Barry On Deck

#812 - Stanley Cup Game 7, 3v3 Golf Fight, Larping #NHL #GOLF #LARPING

Talking: NHL Stanley Cup Game 7 Hauk Tuah mania FILM SESH: 3v3 Golf Course Fight LARPING!! and more! SUBSCRIBE ON TWITCH: SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE: MERCH:


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2h 40m
Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
Audio Format:


  • NHL Stanley Cup Game 7
  • Hauk Tuah mania
  • FILM SESH: 3v3 Golf Course Fight

and more!











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(upbeat music) Live from the Bifnet Studios World Headquarters in Spring, Texas, it's Barry on deck. Hosted by former ESPN Houston radio host and stand-up comedian Barry Laminat. Starring Oliver the Cat. Written by Barry Laminat. Produced by Barry Laminat. Directed by, you guessed it, Barry Laminat. Featuring sports, entertainment, special guests, film sessions, and some drinking. Okay, a lot of drinking. Viewer discretion is advised. And now, here's your host, Barry Laminat. Who was up, you damn dirty dickheads? So welcome to Barry on deck. I am your host, Barry Laminat. Thank you guys for being here. Today is Tuesday. February, June, February. What the fuck? June 25th, boy. 2024, this is episode, holy shit. This is episode number 812, February. Where did that come from? I have no idea. Oh my God. That's just a heat stroke moment right there. Jesus Christ, February, my goodness. That is, oh my God. Welcome to the show, welcome to the program. Hey, hello, how you doing? It is a magnificent Tuesday. Yes, in the big city. Welcome in another fun field. Barry on deck planned for you today. I say that, I don't know. Maybe it's going to be fun. Who knows? We seem to always pull a fun show out of our asses. Whether I have stuff planned or not, we end up, we end up having a good time. I sure wish more people were around to enjoy it. You know what I mean? I feel like the rest of the world is just missing out on a good time. It's their loss. Yeah, Donna, so damn hot. I'll tell you what, this is a fact. You want to, oh, you want a good diet program? What up, FJ? You want a good diet program? Seems like just yesterday, it was February, it does. You want a good diet program? Work in your yard. Yeah, Keith knows, Keith gets it. Go out and work in your yard in the afternoon after work or in the middle of the day, it's whatever. You will lose so much weight. Now, I will say you have to only eat one meal a day, which is what your boy is doing also. Damn, this is crooked, there we go. That feels better. No, that might be a little better. One meal a day and about, I don't know, four hours in the yard during the hottest part of the day and you will shed weight, a promise. A promise allows two pounds yesterday. Shit, you're not. Shit, you're not, I can prove it. I can prove it. My scale tracks my weight. When I weigh, I stand on it, it (laughs) PB doves, what's up, homie? PB doves, that sounds like forced labor. Yeah, my wife is forcing me. What up, total Dallas? Of my sweetheart, how are you? Thank you for checking in on YouTube and Twitter. But my scale tracks my weight. This was yesterday. Let's see if it'll focus there. You see the 624, I weighed 197.8. You see that, 197.8, right? 625, 195.8. 625, that's one day later, 195.8. That is two pounds, folks. Two pounds, you boy lost. In one day, the proof is in the pudding right there. You want more? I got more, just on 619, which is, what, not even six days ago? That was 198.6. Focus, bitch. That was 198.6. So, yeah, this all working out in this heat, this is, you'll lose some weight. So that was, that 619 was last Wednesday, I was 198, today 195. Joe Progenos, Joe Pro gets it. Joe Pro gets it. He's out here sweating his ass off all the time. Alex is a little way we said start the show. Bitch, I started the show. Oh, not as if she noticed the difference at the party. Thank you, Donna. Thank you. And I tell you what, I lost literally lost two pounds overnight. Now, of course, a lot of it is water weight. But I'll count it, I don't give a shit. It's gotta go somewhere. Also, I peed the bed, so that doesn't help. What? Rob? Let's go. Rob, Rob said 98 degrees feels like temp equals hail. Yeah, no shit. That's the crazy thing is, thank you for the reason I've robbed 28 months. I'm not worthy. Yeah. What is up? Look at this. Look what the cat dragged in. Holy shit. We have a, we have a brother of law signing and not Ray. Oh, what's up? Vicente. Hello, hello. I want to say junior, but that's not Vincent. Hello, sir. I'm not allowed to call him that in public. It's only for family occasions. What's up, Vincent? How are you, buddy? Yeah, no shit, Rob. 98 degrees as hot as shit enough as it is, especially in Houston. But when the feels like is 113, that's what Nora said. She goes, we're not going to get out in the yard today until seven, because the feels like it's going to be 113. I'm like, oh, so we'll wait until it's down to 110. What the fuck? What are we doing? Who gives a shit? What up, Dre? Good to see you, buddy. Good to see you, man. I mean, like, what are we really, if we really want to make a difference? Let's come out at midnight and do the yard. Let's just set up a bunch of spotlights. We'll fight the raccoons and the roaches and the bats and the pterodactyls. Yeah. So there's that. Did Amos show up? I didn't even see Amos in the chat. Is Amos here? I didn't, I did not notice. I did not see Amos here. Where did Amos pop in from? I didn't even see him here. I saw Alex and Amos. I didn't see no Amos. Are you just makin' up people in the chat? (laughing) If Jason, I got stadium lights, I might as well. I don't have stadium lights, asshole. I don't have stadium lights, and I don't have that. All right, we got a fun show playing for you. He's here. Is he here? I didn't see him. I did not. John Doria, good to see you, buddy. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. What's goin' on over here on the YouTube? Oh, I just gotta catch up. I hope you guys did your homework last night. Jeff Bell! What's up, man? Hope you guys did your homework last night. I hope you watched that hockey game. Oh, so much fun. Not as high-scoring as maybe some of you hoped for. I swear to God, if one soccer fan in this chat bitches about a two-to-one hockey game, I'm slappin' the shit out of my monitor. I'm flippin' this goddamn desk and I'm walkin' out. I swear to God, I'll do it. That's wild, Jeff. We're gonna talk about the hockey game in a minute because I feel like I might be, I feel like I might be the villain in this whole thing. I don't know, we'll get to it in a minute. We'll get to it in a minute. Let me tell you what's on deck for today. Okay, you're also gonna watch most of it. Nice, nice. We're gonna see if everybody else did too. Like Alex Villanueva said he was gonna watch it. We'll find out. Amos says, "I'm here, I was at the top of the chat." Oh, I missed it then, my bad homes. My bad homes slice, I see Donna. Oh, there you go. Yeah, you did say not first. I didn't see it in my, on the window chat. Okay, yeah, Donna was first. Amos was second, Uriel third. And Cisco, what up, Pimp? Cisco was in the house early along with FJ over on YouTube. It was Donna Keith Total Dallas and Vicente. Good to see you, all right. And then on Facebook, nobody. Yeah, I need to just stop doing it. I don't know why I do it. I don't even know why. It's just kind of a force of habit now. Creature habit, I guess, I don't know. I don't know why I keep doing it. All right, so here's what's up, what up, Terrence? All right, here's what's on tap for today. Do some headlines. Talk a little game seven, Stanley Cup. Talk a little college world series. Gonna get into a little MLB. We got NBA draft tomorrow. So we'll get into a little bit of that. I'm trying to get somebody to join us tomorrow and talk NBA, although, man, it just dawned on me. What is tomorrow? Yeah, nevermind. So we won't do that. I probably should have done it today. Shit. Tomorrow is last Wednesday of the month. So it should be a trail deck on Barry on deck on the patio tomorrow. So yeah, I should have got us an NBA draft guy today. That's my bet. I failed, I failed, I failed you. Found us that I vote Joel. The problem is Joel can't do the show because his show and this show, the timing isn't right. We've talked about it. We've talked about doing it and it's damn near impossible for him because he's show prepping at the time that we go live. So, so, yeah, visit. Yeah, but after I had anything, here's irrelevant, minus standing in the sun. That's true. That's true. I mean, honestly, Donna, I have tried. Yeah, that's what I was thinking is Kelly. I need to see if I call Katie. I need to see if I can, I need to find some other basketball guys. If Kelly's not available, I need to do that 'cause especially since Joel can't do it now. And I gotta find a baseball guy. Um, I love my boy, Apollo Dez. I love Dez, but yeah, I just see. I couldn't count on him. I love Dez to death. He's great, but I just gotta have somebody that's more reliable. If you tell me you can do Thursdays, we gotta do Thursdays. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? If you say, hey, if I say, I wanna talk Astros and MLB every Thursday with you from three to 315 or 315 to 330, then that's what I wanna schedule. And it's like, and I asked him, what's the best day for you? And he said Thursday. So I was like, oh, let's do it. And he was like, cool. And then yeah, he wasn't, he hasn't been able to make money. So I was like, I'm just not gonna ask anymore. I'm just not even gonna see like, hey, are you gonna be able to make it this week? I just stopped bothering him. You know, at some point, he's just kind of, I mean, I love him to death. Don't get me wrong. I still love him. Two deaths. So, um, by the way, wanted to tell you, I don't have a poster made yet. I need to make it tonight after the show. I got a lot of stuff to do. (sighs) I gotta, I gotta get more disciplined. I have to make a couple of videos. A couple of ads really for Facebook for my gig in Tulsa. I really need to try to sell that bitch out. So I'm trying to make some Facebook advertisements using video. Um, and then I gotta make some just regular ads, like picture ads. I gotta make a Facebook event for it. But also, I gotta make a Facebook ad and event and all that shit for this weekend because your boy will be at the Houston improv all weekend hosting for Chris Porter. What? That's right. That's right. Chris Porter back in town. I worked with him last year. No, it wasn't last time I featured for him a year or two ago. He's bringing a feature this time. And that's cool. So I hit him up and I was like, "Yo, welcome back." You got a feature goes, "Yeah." And I was like, "Well, shit, I'll host for you guys. "If you're not bringing a host." He goes, "I'm not." He was like, "Hit him up." I was like, "I did." Or I said, "Okay." And so I asked the improv, I had a book somebody. They said, "No." I was like, "Well, Chris said to tell you guys "it's cool if I host it." They said, "Cool." So yeah, I'll be at the Houston improv this weekend. From, I think it's Thursday, Friday, Saturday. So Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night. Come catch a show. 'Cause Chris is hilarious. Yeah, he really is Mark. Mark said Chris is funny as hell. He really is great dude, really funny, nice guy. All the compliments in the world. And I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't be asking to be back on the show if I didn't take that 'cause I ain't trying to work with no dickhead, you know what I mean? No thanks. So he's back, I'm happy to be working with him again. Happy to be back working again. Yo, how am I not supposed to say it? Sir, thank you big dog. Thank you big dog. Now, keep in mind, it is, I am emceeing, I'm hosting. So I know sometimes people will, when I do these, they'll come up and be like, "Oh man, "you only did 10 minutes." So it can be anywhere between a 10 minute set and a 15 minute set. So it's not a super long set. So I just want you to keep that in mind if you're paying the money just to come see me. I'm only doing at least, or usually like a 10 to a 15 minute set max. So do come, it's gonna be a hell of a show. But don't be expecting me to do like 30, 45 minute sets. That's just not what did you do from the MC spot. But I'm excited, it's gonna be a fun show. I don't know who his feature is, but hell, he's worth the price of admission alone. So I get to do 10, he's doing 45, or I get to do 10 to 15, he's doing 45. So it'll be a fun time. You should definitely come out and grab a show if you can this weekend. And hey, we all need, we all need laughs in our life, right? So I gotta get all that shit done after this show and do yard work. Yay! (gasps) Tomorrow's a tray on deck on Barry on deck on the patio. I think we're all caught up on that. Any loose ends from yesterday? I don't think so. I think that is it. I think we're all caught up. Yeah, I think I'm all caught up. Okay, let's do it. Let's get to some sports. Let's get rolling here. Let's get to show, as my mom would say. Let's get this show on the road. I don't know. Yes, Joe Pro. Yes, I have not forgotten. You are right, 1000%. I have the video right here in my pocket. What is it doing that? I have the video. I have not forgotten. It is not gone anywhere. It is still here. We are doing the film session that I keep promising you guys. And that we don't get to. We're doing it today. Damn it. We are 1000 million bajillion percent doing it today. We will get to the film session today. In the film session, if you don't know, there was a three on three fight on a golf course on Father's Day. That's how old this is, by the way. It's like a week old, a