The Howie Carr Radio Network

Save the MassGOP! Howie's Picks call in | 2.29.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Super Tuesday is almost upon us, and Howie's made his choices for the heated Massachusetts State Committee races. A handful of his favorites call in to make their case.

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01 Mar 2024

This podcast is brought to you by D. Stefano Hair Restoration. For the month of February, Dr. Hyness is rolling back prices to pre-COVID fees. Save $1,500 this month when you mention Howie. Go to That's Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. There he is on his way to Brownsville, Texas. Just 46 migrant apprehensions this past week in Brownsville. Compare that to over 2,100 an eagle pass in the last five days. I wonder why Biden chose Brownsville. It's a shale bark. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Here's a thing. We have done the work to make sure we're dealing with a broken immigration system. When the lie detector test determined, that was a lie. Close your captain, Howie Car. President Biden had his annual physical yesterday and his doctor says the results show he has fit to serve in the White House. How was your physical? Good, good, good. Yeah, yeah, too good. Matter of fact, you know what the doctor said? The doctor said I was too healthy, you know, in too good of shape. Don't even know how, too good of shape. He didn't know how to your physical take you. I did not. Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. 844-542-42. The house just released the transcripts of Hunter Biden's appearance before the couple of the committees yesterday. I just started reading it and he's just reading a prepared statement that somebody else wrote because, you know, the Biden's are not exactly silver tongue devils when it comes to oratory. So I don't know. I'll read, I'll read something. I won't see if we can get some more. Matt Gates said last night that Hunter said that he took the barista job to counter Russian aggression. God, what a selfless individual he is, right? He's willing to make 83,000 a month on a no-show job. And with his business partner also making another 83,000 a month just to just to fight the Russian bear boy. Thank you for your service Hunter Biden. Anyway, here in Massachusetts, like many other states, it's super Tuesday on March 5th. That's next Tuesday. It's five days away. And in addition to the presidential primary, there is also a racist for the state committees of the two parties and the Republican state committee is a very important election. It's in play. The Kool-Aid cult, Jim Jones Lyons, they almost destroyed the party over the four years between 2019 and 2023. They're trying to get back into power. And, you know, honestly, we're trying to stop them because there's no alternative. If they get back in, it's the end of the two party system. They almost single-handedly destroyed it. They didn't win a single race in 2020 and 2022. They almost bankrupted the party. I'm being paid back $500 a month. Jeff Diehl, his campaign, stiffed me 7,000 bucks. And I still own another 6,000 bucks by somebody else. I don't know if I'll ever get that. But so Jeff Diehl goes on the radio a couple of days ago and lies about me and says that I'm getting paid off by the state committee. And the fact is, the state committee is trying to pay me and about 30 other vendors money back that he stepped us on. And so now apparently he's been banned, according to a story I just read, I posted it on Twitter. He's been banned forever from WRKO for lying about me with just, I mean, and he knew the truth because he's been at two meetings of the state committee where they told him what happened, that he just goes on the air and just lies and lies and they all lie. Their theory is the big lie. So we're trying to stop them and I'm going to try to talk to a few of the people today, some of the candidates for the Republican state committee, our candidates, the same candidates. And by the way, we're not rhinos either. They are the rhinos. I mean, it's really funny. Jeff Diehl, he voted for Biden in the Democrat primary in 2008. His boss in the committee is a guy named Jim Jones Lyons, who used to run as a Democrat when Ronald Reagan was president. He was a Democrat in 82 and 84 running for the legislature. Then he switched over to Cruz and tried to steal Trump's delegates and DoorDash deal, Deadbeat DoorDash deal, even said that on one of the radio stations he was on with a credulous host or two. I forget which one it was. And the guy that he now, the Deadbeat DoorDash deal works for now is a guy named Rick Green, another failed candidate like DoorDash, like Lyons. And he was with Kasich in 2016. He was with DeSantis now this year and I'm told now he switched over to Nikki Haley. It's insane. It's just, it's insane. And they're claiming that other people are rhinos. Amy Carnavoli was a delegate for Trump in 2016 when DoorDash deals boss was trying to steal his delegates. It's just crazy. 