WBCA Podcasts

Observations From The Trenches

Host Larry Higginbottom shares his opinions on the state of black American society, the upcoming presidential election, abortion access, and more.

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10 Jul 2024
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Host Larry Higginbottom shares his opinions on the state of black American society, the upcoming presidential election, abortion access, and more.

The following commentary does not necessarily reflect the views of the staff and management of WBCA or the Boston Neighborhood Network. If you would like to express another opinion you can address your comments to Boston Neighborhood Network, 302-5 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 02119. To arrange a time for your own commentary you can call WBCA at 617-708-3215 or email radio at Well Boston you know what time it is, you know what time it is. From the churches baby, from the trenches, after they've been trenches, after they've been trenches. You're listening to WBCA, 102.9 FM, can WBCA, 102.9 FM in Boston? I'm your host Larry Higambard. And again just a weekly hour call from the churches baby, after they've been trenches, after they've been trenches. When I speak about things that I see out here for the last 22, 26 years of doing direct in-home mental health services from our community and our people. And although my focus and answers are on my group, I'm making more black school. Some will call it in with I bring no black American, you know, adults that identify the state of America to send us labor out of the institution. And I pick that group because we have become a permanent underclass in the last 40 years. It seemed like the folks who all these so-called laws was passed for the Nick Rose have been usurped by all the minorities and have really replaced and displaced those members or American blacks. Most of the group is now a permanent underclass. And it seemed like they have been led astray by politics. Politics. So then we'll talk about politics. The thing I'm going to put out in the atmosphere, you might share some of my beliefs in my share, all of you might not share none but at least. Some for you to think about. I want to speak about 2025. That scene if you've got the buzzword now, it seemed like that's not a doomeday, the doomeday pill. I want to speak all my, put my thoughts also about abortion, my thoughts on that. Pregnant Biden held and also a potential replacement of VP Harris, all that. But in the day, my firm believe is this here. It ain't gonna do nothing to aid or make our group better. Politics voting alone, civil rights, right, has lost its ability to do anything tangible to uplift our group. Ados. American Senate, slave, black American, traditional black American, gonna mail back American, whatever term you use to describe American blacks, we've got all we're gonna get out of civil rights and voting. We've got all we're gonna get out of civil rights and voting. That horse can be put back in the barn. And so I'm gonna put my thoughts out here about politics right now. Everybody is hopping on how this this policy of 2025 was going to do how devastating is going to be. And that we, American blacks, for ados, we get to be on the vanguard of leading to defeat it. We don't, we're gonna be made, we're sorry, it's gonna take over the country, it's gonna put us back in shackles and change. We're gonna be re-enslaved, all those adjectives that the fear-mongering, I mean, our own, our own black politician for this hand. So it's like, as usual, it's black to the rescue. If we don't save democracy, democracy's doomed. But while all the saving we've been doing, it seems like our group never, ever, very any better. There are never policies that are acted that make our plight as a collective any better. We always so, we always are so, so told if we don't come to the rescue of democracy, our freedom is in peril. And so now they're saying that 2025 is the doomed day pill. I say let it come on. As a member of ADOS, as a member of the Black American community, I say for those whites and those immigrants of color, if you're so concerned about it, you do some about it, you fight it. For the last 160 years, we have been fighting everything and anybody. We've been out the forefront. For human rights, civil rights, voting rights, you name it, we've been out there for hundreds, hundreds, hundred city years fighting. For anything and everybody, I say it's time, after 160 years, for us to let these other groups let them be the better around. If you think 2025 is debt disasters, is that peril, do some about it? To those white members who are concerned, you go ahead with your immigrants, your minorities, like the Jews, the Asians, Spanish, Caribbean, African, you know, from India. If you are that concerned about 2025, it's going to be debt disaster. You take a lead on it. As a member of Black American, I wouldn't put none of my time of focus in 2025. But I would put my focus in a quiet and essential high income skill to the only saving grace for us as a community, as you. Especially, I'm talking to the young folks now. I'm talking to the baby boom because we have failed you terribly. We're leaving you nothing that you can build on or expand on. All we have left you is what, appeasement, diversity and inclusion, equity that we don't own, none of those platforms, we're legging nothing. We have left you nothing tangible. Gen X, Gen Z, and many of them that