Barry On Deck

#813 - NBA draft night and big trades, a traitor in Aggieland, and more #NBA #NFL #MLB

Talking: Astros Rolling NBA Draft tonight Blockbuster NBA Trade traitor in Aggieland and more! SUBSCRIBE ON TWITCH: SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE: MERCH:


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1h 49m
Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
Audio Format:


  • Astros Rolling
  • NBA Draft tonight
  • Blockbuster NBA Trade
  • traitor in Aggieland

and more!











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(upbeat music) - Live from the Biffnet Studios World Headquarters in Spring, Texas, it's Barry on deck. Hosted by former ESPN Houston radio host and stand-up comedian, Barry Laminat. Starring Oliver the Cat. Written by Barry Laminat. Produced by Barry Laminat. Directed by, you guessed it, Barry Laminat. Featuring sports, entertainment, special guests, film sessions, and some drinking. Okay, a lot of drinking. Viewer discretion is advised. And now, here's your host, Barry Laminat. Who was of you damn dirty dickheads? Welcome to Barry on deck. I am your host, Barry Laminat. (upbeat music) Thank you, guys, for being here. Today is Wednesday, June, I got there right. 26, 2024. And this episode number, shit, I don't even know. 813, Barry on deck. Welcome to the show, welcome to the program. Hey, hello, hi, how are you? Holy shit, what a day. What a crazy day for you, boy. Hope yours is going good. Hope the day is treating you well. It's hump day, everybody. We are making our way downtown. Hold 'em fast. (speaking in foreign language) I don't know the words. Anybody else do that? When you try to sing the song, you don't know the words and you just, (speaking in foreign language) I do that. My mom used to do that. She would try to be cool and sing the words for the songs. And she would try, 'cause I would be listening to rap music and she'd be all, (speaking in foreign language) Like, mom, don't do that. Don't do that. No, stop that. Hope you're doing well, man. We got a lot to get to in a short time to do it. Sorry for the lateness. Double lateness actually was trying to get started earlier. Had a pressing matter had to get taken care of because I have a show coming up in July and it's a... I wouldn't say it's more important than any of my other shows, but I will say that I've kind of got some things riding on this show. And I had to get some things taken care of for that show that we're pressing. So that kind of popped up last second. And so I got those taken care of and we're good to go, but had to get done. And so I appreciate your patience and the matter. (speaking in foreign language) Okay, there we go. So yeah, thank you guys for hanging in there. Sorry for the lateness. Later than normal start. I know we usually don't start on time, but this one was way later than normal. And then you boy tried to get rolling with at 245ish. That didn't work because it went longer. And then I, usually when you see the YouTube thing it created, if that's your deal, that means I'm ready to go. Like once the YouTube is created, I'm ready to fire it off. Everything's good. I'm ready. So if the show doesn't start shortly after the YouTube thing has been created, there's a problem. And today was no exception. For some reason, the, the, what's it called, the camera didn't want to work. And I couldn't figure out why to reboot. I had just updated vMix and it wouldn't work in and stuff. You want to know what was this? This is a stupid, this is how stupid technology is. So the way I charge my headphones, there's a little, this is, these are just beats by Dre. See that little headphone jack? That's an older USB headphone jack, right? And so it's just plugged into the, to a USB thing that's plugged into the computer, right? It's just plugged into all the other jacks. Well, that was plugged in. Charging my headphones for the show. And so that was plugged in before I had fired up vMix and the camera. So when I fired up vMix and then turned on the camera, my computer was like, you don't have enough USB devices for your camera. And at first I was like, what are you talking about? 'Cause I just said it couldn't recognize. I was like, what? You mean you can't recognize the camera, the camera's here, what are you talking about? You don't recognize the camera, it's right here. You've recognized it for four years. Couldn't find it, couldn't figure it out, fighting it, fighting it, rebooted vMix or rebooted the computer, wasn't working, wasn't working. I was like, there ain't no ways because these are plugged in. I unplugged the headphones, restarted vMix one more time. Sure shit, recognize it right away. I was like, you've got to be shitting me. It's always something new. It's always something new and fickle and driving me crazy. But we're here and we're doing it and I know you guys always think I'm making shit up. Day in a life. Day in a life of a raggedy-ass streamer with more technology problems than since, I suppose. Is the best way to put it. But we're here. The Matrix heard you say the camera was going on vacation yesterday. (laughs) That's a good point, total analysis. It's a, that's a really good point. That's probably true there, buddy. Yeah, that's, it could be the case. But anyways, we got, hey, what's up, CC. Stephen, the weather guy, what's up, homie? Good to see you, buddy. Delayed streamulation, yeah. Oh, Mark G said, what happened? Why aren't we on a deck? No, not on a deck. On a patio, don't say porch. By the way, nor got pissed off at me. Want to know why? Want to know why? Ask me why, chat. Ask me why. - Heck yeah. - Heck yeah, you do. Heck yeah, you do, Jeff Bell. Jeff, thank you for resubscribing for 22 months. Did you just want to time flip out? What was that? Why does this say flip? (laughs) It says flip in there. That's funny. I don't know why it says flip in there. It just says, it says flip. Are you, are you trying to time flip out in the mix? Is that? (laughs) Thank you, Tony. Don't, don't make me, don't make me throw this in there. Answer the question, jerk. I have that in here somewhere. I have that as a drop, right? I don't know. I think I have them, oh, there it goes. I have them in alphabetical order. (dramatic music) Oh, damn it, I didn't restart it. Uh oh, there you go. Uh oh, Jesus Christ, what a mess. That's my question, the question, jerk. You might know who that is. Anybody know who that is? Anybody? Anybody? Oh. (laughs) Oh, yeah, from way down town. How? (laughs) Not a subscriber. Oh, damn, in your face, in your face, bitch. That is so funny. No, that's not Jenny's mom. The fuck? Well, you think that sounds like Jenny's mom? The question, the question, jerk. Steven, you think that sounds like my mom? Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Flipses, I've been subscribed since the honey badger anthem. Well, apparently not, 'cause somebody is giving out some gifted subs and you got one. (laughs) And then the chat gave you shit. Steven's the other guy said, yeah, when you did bad shit when you were a kid. No, that's not. That is John McEnroe. I think he was in a heated tennis match and he was asking about something in or out and they wouldn't answer his question. So he had a question. So, all right, let's get to it. Here we go. So, I'll tell you real quick what happened. Nora, we were working in the yard again yesterday, working late and then when we get done, we usually just work until dark. And then when we're done, I'm a sweaty mess. She's a sweaty mess. It's super hot. We're covered in dirt and mulch and sweat. And when we're done, I just wanna go sit on the back patio for a second and just rest, drink a little water. Cool off for a minute. You know what I mean? Before you go inside and shower. And so she doesn't know where her phone is. And so, we have the little Google, right, that you could talk to. Hey, Google, blah, blah, blah, blah. So, I was like, hey, will you turn the lights on so I can just sit out there? She let me know that I was an asshole because she went in to turn the lights on for me. And she was like, hey, Google, will you turn on the patio lights and Google was like, sure, turning on the porch lights. And she goes, ugh, ugh, she was so pissed that inside of Google, I labeled them the porch lights. So, oh my God, what a sin. I forgot, it's not a porch, it's a patio. Who gives a shit? (sighs) This is what we have to be mad about. Oh my God, look at Steven, working the field still dark. Barry is transported back to 1810. That's right, we're living off the land. I know, Tony, how dare you Barry? I know. (laughs) Don't announce that, damn it, you just made my Google speakers say, sorry, I didn't understand. (laughs) Okay, so Mark said, well, sorry, why aren't we on a patio? Well, first of all, we started late like we were on a patio, so should be the same. The reason we're not on a patio is Trey couldn't make it today. I think he's already big leaguness, Mr. Hollywood. I texted him this morning, I was like, yeah, we doing the show, we good. And he texted back and said, things are super crazy, we'll have to shoot for next month. I was like, okay, I kind of wish I'd have known sooner, I would have reached out to shock, I would have reached out to a number of other people and seen if they could have came and done the show with me. But what I need to do is start asking days in advance that way, I can schedule somebody else for the last Wednesday of the month, so we can