Barry On Deck

#814 - Roasting the 2024 #NBA draft, Quincy Wilson is a beast, and more #NFL #MLB


The chat and I roast the 2024 NBA Draft (and the chat KILLS IT!)

Go Madi!!

16 Year old Quincy Wilson is a BEAST!

Top 10 toughest places to play in College Football



Thanks for watching

2h 34m
Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
Audio Format:


  • The chat and I roast the 2024 NBA Draft (and the chat KILLS IT!)

  • Go Madi!!

  • 16 Year old Quincy Wilson is a BEAST!

  • Top 10 toughest places to play in College Football

and more!











Thanks for watching

(upbeat music) Live from the Bifnet Studios World headquarters in Spring, Texas, it's Barry on deck. Hosted by former ESPN Houston radio host and stand-up comedian, Barry Laminat. Starring Oliver the Cat. Written by Barry Laminat, produced by Barry Laminat. Directed by, you guessed it, Barry Laminat. Featuring sports, entertainment, special guests, film sessions, and some drinking. Okay, a lot of drinking. Viewer discretion is advised. And now, here's your host, Barry Laminat. Ooh, what's up, you damn dirty dickhead, so welcome to Barry on deck. I am your host, Barry Laminat. Thank you guys for being here. Today's Thursday, June 27th, 2024. And this episode number, main 114 of Barry on deck. Welcome to the show, welcome to the program. Bye, I swore I wasn't gonna be late, and some bitch. (sighs) I really need a boss is what I need. I need a boss to be like, I'll fire you. The excuse today is chores. Trying to get ready for vacation. Trying to get ready for the shows this weekend. At the improv, just too much to do. Also trying to prep for my shows in Tulsa. Getting those up and running. Shit, I was gonna show you guys this video I made yesterday. Well, I've been working on this shit forever. Yeah, exactly, Donna, where's Jin? Where's Jin to fire me when I need her? It was already hot in this bitch. I've been running around the house. By the way, if I end up with sweat rings, you'll know why. Yeah, no shit, breaking news, new start time, 230. I kind of feel like I need to make that. The case, FJ, just because my days are just so jam-packed. But the problem is, if I make it 230, then we won't start till three, and then it just becomes a two-hour show again, which I've also thought about doing, but I'm like, "No, goddamn it, oh my God, that's getting worse." I'm determined to get back on track. Like, I am determined, very sad. Late, seems don't time to me. I am determined to fix this in my life. I am, like, and no one trusts me when I tell you, and I know it drives crazy more than anybody, 'cause he told me it's Jared Taylor. Jared said, "Barry, I love you, "but I fucking hate that you're late. "I hate it so much." And I'm like, "I know, buddy, I hate it too. "I hate it too, I hate it so much. "Hey, Candy's wasn't it, you too, what's up, Candy?" She said, "Hey, Barry, a long time, no see and hear you. "I have missed listening to you." Well, good to see you, Candy. Thanks for checking in over there on YouTube. Good to see you, sweetie. Thanks for popping in and saying hello. Always good to, I guess, see your words. I don't know, I made that weird, that's my fault. Yeah, I gotta get my shit together is what it is. I'm a mess in so, so many ways. Yeah, I'm working on it, but it's just a thing. It's a bad thing, it's not a good thing. It's a terrible trait, it's a horrible thing, and it's one that I really need to improve on. And a long list, a long, a long, long list of things that I need to get better at, being on time. And it's not just you guys, I am late to everything. I'm late to everything, so, and my therapist was like, "Oh, classic ADHD." I'm like, "Well, I don't know, classic asshole procrastinator." I was like, "Because I procrastinate and put shit off." She goes, "Yeah, that's ADHD." I was like, "Well, okay, that sucks." So, whatever, but we got a fun show. Don't forget, last show, last show, until, well, last show until July 8th. Last show until Monday, July 8th. I am off all next week. Wife and I are headed out of town for a vacay. So, we are headed, it's our anniversary next week, July 1st, and, (laughs) Cisco, yes, ADHDers unite later. I've got things to do. Oh, look, a balloon. Everybody's gonna be, I used to own a t-shirt company, and I used to, it was a funny t-shirt company. I should, really, I should bring it back now that it's so much easier to do. It'd be a great little side hustle. God, it'd be so much easier. I could bring back all my old designs. Why haven't I done that? I could probably make a few bucks doing it, too. But I used to have an old t-shirt company, and one of the t-shirts was, I said, dyslexics is out of the world and tie, instead of unite. So, yeah, I gotta get better at it, though. I'm fully aware of it. But yeah, Nora and I headed out of town. And, oh, what? Hi from high, Cisco said. Found out that a lady that I work with is friends with Rich O'Toole. Very cool. Nora and I headed out of town. Our anniversary is July 1st. Her birthday is July 2nd, and then, of course, we'll be celebrating July 4th. So, we'll be gone all week, and we'll be back. I'll be back on Monday to start anew. So, and it's good. It gives us kind of a vacation in the middle of the year. It gives her a break in the middle of the year, as well. So, it's always good for her to get something like that in, as well. So, yeah. Looking forward to that. I got that video. I got that video. Coo, Coo, Q. Yup, yup, we got that. I'm not sure about this. I may have to. Oh, and, by the way, I am gonna have to take a break. I haven't been taking a lot of breaks. I haven't been taking a lot of breaks during the show. I'm gonna have to take a couple of days just to do chores. Like I said, that's part of the reason why I was late. Just trying to get shit done around here. So, probably, we'll have to take a break, maybe two during this show today, just to continue to get shit done. So, but I do want to say what's up to everybody. I haven't been doing that. I think I want to get back to it. Just because I like saying hi to you guys, especially early on when the chat window is not very big, and I know I don't get everybody in, but it doesn't matter, because I like saying hi to you guys. And I see Donna is first in YouTube's, and she was probably one of the first in the Twitchers as well. Nasty Nate was actually first in Twitch at 209. Nasty Nate showed up. What's up, Nasty Nate, man? Good to see you. Thank you for popping in early. And then when we went live, Donna was first. Donna was first on YouTube when we went live. Donna was first on Twitch when we went live. Donna is the greatest deckhead. The Alan Denson greatest deckhead in the history of the world. Love it. And so thank you, Donna, my sweet, sweet Donna. I love you to death. FJ, what's up, man? He said, "Cuevo deckheads." I don't know what that means. Happy June 27th, y'all. Oh, okay. Yes. Yes, I do know that. Let's see. What up, y'all? Good to see you, Tony, the handsome Mark. The real, real, what up Lisa? It's always good to see my sweet, sweet Lisa in here, too. (laughs) Who else Mark G, I got? Candy, I got over on the YouTube's. FJ, Alex? Let's see, see a sco I got. Peepy dubs is in the building. I see something, I don't know what that is. I'm not sure. Oh, why did that pop up? Evil Death, what's up, Maine? John Dorier is in, and Perry. ♪ Donna got ♪ ♪ S-s-s-s-s-s-c-c-e-e-e-e-e ♪ Tony Dallas, what's up? Rudy Roth. How are you? Let's see, Amos is in. No, that's not true. Terence, what's up? Hey, hey, hey, holy shit. You guys, I gotta tell you about this right here. We're Hedgehog, y'all know my boy Lance. This dude I met when I had the This guy and I go way, way, way back. Now, he's a foreigner, don't hold that against him. (laughs) My boy is, I met him covering the cage door, and he is one of the greatest human beings on the planet. Him and his wife and family are just the best, and we have been friends forever now, and he's just the best. So, good to see you, man. Thanks for popping in, Mr. Hedgehog. We'll just stick with Hedgehog. But, yeah, good to see you, man. Thanks for being in, man. Appreciate you hanging out with us today. We don't talk a whole lot of MMA, but, you know, it's whatever. You might enjoy it, probably not. We'll see, but stick around. What up, Terence? What up, Alex? What up, CC? CC is the Happy Vacation Week, Barry? No. I mean, yes, technically, but I saw somebody said, Amos said look at who's participating in a birthday week. No. Okay, no, no, no. So, we are taking a week's vacation. During the week's vacation, we will be celebrating an anniversary on one day, celebrating her birthday on another day, celebrating Fourth of July on another day. We are not taking a birthday week. It did not take my wife a week to fall out of her mom's vagina that I'm aware of. I wasn't there. So, we are not celebrating a birthday week. Amos, I'll say it right in a minute. Nice try, not happening. We don't subscribe to that around here. Okay. What up, do you want to? Good to see you, Pippin. Thanks for being here, buddy. Love you. Who else is here? Donnie did not cheat, Total Dallas. Shut your horn mouth. Let's see. Yes, Rip to Allen. Rest in peace to our boy, Allen Denson. Who else is here? Terence. Jesus. What up, homie? Jesus is hanging out with us overall in the U-2s. Mr. Solomon. I don't think I said that right, but that's okay. (laughing) Rudy Rod. Rudy Rod said shoot check. We got DJ Screwshoes on today. No, bro, we got slippers on. I'm not. Come on, fam. I'll stop wearing tennis shoes around this bitch a long time ago. It is DJ Screwday. But no, I'm wearing slippers. Are you kidding? Who else is here? D'Amada. Sexy. Shh. Oh, Eric Recendez is in. What's up, homie? Amos said no, your wife tricked you into celebrating a birthday week deal with it. No. One deep, one up, pimp. One deep said I'm bringing up the rear, but I'm here. One up, one deep. All right, let's get rolling, folks. Late start, so we got to get flying here. By the way, shout out to Sensei Bullrock on Twitch. He popped in 21 hours ago, and he gave the show a shout out to 82 viewers, which is dope. Appreciate that, Sensei Bullrock. And because of that, we picked up three more followers to this fine program. We picked up Casa Ron, Optic Red Rum, which, if you don't know, backwards spells, murder kitpo. I think it's supposed to be two different words. Optic Red Rum is Optic Murder. But it's one word, so it really is backwards. It's murder kitpo. And it doesn't sound as scary. And then we got rabbit tea, rabbit tea, rabbit Larry. We got rabbit Larry. Followed us. OK, well, appreciate the follow, rabbit Larry, and Optic Red Rum and Casa Ron LV. Now, is that Ron LV, or is that Ron 55? And it's not Casa now. I'm looking at it. My old ass eyes. It is C-E-S-A. Fuck it. It's whatever. All right, let's get this show on the road, folks. You know what we didn't get to earlier in the week that I told you we would get to? That I said we would figure out. Um, oh, shh, haiza, shit balls. I screwed it up, too. One thing we didn't get to was dog body language. So maybe we'll get to that today. I've still got a ton of stuff. You know on Thursdays, I try to get to all of the things we did not get to during the week. So we're going to attempt to do that today. We'll see. We're going to cut it close. But we're going to do our damnedest to get to all of those things, OK? I promise you that. Before we go any further, though, I do want to stop, pause for the calls, and say thank you to the fine folks that support this show. First of all, thank you to everybody that is a subscriber on Patreon. Without you guys supporting this show and have been rocking with us and supporting us on a monthly basis. And I said by us, I mean me. This show is a possible band. I just-- I love doing this show. But I have bills to pay and, you know, this thing. I can't do this show for free, unfortunately. And even as a working stand-up comic, if it wasn't for this show, and if it wasn't for you guys