FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Apryl Marie Fogel - Midday Mobile - Tuesday 7-30-24

Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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"There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone, and I would ask that you please try to, um, keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior." With that? "This is painful, and it will be for a long time." "Don't fuck, baby, that's right, this man knows what's up." "Troll, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys, and you know what to say about a high stepper, no step too high for a high stepper." "This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk1065." "Well, Sean's a tough guy, I mean I think everybody knows that, you know Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there." "Yeah, what's wrong with the deal we got?" "I mean the deal we got pretty good, don't it?" "Did you hear what I said?" "So this is a main council. I had no doubt about them." "If you don't like it, you're bad." "Last question, were you high on drugs?" "Last question, kiss my f***es." "Alright, here we go, FMTalk1065 Midday Mobile, hour number two on this Tuesday. Kinda have you here, 3430106 for a call or a text. In addition, you can always reach out by using the talkback feature with the FMTalk1065 app. Microphone icon right there on the front page, let's your recorded message, emails it to the show. It could be this show, it could be, you know, 56 hours a week of live local shows, it could be a show in the evening or on Saturday or Sunday or you could just harass Dan and Dalton in the mornings. Listen, I'm not here to judge what you do. Well, maybe a little bit. Alright, and joining us now, she did a yeoman's task of filling in for me on Friday, this last Friday. She's gonna be on next week, yeah, and going forward for some time off for Jeff Poor. She's a star of a pen and word and also gets her mom on in the Birmingham area. It's April Marie Fogle joining us as she joins us here. I want to play a clip here. So this is something because I had, I had some audio I told you I was gonna play and maybe I'll play it now or play it sometime this hour and then April Marie sends me this that I had not heard yet because I'm getting ready to play some audio about from the white women for Kamala event that happened, which, you know, that stuff drives me crazy. When you white people for Kamala or black people for Trump, how about just people? How about people just be people, Americans? How about Americans and Balkanize everybody in this, but she sends this. So this is a discussion of white dudes for Kamala event. It's a kickoff for the fundraising and they take on the subject of masculinity. So get ready to clutch your pearls. Here we go. Let's take on, let's take cut one. And that happens at the same time as the myths around America that we grew up with that we as men are expected to be protectors and providers are going out into economy that doesn't really allow for that, especially for working class folks. And sort of like compounding on that, you know, masculinity as a trope has been co-opted by the MAGA right into something that feeds into and exacerbates the loneliness epidemic, as well as the mental health crisis that many face that end up leading to really destructive behaviors. We aren't the only ones that are hurt by these things, black and brown people, LGBTQIA plus people, especially trans women and indigenous people, and, you know, all sorts of other folks in our society who've been historically and often still today are marginalized and being hurt, demonized and marginalized even further. So, and that happens at the same time as, all right. And so, and so, and so April Marie Fogle, the trope of masculinity is bringing people down. Is that my takeaway from this? Yes, the economy in world is so bad around us that men can no longer be protectors and providers. In fact, that's offensive to even ask. Okay. It depends on, you know, the idea is they're going to be able to be a man. You have to provide, you know, a millionaire's lifestyle, or you have to, you know, you have to beat the mugger up in the street using jujitsu or something. That may be a trope, but a father that cares for his family and his children, that's being masculine with that that's bad. How much? It didn't cost a bunch of money to do that. That's not a, it's not expensive proposition. I mean, cost a lot of money to have children, that's for sure. But like to do those things aren't, it's not extravagant. Here's the thing, this is an entire generation of young men who were failed by the people who raised them who responsible for making them have, you know, just a sense of purpose and self, I want my boys to grow up knowing that when they get married, they are to protect and provide for their wives. That doesn't mean make, you know, as you said, buy a big mansion or have a million dollar a year job. No, this means protect their wives and their kids, so that no boys and their girls bathrooms, no little bullies, you know, harassing