FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Beyond the Blockchain 7-30-24 guest Peter Toller the Crypto Arborist guest in studio

Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - Welcome back to Beyond the Blockchain with Scott Tindall. - Hey folks, welcome into Beyond the Blockchain. We're here with you on a Tuesday night, like always having a good time. We got Peter on the board. Oh, sorry, we got Phil on the board and we got Peter Toler here in the studio with us tonight. - Welcome back, Peter. - Good. - Thank you. - Thank you very much. - Happy to have you here. My project we're gonna talk about in a little bit. So that's gonna be fun. Phil, how's your week been, man? - Oh, it's been fun. It gets busy around here as you know. We just have other shows and people coming in and filming stuff and it's all kinds of excitement around here. - Yeah, you're never short of excitement around here. - Nope. - You know, we always like to start with a little bit of news going on. This week in the news, we've got the SEC is back down on quite a few projects that they previously were pursuing, which has been interesting. I don't really know what to take of it yet. I think it's too soon to know, obviously. But it is interesting to see that they took several projects out of their suit against Coinbase and said that these coins are not securities. You know, you also get a lot of news right now and the political side. You've got President Trump saying that he is going to create a reserve of Bitcoin and JD Vance backing him up is Vice Presidential candidate. And then you've got Kamala Harris, who's the current Democratic candidate that says she wants to do a reset with the cryptocurrency ecosystem, which is interesting 'cause they just put several million Bitcoin up for sale. - Four million, I think, to be exact. - Is that what it was? - I think so, yeah. Several million Bitcoin they put up for sale. So it's hard to understand what a reset means in that regard. So that'll be something that I think we need to-- - Not a great reset, I hope. - Well, yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's something that I guess we're all going to have to pay attention to 'cause I don't really know what it means when you say you're doing a reset, then you either, you know, you put all your Bitcoin up for sale when the opposing candidate says, you know, we're going to create a strategic reserve of this, you know, what I think most of our listeners would agree is a commodity, right? Like, the other thing that I don't really understand is President Trump says that he's going to create this strategic reserve in Nashville, but, you know, Bitcoin lives everywhere. It just lives wherever your server is. So I don't really understand the logic there. - I'm sure there's a method to the madness that I just don't understand, Peter. Maybe you have some more-- - So what stood out to me when he said that, that sounds to me like a farming operation or mining operations being set up there. - Maybe, but is there some strategic cheap power in Nashville that, 'cause, you know, mining Bitcoin is all about the price of power. - Correct. - And so maybe they've got some deal worked out with the Tennessee Power Authority, I don't know, but if you want, the best way to buy in Bitcoin is to find the cheapest power possible, and that's where your eyes return. - Yes, so maybe they've got some worked out there then. - They just haven't disclosed it, us yet. - Yeah, so you and I were on the same page on that, 'cause I was like, there's gotta be some real estate, some land, they're wanting to set up a mining operation, something. - Yeah. - And to be exact on the numbers, it was two billion. - Oh, two billion, oh, just with a B. - Okay, no big deal. - Two billion dollars in Bitcoin. - And is that what DOJ already has in their inventory? 'Cause I knew part of this was, Department of Justice has X number of Bitcoin already in their inventory, part of it was from Mt. Gox, and part of it has come from other places, but I don't exactly know exactly what those numbers are. - So I'll try to find that free, but yes, it was all repossessed Bitcoin from various operations. It was pretty wild. - Two billion dollars. - It's not a small number. Yeah, I mean, that's a big number. What is that, how many Bitcoin is that? I guess we can do the math real quick, but let's see, I'll find it for ya. 650 maybe, I don't know. - Let's do some calculating, yes. All right, radio, we're gonna do some calculating for ya. - Oh, this is, they're selling two billion dollars worth of Silk Road tokens. - Oh. - Isn't that the guy that Trump was talking about the other day that is in-- - He's still in prison. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Wild, wow. - Yeah, the guy's in still in prison. That terrorist that's doing that? - Now, yeah, well, the administration has currently said they're gonna put it up. - Biden, yes, it is. - Yeah, President Biden. Dig in the background music, set in the vibe. - Oh, yeah. - We're gonna do them five. All right, when we come back on the blockchain room, keep setting the vibe and vibe, you know? Blockchain technology. We're gonna talk about some compounding, baby. - Ooh, break it down. - Here we go. - Here we go. Let's get some interest, go away. (dramatic music) - Welcome back to Beyond the Blockchain with Scott Tindall. - Hey folks, welcome back into the show. I'm here with Scott Tindall here with Philip on the board. Peter Tuller in studio with us. You know, we're missing Johnny G and Sierra. They're on vacation this week. So I guess you're gonna have to be stuck with us for now, but Peter, you got an interesting project that you're working with now. Can you tell our listeners a little bit about what you got going on with this one? This is different than last time you're here. Tell us about this one. - Yeah, the last one was on the Ethereum blockchain. This one's actually on the Binance Smart Chain B&B. And this project is called Mint Steak Share. And the name of the coin is exactly what it is. You basically take your Binance Smart Chain tokens, you mint this token and you stake it and you can compound it daily at a 2% interest rate. But I can tell you this, if you wanna save it for another segment, there's actually a share, there's some benefits to sharing this token that incentivizes you, the person, to share it with your friends. And here's what's even better about it. There's another downline benefit on it to where whoever you share it with, if they share it with more individuals, the original person who shares the code makes a percentage off of that as well. - Got it, that's interesting. What is this project seeking to do, do you know? - So basically it's allowing you to participate in a DeFi system to where you can obtain value through staking these tokens and it creates, it incentivizes you to share this with everybody else because the way the smart contract is wrote and are you gonna repost it on beyond the blockchain? - Yeah, I will at some point, we got it. - Okay, I'm not smart enough to do all those things at once. - That's right, I know the developer of the project is also listening to the show right now. - Does he wanna call in? - What number, what number would he need to call? - Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one. - Zero, six. - Zero, six, we get him on the phone right now. - Aaron, let's see, his username is cryptoaren.bomb, so. - All right. - Hey man, if you're out there listening, give us a call. - Go Aaron, call on him. - We'd love to talk to you about it. - A-R-O-N or a R-I-N? - Yeah, crypto, A-A-A-R-O-N. Hey man, you are on notice. Give this show a call, man. - Yeah, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, we're on central time here in the United States. You know, I always like to let people know that 'cause, you know, crypto is worldwide. Like, we have guests on the show, they're from Denmark or from the Netherlands. - Yes. - From South Africa and it'll be like six o'clock in the morning for them, they're calling in, but you know, we'd love to have you, cryptoaren. Come on in, man, come join the show. - Yeah, they just partnered today to enhance their platform with alchemy platform. I'm not really familiar with that. I'm gonna study a little bit more, but that's, if you're familiar with that token right there. - You know, I'm not, but I tell people all the time, there's over two million crypto currency, so if I don't know anything about it, that doesn't mean anything other than, I don't know about it, but I mean, I don't know anybody that knows how to keep up with two million crypto currencies, that's right. - But it seems like a cool project. - The biggest thing on any crypto, like we talk about Scott is do your own research. - Oh, please do your own research, man. - And if you read the documentation, I read it from front to back, even put it in chat GPT to make sure I wasn't missing anything. And I'm gonna nerd out one step higher. I even made a custom GPT for this protocol to where you can ask it any questions. So I asked it a ton of questions and answer them all. - Good, so tell me about how you're creating this custom protocol, which is interesting to me, like you're creating a separate version of a large language model that can answer whatever questions you want, how does that work? - So basically I've got the paid version of chat GPT. - Yeah, of course. - And I took their white paper and uploaded it and they had some other documentation as well. And then I went to the configuration side of it and told it to answer all questions with this documentation in a clear and concise manner. And that it's been really good. I actually created a 30 day social media campaign about the ecosystem off of that. - Interesting. Yeah, I mean, I think people underestimate what AI can do for you. I typed in, I've got this idea that I'm working on about an AI consulting company and I typed some of that into several different AI programs today. Not only did I get like a business plans, business models, but like slide decks, it's remarkable what this technology can do. And I think you're gonna end up with two different classes of people. You're gonna end up with people who embrace AI, understand it, know how to prompt it, and those that don't. - Correct, and the ones that do are far likely, they're far more likely to have success than those that don't. - Well, I can tell you. - It's not a zero or one, it's not a zero or some game, right? There's gonna be things in between, but the more you embrace AI, the better off you're gonna be. - Yeah, it's, I mean, people in a, I mean, this developer's on Telegram all over the place and they're like, wait a minute, you're a crypto arborist. - Yeah, I am, I'm an enthusiast. They're like, how