The Howie Carr Radio Network

Tucker talks 2020 plus Illegal Alien rap sheets that prove Trump was Right | 2.28.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Now that Tucker is free from the clutches of corporate media, he's loose-lipped on the 2020 election's questionability. Then, Howie shares a slew of vile crimes committed by aliens to the United States.

Broadcast on:
28 Feb 2024

Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's Picks for the Massachusetts Republican State Committee. Vote Tuesday March 5th to keep the mass GOP alive. To see Howie's Picks go to and click on the banner. [Music] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The Sturm Sanctuary City doesn't have a sole legal or procedural definition. You can look in Georgia Statute and you can find a clear definition for a unified government. You liar! Many of the elements. Why are you? Guy, I sweat all the time. So I'm just I'm just I'm just trying you know do not look like Elvis 77. Oh my god who the hell case live from the Matthews Brothers Studio. President Donald Trump has won the GOP Michigan primary over former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. Yes, did Donald Trump win? I give him that. But he lost 40 percent of the vote. You can't win a general election if you can't get 40 percent of Republican primary voters. You just can't. But Trump here obviously 68 percent Haley down at 26 and a half percent. I guess the foot's on the other hand now isn't it? Trump swabs hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. 844-542-42. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. We'll play that cut later on from deal talking about how the the Cruz people tried to steal the delegates from Donald Trump in 2016. Ted Cruz's campaign manager was Jim Jones Lyons. His boss in the Kool-Aid cult. Jim Jones Lyons is the capo de tutti capo hat. Knuckleheads excuse me capo de tutti cap knuckleheads and and door dash deal is the capo regime of the knuckleheads. We'll get to that later on though. The first thing I want to play is a cut from Tucker. I almost made this the poll question today but then the Mitch McConnell news came and see if you agree with what Tucker said he was interviewing a I think an IT guy who was talking about what they could do with the deep state and AI and stealing elections etc etc. So this is Tucker Carlson cut for was 100% stolen like it was rigged to a that large of a they completely change the way people vote right before the election on the basis of COVID which had nothing to tell in that way was rigged meaning and then manipulated then you censor the information people are allowed to get anyone who complains about COVID which is like by the way it might have hurt Trump but I mean it's like whatever I mean you could play it many different ways you can't have censorship in a democracy by definition here's how it works. The people rule they vote for representatives to carry their agenda to the capital city and get an enacted that's how they're in charge and then every few years they get to reassess the performance of those people in an election. In order to do that they need a they need access unfettered access to information and no one particularly not people who are already in power is allowed to tell them what information they can have they have to have all information that they want whether the people in charge want it or don't want it or think it's true or think it's false doesn't matter and the second you don't have that you don't have a democracy it's not a free election period. There's more to it. I want to get the other part of that quote see if you can get the other part of that quote that goes on and he basically says you know Joe Biden is senile everybody in the country knows he's senile everybody in the world knows he's senile the most powerful country in the world would not re-elect Joe Biden in a fair election so if Joe Biden is re-elected it's over because we don't have a free and fair election we'll get that cut okay let's get that cut 844 542 42 so this this Athens Clark County Georgia mayor went out there yesterday or today Kelly Gertz is his name he's just a pablam puking comrade again he's a college town mayor they're the worst the worst like the guy from College Park who's now doing time he's a you have a petarast and he was a good friend of Pete boot edge edge go figure they went to they were at the white they were photographed at the White House together I wonder I wonder what what they had in common other than being Democrats of course but so he's there and he's he's alibiing about you know oh we can't we can't you know we can't have a backlash against illegal alien criminals who are killing people in the United States and living on welfare and selling drugs we can't have that that would be unfair to the undocumented Democrats they're only coming here to fundamentally transform the country the nation into a third world hellhole like the one they came from so the so he's a this is this is just so so pathetic so first he says there's no sanctuary city legislation that's been passed in Athens Georgia cut 12 there's been no legislation from this government that's created sanctuary city status I also mentioned the prospect of federal legislation I need to call on one person at a time so high school teacher for a lot of years and I got better behavior out of them I'm gonna try not to hold out against them that he was a high school teacher there's some good high school teachers but a lot of them are members of the Union and they're just looking for the next COVID lockdown so they can go on vacation for a couple of years so so they again the protesters are saying will you pass this legislation in the city in 2019 so this is his lame-o excuse for that cut 13 I want to say that we center our work here in Athens Clark County in people's humanity and part of everybody's humanity is the expectation of human dignity while 2019 was not that long ago you might remember the dynamic we were living in in the late teens in this country where you had president of the United States speaking in the most vile terms about people who were foreign born and you had