The Howie Carr Radio Network

The UN, Biden's Border Visit, and More with Todd Bensman plus Woke or Joke | 2.29.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace welcomes Todd Bensman to the show to discuss the two U.S. presidents headed to the border this week. Then, Taylor Cormier hops on the mic to quiz the listeners on recent headlines. Are they real (Woke) or fake (Joke)?

Broadcast on:
29 Feb 2024

Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's Picks for the Massachusetts Republican State Committee. Vote Tuesday March 5th to keep the mass GOP alive. To see Howie's Picks go to and click on the banner. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. It seems like although for a while we are being told by the White House that the border was secure and that all this talk about a disaster on the border was just Republican talking points, Republican media, MAGA people trying to whip their listeners up into a frenzy. Now the White House is they're trying to pivot. They're trying to address this or at least appear as though they're addressing it. So today we have Donald Trump going to the border. We also have Joe Biden going to the border. They're being called dueling border visits and joining us to discuss this and so much more is the senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies. Todd Bensman, Todd, thank you so much for coming on the show. I wanted to first refer to an op-ed you had published recently and the title of it was an immigration crisis beyond imagining. Now as someone who follows all of this very closely, why are you ringing this alarm about this right now specifically? What about it makes it so beyond comprehension? Well the numbers, the objective metrics of this thing are beyond anything in American history, anything in the American experience, the numbers that we're looking at are above 10 million and 36 months. People who have hit that border, the vast majority of them actually being able to enter and stay in the country. This has never happened before. They're numbers that are just simply transformative to the country and impactful in so many ways that people are really feeling in the interior of the country. Cities like New York and Denver and Boston, you can't hide this anymore. It's not just something that's happening at the border. It's an apex political issue in the campaign for a good reason and that's because everybody can see and feel it now. This has been going on for three years straight of 200 and 300,000 a month pouring in over that border millions a year. We just have never seen anything like that. This is really something that doesn't surprise me at all, that you would finally have the president facing a tough election from somebody who campaigns about this issue going down to the border today. Yeah, and Todd, one thing you mentioned in this op-ed and I encourage everyone to go to and read this, you mentioned something that I've talked to your colleague Jessica Devon a lot about recently, which is that these numbers, while they might be shocking to people, they're not even giving you the entire picture because they're not including a very important group that makes up a good chunk of people. Can you explain Godaways and why those numbers aren't being made to the public? Right, because the main element of this mass migration crisis is that because we're letting almost everyone who reaches the border and crosses it illegal into the country, those who are giving themselves up, we don't have to run and catch them, they're just turning themselves into border patrol. And there are so many hundreds of thousands and millions of them that border patrols have to come off the line to process them into the country, to stamp their papers and get them off the border and into the country. That leaves vast sections of the border unguarded for this category that you just named Godaways. It's just an official category. It looks like we have had almost 2 million people, foreign nationals, run through these unguarded gaps and get into the country. And that's according to congressional testimony by senior border patrol officials. And they say that that is a 20% undercount. So it's conservatively, there are probably 2 million at least Godaways who are in the country. So if we're talking 7 and 1/2 million were apprehended at the border that we know of, then you have to add to that another 2 million. So 9 million there. And that also is not counting. People that are coming into northern cities are also coming there through a pre-legalization program where immigrants can go on a cell phone app and schedule their illegal entries over land bridges. And they're flying them into airports. We got public data through FOIA lawsuit showing that another 420,000 would let in on the cell phone app scheduling scheme at the land bridges, 8 land bridges. And they're pouring in at the rate of about 40,000 a month. They go straight to Boston and everywhere else