them, all the things, right, and then provide for the basic needs for providing isn't just financial. You provide for by giving comfort, giving security, given, you know, emotional cheerleading. Sometimes someone, somebody to grow up and get out of bed, there are lots of ways someone provides for and protects their family. There is, it's, it's interesting as well you said it. And so if my buddy, Cam, Marston has said this before in his speeches and I think on the air, as we start looking at a generation, you know, behind us and say those kids and those people and start getting angry, we also have to look at ourselves, right? They didn't. They weren't birthed that way. They were reared that way, you know, that's, that's how they were brought up. And so we have to have some of that responsibility on ourselves to make sure that that's not continuing because they kids didn't, maybe it's viral now and infects, you know, across kids, but they didn't come out of nowhere, they came out of parenting or lack, like they're in. Yeah. The thing is, is even conservative parents have allowed the schools and their neighbors and or whatever to take young men and teach them that masculinity is toxic. This man is speaking to, you know, hundreds, if not a thousand of men around the nation and saying to them, you know, masculinity has been co-opted by MAGA. Well, first off, masculinity shouldn't be a partisan thing. That's right. It is just men have testosterone. It makes them masculine. They're male. I mean, this idea that the way you vote determines how masculine you are is kind of ridiculous. And so my thought for these men is that some, a good man like you, Sean, should take them out into the woods, take them off their cell phone and teach them to get their being hands dirty and to understand the reason there is that we have these gender roles. It's because it's necessary. And it's, but at the same time, I don't want to, I don't want to force, you know, forces on this guy, whoever, what his, what his brand is, you know, he could go, he's an adult now. He can't believe what he wants, but it seems the inverse is not true where he would let he's bothered, right? He's bothered that somebody is, is, I guess, being masculine. Like if he wants to be, I mean, it's not going to, as long as she's not raising children that way, I don't care. I live your life, but how is it that it's only works one way, right? That the other way you get, you get to stop being masculine, or at the same time, I'm not saying, hey, dude, you got to butch up. Yeah. So, but I am, I'm saying if you have a voice and you're a, you're a young man, something went very awry in this man's life that he's over there talking about the isolation of men in the text at masculinity, no, that's some bull crap, this is why our society is where it is right now. It's because men aren't maning up and so, you know, I've said this before, I am teaching my voice that they will step in, if someone else is being bullied, that they will step up and open a door for a lady and yes, ma'am, and please, and thank you. And all of those things, they play with guns, as a matter of fact, they are about to upgrade from BB guns to rifles, that these are, these are qualities we should be teaching our children because the slippery slope is this gender binary, transgender nonsense. I wonder, and it also, I think when he's using this as a descriptor of wide isolates, I think he's just got it wrong. It does isolate to, to not, you know, step into those roles. You don't have camaraderie and it's a thing I've talked about with youth groups. I want a quality. I mean, I even talk about scouts and something that I'm still involved with and I still believe in it. It has been, it's been tattered, but I want a quality for like I said it before, boy scouts and girl scouts. When the girl scouts said, hey, we're going to, you know, start having, boy scouts are saying we have girls in there because there's more activities that the girls would like to do. They don't get in girl scouts. My point is, let the girls go canoeing and do marksmanship and those things if they want it, more camping trips. Let them do that along with those things, but let them be young ladies and little girls and let them be young men and little boys to their own and develop those roles. That happens when you're not told to be something else. You're not told to wear the same colored unit art as everybody else. You get to be little boys and little girls. Well, and one of the things is what we've done with this, oh, everything can be coed is then the same parents who want everything to be coed want boys to stop being little boys. I had my two boys who were here wrestling around yesterday. I had a roofer over from my never-ending tree saga and my two boys were beating the crud out of each other with pillows and I said to the roofer, I said, do you know how this game ends? And he said, yeah, they do it until someone falls and I'm like, yes, there's no like we're going to beat each other up for five minutes and then we're going to go have a break. It's