FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Alabama Republican Party's ALGOP Chairman John Wahl - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 7-30-24

Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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Caught in on the roadside cotton in the ditch we all picked the cotton but we never got rich daddy was a veteran a southern Democrat They ought to get a rich mandible like that singing song song of the South sweet potato pie Back to the jet floor showed up and talk 1006 five things are staying with us on what's a lot to this Tuesday morning We do appreciate it joining us now. We do this about this time every Tuesday The chairman of the album Republican Party John Wall joins us chairman. Good morning. Are you? I am doing well It's good to be on the show. Thank you for making time for us. We always appreciate it. So Every time we talk to sort of a new turn or a new wrinkle to the presidential election, but I We really haven't seen much Change in the last week and two days since my dropped out other than I now the Democrats are starting to get organized They're they're little they're executing it really really well, but almost like too good It looks very astroturfish to me. Um, I Don't think they can maintain this sort of level of intensity for the next 98 days to be honest No, I mean look look we all know if you go back and look at it The pressure Biden got the debate performance the media show afterwards The different that party is very top-heavy They rule with an iron says they are gonna do what's best for them for that ruling class and I think it's pretty clear That a lot of this like you said it's almost scripted. I think this is This is their story. Joe Biden pushed out. They have Kamala Harris Great new candidate all the excitement is supposedly there. I just don't feel it on the ground They're trying to they're trying to create a narrative That she's different than Joe Biden. She has different policies in Joe Biden before excited about her I'm just not sure that the American people actually believe that and Poling has not reflected that before. Yeah, she's doing a little bit better than Joe Biden wise, but Mickey Mouse probably could have done a little Better than Joe Biden. So I think yeah fundamentals are still there the fundamental problems with the Democrats policies are still there yeah, I mean this I mean that is sort of indicative of The policy it the policies are so good Does it matter who's at the top of the ticket, but then I get it, you know personality and character and Capability matters and and part of that's the case here, but like you said she's not performing a lot better At all the way they're acting. I mean she should be up five to ten points That's good to get there, right? I dare they're almost treating her like that Superstar who's gonna solve all the number of problems and when you're supposed to superstar who's gonna solve all your problems It's only pulling two percent better Just kind of a problem Did it the actual numbers do not deserve the reaction the press is getting her wasn't that ever credit establishment are getting her? And I think it's like I said it's because they're trying to create a narrative that she's successful and it's just not there Yeah, and like I said how long until you know, she's I Think they built this is this is where they've messed up chairman and I can't see what you think about this I think right now They are setting the bar so high for Kamala Harris It is the expectations are gonna be through the charts and based on what we've seen in the past I mean unless she get just just a Barack Obama reincarnated or something I mean, there's no way she's gonna be able to achieve that she there is a And this is I think they're setting her up for a letdown potentially that they need to temper some of their expectations They're gonna be in trouble. I Would agree with that and look she's in the funny moon phase right now This is where she should be approached. She's very soon for a high watermark Freshly announced getting a lot of good press Everybody on board, you know, they're gonna come up go through the Democratic convention You know with another little bomb there another little boost When these after the Democratic mentioned watch it'll take about two weeks after the Democrats a few weeks later the numbers are going to stabilize and That's where you want to start looking at pulling what happened. I think The potential and the likelihood is she actually trend down after this bump So I yeah, I'm with you. I think I think they're creating a scenario where people feel actually over confident the Democrats deliver confidence They feel like they do is just buying was dragging him down and the truth was it was not Joe Biden dragging him down It's not today. He was not his debate performance He was the policies that are destroying America our drag. You have a Democrat party Well, I think they if they want to have a chance they have to wake up that although selfishly I hope they don't the other thing about it And I add in your surreal and we talked about this and I I've come to this conclusion Democrats are making a tremendous All he had bet right now With with with the way that not just Kamala Harris herself But the way that they have handled this so you look at the last five years I mean just giving the nomination to bind and there's no way Biden could have won it without some kind of intervention From behind the scenes because you don't finish fourth in Iowa Fifth in New Hampshire and then go on to be the nominee And that just is not the way things have been done traditionally that there was there was some deal-making and there were some People who stepped aside based on those deals. I am convinced of that I would agree and in that classic from the Democratic Party that the party who claims to