Barry On Deck

#811 - Call me Scarface, NHL Game 7 Tonight!, I cut my face ok. #NBA #NFL #MLB


No, I didn't lose a fight with my cat!

NHL Stanley Cup Game 7 TONIGHT!

I'm sick of these dumbass protesters

These MLB All-Star Hats are fugly



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2h 37m
Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
Audio Format:


  • No, I didn't lose a fight with my cat!

  • NHL Stanley Cup Game 7 TONIGHT!

  •  I'm sick of these dumbass protesters

  • These MLB All-Star Hats are fugly

and more!











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(upbeat music) - Live from the Biffnet Studios World Headquarters in Spring, Texas, it's Barry on deck. Hosted by former ESPN Houston radio host and stand up comedian Barry Laminat. Starring Oliver the Cat. Written by Barry Laminat. Produced by Barry Laminat. Directed by, you guessed it. Barry Laminat. Featuring sports, entertainment, special guests, film sessions, and some drinking. Okay, a lot of drinking. Viewer discretion is advised. And now, here's your host, Barry Laminat. - What's up, you damn dirty dickheads. Welcome to Barry on deck. - I am your host to Barry Laminat. Thank you guys for being here. Today's Monday, June 24th, 2024. 24/24, and this episode number, 811. Barry on deck, welcome to the show, welcome to program. Hey, hello, how you doin'? What's up, how you doin'? Pimpin' good to see ya. Thanks for being here. This is the show. We're doin' this. Can't believe it. Long weekend, super long weekend. Felt really long. It's hot as shit. It's so hot. It's so, so hot. We can't believe how hot it is, actually. It's crazy hot. But your boy was doin' yard work. What does it say? Internet no bueno in these cement walls in Huntsville? Uh-oh, Alex is in, Alex, are you in jail, homie? What the, bro, is you in jail, baby? What is you doin'? Why is you in jail, Pimp? Hold on, what's goin' on? Oh, there it is, okay. Got it. Sorry, hey. One little problemo here. Yeah. Okay. Got it. All right, we got a fun show playin' for you today. Super fun, fantastic show. And first of all, it's a Monday. Oh man, it's already hot. I'm already sweating my ass off. Now I shouldn't have wore this shirt. It's a cotton blend. So that means that it's gonna be a little hotter than an all cotton shirt. So not the smartest thing to wear if you're already hot as shit. Now I will tell ya. You boys hot, worked in the yard the last two days, Saturday and Sunday. And, oh my God. Not only is it hot, but I'm old and out of shape. It was depressing how tired I got, and how quickly, not just how tired I got, but how quickly I got tired. Like your boy was, nor was working circles around me. I'm not gonna lie. It was sad. Oh Jesus, what is happening right now? That got crazy. Your boy was working circles around me. So, I mean your girl, your girl was working circles around your boy. It was, man. So ordered like some mulch. Actually what I ordered was compost. It's called compost leaf mold compost. You get the coarse, don't get the fine if you're gonna use it for mulch. Get the coarse the way it sticks better. Ordered four yards of it to put in the flower beds. And that's a lot to have to put in by yourself. And it's hot as shit. But nor was like, I'll help you. I was like, all right, cool. But there's just so much, 'cause we wait, I wait too late in the year. I need to be doing this shit in March or April, but no, my dumbass, my dumbass waits until June, July, like a dipshit. So yeah, here's my dumbass rolling around in June, end of July just sweating my ass off. So it's partially my fault. I have no one to blame but myself. And yeah, she was nice enough to get out there and help me a little bit, but it is hot. And then my dumbass decides, oh, you know what? 'Cause I was like, I'm gonna get it done this weekend, babe. Don't you worry. I had it delivered like Saturday morning. They didn't get done done. I mean, I got some stuff done, but I didn't get the whole pile. I thought I'd have the pile done and out of the driveway by Monday morning. Shit, no, but there's a lot to get done. You know what I mean? So I'll be working on that all week. Good news, bad news. Full slate of shows this week. That's the good news. Bad news is I can't say the same for next week. I mean, I guess it's bad news depending on who you ask because next week is the one week of the year where besides, you know, around Christmas and vacation. But next week is two really important days in my life. Oh, my life. Hey, what's up, Sergio? Next week is my anniversary. And it is also my wife, my wife's birthday. Our anniversary is July 1st and her birthday, uh-oh. Her birthday is July 2nd. So we always, we usually plan a vacation around those days during the year. And this year is no different because this happens to be our 20th, uh, 20-year wedding anniversary. So July 1, Nora and I will have been officially married 20 years. Uh, pretty cool milestone. We've been together since 1998. So thank you, Terrence. So, uh, hey, what up, P-Rant Dizzle? Good to see you brother. Patrick said I'm only wearing clothes because society says I have to. It's too damn hot. Yeah, no shit. So because our 20th wedding anniversary is July 1, and Nora's birthday is July 2. And then of course you have 4th of July, which is after July 3rd. I don't know if some of you knew that or not. You know what I mean? Like there's some of you that aren't really good at math or calendaring. So what we're actually doing is taking a big old vacay. So there will be no shows next week. Yes. So, um, enjoy it this week. There will be zero shows next week, like none. Zero, Nada, Zilch. Now there is the possibility that, um, I could run replays. I think that's a thing. So I might try to find some of like best ofs or like, what are the best 4 shows in the history of this show? And maybe I could run those on repeat. I think I can do that. I think I can schedule them to run. I don't know. I need to look into that or somebody needs to tell me how to do it. I don't know. That might be a thing. Maybe we can do that. Um, but that'll be a thing, right? So, so we'll, we'll get that going. Um, but yeah, full slayer shows this week. No shows next week. And then we'll be back. Let me pull up a calendar here. Mm hmm. Yeah. All right. So we leave. No shows one, uh, July 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th. I mean, we wouldn't have done a show July 4th anyways. So we will only would have had July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Um, yeah. So it only would have been three days of shows anyway. So you're really only missing three shows. But yes, uh, we will be gone, but we will be back July 8th. So there you go. Uh, we are going to big a bend here in the great state of Texas. Yeah. Just don't do anything for next week. Don't add any extra stress. Oh, no. I mean, you're, you're probably right, Jared. But I think, um, I think that, uh, it would be, it was easy. You know what I mean? Like if I could just schedule it and be super easy, then no big deal. You know what I'm saying? And that would be, that would be cool. Um, what is this? Let's see. I signed up for the CC works. Oh, shut up. I did not. Uh, I dig one week off and now all of a sudden I'm CC. Huh? Okay. Let's see how it is Tony. Let's see how it is jerk. You jerk face jerk. Don't put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby. Not that CC is evil. Oh, nice Sergio. Sergio said I just got back from my first cruise. It was fun. Planet cruise. Well, it's too late. We've already planned the vacay. Um, I'm taking her to Big Bend. She's always wanted to go. I've always wanted to go. Uh, we've wanted to do a. Star gazing thing. And it turns out that Big Bend is one of the best places to see the stars in the country. Not just, I mean, of the world, Craig, it's one of the darkest places in America. Of the lower 48 at least. Uh, the light pollution is like so low. They say that when it's a new moon, which means it's the opposite of a full moon. So like a full moon, obviously, is its brightest. A new moon is its darkest. They say when you're in Big Bend. On a clear sky. A new moon on a clear sky. You can see the Milky Way. That's how little light pollution there is. So I'm super excited about it. She's excited about it. I'm excited about it. We're, we've got some really cool stuff playing so it's going to be a lot of fun. So, um, no, no shows next week. But we'll be back July 8th. And I've got something cool planned for you. Courtesy, courtesy of the big boss lady, Jim. We'll get to that in a second. Uh, let me catch up on your chats. Let's see. Hold on. Let me finish downloading the slides. I don't know why these didn't come through. I only have two. I didn't do a headlines for you. Because I know what I'm going to talk about today. Okay. Done. Done. Okay. Cool. Uh, let's catch up on the chat real quick. Chris, you're not first. Nice try those sweetie. Love you. Oh, let's see. Donna was first though. Uh, oh, on YouTube. Yeah. Total dials was first on Facebook and Yurio Villanueva was first on Twitch. I think. Is that accurate? Um, that is not accurate. Donna was first on Twitch. She was first on YouTube and Total dials was first on Facebook. She almost had the chat channel Triple Crown. Just make it up shit as we go. Uh, not bad though. Donna, I love you, boo-boo. Uh, so everybody's checking in early. Appreciate that. I'm going to see. This goes in Fredericksburg. Uh, no one. Let's see. Hold on. D. Okay. Got it. Got it. Doctors, it's Drazen early. What's up, Dragon? See what up, Perry? Good to see you. Uh, what up, Alex? What up, FJ? What am I missing here? I'm missing a lot of people. Shit, let me go back. Donna's Cisco. Hey, JB. Uh, so the dial is Yurio. Tony. Damn, Tony checked in early. What's up, homie? Yeah, nasty Nate. What's up? Uh, P.P. Dubs. What's up? It's, uh, I got Cisco. F.J. Jard. Um, flip. What's up, flip? I hadn't seen you in a hot minute. Crystal? Uh, Alex Yurio. Jard, what's up, Jen? Good to see you. Um, let's see, sweetie. Donna, we got, let's see. Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh. John Dory. Hey, what's up, man? Um, try to catch up here, man. What up? Drays in. How long did you look at that pile before you actually started doing something? Jared wouldn't know. Not long because Nora was on my ass. As soon as she saw it, I got delivered. She was like, oh, you son of a bitch. Cause she knows that I'll leave that son bitch out there for like weeks. She was like, damn it. I was like, well, it's got to get done. She was like, so she got, she was like, man. So, but she was, bless her heart. She was out there trying to help me get it done. She's a trooper. FJ said, I hope you drink water and not die coat. Oh, yeah, bro. My nurse wife, of course. She was on my ass too. You better drink water today because we're going to get out there. We're going to be out there every day after the show. So, yes. What up, Sergio? Good to see you, man. Nasty Nate, you're right. We're going to talk about it. Stanley Cup tonight. Tonight. I'm looking forward to it, man. We're going to, we're going to get into it a little bit. We're going to get into it. It's going to be a fun thing. So, well, let's talk about it. Let's see. Who else is here? P. Randizzle. Terence in the building. Oh, well, CC. She said vacation. You stay on vacation. Oh, shut up, CC. What's that? What's that? Terence. Hey, what up? He ended last weekend. I was in the hospital. Damn, Ian. You okay, buddy? You good? You good? P. Randizzle said 20 years. Take off. Go butcher some Spanish and Cancun. Yeah. No, we didn't get our, I, I, we were supposed to go to Italy. Okay. Or somewhere in Europe. And then a couple of things happened. One, she didn't renew her passport in time. Two, I didn't get a passport in time. Oh, fuck it up. Okay. I, I messed it up. She messed it up. We both messed it up. So it's both of our faults, but if you asked her, she'd blame me. And if you asked me, I'd blame her, but whatever. Yeah. So, but we both screwed that up. Because we were supposed to go to like Italy or something like that or whatever. But Big Ben, I think we're both really excited about it and we're staying in some really cool, you know, places to stay. I think we're staying in like this thing called a bubble. It's like a, it's like a bubble. Like it's a big bubble thing. It's got a clear dome and you just, you lay in bed at night and you just see up in the stars. So hopefully that shit don't blow away. Because that will be crazy. Um, let's see who else we got in. Oh, damn. Ian said he was sick because of the heat. Damn. Ian, you got to be careful, bro. Is it cool? I'm traveling all next week also. Actually, leave on Wednesday of this week. Yeah. Well, Jen, you know, it's crazy as as I sat down and started talking about it out loud on the show. I kind of realized, oh, maybe he's not, maybe this week is not a good week to introduce our new segment. I'll talk about it, but maybe we don't introduce it because we won't even be here next week to do it, but we can start letting them submit, but then we won't do it until the following week, July 9th, duh, all right, uh, oh, and then Donna's leaving. Let's go Donna. Good for you. Good for you. Hey, what up, Amos? Amazon, I mean, it might be the deadest week for sports anyway, perfect timing if you ask me. Oh, that's true, Amos. That's very true. Donna's going to Vegas. Let's go. What up, Dimada? Dimada said Big Bend National Park is cool. I'm excited about it, man. I'm very excited. Oh, yeah. Dimada said it takes some great pictures. Funny thing, Dimada. Um, I mean, I'm taking my phone, but I'm actually... Okay. So I shoot this show on - let me show you guys. This is what I do this show and it's a pretty nice little camera. When I first got Roland, um, I bought a decent enough camera. That's the camera that I use to do this show. So you can kind of see it there. It is a Canon EOS, EOS R. And it's got - that's a wide-angle lens, but I have another decent lens. So since I'll be gone, I'm thinking about just taking that off of the tripod that I use and just taking it with me. And that'll be - I mean, I'll have my iPhone and stuff, but it does video, but it also takes amazing photos. So I was like, "Yeah, I'm gonna take that." And then it'll do - I think it'll do time-lapse, but I know the iPhone will do time-lapse. So it'll take me a little tripod and take a time-lapse, and yeah, I'm pretty excited. It's gonna be pretty cool. So when I be here - thank you for lurking - Tony said I hear it takes a few hours for your eyes to get adjusted to the darkness. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I heard that too. So it's - it's really cool. I'm taking me a bunch of cigars and some alcohol and - and a bunch of patience. I'm just gonna hang out. Yeah, P.P. Dubs have dark sky snakes where - yup, you're looking forward to it, man. I'm excited, you guys. No, not Big Ben Rothos, but I hate you, Alex. Hey, what up? Jeff, gonna see you, buddy. So you go, you - so Perry said so you go to big - so you go to big, big, big, big. Bint to sea stars. Yes. Yes. Yes. You go to big, big, big, big to sea stars. That's what - yes. Oh, really, Cisco? That's where we're staying. Cisco said, "Terra lingua is sketchy as fuck." That's where we're staying. Should we not be staying there? Oh, fuck. Well, I'm taking my pistol, so that's whatever. That's where the bubble is. Terra lingua. Or terra lingua. Or however, that's how you say it. Any lingas? I don't know. Yeah, that's where we're staying. So that sucks. Um, take some ayahuasca. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. That's funny. Ah, that's super funny. Yeah, Perry said, "Honestly, never heard of it. Here, Perry." I'll show you where it's at. Hold on. Let's see. This is where it's at, Perry. And what we're going to do is we're going to, like, not make the full drive. We're going to hang out a little bit on the way out there. You know what I mean? Like, we're not going to, uh, because it's like a nine-hour drive. Oh, oh, Perry. Oh, Perry. Cisco said there's not really anywhere else to stay. It just has that hills have eyes vibe. Okay. So there's not like near new wells and ruffians. It's just creepy. Okay. Well, either way, I'll have my gun on me. So fuck them. I wish they would. I wish a motherfucker would. All right, Perry. This is what, uh, this is where, this is where, Perry, the siege, all right, here, oh, oh, I didn't do the Chrome reset. Bitch, bitch, my old business, bitch. Here we go. Perry. So this is where Big Bend is, right? Here's Tejas. You can see, like, where all I've done comedy. That's what a lot of those yellow things are. Uh, here's Tejas. Here is Big Bend National Park. So there's Mexico. So it's a long as drive. It's way over here. There's Fort Davis. There's, you know, pass away over there is way down here. Um, yeah, it's kind of on near or I should say near the border of Mexico, but it's, uh, yeah, and it's just around nothing. Just around nothing. And, uh, this is Terra linga. I think that's what it's called. Yeah, Terra linga and we are also going to go up here to the McDonald Observatory. That's like one of the premier observatories in the country. Let's say, uh, University of Texas Observatory and, uh, we're going to do a star party, like the 4th of July. You can go in and they show you, like, yeah, you pay, you can look at, look through, you can look at space through their telescopes, like a 26 inch telescope. It's a pretty dope, pretty excited. So looking forward to it. It's going to be fun. Uh, so that'll be our, that'll be our little, uh, good time, fun time. Yeah, there we go. So that'll be fun. Don't sleep negative in the bubble. They might mistake you for the Milky Way. Hey, PB dubs, I don't know why they didn't fire off. PB dubs, thank you for resubscribing for 27 months, man. Really appreciate that, brother. Thank you, sir. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. You'll sit your ass in a corner for 10 minutes. Oh, stupid ass joke. Um, hey, what up, Eric? Good to see you, buddy. Alright, so we're going to, uh, Florida Saturday, nice, man, nice, Cisco said there's a good little pizza spot out there between Teralinga and the ghost town. Oh, well, perfect because we love pizza. All right, let's all Drey ask, did my cat scratch me in the face? No, no shit, right? Only three days, two hours to go. No, my cat did not scratch me in my face. This story, I was, yeah, I was in a bar fight and you should see the other guy. Actually, yeah, I was, uh, it happened, like, it was a knife fight. I'm like, like one of the backup dancers in a beat it video. What, bitch? We had our hands tied up together and I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, I mean, do I tell you the, do you guys want the truth? Shut up, Todd. Asshole. What up, Todd's alive. Holy shit, Todd's alive. I guess I should have said hello, Todd. Welcome to the show before I was like, shut up, Todd, Todd, you dumb dick. Hey, Todd. Welcome back to the show, Todd, big dumb dick. Got a love, you got a love, Barry on deck where we welcome you with hatred arms. No, Sergio. Yeah. Sergio's an Oliver. Put them hands on him. Todd. Thank you for the reason, buddy. 27 months. Let's go. Pina called him hot toddy. All right, you guys are funny as shit though. First of all, Sergio. No, Oliver did not put them hands on me. Okay. Second of all, that's got to be Todd's new nickname is hot toddy. I love that. I love it. That is fantastic. Okay. No. This is. Do you want the truth or do you want a story? Huh? What do you want to be doing? Do you want the truth or do you want a story total analysis that Oliver hit me with that skin, but he papped. No. Although he did get pissed off at me. He did get mad at me this weekend. Boy, he was. He isn't the shit out of me. He doesn't mad at me, man. He's turning into a grumpy ass cat. I'm telling you, man. Oh, cry baby ass cat. Sisi said lie to me. Dre said them pals, bro. Well, he don't have front claws, but he does have back claws. Look at that. I got. That was from like a few weeks ago doing yard work. That's like stick. Motta. Sisi knows what that is. Don't tell your mama's C.C. Like his cat father. I never got them hands. I never knows it got that good footwork. Alex said he wants a mix. Cisco. Thank you for re-subscribing for 26 months, buddy. Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story. Okay. Oh, shit. What's up? What's up? Steve. Oh, good to see you, buddy. Chew in on glass and eating my fingers. Oh, nice. All right. So here you go. So I was getting ready for show and as you guys know, sometimes I'll use a straight razor to do my edge up and good to see you, Steve. Oh, thanks for popping in, man. So I'll use a straight razor to do my edge up and, you know, sometimes by the way, I got way too far back on the size, man, I got to let that shit grow back out and I messed it all up. It's not. It's not even. So I use a straight razor to do my edge up and stuff. And sometimes I'll use it to shave my face and so I was shaving my face. And then somebody came to the door and then we got it. No, I'm just kidding. I just cut my face with my straight razor. That's all it was. I don't even have a good. No, not pubic, no, I don't even have a good story. The fact is I just cut my face with my straight razor, but it was fucked up. So I had a gig. I had two gigs this past weekend, one in Belton, Texas and one in Paris, Texas. The one in Belton, Texas was on Thursday. And so when I got done with this show, I shaved and I was getting ready to head out and I shit you not. I have the straight razor right? I get, I get done, I get it all done, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop. I get, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop. And I'm like, oh, and I got like a few hairs, dudes know, sometimes you get hairs up on sides of the cheek and so you just need to go, go, go. So I had a few hairs up there and I was like, oh, I just need to knock these hairs out real quick. And so I'm like this with the razor and I don't know why, but I just went like, I didn't just like shave. I just dug into it. And then just, I was like, oh, fuck. And you just know, as soon as you do it with a straight razor, as soon as you cut, like as soon as you get into it, you know, cause you just like, fuck, like it just, you feel it, you get the teeth, you get the, like, it just, you get the chills and you just like, ugh, God, you just know, like you just know. And I was like, and it doesn't bleed for a second. It's like when you get kicked to the balls, ladies know, it's like when you get kicked in the balls, there's this delay, right? There's this delay and it's the same thing. When you cut yourself deep with a straight razor, it's like you cut and then you go, and then the blood starts coming and it was like, and it won't stop. It won't stop. Especially on your face. And right here, look, that spot, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right where I talk. On stage, and I'm very active and I'm very, yeah, I know. So if I'm doing that with my face, it's not going to stop bleeding. So I cut my shit and it's, I'm bleeding like a stuck pig, man. I'm bleeding like a stuck pig in the butt, but Jess said that, what's up, Jess, that happens and shaving my legs, but it's not just like a regular like, you know, razor with the guard and all that. It's a straight razor. So it was just literally like, like a slice, like it, I didn't, I didn't just shave down. I don't know why, but I sliced. So it was like a gash. It was stupid. It was stupid. So I have this thing, in fact, don't ask me why I didn't take it out of the bag. Okay, don't ask me why, but I had taken a, I always take a cigar with me when I go on the road, just in case the comics want to hang out and have a cigar afterwards. And I had thrown this in the bag with me on the way, hey, what up, Christie? Chris, you said you ever cut yourself, shaving your butthole, all the time. So I threw all this stuff in the bag with my cigar because I was running late. But I threw these little band-aids in, this is teeny, tiny little band-aids. And then I, I have this stuff. This stuff will cauterize your wound. So you wet this stuff. I don't know if it'll focus there. You wet it and you put it on the wound and it will stop the bleeding. But when I tell you this shit burns, oh my god, it, oh my god, this shit hurts so bad. I mean, this shit is things so bad. So you just run it under the faucet and then you just rub it on your face, right? So I do that and now I'm just screaming, this is because that looks like a candy cigarette. I'm screaming in my bathroom. And it stops bleeding, but when it does, it stops the bleeding, but then it dries and you have this big white powdery thing. So now, now I look like a 1700s politician who took his makeup off, but missed his spot. But I can't like rub it off because it'll start bleeding again. So then I put a band-aid over it. So now I drive to my gig with this big powdery thing, light spot on my face with a band-aid on and it's to belt in from here is a three and a half hour drive. So I drive to three and a half hours chilling. Yeah, the piano says St. lunatic style. Yeah, it looked like Nelly, although I look like Nelly who represented the wig party. I don't know. You know what I mean? Like it was just this white and these aren't the cool band-aids. These are not the cool band-aids at all. These are