The Howie Carr Radio Network

Out with the old: Mitch to ditch his leadership position | 2.28.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Is the GOP finally moving on to greener pastures and younger candidates? Howie and Grace discuss Senator Mitch McConnell's decision to step down from his position in the Senate. But was it really his decision? We'll likely never know.

Broadcast on:
28 Feb 2024

This podcast is brought to you by D. Stefano Hair Restoration. For the month of February, Dr. Hyness is rolling back prices to pre-COVID fees. Save $1,500 this month when you mention Howie. Go to That's Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The Sturm Sanctuary City doesn't have a sole legal or procedural definition. You can look in Georgia statute and you can find a clear definition for a unified government. You liar! Many of the elements. Guy I sweat all the time. I'm just trying, you know, do not look like Elvis 77. Oh my god, who the hell case? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio. President Donald Trump has won the GOP Michigan primary over former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. Yes, did Donald Trump win? I give him that. But he lost 40% of the vote. You can't win a general election if you can't get 40% of Republican primary votes. You just can't. But Trump here obviously 68% Haley down at 26 and a half percent. I guess the foot's on the other hand now isn't it. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. If the overunder in yesterday's Michigan primary was 40 point victory for Donald Trump and you took the over, you win. It was 42 points. I went on the conservative side of the poll yesterday and said 30 to 40 points. And when I went to sleep last night, I passed out or I fell asleep on the couch. It was about 37. And I was the Michigan, the Western Michigan precincts in the Central Time zone were yet to come in. But when I woke up, it was 42%. 844, 500, 42, 42. So I had a headline today in the Wall Street Journal. We used to have this segment on the show standing heads from the old hot type days of newspapers when they did line of type. And if they had a recurring story, they would leave a headline in type so they wouldn't have to reset it. Not like the days now when you just do it with cold type on computers. Standing headlines. Here's here's a standing headline. I'm holding up for the rumble cam. Hailey looks beyond the latest contest. You may have seen this headline. Hailey looks beyond the latest contest. Last week ago, Sunday after the South Carolina primary. And before that, it was the Nevada primary and the New Hampshire primary. And before that, it was the Iowa caucuses. She's always looking beyond the latest contest. And now she's now she's now she's on her way to Super Tuesday. She's going to be in Needham, Massachusetts on Saturday night. How do I know this? Because I got a text last night. Hi, Howard. I read it on the air. A lot of people, a lot of people got that text. Sorry, sorry. What's your real what's your name? Nimrata? Sorry, Nimrata. Howard will not be there at the in Needham on Saturday night for your for your big time. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. I guess the the big news of the day is that another one of the octogenarian club in Capitol Hill is is is decided to step down in a manner of speaking. Senator Mitch McConnell aka the turtle aka cocaine Mitch is is not is not going to be the majority leader or the minority leader. I should or whatever leader he is after the November elections, most likely majority leader, unless the Republicans really blow it. He's not going to be the leader, the Republican leader in the Senate anymore. He's stepping down. He's going to be in the Senate until 1986, but excuse me, he's been in since 1986 or 1985. He's going to he's he's going to be in until 2026. And he said he's I don't think he's ruled out running for reelection, but you know, do you think he's really running for reelection? And he said his aid said that his health has nothing to do with it. So pay no attention to those brain freezes, he said, most recently in August of last year, I think, I believe I was off that day and I was driving around listening and all of a sudden I whoever was filling in for me played it. And there was just dead air. And you know, sometimes that's the reality of dead air. He had a brain freeze. They had to lead him off. And so he's he's he's he's going to step down as the majority leader of the Senate. I don't think anyone is going to miss him. I made the poll question. Who would you like to see take his place as the majority leader? I put in all the leadership guys and then I had some of the some of the other sort of wildcard types. We'll get to that in in just a moment. But I think, you know, he he did have he did one thing. It's a career moment. And that's when he stopped Merrick Garland from getting on the US