still do a patio show, you know what I mean? But maybe it's a good thing, maybe it's a good thing because I do have Kelly Eco's schedule to join us around 4.30. Now, it is tentative, yay. It is tentative because he is traveling, he's ended up to Brooklyn for the draft, so I don't know, he's gonna be checking in with me, letting me know if he can make it. We're not 100% sure he's gonna be able to make it, we're just gonna try, okay? So, that's the plan he is supposed to join and talk a little bit of NBA draft and rockets and rumors and trades and all that, all right? So, what's up, Christopher Mina, he said, what the hell's wrong with porch, hey B? There's, apparently there's a difference between a porch and a patio, I have no idea what the difference is, I never bothered Googling it, but apparently it's important enough for my wife, my laugh to get upset. Yeah, so, yeah, I don't know what it is. Oh, it's also 287 degrees outside and Marcos is that Kelvin, very nice Mark, very nice. Yeah, that's the thing, I would have messaged shock and been like, yo, you free, pop over, let's smoke a cigar, drink some whiskey and shoot the shit, but it was too late, that all went down 'cause, you know, Trey has been really reliable about not, about being here, about not skipping, so, didn't work out, didn't work out, but that's okay. That's okay, because we do have stuff to do, and I would, I wanna share with you one thing I did, and this was, I mean, his spoon was here, I think he would appreciate this, this was, this is partly spoon, spoon's doing, so I've been trying to promote, oh. Amos said the porch is the front, the patio is the back. That's not, that's not true, is it? What is the difference between a porch and a patio? And a patio. The main difference between a porch and a patio is that a porch is attached to the house and usually has a roof, while a patio is a separate uncovered area at ground level. That's weird. National Association of Realtor says, a patio is usually found in the backyard, it's often made from poured concrete or stone pavers. On the other hand, porches are usually attached to the front of a house and covered by a roof or an awning. They're usually built onto the house and considered an architectural feature of the home. Well, Amos was kind of right and in line with the realtors on this one. Okay. See, so it's really not a patio, and according to this picture, it's different. Okay, this is stupid. See, you know what I want? I want a veranda. That's what I want. Oh, let's meet out on the veranda. By the way, I can still not hear the name Miranda or the word veranda and not be like, "Hey, Miranda!" It still is stuck in my head forever. Um, a patio isn't covered while the porch is. No, see, I thought a patio is covered. I don't know. Hey, Jared, what up, homie? Yeah, Amos says, "I'm technically you have a porch patio, "so I have a porchio, a patch. "I got a patchio." Can we just not ask Ginnias, Molly? Yeah, you know what? That's a good idea. Jared will ask her on Monday. What up, Dre? Good to see you, homie. Yeah, we'll ask Ginnias, mom. Well, no, we won't, 'cause I'll be gone Monday. We'll ask Ginnias, mom, next Monday when they get back from vacation. Yeah, that's what we'll do. That's what we'll do. There we go. So, technically, Barry has a porches. He is covered and the roof is attached. This is a really good idea. I should just straight up go in and tell Nora, yo, you're wrong, dumbass. Definitely not doing that. Definitely not doing that. Certainly not trying to end my marriage or dying on this hill. I like porch being up front and patio being in the back. Yeah. Yeah, okay. That's true. Uh, let's see. I thought, let's see. Silicon said maybe some ovals could pop in one Wednesday. No, no, definitely not. And then who wasn't this said? I thought they moved to Chicago. Oh, Donna said I thought they moved to Chicago. Actually, Donna. Well, actually, Nora ran into her at the grocery store the other day. So they're still here. They're still here. I was like, well, did you say hi and tell her your husband is way more flexible than her? She was like, uh, no, and fucking no, because no. I was like, you didn't tell her your husband is stronger and a better athlete than her. She was like, God, no. Yeah. Terrence said, well, nice knowing you, Barry. Rest in patio. Yeah. That's what R.I.P. would mean if I, okay. Mark said, am I a bad bears fan for not even remembering her husband's name? No, because he's like a backup slash special team. Or so not at all. Yeah. Miss Queen, Miss Queen Rotom. Row, row, Miss Queen Rotom, Rotom, Miss Queen. I don't know how to say that. We'll just go with Miss Queen. Thank you for the follow, Miss Queen. Appreciate you, Miss Queen Rotom. I think I said that right. Feel free to correct me in the chat. Appreciate the follow. Welcome in. Thanks for being here. (laughs) Tony said, not at all. Mark, all bears fans are bad regardless. (laughs) Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew. Shots fired, shots fired. Oh my goodness, gracious, that's funny. All right, let's get rolla. We got some shit to do on the show today. Let's see, what do we have on the docket for today? Well, we've got some headlines, but we also have some other things to discuss. In fact, let me get these cut up out of here and cut it over here. Okay, we have, I do have some headlines for you, but I've got some non-sports, but in a fantastical, wonderful way, it's a story near and dear to our community's hearts. In fact, you might remember it from a few years ago. I'm so glad I checked the discord today. I just, I popped in to tell everybody we were gonna be late and saw a message from Donna on the discord and I'm assuming I can share because Donna said that it was made public. So I'm gonna share it, but we do need to talk about a few things, a few hot topics, right? One being, NBA draft is tonight. So whether Kelly Eco joins us or not, we will talk about that at 4.30. So I'm gonna wait and not dive into it too much before 4.30 because if he does get to join us, we'll talk NBA draft and we will talk, uh-oh. Alex has stopped the goddamn presses, there's only one queen. Well, no, that would be like saying there's only one Villanueva. There's, there's actually two Villanuevas and now there's actually two queens. There's only one queen B, but because we have another, but we can't just not have another queen. What are we gonna not grow the show? Sorry, there's only allowed to have one Villanueva, only one doctor, only one mark, only, he said unsubscribe. Great, great. So I'm just supposed to sit here forever, stuck on 1,210 followers, hovering around 30 to 40 viewers a day because nobody can have another goddamn name as anybody else in the fucking chat. I can only have one fuck face flip. I can only have one Jeff. I can only have one dickhead total Dallas. I can only have one queen. I can only have one Villanueva. Fuck. I just feel like I took a lot of unnecessary shots there. A lot of unnecessary shots, a lot of shooting shots didn't need to be shot there. You can only have one Tony. Yeah, well, okay. Probably true there. I still can't believe I haven't cut my hair yet. You guys, I'm getting bangs. Look at this, I'm getting bangs. (laughs) Yeah, at one point we had three Chrises. We've had two Chris Minas. Well, technically one was a Christopher and one was a Chris, but for fuck's sake, man. Yeah, I mean, look how many black people we have. Look how many women. Are we just gonna limit it? Come on guys, I mean, how many Mexicans we have, how many Puerto Ricans we have. I don't actually know how many Puerto Ricans we have. Oh, one of the chat if you're Puerto Rican. Oh, that's now, now you got me on this, CC. Which Queen has been here for 800 plus shows? That's a fact. That's a fact. Yeah, that's true, Donna. We got a Chris householder, Chris Reyes, Chris Mina. Yeah, that's a lot. Told us a segregated chat time. Yeah, one in the chat if you're Puerto Rican, by the way. That's, I'm curious. I lost a Puerto Rican, I did? Who was Puerto Rican? Hmm, I'll be damned. Oh, yeah, we only have one Cisco. We only have one friend Cisco. Reyes was Puerto Rican. Oh, yeah, he left us. He bailed on us. We lose a lot of people, man. Ruffles and feathers. It is, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of think. Oh, Chris from Sam Houston was another Chris. There you go. Eric said, why are we scaring away the new people? I don't know, people get territorial about their names, Eric. Eric, let me ask you this. If another Resendez shows up, are you gonna get pissed off? I'll be like, wow, look at that. We got an Eric Resendez, but he spells it E-R-I-C. Are you, are you gonna be upset? Tell the truth. Tell the truth. Oh, my goodness. All right, let's, what, Tony had J-6 Reyes was Puerto Rican. Why are you calling him in J-6 Reyes, Tony? You're such a dick, Tony. You're such an asshole. Let's swear to God. Oh, God. That is hilarious. Why are you calling him in? Why are you calling him in J-6 Reyes, Tony? Why are you calling him in J-6 Reyes, Tony? You're such a dick, Tony. You're such an asshole. Let's swear to God. Oh, God. That is hilarious. You're such a dick, Tony. You're such an asshole. I swear to God. Oh, God. That is hilarious. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I would kill for another something Dallas. Oh. Oh, no. Hey, what up, Crystal? Eric said no. I would welcome a possible family member. Oh, well, there you go. Yeah. Flips it for someone who was really white. You have a lot of Hispanic fans. Let's see what another guy said. Shitting Dallas. Damn. Cece. Damn. Cece hit me with a hand. Flip. Hand. God. Damn. This is the worst day of my life. Well. Flatline. Call it. Call it. Time and death of Barry on deck. Three fifty two p.m. June twenty six twenty twenty four. Way to go. Miss Queen Rotem. You killed the goddamn show. Showing up with your stupid queen name. Shit. Oh, God. You couldn't have been a princess. Rotem, huh? You couldn't have been a Hillary Rotem. You couldn't have been a fucking Jesus Christ. Oh, God. I'll be just now on. It's just going to be me doing this show. I'm not even going to go live. I'm just going to sit in here from two to five. Talking into this camera. It's not even going to be on. It's just going to be me talking. Okay. Two thirty to five. Talking into this camera. And you guys are like, why? And it's because I'm not going to tell Nora that I'm not doing this. Because she's going to make me get a job. So it's just going to be me putting on a facade. What did I miss? Crystal wants to know. What did you miss? You missed a goddamn mutiny is what you missed. Alex said this shows off the rails. When is it not Alex? When is it not? All right. Top picks for the day NBA draft. There was a huge NBA trade we got to get to. Um. CCC. CCC. CCC. CCC said Nora equals another Hispanic fan gone. Oh, CCC. I need to break it to you, sweetie. That's super sweet. It's so cute that you think she was ever a fan of this show. Oh, that's precious. You think she liked the show at one point? Oh. That's great. Oh, how do I tell her chat? Hmm. Um. She's never liked this fucking show. Oh, my God. She's hated this shit from day one. You shouldn't be. She's never liked this show. Never. Oh, we have a nipple sighting, ladies and gentlemen. Hey, y'all. Hello in the house. What up, Katie? Good to see you, buddy. Thank you for being here, man. Welcome in. Oh, I meant of you. Fuck the show. Oh, my God. CCC is murder of me today. Jesus Christ. Oh, my God. Why did I even do the show today? Why did I even show up? Why is this just killing me today? Oh, my God. It's just, it's killing me. Dre, save me, please. Dre, please save me. Please. What up, Spoon? Spoon said I am Hispanic light. Yeah, that's not, that's not a thing, Spoon. Don't be coming in here trying to claim your unwiteness. Spoon's like, I'm, I'm Hispanic light. (laughing) CCC, thank you for the time, man. CCC said, you're doing a show for bits. Now, make me laugh. Dance, munka dance. No. Absolutely not. I have a three of six on YouTube. We're ripping. What? What? Three of six. What? What are you talking about? Three of six. Oh. Three six. I don't know what that means. I have no idea what that means. Three six. I don't know what that means. (laughing) It's just 'cause I'm a Mexican. (laughing) Oh, there you go. There you go. (laughing) Oh, wait. How does that work? How does what work? Oh, man. That's so funny. Oh, my God. This show is off the rails. Hey, there you go. Miss Queen wants to talk. Sports, you guys get your shit together. Said tonight is NBA draft. Who do you think my Warriors will get at the 52nd pick in the second round seeing as they don't have a first round pick? Holy Lord. I don't know. That's a long way to go. Honestly, at that point, it really doesn't matter. I'm gonna tell you right now, there's even talk of that. The rockets at the third pick are trading down. Honestly, that's just how the NBA works, man. There's not, and I get shit for this all the time, but the draft in the NBA is one of the most pointless things in the world if you don't have one of the top, sometimes three or four or five picks. It really doesn't matter. When you get outside, I mean, especially if you get to the second round, those are players that sometimes aren't even developmental. It's just like you have to do it every once in a while. You find the hidden gym, but honestly, I wouldn't pin my hopes on it. I certainly wouldn't stay up. I certainly wouldn't watch. I certainly wouldn't hang out, and I certainly wouldn't get my hopes up. That is for sure. I mean, I wouldn't. You know what I'm glad I don't do, Miss Queen. I'm glad I don't have to do NBA mock drafts. This is also why, think of it this way. Most people that do mock drafts, like in the NFL, there's a reason they only do rounds one through three. Because after that, it doesn't matter. You know what I mean? Like four through seven is maybe second string. It's usually depth. It's probably special teams at best. That's what literally the second round is of the NBA draft and probably the last half of the first round. So honestly, I mean, we could pull up a mock draft and see what those say, but it's not going to matter. I don't even know if this show is based out of Houston. I don't even know if the second half of the first round, if anybody gives a shit. You know what I mean? Like it's really about who gets the first or second or third pick and who's going to go first. That's really what the NBA draft is all about. Sadly, because you'd love for there to be more intrigue. You'd love for there to be more insight. You'd love for there to be more cliffhangers. And it was like, yeah, yeah. All right, let me catch back up on some of the chat. Oh my God, I was in a car club called Latino Dreams. Oh my God, Brad, that's crazy. I don't know why the rockets are throwing the smoke screen out there for Katie or Booker because you should have did that when you had the last group of those. You know what? We're going to get to that, Katie. And again, I've got Kelly Eco supposed to join us at 4.30 and 30 minutes, but we can talk a little bit about that if he joins us. And we will get into it again at 4.30 when we talk NBA draft or that he joins us or not. But there's very little truth to that. The more that that came out, the less that was actually really true. What does this say? I just told you what? It's all speculation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, a little bit of that came out and then a lot of folks were saying, yeah, that's not true. That's not true. Queen's second question. Who's getting King James? Son. Mmm. Mmm. That's a really good question too. Who do you read listen to when they talk draft? You talking for NBA? Man, I don't even know. It's one of those things, dude. It's the same with the NFL. It's all of this. It's like gambling. Just pick who you like. No one's ever going to be really good at this. No one's ever going to be spotter. No one's ever going to have an inside track. No one's ever going to be, you know, even the best aren't right most of the time. As a lot of it is guesses, a lot of it is decent inside info. They don't know. They really don't know. It's just a lot of he said she said shit. You know what I mean? Yeah. Let's do this though. Let's do this NBA mock draft. Let's see who's got the mocks out there. I do know from a football perspective. CBS usually has decent mock drafts. And I don't know why that is, but in the past, this has been my experience from doing radio because when, and I can tell you this, from the past, what are the things that I've tried to do and this is through working with other people in the business? You try to find good reliable sources to help you prep for shows. And one of the things that I had started to find through, you know, friends and people in the business is you start to learn what good sources are. MLB trade rumors ended up being a really good source for MLB information about the trades. Hoops hype is a really good, because there's also a NBA trade rumors website that's done by the same people that do MLB trade rumors. But it just happens to not be as good for some reason, whatever that is. Hoops hype, however, is way better when it comes to trade rumors than MLB trade is. So if you want to look at trade rumors for the NBA, for example, go to Hoops hype, right? For some reason mock drafts, I've always looked at CBS sports because their mocks for the NFL, at least, have always been really good. I've never relied on a particular source for NBA mocks. And the real reason is it's one or two or, you know, five or so at the most. And then it's just like, man, after that, it's whatever. So take your pick is my opinion. It's it's whatever. Who do you like? Or who do you think is great at it? I mean, hell, we usually do this during the NFL in this show where we'll look up who has the best track record. Who is the most accurate NBA mock draft expert? Because they'll do the grades for the NFL. Remember we looked at that. We've looked at the last couple of years. I don't see anything that has grades. Oh, look, here's a Reddit thing that says Giovanni and CBS has a good Intel. So I'd say there you go. That they're one of the most accurate out there. See, and that's what that's kind of the consensus is usually that CBS is the most accurate for at least NBA and NFL, really. It's kind of what has always been the case. So we'll just we'll just stick with what I've used. And we'll go with CBS's mock draft. That's what I've always done. We'll stay with it. So here we go. Here is a CBS mock draft. She here. So the question was, well, Zegariah, there's a big French invasion. That's the big news to come out of this draft. One is obviously Bronnie James. But two is the French connection. That's the big thing to know. The big thing to know is that there's going to be a bunch of French players coming over again kind of taking over. So that's what you can expect. And