WBCA Podcasts

Cooking In The Dark

Join Dale and Cheryl for a delicious Superbowl snack!

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15 Aug 2024
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Join Dale and Cheryl for a delicious Superbowl snack!

It is more of the best of the cooking the dark show. Welcome to Cooking in the Dark. The kitchen, I will go to the kitchen. And although some recipes I cannot breathe, Still I'm sure I can't do everything I need. This show cooking in the dark, it is the key. He's a multi-totative Texan. You know Cheryl should tell himself, I know Dale Kimbop would like to welcome you to the show. Cooking in the Dark is a presentation of Blind Mites Megamole, and Holy schooly, guacamole! Welcome to Cooking in the Dark, I'm Cheryl Cummings, to introduce to you the man who proves to us every week that Edo needs sight, took a dinner tonight. Dale Kimbop! Alright, welcome back to Cooking in the Dark. It is 2013, still. It's not 2014 yet, thank goodness. But I tell you what, it is... I also recall down here in Texas, I don't like it, and I don't understand why we're having temperatures in the 30s and the 40s. I specifically ordered warmer weather. I was going to say it's balmy up here, it was like 40 degrees today, what are you talking about? Yeah, I mean when you're patriots whooped my Texans, it was warmer there than it was here. Yes, I, did you hear this? And I must say, you're, you, Boston people are very rude. Yeah. Did we call you? I, I said to Timmy said... No, but we had some, we had, we had friends that went up there for the game. Uh-oh, what did they say? And I must say, you guys are, are very bad sports. Oh, it was. Very poor, very poor winners. In what way? Just being rude and mocking and just, well as, as Southerners put it, you know, y'all are acting like Yankees. I don't, I don't want to be really mean, but wasn't that score like 40, 40 something to... 41 to 28. Yeah, yeah. I thought of, but we did think about calling you. I wouldn't have answered. But I thought no. I was grounding my sorrows. That was too, too cool. No, I had it. I mean, I had a feeling it was going to take, it was a long shot for us to go up there. But you got to be opt in fact, I'm wearing my Texans shirt today. Awesome. Because I'm still a fan, winter lose man. Yes, yes. We got, we have to make some improvements, but it'll, it's all right. It's all right. They made it into like round one or two or whatever. Round two, again. So that's pretty awesome. Can you smell that? I just cut open that bacon. Man, does that smell? Oh, wow. Mm-hmm. We're, we're, can't tell y'all yet. You're going to have to stick around. No, they have to, right? So are you sticking with your New Year's resolutions? Yes. All right. Good for you. What are they? I don't know. Yeah, I've got mine set up. I haven't started mine yet. So I can't really say that I haven't stopped them yet, you know? Oh, that's, that's better. You know, it's all in delivery. It's like the guy that is girlfriend keeps hounding him to get it, you know, get married. So he buys her an engagement ring to appease her and she's thinking they're going to get married in a year. He's thinking 10 years. Look, I dated you for 10 years. You got a ring. That buys me another 10 years. Somehow the guy's math and the gal's math just doesn't work out. Not this time. No. All right. Now let me ask everybody a question. Yes. Are you ready for some football? Yes, I am. This is our Super Bowl special show. You know, it's crazy. I even had a few calls like, are y'all doing a Super Bowl show this year? Are you doing a Super Bowl show this year? So that's awesome. Wow. Everybody wants to know too if we're doing a Valentine's Day show because they don't like those because you're not on the show, Cheryl. Oh, no, they love those shows because it's the guys. I think we're going to camp them. No. We're going to talk to them on a Father's Day show. I don't know about that either. Father's Day show means dad always gets to cook too. Yes. Today is we're getting ready for this Super Bowl. Super Bowl. Now, we're just hanging out at home whether you're going to a party. There's so many great things to, you know, to check out. Today we're making fatties. And that's all I'm going to say about it. You'll have to come back on the other side to learn what a fattie is. But, you know, before we go, there was this teacher at Kansas School and the kids are coming into the classroom. School's getting ready to start the day off and everything. And here comes little Johnny in and his hands are filthy. There's no telling what Joel and Johnny got into on the way to school, you know? But his hands are just filthy. And his teacher says, "Johnny, your hands are filthy. Go wash those and clean them. Go to the bathroom, clean up before you