little over a week old. Yeah, three on three fight on Father's Day. And we're going to break it down. Like we do, like we do. So, should be fun. Oh, he's friends with Justin Verlander. Oh. That's cool. I didn't know he was friends with Justin Verlander. See, my twitch on my phone is awful. I see no chats. What can you do for that? Interesting. Mmm. I don't know, CC try. Um. Oh, she said I just updated it. And you, you know what? You might have to restart your phone. That might be a thing. How come I don't see Dimada's chat in here? Oh, that's an old, old one. Okay, I missed it. But Dimada had said are the Astros. They're trading with the Yankees. Let's see. Oh, you know what? Let's do this. It'll be trade rumors. We will hit that up. We'll hit up the whole site and look at various trade rumors coming in here in just a minute. We'll just go over all of them. We'll just, well, we'll look through the more relevant ones and see what's good and what's not. But in the meantime, let's just get to our sports headlines. (engine revving) All right, there's sports headlines for the day. Uh oh, I screwed this up. I didn't have my links open yet. First one is OG Anonobi has opted out of his contract. When he got traded to the Knicks, he had a player option. Four, I believe his fifth year. And he has decided to opt out. Let's see, yeah, he had signed a four year, $72 million deal with the Raptors with a player option for the fifth year. Okay, yeah. And he has decided to opt out of that. Which I think is interesting. I mean, the Knicks have improved significantly, but maybe he thinks he's not gonna get the money. He wants, I'm not sure what that is. It says the option is worth 90 million. His next contract could easily top 35. That has something to do with it, obviously. So he's obviously gonna get paid more. Health is a big question mark. And it's one of those things where, money now versus money later, right? And the 19 now being injured versus if he could get 35, which they're saying he could, you're not gonna take 19, even though you're banged up, teams are still gonna pay you 35. So you're gonna take it. It says he missed 76 games over the past three seasons. That's the crazy thing. And the NBA, no one gives this shit. You could miss, you can miss, I mean, look at, look at guys, like, look at the guy in the next slide. Porzingis, that dude is an injury machine. And no one gives this shit. He's always got a job. They don't care. You're going to get paid. So Ed and Obie's like, okay. Screwed is 20 million. I can go get more money. And so he's going to, he turns 27. He averaged 14, four and two last season in 50 games. So we'll see what happens. He will hit the free agent market. Speaking of Porzingis, scheduled to have surgery and missed the Olympics. I didn't get to a story about him during the finals, but I had the slide made and I was going to talk about it. But other things came up and you know how we get distracted on this show and other bullshit happens, usually of way less importance than other sports stories. But I was thinking about it. I always tell people this is a sports talking to an entertainment show. You know what I mean? I always, I always tell people this is a sports talking entertainment show and sometimes we talk sports and sometimes we entertainment. That's what we do. Lately we have been more talk entertainment than talk sports. Sports talk and we've been more entered. But it varies. You know what I mean? It varies. I guess it depends on my mood. It depends on the chats mood. It depends on a lot of things. And I don't think a ton of people tune into this show for my hard hitting sports analysis. I think they tune in because they want me to make sports fun, you know? So, but Porzingis had actually played in game five against Doctors Wishes. That's how bad the injury was. And he... They were like, dude, this is not a good idea. And he was like, man, this is game five of the finals. You know, I'm doing this. And I mean, he wasn't a big factor. I think he had a little like five points or something like that. Being in there obviously was a big lift for the team and gives people something that gave the, you know, the MAV something to think about or a plan for, but obviously wasn't a huge factor in the final game. But he did play nonetheless. And he will now, he will now have surgery and is going to miss the Olympics. So there you go. Hey, what up? Hey, Seuss, good to see you, homie. Thanks for popping in and enjoying the show for the day. Rudy Rock! Stantise, wash hands, social distance. I remember we said, do that every day back in the day during COVID. Stantise, wash hands, so this is back to, yeah. So there's two of your sports headlines with Porzingis and Anobi. And two more for you. Oh, two more for you. Oh, test chat for CC. There you go. Hey, CC, test chat. Tickety, tickety test test. Hello, CC. Oh, hey, what up? Tony, good to see you, buddy. Vols baseball, hello, deckheads. So, yeah, the Tennessee Vols defeat the Texas Aggies 6'5 win the men's college world series. And they win that two games to one. It was, it was better offense beating, better pitching, which I told you yesterday, that was kind of what this series was going into it. Tennessee had the best offense in the SEC by far. And A&M had the best pitching by far. Game one was kind of an anomaly. Game two was the opposite in that, you know, you kind of, what you kind of expected was this to kind of balance each other out. And this to be kind of a three, two, four to two, something like that. Six, five was a bit of an anomaly, eight to one. I mean, it kind of didn't go as the numbers would have predicted that this series should go. Yes, CC, I see that. One, two, three test tickles, can you see me? Yes, right there. See it, boop, boop, boop. We see you, CC. Well, at least I see you. I don't know, I guess I could get my phone to look. So, yeah, congratulations to the Tennessee Volunteers. They are your 2024 men's college world series champions. And I think they, the last time they won was like a long, long time ago. Long time, I don't even know what it was. It's probably in an article in ESPN somewhere. Crazy thing is Aggies still haven't won a national title, a legit national title. Really ever, but they count the 1936 or 1939 college football national championship. It's the one that they have a sign for at the campus that everybody makes fun of that they should have never put up. So, yeah, this is, congrats to the Vals and finally, that's what I did on Barry-On Sports. I was like, "Where have I heard that before?" I'm like, "Oh, that's me." Uh, Lorda, has, yeah, I still see Nada. You're not seeing anything, CC? Well, no, Chris, still good to see you, sweetie. CC, you're not seeing anything? Oh, man, I've got to totally, I've totally forgot to tweet out the show. Uh-oh, uh, see you here. Uh-uh, uh-uh, yeah, let me just do this. Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh. I am live and forgot to send this earlier. I'm nude, come see what's hanging out. Everybody see what they come? Uh, yo, what up, shock? You gonna see you pimpin'? Okay, um, I'm gonna see you, man. Just night boy and me guess I blocked the groupies. Oh, night bot. Oh, night bot. Did something happen to your accounts? Let me see, moderator. Uh, now your account looks fine, CC, let's see. Mom looks fine to me. Uh-oh, what is this? Oh, no, that says worn. Mm-mm. No, I don't see any... I don't see anything bad on your account, CC. Hmm, you don't say? Yo, no, say. I don't know what's going on. Interesting. Uh, couldn't tell you. Hmm. Could not tell you. Well, we love you too, CC, we love you too. I just realized I can see, like, in this little chat over here, this is interesting, all of the icons. It shows who's a subscriber, who's not a subscriber, who's a VIP. Uh, it shows, like, the, what is this one? Oh, artist. Cisco's an artist. It's got, uh, oh, that's a bit icon. Oh, that's cool. Um, oh, this is neat. That's got a lot of shit. A moderator badge. A subscriber badge. VIP badge. Huh. That's a lot of shit. That's pretty cool. And then it's got, like, weather, yeah. What, I don't know, like, what badges you do or don't have. That's pretty neat. That's really cool. Um, really cool. Awesome. Um, the amount of space eggs heavy booster to launch at 4.13 on YouTube. Oh, nice. Very cool. So, um, let's talk hockey. Because E yesterday was, or last night, was game seven of, well, that's weird. Yes, easy. My, my chat is working and I can see you. I didn't update it though. Game seven Stanley Cup finals was last night. How many, what a patch. How many of you guys watched game seven Stanley Cup finals last night? One in the chat. Put a one in the chat if you watch last night. I need to know who did their homework. I need to know who. Who took my advice? Who listened? Who listened to your boy? And even if you didn't want to do it. Who watched game seven last night? Put a one in the chat. Put a one in the chat. Because, um, man, put a five if you didn't put a five in the chat if you did not watch. Put a one in the chat if you did. I said hockey is always one. Oh my god. Oh my god. Uh, do you mind if I was feeling real? I don't know what that means. Do you want to say five? Terrence did not. Uh, Alice Villanueva, you put a point five. Does that mean you kind of watched, you watched half of it? Perry did not. Crystal did not. You're real watched. That's what I'm talking about. Um, Donna watched plus some college world series. Good. Let's see. Crystal did not. But we had a lot of people watch and I'm going to tell you right now. Yeah. Mark said low scoring, but phenomenal game. Um, total Dallas watched. Eric said I watched about 10 minutes, but then I turned on Copa America. Alex Villanueva said I watched a little. I was feeling really bad last night. So I didn't watch. Oh, that sucks, buddy. I'm sorry. That sucks, man. Um, I'm be, I'm be honest. I wasn't feeling great myself. Not, I mean, just working in the yard. I'm old. I'm realized. You know what I've realized? I think this is going to sound like a crybaby bullshit. I think because I've sat in this house for so long and can't do shit. Like I don't work out. I don't walk. If weights, I don't, I don't exercise. Once I got outside and started working in the yard, I realized how much strength I've lost. I'm like, Oh God, I'm weak now compared to what I used to be. Like, holy shit. Things I used to be able to lift in the strength I had with nope. I'm like, Oh God. And getting old doesn't help. But no, the last three minutes doesn't count for one Amos. Uh, Dr. Dre did not watch Rudy did not watch. Man, y'all missed. I'm telling you, gosh, what a waste. It's theirs. I mean, if you watch the whole thing, there was really never a lull in this game. There was really never a lull. It was just nonce because there was, when you, when it's this close, when it's, when it's this close, you never really get nobody ever feels like they have any breathing room to relax. You know what I mean? My cat deleted your comments. Sorry, G. What? What? Who's coming? Got deleted. Oh. Checked out her pookey here. I'll put it on the screen because I like that hockey has replaced the NBA for me now, bro, hockey is so much fun. TDP, have you, uh, did you just start watching it this year? I mean, have you been watching it all year or was last night the first time you watched because I was encouraging y'all to watch? I mean, uh, tell me, tell me why because man, even though I didn't watch a lot this year, every time I do watch, I just, I fall in love with it all over again. It's so much fun. It's such a fun sport to watch. Eric said this frickin' son has been kicking my ass, has been crazy how much it drains through the end of the day. Okay. Well, then maybe it's not me. Maybe I'm not old. I mean, I'm old, but because I just feel like God, am I this weak? Okay. Anyways, last night, man, um, it was a really fun game. Uh, Florida beat Edmonton two to one wins the Stanley Cup, defeats them in seven games. You don't know Florida had gone up three O in the series had gone up three O and they showed a graphic, which I thought was really interesting. And in the history of the NBA, the NHL and MLB, when a team has gone up three O in the finals, whether it be, you know, MLB World Series, NBA finals or NHL finals, never in the history of the NBA has a team come back down 03 and won the NBA championship ever. It's only happened once in MLB history and it's only, and it's happened four times in the NHL. So had Edmonton one last night, it would have been the fifth time, um, which is interesting and it kind of just shows you how volatile hockey can be. And the first goal that was scored last night also shows you a little bit about hockey in that hockey, don't get me wrong. Hockey is a very skilled game. It, it is very skilled, but there's also a bit of luck involved and maybe I just don't know enough about the game, but as you watch it, that first goal, I don't remember who's scored it. I don't know all the names yet, but as you watch, it was just a deflection. It was the, the dude deflected it off his stick. I mean, you can't tell me that he a thousand percent knew exactly that that puck was going to go between the legs of the goalie. I mean, he was trying to get a stick on it. Don't get me wrong. He was trying to deflect it. He was trying to do something, but it was like, whoa, but really that, that felt a little, it felt, it felt a little lucky. You know what I mean? It felt a little lucky and, and that's not the first time that I've watched hockey and seen a goal like that and thought, well, I mean, that's just right place, right time. But that's part of what the beauty of hockey is, which is why they tell you. And if you watch hockey, you'll