The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden Brags About Making America Safer Plus Guess Who is BACK in the Race? | 2.28.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

She's the Tom Brady of far-Left politics! Marianne Williamson, whose campaign was very much suspended, is back in the race, apparently! Plus, Grace and Jarred have some things to say in response to Biden's claim that he made America safer.

Broadcast on:
28 Feb 2024

Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's Picks for the Massachusetts Republican State Committee. Vote Tuesday March 5th to keep the mass GOP alive. To see Howie's Picks go to and click on the banner. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. During that last break, I was thinking about having lunch shared. But then I saw Joe Biden was at the podium, and I love you all so much. And I don't want the listeners to ever feel like they have to be tuning in to what the president is saying because I know it's painful, it's hard to listen to. So that's what I'm here for. So I said, "You know what? Turn up the volume. Let's see what this guy has to say." And I will tell you, he did not mess up as much as I thought he would. But now what I'm seeing is there are reporters asking questions. He managed to basically deliver the whole address. It was, to be fair, it was like 45 seconds long, be a teleprompter. So not a huge accomplishment. But he turned it over to the person who was going on after him, and then he made his way to his chair to sit down. And then just as I was about to say, he's in the clear. I saw that somebody asked a question that caught his attention, and he starts going back and forth with the reporters, which is never a good spot for Joe Biden. Yeah, it wasn't anything too bad, unfortunately. They were asking about his physical, and he was joking. "Talk says I look too young." And he was telling him to speak up. He was like, "Speak louder, I can't hear you." To the reporters who were asking him questions. But no challenges to a push-up contest. No challenges to a push-up contest. I mean, Chris, when you're that young looking, come on, you don't have to do that. But he's out there. It's implied he could take you with push-ups. Yeah, you're right. It's better left unsaid. Did find out Kamala's the gun czar too, though. She's overseeing the office of the presidential office, the office of presidential office of gun violence, or whatever he called it. Yeah, she's at that. So she's a gun czar as well. Add that to her long list of duties. At least, in the updated. The borders are the AISR, the school bus czar, the Venn diagrams czar, the voting rights czar, the abortions czar. There's nothing this woman can't mess up, and so they're just throwing everything at her butt the kitchen sink unless she's also the kitchen sink. Unless she's also the kitchen sink czar, and I just haven't been informed of it yet. Yeah, so Joe Biden's out there, Jared, and he's bragging about how much safer everyone is. Do you feel that way? Or is this kind of one of those things like inflation, where they're telling you you're so much safer, but you just don't feel it yet. They're telling you the economy's doing so well, and yet people aren't getting the message. Maybe that's what it is. We're all so much safer with Joe Biden as president, the communities. He sounded like Charlie Baker, referencing the communities are safer. We just don't understand it. I'm chuckling. That's the part of having a Democrat as president that I really am starting to understand that my stupidity comes into play quite a bit. Like whenever I think, hmm, things aren't going well, I'm then informed that no, things are actually going really well, you moron. You just lack the brilliance to understand, to unravel how great everything's going. And it's kind of similar to what Kelly Gertz was saying. You know, Kelly Gertz is out there, the mayor of Athens, Clark County mayor, out there telling us that right after this murder of Lake and Riley, that Athens is actually doing better than other places and that, you know, they're, they're policies. They're actually not technically a sanctuary city. So he's confused where this criticism is coming from. Now, I want to go back to Kelly Gertz here for a sec because one of the, one of the textures made this point and I think it's a really good one. It's 917 said grace. Well, first let me play the cut that 917's referring to. And like I said, these are the sound cuts of the day. Fox is playing it right now. I thought maybe based off Joe Biden speaking that something would trump this. But no, Kelly Gertz, you are, you've won the day as far as Asinine sound cuts go. So I wanted to play first. Kelly Gertz explaining how the crime rate in Athens is lower than in other places. Can I get cut 13? Because oftentimes folks notice through the lens of a college centered community. I've also included some information indicating where we are relative to those other SEC communities throughout the nation and the region. You'll note that we tend to be toward the middle or the bottom of the pack. Overall, a place like Baton Rouge has about twice the crime rate. And a place like Auburn or college station is about one and a half times less. So I encourage you to look at this information. Ethan, if what he is saying holds up, I'm here to tell you it is not the appropriate time. Like whoever told this dude go out and do a victory lap about how safe Athens is with you as mayor. You were horribly misled. I'm here to inform you. Somebody steered you in the wrong direction. That was not the way to handle this. So you tell me she would have been murdered twice if she was an LSU? Well 917 says grace. Imagine if