WBCA Podcasts

Cooking In The Dark

Join Dale and Cheryl for some delicious egg bacon salad!

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05 Sep 2024
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Join Dale and Cheryl for some delicious egg bacon salad!

It is more of the best of the cookie in the dark show! Welcome to Cooking in the Dark! The kitchen, I will go to the kitchen And although some recipes I cannot breathe Still, I'm sure I can't do everything I need This show cooking in the dark, it is the key He's a monster, a topative Texan You know Cheryl should tell himself I know Dale Kimbop would like to welcome you to this hair show! Cooking in the dark is a presentation of Blind Mites Megamall And Go watch them all week! Welcome to Cooking in the Dark! This is Cheryl Cummings and I'm going to introduce to you The man who proves to us every week That you don't need the sight to cook dinner tonight Dale Kimbop! Man, that song just gets me ready! I know! Before we get into this, I've got some water boiling here And it is not a repeat folks, we're sorry for being gone for so long But we had scheduling conflicts, Easter, winter weather that got in the way up there Gosh, winter weather got in the way down here in Texas too Almost 40 degrees a few days didn't like that a bit But now we're back up to our 80s Went and sucked some crawdads yesterday, it's spring in Texas baby We got crawdads, woo hoo! I don't like it, but I put some eggs into oil Because one of the things we're going to make today is a cool egg salad So what I've done with the eggs is I've pricked them, pierced them And now I've put them in a pot of boiling water And we're going to let them boil for about 10 minutes So I wanted to get that going so they'd be good and done by the time we get ready To do the recipe on the other side of the show Before showing I went on hiatus, we were telling you all about how we went And we were looking for a new refrigerator and had purchased one Well, delivery came and went and our refrigerator is now discontinued It said it was available, it said it was coming in And then I get a call from delivery and say it's discontinued It's been canceled, I'm like get out of here So I call the store, of course my salesman's not there The salesman I'm talking to is totally unhelpful And then I asked to speak to the division manager And he never picks up and said I get a salesman back on the phone Who hadn't been working there that long and he's trying to help mount me I said, well man, you guys need to check other stores for a floor model You need to check the warehouse because folks, I did this for eight years I worked at that very store, I did this job And he calls me back, so yeah, they're at the warehouse I'm going to blah, blah, blah So I'm still thinking we're having a delivery Nope, no delivery, discontinued Finally, now I also left a message to talk to the store manager that day That was a Tuesday, never heard from her Called back in, finally on Friday And got a, I called and asked, they've got an automated phone in system You know, there's not a real person that answers the phone, so you've got to talk to a computer I said, you know, whether you want to, who do you want to, what department do you want to be transferred? I said a manager, you want to speak to a manager, yes And just rang, and rang, and rang, and rang, and rang, and rang, and rang, nobody picked up And then it finally just went dead, it disconnected I called back four times, never once did a manager pick up My irritation level was rising, as you can imagine So then I called, get a hold of the department, again my salesman's not in And this time, guess what, the department manager's wanting to talk to me I'm like, no, he had his opportunity to talk to me, I want to talk to the store manager She's in conference, or she's, I mean, this was at 2.30 in the afternoon, never heard back from her either Finally, the store, you know, the department manager calls me And blah, blah, blah, I wanted to do this, that, and the other, and anyway, the box we bought was their elite top of the line And they goes, yeah, come in, we've got these two, we'll substitute one of these That's what we get in there, and the ones they're wanting to substitute cost less than the one we bought And he's wanting me to substitute it at the same price, uh-uh What are you eating this? That's fate and switch, man, you can't, you know, no way, no way So we work, I go, here's what, I finally get them to see what this, you know, what I want I want the same amount off of this one that I got off the other one Makes sense, so we work it all out, and it ends up being, it ends up being about a hundred bucks or so And they, and this manager, what was her name, Sylvia, that finally got over there I don't know what department she was manager of, but she wouldn't, she wouldn't do it I don't know if she didn't have the authority to, she was afraid to, I don't know, but long story short We're still trying to hear from the store manager