not, they're not cool, they're not cool. So I get to the gig and I have forgotten about my face. I have forgotten that I have put this all over and this on top of it. So I walk in just open, open, open, open, open, look at me, I'm a big Tom chameleon. I walk in I'm like, how's everybody doing, I'm the headliner, everybody's like, what's on his face? I was like, how's he going? Everybody's staring because I'm a star. They're all staring at me because I'm famous. I'm like, now three and a half hour drive. I don't stop to pee, obviously. So I walk through and I glad-hand everybody, how's it going, how's it going, hey? Just checking in. How's it going, buddy? Good to see you. We'll get it going here in a minute. Okay. How's it going, everybody? All right. Good to see everybody. Thanks for being here. Yeah, I'm the superstar. Okay. Good to see everybody. You can stop staring now. I'm real. I'm just a person. Everyone's everybody's staring, all right, I'll be back. I'm just going to go pee. And then I, you know, three and a half hours, I'm like, I got to piss. So I go to pee and I just walk in, shut the door, I pee, I go to wash my hands. Oh, are you fucking kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? I had totally forgot. I had walked around. I had told everybody hello and I'm here and totally forgot, totally forgot. So now, instead of having to go around one by one and be like, hey, I'm a fucking asshole and I have to wait to tell the story on stage about why I look like I blew the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man and, you know, that abandoned on my face. It was, it was embarrassing as shit, but and what's crazy is even with the little thing that stops the bleeding, there was like blood on the band aid. It had bled through that. It was a mess, man. This son bitch bled like crazy, finally stopped, but I don't know. I'm hoping I have it like a really cool scar now. Jessa, did you look like a coke a little bit, a little bit. Yeah. Absolutely. She on a bender. That might be too old of a reference for some of you. Some of you youngsters may not get that. Yes, I remember when Larry David use a tampon to stop a nose bleed. That's funny. Yeah, that's funny. All right. Let's get to the show. Let's get going. That's enough. Um, oh, I did not get my slides in here. Let me load those up really, really quickly. So I don't have, uh, what's it called? I don't have any headlines for you. I figured, eh, oh shit, what'd I do? Uh oh. Oh, let's see. Oh shit. Can't undo. Help. Well, that sucks. That's okay. Interesting. Okay, um, we'll just change that. Yeah, we don't need that. We don't need that. Yeah. Yeah, we don't need that. I don't get out of here. We don't need to talk about this. No, we don't chat. We don't care. Uh, I do want to talk about and, uh, where did it go? So I got, I've got some non sports and I've got some videos for you. We didn't get to our, um, we didn't get to our, whatever. I already told the story. So too late. You should have told them it was from last night's crowd work. That's pretty good. Um, we will get to, um, some more non sports here in a little bit. And I do have a film such for you that we didn't get to last week. But in the meantime, I do want to talk about, uh, what is going on tonight? Biggest thing in sports for sure without a doubt. And it is game seven of the NHL Stanley Cup finals. I'm telling you right now, if you are not a hockey fan, how many of you, how many of you have watched any of the Stanley Cup finals? I only watched game six. No game. What I watched game four, game five. I only, I've only watched one game of the entire NHL playoffs, one game. And it was like game four, game five is one game. It was fantastic. Just amazing playoff hockey. Just can't be beat. Oh, really flip flip set. When the timeouts get so fancy, black screen telling me I can't chat. I don't know, buddy. That's interesting. I think we may have made some changes and some settings or something like that. Huh. Jeff Bell said I've watched all of it. What in the chat have you watched any of the Stanley Cup playoffs five in the chat if you've not watched any at all? Oh, marks that I've watched most of it. Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. Ceasey's watched most of it. PB Dubbs has watched some, uh, total Dallas has watched some. Alex has not watched any. Jet has not watched any. Brandon has not watched any. Ariel put a six. Gonna get timed out as whole. Alex has not watched any. Rudy Roth has not. Jen has not. Jet, you surprised me. Figured you would have. Uh, URL is not Cisco has not. PB Dubbs did, uh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Oh, Rudy was watching baseball. Yeah. Another big one tonight too. We're going to get to that as well. But I'm telling you right now. Jeff Bell said all of it. Yeah, well, Jeff's a big hockey fan. Tonight is going to be, um, and it's, it's really hard to predict. But it feels like if history. If, if, if history is any indication. You're real. Let's see the new black screen. If, if history is any indication. Oh, Aaron said five. I've been, uh, waiting, uh, watching in, uh, WNBA. Oh, nice. Yeah. Oh. What up? Homo Astros fan. Long time. No see buddy. Welcome back. Pimp. Um, if history is any indication. Of what we can expect for game seven of the Stanley Cup finals tonight. Hold on to your butts. Oh my God. It is going to be. One for the ages because what you have to remember is there was a moment. When the national media was talking about, uh, oh, is this going to be a double sweep? Boston is up three. Oh Florida is up three. Oh, we were talking double sweeps. Excuse me. Now, you know, Dallas wins the game. Okay. But Edmonton rattles off three in a row. Steve, I'll say, what is hockey? And now Florida, and, and I tell you, uh, Florida really hasn't looked good since about the mid way through game two. This is going to be really, really interesting. It's going to be really, really good. And there I say this. And you know, trust your old pal Barry. Okay. I wouldn't steer you wrong. I've never, never, ever, and if I'm, if I'm wrong, say so in the chat. If I'm wrong, tell me if I'm wrong. Give me an example. Give me an example of a time of light to you about something like this. But even if you don't understand hockey, Alex said I don't understand all the hockey terms. Only icing I know is on a cake. It's okay. You don't need to understand all of the terms in order to be able to enjoy what's going to happen tonight. And I think that the hockey fans and the guys that watch hockey and the gals that watch hockey can attest to that. It's going to be that good for, I'll give you an example. It's kind of like me as a soccer fan, Alex, or, but Tony, or other soccer nerds in here, Eric Christendes, I don't know all the ins and outs of soccer, but I do know when I watch a really, really, really good soccer match, I don't need to know shit about soccer. I just know what I'm watching is phenomenal and fantastic. And that's kind of what I'm expecting tonight, like you don't need to know off signs. You don't need to know icing. You don't need to know what the crease is. You don't need to know what hooking is or high sticking or none of that shit. You don't need to know all that. You just need to know that when the little black puck goes in the back of the net, that's a goal and you need to know that it's going to be physical and you need to know that it's going to be fast paced and you need to know that it's going to be fucking relentless for three straight periods. You don't need to worry about shift changes. You don't need to worry about tactics. You don't need to worry about strategy. Just watch how frenetic, how relentless, and how fast paced this is going to be. It's going to be fucking crazy from the moment the puck drops until the final horn sounds or until the shit gets out of hand. It's going to be crazy. It really is. Oh, yes, he says speaking of enjoyable when yesterday for the U.S. Miz national team. Yeah. Oh my God. This is the first time in my years, I've scratched. It's my head and my hair is stood up. You know how your boy needs a haircut people. Hey, goodness. The background is dark. Can't even tell nasty nation. How many fights tonight? That's the one thing, Nate, that you may not see. And again, hockey folks, correct me if I'm wrong, Margie, Jeff Bell, who else? Who else was hockey people? Kigity Biggs, Oilers over two and a half goals tonight. Oh, you think? Oh, Panthers are still the favorite at home though. That's what's kind of wild as much as they're reeling. I don't know if there's going to be fights because there's so much on the line. It'll be chippy, right? It'll be chippy. There might be a little bit of, um, I think there'll be a little bit. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Now that, that, yes, that is, yes. It will be one of those chippy, a lot of shoving, a lot of, you know, a lot of, um, a lot of guys getting together, right? It'll look like a big orgy a lot, like a lot of guys bumping together, but I don't think it'll be all out gloves drop, pop, pop, pop, pop, because I don't have what you don't want to do in a game seven. This is it. There is no next game. We'll worry about it next game. What you don't want to do is give a man advantage to the other team. You don't want to have to, you know, you don't want to, and you don't want to go four on four, even though Edmonton has played really well. Hell, Edmonton has played well when they've been short-handed and when they've had a man advantage. They just, they've been balling. Pucking. Okay. I don't know, but, uh, yeah, I don't, I don't think, I think Jeff Bell's right though. If it gets out of hand, oh my God, it's going to be, it'll still be great. If it gets out of hand, it's going to still be great because then it's just going to be, yeah, a lot of fighting. No. Oh, no. No, no, no, no. That's the one thing. That's the one beautiful thing about hockey. It won't be, it's still not even like a basketball fight. It's not even like a basketball fight, right? It's not even like, if even when it gets chippy, it's still not like, uh, hold me back, hold me back. Oh, you want some? You want some? Oh, no. Oh, they're still going to, they're still going to punch each other. They're still going to shove each other down. They're still going to, you know what I mean, but it won't be like an all out, throw the gloves down, pull the shirt over the head, uppercut, uppercut, uppercut, and then the rest let it go until it falls to the ice because that is what a hockey fight is. If you've never seen a hockey fighter, you don't know how it works. The refs usually don't get in the middle of it until the two fighters either stop, until one of them just gives up or until one of them gets knocked out or until the fight falls to the ice. Once that happens, then they break it up. One of the two, if the two hockey players are both standing and trading punches, they just let it go. They're just like, Oh, go on boys. But once one guy gets a really distinct advantage and it looks like he could hurt the other guy or the other guy is knocked out or out on his feet or the fight falls to the ice, then they step in. So we don't think we see that, but until like Jeff Bell said, it gets out of hand. So you won't see a gloves off, you know, sweater over the head type shit. You might see a lot of, you know, sticking hand, lot of bumping and shit, it'll get physical. It will very much be physical, but if it's five to one with 10 minutes left in the third, let me some ass whoopers going to be some ass whoopers. So hope for either hope for two, two, three, three, you know, four, three, hope for that or hope for eight, one, it's going to be fun. It's going to be fun. I'm going to be working in the yard till dark, but I'm going to record it. I'm going to get me a cigar in a big old glass of crown or, I don't know, maybe some uncle nearest or something, but I'm going to get me some some bourbon in the cigar. I'm going to sit on the back porch and I'm going to watch this fucking hockey game. It's going to be amazing. So I encourage you to watch it and I know some of you are like, no, I'd rather watch the Astros or I'd rather watch Tennessee and, um, A&M play record those, record those and watch them later. I promise you, I promise you, you know, they always say the, the, the greatest phrase in sports is game seven. The two best words in sports is game seven. I'm telling you right now, the three best words in sports is hockey game seven. The game seven in hockey trumps a game seven in basketball. Trump. I mean, it literally trumps everything, maybe except the Super Bowl. Yo, right. Oh shit. What just happened? Alec. Oh. Alec. What is going on? Heck