supporting via the Patreon. And quite honestly, supporting with your subscriptions on Twitch here and your bits. When you send in bits and you do the hype trains, all of that matters, man. It keeps the show on the air because that combined with comedy allows me to keep doing this and not having to go get a day job. So I appreciate you guys continuing that. And I hope you get back the entertainment, and joy, and laughter, and escapes, and fun that it is supposed to provide you in return. So I appreciate that. I appreciate all of the Patreon subscribers. I appreciate all of the Twitch subscribers. And I appreciate everybody that sends in bits. And I especially appreciate everybody that sends in a thankful Thursday. Such as P.B. Dubs, who's sending a $7 thankful Thursday today. So I appreciate you. Thank you very much for your thankful Thursday. Donna, my sweet, sweet Donna. Thank you for sending in a $5 happy thankful Thursday. Cece! She sent in a $5 thankful Thursday. And she said, always know how much you are loved. Weirdo, love Queen B. You will always be my queen. My lady. Thank you, Cece. I love you, and you know that. I love you so much. And Sylvia sent in a $5 happy B.O.D. thankful Thursday. I love you guys so much. Thank you guys always for the continued support. You guys are amazing. They do that every single Thursday. And I tell you what, it doesn't, you guys might not think it means a lot, but it absolutely does. It is, I mean, it's important, and it means the absolute world to me, and I don't take it for granted. And I certainly do appreciate it. And Jared Taylor, thank you for the 100 bits, man. I appreciate you, buddy, and yesterday, I didn't thank Homo Astra's fan, and I don't know if he's here yet, and I felt terrible. I don't think I ever actually thanked him for it, but Homo Astra's fan sent in a 100 bit yesterday, and I don't think I actually said thank you, and I felt terrible. So I hope he pops in today so I can say thank you. I'm a dick. But thank you, Homo Astra's fan, if you're just listening, 'cause he never chats. Homo Astra's fan never chats, he never says hi, he never says a word, he just listens and watches and sends 100 bits every day, like clockwork, Homo Astra's fan tunes in, sends 100 bits, and enjoys the show. It's amazing. It's amazing. I'm blessed. I'm blessed to have viewers and fans, and I call them friends. You guys are friends, friends and fans. And I'm blessed to have you guys all in my corner as viewers, supporters, friends, and fans. Listeners, I guess, some of you listened on podcast, too, and shout out to you guys. So I thank you guys, man. I was thinking about all of y'all this morning, I was like, "Boy, I'm a lucky man. I am a lucky, lucky man." Now we just got to get back to getting some advertisers on this show. We got to get back to getting some advertisers, so we'll get that roll of soon, too. All right. So now that we've said that, and if you want to join the Patreon and support the show and make sure we can keep doing this, you get some cool swag, and, oh, by the way, shut up, Amos. Amos said shout out to all the supporters because if Barry had a real job, he'd be so fired with his tardiness. Actually, you know what Amos, you know what, never lost a job, never lost a job for being late in my life. In fact, I was never late a day of my life on the radio, so suck it, okay? I think part of the problem is just working at home. It's so easy to get distracted and be able to do other things. I think that is a huge problem, really. I think it's a big, big problem. I think if I had to go to another location to do this show, I think the show would always start at 2 o'clock on the dot, always. I think that might make life a lot easier. And then just, you know, with so much shit going on and being a little overwhelmed with it all, what does CCC say, bring up the rear was my, oh wait, wrong show. Let's see. What was it going to tell you guys shit, I was going to tell you something I don't remember. If I recall you were late a few times with usual suspects because the subway downscare screwed up your order, no, no was I, I don't think so. I don't think so. Shut up brother Baron, I don't need you backing that up. I don't think I was ever late because of that. Actually, I don't think I was late. I might have been almost late. I might have been late coming back, but I would never have been late to start a show because of the subway. I would have just left. I'd be like, fuck y'all, I'll be back. Honestly, I would have never, I would have never gone late to the show. And first of all, I'd have never heard the end of it from Nick and Joel. There's Jesus. Are you kidding me? I would have gone to a break and come back. And then especially during the AJ Hoffman era, Jesus, no way, no way. So yeah, and that's true too, FJ, I would always stop at Chick-fil-A. I would always, my go-to was Chick-fil-A. That's very true. I was, um, upstairs would get me now, there were a few times when I was, what a base to how. Hey, myself, fellas, oh boy, there was a few times when I'd be just making it, just making it. And today, truth be told, I didn't have to poop too, like I had to poop at the worst possible time and get some laundry in and stuff like that. So yeah, it's, it's a thing. I think it was Mayo versus Mustard segment. Oh really? How do you remember that brother bear? That's crazy. That's wild. Um, oh yeah, let me come back because I was pooping for sure. Oh, it was AJ that was late because of Subway, that, that's yeah, yeah. I was more, I would stop at Chick-fil-A a lot. Now I would get Subway, uh, but I would definitely stop at Chick-fil-A a lot. You still get nervous poops before B.O.D. No, it's just some, it's weird that sometimes I just have to, oh, yeah, hurt my back while reaching for my drink on top of the car was the thing. That was, yeah, that was embarrassing and shit and then I'm going to tell you all about it. Justin Kalb, holy shit. Look at this, look at the cat dragged in, oh my God. There's a man, there's a blast from the past, holy cow. Justin Kalb is here, oh my goodness. Uh, so let's talk, let's see, um, okay, what is, what the hell is this? Oh, you know what, I made a slide for this. I don't, I don't really know that I needed a slide for this. I think I screwed all this up for no reason. I could just go back to this because I really actually needed this. Huh, screwed all that up, yep, yep, um, couple things, did you guys watch the NBA draft last night? I did not watch the NBA draft last night, I'm going to get in here while we're talking. Uh, I did not watch the NBA draft last night. Again, your boy was out in the yard, busting my hump, getting after it, doing the damn thing, and, uh, just trying to get this shit done. And my laugh was like, well, do you need to record the draft? I was like, no, nobody wants to, nobody wants to watch the draft. Nobody cares about watching the NBA draft. The two Frenchies went first like we thought, uh, that was going to kind of be the thing. That was the consensus. We looked at a mock draft yesterday and kind of thought that that would be the case. That went down, uh, like we thought. And then just like the first mock that we looked at, um, predicted, uh, the Rockets went out and did what the mock said they would do and er, got read, um, oh, who was it, read, um, oh shit, oh, I can't remember the dude's name. It was kind of like, and they made a trade by the way for AJ Griffin, which we'll get to that in a second, but, um, read, oh Jesus shepherd. Thank you. Read shepherd. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. He's a, he's a point guard out of, no, not just a read, he's a point guard out of Duke. Uh, no, uh, the point guard out of what Kentucky Duke, one of those schools that are blue. Um, I'll tell you what, the, the thing is this, this, yeah, the, the astronaut. This is not a very good draft. That's the problem. This was a very lackluster draft. This was a very, um, meh, draft, like this was, uh, this was a draft where no one, there wasn't a, well, first of all, there wasn't a guy like a webman Yama or a, there wasn't a guy where everyone was like, oh, you gotta add, yo, what up, maybe happy birthday, brother. This wasn't a, this wasn't a draft where you were like, oh, it's loaded. Look at all the, this wasn't a draft you're going to look back on and be like, man, I can't believe they got this guy and that guy and this guy and that guy. Yeah. Tony said, man, very meh, Caitlyn Clark would have gone number one last night. It's true. It's very true. In fact, this is so hilarious. Let me open up my Explorer window here. I want to show you a video. This is so funny to me. Um, oh my God, there's the larping videos from the other day. That was so funny. Lightning bolt, lightning bolt, lightning bolt, ooh boy, ooh boy, ooh boy. I need to say that hack to the video, make that a sound drop. Um, oh man, oh man, this, ooh we got to get to that too. That was fantastic. What in the save? I hate this so much. Um, they had a video of all of the, uh, the draft picks and some dude said, I feel like I could beat up 90% of this draft class. And y'all, I ain't going to lie. He's kind of right. You look at it and you're like, man, I, I kind of feel like that too. Um, let me, let me show you what I mean here. Let me add this real quick. Um, this, they just looking at them. And then when I say underwhelming, I mean underwhelming, uh, first of all, and they don't like, hold on, let me, out here, skinging the bags. Thank you for that offense, homie, much appreciated, sir. Uh, let's see, let me move this over. Okay. Here we go. This is, this is this year's draft class. Check out this video. Oh, you know what maybe, yeah, we'll do it here. That'll be fine. Check out this year's draft class, uh, look out, look out, look out, well, just look. Bro, is this this year's draft class or this year's spelling bee? Bro, somebody literally tweeted out a saying. Where was the dude that said it? So the NBA posted that video and said introducing the class of 2024. And they said that that's the NBA draft presented by State Farm. Um, and these were all the guys that could have been drafted. Donna said they're outfits. Awful Donna. Awful. I mean, first of all, first of all, this guy. Let's hold on before I talk too much shit. Uh, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy is, oh God, tell me that's not Reed Shepherd. Oh, thank God. I was like, please don't tell me that's the one the Rockets drafted. That nerd is like, well, guys, I'm sorry, um, I'm not going to be much help, but if anyone needs help with their homework, like, what the fuck? Jesus Christ, um, all right, well, the news out of the AP is rockets add elite shooter by taking Kentucky's Reed Shepherd at number three overall. So that's the good news. I honestly don't know shit about this class at all. Like I just didn't care, didn't know. And here is the, I'll have the, um, the info on the cat in a second, okay? But if you just look, what's up, Christopher Mina, Christopher Mina says, this looks like prom. It does. It does. This goes and they, uh, they look like they're all wearing their dad's suit to the eighth grade dance. Tony, Tony, the answer said they're built like total Dallas Tony, you ain't shit, man. Also Jesus Christ. That's so accurate because if you all seem told a dollars, he's tall and skinny. Although total Dallas isn't that nerdy, bro. These guys are so nerdy. Total Dallas, don't worry, bro. You don't look nearly this nerdy, man. I promise you don't. I promise you don't. They all built like total Dallas. Oh my God, it's so funny, dude. Oh Jesus. Oh my God, uh, all right. So just that's that. So that guy in the back that I believe. I think no, that's not Reed Shepherd. Reed has a tan suit though, like Reed has on a tan suit for the nights. I don't even make these on the, there goes Reed. That's Reed right there. God damn Reed needs a haircut. Jesus Christ Reed. What are you doing? That's Reed Shepherd right