too. And another 320,000, 350,000 flew in from foreign airports directly into interior, 43 different interior US airports on the same sort of, they call it parole. They get two-year parole with work authorization. Well, those have to be added to the total as well. They may not be coming illegally between the ports of entry, but they're coming to your city just the same. Yeah, I'm speaking with Todd Bensman from from the Center for Immigration Studies. And you know, Todd, I have never had, or especially not recently, I haven't had warm feelings towards the UN. But for a large part of my life, I thought of them as mostly useless. And I was reading one of your recent pieces. Well, this is actually back in January. And as of late, I'm starting to think that not only are they, I mean, useless is kind of being friendly or, you know, being generous. They're actually doing more harm than good. And I want to read people this sentence and then we can have you explain. You say the 21 border security minded lawmakers pitched a bill and you said they named the US taxpayer funded United Nations as essentially a co-smuggler after seeing your reports that the UN was handing out debit cards and cash vouchers to aspiring illegal border crossers give people a breakdown of this and how culpable is the UN for what's happening on the border. Right. Well, United Nations agencies, there are 15 of them, but two of them are primarily running the infrastructure on the southern approaches to the border all the way down through Central America, South America, Central America and Mexico, where they have created a system of way stations and aid support stations all along the migration routes. I've been to them. I have visited them. I've talked to the immigrants that are waiting in line for their benefits. And they're for 2024 and all of this is online. You can link from my report to their documents. All of this is for 2024 about $1.6 billion to support this movement of people along these aid stations. A lot of the money goes to something called cash-based intervention. Big, big emphasis. About $372 million just for this year that will be handed out in the form of debit cards, vouchers, in-kind vouchers for lodging, money, and vouchers for what they call humanitarian transportation. Really, everything that you could ever want or need on the trail to get here. In fairness, the UN agencies, they're working with 248 nonprofit NGOs to help hand out the cash, as well as 15 different UN agencies as well. They would tell you, of course, that people are coming regardless of whether they help. They just want to provide a social safety kind of net to prevent death and suffering. But an alternative view of that, an interpretation of that, is coming from Republicans in the House who have pitched bills like this. They're furious about it. They think that it's aiding and abetting the mass migration. They may have a point. Both sides may have a good point. But most of the money is U.S. taxpayer money, and that's where we have an absolute right to debate this issue. Is this money that the American electorate wants to be spent in this way? Maybe the answer is yes. But also, maybe the answer is no, but what they need is information to have a debate about it. It's a completely fair debate to have when you're spending billions, hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars through the State Department, through USAID, and through FEMA to fund this traffic coming through in such massive numbers, historic numbers. Now, Todd, the other question I have, and then we will have to wrap it up here, is Trump's going to the border today and Biden's going to the border today. And it's obvious that in the last couple of weeks, the administration has seen some exit polling. They've seen some numbers they don't like, and they're trying to change their tune on the border. But I would remind people, and I know you know this, Todd, that at one point where you were hearing ad nauseam bragging from from my orcas, from other members of this administration, that they had reversed all of these Trump policies. And so how can it be both? How can they be so proud of themselves for undoing everything Trump did? And then at the same time saying we have done everything we can, and this is all Donald Trump's fault. Well, the objective facts are that, and you can look at charts of apprehensions and trace them and peg them to policy choices, which I've done, is that when Trump was in office, especially the last year in office, he had those numbers down to 45 year lows, you know, maybe 700 apprehensions a day, and most of those would get pushed back. 1500 tops to the day after inauguration, when they reversed all of those policies, which were deterring, where we saw spikes of 200,000 a month, you know, 50,000 a week. And it's been like that for three years straight in escalating, stair stepping fast. And that's the result of policy choices, policy choices