844-542-844-542. Joining us now is the mayor of Taunton, Shauna O'Connell, a great, a great Republican and was in the legislature. And now she's the mayor fighting the onslaught of the illegal aliens and she's running for the state committee. Shauna, thanks for being with us here on the Howie Car Show. Hey, how are you good to be here? How you doing? Good, good. So why are you running for the state committee, Shauna? Well, I'll tell you how, since I've been elected, you know, I was elected back in 2010 in the legislature. There were somewhere around 40 Republicans in the house. I think we're now down to like 22 or something. We just keep losing seats. We lost sheriff seats, the last election. You know, there's only four in the Senate and we have got to build this party back up. And we've been saying that for years. You know, we finally just won a couple races with Peter Durant and John Marcy. So, you know, that's looking good. And I feel like I have a lot to offer. You know, I've been elected nine in nine different races, nine times in a Democrat city. And so I know how to win races. I know how to help get people elected. And that's what I'm going to do on state committee. So I'm just, you know, I'm like, I have to do something. I felt like I had to step up to the plate and do something to help build the party, build, you know, rebuild a two-party system here in Massachusetts. And, you know, you know exactly what we're up against because, I mean, you're dealing with this situation with the clarion hotel in Taunton that's been taken over by the state, by the state's people and illegal aliens are there. And you can't do anything about it because the governor has declared a state of emergency. Right. And, you know, and I've been one of the most outspoken mayors about this situation. I actually probably the most outspoken mayor trying to, you know, protect my town, keep our hotel. You know, it's a private hotel. They contracted with the state. But we've, you know, we've taken steps. We took away their liquor license for a while. We find them for being on capacity. You know, we've done what we can, but everybody's hands are tied. And these hotels are everywhere. But I have at least, you know, fought back against it. And there's, you know, it's frustrating because there's people out there running for state committee saying the exact opposite and just not telling the truth. They're just lying about everybody, Shanna. I think you and I have, I think we got our bona fides in as good as good conservatives. And they just, and these people who voted for Biden, who voted for Mondale, who voted for Kennedy, who voted for Dukakis, are telling us we're rhinos. It's incredible. I mean, I was so big on welfare reform. I got the most welfare reform done. And probably the history of Massachusetts, when I was in the legislature, I voted against the budget because it was, there was a loophole for illegals to get licenses. And then beaker, Baker ended up changing that and, you know, veto that section. So I have a proven record. I have experience and I'm going to be on the ballot in Taunton, Berkeley, Carver, Dite, in Marion, Middleboro, Rainhammer, Hope of SeaConks. And I would be very honored to have people's votes to be on state committee to really help build this party back up, along with Mark Townsend, who was running the state committee man. Okay. And we, we wish you the best. And Shanna, you know, I've had fundraisers for you. And I just, you know, you've just done a great job and we're all very proud of you. And you're going to do a great job on the state committee, Shanna. Don't, don't let them get you down and keep fighting the good fight in Taunton. Thank you, Shanna. Nope, I will. Thanks, Howie. 844-542-42. Jacqueline Corvo, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jacqueline. Hey, Howie, how are you? Thank you so much for having me on. As people may know, I'm a candidate for Republican State Committee. I'm running for re-election for Salem Beverly P2D. And Dan Burth, excuse me. And I'm just very excited to be on the ballot. This Tuesday helps to rebuild the party and work with Amy Carnavoli to help us, you know, bring a stronger two-party system into play. You know, so you've seen this, you've seen the dysfunction first hand with the Kool-Aid cult. Tell people what the, what the kinds of nonsense they're up against with their lawsuits and hiring private detectives to track other members of the committee, etc. Yeah, honestly, I try not to pay attention. But just to give you as an example, you know, we had the former chair sending out private