
Showdown Episode 8 2-28-24

Broadcast on:
29 Feb 2024

. Okay, welcome to Showdown. I'm Marc Asen. And we are joined by... Joe. I can't even tell you. Anyway. Hi, Joe. You're making fun of our president's first name. Hi, Joe. How are you? And you, okay? What is this, okay? Yeah, exactly. And by the way, we will be joined here in just a few seconds. We'll have Stephanie here as well. So, but anyway. In fact, there's Stephanie. So Stephanie Harmon, of course, on Wednesday, February 28th. You notice that you can see on the screen, Joe. Joe, do you see Joe? Yep. Hey, Joe. Hey, Stephanie. How are you doing? I'm doing well on yourself. Well, it all depends. I mean, whenever you're dealing with Jason, it's like how you feel before and then how you feel after. So, you really got to get me after and then I'll tell you how I feel. I understand, Tristan. I know you do. Yeah. Believe me. You actually don't understand. Because I mean, only because I'm just saying the combination of Joe and those glasses. And I don't even know what he's got on his head. I got the Biden glasses on. Okay. In the first name, Joe. I mean, I got to be good to go. Good to go. Well, it's working for him sort of. In fact, I mean, I can do the white here too. Yeah. Before I let you on, we ought to give you a cognitive test. Go ahead. Do it. Go ahead. Give it to me. I'll give you answers all over the place. I'm sure of that. Well, let me ask you first, probably the most important question that I really have on my mind. Do you think that this year and maybe even sooner rather than later that Molina will be the manager? Well, I don't know how well he would do managing the Kansas City Chiefs. And your guess is as good as mine on that. Yeah. I happen to think it would be the best thing they could do. The Chiefs? No. Well, you know, I mean, he could probably be good. Yeah. If most of their, I mean, I could, defensive Travis Kelsey could speak Spanish. Yeah. Then that would be good. Okay. As I said, I would think that the Cardinals could do themselves a lot of good. Get rid of that guy. I mean, he's horrible. Ollie, get rid of him. We need Molina. You don't care. Stephanie, I'm going to defer to you. What do you think? I don't know anything about sports. I don't care. Well, Joe, Joe would say, I don't know anything about sports. So okay. Yeah. Yeah. So I know that you're all revved up about Baldwin, Alex Baldwin. Yeah. He's my buddy in this case. I don't know. Are you Stephanie, are you following the Baldwin shooting at all? Or no? Yeah. Well, what's your thoughts on that? I mean, you got the girl, the Gutierrez girl, and she's supposed to be an armor, and she's supposed to check out everything. And just think about this. How many hundreds, if not thousands of movies have we seen in our lifetime, with guns being fired and Westerns and everything else? How many times can you recall that you've ever heard of a report of somebody being shot inadvertently on a movie set? Mark, you watch a lot of movies on it. Well, the answer is zero. That was a great say, none. I think it was a set up personally. Okay. You know, there are people that are in that camp too, but set up to make Alex Baldwin look bad. Is that what you're talking about? Yeah. I think that makes no sense. Right. It makes no sense. Because look, you can blame that armor lady. You could blame her, but the truth is responsible. Well, okay. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. You can blame her, but you know that nobody makes a mistake in those situations. Somebody did something intentionally, and I don't know. Maybe you will find out who it was. I don't know. Yeah, somebody put live rounds in our period. Right. Somebody put a live round in there. And I don't think that Alex Baldwin had anything to do with this at all. Uh-uh. Nope. Neither do I. Don't you think a lot of people are going to take that point of view? Well, yeah, but I mean, you know, he's burnt a lot of bridges apparently from me just following this in general. A lot of people just don't like him personally. I think that's a mild word, not liking him. So they don't really, they're really indifferent about anything that may come out to him. It'll be a civil suit for sure. And he'll lose on that end just because he's the producer of the entire set. Sure. But it's kind of curious to me that the young lady, the Gateria's girl, she's an armor. And a father is a long time Hollywood armor. I mean, for over 30 years, he trained her. And the plan comes in with her is, you know, now she's kind of changed her story. You can kind of understand right on the spot. She was nervous and upset and blah, blah, blah. And you can kind of understand that. But then all of a sudden you hear stories about the movie she did just before that with Nicholas Cage. They wanted her off the set because there was a number of rounds being fired, you know, inadvertently on the set. Not by her particularly, but she's supposed to be in charge of all, well, weapons on the set period. And when they're handing a gun to somebody and they say cold, that's what it means. That means it has blanched. Well, that's why I can't imagine except for what you're saying about him being the producer in terms of a civil suit. But outside of that, how can you hold him responsible? Somebody else cold. I mean, this is always done as you pointed out program after program week after week, year after year. So he can't be expected to figure out anything beyond that. No, but they brought up, they've been bringing up the fact that the day before this happened, his entire cinematography crew walked out because of safety concerns. That day they brought in a whole new crew of people on, you know, the Cameron people and some of the other union people involved. But not necessarily because they thought they were going to be shot. No, yeah, it is sort of a sloppy right. And some of some rounds had gone off the day before it. There was some thought that somebody maybe had been target practicing out there in the desert. The