come in here." And little Johnny's like, "Okay." She goes, "What would you say if I came into this classroom with hands like that?" Little Johnny looked right at her and just with a perfectly little straight face said, "You know, I'd be too polite to mention it." [laughter] Oh, I like it, I like it. Hang on, we're cooking in the dark. This is a Super Bowl special. We will be back on the other side and I'll tell you what a fattie is. [music] Now, more of the show with your host, Dale Campbell and Cheryl Cummings. All right, Joel, we are back. What is a fattie? Let me tell you what a fattie is. A fattie is a bacon rat. Wait, let me guess, let me guess, let me guess. A fattie, fattie. No. Wait a second, I got it, I got it. I know what it is. You ready? Okay. A walking, caloric, over, indulgent. Am I on the right way? You might be close. I don't know, I give up. Yeah. It's a heart stopper. If the game doesn't get you, this thing will. [laughter] What this is is a bacon wrapped stuffed sausage. Oh my God. You're like, "What?" Could you say that again? Let's just make sure we all... What we're going to do is... Wait, wait, wait. Say it again, let's make sure we all hear this. Go ahead. Bacon wrapped. Bacon wrapped. Stuffed sausage. Stuffed sausage. Bacon wrapped. We're stuffing it with vegetables, so it's going to be... Oh, that makes up for everything. [laughter] All right, go ahead. I'm listening. [laughter] I don't know. You're laughing at me. I don't know. I'm right with it. Oh, you're laughing with me. Yes, yes. I'm right with you. This is a pretty, pretty easy little recipe. You're going to need 13 slices of bacon, and we're going to do a bacon weave with those. When you take one pound of ground pork sausage, and then you can use mushrooms, onions, red onions, bell peppers, poblano peppers, jalapeno peppers, mushrooms, spinach, cheese, whatever you want to use as you're stuffing. Basically, what we do is roll out your sausage, it's a pound of ground sausage. I was able to find locally here chipote, bacon, and jalapeno sausage. Oh, my gosh. So we're really going to turn it up. Wow. It's a basic thing. You just flatten out your sausage, put your stuffing ingredients in it, roll it up, and then wrap your bacon weave around that, and away you go. Throw it on the smoker. If you don't have a smoker, put it in an oven, and bake it at about 230 to 240 for about two to three hours, nice and slow and low. Oh, my goodness. And then crank up what we'll do after we take it off the smoker. We're going to put it under the broiler for about three minutes. Just kind of roll it on one side and then kind of roll it about a third of a turn, boil it again and about a third of a turn, just to get the bacon crispy. Then you slice it up and wait for the paramedics to arrive. No, just joking, this is like woo-hoo-hoo, man. This is going to be so delicious. So first thing we need to turn to before we get started here, let's get our bacon weave going. What do you say? Sounds good to me. Okay. So what we want to do is we're going to lay out seven pieces of bacon horizontally, okay? Now, we're going to lift up the second piece, pull him back just a little bit. The fourth piece, there's three, there's four, and I'm moving these back. I'm just pulling them back just a little bit on the left-hand side, okay? Just moving them back just about enough room to put another strip of bacon down, and we're going to lay this strip of bacon vertically top to bottom, just like that. Now the pieces that we just pulled back, we're going to flip those back over. So we've got the first row, the piece going vertically up and down is on top of the piece going across. Right. The second row, it's underneath, the third row on top, underneath on top, and so on, okay? So now we're going to pull back row number one, all the way back to where our piece of bacon is. Right. It's going vertically. We're going to pull back row number three. Three, yeah, yeah. Got it. It comes after three, five. Five, right. No, I'm actually paying attention to you this way. Okay, and then we pull back seven. Seven, right. Ms. Producer, I'm going to need a copy of that comment she just made. Have you noticed how like, you know, I've said you're correct on several things, and I'm paying attention to you. It's a new year. You know when I get raises this year? Well, it doesn't matter. It's a new year. I'm turning over a new leaf. All right. Yeah. Very good. I work. Me too. I'm quite proud of I working on myself. I'm improving. Okay. I'll take that. Yeah. Now we're going to wait and just put our other pieces of pieces of, you know, our strips, our even numbers, our odd number strips, I guess I should say. Right. Right. So the strips that you're so used, we started off with 13 pieces all together, right? Right. And we laid out seven, and