some sort of like commission from them. Right, Jared? I should get some sort of goddamn kickback as much as I just spent. Well, it's a long story. I'll get to it though. I'm just fucking with you. They did, they do great work. They really do. I should put it on the YouTube's chat too. If you guys want the number, here's the number for Textron AC over on the John case and AL East wins. I don't even know what that means. Wins what? AL East wins what? So, yeah, so, uh, two, eight, one, three, seven, oh, forty seven, forty seven. If you're up in Spring Woodlands ass, uh, Jared said LOL. I'm in an attic. You're in my attic? Get out of my attic! Oh. Um, so, hey, how am I supposed to spend? Thank you for the interbents. All right, so let's get to the story. This is taken to God damn long. This story is taken way too long. So, uh, what up, Perry? So, Perry wants 50% commission. Bro, I'd be rich. Oh, code B-O-D. Yeah, no shit. All right, so, um, Jared comes over and he goes, "Well, your condenser coils are fucked." It's leaking like the Titanic. He's like, "You hear that hissing?" And I was like, "Yes." He goes, "That's all your Freon escape." And I was like, "Oh, it's Freon expensive." He's like, "Sixty-five dollars a pound." I was like, "Is that a lot?" He goes, "Well, you just lost ten pounds of Freon. Fuck!" That's $650. He's like, "Yup." He's like, "God, that sucks right before vacay." I was like, "Well, what am I looking at?" He's like, "Hmm, if I had to guess to replace the condenser coils?" Uh, probably about $32 to $3,500. What the fuck? What? What? Their condenser coils could... Oh, evaporator coils, whatever. Okay. I don't give a fuck, whatever. It's the evaporator coils. Okay, Jared's over here correcting me. Ugh. Yeah, so new evaporator coil. $32 to $3,500. I've already paid the three-girr for this vacay. I'm already midway through signing up for a whole home generator. I was just like, "You gotta be fucking kidding me, man." I was like, "Well, all right. This is untimely as hell." So now we cancel the whole home generator bullshit. That's on the back burner, a thousand percent. So, Jared goes, "Well, when did you have your house built?" I was like, "2014." He said, "Well, a lot of these come with a 10-year warranty." "When did you move in?" I was like, "December, 2014." He's like, "Well, Barry, it might be under warranty. Did you register the AC units with the manufacturer?" He's like, "Why would I do that?" He's like, "Well, I don't know. Some builders will do it for you. Some installers will do it for you, but some of them will ask you to do it." I was like, "Yeah, well, I didn't do it. There's no way I would do that. I would expect my builder, my custom builder to do that for me or have the installers do that." And Jared was like, "Well, let me call the office and see you. I'll have my dad check and we'll..." So they checked. No. No. Nobody registered the AC. So had my builder and the installer registered the AC unit like they were supposed to, it would still be under warranty, but they didn't. So when you don't register a brand new AC unit, it's a five-year warranty. If you take the 30 seconds to log into the internet and type it, type it, type it. The fucking serial number, it automatically doubles the warranty from five years to ten years. That's it. That's all it takes to double your warranty on your air conditioning unit when it's installed. It's to type in a bunch of numbers on the internet. I don't... What? So I was like, "Oh my God." So Nora gets home explaining to her. She's like, "Just cancel the vacation." I was like, "Well, first of all, I only got insurance on the cave because it was like a $500 room for one night." Yeah. Yeah. The room for one night was $500. So I was like, "That's the only one I got insurance on. The rest of them were like 180 at night, but I didn't get insurance." Because we were going to stay in a bubble again. We'll get to all that. So I'm like, "Well, we're fucked." So Friday, I'm like, "Man, I'm talking to Textron." And they're great. They're like, "Well, I really would like to get this fixed before we leave." And they're like, "Well, if you can just get back to us by five, we'll do our very best to get out there by Saturday and get it done." I mean, this is all really quick for them. So I'm like, "Great, great." But I really want to see if I can call this company and just see if it's under warranty. And they're like, "It's not under warranty, Barry." I'm like, "Yeah." But maybe if I call them, I don't know. You know, I'm a pretty smooth talker. They were like, "Well, I mean, we called them and asked." And they were like, "No." I always tell my wife this. I always tell Nora. The answer is always, "No if you don't ask." That's what I always tell her. It's always, "No if you don't ask." It's just like, it's like Wayne Gretzky said. You miss 100% of the thought you don't think. That's not. So I call the number to the manufacturer. Oh, spoon! Spoon my loving boy. Spoon, thank you for resubscribing. Only 15 months you did it. You did it, my man. I appreciate you, homie. Very much so. You the best assistant in the whole wide world. By the way, thank you guys for the hype train. 69% complete of the level one hype train. Two subs and 100 biddies. Thank you guys. So, I call the number. And I'm like, "Hi. How are you?" She's like, "What?" And, you know, I don't want to make an assumption because I have fallen. I have fallen victim to this as well. You know, people assume your race by how you sound. I'm a victim of that. I'm a victim. I am a victim. I am. I'm a victim. I don't throw the V word around lightly, but I am a victim. So, I call it this lovely black woman answers the phone. And you can just tell. She's just a sweet, lovely southern black woman. She's got that vibe. She's got that southern black woman voice, you know. She's just, "Hey, sweetie." So, I'm like, "I may have a shot at this." If it was an old white woman, I stood no chance. 'Cause I don't like old white women and old white women don't like me. But old black women love me. Alex and I thought the V word was Vietnamese. Jesus Christ. Spoon says you sound so Hungarian. I said, "What do they mistake you for?" Okay. I mean, at this point, do we have to spell it out for you? So, I'm thinking, "All right. I may have a shot at this." I don't know. So, I get her on the phone. I'm like, "Hey, I was calling to check on my warranty, or my air conditioning unit, 'cause now I need to get some work done. And I just want to see what the warranty process is on my unit." And she goes, "All right. Well, give me the info." And I give her the serial number and all that. And she goes, "Well, I'll be damned. I don't know what's going on with this, but this is acting crazy. This is all kinds of foolishness." I was like, "Is it?" She goes, "It sure is." She goes, "Child, I don't know what's happening right now." I was like, "Well, that makes two of us, but that's my normal everyday life." And she starts laughing. And I was like, "Oh, hell yeah. I didn't cast it. I didn't cast it to GiggleNet. It's on now. It's on now. Once I start getting you giggling, wrap you around my finger. Better calm down, Eloise. I'm going to reel you in and get this warranty." So, now I got a giggling. I'm like, "Girl." So she's like, "Oh, Lord. What is happening right now?" She's like, "I must be losing my mind because it says it's not under warranty. But then this screen says it's registered. I'm going crazy." I said, "Girl, I've been going crazy for 10 years. Don't even worry about it. That's an everyday thing in this house." She said, "Don't you know, child." I said, "Hi, girl. Don't worry about it." She's giggling. You are crazy. Don't you know, girl. I guess we both are. Look at us. And she's just laughing and I'm cutting up with her. Girl, that's, you know, I think it's in this doubling because I'm hot. She's like, "Oh, child." So I'm cutting up with her. I got her laughing. She's laughing. I'm laughing. I'm hot. Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee and shit. She says, "Baby, it doesn't show that your AC unit was ever registered." I was like, "What?" Girl, are you serious? She was like, "Yeah, baby. I'm telling you, it's none of the systems." I was like, "Girl, I don't know what is going on in us." I said, "You know what? It's these damn builders." I said, "I had this house built in 2014 and they must not have registered it because, you know, I mean, I didn't build the house. I didn't install the AC unit. I guess somebody didn't do their job, Eloise. You know what I'm saying?" She was like, "Cha, you can't count on nobody these days, can you?" I was like, "No, is there anything you could do to help me out? Because I ain't got no AC and I don't know what to do." She said, "When was your house built?" I said, "2014." She said, "When did you move in?" I said, "2014." She said, "What day, baby?" I said, "December 30th." She said, "Do you have the paperwork that has the closing date?" I said, "Yes, ma'am. It's right in front of me." I pulled it up on my phone. She said, "What does the closing date say?" I said, "December 30th." She said, "When was the mortgage funded?" I said, "December 30th." She said, "When was your move in date?" I said, "December 30th." She said, "All right, I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to send this over to my senior manager." She can usually get this stuff approved in under four hours. She said, "Really does she kick it back, but baby, I think you're going to be okay. We're going to get this approved for you." I said, "What? Eloise, you're going to do that for me?" She goes, "Baby, they should have done this for you five years ago or ten years ago." She's like, "They should have done this for you when they installed it. It ain't your fault, sweetie." I was like, "Girl, you're the best. You're not crazy after all." She giggled, "You're crazy, boy. You can't get yourself off this phone and go cool off." I said, "Gosh, I'm going to do right now. I'm going outside since I'm living there. Wait on this email." She said, "Don't you do it, baby." I said, "You know I will. Okay, bye girl." Y'all, I hung up the phone and I called back Textra. She sent the email off, I guess, to the senior manager. I called Textra and I was like, "Well, I don't know what the hell to do. I'm waiting on them. That's all I know." They were like, "Well, we need to know by five." I was like, "Well, I'm not going to know by five, so fuck it. We'll just have to wait until I get back from vacation." They were like, "That's cool." I hung up the phone and literally, and this was like literally like five o'clock. Spoons that weren't used in only ten years. No, you're wrong, Spoons. They're five years unless you register it online and then it's ten. Trust me, you missed the whole first part of this. So, I get off the phone with Textra and I'm like, "Yeah, we'll just circle back when I get back." I'm like, "If I get the warranty great, but it was worth the shot just to, you know, it was worth the shot." So, if I don't get the warranty, at least I tried and I'll pay the $3,500 when we get back from vacation. But, you know, hey, I tried it, I tried it. So, I hung up with Textra and I don't know what, that was like eight minutes. Bing! Is that what the hell? I opened up my phone and it's an email. Your warranty has been approved. Is retroactive to December 30th, 2014. What?! Come on, Eloise, you're a shit, girl! You're my... Girl, you're my boo. You're my boo, Eloise. You're my boo. And it's, I mean, like, they should have, I didn't fuck that up. That was my fault. It wasn't my fault to begin with. So, then I called back Textra and I'm like, "Okay, I got the warranty approved." I know, Donna, it was so great. So, I called back and I'm like, "I got the warranty." They're like, "Well, let me check." And then they go in the system and they check and they're like, "Yup." It's there. I'm like, "Fuck, yeah, this is awesome." They're like, "Cool, well, your parts are covered now." I'm like, "Fuck, yes!" So, my 32 to $3,500 AC bill was now $1,600. I was like... I mean, that's still a lot, you know what I mean? That's still, but hell. Yeah, all I had to cover was labor. Well, it's not just labor, Tony. Remember now, I lost 10 pounds of Freon. It's $65 a pound. So, I had to pay $650 just to put Freon back in that bitch. They need to call that shit not Freon. That shit is not free. And then I had to pay like $75 handling to get the parts here. They just passed that on to me, which I get. I mean, I ain't... That ain't the AC company's fault. Alex, did Jared give me the senior discount? That's a good damn question. I don't think they did. I don't think they did. Bye, God. My AARP. Got my AARP application right here. Oh, that's FEMA. Well, that's my flood insurance. Yeah, you damn right, Cisco. Eloise in the berry on deck hall of fame, baby. Eloise, wherever you at, girl. I love you, boo. You my shit. No, I didn't lose 10 pounds total Dallas. My air conditioner did. But I tell you what, man. You go from a $3,500 AC bill before you leave. When you're getting ready to leave for vacation on a Friday. And then you find out, actually, the day before you leave, that it's only going to be $1,600. You're like, "Okay, we can actually now have fun on this vacation, man. Whew. Thank God, bro. Thank God." So lesson learned, right? I told Nora, "See? This is why I always tell you." Because she would have told me, "Don't even call. You're wasting your time. You're just wasting your time. They're not going to give it to you. The rules are rules. They're not going to give it to you. You're going to call, and they're going to say, "If you didn't register it within the 30, 60, or 90-day window, whatever it is, you're shit out of luck. You should have done it. That's your fault, not ours. Sorry. Too bad. So sad. And that's what she would have said. That's what I was saying. That's a lot of people's attitudes. But you know what? Sometimes you just got to call. And, you know, if I'd have got a white lady, I'd have been like, "My bad wrong number. Poop." And I call back, and I'm waiting on me and Eloise." And I'm like, "Hey, girl. What you doing, Eloise?" I told him that people aren't that nice. Barry had to send her nudes. Not of me shit. I'm trying to get that warranty. Oh shit! Cisco said Barry's simulcasting live in the Fredericksburg Walmart without headphones. I think some people just like to be punished. But she goes down in the Hall of Fame. That's for damn sure. Anybody that saves me $22,000. They can always be my boo. They can always be the Hall of Fame material. John Dory is it. Don't! Don't! Yeah. So. But that's the moral. You got to give it the old college trial. You got to go. So they showed up this morning. Got here 7 a.m. It was gone by. Oh hell, I don't know. Let's see. When did I text Nora? We have AC. Um. Nine o'clock. Two hours. In app. Boop boop. Nice guys. Great job. Followed all my instructions. Look. If you're coming in and out, make sure you shut the door. All that shut. Don't let the cats out. All that. All that. Um. Spoons that hate just glad you had the funds to pay for. Oh no. We're going into savings player. And what? What funds? We ain't got no damn sitting around funds. We got savings to pay for it. And if you don't have savings, you got credit card. That's it. Bear was lying negative on this tile floor last night. Shit. We've been, we've been fucking using fans. Flip said you used racism in a good way. What are you talking about? It's no racism. It's not racism. Flip, I don't think you know what racism is, bro. That's not racism. Dave said AC go fund me. I mean, if I'm going to do it, go fund me. I still got to draw those funds out. They really are hounding me. They really are hounding