that were made by eliminating those Trump policies, you opened the border and the entire world heard about it and they're coming. Of course, they're coming. Yeah, no, I agree with you there. Todd, Benjamin, we thank you so much for coming on. Can you let people know where they can follow you, follow you where they can find you and what events you have coming up? Yes. Well, for one thing, I will be in the Boston area Tuesday, or Wednesday, May 5th, sorry, March 5th, it starts with an M. And you can follow me at, I mean, I'll be at the Elks Club there and you can find that information online. The sponsors of that event where I'll be talking about my book and what's going on down there are Bostonians against sanctuary cities. And you can follow me on X, Benjamin Todd on X and is where you'll find my free newsletter. You can sign up for me there. All right. Awesome. Thank you so much, Todd. We really appreciate your time and all your knowledge on these issues. And also he has got a lot of great pieces at That's where I get a lot of my information regarding the border because oftentimes you'll have these arguments with people and they want to make it emotional. They want to make it, you know, a question of who's more morally virtuous. And really, you just need the facts. And CIS does a great job with statistics and number and just, you know, just straight facts. And that's what you need when you're going into a debate about this. Recently, a Grace Curly show listener Candice called in. She was telling us, Jared, how much she loved the thunderstorms. But, you know, it was great for the audience to hear. We already knew all this. We know how great the thunderstorms work because you plug it into the wall, you plug it into an outlet and any smell in your house is going to be gone. Any stale odor in your office eliminated. It doesn't take up floor space. And a really great part about the thunderstorm is that right now you can get a three packs. You can use one in your car. You can use one in your basement for that musty basement smell. You can use one in your kitchen. If you're cooking, maybe you cook up a nice piece of fish and then you want to clear out the smell afterwards, all you got to do is turn this on. It's quiet, but it's powerful and it doesn't try to cover up smells. It eliminates smells. Now, here's what I want you to do. Go to and use code grace three to get the three pack. You're going to love this device. You're going to be like Candice. You're going to be calling me up, telling me how much you love it. So go to Don't forget to use code grace three for the three pack that's eating pure deals, code grace and the number three. What I want to do when we come back is we'll do the poll question and we'll also play you a little flashback. We'll take a trip down memory lane because the Biden administration loves to have it both ways. They want to say the border secure, but the catastrophe we have is because of Donald Trump and not everything can be true at the same time. We'll take a trip down memory lane with Alejandro Mayorkas when we come back. You're listening to the Grace Curly show. This is the Grace Curly show. All the states want to boot Trump off the ballot. The ones we've been talking about Colorado, their Supreme Court in Colorado decided that Trump shouldn't be on the ballot. All this stuff is going to get overturned. And then you have Maine, which is Secretary of State there. So it's not even a panel of justices or judges or anything like that. And the latest ones, Illinois, and you know what I keep going back to whenever we talk about electric vehicles, because there's always these stories about how they've given out all these rebates. They're trying to convince you to buy electric vehicles. They're trying to make it so you can't buy anything that's not an electric vehicle. And the thing that they always go back to is if it's so great, then let the market decide. If it's so great, then the consumers will eventually like, for example, microwaves, Jared, I bet when microwaves first hit the scene, I was thinking about this the other day. If I, if I was alive when microwaves were invented, okay, and someone said, Oh, we've got this cool thing. Stick your soup in there, press, press two minutes and you got hot soup. I would be like, I don't know about that. That seems weird to me. There's got to be something funky there. Eventually though, if it's such a good product, it just takes over. You don't have to shove it down people's throats. You go, Hey, this is so great to make sure life so much easier. All of a sudden, everybody, you know, has a microwave poof. It's just a different world. There you go. The reason I bring this up is because when it comes to electric vehicles, when it comes to all these things, they're spending so much time telling us how flipping great everything is and yet nobody's buying it. They have to like basically have a gun to your head in order to make you purchase it. Now, I would say that you could do the flip side of it with Donald Trump. If he's so bad, if he's so repugnant, if he's so dumb, if he's so evil, if he's so in bed with Putin, if he's so incompetent, if his four years were such a failure, then put him on the ballot and everybody will just do all the work for you. Let the people decide. Like if the product sucks so bad, then people won't vote for it. But that's the issue here. They know the product in this case doesn't suck. They know that if given the option, people are going to want to go back to the old gas guzzling car. That's who Trump is in this situation. He's the gas guzzler and they can't risk it. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm three pack special. Everyone loves the thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space and there are no filters to replace it. It's only one third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. So take advantage of the thunderstorm three pack special at and use promo code grace3. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results this far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is how would you rate Mitch McConnell's time as Senate GOP leader, mostly positive or mostly negative? There was a period of time where I would have said mostly positive. I think it was the time where Nancy Pelosi was calling him the Grim Reaper because he was killing all of her asinine legislation ideas. But the last couple years has led me to my answer of mostly negative 73% of the audience agrees with you, mostly negative 27% say mostly positive. All right. Now listen up. When we come back, we are going to do woke or joke. We've got a really fun segment for you so you can get on the lines right now. It's eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. I know I tease that Mallorca sound cut and it is a thing of beauty. It's an old cut of him all with Nicole Wallace. He's bragging. He's doing a victory lap about all of the Trump immigration policies that the Biden administration had rescinded. And now they're singing a different tune. We will get to that. I know I promised it and I broke my promise, but we will get to it before the end of the show. Also update for you. Trump has touched down. He is in Texas. So the dueling border visits begin. When we come back, woke or joke, it's your chance to win a $50 gift card to Aviva Trattoria. The wizard is joining us after the break. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio. Hello everyone. It's Thursday. It's Friday, Jr. It's Friday Eve. And we are so excited to be here mostly because we're joined by the one and the only Taylor Cormier. Now he is here for woke or joke, which is brought to you by Aviva Trattoria. I forgot to mention this and it's very important. My parents went to the new Aviva in Hanover because it's near their house. They loved it. They got a beautiful seat at the bar. They got it. What are you mad that there's not one near you? I'm a bit perturbed. You're bitter. You're bitter twisted. Well, soon enough, sir. So they sat at the bar. Here at that bar. So you get a build one in New Bedford with a lounge for Taylor to sing in. Nice. And they got chicken parm. They got all this delicious food and the price is right there. And they just had the best time. They could not say enough nice things about it. A gift card to Aviva Trattoria is the perfect gift for any occasion. So pick one up at any of their locations to find the one nearest you. Go to with all of that. Being said, it is time for woke or joke. Everything woke turns to sh*t. Okay. Take care, wokeers. The word woke means looser. Here is how it works. Taylor is going to read you a headline. You have to decide is it woke as in it's real or is it a joke? Did someone here make it up? Let's start off with Ali. You are first up on woke or joke. Are you ready for your headline, Ali? No, you are not. We'll put you back on hold, Ali. We'll come back to you. Joanna, are you ready for your headline? Yes, I am. Okay, here we go, Joanna. All right, Joanna. Here is your headline. Influencers say soybean serum is the vegan snail mucin. What do experts say? Let's say that's woke. It is woke. Very good. Not a joke. Not a joke. Soybeans. I had no idea what snail mucin was. Oh, yeah, that's a thing. I had to consult Emma. That's a big trend right now with the skincare people. I didn't even know how to pronounce it. Yeah, I'm trying to explain what it is. You know what it is? I don't use it. I'm trying to simplify my skincare routine. I feel like it's all gotten out of control now. Does it get more simple than snails crawling on your face? Now we have like 12 steps. Some of these women that make the TikToks, they do like 15 steps before bed. Who has the time? These women. And now meanwhile, then you have men don't even wash their faces. I wash my face. That's once in a while, I'll put some tallow. What is it called? Tallow bomb on