The caffeinatedhebrew’s Podcast

Evil and Joy are in the air!

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30 Jul 2024
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Hey, welcome back to another episode of the caffeinated Hebrew podcast. My name is Greg Parker, and I'm your host and creator of this debacle. This episode of the podcast is brought to you by Podbean Podcasts. Download today at You can also listen to this episode on iHeartRadio, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and of course, it's been an interesting couple of weeks. Last time we talked, last time I did a podcast, a lot had happened. You know, it's only been two weeks since the, uh, it failed assassination attempt of Donald Trump. It's been a week since, uh, oh, sorry, that's the Gus. He's drinking from the water bowl, doing the podcast day with Gus, dog. Uh, it's been seven days since, um, since Biden dropped out of the race, which we'll get to, uh, later on. But there's sort of a running theme here in, um, in the country lately, and it seems as if though we are experiencing a lot of, like, a lot of hate and anger. And obviously the hate is coming from all over. And I'm just curious, is it, is it part of something supernatural? Is it, uh, is it evil? Does evil exist? Well, what is evil? Is, uh, evil is profoundly immoral and wicked? Is it supernatural, uh, Richard Sherman from Skeptic Magazine says that we are given this one chance to live four score trips around the sun, a brief, but glorious moment in the cosmic drama unfading on this provisional proscenium. Given all we know about the universe and the laws of nature, that is the most of, uh, most of us can reasonably hope for. Fortunately, it, it is enough. It is the soul of life. It is heaven on earth. So is this given what you know about your life? Is that the most you can hope for? Is this life enough for you? Is this life enough for you? Is living on this earth, is this heaven on earth? So for me, no, it's not. The world is chaotic and it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. The evil argument is, it's typically a spiritual argument. And, uh, if you're not a knower of God and, and no, this is not a religious podcast. This is an opinion podcast, but there are people out there who don't believe in God and they're typically known as atheists. And so atheists believe that if there was a God, then these evil acts would not happen. They say what would, what, uh, God would allow this to happen. Now I believe in responsibility, I believe in freedom. I obviously believe in freedom of speech and hopefully that freedom continues. But you know, uh, atheists or theists, actually, let's focus on theists, the people who generally believe in higher power, uh, they, we typically believe that there's a reason things happen despite, um, the omnipotence of God, uh, that the existence of evil, it makes good possible. So as a country, we are pretty divided. We believe in good and evil, uh, but people of all sorts of ideological backgrounds are throwing accusations at one side, claiming that the other is, you know, trying to end their existence. I mean, we hear it here in America. We hear, we hear it in the Middle East, uh, you know, on the left here in America, uh, the left ideological, the fringe are claiming that the right side of the political and social spectrum are trying to end their way of existence that they're trying to, uh, deny them the right to exist and then people on the right are claiming that people on the left are trying to deny their right to existence and this is done through, um, through campaigns, through, um, through social media and other than this podcast, and I'm specifically saying this podcast, anything other than this podcast, social media wise is evil. So if you're listening to anything else, you shouldn't trust it. You should only trust the caffeinated Hebrew because I tell you the truth. But free will is a symptom of evil and free will, no, I don't know. Maybe that's not true. Free will is not a symptom of evil. Evil is a symptom of free will. Okay. Atheists believe that free will is the result of an omnipresent God that does what is evil. Who allows evil to manifest? So well, I guess what I'm saying is if you're living, if you're aware or you're awake, not just listening to this podcast, but if you're paying attention to what's going on in the world, you notice a theme and the theme only comes around, let's say during like an election season. Now, does that have anything to do with why people hate each other? I'm asking you the audience, is it, is that what's going on? You know, I've noticed over the last, I would say six years, I keep hearing the same kind of theme that if you believe in one ideology or if one ideology gets into total control and power, then we as free people will lose our right to exist, will lose our freedoms, we will lose our democracy. Now I'll ask you this, we live in a country and we live in a world where people kill each other, seriously, not seriously, but like, we have serial killers. People commit monstrous, atrocious acts upon each other. You can't imagine what people have done to each other. I mean, it's just sick. The crimes that we commit