it. Alec, buddy, thank you. Alec just gifted five subs, holy shit. My dude. Hold on. I'm trying to see who got them all. Alec, buddy. Thank you. Welcome to Etsy to a guy to flip to black spotted zebra and get the tables. Oh, Alec, welcome back, homie. Good to see you. Glad you're back safe. Much appreciated. Thank you, sir. And glad you're home, homie, and thank you again. Much appreciated my friend. You guys, by the way, make sure you thank Alec for his service. My man had to leave, go out on the sea. He's serving in the Navy and he never knows where he has to go, but he has to leave us, leave the show and go out on the great deep blue seas and just be out there wherever they tell them to go. It's good to have you back, buddy. Thank you for being here and thank you for the gifted subs, man. Much appreciated, sir. Um, yeah, what's up with that, Jeff, right? What? Jeff said, wait, what? Jeff's not a subscriber? Hmm, all that ruckus, all the chaos and commotion that we have to put up with. Hmm, go figure, Jeff, I think you'd be surprised at how many are not. I think you would be surprised, Jeff. It's always a lie. I appreciate everybody that watches. It is not a requirement to watch the show. It is not a requirement to subscribe to watch and enjoy the show. This is a bit surprising sometimes when you see some of the diehards, some of the faithfuls and you're like, oh, when they get a gifted sub, you're like, oh, oh, uh, appreciate your Alex. Much love, homie. Much love, brother. And there you go, Rudy. That's what I'm talking about, brother. Rudy Rod said, thank you for your service. That's what's up, man. That's what's up. Well, okay. Steve. Oh, ask away, brother. Ask away, man. Ask away. You know, I always got time for long talk, homie. Always got time for long talk. By the way, I saw an, uh, ask me anything about anything from Eric. I got to get to it. I got to get to it. So yeah, fire away, Steve, oh, I got you. I got you. Uh, let's see. I just want to listen. Oh, you just want me to talk longs? Uh, let's see. Do, do, do, do, do, oh, shit. Uh, sounds like a karate movie. No, it's not, it's not like a karate movie still. It was crazy, man. It ain't like a karate movie. Uh, let's see. How many fights tonight? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, you will let the score guys out of hand. You'll see how chippy, but probably no fights rest don't let them fight in the playoffs. Well, the game that others didn't score more than 2.4. This series was game one. Um, I lied it happened twice. Break it up immediately. Uh, Barry looks like he got in a hockey fight. Oh, what I was going to see, brother. Um, what was I looking for? Oh, uh, Connor McDavid is a beast. Ah, I love the CC loves hockey. I do. I love it. I love the CC loves hockey. Didn't watch USA versus Bolivia yesterday. No, no, I didn't. Why would I do that? Why would I do that? Why would I do that? No, I did not. No, I did not. Uh, no, I did not. Um, I was looking. Oh, yeah. That too. Mark said, uh, Connor McDavid has a chance to break Risky's playoff scoring record. True. I think they said he needed to go game seven to do it too. I was looking. Oh, I got to find the AMAA game from Eric Christendes. There it is. Found it. Um, Eric Christendes said, I heard you say Oliver was a dick this weekend. Did anyone else's cat, uh, did anyone else's cats were like that? Because my daughter's cat was a dick to me this weekend. Every time I would see him, he would go crazy. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe it was something in the water. I don't know, bro. But like he gets, he gets an attitude like even if just like if I just pet him and I'm like, bro, I'm not even messing with you. I'm just petting you. And then the problem is I feel challenged because I'll start to pet him and he'll be all right. And then he hisses at me and I'm like, oh, you're not going to hiss at me at my house. And so whatever I did to make him hiss, I do it again. And then he hisses again. And then I do it again. And then he hisses more and then I do it more and they're yeah, yeah. And then Nora gets mad. She's like, what? You just stopped. I'm like, no. I'm like, that's my house. And she's like, he's a goddamn cat. And I'm like, yeah. And that's the whole thing. She's like, you're such a goddamn baby. He's a cat. I'm like, well, I'm an idiot and I look like a, I live like an idiot when I do it. Certainly. I certainly do. Let's see. When are we getting drunk berries so that we can know who you think isn't funny? Ah, nah, nah, nah, not yet homie. Not yet. Oh, Rudy said it was a full moon this weekend. That might be. Oh, the full strawberry moon. Ah, yo, what up house? Good to see you playing. I'll say cats go wild because Mars was in Gatorade. Mars is just lining my chakras and Mars is in Gatorade or whatever it's called. It was a cat's or assholes. That's why dogs are better. False. Dude. Dogs are assholes too. They'll shit in your bed. And they said cats are always dicks. That's false. Yeah. Dre's right. Established dominance. That's what I do. He hisses and then I'm like, oh, I hiss back. Sometimes I'll do that. Or sometimes when he hiss them, I swear to God and this makes Nora so mad, but he doesn't know what to do because when they hiss, they show their teeth, they go like that. And so I just stick my finger in his mouth and he goes, huh. He don't know what to do. He's just basically like, what the fuck, bro? He's because he's trying to like, you know what I mean? He's trying to show dominance and be like, I'll fuck you up. Now imagine, imagine that as like you, like if you were like squared up with somebody and somebody did something you were like, yo man, I'm going to beat your ass. But instead when you did that, you're like, yo man, I'm going to beat your ass. Well, what the fuck was that? Yeah, you, you really can't be tough if someone just shugs their finger in your mouth, you know, when you mid, if you're bowed up, like right in the middle of it. So when he's all like, he'll just go like, yeah, what now would. You don't like it. You don't like it. Suppose that your dog shits in your bed because he doesn't like you. Yeah. Well, that's why my cat hisses at me. So yeah, it's animals. All animals are can be assholes, oh, oh, oh, all animals are nice. All animals can be assholes. Okay. Let's not start this whole dogs are better than cats cats are better than dogs bullshit. They all have their good qualities and bad qualities. Let's, uh, let's do that. Let's talk a little bit too about that college world series. Oh, someone ever did that to you. The only answer is to shoot them. Yeah, that's, that's probably either that look. There's two, there's two ways to handle that, right? If you blow up with somebody and be like, bitch, I'm a beat your ass. If you're like, I'm a beach, there's two ways to handle it at that point, either you bite that motherfucker off or you suck it. That's it. That's the only two options you have at that point. If you bite it, obviously they're, ah, and if you suck it, then they're like, what the fuck you know, I mean, you just don't, oh, and then they're like, Hey, yo, what the thing? That's the only two options you have at that point. Nate said if that get his to me, it would never get bad again. Tony said, or you'll hot puss just said the same thing, or, or you spit on that thing. We're going to talk about her. I have thoughts on that too. We're going to get to that as well, but we're going to cover a little more sports before we get to that. Let's talk a little bit about the college world series because because gay three on tonight, I believe it is on ABC, don't get me lying, hold on, let's see. Where is, where is, let's see scores, college baseball score board, oh, ESPN, sorry. So college world series is best of three, it is tied up right now. A&M took game one, I think it was eight to one, which was kind of surprising because going into this, apparently, and obviously I don't watch college baseball, don't give a shit about college baseball. Lord, why would I? And the only reason that I'm even remotely interested in this, I'll tell you in a bit. Dray said ESPN six p.m. and I'm took game one, eight to one. The vols took game two, four to one. And the only reason that was surprising about game one is, oh no, I'm sorry, took game one nine to five. It was, they were up eight to one at one point, I believe, I'm going to go back into the box score. Oh, they were up seven to one at one point, and they ended up winning nine to five. The reason that was surprising is Tennessee's defense apparently was fantastic. Best in the SEC, A&M's pitching was the best in the SEC. So it was kind of like, you know, strength versus strength, right? So for A&M to score nine was a big deal. And then you flip it around and four versus four to one was also pretty interesting. So the reason I'm interested in this and there's really the only reason is I think I talked about it on the show a little bit, but I just find myself hating this tape, hating the Aggies and some kind of interested in that, but I'm also interested in the, this team, the Aggies have really never won a legitimate national title in the modern era. They talked about it on local TV that all back in the thirties, okay, let's calm down. So it's the one title that A&M hangs its hat on. This would give some legitimacy to their sports program finally, finally, but they got to win it first. So it's there to be a big deal for A&M, unfortunately, it'd be in the sport that most people don't give a shit about. But yeah, a national title nonetheless, and one of the big three sports in America at least would go a long way for the school, I guess, they'll brag about it. You'll never hear the end of it. I'll tell you that. Holy shit, I'll tell you that, but they need it. They need it for sure. So that'll be tonight 6 p.m. I don't care, don't really care, but I think it's interesting and I mean, I shouldn't say I don't care. Obviously as a lifelong Aggie fan, it's intriguing, but I still find myself liking this team after what happened as disgusting as that was. So I'm not rooting for him to lose, but if they do, they'll deserve it. And I know the players didn't do that and the coach didn't support it. And, you know, two bad apples don't spoil the bunch. But to hear the fan base come back and say, well, but really were they Aggie fans? That was the, that was the final straw for me. You know what I mean? That was the final straw. So fuck them, say, say thank you, sweeties. She said, lurking gym eight and drink way too much lately. Got you. Got you. Hey, can I just brag for a second? I'm down to 197. Flabby. Boop. Okay. Um, yeah, I haven't died at it all. I haven't exercised at all, but I'm on them pills. They seem to be working. I was 220. I am now down to 197. Not bad. Not bad. Of course, working in the yard for two days straight, sweat my ass off, I'll probably get in there. We'll see how long it lasts, but times that oh my, well, they ever bragged up, merch will be over the moon. Yes, it will. Biena's a women's college basketball has better ratings. True that Tony said Reese versus Clark was a fun game. Yeah. Biena said you came to bench. Well, I heard it was 50. We'll see. Can we talk about this Reese versus Clark thing? Did I get a slack tan doing your work? Yeah, homie. What? Are you kidding? Look at the inside. Look at the outside. Inside. Outside. Inside. Outside. Yeah, I mean, like, if I put them upside by side, you kidding? I don't know how to do it. Yeah, it's not even close. Definitely got a tan. Um, they played again yesterday. How often are these two going to play? That's the thing. Holy shit. It's like they play every other day. Can we maybe mix up the schedule a little bit or just, or just call it what it is? Just call it the, you know, the Caitlin Angel Basketball Association for God's sakes. I mean, it feels like this team is playing every other game. Let's look it. Let's look. It's played three or four or five times already and it's, it just is crazy. Here's that they only have 12 teams. My God, it just seems like a lot seems like a lot. Is that every other game? I don't know. It seems it's wild, it's wild, wild to me. Um, I mean, well, I said three times out of, no, they've played more than that. They've played more than that. Oh, God. Hold on. Let's see, WNBA. Damn, they're still buried at the very bottom. Oh, I guess because it goes in order. No, it don't know the hell it don't scourish teams. What is Caitlin Clark's team? The fever. I got the fever and knowing inflation, more cowbell or whatever the fuck, um, oh, look at her. This season. It was September 19th, huh? Okay. Uh, what is the Angel Reese's team? It's the Chicago sky? No? Yeah? Is it the sky? Um, let's see. God bless. They, yeah, they just play the same teams over and over. They've, boy, they fever sucked to begin with. They started off like shit. They have played Chicago. Uh, yeah, one, two, three times. But they played, uh, yes, they played one time early, June 1. And then they played, uh, on the 16th of the 23rd, so right back to back or pretty close. Okay. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Just like more than that. But okay. And then they'll play each other. Oh, not again. Okay. That's, oh no, they play one more time. Yeah. One more time. Oh, anybody else starting to like Angel Reese more than Caitlin Clark? Am I allowed? Just a little bit. I mean, I still, I still, I still like watching Caitlin Clark shoot and play. I still think her game mimics, um, her style of play mimics or, you know, translates or looks more, uh, athletically similar to the men's game. It does. She was saying that even her threes and the shit, the shots that she's making are further than staff and company. Okay. But I don't know. I think maybe it's just the oversaturation of Caitlin that has something to do with it. But I think I'm right now more of a fan of Caitlin Clark or Angel Reese than I am Caitlin, but that that could change on a dime, you know, Angel could say some dumb shit, do some dumb shit and I'd be right back to like, ah, I can, uh, flip that real quick. Basically, they'll expand strictly because of those seasons only because you went to LSU because she's a tiger. Sabrina. I know. Say that. I know. Seku. So I'm a sec. You want to suck? Who? Sabrina. Seku should be the face of the WNBA. I don't even know who that is. I got to Google that. I'm, I'm sure once I see her, I'll be like, oh, oh, okay. Okay. I guess. Okay. Sure. Um. Oh, she played for. I didn't know she played for. She plays for New York Liberty. Got it. Okay. Good call, Tony. All right. Um, so when did they play? Nope. Oh boy. We're going to have a big WNBA debate in the chat. Can't wait. Good. Yeah. I'll go Mimi's for a little bit. You guys can. Happy debate. Waiting up is somebody just send a bit or something to wake me up when it's done. Go ahead. You just have them to have at it. I'll, I'll just hunker down here and, you know, just doing an alert or something. Time somebody out or, I don't know, make a VIP or some shit. You ain't got to send a bit, but just wake me up when it's over with, ah, not that kind of debate, still your soul. Oh, wow. Still you're sold. Still you're sold. Okay. Cheerleading isn't a sport. Well, that's a fact. That's a fact, a hundred percent, a hundred percent. What's more of a sport? Cheerleading or darts? Hmm? Yeah. And I agree with Aaron. However you pronounce her name, she should be the face of the NBA or the WNBA. Facts. Uh huh. I always mess up, aja, aja, aja, and he tells me every time and I still forget it. I tell you why, and you know why, one, because I'm stupid, two, because I have ADHD and three have a terrible memory. Oh, and then four, because I don't give a shit. Yeah. Those are the main reasons. Mostly one through three, some four, yeah. Uh, all right. You're leading or break dancing, oh, oh, hmm. I would say more cheerleading over break dancing. Yeah, but not by much. Only. Well, ah, yeah, I'll go cheerleading. Yeah, I'll, you know why they're spelling involved. How about that? Yeah, you're combining, you're combining a lot of different with break dancing. You are, there's everything that is in cheerleading is in break dancing or everything that is in break dancing, I should say is in cheerleading, right? But there are things that are in cheerleading that are not in break dancing, like spelling, geometry, you know, big girls. So yes, spoon. You could be a cheerleader. You'd just be the base of the pyramid. Yes, as a matter of fact, I have tried spinning on my head, Jeff Bell. He has a brain on his greater than stomp the yard 100% 100% all right, um, let's get to some other things here. Oh, I do want to, all right. So we got through game seven, mark that off, scoot, done that, college world series is done. So we have a new segment. We're not going to do it. We were originally going to do it, well, we were going to, we were going to start it next week. Well, thanks to Jen. Jen, are you here? She might not be here. She may be off gal event around. She's got a job and she's all important at a company, whatever, uh, oh, there she is. So Jen had this wonderful idea for a segment and I loved it. She presented it to me last week. And I think it's a great idea for not just the summer and sometimes the summer can be kind of slow, but I think it's a great idea for us to kind of all have some, uh, no Tony, not roasting total Dallas. I think it's a great idea for us to kind of involve you guys, you guys in the show, one, allow you guys to pick some of the topics that we talk about on this show too, which kind of, you know, it gives you some opportunities to produce allows you to be involved and, um, give you some homework and, uh, it's just a ton of good reasons why it creates content and there's a promotion and stuff like that. It's just, it was a really, really good idea and I loved it and I'm hoping you guys will like it too. We're not going to start it this week. We're going to carry it over, but I wanted to introduce it so that when we come back from vacay, we can get rolling with it. Okay. Oh, I love total Dallas as well. You guys are a bunch of hate mass haters. I love me some total Dallas. Um, we are going to be introducing a segment called talk about it Tuesday. Talk about it Tuesday is a segment that allows you the deck heads to pick the topic. And we will collectively talk about said topic. The topic can be anything within reason, but it usually will involve some sort of homework. Now it has to be within reason and it has to be, um, attainable and what do I mean by that? Well, let's say that there's a movie that you watched or you want to watch or you're going to watch and you want to talk about it. Let's say that there's a show or a mini series or a stand up comedy special or something on Netflix, something on Hulu, something, I don't know, maybe it's a video. Maybe it's a, I don't know, it could be anything really. Maybe it's a book, if you're asking me to read, I'm going to tell you right now. Yeah, I'm going to talk amongst yourselves. Okay. No, spoon, not nothing on only fans. Fucking pervert, Jesus Christ, you already made it sexual. Fuck. Can't go two minutes without you guys. And with your dick, it's disgusting. No, we're not doing porn talk. I swear to God, I'll burn this place down. We'll turn this fucking show around right now. Anger me. Tony said this chat doesn't read, fair point, fair point. I think I'm safe, but it allows you, like it might be, it might be an article, you know, that you read in the, you know, online, it might be a post, it might be just a topic in general, right? It could be a video you saw on TikTok, it could be a topic that somebody talked about on TikTok. It could be anything within reason and, you know, within certain boundaries, I'm not going to let you guys get vulgar, disgusting. That's my job. So what you'll do is you will email Jen your topic ideas each week on Wednesday, well starting on Wednesdays and, or I'm sorry, you'll email on Tuesdays. We will pick the topic on Wednesday, and then the following Tuesday is when we will talk about it. So you will have a week to do the homework, right? So I'll mention it on Tuesday, hey, let's talk about a Tuesday. This week's topic is hot tool girl, okay? Or whatever. And then it's not going to be that. We're going to talk about that today, but, you know, like I'm listening to an audio book called The Mountain is You, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, if I would ever sit down and finish it and like put it into practice, this book could be life-changing for me. It literally describes me to a T as far as self-sabotage goes. And say how on the nose this book is, if you are a victim of self-sabotage, I highly recommend you get this book. It won't be a topic that we discussed because I know most y'all don't give a shit, but oh my God, if you feel like you're the reason you're holding yourself back, get this book, but The Mountain is You. So let's say that that's it, right? Let's say that that's the topic. So I would say on Tuesday, hey, or I would say this week's topic is The Mountain is You, we all read it last week, but it's talk about it Tuesday. So submit your topics, make sure you get them in and then you would submit them all. You would send the email to Jen, you'd have 24 hours. Now we're going to keep a running list and we're going to select them at random and we might pull from this week, but we have the right to go back because some of you are going to submit some good topics and some of you are going to submit some trash. Let's just be honest. I've been doing this for four plus years. I know how this works by now. Some of you are going to take this serious and some of you are not. I also know that as we go, this is going to slowly the participation in this is going to wane because some of you are going to be gung how at first and some of you are going to fade and that's okay. So we're going to keep a running list. Okay. So we'll pick a new topic each week and from the spread sheet that will will amass and on Wednesday, I will announce the topic. So like this Wednesday, I would be like, Hey, our topic for the week for next week's talk about a Tuesday is blah, blah, blah, whatever, it might be, um, watch Cat Williams's new stand up special and then you have a week to do it. You have from Wednesday of this week to the following Tuesday and then we go live and then hey, today's topic is, you know, today's talk about a Tuesday is you had all week to watch Cat Williams is special. I hope you did it. Here were my thoughts. What were your thoughts and you're going to pop in the chat and give your thoughts. And we'll talk about it. There you go. And you know, if there I'm open to suggestions on how to do this, I'm open to suggestions on how to get your topics, we, um, we're starting off with email. We'll probably move to is getting a online form that you can submit to that just dumps it into a spreadsheet so that we can just keep that running spreadsheet and it'll just be real simple. It'll be your name, um, and your idea. Now the caveat to this, what is, uh, Perry says, I remember it got heated last time we talked blah, blah, blah, what? About what do you, uh, I don't remember this, Perry, remind me spoons that don't make me produce your show. God. Yeah. I'm all, um, what was I going to, oh, the one caveat to this as a value add is we're always looking to add value, uh, submissions will be open. Now anyone can participate. So once the topic is given, anyone can watch the movie, read the book, look at the video and participate on Tuesdays in the chat topics can only be submitted by Patreon members. So you must be a member of the Patreon to submit or suggest a topic. It'll only be open to our Patreon members. Um, you'll be able to suggest the topics and, um, you know, put them in. We'll pick them at random. We were going to do like a bunch of shit, but it's like, it's just easier. I'm just going to pick them at random or Jen's going to pick them at random. One of us will pick them and that'll be that. But Patreon members can submit anyone can participate day of the show. This is not just for Patreon members. You don't have to be a Patreon member to participate on the show, but you do have to be a Patreon member to submit, okay? Or to be, you know, like if you, you email it, you could email it. But if you're not a Patreon member, we're not going to put it on the list. That's all. Okay. Love the idea. I'm hoping it takes off, um, as with anything that in this business of media, broadcast media, whatever the fuck this thing is, um, you know, you, you do things and you always are trying new things and we've done things on this show that have stayed and stuck and we've done things on this show that if not, and this is just another iteration of that. So, uh, but we've always got to be trying new shit and I love this idea. I love that Jen's always trying to make the show better for y'all and for us. And she's constantly doing that. And so once again, I just want to say, Jen, I love you and I think the deckhead should once again, uh, give you a special shout out and a thank you y'all because she's always thinking of how to improve the show and make it better for y'all. And, uh, she does it out of love, out of love for y'all, out of love for the show and out of love for me. So Jen, uh, as always, I appreciate you. I love the idea and I'm looking forward to it. Let's see what happens. Maybe it works. Maybe it doesn't, but fuck it. Let's try it. Um, it should be fun, at least until y'all fuck it up. So let's do it. Let's go. Let's pick a cool first topic and, um, let's see how it goes. Yeah. Cool. Isn't creepy, spoon, jerk, all right, let's, um, time is, oh, it's four o'clock already. Damn. So barely being said, Italy goal, Croatia's about to be bounced that sad. Why is that sad? Why is that? Who gives shit? Who am I missing something? And I'm missing something. Why is that sad? All right. I have a bone to pick with Major League Baseball. You guys are probably some of you are going to give shit. Some of you might, some of you might not. I don't know, um, chances are you won't. I get a little, uh, I don't know. I get a little, uh, invested in some of this when maybe I should, but all star games coming up pretty soon, Major League Baseball all star game. And as you know, every year, they have all star game outfits, their little matchy match outfits. Well, I just saw the hats for the all star game, the AO and NL, um, hats. Now, hold on, let me see, um, oh, let me pull up. What the fuck is wrong, my mouse? Rose. Stop. Let go. Hey. Get off me, man. Let's see here. Uh, I, I, here we go. Okay. Okay. Alright. So here is, here's your all star game hat. Now if you haven't seen these, hold on to your butts. They are, it seems like every year to me at least, they screw this up. I don't know who they get to design this stuff. But it's like some years, I feel like maybe they get like, they're like, Oh, maybe this year, uh, we'll have Stevie Wonder design the NL hats and Ray Charles can design the AO hats and we won't tell them what colors or what. We'll just let them grab shit and go. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. All I know is when I saw the Astros hat, I threw up in the mouth a little bit. Would you look at this shit? What is that? What is that? What? That is awful. That is shit. That is trash. Who likes that? What in the chat? If you like this hat, I don't judge. If you like it, you like it. I don't, I mean like, who am I? Who gives a shit? That is disgusting. That is ugly to me. But if you like it, you like it. It's, it's ugly to me. Oh, Cisco likes it. Don't ask. Judging the shit out of you, stupid. Oh, CC likes it. Oh, that's nice. It's a good hat. I don't understand what it is. Terence, I got some air max that I can rock with that guy. What is that? Um, does it say what it? Oh, look, that's pretty. So let's see, details, uh, description, post your pride for the Houston Astros with this new era all-star game, 950 snapback, oh, it's a snapback, is designed for just striking team logo and commemorative all-star game embroidery, no one will question your excitement for the mid-summer classic with the Houston Astros and the Hania collection. Um, it, yeah. So everybody's saying where is it at? It's in Arlington. Yeah, it's the game is in. It's the 99% sure the Rangers are hosting it. That is the American League colors. This is the National League. I like this way more. Now it's kind of the same, right? It's the light blue and the whatever that is, fuchsia, pink, I don't know. But I just think the difference is the cream versus the blue and the, I mean, just that little pinkish thing, whatever, that, that's as an accent color. Nice. I'll dig it. If you go, 'cause look, let's be honest, this color and light blue, those were the original berry on deck colors. If I go up and pull an old berry on deck logo, here's the old coffee cup, look, that's, I mean, that's close to the old berry on deck colors. That's, they ain't nothing wrong with that. I like that. That's very close, and as an accent color, I'm good with that, but what the fuck is that? What is that? What is that? I'll tell you what that is, that's garbage, this trash, this trash is what it is, but leave it to the rangers to fuck this all up. It's garbage, um, yeah, it's, it sucks. Spoon said it isn't at the same logo, no, it's not the same logo. It's not even close. What are you talking about? Same logo, no. It's not the same at all. It's sherbert colors. You know what, it does kind of remind me of sherbert. The national league looks great. I kind of wish that the Astros would just affect the national league so I could buy it and just, but I might buy a Braves hat just to have one. I mean, that's, that's pretty fly. All right, what up, Joe Pro? Good to see you, buddy. Um, Terris has got some airbags, AJB says, it's not bad. Alex says, it's basura. Flip it, it looks like something you can win if you collect enough. I see points, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. That's pretty good, flip. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. Um, Phoebe dubs is Stevie Wonder can see. Yeah, that's what Shaq thinks. Skeetie makes a dear God, I just puked in my mouth. So Cisco and CC like it. AJB kind of likes it. Sisy likes the other ones better though. She likes it this way better. Okay. Alex said, gosh, nigga redo, who's checking my message? What does that mean? What? Oh, did you get some shit cut? Did you get some shit cut by the night bot? Did night bot cut your shit? I guess it did, huh? Uh, huh, I'll see you think. Doesn't look like night bot. Gotcha. Doesn't look like it. Amy said, they do like, they do look like colors you'd find on an air max. Yeah, a little bit. DJ Khaled Jordan fives maybe with that hat. I'm going to look up the DJ Calla Jordan for us. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe so, probably. I don't know what the hell else you'd wear with him. Oh ugly ass hats. Hey, what up, Megan? It's some ugly, I mean, that shit is awful. I don't know what else you do. These are like, now I will show you something else, okay? I'll show you something else that looks a lot better. Megan said, what's wrong with Sherbert? Oh, no. Oh, girl, please. Nothing wrong with Sherbert. You shouldn't be. I love Sherbert. Sherbert's amazing. Okay. Sherbert is delicious. These hats, not delicious. Not that that hat. The other hat delicious. This hat. Fantastic. Not fantastic. Very ugly. And parked. I'm good. Oh, I'm done. Oh, good Joe, bro. Good to see you, buddy. Oh, bro. I know. You know, Joe, bro, I was working on the yard thinking of you Saturday and Sunday and not because I had a boner because it was so hot. Oh my God. I was thinking to you, Joe, pro. I was like, how does he do it? How so hot, dude? I'm going to be back out there tonight. As soon as we're done with this show, 530. Not looking forward to it, man. Not looking forward to it. It is unbearable out there. Yeah, it's a oh, oh, so hot. I don't like a bowl of orange Sherbert. If I wore that color of polo, that is funny spoon. That is funny. Here's another hat that I liked. Oh, did I close it? Son of a biscuit. Gosh, diggity dog. Shoot the heck. I know. Watch my mouth. I know such body language. Oh, here it is. Okay, this is badass. Now this is an all star hat I would buy. Same thing. Same all star game. Way better. Look at that bad boy. Now that looks good. Now that I like. Of course, it's a little more closer to the Astros colors, but this is the all star game workout. It's also a low profile hat. Way better than this garbage. Way better. Love it. Hate it. Love it. Like it. Love it. Hate it. That's it. That's it. Hate, love, like, love, hate, like, hate, love, like. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Agree, Megan. She said this is fire. Exactly. And it melts this stupid ass sherbert. That's for sure. I'm not paying $41 for this garbage. Again, I don't understand who designs this and then goes nailed it. Make it, make it for all of them. Make it. Make it for all of them. Garbage. Just absolute garbage. I don't understand it. Oh, a little battery. Absolute garbage. Make it. How hot is it in Houston? I've been in Arizona for a bit. Let's just say the bat wings are out in full force. Okay. That was gross. It is, you know what? It is not like August hot yet. It's about, I want to say it got to 95, 96 over the weekend, but the feels like in 103, 104. It's the humidity and no shade, no wind. So when you start getting that feels like as 103 with the humidity. Oh, yeah, 107. 107 is hot in Arizona, but then everyone hits you with that. It's a dry heat. I don't give a shit that 107 is still hot. 107 is still hot. But I learned about something new. You guys aren't going to give a shit. We're Steven, the weather guy when you need him. I learned about something called wet bulb. I learned about something called a wet bulb calculator. The wet bulb calculator designed to help you estimate the wet bulb temperature based on two pieces of information. Yeah, so this is crazy. I didn't know this wet bulb temperature. Uh, let's see. Wet bulb temperature is a measure of heat stress and direct sunlight. Wet bulb temperature is the lowest temperature an object can reach when water evaporates from it, cooling it down. And it basically is a thing like your body. There's a point where your body it gets too humid out and your body will not, like when the sweat evaporates from your body, that's how you cool down. And if it's too humid out, the sweat won't evaporate from your body and you can't cool down. And that's when you have a heat stroke and your dumb ass dies. And then what's the saying is, as the US gets hotter and as global warming occurs, the wet bulb temperature gets higher and we start to experience more of that. We are unable, our sweat is unable to evaporate and it starts to get more dangerous. I know no one gives a shit, but they actually have a whole ass calculator for it. It's crazy. I learned about this and I was like, um, what? Yeah. So it's just a good excuse for me to try to get out of yard work with Nora because I can be like, well, babe, goddamn the wet bulb says, huh, the wet bulb says we can't go out and finish the yard. We got a body that said, I'll be goddamned if the wet bulb is not bulbin. So I get your ass out there and do the mulch. Okay. I'm just telling you, I'm just telling you what the bulb says, what the wet bulb said, the bulb in the wet. I don't understand it. I don't really get it. There's a whole last thing. You're like, multiply the temperature by the relative humidity and then you, I don't know, do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. It's weird. It's a whole thing. George said, I got this. It's super easy. Anything south of I 10, your bulb is too damp. Flips and only white people get heat stroke. I wonder that's true. I wonder, I wonder if they track that. Yo, I wonder if they track. Oh shit. I missed it. I wonder if they track heat stroke by race. That would be really interesting. I would love to see that. I would love to see that. I tell you what, I would love to see if they tracked heat stroke by race and country of origin. I do know, I do know, it's how does fuck when Saudis are dying of heat stroke. And that happened. And this is not a laughing matter. There were several Saudis making a pilgrimage to Mecca and temperatures reached 125 degrees. Which the wet bulb temps and several people died. Saudi Mecca. Oh, I'm sorry. More than 1300 people died making the Islamic pilgrimage of Hajj and Saudi Arabia this month. I said 25. I was slightly off. The vast majority of whom the Saudi government said did not have permits. Many walked from miles in the scorching heat after paying thousands of dollars to elicit or fraudulent tour operators. But that's crazy and sad and just shows you how hot it is and dangerous. And then I see like, so I'm looking at the headlines. It's like the Guardian says at least 1300. Hajj pilgrims died during extreme heat. More than 1300 people died. This one says more than 1300 over 1300 and then the BBC had to go all prices right on everybody and put at least 1300 and one people died. Okay. Are you trying to get to the showcase, showdown BBC? What are we doing? Everybody just kept it at 1300 and then the BBC had to come in and put 1301. Nice try, assholes. This ain't the prices right. You could have just kept it at 1300. Dicks first started off at 500. Then they went to 1300. That's wild. That's a lot of people. That's a lot of people. It's crazy, man. Crazy. All right. We have other things to talk about. Don't they have zoom? Flip out of time. You're dumbass out again. Megan said, of course it was Brits. I don't know. We don't know if it was Brits or not. We don't know that. Okay. We don't know that Megan. We don't know that for sure. We don't know. Leave the Brits out of this. Okay. Okay. Oh, my God. Terrence said I don't miss that damn hot ass weather in Iraq, bro. I can't even imagine. Um, oh, she Googled it. Never mind. She knows. Never mind. She Googled it. She up. Okay. She, she knows. Yeah. I, I