now you're using the remaining six to sort of thread this through the seven that are like horizontally. Correct. Look at that. I was really paying attention there. Okay. Now we just laid another piece in. So now we're taking pulling back piece number two, piece number four, right, right, and piece number six, right, and then we're going to lay another piece down, which will go over the top. We've got to pull that piece back. This will actually now, this next piece will go over the tops of one, three, five, and seven. Okay. And so on. Right. So you've laid like four pieces, or this is the fourth piece you're laying. This is the fourth piece, and we may end up actually laying, now I'm pulling back the even, putting the even number pieces back down, and going to be pulling back the odd number pieces. And this is, I mean, and you told us, like, this is Chipote Bacon, right? Right. But is there some, is it different? Because usually when I think about bacon, it just has Chipote seasoning in it. Oh, okay. And, but what about the thickness of the slice? Because usually when you think of like bacon, it's like really thinly sliced bacon. Is this that type of bacon? No, this is thick slice bacon. Oh, okay. So that makes it a little easier to manage, right? Yeah, keep your bacon cold, for sure, and it will definitely help keep it easier to manage. Okay. That makes sense. So we're just continuing to layer here. We're almost done. Okay. Put another one down. I can, I can kind of feel the seasoning on the bacon. On the bacon, huh? Let's tuck him up a little bit tighter here. Okay. And you, you laid this out. Did you tell us this? Did you do this on like wax paper or? Yeah. I'm on parchment paper. Parchment paper. Okay. What a cool idea. Yeah. This is going to be awesome. We do one more. We'll have our six piece down. And that takes us almost, we could probably squeeze in a seventh, but I think we'll just stay with what we've got. Okay. Time constraints and all. Yeah. Yeah. See now, the show's only an hour. Yeah, it is. And I mean, I know y'all love me, but two hours of Dale lacing bacon here. Really? Yeah, we're just doing a bacon weave. Man, what are you doing? Should be a weed, man. Mm-hmm. Quite an experience. Okay. So now we've got this, our bacon weave kind of ready to go here. Mm-hmm. Now let's turn our attention to our veggies. Ooh. All right. What are you putting in? We're going to use some mushrooms. Mushrooms. All right. Just like regular white button mushrooms. Yeah. Just some regular white button mushrooms. All righty. We're going to do, you know what? I'm going to do one more. Just because. One more what? One more piece of bacon. Oh, okay. I need to get some bacon cooking, because that's the other thing we need to do. Some of the leftover bacon. Mm-hmm. Is that going to be part of the stuffing? Yeah. Oh. Oh. Oh, my God. Mm-hmm. I'm sorry. You don't say, you just say, "Oh, I'm G now." Oh, my. Yes. You're a valley girl. Mm-hmm. There's actually another version of this that has never been tried, but it is using turkey bacon, ground turkey, you know, a more of a more healthier version. Yeah. You know I'm right on that girl. Oh, I'm sure. That's how come we're doing this instead of the turkey bacon option. Mm-hmm. Right? Right. Or a vegetable option. That's alright. Well, now look, I thought about a vegetable option, but I didn't think, I thought weaving a zucchini might be a little bit difficult. That's, well, yeah, although I've got to say, we might have to try this. I have a recipe for lasagna that uses zucchini and eggplant instead of pasta. I've done that. Yeah. Oh, instead of pasta? Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. It's chilly. Man, I send me that recipe and I'll be happy to talk you through it while you make it. I would love to. I think that'd be awesome. Because I have done, you know, we have done regular, you know, I've done a vegetable lasagna. Right. I think I've told everybody that story. We had our neighbors over because I made one at home and we had our neighbors over and man, their son, he was about 15, 14 at the time. Mm-hmm. I've done on it. And then his mom asked, "Dale, this is delicious. What is it?" And I said, "It's a vegetable lasagna." That was it. He didn't need another bite. [laughter] He's already eating probably three quarters of it, you know? He was so anti-vegetable. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my gosh. Wow. I understand. Hell, I didn't eat french fries until I was probably, I don't know, 27. No. I'm lying. But when I was a little kid, I didn't want any part of them french fries. Since they were from potatoes? Yeah. And you didn't eat potatoes. You didn't eat potatoes? Wow. And then my grandma turned me on to her fried potatoes and it was downhill from there, baby. Uh-oh. Garlic mashed potatoes all walk the earth to eat those things. Oh, oh, oh, oh, it's good. Okay. Let me get my chopping mat out here. And I've got our vegetable dicer. Oh. Is this her alligator looking guy? Yeah. This is our alligator. All righty. Gaters. So let me throw some, I've got these white mushrooms. They were, we've already got them washed. I don't want too many, I don't want too much stuffing. Okay. You don't want to overstuff this. Right. So let me put these mushrooms on here. We're just going to dice these up real fast, just like that quick, y'all. And this is nice because it really is chopping it into like tiny little pieces. Yeah, chopping it into about quarter inch dice, which will be perfect. Put a couple more of those. I've got a bacon getting ready to start frying up here. I've got it in a skillet. Right now we're on high heat. I'm going to put a lid on it. Once I hear it starts sizzling, I should have preheated the skillet, but that was my fault I got all excited doing the bacon weave, baby, let's do the bacon weave. It'll be a new dance, man. Instead of the pork chop or the mashed potato, we'll be, we said it to the Time Warp song. Yeah, that could be fun. That could be fun. I think in fact, next Super Bowl, well, maybe not next Super Bowl, maybe the one after that. Next one's going to be in New York. It might be a little too cold for Dale to come up there and do the bacon weave. They will be doing the old crap. It's cold dancing. Everybody down here in Houston, Texas has been doing my goodness gracious. I truly don't get how you can complain when it's 40 degrees. It is balmy. It's not 40 degrees. You said it was 40. It was 31. Oh, wow. And we're on the south side. And poor people living on the north side of town, you know, up there near Dallas, man. Yeah. In the 20s. Oh, look, we're not built for 30 degree weather down here. We're built for a hundred. That's true. That's true. Give me a hundred. I'll take it. Yeah. I don't even mind it. But see now it gets to a hundred and you guys start. Hey, guys. I know we're like close the city down. All right, we got this little, is that bacon sizzling? That's our bacon sizzling. Hard to pull the bacon. Let me turn that down just a little bit. We're going to go down to a medium high, medium, medium to medium high. I'm just going to cover the skillet up. I'm going to set a timer on about six minutes. Normally practice makes perfect, you know. Right. So when you're cooking your bacon, you can almost hear when it's done. Now we've got a big old poblano pepper. I'm going to slice them from top to bottom and open them up. I'm just going to use half of them. Let me clean out his seeds here. Now if you can't find jalapeno sausage or you don't want to use jalapeno sausage, another great pepper to put in this is jalapenos. Put them up, clean the seeds out. Don't scrape them in brain. You want to keep some heat in there. I mean, after all, it is a Super Bowl party. It is. Belching and burping is approved. It is. It is. It's a guy Sunday. Unfortunately, it's a sad day marks the end of football season for another whole year man, but then isn't there a basketball going on? Yeah, there's basketball, but it's not football. But isn't there? No, if they put pads on them dudes and let them tackle each other, it would be good. We thought about changing the rules in baseball, too, to making it be, you know, a little more shirt of touch. Yeah. The first baseman can fill a body block on the guy running down the base and keeping from getting there and tagging him out or something, you know. There you go. Yeah. Oh. Oh. All right. Let me find my onion. Onion. Onion. There's the cheese. Ooh. What's her to cheese? We're going to use just straight mozzarella. Mozzarella. All righty. I thought, you know, to me mozzarella is a little stringier. Mm-hmm. Um, anyway, I thought, yeah, a little mozzarella will be good because that will help coaginate. Mm-hmm. All right. Hey, that was like a 50 cents word. I know, man. I was at the hospital today. [Laughter] And the vocabulary was just flowing and you picked something up. It is. It was on a contrary, sure. [Laughter] Give me a jacket. I'm in. [Laughter] No. Nothing serious. Nothing serious. We went to go visit my father-in-law who's had some, he just had to have a couple of procedures done. But it's all good. All right. An onion. I'm going to use about a quarter. This onion was about a little bit bigger than baseball size. Okay. And I'm just going to use about a quarter of it. Again, I don't want to overpower this with a lot of vegetables in here, but I do want to put some stuff in there to make it, you know, if anybody says this is unhealthy, I'm going to say, "Hey." There's a vegetable. There's peppers. And onions. Right. Right. Okay. Let me pull out this now. They'll complain about it being