reason I bring this up, even with the Alec book, because this is something that's not political, really particularly. It is the fact that you can see how complex things can get when you even when you get into political wars, even as small. It's not small. It's the city of St. Louis. You look at things as they are, but they're not really as they are because you just don't have that dirt, that information input. We make a lot of judgments just based upon what we see. In this case, it's the same, but this is being scrutinized nationally and because it's, it's a small thing. I mean, a round gets in a gun that's supposed to be cold and shoots first inadvertently. That should be pretty simple, but it's not looking that way now. I mean, step number one point that a lot of people are thinking right now that it was a setup. They can't understand how that bullet got in there inadvertently. A lot of rounds. Well, for example, Michael on on Facebook is asking, why was he pointing the gun at her in the first place? You know, it's a person that got shot. And look, you see programs all the time, people pointing guns at each other, shooting them. And doesn't that always happen? That particular take was done four times before, right? In a row, he pulled the gun into the point. Right. That's done all the time. Right. I mean, that's a conard when they bring that up that that'll slowly be dispelled. But and whether and when a gun is handed to him, it's said cold. I mean, that's the end of the story, I would think. I would think they'll be able to trace back from the from who had the gun first and how it just moved into his hands. Well, I would think that because it moved from the armor to the assistant producer to Alec Bowen. And that's all in the pre filming. You see that. Right. And who loaded it? Who loaded the gun? The armor. So that person should be held responsible. Well, and she will be. She will be held responsible whether, you know, involuntary manslaughter. But it's just a word gets that way. And you hear the attorneys get in here, they make something that we had seen simple. The armor should be responsible because they are. It just doesn't get off. And then the night before she went to a party where she used some cocaine and some beer. See that all gets thrown into this mix. And so things become a little bit more complex that way. And also that this the crew that the day before walks out. They had to get a whole new crew. So and then so getting back to the problems with politics today, particularly in the city of St. Louis. You hear wonderful things on one hand and very bad things on the other. And the very bad things are sometimes so. They're so they're so small that they happen so infrequently. But it will overwhelm. The better things that may happen in and around the single sweet. So what are you worried about as far as being the number one negative thing that you're hearing? Because I really I don't hear anything that has any substance to it at all except there's one complaint that I hear a little often. And that is this this money that was supposed to come from the federal government that was for emergency purposes and supposedly somebody's holding it up. And we talked to a lady from Kansas City last week who said she was a member of the House of Representatives. And she said that in a city that has less than 500,000 people that that money actually goes to the state. And so we're talking about the state not the city. And I don't know I haven't confirmed that with anybody, but that's the only thing I've heard that has any substance to it. Because if you're talking about the red light cameras. No, okay, so what do you want to do? Yeah, right. And they won't do anything. In rural red Missouri and that's I mean, you know, Mark and Stephanie, if you don't know it, no, there's now you got Kansas City on the West and you've got Singles on the East and you've got Alabama in the middle. And in Alabama, which is what 80% of our state and geography, the perception is you don't visit St. Louis. The only people that do visit are maybe people that are from, oh, I don't know Virginia or Tennessee or Minnesota that are coming in to visit the park or go to the Cardinals games or whatever. And they have no, they really have no direct perception, but I know down here in North Memphis or Jefferson County that people have the perception that it's not a very good thing. That it's not a very good place to go. And that's the one thing you have to get over regardless of you can throw any numbers out you want to and put all the money in you you want to. But they read things like the policeman departments down. They read it. All the news they hear is negative. It's just negative news all the time. What do you think, Stephanie? I will agree. I mean, every day you hear something negative. And then with you saying people are coming into St. Louis, you have the incident that just happened with a week ago where the lady and her daughter were here visiting going to the Drake concert. And a young gentleman is going almost 70 miles per hour and hit them and killed them. You know, this is not what people are expecting when they come to our city. They came to enjoy themselves not to get killed. And that's not the first time. You know, you had the other young lady from what Illinois is a Chicago where she'd lost over her legs. Same thing speeding downtown. I mean, and that's where the rest of majority of everything that's happening. You know, you got the Washington strip down there while the clubs and the eateries are. You have you have the ballpark down there. You have everything down there. And that's where people want to go. They don't want to come North County, West County per se. You know, they want to go downtown. And everybody knows and you probably know a little bit about the police department. Everybody knows that we're significantly reduced in the number of officers in the city. And regardless of whether that would mean anything or not, it's the perception again. But I think