The Howie Carr Radio Network

Hunter's Laughable Burisma Lie, a Mayorkas Flashback, and More | 2.29.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Super Tuesday races are heating up in Massachusetts, including those for the Republican state committee. Grace welcomes two young candidates to the show to talk about the future of conservatism in the Bay State.

Broadcast on:
29 Feb 2024

Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's Picks for the Massachusetts Republican State Committee. Vote Tuesday March 5th to keep the mass GOP alive. To see Howie's Picks go to and click on the banner. Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. You got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. It's been a really fun show thus far and we still have a lot more to get to. I got more sound what I want to talk about. Kamala Harris has made comments on these progressive DAs that are destroying the country. We will get to that. We've got some great sound. I promised you a cut from Mayorkas and I will make good on that promise. Okay, you can count on me. I'm not like the others. But I wanted to shift gears here to a little bit of local news. Super Tuesday's coming up and it's not just the presidential race that people have on their minds. You can also vote for Republican State Committee. Now there's been no shortage of drama and name-calling and muddslinging when it comes to this race. And I know my audience is not unaware of that. We are going to keep it about policy here. We're going to keep it about what's actually going on and what some of these candidates stand for. And as far as I go, something I've been very passionate about is that young people have to get involved in politics, especially young conservatives in Massachusetts. It's the only way forward for the party and really you could take that on a national level as well. I think that it's time to pass the torch. It's time to reenergize politics. And it's something that I've felt very strongly about. So that is why I thought it'd be great to have on this next person who's running Amanda Peterson, who I've met through New England Young Conservatives. She is running for the state committee seat in the Norfolk Worcester and Middlesex District. And actually she's very, Amanda is a freshman at Suffolk University. So she's very young, but unlike most people in Massachusetts, she's got a winning record when it comes to her time in politics. Amanda, give people a little bit of background about what you did for Peter Durant in his road to victory. Hey, Grace, thank you so much for having me on today. Like you just mentioned, I was Peter Durant's campaign manager for the special election out in the Worcester and Hampshire district that we secured that seat in November. And it's one of the best experiences I've ever had in my life. Just the grassroots and reaching out to actually reaching out to Republican and unaffiliated voters to actually secure a Republican seat. We haven't secured one of those seats in seven years. So it was a great experience just to try to build up the Republican movement and try to bring some more balance back on Beacon Health. Amanda, I spent a lot of time on this show talking about what voters care about and obviously illegal immigration's coming up a lot right now. It has been kind of bubbling to the surface over the past couple of years. But if you were to specifically talk about young people in Massachusetts, where are their heads out? What are some of the issues that really get people to the polls that you think people your age, young people really do care about? I really do think it's just, you know, the Democratic Party, we all know, is getting younger and taking over, you know, my generation Gen Z and even millennials. But as Republicans, you know, we really need to start targeting these voters. And I think a lot of the issues that they care about is actually, you know, the gun bill is going through the legislature right now because my generation is starting to, you know, come up to the age where you can possess a firearm, also the illegal immigrant crisis, but also education. I mean, our education system, there's a lot of indoctrination at these colleges, especially the school that I attend currently. And college students are noticing this and noticing that this bias and this DEI, you know, training within the school systems. And I think it's really getting kids motivated to start, you know, registering to vote and running for office themselves. Amanda, I find that for a lot of people, the thought of going into politics, especially in a place like Massachusetts, where I've said this before on my show, you kind of sometimes feel like it's a lost cause. Like, what are we going to do? What motivated you specifically to get involved and to say, hey, listen, this isn't, yeah, it's going to be an uphill battle, but I want to fight it either way. Exactly. So, you know, I've always kind of been interested in politics when Emma interviewed me a few months back on your column. I did mention the fact that, you know, I started getting, you know, interested in politics in 2012 when Obama and Mitt Romney were running against each other and then, you know, when Hillary and Trump were running against each other. But just the people that I've met through working in Massachusetts Republican politics, the good, strong people, especially like Peter Durant, who I just worked for, it really motivates me that we actually have a chance to win in the state. If you focus on the issues that voters