unhealthy and eat it anyway. Oh my gosh, yes. Yeah. Like, let me try that. Oh, I could die. That's when I make salsa. Give me a piece. Damn, that's hot. But they don't slow down. No. [Laughter] Oh, yeah. You know, that's one thing, man. Winner is a winner. Let's see, it's after January 22nd has passed, so two more months of winner. Right. Oh my gosh. March 22nd is officially the first day of spring. Yeah. Ah, that means vegetables. That means tomatoes. That means fresh salsa. That means zucchini that's bigger than a cigar. Right. Right. Squash. Well, you might even actually be able to squash. [Laughter] All right, y'all. Hey, let's take a little quick little break right here. We've got our vegetables prepared, our bacon is frying up. When we come back on the other side, our bacon should be almost done. I'll show you what we're going to do with that. If I can keep Cheryl away from it and not eat it all. And we'll come back and we'll put our fatty together. You got to like it. We'll be right back on cooking in the dark. Don't y'all go anywhere because it's Super Bowl Special Day. Now with more of the show, here's Cheryl Cummings and Dale Campbell. Welcome back to more Cooking in the Dark Super Bowl. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. All right, let me get this. Our bacon is done. What I do at the bacon, y'all, I just listen for it to kind of quit sizzling and once the grease kind of starts to wind down, I'm pretty much know that it's done. I'm just fishing out some of this bacon, put it on a paper plate here with a paper towel on it to kind of let it just drain any excess grease, you know, because we want to try to make our fatty healthy. Yeah, there is a contradiction in terms, but go ahead. And oxymoron, are you trying this? Oxy. We're excited anyway. Yeah. Heck yeah, man. Every time we get a call and it's like a new station that wants to run the show, we like are so excited we jump up and down. Well, you know why I'm excited because that's that many more fat people that we can make out of us blind folks, take out the sighted people. Just keep walking right through them. I warn everybody, we are not responsible weight gain on this show. As you can see, this show is being sponsored by cardiologists of United States. Just joking. I've got about a cup and a half here of mozzarella cheese that I just shredded. I use the pyramid, you know, the pyramid greater, and I use the big, the jumbo, the jumbo grate. It has like a large grate, it has a medium, and then it has a fine on it because it's triangle. Right. It's a pyramid. It's got a nice little rubber ball on top that you can grab onto. It's got rubber feet on the corners on the bottom so it sits really nicely. I just graded it off on one of our flexible chopping mats. Yeah. Okay, I've taken our vegetables out of the catch bowl of the onion dicer, and somebody asking the audience, "What's that thing look like?" Well, it looks like an alligator mouth. That's why Cheryl referred to it. Is that the alligator? Okay. I'm going to add about a quarter cup of barbecue sauce to our vegetables, and it's a spicy barbecue sauce. Oh, my gosh, so everything here is like spicy, spicy, spicy, spicy. It's super bowl, baby, you've got to pull out all the stops. It's supposed to be, you know, we better have good weather because I hired a band for Superbowl. So, uh-uh. Part A. Yeah. Part A. Yeah, they're good bands, blues and, uh, little country rock. Yeah. I will. I can sing you a little winter blues. No. One of those songs he even talks about me and a blind man would cross the road to get away from your heart of stone, wah, wah, wah, wah. Wow. Wow. I'm good, ain't I? Yeah, for sure. Every time they ask me to come sing, Candace says, "No." Candace says, "I'm so sorry he's in this post." His play bill is full, he only sings on that cooking show, and Cheryl can't reach him and slap him down, but I'd give it him permission. Save us all. Yeah. He's out of town. He's out of town. I don't know. All right. I just sliced open our sausage. All right. Let me pull out a little more parchment paper here because I'm going to need to roll out our sausage. Now, one of the recommendations that they say you can do is you can put your sausage into a gallon ziplock bag. Oh, yes, they did. And then roll it out that way. And you could roll it out like a rolling pin or you could actually maybe pound it out if you had a little frustration. I mean, because it's not -- we're not talking like it's a piece of a round steak or something, you know? Yeah. It's just some sausage. I'm going to lay this down. So, but what are you trying to do? We want to try to flatten it into a square that is roughly about the same size as our bacon. Oh, the bacon weave. Okay. All right. What's that? The bacon weave is -- well, it's about this long, but