WBCA Podcasts

Cooking In The Dark

Join Dale and Cheryl for some pumpkin cookies and pumpkin bread! Ep. #250 PSA Free!

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04 Jul 2024
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Join Dale and Cheryl for some pumpkin cookies and pumpkin bread!

Ep. #250 PSA Free!

It is more of the best of the cookie in the dark show. Welcome to Cooking in the Dark. The kitchen, I will go to the kitchen. And although some recipes I cannot breathe, Still I'm sure I can't do everything I need. This show cooking in the dark, it is the key. He's a multi-totative Texan. You know Cheryl should tell himself, I know Dale Kimbop would like to welcome you to this hair show. Cooking in the Dark is a presentation of Blind Mites Megamall. And Holy smoly, guacamole! Welcome to Cooking in the Dark. I'm Cheryl Cummings and I'm going to introduce to you the man who proves to us every week that you don't need sight, took a dinner tonight. Dale Kimbop! Hey, hey, hey! Wow! Everybody's hung over from the weekend or what? I know since it's sort of an anemic applause there. I'm going to fire them up a little bit today. Yeah, yeah. We're doing, it's fall outside y'all. What does that mean in Texas? It means the temperature gets down into the, oh, the high 80s instead of the high 90s. Oh my gosh. It's still a bit warm. We get a front through every now and then that'll chill us out, get us down into the lows and maybe the upper 50s and highs in the 70s, which is beautiful. Those are days back when I could see and was working, I'd kind of get in trouble for playing hooky. Go and find myself on the golf course like woo hoo, all right. But it is fall. It is November. That means turkey day is not too far away. That means Dale's birthday is just around the corner. He got to like all that. Especially when I start getting gifts that I haven't gotten yet. Every year I ask for them. Never get them. That's okay. I am my own gift. I'm a gift to you. So because it is to season and man we want to send out our thoughts and prayers everybody up. New York, Jersey, all on the east coast that's suffering right now. Believe me, us folks down here in Houston, we know what you're going through. Some of y'all got it pretty easy. Only losing power for a day or two. Some of y'all don't have it very easy at all. Kind of like some of the other residents down here that lost everything, which is bad. Come back to here and there's nothing but a concrete slab down here where the water done washed everything away. Your heart's got to go out to people who, you know, they see like all this massive devastation of their home, all their stuff there, you know, and they say, we're going to rebuild. And I'm just like, oh my gosh, that takes a lot, because... That's all you can do. Yeah, but I mean, I would just want to just put my head down and just ball for a little bit. I want to cry for a little bit. You have to. You do. You got to mourn a little bit and just like, man, here we go again, you know? Yeah. And then, I mean, to the resolve of human nature, let's take it on. Let's go. Especially New York. They've seen tragedy before. Right. So I have no doubt that they'll be bouncing back and being good to go pretty soon. But boy, boy, oh boy, crazy storm. Little bitty, not much wind, but a whole lot of water. Yeah. I mean, the bounty sank, you know, the replica that was used in the movie. Mm-hmm. And it was on its way, in fact, to Galveston. It was going to be here for the winter. Oh, okay. So it did not make it. But the Roseway, which actually harbors right there in Boston. Oh, it did. Oh, hi, it always does. It's actually a sailing school. Oh. So you can, your kids can go and learn how to, you know, sail on it. It's like 112 foot, boy, I forget the type of ship it is. But I know when it was in St. Croix, it's down there for the winter. And they do the same thing. They take school kids out on it and stuff like that. And, you know, and do tours and everything and sales. And we did an evening sale on it. And they made us as the, as the people hoist the sales, man. We each grab lines, heave ho, heave ho. Heave ho, raised those, I'm like, man. Wow. So I know I was a pirate, y'all. And after, after heaving and hoeing, I know I was a captain. I had a parrot on my shoulder and, you know, I, there, I wasn't heave hoeing and I wasn't swabbing any decks. I'll tell you that. My goodness. It's sort of dawned on you like, oh, this is a little tough. Yeah, I don't remember this. I think they said those sales weigh about 2000 pounds each or something like that. Oh my goodness. Wow. And, you know, these lines are probably two inches in