can't, uh, I can't even imagine how hot somewhere like Iraq would be right now. Jeez. Hey, what you going to hell, bro? Or whatever. Whatever you, they would believe in. You going to hell. Hey, happening, man. Gonna get your ass moving to get on it. Uh, all right. So we did the hats. We did the making sure I'm doing my rundown here. I guess Jenny is mom didn't join us. Obviously she had a doctor's appointment today. We got talk about it. Tuesday's, uh, introduced in HR, NHL game seven, uh, college world series. Oh, we got to do a film sesh, but I want to get to these dumbass idiots first before we get to the film sesh. What? I say, huh? How the hell did that work? Oh, that's not good. Hmm. What the hell? Where do I video go? Motherfucker. Okay. I have lost my damn video. I think showed it. All right. Let me download it again. Uh, it's fine. It's cool. Everything is cool. No worries. Um, because I want to talk about there's a certain group of people that are pissing me off. I know Shocker, right? You can't believe that a group of people are angering me. Okay. Okay. Oh, let's say change. Gross. What is happening right now? That's weird because it's not working. Okay. This is stupid. Okay, whatever. Uh, I don't understand why this is a working guys. Professional here. Yeah. Well, sorry. What? What? Hmm. Oh, now it worked. Okay. Got it. All right. This made me angry and I wanted to talk about it on a couple of different levels because I've seen this more than once now and these assholes have popped up in a couple of different places. Joe pro. I said, somebody made me angry and he was like Astros Twitter, Sonic car hops, spam callers. Yes, of course, all of those people have made me angry Joe pro, but that's not who we're talking about. Oh, really? Is that true? Told Dallas said, wow, Italy wins on the last kick of the match. Walk off. Do they call it a walk off kick? Is that a thing? Is that a thing? Um, you've probably heard about them because they're everywhere and it's what they want and they would love nothing more than for me to talk about them. And so I'm going to, but they say that there's no such thing as bad publicity. And a lot of times that might be true, but I disagree in this particular case because there is a group of people who are out there protesting big oil and hold on. Um, they're not just doing it at sporting events. They are climate protesters who have been ramping up their protest and they have been doing it all over the globe at different events and at different important and specific locations. They have their, their calling card is orange paint. Recently, and I think I have this in my Gmail, recently, yeah, except in China and Russia where they behead these sons of bitches, uh, recently they, one of their most recent ones is, they painted Stonehenge orange, which is chicken shit. Like, why would you do that? What the fuck did, what does that have to do with your cause? Why would you take something like that and desecrate it and paint it and deface it? It's, it makes no sense. Now they say, Oh, well, the paint comes off and, but it doesn't matter. It, it just, it doesn't matter. It's like you're, you're, you're running the risk. What if it doesn't? What if the paint you use does have an effect on the stone? What if the paint you use doesn't come off? What if the paint you use, you know what I mean? Like there's, there's, there's a lot of risk involved in what you're doing. Let's see, Stonehenge orange paint. And I'll find this article. Um, so. Oh, here's some images. Look at these fucking assholes. Here are some images of two fuck faces who should be punched in the face. I mean, I want you to look at this. I mean, they are proud of what they've done. Uh, this is an orange powder paint sprayed on Stonehenge. Now it was removed. But it says orange powder paint sprayed on to part of Stonehenge by activists has been removed. Two just stop oil protesters were arrested after spraying the historical site near Salisbury, Salisbury, uh, Wiltshire with corn flour, English heritage chief executive, Dr. Nick Merriman said there appeared to be no visible damage to the 5000 year old landmark after experts cleaned the site. Dr. Merriman also confirmed the site would be open for summer solstice celebrations. Police said the two protesters were released on bail to allow us additional time to work with specialists in progress, uh, our inquiries. Uh, they had been arrested on suspicion of criminal damage, damaging an ancient monument and deterring a person from engaging in a lawful activity. English heritage said the orange paint had been removed using a specialist handheld blower. It told the BBC that if rain had come to into contact with the powder damage could have been significant. The stones are covered in more than 50 different, I don't know, likens some of them rare. This meant brushing or washing the paint off was not possible. So again, yeah, the paint's gone. Not a big deal, right? It could have been a huge deal. And they think that they're doing the right thing. They think that their cause is just. And I think what these dudes need, I think what these people need is a, as an ass woman. I think they need the, they need the shit beat out of them. I think these guys, and I don't condone violence, but man, fuck you. Like, if you think you can just go up and desecrate a monument and something so beautiful and something so, you know, fantastic and majestic and, and great like Stonehenge because you don't think big oil should exist. Hey, fuck you. Like it, it, it, it boggles my mind that you think that's okay. Now, mind you, this is the same group that took the same paint and put it on a Van Gogh painting in a museum as a protest. So their whole MO is not to go to, you know, shell oils building and throw orange paint on it or conoco Phillips or Exxon or swim out to an oil derrick and paint it orange. No, they would rather go desecrate shit that has nothing to do with big oil. How big of a dip shit are you? What kind of an asshole are you? Well, we want to bring awareness to it. Hey, well, you know what? That's not a good way to do it because not only are you just pissing people off, but now we all fucking hate your guts. And now I'm just going to go and start my car and leave it running in the driveway until it runs out of gas. And then I'm going to drive down and fill up a five gallon gas tank, a gas can, and put it in my car and drive it back to the, to the gas station and fill it up and then drive it back to my house and let it sit idle in the driveway again until it runs out again, because fuck you. Like it's, it's, it's mind boggling that I am supposed to now be sympathetic to your cause because you're out here doing terrible shit to stuff that has nothing to do with your cause. If you want to do something to bring attention to your cause, then why don't you take that stupid ass orange paint and paint things that are associated with your cause like gas pumps or oil derricks or places where they were fine oil. I don't know. These are also the same assholes that lay in streets and don't let cars pass. This is crazy to me. Crazy to me. I wish you would lay in front of my car. I'm not saying I'd run you over. I would definitely beat your ass. I promise you. I promise you. I promise you. Lay in front of my car. Please. And it's wild to me. Nobody does anything to these people. I'm like, bro, please, I swear to God, please lay in front of my car. Please, please. Watch what happens. Like, more people need to whoop these dudes asses. And then you're like, oh, we love the environment. Well, you must love ass whooping because that's what you should be getting constantly. Constantly. It's crazy to me. And they just, they do awful, awful shit. So, they've done this to Stonehenge. They've, they've done it to like, you know, old paintings. Like, I sold you there. They did it to a Van Gogh painting, I believe it was. Let's see. And then I want to see if this mentions anything else. And then there was this. Yeah, they're just interrupting a goddamn golf tournament. Just interrupting a Sunday golf tournament, interrupting people's joy and pleasure because their cause is more important than anybody else's. It's, it's wild. It's so, it's so selfish. It's so narcissistic. It's, well, we want to bring attention to our cause by being an asshole. Now you realize that every person in the stands hates your fucking guts, hates your cause now. Like every one of nobody gives a shit now. And people at home that are watching this are like, well, I got to go sell my car and get an EV. I got to walk to work now. I got to get a bicycle. Everybody's like, fuck you. Like, I don't think they get that. I mean, it, it, when I saw that, I didn't know that these guys existed until I saw this video until I read about this. And my first thought was it. Oh, good for them. It was like, oh, I fucking hate these guys. I hate them. Fuck them. They're terrible people. Why are they doing this? And then the more I read about it, the more awful shit that I see that they do, like Stonehenge, like, like destroying and almost destroying permanently things like Stonehenge and old masterpiece paintings. Yeah, they can all go fuck themselves. It's terrible. Well, we're just doing it for the environment in this. There's better ways to go about it. Assholes. There's much better ways to go about it. Much better. I'm all for protesting. I'm all for, you know, believing in a cause. I'm all for that. Do it. But to destroy something so beautiful to destroy something so spectacular and then just sit in front of it like you're just cock of the walk like, Hey, look at me. I just, I just fuck this thing up. Bro, I don't know who took the picture, but if I was around there, I'd have soccer kicked you in the head, you fucking asshole. Like, what are we doing? What are we doing? It's awful, man. It's awful. And again, I don't think that they're rallying anyone around their cause. This can't be helping. I mean, is there anyone in this? And if I'm wrong, tell me I'm wrong. If there's anyone in this chat that saw this and was sympathetic to them, by all means, tell me I'm wrong. I would love to know because I've been wrong plenty on this show. And maybe I am. Maybe you saw this and went, man, I'm with them. I support them. But I just see this and I get angry. I get mad and y'all know, when I get mad, I curse a lot. That's why I'm like, I just lash out. Like, this just, I get so mad. Like, why? And why would you, why would you run people's bus? These guys, none of these people got anything to you. Look at this, hey, motherfucker. Look at that. Like, look at this decrepit son of a bitch, bro. You know, look, somebody's like, look at this asshole. You know what's crazy? You know what's crazy about this? You know what's crazy about this video is like all the golfers, by the way, every people were like, I was scared. I didn't know what was going to happen. I thought I was going to die. Like motherfuckers are running out here. I didn't know if these were bombs. But what's crazy is when you watch this, watch this good run. Look at this dude in the middle. You see that dude in the white shirt? Look at him running. You know what's wrong? Look at him running. He's like, somebody needs to oil him. He runs like the Tin Man. It's ironic that of all the things this dude needs, he needs to be oiled. He needs his joints oiled. He's the fucking Tin Man. He runs like the Tin Man. He's like, look, you can see it. He's like, oil me. He literally needs to be oiled like the goddamn Tin Man. Look at him run. Look at him run. He's not even running. He's not even running. And by the way, that cop, look at that goddamn takedown. Oh my god. I didn't want to break that down. Look at the cop. He left his feet. The cop left his feet. Look at his midair. Oh look. Oh, sick nerd. Oh, he left his feet. That is so sweet right there. So sweet. I mean, he got airborne on his bitch ass. He's like, get your bitch ass. Oh, that's fantastic. Fantastic. Fantastic. Fantastic. Love it. He's like, you stupid bitch. I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be punching his ass. I can't disagree with you. I was scared. So I defended myself. Yeah, right. I'll be punching a bitch. Somebody, you know what? Somebody had a great point. Somebody had a great point. You know what should have happened? It's some caddies should have taken some golf clubs out of the bag and just started whooping these motherfuckers with a nine iron. So what? Let me tell you what, if you ever been hit with a nine iron, just maybe even accidentally. Oh my god. It hurts. It hurts. I just started whooping the shit out of these motherfuckers with a nine iron. Beaten the piss out of them. Trust me. Trust me. They would have never ran on a golf course again. They'd have been like, you know what? Maybe next time we'll protest at the Pillow Fighting League, we'll just, we'll just protest that they got like professional pillow fighting. We'll, we'll protest there. That, that, that hurt. That was a lot. Bro, that's what should have happened as Tiger. Yeah, that shit hurts. They should have all, that everyone should have taken out a nine iron and just commenced to whooping. Jupro said Ronnie Lott seems to be doing well working security. Bro got airborne. Bro got airborne, man. Oh my god. That's fantastic. So, uh, yeah, I just, look at him. Look at him. Look at him. He's a, he's a, he's a, boom. Man, I mean, then they got orange on the greens. You see what I mean? Like everybody's like, you assholes. Like how are you not getting anybody to like, you know, one cares about your cause now. You fucked up everybody's enjoyment. Cece said I used my butter. It doesn't work right anyways. Oh, it's so great. That's so funny. Uh, Amy said I'm not going to sit in jail next to them. I would let them make it. Fuck that. I defended myself. I didn't know what they were going to do. I didn't know what they were going to do. I was scared for my life. I was scared for my life. I didn't know who they were coming after. Man, I just started to fit into myself. Period. Didn't know what was going to happen. Jared was like, the guy was like, I don't want to be here. I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this tackle. That's true. He was like, I don't want to do this to begin with guys. Uh, Kevin said we need more Billy Wagner's in the world. What did Billy Wagner do? What did I miss? What did I miss? What did I miss? What did Billy do? I don't know. What did he do? Yeah, I'm reading some of the, I'm trying to catch up some of the comments. Yeah. Yeah. Told us to write money is the second most powerful force on earth behind mother nature. You have to work with big oil, not against it. Yeah, you're these stupid ass protests. You're not, you're not going to defeat big oil by fucking up everybody's Sunday ruining their golf. Like that's, this is not defeating big oil. It's just pissing off people. That's all it's doing. You're not defeating big oil by ruining everybody else's Sunday. You're just ruining everybody else's Sunday. You think Exxon saw this and went, oh, shut it down, guys, shut it down. But come on, let's wrap it up. We're out of here. Oh, fucking Sanjay with the squeaky knees fucking through orange paint on the 18th at the travelers. Let's fucking wrap it up. No more oil. What the fuck? Oh, Captain said you remember when he blew up that street with the pink smoke? Yes. Can I just notice they rarely do this at football games because a linebacker is looking for a reason. That's true. Yeah, a good point. Amos said, look, I'm black. That excuse doesn't work until the bail hearing. Fair. Fair point. Fair point. Fair point. Um, yeah, that's, uh, that's unfortunate. You know what I mean? Like, that's just, it's just bullshit. It's just unnecessary bullshit. It wasn't, it wasn't necessary. It wasn't needed in it. I don't know. It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a dumb way to try to get your point across. It's a dumb way to try to reach your goals. So I don't know. That's my bad. Wow, he's a very nice. That's my bad Joe, bro. Hey, he's the photo. Then you're the follow. Much appreciated. Joe said, fuck you laughing at Sanjay with the squeaky knees. Just sit half a beer out my nose. That's my bad, bro. That's my bad. I fucked that up. That's my bad, man. My bad. You know, I'll be trying to fuck him as whole. Um, that pissed me off, though, man. Fuck them dudes. It's, what is their, what is their, um, their organization is called? Oh, what is it called? Oh, some other protesters, by the way, at the golf thing, some other protests were wearing white T-shirts that read no golf on a dead planet. Which sounds like a rejected public enemy album. To me. No golf on a dead planet. They're like, what? No, let's go with fear of a black planet. That's better. Yeah, I like that better. You're right. You're right. You're right. Yeah. No golf on a dead planet was stupid. Um, no, it's not dumb fucks America. Uh, what is the organization called? They don't say on ESPN. Let's see. Uh, oh, here it is. Just stop oil. Yeah, just stop oil. And what's wild is I was reading about them to see who these assholes are and some of the other awful shit they've done. They're backed by, um, some pretty rich people. They're, they're money. They get money from, um, I forget who, but there's like a really wealthy, a couple of wealthy people funding them. Oh, here we go. Uh, just stop oil reports that all their funding is through donations with a group accepting both traditional currency and crypto. It was reported that just stop oil's primary source of funding was donations from the US based climate emergency fund. Um, a notable donor to that group has been, uh, Eileen Getty, a descendant of the Getty family, which founded the Getty oil company. In response, the climate emergency fund stated that Getty did not work in the fossil fuel industry herself. In October 2023, green energy industrialist Dale Vince, who had donated over 340,000 pounds to just stop oil announced. He no longer planned to fund just stop oil. He said under the current government pro, uh, the current government protest cannot work. I would go so far as to say that anything that could feed the Tories culture or narrative is counterproductive. So, um, they've, uh, so here's all the different. They keep protesting at sporting events, which is the stupidest, stupidest thing. They disrupted the British Academy film awards, um, a soccer match at Arsenal's Emirates stadium, uh, oil company. Oh, oh, they did some sabotage in oil companies. That's smart. That's what you should have been doing. British Grand Prix, which is dumb art galleries. Oh, uh, they glued themselves to the frame of visit Van Gogh's peach trees in blossom. Terrible. Glued themselves to the frame of John Constable's the hay way. Um, a group of supporters glued themselves to the frame of a copy of Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper at the Royal Academy of Arts. No new oil was spray painted on a wall underneath the painting. I mean, these, these, these, this is, it's, it's, it, this is going to sound hyperbolic and this is going to sound, but it's borderline terrorism is what it is. I mean, when you start doing shit like that and you start destroying important works of art and important things like Stonehenge, that's borderline terrorism is what it is. You can call it eco terrorism. You can call it what you want, but that's what it is. Uh, five processors were charged by the police after halting the annual London Pride March. They're just fucking assholes, man. Just assholes and they're proud of. I guarantee you they're like, yeah, we did it. They've been targeting a jet belonging to Taylor Swift. They painted an, uh, a wing orange at a private airfield. I remember reading about this. That's how I got started on this rabbit hole. They climbed a fence on a private plane or a private airstrip overseas somewhere. Thought they were painting the wing of a plane orange. They thought I was Taylor Swiss plane. It wasn't. These people are stupid too. Jesus Christ. And my favorite part of it was whoever said this, like, how are they getting to all of these locations? That's the best and most important part. Like, how are you getting overseas? Are you rowing a boat? How are you getting to these locations? Are you walking? Are you riding a horse? If you're taking a car or a plane or a boat or a train, well, fuck you, man. Fuck you. What the fuck you? Jesus, um, uh, what does it say? Now I'm sticking to track your flies. Is these protesters fault? Joe Brozid. Uh, squeaky knees for America. There is, however, golf in heaven. Ah, well, they already have fear of a black planet. Yes, they do. Wouldn't be able without it. Yes. Um, if you can't take it with you, Jen, no sense to leave it behind. Yeah. What's crazy is I get half of them drove to the event. Oh, yeah. Exactly. Clarence. That's where that's exactly right. It's your protest by going in one of those submersibles to the detective. That's a funny shit, bro. Excuse me. All right. Uh, it's 453. Let's see. Oh, shit. We didn't do the guys. You guys are terrible producers. We didn't do the film. Sesh. Shit. I'm over here bitching about these dumbass protesters, harsh, harsh, harsh. I'm over here bitching about these dumbass protesters. These stupid ass sons of bitches. Um, we didn't talk about this real quick, but I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna bust this out because I'm gonna get it off my list of shit to talk about. Hey, sorry, sir. Thank you, sir. Afternoon, Mr. Throbby. Throb. Thank you. Heart Throb Rob harsh, harsh, harsh. Hey, really quick. Let me just tell you so I can get this off of my to talk about because, you know, NBA, whatever. Um, as you know, oh, Joe pro. Thank you for the 21 bits, buddy. As you know, Pistons fired. Monty Williams after one season and he gets 65 million to just kick it, not do shit. There is one name that is being mentioned for that job prominently. And that name is on your screen. It is James Borrego. You'll see his name coming up a lot. And that's why I'm bringing it up to you. It's just a name to keep an eye on. This is probably one of the bigger names you'll hear mentioned in coaching searches to fill vacancies over the off season. If he hasn't gotten a job already, hell, I don't know, he might have I made this slide last week, but and I haven't looked at a lot of news, but James Borrego, a pelican's assistant. Um, he is from the Popovich coaching tree. His career record, not great, but he is highly sought after and very well thought of. He already has interview with the Lakers and the Cavs. He is being strongly considered for the Pistons job or was. And, um, they are heavily considering him or have been considering him for the Cavs job. Now let me pull up the NBA feed on ESPN and see what it says because it may have all changed. Let's see source. Cabs are hiring Atkinson as their new coach. So can he Atkinson could be the Cavs new coach? Uh, let's see. Yep. That says could though. The Cavs are hiring Golden State Warriors assistant, Kenny Atkinson as the franchise next coach, the source told ESPN on Monday. So that was about 11 30 this morning. Okay. Warriors are guaranteeing. Uh, what is this? Warriors are guaranteeing Kavan Looney $8 million. Uh, after his barns to ink a max rookie deal. Okay. Ah, here we go. Troy Weaver is joining the Wizards front office. I don't see anything about, um, let's see, man's core intact. Luca team must improve. All right. That's all I see. So yeah, it doesn't look like I think we know Redick went to the Lakers. So it doesn't look like he has filled a roll yet. Okay. So, but keep an eye on that name. That's one you'll hear about, uh, in several gigs coming up. All right. Just to keep you guys in the know, keep you guys in the loop. Um, what is this? Oh, for CC it's five o'clock somewhere. That's true. That's true. All right. That is it for the day. Fun times ahead. Oh, guys, listen, don't don't screw the pooch on this. Okay. We're going to talk about it tomorrow. I'm watching it. Game seven NHL Stanley Cup finals is tonight. Do yourself a favor. Don't miss it. I get it. You're going to want to watch the college world series game three at these Tennessee Vols. Okay. Watch that. Record it. You know, uh, I think the Astros are off today. So you don't have to watch that. Am I, am I lying on that? I don't know. I think they're off today. Let's see. Uh, MLB sketch. You know, Astros game. So watch the hockey. Enjoy it. Yeah, you're real. Do it. You like it. Chopra said, no Astros. Maybe I'll give hockey a go. Try it, Joe, bro. You'll like it. You guys, watch it. I think you'll enjoy it. And then we'll all talk about it tomorrow. And if you have questions asked, I won't know the answer, but we'll just pretend like we do. Hey, Mack, thanks for hanging out, man. Appreciate it. Have a great night yourself. Thanks for hanging out, everybody. I appreciate the kind words you're real. Uh, much appreciated. Thank you, Alex. Uh, thank you, Flip. Much appreciated everybody. All right. Let's start to the week. Our remote will be busy. Yes, indeed, Donna. Yes, indeed. Uh, you'll have a great night. I will see you a manana. Until then, do me three favors, everybody. Be safe. Be kind. Accept them stupid-ass protesters. Fuck them. And most importantly, love each other. We'll see you out tomorrow. Enjoy the hockey, or don't, but do. Bye, guys. Bye. You