George Floyd's murder had been dismissed because there are a lot of police departments with worse records of brutality than the Minneapolis PD. It's a great point and you know what it actually ties us back to. Which I was going to totally forget this because I mean there's just so many things out there. But yesterday we were talking all about Katie Porter. Congresswoman from California. She's crossing her fingers that she'll be senator. I don't think that's ever going to happen. At least not in this upcoming election. Who knows when she's pushing 95 like all the rest of these people. Maybe she'll become senator. But she was on CNN. When we play this cut Jared I know that it's from yesterday so I'll give you a second. But Congressman Katie Porter goes on CNN with Aaron Burnett. And they're talking about the murder of Lake and Riley. This 22 year old nursing student. And take a listen on what Katie Porter had to say. Well I think when a horrible tragedy like this happens I think whenever we're dealing with violent crime. There is a sense of outrage of sadness and of loss. But I think the important thing to focus on is any one instance shouldn't shape our overall immigration policy. Now people on Twitter have pointed out because yesterday Jared we played that cut a lot. That was the girths of yesterday. She's been out girths today. And we were making the point a lot of collars are making the point. That this isn't the same way Democrats handle you know shootings. It's not the same way they handle COVID we know that. And in fact something we constantly heard was even if it saves one life. Like shut everything down change everything change the law throw out the Constitution. If it has even the possibility hypothetically of saving one life. That used to be the Democrat way. Now we're hearing well one incidences shape public policy. And a 2100 because I want to give credit here it's at America 2100 on Twitter. This is the person who's screenshot of this said when George Floyd died. Katie Porter claimed that Congress had to address an epidemic of police brutality. Now. Lake and Riley has been murdered. And suddenly Katie Porter is opposed. She's opposed to shaping policy around one incident. And that one incident by the way is the murder of lake and Riley. As the key here to be a Democrat is to use very big terms when it when it suits you. So you say one incident. You don't want to say oh this young girl who was on a run got her skull brutally bashed in. So you just say one incident shouldn't shape our policy. You really say a whole lot of nothing with that right. You hear that sentence almost like gender affirming health care. You're like what are we even talking about one instance shouldn't shape our policy. You might think she's talking about like an HR issue or something or COVID policy. She's talking about how a young woman. Was murdered on a run. Because our elected officials have made it. So that law enforcement can't do their jobs and no one can really enforce the law on the border. And what we're seeing in Georgia is it trickles out way further than just. Texas this is happening everywhere. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two but I really like that text from nine one seven. Imagine if George Floyd's murder had been dismissed because there are a lot of police departments with worse records of brutality than the Minneapolis PD. The part of this that always confuses me when whether you're talking with a mayor Gertz or you're talking about Katie Porter is. How would they. Is this what you would say if lake and Riley's parents were in front of you. Because I know that seems dramatic but it should be your bar. Like would you feel comfortable saying these obnoxious repugnant things in front of her parents. Probably not. I don't think Gertz would go out there and say well technically our town is a lot safer than the town next door. I don't know who's giving people the green light on these things eight four four five hundred forty two. Hey by the way one other thing a little bit of good news for you today because I know it's been. A heavier news day than usual Joe Biden is he's got a pretty jam packed schedule the next couple days. And what I mean by that is he has maybe one thing per weekday on his schedule and on March 12th he's going to meet with the Teamsters Union. And the reason I bring this up because typically you're like yeah a Democrat president meeting with Teamsters what else is new. But did you see that recently the historically Democratic stronghold donated forty five thousand dollars to the RNC. This is from Politico and has received criticism internally and from other members of the organized labor movement for courting Trump. So Joe Biden sees here that there might be an issue with some of the Teamster guys he's a union guy. He'll tell you that with his hard hat on backwards. I'm a union guy I brought hogies for all the guys because I'm one of you. And for some reason they're not buying it they're they're donating they're becoming Trumpers pro Trump. Oh and speaking of Joe one other thing before I go to break and then we'll come back and we'll take your calls. During that speech he was giving telling us how much safe for everything is. He said he started talking about all the things they're going to do with the Second Amendment and with gun control. We're going to do this and that you know you know what the phrase he used was Jared the next time around the next time around. Just give me one more chance so now he's in the he's in the phase of his presidency where everything he promised the the first go round. He realizes he needs to make those promises again. So if you're the sucker out there who thought well I thought