do you do some of these things? You embrace technology, that's what you do. - Yeah, it's a hundred percent right. - Some people say, oh, well, you just don't wanna think, no, I know what my weaknesses are, and I'm using a tool to help enhance that. - A hundred percent, right? Like the people, the people that have self-awareness to understand their weaknesses can now augment their weaknesses through these emerging technologies. - Correct, so if you go like, oh, I'm good at this, but I'm not good at that, let me augment what I'm not good at through these emerging technologies, and why I'd be silly to not try and do that? - Certain audio production projects, like Splitting's, StimTracks, and eliminating certain lead, but that would take hours and hours just to do a song that if you've got like about 10 computers linked up and you get an AI program in there, that AI software will go in there and split all these tracks up, and it'll do it in a matter of minutes if you've got several computers. It's only one that the program will take like 20 or 30 minutes. When you have computers linked up altogether, it'll take like a minute. - I have no idea what you just said, but you said it was such confidence that I believe it. - It's an AI tool, I mean. - That's what I'm saying, like, and this is the point, I don't have to know anything about audio production to understand that when you tell me audio production is gonna be transformed through these AI models, then I go, okay, that makes sense to me. - And it's been going on. - I don't have to know your specific vertical to understand the benefits that are gonna come from this technology. - Well, I can tell you this, like on Mintstake Share, I'm not a coder, I'm not gonna be the only thing that I code is tree leaves and twigs and branches, and it's like on this. I took all their documentation, put it in there, and you go to configure and say, I need all these answers in a simple and easy to understand format for the average person that doesn't code on crypto currency. - Just a dude, how do I explain this to a dude? - Right, I mean, it's like, and like with me. - Or do that because, you know, we encourage women in the industry as well. - Well, I mean, it's like with me, trying to tell somebody about Mintstake Share. I mean, it's like instead of saying, hey, I need you to download Metamask, and then go here, add the Binance Chain network. I created a QR code, and also I used a link tree that I used AI to help organize it. So that way it has flow to it to where it prompts it correctly. - Anything we can do to make the end user feel like this is just seamless, that's the way we went. If we have to download this and do that, and then do this and then upload that to that chain, and then pass it, like, that's just like, user interface nightmare for people. - Yeah. - And we will lose 95% of people 'cause they just won't go through all those processes. - Well, so the easier we make it from them, the better off everybody is. - Well, I can tell you this, and this is another thing that attracted me to this ecosystem. It's simple. You simply buy a coin, you use it to mint another coin, and you hit one button that says, and when we talk about it in a little while about it, you can either mint it or swap forward and then stake it. And it's like you either hit this button or that button. The system is so easy to work. And if anybody that's listening to the show that's not already in it, go to my X account, or even, all right, I put out two videos on YouTube on how to access it as well. - Can you go ahead and explain to our listeners how they can find it? - Yeah, go to @thecryptoarborist on YouTube, and you'll see two videos that it says 2% daily, compound daily or something like that, and it has mint stake share in the title. It's about a seven-minute video. It's step-by-step on how to access the protocol. And also, if you get to about three and a half to four minutes, two and it explains all the sharing benefits. And here's what's even neater about it. If you get somebody to use it and they mint the coins, they have it set up to where you can profit off of that. And if somebody stakes it, you can profit off of that. And every time somebody goes back daily and compounds on it, you profit off of that as well. - That makes sense of me. - Yeah. And then if you share-- - Seems like the math check, so. - Yes. And then the stats that I shared with you, it's like even going down three levels, you can still make money off of this. And the more people that do it out, I mean, it's just, it's a phenomenal set up. - Yeah, that's interesting. Phil, how does this look in your world and your ecosystem on things you're seeing all the time? - Oh, well, I mean, like I said with music, actually there's like one piece of software called Transcribe where it breaks up music and splits it actually shows you where the cores and the notes are and that particular AI model they've been using since 2007. - No kidding. - So yeah, I mean, the AI model's been floating around. Also AI is just, it's an algorithm, it's an artificial algorithm. You can look at like MS DOS coding and you'll see AI and stuff like from 1989, you'll see AI dash land dash. You know, I mean, it's just part of the very foundations of computer coding that we're just now really seeing advanced forms of AI just really, you know, get into common everyday usage. - Do