FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

The George Williams Show 7-30-24 guest Dr. Eddison Walters, Dems goal to end home ownership

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31 Jul 2024
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It's time for the George Williams Show on FM Talk 1065. George Williams, retired US Marine Major, Vietnam veteran, retired General Agent, former Vice Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party and World Traveler, brings his wealth of information, sharing his thoughts on today's politics and taking your calls and texts at 251-343-0106. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Welcome, welcome everyone to the George Williams Show. And I am the George Williams. We're so glad to have you with us tonight. It is very important this show tonight, folks. Our number here is 251-3430106. And those who are outside our listening area can listen at FM Talk That's FM-T-A-L-K, All right, folks, we have so much to talk about. I mean, the Democrats have screwed up America. They're given America away, and we have to stop it. And in my opinion, only one person can do that. And two now, that is down J-Trump and a US Marine, Mr. Vance. They can do it, folks, and we need them. And we need all of you to get up off of your rups and get out there on November 5th and vote for those two individuals, OK? Because the Democrats have nothing in store for America, but hardship. Hardship-- and maybe, maybe more than that, folks. So November, when there's early voting, and that should start sometime in October, early voting in different states. Don't wait. Go and vote, go vote. And on election day, if you know of someone who needs transportation to the polls, help them out, that's how important November 5th is, this election, OK? Because we don't know what will happen under Ms. Harris if she ever got in. I know she's not, OK? I'm just saying, we'll suppose, OK? Because she doesn't deserve anything. She is a zero. Kamala Harris is a zero. She is worse than Biden. She is worse than Biden. And we're going to have a guest tonight, folks. And he's going to be very important for all of us to listen, because of the fact he's going to be talking about what the Democrats are doing. And regarding home ownership, you know, I was part of the Alabama delegation in Milwaukee, going to Milwaukee in the Republican convention. And all I could see was rental apartments being built and built. I was on the board. I was planning on the county board for quite a while. Up until 2018, and this county, Mobile County, I think they had about $95,000 in citizens. Right now, it's over $250,000 in Baldwin County. A lot of strangers, a lot of strangers, OK? And look at what they're doing in Baldwin County. They're not building affordable homes. We got to call them a call. They just hold on until we go through our break. We, you know, folks, they're building all of these apartments, apartments, and that in the long run in the future is going to hurt. There must be home ownership. There must be, OK? So you can pass something on to your children, your grandchildren. But that's all I see. A few homes that are being built, but mainly apartment. And with apartment, folks, comes crime and everything else. Yeah, we don't need that. We need affordable home. So let's listen to Dick Morris. And he is going to be talking about that. Let's listen to Dick Morris, what he has to say. In the language you become, this. Harris has proposed taxing unrealized capital gains on your home. What that means is that even though you own a home, and it has a certain amount of equity, and you have not sold it nor do you plan to sell it, Harris wants to tax the equity you have, even without a sale. In other words, she wants to investigate how much your home would be worth if you sold it and tax you on that amount. She says that this would be socially just and would even the income gap in our country. But how are you supposed to pay this tax? Right now you pay the capital gains tax on your home when you sell it, because you have cash, and you divide a certain portion and give it to the government and the rest you keep. But if you haven't sold your home, you have no revenue. You have no proceeds. And if you have to pay a tax on a sale that never happened and isn't going to happen, you have to dip into your savings to do that. This is one of the most radical proposals ever, and we completely change the whole concept of the real estate in the United States. It would subject tens of millions of households to a heavy tax, taxing something they don't plan to do and have never done. All right, folks, Nick Morris. And fortunately for us, we have a very special role. It's a very special guest tonight. And that individual, as a matter of fact, I think he's on the phone now, and we're going to bring him on. All right, Cola, how are you doing? I'm doing fine. Good evening to you and your listening audience. All right, folks, we have with us our special guests, Dr. Edison Walters. And it's coincidental because of the fact that Nick Morris, we just heard Dick Morris, and he's talking about homeownership and taxes that the Kamala Harris administration, if they get into control, want to bring for the citizen. Doctor, welcome. Yes, good evening, good evening to you and your listening audience. You know, Dick Morris touched on something