there. There's your next Houston rocket. He's the only one with the ball. Reed came to ball. All right, Reed came to play some ball. Everybody else, everybody else looks like they came to do math, solve some equations, do some spelling or, you know, get down on some Pythagorean Theorems. Reed's like, I came to shoot, I came to dribble, I came to do some ball. Okay. I came to ball. You motherfuckers can Pythagorean theorem all you want. I got this basketball in my hands. I'm ready to shoot. Yeah. Since a bull rock, what up homey? Hey man. You weren't here for it, but I wanted to say thank you for the shout out to the 82 viewers you had yesterday homey. Much appreciated on that man. That was very kind of you. And thank you to the three followers that followed yesterday as well. Much appreciated on that man. So we're just going over yesterday's NBA draft class and why they all look like nerds. Like, Oh my God, they all look like nerds. Brad said the Spurs are playing 3D chess while the rest of the NBA is playing Go Fish. Muhammad, the bone is 12 right now and we'll be there picking 2031. What up, Clarence? Hey guys, sorry, I'm late. I just wanted to be like Barry. Reed looks like he'll be in the second row in street clothes most of next season. I mean, apparently he's an elite shooter. Okay. So suck on that. He's the next Matt Bullard. You don't know. Hey, what up, Aaron? Aaron said, what up, deck heads? Sorry, I'm late. Works sucks. Hey, man. You're never late when you're here. Homie. You're never late when you're here. Oh, appreciate you since they bullroggy said absolutely always happy to spread the good word of Barry. Hey, my friend, much appreciated. It's funny that this draft class looks smart and was also the least hyped draft class in a while. Oh my God. That's what I'm saying, dude. I didn't know who the Rockets drafted. I didn't know shit about him. I didn't even know his name because I didn't watch the draft last night. My wife was like, do you need to record it and watch it? I was like, hell no, I don't care. I don't even know who these cats are. I didn't even know who the number one pick is until I read it yesterday. I couldn't pronounce it. It's like I don't know who this is. Oh shit. That's so funny. I don't get why his nickname is cocaine curry because he's white because he's white, Donna. He's cocaine curry. There's Steph Curry. He's the white Steph Curry. He's cocaine curry. That's how good of a shooter he is. He's apparently a deadly, deadly shooter. He got that deadly ass shooter eye. Now I'm interested. I didn't know his nickname was cocaine curry. Now, I just felt my pants move. Is that really his nickname, Donna? Donna. Oh man. Is his nickname really cocaine curry? Wait a minute. What? Oh man, what? Oh shit. Oh God. That's exactly what this team needed by the way. No bullshit. No bullshit. What this team lacked, what this Rockets team lacked more than anything, they have a plethora of athletic guys that can get to the basket. They did not have a guy that could just absolutely lights out shoot it, that they could rely on and count on to just, hey, no matter what. I mean, I know people are going to say, well, jail in green, bro, nobody trusted jail in green with that squirrely ass shot, nobody, there wasn't a guy on this team that you trusted to shoot, but if you're telling me that, that, what was it? Alan Shepard, Robert Reed, who maybe face read, read what, read who? If you're telling me read Shepard, is that is him? He is him. I'm in. Boy, I felt my pants move with Donna said cocaine curry, what, oh damn, daddy got a boner. God bless. All right. Hey Joe, bro. All right, well, let's, let's run the video. People are showing up. Let's run the video one more time for the class. This is your 2024 NBA class. Look at these nerds. Look at this. Look at this goofball. What? Come on, fam. Oh, yeah. Listen, you know what this looks like? Oh, can I roast? Should I roast them? I don't know. I don't know if that's appropriate. All of these dudes are going to be richer than me. They could all beat me up. This dude looks like he auditioned for color me bad and they were like, no, bro, but we have a spot on color me sad. Do you want to be on color me sad? He was like, no, I'm going to play basketball. Damn, look at the size of his hands though. Jesus Christ. They have to sew two gloves together for this dude. John Doria said, yes, roast him. My God. He does look like though. Danny. Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, bro. Joe, Joe, Joe said future millionaires. Yes, roast their ass. He does look like he dawdish. Okay. First of all, this dude is not, this dude is not, this guy is not a basketball player. He is their accountant. Just they didn't say that in the video. This guy is there to count all their money. All right. That guy right there, that's somebody's brother. That's just, that's somebody's brother. It's not a basketball player either. That's just somebody's brother that they let on stage. He was just like, Hey, that's cool. Check me out. Um, I don't know who the fuck this is. Very you NBA Twitter X coming after you like Astros Twitter. Oh, shut up. This is a ball, boy. This guy, you know what this guy looks like? It looks like he should be in Hawaii. Oh, that's funny. This guy looks, uh, oh, he looks like RoboCop. No, you know what this guy looks like? This guy looks like, uh, like if Dirk Novitsky had a kid, had an illegitimate son that was like, I'll show you dad, I'm going to make it to the NBA. Even if you don't acknowledge my existence. And he was like, I'm going to play, I'm going to play. And then he made it. And he's like, Nah, can't deny me now. And you know what that chain says? Fuck you, dad. That's what the chain says. He's like, I made it. I didn't need you. No versus my relay that old, all these dudes look 14. I know. Right? Joe, pro? Same, dude. Same. Yeah. This guy looks like he's just mad because Dirk Novitsky won't acknowledge his existence. Yeah. It looks like since he broke, says he looks like Dirk Novitsky and Ivan Drogo had a baby. He thinks he has a passage to the barbecue. Oh, no. No, definitely not. No, no. The complete opposite. I'm telling you, this guy, if you go into his garage, he has a bunch of tiki torches hidden. He was like, put that shit away, bro. It never happened. It never happened. Oh shit. This guy, man, this guy over here, this guy, I don't want to, I don't want to make a bunch of references that you guys aren't going to get. But the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this dude was, oh shit. Would you look at this? I'll be damn. One of the dudes from ABC is in the NBA now, Aisha at the playground, like he looks, I was good for him. You know what I mean? Good for him. He only got out of the group, stopped singing and stopped, you know, got out of the shadow of, of crisscross because they couldn't compete, got out of the shadow of crisscross, left ABC, got out from Michael Bivens and said, fuck it, I'm balling. So good for him. Good for him. That's D. It was ABC. This was D and he was like, fuck it, I'm going to the NBA. Good for him. Um, there we go. There's color me sad. Um, here we go. Holy shit. This out, damn. That jacket is, that jacket is sparkly. Amos says the youngest from ABC is like 39 now. Yeah. This is a roast. Ain't nobody trying to be accurate as fuck. Okay. Look at Amos. Amos over here, fat chicken motherfucker. Amos is over here with his fucking iPad and shit. He's like, well, Amos, Amos is that motherfucker showed up to a roast with well, actually. Well, actually, it says right here on Wikipedia, well, actually, well, actually Ivan Drogo and Dirk Mavitsky can't have a baby because men can't have sex and have babies. I mean, they can have sex, but men and men can't fornicate and have a baby. So that roast is not technically accurate. Wrong, wrong, well, actually, ABC would be 39 now. So wrong, well, actually, if you don't sit your ass down, Amos, I swear to God. I told Dustin actually Amos, we got to actually Amos up in his bitch. Oh, that's a funny shit, Jared said do any of these dudes weigh 200 pounds. That's funny. This dude was like, wait a minute, hold up, this ain't the voice. So you mean I don't get the audition? They're like, no, bro, you just got selected 17th overall. You're going to the NBA. No, somebody's going to hear me sing before we leave. Oh, bro, you made it. You're in the NBA. I'm singing before I get off this stage. No, bro, you're in the NBA. No, this is bullshit. I am supposed to be on the voice. I was told I didn't wear this glittery ass jacket for nothing. That charm is crazy, too. What is that? That looks like one of the marshmallows in Lucky Charms. What is that? We're roasting the NBA players. What up, mag? We're roasting all the NBA players that were drafted last night. That's the same, but wrong, he said he looks like he's already auditioned for dancing with the stars. Uh, his grandma dressed him. Now, baby, this your grandpa's suit. He would want you to have it. Here's his bow tie. Oh, baby, them pants don't fit. Let me take them in for you. Oh, you need to eat now, son. You need to have a little grandma make you a sandwich before you go to the little draft. You're going to be, you're going to get your little m, you're going to be in the NBA. Look at you, you're going to make a few dollars. That's don't hurt him, Hammer. Oh, that's hilarious. Oh, let's see. Told him that was that he got that chain from a gumball machine. Since he boroxed it, that's child number six out of 27 from Nick Cannon. Oh, shit, it's the breath. Uh, wait, God damn, hold up, who is this? Um, uh, hold up, that's, let's see, who is that? I don't even know who that is. That is definitely what, okay, worse on the suit, first of all. Yes. Yo, I know who this is. I know who this is. No, that's not Donald said Erkel. No. I know. Let me zoom in. I know exactly who this is. Why was my zipper down? Oh, I know why because when Donna said, uh, cocaine curry had to get one in, uh, very put your glasses in. It might be your kid. Hey, kiss my ass. That's true though. Uh, well, fucking you look 30. How do you look 30 and eight? What the fuck, how do you look 30 and eight? Come on, fam. Oh, that's so funny. Uh, you know what's crazy? I know who this is. Let me tell you something right now. I know exactly who this is. Look real close. Look real. That's Shannon doll. That's not Shannon's sharp. That's Shannon doll. I can tell right now. Look at him. Oh, little ass Shannon doll. That's who that is. I know right now. I can tell. Look at his face. Look at him. That is Shannon doll. That's who that is. Listen. Kip. I should not be in the NBA right now. I'm too damn small. Look how short he is compared to the other dude. Damn. Damn. Hey, you look like you could be your dad. You look like you could be your dad and your kid. Ah, that's some funny shit. He might be the first to get a ring. Oh, look at AJB bringing all serious shit. Aaron and Amos. Look at that. Aaron and Amos, Jesus. Getting all serious. Well, he might be the first one to get a ring. Pop. Look at his old young ass. Ring around the collar and I'm like, shit, Aaron, we're roasting Aaron. It's all in good fun. Cat Williams, kid. That's Kitty Williams. Look, there's the Frinci in the back. Oh, man. You know what's going to happen? As soon as they put that Frinci on the court, I give up, I give up. I do not want to play no more. I do not want to play. Aaron said he's a bucket-getter. He can't play deep or shit. Oh, man. Well, who drafted him? I don't even know who the fuck that is. What's his name? Who the fuck is that? Donna called him Urquell. That's some funny shit. He got Shannon Sharp's forehead. That's what he's Shannon Dole, bro. I swear, let me zoom in. He doesn't look like Shannon Sharp, though. Am I racist or what? Tell me that don't look like Shannon Sharp. Hold on. He got a Shannon Sharp vibe. A little bit, a little bit, skip, skip, listen, skip, skip. Oh, that's Rob Dillingham. I don't know who the fuck that is. I don't know who the fuck that is. Skip, listen, skip, skip. I think I can do that. That should be a skip, listen, skip, listen, both of you. This whole internet, fuck it with me. Joe Jose, Perry, you're off the hook now, Perry, is going to keep Amos and AJB confused. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Probably, they're both starred with A. Yeah, 100%. Oh, he was drafted by the Spurs, then taken by Minnesota. Oh, let's see, Rob Dillingham. Oh, he went to Kentucky. Oh, okay, great. Did he go back to school? Is that what it was? Oh, he played college basketball for Kentucky, he was a five-star recruit. Oh, let's see, doesn't say, doesn't say, Dillingham was second and eighth overall by the Spurs. However, immediately on draft night, he was traded. Oh, gotcha. He was selected eighth overall by the Spurs. Immediately on draft night, he was traded for a 2030 protected first-round pick swap and an unprotected first-round pick in 2031. What did the Spurs do it? That's crazy. Well, that's wild. Sorry, no Minnesota took to pay. Okay. That's crazy. They let Mars Blackman in the NBA. Oh, damn, damn. Clarence, Clarence, and he looks like a member of the LGBTQ+ community, fresh out of Brazil. Goddamn, Clarence, Clarence, what are you doing? Goddamn. What the fuck, Clarence? Oh, my God. Shit. Yeah, that's a good question since they bore up. Why would you want to pick six years from now? Spoons, I told you the Spurs are playing 3D chess. Yeah, I don't, that's a, that's a weird one. That's a weird thing. Yeah, that, that doesn't make any damn sense. Like I, that just, you know, other than the fact that it's a lengthy rebuild. Well, holy shit. The only thing I can think is they, the Spurs are looking at it as, okay, they have evaluated this draft class, the next, they've looked at like the next three or four draft classes, at least in college and been like, ah, there's nothing that impresses us over the next four. So we'll gamble with, you know, whatever comes out in five or six, and we could take six and move up to five if there's something impressive. So I don't know, maybe they just don't think there's anything impressive coming down the pipe. Total analysis, see just how long it takes when he's just to pop out. Um, yeah, no shit, man, rock, uh, rock has been built rebuilding for 30 years. Buckle up, gonna be a while, gonna be a while, uh, another next two years after what's supposed to be pretty solid. Oh, is it? Oh, well, we'll see. We'll see. Uh, let's keep rolling with the video, let's see who's next, there he goes, cocaine curry. Look at him. He's like, you damn right. If you don't take me, I'll roof at your daughter. What? Huh? That's what he looks like. He looks like, he looks like if he got arrested, he'd be like, do you know who my dad is? That's what he looks like. He's like, hey, do you know who my dad is? What? Oh, man, he looks like, he looks like he would be an asshole. Like his pairs, let him do anything. Cocaine Curry straight out of the book of Mormon, bro. Is he Mormon? Is he Mormon? Oh, that would not shock me at all. He already has three wives and two cheering already. Man, that's why he's balling. He had to learn how to shoot. Damn. Oh, let's see. I don't know at all. That's hilarious. Oh, let's do the do the do the do. Let's see. Here's the scouting report on the dude since we're here for all the Rockets fans in the chisette for all of the Rockets fans. Skig of the big. Dude plays D&D in his mom's basement. He'll be in Osteen's church before you know it. He's going to be a great real estate agent in a couple of years. I'd like to talk to you about your car's extended warranty. You know I was drafted by the Rockets. This is what the scouting report says about Mr. Reed Shepherd. He's just willing to borrow some shit here. Shepherd is a three point specialist with rare basketball instincts who had one of the most efficient off offensive seasons in recent college basketball history as a freshman at Kentucky. He's a good as weakness is. He's a good athlete but has an even wingspan that limits him as a finisher and traffic in a one on one defender. Despite a sparkling efficiency, he posted one of the lowest usage rates of any of the projected draft picks and at times is unselfish to a fault. White guys I swear to God. The verdict. Shepherd is coming off a remarkable season as he shot extremely well both off the catch and off the dribble came up with a huge volume of steals and blocks in spite of his limited length and also posted efficient numbers in nearly every category in between. It'll be fascinating to see just how effective shepherds unique blend of skill feel and instincts translates to the NBA level, NBA comps for top prospects. Now we got to go read why Shepherd has some Steve Nash to his game. Fuck you post draft analysis while the Rockets field a trade interest in this pick. They ultimately stood pat and selected a player that they coveted and Shepherd who most viewed as the top point guard prospect in the class. Shepherd's an unselfish playmaker and high level shooter who should help balance their lineup as their young players mature fit and well alongside. I'm in Thompson and Jalen green in the back court. Houston could still have a major move or two in store after acquiring draft assets from the nets on Tuesday. The imperative at number three became drafting the best player on the board and Shepherd couples fit upside nicely. So yeah, again, I do think, I do think, um, uh oh, I do think, let's get back here, I do think he gives high fives before the play. Hey buddy, you're going to be great. I do think that he, he, they didn't need a good, a good, uh, really good shooter. Like they, they really didn't need, they have a ton of athletes, the Rockets, but now this look right here, he's like, we don't need to condom. Look, it's just the tip. It'll just, just, just the tip, just for a minute, just to see how it feels. That's it. Okay, three chapters, definitely just the tip dude, uh, oh shit. Well we know who started the dice game in the back of the draft. It's called soaking. Yeah. For sure. I won't move it. I won't move it. Oh shit, sling blade got drafted. Look in the back left, holy fuck, someone drafted sling blade, I'm gonna bring some taters and dunk the basketball, we don't have a good time playing basketball, get some taters. Holy shit, someone drafted sling blade. This is fantastic because for being a set of users, strippers are going to eat that kid alive. Did you see the, who tagged me? Oh, Cisco. God damn, Cisco sent me the funniest fucking video. Oh Lord Jesus, look at all that ass. Oh, that's on the track. That's crazy. I was just looking at the rest. That was wild. Uh, was it Cisco? Did you, uh, oh, it was on my phone. Let's see. By the way, so we were right yesterday. See, he said he looks like Dan Marley. No, no, you don't look like Dan Marley. He looks like, no, he looks more like that dude from the goonies. Way more like the dude from the goonies. Um, dammit, where's that thing that Cisco sent me? Here you go. Oh, no, no, no, Cisco sent me the one where that dude was trying to burn a wasp mist. Who sent it to me? No, not total Dallas. Nope. Who sent me this damn reel? It was a reel where they were like, man, uh, the reed shepherd at the strip club at White News strip club. Oh, bugger, chew, what's up? Welcome here, ladies. Welcome in. Hey, bugger, chewed. Thank you for the ride. Thank you for the rain. Homie. Welcome in everybody. Welcome in. Thank you guys for riding, man. Uh, welcome in. This is Barry on deck. I'm your host, Barry Lavonack. Yo, chew, chew dog in the house. Sir, thank you for the rain. Big dog. Much appreciated. I hope your stream was good. Maine. What y'all stream about? What y'all stream about? Big dog? Hey, uh, Moss, can we get a shout out to book a chew, please? And, uh, deck heads, if you are already not following book a chew, first of all, what in the, are you doing with your life, dumbasses, second of all, uh, go give that man a follow, please, please, please go give that man a follow. Uh, we just talked, please, nice, uh, welcome in Raiders. Hey, do your boy a solid, please, and, uh, just hit refresh because when you raid, which is a ho, and they don't count you as viewers, I don't know why they do that, but if you hit refresh, um, then they, then, then you count, I mean, you count them my heart, and you know what I mean? You know what I'm saying? But, uh, if you hit refresh or Twitch will count you as a view, but mods, if you would please, um, give a shout out to book a chew, please, thank you, there you go. Um, and, uh, yeah, told it, I said on the eighth day he streamed hashtag book a chew. Yeah. Just roasting the 2024, um, NBA draft class, first round, we were just going to go through the video because somebody was like, I feel like I could beat up most of these cats. And then we started looking at it and it was like, yeah, I kind of do too. And then it just turned into a roast. So we're almost done with all the video of roasting everybody. We're, we're up to whoever these three cats are. Um, we determined that the dude in the back, the, the white dude on the back left is sling blade. Uh, so he's just going to have him some taters and shoots and baskets. Um, that dude on the right, I don't, you don't know who that dude is. He, he kind of looks like that guy, have you ever seen those videos? What's that, not videos, the, the portraits where, uh, it's the old man with the pitch fork and then the old lady, it's like a painting of a old farmer and his wife. That's what that reminds me of a little bit. So I don't know, uh, we got, let's see, ah, shit. It's over. Lenny Cravitz is in the NBA guys. Forget about it. Oh, damn. Wait a minute. No. That's not Lenny Cravitz, my bad. Uh, Potty Skipping. Total Dallas is on a row, you guys. Holy shit. Total Dallas is killing this roast. Total Dallas. What is you doing, baby? You ain't never been this funny. Oh my God. Total Dallas. Total Dallas said Potty Skipping? Let's go. It actually, it kind of looks like Justin Smollett, really. It does. Chelsea Smuller doesn't mean the NBA. Every time he gets found, he's like, "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! I didn't want my ass! Oh! And I found me so bad!" They're like, "Get up, Chelsea. It wasn't a foul. That's a technical for flopping. Get up, Chelsea." No! It was so bad! Oh! I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. Oh! Y'all come to my funeral. I'm dead. I'm dead. It was a foul. I'm dead. They're like, "Jussie, it wasn't a foul, bro. It wasn't a foul. You're fine. You're fine." Terence and Lionel Shrimpie. Oh! So funny! Right? Chelsea's like, "Oh! They found me! Chelsea, the game hasn't started yet. Huh?" Oh, it's not. No, bro. This is warm-ups. Oh! Yeah, your own team can't foul you. Oh, shit. Okay. My bad. I thought maybe, you know, yeah, you can't, you can't get fouled in the layup line. Oh, okay. My bad. Yeah, it was, you know, it was a thing. That's my fault. Oh my God, that's hilarious. All right, let's keep rolling. Who's that? Oh, shit. Now, now that dude that looked like that dude, now the white dude on the far left, now he looks like he does makeup at Macy's. Girl. Let me get them cheekbones up. Come here, girl. Come here. Come here, girl. Let me get them cheekbones up. Hurry up, though, bitch. I got a game. It starts at 7.30. Come here, bitch. Let me get them cheekbones up. It doesn't look like he does makeup at Macy's. It'll be like, "Girl, let me show you this new max shit that came in." Man, girl. I got some spicy rouge for you, bitch. Bitch. He looks sassy as fuck. Oh my God. That other dude, he looks kind of hit. Let's see. Oh, shit. It looks like somebody punched that dude in the face and it went, "Damn, he's got two different faces." The 60 goes, "I don't even know that much about makeup, Barry." What? Girl, you just don't pay attention. That's all. I listened to my wife when she talks about makeup. Am I my sister? Am I