Because they tried paging her, they tried paging the department manager who just happened to leave about ten minutes before we got there You know, and they knew what time we were coming in Because I called and told her, you know, our salesman was there that day and I said, look, you know, make sure you tell Chris we're coming in at 4.30 Well, blah, blah, blah, you know, I'm like, really, you know, back in the day, man, when I worked there, you know, one of the ladies, it was crazy, one of the ladies that still works there Worked there when, in fact, she trained me back when I started there in '83 You know, we were in customer service ticket and I asked her, I go, could you ever imagine Dave Wood, who was the store manager when we worked there Or Clyde Lowry, who was our department manager, not picking up a call or not returning a call to a client, to a customer And she's like, no way, and I'm like, yeah, me either Wow That's, it's sad, it's a long way from the way it was back in the day when we were there, but anyway, that's the way, that's the way the ball bounces So you're going to want to tune in next week because we're going to do, it's springtime, man, and we're going to have some fun We're going to make some something, I can't tell you what it is, you'll have to tune in next week, how's that? But it's a, it, I'll give you a hint, there's a dance named after it, okay, and that's what we're going to make Okay, it's a hint, it's a hint, but today, man, we're going to focus what the show we're doing today is one I wanted to do before Easter So if you had those extra Easter eggs, you could have an idea what to do with them And, like I said, because of scheduling and weather and then the holidays and this, that, and the other, and we just never, our recording schedule got thrown all out of, out of whack, and then I ended up with gout, the one day we were going to, gout, gout in my elbow, y'all, couldn't even move my arm Terrible, can't be cooking when you got gout in your arm, it'll wait, it'll wait, I had to hold my arm up I had a broken wings at the chicken, went to the doctor's dock, it hurts when I do that, well don't do that, thanks doc That's a hundred bucks, have a good day But, speaking of the doctor, man, this guy went to the doctor because he was filling in, and he went to find out what was wrong, and doctor examined him and he goes, oh man, you've got yellow 24, what's that? He goes, well, all your internal organs are turning yellow when they're deteriorating, you've got about 24 hours left to live Oh, the dude's floored, shell-shocked, goes home, tells his wife, and she's devastated and she goes, well, you better come play bingo with me tonight then, it'll be your last chance Ah, okay, he agrees, he hates bingo, gets there, wins the first game, hundred bucks, wins the second game, wins the third game wins the fourth game, the last game is the super pot, worth 680 bucks, he wins that The bingo collar is, wow, out of all the, man, you've won every, you know, caused him up to the stage and stuff and you're the luckiest guy we've ever had in here, but he goes, well, not really, he goes, I've got yellow 24 The bingo collar looks at a sheet of paper in his hand, oh my gosh, yellow 24, you just won the raffle [laughter] It's good with the fad, y'all, we'll be right back on cooking in the dark, we're going to show you what to do with those leftover Easter eggs Actually, if you've still got Easter eggs, throw them out, man [laughter] Boils them fresh, we'll be right back on cooking in the dark Now, more of the show with your host, Dale Campbell and Cheryl Cummings All right, y'all, we are back, it's so good to be back Hey, I'm going to fry up some bacon real fast for this recipe, Cheryl All right What I've done, like I tell everybody, practice makes perfect I buy thick, sliced bacon, that's what I prefer and in my skillet, I know if I cook it at medium heat and cover it, it takes just about ten minutes to fry up So, that's how, and I had to play with it a little bit, I practice, you know, okay, cook it for seven, cook it for fifteen, too much You know, I played a little bit, but what I like to do in the mornings is cook me up If I cook five slices of bacon, that'll make me a couple little bacon BLTs, you know? [laughter] I like bacon lettuce to many sandwiches, but anyway, so what I'm doing, I'm just laying out five strips of bacon in my skillet I've got it on about medium-high heat I just turn the, just heated up the skillet, so it's getting, it's warm In fact, I mean, it's not hot enough, or if you touch it, you're going to burn yourself But it is definitely, if you leave your finger there for a couple seconds, you'll feel the heat for sure So I'm laying the bacon in, we've got our eggs boiling, they're almost ready for the second phase of boiling Which is so simple, let me put my lid on, I'll put a lid on the bacon And we just let it do its thing, it's so nice and easy You'll hear it start sizzling, and it takes just about ten minutes, and then