care about in that certain timeframe, for example, in the state Senate election, we focused on the gun bill and the illegal immigration crisis because those are two hot topics of the time. It ended up flipping a seat that has been held by the Democrats over 50 years. So, it is possible. We just have to know what issues to hone in on and figure out what the voters want. Yeah, and it seems like there's a lot of noise right now with the GOP, with the Republicans in Massachusetts. And I think you're right, quieting that noise a little bit and bringing people together for issues that we all care about. I mean, there's no shortage of passion right now, Amanda. I can tell you that much from what I've been watching, people care a lot. And I think it's great that you're involved. I think it's great that young people are taking an interest in this. And Amanda, let people know where they can follow you and where they can support you. All right. So my website is Amanda Peterson, And my Instagram is just elect Peterson. And my Facebook is Amanda Peterson for the Public and State Committee Women. Yeah, I remember talking to you at the New England Young Conservatives Christmas Party, and you were telling me about this, and you were, you know, you were excited about it. And obviously, a little, a little unsure of where it was going to go. But I'm very happy that you stuck with it. And good luck to you. All right, when we come back, we're going to talk a little bit more about the DAs, the progressive DAs that are taking over this country. And Kamala Harris thinks that they're doing a great job. And I got to find these quotes because I keep seeing the chyrons about it. I don't know if she sat down for an interview or what. We're also going to play that sound from my orcas. And we just have a lot of other topics that I would love to dive into today. Obviously, big news when it comes to Trump, when it comes to these cases. And when it comes to Hunter Biden and his testimony, because you know, Jared, I was thinking about it. So Hunter gets to say, well, I was drunk and I was high when I sent that WhatsApp text. And Biden gets to say, well, I'm old and I'm feeble and I don't remember anything. Where can I get me one of these excuses? One of these, I keep saying get out of jail free card. I got to think of a better word because we know that jail is not even a possibility. But it's like they have carte blanche to do whatever they want. And they can just say, I wasn't in the right state of mind. Now that holds up depending on if you have a D or an R next year name, it's going to hold up for them. But it shouldn't doesn't make it right. We'll talk about that. Trump has a has officially touched down in Texas ahead of this border tour. Joe Biden is also doing a dueling border tour today. And we have some sound from the National Border Patrol Councilman Brandon Judd doesn't seem like the Border Patrol agents are thrilled with Joe Biden suddenly pretending to care. And I think that's the most insulting part is that he's going to show up and he's going to tell these guys, you know, I've been working hard and I've been he's going to gaslight them. And it's one thing to get to gaslight the low info voters who watch MSNBC all day. It's a whole other ball game to try to tell these men and women who have been on the front lines of this with zero help from the president of the United States that you had their back the whole time. That's that that's going to take a whole different level of lie. That lie, how he always says no lie too big. That one might be just a hair too big even for a Democrat like Joe Biden. The Nossa Beach Inn just opened reservations for winter getaways. Jared, you've stayed at the Nossa Beach Inn. What do you remember most about your visit? I remember just how tranquil and peaceful it was because Cape in the winter is great. The beaches at the Cape in the winter are great. Nossa Beach is fantastic and the Nossa Beach Inn is right on the beach. So you get the best of everything when you're down there. Every room has a giant picture window so you can look out. You can take in the view and a fireplace so you can stay cozy. If it's too cold, if it's not too cold or even if it's too cold, you go outside, you sit by the fire pits. You can enjoy the views and the sounds of the ocean there. My wife and I, we love sitting by the fire pit, drinking our morning coffee and watching the sunrise. It's a great getaway. You can walk the beach. You can bring your pet. You don't have to deal with the crowds or really not have to deal with the traffic. Any stuff that you got to put up with and you go down to the Cape in the summer. Cape in the winter is the best kept secret and Nossa Beach Inn is the best place to go on the Cape. It's a great place to stay no matter what time of year, but especially off season like Jared said, less crowds. Everything's still pretty much open and you can really enjoy the Cape during this peaceful time of year. So go to That's and we will be right back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2 a Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. This is the Grace Curly Show. It's always interesting to me which stories really must do well as far as clickbait goes because the Nathan Wade lawyer drama with his lawyer, Terrence Bradley, I thought it was funny that he said, oh dang, we played it yesterday when he was confronted with the fact that he confirmed to merchant the Trump lawyer that Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade were in fact in a relationship before she had pointed him special prosecutor for a lot of money, a good amount of dough. But now I'm seeing it everywhere. Like I thought this was a story from two days ago and now, oh dang is kind of the main headline. Maybe it's just a slow news day. That's always a possibility too. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-pack special. Everyone loves the thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-pack special at and use promo code GRACE3. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how would you rate Mitch McConnell's time as Senate GOP leader, mostly positive or mostly negative? I'm going to say mostly negative. 71% of the audience agrees with you that it was mostly negative. 29% say mostly positive. A lot of votes for this today. People are very interested in what's going to happen now. Mitch McConnell announced yesterday that he'll be stepping down as leader of the GOP and I do not think he will seek re-election when the time comes. There's some rumors about who's going to take his place. I'm hoping it's more of a contested conversation and not just, "Okay, we decided this John Cornyn is going to take over." That does not appeal to me. I would love to see a Ted Cruz. I would love to see a JD Vance. I would love to see a fighter. Anyone who the media hates and anyone who doesn't care that the media hates them, that's who I want to see there. Give me a Rand Paul, ladies and gentlemen. Now, Jared, I have a question. I saw a headline talking about Kamala Harris. Maybe it's floating around on Twitter that she was talking about these district attorneys and how wonderful they are for the country and how they're really changing things. I thought it was amusing because I thought this reminds me of when the Biden administration talks about how they're breaking records or they're making history because I'm always thinking to myself, "There are no lies detected here." Technically, you are making history. Technically, you are changing the entire country. Not in a good way, but if you leave off that last part, it's pretty amazing stuff, what you're doing. It's pretty stunning the changes we've seen since Biden showed up. I mean, you can go out yesterday and give a speech about how crime is down when you've not labeled anything crime anymore. You can just do that. They have all these loopholes there. It's like they're running a Panera franchise. The amount of loopholes these people are able to find. Trump has touched down in Texas. Biden is expected to also be at the border. They're having these dueling border visits. They're going to be about 300 miles away from each other. Brandon Judd, who's the National Border Patrol Council, had something to say about Joe Biden showing up. This has caught one, please. What we expected and the reason why border patrol agents are so upset about this visit is because he's not going to any location where he's going to be able to evaluate what he needs to do. What are the policies? What are the other programs that need to go into place? And he's not going to be able to do that in Brownsville if you would have went to San Diego, if you would have went to Tucson, if you would have come out here to Eagle Pass, if you would have went to the trouble locations, he would have been able to get a little bit more understanding and evaluate the situation to come up with it. He's not going to do that. He can't do that. He's repeatedly said that he doesn't have executive authority to control this. And if he turned around and he did something today, then everybody would recognize that the past three years are all on him. He has no interest in evaluating this situation because as of like three weeks ago, Jared, the situation didn't exist in Joe Biden's mind. Probably still doesn't now. I don't think much is existing up there at this point. But he was telling us that this wasn't even happening. They all were. My orchestra told us the border secure, KJB, it's never been this secure. It's never, things have never been this great. And now you're expecting them to show up, not only do a complete 180 on it and acknowledge the situation, but try to evaluate the situation. We're only at step one right now. Like what's the stages? Is it the stages of grief where it's like acceptance, anger, whatever? We are barely at acceptance. We're four years in basically to this administration. We are barely at acceptance. They cannot accept the fact that this is all a crisis of their own making. And if you want proof of it, I would like to offer up exhibit A, which is an interview that Alejandro Mayorkas delivered when he was on with Nicole Wallace on MSNBC. Jared, for the sake of the entertainment factor, can we take a trip down memory lane? This is all you need to hear. So you're going to hear from the press secretary, from the secretary of state, from the president, from the Department of Homeland Security, you're going to hear how this is all Trump's fault, how it's all the other guys fault. This is his problem. And it's such an unbelievable lie to try to shove down the throats of the American people who have been watching this unfold. And you should also keep in mind that these are the same people who when they showed up and reversed all of Trump's policies, they were more than happy. They were banging the drum. Remember yesterday we talked about in Atlanta or in Georgia? Because I'm not sure exactly which county it was in, but there was the, I think it was the sheriff or somebody made an announcement about the sanctuary city