investigators out of state to follow one of our members. We had him sending $20,000 to follow more Healy two weeks before the election to what proved that she's gay. I think we know that already. You know, we have been filing for close lawsuits and suing multiple people that have been on state committee. They're private citizens. It's insanity. You know, they lie about everything on the radio now. I mean, Jeff Deal is on the other day saying that we're paying you off to support us. The party is it's just after he's stiffed me. Jacqueline, he said, you know this, he's he's stiffed me. And now he's accusing you guys of bribing me. And they just let it go through. And you and you and I appreciated that nice text you sent me this morning about the horrible things that were said about my wife by one of the other people. Yeah, we love Kathy. I'm a member of the member. I'm the president co president of New England Young Conservatives and Kathy has been so helpful with us. And we just love her and I'm also the treasurer for the young Republicans and, you know, everyone there loves her too. So we definitely we definitely felt terrible that that was said. It was so out of line. This is the pattern. This is the pattern they've had on that show. You know, I mean, look what they said about Peter Durant's wife. It's been it's been really difficult. Lately, luckily, we have a lot of great people running. I think Tuesday is going to go very well for us, partly thanks to you and everything that you've been doing for us. I'm trying to get the truth out there and trying to debunk a lot of the misinformation that's been traveling around that the Kool-Aid cult has been putting out there. And it's just unfortunate. And I hope that people are listening and paying attention because there is a very strong distinction between the two plates, whether or not you want to move the party forward if we want to go back to, you know, debt and lawsuits under the previous chair. So it's an important decision that people have on Tuesday frivolous nuisance lawsuits, absurd nonsense, and just wasting resources. It's it's really something. So, Jack, when tell everybody where you're running again and who you're running with. My counterpart and current running me is John McCarthy Jr. He is a Vietnam combat veteran, bronze star recipient. And we are running in puberty, Denver, Salem, and Beverly. And John McCarthy, I know him. He's a he's a great guy too. And he's just a really solid guy. They're probably going to they're probably going to say something horrible about him to make up some stories, just like they're making up stories about everybody else. It's the it's the big lie. It's the it's the Democrat playbook. But you know what? They're all Democrats when you get right down to it, you know, deal and Jim Jones and the rest of them. Jacqueline. So if you by the way, if you want to see who you should vote for in our in my opinion, and you know, to keep keep Massachusetts a two party state, you can go to how we car show dot com how we car show dot com and just click on click on the banner and you can see who to vote for. And you can also you can also go to at how we car show at Twitter and read read what's been going on. Jeff deal has been banned from the radio station. Apparently, that's that's the that's the new story that's out for for his his lying about me trying to say I'm being bribed when in fact he he stepped me and he stepped 30 other people, by the way, and it vendors in his campaign. $250,000 unpaid bills that are being disputed in court. Thank you, Jacqueline Corvo. I appreciate you being with us 844 500 42 42. We're going to take more calls from candidates for the Republican State Committee. When we come back, I'm how we car the Holly car show returns after this. This hour of the how we car show is brought to you in part by the 110 grill their newest restaurant in Manchester, Connecticut opens this month and marks their 41st location. Congratulations to the 110 grill team. Visit them today at 110 grill dot com. He's how we car and he's back. Today's poll question is brought to you by the nasa beach in right now you can stay at the nasa beach in for under $200. That's the winter rain for night to reserve your pet friendly ocean view room. Go to nasa beach in dot com. That's nasa beach in dot com. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at how we car show dot com is which group is most likely to succeed with the I was high or drunk defense for criminal behavior. Illegal aliens, Biden's, Kennedy's or everyday Americans, illegal aliens. 