hear this. Just get the puck at the goal. Just put the puck towards the net. Just get the puck towards the net and good things happen because you get lucky, you get a deflection. You might get a bounce, you, there's some luck involved in hockey when it comes to scoring goals, just like that first goal. So yeah, there's a ton of skill involved, don't get me wrong. Edmonton's first goal, wow, wow, beautiful goal. So yeah, I mean, that was, that was a little crazy. Well, what's crazy is in that first period, and I'm, I'm looking at my notes because I made it in a couple, most of the scoring took place within the first seven, eight minutes of the game. It was one, one early, and both goal tenders, I thought did a good job of settling down, or goalies, I should say, both goalies did a good job of settling down and really not going crazy after or not, you know, losing it and losing their confidence after that because it only ends up to one. And trust me, there were plenty of opportunities for both teams to score. So I thought both goalies played well. It was, and it was, the crazy thing is Florida's goal was they were on a power play. And for those of you that don't know, like, power play is when you have one more person on the ice than the other team. So if you commit a penalty in hockey, I mean, I only explain this because it's something you say you don't know the rules. There's certain, if you committed a penalty in hockey, your player has to go to the penalty box for a certain amount of minutes, believe it's if it's a minor, it's two minutes, if it's a major, it's four, I think it is. So your team, if you, if you were penalized, your team has to play without a man. So usually that's called short handed, you're playing four on five. The other team is playing with a man advantage or five on four. So that's called a power play. So Florida had a power play and Florida had been okay during the regular season on power plays. I looked at other like eight. They had been trash in the postseason. I mean, trash, Edmonton had been, they were fourth in the regular season on power play goals. And I think they were something like second on short handed goals. No, I think that back, I don't know what they were. They were up there, but in the post season, they were like top two in both power play and short handed goal, just phenomenal. So Florida Edmonton kills the penalty, only to give up the goal like five seconds after, after the power play is crazy. So yes, pucks and holes, pucks and holes. Yes, Cece. I was going to say that was one of my notes, the whole damn game. There was a guy out there named Cece, and he just kept hearing, oh, there's Cece. There goes Cece. I was like, boy, they love them some Cece in this game. This is fantastic. Just kept hearing Cece's name all night long. Mark said he was trying to deflect where it went, but it isn't an exact science. Well, that's what I mean. That's what I said. He was definitely, he meant to put a stick on it, but it was like to get it right between his legs and know that his legs was going to be like, oh, come on. You can't tell me that he knew he wasn't going to be able to go a five-hole because the goalie was going to be right there. There's definitely some luck involved in it, for sure. NBC tried it again a few years ago, and ESPN got the contract now. Alex, what's this over here? Oh, Alex is on YouTube now. Yo, what up? Skickety big? There is no other sport where the underdog is a better chance to win. That's true. That's very true. But the, um, the crazy thing is, is there's a goal early, right after a power play from Florida. Florida goes up early, and, uh, crowd goes nuts, and you're like, uh-oh. Here we go. This is a game seven. This could be it. And then within, I think it was, I have a 2-17, Edmonton gets a breakaway, answers right back. And I was like, my God, I love this. This is so much fun. And if you watch, it's just this frenetic pace this whole time, because you can't like let up, you can't just like calm down. You can't just like chill in a game seven in hockey. You know what I mean? There's no plays off. There's no minutes off. It's just, it was wild. So that's first period. Back of Barry comes out, there was a bad tripping call at one point in the period, which, um, Florida kills the penalty. It was against Florida. The dude fell down, and he's sliding across the ice, and somebody from Edmonton trips over him, and they call a tripping penalty, which puts Florida at a disadvantage, obviously. And it was a bad penalty call, apparently. I don't know. But they said it was a bad penalty call, but Florida kills the penalty, uh, does a good job of not giving up a goal, because again, I brought up, I brought it up earlier because of this. Edmonton was really good at power play goals. I actually have. I don't know why I'm doing this to you. I actually made this for you guys. Uh, Edmonton was really good at, uh, power play goals all year. And especially in the playoffs, they were good, short handed and good on the power play. So that was a big deal for that penalty to be called because it shouldn't have been called number one and number two given, uh, Edmonton, a man advantage, uh, tied in the second period was normally in the previous three games, at least spelled bad news for the Panthers. But they do a good job. They kill it and, um, they're able to escape, uh, and then score right after or not too far after that. They keep their composure and score. They go up to one, which would ultimately end up being the deciding goal. And I thought there was one other critical, I thought there was one other critical play and it was right at the end. And again, I don't know a ton about hockey, but I know enough. I know, I want to know Connor McDavid is really, really good. He had, um, he had a rush with about 20 seconds left in the second period. It was basically one on one and I don't know who it was. I forget the dude's name. I'd have to look it up. It was like, uh, egg blender, some shit like that. Hold it. I could find his name out. I'm going to get his name right. Um, it H.L. Oh, I don't know. It was. Eggblad. Eggblad. Eggblad. Yeah. E.K.B. L.A.D. Whoever that is. He's one on one with Connor McDavid. That ain't easy. That pokes the puck away as the period is coming to an end, it's like 20 seconds left. And that's a big deal because, you know, if you get, let McDavid get free right there and score. Now you're going into the third period and Florida is going to be tight and Edmonton's not. And instead he pokes the puck away. No harm. No foul. They end up getting like a icing call and then they just, they, nothing happens. And then they just play good hockey in the third period. And that's it. Panthers win. It was a fun hockey game, man. It wasn't high scoring, but it was frenetic fast pace, a lot of hitting, didn't get too chippy. Once or twice, nothing major, couple of high sticks, which you, you know, usually ends up starting fights, but not in game seven of the Stanley Cup finals. So you had a couple of high sticking calls. I think both against Edmonton, if I'm not mistaken, but yeah, oh, here are the penalties right here. Yeah. Uh, yeah, both high stickings were against, uh, Edmonton and then you had a tripping against Matthew Kachup. Yeah. In the second period. So. And that was the penalty minutes that you see there. And I think the way they do the high sticking and correct me if I'm wrong, Mark, Skiggity Big. You guys would know this. Jeff Bell. You guys would know this better than me. What's up? Ian. Excuse me. Um, the, if a high stick doesn't draw blood, it's a minor, right? But if I, if you high stick and it draws blood, is it a major penalty? Cause that's what they said on the thing. They're like, they're looking for blood. He's trying to find blood and they look and they're like, Oh, he's not bleeding. It's a minor penalty. Is that true? Is that, is that the, is that the rule, like you look, you look for blood? It's like, oh, you're not bleeding pussy. Get out of here. That's a minor penalty. Is that the, this is why this is why this is such a great sport. They're all saying yes to the chat. Oh my God. That is amazing. Could you imagine? And why can we not get this in all of the sports? Holy shit. We need this in baseball. We need this in basketball. We need this in football. We, yeah, we need blood or injury or a passing interference. Are you bleeding? Okay. Well, then it's just five yards. Oh, you got to hit by a pitch. Are you, are you, did it break something or are you bleeding? Oh, well, then you don't get a base. That's just a ball. It's amazing. So, oh my God, it's so fantastic. Oh, it's just, now seeing now, Mark, you're just, you might as well be talking Russian for all of them. Mark's like, the first high sticking should have been a cross check above the shoulders. Okay. Well, I don't even know what the cross check is, okay? I know what a high stick is. It's a, it's when the stick is high. I know you can't hit like, I know you can't like hit somebody in the face with a stick. That's all I know what high sticking is. I mean, we got another rules, but that shit, that was, that was amazed at that because he was like, when the second one, I think it was when the second one occurred, when Evan Bouchard was hit with the high sticking, they said, whoever the dude is, it to Lucis Theron and or whatever, they were like, oh, he's looking for blood. He's really trying to find blood and he was too, boy, he was like, I thought for a minute, he was going to be like, Oh, there it is, I found it, I mean, now I'm going to do that. And he, and he was, I mean, he was hunting blood and they were like, Oh, he's not bleeding. It's just a minor, but he really was looking for blood to, so it would be a major. I was like, is that how this works? That is amazing. I think that's hilarious. If you don't draw blood, it's, eh, that's fantastic. I fucking love you, hockey. I love you so much. I mean, that is, wow, how do you not like that? If you're a sports fan, how do you not like that? Oh, that's a good one, Jeff Bell, you get hit by a pitch. If you're bleeding, second base, now you don't go to first, you go to second. Yeah, God love it. I love it. Yeah. That's funny. Hockey is the opposite of soccer when it comes to net. No shit. Right? Yo, what up? Alex, why'd you switch back? Alex said, okay, I'm back in the Twitch sphere. What happened? See, I told you, Perry, Perry's like, Wow, that's interesting. I'm telling y'all, man, if you, you're really missing out if you're not giving hockey a chance. And I'll be the, by the way, can we all just stop and pause and, and appreciate the graph Huh? Huh? This is the first time in the history this show your boys ever made a graphic for hockey. Custom. Custom. I worked on this. What are we talking about? What? Custom. What? I ain't never made a hockey graphic in my life. I was like, let me make something special for this. This is, I'm trying to be encouraging of hockey. But I'm telling you, man, uh, oh, no, no, no, no, stop. Robert. Oh shit. Oh shit. What the fuck was that? It was, it was a, it was a lot of fun and that's why I was never a big hockey fan. I was never a fan of hockey. Just like soccer. I mean, I didn't grow up watching either sport. So I was never one to give the sport a chance. I had gone to a hockey game live a couple of times here in Houston. I want to say when, I think I went once a couple of times just because somebody I knew had tickets to an arrows game and then a couple of times with ESPN radio. And live obviously it'll, it'll change your mind. It'll, if you go watch live hockey, it'll change your perspective. It is, it is definitely a sport that you really appreciate once you watch it live versus on TV baseball is cool, football is cool, basketball, yeah. But if you go watch a hockey game live, there's nothing like it. And if you have a chance, if you have a chance to sit up next to the glass, at least once in your life, do it. Just do it. You've got to. It's amazing. Oh yeah, that's true, Skiggity Big. That's very true. Skiggity Big said also the Panthers, Panther fans, Boing, Conor McDavid for winning the consummate trophy was pretty trashy. Yeah. For those of you that don't know, so the consummate trophy is like the, it's the playoff MVP is what it is. It's not the finals MVP. It's the playoff MVP. It's for the entire playoffs. They give out an MVP award. So it's not like, you know, oh, what's his name? Shit. Well, yeah, it's, it's for the finals, right? So, I mean, it's for the playoffs for, and, and Conor McDavid had an amazing playoffs and there was talk that win or lose, he could very well win the trophy. And what's the, what's the goalie's name for the Panthers, Bobrovsky? He had had a really good playoffs, getting them to the finals and getting them up 3-0, but then he kind of collapsed over the next three games, and McDavid ended up getting scored four points and two consecutive games to get Edmonton back. And that's when things had kind of changed, and everybody was like, oh, McDavid could win this. And that kind of carried over and eventually he did end up winning it. And Panthers fans booed him winning it. Um, I'm going to get it though. You want your boy to win. You want your team to win. I guess, I guess that's trashy. I don't know. I mean, well, I'd probably booed too. It was not my team's guy that won, I don't know. Probably don't care. Rob just now said five, Jesus Rob, how far behind are you? Good Lord Rob. Rob's that I'm retired from watching Euler's playoff heartbreaks, somebody, somebody text Rob and telling them to catch up. He's 30 minutes behind the goddamn show. Um, that would make me bleed my own blood. Uh, they really let them play last night. Yeah. They try not