that notion metastasizing in places like Charlotte it is laughable it doesn't even get the year right for Charlottesville you know that of course you just making the crap up about Charlottesville going with the the deep state lie about Charlottesville you know he says my expectation for humanity you know my expectation for humanity is you'll work for a living you earn your daily bread you don't come to a country and just expect to flop here and then if anyone ever tells you to get out and get a job Jose you claim you're being discriminated against and you want it more handouts and more reparations that's my expectation is keep your mouth shut and go to work the Lord appreciates someone who busted up his hump every day that's in the good book or it should be in the good book so he now he's gonna get shouted down again he as well he should have been shouted down cut 14 some of their concerns that haven't do with the 2019 resolution was passed and signed by you after you came in office it is entitled in support of immigrants and the undocumented community here in the state that all statuses are welcome you're responding out and does that give the you say it's only a term a definition but does that give the impression that this is a sanctuary city I appreciate the question thank you very much for asking I need to be able to answer clearly so I'll need the voices in the room to listen that what I'd like to note is it here in Athens-Clarke County we sent our public sector you need to go sir we don't want to hear from you no more you're not defending us you're not upholding your oath of office sir I like this this is good this is what I call citizen participation this is what I call this is not a failure to communicate they are communicating they're their wishes more of Kelly Gertz the mayor of Athens and Clark County Georgia cut six this term sanctuary city doesn't have a sole legal or procedural definition you can look in Georgia statute and you can find a clear definition for a unified government you can look in contractual language and you can find out exactly what it means to be an SEC institution sanctuary city doesn't track with either of those and so that term means different things to different people depending on the context of the discussion blah blah blah many many of the elements many of the elements liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar you're on guilty and got blood on your head for this murder sir damn right should be more press conferences like this 508 agrees that's my kind of press conference 508 says let's have some more cut seven many of the aspects that are ascribed to sanctuary cities we know what sanctuary are things that are disallowed by Georgia law and we contribute a document every year to the Georgia Department of Audits indicating that we do not correspond to these definitions under state law yes you do and no policies have been adopted by the mayor and Commission that have created sanctuary city status in Athens you need to resign one protocol that sometimes arises one protocol that sometimes arises is the approach that sheriff's offices and jails take to what are termed detainers the detainers that they don't honor I'll tell you about one in the Laurel Park Maryland two-year-old kid is dead and the illegal alien was involved in a shootout with some other savage thugs from the third world they just had a two-year-old kid and killed him there was a retain there was a detainer on the guy I'll tell you about him now his name is Nilsen no well today who got a nados he's in the country illegally has a rest they have ice detainers on him and the courts let him go and he got out and he shot shot a two-year-old kid also arrested were is Israel Fuentes Johnny Alejandro part Cass and a juvenile Prince George's County Maryland a two-year-old kid dead eight four four five hundred seven seven four what about Lake and Riley's human dignity being violated what about hit what about her expectation as a part of humanity to to what not be viciously murdered by a criminal thug from the third world who was living here illegally on welfare was did she have any expectation was that part of her humanity her expectation eight four four five hundred forty two forty two we've got more of these sound cuts and we'll take your calls we come back I got more illegal aliens in the news I'm how we car did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show multiple media hits political advocacy and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug I call it a dog how he still finds time to write three columns a week read his latest at how we car show dot com eight four four five hundred forty two forty two today's poll question is brought to you by perfect smiles don't be fooled by imposters with similar names if you're unhappy with your smile you need to visit dr Bruce Houghton in Nash or call one eight four four a perfect smile or visit perfect smiles dot com Taylor what's what's the poll question what are the results thus far today's poll question which you can vote in at how we car show dot com is who would you prefer to see as the next GOP leader in the U.S. Senate John Buraso Susan Collins John Cornyn Ted Cruz Josh Hawley John Kennedy John Thune or JD Vance I'll take JD Vance 23% say JD Vance 42% say Cruz 15% say John Kennedy and 13% say Josh Hawley and no votes for the leadership the people who are actually gonna be in the running to get the job I mean they're all yeah like or Susan Collins as 4% but everyone else has one or statistical zero I want to I want to play another cut from this mayor we got a lot of cuts to get to from him but I want to play one cut to before we talk about illegal aliens in the news today this is again Kelly Gertz the Athens Clark County mayor in Georgia where the where the young nursing student was just viciously murdered by a thug savage from the third world Venezuela on welfare cut eight but this question again in the purview the elected sheriff honors detainers when issued by federal judge or federal magistrate in the main I caution against conflating immigration and crime the data demonstrates that the two are not connected really I caution