you think that AI is going to benefit the music industry or be a detriment to the music industry? - It depends how I use it. I still have mixed feelings about SUNO. You know, we've been talking about them. I mean, I've put in an account, got an account, started there and mess around with it. But some people, what they do is they take prompts that are so odd and so creative, the prompt itself is so off beat that it forces the SUNO AI to figure out what sounds you're going to go. And you can upload sounds, by the way, upload your own samples to SUNO and it'll work with the samples, you'd give it. So if you give it a really bizarre, and these guys do, there's a couple of guys that have really, really odd prompts. And I didn't know what they gave it, but I could hear the end results. Clearly they gave it some really strange prompts. And you can, like I said, when you go to the blog, it shows you an upload place where you can upload the individual, you know, whatever sounds you want. And so you can do, you naturally do a whole lot with it. You know, but at the same time, I do have mixed feelings about how much you should let AI do your work for you. Because again, I actually think the human brain begins to slow down in its next stages of development if it gives up too much of its effort and its ability. - Well, I can tell you this, in my daytime job, there is only so much you can do with it. Where it does help, like in the CODA and ethics of the ISA, if there is a lane that you're not familiar with, they tell you to check off to somebody with that knowledge. There may be a fungus, mushroom, an insect that I'm not familiar with. I will in a split second use chat GPT to identify it. - Of course. - No, it's really interesting. So how often would you say in your day-to-day works as an arborist, you're relying on AI to help you through those processes? - I use it probably 15% out of the week. - I think that's a big number for an arborist. - And what I mean by that, with all respect, people think of an arborist, well, first of all, I don't know that people understand what you do. But second of all, they think of you as a plant person, and they can't comprehend how technology would intersect with that. - Right. - Well, but we've got to go to a break. When we come back, I actually want to talk about that. - Okay. - I want to talk about your daily life, how AI is transforming that. - Sure. - And how that makes arborist better at what they do. So I think the more people understand about that, especially in Mobile, you know, we're obsessed with trees around here. - Yeah. - The more people understand about that, I think, and we'll get some good engagement. - Yeah, absolutely. - Oh, absolutely. - We come back up beyond the blockchain. - All right. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Welcome back to Beyond the Blockchain with Scott Tindall. - Hey folks, welcome back into the show. I'm your host, Scott Tindall here on Tuesday night with you. We've got Phil running the board. We got a Peter Toler in the studio, the PT arborist. Before we went into break, we were talking a little bit about, I think people will find this interesting. So Peter, do me a solid. First, give me a real brief understanding of what an arborist does. And then second, help us understand how AI is helping you with your profession. 'Cause I think people, they know what an arborist means. - Yeah. - But they don't really understand, like, until you and I became friends, I did not really understand the complexity of your profession. - Right. - Just 'cause I was ignorant, right? So can you give us a brief summation of what it is you do, and then backside it with how AI is now helping you in your profession. - So to sum it up quickly, an arborist practices arboric culture. Now what is arboric culture? It's beyond trimming and removing trees. It's basically an educated person who has multi-modules of knowledge exercising in the long-term healthcare of trees. That could be structural pruning, that could be soil management, root management, tree risk assessment, where we're in all those forms. Now in arboric culture, everybody as you go through your education and your practice, you have your own specialty lanes. I am tree risk assessment qualified. I work with the structural integrity of trees, root management to keep those suckers upright. You already know what my daytime job is. - Yeah, of course. - There are people who specialize in the chemical control sides of things, pest management and know how to apply products. That is not something I practice. And I just, here's how I use AI. If someone says, come check out this tree. And there could be a fungus, a mushroom, a conch, anything on there that I haven't seen before. To speed up a process so I can call arborist number two and just say, hey, I think this tree has this, I will use AI, snap a picture of it and say, this is a live oak, it's located in this growing region. What potentially could this be? And it will give me a report on what all it could potentially be. - And that speeds up your research by 1,400%. When you don't have to consume so much time. - Right, 'cause your brain is probably going, this could be one of a thousand funguses. - Right. - Or a thousand mushrooms. - Yes. - And if it can shortcut you and get you that answer, you get to go then to your consultation to see, okay, we've identified it, it