to call too many penalties in the playoffs. Yeah. Oh, and that's good. That's good. I mean, yeah, why would you? Marcho, there's an Edmonton chicken that flashed her titties. Oh, an Edmonton chick. I was like, what a what an Edmonton chicken. What the fuck? What? There's an Edmonton chick that flashed her titties back against Dallas. And now it's is going to do a photo shoot with playboy. Is that why I kept seeing her? Because we need to talk today about the hot to a girl. And I kept seeing a picture of her and the Edmonton chick. And I was like, what did the Edmonton chick do to get associated with the hot to a girl? And now I know she showed her titties. Okay. I need to look them titties up. Yo, skinny me. Let's go. 16. Oh, no. Shit. That's my man. That's not skinny. That's since he bull rock. Oh, man. I saw the S and the B. That just jumped in conclusion. My best since a bull rock. By the way, I just replied to you because my dumb ass didn't check my messages. I sent you my email. Message me homey. Thank you for the resubbed 16 months. It's like, it's like two premature babies. I made that awkward. Yeah, dude. Send me an email. Message me. Send me an email. And let's make it happen. Captain. Let's make it happen. Captain. Looking forward to that. And thank you for the resub. Homey. Much appreciated. He should have came out and accepted. Oh, yeah. Rob's so slow smoking. That's funny as shit, bro. Slow smoking the chat. What up Jim? Good to see you, man. Thanks for popping in, homie. Panters fans can fornicate themselves on an iron pole. They're all forgetting about this win next week. Yeah. Florida Panters fans don't strike me as real hockey fans. You know what I mean? Like, they know. Here's why. Okay. Let's be honest. And again, guys, I don't want to pretend like I know a ton about hockey. I do have a brain that can draw conclusions and is pretty perceptive so I can pick up on context clues. One, I use that. Two, it doesn't take a genius to understand certain things. Um, what is happening right now? Let's go. Let's go. What's up? What is happening? Book of chew. Welcome in. Welcome in Raiders. Welcome in. Yo. What's up? Book of chew. Thank you for the raid, man. Shut up, Alex. I don't confuse everybody. Just shut up, Alex. I don't confuse everybody. Just shut up, Alex. Book of chew. Thank you for the raid, man. Welcome in to you and the Raiders, man. Thank you. Hope you had a good stream. Uh, what was the, what was the show about today, man, or y'all, what were y'all streaming about? Was it fun? Look, I told an Alice Book of chew greater than book of Eli. Hell yeah. Although book of Eli was good. I'll take book of chew though. Appreciate the raid, homie. Much love, man. What was the, what was the show about? Welcome in, by the way. Welcome in to all the Raiders. This is Barry on deck. I'm your host, Barry Lavenak. This is my little corner of Twitch. Sports talking entertainment show. We do this four days a week, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Shut up, chat. Type of 2, 20-ish to 5 p.m. I'm usually late. They won't let me forget it. We do a lot of cursing, a lot of drinking. And yeah. Welcome in. You guys are family now. Just, you know, make yourselves in the home. The kitchen's down the hall on the right. Bathroom's on the left. Please don't do blow in the bathrooms. No hookers after nine. Make yourselves in the home. Welcome in. We talked about Dinger Tuesday and MLB. Nice. Nice. We are talking hockey and girl titties. [laughter] Barry nailed it. Yeah. We were talking NHL Game 7, Stanley Cup finals. And then we were kind of veering off into Edmonton Oilers girl showing her titties. And I hadn't seen them yet. And yeah. That's where we were headed. That's the road we were headed down. Because I didn't know that, I didn't know who she was. I kept seeing her, a picture of her, next to the hak to a girl. I feel like that's how you have to say it, by the way. I don't think you can just say hak to. I think you have to actually, you know, you have to put your foot in it. You have to hak to a girl. So, they all looking like, huh, what, I don't know what that means. So, yes. Back to real quick, back to the Florida hockey fans, before I get distracted. We were talking about hockey. And to Jim's point about Florida hockey fans, they're 100% bandwagon fans for two reasons, Jim, one, people in Florida didn't grow up with hockey. Just like me. I didn't grow up with hockey. That's why I never watched this. Why I'm not a fan. I don't have a team. I didn't grow up as a hockey fan. We just don't have that in Houston. That's not a thing in Florida. So the people that do love hockey are transplants. They're all old geezers. They're all blue hairs that moved from the East Coast down to Florida. So they already have an allegiance to another team. They already love the Islanders or the Devils or the Flyers or the Rangers or whoever, the Penguins. They have a team, I promise you. But they have retired and moved to Florida. But now they're Panthers fans because they live down there and the Panthers are good and relevant. It's bullshit. There's nobody in Florida. There's no Florida Panther fan that grew up a hockey fan. It's horseshit. So you're right. It's a hundred percent, it's a hundred percent bandwagon fans, a hundred percent. So blah, blah, uh, what does this say? Two words. Snowbirds. Yeah. That's exactly right. That's exactly right. Cisco said AJ Hawke to a tackle by a lower trade. Oh, nice. That's well done. That's well done. Paris, I'm definitely a bandwagon Astros fan by that logic. Yeah. But, but Perry, you grew up with, you grew up around baseball, right? I mean, you grew up in the South. It's not like you, you watched baseball. I mean, Perry, you grew up in New Orleans, right? You guys, you guys had baseball and TV. We didn't have hockey on TV. We never watched hockey. You guys probably got regional Astros baseball games. We didn't get a hockey. That's different. So, um, Rudy, stick around. It's a pretty good show. Uh, we talking a hockey girl. Oh, yeah. There we go. So, yeah, that's, I think that's the problem with a lot of the Florida Panther friends. Oh, Zephyrs was a minor league in New Orleans. Oh, that's true. That's true. That's very true. Uh oh, why isn't my chat updating? Oh, there it goes. Hey, what up Tony? New Orleans is a hockey town. No, it's not. No, it's not. How long have the Panthers been there? If they've been there at least 10 years, they probably have some homegrown fans. I mean, but those 10-year-olds ain't buying tickets though, Amos. Those 10-year-olds aren't buying tickets to the games and, yeah, I mean, that's not. Perry said the Zephyrs was a minor league team in New Orleans. Yeah, I remember that. That was the Astros minor leakers, right? Oh, well, now that's, that's a little different. Okay. Well, now 30 years is a little different. Okay. All right, maybe, maybe, maybe you could grow up. Jim said 30-year-olds weren't buying tickets either. I mean, now Jim, there might be a few. Certainly not all of them. Certainly not all of them. Oh, wow. Really? The Tampa Bay Lightning were only one year older? Wow. That's interesting. I always think it's interesting that most of the southern states have hockey, you know, Phoenix. It's all the hot ass cities too. The cities that never experience snow or freezing, Phoenix, Tampa, Miami, Charlotte, it's like, what? I don't know. Oh, Phoenix. That's right. Phoenix left. They're going to Utah, right? Yeah. That's probably for the best. Well, maybe, even since it took us a few years to really get behind the hornets, pelicans in New Orleans. Yeah, that would be weird. That would be weird to embrace a team from another city. There's always been talking Houston about getting another hockey team, about another hockey team, relocating to Houston. And while I think that would be cool and it would be all great, I would rather a team start from scratching Houston. Like, I don't want to get somebody's leftovers. You know, I don't want to get, I don't want the Phoenix Coyotes being the Houston Coyotes. You know, I don't, I don't want to get, because there was talk. I think it was, was it Edmonton? No, who was it that there was a, there was a Canadian team that they were talking about that was going to leave and that might be coming to Houston? Calgary. Yeah. Was it Calgary or Winnipeg? No, I told Dallas at Winnipeg. Was it Calgary? I don't know. Well, it wasn't the jet, was it? It wasn't the Winnipeg jet. It was Calgary. Okay. The Calgary flames. I don't know. It was one of them, but it was like, eh, I'd just rather just fold them up and then just let us start our own, right? I would rather, I would rather just fold up and, you know, give the Calgary flames like a Viking funeral, you know what I mean? Put all their shit on a boat, set it on fire because that would be apropos and then send it off into the, the ocean, goodbye. And then let us start our own hockey team down here in Houston and we can go through some bullshit thing like naming involved the fans like you care, you're not going to listen to them. We'll put it to a fan vote even though you're not going to let them choose for real. I know the fans think that they chose the Texans. They didn't. They didn't. I know the fans think that when they vote on this shit that they actually let them vote, they don't. No fan based in the history of fan based voting has ever actually chosen the name. I just want them to know that like the teams know this is what we're going to call the team. We're going to open it up and then we're going to say, oh, you guys picked this name. No they didn't. First of all, they give you the five names and let you pick. They've already picked this is just like American Idol. They know who's going to win. They know. They just give you a bunch of trash and draw it out because they have to fill a certain amount of weeks that we wind up with Boney McBoatface. No, because otherwise we'd be our hockey team would be called the Houston humidity. A swear to God, no one would want to play the Houston humidity and no one would want to wear that hat or sweater or kit or whatever. You call it in hockey, a sweater. No one would want to wear that. Nobody. Boney McBoatface was the best. Oh, my God, Jim, what a great pull that is used to sleep. So fantastic. Oh, Boney McBoatface. That was a public thing they did. I forget where it was, but they got to name a boat and somebody somebody submitted Boney McBoatface. And people voted for it and they were like, okay, we're not naming it Boney McBoatface. And they were like, we're going to do it again. This is not happening. No, we're not allowing it. No, since he bullrocks it, that was like the 60s. No, it was recent. It was like the 90s or something like just when the internet was getting started. Let me go. Hold on. Boney McBoatface. I thought it was like a Boney McBoatface what you get when you let the internet decide. A proposal by a British government agency to let the internet suggest a name for a $287 million polar research ship probably seemed like a good idea at the time. Now the agency is the latest group to see what happens when web users are asked to unleash their creative energy. RRS Boney McBoatface is a clear front runner. People quickly disregarded the more dignified names suggested by the Natural Environmental Research Council, Shackleton, the Endeavor, and the Falcon. Instead, the contest became the latest in the internet's long story history to end up with social media users, gleefully offering ridiculous names to government-funded projects. The initiatives are often hilarious but don't often succeed. Remember when Slovak lawmakers overrode the public's vote in 2012 to rename a pedestrian bridge after the actor Chuck Norris. Or the debacle in Austin, Texas a year earlier when people unsuccessfully tried to name the city's waste management service after limp biscuits frontman Fred Durst. Corporations have also tried this tactic. And the penalty for trying to play with the internet tends to be a meaner. Mountain Dew learned the hard way when 4chan took control of a vote to name a new flavor. And the joke was on Taylor Swift and VH1 when the internet chose a school for the deaf as a concert location. "What the fuck, what the--" "I never heard of this, what, oh my god, so Taylor Swift and VH1 were like, 'where should we have our next concert?'" And 4chan, they chose her to school for the deaf. God, I love the internet. Oh my god. We have James Hand, a public relations professional and former BBC employee to thank or blame for the latest episode. Mr. Hand became a bit of an overnight sensation when he submitted the name "Body McBoatface." After seeing reports of the competition last week, then he watched his creation spin completely out of control. The storm that has been created has got legs of its own. Mr. Hand told the BBC on Monday and added that he submitted "Body McBoatface" in another competition. The research got-- let's see, where's the vote? Research Council would not comment on whether it would override the internet suggestion. But a spokeswoman said in an email that the group was "delighted by the enthusiasm and creativity." We've had thousands of suggestions made on the website. Many of them reflect the importance of the ship's scientific role, except one, "Fuck that guy!" No, that's it. We're pleased that people are embracing the idea in a spirit of fun. Sure they are, it says the article, "Bolcklose is April 16." Oh, God. If they can ever get the crashed polling website back online, that's hilarious. Hilarious. "Body McBoatface." Oh, my God. Um. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. This is hilarious. Um. Here is. Let's see, Mountain Dude naming campaign hijacked by the infamous board 4chan. Oh, my God. So, well, we've got to go over this. Well, way to go, Jim, you just derailed the whole damn show. Hope you're happy. I hope you're happy, Jim. This is hilarious. So, this is the Mountain Dude, oh, my God. Oh, there's an article about Taylor Swift, "Go to the School of the Blind." Mountain Dude naming campaign was hijacked by the infamous message board 4chan. And there's a photo of all of the suggested names. Let me see if I can read all of these. Okay, this is terrible, but I'm going to read these. So here are, this is what 4chan hijacked. And got them up, too. Number one was Hitler did nothing wrong. Jesus Christ. Number two was gushing Granny. Number three was gushing Granny with no G. Number four was Fapple. Fapple. Are you shitting me? Why should it go for a Fapple right about now? Number five was Granny's Squirt. Man, this granny squirt tastes delicious. Number six was Tempest. Number seven was Gushing Granny. Number eight was Gushing Granny's. Number nine was Diabedus, Jesus. And uh, number, oh wait, hold on, I'm sorry. Number eight, or number nine was Diabedus. Diabedus. Diabedus. Diabedus. Diabedus. Diabedus. Diabedus. Diabedus. Diabedus. Diabedus. Diabedus. He said you care. Diabedus. He said you care. And number ten was Fabulous Apple. I hate the internet. I swear to God, we are so stupid. Pairs it, what are we talking about titties? Yes, and then Jim comes in, drops Bodie McBoatface and off we go. Alright, we'll get back to titties, let's go. Let's get back to it. That's enough clowning around. That's enough. Uh, let's just go say the ADHD and it's finest. Hey, that was fun. Alright, um, everyone would have given way more of a shit about that boat. That's true. That's true since they were all wrong. That's true. Uh, they used to pop us. Right, uh, used to humidity would play in a pool. Yeah, the eyes would be melted for sure, right? Um, you can name every team used in the Astros. No, no, no, no, alright, uh, Dave, yeah, Dave said film session. Yeah, we do got to get to the film session and we're going to, I still want to talk about this, this hot, and spit on that thing. Can we talk about her for a second? Do we, do we have time? I mean, I don't know why I'm asking. Of course we have time. If I said how about a film session, yeah, we do need to do the film session. I know. I really want to talk about this, this, this jig, this hack to get the video. Is everybody know what I'm talking about? I need to get the copy of the video. Let me, uh, oh, let's see. Did you ever do ice fights? No, I need to. They had a real granny squirking over there. Don't they? Yeah. Yeah, they really did. They had a real, uh, yeah, yeah, they really did. Okay, I don't need all that bullshit, just give it a goddamn original. I swear to God, I hate the internet. Uh, did she really get fired? Hmm. Oh, here we go. Okay. Donna said yes. Unfortunately, yes, Donna, Donna is not a fan. I mean, I'm not surprised, uh, Donna's not a fail. Let's see. Save video as the way she said that you get me. Okay. Uh, did I get it? No shit. I don't think I got it. All right. I do have the film set, though, Donna said it was tacky as hell. Yeah. Well, yeah. That's, that's part of what we need to talk about, uh, bro, this don't never work right. I don't know why. There we go. There we go. Okay, uh, oh, there we go. Okay, that's way too much. Um, all right. She's got merch now. Yeah. That's the, that's the problem. All right. So I'm going to play the video. Let's do the film session first. We'll get to her. I mean, we're kind of wanted already. What's he say? I heard she's never really bobbed one. See, see, eyes, fights would be more used than actual hockey. That's true. Well, I mean, we're here. We might as well do it. I wanted to do it last week. So we're here. We might as well, I mean, we're going to do the film session though, I promise, but let's just, I just want to talk about this real quick or I'm not going to belabor the point. I just, I just have a few talking points about this. We would, I mean, we haven't talked about it on this, this show yet. And it's only the biggest pop culture topic in America. So we have to talk about it. For those of you that don't know what we are talking about, this is, and there's a bunch of extra shit on this. I don't need the whole thing, but this is what we're talking about. So she's called the hak to a girl. And she went viral and she has broken the internet in so many ways and this is why checking out. I'm moving bad. That makes a man go crazy every time. You got to give him that hock and spit on that thing. That's it. That's, that's it. That is the, that is what, that moment, that one little moment in life changed the course of this woman's life forever doing a street interview. First out in Nashville, Cece, you're so disgusting. You are so disgusting. Cece said, I heard she's bulimic and has no gag. Cece, I would expect that from some of the men in the chat. Okay. Not you, Cece. Not you. Not this way. Not this way. That's disgusting. You're grossing out Donna, Jesus Cece. Um, okay. I mean, first reaction was, I mean, she's kind of cute. Second reaction was, is she a lesbian? Because you know, then your first reaction was, first reaction was everybody's, every dude's reaction guarantee you. Cece said, I'm back at work today and I'm angry. Every, I guarantee you every dude, what in the chat if you're a dude, if you immediately tried to Google and find her IG handle, one in the chat, no lies, no lies, no lies, I'm even going to participate. One in the chat, if you tried to find her IG handle right away, no, don't lie, no lies. My boy Terence, thank you brother. Cece put away in the chat, I love you, Cece. Oh my God. I did, I mean, I'm right away. I'm like, Hey, who's the hot tool girl? What's her? I need to find the IG. What? I'm looking, I'm looking. We all looked, let's just go, you're a goddamn lie. You goddamn lie, let's just go. I looked, I ain't gonna lie, I was out hunting, I looked. So she did this interview and then Tony said I didn't look, I'm still looking for it. Oh, she shut that shit down, bro. She shut that shit down. She, marks that I haven't looked, she shut down all her socials, smart. See, when I was at five, I just don't care about these things anymore. Fair enough. Oh, Eric said five, I don't have social media no more, I can't use it at all. Oh, lucky you. I thought I said the algorithm's lover, Donna said, Oh yeah, she's in hiding. Yeah. So she does this and I don't think she really thought, and I mean, who would? I wouldn't, if I would, you know, me, I'll say some wild shit all the time. I say some wild shit all the time and not thinking that it would ever be crazy. You know what I mean? What's up, Jamal? Justin Swinford in the house. What's up, Justin? Good to see you. And I'm sure that's how she was. She was like, Oh yeah, you got a heck tool and spin on that thing. You know what I'm saying? Not thinking anything like this would happen where now she's just a national sensation. And, you know, good or bad or indifferent, she's, she's the talk of a nation. Maybe the world, the world, Craig. They say this perfect woman doesn't exist. And I think there's a lot, there's a lot of things to learn here, okay? I think first of all, with a lot of dudes, a lot of dudes were like, a lot of dudes were like showing this, you know, look, a lot of us with our wives or girlfriends or significant others, you know, we, she sends you videos. You send her videos. You know what I mean? Like, Oh, look, this is a little cat and, Oh, I found this is two kittens playing with a ball of yarn and look at this as a dog jumping in a pile of leaves. And then as a dude, you're like, Oh, this is a teachable moment. Uh, you damn right. I mean, you know, it's like, it's one of those like the more you know moments. Then of course you get slapped in the face and you're asked to sleep on the couch for a week, but it's like somebody said in the chat. And she's not lying. And there's a lot of dudes that would be like, yep. Yeah, Mark, that's right too. Drunk college high girls didn't realize how many creepy dudes were going to do what creepy dudes do. Help. Yeah. So she does this and two things happen. One, a lot of dudes try to find out who she is. She has to shut all of her shit down and she's cute, but I think she's a lesbian. A lot of people were saying she's a lesbian, but then the other thing, the flip side is a lot of dudes, a lot of dudes. I know a few of my buddies were like, bro, I tried to, I tried to tell my wife. I'm like, see, if you do some freaking shit like that, I was like, no, you didn't. I was like, yeah, I was like, bro, why would you do that? You don't do that. How long have you all been together? He's like, we've been together for five years. I was like, you've been married for five years? He's like, no, yeah, we've been married for five years. We've been together for like nine. I was like, bro, you been with her for no, fam. That is some shit you do or request or say inside of a year. That's an 11 months or less thing like, hey, I think it would be dope if you hot-toothed and spit on that thing. That is not something you say or suggest or tell your woman, hey, man, you don't do this and you should do this. That's not an eight year thing. That's not something you're, and ladies, by the way, ladies, this is not some shit you do eight years later because your man's gonna be like, bitch, why'd you learn that? There's just some things you can't do. You know what I mean? You can't go out and start requesting new shit eight or nine years into your relationship and you can't start introducing new shit in the bedroom eight or nine years later just out of nowhere randomly. This has to be something that the two of you do together. In other words, you guys would have to be sitting there watching videos on the internet together, looking at your phone together, and then you scroll upon that video and she goes, yeah, this is what happens. So you're watching it and you're scrolling and you're like, look babe, look babe. I'm moving bad. That makes a mango crazy every time. All right, you gotta give them that hot food and spit on that thing. And then your wife looks at you and goes, is that true? And then you look at her and go, well, I mean, yeah, I mean, I guess, you know, like, it's not the worst thing in the world, I mean, I don't know, like, yeah, I mean, I think it would be kind of cool if we, yeah, yeah, yeah, you want to try it? I mean, I would be, yeah, if you want to, I'll do it. If you wanted to do it, I would let you do it. I think that would be kind of cool, I guess, yeah, that's how you ease into it. And then your girls like, oh, because see, this is the other thing too, sometimes girls do want to be freaky. They just don't want to come out and look freaky. So they like, she don't give a fuck. She wants to be freaky. But some girls want to do that stuff. They just don't want to appear like they want to do that stuff. So they don't want to be like, Hey, I want to do that. I want to hop to and spit on that thing. But they hear that and they're like, Oh, but I don't want to come across as a freaky like that. But I want to try that. So they got to be like, do you like that? And in their minds, they're like, Oh, I want to do that so bad. So you got to give them permission without being like, Oh, you are dirty, hold free. This is a teaching moment. This is a learning moment for both of y'all. But not like my buddy's old stupid ass. See, bitch, why don't you do this for what? What are you doing, man? It's crazy. Y'all are crazy. This is going to say red alert fellas. You send this and she's going to come back with, Oh, so that's what you really like. She says, Katie, big, I was thinking the same, but she doesn't have an eating disorder. What? She makes her other friend is gorgeous. I'd look up her IG. I think that's her girlfriend for reals. I think that's her girlfriend. Let's see. Of course she was Lydia, Mr. Professional Journalist, kind of set her up a little bit. Total Dallas. Oh, yeah. Like Q accents, that's, yeah, let's see, got to be a lady in the streets, even if you're freaking the sheets. Oh, very true, very true, total Dallas. Got to, got to present yourself as a lady out in public. Yup. Yup. Um. It was, it was from the super head era, but she did was light. That's so funny. That's so funny. Oh, let's see, if she wears granny panties in the bonnet to bed, don't ask her. Sisko, that's so true. That's so true. This is gross, but also if she cleans it first, don't ask her. She's not going to do it. She's like, if she inspects it first, if she's like, yeah, she's, she's not doing that. So that said, meanwhile, the freakin' dog is available in Netflix. There you go. There you go. Be honest, this is her IG out there in public now. No, I don't think so. I don't know. Just says sex ed with Barry is my favorite class. Hey, I'm a teacher man. Eric said I would be getting a divorce right now. Can't ask for that after 13 years. Yeah, exactly. Can't ask for that after eight. She's at my momma's college. She must sense that I'm sending. Yeah, exactly, CC center. So the other side of this, okay, so there's the whole don't bring this up to your woman, the wrong way. Don't be like, see bitch, why don't you do this? Don't do that. Don't do that. And ladies don't be like, I want to do this because then your man's like, what? Oh, freaky ass, what you got to ease yourselves into this one, unless you're in a new relationship. And two, I feel bad for her because there's a bunch of dudes that are probably sliding into her DMS, making her life miserable, stalking her. Miss one thing to go to the profile and be like, all right, she's cute. Yep, she's a freak