about that high. That's really good. Quite helpful. It is. It is about the length of a piece of bacon. We've got a little bit of hangers off on the edges here. So it's about an inch and a half, two inches shorter than a piece of bacon, which bacon is about 10 inches long. Maybe we're looking at about 10 by 10 or so here. Oh, okay. And if your sausage is a little bit thinner, I mean, not quite as big as the bacon, that's cool, too. Yeah. The main thing is you want to try to get it into a square. So what I'm doing is I'm just working it out with my hand, just kind of pressing it out on this parchment paper. So using, like, the palm of your hand? Uh-huh. Okay. Palm in my fingers, just my whole hand. Mm-hmm. And I'm lucky. I got a big hand. People say you got a big mouth, too, sometimes, but that's all right. So you're loud, say it proud, and when you do it, gather a crowd. Yeah. All right. Let me just skip this out. Okay. We've definitely got the length and we're looking pretty good there on the height. Okay. It's not exactly a perfect square, but I guarantee whoever's eaten it won't be complaining about it being a square or not. They won't notice. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Now I'm going to take a little bit of this barbecue sauce. Uh-huh. And I'm just going to squirt it on our bacon over the top of bacon weave. Oh, okay. Now, if you want to put a little rub on here, you can put some rub on here, too, like some brisket rub or pork rub. Mm-hmm. Okay. So I've squirted the... And the barbecue sauce, I'm not piling on, like, we're not talking thick, you know? Mm-hmm. I mean, just a little thin coating, just for some flavor. Yeah. Ms. Power's here in Houston. She was one of the ladies that called in wanting to know when we was doing that football show. Oh, nice. And her, they picked up a little electric smoker, so they've been doing some smoking, too. Wow. Now, we're going to spread our veggies on our sausage. Okay. It's flattened out into an almost square. Of course, if any of y'all watched the Big Bang Theory, Sheldon would not approve of this because it is not a proper... It's not a proper square. No, not even close. Yeah. Now, you want to spread these out pretty thinly and on about the bottom two-thirds, of the sausage. Okay. So, you don't want to do it like a pizza. Oh, not over the whole piece of sausage. Not over the whole thing, just on the bottom two-thirds. Okay. When we get that out there, let me get our cheese. If you please, okay, I'm sort of spreading out the vegetables just to get us. And what that'll do is when you start rolling this up, some of this will spread out to the other parts. Okay. Here's our bacon. I want to break this up into about one-inch pieces or so, and you know what? I know what I'm going to have to do. Oh, you're tasting it for us? Mmm. Well, I want to taste that chipote. Ah, all right. How does that go with the wine? Well, I might have to switch to beer. I don't think this meal goes with wine. I think anything goes with wine. Ah, not football. Absolutely football. Oh, not football, no, no, yes, yes, football. Football's beer, beer, beer, beer, whiskey. You don't hear Hank Williams doing your singing about wine. Well... You see... Football. Play. Mr. Producer, play that. Play that question for us again, please. We'll see what this sounds like. We'll get a vote. Are you ready for some football? I don't hear no whining. Ain't no whining in football. No, I wasn't talking about whining. Oh, okay. Cheesh. A wine without an H. I see, I see. Okay. Now, I'm spreading our cheese on here. Mozzarella cheese with that coarse grate. So that's all in this two-thirds part of the square. Yeah. And again, it's about a quarter cup of the grated cheese. Okay. One recipe I read used five slices of cheese. You know, just like American cheese life size, but you could use pepper jack cheese. I just wanted to use mozzarella just because I kind of like mozzarella. Yeah. It's kind of sweet and cool. Okay. Now for the fun part. All right. We're going to roll this dude up. All right. So here's what we want to do. We're going to start rolling our parchment paper and you want to roll it kind of tight. And as you roll, you want to make sure you pull the parchment paper out. Yes. So did you put the sausage on top of the bacon weave? Not yet. Not yet. Okay. Not yet. That comes next. We're still rolling. So what I'm actually doing y'all is I'm kind of, I'm pulling the parchment paper up. And as, as we start to roll it, I pull it back a little bit and then tuck the, the sausage if you will that's on the parchment paper in upon itself and continue just to kind of roll it back. I've got it in front of me on the counter. And as we're pulling the parchment paper up, we're just kind of rolling it backwards towards the back of the counter. And