very important. And I'd like to expand on what he talked about here for a second, because there are much broader implications from a proposed tax on capital gains. In other words, tax and equity in homes, what that would actually do, it would actually trap a lot of hardworking, lower and moderate income families into poverty. Because homeownership have been a vehicle that have helped lift lower and moderate income families into the middle class. And if a tax is proposed on equity in home, Dick Morris says that you would have to go into your savings. Well, my question to you, well, what happens to somebody who's living from paycheck to paycheck purchasing a home and doesn't have the savings? So do you enforce the sell your home? Or what would happen to their home? And they come up with these ideas and with the intention of trying to target wealthy, but also most of their policies that they come up would have broad-based implications for low and moderate income families that actually trap lower income families into poverty. And we see that happening on a broad spectrum of policies. Right. Now, doctor, before you came on, I was talking about-- and we got a minute before we're going to break. So just hold your answer until after the break. But I'll say it anyhow. I've noticed so many, even in Milwaukee, when we went to Milwaukee for the Republican Convention, they were building so many apartments. I mean, every city I go into, they are building apartments in very few affordable homes. I mean, I can't understand it. And when we come back, please tell our audience why they are doing this. Because you know, you're the expert. And it should stop. And what we need to do to stop it. Because we are going to, in the future, our children and grandchildren are going to be in poverty. Poverty, poverty, we'll be right back with Dr. Edson and what is. We'll get back, folks. Welcome back to the George Williams Show. Your text and comments at 2-5-1-3430106. Now, making the mission possible. Here's George Williams. Welcome back. Welcome back to the George Williams Show. Our number here is 2-5-1-3430106. And we are talking to Dr. Edson Walters, who is world-known, worldwide known expert on real estate and economic matters. Dr. Welcome back. Hi. You know, George, before we went to the break, you spoke on the issue of all the rental units that you see going up across, not just, across, literally, across the country. You know, we've gotten to a point where we've neglected affordable housing. And we see all these rental units going up. And there's a reason why that is happening. Based under Democrat policies, Democrats, they have provided incentives to local governments to do away with exclusive single-family zoning. In other words, they're paying governments to approve multi-family units' apartments in the suburbs. Because what happened is, as individuals climb the economic ladder, they begin to really start looking more closely to the issues. I mean, if you're a poor minority, 99% of the time you're going to vote for the Democrat party. But when you see as people start buying homes and accumulating wealth, things start changing and voting patterns start changing. So the Democrats decided a long time ago that the cities, that the suburbs, they wanted to change the demographics of the suburbs. So what they're trying to do is they're trying to force rental units into the suburbs. And with that comes crime and lower property values and things of that nature. But one of the things that I want your listening audience to consider is this. If you're a family, a hard-working family out there, who's living from paycheck to paycheck, and you're purchasing a home, all the time you're going to bill equity in that home, and you're going to accumulate wealth, and that can help lift you out of poverty. When you're renting, you don't have the residual income to invest in the market. And you're not investing in a home. It's a dead-end street. You're not going to bill any equity or bill any wealth that way. At the generations, Americans have left themselves out of poverty through home ownership. And that's why we really need to fight to protect affordable home ownership. And when you think back to what happened in 2008 and the crash, it was a massive transfer of real estate wealth away from hard-working Americans. And it set the stage for what we're seeing today with runaway home prices. In 2009, I did an interview. And in that interview, I talked about us being in danger of leaving our country worse off for the next generation. And I talked about restoring the promise of the American dream because home ownership is a pillar of the American dream. And in just a decade and a half, it's bad to say. But we have young Americans who will never be able to afford a home under the current circumstance that we find ourselves in. So what I spoke about a decade and a half ago about not wanting to leave the country worse off for the next generation, it has happened. Right now, the next generation, young families, they can't even afford to purchase a start a home. And that is a trap into poverty. And we have to correct that. And so that is why it is absolutely critical that we get out in vote and support President Trump because the Democrat policies, they have deliberately and intentionally attempted to destroy single family home ownership, of course, this