it? Tallow bomb. Yeah. Like do you tell Oh, yeah. Like fat? Yes. Really? Yes. You sure you don't mean aloe vera? I'm quite sure. Okay. Cool. Good for you. Your skin looks beautiful. My wife, she does the beauty shopping. Looking great smelling like beef jerky. Pat, you're up next. Are you ready for your nothing more mentally than smearing your face and be fat? Are you ready for your headline? Pat? Yes. All right, Pat. Here's your headline. BLM co founder calls Taylor Swift fans slightly racist. It is woke. I saw this. Not a joke and a joke. She didn't even back it up with anything from what I read. Oh, I was just gonna say to you, I didn't know why put it out there. She's like, I feel like Taylor Swift fans are slightly racist. Oh, she's a vibe she gets. Yeah. Just divide Taylor Swift fans are giving racism according to her. See that? Well, there's a lot of Taylor Swift fans of all races. I mean, mostly it's white girls. Yeah. Is that too much of a generalization? I think that if you, if you were to look at all the fans, it's probably mostly white women. America is mostly white people. Yeah. Just looking statistically, but she didn't give any reason why she thinks they're giving racism. Not that I could see this citations. Nope. Nope. Well, it's hard to argue that this is Malina Abdullah. Well, then she says, why do I feel like it's slightly racist to be a Taylor Swift fan? She asked the same person on ex on Super Bowl Sunday. Well, you know what, Taylor, if she didn't give any reasons to back it up, then she just has to be right, I guess. Yeah, because I can't fight her on it. You cannot add you're up next on a woke or joke. Are you ready for your headline? Ed. Yes, I am. All right, Ed. Here is your headline. Discriminatory language leads to new age rating for Mary Poppins. I'm going to go with the odds and say it's about time for a joke. Oh, I got you. It's woke played against the odds. I saw that as well. You're not a joke. Not a joke. I didn't look into why this is a problem. And I know there was a few articles on it. You're ready for this? Yeah, tell me why. The film has spent the skill in me two references in it. Okay. Of the same word. Okay. That word, Grace, yes, is hot and tots. What does that word mean? Well, hot and tots, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is a term that was used by white Europeans to describe the South Africa and Namibia tribes in the 17th century. Information laundering is really wonderful. Interesting. So they had to put what like a warning on it? Like a USA in the film, it's used to describe the soot covered faces of chimneys. Oh, I had a feeling it was going to come back to the chimneys we've seen. I feel like that scene has come into conversation before the best scene of that movie. You know what I was thinking the other day? I was watching a scene from Mary Poppins. And it was a scene where they're clean. Why? I think I was playing it for my daughter. Oh, sometimes just we're already on to live action with with them. I want her to have good taste because I can't stand. Listen, I am right there with you. Yeah. I don't want to watch like the stupid stuff. So I just go right to the classics. And I've watched that scene where she's teaching the kids how to clean up their rooms. And it's a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. Right. I just want on the way. I just wanted a clean cut of that so we could play it later. Yes. So I'm watching that scene and the kids are, you know, using their powers on the way, dear. This is doubt fire. I like to do remixes. Okay. So the kids are cleaning our bread. The kids are cleaning up the room. And I thought, I bet when this movie came out, these effects mind blowing of them using magic. And now it looks, I mean, no offense. It's still a great movie, but now it looks so ridiculous. But at the time, it's like, whoa, the drawers are closing themselves. I bet people were were flabbergasted. But listen, there's that one scene where she pulls out this giant thing out of her bag. But you can see under the table. So it's like, where is this coming from? And there's documentaries on how they did all this stuff. But that's all smoke and mirrors as well, obviously. Probably was a lot more work. Yeah. Yeah. So I was just, you know what I thought of myself? I think it was just like they painted a piece of glass and put it in front of the camera. So it blocked under the table. So it looked like the background. But I thought to myself, well, I'm happy for those people who are watching this movie for the first time back in the day. And who went home and were like, you got to go see this Mary Poppins movie. It's unbelievable. Those people I'm happy for. I don't really remember the plot to the movie. I don't think it's anything groundbreaking. She's a babysitter. The father flying umbrella and Annie's story. The neighbor. The kids are messy. She has to teach him how to clean up. I had a cannon mounted on his