and then just move on. But there's dudes that take it to a whole new level. My thing is, and see Donna, that's what I'm going to get to because that's what I posted on my Facebook. And I'm actually going to write a bit about this and some of it's going to be what I just said to y'all. But who my heart really breaks for is her dad. I mean, you think about this, that's somebody's daughter. That's somebody's baby girl. That's somebody's little pumpkin. That's somebody's little angel. That's somebody's little princess who now all they envision, all they envision in their mind when they close their eyes is her just going, right before she, that's all they can envision that they just can't get that, they just can't erase that. Like, Oh my God, my daughter, Hakapatuz and spits on that thing. She just gave blowjob lessons to an entire nation. I am the father of the queen of the BJs. What the fuck? I didn't sign up for this, not my baby girl, not my princess. Oh my God, and I want you guys to honestly think about this, every man in here that has a daughter that could be your daughter, that could be your daughter. I mean, truth be told, at some point all your daughters are going to do it. I know that's a tough pill to swallow and no, that's not a vision you want to see. But if they hadn't done it already, they're going to do it. But imagine, like, a lot of people, a lot of people know, you know what I mean, a lot of people have the idea that their daughters are going to have sex and give blowjobs. But they don't have to know or think about it. But this dude's daughter, the whole country knows she sucks dick and does it well and has put fault into it. That's his baby girl. Can you imagine what Thanksgiving is going to be like? Can you imagine? Could you imagine showing up? Hey daddy, oh bitch, don't kiss daddy, no, no. We shake hands from now on in this house. We shake hands, no. Jared Taylor, Jared leaves the chat. It's a fact, bro, there's one another reason I don't have kids. Another reason I don't have kids. This go go says the guy that's performed at Ocean's Cabaret, hey, it was legitimate. I kept my top on and I think I left without crabs. I could not imagine being her dad though, bro. Like swear to God, could you imagine what Thanksgiving is going to be like this year? Because I mean she's like somebody posted a picture on my Facebook wall where she has hats and she's taking pictures with people and she's signing them and yeah, she's taking advantage of it. But you know her dad is just like, oh God, why, my baby girl, oh God, and I guarantee you, I guarantee you, I guarantee you she has already had offers from porn companies. I guarantee you porn hub, bang bus, brazors, brazors, however you announce, call it, whatever. I guarantee you they've already been like, we'll give you $100,000 to make a porn called hot two and spit on that thing, I will give you, I guarantee you, guarantee you, I bet her life is just a roller coaster of emotions, but imagine what her parents are going through, imagine what her family is going through, imagine if she's got younger siblings that have to go to school, oh my God, your sister is hot to a girl, that's fucked up, man. I would not want to be her family, it's bad enough to be her, but now you've got to go to church, everybody's looking at you like, you're the dad of that freak, you're the dad of that freak, I see where she gets us from, Miss Jenkins sucks, man, her life is changed forever, because she can't just be normal after this, you know what I mean, like she can't just, I mean, maybe one day people forget about it, but she's going to always be recognized as the hot two girl, always, somebody's, people aren't just going to forget it, people aren't just going to be like, ah, never mind, we'll let it go, 30 years from now, when she wants to do something, some dude is going to be like, yo, you're the hot two girl, somebody's like, oh, fuck, just, I'm just trying to get a job as a nun, would you please, she's going to have to dye her hair black, bro, she's got to do more than that, she's got to get her teeth fixed, okay, that was a little mean, um, told us that not as bad as the, here's to love, here's to honor, shot toasted in front of parents, what, oh, let's show it to his wife and said, try it, at least you appreciated that, duh, yo, what up, flimsy cherry, good to see you, thank you for being here, you just missed a, I don't know, very sus conversation, I guess, perhaps, but you're in time for a good old film sesh, let me say in 2024, this is light work, in 1998, this might have been something but now, this will be a distant memory in two weeks, no, bro, no, no, disagree, man, disagree, something like this, something like that, bro, with as many nasty as dudes that exist in this world, that's gonna be, that's gonna be hard for her to shake, you know what I mean, that's gonna be tough, man, that's gonna be real tough, alright, well, that's assuming that, again, she's not gay, uh, Dre, Dre said wait till she gets married, again, I swear I read somewhere she's a lesbian, which would also be like, well how the fuck do you know this, but yeah, if she's not, although, in the video, in one video I saw, um, flimsy cherry said lesbian's experiments sometimes, hmm, don't be mad, um, Dre, you have a good point though bro, like, her, her boyfriend, yo, Cheshire cat, thank you for the follow man, what's appreciated, or sir, I don't know, shit, I'm, shouldn't jump to conclusions, thank you for the follow Cheshire cat, much appreciated, welcome to this show, I'm Barry Lamenak, this is Barry on deck, it's actually a sports talk and entertainment show, we just happen to be entertainment team, right now, we'll be sports talking, and a little bit, well later, we've been doing it all morning, uh, but we're actually entertaining and in-ing right now, uh, welcome to the show, make yourself a home, we do this every day and Monday through Thursday, uh, welcome to the family, uh, bathrooms are down the hall on the right, or sorry, on the left, kitchen's on the right, uh, please don't touch any food in the refrigerator that's not yours, please don't do cocaine in the bathrooms, no horse after nine, welcome in, um, *cough* be hanging, that's the most ignorant statement I've ever heard of, being is that you can't hock tool on a strap on, yes you can, I mean, especially if you're out of lube, you kind of have to, sometimes, um, so, but yeah, her, her, her current boyfriend is, if she's not gay, her current boyfriend, which I did see a video where they were like, you know, what's your body count, and she was like, I don't, I only love one person, what's up Hector, or Victor, or whatever, I don't know who it was, Pat, um, but she, uh, so the current love interest, whatever it is, it's probably like cool, but imagine like a year or two down the line that that doesn't work out and she meets somebody, oh pookies, that what it was, imagine that, you know what I mean, she meets her future husband, and then he's like, oh you that nasty bitch, oh man, I, I ain't gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, um, I couldn't do it, there's, I couldn't do it, if I met her, if I'm single, and, you know, we all have, we all have our body counts and our history, I, I couldn't do it, but I don't give a shit how good she is in bed, or what, I just, I couldn't marry her, ain't no way, I couldn't wife her, I'm not wifeing a hock to a girl, ain't no way, ain't no, uh, uh, no bro, it's like marrying a porn star, couldn't do it for, for several reasons, for a lot of reasons, the judgment, the judgment, the, the looks, the, the mindset of knowing what the fuck has been going on before this, you know what I mean, like I just, I, I couldn't, I couldn't do it, heck yeah, see, Alec agrees, what up, Alec, a month baby let's go, thank you sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar my friend, no, be honest there would you wife a girl's gone wild chick, hell no, uh, no, I couldn't do it man, uh, uh, you don't wife, no, that's not, you can't wife a girl like that bro, nope, what's the old saying you can't turn a hoe into a housewife, mm mm, bro, nope, flips that don't judge her, oh I'm judging, I'm judging a lot, because you can't turn a hoe into a housewife bro, no, there's just some chicks that are not wifey material, at least not for me, I wouldn't do that, I need a wholesome chick, I need a, I need a chick that with, that in my mind I'm not like, did she, is she, does she do this freaky shit with 8,000 other dudes, where'd she learn this, no, I can't do that, okay, I can't, uh, uh, I don't need to be thinking about all that, mm mm, mm mm, and I don't need to be in public at subway, hanging out getting ready to order and somebody being in line like, hey, ain't you that spit on the girl, hey man what the fuck man I'm trying to order some salami bro, can you not get in our business, uh, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Nope, I just need me a friendly, uh, I mean not a friendly, I'm reading a total of Alice's, I just need me a wholesome woman, no thanks. Uh, folks, Jerry said it's hard to find any woman to wife out there to be honest, I got in early, I got me a wholesome, sweet wonderful woman back in 1998, locked it up, I'm like, come on, done, get it in, told us that in my single life I refuse to date anyone that dated a friend or family member, that's a good rule. Damn, Jared says she's a white girl, they all look the same, right? I mean, little bit, little bit. Alright, let's get to our, uh, uh, film session, I've been promising this forever, I'll be damned, I'll be damned, if I don't do it today, uh, what the hell, oh, I found it, okay, cool, I was about to say, this is some bullshit right here. Alright, we got a film session, let's do it, this is going, this is, uh, well I'll explain it in a second, come on. Told us that apologies to film session forever to follow this, yeah, sucks Rob said so smoking good or so said this better be a film session some Kaitlyn Clark mastery what what what what what what what what what what what I will say this bro um this morning a video came across my timeline of Dennis Rodman it's said basketball in the 90s and it was Rodman and Shaq going at it and bro Ramen was one tough son of a bitch let me tell you something man Shaq was a body in that dude Shaq was just bully bally bully balling Robin and he was not backing down at one point Robin was getting into a scuffle with one of the Lakers and you know they started shoving and pushing and uh Rodman started to go after him and then Shaq jumped in and pushed Rodman and Rodman turned around and saw was Shaq and lost his shit and started to go after Shaq like oh I'm a whip your ass and like went at him and and it took Jordan and Pippin Ron Harper they had to get an actual bull like it was they took the whole Bulls team to whole Rodman back from going at Shaq I was like that dude it's crazy man that Rodman is crazy crazy stand up Rodman Dallasites in the house oh yeah yeah it was Laker Shaq no it was Laker Shaq it was a damn good video man Tony said Rob should be producer okay are you guys conspiring is that what this is we got we got Rob over here with his this better real film session on some Caitlin Clark mastery and then we got Tony chime in you know what Rob should be the producer you guys just blowing each other in the chat here fellas is that what we're doing Ericerson has said I met Donna regret showing up today after that last segment poor Donna just the sweetest sweetheart of a lady puts up with so much bullshit on this show the lover of death she fights through it though like a champ I tell you what she does she puts up with a lot of y'all's bullshit just to support me in this show I love her God love her no NBA fake fights then oh God no not in the 90s no all right here's your film session this occurred on Father's Day it is a 3v3 that took place on a golf course between six grown-ass men I don't even remember who sent this to me but these six grown-ass men got into a fight on a golf course something I've come close to doing several times now surprisingly nobody used a golf club and I'm like why if we're fighting on a golf course I'm not why are we not using clubs but these these six gentlemen just went straight up fisticuffs and it went as you know for those of you that have watched film sessions and for those of you that I haven't what we do in a film session is I play the video for you and then we break it down all right so here we go there we go it looks like you know what it looks like larking look at this shit fuck is going on here what the fuck is going shit the full fucking brawl look at this they're beating them down guys got a shirt over his head where you going with the camera bro cut it out cheap shot oh I tell it starts off humorously right like the way it starts is pretty hilarious because they're all just like what the fuck man and then it kind of it kind of gets real serious so let's break it down home I was looking for the volume I don't know if you could hear it all see where's my volume at on this bitch oh it's cuz I have all these drops in here there goes okay I think I can turn up a little bit here we go all right so let's watch from the get-go so Jared said can you zoom in a little yeah let me see if I can make that happen so if I zoom in too much though you're gonna miss when the when the camera pans you know what I could do hold on let me try this let me move it to the different size let me try this here we go maybe this will work there we go now we're cooking with Greece that's a little better all right so let's break this down and look at these damn fools getting after it on the golf course like a bunch of dipshits that they are so yeah I forget