that perception is very much local. And the reason I say that is because, yeah, because on the on the East and West coast, they think of St. Louis as a cow town. They really do. They think this is a real slow, quiet, little farming community. That's what they think. I know when I would go New York or go down to Georgia or something like that, and I say I'm from St. Louis. The first thing that came out of people's mouth was you from East St. Louis? No, from St. Louis. So they have this thing. They have this thing to write that they compare. They think that he's St. Louis is the same thing. I'm like, no, he's St. Louis is in Illinois. St. Louis is just a matter of course in the bridge, but no, it's totally different. States, but they, they recognize that if you're from East St. Louis at that time, then it's bad, you know, and I'm like, not compared to St. Louis, but I get it. But if you go to Chicago, you might have some issues and you can compare that to St. Louis city. But now it's everywhere. It's St. Louis County. It's city. It's rolling into St. Charles, St. Peter's. It's rolling, it's going everywhere. Well, what's this crazy story about Chicago, all of a sudden being a problem, not because of the gangs, but because of the gangs that are coming in from Venezuela? What's that about? I don't even know that that's true, is it? I don't know that's true, but that's what you hear. I mean, have you heard that? Yeah. I'll tell you where I heard it. Jamie is saying it. So that's, that's where I heard it. And I just, I don't believe that, that Chicago is being manhandled by Venice Waylands. Well, you have a lot of games that are coming through Mexico into Texas. That's what he's doing. That's what he's trying to say. No, and that's true. You got different games coming in from all over and they're entering through Mexico into Texas into the United States. And they're bringing their gang activity here. I don't know if you saw the documentary called traffic it, but it, I saw it from the beginning to the end. And oh my God, it is something to see. This young lady went everywhere you would think that we wouldn't be able to go because we would get killed. And she literally the gangs and everybody from all over the world allowed her to come and see exactly what they do, how they do it, how they come over into the United States. And one of them was a young lady who actually had drugs and they packed her van up with drugs before she crossed over. She did get pulled over, but they thought that they just told her to go about her business. So they really didn't stop her and some of the guards at the border are actually paid to allow them to come over. So she, she came over and she ended up driving for hours ended up in Chicago, went down to one little street. And all she does is sit there. She's told where to go. And then the gentleman comes, pops her trunks, take the drugs and then she goes back on her way and she makes the trip back into Mexico. So believe it or not, it's happening every day. No, I believe that's happening, but I also know that people have been coming across that border for 120 years. They've been coming across big time since 1900. And to think that you're going to. Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's not true. It is true. No, no, no, no, no. Not like they're coming, not even close to what they've done the last two years. Okay, they've come across the border. Yes. But when they were when they were caught, they were dealt with. Okay. Period. Well, not quite. They would have been dealt with in California, but they would have been dealt with here in Missouri or in Iowa or someplace else. But maybe not California, New York, or maybe in Iowa where you can put them to work in a hog factory or something like that for 10 cents an hour. Maybe not. And that's what feeds a lot of this stuff, but nothing like the numbers. Well, let me say this before you go to those numbers. They were coming across in 1915, 16, and in 1917 they were really coming across the United States. Wait, the United States was opened it up to bring them across because what they wanted to do is move them in here and transition them straight to Europe to fight for the United States. And all of a sudden the Mexicans said, whoa, we're not going there anymore because they didn't want to be shipped off to Europe to die. So I'm just saying, you know, it's sort of funny how, you know, we can play games with this thing at the border, but, but it's not a game mark. Well, it is not a game. Yes. Yes. Those people in those Texas towns down there. It's not a game with them. And it's not a game in New York City anymore, nor is it Chicago? No, it's a game. It's a game with Greg Abbott. No, it's not a game. It's a great. No, no, no, no. Well, what do you think a ton of 15,000 is going to do with the people? You said them to a city, the cities that said that they could handle them. You said them to San Francisco, said Chicago, said in the law, said them to New York. That's where that's the setting of a good century cities. That's where you send them. Yeah, well, see, no, that's the game. Let me ask why don't we do this? Why don't we just send after these kids graduate from from high school? Why don't we send a million high school graduates to the border? We send them to all kinds of places all over the world where it's far more dangerous than what's going on down at the border. Send them down there. Bring those people across. Set them up here. Get them some education so that they can speak English so that they can fill out forms so they can figure out how to find a place to live. And why don't we work it out so that these people coming in are not hated and feared and accused of things that they haven't done. Does it make any difference? They're crossing the border illegally and I just checked. I just checked on the numbers. The maximum number in those years was 900,000. That was the maximum and it was during that three year period. Like you said, right before World War one. Sure. That