WDW Prep To Go - a Disney World planning podcast

Chatting with journalist Scott Gustin - PREP 341

Broadcast on:
24 Jan 2023

Scott Gustin joins Shannon on the podcast today to discuss his history as a journalist and his interest in Walt Disney World and Disneyland. We get a peek into his life in the media sector on, why he is only active on Twitter, and his drive to deliver non-sensationalized news content.     Connect with Scott Gustin on Twitter   Leave me a message (including trip report submissions) Please use the SpeakPipe link below to leave us a message with your first name, location, and trip info. You can do that using your computer or phone at   Subscribe to get new episodes There are a few ways to get new episodes of WDW Prep To Go (if you're used to listening on the website, subscribe so you can take new episodes with you on your phone)   Follow on social media Become a Patron Get a quote request for a future trip from Small World Vacations Visit the site Check out the new WDW Prep Merch!