against conflating immigration crime really you do how about this for how about this for a story from from Louisiana Kenner Louisiana I believe that suburban New Orleans Angel Matthias Castellanos or Lena he's been charged he's 19 he's from Honduras came he's one of Joe Biden's beautiful new Americans they're better Americans than Americans you know Joe Biden said that they're better so Angel Matthias Castellanos or Lena is better than an American he's been charged with raping a 14 year old American girl and stabbing an American man and this is what the police chief of Kenner Louisiana said in a 25-day period this illegal alien caused terror in our community we are glad he is off the streets but will he be back will he have a new identity what other crimes does he committed since he crossed our borders under Joe Biden one another one a Venezuelan migrant a migrant he's an illegal alien in the US after being stopped and then released at the border five months ago has now been charged in Virginia with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl I think I mentioned this guy yesterday Renzo Mendoza Montez 32 was arrested last week he is facing charges of carnal knowledge of a child and in taking in decent liberties with a child but this is in Boston ice agents in Boston arrest Guatemalan child sex offender after Massachusetts court released them stop me if you've heard this one before ice Boston agents have arrested a sex offender who was recently convicted of child sexual assault after a Massachusetts court reportedly let him go despite federal agents filing an immigration detainer against him he's an illegal alien from Guatemala who was flopping in Gloucester he was recently convicted of indecent assault and battery on a child under the age of 14 he was convicted of indecent assault and battery yet after his conviction on it indecent assault and battery on a child he's a pedophile in other words he was released by Gloucester district court despite ice in Boston ERO emergency removals having filed an immigration detainer against him that's what they the mayor of Athens we just say will you file this you file these detainers and the courts ignore them because the courts are all Democrats and they want these new undocumented Democrats in the in the country raping and killing at robbing Americans it's part of the fundamental transformation of America this individual represented a dire threat to the residents of Massachusetts ERO Boston field office director Todd Lyons said in a statement in January the illegal alien was convicted of indecent assault and battery in a separate offense of assault and battery he was ordered by Gloucester district court to register with a sex as a sex offender and then he was released back into the community isn't that swell isn't isn't that one day I've just touched it started on these these stories I could I could do these every day I could do this every day we'll take your calls eight four four five hundred forty two forty two do you think there's no conflation between illegal alien savages from the third world coming to the United States and crime where do you see some correlation and how we thought live from the Matthews brothers studios take four four five hundred forty two forty two come on age you can't leak illegal immigration the crime says 781 just like you can't link fast food to obesity Jack Daniels to alcoholism and public school education to porn distribution to kids it's funny the government doesn't have any problem linking tobacco to lung cancer or emphysema do they certain I guess but on the other hand you can't you can't talk about unsafe sex causing AIDS it's got I guess this is you know one of these politically correct topics that are not to be discussed in polite society 480 at best illegal aliens or thieves they're stealing the benefits of American citizenship to port every last one of them that's Charlie in Phoenix eight four four five hundred forty two forty two you want another one for this is another one from Massachusetts from the US Attorney's office just earlier this afternoon a Brazilian man was sentenced today in federal court in Boston for illegally re-entering the United States after deportation Guillerme Parara 27 was sent to time served time served six weeks he got six weeks and one year of supervised release how about supervising him down in Rio de Janeiro or somewhere somewhere in somewhere in his third world hellhole homeland he was removed from the United States this illegal alien thug from Brazil after he was convicted in Massachusetts state court of one count of indecent assault and battery on a person 14 or older well at least the Guado at least he's got 14 or older the most of them are 14 or under like the Guatemala and Gloucester and three counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon sometime after his removal Pararo unlawfully returned to the United States and was arrested again in January 2020 the welfare is better in the United States than Brazil you think you think this guy had a job I don't think so eight four four five hundred forty two forty two John you're next with highway car go ahead John hello how are you good long-time listener long-time fan right listen if you want to get thank you if you want to get to the heart of illegal immigration you've got to look at a Supreme Court case plylar versus dough from 1982 this court case established that the even if you're an illegal alien you can still collect welfare benefits just because the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment bring that up have I mean if you get Tom Holman comes on talk to him about that or even get sandy the main thing is that's that's the legal law there are a number of things I mean how about the how about the fact that hospitals can't turn them away so they can get free any kind of health care they want so you know you just come in and say I have a headache I want to be admitted so you can just live in the hospital and a lot of them do live in the hospital you know or how about the anchor baby thing that's another thing that's got us that's got to be repealed ended whether it's a constant whether it's a