country. And we have to fight back. Yeah, Doc, I'll tell you what I've noticed in Baldwin County here, Mobile County, especially in Baldwin County, in spite of the fact that they're building multi dozens, dozens of rentals. The homes that, some of the homes that they're building, five, 10 years ago, they were starter homes, two bedrooms, small, about 1,500, 1,400 square feet. And you can get them for under $100,000. Now, Doc, these same homes, same size, is $250,300,000. I mean, how can that be? Well, what's happened is because of the situation that was created in 2008, we have a massive, I think shortage of homes across the country. So because they're the chronic shortage of homes, builders are too built expensive homes where they have a larger profit margin. But not only that, 2008, the crash in 2008, they gave corporate landlords an opportunity to enter the single home market. And what we see happening today is when a developer goes out and decides to develop a subdivision, and he takes it through planning and zoning, and it's approved, oftentimes you have the corporate landlords, they come in, and they buy the entire project before they even put a shovel in the ground. So before these homes are built, these corporate single family home landlords are buying entire subdivisions, and that is also added to the problem. And it's also driving the cost of single family homes through the ceiling, and millions of Americans are priced out of the home ownership market. We are in a situation where we have generations right now that are trapped into being lifelong renters, and we really have to do something about that. Because like I said before, home ownership have been an underpinning of the American dream and have helped lift millions of Americans out of poverty for generations. And the 2008, under the Obama administration, they created a narrative that said that people who couldn't afford homes, shouldn't buy homes, and they put a stigma on home ownership. And they actually use misinformation to claim that people who couldn't afford homes, bought homes, and they made home ownership something that was not as appealing to a lot of people in the minority community. But it all was based on a complete lie. I mean, my research proved there was no real estate bubble, subprime loans didn't cause a crash. And everything that happened in 2008 was based on misinformation. Matter of fact, when the market crashed in 2008, we were in the early stages of a real estate boom. And what that translates into people who lost their homes in 2008, they didn't just lose their homes. They lost hundreds of thousands of dollars of equity in those homes, because today those homes, the values of those homes have gone through the roof. So people lost generational wealth. People were literally tricked into believing homes were worthless when we were in the early stages of a real estate boom, with record low foreclosures never ever seen in the history of our country. Right. Now, what is the resolution? Well, one of the things that we need to do is we need to bring awareness to what is going on, because the Democrats have packaged the push to create multifamily housing in the suburbs. They've disguised it as trying to provide more affordable housing. But that's not their intention. Their intention is solely a political calculation to change the demographic of the suburbs. And furthermore, rental units have gone through the sky. I mean, rental units are also skyrocketing. So even these rental units, they're really not affordable. People can actually afford to buy a home. We have affordable home ownership. They can purchase a home, and their monthly payment would be left in a lot of these rental units. And in addition, people will be able to build equity. But one of the things we're doing is we're setting up a path to help fund policies and promote policies that promote affordable housing. And we've also developed the global financial crisis and single family home research and development. Hi, Doc. Doc, hold on. We've got to go into another break. And we'll join you as soon as the break is over, all right? All right, folks, we're talking to Dr. Edison Walters. We'll be right back. Welcome back to the George Williams Show. Your text and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Now, making the mission possible. Here's George Williams. Welcome back, welcome back, folks. And we are on a mission. Our telephone number here is 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. And our guest tonight is Dr. Edison Walters. And he's telling you, I'll listen in the audience, something that's very important. And we need to listen up and adhere to what he's saying, because these Democrats have screwed up America, folks. And we need to stop him. All right, Dr. Walters, thank you for coming on. You're welcome. Now, before the break, you were getting ready to talk about what you're coming up with that will help potential homeowners in the future. Yes, now, what we're doing is that we've started the process of launching a research and development center for affordable home ownership. What we're planning on doing is, first of all, in addition to bringing awareness, what we're planning on doing is creating partnerships in order to help promote the development of more affordable single-family homes so people can get into home ownership instead of-- because