may be this, how do we deal with it at that point, right? - And there could be a certain fungus, a certain pest that you have to notify their agencies that it may have come in on a truck from a thousand miles away. - Or Asian, right? - Correct. - You see invasive species coming in all the time. - Correct. And then you have a major problem that you just probably headed off by using tech to front run it. - How often would you say that you're in a cross situation where you need to start implementing this technology? - Probably. - Like, oh yeah. - Yeah, if I'm out in the field and I'm unsure about something and someone's not a phone call away, I'm gonna use the tools that I have to say, what about this or this? - That's pretty remarkable. - But I can tell you this, you always say there's no sum zero, you're correct, because the AI that I use, I have to train it before I go out with documentation, the tree care standards, things like that to where I know it's actually got a knowledge base that it's working off of. - And we talk a lot about AI and it's like, the information out is only as valuable as the information in. - That's correct. - So it's all about what is being trained on. What do you do to work on training, like what in the arborist world, what's being done to train this AI? - So step one, you put the tree care standards into it, the NC standards, tree risk standards, tree owners, manual, there's a whole main line of documentation that we're all trained to check out. And then after that, there could be regional documentation and then to train the AI, you say, this is gonna be used in these heartiness zones, from here to here, this is what you should gauge it off of, and then after that, this is the approach you should take. - Does the Gulf Coast provide a difficult standard to abide to because it's such a harsh environment? - It's not difficult, it's just education is so key in this region. And that's why I started my other YouTube channel a couple of years ago called the arborist. This is the crypto arborist, but this is the arborist channel as well. - So would you say that the Gulf Coast is more, is it unique in North America? Is it more like a tropical like a brain force region? Or like what, you know, we talk about the mobile deltas being America's Amazon, right? - Right, so that puts you in a unique perspective where you're probably dealing with foliage that there's people-- - Here's what's so unique about it. And it's such a razor zap. - Thank you. - There are so many unique native species. However, people who are simply not educated will bring an invasive species in this region, and because it's subtropical, it still has a chance to survive. - Apple snails. - Oh my god. - Let's, ooh. - We're not, is it a different conversation? - Yeah. - I think most of us know about the dangers of apple snails. - Right, but there's, to sum it up, when a tree's invasive, it has a high seed count. That means every time a car drives by and it waves, a thousand seeds go everywhere. And the twig elongation rate on those trees is much faster than a lot of our native species, and it will choke them out. - There's more for, I mean, there's a whole ton of other reasons as well. - Sure. Is that a lot of what's happened with some of the more invasive weeds we've seen here? They just, once they get a little bit of ground, they just proliferate. - Oh man. - Once they're here. - Like Kudzu, right? - Oh man. - Yeah. - Kudzu is, I think it's Asian native. - Yes. - And it is proliferated throughout our city and region. I mean, perhaps, potentially. Do, this is a random thought. But I saw this on TikTok. Have you ever seen goats being used to remove Kudzu? - Yeah. There's all kind of options to correct anything, but that's a private conversation. - Okay. Well, fair enough. But there's a guy on TikTok, and he's got like a goat herd of like 230 goats. He sets them loose on a piece of property, and these goats just turn it into a dust bowl. - Oh. - Oh yeah. - In like three days. - The whole thing is to kill it and make sure it doesn't come back. - Yeah, I mean, these don't come back. - These goats are like, eating their roots and that's what you gotta do. - Bit of what it is. It's pretty interesting to watch on TikTok. If you're looking at, I don't even know the guy's name, he's a goat herder, but I goat her education. I don't know the exact name. - But here's what's so funny. I'm a crypto enthusiast, and Bernadette, she's got some mint in the backyard. So the other day, I was like, ah, here's mint. I will share it with you and you can put it on your steak. - No. (laughing) - That's an arborist joke with a little crypto. - A little script of mint mint. - Yeah. - Oh, I like it. - Mint steak share. - Yeah, mint steaks. - Mint mint. - Yes. - Well, you know, I think it's fun for our listeners to hear a little bit about all this stuff because we've had, you know, part of what we do on this show is we just get to where we call beyond beyond the blockchain. No, we just like start talking about whatever's interesting to us. It's kind of like our own version of the Joe Rogan show, you know? - Yeah. - It's like, we can just talk about what everyone's talking about. - So, I think the reason I asked those questions is because Arbery, is Arbery, is that the right term? I don't know. I think people will find that interesting. I think people are interested in