that he was going to do this when he came into office well now he's trying to convince you just give me one more chance. And I promise it will be top of my list the next time around. Let's finish the job. Yeah just let him finish the job. That's what he's telling all these people who want to do loans cancel that's what he's telling all these people who want. And by the way you go back to the Peter Ducey question what you have to wait till the next time around. When you first came in there you had Congress you had the house you had the Senate you had the White House why were you waiting for the next time around. But that's what that's what he's trying to sell people now. We'll be right back we'll take your calls. My focus is just stay focused. Don't go anywhere we're going to stay focused here at the Grace Curly Show and we'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by impostors with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844 Perfect Smile or visit Jared what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question which you can vote in at is the house GOP has subpoenaed the Biden/Her transcript. Will they get it? No they won't. Nice try but no I don't think they will. 84% of the audience agrees with you they say nope. Alright so Biden went out today to do a victory lap on how safe everyone feels. That is the description of what happened. Yeah he went out. It's like the times where you think well surely he's not going to come out and do this now. No they planned it for this. Like they planned it. They're getting a lot of pushback for people feeling unsafe and people being murdered by legal aliens and other people in this country and the lawlessness that has taken over the United States of America. So naturally the geniuses the best and the brightest the squad the team at Biden Inc. say hey old man guess what you're going to go out there and you're going to rub people's faces in the fact that you've ruined this country and you're going to gaslight them. That's your job and the wonderful thing about it is there's no one who's a better gas lighter than someone who doesn't even know what they're doing because Joe Biden can do it with such conviction because he doesn't know what's going on. So the part of the hypocrisy of it or the shame aspect of it doesn't even hit him. Janet you're up next on the Grace Curley show go ahead Janet. I took comments. Someone said today that an increase in with an increase in population we should expect an increase in crime. And I think it's pretty sad in front of a Microsoft phone and to say that we are bad but other people are worse than us. Okay it's pretty sad. My opinion. Thank you. Thank you Janet. She referring to the mayor and what he said. Yeah it hurts. Yeah. I would agree with her on that. And by the way Elon Musk tweeted out Dems won't and he's getting a lot of heat for this. I don't think he cares though. He's one of those guys he has this quality line stolen. He has this quality he has this X factor. No pun intended. That I am really inspired by Jared. You know what that X factor would be? F you money. And he's got it man. He's got it and he's been using it lately. What's the point of having bleep you money if you don't use it? If you don't tick people off in the process. So this is what he tweeted out Dems won't deport because every illegal is a highly likely vote at some point. That simple incentive explains what seems to be insane behavior. It has become so brazen that a gang of illegals can beat up police officers on camera in Times Square get out of jail for free and still not get deported. Instead a partly federally funded NGO bought them free tickets to California. Well yeah what was happening by the other day some some people are committing crimes hoping they'll get deported back to their home country. And then Taylor chimed in and said what gave them that idea. Somebody sold them a false bill of goods with that. By the way you also have it's not just um illegals committing crimes. That's number one is that there's plenty of people committing crimes in this country. But also the shoplifting that is going on now the gangs of shoplifters, the organized shoplifting from illegal aliens is increasing. And the reason I bring this up is because the FBI put out a tweet today about this and you know a photo they used as a stock photo to warn people about shoplifting. It's like two young girls like that that's their idea that it's like oh uh two seventeen year olds trying to steal a pair of earrings at the mall. That's not exactly what we're seeing. I don't think that teenage girls or twenty something year old girls at the mall with their friends or the reason why Target in San Francisco had to shut down or the reason why all these flagship stores are now closing. I don't see a young women going in you got to see the photo I can't even explain it. It's like something out of an after school special don't steal lip gloss at the mall. I'm seeing people go in with giant trash bags just worth noting David you're up next on the grace curly show go ahead David. Grace you hit that woman on and she's talking about state folks not let one incident change actually grace sorry for this morning that there's actually four incidents across the country in different states. So one was a four year old boy killed and other girls they're all by illegal very violent illegal immigrants and not aliens and so the thing is it is important to stay focused that day she's trivializing and watering down the death of that young lady and not this enough there should be students all across the college all across the country really up and on because not only are they flooding the country with people that we don't