The Howie Carr Radio Network

Paris, London, Madrid: Lifestyles of the Jet-Setting Climate Activists | 2.28.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

It seems that the most gung-ho of the climate crazies are the ones with the most egregious carbon footprint. Grace shares their latest endeavors in the name of controlling the atmosphere.

Broadcast on:
28 Feb 2024

Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's Picks for the Massachusetts Republican State Committee. Vote Tuesday March 5th to keep the Mass GOP alive. To see Howie's Picks go to and click on the banner. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. I want to talk a little bit about the reaction to Joe Biden and his numbers in Michigan last night because the mainstream media, including Joe Scarborough from MSNBC and John King from CNN, a lot of people very surprised at what they're calling a warning sign from the liberals in Joe Biden's party that voted uncommitted because they are so upset with him over his stance. What they see as his refusal to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Now we are going to talk about that. I do want to talk about Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade because Terrence Bradley, the lawyer, the divorce attorney for Nathan Wade and the former law partner of Nathan Wade, he was on he was on the stand yesterday and he had previously said that he had attorney client privilege turns out. Judge McAfee said no you don't and there was one moment that I think is worth playing where he's presented with evidence and he mutters to himself. Oh, dang. And it was caught on the hot mic or not the hot mic, but it was caught on, you know, we have the audio and Jared said it's pretty good. Like we can hear it, right? So we will get to that in just a little bit. But I have to get back to this Kelly Gertz because I played a few cuts that are damning for the mayor of Athens, Clark County. But even so, I didn't even play. I don't think the worst one. If you're just tuning in, you have no idea who I'm talking about. Let me give you a little refresher here because we're starting off a new hour. I think it's important to start from scratch. Kelly Mayor Kelly Gertz. He's the mayor of Athens, which is where this horrible murder of Lake and Riley took place. University of Georgia Athens campus. She was a nursing student 22 years old. According to reports we're getting now her skull was disfigured. She went for a morning jog and when she didn't return her roommate called authorities and now we have a dead, murdered 22-year-old woman and the residents in Athens are outraged and they're blaming, in part, Democrat policies. Now, just to give you a little bit of background on Georgia because there's going to be a focus here and what Kelly Gertz is trying to do is he's trying to explain his way out of being a sanctuary city by referencing these policies and really trying to find loopholes, Jared. Like, yeah, we were but we never actually were because Georgia doesn't allow us to be and I just go back to, I'm sure at one point Kelly Gertz was very proud of these policies. Like, I'm sure he was very proud of his stances on illegal immigration and now you have this man who has no answers. He has nothing to tell these people. So, instead, he's going to shrug off this and try to condescend and make these residents who are outraged feel like they're not smart enough to understand the complexities of the policies that were in place in Athens. Now, they're not having any of that but as just a little bit more information we should talk about Georgia because the Federalist has a piece out about Georgia and it says UGA murder outs Georgia as largely a sanctuary state. It's sadly accurate to say that much of Georgia is a sanctuary state. That runs contrary to what Gertz is telling us. Believe it or not, Gertz might not be telling us the truth. Many local officials contribute to the state's illegal immigration by violating the state law they have sworn to enforce and declaring an illegal sanctuary policy. Shortly after taking office in 2021, this is just one example but I get I think it shows you how the same people now who are saying well, technically or not of a saying correct. They were banging literally banging drums over it when they were implementing it first. Now nobody wants to take the blame for it. Nobody wants to be responsible. What's that expression Jared that a victory has a thousand fathers defeat as an orphan. Nobody wants to go near these policies. Now nobody wants to be the person who the the architect of all of this brilliance but at one point when they were all sticking signs on their front lawn saying he has no home here and they were railing against Donald Trump. At one point this was all something to be proud of how times have changed. So Democrat Cobb County Sheriff Craig Owens invited a mariachi band to celebrate his announcement to end the county jails life-saving 287 agreement that authorized ICE to delegate to state and local law enforcement officers the authority to perform specified immigration functions. So at one point Craig Owens the Cobb County Sheriff had a band come a mariachi band to celebrate his decision to end this policy that was going to allow ICE to delegate some of their duties to state and local law enforcement. The invited crowd of newly empowered anti-enforcement activists funded by corporate Georgia went wild with gratitude. So just keep that in mind as you're hearing from all these people now who are trying to say well we're not the ones to blame and at the time Trump was in office and everything was real and he's really bad and they're singing a