me. They still send me emails. You need to get your money out. I'm like, bitch, I don't want. What are you talking about? Give it to a charity. Chupro said, what are these savings you speak of? Yeah. Well, twin did ling fast. Chris, you said if you buy a new house, you got to register AC shingles and all bathroom fixtures. No. No, you're builder. If you build a custom house, like we did, you're builder. You should register all that shit. Oh, I used to metric risk. Law and talk. Anything special we need to be doing to our lawns midsummer. Watering. Do not do, do not spray for weeds. You will injure your lawn. Don't do it. I know you want to. You see some weeds. It's tempting. Don't worry about it. Just water, water, water, inch to inch and a half. By the way, I learned something new about lawns. I learned something new. I was always under the impression that when it comes to St. Augustine, you want to mow as high as possible. Now, that is true still in the summer. And when drought conditions are bad. If you're not watering as much, you want the grass taller. It helps in hot and slash drought conditions. But what I have learned is that it is better to mow a little bit shorter and more often. So I have actually been keeping my grass cut by St. Augustine at three inches and not four to four and a half. And it actually is filling in more and choking out some weeds. So a pro tip for you right there. It's not been unbearable and we haven't been in a drought. So if you're watering and your grass is healthy. Get, no, don't cut it down to the white meat. Dubs. What are you doing? What are you doing? What you need to do is cut that and cut it at three inches height about every three to four days. And it will, it'll fill it nicely. It'll look good. Yep. Yep. Yeah, get down to three. But remember asymmetric risk and everybody else with St. Augustine, you never want to cut more than a third of the entire length of the grass off at one time. Which is why you shouldn't go too long in between mowings. It can injure the grass and make it more susceptible to weeds and bugs and other nasty things. So always keep that in mind. Don't wait too long to mow. If you go too long, then you're cutting half of the grass blade off because you waited too long and that's actually bad for it. But more often you mow the better. You never want to cut more than a third off. So if you're mowing at three inches, you never want the grass to be more than four inches tall when you mow. And now you know the rest of the story. Oh, I have the more you know. Okay. I even said I learned this weekend. If your pine tree is dropping a bunch of pine cones, it's sick. And possibly dying. The more you mow. Well done. He's mentioned risk. Yeah, I'm not. I'm not a good. I got something to do. I'm not really a good pine tree guy. I don't know. I didn't know that. Not sure about that. I'll take your word for it. Well, the normal summer rain pattern just mow every time it's dry enough. Yeah, I would. I try to get out about every three days now, every four days. Give it a good mowing over. Okay. That was the AC story. So it's fixed and I'm going to be broke. But it won't be hot. Then worse being hot and broke. At least I'll just be broke. But shout out to Textron for getting taken care of as soon as they could. Much love to them. All right, let's get into some shit, folks. We got some shit to get into. Yo! Jared, thank you for the 100 bits, buddy. Joe Pro, I missed you, buddy. Thank you for the 303 bits, sir. He said, sir, you better put Eloise on the Christmas card list. Ain't that the truth? Ain't that the truth? Ace metric risk. Thank you for the 100 bits, my friend. Jared said I hope this helps. Everything helps, sir. Ace metric risk, are we mulch mowing or bagging? Always mulch mowing. Always mulch mowing. Unless you have certain situations like a ton of thatch or if you've got a really, really bad weed problem that you keep transferring from one place to another, you should be mulch mowing. 100%. Just put those nutrients back in the ground. Mulch mowing is like free fertilizer. You definitely want to mulch mow. If you can, that's what I do. I've been mulch mowing for years. Hell, ever since I moved in here. Of course, you know, you've got... Well, the whole lot is 1.3 acres. That's not how big the yard is, but it's probably, my lawn's probably, I don't know, close to 30,000 square feet. I'm not bagging that. You know how many fucking bags of grass I'd have every week? It's so crazy. I am starting to get into, by the way, I've narrowed my search for a lawn app down to two apps. Lawn journal. And yard mastery. No, don't bag. Now, Perry, there's a difference here, okay? Yeah, you're welcome asymmetric risk. Perry, there's a difference, though, buddy. There's a difference. If you have mulching blades and a mulching kit on your mower, then, yes, 1,000% you should be mulching. If you don't, then you should be bagging. What you don't want to do is just be shooting that grass out of the side shoot. Don't do that. That's the worst. Got it? Yeah, I'll spoon it! Thank you for those AC funds, buddy. Let's appreciate it, my friend. Right? Okay? So, Perry, you understand the difference? There's three ways you could do it. One, you can just not do anything like when you go buy a mower, and it's got the shoot on the side, and it's just open, and you fire it up, you start mowing, and grass is just coming out of it. That's just mowing. That's default setting, right? And then the second one is you slap a bag on that bad boy and catch all of it. That's bagging. And then the third way is you close that and you put some mulching blades on it. So, you either have the regular blade, mulching blade, or you're bagging. So, you have shoot open with a regular blade, shoot closed with a mulching blade, or shoot open with a bag on it. So, never shoot open, no bag. It's either bagging or mulching. Got it? Got it. Yes, you do need a mulch blade. Joe Brooks said, bag of grass. Justin Swinford, and there's the chat in three, two. Greetings from Denver. All right, here's the, here's the apps I use. All right, here you go. Law and journal. Or yard mastery. That my lawn, ignore that, ignore that lawn starter and that mower plus is a John Deere app. So, if you don't have a John Deere, don't worry about it. But lawn journal and yard mastery. Yard mastery is by a guy named the lawn care nut. He's got his own system. It's okay, but I really like the lawn journal. All right, I'm about to get nerdy for you. If you're not a yard guy, this is going to really suck. But, so this is the lawn journal. This is what it looks like. If you open it up, that's not my lawn by the way. I got to take a picture of it. But you can go in and you can give it your square footage of your yard. You can tell it when you mowed. It'll tell you what your forecast is. And then you can just add stuff. When you mowed, when you fertilized, when you, you can add your, if you have a ratcheo sprinkler system, you can put in all your stuff and it'll allow you to actually do your, the size of your lawn using a map. It's pretty dope. It's pretty dope. Definitely give it a shot. If you are into stuff like that and you want to keep track of everything you do. Why did that sounds so never mind? What? I don't know. I'm here for the grass. What up, Ace Metricris. Thank you for that a bit, buddy. So that's the two I'm looking at. I do like the other one from a yard mastery. The lawn care nut does a lot of good shit. I'm looking at it, but I really do like the lawn care journal. Is it cold? Yeah, the lawn journal. I don't know about the my lawn. I have it. That's from Scott's. I haven't even checked it out yet because I don't use their products. And lawn starter, I haven't even looked at yet. The Mo Plus, I kind of like because I forgot to do it this time around. But with Mo Plus, you hit start mowing and it tracks you as