diameter, maybe a little bigger. Right. And there was probably 10 or 12 of us on each line heaving a hoeing together. And that's, that's what you do. Heave, you pull. Right. And then hoe, you grab the line and, you know, we'll up a little bit and heave ho. So, but eventually we got the sale up. And they were looking for volunteers to raise one of the jibs and I was like, oh, that's kind of like the little boy in class, you know, that doesn't know the answer to the question. Kind of looking everywhere. Don't pick me. I'm fixing to have a heart attack right here, man. Holy crap. I was the captain. I say I was a captain. Oh shoot. But anyway, getting back to fall harvest time. Halloween is over. I hope everybody had a good, safe one. I know Candice enjoyed it because her little kids came back to school on Thursday with little sugar buzz going on. Oh my God. After Halloween. Whoo hoo. Great. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. No, but it's all good. It's all good. So with halo, I mean, we've got, and I must say that we, you know, it's, everything's looking good here. We're moving right along. So we're going to do just a couple shows today with pumpkin. I mean, pumpkin, pumpkin pie, that'll be coming up in just a short, short. I mean, it's Thanksgiving grows ever nearer. But we're not going to be doing pumpkin pies. I mean, whoo. Lots of good food, girl. Mm hmm. Yeah. Time to get some elastic pants, elastic wasted pants. Yes. What chance time is coming in? Yeah, right. Right. It is. Unbuckle your belt and just, man, eat once, watch part of the ballgame and then eat again. And, you know, definitely check out that Detroit game this year because the Houston Texans will be playing. That's my team. Go Texans. Okay. Anyway, anyway, but yeah, we're going to do some pumpkin cookies. What's the title? Pumpkin cookie recipe. I think it's called something like the great pumpkin cookie recipe. The great pumpkin cookie. See, that's why the great pumpkin that remakes it out on Charlie Brown. (laughter) He's filleted and stuffed right here. Somebody catches him. (laughter) And then we're going to do an awesome two pumpkin bread. I mean, and there's so many, you know, pumpkin breads, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin pancakes. Oh, pumpkin. I like it. It's a great, great flavor. So, without further ado, we're going to do pumpkins today, so you hang on to your seats. Now, you know, just recently little Johnny was a church and the pastor sees him staring up at a plaque on the wall, just staring at it. And the pastor walks over next to him and says, "Good morning, son." And little Johnny says, "Oh, good morning, sir." You know, for a little seven-year-old, that's plaque's way up there and he's just looking at it, all these names on it. And he asks the pastor, he goes, "What is this plaque?" And the pastor says, "Oh, Johnny, I'm glad you're looking at that. That's in remembrance of all of our congregation members who have died in service." And he goes, "In service, wow. Each one, pastor, the eight-thirty or the ten-thirty?" Well, Johnny's like, "Mm, I remember my name on that plaque right there." All right, folks, y'all hang on to your seats, do what you've got to do. We will be back in two and two and we're going to take off with some pumpkin cookies. Now more of the show with your host, Dale Campbell and Cheryl Cummings. On Halloween night, the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch and flies through the air to bring toys to all the good little children everywhere. Wouldn't you like to sit with me in the pumpkin patch on Halloween night and wait for the Great Pumpkin? All right. Sorry, I'm digging down here in my drawers. I'm getting the beater out for Art Stand mixer. Oh, okay. This is for like everything we're doing, the pumpkin cookies and the pumpkin brand or? Mm-hmm. Okay. Come on, get on there. There we go. You're being shy, not wanting to get on there, let's see. Oh, yeah, you got power. Folks, if y'all don't have a stand mixer, put that on your wish list for Christmas. They are nice. I definitely enjoy it. It's nice to be able to grind stuff up, but now if you're with us on the one show when we were making angel food cake. Oh, yes, we were beating up the wrong things, weren't we? Who's going to take a walk? Waiting for the peaks to rise. The peaks were not going to rise as it was not. All right, so let's hit it. I've got a bunch of flour out of here, I've got oatmeal, I've got sugar. Sugar and sugar? I've got, yeah. Raisins? Raisins, we got it all, so why don't you hit us with that recipe. All right, so here we go, the great pumpkin cookie recipe. Four cups unsifted