totally different tune than they once were. So take a listen of Kelly Gertz I think this might be his worst cut of all of them can I get because there was a bill that was passed in 2019 and this is his reasoning for it this is cut 17. I want to say that we center our work here in Athens Clark County in people's humanity and part of everybody's humanity is the expectation of human dignity. Well 2019 was not that long ago you might remember the dynamic we were living in in the late teens in this country where you had president of the United States speaking in the most vile terms about people who were foreign born and you had that notion metastasizing in places like Charlotte you know it's really takes a bold man it's a bold strategy is bold the right word it takes a bold guy to stand up there and rather than show a little humility or at the very at the bare minimum just say what you're gonna say and leave but to lecture the people there about how you're somehow morally superior and you want to lecture them on human dignity Lincoln Riley's dead her skull was disfigured what part of this is humane what part of this is supposed to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside what part of this do you come out looking like the better person or the bigger person or the more compassionate person because because you think Trump had mean tweets and so that that's what's gonna save you in this circumstance why don't you take your speech on human dignity and you try that with Lake and Riley's parents see see how receptive they are to hearing your takes on human dignity and vile rhetoric their daughter 22 years old nursing student had her whole life in front of her now she's dead but you want to sit there and you want to lecture us on how you're a really good person because you were anti-Trump which by the way it was the most popular easy road to go in 2019 to be anti-Trump you weren't exactly a renegade girth you weren't exactly the only one but talk about all well that's really despicable and the point he was making about how Donald Trump said vile things about people he said people are coming to this country and they're committing murders that is literally what happened and I know that's beside the point that's not the but that is literally what happened here and to use like oh violent rhetoric no that it's violent reality oh you mean the rhetoric that's been proven right time and time and time again that every day that goes by age is better and better and better no Jared you just said it's beside the point but it's not you're actually right on the money to bring that up because sometimes you get so used to pointing out how moronic and vile these Democrat politicians are like this guy Kelly Gertz that you forget the fact that the entire premise of what they're saying is based it's a false premise they're lying right from the beginning and so you're right to point that out because then we're going off this idea of oh he said vile things so this is why well let's start right there no he didn't can we get as how he says during hate no Monday can we get a citation and a lot of their arguments right now it's like it's like I watched this video now follow me here I watched this video right and it was a student talking to a teacher and asked about JK Rowling and said you know JK Rowling asked something and then and said almost as a fact JK Rowling even though she's been anti-trans or you know has said things against trans and the teacher the professor stopped the student and said what did she say that was anti-trans and then the kid asking the questions he sound like a young guy he then had to cite he said well people say no no no what what did she say that was anti-trans and then eventually this person finds the tweet or the comment that sparked this whole anti JK Rowling movement in this country and across the world and he has to break down why is that anti-trans and the conversation keeps going and going and going until finally this young person realizes oh the entirety of what I'm basing my argument on was false from jump there was nothing true about it but I brought up this argument to this person as if that was established like that was settled law that JK Rowling is anti-trans and so you're right sometimes you have to dig down even further and go not only is it incredibly insulting that you're trying to virtue signal to a group of people who are trying to get answers about a 22-year-old woman who's now dead because of these policies and because of this savage but also the entire premise of your argument is flawed to begin with so I think that's a really really important point to bring up Jared and I thank you for doing it 844 542 42 let's go to Gina you're up next on the Grace Curly show go ahead Gina hi so this is not even recent this is like maybe eight years ago I was in Atlanta on a business trip with a actually a trade show with a bunch of people for my office we were setting up a trade show it was men and women and they told us first of all when we were checking in we were across from Olympic Park and they said do not under any circumstances go into Olympic Park after dark one of the guys in our group did not listen to that he went through there he was mugged and beaten because he didn't listen and we were leaving one night to go we had tickets to the Patriots game and we believe in me and the other two women and the people at the front desk insisted on taking our information because we were leaving alone at night in case we did not return they needed to know who was missing and who to contact in case we did not return and that was eight years eight years ago Gina in Atlanta yes I have never in