policies. And they actually brought out a band and we're like banging a drum over it. That's usually an expression I use. Oh, they were so proud of themselves, they were banging the drum. In this case, they were actually banging drums being like, look at all these great things we're doing. Mayorkas is the same way. Look at all of this policy that I've reversed. And that was then, and now they're telling us it's all Trump's fault. But you were so happy to undo all of the horrible things Trump did, yet those horrible things, they seem to be the only things keeping us on the verge of this calamity. So let's have Mayorkas. This is a flashback cut three. I mean, I'd like to understand from you what Trump era immigration policies have been banned, ended, reversed, and if any investigations are underway by you. So we have rescinded so many Trump immigration policies, it would take so much time to list them. Now they've rescinded so many policies. But I bet you, I bet you, if you were a betting person, Jared, and you brought up a policy to Mayorkas and said, what about this policy? I bet he would say, well, that wasn't one of them. That was that was brought to us by Trump. It's you have to be really, like, lobotomized to buy this. And now, now I think what they're going to try to do, which I'll be so excited to watch this unfold, they're going to try to make Trump out to be like pro illegal immigration. How is that going to work? Remember when they, when Trump was pro police, and then eventually they started to say, well, we tried to fund the police, we tried to have more social workers, so Republicans are anti police. They wanted to fund the police, and we're all sitting here going, wait a second, this is right after the summer of love. That's kind of a hard thing for my head can't spin around that quick. Now, are they going to try to tell us, well, Trump is actually on the side of illegal immigration. After years and years and years of hearing about how he's a xenophobe, how he wants to build a wall, you're going to try to tell me the build the wall guy was the one opening up the floodgates to all these other countries. I don't think so. And we had, we had a guest on earlier from the Center for Immigration Studies, and he said, you can just look right at the numbers. When Trump was in office, they're dealing with maybe 700 crossers a day with Biden. It's about 50,000 people a week, and that's not including Godaways, which I think, I think that's a number that none of us would be able to really wrap our heads around. When we come back, we've got another guest for you, and we're going to talk to Biden crime family. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back everyone. We've got a textor who's complaining. They've got dead air on whatever station they're on. They said, just when the show's starting to get fun, I took offense to that. The show has been fun. I dare you, sir. Let me tell you, 120538, that's when the show gets fun, and it don't stop till the show's over. Anything else is poppycock. We were just having this discussion because- Ooh, an applesauce. Did it come unnatural? This is subtle force to me. Rachel Maddow was on MSNBC. She's talking about these Trump cases, the SCOTUS hearing on the immunity case, and everybody's melting down about it. Can I just get this, Jared? This is cut 12. Let me hear Rachel Maddow. This is BS. You were doing this as a dietary tactic to help your political friend. Your partisan patron. For you to say that this is something that the court needs to decide, because it's something that's unclear in the law, is just flagrant, flagrant bullpucky, and they know it, and they don't care that we know it, and that's disturbing about the future legitimacy of the court. Now, I'm not a wordsmith. You all know this. I try my best to incorporate new words every day, but I never heard bullpucky. I went to the green room and I said, "I hate when people do this. You should just say BS, stop trying to work in new words." Emma Foley. Actually, can you tell I'm going to get to the mic? Emma Foley is not afraid of an argument, and she said, "Grace, you're wrong. It's way more fun to use those kind of words, and Emma, I'm going to be real with you. You're a good debater. You've kind of won me over." Yes. Why would you use just letters when you can use masterful, artistic, elaborate words? Give us some examples. Poppycock, hogwash, malarkey, baloney, rubbish, hooey, bunk, hooey, hooey, try tailors, but be careful, I have to dump you if you don't get it right. I don't even remember what he said, but cock-tah. Yeah, there's a lot of options, and you know when I stand corrected, you're right. I was going to come on here. I was going to make fun of Rachel Maddow for saying bullpucky, but Emma's right. If you can use different words to describe it, then good on you. You know what? You've won that debate, Emma. The rest is applesauce, and the rest is applesauce. All right. Now, something I want to talk about here, we were discussing the state committee race on Tuesday, big day, and I had mentioned before that this race has become a lot of in the weeds back and forth, and I'd really love to talk about some of the issues here, some of the issues that these candidates care about. Because I'm a part of New England Young Conservatives, and I'm always beating the drum about how we need to bring in young people to politics. It can't be all 85 year olds running the ship. I wanted to bring on John Old's who's running in this. He is running for the state committee