45% say illegals, 42% say Biden's 10% for Kennedy's and everyday Americans back down to 2%. All right. One guy says I'm in I'm in Worcester. Who should I vote for for state committee have Taylor tweet the list out. It's at the top it's pinned at the top of my Twitter page, X page at how we car show. So you can you can see it right there. And please, please, this is a I know it's an obscure body and I never cared about it. You never cared about it. But the these these nuts, these lunatics, these crackpots. All right, Democrats basically are trying to destroy the party by taking over the state committee and they have to be stopped. They almost wrecked the party for four years. We can't let them get back yet. And if they if they lose this time, they'll go away. I think I hope knock on wood eight four four five hundred forty two forty two six one seven. I don't know the background of the name door dash deal. Can you explain? He he was an he was an Uber driver. Nothing wrong with being an Uber driver, but it was kind of funny that to see him on the Uber list and his big his big claim to fame is not that he's a politician, but he knows English. So we went with the alliteration door dash deal after we we became aware of his background. So now the fact that he's stiffing everybody, including me, he owes me seven he owed me seven thousand bucks and never paid me. And his and his campaign also with me another five, but he's stiff 30 vendors, a lot more than me, most of them 250,000 to one guy that's that's suing him suing the state committee, but it's really on deal in his campaign. And so we call him now deadbeat door dash deal. Jeff Simone, you're next with how we car go ahead, Jeff Simone. Hey, good evening. How are you? How the hell are you? Good. Where are you running, Jeff? I'm running the fourth middle sex again, which is raffle against Tony meat raffle. Oh, you're running against meat raffle, Ventresca. Oh, man, sir. I'm with you. I'm saying a prayer for you, Jeff. You don't know how often I get that. I have literally collected thousands of dollars from people supporting my campaign because they just like the sky that much. It's hilarious. We just got party just had to had to pony up thousands of dollars for FEC reports that he signed off on. Right. Yeah, they got they've not only got they've not only been fined $15,000 by the state for basically loathring money for a campaign. They were found at $6,500 by the federal elections commission for not reporting things are and he was the he was the guy who had the signed the reports. He cost the party $6,500 by not doing anything. And by the way, there's another huge is another huge OCPF office of campaign and political finance investigation ongoing involving lions and deal and that their whole crew. Oh, no, it's it's ridiculous. I mean, FEC took pity on us by knocking it down to $6,500 because it should have been much higher. I'm having so much fun in this campaign. I'm I'm not like people if you run for offices, I will have before and it's kind of a pain in the ass. But this has been a blast. I am having so much fun talking to the voters in my message out there, you know, watching these freaks and, you know, it's the hashtag freak, right? This is going all of us Twitter X. This is them. This is them in a nutshell, nutshell, being the the opera for Jeff Simone, S E M O N vote for Jeff Simone over meat raffle on Tuesday. Thank you, Jeff, the happy warrior. We'll be right back with more on how we can live from the Matthew's brother studios. This is how we car very important primary elections next Tuesday, not just the presidential primary in Massachusetts and many other states, but in Massachusetts, the state committee elections. Believe it or not, these are important elections, especially on the Republican side, because the there's a cult of corrupt nuts is trying to reclaim the party control. And they had it for four years and almost destroyed the party. They want they won zero races in 2020. And they won zero races in 2022. They lost a bunch of races. They lost all the referendum questions. They lost 10 legislative seats. And now they want to get back in control. And they're just lying about all of us on the other side. And you know, as Harry Truman used to say, if if they stop lying about me, I'll stop telling the truth about them. And I think I speak for for everybody that's in in our group, as opposed to the Kool-Aid cult, the knuckleheads as Dave the coast called the other night, they're knuckleheads. That's exactly what they are. 844, 500, 42, 42, 860 says, can you tweet out the picture of deals campaign contributions where 90% came from his own house? I'll do that first thing in the morning. Okay, 860. It is pretty funny stuff. Yeah, he's on the he's on the comeback trail. He's gonna he's gonna run again in a redrawn Democrat district. And when he already has lost it, in a landslide, what nine years ago, when he outspent his opponent two to one, that's when he could still raise money. Now he's broke. Jeff, come on, pay me back the money you owe