momma? His lisp has a lisp. Oh my God. This lisp has a lisp. It's funny, smooth. All right. This dude. Wow. That's a big ass chin, first of all. That's a lot of chin. He spits when he talks. This kid's chin started using his face. That's a lot of chin. That's a lot of chin. Got them. That's a lot of chin. That's an immaculate amount of chin. That is what he spits when he talks as funny as fuck. I just need to get to, I need to get to, I'm not worried about this dude or the dude with the lopsided face and the back left. I need to get to the lesbian comedian and the back right because she is staring at this white boy for some reason and she's mad. Why is this lesbian comedian right here? Why is this lesbian comedian right here so angry? This black lesbian comedian in the back right is mad. Yo, what up Vincent? Good to see you brother. How you doing buddy? We're roasting last night's NBA draft class. We found this video and somebody tweeted it out and said that they felt like they could beat everybody up. And so I was showing the video and then I was like, should I roast them? So I started roasting them and then the chat jumped in and the chat has been killing it. So we've just been roasting all the future NBA stars of tomorrow and just trashing them. So we're at this point now where I don't know who this, this lesbian comedian is but she looks angry. She looks very mad. I don't know. Let's see. Look, she's like, there's some bullshit. Am I moving on to the final round of America's Got Talent? I don't know. Oh shit. Would you look at this? I'm speaking up. What is his? Does his necklace say lick? Does his necklace say lick? Bruh. Does spoons at Ray J made the NBA? Bro, does his necklace really say lick? First of all? Oh wait, you know what that dude looks like now? When you get to this part? That dude with the afro? Uh damn. Who's that rapper out of Atlanta? Oh, is he the one that sees? I ain't never scared outside in the club. Was that one that Crusher or whatever? Was the one that big ass and he's like walking through the city with the big ass boots on? Who's that big fat dude out of Atlanta? Oh man. Oh, what's his name? Oh what the bone crusher? Yes, I ain't never scared. Yes. That's bone crusher. Bone crusher made it. Bone crusher. Yes. Bone crusher made it to the NBA, yo. Holy fuck. Bone crusher made it to the NBA. I'm so happy for him, y'all. Oh my god. I'm so happy for him. Hey JB, you the best. You made my dreams come true because if I couldn't have remembered this shit, I'd have been so mad. Oh shit, y'all. Bone crusher made it to the NBA. Watch out now. Oh shit. Y'all don't believe me, do you? You don't believe me, huh? Don't make, don't make me lie. Bone crusher. What? I told you it's him. He is him, y'all. He is him. I told you. Holy shit. That is so funny. He is him. Hold on. Let me get back to it. Let me get back to it. Here we go. There we go. Let me cut over. There we go. Now I'm just gonna, uh, I gotta save it. How do I get that over there? Let's see. Oh, that's got to be bone crusher. It's got to be bone crusher. It's so bone crusher if I've ever seen bone crusher. Oh, it's definitely bone crusher. It's definitely, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Tell me, tell me that's not bone crusher. Oh, cause I'm outside in the club and they think I'm a man. That's totally up. I don't give a shit what y'all say. Bone crusher made the NBA. And I'm happy for him because his rap career was flangely. He was a one hit wonder. Damn, damn, this, damn. This is, it looks like Brittany Griner. Damn, damn. Oh, dude, what is that? Is that the baby or little baby? With the lick necklace. Oh my God. Why does this necklace say lick? I just need to know that. Oh my God. He's like, lick. Say it, man. Your boy done got drafted. I didn't hit a lick. Oh my God. Clarence said, don't you dare disrespect bone crusher. Fat dudes stick together. I should have known. I should have known. I should have known. Fat dudes stick together. I'm going to tell you who this is up front. Y'all y'all are tripping. Y'all are tripping. I'm going to tell you exactly who that is. That's Terence Trent Darby. Wishing well. That's this motherfucker about to sing Wishing Well for the whole draft class. Y'all don't even know. That is definitely Terence Trent Darby. He is about to sing Wishing Well. Oh, what? Damn. Look at this guy. Damn. Oh, this, he's not in the NBA. He is not. This dude is just, that's just somebody's. It's just somebody's. That's just somebody's homie. Just like this is somebody's accountant. This is just somebody's homie. Okay. Somebody brought the accountant. Somebody brought the homie. That's all that is. I don't know what this dude in the purple is. Yeah. That's Terence Trent Darby. Sing a Wishing Well for folks. Bone crusher showed up. Who's that dude in the back? I don't know. That's, I can't really see. That's Robert Griffin the fifth. I can't really tell his face. He planned on going to Minnesota in the purple. Damn. Yo, this dude. These necklaces are huge. And these suits are awful, man. Oh my God. You know who this last dude looks like? That dude right there. You know what? Lorenz Tate. Now this dude definitely works security at the crack house in New Jack City. 100%. 100%. I remember the scene. I remember him. He was standing out front. I remember the scene. He would just, he would just stand out front. Right there when they would, they would cut and all them bitches would be butt naked, bagging up cocaine with no tops on. And he would just, New Jack City. Go look it up. I'm telling you. That's him. That's him. That is definitely security guard in New Jack City. I know it when I see it. Spoons said this guy stole my lunch money. Man. He looks scary in his book. Somebody, somebody, somebody definitely, somebody, total toss of the list. This last guy's a 10 year vet. He just got drafted again. They're like, sir, you can't enter the draft again. What? Bitch. Say I can't. They're like, okay, you can, you can go get drafted again. It's fine. Zion re-entered. The draft is a lighter version. You think that looks like Zion? Jared Taylor said is Zion, I don't know. Zempic. Y'all think that looks like Zion? Oh, I don't think so. Mints warehouse TV spot. Bro, that jacket. His buttons are in his balls. Like your buttons ain't supposed to be that low, bro. I don't know a lot. I know more about makeup than I do about suits, obviously, but play. I don't think your first button is supposed to be at your belly button. I don't really think that's how suits work. I don't really think your first button is supposed to be at your dickhole, fam. I don't. Vincent. It looks like Lamar Jackson. It looks like Jamar Laxson. Oh, that's so funny. Oh, Zion's never been that thin. No, Zion wasn't even that thin in the seventh grade shit. Oh my goodness. This was fantastic, you guys. Look at us. Look at us. Look at us impromptu roast of the 2024 NBA draft class. Who planned that? Fucking nobody. It just happened, guys. Give yourselves a round of applause, ladies and gentlemen. Come on. That's what makes this show so damn fun. Come on. Let's go. That was fun as shit. So much fun. Didn't know that was going to happen. Had no idea that was going to happen. That was a hell of a lot of fun. Totally not say clip and share. Oh my God. Hell, we're all in trouble. All in trouble. Oh, good times. And then I'll be like trying to get a job and they'll be like, nope. Spoons that I'd like to thank Total Dallas and me. Oh, oh, you. Oh, you carry the roast spoon is that. I'm going to tell you right now. Total Dallas killed it. Spoon. You did good. Total Dallas killed it. Spoon. You did. No, bro, you killed it. I'm not lying. Y'all give it up for Spoon and Total Dallas. Then boys. Then boys did the damn thing, man. No, Spoon. You absolutely did. You boys killed it. You boys absolutely killed it. I love it, man. Everybody got some shots off, man. Everybody got some shots off. This is fantastic. You boys killed it. Everybody did. That was fun. You guys killed everybody. Lots of fun. Potty skipping was amazing. Potty skipping was so much fun, man. Oh, good times, Shaq. Good times, indeed. How are we going to follow that? We should just call it a show. All right. That's it. Well, I'll see you guys. July 8th. That's a kid. We're not doing that. Yeah, we had a whole hour to go. No, you guys definitely both deserve that. No, Total Dallas. Don't you, don't you dare. Don't you give it all to Spoon, sir. You deserve that. And Spoon, don't you dare. You boys share it equally. You hear me? You hear me? You boys share that trophy. What the fuck that is? All right. Oh my God, Vincent, you missed the first half. So much fun. So much damn fun. Hey, real quick, uh, before we get into a couple more things, actually. Yeah, let's just do this real quick. Um, I'm going to do some good news. Take a break because I do need to go do. I told you guys, I had a couple chores. I got to get done before, before tonight. If you're in Houston and you want to come hang out. Don't forget. That's not a maybe. What's up, memesters? How you doing, sweetie? It's good to see you. Don't forget tonight. I will be at the Houston improv. If you are so inclined to come hang out, I will be hosting for Chris Porter. There you go. Right there. Chris Porter. We've got five shows this year. Not late, Mimi. You're never late when you're here. You know the rules. Even I said that I miss out on any sports headlines. No, I didn't do any sports headlines. There were, I mean, we can, I didn't make a slide for it. Um, there were some on, uh, uh, ESPN that I can go over. But no, I didn't make a slide for it just because I just didn't get to it today. So, uh, but yeah, I'll be hosting at the Houston improv this weekend. Chris Porter, first show is tonight, uh, at 730. And then we've got two shows tomorrow night and two shows Saturday night. So 730 tonight, 730, 945 tomorrow night and 7 o'clock and 930 on Saturday. So five shows, Chris is hilarious. I mean, absolutely hilarious. I need to go find like, uh, a clip of his, um, and just show you because he's the best, the nicest guy and just amazingly funny. So you don't want to miss it. Um, because yeah, he's freaking amazing, freaking hilarious. And I don't know why I'm choosing not to cuss now. I don't, I don't know why now was the time when I was like, oh, now I'm going to say freaking. Uh, what the heck can you make it and early? I have an 810 tea time in Lake Jackson. What? What is it? Uh, when's your tea time? What day? Cece, go to the early show. Definitely don't go to the late shows. Early show Saturday is the best show. Yo, Vincent, love you buddy. Love you. Oh, in the, oh, in the show early tonight. Oh shit. No. Oh God, no. No, I'll be done early. I'm going first, Cece. So I go first and then there's a feature and then Chris. But yeah, did you see that chick that flashed her boob at the other's game landed a playboy shoot? I did not. I did not. Yeah. Clarence, I did. We talked about that. They traded the 44th pick to Atlanta for AJ Griffin. Who is what? First round pick in 2022 out of Duke, I believe. It wasn't really a starter in Atlanta. It was just a guy. So not really a huge move, but the rockets weren't going to do anything with that 44th pick to begin with. So Tony said, I need to flash my boobs. I need some extra money. I mean, Tony, there's always feet picks. Yeah, marks that I brought it up the other day. Yeah. Yeah. Jared, catch up. Hey, man, peace and love to you, Vincent. Thanks for hanging out, brother. Hey, by the way, Vincent, don't forget, nor his birthday, July 2nd. Just in case. Let's see. Do, do, do, do, do, I. Um, what? Oh, so the draft already started. No, the second round's already started, uh, Titan Hugo. Apparently. Second round is in progress. Let's put this over here. Why do I have so many winners open? She's Louise. Close. Close. God. Okay. Uh, here we go. Nobody gets someone's food to watch soccer. Even if I said, do you want the link for the YouTube video, Japan versus