hearing about how that life works, how that profession works, how we just, there's nothing more, you and I talked about this before, I think. Maybe it was off the air, but there was a tree cut down downtown and you were like, that tree had been rotten for so long, but the people on Facebook lost their ever-loving minds about this rotten tree getting cut down. - And there is a-- - How do we educate them on the front side so that they go, thankfully this tree didn't fall and break somebody's skull. - So, if you go to my YouTube channel called The Arborist, there's a playlist called Tree Risk Assessment and it teaches you about that. So, and if you're interested, it's on YouTube, it's @TheArboristPT, that's that station. Do we have time to talk about the last? - Yeah, well we got a little bit about two minutes and then we come back from a break. - Oh, oh, so we'll save the minting and staking benefits for the last second. - We'll save it until after we come back from it. - So, all right, so talking about the trees, the thing of it is, and I've actually got a series of memes that I'm about to release on this. - Not the memes. - Oh, the meme army. - Oh, we're going to unleash the tree memes. - Tree memes. - There is such a lack of education and tree care in this region. There are companies that will go around, guys, listen, if there is a company that tells you, they're gonna give you a hurricane cut to your trees, tell them to get the hell off your property. - What does that mean? - Basically, it's, if you look at my ex-account, it's called lion's tailing, and basically, they take the canopy and raise it way up high, and due to a lack of education, they have now increased the likelihood of the entire tree to fail, because now the canopy is way up high only. - It just seems like a wind sail. - Correct. - You've already figured it out, 'cause what it does is, a tree canopy is made to damper wind resistance. And when the canopy is way up high, a tree that waves side to side barely, well, then wave like that, and that's why after when hurricanes come through, you see two things. When trees fail, the ones that rip apart typically are not pruned correctly, and it's due to ignorance. And the other trees that, you know, you'll see a tree falling, there's no roots on one side, people go, "Oh, the ground's that's red." No, you cut too many structural roots off. - Interesting. - Yes. - And this is the interesting part of it. It takes almost two decades for the damage to show up. - Well, that's a long time to be eradicated with one quick prune. - Correct. And I've actually used AI to assess some of that. - Ooh, we'll talk about that when we come back too. All right, when we come back, we're gonna talk more with Peter Tuller about this other project, and more about how AI assesses trees as well. See you in a second, I'll be on the blockchain. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Welcome back to Beyond the Blockchain with Scott Tindall. (upbeat music) - Hey folks, welcome back into Beyond the Blockchain here on a Tuesday night. - Welcome back. - Fiddle it, man. You running the boards right, man? Keeping us swinging the white and yellow, yellow? - Oh yeah, I'm not gonna run you ever a cliff or anything. - Yeah, I want to appreciate that. We have Peter Tuller in studio with this Sierra and Johnny are off tonight. God bless them in their vacations. But Peter, man, we're glad you're here today. We've been talking about some tree stuff. Let's finish up a little bit about how you're using AI with your arborist, and then let's move back into the protocol that you were talking about previously. - Yeah, absolutely. - So AI, really and truly, whenever you are trying to make a determination about a tree and there's where it's blended a lot of things. In any process in tree care, you look for indications just like a doctor will look at your body and say, oh, well, it looks like you could have this, you could have this, or you could have this. And it never hurts to get a second opinion. Well, if you have AI that's trained correctly and they always tell you in report writing, tell a story with your photos and talk about what you think you see. Well, you can take three photos and feed it into AI that's properly trained. You can go, oh, I didn't think about that. And then that will prompt you to do more in-person human research. And I've actually found other problems by doing that. - Yeah, that's really interesting because I think people just have this preconceived notion that tree looks bad, cut it down. And especially here in Mobile, I mean, where people are so sensitive about the tree, we've got to be the most tree sensitive community in the country. - Yeah. - If there's one more than us, good Lord, I'd like to see it. But it sounds to me like what you're saying is, not only are you being very diligent about this, but you're also including these new emerging technologies into this before you make decisions. - Yeah, and it's basically a way of getting a second opinion to say, hey, I just took all this documentation, fit it into here, and it applied it against the internationally recognized standards. And this is the result, correct. How do you deal with, let's move beyond kind of the giant oak trees that we see. We see a lot of people pruning some smaller bushes, whether it is, or other things. How can our listeners best, is there a way they