have room for we don't have jobs for an effect in the future but now the people that have the students have the right to be on campus and feel safe absolutely David. And you know when people say well Americans commit more crimes well we're not focusing on that either why don't we focus on that before we start importing people who are here illegally and trying to tackle their crimes just a thought we'll be right back. Okay from the Aviva Thratria studio. I just got called out and for a good reason somebody texts me and said you can say it's a picture of two white girls yeah it is because I guess that's the only group where you can put up a stock photo of these two people and you're not going to be called xenophobic or racist or accused of anything so you put up to a picture of two white girls and you're like you know theft is on the rise and that's okay although it doesn't bring me to a different topic totally did not plan on discussing but you know what I always wonder is like you you take a photo right and if you're in the modeling biz or whatever and then they have a stock photo they can use it for whatever they want sometimes I'll read stories in the New York Post it will be about some funky new like STD or something and they'll just have some person on there stock photo of some woman and she always has like a distressed look on her face a furrowed brow or hand on her forehead and I'm thinking imagine being that model like you signed up for a quick paycheck seven years ago for a couple hundred bucks and now you're on the cover of the New York Post because you're the face of some funky new weird thing going around just just something I think about sometimes just be careful if you're signing up to be a stock model eight four four five hundred forty two forty two let's go to Ron you're next up on the Grace Curly show go ahead Ron hello Grace hello sir what's going on two quick ones so you mentioned the thing about Joe Biden saying the next time around yes and that sounds eerily similar to when Barack Obama was colluding with those Russian envoys saying that he was going to have more flexibility in his second term right before he was reelected even though all the ingredients were there for Mitt Romney to win but the second thing about Katie Porter is I think the most important thing to focus on with Katie Porter is that she said the most important thing to focus on was the policy and not the death of the of the young woman in Georgia at that school at their school there yes the democrats are like an anti-human anti their anti-human death cult basically yes she says we shouldn't let one instant shape policy now first of all like Jared said let's go back to the initial argument here it's not one instance if only it's been there's too many to count Bill Malujan on Fox he said I can't keep up with these are coming in too quickly I get a new one like every single he's probably getting them every couple hours so that's number one but number two is let's talk about the policy the policy sucks the policy is not good and I mentioned this a little bit while we are going into the break before I'm surprised I haven't thought of it before this but the argument I hear a lot on the left it's one of these arguments you get used to from like moon baths with Trump arrangement center and people with the hate has no home here sign on their front lawn they'll say illegal aliens commit crimes at a lower rate than American citizens and that's supposed to be the reason that we let people in en masse on that and my response to that would be okay so shouldn't if that's true we've got all these Americans committing all these crimes shouldn't we focus on that and focus on what we can control as opposed to importing a whole new group of people which as I said not everybody's a criminal or not everybody's a bad person but why would you voluntarily say okay let's bring in all these people we don't have we don't have our own group we don't have our where our own country with its citizens we have enough issues here to worry about so let's bring in all these other people that we can't really keep track of to add some more problems like to me that's they're not making the case they think they're making with that argument eight four four five hundred forty two forty two thank you for the call Ron really good point so Michigan last night the primary Trump just trounced Nikki Haley no surprise there there was no other candidate like none of the above option so Trump beat Nikki Haley by 42 points which is more than I even expected and I didn't have high hopes for the former governor of South Carolina now Joe Biden though had a really weird night it says president Biden easily won Michigan's Democratic primary this is New York Post Tuesday night but his support was impacted by an anti-Israel protest movement calling for voters to fill in uncommitted now we saw this already in New Hampshire in New Hampshire people were being urged not to run but they were being urged to fill in a ceasefire now and between that and Dean Phillips having campaigned there a lot it took a pretty big chunk out of Biden's votes not enough to really like swing it or anything but it hurt Biden but the difference here in Michigan is that in Michigan specifically in Dearborn it's home to the largest Arab American community so Rashida Taib and other representatives and other elected officials were telling voters go in there and vote uncommitted to send a sign to Joe Biden to send a signal we're not happy not happy with the way you're handling the Israel Hamas war you need to do things differently or else we're not going to vote for you and show them what you're made of you know what I mean like flex your muscle