Supreme Court. Now that we've seen Merrick Garland as the attorney general of the United States for the last three years, I think we know what a what a great service that was to the Republic to keep him off because he is probably the most corrupt attorney general in the history of the United States, serving probably the most corrupt president in the history of the United States. But it's good that he's not on the Supreme Court because at some point very shortly he'll be gone as attorney general. And so that I mean, that's that's what he did. I met the guy once at the at the Democrat National Convention in Boston in 2020, 2004, I guess it was, the John Kerry Convention. This is Lieutenant J.J. John Forbes Kerry reporting reporting for duty. That convention at the at the Boston Garden, TD North Garden. And he was just doing the rounds of radio row and for everybody. He was he was okay. But you know, I mean, he's a swamp creature. He's one of these guys. He's he, you know, Paul Ryan is like a later generation of him. You know, they come in as an aide. They I mean, they go to college somewhere else. They come in as an aide when they're 22-23 after graduating college. And then they then they're the aide and the the their boss moves on. They get elected to Congress and they just keep, you know, you know, following the dictates of the leadership. And then eventually they get elected to the Senate and they're there for the rest of their lives. And that's that that was Mitch McConnell. That was Paul Ryan. That was all of them. That's all that's all of them in both parties. There that's the that's that's what turns them into swamp creatures. And you know, he's too he's too old now to and senile or close to senility to go out and make a meant like Paul Ryan is. But it's that's that's the career path. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. J.D. Vance would be good later. He's on though. He's in the poll question. He's he's in the poll question. I mean, I don't think it's time for a younger generation. And the the fact is that when they had that vote on Ukraine, everybody that voted for the for the Ukraine aid package was all in the Mitch McConnell Chuck Grassley who I like Chuck Grassley more than Mitch McConnell. They would all the old timers voted voted to give Ukraine some more Biden hush money. All of the younger senators every but I think every every Republican senator under the age of 55 voted against giving Ukraine the money. And that's to me that was a sign that the the younger generation of the GOP senators is more attuned to to not just what the American people want, but also the reality of the situation. We were throwing good money after bad in Ukraine. It's it's absurd. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Six oh three says DJ T campaign for him in Kentucky when he was behind in the polls. Yeah, he he hasn't he hasn't really showed a lot of loyalty to to Trump. And I'm sure you know, I'm sure he feels that way, you know that they you know, you read these stories about behind the scenes. He says Trump is the worst and he can't stand them and read stories in the last couple of weeks that say you're only out of the Republican senators what this this forty nine fifty of them that only five of them really like Donald Trump. The rest of them just think he's a jerk and but but again, they're they're mostly professional legislators. They that's they you know, there are few businessmen in the group. I mean, there's there's Rick Scott, for instance. And you know, there's got to be other ones. I'm just I'm drawn a blank though right now. I guess Ron Johnson was a businessman. Chuck Grassley, you know, he's a farmer back in the day, but he's been in but he chuck Grassley has been there, I think, for for close to 50 years and he's 90 years old. So you know, it doesn't matter if you if you were if you were a normal American with a normal outlook and a normal job and and a normal home in a normal neighborhood, you know, for the first 30 or 40 years of your life, if you've been in Washington for the next 40 or 50 years, you're not a normal American anymore. You're just one of these pampered pukes. You ever see these guys walking around the airport? And I, you know, in Boston, it was always John Kerry. Do you know who I am? You know, I heard that story so many times from people. Joe Kennedy was the same way, Ted Kennedy was the same way. And you know, I once was I once was in DC, I can't even remember what it was for. And I was getting the shuttle back to Boston and I saw I saw Chuck Schumer come through there. And he was on his phone and he was just, you know, he had these AIDS, these wimpy AIDS trailing beyond it. Chuck Schumer is another one of these guys. He's so I think he started out in the New York Assembly or as an aide after he went to Harvard and Harvard Law. And then he's an aide and then he becomes a congressman. Then he