was it 900,000. That was like far the most until now. Okay, but remember the population was of our country was dramatically less too. But you know, Mark, you were saying that, you know, bring them in, educate them and all like this. I, you know, I'm going to, I can't, I can't do that. And I'm going to tell you why I personally was besides seeing that documentary, I couldn't put some things together. So I, when I was working part time at Walmart, I would see Hispanics come in. They were not cashing any chicks. So they're coming in to the facility, to the money center. They're not cashing chicks. They have all this water money and they're wiring it back to Mexico. So I didn't understand, you know, they just sending money back to the family, you know, trying to take care of their family. They work in her. They work in her illegally. They getting paid up under the table, not paying taxes. But the first thing that they come over here and do and they get Medicaid, they understand Medicaid. Okay, they may not understand everything else, but they understand Medicaid that we pay because we are working every day. So we pay into that. But anyway, so when I was watching the documentary, what I found out is that once they cross over into the border and they are here in the United States and they finally get somewhat settled. The gang members in Mexico have given it, they have paid a certain amount of money to them, but they have not paid all the money to get them past the border into the United States. In the meantime, they're now here in the United States working. And now because they're over here, they have to send money back, which is almost triple to quadruple the amount that they actually are supposed to pay them off, or they will literally torture or kill a family member of theirs. So when they're supposed to be sending this money back, they're actually trying to save a family member. Okay, and let me say, the United States is making that a thousand times worse by making these people illegal. Because if they came over here and we made them legal, making them illegal themselves illegal. No, no, the United States sets it up so that they try to come across and they're treated as illegal. And then there's no border at all. We have no country. Let you let everybody in. And the biggest thing right now is what's happening to individuals in New York and Chicago were places and jobs and everything else. All sorts of resources are taken up by illegal immigrants for people that are just trying to make a few bucks, Southside Chicago, you know, not in the Bronx, New York. Let's take San Francisco, North or South, either way, Los Angeles, let's go South Central. Let's do that. All these are taken away from people that are really trying to work, people that have been here. And it's holding on them. People in New York City are living in hotels. The illegal immigrant. That's not right. But that's because we're sending them there. And that's because they're illegal. If they don't go there, Mark. Well, I'm telling you right now, you see, you set up places where they can live at the border. What are you talking about? Okay, we don't have places for our own people to live. Why are we going to set up some illegal people from other countries to come over? We don't set them up. Well, I'll tell you what I'm talking about. I'll tell you what I'm talking about. If you know what the United States did in the 1930s, I don't care what they did in the 1930s. No, no, no, no. Wait, when the Okies were trying to get into California and the United States government set up barracks for them there, showers, whatever. People of US citizens. Sure, but they didn't know about two different things, but they didn't know about this administration that's in there right now. Once they want it for a variety of reasons, economic reasons, mainly because our fecundity rate in this country is what? 1.6. Exactly. And we need 2.1 or 2.2 just to sustain ourselves regardless of the race. Bring them in. Bring them in. I have an issue. You have big huge companies. You have large insurance companies. I can name them. United Healthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, you have, you know, Walmart, you have AT&T. You have all these large companies that are now outsourcing to other countries paying them maybe $2, $3 an hour, which is a whole lot of money for them in that country. And we cannot get good jobs here because they're outsourcing elsewhere. And then we have homeless people here that we can't put up in the hotel, but it's okay to allow someone else to cross over into our border illegally make money illegally and come and live here. Now, we got to stop it somewhere. It has to stop somewhere. Yeah. Well, I'll tell you right now, again, Michael's got a comment on here and he would know because he lives in Arizona. And he's saying first that they don't have judges to even handle these people that come across. And the second thing- So why do you leave them across? Well, I would let them in for the exact reason that you gave, which you don't like, but it's your reason. And that is that we need people. We need young people. No, we don't need illegal people. We do not need that. We need a totally program. And the problem is with it right now, everybody, and it's not Democrats because a lot of Democrats are on the side now. They want the wall. They want some sort of stopping this right now, the hemorrhaging. Right now. What do they know? What makes you think that they've got an answer? Why can't they, the people who want a wall? So they want a wall, just like a psycho that used to be- No, just like every other country in the world, Israel has a wall. Poland doesn't want people crossing their book. They're every other country in the world. Poland, Mexico. Poland brought in an enormous number of Ukrainians, and they are housing them. They are educating them. They're doing everything for them. And I have to tell you, it's a smart thing that they're doing. But they're doing that because there's