seat in Middlesex Suffolk, in the Middlesex and Suffolk District. John Old, thanks for coming on the show. Hey Grace, how are you? And I agree. We can't have octogenarians running the party. You use a big, fancy $50 word. We're big on the $50 words today. John, out of all the issues that are happening, and I know it's easy to focus on the national stuff, but as far as Massachusetts goes, what is the issue that you would say you care most about, that you're circling your platform around? Well, I think in my district in particular, one of the key issues right now is the migrant crisis. For example, I live in Cambridge, and I know it's shocking that there are any Republicans in Cambridge, but I am one of them. I live about two blocks away from the old probate court building that Governor Healy and her administration have put nearly $200,000 into renovating just to house new migrants into the Commonwealth. And everybody I talk to, this is their biggest concern in making sure that not only we're not giving benefits to people who aren't here legally, but to also make sure that the services that we rely on on a daily basis from a whole host of different things aren't going to be affected for people who are cutting the line. So that's definitely a front of mind for a lot of people. But then if I just step back real quick, if when I think of a state committee person, their job mainly is to build the party in their particular district. And in my district, for example, we have Chelsea, Everett, Charles Town in Cambridge, not exactly the Republican stronghold that you're thinking of, but it's really important that we have a strong state committee person from those urban areas that often get written off, because while you might not be electing a state rep or a state senator, you know, the difference between losing 80, 20 in those areas and 60, 40 could move the needle in a gubernatorial race or a Senate race and things of that nature. So that's why I'm running because we need to not ignore the parts of the state that get too often ignored by our party. Yeah, John, I'm glad you brought up illegal immigration because you just mentioned you're in Cambridge and you're right, you know, I don't think of Cambridge when I think of Republicans, but has this issue started to kind of enlighten the Democrats, the stronghold in Cambridge? Like, have you heard from anyone on the other side saying, listen, I am a, you know, bleeding heart liberal here, but this is untenable? Or is that is it still kind of just like they've got the blinders on? No, I think with when talking to Democrats, they sort of view the issue a little bit differently. They view it as obviously a humanitarian issue at first, but I'll give you an example. I was actually in an Uber the other day, and I sort of struck up a conversation because I like to do that with people. I don't like to be the guy who sits in the back seat with my air pods on and just ignore the world. And I asked my Uber driver, I said, hey, you know, we're driving by the probate court building, you know, what do you think of what's happening in our state right now? And she ended up being a single mom. She's actually lived in Lynn, and she was really, really worried that the services that she relied on were going to be cut or affected in place of migrants. And I do think people are starting to wake up and understand that it's not only a humanitarian issue. Obviously, we can, you know, empathize with anyone coming into this country in search of a better life, but it's also a fiscal issue. There's going to be a major, major financial strain put on communities in the state, and it's not going away. It's only going to get worse. It's going to cut into local aid budgets, it's going to cut into health care budgets. You know, we have a number of hospitals in the state that are, you know, really strapped for staff and resources right now. So that's how a lot of people are engaging with the issue, is how is it going to affect their bottom line more than anything else? And I don't know if you can speak to this, John, but it sounds like because you're talking to so many people in your area, the other thing I wonder when it comes to this issue of illegal immigration is the teachers, because I know typically, and you know, you want to talk Cambridge, typically teachers line up with the liberal point of view and the unions and you kind of do think that a lot of teachers, not all of them, I've had plenty of teachers in my life who weren't, but a lot of them do align themselves with the left ideology. But this is a case where now you're getting these teachers who are already inundated with, you know, problems when it comes to budgeting and funding and taking care of the students they have and having kind of jammed classrooms overcrowding and things like that. And then all of a sudden, they're getting all of these other children who don't even speak English dropped off. You must be hearing from young teachers and just teachers in general about this issue as well. Well, I haven't had a chance to speak to any educators specifically, but I would imagine that you're right. You know, these folks that are coming into the schools, they require special attention, whether it be a language barrier or folks that might not be up to grade level and things like math and reading, and it does put strain on the schools. And I think you're right. And I don't like to, you know, paint teachers necessarily with a broad brush. You know, I think I can paint that broad brush with college professors, but