me. But you know what, you can, but pay back the other 30 people first. What are you going to do when the $250,000 that you were on the TV spots when that when the judge's decision comes back that you owe the money? Who's going to pay that money off? That's a lot of drives for that's a lot of pizza deliveries. Joanne Powell, you're next. Joanne, where are you running? I am running in Whister, that gentleman that just called. I wanted to know who who to vote for in Whister, Joanne Powell. All right, and what do you what's your what's your platform, Joanne? Well, I really want to help Amy as much as I can. She's really done a great job, but she needs a whole team binder to really move the state forward. And like you've been saying how important the presidential election is, and it it is important, but I think the state committee race is the most important for the state of Massachusetts. If we want to ever want to get out of one party control, we need to get the committee, a good foundation, sensible people working together to then get local people elected. And I've been working decades to get people elected. I've helped, I helped Scott Brown. I met Beth Lindstrom who's running. I met her back in 2009 with Scott Brown campaign. I worked for Sheriff Lou Vangelitis since he became actually when he was state rep before he became Sheriff. I worked for Shawna. I worked for Peter Durant. I actually introduced Kate Campanelli to Peter Durant. So I have been knocking doors and making calls. And you and I'm really disappointed. We got it up to around 40 candidates, 40 people elected in the house. And in the last four or five years, it really has declined. And it's really so sad that people who have worked for decades, like Shawna, like me, like Beth, we've all worked hard to get again. There's dozens of us who have worked behind the scenes for decades. And what we've seen in the last three or four years is just traumatic. And I don't want it to keep going that direction. And Paoli, with you posting our names and putting us on the website, that's the greatest thing that could happen. And even you just promoting this position, letting people know it's out there, it's so important. That's Joanne Powell. And you can check her out. Go to and just scroll down. And she's running in among Berlin, Bolton, Boylston, Northboro, West Boylston, and the city of Worcester, many parts of the city of Worcester, most of the city of Worcester. Thank you, Joanne Powell, 844-542. Stephanie Mulroy, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Stephanie. Hey, Howie. Yeah, I am out here in Holden, Massachusetts, also running for Speak Committee. Currently, I'm sitting as the chairman of the Holden Board of Selectmen. And I heard your question for Joanne. And if you want to know what my platform is, it's winning. We're doing that out in Holden right now. We're a tiny little town compared to a lot of the big cities of Massachusetts, but we're little David's fighting against Goliath on the MBTA community law. And we're winning. We're giving a lot of other communities hope to stand up against the stronger state. Super proud of what we're doing here. And I'm looking forward to rallying the Republican Party to make those kind of gains in the state level. I think it needs to be strategic. It needs to be smart. It's a lot like we are the resistance in occupied France. Republican's Massachusetts are an enemy territory. So we have to be smart. We have to be united as an elected official. Stephanie, you you would be an enemy territory with the Kool-Aid cult. They don't want people unless they unless they can't get elected. And they don't even care about getting elected. All they care about is the state committee. It's true. It's so surprising to me. I just I had no idea that this kind of inviting ego to them, you know, long vendettas or just people in politics for some some reason other than public service. I'm in it for public service. I'm here for the for the conservative Massachusetts that we can drive our values forward with small gains because that's the only way we're going to go forward. Small little gains one at a time. We can make a difference in the commonwealth. What are what are your towns, Stephanie? Oh, we've got a big district here. So we have 22 towns. The watch, who's the district? The five towns that are there. The Brookfield, Lester, Gardner, Patrick Pittsburgh, Patrick Worcester. We have quite 22 towns. Yeah, it's like it's like a Peter Durant district. I think he's got 23 towns. Right. Exactly. Peter shared my district. Yes. Okay. Stephanie Mulroy, she's the candidate in the Worcester district, Worcester County district, and check her out at how we car And again, it's right on the stop the Kool-Aid cult and you can get the list of candidates. Thank you, Stephanie, and good