USA under 20 football game highlights? It was mentioned on the Pat McAfee show. I heard about that. I heard about that. Uh, the under 20 football game where Japan beat USA. It's crazy. It should not happen. It should not have happened. It's crazy. Um, I don't need the link. I don't. Let's see. Hold on one second. Oh shit. Look at it. Our boy Reed guys. Our boy Reed got a little muscle on him now. Hold up. What up player? What y'all know about Reed? That boy Reed got some some muscles. Uh, let's see. Hold on. Hold on. Uh, this is what is going on here. Open the new tab. NBA draft rounds round two. There we go. So Phillip Housekey went second in the first round or second round. Um, okay. So Veronica James hasn't gone yet. That rocket's pick has now the Hawks pick and the Lakers have a 55th pick. So. Yeah. We'll see if Ronnie James lasts that long. We shall find out. But yeah, he didn't go in the first round. As I mentioned yesterday, I didn't think he would. I think that yeah, the Lakers probably take him that late in the second round just because it's LeBron James's kid. And you're going to do that. He's a project because you saw they had the 14th pick in the first round, right? No, the 17th. What? Yeah, they had the 17th pick in the first round. They're not drafting LeBron James's kid. They're not drafting Bronnie James at 17. A lot of people were saying that. It's like, no way. He's not worth that. He's just not doing that. That would have been foolish. You'd have wasted a whole draft? Nah. I know this wasn't a great draft, but it's easy to set up. That's what cocaine does. Don't show that embarrassment. Yeah. Okay, Japan, y'all caught us off guard once before and look what happened. Oh, damn heart drop. It was a trending topic yesterday. Spoon, I feel bad for these high school seniors in college, freshmen of the USA team. Oh, that's true. Amos and our best under 20 football players are on someone's campus and training camp. Maybe so Amos, but even our second and third and fourth best should you would think should still be able to go and beat Japan's best. Now, look, I don't know. I would have to watch it. Lakers just want the father son media coverage like play in celebration. I don't know about that as much total Dallas. I think the Lakers want to draft Bronnie James because they want LeBron James to stay committed to the Lakers. I think that's the big thing. If that's their plan because they think they can win with Bronnie James, then that's the big thing. But I promise you this and it's just like I mentioned yesterday and a lot of people maybe don't believe me or don't see it, but he's just not an NBA player. He's a project at best and people don't believe that. But yeah, he's if he goes, it's going to be because the Lakers draft him because his dad's a Laker. That's it. No one else is going to draft LeBron James or Bronnie James in this draft. I promise you. Nobody else on the board is drafting Bronnie James unless who was the other team? Phoenix? The only I think Phoenix and the Lakers worked him out. I think that was it. But anybody that's drafting Bronnie James is drafting him because they think they have a shot to sign a LeBron James. That's it. Yeah. Amazon if the Lakers really wanted a shot, a shit show they would have drafted Bronnie at 17. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So. Oh yeah. He'll go. That's interesting. Wouldn't happen though. I don't think where's the next pick that you go say Cleveland to try to lure him back. I don't think so because he would have to want to go back. So I doubt I don't even know that they have a pick. Doesn't look like they do. I mean, if he doesn't go 55, he ain't going. Well, why is there like 28 picks in the second round? What the heck? Somebody lose their second round picks? Interesting. So the Rockets don't have a pick in the second round. Oh my goodness. Oh, the drama. Oh, the drama. Here's some of the sports headlines. Where was it? Oh, there was that was interesting. It was a hockey one. Oh, there was a couple others. Let me see. Yeah, I can't find it now. Damn it. Well, I need to listen to this real quick. Uh, oh. All right, hold on. I want you to watch this video. Oh, wait, I downloaded it already. Okay. All right, I'm going to show you this. I got that video. Close that. Okay. All right, we're going to take a quick break. Yo, what up? Shot. Good to see you, Bill. Uh, I need to I need to watch this video real quick. Can you hear that? Uh oh, the Lakers are taking him. And as a rich Paul said, he wouldn't mind if he went undrafted so he could find the best fit. But he said, Bronnie wants to hear his name called. Well, great. So do a lot of people. So do a lot of kids, but a lot of kids don't get the luxury of having their dad being LeBron James. So tough shit, kid. Um, okay, a couple things real quick. Gonna take a quick break. Gonna come back. I got a couple of cool videos for you. And then a couple of topics we need to get to. But first and foremost, before we go any further. Spoon. Can we send a second chance you team to take on Japan? Spoon. Brother, I wish I had the, I got so many damn drops that I need to get programmed into my iPad. I wish, I wish. Oh, do I not have it? Oh, damn it. I don't have it. Oh, I thought I had downloaded, uh, NBA jams. He's on fire. You are on fire spoon. God damn, you're killing it today. You guys give it up for spoon. It's fucking killing it today. Spoon, sir. Won the award for best chatter of the day today, bro. And total analysis is a close second, but you are fucking on fire spoon. Jesus Christ. Spoons just killing it. I mean killing it. All right. Real quick. I just want to say, congratulations to a fantastic young lady who is the daughter of a friend of the show. And she actually, we found out about Maddie during the show. Uh, this is Brandon Gary's niece, Maddie. And she was diagnosed with leukemia in early 2022. And she just rang the bell. Uh, and she just rang the cancer free bell at Texas Children's Hospital, which is huge. There was a big celebrations, a big celebration for her in port niches last week. So shout out to Maddie and mom and dad. And, uh, that is a picture of her oncologist. That is our oncologist in the picture, I should say. So, uh, congratulations to Maddie. Uh, fighting the good fight. Congratulations to her and, um, uh, congratulations to the family and to Brandon Gary and crew and, um, just a, uh, fantastic job to her and the doctors and the folks at Texas Children's and everybody involved. And I can't even imagine having to go through that. I can't imagine having to fight that fight. Um, and the strength and courage that that young lady had to have to endure that fight at that age. I want to say Donna, she, she was three two or three when she started and, and, uh, when she was diagnosed, she's five now. I mean, the most of us at our age in the 40 30s, 40s and 50s wouldn't have the strength and commitment that this young lady at three, a two at two. Donna said two that this young lady had to fight this. So Maddie, I know you're not listening. It's okay. I just want you to know that, uh, I'm proud of you that all of us on this show that watch it and are a part of it are proud of you. Uh, we're happy for you. We're happy for your family and, uh, good on you, girl. We're proud of you and, and good for you and, um, way to go. And Donna said she had 889 days of treatment, 889 days of treatment. I can't even imagine what a fighter, what a warrior. That's amazing, Maddie. Amazing. You go, girl. Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable, Maddie. Absolutely unbelievable. You want to talk about strong? You want to talk about committed? You want to talk about tough? We should all be as tough as Maddie. Shoot. We should all be as tough as Maddie. Good job, Maddie. I'm proud of you, Maddie. Well done. Well done indeed. All right. Had to get that in. I wanted to make sure that we got that in. Donna, thank you for bringing that to my attention. I was, uh, I was unaware of it. I knew, I knew when, uh, she was diagnosed, uh, Brandon Gary had brought it to my attention back when she was diagnosed. I had brought it up on the show. I was not, um, nobody brought it to my attention that she beat it. So fantastic. So thanks for bringing it up, Donna. Everybody brings it up when they need to do fundraisers, but nobody catches me up with, when that's a good news. So thank you, Donna. Uh, when we come back, we've got about 45 minutes left in the show or so. Jared says she looks tougher than the 2024 NBA draft class. I love it. Jared knows fantastic, dude. Oh my God. Oh my God, dude. Oh, Jesus Christ. That was fantastic. Uh, when we come back, a couple of things for you. Um, I got a video I want you to watch of a speaking of amazing youngsters. Now I know our under 20 football team got their ass whooped by Japan, but I have a video that I saw on Instagram of a 16 year old kid, but really probably shouldn't be called a 16 year old kid. He is competing in the Olympic qualifiers running against grown ass men. And in this video, I don't know what the outcome of the finals was, but in this one particular video, well, you're just gonna have to see it to believe it. And I also will have for you, according to EA sports, the makers of college football 25, the top 10 toughest places to play in college football. We'll discuss and debate that and see if you agree. And, um, for those of you here in Houston, some of you may not give a shit. Shock. That's so funny. We should have sent Bishop Sycamore. Somebody said, yeah, we should have sent last, uh, last chance. You, um, we'll take a look at the DJ screw collection that the Astros released. Get your thoughts on it. I'll give you my thoughts on it. And, uh, the first one is BS. What do you mean, Skiggity big? That wasn't true. The video? Wait a minute. Is that real? Wait a minute. Now I gotta look it up. Oh, oh, I thought you met the... I was like, damn. I was like, are you telling me that that was a damn lie? Okay. No, it's all yeah. Okay. Well, way to give away number one, asshole, Skiggity bigs. All right. When we come back, we're going to do all that. Uh, and I've got some other things. We're probably not going to get to it, but I had the body language for dogs. We can get to that later. Um, and then we probably not going to be able to get to it, but... Yeah, we're not going to have time. So we have that controversial topic about, uh, young lady came out and said that, um, well, the new coach at the Lakers, she said, I've only been called the n-word once to my face in my life. And it was by a white man who was now the head coach of the Lakers. So if we have time, we'll get to that too. I doubt it. I doubt it. Um, but we got a lot of shit to cover. So I wanted to get Maddie in before we got to anything else, and we did that. So, let's take a quick break. When we come back, we're going to do, is there a DJ screw version of sitting on the corner doing dope? Uh, no. I don't have a chopped and screwed sitting on the corner doing dope, unfortunately. But we're going to take this break and then come back and we're going to get to all of that. So, uh, and once again, I want to thank everybody for the thankful Thursdays and, uh, supporting the show. So, uh, appreciate Donna and P P Dubs and CC and Sylvia and, uh, yes. Thank you. Thank you, Dubs. Thank you, Donna. Thank you, CC. Thank you, Sylvia. Appreciate you guys supporting the show. Thank you to everybody that subs. Thank you to everybody that sent in bits. Love you guys. Appreciate you guys. All right, take a quick break. We'll be back right after this. This is Barry on deck. I'm your host, Barry Lavenak. Don't go anywhere. We'll be back shortly. I'm going to do some quick chores. Grab a Diet Coke, you poop pee, whatever you do during the break and we're back. Don't go nowhere. I got your beach. Go in. There you go. There you go. There out here sharing marijuana. Look at here. There you go. 