right now, we have so many Americans who are trapped into being lifelong renters based on the policies of the Democrats. And that's why it's so important for us to get out and support Republicans in this election, because the policies of the Democratic Party have literally destroyed home ownership for millions of Americans. And we have to get our country back on track. We have to restore the promise of the American dream and ensure that every single American, regardless of your income level, have an opportunity to become a homeowner. Because that is the solution to lifting moderate and hard work in Americans into the middle class. Right. Now, this started with Obama, correct? Yes, it started on Obama. The entire real estate crash in 2008 was based on a house of lies. And every single aspect of it, one of the biggest policy decisions that-- one of the first policy decisions that Obama made when he got into office, he changed Dodd-Frank, which was supposed to be a rescue plan that helped restart mortgage lending. Because the Bush administration passed TARP. And TARP was supposed to invest in mortgage, backsecurities to get lending started again. Well, when Obama took office, Obama changed TARP. And so we never got mortgage lending started again. And then about two years after being an office, he passed Dodd-Frank. And what Dodd-Frank did was it restricted mortgage lending at a time when the biggest challenge based in the country was a lack of mortgage lending. And the country was in the early stages of a real estate boom. And what that did is set off a set of events that sidelined construction for a whole decade. So for a whole decade, when we should have been building like crazy, there was no new construction. And that created a chronic shortage of homes that have led to skyrocket and home prices today and rents running out of control. And it had completely offset the balance of home ownership in addition to their policies that seek to strip home ownership away from the American people. And so it seems like it was an intentional and deliberate attempt to drive home prices up so they could push the American people into becoming lifelong renters. Right. Now, my last question, what do you think Harris idea? Will she continue this Obama Biden policy or what? Oh, yeah, they will definitely continue the policy. And that's the reason why we cannot allow her to get to the White House because they're on a path to completely destroy home ownership. Even her plan to tax the equity in homes is going to really devastate single family home ownership and literally millions of Americans will be forced to sell their homes to pay for that capital gains tax that she wants to tax Americans. So could you imagine an elderly couple on social security getting hit with a capital gains tax because their home has a $500,000 in equity and they're on a fixed income from social security. How are they now in a situation where they no longer can leave that home to their kids or grandkids? They're literally forced to sell the home to pay a tax. Right. Right. Unbelievable, Doc. We're going to have you back on this show in the near future. And we appreciate you coming on and explaining to us what's happening here. I mean, it's impossible and the citizens need to know what's going to happen in the future. And so I appreciate you coming on. Yeah. And citizens need to be aware. When you hear about policies, a lot of times you have to dig deeper and actually try to understand the broader implications of the policy. Because they will give you a sound bite that makes it seem like it's something that's going to benefit. And we should not fall for this class warfare. And the idea of taxing equity in homes, it's about class warfare. But it will end up hurting the poorest among us. All right. All right, Doc, we appreciate you coming on. We're going to have you again in the future. And this is so important. This is important, folks. Doc, we appreciate it. OK, thank you. Thank you to your listening audience. All right. All right, Dr. Edison Waters, folks. And unbelievable what the Democrats are doing. Unbelievable what they're doing. So what we have to do is counter it. And the way we're going to counter it, folks, is we are going to get every Democrat that we can out of office. Vote them out in November, folks. We have to take the presidency. We have to take the Senate. And we have to take the Congress. We must do that. We must do that. All right, what else do we have here? Our numbers-- telephone number is 251-3431-06. Oh, I have a special message, folks. Next TZ night, I will not be here. We're going to take our show on the road. And we're going to be at Street's Restaurant in Babenette. And what we have in there-- and I'm the host for this, folks-- sometimes the vice chair of District 1 in Baldwin County for the Republican Party. We're going to hold a meet and greet at Street's Restaurant. It's going to be from 5 to 7, OK? And we're asking all Republicans who live north of 10-- highway 10-- all the way up north of Baldwin County. We want you to show up at this meeting. There are no problems in the southern part of Baldwin County from 10 south. They have different Republican organizations. But in the north, we are spread out. We're spread out up there. So what we want to do is to get those voters, those Republicans. And if the Democrats want to join