you guys are on phones it's a it's a bit difficult to see so we got a 3v3 here on Father's Day now I don't know who talked about who's dad skinny bigs how many pairs a new balancer in this pic oh boy flimsy cherry that's a normal Tuesday so this this I can I watch you this several times and I can tell you that this really takes a turn about halfway through all right so let's just start watching here we go all right now let's watch the foreground first all right so let's start with guy in the black shirt up front when guy in the white shirt up front if you want a phone you can zoom it there you go there has to be a golf light video of CC somewhere it's usually just her fighting the course come on what all right someone found his up someone found his soundboard slowly getting there I just got to remember where they're all at I gotta let's go let's see yeah okay yeah instead of right you drop I like it yes all right um what oh yeah you can zoom huh yeah you can just pinch zoom on your phone if you wanted to and you can like turn it sideways into that too all right so let's just watch the first two okay let's just watch these two up front dude in the black shirt mama says hugs and blessings thank you yes I did she missed it too she just got back she did she just missed it buried just hadouken CC yes but she doesn't know why hi CC love you all right so let's watch the dude in the black shirt and the guy the white up front first okay here we go so you'll see why we're watching this in just a second these two guys okay what the fuck first of all what kind of punch was that right away watch the dude in the black throw okay first why is he hopping guy in the black shirt is obviously skipping to the fight and I don't know why have we not learned anything from a film sesh feet on the ground keep reaching for the stars just kidding feet on the ground always keep his shoulder width apart hands by your chin chin down hands up why the fuck are you skipping black shirted guy he's skipping and then he throws a fucking slap I don't know why watch this shit that's the sound you make when you throw this punch I swear to god that's the sound you make there's only one sound you can make when you punch like that yeah that's it that's the only punch you can that's the only sound you can make if you punch somebody like that that's it that's all you can do and then and then that's when the other guy hit you with with a hadouken because that's look at this this is just he's like aah so he slaps and then the other guy oh my god see this is why you don't fight like that this is why you don't skip any skip skip uh because once you do that bro bro comes in with the overhand left and it's night night time I mean it's just it's so obvious it's like right here watch you just watch him let's watch it skip skip papp right it's skip skip papp look he goes oh I mean that was that easy it's that easy you can't okay it's just it's so obvious right so feet shoulder width apart and don't throw don't throw slap punches he really thought he was gonna do something with that slap overhand left connects buckles I mean buckles him yeah Amos said none of these there's have been in a real fight since fourth grade effects effects um and I really want to be able to uh let's see oh oh oh oh oh yeah I wonder I wish I could start it a different way because I really need the sound effect for this I really do I really need my Hadooke and sound effect for that punch because it's perfect I'm gonna try to time it right let's see he's like ah because I mean he knocks dude down right all right so let's see I haven't been fucking around here so he throws the slap punch he gets knocked down left knee buckles right now now watch so so you think at this point right you think at this point do it in the black shirt that just threw the slap and got knocked down is done right I would have thought a lesser man would be out but this is why I say we got to watch this fight first because he gets up he's like you dirty bitch now what's crazy is my man that just threw a beautiful overhand counter left he's like right he's like yeah get up you punk bitch he I don't know what he does there he knocks him out again but my guy gets right back up he knocks him down again and he gets right back up so he's knocked him down once he stands up he's like again he's like oh my god how is he not wobbly my dude is taking two really really good punches on the button I mean two really nasty punches right he got up from one he got up from the one that's good oh he got up from the one and that was fine and then he got to hit again holy shit and so then now they're standing there facing each other right now look so holy shit so I don't why I don't I don't know why he's slapping still okay but we're just gonna keep watching these two okay we're just gonna keep watching these two so he's slapping okay he's slapping now I don't know why the other guy has stopped fighting him okay he's just stopped but they pan away and then when they come back come down oh where the fuck did the dude in the black shirt go I don't know okay I don't know where the dude in black shirt went where did he go where did the guy in the black shirt just disappeared okay the guy in the black shirt just disappeared but hold on I gotta fix this because Jared had me do this I gotta hold on I gotta fix this let me see there we go this stupid ass cameraman I don't know oh there's the black shirt a guy all right so oh oh okay well we got to move over here a little bit yeah see Jared you got me all fucked here let's see there's the edge of it okay so that's the the we'll focus on these two next but what's crazy is that dude took two solid punches like it was nothing right but I don't know where he really went I don't know at that point like where he went what I do know is the other guy that was fighting him is a mean son of a bitch let's back it up now if we look at that same two all right watch up front watch the guy that that knocks the guy down in the black shirt right black shirt gets up he knocks him down again right that dude that dude looks like he's got some shit some fighting some I mean he's got some some some what am I what's the word I'm looking for he's got a punch right now you want that guy in your force and for this for this reason yeah he lives I can fight so then as these other four dudes which we're gonna break their fights down in a minute as they're tussling right we get past all this bullshit we'll come back to it now our black shirt a guy is gone and now this guy with his back to us and that's the same guy in the white shirt but now he's gonna bum rush the others and watch him just start unleashing the holy hell on everybody watch he just what bro that one punch oh my god if ever there was a Hadouken moment this shit is crazy and that dude stands up and he's like watch watch what he does so he punches this fat boy pop pop he punches him twice right he pop he punches him again he punched that dude three times that fat somebody stands up and walks off he's like yep fuck this shit I'm not fighting no more he literally lead he punched this man out of the fight he's like well I'm done with this yeah he staggered and walked off he punched that man out of the fight this man is single-handedly now taken out two of the opposing team fighters but black shirt guy is obviously tussling in somewhere else so this guy that just took eight three punches he's now standing on the sidewalk but now he looks like he's gonna get back in and he wants some more oh well he just shoved that's all it was just a shove nothing more I gotta and slide this back down again but look at my guy he's back at it oh boy in the white shirt now what don't keep an eye on him right so there's the one two three punches my guy stands up he's like you want some some bitch here he goes again he's like who else am I whooping watch he's like bitch you want some of this motherfucker we found the guy in the black shirt again these guys suck these guys absolutely suck at fighting so that was the same guy in the black shirt from the beginning he just ate another one and now and now damn he's got stuck from behind my guy was a one-man wrecking crew okay my guy never got touched that one dude never got touched he walked everybody's ass now let's go back and watch some of the other folks because that's kind of entertaining as well all right so now let's watch some of the dancing on the right let's check out the two on the right see the guy on the far right that they look like they're doing like a patty cake patty cake bakers man watch those two guys also guy in a black shirt guy in a white shirt but we got a guy in the black shirt on the left guy in the white shirt on the right they look like they're patty cake and okay so guy in the black shirt through one punch guy in the white shirt is backing up watch his feet again can't get your feet side by side or next to each other you'll fall over whoa whoa almost lost his balance okay put his hands up not very good though but he's kind of circling out which is a good thing if you're trying to avoid punches you can circle out circle away but remember keep your feet that same distance when you're circling don't put them together like he's doing although that's a little better job of it truth be told that wasn't bad truth be told like when you're backing up if you have your feet like shoulder width apart like this and you're fighting somebody if you're like this and you're trying to get away you never want to like put your feet together and back up like that and put your feet together you always want to step back step back step back like that real fast though and that's kind of what he did actually really good really really good towards the end at least because if you put your feet together that's when somebody punches you that's when you fall over and that's when you float holy shit holy shit so oh so so dude in the white this is uh this is just turn into a racial fight it's all white people but it's definitely whites versus blacks it's white shirts versus black shirts so white shirt guy on the right has now circled out of danger and he's drawing the dude in the black shirt in but now watch so during the black shirt comes bum rushing in he's feeling it he's not connecting oh guy in the white shirt connects drops him all but oh buddy from the other team in the white shirt gets on top of him and starts punching him in the head and now guy in the white shirt on the ground in the middle there goes for a leg covers up a little bit which is smart if you go on the ground like that and you cover up your head if you tuck it into their leg but then dude starts hammer fisting him I don't know what the cameraman is doing here and then we get away and now they're tussling again okay I don't know what that move was from the other guy in the black he's just wailing this is just a hodgepodge of shit going on here I don't know what's happening some guy just yelled cut it out never in my life if I heard a grown man yell cut it out while he's fighting cut it out stop it cut it out I've never heard a dude yell that while fighting cut it out has never gotten another grown-ass man to stop whipping your ass that's hilarious I don't know like here it just got to be just a lot of bodies you know what I mean I want to go back and let's check the third guy this is a really interesting moment here gyps that I've heard it from a guy who's losing to Jay this is a really interesting moment now we've broken down two parts of this fight this is almost at the very beginning right we've broken down the two guys up front or the two couples up front guy in the white versus guy in the black that the first one that we broke down and then the one on the right was circled out and then caught the guy in the black shirt but what the fuck is the dude on the left doing how does he already on his back how the fuck so let's watch that that's the third one over there guys already on the ground I don't know what's happening there he's kind of they're not really doing much right like there was a little kick to the leg he's defending himself and then the big guy leaves oh and that's what happened so that's when it got transitioned to I'm confused I'm I'm really confused here as to who's on whose team because holy shit I don't know who's on do's team so wait we got damn minute so the two dudes in the black shirts are fighting each other and the two dudes in the white shirts are fighting each other right over here we've got obviously white on black shirt up front white and black shirt on the right and white and black fighting each other so it's all white shirts versus black shirts like I said but then at some point we end up with a black shirt versus a black shirt and a white shirt versus a white shirt holy shit and I don't know what the now it's just chaos because now we got a white shirt versus a white shirt and then this dude just comes in and just starts molly whopping everybody what up what up I don't know yeah I don't know whose team is who's here I don't he's coming in he's like hey man you and fuck you and you get your bitches up like I'm so confused I don't know what that was all I know is there was one dude in that whole crew that knew how to fight it's he said it that's a gentleman's game one guy one guy knew what he was doing and the rest of them were just you know what it really looked like was larping if you've ever watched a larping video that's what it was that's all it was it was just larping for golf that's it it was just a bunch of have you ever let's see let's see if I can find a good larping video let's go to if you don't know what larping is it's live action role-playing let's see larping battle um let's see here that doesn't seem