a little bit make them scared so Biden had 81.1% of support while rivals Marion Williamson we're gonna get to that Jared do not let me leave this show today without talking about Marion Williamson okay I will not I'm gonna tell you this right now I will not forgive myself I won't forget my health I don't go back to her Dean Phillips comes in representative Dean Phillips from Minnesota comes in at 3.3% and oh no so I'm sorry Marion Williamson actually did pretty good she was 3% and Dean Phillips was 2.7% so uncommitted received 30 13.3% of the vote now for perspective in 2012 when Barack Obama ran unopposed uncommitted Garner 10.7% of the vote I don't know why but that to me didn't surprise me as far as like seeing those two numbers I'm like okay so he got 13% Barack Obama got 10% what did surprise me though is if you look at the amount of votes okay so it says the raw vote the raw vote total was even more striking with more than 100,000 uncommitted ballots tallied as of 830 a.m. on Wednesday compared to 20,833 12 years ago so a lot of people did come out to show Joe Biden they're not happy with his handling of this war now I want to tell those people something to all the people who voted in New Hampshire ceasefire for Gaza or ceasefire whatever and for all the people in Michigan who are saying uncommitted and for all the all those people you're mad at Joe Biden and from what I hear from like John King on CNN and Joe Scarborough this is bad news let's play Joe Scarborough here can I get cut three if I'm running for the first time and I'm getting 59% I'm happy if I'm a three-time and basically a three-time incumbent those are those are the real warning sites you know we hear people warning about Donald Trump and I certainly get it these ideas a threat to American democracy but right now 40% of his electorate is a threat to him even getting there okay now let's let's hear Brett Bear okay this is Brett Bear from Fox this is cut to it's significant I mean right now at 14% this uncommitted vote is led by Rashida Tlaib and others who are protesting the administration policy on Israel and the war with Hamas in Gaza again we go back to some of these counties just very quickly you see 13% there Livingston County 11% but then we go again to the University of Michigan and you're at 21% interestingly enough Ann Arbor the specific town is up to about 32% for uncommitted it's not a great signal it does it is a warning signal for Democrats and as you get to the general election they're going to look at the vulnerability there in Michigan as well as the union vote that has trended towards Donald Trump as well which is crazy because we know Joe's a union guy but one thing I want to say here is we keep hearing oh it's a warning sign this is warning for the Democrats for Joe Biden I don't think that's true I really do I'm a firm believer in Democrats always come home and they're not going to they're not going to not vote for Joe Biden so I'm here to tell those people something if you are furious at the way Joe Biden is handling and it could be whatever if you're furious at the way he's handling the climate crisis he doesn't care enough about it he's not doing what he said he was going to do he didn't pass what you wanted for gun control he's not doing what you want as far as the ceasefire goes I'm here to give you the key as to how to really stick it to the maniosis okay how to really send a warning sign Jared as bright and shiny as the bat signal it's not good enough to write uncommitted if you want to really get under his skin when a general election comes around you should vote for Donald Trump or stay home those are the two ways that I'm telling you out there if you're a left-wing radical if you're an Ivy Leaguer if you are sick and tired of Joe Biden and how he's letting you down that's how you make your position clear that's how you send out a signal to this man a warning sign you just don't vote for him just my tip of the day for all the activists out there and I hope you follow it now Mary Ann Williamson also made an announcement yesterday Jared after this Michigan primary and it's been a long time since I've heard from her I'm a big fan ever since I read that story about her allegedly freaking out at a staffer for booking a hotel with a shower instead of a tub I just can't get enough of this lady there's something about her so can I have cut six please hey I have an important announcement to make as of today I am unsuspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States I had suspended it because I was losing the horse race but something so much more important than the horse race is at stake here and we must respond right now we have a fascist standing at the door everybody's all upset about it well we should be upset about it but we're not going to defeat the fascist by well by what what is President Biden offering he says let's finish the job well I hope you realize we're talking about millions of voters for whom they can't even survive unless they work at two or three jobs I love her voice so much I love how she starts with hi hi it's me hey I have an important announcement to make I'm having a it's like a transatlantic it's like an old Hollywood movie star you can't figure out what time period this woman is from an electric light filled golden elixir remember that time she was asked like what what be the first call you'd make if you were elected president she said she was going to call the prime minister of New Zealand and say hi sister or something it was I'm paraphrasing her I'm not doing it justice but she her call was gonna be like hey lady you're doing a great job we're really proud of you she's just a gift that keeps on giving I hope she