as you see here, you got Frenchies going one, two. Because this is a Houston Bay show, you can expect. Now, I've seen two things here, and we'll talk to Kelly Eco again, but Reed Shepard out of Kentucky, a point guard. But I've also seen them trading down. I don't know. You're guessing this is good as mine. And Miss Queen, there you go. There's a Zegariah, however the hell you say that. Rhys Schir, Rhys Hasher. I don't know just how to speak French. Yeah. Ericerson is like Joe Klatt for NFL draft stuff, and J. Bill is for NBA. Okay. Okay. Cisco. This board is just a red herring. But let's go check out where Bronnie goes. I'm guessing it's not in the first round, but that is just me. Let's see. Yep. Yep. Donovan Klingen. Okay. Okay. Let's see. Wait a minute. How? Oh, that was, oh, this is their different mock drafts. Okay. I was like, hold up. How did I do it go twice? Okay. So this is Kelly Boone's mock. I was so confused for a second. Uh, okay. So full draft draft tracker. Let's see. Let's see. What the consensus. Don't they have a consensus here? Oh, oh, stop it. What are we doing? Uh, do we not have a round two? Okay. Yeah. You see what I mean? Like a lot of them just don't do round two because it's kind of irrelevant. And in a lot of ways, no one gives a shit about round two of the NBA draft. Uh, most of the time. There we go. 30. Ah, does anybody have Bronnie James going here? Uh, let me try something here real quick. Let me check this out. Let's see. Find on the page. Oh, James. Nope. One. So one person. One person, one mock drafter at CBS has Bronnie James, Travis Branham. Travis Branham has Bronnie James going to the Lakers at 17. Uh, let me tell you. And we can, it's fine. This is not what I had planned or how I had planned the show, but I don't give a shit. We'll do whatever. I'll just tell you this. Hey, heartthrob. Appreciate your buddy. Afternoon to you. Thank you for subscribing for 28 months. What? Thank you, sir. Yeah, Tony, I've seen mid to late grades on Bronnie. I've seen mid to late. I mean, like, dude, it's not great. He's not. His dad is, his dad props up his skills. That's the thing. If you take the name, if his name was Bronnie Smith, nobody's talking about the kid. He might as well be whoever. I mean, the kid might as well be, it's his skills are meh. He is not, he does not stand out. He just does it. There's nothing special about Bronnie James, other than the fact that his dad is one of the greatest basketball players to have ever lived. So it's going to attract eyes. It's going to attract media. It's going to attract attention. And because of that, he's going to get looks that he normally wouldn't get. He's going to get attention. He's going to get special treatment. Then he probably doesn't warrant. I would venture to say he might not even have gotten some looks that he's gotten if his dad wasn't LeBron James. Honestly, because if you think about it, there's what? 60 slots in the draft? Are we really going to say that Bronnie James is one of the 60 best basketball players in the world right now to be drafted? I think a lot of people will tell you that the guy could probably find better players than him overseas or other places. I mean, it's just, he's going to get a little bump because of who his dad is. So for him to go 17 would be egregious. It just would. This is, this is Giannis's brother getting a spot on the, on the, the bucks. You know what I mean? This is, I mean, that's what that is. It's just, it shouldn't be. But although, I mean, I guess Giannis's brother can play a wee bit. Uh, hard to say, Bronnie's going to end up like Lonzo ball over height by his dad and we get nothing to show up for the talk. Yeah, a couple of them balls. It's funny because the youngest ball ended up being the best. And he was the least hyped. Uh, George Kid didn't try to force himself in the NBA. He's snacks. Got his wife. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. Uh, Amos said if he was named Bronnie Smith and died for a few seconds last summer at USC practice, he probably would have gotten a little sports center time. Yeah, he would have got a little sports center time, but that would have been his 15 minutes. He wouldn't have gotten an invite to the NBA, you know, camps and all of this shit. Dude, I'm telling you, he's not, he's just not that guy. He's not that special. I just, I'm sorry. He's just not. I don't know, but good for him though, you know, good for him. Um, but let's answer real quick. Let's answer the, the, the, the Queen's question here. Queen, uh, uh, Miss Queen. What was it? Miss, Miss Queen, uh, Rotem. Sorry. Miss Queen, Rotem. She said what is, oh, that's right. They don't have a second round on here. Fuck. I'm trying to find, uh, let's see. Mocks. Yeah. Nobody has a second round. Nobody has a second round in here. None. So. Mmm. Ew. Good do. Okay. No. Okay. And do. Mmm. Oh boy. Um, all right. So. Well, I'll keep that up. Uh, that way, if, if Kelly Eco shows, we can get to that. In the meantime, let's do this though. Let's get to our sports headlines. Haven't heard from Kelly yet. We'll see if he gets here. Uh, big trade, big, big trade in the NBA, in case you didn't hear it. Nets traded for Mikhail Bridges, uh, or sorry, traded Mikhail Bridges to the Knicks. It is a huge trade, a huge deal. Uh, if you didn't hear about it, it's a, it's a big thing. And the Nets got an absolute haul. They have something like 30 picks, uh, over the next, umpteen years. It's crazy. Yeah. It's crazy. Um, let's see. The Knicks acquire Bridges and a second round pick. All right. So the Knicks, um, the Knicks get Bridges and the second round pick. The Nets acquire, uh, Bo Jean Bock, Donovan, as six first round picks. Plus their own 2025 pick swap from Houston. And a second round pick. Now, now this is Houston is involved in this trade, which is what's crazy. So this is on the New York Times athletic site. It says there's so many picks flying around these two trades with the Nets. So he says, let's break everything down. Um, so you know what the Knicks got. The big deal for the Knicks was getting McKill Bridges, right? And, um, and they mentioned that, um, everything also mentioned it might cost them, uh, Isaiah Hartenstein and free agency. Um, we'll see if Julius Randall is still in the Knicks long term plans. So yes, uh, and remember we talked yesterday or the day before that, uh, OG and a nobody wants out. He did not, um, the author out of his contract after being traded from the Raptors, but that wasn't, he wasn't going to sign that deal. It was only worth 19 million for that option. So he can get 30 on the open market. They said so he wasn't going to do that anyways. Okay. No, not Obi one. Kenobi, Stephen. Oh, she had a nobody. So what did the Nets get? The Nets get from McKill Bridges in a second round pick. Well, they got four besides Boseon Bogdanovich. They got four unprotected. That's super important for, because it's the Knicks and they could collapse at any moment. Four unprotected first round picks from the Knicks in 2025, 2027, 2029 and 2031. So that's four unprotected first round picks. 2025 top four protected first round pick from Milwaukee via New York. So that means they get two first round picks in 2025. They got a 2025 first round pick swap that they owed to Houston from the hardened deal. So they got that back. They got a 2026 first round pick they owed to Houston from the hardened trade. So they don't, so the 2025 swap, they got back. They got the 2026 first round pick they owed Houston back. And they got a 2028 unprotected pick swap with the Knicks in the first round and a 2025 second round pick from the Knicks. That is a haul, ladies and gentlemen. That is a haul. It says that's more picks than Rudy go bear would set in a single plane, Quinn Snyder's office. That's funny. That's a lot. That's a lot, lot, lot of picks. I mean, I almost need to like visualize this. I almost feel like I need to write this down, right? Like I feel like I need to like, I don't know. That's a lot. Let me see if I can, let's see here, here we go. Let me see if I can make this make sense a little bit here. Let's see, ungroup. I'm trying to make this, let me see, let me just see if I can make this fit somehow some way for you guys. I might, I might not. I don't know. Oh, nope, that's way too small, let's see. Okay, oh no, this is going to be just too much, Jesus, geez Louise, it's so much, it's just so much. It's literally too much to fiddle one slide. This is crazy, man. Oh my God, this is insane. Okay, and then Houston gets out of the deal. Yeah, I can't even make this work. This is just too much, God bless, because Houston is involved in it. Houston gets out of the deal. The Rockets acquire 2025 sun's pick swap, a 2027 first, a 2029 first and a pick swap from Brooklyn. It's crazy, there's a lot of moving parts, man. This is, this is, it's crazy. And the thing, the thing for me is, I don't know if this makes sense for me from a Rockets perspective, you know what I mean? Now let's evaluate it though. I kind of want to see, like, I need a visual representation of this is what I need. That's why I'm trying to make this. Yeah, it's just too hard. Hold on, you know what, let's do this, gosh, this is so much, man. Yeah, this makes it a life easier. Yeah, so much easier, okay. Still nothing from Kelly Eco, by the way. So that may not be happening now, but that's okay, a gal can dream. Try to put this together for you guys, so that it makes