I think a lot of educators are just looking to do right by their students. And a lot of these teachers I feel like are being set up to fail in a lot of ways. And that's really, really unfortunate. And again, as you say, a byproduct of this ongoing crisis. John, I wouldn't consider myself young anymore. I mean, I'm 31. So I'm not old by any means. But one thing that I often will get questions from people who come in to see how he or come into my show is, oh, you know, they'll have 20 something year olds. And they say, well, my kid is very left or leaning left. How did you become Republican? How did you become conservative, especially growing up in Massachusetts? And I always just kind of say, you know, I listen to my parents a lot. I would listen to talk radio with them. And there was different things that kind of molded my political beliefs. I'm curious for you. You just mentioned college educators. It seems like you're so inundated with liberal media and with liberal POVs. How did you end up being a conservative? Well, I'll start. And it might sound a little bit cliche, but I give a lot of credit to my family, both my parents and grandparents. I mean, my mentor and, you know, sort of rock throughout my childhood with my grandfather, who was a Marine Corps veteran, served as community through his church, through, you know, civic engagement and that sort of thing. And the way I viewed it was just that the Republican party, at least where I was exposed to it, was the party of common sense, whether it be fiscal discipline, making sure that our cities and towns were run in a conservative manner, not, you know, living outside of our means, making sure that we're making responsible decisions on, you know, the development of our community and that sort of thing. And that sort of, you know, snowballed into, you know, me catching the political bug a little bit. And once you catch it, it's hard to shake. And living in Massachusetts, it's pretty, I actually think it's pretty easy to be a Republican. I mean, you have to be a pretty hopeful and optimistic person. But if you're just generally a down-to-earth person that's not trying to, you know, change the world via activism at every moment of your day, you know, you can really find a home in the Republican party. I think I'd like to think of it as a coalition of the normals in a lot of ways, just people that want to get up every day, care for their family, go to work and make sure that food's on the table and a roof's over your head. I think the party really looking out for that in our state by and large is the Republican party. And that's where I found my home. And I'm happy to talk about different experiences I've had within the party in Massachusetts. But that's sort of my journey in 30 seconds. Well, that's very well said, John. And I appreciate it. I appreciate that insight. I think it tells people a lot about you as a candidate and kind of what you stand for. John, we have to end here. But can you tell people where they can find out more about you? Well, you can go to my website. It's very easy. That's I'm running for state committee in Charlestown, Cambridge, Chelsea and Everett. And on March 5th or before, I hope to earn your vote. Thank you very much, sir. Before we go to break here, there is one more thing I want to talk about, Jared. We had discussed how Hunter Biden recently told Axios that democracy and saving democracy, which is always what we're going for, it hinges on his sobriety. And based off his closed-door testimony with Republicans, Matt Gaetz and for me that there's something else at stake here or there's something else that Hunter Biden talk about, self-important. He has, he dropped a little bit of knowledge on Republicans about his charisma job. And yeah, it might seem like, oh, that was a hack job. That was a job they made, pay for play, just to make tons of money for Hunter and the family. No, no, no, no, no. It's a lot more complicated than that. Can I get cut eight? I'd say that there were a number of interesting moments, but perhaps none more interesting than when Hunter Biden told us that he joined the Barisma board to counter Russian aggression. I hadn't heard that one before that, thank goodness, we had Hunter Biden on the Barisma board because that was central to his strategy to stand up to Vladimir Putin. It reminds me when I was younger and I would, you know, it was really actually more my younger brother if he had to come up with an excuse or a lie or something and it would be so outrageous and my parents would almost be amused about it. They'd be like, oh, you know, got to love him. He's trying to get creative. Oh, my job on the board of Barisma was actually to stop Russian aggression. By the way, my sobriety is what's going to save democracy. Anything else? How do you do it all in one day, Hunter? This guy deserves a pay raise. This whole time, Jared, we've been talking about Biden, Joe Biden being president, Hunter Biden should be in there. This man is just, he's working on all cylinders. And while he's doing it while he's fighting Russian aggression, while he's saving democracy, you know what he's doing with his other arm? Correct. He's painting. He's like Kramer on the bus. He's driving the bus and he's fighting a guy and he's driving the bus and everything's still going. It's amazing. It is amazing. When we come back, we're going to talk to how he cars that don't go anywhere. You know, tonight I'm going home. It's Thursday. People warned me last time. I waited too long. I said, oh, Friday's