then once I get it to where the point where the parchment paper starts to touch where it would go into the roll, I pull the parchment paper back and then I continue to roll and there just like that, we are done. And what's cool is I've still got a little parchment paper there. So now, let me take this over to our bacon weave and we're going to plop this on top of the bacon. Okay. Now this is going to take a little bit of feeling here, a little bit of guesswork and a little bit of luck. Okay. The top section of the parchment paper was removed on the, the sausage roll and that fits on there just about right. Actually, I could have come down just a little bit. I want to be careful with this because it's kind of soft and I don't want to lose the integrity of it. Yeah. Now I'm going to do the same thing with our bacon, I'm just going to start rolling it right around. So did you, when you've rolled it now, did you put it on horizontally or vertically? I laid it, I laid it straight, I laid it horizontally across our bacon. Alright. And I'm still using the same process of rolling it back up the counter. Okay. And so you're moving it, yeah, wait, so you started at the bottom, and you're rolling up. Okay. Rolling up. And just like that, we are completely wrapped and ready to go. Wow. Look at that. So we've got our smoker at 235 degrees. Right. We're going to take a little break. I'm going to go pop it on there. We're going to let it go for about two and a half to three hours. And then you want to check it with a, you know, an internal thermometer, a probe thermometer. You want an internal temperature of 165 degrees. Once you hit that, you're about done. You can pull it out and serve it that way, or do what we're going to do, and we're going to take it and put it in the broiler and just boil it for about two minutes on each side. All right, boil it on one side, flip it over, just kind of roll it over and boil it on the other side for another about two minutes. And that'll just, that'll crisp up the bacon a little bit. So let me go take this out, put it on the smoker, and well, heck, y'all come with me out here to the back porch where it's movie free-o. Hey, but you can still smoke stuff in the free-o. Yes. I'm using pecan. Oh, pecan chips. Yes, pecan would. Nice. All right, just set it in here. Oh, it's hot, hot, hot, hot. I've got it. Got that going. Okay. There we go. When we take a little break, when we come back, we'll take that out. I'm going to go hang out with the audience, drink some beer because it's a super bowl show, or maybe some iced tea or water, you know, three hours. That's a long time. I don't have that much beer. We'll be right back on "Cook It in the Dark," don't go anywhere. Now here's more of the show with Dale Campbell and Cheryl Cummings. Are you ready for some football? Yes, I am. I want a good game, overtime would be great. Yes. Double overtime would be better. Double overtime. Go along the game. Prolong the season. All right. Let's, we're out here now. Let's check what our, we should be done. It's about, it's been about what, three hours and 15 minutes? We got the Gavin in there. That was crazy. Let's see what we've got. We've got our talking cooking thermometer here. Right. 168 degrees Fahrenheit. All right, let's look at another reading. 168.8 degrees Fahrenheit. 168.8. We are good. Let's bring this in. Hey, will you get the door for me? All right. Thank you. All right. Our fans are so appreciative and helpful. Well, they're all waiting. Say what? Oh. He goes, he wasn't helping, he's just getting to be first in line. All right, I've got our boiler cranked up here, we're gonna put our, now that this thing is smoked and cooked, it's a lot more firm and easier to handle than it was, it's kind of soft. Let's go into our boiler. We just want to go in for about two minutes, if even that. Slide that in. All right. And while this is going, let me tell you what we did. We took 13 slices of bacon, you might want to use 14, and we did the bacon weave. And again, basically that has laid out your seven strips, pool strips, two, four and six back and lay one strip vertically up and down. Then put two, four and six back, lift up, one, three, five and seven. Put a strip of bacon in there all the way over to the left side next to the other vertical one you did. And just keep repeating that process, put those back, down, pull back, two, four, six. Put another piece in and you're just creating, you know, a weave. I think y'all know how to do that. It's, if you have a little bit of help, that's cool because being blind and doing it, you got to make sure you're counting, but you don't get all out of, you know, get one of them crazy weaves that leaks, we don't want that. But then we want to take our, I, and this one that I made, I used a quarter of an onion. I