my life traveled anywhere that said that to me I couldn't believe it but they were dead serious because we were single women leaving at night they wanted to take our information in case we did not return so they know it's crazy down there they know they like I said specifically said do not go into Olympic Park the guided listen he was right away mugged a beaten so they know exactly what's going on down don't let them tell you any different well I think Kelly Gertz the end and the rest of the Democrat officials know what they're dealing with in a lot of these places and they just don't seem to care but you know what else I would I would go back to here is like Kelly Gertz he's the exact kind of liberal that it it cracks me up he thinks that it pushed came to shove if he was in Olympic Park or if he was being mugged or if he was jogging one day and somebody came in to to hurt him that he could say I stood up against Donald Trump's vile tweets in 2019 I don't get the sense that this this illegal alien cared very much considering he murdered this girl in cold blood I don't think he was too concerned about her politics or her her human dignity I don't think that even crossed his mind 844 542 42 42 when we come back we'll take more your calls we got a lot more to get to but thank you for the call Gina I appreciate it you know I love driving home and this is my favorite there's so many great parts about Omaha stakes but one of my favorite parts is now I drive home Jared you know I used to do this all the time I just stop off at the grocery store what would I always say in the green room what am I gonna do for dinner tonight guys I would I would run it by everybody now it's such a mental low that's just taken off my mind that I can drive home and I can just decide whatever I want to have I've got it ready to go thanks to Omaha stakes if one night I want to have a cheeseburger great one night I want to have a hot dog awesome if one night will wants to have chicken and I want to have pork chops everything's individually wrapped and everything's delicious and you can decide based off how you're feeling that day you don't have to plan out your whole week on Sunday you can why by the seat of your pants a little bit and a great part about this right now is at Omaha stakes dot-com their semi-annual sale is here you can get 50% off site wide and save on mouthwatering favorites today plus if you use code grace so if you go Omaha stakes dot-com slash grace Omaha stakes dot-com slash grace you can get an added bonus of eight free Omaha stake burgers this is an awesome package go to Omaha stakes dot-com slash grace shop the semi-annual sale you can't beat 50% off oh wait you can because you're also going to get eight free Omaha stake burgers with select packages that's Omaha stakes dot-com don't forget slash grace we'll be right back you're listening to the Grace Curly show this is the Grace Curly show and while we are focusing on Georgia because of this horrible murder of Lake and Riley I should also mention that this stuff I saw Bill Meluget he's the Abercrombie and Fitch former model who the White House really hates and that makes me even more of a fan it's not just that he's the only journalist who's actually covering what's happening at the border and he's always there but it's also the fact that the Biden administration hates him because he does such a good job it's like CBS firing Catherine Herridge you're gonna get in a lot of trouble these days if you try to do real journalism and so Bill Meluget he always is posting stories about illegal aliens gotaways and Chinese nationals and all these things and I saw that today he was posting one and he said I can't I can't keep up with how fast these stories are coming out but keep telling me how the statistics show more Americans citizens and by the way the quickest way to dismantle that argument is to say yeah but I can't deport American citizens like that that's that's the crux of what we're talking about here illegal aliens have already committed a crime so we know right away that if you come into this country illegally and then you commit crimes and by the way when you're talking about this case in in Athens this guy had committed crimes before before the horrible murder of Lake and Riley so talk about plenty of reasons to not have someone here plenty of strikes where we could have said okay maybe you're not the best person to have in this country but here's another story for you ice Boston agents arrest Guatemalan child sex offender after Massachusetts court released him ice Boston agents have arrested a sex offender who was recently convicted of child sexual assault after a Massachusetts court reportedly let him go despite federal agents filing an immigration detainer against him this is this is the part of it because you can talk about how okay illegal aliens are coming in and Melnea Cass is a good example and you have these young people who use that recreation center for track practice or you know for social things and suddenly those residents are getting pushed aside for illegal aliens that's one thing and I'm not saying that's a good thing but to give people special treatment even if they're sex offenders just because they're here illegally to be like you being an illegal alien gives you such a different level of special treatment that it trumps you being a sex offender that's not what we're dealing with in Massachusetts a four four five hundred forty two forty two let's go to Nick you're next up on the grace curly show go ahead Nick hi and the unfortunate murder of that girl at the University of Georgia the DA who was elected Deborah Gonzalez had no criminal