'Cause I ain't known as yes people from last week. (upbeat music) ♪ I do my shit ♪ ♪ I do my shit ♪ ♪ I do my shit ♪ ♪ I do my shit ♪ ♪ I do my shit ♪ ♪ I do my shit ♪ ♪ I do my shit ♪ ♪ Order doing doubt, order doing doubt ♪ ♪ Order doing doubt, order doing doubt ♪ ♪ Order doing doubt, order doing doubt ♪ ♪ Order, order doing doubt, order doing doubt ♪ ♪ Right now we got this, order doing doubt ♪ Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! 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Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Right now we got damn corner doing so! Thank you guys for re-subscribe and truck driver Pookie and Steve-O! Aggressively fat Steve-O! Thank you guys for that! And thank you all for the bits! It was 1,532 bits man! You guys are the titties! I appreciate you! Joe Rose said I'm bad about being eerily quiet, apparently! Well! My wife did that shit on purpose! I was like what the fuck are you doing home? She's like I told you I had the doctors okay well fuck! You could have announced your presence! No I'm out here walking around and then you hear me talking to myself at least I wasn't talking shit about her Thank God! Jesus that scared the fuck out of me man! But thank you guys for the high train Yes wall said a bitch I come back and your ass is leaving well I mean You know it's her birthday And her anniversary has never changed It's always been on the same two days Steve-O thank you buddy! Appreciate the two bits on me Spoons that I'm fat but sneaky Hey that is a thing And now you're a trans-streamer *laughing* Yo shit! Steve-O! What in the fuck! What in the fuck! God damn it Steve-O You know what you didn't get it in on the hype train bro But there you go this is a little nipple for you fam 5,000 bits Steve-O! Sir! I'm calling for Gosh did he dog it sir! Steve-O thank you homie I'm gonna treat the wife to a nice steak dinner with that now Pay the light bill Steve-O thank you buddy That was very kind of you man Much love homie Thank you for the hundred babies! Oh my gosh Steve-O what are you doing!? What are you doing!? Steve-O! Steve-O I lost a damn mind you guys Holy shit! Steve-O I don't even know where the button's the bro Oh my gosh! Steve-O's trying to get a new hype train going Holy shit Steve-O's taking over the show Welcome to Steve-O on deck Steve-O thank you buddy Holy fuck Steve-O that's 500 more bits right there Steve-O is freaking the fuck out! Thank you Steve-O you the best man I appreciate you buddy Thank you for the NFL to pay 4.7 billion for Sunday ticket antitrust case Oh my gosh! Thank you for the 30 Steve-O! Steve-O just crazy! 30 more bits! Gotcha Steve-O You're the man sir Sir I feel like Steve-O got his FEMA check Oh they giving out FEMA checks? Hold up! Hold up! Steve wasn't having slips since Saturday night Why bro? Why? What have you been doing? Wait is it Thursday? Why haven't you slept since Saturday? Bro wait no pause pause why? Oh what? Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Why are you an ICU? Hold up fam Hold up stop all the foolishness Why are you an ICU Steve-O? I think Barry owes Steve-O a very special car right Shut up Joe-Pro Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! No you're not ruining the vibe What's up man? Hanging out with cocaine curry What no for real what's up Steve-O? Uh that no man No you're not ruining the vibe What's up man? Why are you an ICU damn? Oh shit Uh he said his wife almost died Damn man listen homie I've been through that with the with the pops Man that's that's how we ended up here Yeah That's some scary shit man Let me tell you right now Demoto went through that I would do that with my dad That's that's some scary shit man I feel that I feel that in my bones bro I feel that in my bones man Is she Is she Showing signs of recovery? I mean yeah Steve-O said I went through it with my dad last year Is she showing signs of improvement at all? Oh fuck Damn brother Cesar in a brain aneurysm God damn man Fuck man Well homie My heart goes out to you man Um Just know that you know Those doctors and nurses man The ICU I tell you what I didn't know this man But uh those folks care I do know that I don't know if we got lucky with my dad But I just felt like those folks in the ICU man They did everything they could To try to save my dad's life Everything So you know If your wife isn't gonna have a chance man She's in good hands So uh my heart goes out to you I've been through this I know you've been through this with your pops brother I couldn't imagine I could not imagine You know my brother with Nora So my heart breaks for you I love you Uh hang in there You know if you need to bend your ear brother Hit me up Um you know you got my DMs and all that shit Slide in You know what I mean? Message me bro That sucks Um that's a tough That's a tough thing to deal with And go through so My heart breaks for you man If I can come back from death Your wife can overcome this And that's true, he did We almost lost Demodah man We really did Um and Demodah said those people in ICU are incredible And they are They really are Um and Demodah actually beat Type 1 diabetes So there's Miracles happen every day man I mean so don't lose hope and don't lose faith Hang in there brother You know I'm not a religious man But I, you know, have faith And you know Whatever you believe in Hang on to that and believe in that Alright So um This is Classic's Divo disappear To work his ass off It shows us to be ridiculously generous And keeps his GTSS to himself Right? Yep Totally agree, Joe bro Demodah, what's the update On the leg sitch Are we getting a pirate as a deckhead or what? Demodah hasn't updated us, for those of you that don't know Demodah GTSS means going through some shit That's a one of the deckhead Buried on deck vocabulary words Going through some shit GTSS So it's one of the things like when we're When one of us is You know dealing with things GTSS, we're going through some shit It's a thing We have folks that all the time Because the community is so big It seems like we always have at least one of us Who is GTSS I know a couple of us right now Our GTSS, Demodah Is kind of perpetual GTSS Because we're waiting to see If he's going to lose his leg or not So he might be our resident pirate I know Steven the weather guys A little GTSS right now Now Steve-O is GTSS We found that out So Demodah said I hope Might have to cut the leg off myself Oh fuck, no No no no no no No brother Brother no I think I have that drop Brother no Oh damn it Do I not have it? Ooh brother Ooh there it goes Wait Ooh Brother Ooh Don't cut me off What's that? What's that brother? Don't cut me off brother Ooh Well, hang in there Demodah Hang in there Is that spoon in his profile pick? We need a spoon versus Clarence wrestling match Tony, here's a legend dig Okay, we got 15 minutes left I got some shit to get to Because my raggedy ass wife Derailed this whole goddamn show Um No, that's not a third leg Cisco, that's not how that works Okay Uh, Cisco said fuck GTSS This group is full of good people That don't deserve it And I'm right there with y'all At least this anti-depressants Kicked in today Yes You need help Demodah Remember I'm down the road I'll bring this all Goddamn try it What I'm trying to have a boogie That's the thing I would love to say that I love this group because we help I love that we would help each other But bro Steve Let me go put some pants On my wife's nurse Just fuck Steve, you are full You are a fucking fool This is what I love This is what I love about us Alright, this is what I love about this show This is what I love about this community As even though we're all dealing with some crazy shit, right? Demodah Has been the best about losing a leg He has, like, embraced it He's, like, I want to be a pirate Fuck this leg, I just want it off I want, you know what I mean? Like, he's embraced it And he can joke about it At first, everybody was like And then I was making jokes about it And he was in on it And now everybody else is cool with it And Steve was, like, oh shit, here comes the nurse Let me put my pants on, like I love it, you know It's, I've always been that way And dealing with my problems And I'm glad you guys can do that, too Because sometimes It's the best way to deal with it Is to laugh at it Uh, it's a beautiful thing, man So I love seeing that Sometimes it's all you can do He's either laugh at it or cry about it You're either what? Um, you should truly live Okay, let's get to our shit, guys We've got to get to this before Because I want y'all to see This video This is some dope ass shit Y'all know I'm a sap I'm a sap for, uh Really cool shit Ugh, but the ugh This is the dopest thing I saw This week Oh shit, no, I didn't mean to open that Um, check out this video Now, this is a video Ugh, actually, I'm just gonna let the dude tell the story Excuse me, that shot got me Thanks a lot Hype train Uh, oh, Lord Jesus, that's a lot Uh, I'm gonna let the video Tell the full star Oh Ooh That's fine But, uh, but Oh, I guess I should do it over here No, it'll work here Yeah, it'll work here Alright, check this out This is a really dope video Now, I need you to pay attention Uh, look at your screen And listen, there is some curse words involved I did listen Dude doesn't say the N word Thank goodness, don't want that on the channel But watch this video, this is really cool I did google it I have a video, or an article I said, this is real So, check it out Y'all, y'all not hip to my boy Quincy Wilson Y'all need to tap in right now This young man is 16 I repeat 16 years old Y'all see my boy Crispy, the waves on it We tryna get the Paris, that's the gold I got him going up against these old ass bald motherfuckers Shout out Vernon Norwood He's twice Quincy Wilson's age Bro, didn't bend through some shit, he been running all his life Let's get to this fucking money Let's go Quincy, it's time to qualify I promise you that won't be the last time Quincy Wilson makes history Let's tap into this race, why are they even showing this dude? We ain't come to see him, Joe that young goat, man, stop playing They got the arrow in the name tag over him already They know what time it is, they know what we came to see Come and be honest with you, right now, it's not looking great But it's cool though, cause we got that closing speed on the back end We ain't worried about none of this 16 years old, my boy trying to get to the Olympics Before he can drive a car And come on, Q, turn it up, it's about that time Cause I don't like the way it is looking right about now But like I told you earlier, we got that closing speed Time to really get this thing going Watch how he hawks all these grown-ass motherfucker Look, you can't even see him right now Oh, it's time to turn on that Watch how he goes from not qualifying to qualifying In a matter of seconds Breaks the under 18 world record with a 44.59 Makes it to the finals one step closer to Paris, baby Hey, you gotta love the Olympics, baby, it's about that time And Quincy Wilson is next up That boy Vernon Norwood had to dapp him up like, yeah, you that deal I'm saying 20 more meters would have been over for everybody At 16, that boy out there with no fear As fast as shit That's crazy Dude is 16 years old And is out there running with those grown-ass men That was the Olympic qualifiers It was out there running with them grown-ass men This is the article I found on Yahoo! Quincy Wilson, a viral six-year-old track phenom from Washington D.C. Nearly qualified for the Paris Olympics He came in sixth in the finals So that race that you saw got him to the finals The finals He came in sixth with a time of 44.94 During the 400-meter finals at the U.S. Olympic Trials A track of fields on June 24 Three consecutive sub-44s is just amazing All I know is I gave it everything I had And I can't be disappointed at the end of the day I'm 16 running grown-man times Wilson broke a significant record during the trials On June 21 he ran a time of 44.59 in the semifinals Setting a new world record for