it's done Now, Cheryl's wanting me to talk about piercing an egg Okay, piercing an egg, basically what that means is you can take a very sharp knife, you just want to poke a little hole in the shell Now I have a thing, I have an egg slicer with an egg piercer on it And it's got a little circle that you put the tip of the egg in, and you press down, it's spring-loaded And when you press down, there's a little metal piece that pierces the egg Kind of like, you know, for diabetics, when you're testing, you've got that little rubber band thing that you flip And it pierces your skin and lets you bleed So you can bleed on a test rip, but piercing an egg helps let the air out of the egg And it'll help also center your yoke from what I understand from people As your eggs are boiling, in case you're making deviled eggs or something like that Now for everybody on the cooking in the dark list, I understand that ACB radio updated their servers And when that happened, some ISPs now are blacklisting the ACB radio list So from what I understand, Larry, who's kind of in charge of the ACB radio and ACB lists Looking into getting that corrected, so just be patient and hopefully they will get it corrected and fixed Otherwise, we may be having to move the list or something, but we don't want to do that Now the eggs, there's probably, gosh, show, remember when I did that on the list? Ask, everybody, how do you boil an egg? Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I didn't do it again, I swear That was nuts, man, we had about 6,000 responses, I bet, well, I exaggerate, only 5,800 It certainly felt like it, yes But there were so many different ways, the way I was always taught was you boil the eggs for 10 minutes Then you turn them off and cover them and let them stand for about another 10 minutes That's the way I've always done it Other people, you know, they wait until the water's boiling and they boil them for 7 minutes And then they take them off the heat and let them stand for 15 minutes or blah, blah, you know, there's so many ways Basically with an egg, you don't want to over boil it because if you over boil it, it is a booger to peel And that's when you'll know you over boil it when they're hard to peel But I digress, okay, we've got our eggs boiling, I'm going to turn them off and cover them Cheryl, why don't you read us this recipe? This is a great little twist on just, instead of a regular egg salad I love egg salad, chicken salad, mmm, all that stuff, but this is a great little twist on that You need 5 eggs hard boiled, 1 can of Rotel Tomatoes drained, 1/4 cup of mayonnaise 1/4 cup of Creole mustard or spicy brown mustard Salt and pepper, ooh, hot sauce or white pepper to taste Five, the important ingredient, I'm like, where's the bacon? Five slices bacon cooked and crumbled See, it's funny, you read that recipe and there's one thing that jumps out at you And I read it and there's one thing that jumps out at me What's that? For you, it was the bacon Yes For me, it was the white pepper Wow, I did notice that too, I'm like hot sauce and/or white pepper Ooh, I'm in, that sounds good to me White pepper is great y'all because it'll kind of be "hidden" You know, you won't be able to see it Skylar, when she was little, whenever I would cook and use black pepper She would kind of avoid eating it because she should see the pepper And then I started using white pepper She couldn't see it, didn't know it was there And away we went That's nice, so it wasn't that she was anti-spicy It was just seeing the spicy The only thing I've made that she did not eat was when I did the salmon in the dishwasher When I poached the salmon in the dishwasher She's like, "Ahh, ahh!" Smart kid, she's like, "I've had the eye out there" I'm not going there man But actually, y'all, that came out great You just wrap it up, double wrap it in foil I mean, season it with your dill or whatever you want to season it with butter and such And I wrap it in foil, I wrapped it in foil once And then I wrapped it the opposite way So that where the one fold was on the foil That was then on the solid piece of the second piece of foil And the foil was on anyway Double wrapped it and you wrap it kind of loosely Put it in the top rack of your dishwasher And you can run dishes, I mean But I ran a load of dishes and cooked dinner at the same time, man And it poached it Now, in the same recipes I had heard Where you could do corn on the cob, potatoes Ahh, they didn't cook that well Oh, they didn't cook that well No, no, don't go there But the fish poached up really nice That was very good, actually I ain't doing it Bless her heart Okay, I've got my rotals here I'm going to drain those real fast And rotal tomatoes, y'all are just a can of It's tomatoes with diced chilies and onions These come in different temperatures Mild, regular, hot, extra hot And I'll tell you what, even the hot and extra hot are pretty daggum hot Let me get my can, colander here, Cheryl Kind of just tip this over and We'll just let this