background excuse me no criminal attorney activity background if you will no prosecutorial anything like that so the problem is she's had a bad a term so far and that many have left working for her okay she claims well the pay wasn't enough but people who left said no we we were we were we were we were we were paid fine but we did not want to stay here she has done the typical thing that we see this happening everywhere from the federal level to the sorry Nick we're running out of time but we'll come back to this on the other side don't go anywhere live from the Aviva Tratria studio back everyone to grace curly show thank you all so much for joining us and I do apologize to Nick for cutting him off there that's not not part of my brand I try not to do that it does happen occasionally but his overall point about elected politicians or DAs or anyone positions of power not knowing what they're doing and kind of just infusing this ideology into their work and then the subsequent reaction from people who are working for them who say I don't want any part of this we've seen that happen especially in New York you have Alvin Bragg you have you have plenty of situations where oh that was spooky how strange you have situations where you have these liberal DAs and they just refuse to enforce the law they refuse and actually we had just last week we're talking about Arizona and how I'm not sure if it was the DA in Arizona or if it was just but Alvin Bragg wanted Arizona to extradite somebody back to New York for a crime and this person I committed crimes in Arizona as well and they basically said no we're not sending why why are we gonna send him to New York so you can let him out by lunch no we will make sure that we that that we're able to send him to you after after we take care of what he did here and we will hold him in custody until then but everyone's getting sick of this kind of hamster wheel of people going in or this revolving door people going into prison not even going into jail for like two days or two hours and then getting out and recommitting committing a fence after a fence after a fence I talked to Toby Leary about that all the time because a lot of people want to come after lawful gun owners and Toby's like how about we just enforce the law and people who commit bad crimes have to pay some sort of consequence for that it's not that crazy of an idea eight four four five hundred forty two forty two okay so Jared keeps on me grace don't forget we've got the Terrence Bradley sound let's play it so this is for people who are just catching up here Terrence Bradley is the former law partner of Nathan Wade who is the former lover of Fannie Willis who is hopefully going to be the former DA of Fulton County do I have that right now Nathan Wade's former divorce attorney and law partner was heard muttering oh dang to himself when presented with potentially damaging evidence against his ex-clients relationship timeline as he took the stand and Georgia district attorney Fannie Willis's corruption trial on Tuesday let's play this because merchant who's the lawyer who's a Trump lawyer she had corresponded with Bradley before about Fannie Willis's relationship with Nathan Wade and when it started and he was asked if it started before he became before she appointed Wade special prosecutor and I believe his phrasing Jared was he said absolutely that was the word he used now absolutely you don't leave in yourself a lot of wiggle room there he didn't answer let me check my Google calendar or let me think or not sure or you know I'd have to look back and have to absolutely was the response so then he's presented with these texts let's take a listen was two pages of text messages between you and Miss merchant correct Greg I now the first page starts off by saying Miss merchant like just date don't hire him do you think it started before she hired him you see that I just kind of say I think one of the more frightening parts of these holding besides the fact that this trial that this that they're trying to put a former president in jail they're trying to hamstring a former president so he can't win a reelection they're trying to interfere in this upcoming election which the magnitude of that is hard to even put into words but besides that if we're looking at this and we're taking the Donald Trump out of it what scares me is that all of these people are lawyers and I'm really it's for me it's really eye opening as far as you hear lawyer and you kind of automatically put a level of trust there or like a level of intelligence associated with that with that career path and you have all these people who I don't know if they they don't understand that text messages can be recovered or that you're leaving a paper trail isn't a good idea but he seems to be in disbelief that they have these texts and they again they're not text messages that he had with some random person that they uncovered their text messages with the lawyer involved in this case who's trying to prove the timeline do it is that correct yours that is actually it's not like oh Terrence Bradley texted his cousin about Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade and we happen to find this conversation that the conversation was between him and this merchant woman so you'd think he would have a little bit of an idea that it might be brought up again but based off the oh damn he was taken by surprise also I'm just I'm getting word from some sources of mine that Jackie Heinrich from Fox just announced that Biden's gonna come out later today and talk about how there were more murders when Trump was president then there have been when he's president and