a war. They're doing that because they're decent and because there's a war. And it's a war. And it's a war. But I mean, these individuals are just coming over to come over. Don't get me wrong. A lot of them are probably coming over to try to make a better living. But surely they are. Okay. But at the same token, we have to look at our own country. We have to see what we're suffering as a country. We have to learn how to take care of our own before we start taking care of others. And that's the problem. We can't just let everybody over here and take care of them, put our tax dollars towards them. And then we're suffering in the end. Again, I have an issue with working every single day, knowing that my tax dollars is going towards these individuals coming over across the border. They don't have no medical coverage and they come straight over and get, like I said, Medicaid. I personally have worked into the emergency rooms. I personally know that they'll come in there. They act like they can't speak one word of English. But you asked them, do they have Medicaid? They throw that card out like they getting ready to back up some a whole thing of groceries. Okay. So understand that these are our tax dollars that we work hard for. They come over here and work up under the table. Don't pay taxes. And then they live with 10 of them in an apartment bill, a one bedroom and apartment. And they make an all this money. Now, take it again. They sent in some of it back home, but they piling it up. And you have the games that they are bringing over here. It's a lot of negative than it is positive with this. Yeah, I'm going to tell you all these things are happening because we make them illegal and we make it. No, we don't make them illegal. It's always been illegal. Well, they shouldn't be. I mean, I know that you saying that everybody that comes over. We should give every single person that comes across that border aside. Process them, unless we know their criminals. Process them and bring them in and do exactly what we did when the Oakies tried to get into California. So what are we going to do with our own people? We're going to take our people that are suffering, our people that are homeless, our people that don't have access that we just talked about yesterday that don't have access to medical care. What are we going to do with our own people? Mark, it makes no sense to bring them over and give them cupcakes and cookies. And we have our own people over here knowing on the bone. We're the wealthiest country on the planet. But we're not taking care of our own. We might be, but we're not taking care of our own. We can take care of everybody else, but I see. But we can. And we should. We should take care of ours. And then we should take care of the people who come here who become ours. We could do both. I mean, hey, Stephanie says unlimited money, don't we, Jim, Joe, Stephanie, remember when you asked me how I was doing today and I told you before the show or after. Now you know what I'm talking about. All right. Mark, let me tell you more is my buddy. That's my, that's the love of my life right there. You can't tell me nothing about more, but we can go in it all day. You know, I'm going to let it with them. My blood pressure. Okay. Yeah. Well, I have a little beer. Yeah. Have some beer. I'm not going to tell you what's in my cup. Don't worry. There's nothing but water in his. And let me say because we've got to do some business here because we're not commies, are we? No. I don't know. I was going to ask you just when did you leave the Communist Party? I'm not sure. Well, I'll give you the dates when I'm through doing some business. Yeah. Okay. So the first thing we want to talk about is a great restaurant, which is Wenties, and that's in Chesterfield Valley. And it's, it's at 18,000 Chesterfield Valley, Chesterfield Airport Road. I mean, come on, Mark, let's get this straight. You're not Joe Biden. And 18,000 Chesterfield Airport Road. They've got great food. And I happen to love, you know, the baby back ribs, onion rings, pizza. You know, that's high up on my list. But, you know, other people may like other things. But Wenties has got it all. I heard you was treating for lunch off Saturday at Wenties. Well, that, that could be true. But, but, but, but one thing, it wouldn't be because I lost any bets because I'm, I'm always right. You know, I, I usually I say I predicted it. But at any rate, I can say Wenties is a great place to eat. And it's 18,000 Chesterfield Airport Road. Again, Wenties. Now, if you're looking for jewelry, which I know you're, you're always looking for more jewelry, right? Staff? Yep. Yeah. I am. Yeah. Now, actually, Joe might want some jewelry too. When I say jewelry, metals, he likes metals because he gives out metals to people who win certain things. And then he's got a special speech he gives. I'm not going to tell the whole story here. But, but, but that you could probably also get at Jules on Hampton. And that's at 4506 Hampton. And, and in addition, you can get watches and get your watches fixed. And you can get jewelry that they make. And you can ask them to make things for you. And they're very creative. They're very excellent. You can buy and sell jewelry and coins and everything. Jules on Hampton. They are outstanding. Now, finally, Joe, you're dressed as far down as, you know, you can get, I guess. But, you know, I'm dressed the other way way out. And that's from the St. Louis suit company in Clayton. 