constitutional amendment or some kind of law we've got to get rid of that there's there's a lot of stuff that's that that's got to be changed they can't they can't be guaranteed a right to an education either just because they're here they they've got to just be they've just got to be treated like the criminals that they are you know it's just it's just really really discouraging but they come into the country and they have more rights than than you and I do a couple weeks ago someone was saying that they one of these flop house hotels in Massachusetts they they just come in and they've taken over some of the local restaurants they just hang out there and they walk out without pay and they know nothing's gonna happen to them and they're they reckon the restaurant one of the waitresses left and the cops won't do anything to them there they're driving around with no licenses they've got the cars registered in somebody else's name or they steal the plates from the local mall whatever but they never get arrested or stopped and so this waitress was leaving the restaurant this I heard this this somewhat texted in this story actually on the on the text line and said that the waitress what are the way and they're growing crazy they'll get the tips though the businesses is dying like everything else in the neighborhood except for the illegal aliens and the their crimes and so she was leaving in her her headlight or a tail light was out and the cops stopped her and gave her a ticket she said wait a second all this crime is going on in this neighborhood including in my restaurant and you're giving me a ticket and the cop the cop basically shrugged I mean the the answer was of course an American citizen has no rights has no protection an illegal alien they've got they've got the ever the deep state is on their side because it's part of the fundamental transformation of America we're second-class citizens and they're their first-class non-citizens we have to work they don't have to work that's what it boils down to time served for being an illegal alien criminal says 508 but Jay Sixers get 15 years for walking in the Capitol how about the how about the Cuban black guy he got he got 17 years for not being in the Capitol he was in Baltimore Maryland on January 6th and he got 17 years 844 500 42 42 844 500 42 42 I think that's all for my illegal aliens today there'll be another one in a in 15 or 20 minutes though Larry you're next with how we car go ahead Larry hi how we call him from Indiana how you doing sir very good good good I called the mayor Gertz in Athens and they picked up the phone the the woman picked up the phone receptionist with a heavy southern draw yeah how may I help you I said I said Mayor Gertz has blood on his hands and I said he should really resign and she said well thank you thank you for being so nice because all I've done is get yelled at all day today and I said okay but go Bulldogs and and so anyway she said thank you I'll be sure Mayor Gertz gets that message I said thank you and by the way how we uncommitted got two delegates I don't know if you mentioned it uncommitted uncommitted got two delegates in Michigan last night in the Democrat Democratic Party that's good I mean who decides who the uncommitted it's hard though do they they don't have a slight do they I mean how do they how do you figure out who's uncommitted I don't know I just just read that and US news how uncommitted one two delegates and Michigan's a Democratic Party don't know how they're going to separate and they'll give them the Donald Trump maybe they'll give them a lie detector test and see if they are you really uncommitted or a lot you think it's not it's not permissible in admissible in a court of law so why would it be admissible in a in a political scene thanks for the call Larry keep listening eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two let's play the second let's play the second cut of the Tucker Carlson when he's talking about how if Joe Biden's reelected democracy is over this is this was the more interesting part cut five but I would say it's this election that it took me a while to come to this but it's this election that's the referendum on democracy Biden is senile he's literally senile he can't talk he can't walk ever the whole world knows that leave our borders people are you know everybody everybody in the world knows it he can't he can't you can't a see now man is not going to get elected in the most powerful country in the world unless there's fraud period like who would vote for a see now man he's literally he literally can't talk and nobody I've ever met thinks he's running the US government because he's not and so I think the world is looking on at this coming election and saying and a lot of the world hates Trump okay it's not an endorsement of Trump but it's true if Joe Biden gets reelected democracy is a freaking joke it's just true I thought I've been making that the poll question do you agree that democracy is a freaking joke if I buy me it's elected I but it would be 98 to 2 I think maybe we'll do that tomorrow or there or Friday I don't know eight four four five hundred forty two forty two four seven my daughter has kids in her third grade classroom that literally speak zero English how is that fair to the kids that do it American kids are being short changed in these in these classrooms and and you know these these foreign kids their parents don't work what kind of role models they they're they're gonna grow up on welfare they're going to assume that welfare is their natural condition because it is their natural condition this is the problem we've had since the 70s when groups come into the country where they start out on welfare they never get off welfare so now you're having millions upon millions of people that are coming in here none of them are working they're all going directly on to welfare they're all got starting to commit crimes and they're not getting punished for the crimes and all of a sudden American citizens are being raped and murdered and robbed and stabbed and run over by drunk driving illegals and and we're supposed to say oh oh you know we your expectation