under 18 runners I've never been this happy day in my life when it comes to track I've been working for this moment That record I broke two days ago That's 42 years of nobody being able to break that record I broke it twice in two days It means a lot to me because It means that our work is paying off That's crazy 16-year-old could still be picked for the 4x400 relay You never know what to expect with the U.S.A.T.F He told U.S.A. today On June 24 Quincy Hall took the first spot with a time of 44.17 A head of Michael Norman at 44.41 And Chris Bailey at 44.42 Norman gave Wilson some words of encouragement And congratulated him on his achievement At 16-year-old, a 16-year-old is going out there Competing like a true competitor He's not letting the moment get too big He's living in the moment competing So it's great to see young talent like himself elevate Push us to run a little faster and take us out of our comfort zone He has a bright future in front of him You think? You think? *sigh* That's crazy That's crazy Because at first I was like what was Scavy big Said that first was not true I was like what? The 16-year-old that's not true Um, yeah, it's true The record he broke was 42 years old And dudes out there running with grown ass men I didn't know that That was crazy Um So, what does it say? Uh-oh Jared said I just got home neighbors I have a goddamn bee company out We got motherfucking bees Oh hell no *laughs* Joe was like, ain't that wrong with bees? You be cool? They be cool Mm-mm New, um, spoonset, um, America See, that's the athletes we have Not their under 20 football team Exactly Exactly Um *laughs* Poonset and my damn kid Is out on the basketball court Prancing in circles That's wild, dude And so, they say he literally I guess he still has a chance to be picked For the 4x400 relay Because when you think about it If he finished sixth in the In the finals The qualifier finals Then In his heat, I guess You know, when he finished Or when he made it to the finals I don't know There's a chance he could still be picked Who knows? I guess it would depend on Who's running what and would they be Would they have enough Guys and would they be too tired Or would they be able to run So that's a pretty wild thing Dude To think that USA track and field Could have a 16 year old kid Competing in this year's Olympics in Paris is wild And dude can run It's not just like it would be Just a "oh, isn't that cute?" So that was one thing. Other than think I wanted to get to Before we get out of here EA Sports dropped there Um Top 10 toughest places To play in college football *laughs* You don't even work here Flip's fired. Yeah, Flip, what are you doing? Yo, what up, you're Ryan Crete Gonna see you, homie Thanks for popping in, fam Flip trying to get everybody Flip getting everybody fired up Good show, B. That means that the show's over That means that it's 5 till 5 And I need to wrap it up Flip's the 5 minute producer *clears throat* And it pisses everybody off 'Cause it reminds me that the show's over If only Flip would get here Early and remind me to start the Goddamn show on time Um So this Is Hold on This is Jeopardy Let me reset this bullshit There we go Okay Pucked all that up Yep, missed that up This is the toughest places to play According to EA Sports I really can't see the shit I gotta zoom in My old eyes is playing tricks on me Let me crop this bullshit I don't know what's going on with this Goddamn slide, yo, my bad I don't know what's happening over here I don't know what in the fuck There we go, we'll just do this How about that? Huh? How about that? I don't know what's happening right now Everybody, I'm losing my shit I'm losing my Goddamn mind How about that? And that We'll just move this over here Uh, they say Cowfield is the toughest place To play in college football Skiggity big called bullshit He didn't already call bullshit Um That's the number one toughest place To play in college football According to EA Sports College football, 25 Is, uh, all in the SEC Number four is Ohio Stadium At Ohio State Number five is Samford Stadium In Georgia Number six is Beaver Stadium For Penn State, number seven Camp Randall Stadium This is Wisconsin Stadium Number eight is Gaylord Gaylord family Uh, I'm gonna show you Number eight is Gaylord Gaylord family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium That's a lot of words Uh, which is OU Stadium Number nine is Florida State's Dokes S Campbell Stadium And number ten is the swap Ben Hill Griffin Stadium For the University of Florida Lot of SEC teams in there What? One, two, three Four We'll now five with OU Six Six SEC teams In the top ten toughest places to play According to EA Sports Uh, and the college football 25 video game Six Of the top ten toughest places to play Big ten gets one, two, three And then the ACC gets one Yeah, Joe Pro said the only reason Bama was a tough place to play Was because of Nicholas Saban Not the crowd Oh, Spoon said he's been to four of those NaaS, Vin NaaS, I like You know, he said he was a dozen A&M Lose all the big games at Cowfield Shut up, shut your horn mouth No Even though I said SEC bias right there Skiggity Bix said how is the swamp not higher? Hey, Steve O, if you're out, buddy I love you, homie I hope things get better for you And the wife, keep the faith Hang in there, man Seriously, hang in there, buddy Don't let it go Hang in there, buddy Don't let it go Hang in there, buddy Don't lose hope Don't lose faith That's imperative I mean, got to hang in there I don't think it's SEC bias I think that I mean, there's really I'm surprised the big houses And on here, though, I really am I'm surprised Michigan's not I'm surprised Michigan's not On here, it was interesting That Texas didn't make it Yeah, I'm surprised Wisconsin did make it And Michigan did not I'm a little surprised Florida State made it Honestly, Wisconsin, I could see Being a tough place to play But How the big house didn't make it, what? You got to have Michigan on here How is that? Michigan has to be top five Like, Kyle Field is notorious I mean, okay, if you don't think it's number one, five I am in agreement with Joe Pro I don't think Alabama's the toughest place to play I think LSU's a really tough place to play Um I would definitely have that Up there for sure I would put Michigan in the top five And Kyle Field would be Top two, top three Oh, how are states on there, Joe Pro? Oh, how are states number four So, I would put I don't have a problem with Kyle Field being number one And that's not my Aggie bias I just trashed the Aggies for four straight days So you guys know, when I think the Aggies are in the wrong, I'm going to tell you Kyle Field is a tough place to play You can take the whole team being shit out of the equation It is a difficult place to play And you can argue about one or two Um So Yeah, CCC said Tuscaloosa is not a tough place to play It's fun, but not so tough Yeah, so I would go Kyle Field won I would go Tiger Stadium two I would probably put the big house in Michigan three Honestly Um I would have Ohio State Maybe four Uh Yeah, that's true evil death Um Nebraska used to be a tough place to play Um God Uh Uh Georgia five between the hedges, yeah, but the swamp The swamp used to be really bad Um When Florida is good to great, it could be bad I don't know But I don't know, Penn State I don't know, it just seems kind of egregious that Michigan did make the top ten I think Alabama maybe should be six through ten somewhere I think if I'm dropping anybody from this list Uh It's either Alabama or Florida Well, I don't know, the swamp could be tough I don't know I don't know how Alabama got so high Where's Vanderbilt on the list? What? What? Are you for real Skiggity Bigs? Vanderbilt What? Next you're gonna tell me uh We gotta put Mississippi State up there Because they got cow bills What? Get out of here Alright guys, I gotta get out of here Speaking of his 505, I got shit, I gotta get done Oh man, I didn't get to play y'all my Well y'all humor me I wanna play you my ad I worked on this bitch for days, okay I made an ad for my gig in Tulsa And Spoon, are you still here? Spoon will appreciate this I took Spoon's ad he made for me For my uh, shows At Hop Scholar Spoon made an ad for me A video ad for Hop Scholar And I needed a good ad for Tulsa My gig in Tulsa It's a really important gig And so I needed something that I could use To kind of run an ad And I couldn't take a shit I couldn't find shit I needed to get something good So this is what I made I took Spoon's I threw it into division I took Spoon's I threw it into division resolve And uh, this is what I have Let me see, hold on Oh bitch, no No fuckface Why did that do that? Oh my bitch Uh oh Okay, uh, that's not even what I wanted I wanted this one Um, mmm I love SEC humor boys and girls Oh thank God, Skiggy Bigs Bro, for like a half a half a second I thought you were serious I was like, what in the fuck is he talking about What on earth What in the wad, wad world of sports What's going on around here? Alright, this is my ad, y'all This is my big uh, Facebook ad Now I'm gonna make more And different ones, but this is the first one I'm gonna get run Tell me what you think, tell me what you think Tell me if you like it, here you go Check this out, this is my big And this is uh, Spoon's Um, this is Spoon's uh Template that I used Check it out, check it out I'm gonna lend a look, listen, listen 2022 was really rough for me I was fighting a lot with depression You gotta stop calling me that Well, ah, ah I wanted to keep it short and sweet Gotta keep it under 20 seconds for Facebook What did you think? What did you think? Gotta keep it short and sweet Gotta keep it one more Huh? Huh? Gotta hit 'em Fast! No, no film sessions, too fast It's too quick, what did you think? Huh? Come on, this might give us feedback I gotta get up out of this bitch I just had to show you Spoon, I'm still using your shit Still using your shit, Spoon Alright guys, hey, don't forget No shows next week Good job, Spoon 2022 was really rough for me No, I hit the space bar No shows next week guys I'm off I'll see y'all July 8 Okay That was like one of those Michael Jackson video premieres Right? It's a go You're like Boom Alright, I love you guys Um Hey Demoto, thank you for the APs Yay Hey man, thank you guys for all the support I love you guys, Donna, I love you John Dorey, appreciate you See you on the night What? Whatever Monday is Are you not gonna be back until Tuesday? Yeah, so I'll be back on Monday July 8th John Dorey, I'll see you on Tuesday July 9th July 9th at home Cisco, thank you for the 35 bits Love you, buddy CZ, I love you Thank you For the birthday wishes and the anniversary wishes Happy for the July to all of you guys I will see y'all July 8th And have a great for the July Have a great weekend, all of those things Again, thank you all for the support Steve O, I love you Hang in there, buddy Everybody else? Yes, check in from Vegas Donna Thanks for a great time Great to see you back, buddy And everybody else? Again, thanks for all the support I hope you can come catch a show Me and Chris Porter, if not, it's all good In the meantime In the meantime, yeah, ruin Good to see you, buddy Hey man, I don't know what else to say You guys have a great weekend, have a great week next week And I will see you guys July 8th I love y'all, appreciate you I'll see you Be safe Be kind Yo Nick, thank you for the follow You guys do me those three favors Be safe Be kind And most importantly Love each other Alright I'll see y'all July 8th Bye everybody Oh shit They did it There you go Sure enough With the 55th pick The Lakers took Bronnie James Em Young said leaving already Yeah, uh, show starts at 2 It started at 2.30 But yeah, it's 2.30 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock I'm sorry, Mr. Young Ms. Young, I don't know, Em Young Yeah, shows usually over 5 My bad Y'all have a great week, I love you Bye And he's making a YouTube video YouTube video!