believe in democracy The time I speak fulfilled that the Democratic process is letting their voters actually decide But but Democrats went along with it And now here you are the formality of the Democratic primary turned out to be not it nothing but a formality and They're telling their rank and file their base that look look with trust we we we can't have him We're gonna do it this way And you know what what's a little surprise to be about how that all unfolded is no one in the Democratic Party No national figure No, you know no one's wait wait wait What's let's have a town hall meeting or something to talk about this who should be our nominee, then well, you know No, we're we're okay. We're we're putting blind trust in the elders of the Democratic Party to to be quit us Kamala Harris has the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee no fight no vote nothing here. It is No Democratic process Here it is and they seem to have gone along with that If they will chairman if they lose I mean, this is a big bet This is their moment when they realize we cannot go John McCain Mitt Romney Bob dull anymore We got to do something different a Republican Party which came for us in 2016 I think that they got that that if they lose here to Donald Trump and they're very well may This is going to shake up the Democratic Party. This is their Hail Mary pass. This is their Waterloo I you can read but I think we also need to remember because I would make the argument that this is not the first time This is the third time that will each all three of the last president just like look Bernie Sanders should have been the nominee in 2016 If it a Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton lost that election for them um Four years ago they once again Bernie Sanders should have been their nominee, but they were scared of Bernie Sanders They made sure Biden got it. Um this time it's Biden out. I'll hear it in What we have is a democrat A democrat organization that honestly believe it and I have to give them Respect and one time I did not understand this I give them respect for the fact that they are true believers in that the elite Know how to run America and know how to live lives for Americans better than the people themselves They genuinely believe this and that's why you see this is almost the thing like who cares about the primary process We're just gonna put whoever we want it Um, but it goes far past that it's not just the electorate it's near policies Who cares who wants a vaccine if you doesn't we're gonna just make everybody get it actually Um, you know who cares about border policy that the american people actually want a closed border We're just going to nature that border state open to make sure we stay in control and can make sure people actually Have good leadership that's going to rule over them. They genuinely see themselves as the gatekeepers to good society Um, and they want to run our life towards and they want to run the primary system So it's actually it's actually consistent with their overall worldview. These are control freaks To honestly think government knows how to live our lives better than we do And we'll do anything that they empower to make sure that happens I just think that there's going to be a big backlash here that they have Because they have this way and and like look They have some kooky people some very activist loud voices That they they somehow Manage to throw a let blake it on and keep them for being totally upset about all this And they're just going along with it. I mean, I how how how much longer can I keep that lid on this powder keg Yeah, I mean that that's the big question. I'm surprised it's lasted as long as it has but remember democrats have democrats run a far tighter shift than republicans do and in a way i'm proud of that, you know republicans have a big tent you have the Inviting you have the jockey for position. We're on the democrats side. It's much more top heavy where The leaders decide and everybody falls in line um But I believe that debate is a good thing I believe that society is stronger when you actually talk about the issues within a party or between the parties And I think that's what you're watching the democrat party is losing that debate They're they're becoming One you're becoming leadership driven and at some point those fractures are talking about creep in People start feeling different franchise voters start feeling like well, does my vote even matter within the democrat party? um Are these policies that they're pushing that are out of touch with the american people? Eventually that trickles down an american people for asking the question wait Why am I voting for a party? Who believes in the opposite things that I did? Why do I why am I voting for party that wants open borders? Why am why am I voting for a party who wants to indoctrinate my children with socialism and sexually explicit material You know, why do I want to support a party in scaling on the form on the national policy level? Why do I want to support a Party who literally their idea is to solve economic problems um an inflation by printing more money In injecting into the monetary system that actually creates even greater inflation So I I think you're right. I think I think if the democrats don't wake up And i'm suspicious they won't because people who love power and that You know who want to control things very rarely realize how bad their policies are I'm not sure they're going to wake up, but I think if they don't you're right This is going to fall apart for the democrat party The policies are bad and I I agree with that, but but sometimes I I think the policies are just a means To the ends it's it's all like fancy polosi may talk a good game about um liberalism progressivism or whatever but but she's motivated by power Schumer the deep state And these people maybe ideologically