29 years they've been there. And, and, you know, I've been dressing this way for 29 years and they've been dressing me. And they are terrific. They're on the corner of Forsyth and Central in Clayton. And, again, they've got the $5 ties. And that you cannot beat those $5 silk ties. Again, you could, you could get those ties for $50 from Donald J. Trump. And, and, and the only problem is they probably aren't silk and they probably choke you. But, besides all that, the place to go is the St. Louis suit company on the corner of Central and Forsyth in Clayton. St. Louis suit company. So, Joe, I'm not very happy right now because I've just gotten some new information. And, I'll tell you, it's always something. Have you, have you picked up the latest on the Trump trials? No, I have it. Yeah. I just saw something pop up, but I couldn't get it. Yeah. Well, unfortunately, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear this ridiculous immunity case. Yeah. Ridiculous as if the President of the United States could actually claim that he's immune to prosecution for any kind of a criminal activity once he's out of office. We know that, that that's not true. And, if they're going to claim that he's immune from prosecution, that would be the worst thing I could possibly imagine. In the meantime, they've set the date for the, the oral arguments in April. So, you know they're playing games up there because you know that this is exactly what Trump wants. All he cares about is buying time so that he doesn't have to have his case heard. But when he, when he, when he ends up as the President of the Prisoners Association, I promise you, he will be prosecuted. But he'll be in jail. I don't think he's going to, if he goes to prison, he's not going to last in there. Yeah. Well, they have a way of protecting him. And he has to have a secret service and all that. So, whatever they do, they do. I mean, they- Now, how you go to prison and you still have secret service to protect you like you're in prison. He's got it for life. He's going to take your butt and act like everybody is. He's a prisoner. He's got it for life. But I just can't believe that that just came out. How you got there for life if you were a prisoner? Well, if you've been convicted of a felony, you would think at that given point of time, all of that is gone. Yeah. Well, how about this one? I love this. This is my favorite. I mean, they must feel sorry for him because, you know, he's been begging the courts to forget the bond for the $500 million. And the other day, he said he was too rich to have to put up that money. Now, he's saying today, he can't come up with the money. He just doesn't have the money. So, he says, how about if you do this for $100 million? Will you do that? Well, you know they're not going to. Let's eat your James is going to take everything, including that fake tie that he's got hanging around his neck. Joe, I mean, what's your point? Yeah. I mean, I mean, that one side half the country will say the same thing you're saying, the other half the country won't agree with you. And so there we are. Well, I'll be right. Well, it doesn't make any difference. Who's right or who wrong? It's who wins because at that point in time, and that's what happened in the last election. It's just 50, 50 countries. And so, you know, just off the top of your head. You think he's going to win? I have no clue. Okay. Well, I have a clue. Well, he's going to run against Joe Biden. If he runs against. I mean, you're sure of that. Well, it's either Joe Biden or Michelle. You're not sure of that, right? It's Joe Biden or Michelle. What's wrong with, huh? What's wrong with Cam? Michelle already says she wasn't running. Well, Michelle could say whatever she wants, but if Joe Biden is out of the picture, Michelle is the winner. Well, wait a minute. If she doesn't run, what's wrong with Kamala? I mean, she's the next in line. Why not her? Because the most popular person in the United States is Michelle Obama. Yet, yet in person's not even running. Well, she will be. Okay. How do you know that? Well, there's some people who push hard. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Only from only. You got a huge crystal ball over there. I want to touch that crystal ball. Yeah, I do. And here's the thing. The Democrats could do right now is let Trump get elected and let the market crash because they're getting up to that point right now in the silly, as you will know, the silly area. I'm going to have to do my own fallout shelter if he get reelected. I don't know. That would be too dangerous, honestly. Well, that would probably guarantee a Democrat administration for a long time that because, you know, as I know, the markets and with the interest rate and version and the financials of this. I mean, it's kind of like pushing on a string. It's not going to go much further here too. Not much. And then we'll have contraction. Well, I know, I know also that they are raising interest. I'm sorry, lowering interest rates in China desperately trying to stop the problem that you're describing. So, you know, it's so funny. I hear people all the time saying that China owns us, which is such foolishness. Oh, they're doing it. Economic contraction right now. Yes, they are. Big cities, real estate's gone down the drain cities are empty. No, they're they depend on us. And mutual reciprocity is important with the whole world in the United States, but especially with China. Russia, not so much, but China. Yeah. And I think, you know, the bookie man and us. And you know, well, how I feel is not with Russia or China. And what we can talk about that later, but I don't think those those two. We all Russia, China and United States really depend upon each other. Well, economically, well, I know you want to tell me about how you love. Netanyahu. So tell me, you know, I like his stand. Yeah, I think he. He cannot afford to listen to what everybody else thinks because what everybody else thinks gets the same situation happening to him every, I don't know, three, six, nine, twelve years. It can't happen again. Well, it does happen every time to them. I mean, not usually they're not caught off guard the way they were this time. And I know that's the worst part of it for them. They, they have always been in a position where when, you know, some group of Arab countries goes nuts that. Well, that isn't some group of Arab countries. That's the Palestinians that are supported by the Iran. Okay. The Palestinians couldn't do anything without monetary support. They