takes out the fonts, Alphonse the motto and he's been there. He's been there his entire life. And that's why that's why he got in a jam a couple of years ago, you know, he was on the plane, he got on the plane and refused, you know, when the plane was taken off, he refused to put down his cell phone. It was another one of these do you know who I am? 844 542 42 Josh Hawley, someone suggesting I didn't put Josh Hawley in there. I knew there'd be people that I missed, but we can well, we'll give you the list. We got I think I got seven names on the list if we got seven slots on the on the poll question. I think you'll, they're playing people to vote for and I put all the leadership guys in who are going to get no votes. You'll see what it is. 844 542 4844 542 42. You've heard me say it before, I need my sleep, not five or six hours. I need seven or eight good hours of uninterrupted sleep. So when I start sleeping on my pillow, it was a dream come true. I started sleeping better than ever. My pillow can change your sleep experience too. Just go to my to get yours. Right now, Howie fans will get a special offer. You can get my pillow's incredible Giza dream bed sheets for as low as 2998. A set of pillow cases only 998 and a my pillow mattress topper for as little as 9999. They also have blankets in a variety of sizes, colors and styles. Get duvets quilts, downcomforters, body pillows, bolster pillows and so much more, all with the biggest discounts ever. Call 800-658-4965 or go to my pillow dot com and use the code Howie. Don't love it. Don't worry. My pillow has a 60 day money back guarantee and a 10 year warranty. That's 800-658-4965 or my pillow dot com. Don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show returns after this. He's Howie Car and he's back. 844-500-4242. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashville. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who would you prefer to see as the next GOP leader in the U.S. Senate? John Baraso, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, John Kennedy, John Thune or J.D. Vance? See, someone's already went to the poll question early. Why is Mike Lee not on the poll and nobody's like Cornyn are? Because Cornyn is in the leadership. Cornyn has a much better chance of winning it than Mike Lee. Everybody hates Mike Lee. I put in some of the crowd favorites like Kennedy and Vance and I just added Hawley, but I wanted to put in the people that are going to actually get the job. Somebody else, 508, he follows the internal politics and he says, "Forget the good choices, it will be that puke Thune." Thune. I tend to think that 508 is on to something. In this case, I think it's just you're voting for the person you want in there. Again, I didn't have room for all 50 of them. Everybody would get one of two votes, I guess. I put in Susan Collins just because, again, that's my... I want to see how many people are messing with me in the poll because I don't think Susan Collins getting any votes. I don't care if we have a huge audience in the state of Maine. She's not our type of senator, senate leader. I don't think. I'm voting for JD Vance. 26% say JD Vance, 48% say Ted Cruz, 16% say John Kennedy, and rounding out fourth Susan Collins at 4%. 4% and all those senate leaders, Barasso, the front runners, in other words, Barasso, Thune, and Cornyn, they get no votes, right? Yeah, one and two percent. Yeah, I wouldn't expect them to get anything more. They're kind of colorless, but you don't get to, if you give a good sound bite, you don't move up in the senate leadership. You have a choice. You come to that fork in the road at the US Capitol. You can either become John Kennedy or you can become John Thune, and John Thune is going to be the one who's going to make the millions. 844, 542, 42. Ted Cruz is a good pick, but I'd rather see him appointed to the Supreme Court. Yeah, he's a pretty smart guy, and he seems to understand the law pretty well, and I don't think he would take a lot of crap. I think he would be more of an Alito Clarence Thomas type of guy on the Supreme Court if he wanted it. I don't know if the thing is, again, it's a different kind of life being on the Supreme Court from being in the US Senate. 844, 542, 42. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Hey, Howie, I wanted to comment on Mitch McConnell stepping down, but before I do, I read today's column about Jeff Diehl. Yes. So one word for you. Ouch. Ouch. You could read that column at if you want to. Now, on the topic of Mitch McConnell, I would receive for years, years calls from RNC, you know, from the RNC looking for contributions, and I would give them the same response every time, which was you will not get a penny from me until Mitch McConnell steps down. I guess I should expect a flood of RNC phone calls now that they've listened who heated my advice. Yeah, but I mean, do you think it's going to be an improvement? It's if it's Coronin or Thune or Baraso, I guess Baraso is a little better than the other two. He's a doctor anyway. I mean, again, I just want someone who's had a life outside of being a co-holder for some other hack politician, and then you become a hack politician and you hire a new co-holder who's eventually going to become a hack politician. I'd like to I'd like to break up the life cycle of the hackorama in DC. I would agree. Typically, I like to be optimistic and I look at things as if all change can result for the good, but going on a track record of, you know, American politics, you get one devil goes out and a bigger devil goes in. Right. Right. The old saying, the devil you know is better than the devil. You don't know it. It's it seems like a cliche, but as you go through life, you begin to see it's usually true. Thanks for the call, Tom. Todd, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Todd. Good afternoon, Howie. I just had a quick question regarding Nikki Haley. Yes. She likes to stop, she likes to tell how much Trump cannot win by losing 40% of the vote. My question is this, how does she expect to win by losing 60% of the vote? I know. I know that's the that's the unanswered question, isn't it? And and that's why that's why Todd. Haley looks beyond the latest contest. Today's headline yesterday's headline tomorrow's headline or the headline on super after super Tuesday, next March, March 6th of next week, eight, four, four, five hundred, 42, 42. We're we're waiting. I think we're supposed to get a decision today on whether the judge is going to toss Fannie Willis off the and Nathan Wade off the the Trump persecution in Atlanta. I tend to think he's not going to, but I hope I'm wrong. Didn't Senator Kennedy just vote in favor of giving Ukraine more billions? Yes, he did. Yes, he did. So did Chuck Grassley, who I respect more than I'd respect. I like Kennedy's one-liners, but I think Grassley's got a lot of stones, but why would you give more money to Ukraine? Unless you're in this afternoon. I'm Howie Todd. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. So I'm wearing my t-shirt cheaper to deport than support. Here it is. It's available at Click on store. It's a great t-shirt. I should have been wearing it right out of the box, but I neglected to, but now I'm doing the right thing. 844-542-42. Remember whenever there's a terrorist attack, the first, the second, maybe third day after the terrorist attack, of Americans haven't even been buried, and we begin to read the stories. Muslims in wherever the massacre has taken place by the savages, Muslims in fear backlash, and they wonder why people don't read newspapers anymore. So I just went to the Atlanta Journal Constitution website to see if they had any news about whether or not there is going to be a decision today on Fannie Willis, and guess what I see for a headline. After UGA killing, Venezuelans in Georgia worry about backlash. What kind of backlash do you think there'd be in Venezuela if an unemployed American criminal on welfare snuck into the country, went on welfare, was living large on the land and decided to kill a Venezuelan woman? Do you think there'd be a backlash among the Venezuelan citizenry? Howie, this is, this is just like the old Norm McDonald joke that he, he tweeted this out in 2016. He said, "What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans, imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims." Exactly. Exactly. In somebody wrote, you're worried about somebody who clearly didn't know Norm McDonald was a comedian, said, "You're worried about the backlash and not the 50 million dead people." So it's so predictable that that headline would appear. All right, so now it's time for Grace with the news. Yes, Howie, this is from the Daily Mail. It says, "Trump plans to post 100 million dollars for his bond in New York fraud case and demands a delay in paying the exorbitant and punitive $464 million fine." So Donald Trump's lawyers have said they will post a bond of 100 million dollars in the New York fraud case, prompting New York AG Leticia James to counter that he is trying to get away with paying just a quarter of a court judgment against him. Have you seen how she's been very active on social media? Leticia James kind of trying to dunk on Donald Trump, which a lot of lawyers out there are saying is a terrible idea to go to social media and taunt the person who's being asked to say this. It's good grounds for an appeal, right? Exactly. Trump's lawyer said it's just like it's kind of like a, you know, Terrence Bradley, you know, tweeting back and saying, "Yeah, of course, absolutely they were, they were doing the dirty deed." And then when he's confronted with it, dang. Oh, dang. Dang. Absolutely is one of those words too. You know, it doesn't leave you with a lot of wiggle room. Yeah, I know. Exactly. I