sense. Okay, here we go, here we go. I think I got it now, Chad, I think I got it, bear with me, bear with me, slides it, okay. Here we go, all right, downloading, all right, because there's a lot of shit in here, like a lot, a lot, oh my God, this is so confusing. There we go, all right, well, that's downloading. What happens? What? Hey, what up, Perry? Good to see you, buddy. The nets are just, what does it say? This is just trying to retrace their steps to find the keys that they lost. Yeah. Tony said that the rocket's only my favorite or something. That's the thing is like, the rockets only do this, obviously, if they come out ahead in the deal, the question becomes, do you think the rockets, I mean, they only do it if they got better, obviously, but are you gambling on whether the picks were going to be better, right? Here's the thing, here is, what? Well, that didn't work, I guess I'm going to change this. Fine, fine, we'll do it live, whatever, there it is, up top, all right, so up top what you see is what the nets got in the deal. Four unprotected first round picks from the Knicks, 25, 27, 29, 31, a 2025 top four protected first round pick from Milwaukee via New York. So New York got Milwaukee's 2025 top four protected. And by the way, top four protected means if it's a top four pick, Milwaukee gets to keep it. So if it's the fifth pick in the draft, then the nets are going to get it. And eventually it will transfer. They get the 2025, they get back a 2025 first round pick swap that they owed Houston. They get a 2026 first round pick they owed Houston, both of those from the hard and trade. And they get a 2028 unprotected pick swap with the Knicks. So it's an unprotected, which means whatever, whoever has the better pick between the Knicks and the Nets, the Nets are going to get. So if the Nets are picking 15th and the Knicks are picking third, the Nets are going to get the third pick in the draft. If the Nets are picking third and the Knicks are picking 15th, well, then they don't swap. So that's just it. They just have the opportunity to swap with them at that time. And then they get a 2025 second round pick from the Knicks. So that's that now because they give back a 2025 first round pick swap. So remember now the Rockets are giving up a pick swap. So what that means is they had the opportunity to swap first round picks with the Nets, assuming that the Nets, if they had the better pick, the Rockets would get it. All right. Hello, Donna. Oh, and the Rockets gave up their first round pick that they got from the Nets. In return, they got four things back for giving up those two. They gave up a pick, a surefire first round pick in 2026. The pick swap wasn't a guarantee. The pick swap was a maybe, maybe the Rockets had a better pick than the Nets in 2025. Maybe they didn't. They were probably going to have a better, I mean, well, I don't know, the Nets are trash right now with all these picks. But what they got back was a 2025 first round pick swap from Phoenix that was owed to Brooklyn from the Kevin Durant trade. So whoever had the better pick between Brooklyn and Phoenix in the 2025 draft is going to be the Rockets pick. So the Rockets get the better of the two picks in 2025, which is a good day. So the Rockets get the better pick between Brooklyn and Phoenix in 2025. They get 2027 first round pick from Phoenix that's owed to Brooklyn and the Durant trade. So they're going to get Phoenix's first round pick in 2027. They're going to get a 2029 first round pick from either Phoenix or Dallas, depending on which one is more favorable in 2029. And they'll get a 2029 first round pick swap for the less favorable of the Phoenix or Dallas picks. What? That'll make no damn sense. How the hell do you do both? That's confusing. How do you do both 20? That don't make no damn sense. Oh, yeah, I didn't change the title. That's my bad time. Hugo, I was trying to hurry up and do it. Yeah. I didn't change the title. I was just trying to get it done and that Durant trade really set up set us up. Brooklyn 2050. Yeah. I don't, I don't, I don't understand that part. 2029 first round pick from either Phoenix or Dallas, depending on which one is more favorable and then a 2029 first round pick swap. For the less favorable of the Phoenix or Dallas, what? Okay. I'm so confused. This is crazy. I'm trying to see if there's an explanation here. Let's, let's put this over here and let, let me let you see what this even says on the athletic because this, this is confusing as shit right now. This was says under new coach, you may do a rocket surprise. Many people blah, blah, blah, maybe you can try to convince Phoenix the, so this was the thing. Yeah. We're obviously not getting Kelly eco, the, the, the, there was the rumor that the rockets were going to trade for Kevin Durant. All right. And that was the big rumor, who's making these deals, Bill O'Brien, that was the big rumor, right? Well, then it was that the rockets weren't interested in Durant. They were interested in Devin Booker and that didn't came out that Phoenix was not interested in trading either of those guys, that they were rocking with their core and they were going full speed ahead. So the Rockets wanted to do the deal because they could use these picks to try to give them back to Phoenix to get Devin Booker or Kevin Durant, if that was the angle. I think from the Rockets perspective, it would have made more sense and it did that to go with the Kevin Durant route, he's too old for this team, the Devin Booker, at least 27. That makes a ton more sense to fit into the, the, the age of this team and the way that they were headed, right? So what this article says though is, uh, I'll zoom in for you a little bit too. If you're trying to read on your screen, uh, it says maybe Houston could try to convince the Phoenix Suns, their three star core is going nowhere, um, and offer their picks back for Durant or Booker at some point in the next season or two, Phoenix wants to win now, but the situation could get ugly, uh, it's kind of already ugly, it says, uh, after last season's first round sweep at the hands of Minnesota, regardless of who the Rockets target in the trade market, they have one of the more impressive treasured chests of trade assets to tempt a team with a disgruntled star looking to win elsewhere. So does this trade might be the first win, win, win we've seen in a while, but that depends on what the nets and rockets to do with all these, all this pick shuffling. So they gave the rockets an A minus. They gave the nets an A and they gave the nicks an A in the trade. Jared said that the IRS write this trade code. One of the things you need to know about the NBA is you cannot trade consecutive picks in the NBA. You can say I'll give you my 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027 and first round picks. What you can do is trade opposite year picks and draft and you could trade swaps. So I can give you, that's why you see this as, um, you see 2025, 2027, 2029 and 2031. And then you'll see swaps in 2026, uh, or 2028 unprotected pick swaps. So that means like, um, of the better of the twos on the, on the even years and then straight up pick swaps or unprotected first round picks, uh, in the, in the, uh, on the odd years. Yes, this goes at this point, their position themselves are draft guys are in the fourth grade right now. It's crazy. Eric, as I said, NBA drafts are confusing as fuck. They really are. It's a lot of moving parts, man. And what's crazy is when you start to break it down and you're like, man, um, when you start to look at, cause you have to go way back now, when you start to see these kinds of deals being made, when you're like, look, look at all this. And then you look at, okay, well now for example, you start to look at what the rockets just did by giving back those two picks for harden and getting these four back. You thought that the harden trade was going to be done, but now you've got this. So now it's now there's four more iterations of the harden trade to combine and see what becomes of it. It's crazy. It's crazy. So there's a lot to it. There's so many moving parts, um, in, in, uh, in an NBA trade. It's insane. Uh, Jared said eBay is doing a deal with a player and looking over at his toddler thinking you're going to be on my team in 15 years. Yeah. That's funny. Um, let's see, yeah, uh, I don't know. Let's go to it. Quick though. Uh, let's see. Uh, let's go to hoops, hype, let's do that, pop this over here. Let's look at all the, oh shit, check is releasing the third of rap album. There we go. Uh, let's see main rumors. Here we go. Here's our main rumors, um, son's owner, it should be a shuts down Kevin Durant trade rumors. Okay. Like I told you, the sun say they're not interested in trading Durant or Booker that their full steam ahead. Just like I said, Jared, I just want to make joke because it's too confusing to keep up with. It can be. Yeah. Um, possibility increasing the Demarter Rosen will hit free agency. Bam out of bio extension, not finalized yet for the heat. Magic Thunder, most likely outside suitors for Isaiah Hartenstein. We just talked about him with the nicks. Oh, John Bogdanovich and Cam Johnson, other veteran nets in play for immediate trades. Keep Bam out of bio agree to Max extension. Wait, wait, wait a minute. What? Not finalized yet. Well, there's that. I swear I love that Jimmy Butler picture so much as the best picture. Best picture ever. Jalen Brunch is still considering