used half of a plop, hablano pepper. I used about a quarter cup of mozzarella cheese. And I also used about five slices, I guess, of bacon that we fried up. You want to crumble the bacon. I diced up the vegetables. I used our onion dicer to do that, did a really great job. And, oh, in mushrooms, we used about a half a cup of mushrooms. And they were just regular, but you can use regular white button mushrooms. Yeah. Now, if you wanted to, you could saute those ahead of time, ooh, let me get our, I almost forgot. Can't do that. We don't want to burn this. Okay, here's what I'm going to do. I'm just going to roll this, because I set it on the boiler pan to one edge. So let me, hot, hot, hot, roll, I'm just kind of rolling it over, okay, to where we can get to the other side. Okay. And then let me forget that in there, ooh, I don't want to burn that and ruin the show. That'd be terrible. The guy that opened the door would be really disappointed, since he's up here cutting and lying. [laughter] I busted you, didn't I? Yeah. But I, but I can hear. So we, I added about a quarter cup of, I guess, more like about a half a cup of barbecue sauce on our vegetables. And then I, after we flattened out, we rolled out, I just used my hand. As you saw on parchment paper, just flattened out the sausage. And then on, on about the bottom two thirds is where you want to put all your vegetables, crumble up your bacon, tear it down into like one inch strips or so, and then add your cheese, roll that up, and then put it on top of your bacon weave. Now when you do your bacon weave, remember, you want to put that on parchment paper also, or wax paper, either one works well. Then lay your roll, your sausage roll, on top of your bacon weave, and then roll that up. And then from there, put it on your smoker. Again, if you don't have a smoker, you can put it in your oven at about two, set your oven at about 235, and let it go for about two and a half to three hours. I would suggest if you do it in your oven, use a broiler pan so that the grease will drain down, you know, to the bottom of the pan, and it won't be sitting there, you know, rasping that. Oh, yeah. If you do bake it in your oven, chances are you may not need to put it in the broiler. Sorry. All right, let's pull this dude out. Now I'm going to roll him over just one more time. We're going about a third, hot, hot, hot, hang on. That thing's hot, man. I'm going to wet my fingertips. The old wet fingertips trick. There it is. Ooh. Okay. Roll it over just a little more. Okay. Yeah, I've got a hot pad in my hand, you know, but we are going to use that. We're going to use our fingers. I use that hot pad though to push the rack back in. Okay. I kind of rolled it in thirds, but there we are after the smoking, then you put it in the broiler like we're doing just to kind of crisp up the bacon, and we are good to go. Now there's so many, you can do this. Your basic ingredients for this are going to be your bacon and your sausage. Now again, I use jalapeno sausage. I use chipotle bacon. You can use just regular sausage. You don't have to get the hot. You can get the sage. Whatever. I mean, there's so many flavors. You can put mushrooms in it. You can put cheese in it. You can put jalapenos in it. You can use sliced cheese. You can use grated cheese like we did. Pretty much the stuffing is what you want to do with it. The best part on the outside is that bacon and the sausage. And that's it, man. For Super Bowl, Cheryl. What do you think? Yum. Okay. I know you're waiting. I'm still drinking my wine. I know you are. That's okay. Yeah. I'll change your mind on that. Let me pull this thing out. Set him down right here. All right. We're going to let that cool for a minute. We're going to slice this down into probably about half inch slices. That's what we're going to shoot for. They might end up being a little bit bigger than that. Our log is roughly about about 11 and a half. Yeah. About about 10, 11 inches long. So we're good. The first 12 people in line probably get some, well, the first eight because I got to save some for the band and then you and me. Right. Right. I was going to say hi. The door, the band, you and I and Tim. We get it. The rest of y'all. Thanks for coming out. No, you're joking. I'm just going to point out. I've got a knife right here. Okay. I'm ready. No, I'm ready to do the slicing there. Hi, y'all. I'm Dale Campbell. She shall comings have a safe and enjoyable Super Bowl. Y'all have a great one. We'll see you next week. Don't forget. We've got Valentine's Day coming up. That means the Valentine's special with yours truly and Tim Cummings, the magic man, our producer. Cooking in the dark is a presentation of Blind Mice Megamall and Cooking in the Dark was produced by THC Productions. productions. [MUSIC PLAYING]