mean, again, though, you got to wonder about the, I mean, all of these lawyers, I mean, you don't have to be a lawyer to know how to conduct yourself in the court of public opinion. You know, you, there's certain things you never, you never say never, right? And you never say absolutely. Well, how he, it goes beyond that, there's certain things that you just don't do in life. If you want to be smart, like, what do you always say? Don't wink when you can nod. Don't nod. No, never, never write when you could speak. Never speak when you can nod. Never nod when you can wink. Yeah, that's not, that's not like lawyer speak. That's just good advice in general, but everyone here was leaving a paper trail and pinging everywhere. It was like ping pong. Right. And they didn't think they were going to get caught. The other part of this interesting thing about the Trump case is I had Caroline Levitt on the other day, the National Press Secretary for Donald Trump. And I asked her, I said, you know, out of all these cases, a lot of people thought the Fannie Willis case was going to be the strongest as hard as that is to believe now. And I said, which case drives him the craziest? And she said, you know, he's actually relatively not at peace with the cases, but they don't drive him crazy because he knows that he's going to be fine. But she did mention New York, Kelly. And I've heard from a lot of people that out of all the cases, that's the one that upsets them the most, just because not only does it seem so ludicrous that he's going to have to like sell one of his buildings to pay this exorbitant fine, but also because of his history in New York and his family built the skyline in New York. And you know, he's done a lot for that state. And this is the way he's being treated as kind of sad. Right. And also the the Stormy Daniels case, an NDA. People do NDAs, including many, many comrades in leftists and deep state types do NDAs. You know, the state, the state house, the legislature in Boston is trying to prevent turning over to the auditor all the NDAs that they've they've had to negotiate over the years with staffers who've been sexually harassed, you know, and all of a sudden he's being held to this higher standard. And the and the NDA doesn't mean anything. Yeah, I can't remember who said this. And it was a while back. But somebody said, you know, I keep hearing that Donald Trump isn't above the law, but he isn't beneath the law either. And that's what Democrats seem to be missing. Howie, another big story today, Hunter Biden testifying in a closed door interview with the house impeachment inquiry and coming to his defense, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. What a shock. Yeah, she said, what we just witnessed over the last hour was, I think, a deep sea fishing expedition. The Republican case has completely fallen apart. Somebody somebody wrote that for her. She didn't come up with deep sea fishing expedition. Hunter is a material witness in the impeachment inquiry. I don't know how if you notice that his phrasing of his father's involvement or non-involvement in his business dealings changed today again. So we've gone from, I think the key to remember is at one point, Joe Biden was telling people he never spoke about business with his son. And today, the opening statement from Hunter, I believe it was something along the lines of he was never involved in Hunter's businesses. So yeah, you could say, oh, it's along the same lines, but if you really want to get-- He was in the room when he said he was in the room when he texted or put on that Snapchat type social media that his father was going to take revenge him if he didn't get the 5 million. And then wasn't there another one where one of the other witnesses said that Hunter said that Biden Joe was in the car with him when they were when they were shaking somebody down? I don't remember that exact one, but I'm sure there was. Yeah, I always thought, you know, when I was coming up, they taught you when you're shaking somebody down, be in the room by yourself. You want to keep it a he said, she said, but again, I'm not a Biden, you know? They've made a lot more money in the rackets than I have, so they must know better than me. Well, wasn't it Jim Biden who told Tony Bubblinski that they had plausible deniability? It seems like they don't have that much of it. They could have done a better job with the plausible deniability. The plausible deniability really ultimately amounts to the fact that they're Democrats. It's like the Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade, they have no plausible deniability. Their deniability is we're black and we're Democrats. Now, how you had just mentioned standing headlines and how you always used to look for the standing headlines back in the newspaper days. Well, here's one for you from the Hill. It feels like we get this every three to six months lawmakers