drain out Very nice, very nice Hey, here's a little hint for next week's show It also, it's named what we're going to be making There is a dance with the same name Or maybe a type of dance Type of dance, type of dance, yeah Type of dance, okay And there's also We could use what I've got in my hand right now The rotal tomatoes, we could actually use that in In one of the recipes if we wanted to Okay, so everybody's like I don't hear any light bulbs clicking on yet Alright, our bacon's frying up here I can hear it Y'all hear it, sizzling Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes And with the lid on, bacon y'all, you do not have to flip it It's such a thin meat that as it's frying You don't have to flip it, just let it do its thing Our eggs are chilling out over here I think what we're going to do is take a little break, Cheryl Okay And then we're going to come back and start putting this all together And for serving this, I picked up some sourdough bread I think egg salad on sourdough bread, I love sourdough bread We're going to take a little break y'all, we'll be right back on cooking in the dark We're making a bacon tomato and egg salad today [Music] Now with more of the show, here's Cheryl Cummings in Dale Campbell Welcome back to more Cooking in the Dark Cooking in the Dark And it's a real show, it's not a repeat, hooray! [Laughter] I know man, I just come and sand in the studio and just stand here Oh, come on Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh Oh, it's missing it, missing it, missing it [Laughter] I've got to tell y'all, man, at Easter, oh my gosh My sister-in-law made, you know, she took care of my brother-in-law They took care of the main and, you know, the sides for Easter dinner And they just wanted everybody to bring in dessert And I'm like, all right, I'm going to make my strawberry angel food cake Boy, that flopped And I thought, okay, I'm also going to make a lemon cheesecake pie That didn't happen Oh, gosh, it's actually you take like a lemon jello Or whatever flavor jello you want And you mix it up with cream cheese and sour cream And then you just throw it, it's easy to make, you know Well, I mean, Candice and I are in here trying to get this all thrown together And she's helping me and stuff, and the strawberry margarita cake I mean, it came out great, it's an angel food cake mix And you use strawberry margarita mix or a back remix You know, the non-alcoholic instead of the water and it came out great And I was making the icing and, oh, my gosh, it flopped It was late, we didn't have, you know, I didn't want to go to the grocery store And get new ingredients and everything, so, okay, well, I'll do this Well, I had the bowl of jello sitting there, it was our last box of jello And somehow, I moved the mixer and the quarter, the mixer was wrapped around the bowl right on the floor Oh, no, man! And the bowl landed right side up, cool, but as soon as it hit, kaboom! All that jello mixture just went fly in, you know? Oh, my goodness. It's craziness, craziness, okay, hey, y'all, I'm going to take the bacon out Now, check this out, let me find my special tongs They're 12 inches long and they're silicone coated So they've got silicone on the ends, you know, where the tong is And you can go into, like, your Teflon coated or your Santa print, you know, or not Santa print But in any of your cookware, you know, that's coated with a non-stick coating And not damage them, like, with regular metal tongs These things are great They've got a little locking mechanism on one end, you pull out this little hanging tab And it locks them closed, push it in, and they spring open, ready for action I've got a paper plate in my hand, I'm going to line it with a couple pieces of paper towel Because it's like a half sheet of paper towel Oh, okay So if you want a whole sheet, pull off two of them, if you want a half one, just pull off a half Works out great So I've got my tongs, but I've got them sprung open And I'm starting at six o'clock on the skillet And what I'm going to do is just, with one side of the tong, I kind of hold the other side up You know, the side that's away from me at pointy to twelve o'clock I've got it held up, I've got the six o'clock one down in the skillet And I slide it all the way across to almost twelve o'clock And then I slide in the tong at the top there, and look at that, I grabbed all the bacon in one shot I'm just plopping it right here on the plate, and we'll set this off to the side Let it cool And then we'll come back and put it in with our stuff Now remove bacon, we'll crisp up, it'll continue cooking for a little bit when it comes out And if it's not crispy enough, fire it back up, or throw it in your microwave for a couple minutes Whatever you want to do, let me put the lid back on our skillet here With the hot grease, move that to the back of the stove so I don't accidentally hit it And whoo, did that once, man Hot grease on the legs is not good I was getting out of the way of the cast iron skillet, that