roof or something. Yeah, plausible place. But it's funny too. Okay. Sorry. Is it like this Willy Wonka guy that goes floating in the air when he drinks his tea? We will get back to this game. But I want to say one other thing. I want your take on this Taylor. It's crazy how the movies they used to make like the big movies, the big production, big budget movies like Mary Poppins and stuff. They were geared towards kids. Like there were kids. We look at them now as kids movies, but those people who went to go see them, I bet it was a lot of adults. It was definitely a family outing. It was made for everybody. And that's the fun thing. And now kids movies are just kids. Like, you know, adults don't really want to go see them. That's the fun thing about a lot of those movies is that you can find content in there for adults that specifically geared the jokes are specifically targeted towards the mature audience. But they're not so noticeable. Yes, I would agree. Okay, Ali, we're going to give you a second chance at this. Are you there, Ali? I'm here, Grace. Okay, here we go. All right, Ali, here's your headline. How Trump turned an entire population off of red headwear by the numbers joke. Fast fire with that. And that is correct as a joke. I bet it's true. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. You don't see a red hat now. And you you always give it a double glance. You're always like, is that what I think it is? And good for you for giving it a double glance, because some people would just assume it's it's a mega hat. Yeah, and they throw a milkshake right at the person. Peter, you're up next on Walker Joker. Are you ready for your headline, Peter? Ready. Here we go. All right, Peter, here is your headline. Grappling with the fact that the creators of Leap Day owned slaves. Could I hear that again, please? All right, one more time, Peter. Here is your headline. Grappling with the fact that the creators of Leap Day owned slaves. That sounds like a joke. It is a joke. Okay. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. One more very, very quick. Tony, you're up last on Walker Joke. Are you ready for your headline, Tony? Ready. Okay. Tony, here's your headline. Utica high school teacher issues pass fail test requiring pupils to name five LGBTQ icons. Sounds real. I'm gonna go with woke. That's a joke. I'm sorry, Tony. That was a joke. That's not true. We got to go to break. Thank you very much, Taylor Cormier, the Wizard of Woke. You brought the heat today and we appreciate it. We will be right back with more. This is the Grace Curly Show. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. So you're looking for a deal and you want to make it real. A money-saving deal. It's great, says good. Goody, goody. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. And I'm thrilled to be joined with Tyson Wen, who has done it again. He's always giving my listeners such great deals. And today, while supplies last, you can purchase the Eden Pure Biospeed Clean Cordless Vac. It's a $349 value for just $175. And you're going to get free shipping. This is a really good deal. If you go to and click on store. And I can speak to this personally because I have the Eden Pure Biospeed Clean Cordless Vac. I love it. Especially right now, my daughter's learning, you know, she's eating solid foods, a lot of Cheerios and things like that. Everything gets on the floor. This is a lightweight vacuum. It is so effective, but you don't have to worry about a cord. You don't have to drag it up and down the stairs. It's light. It's easy to use. It's great for that every day kind of keeping everything clean. And Tyson's here. He's going to tell us a little bit about it. What makes the Biospeed Clean Cordless Vac better than the other vacuums on the market, Tyson? Well, thanks so much for having me back on, Grace. So spring cleaning is right around the corner. And the Eden Pure Biospeed Clean, it's a cordless fact. It's going to cut your cleaning time in half. This is a full power vacuum that has no cords. And there's also no bags that you have to deal with, which is also going to save you money and less mess, right? When you have those bags with the vacuums, you know, if it tears, you know, you have even a bigger mess, right? And with the battery, it's going to run 35 minutes on a single charge. That way you can clean your entire home without having to recharge. Now, the reason you're going to be saving so much time with a vacuum like this is that you get freedom from cords. You know, half your time is just moving the cord out of the way, plugging, unplugging it from when you go from room to room. Now, with the Biospeed Clean, with no cords, you're going to dramatically cut down on your cleaning time because you're just going to be vacuuming. You're not going to have to be dealing with cords. And like you mentioned before, Grace, this is a super lightweight vacuum, which makes it quick and easy to