fail to reach deal with partial shutdown. Yeah, looming. The shutdown is looming and the lawmakers are panicking about it. They have until March 1st to pass legislation to fund the Departments of Agriculture, Energy, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and other offices for fiscal year. You could you could break the biggest news story in the history of the world. Something about, you know, Martians landing or, you know, a cure for cancer. And if you put a headline on it, shut down looming. Nobody would ever read. Nobody would ever know what happened. Who reads shutdown looming when they see that the story when they see that headline? I just like the headlines. I like that word looming. It's become one of my favorites. The other word I'm seeing a lot of when it comes to Fannie Willis is embattled. I have noticed that since you pointed out. Yeah, well, that's that's a classic. Oh, I tend to I tend to read a story about someone who's embattled because usually it involves corruption or sex. Yeah, and those things sell how we those things sell. They sell with me. I'm a reader, right? Yes. And the daily mail likes to post stories like that. Howie Biden has been plagued by uncommitted voters in the Michigan primary. This is from the New York Post. You spent a lot of time in the opening with Nikki Haley, which I think is another big part of the story. But some Democrats are panicking that Joe Biden was sent a message last night. Uncommitted received 13.3% of the vote of the vote above the 10.7 at Gardener when Barack Obama ran unopposed in the 2012 primary. That might not seem like that much of a difference. But the raw vote total was more than 100,000 votes for uncommitted versus 20,000 ish 12 years ago. So it was it was a good chunk of it. I saw a Dearborn Michigan, which is which is all jihadist. They at one point it was 75% that it eventually came down to 56%. Let's play the John King cut. This is from from CNN. And again, there these are cheerleaders for the deep state. Cut one. This is what Joe Biden received. Again, forgive me 1000, 100, and 41 votes. Dean Phillips, 54 votes. An uncommitted. Make sure I get this right. 3,700 and three votes. So that's a wow. If you look at it this way, this is 23%. What's wrong with him? And this is 75%. And so it went down. This is just the city of Dearborn, but that is where the biggest pocket of the Muslim American, the Arab American population. This is a place President Biden carried big time in 2020. This is key to his chances of defeating Donald Trump in Michigan. What did Nikki Haley lose to in a New Hampshire? How or not New Hampshire? Where was it? Where she lost to none of the above? Well, that was was that Nevada? Yeah, I think it might have been if only we could get a team up of none of the above and uncommitted. Talk about a real power ticket. You know, the thing is that she should have been hoping that somebody had stayed in. Because remember in Iowa, she said, it's now a two person race and she just finished third. You know, when there's only two people left in the race and you say it's now it's a two person race, it's even it's even less effective than lying about it. You think she's just going to stay in until there's no money left? I mean, why not? It doesn't and someone was telling me today that maybe, you know, the fact that she's coming to to Massachusetts for a rally on on the Saturday night before super Tuesday. Maybe she sees that she's got some kind of chance in Massachusetts because because again, you know, there's only 9% of the Massachusetts electorate is Republican. 60% is unenrolled. I mean, that's a that's a big fishing area for her. But but, you know, again, last night, it was the same thing, an open a totally open primary in Michigan and she could only get what 25% of the vote. That's that's pitiful. Yeah, poor Dean Phillips. He only got 54 votes in that. And that one, he needs to bring the magician back with the a Joe Biden, I mean, it was as pathetic as he was in New Hampshire. He was doing better than that. And Mary Ann Williamson, unsuspended her campaign. She got like three percent and she thought, you know what, it's time for me to get back in this. You know, and the thing about about Dean Phillips is he I mean, he's a lot he's a lot closer to being a neighbor in Michigan. He's from Minnesota than he is in New Hampshire. You know, I mean, you think he'd get a little more of a bump, wouldn't he? Yeah, I think he was joking around about it today. He has a pretty good sense of humor. I'll give him that. He's not he's not as glass jawed as the rest of the Democrats. Yeah, no, he's not. He's he's not that's why he's running, you know, he's he's he's one of these guys that has a life, you know, that's what I'm saying. I like politicians who have a life outside of politics. He's having fun. Is it you know, it's it's all fun and games for him at this point. All