you mow. It'll tell you like your speed and all this shit. It's kind of crazy. Anyways, all right. Let's get to some show. Joe Bros that ain't going to lie. I haven't mowed in two years and I don't miss it. Dude, it's the one thing I enjoy about doing the yard. It's the only thing I enjoy getting on the riding mower. No body talking to me. I'm not talking. I'm not entertaining anybody. I'm not having to listen to anybody. I'm not having to, you know, impress anybody. I'm not having to make anybody laugh. I'm not having to do anything. But Mo. That's it. I'm just mowing. I'm just. That's it. It's my escape. And I just, um, and what's crazy is Nora's like, um, I'll Mo. And I'm like, no. She's like, well, I want to help. I'm like, well, then weedy. Well, I can't do that. Well, that's what I want you to do. That's what I want you to do. Like, you're going to take the one thing that I enjoy. You're going to take the one thing that I enjoy doing in the yard and do it. That's the only thing I can do. That's the only thing I like. Do you raw dog the Mo? Yeah. I don't listen to music. Every once in a while, I'll have a beer. That's it though. I don't. I mean, every once in a while, put on some music. I don't really do any podcasts. So I just. Get out there. That's nothing. I don't think about. The only thing I think about is don't get stuck. That's it. Don't get stuck. Just don't get stuck. Yes. My mower has a cup holder. I have a John Deere X 300. Yeah. It's got a little cup holder there. Slap a beer in that bad boy. Get after it. Bro. What I'm showing your TV's. He said, I have a beer after mowing. I call him a victory beer. Nice. Nice. That's the hey. I mean, you just don't have one after. I just. I just like having one during. You know what I mean? Especially like if I do. Sometimes what I'll do is I'll do all the hardship first. Because everybody has their own system. Some people like to weed eat first and edge first and, you know, get all that done and then mow and some people like to mow first and then, you know, do the edging and the weed eating and then all that shit. So every once in a while, Oh, raw dog, no shoes. Gotcha. So, uh, sometimes I'll just mow last. I usually do that first and then I'll edge and then I'll weed eat the ditches and everything else and then, you know, blow off the driveways and all that shit and be done. That's the last thing I'll do obviously, but sometimes I'll go do the weed or do the mowing last because then it's just have some beer, relax and take my time. Really the only thing I'm thinking is don't get stuck because the ditches are steep and you get that X 300 on one of them inclines and that back wheel comes off your fucked. I had to buy me a winch just to get myself one stuck because my my neighbor buddy with a gator move so can't ask him for help anymore. All right. Let's get to some sports. We haven't talked sports this week. Let's do something. Let's do it. Oh, a symmetric wrist set, I'm an edge, what edge bow, bow, blow type of guy? The fuck is a boat? Shut up spoon. Spoon said driveways, plural, flex, berry flex. Okay. Driveways. Yes. Yes. Driveways. I have two of the circle drive. All right. My bad. Shut up, Joe. Next thing you know, the mower and a Honda are stuck in the yard. Damn it. Joe pro leaves the past in the past. Oh, edging, blowing, oh, edge, blow, mow, blow, wow, that's too much. That's too much. That's. Yeah, that's a lot of work. That's a lot of work. You'll need to do all that. Thank you for the other bits. It's metric risk. It's metric risk that I took over the show with my bad now, man. The feedback was great. Everybody was loving long time. All right. Here we go. Here's the sports headlines for the day. White receiver Brandon Iyuk has requested a trade away from the San Francisco 49ers. That's what sources are saying. That's what he has stated. Thank you for the 200 bits, sweetie. You're the best assist. Much appreciated. Um, I find this guy interesting. First thing I saw when this trade was announced that somebody was like, oh, the Niners are going to be absolute shit this year. What? What? They were like, well, first of all, Brandon Iyuk wants to leave. Okay, but they were like, and their quarterback is a Brock Purdy. Okay. He's not bad and Christian McCaffrey has the, the Madden curse. You're, I mean, you're, I get it, but you're basing this off of a Madden curse and California sucks. Okay. That's a real legitimate reason. It's just, I was like, yeah, I get it. He wants a trade. I, I understand, I understand, but, you know, what is, what does that have to do with the Niners sucking? So, um, this article on ESPN gave some details. Um, it says it was one year remaining on his rookie contract. Iyuk has been seeking a big money extension. Ah, he's trying to keep up with guys like AJ Brown and I'm on Ross St. Brown and Jalen Waddle and folks like that. Um, remember this off season was the off season of the WRs, um, here's the following that sign deals, Justin Jefferson is averaging 35 million a year, AJ Brown 32. I'm on Ross St. Brown 30 Jalen Waddles averaging 28, three Devonta Smith is getting 25 a year and Nico Collins, 24.3. All of those were signed this past off season. So Iyuk is seeing that and saying, Hey man, I could get in that mix. Um, and he wanted the Niners to give them that and they, they didn't and they won't. Uh, he said he has used social media devices, displeasure and even posted a video to TikTok. This is where we're at. Could you imagine Jerry Rice getting on TikTok to get his money? Could you just, could you imagine? I mean, this, that's definitely something Terrell Owens would do. You know what I mean? That's definitely something he would do. It's definitely something Dion would do back in the day. It's definitely something, I don't know, maybe Michael Irvin would maybe do, but could you imagine a guy like Jerry Rice being like, what up TikTok? You boy, Jerry Rice, these raggedy bitches at the Niners don't want to peg you boy. I'm like, come on, man, I ain't no minute rice. You got to leave the lid on. Let me cook, bro. You're like, what? This is the greatest receiver of all time. He's out here, TikTok and what the, what are we doing, bro? But this is the era we live in. He posted a video on TikTok of himself telling former Arizona State teammate and current commanders quarterback, Jayden Daniels on FaceTime that the Niners quote, don't want me back. They don't want me back, bro. I don't get it, fam. They don't even want to talk. Yeah, they bullshitting. I'm telling you, Jay, they bullshitting me, bro. They bullshitting. Put that on the internet's like, what? Why are you, you know, their agents have to be like, please don't, please don't post that. He hadn't requested the trade until Tuesday. Leaksource told Jeremy Fowler that Iuke wants to be traded or paid. San Francisco does not want to pay him or trade him. So despite the request, San Francisco's position on Iuke hasn't changed. Niners have maintained all along that they want to pay Iuke and keep him around for the long term that hasn't, that has been made more difficult by the rising cost of receivers based on other deals. So let's see, Deebo Samuel requested a trade in 2022 off season. And of course, we know how that ended up. Robbie Gould also requested a trade from the Niners in 2019 eventually signed a four-year extension. Let's see, under Kyle Shanahan, general manager, John Langston, Niners have been able to sign most of their stars to extensions before they hit free agency, although those players, including Deebo Samuel, George Kittle, Fred Warner and Nick Bosa have had to wait until July and beyond for such deals to get done. We'll see. At some point though, you can't sign everybody. Here is salary capital implications here. So it's some point, you know what I mean? You have to somebody's got to go. And when you look around that room, if