luck. She's already won an election. No, you're probably there you go. The Kool-Aid cult. Oh, she won an election. Help. Help. We don't want to win an election. We like to lose. 844-542-42. Gianna Marie Thomas. Are you there, Gianna Marie? I am here. How are you? Very good. Now, where are you from, Gianna Marie? Tell us what you want to run, where you're running, and what you would like to do on the state committee. So we're running in third topic, which is Winthrop, Rivier, and he's Boston. My husband, Tom Cavallo, and I have been longstanding residents of the Boston area. If you can recall, I ran in first topic in Jim Jones' lines when he called my caucus with Timothy Smith because we basically said that we're going to represent our district and not what you want us to do. So I grew up in Winthrop. There's been allegations that to be strategic, we purposely moved to third topic to run for a state committee, which, again, is a voluntary job. So anyone that would purchase a house in anywhere, just to run for a state committee is kind of ludicrous. But what that means, that we're just so passionate about putting up great candidates and candidates that can win, unlike my husband's opponent, Paul Ruckus, who's also Todd Taylor's manager, we need a change. We need good, passionate Republicans that are going to put up candidates. People that don't follow this, Gina Marie, they have no idea how dysfunctional this party was. Jim Jones Lyons, as everybody realized what a knot he was, whenever someone would leave the committee, he would schedule a new election because he knew he would lose the election. So by the time he was finally ousted from office, the lunatic that he was and the crackpot that he was with a deadbeat door dash deal, he was down to 73 members of an 80 member committee. I mean, who's ever heard of such a thing, Gina Marie? Nobody. Nobody. And if you recall, he reorganized for a topic three times to ensure that Timothy and I couldn't do a special caucus. So with that being said, we're just so grateful and so happy to be running and we're doing everything in our power to ensure that we win because we are those Republicans that want to see Massachusetts wins. We want to make a change, especially here in this part of Boston, third suffix. So we're really excited. Thank you. So you're in, you're in, you're in East Boston and ward three, which is that one is word three. That's the north is that the north end? Oh, that's perfect. Yeah. Very tough, which is winter be there in East Boston. With her previous bus. Okay, thank you, Gianna Marie, and good luck. And she's running with her husband, Taylor Talon Carvalho, 844-542. Will cracker your next with how we car go ahead, Will. How are you doing, Howie? Very good. I am running for state committee man in the Cape and Islands district against what I like to call the clown car. Everybody remembers when you see that little teeny car pull up in the circus and 15 nuts clown pile out. But that's what I call them. They're the clown car. So you're running with your wife, Judy Crocker. Now you guys are taking a savage beating from the Kool-Aid cult down there on the Cape. All on radio, three hours a day, five days a week, nothing but lies. Nothing but lies. Tell me about it, Will. We're all getting hit with the lies. Well, let me tell you, my opponent, he lies about everything. If I told you today was Thursday, he would say, Will Crocker is lying. It's Friday. It's just nothing but lies. Missed fruits that are being spread all day. So that's one of the things that we have to go up against in the constant barrage of life. And the party under Jim Jones, Lions and Deadbeat DoorDash deal, they rode off the entire Cape and Bristol County. And you lost the DAs and in those two counties. And you lost the sheriff in Barnstable. And you lost the seat that was held by the sheriff's candidate. I mean, it was a wipeout because you guys had nothing down there. Jim Jones Lions was throwing everything into the DoorDash deal campaign. And he lost my seat. And I was the state rep. And how much money did Jim Jones spend on my campaign? Crickets, please. And I lost the campaign in 2020. So I was one of those 10 legislative seats that he deemed was not good enough for him. God, what a disaster. So you're in the Cape and Islands district and you and Judy Crocker, your wife or the candidates. And so that's who to vote for on. And don't believe any of the BS. And you know, the people who lost all those seats on the Cape and Bristol County, that was Jim Jones doing all the money that was supposed to be going to the vendors. It was just switched over to DoorDash deals, Deadbeat campaign. Thanks for the call. Well, thanks for calling that. We got some more calls to take from Janet Fogarty and others when we come back 844 542 42. We're talking to