flour, two cups oatmeal, two teaspoons of baking soda, two teaspoons of cinnamon, one teaspoon salt, one and a half cups of oil, a half a cup of white sugar, two cups of brown sugar, one egg, one teaspoon vanilla, one and one half cups of canned pumpkin, and one, what, half a cup of nuts, half a cup of raisins, and that's it. Mercy, mercy, a lot of stuff to do, but I mean it's all pretty much, now go ahead and read the prep, because the prep's pretty easy. So first you're going to combine the flour, oatmeal, spices and salt, put it aside, and then you're going to cream your oil, the sugar and the eggs together for about two minutes, and then you add a half a cup of canned pumpkin and you mix for another minute, and then you add the remaining flour and pumpkin alternately and mix together. Last but not least, you stir in the nuts and the raisins, and certainly last, you put, half the mixture, a teaspoon at a time, on the greased or sprayed baking pan. It's going to bake at 350 for 15 to 20 minutes, and for those of you who really want to know, it makes about 5,000 cookies, you know, I can never make, when it says 5 dozen, I don't get 5 dozen. Do you get less? Yes. Okay. I think that's what happens. Okay, so we've got to get four cups of flour out here. And you don't have to sift it. Two, hey, this recipe, you almost have to take a shoe off. No, no, no, everything's under five, Dale. You're good to go. Okay. You're good. You're good. The thing I got five toes could be hurting, if not, all right, two cups of oatmeal. So this is kind of one of those ones we're going to do, the dry ingredients first. Right. And then we're going to come back and prepare our wet ingredients, sorry, I'm concentrating. We've got the flour and the oatmeal. Right. And you could put in the cinnamon and baking soda. Okay. Two teaspoons of baking soda and two teaspoons of cinnamon and what I'm doing here, y'all, baking soda, correct, mount powder. Big soda. Soda. Soda. One, what I'm doing, y'all, I'm just putting this in one of our mixing bowls, all these dry ingredients, the cinnamon, so disappointing at our local grocery store. They've taken out the bulk area. Oh, you're kidding. Yeah, no more bulk spices, so I'm not real pleased by that. Okay. Much salt. One tablespoon. One teaspoon. One teaspoon. Is that it for the dry ingredients? Oh, I believe so. Okay. Oh, I'm sorry. No, no, the sugar and the oil and the butt and the egg will be our wet ingredients. Yeah, we're going to put that in here in a minute. So for the oil, you can use butter. If you want to cream it up that way, you can use vegetable oil. You can also substitute apple sauce, whichever you want to go there. I think I'm going to go ahead and just use some butter. All right. So what was it? One and a half cups? Yes. So that's going to be a stick and a half of butter and half a cup of white sugar and two cups of brown sugar, genie with the light brown sugar. Okay. Let me get a canife out here, so I'm going to cut this stick of butter, I'm going to cut it perfectly in half. Absolutely. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I would too. I would too. So here's how I'm going to do it. I kind of measure it up with my fingers. Okay. That should be about it right there. Hey, you need to share. What are you doing? I just cut this butter perfectly in half if you can move it. Look at that. I totally believe. A little applause for that. Y'all wake up out there. Hey. We're cutting here. What I did was I took my two index fingers and stuck them onto the top of the butter. Put them on top of the butter and I moved them until, for me, my fingers are kind of long. So my second knuckle was about at each end of the piece of butter. Alrighty. So then I was able to, by feeling the edge of the butter, I was able to put both edges at the same spot on both fingers. Does that make sense? Yes. Yes. Then I moved one finger, left one finger there and whacked it off right at the edge of the finger. Not taking the finger tips. I was going to say, yeah, no finger tips in this recipe. No. I didn't see that anywhere on the list of ingredients needed. Although a little bit chewy. Okay. Anyway, that's how I did it. Alrighty. That's awesome. I know when we could get a talking tape measure out and really get into it, but I didn't need to do all that. No. Now here's another little tip I've got. I've got a cookie sheet out. It's actually more like a jelly roll pan and I've got all the ingredients as I'm scooping them out. I've got them on top of this cookie sheet. Oh, I like that. Spill. Spill. I've been all over the counter. Right. Yeah. Not exactly spill proof. Well, but as you said, it's not spilling on your counter. It's spilling in a pan. And then when you're done, you just pick the pan up and take it over to the sink and voila. And you're done. Yeah. Two cups of brown sugar. Yes. Half a cup of white sugar. And that one. Now watch the other of y'all, a little tip, a little tip. Tip. Keep it in the freezer. Oh, that is good. Yeah. Or else, why should you do that? Otherwise, it'll become a brick that sucks up the humidity, I guess, it gets raw. Now if you do have brown sugar, it gets hard, usually tossing it in the microwave will alleviate that problem. It'll fall. It kind of rejuvenates it, I guess, thaws it out a little bit. But I've always just kept mine in the freezer. That way I know where it's at. Okay. Half a cup of white sugar, anything else goes in here? One egg. One egg. And you could put in the teaspoon of vanilla. Okay. Well, we're here, we're in door left, my egg, it's a pretty egg. She told me it was a blue egg, she told me she's now laying colored eggs, but I think she's jacking with me. I told her I had one of her sisters the other day for dinner. Uh oh. I can't imagine that was a fun conversation. Oh, Hindora, she's cool to mess with. She knows me now, just joking. She sees me come in, starts clucking. Hey, knock that noise off, oops sorry y'all, I got a brand new bottle of vanilla, a big Mexican bottle finally dried up, you go to Mexico, they've got, um, alright, okay, let's pick it up here. Okay. One teaspoon of vanilla. Yes, it is. And then we need to cream this all together for about two minutes, two minutes, let me lock the lid down while we're creaming and we need to prepare one and a half cups of pumpkin. For about a quarter cup of canned pumpkin to start mixing. Okay. So we mix that in along with part of the oatmeal and flour, all of our dry mixture. Um, first you're just going to do the canned pumpkin and then you start putting in some of the flour and then some of the canned pumpkin, you go back and forth. Okay. Alright, I'm going to plop in a little pumpkin, get some more of it ready to go here. These are going to be so good, I love cookies anyway, cookies, cookies are always good. All me the cookie monster. Okay, let's take a pause here, we're going to add some of our flour, our dry ingredients. How much of that do you think you're putting in now? Probably about two cups of it, about half of it, okay. Let that start mixing up, get a little more pumpkin here, ready to go. Now we're going to do something too that I like to do with cookie dough. What's that? My step mom taught me this, which is a pretty good idea. She makes all her cookie dough at one time, if she's making oatmeal and, you know, whatever types of cookie she's making, she makes it all at one time. Oh, okay. And then she refrigerates it, chills it, she'll come back the next day and bake everything. Oh, okay. That's a great idea. This recipe does suggest that you can do that. You can chew the dough. And you can, I believe, freeze the unused dough too. Yes. I read that right. Yeah, this recipe came to us off of the cooking in the darkest. There was just some recipes that started getting posted for pumpkin-ness and pumpkin-nat. I'm like, oh my gosh, I love it. I love pumpkin. Well, the list is just awesome. And this is probably the best time to be part of the list because not only do you get everything for Thanksgiving, but you get all the suggestions for all of the holidays that are coming up now at the end of the year. Right, right. And plus, there's just good people on there. They're very good people on the list. Maryland command bless her heart. She posts all kinds of great recipes up there. That's why we will never be at a shortage for recipes to make on this show. No, thank goodness. Let me rinse this bowl out here. Now, we need to vote about how many raisins, four or five? I'm sure it's two or three. I want to say half a cup. OK. Yep, half a cup of raisins and half a cup of nuts. OK. Let me walk this down. I've added all the pumpkin now and all the flour. All the flour? OK. Or the dry ingredients now. I've got to flour the overmeal with spices. So Dale, in this instance, are you going to pour hot water to plump up the raisins or are you just going to pour them in as is? No. No, I'm going to leave them as they are. OK. And I'm going to kind of chop up these nuts just a little bit here. I'm using pecans. Mm-hmm. You could also use walnuts. Probably almonds, if you like almonds better. Macadamia nuts. Yep. If you're doing macadamia, you might as well get you some white chocolate to go with that oil. I was going to say the recipe didn't specify what type of nuts you had to use. So totally up to you. Let me get flexible chopping that out here. Put these pecans on it. We'll dice them up real fast. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It's good to be the cook. It is. It is. Grab me a couple of pecans and chew on them here real fast. Sorry I don't mean to be rude, but I just love pecans. That's what they're about Thanksgiving pecan pie, chocolate pecan pie. Mm-hmm. You can make that or you're going to talk about it because I want to try that this year. No, you can make it. I can. Yeah, I'll come to your house. Oh, that's lovely. You might make one for Christmas. Okay. That would be great. I do want to do a show where we make you know some Christmas cookies. I would think I'm going to make some lumballs. Mm-hmm. I want to make some cheese balls. Mm, I love cheese, guys. Those things are quite, I mean they're very easy. They're not difficult to make, but once they're done you're like, "Ah, it's a lot of cheese." Yeah. Better have a lot of crackers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I could devour a cheese ball and a heartbeat. Okay, we want to fold these in, correct? Yes. You want to do your nuts and then your raisins, or your raisins and then your nuts. Okay. Let's go ahead and fold these in and get the raisins here. Put those in. You couldn't find the raisins. We're out here just getting it located. Let's do California raisins. Uh-oh. Are you about to say something bad about people of California? Oh, I'll put California in things. But what I've meant by that was they were way over to the left-hand side. So west, they were on the west side, you know? West, yes. You're not about Tocques, oh, California, it's a being left-desk. No, but you just did. I did not. Send your comments to Cheryl, come and speak to me. No, no, no, no. All right, I'm just getting this cookie dough off of our mixer here, getting it into the bowl. Then I'm going to plop this dough. It's quite sticky. Are you saying, will you refrigerate it for a little while? Yeah, we're going to chill it. So we'll take a little break, but let's chill them. Okay. And then we'll come back and bake these dues up. 350 for 15 to 20 minutes or until brown. Oh, okay, I'll keep an eye on that. All right, y'all, depending on the sale, let me find our bowl here. And we need to bake it on a greased cookie sheet, correct? Yes. A lightly greased cookie sheet, not to be particular, but I just thought I'd share that with you. All right, okay, well, we'll be right back, y'all, I'm going to get this dough put in this bowl. We're going to let it chill. And then when we come back, we'll be baking some cookies. Now with more of the show, here's Cheryl Cummings and Dale Campbell. Welcome back to our all about pumpkin show. The bread's all about pumpkins. All about pumpkins. Now our dough has chilled. Yeah. Let me spray this pan down, it needs to be greased, that translates into greased, yeah, greased is Dale for greased. Crazy. Crazy. All right, so our dough's chilled now, it's a little more manageable, it's not so sticky. Right. So I'm just using a teaspoon, regular teaspoon, actually it's a tablespoon. That explains why you don't get five dozen cookies. Okay, that's 60 scoops, I got it, right? Now what I'm doing is I'm just scooping it out and I'm trying to use muscle memory, if you will, to make all the clumps of cookie dough here about the same size. I'm using the three finger spacing method. So I put the first clump of cookie dough down, I put three fingers down between the two, three fingers there, space them out across three fingers, okay? That way they're going to have room to kind of melt. Right. Do a little expanding. Do a little expanding, kind of like what we all do this time of year. Oh my gosh, don't even talk about it. I think we're going to be wise and we're going to join the gym before the new year rush starts. It's not joining the gym, the hard part. It's, I know, it's going. Yeah, everybody can join the gym. And we've done that in the past, but I've been told this gym has got some exciting things, a track for one. Really? And a pool. Okay. Track to me sounds like a lot of work. Maybe if we could figure it out, I could actually just walk around the track. Yeah. Seems to me like a treadmill will be a whole lot safer. Ah, well, things can go wrong in a treadmill. Now some of those new treadmills, they've got, they're pretty cool because you can program in, like if you want to walk, say, in Frisco, you know, it'll change with the elevations that you route would. Oh, very nice. So sometimes you're walking uphill, sometimes you're walking downhill, but it adds a little bit more to it. But those things aren't necessarily accessible. I mean, you need a sighted person. Yeah, if you're a gym, I mean, you can get a trainer to hook you up without too much of a problem. Just kind of arranging the cookies here, kind of squeeze a couple more on this cookie sheet. We're going into a 350 degree oven for about 12 to 15 minutes, 15 to 20 minutes, or until brown, you know, whichever floats your boat. These are pumpkin, so this should be orange. Well, you know, brown, orange. Same difference. That's what I'm seeing in my head. So let's slide these in. We'll put 15 minutes on the old timer. We'll have Mr. Producer queue up the time machine. Everybody, please keep your hands and feet inside until the ride has come to a complete stop. We've got 15 minutes on the timer. We're going to be flying and the cookies will be done when we get there. All right, Cheryl, you there? I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. Audience. They're there. Not here. More cookies for us. All right. So let's pop up in the oven door here and get my grips mitts and slide this tray out. Put it down. Now I've got a cooling rack set up over here. Just a wire cooling rack. I'm going to... Ooh, these are nice, Cheryl. I bet they're going to be... They're not really soft soft, but they're farm soft. Just the way I like them in their pot. Let me get our spatula here. I'm feeling geared for like a glass of milk. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Big glass of milk. Okay. I'm just going to scrape set these off and put them on the cooling rack and let them cool to the end of the show. One by one, we're just going to keep repeating this process, y'all. So we get done baking our five dozen cookies. Maybe not. I'll just make a couple pans of them for now and a little bit more for us later. All right. We're going to take a little break right here. I'm going to finish scraping these cookies off the cookie sheet. We'll be right back. We're going to make a pumpkin cake. Oh, no. Bread. Hey, bread. Something bread. I'm cooking in the dark. Now here's more of the show with Dale Campbell and Cheryl Cummings. Hey, y'all. We're back. Man, I have to apologize, y'all. I've been telling y'all, we're going to be making pumpkin cake. We're not making pumpkin cake. We're making pumpkin bread. What was it? Bread cake now. Wow. It's actually a pumpkin quick bread. It's one of those good recipes where we're going to mix all our dry ingredients up together and then we're going to mix all of our wet ingredients up together. Then we're going to combine the two into a delicious pumpkin cake. Bread. Bread. Bread. Bread. Bread. Bread. It's bread, dude. It's bread. Yeah. Okay. I understand. So go ahead and read that recipe, Cheryl. All right. So here we go. A flour, two teaspoons of ground cinnamon, two teaspoons of baking soda, one and a half teaspoons of salt, one 15 ounce can of pumpkin puree, three cups of granulated sugar, four large eggs, one cup of vegetable oil, one half a cup of apple juice or water, one large baking apple peeled, cored and diced. That's it. All right. So here's what I'm doing. I'm putting a cup of vegetable oil into our mixing bowl. Same thing as what we did with the cookies. You can substitute butter. We can also substitute applesauce, which is the way to give applesauce is a great substitute. It is a nice substitute. Although I've got to say every time we buy the applesauce and I'm going to make something, I have to be very quick about it because if not, the applesauce vanishes because they're because it's one of Mr. Cummings's favorite things to eat. All right. I have to agree with that too. I like applesauce. When I was a kid in school, applesauce was so much better than some of them vegetables. All right, three cups of sugar. Three cups of sugar. Well, if you were fortunate, they probably had the vegetables in the applesauce if I'm remembering correctly. A lot of times I remember vegetables like I think we used to get applesauce when they served tacos and sometimes little lettuce or whatever would somehow migrate into the applesauce. I don't know. Nice. Yeah. Thank you very much for that. Anytime. You know, girl, we have some Brussels sprouts with your applesauce. Here you go. Nothing to ruin that, man. Okay, so I've got the sugar, three cups of sugar and I've put that in with our vegetable oil. Again, I'm in the stand mixer. And did you put in your four eggs? I've got them right here. All righty. Yeah, I don't think these are blue eggs. I think Kendor is messing with me. She might be. She might be. Oh, isn't there like a big, I mean, I don't know, there's like a chicken thing going on where people are keeping their own and raising their own chickens and there are blue eggs. My dad is. Is he really? Yeah, certain chickens have different colored eggs. Wow. These eggs, I don't, they don't sound sad. Yeah, they're raising their own, he's getting about about a dozen eggs a day. Oh my gosh. But the other thing that's cool, he can now take the farm exemption on his income tax. Because he's got a quote, unquote, you know, he's got livestock, poultry. Okay, we've got our eggs. We've got our sugar, got our oil. I'm going to go ahead and start creaming that. We need to add the pumpkin to this. Yep. Are you going to put in a apple juice or water? I'm going to put in apple juice. Now with this can of pumpkin here, I'm going to go ahead and open up both sides. Oh, what happens? It allows it to just slide right out. I'm going to push it through, make sure it just falls right out, instead of having to dig. Right. For the last little bit at the bottom. You get all that. Right. Sometimes you can get away with even just opening the, the other side of the canvas and it creates, you know, it's all about fifties, it just allows the water, I mean, the air pressure to push the, push the, the pumpkin out, out of the pan, out of the pan, out of the pan. Okay. So we've got our pumpkin in here. We've got our half a cup of apple juice. We've got three cups of sugar, one cup of vegetable oil and one can of pumpkin. Did I say that? You did it. And four eggs. And four eggs. Four eggs. So we're just kind of letting those burned up. My dry ingredients, I've already assembled, we have three cups of flour, two teaspoons of cinnamon, two teaspoons of baking soda and one and a half teaspoons of salt. And, and that's all you, oh, are you going to put in apples? I need my apple. Need your apple. I was letting this just cream together for a minute here. All right. Okay. Now let me add the dry ingredients and while the dry ingredients are churning up, we'll take care of our apple. And some of you are saying what? It did say one baking apple peeled, cored and diced with that, it said right there. No step for a stepper. I can probably do that in less than 60 seconds. All right. Some of the fastest peeler you ever saw. Okay. The dry ingredients in our mixer. This is one thing that makes it put that on low and let it get going. All right, I'm going to get our, I use an apple core peel. Oh, I'm using an apple, I could probably use two, these are kind of small. So we line it up on this apple machine. The apple machine has got prongs on one end on a spiral shaft. At the other end, it has a cutting blade that will core and cut the apple. It also has a peeler on that presses up against the apple. I'm just simply turning this handle if you can hear that. Oh, we can. Yeah. And that's it. That's it. This apple is now peeled, poured and sliced. Wow. Very nice. To dice it. Yeah. I'm just going to take it over here to the cutting board and I'm just going to start cutting straight down through the, through the apple and it will dice it because it's already sliced. So as I cut straight down through this apple, they like to come a little bit with apple rings. Mm hmm. Nothing to it. I do want these to kind of in finer pieces. Yes. You don't want a big old hunk of this when you bite into this apple bread. But you don't want it hanging out of your burger. But you don't want it so fine that it will vanish in the bread. No. As it bakes too, it will bake down. All right. So remember that. All right. Now with my awesome flexible chopping mats here, I'm just folding the edges up, carrying it right over, dropping them right on and down in there and they are better. Now, we need to bake this at 350 for about 65 minutes. Right. Or you can, when you're done, insert a pick toothpick into the center. And once it comes out clean, you're done. Now, y'all are saying, what, how are we going to know if it's clean? Just run your finger down. Yeah. You'll know if it's clean or not by, if not, what happens if it's, if it's not baked all the way through part of the batter will stick to the toothpick when you pull it out. Yeah. So you'll definitely be able to know. Do I need a greased pan for this or not? It's a prepared loaf pan. So I'm assuming yes. Okay. I can do that. I could see a beginner chef breaking up this and getting a prepared loaf pan. I did. I put it right here on the counter. I prepared it. Going into the store. I need a prepared loaf pan. Here's a meatloaf, no a prepared pan. Yeah. Okay. Go back to whatever rock you crawled off in one of the flames. So we're assuming prepared means yes, spray it. And you could really mess people up if you started a new brand of hands called prepared loaf pans. I like it. Let's do