I just got to say this isn't you know I'm not a political consultant I've been trying to get into that game for a long time unsuccessfully but I just got to say read the room read the flipping room someone send Joe Biden Kelly Gertz's press conference and be like you don't want to do this this isn't the road to go down Kelly Gertz is saying well if you look over the town next door we we have less crime than they do and Joe Biden's trying to say well if you look at the other guy it's like just take a beat here and let's think about what we're saying you are not convincing anyone that you're the good guy in this situation if this is the only logic that you have or this is the only strategy that you're deploying it's really really pathetic 844 542 42 now there is another topic I'm trying to decide here if I want to save it or if I want to go for it right now I think I want to go for it I've been asking Jared and I'm not here to put you on blast in front of the world but I've been asking you time and time and time again to get me an invitation to a climate conference and your excuse is always something pathetic like oh we don't have a private plane or I don't have that contact for that climate summit and I'm just getting really sick of it but then I thought to myself well maybe it's harder to do than I imagined turns out Jared there are these conferences these climate summits like once a week once a week so I think you have have had ample opportunity to get us an invite even if it's like you have to kind of lie and say that we're not who we say we are there's got to be away here and the reason I bring this up is because there's an excellent story today it's in the federalist and it's by Daniel Turner I love this story the only thing I'm mad about when it comes to the stories that I did not think of it myself climate cultists will do anything to save earth except stay home it's the only choice for somebody like me you know when I first thought up when I read that headline I thought of how liberals will do anything to spite Donald Trump like they'll wear a mask for four years they will put ridiculous signs on their front lawn they will allow just they will allow people to come into this country illegally they will pay $15 for a smoothie just so they can say there's no mean tweets like they will do everything but they draw the line at watching CNN like every time I see the ratings from CNN I go that's the bridge too far for liberals that's the point where they say not even I not I can't stomach it and the same goes for the climate like these people want to save the earth so flipping bad they want to tell you that time is ticking we only have so many I think at this point we're at what like six years based off AOC's calendar but they're not willing to stay home that's that's where they will draw the line so let me just read you a little bit here from Daniel Turner climate activists entire entire rezont decra is ending fossil fuels they claim fossil fuels are driving climate change ergo we must eliminate them strangely though to reinforce that position anti fossil fuel hypocrites use more fossil fuels than your average person use more fossil fuels while forcing others to use none it's a central tenant of the climate agenda last November 80,000 people gathered you know who wasn't part of this anti-fossil fuel UN climate conference in Dubai you're looking at her that was not there the 28th of such conferences which grows in size and scope each year lasted more than two weeks that's airfare hotels cars whining and dining all for a reduced footprint this reminds me of kicking Trump off the ballot like we have to kill democracy in order to save it we have to kill the planet with these climate summits where we eat beef wagyu pops and fly around and stay in hotels and travel the world in order to save Earth two weeks worth of meetings and on a single panel to admit the hypocrisy of the anti-fossil fuel crowd as they use the very fuels they bemoan there are dozens if not hundreds of global climate conferences I'm gonna read you a couple of them okay Jared and you tell me which one which one sparks the most interest which one should we ask how we if we can get the day off or the second nature higher education climate leadership summit in Long Beach California you're a California guy might be nice for you to revisit your roots no love Long Beach little trashy the climate and clean air conference in Kenya I'm gonna pass on Kenya the International Financial Reporting Center Sustainability Conference in NYC oh another tough one we give his sister yeah place to crash the Aspen Ideas Institute where do you think that is the principles of detection tell me it's an aspen you'd be wrong it's in Miami Beach oh and while we're traveling to Florida pretty nice the European conference on renewable energy is holding its March conference in Orlando oh Orlando that's fun we could be Disney adults like Taylor March now we're into March okay we'll bring some of our fearless climate change activist to the world impact summit in France I would love to go to France I think that'd be really fun other people are gonna attend the climate chance world impact summit in Colombia also a hard pass for me the eighth international conference on climate change in Sri Lanka the 16th International Conference on Climate Change again in France in April the World Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming in Madrid the fourth International Conference oh it's just a baby on climate change's sustainability will be in Paris this July I'm circling that one right there sorry so there's three conferences in France but not back to back to back