Brandon Iuke is the odd man out, I think you're okay with that unless you're like, well, Brandon Iuke is a better value than Deebo Samuel, but I don't think you are. What is his? Let's go see Spulkraeek. Doo-nope, I hate this, let's see here. Training players, there we go, there we go. Brandon Iuke, Brandon Iuke. Let's see what his, let's see if they give, they used to, you know what? This used to be a great resource. Now it's shite. It's pure shite. They used to give you market value and now they just, you want market value, you gotta pay for it, bitch. Oh, here we go. They gave us market value. I stand corrected. My bad, my bad spot track, my bad. I stand corrected. They did give us a, my neck, my back, my, and my crack. My neck and my back, I need to sit out coach. Yeah, that's what, that's what, that's what you do is you come up with one of those injuries that nobody can really see, right? Hey, I'm just, I'm sore. It's, it's my, I need a backyard to me. It's broken, final, I broke my back, final, yeah, as metric risk has a good point. He said when someone requests a trade, do you get fair value? You still can? I think it all just depends, right? You can still, you can still get fair value, especially if they're in demand, right? Like if it's a, if it's a player that people want and is in, it's a position of need, then of course, you're, you're going to have people willing to pay a premium, right? For example, let's say that you, I'm trying to think of a good example here. I mean, why receiver is good, but I don't know that at this point, I mean, let's say you had two stud quarterbacks, okay, right? So let's say you had, I don't know, I'm trying to, I can't think of a good example right off the rip, but let's just say you had two top tier quarterbacks, right? Two top 10 quarterbacks, one, one came in like a rookie like CJ Stroud and the other one was an established vet and you don't need both. So you're like, we're going to keep the, the rookie and we're going to trade the established vet who is still just a great quarterback and they're like, well, I want to be traded. I want out of here. I'm not going to sit behind a rookie. Trade me. Goddamn it. And that wouldn't diminish their value because people would, there's still plenty of teams that would need that quarterback. So it, you know, it's different if it's like a running back that is aging, then that, that could, you know, that could mess up the market. But if it's, yeah, Montana and young guys like that, right? So scenarios like that and, and I you could probably be a good example of a guy who could go and be a one, but some people might not think he's a one. He had one good year, one really good year. He's a solid, he's a solid two. He's like a great two. You could probably be a one, but he's, he's had one year of it, right? It's kind of like Nico Collins. Nico Collins could have demanded a trade, but I think a lot of teams would have been like, yeah, we're not going to overpay off a one good year. I mean, I wouldn't. So I don't think it weakens the value if it's, especially if it's a position of need. Chris was saying, you said, all the lawn talk is guilty of me into calling someone to fix my mower. Thanks, Barry. What's wrong with your mower, fam? Bro, you can fix that shit yourself. You ain't got YouTube, you got YouTube in a set of balls, homie. Go fix that shit yourself. I'm about to fix my edge or and my pressure washer. Have you heard of tennis elbow? I have football hip. Nice. Um, Amos said you got Jerry Rice fucked up. If he had social media, he would have definitely used it. Um, I don't think like that. I don't know. Yo, what up? Tiffany. Good to see you, sweetie. Thank you for being here. Welcome in. Welcome in. I don't know if Jerry's going to be on TikTok. I think Jerry Rice would have used it to be like, Hey, just for men, even bitches can use it. Like I think he would have done some shit like that, but I don't think Jerry Rice would have been like, Hey, San Francisco, pay me. Well, you know what, kiss my whole entire ass of Jerry Rice ain't doing that. I think he would have used it to make money off of endorsements and shit, but I don't think he would have used it as a tool for negotiating is what I'm saying. There's a big difference. Yeah. Yeah. Use that to make your money and push your shit. If Jerry Rice ain't going on TikTok, be like, these motherfucking Niners, man, they don't like me. They don't want me. Jerry Rice ain't doing that, bro. Jerry Rice ain't doing that. He ain't doing that. I don't believe it. I think he would definitely use it to make money. He would not use it to complain about his contract. I don't believe it. Michael Irvin. Yes. I believe that. I believe that, but I don't believe Jerry Rice will say no way. All right. Joe, the sports headline for the day Rob Manfred said that they are eyeing spring training next year for robot umpires. This is highly irregular, Craig. Oh, the nineties Cowboys on TikTok. Oh boy, could you imagine the nineties Cowboys on TikTok be like, hey, what's up, man? This is Daryl the most Johnson. I'm about to take you guys live into the party. Yo, what's up, everybody? Check it out. We're live at the party. Look over there. Look over there. There's Michael Irvin. Yo, yo, get that shit out of here. Oh, my bad. Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, bro, my bad. Yo, fucking just ruining shit. Yo, what the fuck am I smissing the corner? Oh, my bad. Emmit, my bad. Just recording all the crazy shit. Just all the terrible shit. For the eight minutes over there, just fucking two fist and Lone Star, just stone cold Steve Austin stop. Just a beer bouquaki, just my goodness. Was the other a seer that was opposite of Irvin? Sure he was doing something nefarious. Oh, yeah, Mike was free-basing his shit. Um, anyways, so maverick wants to test the robots in spring trading, which I think is good. Yeah, Harper. There you go. Um, Alvin Harper, good old Alvin Harper. He was the Steve Avery of the cowboys. Alvin Harper was the Steve Avery of the Dallas Cowboys. Uh, I think that this is a good idea tested in spring training. Manfred said, yeah, we're going to test it in spring training. No, that doesn't mean if it goes well, you're going to see it in 2025 regular season. That's not what this is. This is just for us to work out some kinks. Not like, oh, I'm into, I'm into wearing diapers and getting slapped on the fanny. Not that kind of kinks like, you know, figuring shit out. So they're going to do that. And then they're going to circle the wagons back to the drawing board. Let's see what we got for the year with an eye on potentially using, uh, robot umpires in 2026, but they're not going to commit to that. They're not going to commit to any date. Good luck. But it's coming. I mean, it is definitely going to happen, but this is a huge step forward. The fact that you'll see robot umpires and the ability to, uh, challenge balls and strikes, that'll be spring training of next year. So that'll be pretty interesting, pretty, pretty, pretty interesting. Oh, excuse me, huh, man, pretty good. It's pretty, pretty, pretty good. There were interactive robots on display before the show at the severe, oh, really? They looked real Donna, like they would just come up to me like, meanie, meanie, meanie, meanie. Yeah, that's why I wouldn't know, Joe, but were they creepy? Was it like weird? Were you like, please don't take my jobs? Clerits, breaking news, Clarence has requested a trade from center point energy sources. Okay, God, haven't we all clearances or crested a trade to enter G. Um, swaggy P of the locker roommate. That's the truth. Pride time about 15 holes. That's so funny, um, let's see what I missed. There was something in here. Oh, that's, yeah, it's metric risk that what can we complain about it there if we have robot, um, oh, there will be plenty. There will be plenty, um, and