had a boy couldn't without Iran support. Or maybe some from Syria, but mostly Iran. No, it's Iran. Yeah, it's Iran. So you have that situation. I know it's unfortunate, but war is war. And it's, it's very unfortunate, particularly for the Palestinians that probably have no, no idea about the intent of this. Oh, no, probably no idea at all. And, and listen, the crazy part is they are widely hated throughout the Arab world and yet the Arab world uses them or certainly has used them over the years. But now it's sort of an unusual situation because on one side, you've got the Sunnis who are in Saudi Arabia. And on the other side, you've got the Shia who are in Iran. And so, you know, Israel is sort of caught between them both with the United States caught between them all. It's really a shameful situation and, and caused by Netanyahu. That's why he would have got Stephanie while I have some coverage here. I'm going to have an adult beverage going dick off that. I'm holding my head right now. No, no, wait a second. Okay. I'm waiting on my to get in here because my don't like him either. So I'm waiting on. Yeah, you, you know, that, that Netanyahu was sending money directly to Hamas through Qatar. Qatar asked, do you want these people funded? And, and Netanyahu said, I don't know any of that. I don't know that. Oh, I know it's a fact. Hamas broke it across the border of Israel and chopped off baby's heads, took a number of hostages and just brutalized in a flash, almost like a flash mob within 30 minutes. It's in and out. And that's how they pulled it off. It wasn't 30 minutes. It was ours, actually. Well, no, it was, it was ours and Israel was caught flat footed again because of Netanyahu. It's irrelevant. They should not. I mean, to be flat. You're going to. It's a flat footed. Would you expect that to happen when they come in? It's a never happen in Israel. I would expect Israel to not only be on top of it, but that's, that's the other point. Israel had this plan. They had the entire plan in its hands. And Netanyahu in his people said, forget it. It's never going to happen. I don't believe that. Well, it's what they're saying. It's what the intelligence people have. So, yeah, we see where intelligence has gotten so far with Iraq 20 years ago. Okay, intelligence to me is just a figment of what they want you to know. Period. We don't know anything really and we shouldn't. Yeah, the government's going to tell us what we want to hear. That's for sure. They're going to put out what they want us to hear. They're not going to put out what, what, what the reality of everything is. Well, you've got that little Google machine in front of you. I think you ought to look up, if not now, after, you know, in 10 minutes, go look up the, the, the money that was being sent. Look, I don't care about that. That's irrelevant. That is totally irrelevant to what Hamas did when they crossed the border and killed babies and terrorized there. I don't care what deals they made monetary money doesn't mean anything to me in situations like this. Okay, but they could have been stopped is the point. What do you know? Well, it could have been stopped. What do you know about a uniform or even guarding anything or anything like that? You don't know anything about that. Well, luckily I don't. And you know me. There's no way in, in, in any period of time that I would have allowed myself to be in that position. But I can certainly read and I know that if, if money was being given by Qatar to Hamas with the approval of Netanyahu, that's trouble. No, come on. I get this. That's irrelevant. That doesn't make any difference. It has nothing to do with that attack. It was an unprovoked attack period. Well, look, you know, and I know that the people who did what you're describing as an unprovoked attack, that's been going on since 1949. Oh, it's been going on for 2,000 years. Well, but okay. But in modern times, it's going on since 1949 and since Israel became a state. And the fact is, is that we're still going through the same mess, which is how do you shut it down? How do you stop it? See, Stephanie, he's far a two state solution. And the two state solution was created in 1948. Okay. And that's why it hasn't worked and won't work. It should be a one state solution. Period. One. And that's the only way that this thing could be set up. Two state will never work, hasn't worked. Well, you know why Israel doesn't want to do that, right? Oh, sure. I mean, why do you want to take on a case of tuberculosis? No, that's part of it. But also they want to maintain a Jewish state and I understand why. You got too many people who remember what Adolf Hitler did, and they want a Jewish state. They want their own protection. Now, you could have a second state that would give respect to the Palestinians. And the truth of the matter is that the moment the Palestinians stop killing people, the United States will give them so much money that they won't know how to count it all. Well, that's speculation. I'm not sure. Well, we do it to everybody else. Now we don't do it to everybody else, but we... It's in our best interest. Look, look, it's obsequious. We're trying to make it so that we're not too harsh on them so they don't do bad things to us, which they could do any second they wanted to inside this country. Listen, we give Egypt a billion dollars every year not to cause any more trouble in the Middle East. That's not why Egypt does that. Egypt knows that it will lose in a war, and they've got a good thing going for them. That their economy, everything else is good. They're in a great part on the Mediterranean. They won't hit it. They won't even let anybody from Palestine in their country. Well, that's where I was going next because you know what they said here the last few days. They said if any Palestinians are allowed or pushed into Egypt, they say that 40-year peace deal is over. They don't want them. Don't put those people in their country because they don't want them. Period. They want their