unsuspends her campaign for a long time before it goes back into suspension and one other thing that I did want to mention here is that as I said in Boston there was another situation we keep talking about this but it's it's the story and it's the the policy and it's the issue that's gonna bring down Joe Biden's presidency if I had to guess ice Boston agents have arrested a sex offender who was recently convicted of child sexual assault after a Massachusetts court reportedly let him go despite federal agents filing an immigration detainer against him and you know when you listen a gert when you listen to these mayors and these governors and these elected officials and they say well technically you know we didn't do anything illegal it's like yeah but were you trying to make it harder for ICE to do their jobs that's my question were you making it harder for them because you should be trying to help them do their job you shouldn't be conspiring with courts and judges and other people to try to make it more difficult for them to enforce the law that's I think the key factor here which none of these people want to talk about when we come back we're going to talk to you Howard Lawrence Carr do not go anywhere we will be right back on the Grace Curly show you're listening to the Grace Curly show this is the Grace Curly show welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly show so a couple of days ago I was talking about inflation with howie and how you know we're not supposed to see the price tags of things with our own eyes we're just supposed to take Joe Biden and Paul Krugman's advice and and their wisdom and soak in the fact that everything's awesome right now everything's awesome and it's affordable we're all doing great and how we brought up cereal and how the CEO of Kellogg's how they put together this marketing scheme to let people know that things are going so good that you can eat a bowl of cereal for dinner and so today I'm online and I start seeing this pop up as a story and howie I would say you broke this maybe everyone's not reading to the bottom of the articles but this has been out for a long time that Kellogg's great idea was to tell people that they can have cereal for dinner right it was in the Wall Street Journal story a couple of weeks ago and yeah it was deep in the story but it it leaped out at me and I guess it leaped out at other people a little bit later than it leaped out at me but then I read the story today from the from one of the other publications and apparently Kellogg's has been promoting this idea for a couple of years and basically since Joe Biden came into office inflation took off like a rocket they've they've been promoting the idea of eating cereal for for dinner they they're what they call they're claiming they're claiming that a quarter of cereal is eaten outside of breakfast but I mean some of that is just little kids coming in and they just grab a little handful of it right frosted flakes or whatever when they when they're coming in from playing or something I don't think anybody's like saying hey I'm hungry for dinner I think I'm gonna have some sugar pops well you need to have a couple of bowls for it to be dinner like one bowl's not gonna cut it hey howie another thing I wanted to ask you about has to do with Fannie Willis so we we've been talking about we've been talking about Nathan Wade we've been talking about uh Terence Bradley and all these other um all these other people involved but one thing that I'm confused about is the White House and we had discussed previously how Nathan Wade made trips to the White House but unless I missed it that didn't come up in his testimony during this disqualification hearing now we're hearing there were plants Fannie Willis there were plants and Fannie Willis's office can you give the audience an update on this and why aren't we hearing about it during this hearing well I think I think it just came out that there's this guy named DeSantis and he's a he's a longtime Washington operative and he was brought in to the he was hired on January 6 2021 right after she took over and he was he was put in as the as the White House as a White House operative and he runs this he runs a consulting business out of DC that's taken in millions of dollars and this is uh I guess uh prohibited under the ethics rules of Fulton County or the state of Georgia but you know again the ethics rules don't apply to them right so he's making $162,000 a year and then you have a a member a part-time employee as a member of the Democrat National Committee not the state committee the National Committee from Georgia and her husband is the lieutenant governor candidate from Georgia in 2022 so basically they've got two White House operatives in the in Fannie Willis's office and it still wasn't enough it was no that's what I'm saying what what kind of job were they doing they were they're letting all this kind of nonsense go on howie one other thing I wanted to ask you you've seen so many press conferences in your time as a radio host kelly gerts the uh mayor of Athens he went out today he was heckled he was booed he was told to resign I watched this and I'm fairly new at this but I thought this is one of the worst press conferences I've ever seen am I being dramatic no it was it was terrible but but again he's he's in a college town those rules are different I mean look at the former mayor of college park maryland where the university of maryland is that guy just went to prison for 30 years for engaging in kitty porn you know these people I mean the blue mayors are terrible in general look at uh michael woo but college town ones are on a different level howie cars come to mex (upbeat music)