it won't be, it won't be perfect, you know what I mean? Like it's still going to be, it's still going to be some problems, but I think that it, it fixes the Angel Hernandez's of the world at the very least, which is partly what we need to do. Just get the moron down of the way. She's Louise. Gotta get rid of those dumbasses. Um, what the heck? What in the wide, wide, wide, wide sports is going on around here. I don't believe this is happening, I need to hold on here with the heck. Um, oh, sorry guys, so, why is this doing this to me? I don't know, I don't know right now, hold on, I'm trying to get something up here. Okay. Got it. No, I don't. Son of a bitch. Uh, what is the metric of this guy, any robot challenges auto denied? Oh, Angel Herm, what? What does that even mean? I don't even know what that means. I don't even know what that means, man. Uh, okay, I do have some video that I want us to watch together as well. Okay. Okay. What? Uh, before we get to that, I do want to say real quick, uh, I will be remiss if I did not to thank Donna and Sylvia, uh, Hey man, thank you guys so much last week, Donna and Sylvia, both sit in and thank for Thursday to support the show. Uh, these two do it every single week and it's super appreciated and super important to help keep the show running any support that you guys give is so important because your boy can't do this show for free as much as I would love to. And as much as I would love to have $1 million sponsors that just put it all in and I never have to worry about it and it would all be just super easy. Shit. We're not there. Um, so your support is needed and appreciated and helps keep this thing going. So whether it's you send in bits in the chat or subscribing, um, here on, um, um, twitch or is sending super chats on YouTube or subscribing on patreon or thankful thursdays or whatever it is and multiple or all or whatever, uh, it's appreciated and I can't thank you enough for it. Donna, Sylvia, thank you guys so much for the support even when I'm not here. You guys were thinking about it and I love you and I appreciate you. So thank you very much for that. Uh, and I didn't want to go and not mention it, um, because they sent that in on an off day and they didn't have to and I love them very much for that. Uh, yeah. Your boy needs an AC, um, oh, the patreon thing didn't work. Did it? Yeah. The bang patreon didn't work. By the way, did you check what I tagged you on on Twitter? I did not. Uh, what does this say? Another record buddy. I don't know what the defender is doing. I don't, uh, defender, what do you, what do you do it, dude? The defender is just spamming all the emotes. I don't know what the defender is doing. This is getting weird. See, this is getting weird. Smooth. Thank you, buddy. Appreciate the 100 bits of my friend. Hey, smetric rims. Thank you, my friend. Much appreciated, sir. Uh, Clarence, I didn't see Barry. Your bang is broken. I bet they have pills for that. Damn it. Oh, it's, um, what is it? It's, um, nightbot is fucked up, I think. Yeah. I think old nightbot doesn't shit the bed. Yep. I'll need to, I need to make a note and fix it all nightbot. Nightbot is broken. Um, I had something for you guys that I wanted to, oh, Jesus, we really need to talk about real quick, um, the anthem last night. Holy shit. Holy shit. That might have been the worst goddamn anthem I have ever, ever heard. What up, Black Sheep? That very well may have been one of the, if not the worst, anthems. I have ever heard in my whole stupid, dumb life. I mean, Carl Lewis and Roseanne Barr were like, what the fuck is this? This is a, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh. The shit was like atrocious. One in the chat if you did not hear last night's national anthem sung by Ingrid Andres. One in the chat if you did not hear the anthem last night. One in the chat if you did not hear this chick's anthem, uh, it was sung at the Home Run Derby, um, just one in the chat if you did not hear it, because it was goddamn awful. And if you, okay, that means I have to find it. That means you guys have got to hear it. Tiffany said Roseanne Barr sounds like Mariah Carey compared to Olgao. Yeah, yes, yes. Spoon said she's going to rehab Chris from same user said, I said, no, no, no, no, ha, ha, brother man said a hot tour girl known, uh, then, uh, more known than Ingrid Andres. Um, honestly, I didn't know who she was until last night. Oh, no, see, Amos said I think Fergie got her beat. No, Fergie tried to make it sexy. Here's the thing. She was drunk. So she says she, according to an article after last night, she posted on her social media account. I'm not going to bullshit, y'all. I was drunk last night. Alec, Oh, what's up, Pippin Alex and I drink one for you for my birthday, Barry, Alec, homie. What's up, man? Alec, I know you missed it. I know you wasn't here, Alec. I know, I know, but I just want you to know we didn't forget about you, Pipp. Yeah. Alec, thank you for joining the Patreon, man. Much appreciated. Jenny, his mom's going to get your swag in the mail to you soon. I'm going to stay on top of her. We don't need another repeat, like what happened to Spoon, where he just sat around, twirling his damn thumbs, waiting on his very own deck swag. So we're going to get that in the mail to you ASAP, brother. I promise, man. But I appreciate you joining the Patreon support and the cause support in the show. We love you. We appreciate you. We're a Murnity, man. And make sure you get on the Discord, bro. If you have problems, hit me up. Let me know. But get on that Discord, bro. You're going to love it. I'm telling you that's the, that's a big reason to join a man. Get on that Discord. It's a hell of a lot of fun. I think you'll really appreciate getting in there and interacting with a lot of the deck heads that you get to interact with here in the chat. So get in there, man. It's a lot of fun. Yo. Hey, symmetric wrist. Thank you for the 100 bits. And happy birthday to you, Alec. I don't know when it is or when was it, but we will make sure for the next one, make sure you get with Jen and give her your birthday. And we'll get you a birthday card for the next one. That's how we do around here. We send out birthday cards. We usually send out Christmas cards or I should say holiday cards. He's symmetric wrist. Thank you for the 100 bits. He said, are we in a hype train yet? I'm ready for a shot. Um, I don't think so. I think we ended up, I think there's only like one hype train, an hour or something like that. I think we already had it. So I don't think we're going to get to one shit, birthday cards. Yes, spoon, but you have to have given Jen your birthday. If we don't have your birthday, then we can't send you a birthday card. So if Jen doesn't have your birthday and you're a member of Patreon, you need to give her your birthday so that we can send you a birthday card and to give you a birthday shout out like we did yesterday for Penguin Katie. See how that works. Got it. Got it. Cause I mean, we just can't fucking guess your birthday. Spoon was born on September nine. I don't fucking know that. How would I know that? You have to tell Jen, we keep it in a spreadsheet and then, you know, Jenny, his mom is like, Gary, you need to sign all the goddamn cards and send them to me. Spoon said you gave me a shout out. Not sure I got a card. Oh. Me? You got lost in the mail, then. Oh, April Fool. What the fuck? You're fucking with me, Spoon. Stop fucking with me, Spoon. I'll drink one for you right now, Alec. Cheers. When did Alex say his birthday was? Oh, Brother Bear said, what's the discord link? So Brother Bear, it's not open to the public. The discord is only for our Patreon members. So it's one of the, it's a really dope discord though. We do a lot of cool shit. We'll have Astros watch parties where we're all hanging out, watching the game. So