billion, which... Let Stephanie in here. We're just going to go ahead. I'm sitting over here especially when somebody don't let them in our country, but I'm going back to don't let none of them in our country again. How are we saying? At the end of the day, you let any of them in. This is our issue now. You let them in the country and what do they do? They try to kill us. There's a bomb here. It's bad enough. We have to duck and dodge our own people on a daily basis, not knowing what they're going to do when they snap. When you're sitting over here and you don't know what your neighbor's getting ready to do because they're from a foreign country and they're walking around. Ubering. You never know. You don't know what any individual country really has going on and how it's going to affect the United States. You're truly done. Well, if we answered any of the comments that have come in. Yeah, I've been monitoring it. Let an Arab country give the Palestinians some land for a state. Oh, yeah. They don't want them and they don't. They never have. Jordan sounds good this time of year. Jordan doesn't want them. Egypt doesn't want them. No one wants them. We don't want them. Okay, but what we could do is set up that second state and let them be where they are. Let them have Gaza and let them leave Israel alone. And if they don't want to do it. They're putting the mark. You know it's not in the book. You know what I'm talking about. I know exactly. So why don't you put Chinese and American troops on the border and tell both sides. Leave each other alone. Did you say Chinese and American? Sure. That's what he said. Yeah. He said that. Well, why not? And you wonder why I'm drinking beer now. No, really. That would be a credible force. It would be viewed as a group that would be neither on one side or the other. I mean, we've only got a few minutes left. Joe. Don't get too worked up. I mean, you know. I just feel sorry for Stephanie and she had to sit through this blokeation like this. Listening to unfounded remarks by the host. Listen, just go check Google when we get off the air. I haven't said one thing that isn't. Okay. Wait a minute. You say Google one more time now. You know the rule on Google. As an instructor, you should be ashamed of yourself telling somebody to go believe something on Google. You know that that is not a legitimate site to go and get information. No, you can go. First of all, you can go to and that is a site where they have all credible university research. And that one is perfectly safe. Well, then say that. Don't say Google. Well, how about Yeah, we know about the university research, don't we? Well, as I say, you're a scholar at a Harvard in Columbia, Princeton and all that stuff. Look at up in the New York Times Wall Street Journal. Well, wait. I mean, if the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal both say it. It's probably true. See, you're buying into the Kool-Aid. You want to know about opinions. You've just thrown out at least 30 or 40 this hour. Absolutely. Look, the thing, well, depends. But look, here's the thing that's terrible. You know, we can have this conversation. That's great. But truly, Donald has said that if he became president, he would take over all the networks that he doesn't like, shove them off the air, and that would be the end of it. And listen, and that is exactly number one, what they do in Russia, in Hungary under Viktor Orban. I mean, all of his-- Since it's just all speculation opinion, you have no idea what he's talking about. He says it. I mean, that's like the Jews saying, don't believe Hitler. He's kidding. He said he was going to be a dictator on the first day, all right? And you know what he was talking about? Undo all the presidential things that Biden did away with. You know that exactly what he was talking about. We're talking about taking over the fifth state or anything else. But that's okay, Mark. Well, let's just go because the name of the show is Shoda. Well, it's that. It's that. No, look, you know, I can't wait to get the details when I get out of here on what the Supreme Court has done, but I know that if they've set those arguments for April, they're out to delay these cases. But the truth is, they can't delay Alvin Bragg in New York City. And that's the amazing part because that was supposed to be the least important case. He is going to be convicted in New York, the trials in March. Nobody can stop it. And then what's he going to do when he's a convicted felon who owes a half a billion dollars, which he now agrees he doesn't have. He's, he's broke. We could convert that. He could give it. That's not important. You're talking about Donald Trump now. That has nothing to do with anything. Stephanie, take us out of the show. Take me out of my misery. Okay. All righty. Then at the bottom line is truck needs to be held accountable. He should be treated like any other criminal at the end of the day. A felony is the felony. You shouldn't, he should not be walking out, not paying people at the end of the day. Okay. And I was up in people, Stephanie, we'd be paying the government. Yeah. Well, he's supposed to be paying the government, but he still owes one lady some, like 300 million or whatever. He hasn't paid her. Stephanie, he wouldn't even pay the piano tuner at Trump Tower. So don't worry. But look, let's, let's end the. I would be sitting right there on his car every day until he paid my black ass. I ain't gonna live. I would too. By the way, Wendy's for great food, St. Louis suit company for the best clothes, and Jules on Hampton, 4506 Hampton for the greatest jewelry and a terrific experience. And Joe, you could go down there and meet Al. Alan Joe sounds like a great story. Yeah. So I think I bought a built in. There you go. Okay. Hey Charles, just want to do a payout to Charles out there. There you go. And listen, thanks, Joe. And, you know, what do they say Brandon? Let's go Brandon. Is that. And then then next you say good night. Good night. Good night. [BLANK_AUDIO]