you can now build on a stand on. So, all we have been fighting for, human rights, civil rights, voting rights, all those isms, right? You can't handle that. You can't hire nobody on that. That does not create wealth. You can pass it to the next generation. So, all these concepts about 2025, again, I say to you young people. I'm not talking to my group, baby boomers, because we got to get out of your way and allow you to take the mic, let you lead. It's your turn to come and deal with whiteness. And I wouldn't put none of my energy into these three among us. If it's that bad, like I said before, these concerned whites, along with their minority, you know, cohorts, be the Jewish, be the Asians, be the women, be the carabiners, advocates or Indians, let them push their wagon. We've been fighting for 160 years to be treated as citizens. Because the way we came here shackles and chains, we was never, ever viewed as value other than creating wealth and prosperity for whiteness. And once a mathematician came in age 65, we've been fighting like the Dickens to be treated with value and respect. And when you think about it, when I think about it, right, we've been at the forefront of every campaign for everybody. But nobody campaigns for us. You speak about reparation, all our so-called allies disappear, all of them. But the wealth of this country is built on the black back bodies of our elders, not Jews, not white women, not Spanish, not carabiners, not advocates, not Indians, ados, American descent of slavery. We come out of the institution. We were enslaved. When I slave, we were enslaved. That's true. And all the vow treatment had followed. So once we were emancipated, once we were emancipated, our enslavement did not end. Up top, what, sharecropping? The Jim Crow laws. I'm going to use a lynching. Still, what? Continuation of vow, despicable, deplorable treatment. And so we don't gain more than our fair share fighting for the humanitarian, for civil rights, voting rights. We have given more than our fair share. So the young people, I will really employ you. If I was a Gen X or Gen Z or a millennium, I wouldn't put none of my time in a hearing effort in trying to defeat 2025. If it's that bad, you know, I believe you say that bad, just that bad, just about it. Those concerned whites along with their minorities, do something about it. You all get out there and put that wagon. We don't only control nothing. We don't own the control nothing. And these kinds, they sold to us multiculturalism, diversity, equity, inclusion. We don't own those platforms. No matter how up you go in these so-called companies, right, or state government, you don't only control that, you can't pass them to your children and for their inheritance. You can't do nothing with that. So you just work out, what I call, a highly paid employee that can be discarded at will because why, you don't own control anything. Our country's about it, it's finally what capitalism, capitalism, there's two important components for you and I to keep in mind. One is capital, the other's labor. The fellow government made sure that our elder would be locked out of acquiring and maintaining wealth to pass on as an inheritance to you and I. That's why we all left out the house with nothing but us. And so we have been fighting this spirit, a whiteness for 160 years of system emancipation. We've been at the forefront of every fight, every incident we ought to do, we are front. In the end, we still are relegated right to the bottom. So I'm telling you young people, it's your call, it's your time to come to the floor and give a whiteness as we baby booms get out your way. I wouldn't give a hoot about 2025. If it's that disaster, we'll let concerning whites along with them, other minorities, you know, let them fight it. I would put my focus in time and energy into acquiring essential high-income skills and I don't mean going to college. There are many vocational or technical programs to the pay you one or two six figures and then I get in the field, get expertise and then want to be a provider for the city, state or fellow government because why? They spend billions of dollars with outside contracts, billions of dollars and we're not there. We're not there. See the Boston, it's been two billion dollars with outside contractions. We're not there. The state or four billion are here outside contractions. We're not there. For either right or your task, we're not there. And when our politicians are advocating, transgender, right, gay, right, illegal immigration, come on now, they don't put no chicken in your pot. It doesn't, it does not allow you adults to live where you want to live. So in your kids who's the school of your choice, move how you want to move, live life on your turn. It does nothing to elevate the group or you. So while we're always being sucked into these efforts, it does nothing for the collective, nothing at all. And again, as far as I'm concerned, there's 2025, is that bad? Well, when I say to all these other minorities, you know, and the white community who's concerned, you do some about it. You do some about it. But I'm gonna put my time in the quiet, my skills. I'm gonna get my, I'm gonna put my time right into being the most skillful person I can to extract the highest dollar for my labor, Mr. Hancock capitalism, where I can live where I want to live. Take care of my kids on my level. Take care of my wife, my women on my level. I would not be sucked in to politics. And whether Joe Biden, when, or Donald, nothing tangible is coming to the group, to the collective. Nothing. When people start using these terms like, you know, universal policies, everybody, we are too far behind now for the benefit of the collective. And add insult to entry, many of our young folks have developed some terrible, terrible habits. That's detrimental to themselves. You can twerk all you want, baby. You can flap the cheeks all you want to. It does not lead to elevation of yourself or your community. You can be the baddest gangster you want to. You can be the baddest gangster you want to. It does not lead to elevating your community or yourself. And no one respect, no one had reverence for you. No one fears you. Because they know you're just there to entertain. You're like amusement. Because no one respect what you're doing. Because you're not, you're not building anything tangible to uplift yourself or your people. So, yes, you can degrade yourself with your music, your lyrics. You can do that. And we'll make money by promoting that trash. But you but not say anything that will aid to diminish or harm our people, Jews, white women, Asians, bandits, whatever. If you want to denigrate yourself, blacks, go right ahead. Be our guest. And it's the only, as the only of these platforms, we'll make money as you promote this here, homicide or music, as you promote this promiscuous lifestyle. We'll make money and you still remain, many of you, a bottom cast. Because there's nothing in what you're doing that is self-lifting or elevating. So go right ahead. Be our guest. So again, I say to the young people who come behind us, baby boomers, it's your turn. You're coming to play the bat now. As we get out your way and we retire. But I would not be sucked in to this year politics game. We have gotten all you going to get out of civil rights and voting. It's over, baby. The Supreme Court just killed the last leg of civil rights instead. D.I. is dead. It killed race back in the 70s when they said you couldn't use race to, as a redress for racial inequality. So the last few years you'll use diversity, the biggest con going. Why? You don't own this platform. So hiring you, putting you out front, does nothing to uplift you, your people. It gives this false illusion that you are doing something that you're making progress when in fact, you don't own your throat nothing. We just highly paid employees. We're just aside. So I say to young folks who come behind me and my people, my group, as we get out your way, you need to not be sucked into this thing called politics. It's over, baby. And I'm out in the gloom and doom. I'm out into the sky falling, the world's coming in. No, I'm in the one concept. How are you living, baby? How are you figuring? Are you living life on your turn? Are you living where you want to live? Can you send your kids kind of programs? Do you want your kids to be involved in? Are you doing that? How are you living? It's the only message that I look at now. How are you living? Every 26 years out of 20 doing mental health, the only thing that I measure now is how are we figuring? How are we living? And then quite a few of our folks are not faring well. And to add, in terms of the injury, many have adapted some terrible habits that's detrimental to themselves. From being okay with illegal activities, being promiscuous, not one to form, families, detrimental to some of our people uplift. And those who are in tune and dropping there, there are quite a few our folks are doing well. Despite what you're seeing in the six or eleven o'clock news, but again, they don't project the image. The whiteness is used to keep their knee on the neck of ethos. Just your violent, angry, promiscuous, don't want to look. You know what I'm talking about. So again, there are quite a few of our folks who are not entertainers, who have legitimate high income skills, they're doing well, them and their children. They don't live what you live. They don't force the living communities, right? That might be prone to poor schools over oily police. Low income, they don't live there because their skill base has has allowed them to live where they want to live. So many kids at school, they're choice. Move how they want to move. So don't think this here, this existing is universal. No quite a few of our folks are doing quite well. And they're not entertainers. They're not ball players. They are folks who are highly skilled with legitimate essential skills. But again, you can't leave with amounts from me, the people, me, the people in our group behind because why? They have been killed, they have been children. And that's saying, vile spirit that they possess are passed down to their children and the beat goes on. But I'm telling young people, Gen X, Gen X, Gen X, Gen Z, I would not be sucked into the whole pollet, the politics. If you don't vote, if you don't, if you don't, if you don't, there's so much time tomorrow, isn't it funny? Even when you do vote, we'll vote it in mass numbers. You still didn't get what you're voting for. They say the rationale is, if you don't vote, if you don't vote, then you can't complain. Well, when you do vote, you don't do what you want. You can blame, and you don't get nothing. So again, nothing from nothing leave nothing. If there's no policy, but if you ain't it, that's only, ain't it, that's only, you ain't getting nothing. It's what it is. So I would not be caught up in that Trump Biden rhetoric. Either one is doing nothing, doing nothing for us. And matter of fact, when I did research when when Obama picked Biden back in, what, 2012, '28, I would not vote him for Biden because his record is dismal as a senator. He has no love for black American. He has no love ados, none whatsoever, none. I voted for him for Obama twice because of Obama, women because of Biden. And now she had my money back and my vote back for President Obama because he did jack for us. So again, nothing from nothing leaves nothing. Nothing on ourselves. Stop allowing folks to use this fear mongering. The world's coming in as we know it, all democracy. I'm a baby boomer. I'm not age 70. I've been here in that rhetoric since I started voting in my 20s. But 50 years, it's the most important election of our lifetime. It's the most important election of our lifetime. If we don't vote now, America, as we know, is ruined. It's over. Pobbycock. Pobbycock. Stop embracing this nonsense. And it's being fed to us by our own so-called Boolei Negro politicians. Come on now because they ain't got no juice because the numbers doesn't work. They can't get nothing passed that is aimed specifically at black Americans. Why? Their colleagues won't vote and favor it so it doesn't fly. That's why I tell you young people, you've gotten all you're going to get out of civil rights and voting. Put that horse back in the bond, put it back and it's dead. It's over. It's my belief. It's your turn it back young people. And we get out of your way but it proves in the book, baby. But I would not embrace its fear-mongering. I didn't vote last time for Biden or for Trump because why neither one of them are worthy in deserving of my vote. I'm not voting this time for neither one of them. Because neither one are worthy in the voting worthy in deserving of my vote. My quality of life did not change. The sun still came out tomorrow. Do not buy into this doomsday. No, I might ever be okay but here's the road. If you put a day with some posse skills, you would be poor tomorrow because why capitalism undergirds America. That is the economic system we work in. And if you possess essential high income skills, you would do well no matter who's in office. No matter who's the mayor, no matter who's the governor or the president or the senate or congressperson, you would do well. You would do well. And if you don't have those skills set, you're struggling today, you'll be struggling tomorrow. It's just a cut and dry. But don't be bamboozled or hoodwinkiness. Does God's coming to an end? Democracy, our freedom is, our freedom is in jeopardy. Are you kidding me? Trump gon' do this, Trump gon' do this, if Trump ain't gon' do nothing. It's all propaganda. The way I see America is this here, whiteness is the body and the wings are the democrat and republican party. Again, whiteness is the body of the bird but the wings are democrat republican. Either way, right? You get nothing from either one of them. Both those wings are important to keep that bird afloat. Don't be sucked in by democrat or republican rhetoric. You're on your own, baby. And the only blessing that you got that I can see that I have is your labor. Do you possess essential high income skills? If you do, you gon' do well. You do well in America. If you don't, you gon' struggle. It's just a cut and dry. Again, you listen to WBCA 102.9 FM. Again, WBCA 102.9 FM in Boston. I'm your host Larry Higginbotham. Name my program from the Trudges, baby, from the Trudges. After the basement trudges, after the basement trudges. For the 26 years out here doing direct in-home mental services, seeing the director how our people are firing. Most just getting by, baby. Just getting by. So today I'm talking politics. Just give me my thoughts. But I would not be sucked into 2025. Not me. If a debt disastrous, those concerned whites are long but they're minority players. Be they Jewish, be they white women, be they caribbean, the Africans, you know, Asians. For me and dear, you do, you do some about it. You get out there and push that way. You fight that. We're going to put our time in the quiet skills. That's what we're going to do. We've given 160 years fighting, fighting, human rights, social rights, this right, that put it down. Put that banner down. It's a lot bigger than people. Another thing I want to put out in there in airways was very, very perplexing to me. Why are we still fighting over abortion? In 1973, I was 20 when it was first passed. To me, I'm not pro-acron about abortion. Either way, I'm not, I'm either for nor against. But what's wrong, what's wrong, this is what I want to say to black American women, to you, to you. What did being able to have abortion, how did it impact your quality of life? How did it increase your quality of life? Were you able to live what you want to live? Little life on your terms? Living a community of your choice? Some of your kids to a program of your choice you're lacking? What has abortion have an access to it? Again, I'm not pro-acron. What has it done to uplift our quality of life? What has it done for us? Why are we allowed to be sucked in to a situation that does nothing to benefit or uplift the group? So for 50 years, you're able to have abortion. And it did nothing to increase what? The wealth gap, income gap, home ownership, nothing. So why are we of all people, eight-o's women and men, stuck here on abortion? It's though it's going to elevate or improve our quality of life. It's done nothing for 50 years. Before the Supreme Court so fucking down, it's done nothing for us. So why are we of all people, eight-o's, America and Black, why are we allowed to be sucked in to a situation that does nothing to enhance our quality of life or improve our collective situation? Why? Understand that? And you got these politicians running around and you know, let me just pray something. Oh, they're trying to take a woman's right to choose. Trying to control your mental health. It did nothing for us when it was legal. It's just nothing for the group. It's absolutely nothing. And these Boolay, Black politicians, are the problem. They're not fighting for anything that's tangible. Anything that's meaningful, transgender rights, gay rights, illegal immigration, already positioned by the illegals, then you can find not one knuckle for you. What's wrong with them? What's wrong with you? We've been sucked into a contest that does nothing, nothing to elevate your or my quality of life. Nothing. Abushing, abortion does nothing, has done nothing for us. Again, I'm not pro or con. When it's first passed in the 1973, I was 20. I'm 71 now. So it's 51 years when it was a lot of the land, right? It did nothing to put a chicken in your part or allow you to live in the community of your choice, or send your kids a kind of school or program you want to send them to. So why are we of all the people here, of all the people here? Black America. Why are we fighting that fight? I'm just kidding. Why are black politicians fighting that fight? I don't understand that. And when it's so simple to resolve or avoid that situation, if you are male or female and you will have in sexual activity, if night of party have on any kind of protection, it's a good chance that woman will be coming pregnant. Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, which means it is preventable. It's preventable. With just a little ounce of precaution, you don't have to worry about bringing life here that you can't afford in no way, that you are not prepared emotionally, physically, financially to live in no way. So we don't push that little bit of prevention, because it really is, it really is simple to prevent. We are fighting about abortion, but especially my group, Adolf, are you kidding me? Both men and women, what do we do? It did nothing to elevate the group for 50 years, it was long, an actress, nothing. And why are we so adamant? Oh yeah, you don't want me right to choose. Choose on there. It didn't even do nothing for us. It's gonna do nothing for us, period. My God, what's wrong with some of you out of here? Anyway, I'm gonna take a break and I'll be back, but you listen to WBCA 102.9 FM, again, WBCA 102.9 FM, I'm your host Larry Hickenbottom, name the show, baby, from the trenches. Off the face, off the face, from the trenches. Today I'm just talking about my politics, speaking my mind. I'm just speaking my mind, my mind. I'm gonna take a break up right back, don't go nowhere. The revolution wasn't televised in the 60s, is it gonna be televised in the 90s? Well, you know, the catch phrase, what that was all about, the revolution would not be televised, that was about the fact that the first change that takes place is in your mind. You have to change your mind before you change the way you live and the way you move. So when we said that the revolution would not be televised, we were saying that the thing is going to change people. It's something that no one will ever be able to capture on the film. It'll just be something that you see and all of a sudden you realize, I'm on the wrong page or I'm on the right page but I'm on the wrong note. And I've got to get in sync with everyone else to understand what's happening in this country. But I think that the Black Americans have been the only real that hard Americans here because we're the only ones who who carry the process through the process, that everyone else has to sort of like skip stages. We're the ones who march, we're the ones who carry the Bible, we're the ones who carry the flag, we're the ones who try to go through the courts. And being born American didn't seem to matter because we were born American, but we still had to fight for what we were looking for. And we still had to go through those channels and those processes. People won't give you the real talk on drugs, but it's time we know the facts. fentanyl is killing people. It's a powerful opioid, often made illegally and commonly mixed with illicit drugs. It can even be pressed into counterfeit pills that resemble prescription medications, just two milligrams, about the size of a few grains of sand could potentially be lethal. This isn't an ad to scare you, but it isn't an ad to make you think twice. Get the facts. Go to This message is brought to you by the ad council. Again, here's that song again for the hundredth time today. Here's that song again. It's gonna be stuck in your head all day. Here's that song again. It will make you cray cray. You love your kids enough to watch that TV show A Bud Gillian Times. Love them enough to make sure they're in the right car seat for their age and size. Show them you love them. Keep them safe. Visit Brought to you by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the ad council. The impact of a meal goes well beyond feeding our bodies, because when people don't have to worry about where their next meal is coming from, they can truly thrive, like Marta. And now we'll hear from our class valedictorian, who with our hard work never ceases to amaze us. Please welcome Marta Moreno. And Alex. Hey Alex, how did the interview go? I did it. I got the job. I can't believe it. I knew it. Let's meet up later to celebrate. And Diego. Mom, I got first place at the science fair with my volcano project. That's amazing, sweetie. Congratulations. Because when people are fed, futures are nourished and everyone deserves to live a full life. Join the movement to end hunger at A public service announcement brought to you by Feeding America and the ad council. The revolution wasn't televised in the 60s. Is it going to be televised in the 90s? Well, you know, the catchphrase, what that was all about, the revolution will not be televised. That was about the fact that the first change that takes place is in your mind. You have to change your mind before you change the way you live and when you move. So when we said that the revolution would not be televised, we were saying that the thing that's going to change people is something that no one will ever be able to capture on film. It'll just be something that you see and all of a sudden you'll realize, I'm on the wrong page or I'm on the right page, but I'm on the wrong note. And I've got to get in sync with everyone else to understand what's happening in this country. But I think that the black Americans have been the only real, that hard Americans here, because we're the only ones who carried the process through the process, that everyone else has to sort of like skip stages. We're the ones who marched, we're the ones who carried the Bible, we're the ones who carried the flag, we're the ones who tried to go through the courts. And being born American didn't seem to matter because we were born American, but we still had to fight for what we were looking for, and we still had to go through those channels and those processes. I'm back, again, I'm your host, Larry Higginbottom, named the program from the trenches, baby. I'm the basement trench. I'm the basement trench. Yes. You listen to WBCA 102.9 fm. In WBCA 102.9 fm in Boston. I'm just talking today about politics. Speaking of my mind on politics where I see out of here, you might share some of my views, but I share none of it. But again, some of you think about it. The reason why I always in my program, in the first half an hour with Brother Gil's guy, Aaron, and started back with him, is that he defined what he meant by that song. Revolution will not be televised. Came out and said me. It wasn't about using violence, or bombs, or guns, whatever. He said the revolution will occur in your mind, in your mind. It's not a group activity. It won't be with a parade going down Main Street with Capetti, that now people are getting it. Folks now, they understand. It will be when you find it can understand that you're on the wrong page, you're going the wrong way. And he also says something very profound in the interview. Therefore, American blacks ate those. Being born and American didn't seem to matter. With the fight for everything we got, monsters sitting in the course, etc. Everybody's benefited from that, but the group who thought the king got out there and was fighting for. It wasn't for white women. It wasn't for gays, lesbian, transgender, Jews, Spanish, Caribbean, African, Muslim, India, Asian. It was for, you're truly, it was. So everybody's benefited from laws that was supposed to oppose the uplift and address centuries of slavery and centuries of black code or apartheid. And it's benefited everybody but the group who were hurt by these vile racial laws. That's why I say, as Brother Gil said, we're the only group who stayed true to the cause and I'll tell you why. All these other called, all these so-called minorities who come in. Be it Jews, Asians, Spanish, Caribbean, African, all of them, right? We're the only group who came here and shackles and chains from 1619 who's been in constant context or conflict with whiteness. Because the relationship is built on and maintained on being oppressed and being dominated and violated with violence. These other groups who come here, be they come from Africa, Asia, South of the border, Caribbean, wherever they're coming from, they've had seven or eight decades living without under the authority or, say, a command of whiteness through independence. Through independence, they have not had the luxury, they have not had the luxury of not living under white control domination. So when they come to America, they don't view whiteness or white race in the way that we do. Because why it's been a constant steady diet that we've had from 1619 to 2020 vote. So you're looking at the allies for folks other than having melanin, got nothing coming with you. They got an appointment with white folks and white folks got no problem with them. Because why? There's no grievance there. There is a legitimate grievance based on how we've been treated in our own country and can don't infer him by government. So when he say we the only ones that's being treated cause, he write about that. Because being born in America didn't seem to matter. And so now young people, you're being sucked into this political haymaker that if you don't come out and say Biden or the Democrats, right, doomsday poppycock poppycock whiteness is the body and the two ways to keep that bird afloat is called Democrat and Republican. Nothing they're going to do is going to uplift the collective. Because anti-blackness is pervasive in both of those wings. Both of them and these