can use AI to understand how to do their own pruning around the house? - Yes, absolutely. What I always recommend for somebody to do is to take any type of AI, like chat GBT, take a picture of what you're working on, and here's where human interaction is required. You take a picture of the overall plant that you're working with, or tree, you then go take a picture of the leaf, and then you take a picture of the fruit that it bears. So that way it has a good understanding of what you're working with. - You're training the model. - Correct, and once you've trained the model correctly, you can ask for an annual maintenance plan for this, and it'll tell you when to water, how to mulch it, what to do, I have a blog called The Tree Guardian, and people will call me and say, "I need to know about X, Y, and Z." Well, no one's ever busy these days, so I have trained the model to write that, and then it's, if you go to YouTube, the Arbor SPT, go to the Join button, and go down to the tier that says Tree Guardian. That's my blog, and someone says, "I need to know about how to do this with trees," or that with trees. Well, that requires time and research, and once you write a guide for them, they then have value out of that, and I use A got to do it, because, I mean-- - Yeah, why would you not? - Well, right. - Well, you silly not to. - Yeah, I mean, and I tell them upfront, hey, I'm telling it what to write, but I'm writing it in a way where you can understand it. - Yeah, that makes total sense to me. - Yeah, for the lay person. Oh, I was just saying, for the lay person. - Yeah, yeah, well, and the prompts aren't just write this in a simple and easy to understand manner, and also I say, and cater it to the homeowner, who works nine to five and wins to do this, and then we'll give a schedule. It says if you're going to work at this time, do this here. If you're get home in the afternoons, do this before this time. - Yeah, leader of water now, or a gallon of water to work. - Right, whatever it is. - Right, and you can customize it for them. They say, why, water with a hose, I water with sprinklers, I do this, I do that. - Interesting. How did you find yourself getting into adopting this technology for your profession? Because I would say there are people that are considered technologists, and those are the people that are embracing technology in all fields, right? How did you find yourself becoming a technologist in this particular field? - Because 90% of the time I'm not in the office, and I have to figure out how to work. I can't call somebody in office and say, hey, do this. I have to have something trained that I can tell it to do it, because my work is on the fly all the time. - Right. - It is, I mean, it just, I mean, it is, I mean. So-- - Never know what a tree is gonna be like, but it's what stage of development-- - Everything, everything as far as abroad is going. - Right, so how much is this city embraced this technology, or is this, this is a lot of what you do in your, like you enjoy doing this in your free time. - Right. - I use it in my profession whenever it is necessary, and it's something that I do myself. Let's, we got two minutes to go. Let's jump in to back into this protocol that you were talking about earlier, and explain to our listeners how they can get involved. - Okay, so, Mint Steak Share. - Yeah. - On this, there's two sets of rewards. There's the minting of rewards, and there's the staking rewards on this. And basically, if you go to PTR Burst on X, you'll see my referral code. And once you join this, you'll have your own referral code. Now listen to this very close, guys. When you mention your Mint Steak Share tokens, you earn 5% of all B&B used by the people who use your referral code. So if you do 100 bucks of B&B, you're gonna earn 5% of that. And then here's what happens. Then you earn an additional 2.5% from their referrals, and then a 1.25% from third level referrals. So it goes down to three levels. That's on the minting side. And here's what's even better on the staking side, where you actually go to the stake button, and you do it every day. You can actually earn 2% daily. There's a compound button where you know compound interest is key. - Of course, yeah. - Yeah. So in this, it's compounded interest. So you earn 2% daily. Now, you also get an additional 5% of all Mint Steak Share tokens deposited by your referrals. So that's stacked up on top of that. But if you wanna know more about it. - Yeah, how can our listeners learn more about this and also get involved? - So go to YouTube and search up the crypto arborist. You'll see my channel. It's a little guy holding a tree with a Bitcoin sprouting out of it. - Yeah. - It's pretty cool. If this takes off, it's gonna be a mint steak share token. - Yeah. - Going on there. But if you go on there, there's two videos on it. The community's great. It's on fire, man. They are absolutely going farther killing it. I've felt the energy through the web and I can't get enough of it, man. It's great. - Of course. So if you wanna check it out, go to the crypto arborist YouTube channel. You can learn more about this Mint Steak Share project. And yeah, you can learn more about how to keep your trees in good shape as well, you know. Peter, as always, man, love to have you on the show. It's always a pleasure. - Well, let's catch up soon. - Absolutely, man. [BLANK_AUDIO]