same members of the same candidates for the Republican State Committee. Be sure to vote on on March 5th. Super Tuesday. That's Tuesday. There's early voting continues tomorrow and Friday in town and city halls. And you can vote early in early, not often, but early. And go ahead and vote. And go if you don't, if you're not, if you're not sure who to vote for, go to, and click on the top of our webpage and see who my picks are. I'm Howie Car. If you missed any part of the show, we've got you covered. You know what there is? This could be a podcast. Subscribe to the Howie Car Radio Network on your preferred podcast platform and start listening to previous shows and exclusive podcast only features. Huh, it's actually not a bad idea. The emperor of hate. Howie Car is back. 844-542-42. 860 says the best part of this is we know DoorDash is sitting by a radio all disheveled with half a dozen empty Dr. McGillicuddy butterscotch nips and a warm Bud Light crying his eyes out. I think he's got enough money to buy six of them, six nips. I'm not sure about that. Maybe at a good day on the delivery route. 844-542-42. Janet Fogarty is next. She's the National Committee woman and she's on the state committee. Janet, thanks for being with us here on the Howie Car show. Hi, Howie. Thanks for having me. Great to be here. So you're running with Dave the coast who we had on. He's the most conservative member of the legislature. A great guy just recently elected. Tell us why you want to be on the state committee again. Well, I've served for three terms. Actually, Chair Conavalli and I started at the same time. I'm all for new people coming on and same for in my district but now is not the time. Unfortunately, because under the previous leadership, we got blasted back to the stone age as a party. We have a lot of rebuilding to do, a lot of work ahead of us and Amy's been doing a great job digging out for the past year. I've been working right alongside her, helping and trying to raise some money, keep the lights on at the headquarters. It's been a long haul, a lot of work. A lot of state committee members are not running for re-election because they just got burnt out from all of the vitriol under the previous leadership. So we're going to have a lot of new members. It's going to be a whole new committee, a lot of inexperienced. I'm heartened by hearing a lot of the people, the callers that have called in because they're all great and talented and many of them have served on committees, town committees and whatnot. They're not bitter and nasty either, unlike the other side. So Janet Fogarty is running in Duxbury, Hingham, Hull, Marshfield, Norwell and Situate. That's in Plymouth and Weymouth and Coasset in Norfolk. I've got to get to Mark Bondanza, Bondanza, Janet, but thanks for being with us. Joining us now is Mark Bondanza. He's a Lemonster City Councilor and he's running with Beth Lemonster. Beth Lemonstrom, excuse me. Mark, thanks for being with us here on the Howie Car Show. My pleasure, Howie. Thank you for having me. And so what do you want to, you have your hands full with being on the Lemonster City Council. You've been on there for a number of years. You've got your own business. Why do you want to join the state committee? Well, you know, I've been friendly with Beth for a long time and Beth is a committed party member and she reached out to me and knew that, you know, Lemonster was part of the Reformed District. I thought I might be a good choice. I thought about it, gave it some consideration and I said, you know, it's time to give some some time back to the party. And, you know, I believe like Beth that we have to reach out to independent voters in Massachusetts. If we're going to succeed as a Republican party, we have the second highest per capita independence in the nation and we're just not going to do it unless we broaden our base a little bit and be a little bit more reasonable about how we attract people to our candidates. Yeah. And, you know, you're running against, you and Beth are running against two really more odious members of the Kool-Aid cult. And I really, I really hope you prevail. So you're in Lemonster. She's in, she's in Grotten, which is one of the smaller towns. So what are some of the other towns in that district, Mark? Lemonster, Fitchburg, our two largest, Westford is the third largest in terms of voters. We have Lancaster, Townsend, Ashby, Shirley, Lancaster, Clinton. And I think I've just covered them all. That's great. Mark, Mark, but I'm so rooting for you guys and everybody that's been on has been articulate and good humored and not nasty. And it's such a change from dealing with the Kool-Aid cult and the knuckleheads. We'll be doing more of this tomorrow. Check it out, It's the top of the page. See who your candidate is. I'm Howie Car.