here. I'm going to have a nice steak. And then all of a sudden flooded on the text line, you shouldn't have a steak today. You're going to go to hell. Well, now I'll have it the night before and hopefully I'll avoid that. But the great thing about Omaha steaks is I don't have to stop that nation who we in applesauce. Yeah, I don't want to know that poppycock. I'm not looking to burn in hell. So I'll go home tonight. I'll open a nice Omaha steaks or maybe I'll have a nice cheeseburger. I'm not sure. But tonight's the night to do it. Because tomorrow we skip, we move on to the salmon, to the chicken, to things that aren't going to get us in as much trouble. Well, chicken will get you in trouble. Chicken will. Yes, chicken is considered meat. Yeah, you know what? Tomorrow we'll do the salmon. Tomorrow we're just saying. Can you tell that I'm, uh, I don't, that's not one of those rules that I follow that closely. I know I should. I know I should. Don't come at me, please, please. You know what I did? I gave myself a real break when I was pregnant because I had read that you can do that. And then I kind of lost the plot a little bit, but tomorrow we'll do salmon tonight. We'll do a steak with a nice glass of wine. You cannot go wrong with Omaha steaks. That's the important part. Okay. That's, we're not trying to bury the lead here. The important part of this is that everything from Omaha steaks, whether you're going to eat steak on Friday or you're not, everything is delicious. The quality is amazing. You can get sides. You can get desserts. Everything is top notch. It's a great price. It's delivered right to your front door and it's 50% off. Did I mention that? It's 50% off. You go to Omaha Not only are you going to get 50% off, you're going to get eight free Omaha steak burgers on select packages. This is really Jared. This is, you can't beat this. Yeah, the quality of meats, uh, and fish and everything decides the quality you get with Omaha steaks is second to none. They say it's the best steak you'll ever have. And they're not lying. And I've been on the chicken kick lately. The chicken is the best chicken that I've ever had. It tastes like chicken grace. You saw the chicken today that I had. Was that Omaha steaks? It was enormous. Yeah, it was great looking chicken. It tasted fantastic. You could have had that for three minutes. Yeah, I could have. But yeah, everything from Omaha steaks is fantastic. And especially if you're getting 50% off and you're getting extras, it's, it's, it's a no brainer. Yeah, so go to Omaha You'll get the eight free burgers and the 50% off on select packages. Do that now. We will be right back with how we car. Don't go anywhere. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone to the Grace Curly Show. I wanted to remind everybody we have a great Grace's goodies right now. If you go to and click on store, these are already half gone. So you want to hop on this now. It is the awesome bio speed vacuum cleaner from Eden Pure. I have one of these. They're super lightweight. There's nothing worse than hauling out like a ghost buster style vacuum, bringing it up the stairs and down the stairs. This is easy to use. It's lightweight, but it works so well. So go to and click on store. You're getting this vacuum that's worth $349. You're getting it for just $175 and you're getting free shipping. So hop on that now. How we, we, we didn't get a lot or I shouldn't, I guess we got enough from the Hunter Biden closed door testimony. But one thing he did say is he admitted that when he sent the text about the $5.1 million to C EFC, he was hired drunk. Now from what I'm gathering here, Joe Biden can say he gets a pass because he's too old to remember anything. Hunter gets a pass for being hired drunk. Do you think you'd get the same pass in any of these situations? It's funny you mentioned that, Grace, I'm just doing up my poll question right now on that, on that issue. Really? I'm going to put in illegal aliens, Biden's, Kennedy's, you and me. Any, any other group I should put in? No, I like that. I was actually going to call you the other day, but it was so random how he about the Kennedy's because I ended up on one of those articles about Rosemary Kennedy and reading all about that. Is that Kennedy Babylon one or two that you talk about her? I think it's Kennedy, I think it's Kennedy Babylon one. I gave, I gave a couple of copies of the, Kennedy one and two to one of my neighbors and she came down to me at the pool. I was just like, you know, relaxing with Roscoe and she said, I can't believe it. They are so bad, so bad. And I thought, oh, this is a successful say, not non-sale of my book because I gave them to her. Yeah, well, I was reading about her and I obviously knew a little bit about it from you, but I just didn't realize that they gave her the lobotomy and then he put her, the father put her in a home and he didn't even tell the rest of the siblings where she was. I don't think they found out until he died. No, she, she came, I think she came home twice in the 50 years after she was lobotomized before she, she passed on. And it was just, it was a horrible thing. And you know, she wasn't, she wasn't a terribly out of control person. No, she, she wasn't terrible, terribly unattractive either. They just, they just wanted to just put her aside and not have to worry about her. Uh huh. And that's just one of the stories in Kennedy Babylon one and two. Everyone, go get your bio speed vacuum cleaner. We'll be back tomorrow for our Friday show.