oh, April Fool's is your birthday? Whoa, whoa, whoa, pretty sure. I don't know. Well, all right. Well, I can't go back, can't go back and look now. I don't know why you didn't get one. You should have got one. Yeah, especially if you're in the spreadsheet. You should have got one. My bad. I'll have to go back and check. I'll have to go back and check. But get in the discord and we got to tighten that shit up. We got to get better at that. And by the way, I saw somebody was pissed. I think it was Jesus earlier who said, "Damn it, the ads." Again, sorry about the ads on Twitch. They have been hounded me about updating it. Apparently they're putting a new, doing like new ad stuff. They're trying to push everybody towards a new ad thing. And it's three minutes of ads an hour. So I think it's like one at the top, one at the, I don't know, it's like one minute every, one minute of ads every 20 minutes or something like that. It's a pain in the ass. I get it. It's only one minute. It's 60 seconds. Sometimes it's a, it comes in a terrible time. I think one of the time it came in a story or something like that. But if you are subscribed to the channel, you don't get the ads. So if you're a sub, if you're subscribed, you'll have to worry about the ads. So do with that as you wish. But again, if you're not, and you just, you want to fade the, the three minutes, it's not a big deal. So either way, um, as the US Postal Service involved, good luck, see it. You knock them all out at once. No, they have them set up the way they are. Although maybe I should look into that, let me see, and do all that. That's question mark. Yeah. Good idea flip. I'll look into that. I'll look into that. I didn't get a birthday car, but I blame the shitty Postal Service out there. They lose our mail all the time. Oh. Yeah. I mean, I gotta go back and look, but I'm Jenny's on that shit. So like I said, if we have you in the spreadsheet, we send them out. Now I will say this, sometimes if your address is not updated, they get kicked back because I'll get, I'll get stuff back in the mail. And I'm like, well, guess they didn't update their address. So Hey, asymmetric risk, thanks for hanging out, homie. Much appreciated, man. Those freaking ads when I'm watching the NFL, oh yeah, and it does suck. All right. So this Ingrid Andres, let me find the, let's see, Ingrid Andres, let me see if I can find the whole thing. You're going to want to see this, watch this four time Grammy now and Ingrid on a criticized for the worst. Is this the whole thing I see? Yep. This is it. Let's see. Oh man. Are they boner? God damn. God damn it's worse than I thought. I mean, when I'm listening to it in my headphones, it's worse. It sounds, have you ever, have you ever heard, have you ever stepped on a cat's tail and heard it go like that's, that's what it is. It sounds like someone stepped on a cat's tail. And I mean, God damn. This is atrocious, it, it, it, it, oh, God, oh, let's see. I'm saving it right now. Jesus Christ. So it starts off like, okay, right like she starts off, right like it's not terrible the way she starts off. But then it, somebody said, Joe Pro said drunk Helen Keller, drunk Helen Keller would be an upgrade. Honestly, Joe Pro, drunk Helen Keller would be an upgrade. Oh, come on, did I close it? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Um, hold on, just a fucking, okay, what is happening? I don't want to hear her saying anymore. Okay, we'll do that as video three then. All right, cool. Oh, God damn it hurts so bad. Make the bad man stop, mommy. Well, when they announced her neighbor, I said, somebody needs to get fired for that. When they announced her name, I was like, I don't know who that is. I was like, she must be a local Dallas legend, right? And because that's usually what they do. Because like Dr. Dre on 290 is like, um, they said they were going to get Big X, the plug to perform. He's like, I've never heard that guy's like, yo, Big X, the plug is the shit. Uh, oh, a Twitch thing. Someone else started streaming. What? Oh, I just got to pop up to leave your channel. Uh, oh, someone else, are you playing it? No. Here we go. Uh, no, I wasn't playing it. That break ends in 25 seconds. No, I wasn't playing it was. They told you to leave my channel will fuck them sons of bitches. How dare them? Oh, dare them. So this is the video. Here we go. All right. That is Oh girl, Ingrid Andre's Andre. So that was it after, um, after BLD, I'll go live and sing my rendition of killing me softly because, uh, we all need that in our life. All right. Here it is. Joe pro for you and everybody else that didn't hear it. Here's Ingrid Andres singing the national anthem. Good luck. Oh, say can you see by the dawn's really light, right? So like so far, you're like, okay, so proudly we hail by the twilight's last gleaming. Who's broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight. Oh, the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming. The rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that star spangled banner yet wave. Get ready for the land of the free and the home of the brave. Why did she hate America? Why does she hate America? Fuck. That's what I thought when I heard that I was like, oh, she's a communist. She fucking hates America. That's what it is. I goddamn it, she must be Canadian. They went out and they got this Canadian bitch to come down here and destroy America. That's what it is. She's a goddamn communist Canadian. They're like, you know what, fuck America, bring your communist ass down and fuck up the anthem. Come on, let's do it. Jesus, that, that free, fuck. That free, E.E. shit was awful. Or the land of the free. Listen, I am not one that takes liberty lightly. Listen, I don't take freedom and liberty lightly, but if anyone should lose their citizenship and their freedom, it should be heard. I'm just saying, I think she should have her citizenship revoked. I think she should be deported. If we're going to build a wall, let's build it around her vocal cords. Okay, if Trump wants to run on that, I'll vote for him. Let's build a wall. Let's build a wall around Ingrid Andre's vocal cords. I'm in, I'm in. You know what? Let's set up a staunch, let's set up a staunch immigration policy for her face and her mouth. Let's do that. Let's not let words migrate and immigrate from her mouth ever again. Let's not let song come from her face ever again. You want to change the world, Republicans? You want to change the world, Democrats? You want to do that? How about you guys get together in Congress and you ban her. Just ban her. What not in it, her. Ingrid Andre's is no longer allowed in America, gone, get out. You're no longer free, bye. That was fucking awful. There's, I mean, there's no other explanation other than you're a communist. There's no other, like you, you hate us, you hate us, you have to hate us. But this is what she said on her social media. She said, I'm not going to bullshit y'all. I was drunk last night. I'm checking myself into a facility today to get the help I need. That was not me last night. I apologize to MLB, all the fans and this country I love so much for that rendition. She ended the note saying she would quote, let y'all know how rehab is. I hear it's super fun. What the fuck? I hear it's super fun. Let me tell you something. When you, when you, okay, when I read that last part, that's when I realized she ain't going to fucking rehab. She probably wasn't even drunk. You know what it was? She can't fucking sing. She shit the bed. She bombed. She had a bad night at the office. It happens. But it was like, okay, well, we got two choices. We can either just own it and say that we can't sing, and this is our PR people talking, or we could just say we're drunk and put you in rehab, but you like, you really won't go to rehab. Like, I mean, you'll go to rehab, but it's like, you