that seems wasteful you want people to have to travel back in fourth and back in fourth because that's where you see who really cares the conference on global climate change and sustainable development in London so for me it's coming down to Paris or London I'll let you decide I've been to London I liked it I've not yet been to Paris so let's do Paris ah we we perry okay I'm putting it down on the list it says there are summits in every nation every month from now until the end of time which again six years from now so for the next six years before the world ends we've got a lot of traveling to do not one of these is virtual not one of these conferences is zoom call during the covid pandemic people stayed home houses of worship and workplaces were closed and our children took classes remotely because science told us human contact and proximity was a risk we could not take climate science tells us human use of fossil fuels is driving the crisis and the end of the world yet climate science enthusiasts refused to wear the metaphorical mask man made climate change is an unproven theory a hypothesis that merits scrutiny and rigorous academic investigation we get hysteria and profiteering a maddening display of deeply unscientific activism that cheapened science and so's tremendous doubt in the public discourse yeah what are all of the paint throwers the Campbell's suit people the blocking traffic brigade what are all those or is how he calls them the hippies what do they think of this this is like the Oscars every other day but it's just even more boring than the Oscars which trust me that in and of itself is hard to do how dare you these are very expensive boring conferences that accomplish nothing so people can talk to each other about how are you been doing to save the planet what have you been doing and I'm sure they go over like their private plane setup too I'm sure Megan and Harry while they're going from person to person talking about how much they care about the earth they also say by the way your private plane next weekend is it available you're still in a Gulf Stream John Kerry's schedules to the back of the where you lying with you sir we have a lot of look up a private plane to Paris by the way because we're not gonna I think if you fly commercial to one of these summits you're automatically blackballed like they want nothing to do with you so we're gonna need a private jet recently a grace curly show listener Candice called into the show she was telling us how much she loves her thunderstorms she had two thunderstorms and her furnace was serviced afterwards the smell of oil was lingering in her home so she turned on the thunderstorms and she watched the magic happen the thunderstorm eliminated the funky odor I did not say it covered up the funky odor or mask the funky odor it eliminated it because this is what the thunderstorm does and the best part Candice's husband who wasn't really a believer he was skeptical he finally understood what she was talking about one of the great parts about the thunderstorm is that it isn't one of those flowery plugins that tries to cover up smell with more smell if you want to get rid of the smells you want the thunderstorm and you want the three pack special so here's what I want you to do go to eat impure deals calm check out the three pack special enter code grace three to get the three pack that's eat impure deals calm code grace and the number three we'll be right back we'll do the poll question and we'll take your calls this is the grace curly show you're listening to the grace curly show this is the Grace Curly Show Joe Biden is set to speak about the spiraling crime crisis soon I'm sure there's not going to be any protesters like the mayor in Georgia had the mayor in Jared I'm blanking here I have this I'm sorry Athens Cook County Kelly Gertz I don't think Joe Biden's gonna get the same reception from the crowd I'm sure they've told them hey everybody on your best behavior nod smile let's get this over with today's poll question is brought to you by perfect smiles don't be fooled by imposters with similar names if you're unhappy with your smile you need to visit Dr Bruce Houghton in Nashua call 1-844 a perfect smile or visit perfect smiles calm Jared what is the poll question what are the results thus far today's poll question which you can vote in at grace curly show calm is the house GOP has subpoenaed the Biden her transcript will they get it so the House Republicans this is also from the federalist subpoena the transcripts notes video and audio files of interviews between president Joe Biden and special counsel Robert her who concluded the commander-in-chief was too senile to face federal charges for obtaining classified documents from his time as a senator and vice president in several non-secure locations I think the word he used was beable is that the word beable oh that's gonna sound wonky and so now the Republicans want the transcripts they I think they want to be able to prove that Joe Biden is the one who brought up bow Biden even though he reprimanded Robert her for having the audacity to bring that up I'm gonna say no they're not gonna get it because typically the trend here is if Republicans ask for something it can just be refused or rejected and there's no consequences 83% of the audience agrees with you that no we will not see the transfer why do I have a feeling if I had to guess what Biden's about to say he's going to bring out a bunch of numbers so that's that should be that should be good stuff right there we know that's a strong suit and I just have a feeling he might blame the other guy don't go anywhere Corn pop was a bad dude