we're going to beat each other up until someone cries and then we're going to go on to the next thing and sometimes won't end up in tears, but that's boys. That's literally what I want of my boys. They learn to communicate with each other. They learn, you know, rough housing. They can't do that if they've got girls and princess dresses sitting around telling them to be nice. I want my boys to be boys and yeah, you can be a little bit, you know, quieter, shire boy who doesn't do that, but that's not the majority. It's just not how the chemicals and boys work. That's for sure. So but these folks are going to turn out to vote for Kamala, right? I mean, she raised a ton of money. There's no way around it. She absolutely crushed it last week fundraising. Did she vote raise? I mean, these Zoom calls are supposed to be well attended to this show some some lives and people are going to come out to vote for Kamala that would not have come out and not factored in before for Biden. Well, and I think that's the key, the key is, you know, there are the Democrat base was always going to vote for Biden. They didn't care whether he was senile, they didn't care whether it was weekend at Bernie's for an entire presidency. They were going to vote for him. But this younger demographic of, you know, otherwise ice and they didn't just uncapped youth energy, that could be a problem. These people maybe would not have come out for, excuse me, I think they're, those people would not have come out for Biden. And so I think there's something to that. On the other hand, is it enough to be what Trump's got going on? I don't think so. I think there is still an energy around and above the round Trump and the more I see this garbage, the more I personally will work to get out the vote. I'm making phone calls this afternoon. I'm literally calling voters this afternoon on my phone. What do you, and what do you give me a little, let's do a little dry run here. What are you going to tell them? You call it ring ring. Hello, who's this? So just calling to talk to you about the upcoming elections. How much money you want from me? I don't have any money. How much money you asking for? It's not, it's not fundraising, it's to get out the vote. Are you engaged in the election cycle? Are there, you know, any issues, it's a little app that you can do to get out the vote. I've got, I've got, I'm using the sidekick app and it's, I'm trying to get out the vote because I, which by the way, I haven't done, oh gosh, since I want to say, I mean, I did it for Lindy Blanchard, obviously. But I mean, I haven't done it on a national campaign and it's been a minute. So certainly not for Trump. And you have not been. Yes, you have not been the, you've not been an act like a Trump, you support the Republican nominee, but you have not been, I don't know, I begrudgingly support Trump, but the more of these, like that clip and the clip of the women, you've got to play a little later. The more I hear of this side, the more I am fired up. And I, I bet either, you know, a lot more like me. Let me throw this one, because it's prodigal son or prodigal daughter around here, when a text is not from the choir, you know, those are the most, pay attention to those first. This is interesting because this is, I think it's a, well, I'm going to throw it out there and I can tell you what I think. Gene says, do we want boys to behave around young women the way Donald Trump behaves? So this, this equivalence in Gene's mind, what you're talking about? Well, I think that, I think that Donald, I find Donald Trump's behavior to be craft. Okay. However, and however, I think that I, you know, the, the quote locker room talk that the, the clip that got released, that was just filthy and unacceptable. But that is actually some men talk that way. Some men are just, you know, that's, that's their way. I do not want men talking about around like that around young ladies, absolutely not. And that's kind of the point of segregating boy scouts and girl scouts. That's the idea of not having cheerleaders in the football lockers or the football players in the girl's locker room. All of these things that are being made to blur the line so that everything is this gender neutral nonsense, it, it takes away from the idea that young ladies actually should not have to deal with the locker room talk, but the boys should absolutely be able and encouraged to be boy. Okay. Whether, whether they're saying those things are just, I think as they're young, just the story of pillow fights to me is more where I want them to go. Just beating the, and you had that one pillow that hit harder than all the others, the feather pillow. That was all filled up and all down in one end. Oh my gosh. That thing was awesome. April, Marie, people want to reach out to you and interrupt your get out the vote calls. How do they find you online? The best places on X at April, Marie, APR, YL and AIE. All right. We'll be hearing from you soon when you're filling in for Jeff. All right. Don't good. All right. Coming right back more mid-day bovial. All right.