so-called impoverished programs, they're the finance, right, have done nothing to uplift or elevate the collective. Nothing. And what they've done in the last seven years, whatever, is taking away many people driving ambition to elevate themselves. Because why are you getting by? Well, I want you to get by. Because if you're getting by, then you don't want to control nothing. You don't want to own nothing. You don't want to create nothing because you're getting by. So I'm saying to you young people who come behind me, baby boom, it's called weed. My group ain't nothing but taught you how to be at ease and comfortable in master's house. Period. We don't want anything. And matter of fact, this you can also check out yourself. These statistics have that in stores, black ownership and company, only 2.7% of black Americans are 7-plored. 2.7% are 7-plored. That means 97.3% of us are dependent on white folks for a job. Anybody listening? 9.7% or 3% of us are dependent on white folks for a job. And matter of fact, I read where Walmart employs more people than all the black companies combine. Anybody listening? So all my group did, once King was murdered and Jesse took over, he adopted, you know, billing coalition. So much for that coalition building. Then my group, baby boomers got sucked into multiculturalism. Diversity, equity, inclusion, you know, own nothing, you don't control nothing. It ain't yours. So we now leave you young people right with no platform that you own control, that you can expand on. And just by seeing all these so-called celebrities out here, you know, out front, making major dollars right, you know what I mean? They're just highly paid employees. That's why they see anything of substance that will address our issue. They will be reprimanded, perks gone, and contracts, right? Cancel. So you must say, they see them. Why can't we get along? We all Americans, you know, there's no such thing as racism. We're the wrong white people. And I'm saying to your young people, the best thing you can do for most baby boomers is look what we have done and not do what we have done. Your country, a great country, she's a great, great, great country. I got no push back from me on that. Cheers. Haven't been blessed to trap outside of America. America is a great country. But it's based on what you own control, what you own control. That must do, that must be, that must be the new mantra. Use these yourself and your chosen. If you're a baby woman, we just need to start teaching your grandkids and your grandkids, right? What's your own control, baby? It's what you want to control, baby? Are you highly skilled? Do you possess essential high-income skills, essential high-income skills, not education? We're too broad. I know plenty of you educated, right? William Poe. Do you possess skill, baby? What's your skill base? So it's time young people to put a different spirit in the atmosphere. It has to be about what's your own? Who owns that? Who can throw that? Not being the front person, right? Like a puppet. Who can be what? Easy clipped or made to apologize. Because why? You don't own control that platform. The only part that you need to be about in 2024 going forward is acquiring skills, the essential and owning web platform you have. Own it. That's why I encourage all of you all. Cities and states have been beating the dollars of outside contractors for everything, consulting work, you know, being IT, you know, AI, you name it. You see all these outside contractors there at the trough, but you don't see black Americans there. Because our black American politicians are pushing everything for what the money's at. In America, it's a great country if you have sufficient wealth to be comfortable. It's a great country. And the beauty is this here young people. In one generation, I believe a generation between 20 and 30 years. In one generation, okay, you can change your whole trajectory. Once you acquire those skills and they able, you bring in capital, take care of you and your family on your term, live what you want to live. So your kids will program your choice. Now you can talk about financial literacy, right? You can't talk about financial literacy without no finance. Is anybody listening? You cannot talk about financial literacy without any finance. And the vast majority of our people, right, have no finance. What they are earning, right? It calls for what they're living on. You only get finance when you start to acquire essential high income skills. Now you got an excess of capital sitting there even more than you can do somewhere. I'm telling you from experience why I had to go back and upgrade my skills. If you're living like I'm living there, I have to go back and upgrade my skill to position myself to do the things I'm doing now. I'm telling you, in one generation, I've changed the projection of my whole life. My door is now 33. Her life has changed because I went back and upgraded my skills. I went back. So if you broke in America, ados, American blacks, fundamental blacks, if you're a broken American, you're in the right place. What language? You're in the right place. Now tell you why. Because the economic system is based in capitalism. There's two important components. One is capital, other's labor. Where we know we got no capital, why? No inheritance? No wealth. All you now possess that is essential is our labor. It's us. So if you understand capitalism needs labor to produce good and services, if I possess essential skills, I'm going to extract the top dollar, which will allow me to live where I want to live. So if you're living in the hood, a lot of crime going on, no problem. You can move to a part of Boston where that's not going on. Or outside the city. You can move to the waterfront. What's right, Barry? Readsville, high part, wherever. Because why? You got the means now to afford to vacate where you are. And so the reason why I like playing Brother Gil's guy, Aaron, he tells you what he needs. Revolution stuff in your mind. So this voting, what if you want to make it feel good? You ain't getting enough. Whether Trump wins or Biden wins, nothing they have opposing. It's going to do anything to elevate our group. Trust me on that. And don't be sucked into doomsday. America, as we know it, is over. Our freedom, our democracy. And what's really so bad about that right here, my group say that baby boomers was really so disgusting to me. Tell me, baby boomers, what is democracy, right? What is the Constitution? What is voting done for us as a group? I'm just the next question for my group. The baby boomers. What is that done for us? Democracy. The Constitution. Voting. What is it done for us as a group? Nothing. It's done nothing for us as a group. Nothing. Totally zero. Zero. Young people put your energy and focus into acquiring those skills. And again, for those folks who want to fight 2025, okay? You should be okay. Go for it. If you feel that bad, those concerned whites along with their minorities, be they Jewish, be they Asians, Spanish, Caribbean, African, for India, do some about it. But I'm putting my time into me. I'm putting my time into quiet skills. We're no longer going to be the better around veteran ram taking on these human or social issues anymore. We're giving 160 years of participation. Put down that cross. We're giving more than I've shared in that endeavor. I wouldn't do it anymore. Not me. So as I can really sign off until next Wednesday, again, just my thoughts on politics, I wouldn't be concerned about 2025. Not me. I wouldn't be concerned about whether Biden or Trump wins your call either or, you know, you're in a day, baby. It's going to come down your skills. How you living? How you living? How you living? It's going to come down your skill base. What kind of skills you possess in a stay-in-call capitalism? If you got high-income skills, you're going to do well. If you don't, you're going to struggle. And far too many of our folks are in work called struggle mode, struggle mode. Policy is not going to save us. Anything called universal is going to do nothing for us while we had too far behind. Too far behind. Here's what it is. It is what it is. So again, just from my beliefs, you can come to your own conclusion because it's your time at bat now. I'm a baby boom. I'm 70. You know, I'm in the last quarter of my life. Or I can do share my wisdom. But at the end of the day, you got to aid the seller. Are you going to deal with whiteness? And I say to you, the best thing you got going to have in my group is what not to do. It's what not to do. And I will no longer be out front on any so-called social gender, voting rights, human rights, death, right? No. Pass that baton to each other, minorities. Let them do that. Let them be out front. Focus on you. Focus on acquiring your skills. Then go out of the marketplace and put those skills to work where they bring a top bottle for you. They get your option. They give your option. Because right now, many of our folks don't have option. They stuck where they are. Don't you remain one of those? For anyway, I hope you've enjoyed my conversation. Again, I mean to offend no one. I speak to my group because why that's my interest and my purpose to elevate and inspire my people that you can do better. The time is now. But politics is not answerable. It ain't the answer. You can put a fucking at bird. She did. She did. You're going to give gotten all you're going to get out of civil rights and voting. I might be wrong but I damn sure doubt it. I doubt that. It's over. So as I wind down, again, I'll be back next week with another thought about life, how things are going. You know, it's a great country. It's a great country. And if you broke, you're going to write you in the right place. If I understand, you've got to be skilled. If you have the high income skills, you're going to do well in America. If you don't, you're going to struggle. There's no getting around that piece. So give me my listening to WBCA, one of 2.9 FM Army Host Larry Hingbarlin and a show from the trenches, baby. I have to be from the trenches, baby. Well, I speak from the trenches. I speak about what I see. And if you don't do nothing different, you ain't getting nothing different. One thing I do believe in, no one's coming to save you. They didn't come from me. They sure ain't coming for you. So if you want to aid in your greatest great country of ours, I encourage you to. Your butter makes you your hobby skill and you'll do just fine. Until the next one is, you've got to bless you and take care. The preceding commentary does not necessarily reflect the views of the staff and management of WBCA or the Boston Neighborhood Network. If you would like to express another opinion, you can address your comments to Boston Neighborhood Network, 302-5 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 02119. To arrange a time for your own commentary, you can call WBCA at 617-708-3215 or email radio at [BLANK_AUDIO]