it. Yeah. I think it should be fun. I mean, by a bunch of blind people messing with the sighted folk, but y'all doing that for a week is jacking with them. Yeah, we're having some fun. Okay. I'm just pouring our batter out now and I'm using a nine by five loaf pan and when this comes out, it should be cracked on the top. Yeah. Set this down. I'm going to put this on a cookie sheet. Oh, the loaf pans before you put them and put them in the oven that way. And that's a really excellent way of sort of protecting your oven. Yes. It's much easier to clean a cookie sheet than to clean your oven. And sometimes, I mean, the other way is, you know, Dale's going to put the two loaf pans on the cookie sheet and then carry the cookie sheet over to the oven, but you could just as easily put the cookie sheet in the oven and then put the loaf pans on top of the cookie sheet. Right. Right. That's it. All right, y'all. 65 to 70 minutes at 350. We are going to have pumpkin bread. Y'all hang on. We're going to be right back and finish the show up. Now, more of the show with your host, Dale Campbell and Cheryl Cummings. All right, y'all. Welcome back. Hey, Cheryl. I'm going to take this pumpkin bread out. Yes. And I'm going to stick a toothpick in it and see if it's done. Oh, okay. Take a fork in it. So while I'm doing that, that's awesome. Yeah, the recipes, but we'll start with the, the great pumpkin, Charlie Brown. All right. The great pumpkin cookies. Okay. Four cups unsifted flour, two cups of oatmeal, two teaspoons baking soda, two teaspoons cinnamon, one teaspoon salt, one and a half cups of oil, half a cup of white sugar, two cups of brown sugar, one egg, one teaspoon vanilla, one and a half cups of canned pumpkin, half a cup of nuts, half a cup of raisins. And then we mixed a dry ingredient ingredient all together and then we did all the wet ingredients together and then we put everything together and voila. Yeah. Then we chilled it though, you know, just let it set up and it made it much, much easier to manage. A lot easier to manage. In fact, I've still got a couple more dozen of these cookies to bake after we go off the air. But I've just stuck a toothpick into our bread. It is cracked on top, which is the first sign that it's done. And when, when the toothpick came out, it did come out clean. So there was no, there was no dampness, no batter, nothing like that stuck to it. So that tells me right there that it is, it is done. Have you noticed how you mentioned that and look at the band, they're right there. They're just like, you can hear them moving up. We are ready. We've got our plates right here. Yeah, they got to learn, they got to play it for their food. You're laughing. Yeah, they know. All right. So read that, read that recipe there for the pumpkin. All right. It's now for the harvest pumpkin bread, three cups all purpose flour, two teaspoons of ground cinnamon, two teaspoons baking soda, one and a half teaspoons of salt, three cups of sugar granulated sugar, one 15 ounce can of pumpkin puree, four large eggs, one cup of vegetable oil, half a cup of apple juice or water, one large baking apple peeled, cored and diced. And again, you follow the same technique here. You mixed your dry ingredients in one bowl and then you mixed your wet ingredients in another bowl. You combine. And the last thing you do here is you fold in the peeled, cored and diced apple. Mix everything together, put it into two loaf pans, put that in your oven. You bake 350 for 65 to 70 minutes or you can use the toothpick method. Do use both methods. Yes. Use the amount of time and then use the toothpick method to check to make sure that you are done. Yep. And speaking of being done, we're done. So listen, y'all, we're not going to be here next week. It is Thanksgiving. We're going to be taking the week off, spending with our family. They're not our friends. They're our family. Can you choose your family? No, just joking. No, maybe not. But anyway, so we'll see y'all after Thanksgiving. We've got a great show. We're going to rerun that you do not want to miss its leftovers and you know what to do if Thanksgiving Day leftovers, you're going to love it. I'm Dale Campbell. She's Cheryl Cummins. Cooking in the Dark is a presentation of Blind Mites Megamall and Cooking in the Dark was produced by THC Productions. Y'all have a happy and safe and a fattening Thanksgiving. Remember, go Texans. We'll see y'all at the end. Cooking in the Dark is a presentation of Blind Mites Megamall and Cooking in the Dark was produced by THC Productions. Who cares about the clouds when we're together. Just sing a song and think 'bout sunny weather. [Music] [Music]