use. So if you have arthritis or you have some sort of injury, you know, this is only six pounds. Compared to those old-fashioned corded vacuums, you know, they weigh up to 20 pounds. So that makes this Biospeed Clean three times lighter than most corded vacuums on the market today. And this makes it so good for, you know, quick messes. You just grab it. It's that light six-pound weight. Easy to do quick cleans, right? Instead of having to lug out that heavy old-fashioned corded vacuum out of the closet. And you know, it's so funny you say that, Tyson, because I did lug out my old-fashioned vacuum at one point over the last couple of weeks. And I was sweating before I even turned it on. By the time it came to actually use it, I felt like I had a full workout in because it was so heavy. It was so cumbersome. And that's why I really do love the Eden Pure Biospeed Clean cordless vac. Now, Tyson, I would argue that what's just as important as the vacuum is the attachments that they come with. Because that can really help you get into tricky areas, whether it be inside your couch. Some of those hard-to-reach little crevices and places in your kitchen on your floor. So tell people a little bit about the attachments that come with this great deal. You're absolutely right, Grace. So one of the attachments that comes with the Biospeed Clean is a hair attachment. You know, so many of us have pets. You know, we love them, but you know, they shed hair everywhere, right? So we've included this specially designed mini motorized brush. So it's great for those, you know, your furniture like the chairs, couches, you know, those spots, like you said, they're a regularly shaped. They can be very difficult to clean. But this is that thing that's going to get into those crevices and areas and really clean up that hair and, you know, other debris. Now, some of the other attachments that we've included in here is, of course, you're tried and true, motorized floor brush, right? Now this thing is powerful grace. It's spinning at over 100,000 RPMs. That means it's powerful enough to pick up that pet hair, you know, that's gotten stuck in that carpet. You know, it's going to lift it up and vacuum it up very easily. Now, we've also included two different size crevice tools. Now, these are great for cleaning your car. It's going to save you time and money because, you know, you have to take a trip to the car wash and use those expensive vacuums there. You know, you don't have to do that with this. Now, one of those crevice tools, it's a long and narrow, which makes it great for reaching into those, you know, spots in between the couch cushions, in between your car seats, you know, places like that. And then the other crevice tool has a pop-up brush to help loosen up that hair and dust that might be caked and matted into, you know, different areas of your home. Just makes it that much easier to vacuum up. Now, Grace, we only have 30 units of the Eden Pure Biospeed Clean. And with spring cleaning, you know, more marches tomorrow, you know, it's, these are going to sell out very, very quickly, especially at this special discount pricing that we have for your guys. Yeah, because these are normally valued at $349 and Tyson is being very, very kind to my listeners. He's giving it to you for just $175 and free shipping. If you go to and click on store, I'm glad you brought up going to the gas station and, you know, putting in the quarters for one of their vacuums. Because for me, that is Tyson. It's like a race against time. You end up just racing around your car trying to get in there. This is a great device. If you want to clean, like we said, your kitchen, your living room, and your car, there's so many uses for this. It's so effective. It's lightweight. And I just want to double check this. You said one full charge on this. You get, is that right? 35 minutes? That's right. 35 minutes. And, you know, that's going to give you plenty of time to be able to vacuum, you know, your entire home, you know, your entire vehicle, you know, without having to do a recharge on that battery, you know, in between cleanings. All right. So this is a really awesome deal. And like Tyson said, he's only got 30 for you, so I want everybody to hop on this right away because they sold out very quickly when they were on Howie Show. And he had a few more to give away. So go to, click on store. It's a $349 value for just $175. And you get free shipping. I have one of these vacuum. So I can speak to it. I've gone through a lot of vacuums in my time. And this is by far my favorite. It's the easiest to use. And it's always good to have on standby when either your kid, your child's making a mess, your pet's making a mess, or you're making a mess. You just want to have this at the ready. So go to, click on store to get this bio speed clean vacuum from Eden Pure, Tyson when thank you as always. We'll talk to you soon and we'll be right back with more.