is everybody will be treated you like like human beings and we can't have any backlash against the fact that we're being murdered by people that had that hate us and and we have to support them forever John you're next with how we car go ahead John hey how we big fan love you thanks I just wanted to say everyone talks a good game about all this stuff going on what what we could what are we gonna do what can we do somehow we rectify this you know I hear it all day talking but nothing's happening well I mean we got it we got it just I mean we got to elect people that are I mean I know that's easier said than done you know the Democrats in the Legislature in Massachusetts say they're going to do something about the right to shelter and again it's it's it's probably smoke and mirrors and you know they're just trying to put a put a band-aid on a on a gut wound but you know they're there at least being forced to to address the problem somewhat I mean they they're they're running out of space they're having to you know South seaport is it's South Boston technically but it's a yuppy neighborhood now it's not it's not the old South Boston where they think they can push people like us around it's it's it's their people it's it's rich kids with the go teas who are who have bombs and nose rings and tattoos and they they don't they don't have children those are the now those people are being affected by it when those people are affected by by the this crime and this squalor and this welfare dependency then maybe something will be done I don't know I'm not sure I'm not I'm not confident either John just like you David you're next with how we car go ahead David Hollywood you just had that mayor on speaking you know he's talking legalese how he's so detached you talk about you know the legal terminology the bottom line is that girl was butchered by young men and it's interesting you know right now how we they just thought young men at least think it's up there from coming across the border but today as we speak their pro-life is come a one woman she's in her 70s she's retired she's in jail today in DC named Jean Marshall she's facing 11 years for praying a rosary an abortion clinic so that babies be try to be safe and here we are Joe Biden's aiding and abetting the enemy coming across what run letting killers live amongst our tax paying citizens the students at the college all across the country should be speaking up they're the ones how we just like in the 1960s speaking against the Vietnam War it's time for them to step forward because they're the sacrificial animals that are being butchered by these illegal criminals drug dealers fentanyl dealers that dare you know we lose a hundred thousand people here it's time for them to start speaking up yeah no I I agree I agree the reason there was all protests against Vietnam was because people men were afraid that they were going to be sent to Vietnam and be killed and once they set up the the wateries to decide who was going to be drafted it took 90 percent of the men off the board for being at risk that was the end of the protests basically I mean they were still a handful of protests but no more mass protests and the but the thing is you're right you're right David everybody is at risk here you know I mean the the the two-year-old that was killed it looks like he was in in Maryland looks like he was you know what have hispanic descent just just gotten down randomly by by an illegal alien you know the the college student in Georgia she was a you know what a white suburban young woman just murdered savagely like a Molly Tibbets or Kate Steinley or all these all these people or just you know and and what about what about the 14 year old and in Gloucester raped you know she's raped and they they convict the guy of raping her in decent assault and battery and then they let him go he's in he's in the country illegally I guarantee he's on welfare Eddie doesn't speak English and where's he gonna go they let him go and why why are you doing why are you wrecking the country did there's the judge think that that that his kid or her kid couldn't be raped or does the judge just not have any kids and doesn't care that's probably at eight four four five hundred and I'll listen to this is go we're running late here we'll take a break I'm how we car the howie car show I'll be car is back the Supreme Court today is hearing arguments in a in a lawsuit involving the bump stock ban it's called Garland versus Cargill and I you know we don't have any transcripts on it we don't have any sound on it but one of the one of the firearms group the firearms policy coalition has has got somebody in the court who's who's tweeting out about it and this sorry it's hard to believe this is true but I tend knowing Katanji Jack Brown Jackson it probably is true when it was time for the Biden Justice Department to present its side to the court Clarence Thomas the Justice asked what happens quote with the trigger in a bump stock rifle versus a full auto rifle and according to the firearms policy coalition tweet the government told Clarence Thomas that bump stocks allow you to shoot six hundred times a second six hundred times a second but wait wait there's more Katanji Jackson Brown or excuse me Brown Jackson Katanji Brown Jackson says that guns with bump stocks can fire eight hundred rounds a second eight hundred rounds in a second so that's I'm just doing them I'm trying to do the math here that's that's 48,000 rounds per minute 48,000 that's that's over way over it's over two million rounds per hour I kill a lot of people I'd kill almost as much as a as a low-rider full of full of cut fentanyl being brought over the border from cut in red china and brought over by illegal alien gang bangers eight four four five hundred forty two forty two nine seven eight all this chaos hasn't reached the beautiful people yet when it does then and only then will they care by the time it reaches them it's gonna be too late for everybody because look look what happened in Martha's Vineyard they were there for 44 hours and they were thrown off before they could rape or murder anybody I'm how I thought (upbeat music)