signing extension with the nicks this summer. Brad Stevens, Kristoff, Porzingos will probably miss at least start of next season. Uh, Nick's confident they can resign OG and no be sons. Not looking to trade Durant, Booker or Bradley Beale. Timberville was one of a void trade of Carl Anthony towns. Sixers to come after OG and a no B question mark. Uh, let's see. Warriors are interested in opt in trade for Paul George, uh, Warriors aggressively looking for Andrew Wiggins, Chris Paul trades, Warriors, Clay Thompson remain far apart on a contract negotiation. Have you fine with that? If I'm the Warriors at this point, um, here's the rumors for, uh, Paul G. Let's see where was this? Evan Snyder of the Warriors interested in acquiring Paul George via opt in and trade per wind horse. If Paul George is willing to leave, they would like to be an option for him. Golden State is big fish hunting. It'd be smart. I'll tell you that you don't have much time left with Steph before he's over the hill. You have got to take advantage of it. Clay is obviously not the answer anymore. Draymond has lost a step and he's, he's just, he's always been a loose cannon, but it's become even more of a liability and you've got to, I think you can move on from both at a, at a complimentary superstar that can not be a distraction like Draymond and not be a question mark like Clay and you can find the right piece and they're out there. They can be out there. I don't know if it's Paul George. I don't know if that's the kind of guy that you need to pair up with clay though, which man, that's a really good question. Who would be the best complimentary piece to pair with Steph Curry? Who's the right superstar that could be on the move? Hmm. Warrior is one of the teams prepared to give Paul George a four year max. Are they better off replacing Clay Thompson with Paul George? Yeah, maybe until playoff times roll around and then you're going to get playoff P, which if you listen to him, that's a good thing, but if you look at the track record, it's not. I don't know, interesting, very interesting, uh, let's see. What else rumors do we have out there? That's worth the shit. Sons want to trade to rant. Rockets not interested preferred Devin Booker. Here was that rumor circulating earlier from the sun's, let's see, no, no, where's this? There you go. Tommy beer. I'm reporting here, paid no attention to what Phoenix is saying. They want out of Kevin Durant right now. However, he razzed. He adds a rock is don't want Katie. They plan to make a run for Booker. See, that's why I wish Kelly would join us. He'd know. Ha. Alex says James Harden. Okay. Nevermind. Yeah. Lot of interest. I think you might even see some trades. You don't normally see a ton of trades on draft night, but you might, you might see some shit go down. You very well could see some shit go down tonight. Warriors interested to opt in trade for Paul George. Is that the one we just popped up? No. Just mutual interest in a Haywood high Smith resounding with heat clippers of potential free age of landing spot for tomorrow's and now that would be interesting. Uh, huh, so it's not looking to trade. Oh, yeah. Okay. I think we covered it all pretty much. Okay. Hmm. You know, the other option, which they won't do, but. I think might be interesting. Uh, yeah, I need to look at that too. Good. Good on. Jerry Taylor. Um, I'd be interested to see at what point are the warriors just say, well, it's time. It was a good run. Let's just start over. I mean, do you do that? Cause man, you got max value right now if you want from all of those guys, you know what I mean? Like if you start to move on right now, boy, you could do like the nets are doing right now and just absolutely rack up the, uh, the draft picks. I mean, you could basically go okay, see thunder and look where that got him. Remember, man, the thunder at one point, the thunder at one point had the deadliest three in the league. I mean, honestly, at one point, the thunder had a, a potent combination. They had what Durant, uh, Hardin and Chris Paul. And um, but I mean, even if you just, which they won't do it. They shouldn't, but at the same time, if you don't think you could get anybody in, you don't think you could, you know, find the right match. Or if you're worried that maybe it's time to rebuild and you get max value for an aging veteran like Steph, as opposed to just trying to ride the wave all the way to the shore. It means time to turn around and paddle back out and start over there. I say you trade stuff boy. The warriors fans would lose their shit, but you end up like, okay, see you in five years and you're right back on top again. They forget all about that. And they have a track record of, yeah, Hardin Westbrook and Durant. My bad. Yeah, my bad. I said Chris Paul, um, yeah, I meant, I meant Westbrook, not Chris Paul, he went later, um, but if you did that, you would have to make sure you did way back up. You climbed back to the top, but that's how they built this team in the first place was through the draft for the most part. Oh, he's already done. How many years does Chris Paul have left? He's done. He's done. He's a role player. He's done. He's an absolute role player at this point. No doubt about that. At best. He's a role player. Uh, what was I going to look up? I was going to look up something. Oh, Astros. Let's see. Astros won seven to one. So Astros win seven to one. They were, they won last night and they are now, they've won seven in a row. Mariners lost last night, but they won today. Yeah, they played today, right in a day game today. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's see. Yeah, they played it, they played it noon today and they beat Tampa Bay. Five to two. So didn't gain ground on the Mariners today, but that's I because because Astros have won seven in a row and now sit three games out of the wild card spot. You would have never. I mean, we talked about this a week ago and they were talking about this on the broadcast last night. He's for the Astros. The same thing we talked about literally a week ago, how far back the Astros were and I was like, man, that's going to be tough sledding to leapfrog the Rays and the Red Sox. You don't have any teams like how many good teams are Rangers. I was like, I'm not worried about the Tigers, but the Rangers, you got to leapfrog them. You got to leapfrog the Rays and the Red Sox. These are all really good teams and here they are. They've rattled off seven in a row. They are three back in the loss column of the Red Sox for the wild card currently, three back in the loss column. That's crazy and there are also three back in the loss column of the Mariners. They're four and a half back technically in the division because the Mariners have won six more the, but they're four and a half back total, but they've just now hit 500. They're four and a half back. They're a plus 30, which is unbelievable. And the streak that they have been on there, eight and two over the last 10, they've won seven in a row. They're the hottest team in the American League by far. Not even close. It might be the hottest team of baseball. I'm seeing there's anybody else, one seven in a row. Nope. Longest winning streak by any other team in baseball is, oh, no, I take that back. Cleveland is one seven in a row. Cleveland is also one seven in a row. Other than that, the longest streak is three, four Milwaukee. So they're hot. And I mean, literally a week ago, they were like a plus two or a plus five or something like that, but the pitching has been phenomenal. Um, I mean, during this win streak, this is the final scores over these last seven games, four to one, five to three, then you had a 14 to 11, but then you had a five to one, eight to one, five to two, seven to one. I mean, that's just, that's just good pitching. That's all that is. And before that, they lost two to nothing. So you still only gave up two runs. You just weren't able to put up any runs against a really good pitcher on the White Sox. And then you won four to one prior to that. So in your last nine games, you've gone four to one and one, you lost two to nothing. And then you won four to one, five to three, you had that weird 14 to 11 win against the Orioles. And then five to one, eight to one, five to two, seven to one. It's just crazy. It's just crazy. And it's kind of coming from guys you really didn't expect. So it's, I don't know what's happened. I'll tell you something crazy happened last night. Um, what's, what's crazy is, um, post game last night, they asked Chaz McCormick, what do you, what do you make of this? What do you, what do you give, who do you give credit to? Chaz McCormick said our strength and conditioning coach deserves a lot of credit. I was like, what does he got? Is he getting them all pumped up? He's like, nah, it was after the White Sox series. He told us, uh, or I think it was after the White Sox loss, uh, when they lost two to nothing, I think he said, you guys need to remember that you're a good team. You've always been a good team. You're good players. You're a good team. You just need to remember that. You've got to remember that. And that was Chaz McCormick saying that he was like, and it meant a lot to us. And, uh, they've rattled off now seven in a row since he said that to, to the team. Pretty crazy. And he's been around for a long time. And he was like, I've been here for all of you guys. And I know you're all good at what you do. You just have