thing was flying off Okay, I've got the pot that we boiled the eggs in It's actually a two and a half quart saucepan But I'm just running cold water into it Let me go ahead and dump what's in there out This'll help kind of holding the eggs, you want to run some cold water in there Because you definitely don't want to reach your hand in boiling water Oh, no, that's bad too About 212 degrees, we'll make you do a dance You say a couple bad words that you wouldn't say in front of your preacher Okay, they're kind of cool now So here, I've got just a little bit of water running, trickling down To peel an egg y'all, break both ends, here we go Let me turn the water off so you can hear that I broke both ends against the edge at the inside of the sink Then you just roll it, you hear it crunching And then once it's there, your shell, once you get the shell crushed all the way around The shell just peels right off You know that old thing, hey, have you ever peeled an egg in one piece? Yep, sure have Once in a while that happens, but I don't know I'm just excited when there aren't any pieces stuck to the egg I see It all comes off, I'm like, woof, alright, got it Okay, you need to try this technique, you might be boiling your eggs too long I might, probably Because I'm stuck That's kind of when the shell kind of sticks to the egg That's kind of when they've been overcooked Kind of like, you know, crawdads, man, you're supposed to be able to twist the head off Grab the end of the meat out of the tail And then squeeze the bottom of the tail And it kind of pushes the meat up out of the tail And then it pops right out, but if they've been overcooked Or, man, if you've ever had crab somewhere, crab legs And you've got to sit there and dig the meat out That's a nightmare, and that's just because they just were overcooked Causes them kind of stick to the shell Right But, crawdads in Texas, hooray Love some crawdads All you said of Texas succeeds from the Union, we've got to take Louisiana with us Oh, you mean Dan? Dan, yeah, yeah Crawdads alligator Oh, yeah, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Good stuff Okay, I've got almost all six of these here Peeled Called for five, I did an extra one I've got this good looking blonde in the studio today That I'm kind of excited that's here That can only be your wife, I'm positive I know it is [laughter] Best looking blonde in the world, if you ask me Best looking, anyway, we won't go there [laughter] I tell her that and she does like you just rolls her eyes [laughter] Now, I need to dice up our eggs here So, I'm pulling out my egg slicer, kind of lazy I mean, I could sit here and chop them all up You know? Right One at a time Oh, Cheryl, the bacon's sitting right here It's within about three feet of you, I better move it Yeah, you should You should Now, this particular egg slicer, it's a five-in-one egg slicer It will slice eggs in half long ways, like for deviled eggs It'll slice them in half and in quarters It will also slice them, like in a star pattern You can put it up there, you know, standing up And it'll slice them into wedges It'll also just slice them into small slices And the way the slicing glides are, if you select it To go slice them into slices It has one that runs the length of the egg And it has another cutter that goes across the egg Oh, okay So, once I can run this through both ways Then it will just slice them right up Now, if you have just a regular egg slicer Here's what you can do Slice it one way Lift your egg up and out And then turn the egg perpendicular To the way you just sliced it And slice it again And then just dump it right in your bowl Now, if you don't have an egg slicer Here's the old-fashioned way Use a knife Just slice it across And then slice it Just kind of chop it up lengthwise And it's okay if you get some bigger hunks in there That's cool Little chewy pieces, that's excellent Wow, that's cool My egg yolk is right in there These would have been beautiful devil eggs What a ban should have been, but they're not Now, let me tell you something else we did We did work out successfully for us when we went up to My brother-in-laws We made colored devil eggs for Easter Wow You make, you do your eggs just like you normally would Cut them in half Pull the yolks out Then you take those halves and put them in your egg dye That makes sense Now, you can use food coloring and just use a little Like a half of a teaspoon of vinegar And you own a few squirts, couple of two shots, two, three shots Of your food coloring Of course, the more food coloring you use, the stronger the color will be And then about a half a cup of water And then you just drop your slices in Let them sit in there for a little bit and they get colored It was really cool I was thinking myself, now, we're gonna remember this When we do Dr. Seuss That'll be fun, yep That sounds like something Dr. Seuss would do Okay, I chopped these up, I've got them on my flexible chopping mats I just folded the two edges of my chopping mats together And voila, they are right in the bowl Chopping mats are, gosh, I love them, girl They're one of the best things Okay, now, we're gonna go ahead and add in We need a quarter cup of mayo Sometimes the opening is a little small, so you can do a couple things If your measuring cup won't fit in there You can use measuring spoons Okay And What you need to remember is Two tablespoons equals an eighth of a cup Mm-hmm, okay Mm-hmm So we need four tablespoons of mayo And how much, um, spicy mustard? One tablespoon, creole, spicy, brown mustard Excellent Yeah, it's one tablespoon, creole, mustard, or Spicy, brown mustard A little grapefruit pot will do I think this is gonna be a slight, a, a, a, uh, x salad with a bit of a kick Yeah You take a bite, you'll go, "Whoa!" Yeah, it's gonna run up my, run up my alley, man And it's gonna be delicious, did you say you're serving this on sourdough bread? Yes Oh my gosh, all right Wait till you see what we do this sourdough Uh-oh, uh-oh It's even better Okay, we've got our brown mustard in I'm gonna add about a teaspoon Maybe even just half a teaspoon first of white pepper Mm-hmm This white pepper will turn it up This stuff is excellent for For that weather you guys were having It'll melt snow [laughter] Make old man winter blow up and go Go away Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and stir this up Get our egg and our mayo, our mustard, and our white pepper kind of mixed in together Mm-hmm Yeah Now we're gonna add the Rotel tomatoes Right, which, which are drained, right? Yes, they are drained All right, I'm gonna drain them one more time So there's just a little more liquid in there Right Because with the mayo and the mustard in there You might want to add an extra egg, y'all Oh, is your egg getting lost? Well, it's a little wet Mm-hmm It's okay, take solid Well, the Rotel tomato will take some of that moisture, I think Yeah, that's why you want to make sure they're drained really well Mm-hmm Which is kind of crazy after you dump them in There's a 10-ounce can, but it's less than half the can Once they're drained and sitting kind of stuck in the bottom there Oh, that's funny Let me get my kitchen shears We're gonna chop up our bacon I prefer to use my scissors when I do that with bacon As opposed to putting it on a cutting board and using a knife Because I have a knack, kind of like Cheryl, of eating a piece of bacon One for the recipe, two for the oil, and then for the recipe [laughter] Now, one thing you do after you do this, if you get this all together If you have time Go ahead and put it in a fridge And just let it chill Oh, that's a good idea That the flavors kind of meld together Yep If you're using scissors for the first time, chopping like this, cutting your bacon up You might want to cut it over a bowl Right Instead of over, I'm just going right into the eggs Because I've done it a few times, but that way you can kind of get a handle on How big it is, how big your pieces are You know, you don't want Big hunks, but at the same time, you don't want it to be so small You can't see it All right, that it's invisible, which means it will be very hard to taste They're baking over there, no [laughter] Like, whoa, we sort of passed a bacon through the dressing [laughter] That liquid you see collected at the bottom, that was the bacon [laughter] Okay, just kind of chopping these down, y'all As we're going, as we're going They are, we're out of omnes, I believe Finally, the ID made omnes I think they finally sold out of those They still have some summits left Right You know, that replace the omnes The ID made quest replaced that Do you know, I was listening to a story a few days ago about How much salt and sugar and fat we're all consuming Even when we think we're eating healthy stuff I mean, you'd have to, like, get somebody excited to read you with the ingredients all the time Yes And you know, one thing that blew me away was the amount of sodium in beef broth Oh my gosh, yeah I was like, holy cow, so, I mean, if you can find low-sodium beef broth It's very hard to find, but I usually get that, or If I use beef broth, I'll cut it in half and add, you know, red wine To make up the difference, but yeah, that was, it's amazing how much stuff is in the foods we're eating And even children now, they're saying that even kids' foods have just full of It's full of sugar and salt and, you know, I mean, I've been buying for my, um, after school group I've been buying these granola bars Thinking, oh, they've got to have been better than the cookies And maybe they are, because I haven't checked the cookies But I just looked at, I just said that They don't have, they aren't much better, huh? 13 grams of sugar in one little granola bar No wonder they like them Oh, like what? What? Well, remember fruit roll-ups, they're like, ooh, fruit, it's fruit, no, it's not It's, like, pure out sugar Yeah, well, it's given one of those little starburst candies, here you go So, I, I don't know, I mean, we're going to have to, like, keep looking Because, I was just like, that isn't sane, I'm trying, you know, talking Yeah, but that is, a lot of that prepackaged stuff, my goodness, it's loaded up with All kinds of stuff It's not very good for you, and when I can't pronounce something, ooh, I don't know what I want to do Okay, y'all, I'm just mixing up our egg salad here Alright, I'm going to take this y'all, and we're going to throw it in the fridge We're going to take a little break, and we're going to come back on the other side And I'm going to put this together, and let y'all taste something delicious We'll be right back on cooking in the dark Now here's more of the shell, with Dale Campbell and Cheryl Cummings Alright y'all, we are back, I just took a little taste of this concoction And I must tell you, it is quite good In fact, it is very good, I like it, I like it, I like it So here's what I want to do, I want to toast our sourdough bread Let me open up our loaf of bread here Sourdough bread Now sourdough is in a bag, and then it's wrapped up in some more plastic wrap It has to be contained from the other breads, because it's sour, it's just got a bad attitude Let me tear that open Now when you open it up, be careful not to, you know, you don't want to take all that plastic off You're going to have a heck of a time getting it back in your baggie Your baggie? I said then you all baggy Now I'm going to butter this Bread on two sides And I've got my cast iron skillet heating up In fact, I'm going to put just a little bit of butter in the skillet And then I'm going to bring the heat down a little bit, I've got it on high right now Once that butter starts to melt and I'll turn the heat down until I'm ready to put the bread in What my goal is here, y'all, is to just lightly toast each side Kind of like you would be doing for a grilled cheese sandwich So instead of just popping it into your toaster, you could do it this way too Yeah, I kind of want what my goal is, is to keep the inside of the bread a little softer Okay, toast the outside, and that way it'll help hold the egg salad, you know? Okay I was afraid if we toasted both sides, when you bit down on it, you know, the egg salad would go shooting out the sides Yeah Get kind of squished out instead of toasting I mean, instead of coming in your mouth, end up all over your floor, and then your guide dog gets it It seems like a very selfish attitude not to want to share this with your guide dog Oh, yeah, my guide dog gets enough He's learned the routine, man, unfortunately I try to keep him from it, but, you know, he is a labrador Okay, now, to butter, I just put a little bit of butter on my knife And I start at one end of the bread, and I just kind of spread down And I kind of use a motion that goes out to the edges I go straight down the bread one time, and then I'll go from the middle out to the edges And you can kind of feel with your knife, again, practice y'all, do this a few times Peanut butter works great for learning how to butter Because it sticks to the knife a little bit better, and it's got a really great tactile sense You can feel where the peanut butter is versus where it's a dry bread or dry cracker or whatever You know, if you're spreading it on there Like right now, I can feel, yeah, I've got good butter there Sometimes people will plop a glop in the middle of their bread And then just slowly work it out to the edges That's another great option But, again, don't you think Cheryl, one of the best things to do is practice? Absolutely, it's the only way you get comfortable with almost everything And certainly with cooking, because not only do you get comfortable with, like, what you're doing But I think you start to get a sense of, like, what spices work well And how long it really takes to cook something on your stove and in your oven So, yeah, yeah And this hog is into what you're doing, but I just threw the bread into the skillet We're going to let it sit in there just for about three or four minutes Kind of let it sizzle up Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I'm getting excited, Cheryl, I'm hungry The band may not get any of this today Nah, we made another batch It has a peeplet in the front door It has a peeplet in the front door It has a peeplet in the front door Yeah, everybody is like, oh The ticket said we might get to eat, man I was going to say the people in the front were horrified You're like, what? You're not feeding the band? You're not feeding us? What's that all about? Oh, wait, you get to eat if you stop at the cafe on the way in Go to Luby's Did you go to McDonald's? Sorry Hey, while we're waiting, why don't you Read the recipe? Absolutely Here we go Five eggs, hard boiled Five slices of bacon cooked and crumbled Notice I remembered it this time One can of Rotel tomato drained You want to do that as thoroughly as possible With the Rotel y'all, there's different heats, I guess There's a mild, there's a regular There's a hot, an extra hot And it usually comes in a bit It's about a 10, I think a 10 ounce can Can I continue? Go ahead You sure? Yeah, you know me, I got a bust in Alright, here we go So, I'll just say it again One can of Rotel tomatoes Okay A quarter cup of mayonnaise You know, they come in different Night, mayonnaise A quarter cup of mayonnaise One tablespoon Creole mustard Or spicy brown mustard Salt and pepper Hot sauce or white pepper to taste And that's all you need to do this That's it, and again, the white pepper I kind of prefer the white pepper Because you're going to have a beautiful color You're going to have the yellow The mustard and mayo mixtures Kind of be a yellowish brown You're going to have the bright yellow of the egg yolk The white of the egg Kind of the orange of the tomato in there The bacon, you know, kind of the brown of that So you're going to have some great color in there If you have some fresh cilantro Put some of that in That'll make it even better just Maybe about, you know, a couple of sprigs of that Pull the leaves off and chop that up nicely I just love cilantro So do I, cineo comings is not too crazy about it But I hear cilantro is one of those things that people either like Or, because they taste good to them Or they don't like it because it tastes really horrible I love the smell It's such a peppery smell I mean, you could definitely tell if it's basil Or what, just by the whiff of the cilantro In fact, I think we might have some of that So I'll throw that in there Okay, I was just checking our bread here We're toasting up pretty quickly, pretty good And you want to, I'm using a cast iron skillet So as soon as I put the bread in I let it go for just a couple seconds And then I slip my spatula under it Just to make sure We weren't sticking Ooh, that piece is perfect And how many slices of bread Are you doing at the same time you just won? I'm doing two And I've got a, it's a ten inch cast iron skillet And two fits in there very nicely Let me spoon out some of our mixture here And what I'm doing is I'm just putting a spoon full down I'm using a regular, you know, tablespoon Kind of putting a spoon full down And then I'm kind of trying to put it in the middle of the bread And then just spreading it out to the edges Now if you want to add a slice of cheese Or mix in some, ooh, some Parmesan cheese Some fresh grated Parmesan would be great in this too There's just so many, that's the thing that's great If you do a recipe once and then start thinking Mmm, I might add this next time or add that Or put in a little bit of this You know, it makes it all the better So I've put a layer of our egg salad It's probably maybe about a half an inch thick or so Mmm, not super thick, not super thin Let me check our other piece of bread What I'm doing to check it, I'm just kind of feeling the texture And I want the texture to be just kind of a toasted texture Kind of a, kind of a firm, but a firm feel To where when you kind of press on it It feels a little bit crusty Mmm, and I know that's a nice golden brown And then the inside is nice and soft OK, let me put this on top And we're going to cut this into some finger sizes OK, let me turn the skillet off We'll be toasting some more bread up here in a minute for everybody But this is for me and Cheryl Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! It's our reward for being back It's our tribute Tribute for being back OK, so here's what I'm doing here I'm going to cut this in a couple of forty-fives I can cut it in half, you know, straight top the bottom on the bread Mmm, but I'm thinking, hmm, I'm going to cut it into wedges So to speak Slanted would be nice Yeah, slanted And it's going to be kind of a So I'm just kind of laying the knife across the bread At each angle Kind of holding it down and slicing through it Let me come this way Then I'm also going to go top to bottom Right in the middle, and there we go Alright, so now we've got six little sandwiches Mmm, that's it y'all, cooking in the dark We're going to have to go because I got to eat Ha ha ha ha But this was a great little variation of just regular Egg salad, it was pretty quick and easy No fuss, no muss, and it's so delicious This recipe will double easily also So instead of using five eggs, go ahead and goo a dozen Ten, yeah And just make it all up and then you'll have it I love when I do chicken salad or tuna salad I'll make a bunch, so it's there, you know So it's great for, especially in the summertime, nothing like a nice Cool, cold chicken salad or tuna fish salad Sandwich, you know, when it's hot outside Big old glass of tea, lemonade, mmm mmm Alright y'all, she's Cheryl Cummings I'm Dale Campbell, this is Cooking in the Dark We will be back next week and remember the hints It's a, not a dance, what I say, it's a type of dance And see that? Uh huh, and Rotel tomatoes could be used in it Keep guessing, we'll see you next week Cooking in the Dark is a presentation of Blind Mites Megamall And Cooking in the Dark was produced by THC Productions actions. Oh yeah! (upbeat music)