us, you can. You can. We invite everybody to come up to Street's Restaurant on next Tuesday night. Next Tuesday night-- now, I believe that's the sixth of August, the sixth of August, OK? And this is the first time we're having this sort of meeting. The first time, we want the Republicans, Democrats, everybody to get the independence, come up to Street. Because this is important, folks. We got to work at it. We got to work at it. We got to work towards November, the fifth, OK? We've also got District 2, part of Mobile, all the way up to my government. That's the new district that the federal courts created in order to get a Democrat elected. We're not going to elect a Democrat in District 2. We are going to elect a Republican, Caroline Dobson. That's who we're going to elect in District 2, OK? So we're inviting those in District 2. Come on down. Because let the people know in District 1 and who can help District 2, we have no problem in District 1. We're going to elect Barry Moore, Congresswoman Barry Moore, all right, but we need to elect Miss Dobson in District 2. And we need to get the Republicans active in North Baldwin County, folks. That's the purpose of this meet and greet. And I am the host, you know? So we're going to be doing our show from street restaurant, and we're inviting you all to come up and get involved. Everybody have to get involved, folks. This election is too important for you not to get involved. It is too important. District 2, so that we can maintain that district as a Republican district. Look what happened in District 7. You've got Congresswoman Suell there. What has she done for Alabama, except vote every time for the Democrats? She is a Democrat. She is a Democrat. And guess what? She's going to vote for Harris. As a matter of fact, she is calling for the delegates, the Democrats delegates, to Raleigh on behalf of Kamala Harris. She should not be a Congresswoman in Alabama. We do not need Democrats in office in Alabama. So we need to vote as many Democrats out. Now, who is that? I forgot her name, but last time is Whitaker. She's running against Congresswoman Suell. So we need to support her also. Also, Congresswoman Suell is a Democrat. How many times have she voted against the Republicans in Congress? I believe almost 100%. She has voted, OK? I mean, this is a shame. This woman is a Congressman from Alabama. She's a Congresswoman, but she's voting against the interests of the citizens of Alabama, her district, District 7. She's a black woman. In my opinion, she doesn't give a darn about Alabama. She care about others in other states. She care about the Democrats and voting 100% for the Democrats who are in the White House. Folks, we need to get her out of there. We'll be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome back to the George Williams Show. Your texts and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Now, making the mission possible. Here's George Williams. All right, welcome back. Welcome back, folks. This is the George Williams Show, and we are on the mission. And I'm so glad to be sitting behind the mic tonight. And I tell you, I'm enthused after coming back from the Republican convention in Milwaukee. But I am saddened by what is happening with the Democrats in our country, saddened. The border is still open. No matter what they say-- and I must say this now-- you cannot believe one word that the Democrats or the mainstream media tells us, they are a lion, they are a lion, and they are a lion. And they know they're a lion, folks. They know it. But they think that we are all naive out of here. That's why they're a lion. They think we're naive that we believe them. That's what they're thinking. But fortunately, fortunately, they don't know the American voters, especially the black voters, OK? They think since they've been doing this since the Civil Rights Bill in 1964, they've been doing it. They've been lying to the folks. They've been lying to the black folks, to the white folks, to the Chinese folks, to the Indians. But now it's all come to a head. We finally discovered-- now, we knew-- I knew since 1980 when I became a Republican under President Reagan, OK? And since that time, I've been talking to the blacks, to the blacks, to the blacks about this. And finally, it's starting to pay off, folks, especially when you hear Kamala Harris talk. I mean, she is a zero, and she can't-- she can't-- can't paint on her record. She cannot wait until after the convention, and you're going to hear a lot. And it's going to be true. It's going to be true. But they're going to say it's a lie, OK? But we know it's going to be the truth. All right, we've got to call it. Call and welcome. Hello there, George William. This is Dr. Liu from the Common Sense campaign. Hey. Doc, how you doing, Doc? You're in good. And I was listening to you a little while ago before you commercial, and you were talking about helping Robin Leitaker beat Terrence Terry Sewell, and completely agree with that, and what you're just saying now is that sure, I mean, they're going to try to rebrand Kamala Harris, you know, that she's not the borders on, and all of those kinds of lies. And I think we just have to be very attentive to all that. But as far as helping Dr. Leitaker, I think that I'll send you some things that we've been doing. And I think that we have a better chance up there than we think. And I think that if we can work together, working through the Alabama minority group that's working up there, as you've been involved with her, too, I think that it's something that is much more doable than a lot of people think. Great. Great. Yeah. And I saw this past Saturday in Fair Hope at the fundraiser for the drug court, veterans court, veterans court. I saw her there. She said that she saw you there. So she's working hard, reaching out to the right people. And I think that when she released this film, I'll send you a copy of it. But it's a discussion with a couple that have had this problem with sewage in their area. And Terry Sewell, it's the same thing. They call, and they say, oh, yeah, we'll get to it. We'll call back. And never, never do anything, you know, George? So I think that Dr. Olytica has really tapped into a degree of frustration within the black community, especially, because they're just ignored up there by Terry Sewell. She's on her own little ride to fame, and she doesn't care about her people there. She doesn't. And that's what I said earlier. She is a zero, a double zero. That's what she is, OK? She care about what's happening in Washington and voting more about voting for the Democrats than the people of Alabama, like you just said. Yeah. Well, I think that if we all work together, we'll do something. In fact, I sent a note out, and I hope that you saw it, we're going to try to have an Alabama Conservative Coalition meeting. And even though I'm living here in Louisiana, I think it's important that the Alabama Conservative Coalition worked together to try to help Dr. Olytica. So that's what we're doing on the 17th of August, place to be announced. But as soon as we know it, Ann Ubancus is working on finding us a place in Clanton. And as soon as we know that, I'll certainly call it into you and see if we can have more people that get the word. Hey, Doc, Doc, why not have it in Montgomery? It's closer because Clanton is-- you need it halfway in the state. You know what I mean? Well, I mean, to think about it is her district is-- it's more up towards the Clanton Birmingham area. So it's a little bit more central towards where she is. OK, gotcha. But that's something to think about. And I hate to make you drive all that way, George. But you got to think about some of the Clanton. Well, you know, I've come to other meetings up there at the restaurant. And I think you said in your email that it closed down. Yes, I tried to find it. And that it's permanently out. I don't know when that happened because we were just there last year. Well, but Doc, you know, speaking of that, it's coarse and dental that you said that. A lot of businesses have closed down under the Democrats. Exactly. I mean, you can't listen. People are not able to afford the restaurants to pay more money. The restaurants stand up for it to serve the food that they used to serve at the reasonable rate. So I mean, what do you think is going to happen? They're going to close their doors. Right, right. And not just restaurants, but we're talking about old chalis and some of these large, multi-million dollar businesses. Well, all I can say is Kamala Harris can do all she can do to twist things around and tell the alarm. And all the lives that they were spread. But I saw a poll today. Trump has had 61 to 38. Right. And this was a decent poll. And so, I mean, last week, the big honeymoon was there from Kamala and all like that. But even in the swing states, the question about immigration, Trump is ahead like 80 to 20, OK, on the economy. It's the same. The big issues, she's losing big. And I think that's going to stay that way. But we have got to do diligence and get ourselves out there. OK. You know? Great, great. So we'll do it. All right, Doc. Always good to talk to you. And I'm looking forward to seeing you at wherever we have on next meeting, OK? All right, let me know. And we'll announce it over the air before the meeting, OK? Send me a-- Definitely hear that, George. OK, all right, all right. Thank you, Dr. Lou, folks. Come on. You know, bye-bye. Dr. Lou sits in for me sometimes when I'm out of town. And we appreciate him. Unbelievable, retired marine major, PhD adjunct professor at Tulane University. And he just moved back a few months ago to Louisiana from Alabama here. And we really miss him. We really, really miss him. All right, now we've got about two minutes before the end of the show, one minute. And I want to say, folks, Kamala Harris, what she did to prime minister Netanyahu with a shame, OK? Israel is fighting for their survival over there against all of those countries, Muslim countries. And even Turkey now is threatening to invade. You know why they're doing that, folks? Because we're so weak under the Biden-Harris administration. These countries think they can do anything to anybody. And America would just sit there. And they're right. They're right. Because we are considered the laughing stock of the world right now under the Harris Biden administration, or the Biden-Harris, whichever one you want to say it. We need to be strong. We need Trump. He's a strong man. He's proven what he can do, OK? All right, until next week, folks, everybody out there. Remember what I said. Get involved. It's very important. Like on dales, everybody. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] (upbeat music)