against each other. It's pure evil, rape, murder, incest, kidnapping, servitude, slavery, it's evil. So we as humans, we contend with that, right, we know that that exists, and yet we're still, we still keep going, right, despite knowing that the bad things are going to happen to us, we still keep going, we still wake up every day, we go to work, we get on the freeway, we get on the road, like we know the inherent risks that are involved. Even though there's a possibility that something bad or evil could happen, you could be pumping gas and get shot in the head, you could be on the freeway and somebody shoots you, you could get kidnapped, I mean, you could, there's a lot of things. So I think my point is just by existing your freedom or your self-described democracy that you have over your life is already at risk, and now I'm going to get sort of political, but for a second, it matters how you think when it comes to being able to identify what's evil. Me personally, I'm a skeptic, right? I don't trust anyone, I just don't. If I don't know you, I'll treat you with dignity, but I don't know who you are, and I really don't need to, right? Okay, well, what's your point? Okay, you say, you started out the podcast talking about evil, well, well, I'm trying to get there, okay? Stay with me, stay awake, stay in school, stay alive. Well, I don't know if that's true. Listen, my point is, is people with certain ideologies left, right, or center will do anything in their power to convince you that the other guy is evil, that the other guy is going to end your democracy, and it's not true, just by living, you're at risk. I guess what I'm saying is you cannot legislate the human heart. They try, but you don't need to hate people. You need to hate the corrupt system that creates the narrative to hate each other, right? That would be the, well, and I don't know, the hating is, but being skeptical of this establishment, because you're lied to on a daily basis, Americans are the most propagandized people in the world because they don't know they're propagandized. We have state-ran media. I took a sip of coffee because that's what I do. I'm amped up. It's Tuesday, and we're living in the craziest time, but you're seeing evil all around, and I just want to make sure that you don't get caught up in mistaking, that you have a democracy because you don't, but you do live in the world, and it is chaotic, and it is broken, and it is a fallen world. And speaking of fallen, we know that, well, now we're going to get political. We know that Biden was pushed out of office. He was pushed out by the big three, that's Pelosi, Akim Jeffries, and Chuck Schumer. We're directly involved with the removal of President Biden. Obama called Biden after breakfast, two days ago, and said, "Joe, here's the deal. We have Kamala, we have Kamala's approval to invoke the 25th Amendment." That's right. You heard it. The amendment provides that when the President is determined by the Vice President and others to be unfit to carry out the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall assume those duties. The key factor in the decision to force Biden out of office by invoking the 25th Amendment was a series of increasingly negative polls on the President's standing against Trump that had been commissioned by the funders. The donors pushed him out, now what is the difference between a Republican and a Democrat? The donors. This was a coup, and they pulled him out. They pulled the old Joe out, they said, "Now, this is my question, again, back to evil." Okay? You want to talk about evil? Evil is using this old, doddering fool, and keeping him in power to retain power, to do evil things like, I mean, we already knew who he was. We knew who he was before he was elected. We've known who he is for the last 50 years, and yet I remind you that he wrote the crime bill and Kamala enforced it. She was the top cop of San Francisco, and she put people in jail for low-level drug offenses, kept them in prison past their sins for exploited prison labor. Look it up. Look up her record. It's there. I've told you about it before. Evil exists in the hearts of people. There are people with good intentions, there are people with bad intentions, and then there are people who just don't give a fuck. You're just plain, simple, power-hungry monsters, and you are lied to every second. Do not believe anything you hear from state media. And that's what we have in this country, up until the last five years when independent journalists started to surge. Thank you to technology. But yes, you have state-ran media. Now let's get to something just a little bit more, I don't know, joyous. Now as you know, I am a huge fan of The View. Oh, I can't get enough of Joy Beyhard and Whoopi Goldberg and Sunny Halston. These courageous women, oh my God, slay girl slay. These ladies are just, I don't know, you know, the man I am today has truly been shaped by watching The View. And if you're a fan of truth in common sense, you will appreciate this next article. Oh, please, get a job is Joy Beyhard from the show that I just, let me tell you something. When I listen to the ladies of The View, I just feel something so extraordinary and