right, Grace. Thank you, sir. Thank you, Grace. Winter is the perfect time to visit the Cape. You don't have to fight the crowds and you can easily get a dinner reservation. Nosset Beach Inn just opened the rooms for this season and at less than 200 dollars a night. That's the winter rate. When I visited the Nosset Beach Inn, I knew it was a truly special one-of-a-kind place on the Cape. The only public lodging available on the Cape Cod National Seashore. Four acres and only 12 rooms in the Sunrise Cottage, not only an ocean view from every room, but 100 yards from the ocean front on pristine Nosset Beach. Here the surf all day long, enjoy the 500,000 BTU fire pits lit year-round to enjoy sunsets and early evenings. When I'd barbecue on one of the gas grills, there is no better view for lunch, happy hour or dinner than from the rooms and fire pits at Nosset Beach Inn. The Nosset Beach Inn, two queen beds, family friendly, pet friendly, school vacations and an ocean view like no other. A short drive to a vacation far away, I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. The Emperor of Hate, Howie Carr, is back. 844-542-42. And again, here's my t-shirt, the new t-shirt available at Click on store, cheaper to deport than support. You can't see the S2 well on social media. There it is, a $1 sign. In order now, go to and click on store. Rich, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Rich. You're breaking up, not a good connection, Rich. Call back. Mr. Garcia, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. Listen, I heard names for five times. You say you are a liberal. I'm going to tell you, you are my sugar daddy, the radio, no matter what. I don't know what anyone else is saying about me. I don't really take it seriously. I'm kind of in my own league here. Yeah, you there? Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. Yeah. No, I hear your name by time this morning. I'm very angry. You call you a liberal. You call you everywhere. And you, you scale my sugar daddy in the radio. You, you, my favorite radio. Thank you, Mr. Garcia. We'll see, you know, we'll see who's slate of candidates wins on Tuesday. We'll see who the, we'll see who the person who's taken seriously in, in the state of Massachusetts is. And number one, Republican. Thank you. Thank you for saying that, Mr. Garcia. I appreciate you saying that. And I see that, you know, Phil Murphy, your governor just, he sunsetted a tax, a corporate tax two months ago. It's, it's sunsetted on December 31st. Guess what, Mr. Garcia? I read it today in the New York Post. He's bringing it back. He's bringing the tax back. Oh, God, it's gonna, it's gonna pay for buses. It's gonna pay for your buses. Thanks for the call. 844, 542, 42. So I wrote the column today about the door dash deal, who's one of the loser candidates for the, for the Republican state committee. We're gonna have Larry Novak on in the next couple of days. Door dash deal is, he's, he's, he's afraid to, to debate Larry Novak. It's just like he was afraid to debate Chris Dodie. He's, he's a sheep and sheep's clothing, but he, I, he was on another show today on, on the Cape. I got to play. He's, he's been, he got smashed as a candidate for state Senate in 2015. Then he got smashed by the fake Indian in 2018. Then he got, then he got crushed pummeled, trounced, destroyed for governor in 2022. So today he's on a show complaining about the state Republican party. This is what he said, cut 17. People think that you're just this, this dynamic guy on the radio who knows a lot. You do, you are that guy, but you have feelings too. And I'm sure this is not fun to watch a party that needs to find its identity. And it's been too long for you because you know, we've been in the wilderness without a good candidate, without a candidate to one year in Massachusetts for a long time. We've been in the wilderness without a good candidate. He's been the candidate. He's admitting he's no good. We've been in the wilderness too long. And then, and then he's talking about how he's been a Trump guy despite, you know, despite the fact that Amy Carnavoli was actually a delegate and he's, and his boss is this guy who worked for Ted Cruz. And, and the guy who his pays his salary was with DeSantis. And before he was with DeSantis, he was with Casey. But this is deal describing the 2016 campaign. Go ahead. Scott Brown won. That was a big thing that helped push the movement. And then Donald Trump winning in 2016. I mean, that was incredible. That really started to change in Massachusetts in the dynamics of the mass GOP. And I can tell you, when there was the delegate selections for that convention in Cleveland, there was, you, you elected those delegates at nine, nine places, nine congressional districts, right? There were people coming to vote at those delegates convention. We'll get those asked for that. He said the Cruz team was trying to steal.