know, you go, but you won't go like you go and then we'll get you out and you'll be like, cured, but yeah, you, but that's the cover story. It says this is more about the singer. Andres had her first brush with fame when she performed in the second season of NBC's acapella singing competition to sing off as part of a group known as pitch slapped. Oh, like pitch slap, but pitch slap. Well, she was definitely pitch slapped last night in 2010. The group is eliminated early on rail, no kidding, but Andres returned to the show the next season as part of a group called Delilah. That season of the series was famously won by the group pentatomics. She's now a country singer. Andres debuted her first album lady like in 2020. It reached number one on billboards emerging artists chart year prior or single more hearts than mine hit billboards hot 100. Well, her anthem hit billboards cold one million. She landed back on the charts of 2021. Thanks to the single wishful drinking, it was Sam Hunt. Yeah, when they said four time Grammy nominee, I was like, what are we sure she's not like a granny nominee? Cause, uh, Jeff Bell said my ears are bleeding lady like was also nominated for best country album or her song more hearts than mine was nominated for best country song. Two years later, wishful drinking scored a best country duo group performance. Her latest work, most recent album, Good Person was released in 2022 shares the social media this week that she is so stoked to announce her single Colorado nine. And I think what that is, is it's just a mixed drink. It's a Colorado bulldog, which is vodka and Kalua and milk or heavy cream. What is in a Colorado bulldog, God, it's been so long since I was a bartender. Colorado bulldog is vodka, coffee, liqueur, yeah, milk where I think you done vodka, coffee liqueur, light cream or milk, there you go and cola. That's what it was. Cola. That's what I was missing. Yeah, all that and then eight, obviously eight other alcohols is her Colorado nine. But it says, thank you. It's unclear if she'll proceed as playing CNN reached out, but she was not responsive. And look, Colorado bulldog, racehorse or sex act, it's funny. That would be my cover story too. If I, if I sounded like that, I would come out and say I'm going to rehab. Who knows? Maybe she does have a problem with alcohol and if she does and she's going to rehab, good for her. That's the help she needs, but I'm sorry if I don't believe it. Maybe that's wrong. Maybe that makes me an asshole. But I just feel like this is a PR cover for a really, really, really shitty performance. I do. I just, maybe I'm a cynic. Maybe I'm a dick. Maybe I'm an asshole, a jerk face jerk, a big dumb dude who faced dickhead. But I think that that's a cover. You know why I think it's a cover? Because alcoholics that are really alcoholics, that really, really, really need to go to rehab that have hit rock bottom, that woke up in a pile of their own vomit and scat on the side of a road with a squirrel going through their pockets, holding an umbrella and did nothing but their underwear. I don't know where they got the umbrella. They don't know where they got the umbrella. But that person, that person doesn't say I'm going to rehab. I hear it super fun. That person says I got to go to rehab or I'm going to die. I've got to get my shit together. But someone who fucked up and sang like shit and sounded like shit and embarrassed herself on national TV in front of the whole country and also is probably a communist, gums out and goes, I got to go to rehab. I hear it's fun. That's why I can't take it serious. I really, I really can't take it seriously. Joe Brogos, has anyone seen my umbrella? By the way, god damn it, my pet squirrel ran away. Spoons that are very, she doesn't want to go to rehab. I mean, nobody wants to go to rehab. Nobody's like, man, I can't wait to go to rehab. By the way, did anybody watch the home run derby? I watched the first round, like half of it was like this sucks. They screwed a bunch of people out of it to get Petal Anzo in and he shit the bed almost as bad as Ingrid Andres. Petal Anzo was trash. The home run derby was trash. I didn't, I, I, yeah, I was out. I was out. I was done. Couldn't do it. It sucked. It sucked. And I don't know who the white guy was that was in everybody's ear for the first three or four contestants, but that guy needs to not drink any more Red Bull. He was so wound up. Those guys would go and hit and then they would like take a break and he'd be like, okay, yeah, I don't know what he was saying, but that's what it looked like he was doing in their face. Like, God, bro, calm down everybody else was like, bro, what are you doing? Like he was, he was amped. I don't know what his deal was, but it was like, my God, a bald guy. It looked like a equate Matt Thomas out there is like, bro, you need to chill, man. So I don't know. I might watch the all star game tonight. I'll probably get out and spray the back porch for mosquitoes. And then maybe smoke a cigar and watch the all star game. I'm not sure yet. Yeah. Titan Hugo has a great point. The home run derby is the slam dunk contest. No big names want to participate. No one gives a shit. Yeah, I don't care about that. Tiffany. Someone who said I'm waiting for karaoke bars to have Ingrid Andra's night dollar you call it. Two songs and four shots. Oh, my God, that's great. Free Yager bombs. If you sing the anthem, it's like an hilarious Tiffany. Oh, my God. Okay, we got to get out of here. This is, this is, this is been a show. This is been a show. Spoon great call back $4 Colorado nine shots saying what's in a Colorado nine? Well, it's a Colorado bulldog with looking eight other shots. Wow. Oh, they have 12 of those. Wow. Ingrid Andra's if you don't slow down, that's the plan here rehab is fun. Fucking got to be kidding me, man. Oh, what the fuck was that? That was weird shit. Oh, yeah, that was broken. All right, folks, we used to call Colorado nine and trash can party like right? Like remember you'd make the suicide drinks at the corner store, like 711 or whatever black sheep. I missed you buddy. Good to see you, sir. Always great to have you live, Joe, bro. Alex. Thank you, buddy. I appreciate you villain away, but boys, thanks for hanging out. I love you, sweetie. Thank you for being here. Tiffany. Thanks for showing up. Ace metric risk. It was good to have you. Mr. Defender, sir. Thank you for being here. This goes to Colorado nine's turn you into either ingress, on grace or hot cool girl or both. The Colorado nine is a Texas boy. Let's fucking go. Doves with the shot. Doves with the parting shot. I love it. Love it. Oh, thank you. Heartthrob. He said damn good to have you back in the cap. I appreciate your buddy. All right. Well, you know, it's going to be a slow week of sports anyway. So we're going to bullshit and have a good time. I've got a ton more videos for you tomorrow and we'll get to them and and you're not going to want to miss tomorrow or really the rest of the week because I got more vacation stories for you. I need to tell you about my waitress who, well, you don't want to miss it. I need to tell you about my experience in the bubble. You don't want to miss that. I'll tell you all that, tell you all the vacation stories. Of course, crazy shit happens. It's your boy. Crazy shit. Always happens. So don't miss those. I got videos. We'll have a good time. I watch it all start. Game. We'll talk about that. You know we'll have a bunch of weird and fun and crazy shit to talk about. So be here. I will be. I hope you will be too. Yes. Cisco knows weird folk in Turlinga. All right. Until I see you guys tomorrow, do me three favors, please be safe. Be kind. And most importantly, love each other. See you guys tomorrow. Bye. And he's making a YouTube video. Bye. a lot of people. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful.