FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Apryl Marie Fogel - Kamala Harris Groups - Midday Mobile - Tuesday 7-30-24

Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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"There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone, and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior." With that, this is painful, and it will be for a long time. "Don't talk, baby! That's right! This man knows what's up!" "After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys, and you know what to say about a high stepper. No stepper, too high for a high stepper." This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk1065. "Well, Sean's a tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that, you know, Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there." "Yeah, what's wrong with the deal we got? I mean, the deal we got great, pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said?" "I had no dollar bonds to him, that doesn't suck." "If you don't like it, you're bad." "Last question. Were you high on drugs?" "Last question, kiss my f*ck." "Alright, here we go, FMTalk1065 Midday Mobile, hour number two on this Tuesday. I'm glad to have you here, 3430106 for a call or a text. In addition, you can always reach out by using the Talkback feature with the FMTalk1065 app. Microphone icon right there on the front page, lets your recorded message, emails it to the show. It could be this show, it could be, you know, 56 hours a week of live local shows, it could be a show in the evening or on Saturday or Sunday or you could just harass Dan and Dalton in the mornings. Listen, I'm not here to judge what you do. Well, maybe a little bit. Alright, and joining us now, she did a yeoman's task of filling in for me on Friday, this last Friday, she's going to be on next week, yeah, and going forward for some time off for Jeff Poor, she's a star of Penn and Word and also gets her mom on in the Birmingham area. It's April Marie Fogle joining us as she joins us here, I want to play a clip here. So this is something because I had some audio, I told you I was going to play and maybe I'll play it now or play it sometime this hour and then April Marie sends me this that I had not heard yet because I'm getting ready to play some audio about from the white women for Kamala event that happened, which you know, that stuff drives me crazy. When you white people for Kamala are black people for Trump, how about just people? How about people just be people, Americans, how about Americans and vulcanize everybody in this? But she sends this. So this is a discussion of white dudes for Kamala event. It's a kickoff for the fundraising and they take on the subject of masculinity. So get ready to clutch your pearls. Here we go. Let's take on. One. And that happens at the same time as the myths around America that we grew up with that we as men are expected to be protectors and providers are going out into economy that doesn't really allow for that, especially for working class folks. And sort of like compounding on that, you know, masculinity as a trope has been co-opted by the MAGA right into something that feeds into and exacerbates the loneliness epidemic as well as the mental health crisis that many face that end up leading to really destructive behaviors. We aren't the only ones that are hurt by these things, black and brown people, LGBTQIA plus people, especially trans women and indigenous people. And you know, all sorts of other folks in our society who've been historically and often still today are marginalized and being hurt, demonized and like marginalized even further. So and that happens at the same time as all right. And so and so and so April, Marie Fogle, the trope of masculinity is bringing people down. Is that my takeaway from this? Yes, the economy world is so bad around us that men can no longer be protectors and providers. As a matter of fact, that's that's offensive to even ask, okay, it depends on, you know, the idea is they're going to be able to to be a man. You have to provide, you know, a millionaire's lifestyle or you have to, you know, you have to beat the mugger up in the street using jujitsu or something. That may be a trope, but a father that cares for his family and his children that that's being being masculine with that that's bad. How much it didn't cost a bunch of money to do that. That's not it's not expensive proposition. I mean, costs a lot of money to have children, that's for sure. But like to do those things aren't, it's not extravagant. Here's the thing, this is an entire generation of young men who were failed by the people who raised them who responsible for making them have, you know, just a sense of purpose himself. I want my boys to grow up knowing that when they get married, they are to protect and provide for their wives. It doesn't mean make, you know, as you said, buy a big mansion or have a million dollar a year job. No, this means protect their wives and their kids, so the boys and their girls bathrooms, no little bullies, you know, harassing them, all the things, right, and then provide for. The basic needs for providing isn't just financial. You provide for by giving comfort, giving security, given, you know, emotional cheerleading. And someone somebody to grow up and get out of bed, they're like the way someone provides for and protects their family. There is, it's, it's interesting as well. You said it. And so if my buddy, Kim, Marston has said this before in his speeches and I think on the air, as we start looking at a generation, you know, behind us and say, those kids and those people and start getting angry, we also have to look at ourselves, right? They didn't. They weren't birthed that way. They were reared that way, you know, that's, that's how they were brought up. And so we have to have some of that responsibility ourselves to make sure that that's not continuing because they kids didn't, maybe it's viral now and infects, you know, across kids. But that didn't come out of nowhere. They came out of parenting or lack, like they're in. Yeah. The thing is, is even conservative parents have allowed the schools and their neighbors or whatever to, to take young men and teach them that masculinity is toxic. This man is speaking to, you know, hundreds of not a thousand of men around the nation and saying to them, you know, masculinity has been co-opted by MAGA. Well, first off, masculinity shouldn't be a partisan thing. That's right. It is just men have testosterone. It makes them masculine. They're male. I mean, this idea that the way you vote determined how masculine you are is kind of ridiculous. And so my thought for these men is that some, a good man like you, Sean, should take them out into the woods, take them off their cell phone and teach them to get their being hands dirty and to understand the reason there is that we have these gender roles. It's because it's necessary. And it's, but at the same time, I don't want to, I don't want to force, you know, forces on this guy, whoever, what his, what his brand is, you know, he could go, he's an adult now. He'll live his life and believe what he wants. But it seems the inverse is not true where he would let, he's bothered, right? He's bothered that somebody is, is, I guess, being masculine. Like if he wants to be, I mean, it's not going to, as long as she's not raising children that way, I don't care. You live your life, but how is it that it's only works one way, right? That the other way you, you get to stop being masculine, or at the same time, I'm not saying, hey, dude, you got to butch up. Yeah. So, but I am, I'm saying if you have a voice and you're, you're a young man, something went very awry in this man's life, that he's over there talking about the isolation of men in the text at masculinity, no, that's some bull crap. This is why our society is where it is right now. It's because men aren't man and up. And so, you know, I've said this before, I am teaching my voice that they will step in if someone else is being bullied, that they will step up and open a door for a lady and yes, ma'am, and please and thank you. And all of those things, they play with guns, as a matter of fact, they are about to upgrade from BB guns to rifles that these are, these are qualities. We should be teaching our children because the slippery slope is this gender binary, transgender nonsense. I wonder, and it also, I think when he's using this as a descriptor of white isolates, I think he's just got it wrong. It does isolate to, to not, you know, step into those roles. You don't have. Oh, absolutely. And it's the thing I've talked about with youth groups, I want a quality. I mean, I even talk about it with scouts and something that I'm still involved with. And I still believe in it has been, it's been tattered, but I want a quality for like, I've said it before, boy scouts and girl scouts, when the girl scouts said, hey, we're going to, you know, start have a voice counselor saying we have girls in there because there's more activities that the girls will like to do. They don't get in girl scouts. My point is, let the girls go canoeing and do marksmanship and those things if they want it, more camping trips. Let them do that along with those things, but let them be young ladies and little girls and let them be young men and little boys to their own and develop those roles. That happens when you're not told to be something else. You're not told to wear the same colored unit art as everybody else. You get to be little boys and little girls. Well, and one of the things is what we've done with this, oh, everything can be coed is then the same parents who want everything to be coed want boys to stop being little boys. I had my two boys here wrestling around yesterday, I had a roofer over from my never-ending tree saga and my two boys were beating the crud out of each other with pillows. And I said to the roofer, I said, do you know how this game ends? And he said, yeah, they do it until someone falls and I'm like, yes, there's no like we're going to beat each other up for five minutes and then we're going to go have a break. It's we're going to beat each other up until someone cries and then we're going to go on to the next thing and sometimes won't end up in tears, but that's boys. That's literally what I want of my boys. They learned to communicate with each other. They learn, you know, rough housing. They can't do that if they've got girls and princess dresses sitting around telling them to be nice. I want my boys to be boys and yeah, you can be a little bit, you know, quieter, shire boy who doesn't do that, but that's not the majority. It's just not how the chemicals and boys work. That's for sure. So but these folks are going to turn out to vote for Kamala. Right? I mean, how many? She raised a ton of money. There's no way around it. She absolutely crushed it last week fundraising. Did she vote raise? I mean, these Zoom calls are supposed to be well attended to this show some some lives and people are going to come out to vote for Kamala that would not have come out and not factored in before providing one. I think that's the key. The key is, you know, there are the Democrat base was always going to vote for Biden. They didn't care whether he was senile. They didn't care whether it was weekend at Bernie's for an entire presidency. They were going to vote for him. But this younger demographic of, you know, otherwise isolated and just uncapped youth energy, that could be a problem. These people maybe would not have come out for, excuse me, I have been there, those people who would not have come out for Biden. And so I think there's something to that. On the other hand, is it enough to beat what Trump's got going on? I don't think so. I think there is still an energy around and above the around Trump. And the more I see this garbage, the more I personally will work to get out the vote. I'm making phone calls this afternoon. I'm literally calling voters this afternoon on my phone. And what do you give me a little, let's do a little dry run here. What are you going to tell them? You call it ring ring? Hello? Who's this? So we're just just calling to talk to you about the upcoming elections. How much money do you want for me? I don't have any money. How much money do you ask in for? It's not, it's not fundraising. It's to get out the vote. Okay. Are you engaged in the election cycle? Are there, you know, any issues? It's a little app that you can do to get out the vote. I've got, I'm using the sidekick app and it's I'm trying to get out the vote because I, which by the way, I haven't done, oh gosh, since I want to say, I mean, I did it for Lindy Blanchard, obviously, but I mean, I haven't done it on a national campaign and it's been a minute. So certainly not for Trump. And you have not been. Yes, you have not been the, you've not been an accolade of Trump. You should support the Republican nominee, but you have not been, oh no, I begrudgingly support Trump, but the more of these, like that clip and the clip of the women you've got to play a little later, the more I hear of this side, the more I am fired up. And I, I bet you there's, you know, a lot more like me. Let me throw this one, because it's prodigal son or prodigal daughter around here when a text is not from the choir, you know, those are the most pay attention to those first. This is interesting because this is, I think it's a, well, I'm going to throw it out there and I can tell you what I think. Jean says, do we want boys to behave around young women the way Donald Trump behaves? So this, this equivalence in Jean's mind, what you're talking about? Well, I think that, I think that Donald, I find Donald Trump's behavior to be crass. Okay. However, and however, I think that I, you know, the, the quote locker room talk, the clip that got released, that was just filthy and unacceptable, but that is actually some men talk that way. Some men are just, you know, they, that's, that's their way. I do not want men talking about around like that around young ladies, absolutely not. And that's kind of the point of segregating boy scouts and girl scouts. That's the idea of not having cheerleaders in the football lockers or the football players in the girls locker rooms, all of these things that are being made to blur the line so that everything is this gender neutral nonsense. It takes away from the idea that young ladies actually should not have to deal with the locker room talk, but the boys should absolutely be able and encouraged to be boy. Okay. Whether, whether they're saying those things are just, I think as they're young, just the story of pillow fights to me is more where I want them to go. Just beating the, and you had that one pillow that hit harder than all the others. The feather pillow, there was all filled up and all down in one end. Oh my gosh. That thing was awesome. April, Marie, people want to reach out to you and interrupt your get out the vote calls. How do they find you online? The best places on X at April, Marie, APR, YL and they are. All right. We'll be hearing from you soon when you're filling in for Jeff. All right. Don't good. All right. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. I took 124 FM Talk 1065 and Midday Mobile. Second, the show brought you by my friend Forrest at Blue Water God Sales and Service. Let's talk about service now. He hadn't gotten the vote out or you put a lot of hours on the boat already this year. Things to look for. It's nice to not have these, to not have these things happen on the water like pump filter failure on an engine. That's one of the most common problems out there. And even though it's not in the spring, they're still doing checkups on your boats. So you can bring your boat into Blue Water God Sales and Service, get all the repairs done, equipment upgrades, installs, get your motor serviced like I've talked about. And at the same time, not just the motor. That's because Forrest gets it. He's been in boats his whole life like me about a stern. So okay. We got the motors running. What about the bilge pump? What about the running lights? What about the steering? They can do all that at Blue Water God Sales and Service. Make sure the boat's perfect when you get back out on the water and some heads up here too from the gang at Blue Water. They said, the suggestion is your water filter be replaced every 100 hours or one year for standard filters for Yamaha filters is every 200 hours or two years, whichever comes first. So heads up on that. If you haven't done that replacement, makes me think, wow, I probably need to go in again. Also all the fiberglass work. So if you've dinged up the fiberglass on the boat, their repair work done at Blue Water God Sales by my buddy, Michael Sarge, who is a brilliant, he's a guru when it comes to the world of fiberglass. He's so very good and he does all their work on fiberglass at Blue Water God Sales and Service. He's the best. Really great guy too. But don't tell him I said that because he'll get all his head will get so big, but it should be. He's really, really good. So listen, if it's something you did to the boat or repairs that need to be done in the boat, Blue Water God Sales and Service can do it. They're easy to find at Orange Beach Marina or on the East Eye 65 Beltline right here at mobile online at All right, to the text line here, Sam, Sam Teeth says, Sean, good day, weirdos better than fake. Have you noticed that Harris has stopped her sick laugh at everything? So all along the laugh was put on or a lie. I think I would rather be weird than fake. Has she stopped it? I have to go watch some. I have not, I've not caught that yet. I said vice president Harris, if you give her like a speech where she's in front of an audience that is on her side and it's scripted and that's she, I mean, compared to Biden, she's light years ahead if she's reading those things. But when she goes into like, if she would be in a debate setting or a tough interview, not a softball interview, that's where we're going to see that is the wheels come off of it. I think. Uh, T-bone says, um, oh, what I had said earlier about, uh, about people assessing candidates who only who they are. He said, fair question. I still catch myself believing that people can assess candidates and their skills and positions on issues. It'll make no difference. Like the attack that left will be like, Oh, JD Vance had a trans friend who cares. You know, T-bone, I've said forever, I want to bring burkas into the political system in the United States. I hope somebody grabs that. So Sean's advocating for burkas. I am. I think in politics, we should have all the candidates in burkas and use the voice, uh, the voice synthesizer that they use like on 60 minutes. So you don't know. You just make sure the, like you can't tell the sex of the person and you can't see their race or anything. They're like candidate number one, two, three, four, five and just let them talk ideas. And then you get the fun at the end of it for the big reveal, oh, it's a black woman or it's a, you know, a white guy or whatever, like, ah, then you just agree with ideas. Who cares what they look like? Um, now Roy and Spanish for pushing back and said, we can't get past race or sex as long as there are laws and policies that have adjectives on the noun of the person. I hope, I hope, I hope in my lifetime, we are past that. Um, let's see Anderson from Foley said, my wife thanked me for working two jobs for 23 years to support our family so we could home school rather than subject our kids to what was in the public school system, which has gotten worse. Uh, John says, I love the way your guests sings when she gets riled up. We did, you have a, you know, it's fun to get, you know, get April Marie riled up and, uh, y'all have a chance to do it next week when she's guest hosting for Jeff. Uh, let's see. We answered Jean there and Jean said, you know, that question that put April Marie's way, do we want boys to behave around young women the way Donald Trump behaves and what specific the grabbing by the, no, of course not. If my son said that, I'd be upset, but that's one thing this guy did, but to set how does that apply to the masculinity thing? My father taught me to, to be a man and I'll tell you right now, Jean, that wasn't part of the training for it there to say there's an equivalency there. I think you're, you're missing out. I teach Jesus says it takes all, including masculine men, being a man. That's not a problem. This guy was probably bullied. So it all real men are a problem. All right, we'll come back to the text right after the news, which happens right about the last two years. 135 FM talk, one of six, five midday mobile of international front to still watching news coming in as the IDF has targeted Hezbollah's commander in charge of the attack. They killed the 12 Israeli children, the teens that were playing soccer, they struck back and this is inside Lebanon. This has been the other there. Hamas is one thing, but Hezbollah's relationship with Iran and also it being inside the U.S. and the sovereign country, Lebanon, stuff, just Israel's, it's got to do what they got to do at the same time. I just feel like we're being drug into something bigger. I've just been that, yeah, I've been feeling that wave since, well, I guess November last year. All right, let's see here, a dirt digger says, Sean, you're right. Well, good. I like that. I need boy scouts and girl scouts and then need, need boy scouts and girl scouts and then just make trans scouts for the same sports and bathrooms or nation has enough money to cater at all. Here's on any side of it. The idea that masculinity and femininity have to deal with sex, sex, sex, sex. All right. I say that. I know people are like, John, they use every word other than that. They're different. They're part of a continuum. But when these kids are in scouts, I don't want to talk about straight sex or gay sex or there's plenty of other things to do, believe me, they'll get there. They're going to get there and be interested in other, but this is a chance to separate from that and teach things that aren't about grown up or teenager fun time, right? It's a chance to teach a bunch of things that'll last you a long time. You have to, when you get built up, you have a good foundation to build upon and then you build the foundation, not worried about grown up stuff at that point. But back to the Girl Scouts and Boy Scout thing too, I really do believe that young ladies and girls were wanting to get out of Girl Scout to do Boy Scout stuff because there were more activities they were interested in. My idea is then fix the damn Girl Scouts. My daughter is really outdoors oriented, right? So being in that situation, she would be interested. Now doing it around other girls, I think, is the healthy way to do it at that age. She's older now, but canoeing or camping, yes, girls can do all those things too. Just do them, let them be with their own sex and then when they get older, then they can figure out what they're going to do. Let's see here. Tim says, "Do we really know how Donald Trump talks around women or are we going by with the media?" Trump says about women. There's two parts to this. All right. Sorry. So Tim says, "Shawn, it always amazes me how the Democrats try to flip the narrative calling Republicans weird. This is all they have to talk about. They can't talk about the success of their policies." Right. Well, this election lately, Tim, have all been about cultural personality, right? You start getting into issues and platforms and people start snoring. I think that's a bad thing, but it's reflective. He says that calling Republicans weird this all, they have to talk about. They can't talk about the success of their policies. I think the Republicans need to stay away from arguing with them about silly details and talk about the issues and what kind of job we're going to do, what kind of job we're going to accomplish. He said, "Do we really know how Donald Trump…" I don't know how he talks about women, but it's not how this is equivalent to saying that it's a masculinity, so it's … How do you define masculinity? Is it saying bad things or being … These boys are rough houses, but those … To say they're all the same thing, I think that's wrong to kind of pick out the toxic masculinity or whatever that term's going to be and say that defines masculinity. No, I would say chivalry reflects masculinity. I'm going to play a clip too as we're getting riled up about stuff, which I'd try not to just live and get you riled up land, but this one here hits me, the way that other one hit April Marie, this one hits me about dividing us instead of being Americans, dividing us into all the categories and subcategories. This is from the white women, I guess, the white women for Kamala, Zoom call that happened, they have a chief diversity officer coming in, I forget what company I think, maybe she says at the beginning of this, she's a chief diversity officer and she's telling all these women on the Zoom call how they should talk to BIPOC, something indigenous people of color, and so how white people should talk to people who aren't white. This is, let's roll this clip, this is in that Zoom call. Ariel Fodor, affectionately known as Mrs. Frasal to her combined audience of over 1.5 million followers, is here to help gentle parents us through this election. Thank you. Hi, everybody. I am so honored to speak today. I am like shaking to just be among such incredible company. We are here because as, if you were here earlier, you've heard BIPOC women have tapped us in as white women to step up, listen, and get involved this election season. This is a really important time and we all need to use our voices and influence for the greater good, no matter who you are, you are all influencers in some way. So tonight I'm going to share some do's and don'ts for getting involved in politics online and navigating the toxicity that comes with it and spoiler alert, as much as the toxicity can come from the outside, it can come from us too. So first, don't isolate yourself. We can do our best work when we're in community together like we are tonight because the toxic feels smaller when we support each other. What does that even mean? The toxic feels smaller when we support each other and don't isolate yourself. You know, a lot of times, I don't know Ariel here who's speaking, Ariel Fodor. I don't know who she is, what her lifestyle is, but if it's this idea that, hey, I'm in my silo of people that look like me, but now I'm going to learn some terms so I can deal with people who don't look like me. Maybe your problem is, Ariel, that you haven't lived around people who don't look like you, but let's go on. I mean, she's wisdom coming down from the mount now. But don't make it about yourself as white women. We need to use our privilege to make positive changes. If you find yourself talking over or speaking for BIPOC individuals or God forbid correcting them, just take a beat and instead we can put our listening ears on. So do the learn. Wait a second. You should let everybody have their say, but you're saying that if somebody was incorrect or you had a problem with it, you would correct somebody who's white, but not somebody who's BIPOC, what kind of diminished view of another human being is that? What kind of paternalistic, maternalistic, this is the sickness. Go ahead. You had a letter finish here. From an amplify the voices of those who have been historically marginalized and use the privilege you have in order to push for systemic change. As white people, we have a lot to learn and unlearn. So do check your blind spots. You are responsible for your algorithm, believe it or not. Okay. You're responsible. Put that on the pillow somewhere. Now, I will say there is something she said there, disagree with everything until the very end. Checking your blind spots is a good thing. No matter who you are, white dude, white folks, white folks, I agree with her there. And you know how you fix that? You have co-workers and friends and family that look all kind of different ways. You don't go to a symposium where you sit down. You live regular life with regular people that look all kind of different ways and that helps because there is people get in the world and you have a blind spot. And I will agree with what they call Miss Frassold or whatever her name is, Ariel Fodor. Agree with it. The rest of it is a bunch of poppycock. And let me on top of this, and maybe if I can address her, maybe I'll do this tonight. I'll get online and maybe we can all watch this on Twitter. There's something that happened over the weekend that I, that was horrible, at least the way it seems, and I haven't seen any correction and what I saw, you know, in today's world with AI, you may go, I don't know if it's real. It gets real. But this is, this is the difference. Here is this person lecturing is she's a white woman, telling other white women in this conference how to deal with people that might not look like them. And then over the weekend, there's a disgusting event that went on at, and place it when I was a student at the University of Alabama, nicks on the sticks, nicks in the sticks, right? Way out, you know, go out the country, like towards Gardendale, I think. And they had big stakes. I think I went once because like steak was out of my budget, even on my big money I was making radio while working at the, while going to school at the University of Alabama. But there's an event there and once a social media thing, it watched the video. And once again, I could have a blind spot, something I don't know. But the way I saw it, the ownership or management there, nicks on the sticks, seriously, white guy who was at a table hanging out with black friends of his, and he was separated from there, whatever the one of the people at the restaurant came up to him and said, I can't believe you condone being with these black people or what they done, but he used, I used the N word about him. And this guy looks like be one of my friend group. I mean, if you want to go out of central casting, what dudes in the South look like down to the, maybe a little extra weight on him, I resemble that remark, ball cap, tacky pants on, regular dude, he takes this guy to task and says, what did you say to me? And the guy starts to nine it, but then he said, well, this is why I believe it. The guy then says, well, I didn't say it where they could hear it. He said, those are my friends. I don't know if y'all seen this online. If he got squashed or not online up, I don't know if I retweeted it. I could retweet it as well at FM talk one of six, five on Twitter. This individual and regions of individuals like him change the blind spot and change the narrative more than being lectured by miss frazzle aerial photo out there about how to speak to people who don't look like you. Yeah, you speak to him. You speak to him like you talk to everybody else. You treat everybody equally. And this old boy up at Nixon, the sticks who was with his black friends who had a white dude come up to him and figure out, you know, he looks at certain ways. I'm going to say, hey, why are you doing this with those? He absolutely calls him out. And I thought it was just a great moment. And there's way more of that than what the national media wants you to think about us, right? Which anybody who is they're white and then they're south, they believe this the heck with it. Why don't you interview some people? Why don't you do this little testing like they did where this guy at the restaurant comes up and drops some derogatory term like that to him and he goes, who are you talking about? These are my friends. If you all have seen that yet, if you haven't seen it yet, maybe we'll get that up on social media. I thought it was a quite a statement and you compare that to this lecture for, let's say, okay, now we're white women, but we're for Kamala and here's how we talk to those people that look like Kamala, give me a break. Not everybody like human beings, you know, the idea that you have to change the way you talk to somebody because they're a minority and now check your blind spots. I think that's a fair thing. She said, other than that, speed and normal, my God, not to have a role opinion on it, come and write back more Midday Mobile. We're listening to Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Call Sean now at 3430106. Won't be, I can't tell you that I rode my bike from adventure earth bicycles yesterday or today because I'm getting the service work done on it. This is something that, so my buddy Clint Jamison with adventure earth bicycles, he's got me back riding it by 50s here, a couple of years now on my e-bike. From adventure earth bicycles, and it's in for service because, well, he's actually, he had to kind of get on me, he said, Sean, you know, you can bring your bike in quarterly for service. And I'm like, I know, but I'm still riding. The nice thing is you buy a bike from adventure earth bicycles and you can come in, bring it in to get all the work done. They make sure the brakes are working properly in a line, the brake pads are set correctly, make sure the shifting gears are right, make sure all the gears work properly, chains lubed, the pressure's right, that the tires are good, and I thought everything was fine on mine. He said, well, once, you know, did you do anything since last time we had the bike here? I'm like, no. He said, idiot, bring, because he came and rode with me the other day. And he said, yeah, bring it in because you can bring your bike in quarterly and get it done at no charge. When you buy a bike and that could be an e-bike or a traditional bike from adventure earth bicycles, you bring it in, they do all that service work, make sure the bicycle is working great for you. As wood clints said, we want the bicycle working for you, not against you, yeah, I need all the help I can get. You could bring your bikes in, get those appointments, and even if you have a bike you didn't buy from adventure earth bicycles, but you want to make sure, like I'm sending my oldest off to college now, she's going to take a bike with her, making sure that everything's tuned up and perfect on the bike, they'll do that work as well. So take them by, get your bike, the kids' bikes, everybody's bikes tuned up and ready to go. And also, while you're there, check out the new shipment of U-freeze e-bikes, Big Sur e-bikes. They're 75 of those e-bikes in stock now. At any time at adventure earth bicycles, there's a bike that's right for you, and trust me, you get on one of those e-bikes and get on the right one, you'll be smiling, you'll see what I'm talking about, it'll become part of what you do every week. Also, he has a car racks from Swagman and Tulli and Kuat there if you want to get the way to carry the bikes, if you're not lucky enough to have a pickup and throw it in the back. He also has a great assortment of the cycling bags and panniers, I am wanting to put those panniers on mine so I can carry a bunch of stuff, I want to do like a camping trip out of the bike, we'll see. So get ready, maybe when I come down and pick it up, we'll get those. Check them out online, The best place to do it though is in person to see the full selection, and they are right there at airports and little flower in Midtown, kind of across from Ruth's Chris, go see them at adventure earth bicycles, everything inside to get you outside. All right, let's check out some text here and plenty of them to get to my van Maximus, what's up Maximus. So what happened to bottle rocket fights and BB battles in the woods is everyone on their PS5s now, and they are, and I get, so I get my boy out some, and we do, you know, we do some hand on the BB, Maximus, I did the same thing, we did the BB gun fights. I don't know if I'm failing my son's masculinity, I'm keeping it to paintball and all that kind of stuff because we were lucky that we all ended up with our eyes, you know, with the BB gun fights. Then remember with like the BB gun fight would be with red riders and then somebody would show up, always like an escalation with like a crossman and you hear them over there pumping it and pumping it, you're like, no way, we're not doing that, you're not pumping it up ten times and shooting me, rules of the mean streets, right? Let's see, Heywood said, I lost my cue points listening to that clip, I just wanted you hear that though, and yeah, it's a black and indigenous people of color, BIPOC, so thank you for the heads up. Big Enus said, that's disgusting pandering, how do I as a white male talk to other races and genders? The same way I do to anyone else, I'm polite and respectful, as long as it's returned. How I interact with anyone is a direct reflection on how they interact with me. It's called being an adult. Big Enus, this idea that I think it, I think it breaks down relationships between Americans that look differently to say, okay, here are the rules. Check your blind spot thing. I agree with her on outside that just treat everybody the same damn way. Honestly, it doesn't have medicine, I got my listening ears on, checking for my blind spots. I think I might be Helen Keller. Don't be Helen Keller, but don't just talk to people, yeah, Jerry says the same bunch of clowns who called John Young, Uncle Tom, they can all go back under their rock. What the people called John, Uncle Tom were black folks, this is a white woman telling other white women, here's the language to talk to people who don't look like us. Just talk to people, understand where they're coming from. Joshua says, I zoned out after the first 20 seconds of her speaking. I think I'll keep correcting any idiot. I've used my BFA in the last two days correcting my idiot friends on art history. I never thought all those art history classes would come in handy outside of bar. It's a pretty good thing to do to have that. Now, as an adult, I would take an art history class back as a student at the University of Alabama. I was like, nah, super mom said, if I was a black person, I'd be offended that white people were being instructed on how to deal or talk with black people, it's rather insulting. Then says, that sounded like an episode of Mrs. Rachel, those with young kids will get it. Yeah, I don't know Mrs. Rachel, I don't miss that one. It's longer. Let's see. Mrs. KCC said, I was taught this very simple lesson by my son, who was about in the fifth grade, having just seen the movie Rocky, he had taken up running and was quite dedicated for such a young lad. Then one day he came home from school limping, I asked him what happened. He said he got in a fight on the playground. A little boy put his leg behind my son's knee and pulled it like a lever over his leg, popping my son's kneecap. I was really hurt, furious, upset as any mama would be. What I said was, was he black or white? My son, my son, darling, that he is said, what difference does that make? The wisdom of the use, right? What difference does it make? That's a great takeout from today's show. What does it difference does it make? Act right, treat your fellow people with respect. Just talk to them like people. Paul Feynbaum's show on the way with note, there'll be no disagreement on that show. They'll be coming together, son. By the way, I just got a text from Paul today, he will be back for football Fridays with Feynbaum starting I think the 23rd of August. He'll get ready for the kickoff weekend a few days later. Football's right around the corner. A dog?