forgotten it. Pretty wild. Pretty wild. So good for them, man. Uh, one of the hottest teams of baseball right now, and that's without Verlander. That's without Christian Javier. That's with, you know, Hunter Brown stepping up. Renelle Blanco's still doing what he does. Uh, our Getty spaghetti has been the man. I see he had 10 strikeouts today. Is that right? Let's see. Let's see the boxy for today. They won five to two yesterday. Hunter Brown pitched his ass off box score today. Uh, Spencer are getting those seven innings three huts, uh, three hits, no earnings strikes out 10. And the crazy thing is you look at these guys. ERA's like Hunter Brown, like Spencer are getting in, and it's deceptive because you're like, Oh man, 568 ERA. That's, that's not great. But, uh, they'll have one blow up game and, and it wrecks it, but they've pitched well. I mean, they've pitched real well. So our Getty has done well. Um, Hunter Brown has pitched phenomenal. There was a graphic they put up last night. I took a, uh, I was going to make a slide for it. I just didn't have time, but Hunter Brown over his last 25 innings, a 0.36 ERA. He's given up 16 hits and 25 innings struck out 29 over 25 innings. Pretty damn good. Kids pitching his ass off. So well done Astros. Great run on the road. Uh, Miss Queen said, you think the Orioles will be, uh, catch this year before the playoffs. Um, what do you mean? Do I think the Orioles will catch the Yankees? Oh, yeah. I think they, they definitely can. I think, yeah, I think the Orioles have what it takes to stay with the Yankees for sure. I mean, the Yankees have been banged up. Um, the Yankees have had some injury issues. Now the scary thing is, is that the Yankees just got carried coal back. They don't have Giancarlo Stanton, but they'll get him back. Um, but they probably aren't getting Anthony Rizzo back. But the, the thing is about the Orioles, they're not scared of these teams. And that's what's been wild is they're such a young team, but it's almost like they don't know any better. They're just, they're not scared of these teams. They're not scared of the Yankees. They're not scared of the Dodgers. They're not scared of not scared of teams. They should be scared of or supposed to be scared of. So yeah, I fully believe the Orioles can do. Yeah. I mean, the Orioles could win the American lead. There's no, they have the talent. Absolutely. Um, Astros doing it with young pitchers next year is going to be crazy to see who stays in the rotation. Yeah. If this team is healthy next year, they could be right back to the mountain top. And that's the encouraging thing. They might suck this year. They might not make the playoffs. They could, they could have, you know, they could go on this run, which is typical of baseball and collapse, uh, towards the end of the season, miss the playoffs, but next year they could be right back, right back at it again. Crazy. That's it. All this 2017 bandwagoners are bandwagoners are back now. Yo, what up? Even there? Yeah. Some fans are now jumping off the fire, a spot of bandwagon. Sure are sure are. Dubon at first has been wildly successful. Wouldn't have imagined that we've been. Yeah. Oh, that was crazy that, that played yesterday too, where there was a ball hit to him and instead of tossing it to, um, oh, who was in was a Scott. I forget who came in. Uh, no, no, I forget who it was. Oh shit. I forget who was in, um, but he took it himself. And it was like, Oh, that was, uh, I was rather selfish of you. I think at this point, he was just like, nah, I'm going to do this myself. I don't, I don't need any help. I don't need you messing this up for me. Let's see. Who was it? It was, uh, oh man, I don't have it now. I can't find it on here. There's the roster. Yeah. What's Scott Taylor Scott? Yeah. And he was like, he was running over to first and he's got the, it was like almost a log jam at first. Uh, the squeeze that my red socks need a good game to get another run started. Yeah. That's a, that's a speaking of log jam. That division, man boy, Al East, uh, uh, uh, uh, Al East is crazy, man. Crazy. I mean the Yankees and the Orioles are the cream of the crop, but, and the blue J's have been wildly disappointing, but you still, the, the rays still could make the playoffs and that's what's crazy. The J's aren't going to make the playoffs, but again, and they're, they're having a fire sale and they just had their young, they just called up a young cat. I forget his name, but they just literally called him up. He went one for three in his major league debut and got popped for, um, performance enhancing drugs and is out for like 80 games. First game, first major league game, one for three gets popped gone. This has been that kind of year for the blue J's and now they're talking about trading, uh, Vlagerero Jr. to the Yankees. Jesus. Really? So, but the Orioles could absolutely go on a run. Um, they, the Red Sox could. Orioles though, definitely the cream of the crop as far as the wild card goes. Uh, yes, they could catch the Yankees, but the ALS definitely the weakest division in the American league by far in L central, definitely the weakest, uh, in the, uh, nationally for sure. All right. Um, what did I have? Oh, I got to get to this two things. Well, one, one thing for sure. I just wanted to, man, go fund me. Won't leave me alone. They're like, take out this money. It's like, I don't need those fucking eggs. Stop it. Leave me alone. Yes. Best division in the American league for sure. Hey, you're never late when you're here evil death, but show never late when you're here. Yeah. Best division in the American league is the A.O. East, a show, best division in the national league. Uh, and probably the East. Oh, yeah. I had to say the East. Yeah. That's a tough one, man. It's a tough one. It's kind of a toss up. I mean, I don't know. I'm surprised. I mean, with the Phillies and Braves, they're kind of heading shoulders. The Dodgers are obviously, well, I shouldn't say obviously the Dodgers should, Dodgers should be the best team in the national league. The Phillies have proven to be such and then the Braves make the East the, what would seem to appear to be on paper, the best team or the best division in the national league. But when you start to look at the Padres, they're hanging in there and the Diamondbacks are starting to come on a little bit. Um, although the Mets are starting to feel it. They just lost Diaz for 10 days. Edwin Diaz got popped for a substance, a sticky substance. So, uh, I don't know. I think I'd give the, I guess I'd give the slight edge to the East just because the Phillies and the Braves, they're a little top heavier. I'd give, I guess I'd give the Braves the advantage over the Padres for sure. So yeah, I'd give it to the East. Definitely the East and the American League. So yeah, we'll go East and East. And then the West is the worst in the American League and the Central is the worst in the national league for show, but show. Um, they can flip even as an MLB baseball. He's a sour cap. Other teams, he's just stopped giving away star players at the end of the year, the national league center is going to be the closest race and more interesting. Now, that's, that's different than having the best teams. You know what I mean? It may have the better race, but that doesn't necessarily mean it has the better teams. It just means, I mean, hell, the American League West could have the best race. It doesn't mean it has the best. It's not the best division. It's just it's going to have the best race. Everybody's going to suck equally. You know what I mean? It's like the, it's like the NFC East from that year. Everybody was like eight, eight and nine. Oh, who's going to suck the least to make the playoffs? It's Washington or whoever the hell one at eight and nine that year are barely eked out of wind. Uh, I want to talk about a trader real quick before we go. I'll go a few minutes over because I'll be, I'll be damned. I'll be damned. If I finish this show without talking about that trader ass trader, that trader ass trader in Aggieland. Well, he's not an Aggieland anymore. That raggedy ass trader, that rascal. You know what I'm talking about? Some bitch. I mean, what a dirty ass dog. What a lion ass, dirty ass, lion ass dog. How the fuck? Come on, heavily. How dare you? Okay. My dog spoon said that to me. Oh, she was hilarious. Spoons said that said that to me this morning. I was like, No, not the dog to. Oh, that's some funny shit. Oh my God. No, not Lassie. Son of a bitch than taking everybody. Oh my God. I'm gonna tell you what though. You want to talk about some egg on your face. It's pretty bad. If you didn't hear old Schlossen Dinger, whatever the fuck his name is Aggie's baseball coach, former X Aggie baseball coach Schlossen Dinger, Schlossenheimer, Schlossenbacher, whatever, Schlossen Eagle. He was asked after the college world series if he was going to jump ship and go to Texas. And he got pissed. Jim Schlossen Eagle. And he was like, Ah, no, I took this job. I've left my family for this job. I go nowhere. And he was, he was obviously upset at the question. Like, obviously upset about it. And he was pissed. And I would get the video, but you guys don't give a shit. And you've seen it, I'm sure. But I just, I just have one thing to say about it. So he was asked the question. He goes, Oh, I can't believe How dare you! I can't believe you would ask me that I'm a gig 'em till they die. I'm gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em gig 'em How much? Huh? Timmy? Hook 'em, hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, benches! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em! Hook 'em, hook 'em, hook 'em! He switched! Oh my God! He switched so fast, he couldn't get that thumb down fast enough and then fingers up fast enough. Holy shit! It was literally, literally, Linda, Linda, listen, Linda, it was literally overnight. Like, he finished the press conference. It was like, it was like, that's it. No more questions. He was like, that's, I'm not leaving A&M, that is it. In the story. Good night. That's it. No more questions. Thank you. Hello? How much? 10 million. I'll take it. I have an announcement to make. I am taking my talents to Austin. Fuck this place. I'm out, bitches. Hook 'em. Like, it was just, it was crazy. And the ironic part about it is, oh my God, if you, as a lifelong Aggie fan, I can tell you, Aggie fans, we are the most sensitive, softest, just most wussified, pussiest fan base in America. Oh my God. He was getting death threats. You big piece of shit. I hope your whole family dies in a wagon crash. Like, Aggie fans don't know people have cars yet. This is how stupid they are. I hope your whole family dies in a wagon crash. Not even, they don't know. It's just, it's crazy, man. They were living, right? And look, he just ball faced lied. There's no way between that press conference and the announcement that it all went down. He had to have known or at least been taught to. Okay. Something was in the works. It just wasn't there. Or maybe the negotiation had broken down or was stalled out or wasn't really materializing. It was just kind of a, hey, you want to come to Texas? No, I'm happy. Are you sure you're happy? I'm good. Maybe it was one of those, right? Or maybe it was a, hey, man, when you're done with the College World Series, let's talk. I'd love to have you in Austin. Hey, man, I'm really happy here. Oh, I'd love to have you. Nah. But there was something there had to be. There's no way. You just can't convince me of that. But for it to go down that fast and then to have to go back and be like, we'll, I know I said never, but, and the crazy thing is come to find out. I didn't know this because I don't give a shit about college baseball, much less Aggie baseball. I don't give a shit. He did the same thing to TCU. The same exact thing to CCU. In fact, my boy, John McLean had called him out and in doing so in calling him out via Twitter, John McLean said, the first thing Jim Schleschnagel should do is call the Texas Ags reporter Richard Zane and apologize for insulting him about his question about the Longhorn's job after the defeat. Schleschnagel will never have any credibility again except in Austin. In fact, that's a fact. And what's crazy is, I mean, probably shouldn't have had it anyways. Because this cat responded and said, um, did you have this same response when he was hired? Because Drew Davidson, uh, apparently tweeted out and said TCU Schleschnagel shuts down A&M speculation. Quote, I have no interest in any other job. And that's when he was at TCU. So it did it again. Son of a bitch. It's a pattern. He's the goddamn Bobby Petrino of college baseball. And he the one that just like jumpship every year, he'll get a jar is that Lane Kiffin. One of them, one of them gets a job and then it is like within two weeks, he's like, I'm out. See you bitches. Like it doesn't even make it through training. You know what I mean? Like, like, I mean, as soon as it gets a job, they're like, all right, here's your uniform. And here's the handbook. And if you'll sit down, we're going to put this tape in the VCR. And first thing you're going to do is watch this. And then we're going to put you on fried detail to get started with. And then he starts watching and he's like, oh, shit, I just got a call. I'm headed to the mall, bitch. I got another job. Lane Kiffin. Yeah, that's the one that jumpship for money every time. That's sloshnagel. That's what he did. He says, it's a pattern. He was at TCU. They're asking about the A&M job. He's like, I would never, I'm a Christian. This is a Christian school. I love Jesus and I would never leave for, hold on, I got a call. Hello? What? Huh. Let me call you back. Get him. I mean, it's the same shit. It's the same shit. It's the same shit. It's literally, and then he did it again. He just did it again. Now, all of that said, I'm not even mad. Does he look like an asshole? Does he look like an imbecile? Does he look like a dirt bag shit face for saying that? And then literally within 12 hours, taking a job at the same school he just said, I left my family for this. I'm an Aggie for life. Yeah, he does. But it's his right to do it. It's absolutely his right to do it. It's America. Freedom, baby. If you worked at, wherever the fuck you worked, and people were like, hey, do you love your job? Yes, I love my job, man. I love this damn job. I love working a company, XYZ. I love this place, man. I've been at this place. I left my other place to come to XYZ. And then you went home and you opened up your email while you're sitting on the couch eating pork rinds, watching the bachelor. And you get an email from company ABC that says, we'll triple your salary. We'll give you nine weeks of vacation. I know that's not as much as CC, but we'll still give you nine weeks of vacation, triple your salary. We'll make you the boss. When you can work from home, we'll get that. Bro, you'd be like, man, fuck XYZ. I'm out. You would change your mind in a heartbeat. And it would be your right to do so. So all of these Aggie fans that are pissed off about Schloss and Heimer or Schmegal or whatever the hell this dude's name is, jumping ship, need to just chill the hell out. Because in their real life, in their real life, with their bills to pay, with their opportunity to set their family up with actual real wealth, they would do the same thing. We're talking about a ton of money. And oh, by the way, we're talking about a way more prestigious baseball program. We're talking about the cream of the crop. We're talking about one of the best baseball programs in the history of college baseball. We're talking about the difference between, you know, just being at a good program and being at the best. I mean, this is getting, this is going from, I mean, hell, this is going from coaching, A&M football to coaching at Alabama. That's what this is. You get the opportunity. And the amount of money you just don't turn that down. And if you heard him, he was like, Hey man, one of the things that I just felt like more than anything, I could trust Chris. I don't know who Chris is. But he said, I just feel like I can trust Chris. I'll tell you this. If I'm Chris, I don't know if I can trust lost, Nagle. I mean, look at the pattern. If I'm Chris, if I'm Chris, I'm like, bro, you dirty. Let me explain something. Let me, let me just explain this. If I'm Chris, okay? Yes, you got the girl. You got the girl, fam. You did. You won. You got the girl. You got that trick-ass hoe to cheat on her husband with you. Congratulations. But guess what hoes do? Hoes cheat. I don't know if I would feel secure with making a hoe my wife knowing that she was somebody else's wife when she was hoeing with me. So all I gotta say is congratulations, Longhorn fans. Congratulations. You got yourself a good hoe. I hope the hell rice don't come calling. I hope the hell USC or UCLA or somebody else with a whole hell of a lot of money in the baseball program that's worth the shit comes calling. Because guess what? That hoe is gone. Facts. And don't believe me? Just ask him. And when he tells you he ain't leaving, that trick is one foot out the door. Believe it. All right. That's another addition to Barry on deck. I appreciate you guys hanging out, man. He's a hot pun. Be up out there, bitch. People don't say he's the UTAD. They've been friends for a long time. I don't give a fuck. He left his family for A&M. Oh, fuck out of here. I'm going to tell you how much that matters, bro. If somebody came along and was like, "Oh, Chris is your friend? He gave you 10 million, huh? We'll give you a 30." He'll be like, "Hey, Chris, fuck you, fam." Trust me, bro. Trust me. He gone. He's proving that. He done it once. He's doing it again. And actually, he done it once. He's doing twice. He'll do it again. A hole is a hole is a hole. Follow me. My life. All right. I will see you guys tomorrow. We're not going to be starting late tomorrow. Ain't got shit I got to do as far as getting shit done. Unless, of course, I have tech problems or shit. My pants are, you know, something weird like that happens. Otherwise, we're just going to have a good time and kick it. It is our last show until like July 8th. Remember, I'm on vacation next week. So tomorrow is my Friday. And then we'll be back July 8th. So let's make it a good one. All right. Until then, thank you, Ariel. Thank you, Flip. Thank you, Mark. Good night, Evil Death. I'll see you tomorrow, buddy. Thank you, CC. I'll always be my queen, baby girl. Welcome to the new Miss Queen. It's only one OG queen. All right. I love you guys. I'll see you out tomorrow, man. Y'all enjoy the NBA draft and whatever else the hell you watch tonight. All right. Peace, Perry. Love you guys. Do me three favors for us to eat tomorrow. Be safe. Be God. And most importantly, love each other. Bye. That is making a YouTube video. Bye. a a a You [BLANK_AUDIO]