just so inspiring come over me when I listen to Joy Beyhard. Joy Beyhard slams young Americans for feeling left behind but as a recent study shows, it may be baby boomers who are stopping them from getting ahead. This is a story from Money Wise. It's no secret that young Americans feel like they're being left behind by the economy and can't fathom ever being able to buy a home. But they shouldn't look to Joy Beyhard for sympathy, boo-hoo, Beyhard said, derisively, in response to The View's co-host, Sunny Halston's discussion about her Gen Z kids who Halston says have lived through the COVID pandemic and the worst times that feel uncertain about the future. Oh, please, get a job, Beyhard, an 81-year-old actress and comedian interjected. She's an actress and she's a comedian. I'm sorry, but if she's a comedian, I'm a podcast host. There's a million job openings in this country, yeah, yes, Joy, there's a million job openings in this country, a million job openings that you would never ever apply for. You would never work there because you're a out of touch 81-year-old millionaire paid liar by the establishment state media. There's a million shitty, low-wage, exploitive job openings in this country. But she's not the only baby boomer who's famously criticized young Americans for being unable to move out of their parents' basements and climbed the property ladder. However, an April report from Redfin reveals that boomers are the generation least likely to be able to afford their current homes if they bought them today. Listen, I don't care who you listen to. This is not an economy where people can buy a house. I mean, you can't buy a house. What's the average wage? 15 bucks an hour? On 80 hours a week, you can't afford to buy a house, come on. The article continues, baby boomers aren't budging. Many baby boomers, say that three times, are stuck in place locked into their larger homes. Geez, unwilling or unable to downsize to smaller accommodations. Yeah, you're going to blame baby boomers who are well into their 70s and 80s. You're saying they're unwilling or unable? Yeah, because they're old. You can't just, but where are you going to move to? Where are they going to move to? That dynamic, so they're unwilling or unable to downsize to smaller accommodations that might be more suitable. That dynamic contributes to the shortage of homes per cell. So you're going to blame the people that already have homes that bought them when they could afford them, instead of building new affordable housing and, I mean, actual affordable housing. Again, I'm not a real estate agent or a real estate expert, but I mean, where are you, baby boomers aren't budging out of their homes? Let's say they did. Where are they going to move to? Who's going to pay for that? What if they live alone? What if they don't have kids? What if they're kids or dead? What if they're too, where are they going to go? Okay. So that dynamic contributes to the shortage of homes for sale, rights, red fin data journalist Dana Anderson in the report noting empty, nester boomers own twice as many large rooms across America as millennials with kids, largely because older Americans with no financial incentive to sell are hanging out of their homes. So what are you saying? Oh, you have rooms, you have empty rooms in your house, you have to, you have to leave? Who the fuck are these people? The reality is that medium prices of existing single family homes have skyrocketed tenfold since the early 1970s with the oldest boomers when the oldest boomers were buying their houses. So that's an interesting point. Remember to keep that in mind for the future. If you have too many empty rooms in your house, well, that's a problem anyways. That is a problem. Right? That's, that's, that's kind of scary to hear that young Americans are turning to creative avenues for homeownership while it's incredibly difficult for young Americans to purchase property today. Many are still trying. Young Gen Ziers are living with their parents and saving up for a down payment while working one, if not multiple jobs as Behar's millennial co-host Alyssa Farrah Griffin points out on the view does Jay, does Joy Behar have to work multiple jobs in order to pay for her house? How much joy Behar is worth here? How much is Joy Behar net worth? Joy Behar, co-host of the view on, on ABC has an impressive net worth of $30 million. Yeah, well, listen, I think I've cheered you up enough for the day. Just remember, evil does exist, Biden was forced out via coup, and shocker 81-year-old millionaires think you have too many rooms in your house that are empty and they'd like to see something done about it. Hey, listen, I really do appreciate you tuning in to this podcast. I hope you learned something. I hope you learned nothing. I hope you just learned, period. Listen, thanks for hanging out with me. I've had a great time. Will you call me after this? Are we going to see each other again? Sorry, I'm being too clingy. Again, you can listen to this podcast on You can also tune in at Spotify Apple podcasts and iHeartRadio. Thanks for tuning in. Stay beautiful, people, and remember, I love you. I do. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]