very nice those are not that's naughty words that's not saying nice things oh this is all too much okay no this is all cartoons oh well is no okay that's not it this is nope yeah now I can't oh nope every time I think I find a good one there's just a war of sport aha look inside larping oh wow oh wow that was aggressive now it's not gonna have sound done said large volume of testosterone at its finest that's what I see really Donna that was I wouldn't say that was all testosterone there was definitely some estrogen mixed in there for sure one deep said it's a battle royale at this point yeah no shit right one deep what's up ma'am welcome to show you to Edzy nurse as he said do you think they all went for a beer after let's see you next week fellas by the way you owe me four dollars we were playing skins and oh my god that's hilarious oh that's so funny stop it cut it out that's so fucking great who's it a brawl and just yells cut it out could you a man I couldn't imagine I could not imagine that Dre lightning bolt lightning bolt yeah I might need I might need to get the audio for you for this because larping without audio is really not the same in fact yeah yeah I'm just gonna grab it I'm gonna grab it and get the audio because you really need to hear it I mean you kind of do yeah you're just gonna have to hear it so this is this is what larping is hold on cut and paste so if you didn't know this bitch oh there it goes let me reset all this stuff what the heck what the heck oh wow that got really wonky okay so this is what larping is check this out with the elaborate costumes weapons and equipment one might think we're on the set of fantasy battlefield but we're in the middle of Oregon Park in rural Maryland and this battle is real and for these dark on larp enthusiasts the sense of community is real as well larp or live-action role playing was brought to mainstream media's attention through comedies like role models and nights of bad ass but members of the larp community often complain of the skewed way film and even documentary makers portray people who larp I mean it's a hobby like anything else they they can judge it until they try it but it's giving me a lot of positive things in my life and I've learned so much news to share joined dark on one of the largest consistent larp communities in the country at their house of cards battle event to shed light on what it's really like to live-action roleplay my name is maggot the squirming uh rank I used to be former war lord of Shenazan one actually started all my friends and stuff into this there's a lot of athleticism that goes with larping I I wear 70 pounds of armor this ain't light it ain't easy and it's hot it's a game with politics and there's some people that like to go out there hit people and some people that like to go out and decide how you can hit people we have a senate that basically goes over rules and discussions and stuff like that and we have an executive board that also finalizes rules and discussions noble counsels more like hey this person did something really really bad and unsportsman like that's when they step it they are more the uh morality police despite the fringe culture of warping many players don't see any difference between film fighting and other types of sports competitions so they think that larping with the foam weapons is kind of lame and it's a shame they would have so much fun if they ever came out to an event and I can pretty much guarantee anybody who loves any sort of physical thing uh football players rugby players soccer players anything anything physical you're gonna have a good time at dark honey the biggest misconception is that we are weird people we cover the entire spectrum of humanity we have lawyers doctors we're just normal everyday people that love dressing up and living in a different time what's your best god damn it god was gonna say that they don't yo what's up force there's a lot of people that love dressing up and living in a different time what's not normal about that my favorite part is the very very beginning and he's like you're dead you're dead you're dead you're dead or something like that i don't know what the fuck he was yelling hold on let's see but this is what he was yelling again look check it out go go go go go go go go go that's normal look at the larping man he is i am a malleige sir squire sir and you know it's like hard for them to break character like they go home they're like malady i am your mom Ethan stop it now go get cleaned up do not talk to me like that i am a lord no you're not your ninth grade even stop it i am the king of this castle i would talk so much shit mark oh my god they'd be like you're not allowed in this anymore you don't take it serious you're just a jester yeah they would hate me you know what's funny though is i say all that and then i go and every like this is fucking badass because i always made fun of a comic-con and i've done it a couple times then i'm always like this is cool i think it is cool that they get to go and they have the freedom to do that i do think that's cool i mean it's cool that they get to do what makes them happy i mean i wouldn't do that that's not my thing um do i think it's nerdy yeah do i think it's dorky sure would i do it no um do i find it humorous absolutely but hey man if that's your thing well then you just kill kill kill kill you're a little the hard way well okay marks i'm a huge nerd but i would just take it too far punch that they think it's nerdy and dorky too oh well that's good that's good but i know a lot of people um one of my producers of the old tv show um they uh they would dress sees he goes do y'all really punch sees he's like kill kill kill oh my god it's so great oh my god it's hilarious oh jesus christ sees he you are so funny oh my god hey somebody call 9-1 oh i'm not the gambling pajas dance somebody call 9-1 oh my god that's so funny i wonder why my button didn't work damn it play bitch oh my god as he said kill kill kill has the equivalent of two-handed touch football got you you're down oh my god um yeah i one of my producers and his wife they would do well i think it was more his wife but she would do um they would do dungeons and dragons but they would like meet up and they would do these big dungeons and dragons get togethers and it would be like an all-night thing and they would boy they got into it she said they would like dress up and i was like really she's like oh yeah you want to go i was like no fucking no mmm that that doesn't sound fun at all i would go to something like this like here's what i would want to do i would want to go to with the elaborate costumes weapons and equipment one might think we're on the set of fantasy battlefield but we're in the middle of Oregon Park yeah i would definitely think i was on the side of a fantasy battlefield for sure lady i would want to go to this but i what i would want is you would bring me a bottle of uncle nearest 1894 and a couple of cigars and let me just sit and watch and record and i would also need my laptop or phone so that i could write jokes and material because jesus christ i would just and i would need everybody to know that i'm not judging in a way that is meant to be mean i just think you're really nerdy in in the nicest way possible you're just the biggest dorky nerd nerds and i mean that in the sweetest kindest most loving way ever i do i mean and why is this guy shaft so long well look at this guy's shaft is he the king why is his shaft or what is that shouldn't he be on a horse jousting somebody how do you even get that in position to stab someone with that thing robser we could tailgate this shit fuck yes we could oh amis got it pause oh yes donna exactly see donna gets it like the all the folks that who participate in the renaissance festival that's all this is this is just this is just the renaissance festival on speed that's all this is this is just people who went to the renaissance festival were like this is fucking boring let's all get swords and just slap each other in the face with them let's do it these guys are fucking nerds we're tough kill kill kill kill or like dracid lightning bolt lightning bolt hey later rob i appreciate you popping in homie it's always good to see you by the way deckheads if you're not following rob on twitch and youtube please do so so smoking good a show if you want to learn how to be a delicious cook make the best barbecue in the world oh there's probably no hope for you but you should still watch this show you have a good time maybe even a good or time watch the so smoking good a show with rob and crew i've been on the show before a lot of fun never asked me back but that doesn't matter give it a give it a watch love you rob tony said i would but i'm vegan well you know what tony i am super proud of you for coming out buddy good for you um yeah i would want to tailgate this though heartthrob rob said uh he's the actual rob around here yeah he's the second best rob around here heartthrob rob you're the first it's even in the name it says heartthrob rob right there fucking joe pro hey joe pro say i'm sir that is obviously a level 128 shaft which can only be obtained by capturing the conglies dragon worm ah joe pro that's hilarious man how long did i take you to come up with all that joe pro was out here fucking googling joe was out here going through his dungeons and dragons glossary i'm a level 12 palladian or whatever paladin whatever the fuck it is oh the lightning bolt video ah let's see what that is let's see that's from a movie right yes was this like real larping was that real larping was that from like real live-ass larping podge oh my god they really took that shit series you could tail they were like and then they all left him there and he was like guys can i get up like four days later he's like guys they're gonna pee i'm hungry guys they fucking lift me guys what the fuck man this is fucking great we gotta watch this then we gotta go don't leave yet bitches i'm gonna show you this real-ass lightning bolt lightning bolt lightning bolt this is great oh we got to download this this is fantastic let's see here lightning bolt this is fucking great he's throwing real shit at him he's like sleep sleep sleep free ah ccsmflip gets a sub and thinks he's in charge of things letting it go to his end uh some time i'll flip hey what's up total Dallas finally somebody finally commented from uh facebook at with five o'clock on the dot we finally got our first chat message from facebook i ain't firing that bitch up tomorrow i'm gonna tell you right now today will be the last day by the way total Dallas thank you for the two dollar super chat man am i sticking with the maple leaves he asked i forgot to thank you for that the other day or earlier um yes i guess i don't know i never really truly felt invested with the maple leaves i tell you the truth i really did like the stars last year um but i did like the the oilers as well from last year there was three teams that i really kind of enjoyed watching last year the nights the um the nights the stars and the oilers were all fun to watch last year and i didn't watch anything this year so yeah facebook chat greater than twitch chat what people are nerdy geeky about some hobbies from sports to basket weaving puzzles to skydiving yeah that's true that's true that's true true all right here we go this is the last video we're gonna watch and then we're getting the hell out of dodge uh oh where'd it go oh oh oh here we go landing bolt landing bolt virgin virgin dad what's up with china lightning bolt hold on hold on let me let me let me fix this i got to fix the lightning bolt okay now it's full-screen here we go check this out lightning bolt lightning bolt I Fucking awesome man. I guys see what we're done I Love them some of them ran like it's real Ah That's fantastic Oh my god See this happening like the most is a take to die Terrence and I would have been beat up as a child Skinny mix as those guys versus the golfers Friday night Oh I love you sweetie. Thank you for being here. Oh My god Hey, you're here. Thank you, buddy. I appreciate you hanging out with us today, man Always good to see you in the chat all of you. It's always good to see all of you in the chat. Thanks for being here Thanks for being a part of the show every single day, man. Hope you guys had fun What do we got tomorrow, what didn't we get to today? Oh that one story I have that we hadn't got to yet Dog body language what yeah, what does your dog's body language mean? Huh? Yeah, we'll talk about that tomorrow. Oh, I'll I'll learn you some things about what your dog does And what it means so we'll talk about that well Astros get going again. We didn't even get to that I had it on my rundown today to talk about it Astros are on a wind streak slowly, but surely clip it creeping back into the wild card mix and and The division to a draft. I appreciate that homie. That means the world coming from you, buddy. Very sick ratio. Love you CC Lightning bolt heart drop landing bolt I need to get those or drop. Love you guys. I'll see y'all tomorrow, man. Come hang back out with me again tomorrow. Would you? Yeah, don't forget on the discord. We'll have a watch party, man We'll have a watch party for the Astros. I won't I'll be doing yard work until nine o'clock tonight when it gets dark Of course, I'll lose another two pounds Yeah I love you guys, man. Y'all have a fantastic night, and I hope hopefully I'll see y'all again back here tomorrow same time same Two-third until then do me three favors everybody be safe be kind Most important. Love each other. See you tomorrow Hey, by John Doria. Good to see you, buddy Lady mo and he's making a YouTube video You you you [BLANK_AUDIO]