they do align with the left and all of that But but what's way more important to them than any of that It's just maintaining this hold on power And and and to me like they will try to say whatever they need to say To maintain this hold on power. I look I I think you're right the policy. Maybe what What what what gets them in the end? But I don't know that they necessarily believe all this stuff either I you you're probably right the actual elected officials But this is where you know and serve it is talk about and I think it's important to remember this Whatever you want to call it the deep state The bureaucratic Decies won't I don't care whatever name you want to put on it. There there there are true believers behind the teacher Who really believe that our country yet that our world is in danger of climate change They they will do anything To save the world for future generations to the point of feeling those who are alive today um And there are some true believers Deep involved here, do I think do Have an investment in this system and our true believers in these policies or at least in the control that comes with these policies And they will do anything to um to defeat their puppets in power Because a lot of these guys were talking about Nancy Pelosi touch humor. These are not the the real brains behind the democrat operation Um, they feel it's far deeper than that and I think that's when we talk about, you know, that This democrat establishment. We're talking about these other people and are they true believers or do they just want power? I I don't know if there's a good question, but I think our politics show they're they almost it's almost like they want to destroy america It's a combo of all their politics. It's a combo of both chairman and here's the thing like you don't go I mean some people do but more the the rule is and you go to work in government You become part of the bureaucracy. There's not many like ron paul libertarian smaller government types working at like The the department of treasury, you know, they they just you have an inherent belief in the power of government to make people's lives better That's just it and I think that's true for the democratic party Um, they they believe this stuff. Uh, maybe they don't believe the aocs and they're not quite all full-fledged communists But they do think that instead of praying to jesus. You need to be praying to uh, your president of the united states or whatever Maybe they do Unless it's republican office and let's make sure we know that. Yeah, well then it's just it's the four horseman of the apocalypse or something Uh that happened just to send upon 1600 Pennsylvania avenue if a republican is an office, but but traditionally They think if used right government is a force for good and it's better than anything Traditional conservative way can show you that you can't pull yourself up by your own bootstraps there's just you need you need the power of government in your corner and What that comes to power that they're able to they're they're able to do these things and I just think that this They they realize look we're gonna lose our power And people maybe aren't necessarily buying this this is how the whole trump phenomenon came to be right That's right on their other republican side. We have this this populist movement They they grew out of we want people to be back in charge like our founding fathers envisioned it Yeah, but they the problem the the real I think the big flaw with the modern democratic party is Rather than like sit down and say hey, well, what how does a guy like that? A billionaire from queens become the leader of a like a populist movement in america Instead, it's like we're not gonna worry about that. We're not even gonna talk about that. Here's what's going here. They're racist It's Vladimir Putin. It's a hundred different other things rather than looking at like the core problem like what what leads to A country voting for somebody like this and that's where they fail And a great question right like yes in 2016 that should have been a wake-up call to the democrats in that The people of america We're looking for something different. They were looking for someone who's politically incorrect Um, and look that this was a lesson for the republican party, too But like you said we we have seen a shift in the last eight years within the republican party um, you know mccain and ronnie versus Donald trump and ronda sanitizer as our standard bears And I think that's an incredibly good change for the party. It's we're going away from this Establishment top-down model that the democrats are currently second and we're going much more to a A standing up for the people talking about their rights and freedoms putting the people back in charge Um actually believing in the american dream and this the responsibility Politics and actually listening to the grassroots and I think that's why you see this this movement You see it figuring Donald trump who no one can understand from the normal political perspective Because what he's doing Transcents politics and it's about someone who actually is going to put america first and unfortunately that's been a rare thing in american politics Sure, we're going to leave it there folks will get more involved with the album republican party find out what you guys are doing How could they do so? Well, we always like to connect with folks. I'm on all the social media at alabama republican party And then our website is They can sign up for newsletters or for the volunteer They'll maybe hope Donald trump or or in our swing congressional district And we always like to interact with people as we fight to make america better John wall ladies and gentlemen chairman. Thanks again Yep, good to be on the show. All right. We'll be right back. This is a jeff force show to flip talk. What oh six five You have to send it on down