Monsters Up North Podcast

Monsters Up North - The Return Of The Living Dead

1h 54m
Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

It's a perfect night for mystery and horror, the air itself is filled with monsters. Children of the night, what music they mean. Well, hello all you monster fiends and thank you for joining us for another deep dive factorial field episode exploring Hollywood's most famous monsters. I am your mistress of Terra Monizam and I am joined as always by Dan from Bleed and Marvelous. Say hello Dan. Hi Dan. Every week. He's getting to become every week. Keep going it's eyes. Don't know what she's going to come out with. What a no. And thank you for joining us for another episode of the Monsters of North podcast. It's great to have you here tonight is going to be super fun. I can not wait but before we do that a little bit of housekeeping just want to say huge thank you to everyone who has watched our two latest videos on YouTube. A little bit thank you very much appreciate it. Let's keep it going join us we're here every Monday and also a little bit of news that just broke today and don't know how you're going to feel about this don't know if you've already seen it. Jim's one. There's a rumored to be remaking the creature from the black lagoon. Yes. There's something about the sea of the day and it made me feel a bit sick. It made me feel a bit uneasy. I will say two things one I personally don't think that needs a remake but if you're going to do it my only caveat will be no CGI all practical effects and please don't make the female character overly feminist because Julie Adams the whole point that I was not to be she wasn't a helpless female so if you're going to change your story to suit today's. Someone pointed out in the Facebook group they're like well they've already remade it it's called the shape of water and I'm like yeah I see that not as a remake but as a reimagining of this great character that has been done with the most tasteful of all tastefulness that that creature suit is breathtaking and that's what makes creatures so god damn special is the suit is the whole creation behind it and I don't know how I'm going to feel seeing a 2024/2025 version of something that was a masterpiece in the 50s. Yes that's going to be a hard thing I mean I as we well know for those of you that can see I love it that much I've had creature tattooed creature. Yeah for those of you that are on audio go to YouTube and check out I've got a picture of a black look head over to Gleedon Marvellous on Instagram or on Facebook and you'll be able to see said tattoo it's amazing I think I have yeah I can't remember but yeah did I liked it Universal Monsters for both of us is how we started this thing and creature was our very first episode we ever did so for me it holds a special place for many many reasons but I won't shit on it on hold because no no to some degree god away then see but when you start seeing the and someone will leak it you'll start to see the drawings and the fits of what they think the creatures gonna look like and I tell you now if they disrespect Millicent like that I think I will go and see shout at James one you should know better that is what I'm worried about is because now we know this amazing story of this amazing woman who created this amazing creature we don't want her legacy shit on I think that's where I was with this with the Westmore shit on many many times through that you know through the years that she was actually basically alive and active so for her to be shit on another but I think he's an absolute yeah travesty so yeah yes respect for that I think see but like I'm still not in a place where I think they need to remake Universal Monsters they can reimagine like you say mm-hmm but remaking always makes it a little I just because it probably is this podcast that has made things made my mind feel differently about things is because I have now I love Universal Monsters I always have done but since we've started doing this I have found such a deeper appreciation and a deeper level of love for the movies for the making of them for the characters the actors like everything that goes along with it to where I'm like that was just perfect as it is I don't feel and love the fact that things get inspired by the Monster Squad's total inspiration from all Universal Monsters and I love that aspect of it and I love when they couldn't get the permits so they went slightly off yeah all of them but it worked enough that you know it's tastefully done yeah Gilman had the bottom jetting out more like an angle of fish and then they dropped to the widows peak on I knew little touches but it was enough that you were like okay they're respectful to the original but they're not taking it to the point of where it's like they're not taking the piss out but they're not hitting the piss out of it either I just don't feel I don't know again and probably it's again down to this podcast I don't want to see a remake of something that I already think is completely perfect and if they touch invisible I wonder fucking spit blood but I'm not going to lie they did that with their Elizabeth what's her name well apparently that was done really well and very a different tear gunner from from what my sister tells me I've actually never watched it it starts with the Blumman has a house in it I think so I'm all well I've seen it I've seen it and I have to say the idea is a clever mm-hmm and transporting it into the modern day worked but the reasons behind it was just not meant he wasn't maniac or enough he was it wasn't about him it was about her and you weren't so that's that's kind of that's that yeah that's the invisible man part two that's the Vincent Price because if I remember from our invisible man episode and all of my in-depth knowledge that I learned on there the first one is all about him yeah the second one is all about her because he feels guilty for the way that he acted in the first one um he's fucking touched just fucking to do it do it Hollywood because I will go fucking earp shit I my favorite universal monster up until a very long time was the creature a fucking a jar and I still do but I don't know how the invisible man has managed to creep his way into my heart because the fucker isn't planted in there like I look I think it's Claude Rains more than anything else I love him I love you I do you try shit judge I moved but yeah I just thought I'd bring that up because it was literally I just saw it come through today and it is also San Diego Comic Con happening this weekend NECA oh they are hot they are hot this year and some of the releases that they've released for universal monsters oh Peter Cushion they're gonna be dribbling those out because of the epic universe being finished for October they want to get it up and running before October next year so obviously all these releases will be happening leading up to epic universe that's why they're saturating the market again because they're retaking a lot of the old copyrights again as well yeah what you have copyright on now I think you'd be alright with but the epic universe universal monsters do not look like universal monsters that we know no so the licenses change because this is Frankenstein is fair play is fair use so that the the licenses have changed in order to create that copyright yep and they even universal can't use the copyrights for their own characters to look like you can't you won't have a bell and a go see Dracula at Universal Studios at the universe you've got a totally different version or yeah Frankenstein is different well the monsters different also they have got a van Helsing something to do with Van Helsing in there somewhere and it's also in a like medieval town Frankenstein's laboratory's got all like Tesla coils coming out of it I've seen on Instagram and TikTok there's a lot of like the the where they do the artwork concept yeah yeah and some of it just looks absolutely amazing and then you see someone's from a drone over the top holy shit it's an entire park I mean you're looking at you got islands of adventure and you've got universal studios in Florida as it is this is like a third park to this now because I know if you go to Disney I think they've got four or five Disney's got four or five yeah my understand oh no because that's going to be Mario so Marvel has to vacate because they no longer belong to Universal Studios they are in Disney now and so they have to vacate and I think that's it we're talking about Florida here yeah I can't I can't say what I think it's already starting to happen in LA and Mario is going to be where the Marvel section is right but because and then to the side of that is going to be the new section for and it is going to be its own section even though the sizes of the sections that are already there are pretty huge like they really they're a decent size you can spend a fair good like time in there bare in mind I haven't been for years so I've not seen any of the new Harry Potter stuff to be honest it'll be a whole different experience for me going back again which I hope I'm going to do next year and but yeah I just thought I'd bring it up because it literally came up today and I was like oh we have Universal Studios well we never have decent news so I'll get the disclaimer out the way with I don't and then we're going to get into this fucking epic episode so everything discussed in today's episode is our opinions and our opinions alone if you'd like to discuss anything from today's episode a police come and join us on our Facebook pages they're discord or the comments section where we can have an open discussion but what we won't have is anyone comment for us and tell us our opinions are wrong because we can all agree to disagree in fandom so let's keep it fun keep it kind and keep the toxic behaviour out of a nerdism correct goodbye bye bye don't be a dick bye bye bye there you go sure I've just realised how many times I see a sore now then the return of the living dead is a 1985 comma-hardy film written and directed by Dan O'Bannan his directorial debut from the story by Rudy Ritchie John Russo and Russell Streiner and starring oh god my why these names clue goo goo goo goo goo goo gim scarin Tom Matthews and Don cover palpa oh my dear god I have not wrote a tagline down for this episode so monsters of north brings you return of the living dead wow I got so excited about this episode because I scratch that out at the beginning when I'm writing me notes and then I'll go in and add to it and then I'll put the tagline in once I've seen the film and I'll be in that excited I haven't bought well well apparently here's a fact for you in a recently released book called The Complete History of the Return of the Living Dead the 19 the Simpsons creator Matt Groening is it Groening yeah Groening he actually came up with one of the taglines they use for this film oh and it's they're hungry and they're not vegetarians that's one that was used in the one of the very movie one movie trailer there's few versions of the movie trailer like the voiceover not the actual what you see but that was one of them and another one first they want to meet you then they want to eat you there was another one that says they're back from the dead and ready to party so there's there's three oh I could have done that one yeah so oh hang my head in shame I always make sure on a on a Sunday when I do the the nerdy of north podcast I always make sure I get the taglines in there before we even start talking because of me favorite thing and but yeah I dropped the ball on this one I really I didn't know what to expect from this film yeah until until the first it literally took two minutes two minutes and I'm like oh it was the minute I saw July 3rd and I went I can actually see I get that reference now I can actually see I get that because I always say you'd come up on July 3rd yep every person who was a horror fan will put up that open and scene where it tells you the date and the time damn you's and before we get into the actual film and I want to outline to the people the difference between because the return the return of the living dead and say night of the living dead dawn of the dead because there is a bit of a difference and there is a bit of a story behind it and John Russell who teamed up with Georgia Romero to make night to the living dead decided that he he came up with a sequel and George came up with a sequel yeah and they both went to each other with the sequels and neither of them liked each of the sequels so they made a decision to go off and do their own sequel the only stipulation George had was that it had to be his version had to or any version he does relating to his story had to start with the yeah because he wouldn't and it was originally a book yep that's where the treatment comes from as a book I don't think he had any intention of doing any films with it and what George wanted for call to do with it yeah the gist of it was John got return off he was allowed return off and then obviously George got the dead I think it was or something with those two words in but return had to be John's and John wrote the original treatment for the for the movie and as a book and Donna Ballon came along already and went I hate this what is this I don't like it and completely rewrote the script as we know it I only kept the name of the book and kept Bert's character and that was it he'd been the rest off and rewrote it himself completely however he still gives John Russo credits they still get royalty credits for the movie and everything because he puts name in it but yeah the channel himself is incredibly an amazing writer he won some of the biggest movies you know today it's like to this man it's absolutely insane um he I actually got I actually read about him he's a screenwriter director visual effects supervisor so bear in mind he has wrought some and Dan's gonna give you the list but he wrote some of the biggest movies he also is a creator and part of some of the biggest movies that have been created yeah I mean he's one of his favourite ones he did that he wrote for was um he did life force which we were talking about with Toby Hooper and I don't think it's an episode if you go back to that because Toby Hooper was originally written into this project he was going to direct this project and then he left this to go do life force and Dan had already written life force so Dan had written it and then Toby came off this to go write life force Dan got then offered to be able to do this as a director so he took this on but Dan has also written many many other films like Total Recall which is another one with Arnie and the the most the one there's a small film he did that I know a lot of people might not know but it's um it's called alien also episode two a tiny tiny little film don't know if anyone's heard of it um I mean we did a full episode on it so he literally wrote the screenplay for it and he was so annoyed that they didn't offer him I've watched an interview with Dan Abana on YouTube and he was saying I was so angry they didn't offer me the directing job on that because that's all I've ever wanted to do direct and he said I was just so angry and then when they said really Scott and I saw how intelligent he was with him how we did everything he said I was fine with it there yeah I'm okay I'm fine I'm take a back seat he also worked on Star Wars yep that was his speech that was his um special effects hat that he donned um he is the he's the real deal like that's how I explained it to Anne when I was talking about this director I was like he is the fucking real deal and then I was like he brought Total Recall yeah he's a very very clever man and when he was when he found out he got directing the director of return he was offered that he then went straight out and instead of finding uh the cast or even getting to that point he went to a guy called I want to say his name was William Stout and and he was the director of uh he was like the um oh god I've gone blank he he was the production designer and William William Stout basically was the one who storyboarded everything with um with Anne made the characters that we see now Taaman was created by the two oh my god um also half-cops though she was created by the two of them and they call him jaundice corpse that but those three characters they're actually called principal corpses he had a list of corpses and he rated them with how much screen time they got so you're a principal corpse if you've got excessive amount of like screen time oh my god is I yeah I've just talked on my own drink but yeah I'm sorry audio listens for the coffin there was a video the one that he was talking about doing the directing on um and he was talking about how him and uh William was storyboarded in it and William got what he wanted straight away except for he wasn't sure if he could pull off minutia from what he'd seen of William's stuff he wasn't really overly confident so William sorry oh god what brought that it are you okay this is killing me today sorry about that yeah William basically said I can do it look at this cover I did of this magazine and Dan fell in and take a drink this is coffton coles brought to you by nerdy up north this is not nerdy up north this is monsters up north what is wrong with me my apologies um my shallow shall we talk about this fucking film because I am very excited I I'm going to tell you who my favorite character was because I want to give an explanation as to why it was Ernie Ernie the Nazi yeah the very subtle Nazi like no actually he was very he hid it quite well what gave it away the Luger the German march song he was listening to oh the German that he spoke later on and yeah cattelbroner um have you got his ID tag there but a little ID tag you can't really see it because of the light but like oh that's crazy it's done done by alley cat graphics oh I have a fair few of their beautiful pins um yeah there's something about ernie and I think it's because he was here he's an embalmer and I and I was like oh Ernie you have my dream job right there let me learn more you think about me as well was I couldn't get past Bert and Ernie yeah I did absolutely love um is Frank's the one Frank's the human uh Freddie's the young and Frank's the only that's it that's it so for all you poltergeist fans you will recognize him as the guy that Jim that yeah I can't even talk James T Nelson is it James T Nelson JT Nelson James T Nelson Mr. Incredible the bear screams at in poltergeist and he was phenomenal in this film the physical comedy that came off him and Freddie was ridiculous it was brilliant um so at some point I didn't know if it was intentional or if it was yeah we're in the 80s and this is how they think they should be active um but the more as the film got on and I started to get the humour behind it that's the one thing Dana Bannon was trying to push she said all the way through he said the first film was so serious but in the right way he said and so I knew that I couldn't go down that route because we've been there he said so I wanted to make something that could be class as a comedy so to use it as an inception moment as well within the movie because it actually happened within this is where it gets complicated all right if you break the movie down returner they're living dead they are basically keeping barrels from the government from the previous corpses that were in the original film yeah from the photo film so they were transporting the corpses in these barrels and they accidentally ended up in Unida and Unida has been storing these barrels for like 15 years down in the basement um and then they actually made a movie about it within the movie itself which you never get to see but it was alluded to that this movie happened as well as it being a true story so yeah it was incredibly meta especially in the beginning part where we explained so the movie starts on July 3rd 1984 I get that now eh where you meet Frank and Bert, nor Freddie and Bert sorry Freddie and Frank Freddie and Frank and he is there Bert is there Bert is it right Bert is the owner isn't he yeah Bert's the white the old guy who was the western most of your questions he infuriated me in some points but okay um but in a funny way it wasn't like he had a reputation for being really angry on set um dalobana and him used to come to blows quite a lot so don't have the prop department swap out you know he has that um iron piece of piping for a lot of it is a bit of piping don't have them swap out a real piece for a rubber one because he was proper like threatening people oh no people um they're explaining they they're having a conversation about the toxic gases yeah and the hall did you know do you remember that movie was it was a return on the living dead I don't think they I don't remember them saying what the name of the film was like I could be wrong but my brain I can't remember if they call it anything and they'd just say that film and I'm sure he references return on the living dead it's possible but um but you see as that was a true story yeah because we have the drums here yeah because this afternoon isn't it Freddy's basically this new guy that's been taken on to work in this medical warehouse which is the you need uh whatever you need you know um warehouse and Frank's been there since day whenever so he's touring him around as Bert's left early for the 4th of july weekend so um Frank's tour and Freddy rounds and he's showing him like all these things that are foreshadowing like the half dogs and the corpses in the freezer and the Indian skeletons and this that and the other and um so you're you you've seen all the things that you're supposed to be seeing and then it comes to life while you're seeing those things again like just something's just prepped into me here that's about what happened but yeah it's a bit where they go in the freezer and he says oh yeah I'll pay to let the neighborhood kids come here and poke it with a stick for a quarter and I'm like Jesus Christ of course because well look at who the kids are in that town so yeah I can imagine they would um but what ends up happening is that Frank accidentally unleashes this toxic gas and um and all hell breaks loose yeah because he does he says because Freddy's sister and they start doing paperwork and phrases well what's the weirdest thing you've ever had come through you know he's like oh show you come down and have a look at what we've got and that's when you see the barrels now there is a bit that I found about this um the you see uh like a zombie shriveled face when they pull up the the lid of the barrel but it's behind thick glass yeah and the way that they filmed this bit was that they heated the barrel so much so it was carved out wax the face originally oh my god and so they heated the barrel but in doing so that's what cracked the glass and it was an unintentional side effect right creating the melty wax, cracked the glass and gave the sort of whole thing a a more I don't know it was unintentional that bit happened in England um so obviously then stupid stupid Frank goes oh these things are indestructible they're made by the army bang all the gasps out of the canisters and you're like really really and then the two of them are choking to death and pass out on the floor they're not dead but they're dead well they're not dead but um do we do we do we do we do we do we steer with them or do we meet the gang? well this it stays with them for a minute because it shows the uh the gas going around the yeah doesn't it like it shows up into the um corpse freezer and it shows it going around the the hall and then all of a sudden it kicks toward the kids walking down the street oh the gang the scooby gang what a what a misfits oh my gosh but I there's one of them I said I would remember his name it's the it's the black guy it's oh what's his name I can't remember his character name but I know his real name what's his real name Miguel Nunez jr spider yeah i thought i thought he loved him so much from the second I saw him till the very end he he had me he had me gripped um I don't want to say the guy that this this character's name because they take a bit of a trigger but like no no no um he was he was something he was the speech he gives in the graveyard where he's like this is this is not this is not just this is not just a joke this is not just a family the way of life this is my life it takes a while he's getting while he's getting an absolute rubdown by a naked girl yeah i mean that's the thing it's this this whole thing with you might actually know um the guy who plays spider from something else and he's got one of these faces and he's got older that he's been in a lot of stuff right um have you seen the movie scooby-doo james don't scooby-doo and you see it that little odd well there's this bit where Daphne who is Sarah Michelle Della in the movie comes across this and this is not my name this is what he's called in the film so i didn't for any if this is incorrect politically it's not on me i didn't write the character name the character name is voodoo guy right there he plays and so Michelle Genna goes up to him and she starts going on and on about going to the spooky castle and he then gives her a schooling about purples a full color and she should be wearing it because it's the middle of May and he's like proper telling on or for wearing purple in the summer and it's this whole big thing but when you see him in that he that's instantly where when i saw Return of the Living Dead i knew him from that film like i knew it was the same person it's so weird it's such a such a strange thing because you look at all the other characters and you're like well the guy who played Freddy went on to do some stuff um obviously everybody knows now i never play my i'm so sorry i apologize everybody lenea quickly she one of the eighties scream queen she didn't naked practically naked aerobics um video it was a player mate wasn't she was she a player mate she's dead poor corn i know i know that i recognize the name street where um so the the name of the names of the people in the gang um who was the guy in there who was the guy who was just it was actually the guy who was dressed as in the suit yeah he was stunning the one with the floppy hair yeah his face was it tina was it tina was chatting up when they were locked together in the room and everything and he kept that she kept saying is kasey thingy's girlfriend i think tina's Freddy's girlfriend and right okay so kasey's the other one yeah yeah so she um yeah with him beautiful face absolutely stunning face um so you you get to meet the groovy gang and they just what do they want to do Dan oh they just want a party they just want a party they just want a party as uh there's kasey kept shouting out i just want a party man um the end of party in a graveyard yeah because they went to go pick up Freddy for work because tina was waiting for Freddy to finish so obviously they all get in the Cadillac and uh often not look like she belongs there though no she looks lost but then again i think it is that whole thing where originally they had a trial and they had like a certain type of costume for her and she was supposed to fit in with the gang it was supposed to be like a see-through perspex not perspex but you know like that that thing was like skirt and they had to like all these kind of clothing for her and she just kept saying oh my character wouldn't wear that she's too prissy and so basically they took the costume the spider was supposed to wear and they gave it to her so that's originally what spider was going to wear but then they put spider in the the army if tagy type thing which works better anyway so it's hair looked amazing um is so we stay with these for a bit don't we because did you notice how hot they were getting that sweat on the whole thing was insane yeah i don't have them i was i think in so in my head i was thinking the likelihood is a studio that the ring is absolutely roasting they just cannot be fucked to keep cleaning them up all the time or it's generally effect of what's happening around them so i'm just gonna stick with that in my head because my god that was they were really sweaty but this is where um what's our name trash trash decides hey clothes ain't working for me right now let's just take them off and i kind of don't blame her i mean i'm not anyone who likes you know i'm not one of these people who he's comfortable enough to walk around but absolutely nothing on but i kind of it's a hard part of my character yeah if i had that figure i would be she did that thing entirely naked the whole the whole movie naked the one bit i didn't like was she her body is absolutely bangin like that is what she's famous for yeah and when they put her in the makeup at the end it doesn't look the same well i do know what they did do um this is getting pretty graphic now so i i wouldn't it's not a trigger warning you need to hear because it's not triggering in any way and if it does trigger you go seek help but i'm not sorry go seek help this is wrong um it's been our body you know yeah you're right you're right i didn't know where you were going with it but you're right she basically had um we're talking early 80s so lack of hair was not a thing it was um traditional for women to be very covered in that area and she was and they asked her to shave and she said well i don't feel comfortable with that because you can see more yeah so they said right okay what we'll do is if you shave will then go and get a silicone prosthetic made yeah that's why you don't see anything there is like a cover that's sort of like a Barbie doll basically that was the point they wanted to make her look like a Barbie doll like a kendell so there wasn't a definition so she wasn't completely flashing so it wouldn't be classed as corn and their writing wouldn't be really really bad but it was actually it was actually good with the lightened they were very careful with the lightened because they didn't really shine upon that area yeah they kept it mainly to the top so your eye isn't directly going to where you think it you would go to when you've got this absolutely beautiful negative woman standing in front of you and she's famous for our bobs and Virginia anyway she really really is she really is i watched a video after the movie and it was like you know more to know about the return of living dead and it was talking about a career and that is what she was famous for that is why she was picked was because of that body yeah that body is unreal um but yeah she does it she does a great strip tease on a on top of a gravestone and um i think one of them so they set off layers while they're dancing around and i think it's um so good yeah yeah he got some severe burns now he is he is such a for all he very very little very for all he doesn't see it much in this movie he is so big in this movie he is the stunt guys he is the puppeteer with the animatronic and zombie on the table he puppeteers her and he is part of the makeup he is he's just the guy who fits in when there's nobody else to fit to do that job and so yeah and he doesn't but he barely says anything daddy says the word Tony gardener his name is and uh the foreshadowing that you do get though from trash just before she does a naked dance where she's talking about her biggest fear has been eaten alive by old men foreshadowing and then she does a naked strip tease so you're completely knocked out of the foreshadow before you realize you're going to you know yeah oh you don't know anything because you're going because she then rips the top open and her babes are out and they're all like oh she's at it again you know it's not even a thing where they were all like no she's breaking it was all like oh she's just getting naked again and i loved that it wasn't a thing yeah she goes again oh yeah oh here she goes dancing it's not the fact he's got naked he has a fact she's gone dancing but in the 80s that was a thing to if you watch trading places they're having there's a they're in um any Murphy's new house full-on party going on and one woman just decides oh this is it this is the time takes that up often starts dancing topless and it's not a big deal it's not made like everyone's like going on she's kind of ticked out and it's just they're just dancing it's just the party goes on so i in and when i saw that happening there's like this must have been an 80s thing but it fit it didn't seem really like a random out of place we're just going to put this in so she can get naked part it seemed like that was trash's persona yeah it was you know it was she was her part was written well i mean obviously i named trash but like her part was written so well that you were just like you you went along with the guys and you were like oh yeah obviously this is something she does you know yeah well after we've been with them for a bit we then go back into the warehouse and this is where things start getting a bit fucked up um the first bit of fuckery is the walking through so they've come around and they're starting to think well what the fuck's just happened here and they can hear a dog whimpering yeah i did not let my my hands have gone funny yeah i do um but there the the the hear a dog whimpering and i want to get through this part as quickly as i possibly can it was a um oh god what helped us out what was it called veterinarian half specimen yep yep half specimen and it came back alive so i think Damon Hearst you know really does his slices but literally the dog is in half yeah and the dog is alive because it's inhaled the gas that came out of the barrels and the bottom and so have frank and freddy and the whole of this unit and it's half of them it's just it's just half a dog yep and it's the most freakiest thing i've ever seen him in life and i don't ever want to see it again let's move on um so once that fits out the way with they then start hearing a banging on the door and they're here on the wrong finger yeah i'll sort of go and if you go back and watch it sounds exactly like them and i think the real i don't i think the realization is starting to kick in at this point that um that's alive in there because it was the only one in the freezer and this is where they call boss man but comes back yeah and um both genius idea is let's torch the place let's just torch the place and um get out of here i'll claim insurance fuck it let's just do this it to be fair i i can not get behind the idea i could see where he's coming from but i can see where he's coming from because if he had it would have made things a bit worse but it would have been all night would have been a lot worse wouldn't it yeah because it's a big building going up other than what happened yeah yeah yeah but they opened the door up to find reanimated corpse running at them which at the me i had to keep going back and watching this park as the makeup furrows just didn't quite i got the skin torn because the jaw wanders yeah i got that eh because that is the that if sorry morbid sam coming back out again but that is the color your skin goes when you're you when you dare to basically um so yeah i got that side but there was some sections of the face i didn't quite understand and it was just like a it looked like the face was like all put together like in sections like this part had a bit of genres but this part didn't because it was just plain white and i'm like in an autopsy they don't touch the face so it wouldn't make any senses to and even in not even autopsies when in embalmond no face parts touched but eh that it just didn't make any censors but i'm not really that's just me now that is that is monster sam yeah looking at it if it was just me i wouldn't have given two sheets but i knew i'm watching this to talk about it he also had a silicone prosthetic but to make him a kendo and no one notices that because he's running full pelt of burp yeah he runs really fast that's my running really fast yeah he runs full pelt of burp and the whole point was that Ernie um not Ernie Frank and Freddie were supposed to catch him yeah but he he jumps on burp burp and they wrestle into the floor and burp automatically goes like you got you got to get it in the head so this is where the inception of movie upon movie upon movie that's the that's what they tell you the policeman on the television on return of the living dead seers you need to shoot them in the head it's the only way they'll go down so i'm sure i am positive i would have to go back and rewatch but i'm sure they mentioned return of the living dead at the beginning of this movie i wish i would have brought that down so in the end i think burp puts a pickaxe through um jaundice corpse's head and he's wiggling and thrashing around and you can see burp and Freddie are making these god awful noises they're making some really strange noises um but what i did like and this is pretty graphic guys so i do apologize but i did like the attention to detail on this bit it was when burp when he got the hacksaw and that those two are like proper gipping from him sawing off the head but you hear something that you don't hear normally which was the wall like when he was shaking when he was going you heard the gurgle noise and it was like it was going with the saw and it sounded like you think it would sound yeah and i know it's a comedy and i know it's probably for comedy effect but for me that really worked i was like oh my god that's yeah i've thought about that but that makes sense it's like it's quite quite accurate um i love the the comedic the comedic outburst between frank and why do i keep getting frank yeah frank frank and Freddie frank and for fnf um i love the comedic the comedic sisms behind them too they're not really doing anything but they are doing everything at the same time because they're just they're flapping all over the place and so once they've got the corpse under control the um burp has the genius idea of calling eddie ernie oh that's because of Freddie um ernie who is the embalmer that um to premiere to use the cremation to get rid of sedge corpse and all their problems will be all all done and dusted and we can go home and have a nice cup of tea clearly doesn't go that way no no um did you know how once Freddie frank and um but have taken the chopped up body to meet ernie for the first time they revealed the you have the bit where he technically reveals the corpse but you don't see anything because it's all the bags of the body parts and it's all yeah did you know how they made that happen the moving no they actually used now it's a toy from a long time ago they had a lot of those monkeys with the symbols oh yeah this was off so they weren't making noises but they had loads of them in all the bags so they were moving around and making it look like they fidget in which i thought was absolutely fantastic and that's what made them look like rabid reasons that is amazing well they don't initially go in straight away with we've got this body part you're premiered but birch was in old jap the land as i hey ernie how long we've been friends buddy 25 years while while frank and freddy as sitting in a chair starting to feel the effects of the gas that knocked them out the two four five trioxid right in the face yes and did you know two four five trioxid is actually a real thing i did and it was used during operation orange in Vietnam i did that's absolutely fucking atrocious if you are it's um yeah it's one of the the cruelest parts of history um and holy shit the only reason i remembered that from the because it was on that video that i watched was i i watch a lot of weird shit on the internet yeah one of them being people who get angry at other people and video tapered and there someone used against an asian family that reference was i think you've had too much asian orange and i was nearly physically sick in my mouth um it is one of the cruelest heinous things that ever happened and and when i when they mentioned it on the videos i went called like i actually went called to think about it and well let's get back to the funnies yeah i mean so you see them and he's like he's trying to convince him it's a bunch of rabid weasels that came in a shipment because obviously being a medical supply place they get a lot of weasels i mean but you know we'll not go there um and i didn't realize it was a weasel epidemic and he wasn't too happy with the whole idea of burning like live animals and he was like no and then something happened and i can't remember how the the arm gets out of one of the bags so they show it to him i can't remember that thing i think they have to come clean to him because he's like he's he's very reserved is our early yes he's very yeah i don't think he's taking him with the bullshit so he i i think they do i think they show them because it literally lunges at him doesn't it like at his leg yeah because he's like the hand yeah and it ripses their trouser his trouser leg off and um it didn't take a lot of it didn't honestly take him that much convincing to do it mind after that no i mean i don't think it would yeah i got a quick question for you no i couldn't find this out but you know where he's embalming that body at the beginning yeah first meet Ernie mm-hmm it had lividity it had all the bruising it had it looked like a real person mm-hmm was that genuine dead body a lot because i could not find it wasn't it was a person it was a person because i could not find that out i thought the makeup was so well done where they showed all the blood settling in the back and all the bruising around the back you know i was believe it if that were to be dead if that were to be a genuine dead person it would have came up on the video i'll watch because they went into a lot of detail um that embalming set up was in the way he with the stomach oh i hear that i know this and i know the full procedure of how to do an embalming because i'm that person and you know when he was putting it in the bottom and he was shaking it about that's that's to burn off the fat cells so it's to like burn the fat cells off and then it shakes the fat cells about and then it plants it where it needs to be um but it's amazing how quickly that body disappeared later on but that's just continuity well he also had a luger didn't he um yes he did okay i don't know it was one of the two drum famous German girls it's a very famous German gun and all that yes yeah so yeah and and so anyway they convinced him to put the body parts in the furnace right so you think you know good right okay the frank and friend of you are literally leaning up the wall with every last bit of like energy they've got they're just sat there look ill they look very ill but what i like is that that they it was like a nod to georgie zombies as well because of the gray face you know the the yeah there was to be honest for something that georgie never wanted any a part of it but he didn't not wish it well yeah he was he was fine there was no ill feeling whatsoever so i love the fact that they're still they they paid homage to where it all it all stems from um that this part this part really give me the but um when he's going right what we're gonna burn we're gonna burn we're gonna burn this and then the ash is going to be there well we don't want the ash well then we'll get rid of the ash well we don't want the bone well we'll get rid of that do you know what i mean he was just nitpicking and nitpicking it's like me it's a fucking furnace right you know what you get at the end of that yeah but shut the fuck up and let him get on molly's job there's what he said to early ceternan and said well the bones aren't an issue but the heart is that's the hardest bit to burn didn't know that i want to know that's true yeah same i was like because it's not what when the when a cremation happens the only thing that you really get at the end is the is it the femur is it tibia it's one of the bones it's it's from your hip bone that's the only thing that's really kind of there that's that's it nothing else there's nothing else i left of you so i don't there's only what yeah the what the ash that you get at the end is just it's absolutely a hip bone or it's around that area because it's the toughest bone it's the strongest bone that you have um the heart is never something i have ever caught up against when i have watched or read about and i have read a lot of books on cree and neck cremation yeah it was just a really curious thing you said oh i don't think that's right but anyway obviously they they burn it up really really high heat and uh it clips to seeing all the um yellowy smoke coming out the chair yeah oh yes and then so the the smoke goes into the air and then the rain starts so the rain has soaked in all of the normal pollution goodness yeah and created an acid rain um which when all the guys are in the cemetery which is part of where freddy frankenbert and i remember they are waiting for freddy to finish work yeah so the rain starts coming down and they all realize it's quite bad so they will go run and sit in the padlock um trash is still naked there's holes in the roof and and flip like i can't start the door no can't start the car uh and there's so many holes in the roof and and trash just keeps getting soaking wet because there's guys keeps poking more holes in the roof um i love the fact that she keeps shouting at them they're like what do you do and she's like is anybody got a towel and they're like why would we have a towel before nobody gives a shit that this girl is near good to the point where it comes down to her to being dried off the don't give a shit about that either no i think it's because she had the option to pick up a clothes and she didn't she just went off to that one um but yeah they they then decide the best thing to do is run to unida which is where they they run to the factory and they all get inside now just before this happens tina decided before the rain happens tina decides to want to go for Freddie's finished work Freddie's not there clearly Freddie is too busy in their funeral home um leading up to one of my favorite parts of the movie yeah this is this is the bit where um she hears some noises down in the basement because you know why wouldn't you go why would you not go down there so she goes down and she sees this is where we're introduced to taman which is taman is a work of art and i don't care who you are where you come from that that is a work of just design genius everything about him it is breathtaking it is there is no part of me that looks at that and goes what the fuck am I looking at it's like wow what the fuck am i looking at the design work the eyes the characteristics the i will get into my favorite bit because he is part of my favorite bit um but this comes to so she's getting chased about by taman to when you then get the gang running into the basement down the stairs and they're like the fuck is that oh no that's right he manages he saw clever yep because she locks herself in a like what was this like a cupboard yeah just just before that happens you know where she falls through the the step yes now i heard on one of the many videos i watched and research i did that Dan didn't tell her that step was broken i read that and he let her naturally fall through it which i thought was risky um but obviously they've signed away some sort of disclaimer at some point that you wouldn't get down for insurance if you hurt herself but she actually did really hurt herself when she landed she didn't break anything but she hurt herself and that's why it takes us so long to get up off the floor because no one showed no one shouted cut they just kept it rolling wow they're looking at her behind the camera telling us keep going keep going and so she runs into what looks like like a filing cabinet yeah it's it's a metal cabinet thing and you think she's got it made in the shade because she manages to lock herself in and stick a broom through the handle saw she's kind of secure little does she know zombie man behind the door has some fucking smarts about them and gets a chain and starts pulling at the door this is when the gang bust through the door and there's a sheet up again there's a sheet in the way for them to actually see what it is that is behind there and this is the greatest moment of this movie is when they pull back the sheet and they meet tahman for the first time and the first thing he fucking says is more brains i'm not entirely sure how true this is because many many people claim this same thing i'm gonna say it's true because i want to believe it's true but this movie specifically is where the trope of brain eating was supposed to have started from because i could believe that because romero's zombies were not brain eaters they're just flesh eaters they were just they're just hungry for the arms they're like they never went for the brain never went for brains well that's the thing because the first thing you see tahman do with firthide is literally latch onto his head and he always takes a proper chunk don't he he really does go for it and then i think it's spider chucks a paint camera and that's funny because that's when he turns when he goes more brains and like it's the look with the eyes the guy who played him is actually a puppeteer by now he's a puppeteer but at the time they wanted an actor a lot of stunt man and his name's Alan Trappman he's more famous now for doing puppeteer and for the muppets and for i want a turn of events i don't know there's a film out and i not a lot of people have seen it but it's I'm going to listen to McCarthy films but it's called The Happy Time Murders. Yeah when she does the puppeteer it works puppets and how and it's it's an 18 like a 15-year-old. Such an amazing idea what's so poorly executed it was such a god damn shame because it was the concept the idea of it all was hilarious yeah just didn't quite hit the mark no um so they they have this thing where a lot of people claim it's the first place to to have said that brain eating comes from there and we go back to the fact that when they're in they the kids manage to run away from Taaman and they all manage to get to the funeral home apart from two of them um they are well three of them actually because they they start they run off into the back into the cemetery and then they see that the dead arising due to the chemical rain that's coming down and soaking into the floor. That scene where you see it going into the soil and you go you see that scene twice you see the the here and at the end and i didn't care because i loved it i loved going down into the soil and and then seeing the reanimated corpse come up and that them eyes that that fair sculpture is own real like them eyes are so uneasy to look at but that you find yourself not being able to take your your gears off of them i love i love the imagery of the faces that they did in here to make it so so different because when you look at Romero zombies it's just the person grayed out it's just a person who has died this is something so much more supernatural to it and so it really distinguishedly distant i was i was on such a fucking roll and it just yeah it just gives it so much distinguished features that it's like oh that's that's a zombie that before i knew Romero is how i would think a zombie yes i love it i love the makeup and the design the the concept design of it is just brilliant yeah it's it's one of those things where this is where for me it steps up a notch with the the two corpses that the main corpses for me which is our man and half corpse girl and this roughly a few people die few people get lost people run off and trash gets killed trash gets killed by oh hang on a minute a bunch of old dudes eating her alive which is foreshadowing obviously before she's shadowing um Casey and um Chuck Chuck have got stuck in the factory and they're being attacked so they've locked themselves in this little yeah inspired it Tina and Skur's go to the mortuary yes don't they get let in by Ernie size is where you see how much the illness has taken over Freddie and Frank yes did it and Ernie was like okay we're gonna have to call the paramedics that they're not good so he calls it calls in and calls it a poison in um because it doesn't know what else to call it which is fair it is a poisoning because it is um and then Tina's like making all these horrible stupid noises uh then the they're trying to convince Bert who's still very very angry like he spends 90% of his screen time angry Bert um yeah he comes in comes great into play later on though yeah I mean he's they're saying to him you know there's like a hundred corpses out there there's loads of dead bodies rising out there they're they're they're all in the factory and that's when he gets really angry and loses the shit and I'm like hang on dude you wanted to set a fire to it about 10 minutes but now you're all right now you're angry there's people in it exactly pick your battles mate so they convince him and Ernie that everything is crazy outside and then all the hands start breaking through and they're having to reinforce all the windows and all before that the paramedics has come oh god yeah yeah so the paramedic yeah because they play a bit of a part in this yeah um because the paramedics come and uh we find out that um that they're dead yep the frank and Freddy are dead but still talking yeah and still well they're almost still talking it looks like at any moment Bert is about I've done it again um Frank it's it's gonna have it looks like it's gonna have a seizure at any given moment but Freddy kind of is keeping it almost together he's not it's almost like Freddy's not fighting it yeah and Frank is Frank has more self-awareness still than Freddy even where especially with what happens with Frank yeah I mean Freddy he wasn't fighting it because as Ernie suspected he had rigor mortis sitting in sitting in that's right Ernie only explains rigor mortis earlier on like all the bloods pulling in his back because he's been laying down he's got um his joints are painful when he's moving it and like obviously before shattering before when he's explaining they're about the more stable but yeah something you can you can you can massage out of people um uh it's lack of oxygen in the in the muscles or something yeah you can massage it out you can just there's it I hear that I know this I'm so sorry but you can't you um try the use a lot of soft product like oil yeah just to try and I keep it the skin moisted and to get the muscles kind of like just a bit more vigorously so you can technically rub out rigor mortis I couldn't choose any other word I'm saying nothing I'm letting that one fly I'm just gonna let you see with that it's just me all over if I'm not saying something stupid I'm doing something stupid but yeah they um this is this is a bit then where the paramedics have come in and they're like oh god you guys are literally dead we can't explain it and they go out to the ambulance and then they get attacked I do love this the the very subtle way they both switch stethoscopes just to make sure that each of those are working right I just thought that was a lovely fun each like just saw just saw playing and so simple they just they just look at each other and just go swap it over and then try it yeah it's it's it's like the the minutia in the detail was something that dana bannon does really really yeah um and if you watch any of his other written movies which he didn't direct but the way that he writes a screenplay is incredibly clever because it's all the little bits not just dialogue but it's the little bits that make sense yeah I totally I totally got that from just tiny little bits that go on it's there it's very cleverly done yeah but they do start coming at the windows now and that's when we get to see we hope we say see you later discuss because yes because bites the bullet and we get our cops go but he puts up with he puts up a decent fight what I found quite funny about this scene it was so Benny Hill the whore they didn't know where to go didn't know which window to go to that the Ernie starts pulling at a dresser that looks like you could do it all by himself and to realize as that dress is probably as meant to wear more than what it actually does and then he's like give me a hand fellas all i could hear was it really was wasn't it yeah just the just the total chaos of there are so many windows there are so many doors there is so many yeah there are so many bodies outside trying to get in i think his spider this is how many goddamn windows is this place got and everything going in but yes Gus gets eventually killed um so he's say goodbye to him but in doing so he pulls through half corpse girl now Ernie being the curious gnashy um experimental well there were a few yeah i don't know what we're calling him but we're here it was very mangler roger i don't even know you can't even like you can't even dumb that name down but yeah that was that was the job of joseph mingler yes experimental experiments on the twins and stuff but that's all the weird things he did he um he his curiosity got the best of him so he put it on a hook and tied her to the table which i thought was it made sense but i'm like okay so she can talk so yeah she can't just talk she is like she is properly talking she is not dead talk and she is not she is full on gorgeous voice by the way and um aware uh huh i'm very clear like being in the state of decomp that she was which we're saying you know a little bit of flesh left on the bones um it's more than mummified but obviously it's been rehydrated because of the rain she's a bit she looks yeah she looks but it's not ever since that it's very you can tell she has been dehydrated yeah and she's just been watered yeah a little sprinkle on her um yeah and it's so Ernie like spider wants to bash her head in but Ernie's like no no well i'll find out things and she says he's like why do you eat people and she's like not people brains and he's like why brains and she's like well it takes the pain away um rotting is really painful we can feel ourselves rot it's by brains is the only thing that takes that pain away and then you see a moment with Ernie which i know this is supposed to be a horror comedy but you see this moment this light bulb moment that goes off in Ernie's head and he's like the dead can feel being dead and he's like i think he gets that pang of guilt from all the embalming and all the stuff yeah but the job that he does it's the job that he's done if it's if she's if it's true and what she's saying is possibly worse than the way she died yeah and i'll tell you something that i loved about this one as well was that if you watch it right you'll see because she has she's a puppet obviously but you'll see animatronic yeah um but Tony Gardner like you said scars is the guy who's operating there yeah he's operating there you see the bottom of her spine and what the the attention to detail here which you see cerebral fluid on the on the table and like we go dripping out and it's like pooling on the thing and that's something that people don't think of because your spine does leave cerebral fluid it that happens people it just happens i mean obviously not that's that a comp decomp i wouldn't have thought but i think we're not in the land of what's real and what's it's some fiction kind of like going on very forgivable but also it's even if it weren't in even if it was past that stage just to even have that idea is is still pretty genius the that scene i thought the minute she started talking i was like oh i'm gonna be sort of taken out of this now but for some reason i was so interested in what you i wanted to know the minute he started asking the questions of why i was like oh shit okay yeah i want i want to know why and when she said it was to stop the pain i could feel my bottom lip going and i was like don't do it don't you definitely cry at this film and i did but not at this part and it was i'll tell you in a bit when we get there but it was it was just so you don't get to ask that question in romero's world no you don't get to ask why the common fire and why the one to eat you and you did hear and i just even though the voice is very not fitting to how you think she should be sounding um it still she drew me in she got me yeah she did get me she's it was a very sensual oh yeah that's word yeah it was an incredibly sexy voice yeah i think that's what it was so it wasn't like it was it it didn't take you out of it because it felt oddly comforting at the same time like it it was very calm yeah until she wasn't yeah because she's fucking hungry and she's she's probably in feeling them out of pain and then she starts screaming for breakfast i loved that scene i loved it because i was actually in shock at first at what i was looking at i was a shit that's really on that table like regardless of how you look at it that animatronic is sitting on that table because the puppeteer had his hand in her head as well yeah the spine has been moved by i think it's the eyes and the eyes were but the rest have been operated by a puppeteer so to speak so i learned a lot about animatronics um when i did the turtle episode for the sunday podcast and for my memory certainly right it's the end towards the end of the eighties and jim henson has um jim henson did the puppets the the thingies for the suits for the first one in the second one the the started to create the technology for the animatronic and so the animatronic that you get from the turtles is kind of where it's like the step and mark yeah of animatronics but you wouldn't think it watching this and seeing it's for the likelihood is the only animatronic about her is her eyes and maybe her mouth features around here um but it's jim it's brilliant it's absolutely stunning so yeah so then they move on and decide to put freddy and frank in the chapel just in case something's going to happen to them because they have just gone right down here the fuckers tina's problem no we can't do that look at the fucking he's dead for one and look at the state of him he's starting to look like he's got rearies i'm going to stay with him he's got eyes as you can see there that's what he looked like yeah that big bright red eyes and the guy was grayer than white and he was in no fit state to be sat with to be honest so she deserved anything that came to her after that absolutely she went on after she went on fucking ridiculous and because he does eventually try to eat her but that's on her yeah that is that is on her and where are we up to this is a bit of a blur now yeah it basically um right so trash then decides to awake out of the muddy water um as uh a zombie um and they've given her weird features they've made her look like a vampirey i i don't know what she was supposed to be this was the bit where i was just a little bit like well they fucking should look like a team new version of goza i don't know what was going on with that makeup job she looked padded yeah it looked very strange didn't it didn't yeah because and on top of that when she goes to the homeless guy she bites his neck yeah she vampires it she was like it was a good chump i'm gonna give her that but you want to be going for the brain sweetheart that's what you hungry for yeah it was it was a very peculiar choice but then i was just like do you know what just go with it just let it go but then um they keep flitting back to Chuck and Casey seeing if they're all right um yeah and she's just having an absolute meltdown isn't your blessed heart one of the zombies is calls for more paramedics more paramedics turn up they eat them they then call for more police more police they're becoming more self aware the more brains they eat the zombies the paramedics that i said came in to play it later on it's their radio where it's like send more paramedics send more police so they they have a veritable buffet when 15 police calls turn up and they every single member of every every car that turns out um absolutely fucking chaos and so then they put in roadblocks yeah try and stop the epidemic spreading out of the city problem is about 150 200 zombies come charge it down the road and a bit of wood on a tripod isn't really going to stop them and this is where they also realize that their guns don't work because they're trying to shoot them all nothing happens you know um and then you're just left with the fact that they flip back and then you realize that Freddie and Frank have well Freddie more so than Frank Freddie's gone full zombie zombie yeah whereas this is this is the part i cried at this is all the way through which Frank has looked like he is fought and fought and fought and his fight was finally over when he decided he was still still something there of him to where he was he didn't want to he didn't want to go out the way he didn't want to turn into one of them and he had washed firsthand how one had been killed so he takes himself to the furnace and it was when he put his wedding ring yeah i i chalked and chalk and thinking of it now because it was such a huge thing to do like this it's it's it's one thing saying you'll do one thing in a situation it's actually doing the act and he just jumps head first into the fucking furnace yep he pulls himself in he pulls down the hatch and burns himself and adds more smoke to the i mean he doesn't add to the pretty doesn't um he doesn't help the cause but for him in his personal journey it's now over yeah 100% and and that's why i think he was more self aware obviously than Freddie now the thing about Freddie was at the beginning he wears a like a letterman type style jacket and i don't know do you heard about this bit the fuck you yeah it says fuck you on the back of the ones that i've watched but when they put it on tv they had to reshoot all the scenes where he wears the jacket yeah and on the back of it was television version yes and instead of fuck you yeah i am done and going oh fuck you you know but i can't remember because i didn't know yeah i didn't know what a look either there was another thing as well where there was spring themselves were lace-all yeah to get rid of the smell of the gas uh-huh and and lace-all absolutely loved this as a marketing campaign because it was like lace-all can kill anything it was really i thought it was brilliant and at this point um but and spider decided to go and jump in one of the police cars and to run out don't they they go to run out to the police car um to go and get the police car to back it up to the funeral home so uh Ernie and Tina can jump in it and they can all go but the problem is but and spider get overwhelmed so they decide to go for help instead they don't get very far um did you know originally they asked Leslie Nielsen to play but i can saw see that but they didn't want to go in so far naked guns so they yes and it would have because that's the kind of but would it because we've seen him play serious and that's why they wanted him from that version of creep show they they loved the creepy Nielsen creep show they yeah because uh Damabana was a huge fan of creep show and um it was like his inspiration for like the uh the creeper with one of his inspirations for how to make some of the zombies look the way that they did there was also another inspiration which were the mummies of oh god now i have written this down and i've sounded it out because it is like it's it's it's it's a pronunciation uh they were called the mummies of iguana guato now i apologize that isn't mouthful yeah i apologize if i've butchered that but i had to write down as i was hearing it and that's what i didn't say um and apparently there's like this this bunch of mummies that looked exactly like tarman did before they broke the the seal so you know when he's like he's like that in the in the thing or like that however is you know you see him before he melts yeah that was what he was based off of so yeah um but yeah anyway they drive off and they realize they can't get out of town towns far up to the scrooge they're just absolutely shagged they really they really are um there's one bit that we've totally forgot to mention but this whole entire movie the general oh god yeah he was boring that's why it was very boring but he just cleared which part at the end so at the be at the beginning of the movie you meet this general who has this amazing equipment in his house that's in a beautiful cabinet and hates his job he's his job but they are trying to find the gas the gas canisters and that has been his job for fucking ages how should they at work dear shit i've made your favorite i've made your favorite dinner what is it pork chops i had for lunch oh you're miserable bastards you absolute miserable bastards you couldn't you know she's she's still here thinking that's something that you're going to really appreciate you twice and i think we were supposed to think about him being just very like so bored of his job because they just can't find what that is they're looking for yeah but you see him he pops in and out throughout the movie back to the back to but yeah well that rings the number doesn't he on the so that's yeah so the ring the start off with some the ring somebody else um and it doesn't go the ring the police and they realize it's um it's not going to go their way because they're pretty much trapped in this house now there's no way out um they've accepted they've kind of almost accepted their fate until Bert sees on the side of the tank a telephone number to ring and he's like let's ring this number yeah because what they have to do is to get back down into the basement but is it Bert or Spud i think it's Bert grabs a baseball bat and smashes Tom burns head off it's before they get down into the- it's Bert it's Bert he fucking flaws him and so they managed to get down into the basement and that's where the only phone is because all the other phones are dead so yeah and this is when it makes the calls so they make it to Unida Bert and Spider where they find Casey and Chuck and the four of them are at Unida now you've got trash who's wandering around vampire trash zombie trash on what's gone on with trash you've got Tina and Ernie who are still at the funeral home with a dead Frank and a petrify in i don't know what you want to call Freddy right now because that's something a rabid weasel is what Freddy is yeah he really is um they managed to he breaks down the door and gets out of the room that they put them in so they managed to hit Ernie and Tina managed to get into the loft space and kick the ladder away and so they're hiding right in the back of the corner but i'm like shut up all she kept doing was like eh eh eh i'm like shut up he won't know you're there if you don't back him make the noise exactly she was honestly she deserved to die and so he rings the number on the side of the drum which is one of those telephone numbers telephones if you get it wrong you got to start all over again yeah the turning ones for all you for all you youngens we used to have fawns that you had to turn the number a dial oh good and all you my grandparents used to have one i used to hit using it because i was like i'll be here for freaking ever i really will and there were there were tough things like hard things to turn around and so he had little tiny fingers you're like... yeah so he rings Colonel Glover is who he gets in contact actually doesn't he gets in contact with headquarters first and he tells them their location in like wait one minute and holy shit Colonel Glover finally gets the call that he's been waiting all these years for yeah they found them yep and then he goes through his little cabinet read something off of it a paper and then calls someone else doesn't he and you're like yeah and he says is it a big is it a big sight and he goes no it's only a small place yeah like it's like it's nothing to him yeah and then you hear him giving directions and coordinates and like obviously army speak coded message to what you're not sure what it is at first you see you know it's a tank but you don't really know what what the deep limit um so you see the the cannon part of the tank move around the big gun bit um i know it's probably got an official name so don't come at me for not knowing what it is because war yeah um plus not in the army um so you see it go around and you hear the the the banter between the person that's operating at the sitting inside and the general and uh this is the bit where you're like where the hell are they then when did he get there but apparently it's something that's been sat there for forever and it's just a man's station that needs to be manned he looks so happy with himself that he got a phone call he's just been sat there bored shit this but yeah he was a child once but now his job's done and he can leave um but yeah basically the gist of what he launches from the the the tank is a nuclear blast yeah enough to what they thought was going to wipe the the town mm-hmm off the map it doesn't even touch the town that i could do you see an explosion and you see the fallout from the explosion yeah um but then it goes back to the previous footage when the rain's coming down because the explosion starts the rain yep that already has the smoke in the air after this explosion goes off and they're like all the chemicals are in the air fires out yeah they say don't worry the rain will put the fires there well the rain doesn't because the rain seeps back into the soil and you get that beautiful scene that ends the movie with the zombie fears and the eyes staring at you what a fucking brilliant film it's the soundtrack as well is absolutely oh i have the soundtrack listings yeah you've got the cramps now people who might not know who the cramps are um if you've seen the more recent Wednesday that was released with general taker the cramps are responsible for the film uh the the song boogoo muck which she does the dance to in the middle that became really famous yeah everybody associates with gaga but that wasn't the song that was playing it was the cramps googoo muck um yeah which some people don't know but if you've got this fuck and know your LA history you know the cramps and then you've got the the tall boys are on it um you've got the damned uh you've got i want to say like berries ssk is it uh yeah ssk there's a couple of songs where ssk in there uh tsol 45 grave who did party time yeah um you've got 45 grave and the fus yeah because i think is it ssl that did the song that trash dances to trash's theme as ssk yes so originally that wasn't supposed to be the song they had a different song and it was it just didn't work no matter how many times they tried to do the dance and so they they've been that song off and then they got this song in that we know and if you hear it if you listen very very carefully when she rises from the dead it's very faint in the background and it's like a it's not an acoustic version but there's no big beat to it it's just the vocals when she rises out of the water and then when she's walking down the the park at a cemetery you hear it again then but yeah i mean i will say that this film ticks every box for an 80s movie yeah and still 100 is not to insult the no source material it in its own way is added to it because even John Russo decided to use this screenplay treatment and released a second book so there are two books with the name Return of the Living Dead that are two completely different stories the original story that he wrote yeah the original story he wrote before Dan touched it and then Dan's version yeah so there are two books so if you're a collector there you go there's recommendations recommendations and it's it's so you all right it is so 80s it is so of its time but i love the added law that is added into a zombie universe like i was pretty much a snob when it comes to my zombie movies like Romero till i die you know can't do you can't do any better than the king and i kind of been proven wrong in this case and i know there's i have to i have to keep reminding myself Romero didn't create the zombie like he may have started the zombie genre yeah but the idea of the zombie story doesn't come from him we can take that right the way back to white zombie and yeah it's with legosi so i have to keep reminding myself none of the be all in end sorry Romero i love you but this is kind of open my eyes to like maybe i should be not looking it's because i do all every zombie movie or zombie television show i watch i always go back to more Romero wouldn't have done that this is the thing i do enjoy all the different types of zombies from all the different type of genre zombie movies you can get i love it slow movers i love you runners i love your effect here rather than zombies but they're in that ballpark yeah i love your and they are in that ballpark regardless of what people say well they're just infected well they're not it's proof that they're dead because anyway other films but um i love this one because they don't shambles they're not your shamblers um and they are very much just after that one thing which is just the brain they don't care about the rest of the body so they're not after that um it's i think that's the thing it's it's that level of we've been fed the Romero zombie yeah as a you know a connoisseur horror movie yes you do you know we know about white zombie we know about negosi but the one that we always revert back to is the dawn of the dead or the you know those movies are the ones that we revert back to because that is where we know that we you know the majority of people think okay well that's where the genre started um and i just love the fact that every time someone's come along and done one they've done it in a slightly different way yeah the only one that i do have a few issues with is when Tom Savini remade it in the 1990 i think it was 8990 and well that that's what i thought we were doing tonight initially because this does i don't know why it's not i'm not to say i have not heard of it but it's just not something that's kind of like crossed my path because again i'm a bit of a snob and when you said we would we're gonna do return and live in dead it wasn't until last week and when you put the picture up behind you to remind us what the episode was gonna be i generally thought that's what we were doing and i was when you said this one i was like oh oh okay yeah it's just so different from the remero ones and it has a place this way and it's a good it's a good difference it's a kind of like it's a it's a fun way to have a good time in a zombie movie because remarro to like you've got to remember when marrero when the level when marrero good god remember people i have been to work for 10 hours today and remarro did night of the living dead that was really serious and there was a lot of like very deep undertones in there especially with the whole using the yeah the racism that the the black man taking a lead on it like there was some big stuff going on in that movie and then it's that's what you associate i keep going to point to me picture that's what you associate the zombie genre with because of how serious that one isn't how serious dawn at the dead is like there's a few light heart moments more what is the matter with me light hearted moments in dawn of the dead but it's not to the degree of what you get in here this is just it's got a strong story for starters it's very measure in its story and it plants the seeds that there's a lot of foreshadowing that goes on which the the direct the direction in it is so cleverly done that you can't even take in what you've just seen because you're moving under something else crazy that's going on but then you're in a horrible way yeah i when i was it was too late to text you because i sent tanner screenshot of the opening titles and i i'm doing it um and it was too late to text you i think i i think it's finished dead on midnight yeah and i was like who could my talk to you what do i do how do i cope with this oh wait you you're recording a whole episode for it yeah honestly it is one of those things where you watch it and i think my zombie movie knowledge is better for watching the film but it's yeah it's camp it's spread it's every bit like Shaun of the Dead was a relief because it wasn't something that anybody had seen in a long time yeah i mean he calls that a zombie rom-com a zomb-com or something doesn't he yeah uh-huh it was it was different and it was it was a breath of fresh air from a very serious torn that we you know we had for such a long time when it comes to the zombie genre so when the likes of this comes around i'm Shaun of the Dead it's kind of like ugh don't have to take this or bloody seriously they come on that's what short that that's what Simon Pegg and Nick Frosted when they set them to to do it they were like we love the idea of that but we're not touching that with a barge pole because that's that we're going to do George's but we're going to make it hours yeah and make it typically British at the same time which then takes it in like different directions so what's what's lovely about them both is that the attribute to where where the genre came from and it's not in that's all it is it's a homage it's a tribute it's a almost a sign of respect yeah because George asked both of them and they ended up they did a cameo didn't they the yeah he loved it that much. Simon and bloody Nick did a cameo in one of the days one of the old days one of the newest no no it's one of the it's one of the newest ones that he i said newest ones got his winged head for ages um so he's not making any now stop some um i was going to say something oh that's right this is the way that you brought up Sean the dead it's celebrated in his 20th anniversary this year yeah 25th i'm sure 25th 25th might be 20th you might be right i am not that all done it is oh it's 20 it's 20 right 20 oh hey oh it's the my nephews are very um the part of a generation that don't get beers by a lot of things like i've shown them i've shown them I'll show them lost boys and they didn't get any fucking about the eyelids um when we watch Sean of the Dead my middle nephew hope to god he's not listening to this but my middle nephew um freaked the fuck out like badly freaked out because it was the first time it was it was real yeah the streets were streets he recognized there was it he just he took it he was like no it's too real for me i don't like this turn it off turn it off but yes all i know i would say for me and put my personal feelings on this film is for a 1985 zombie it's a zombie masterpiece it is a 4.5 out of 5 for me oh i'm gonna i'm gonna heal at a five out of five like i know we don't do written scores on here but i'm doing it i am doing a fact like this was this was everything i wanted and more it's actually everything i didn't know i want actually it's i didn't realize that i needed it now it's kind of like i don't ever want it to leave me yeah i want to go back and i want to see all these little bits that i've missed out to be honest i actually missed um what do you call a name what do you want a name what kind of thing about him i've just been saying it two minutes ago because his death i missed it i want the toilet yes very quick and i didn't and i didn't dare pause the film because i'd already lost me cut me version of it when i tried to remind it and so i was like no just leave it i ran to the toilet and back again and so yeah i want to see the little bits that i've missed i want to see just want to see i want to see all of this like all the the months i want to see time and again yeah i mean the thing is it took for the guy who played freddy to uh campaign for it to go out on dvd and it didn't get a dvd release until 2000 yeah i want to say it was around about then um and now it's got a 4k ultra steel book the whole food before boom has gone out on it but there is a little fact that there was a certain very very famous person that has nothing to do with horror apart from one film he said he starred him but whether you class is horror or satire i don't know there was this film once called return of the killer tomatoes in that film who's the son of rosemary cluney mr george mr george used to roommate with the guy who played freddy neff you everyone's with neff you neff you so he was he used to be um freddy's roommate in real life the george and freddy used to spend a lot of time so george was on set a lot during the making of this film and this film only was only being shot for six weeks yeah but two weeks prior down was such a stickler he wanted them to even he literally made these guys act this movie out over and over and over again for two weeks prior before the film started because he wanted the relationship he wanted to have these guys he he wanted to know them to anticipate what that person was going to do before they did it he wanted them to know so they didn't have to keep reshooting and resetting and and all that sort of stuff when they had the amount of um like with tarma and the amount of stuff that tarma and had you know like all the special effects because i found out that the the stuff that they made tarma and with was called methasal a methasal is the ingredient into milkshakes and guess what other movie they use that for the blob oh my god two weeks in a row they managed to get and it's not me bringing it up either no but the methasal is literally the ingredient they put in milkshakes to make it globulous that sort of thing um and that is exactly what tarma and is covered in so they didn't want to have to keep resetting for the film he looks so glossy and lovely and shiny i just oh i love it is that i think the blob for quite a lot of things because i feel like it's be it was the eye opener i needed to stop looking at front covers and going that looks shit the the blob was just an unexpected surprise oh wasn't it we hadn't stopped talking about it and that was at the beginning of the year it just keeps creeping back in and that's the thing it was never something that was on my radar even though i knew most of the films we've talked about since but in in probably about i would say 50 percent of the films we've done since the blob they will relate back in some way they're in our whole episode structure changed on the back of that episode because initially we were just going to do the original one yeah because you know we do old movies why would we not do the classic you know goopy one um and it was awful and we've done it but uh if we just had to do that episode alone that had been that had been like 15 minutes it's shit yeah the end well i'm all out i think do you know what and i thought i took down more than what i did but i really didn't i've concentrated on all the wrong things yes we can always revisit a film again later on down the line if we feel like we've missed massive chunks because we were getting carried away with enjoying the movie yeah but then that's fine it's great to to be able to get swept up in a film because this is what we're doing this this is why this is why monsters is so much fun because you're rediscovering things you haven't seen so long on your your discovery whole film that you've never seen before exactly oh you me who just doesn't watch fuck all and it's getting the absolute education over here like it's crazy to think how even just from like when i started nerdy of north or started with nerdy of north um i knew fuck all like i knew shit because that's what i do i find out useless information and it just retains in there but i hadn't seen anything to back it up now i'm like seen that seen it return the living dead seen it i've been telling everyone at work about it yeah i say if you want a really good fucking zombie film this is the one you need to watch because it's oh it's just it's changed my opinion on the rest of the zombie genre i feel like what i would like to go back and revisit and i know people might think i'm stupid for saying this but going revisit world was he i just i know i know but i just it's the likes of that kind of movie though just to see what it is that i've like turned me nose up against and was it was i right too or was i wrong too i even turned me nose up at 20 a days later because that's yeah you need to revisit 20 exactly so there's because of my love but that move it's it's that movie alone like i love return living dead but dawn of the dead is one of i'm sick of pointing that yeah you sound to actually become like with me now mine will always be this one mine will always be return it will always be because it has everything that i love in a film it has the horror it has the comedy it has the unabashed nakedness of people um it's got a little bit of everyone yeah i feel like i need to put that right now like i've got space appear i think i need to find that movie poster and put it up there yeah it's so cool so i'm done i've got no more okay so next week we're going for the double feature but not in the way we have them you know we're going for an actual grind house production do you say production yeah yeah and the broom broom should have given it away it's actually a more recent grindhouse production um we are going down the tarantine no and Rodriguez root and we're doing planet terror and death proof rock and a lie i kind of fucking weird and the funny part is i really fucking love death proof yeah the two planet terror for me so so there you go i love death proof for everything female related i just fucking love it um so yes next week we're going isn't it a grindhouse production or is it just part of grindhouse i think it's a grindhouse movie right got yeah i could maybe maybe maybe this is what i need to do is to is to look into more in depth into the grindhouse thing yeah i feel like that's going to be part of my research is to look into that so we've got loads and loads and loads to talk about next week but you can find us every Monday on youtube at eight o'clock the audio for this episode and all other episodes associated with nerdy of north come out on a Tuesday please remember to like share and subscribe on the youtube hit the notification bell so you never miss a episode if you are listening to us on spotify and you iTunes or anywhere else let us know leave us a comment leave us a review leave us a read and tell us you like us how to just leave something it helps the algorithm and helps new listeners come in and find us that's if they want to but where we there and the links links thank you the links for believe marvellous monsters up north and monsters up north and nerdy up north it's like oh my brain is absolutely fried is all available well done it's a shame audio people can't see how pretty your nails are thanks you're welcome is that it was done at all yeah yeah yep well if there's nothing else left to say say goodbye Dan you mean the movie light it says spooky everyone bye yeah please don't get out of here no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah