Spoils Of Horror


This week, Steven & Leo take a trip back to Tromaville and spend time with everyone's favorite hero THE TOXIC AVENGER! They talk about the power-brokers of Tromaville, wild special effects, politically incorrect humor, 80s love ballads, shooting fight scenes in the same alleyway and what happens what an hilarious, slapstick gore-fest has more heart than it gets credit for. We ❤️ The Monster Hero!!! There seems to be some audio issues from Leo’s mic this week. Apologies for the less t...

2h 0m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

This week, Steven & Leo take a trip back to Tromaville and spend time with everyone's favorite hero THE TOXIC AVENGER! They talk about the power-brokers of Tromaville, wild special effects, politically incorrect humor, 80s love ballads, shooting fight scenes in the same alleyway and what happens what an hilarious, slapstick gore-fest has more heart than it gets credit for. We ❤️ The Monster Hero!!! 

There seems to be some audio issues from Leo’s mic this week. Apologies for the less than usual quality. He will be appropriately flogged and things will be back to normal next time.

  1. Watch the trailer here - The Toxic Avenger
  2. Listen to A Cut Above Horror Review's episode of The Toxic Avenger!
  3. Listen to Give Me Back My Action Movies episode of TMNT
  4. Check out the song Body Talk
  5. The Neon Gang in Batman Forever
  6. Foxes move boxes in Hard to Die and Evil Toons
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Give Me Back My Action & Horror Movies
100 Horrors
Dark Adaptation
Horror House
A Cut Above: Horror Review
Manic Movie Monday Podcast
Good Beer Bad Movie Night
Bucket of Chum Podcast
Dissect that Film
The Cinemigos
Cinema Slab Podcast

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Hey Leo. Hello. Hi. How are you? What's up? I think we need to be a little bit more Sensitive to our listeners. Oh, yeah Well, I was listening to another show and they started off the episode With some trigger warnings now. I think that we're pretty good at spelling out when things are really terrible But I thought to really game the system to look more sensitive than we are we could include trigger warnings But then just name things that are totally Non-sensical to be triggered by I see so if you're triggered by a celery for example, right Excessive use of mops for this. Ah, yes. Yes. Yes Right works pools make you anxiety written then yes, right and We say it with dead seriousness sure sure I get you yeah So we don't say things like excessive gore or a kid gets run over by a car Say anything like that for this movie We say something like excessive bubbling of toxic waste and then just leave it there like somebody's gonna be upset by that What if we just said excessive bubbling and let them draw their conclusions because that would give them the Privilege to be upset by something they put in their own head. I love the idea of just taking it really seriously and being like hey Everybody we just want to let everybody know that there is a trigger warning on this episode for excessive bikini dancing If maybe if you don't like that, maybe this is an episode to skip if you are triggered by shoes There's tons of shoes. Please step away. Yeah That barefoot motherfucker went through every All right, everybody welcome to spoils of horror my name is Steven. I am Leo and this is episode number 137 the toxic Avenger But an excellent day for an exercise Look at me, David It's all for you I'm our number one fan. I hope they are watching there, see They'll see and they'll know I'm scared to close my eyes Whatever you do don't fall asleep I am not native to this particular area of geography and maybe I don't have a voice in it But it does track that the only superhero that could come out of New Jersey is this one and it is true The only thing that could ever make me visit New Jersey on a regular basis is visiting Troma ville, and I suppose then that's why we chose this movie today So this movie does have a special place in my heart. It is the first Troma film I ever saw other than the randos, you know, that are produced by trauma But not they don't have the trauma flavor the melange if you will Sense yes, because I'd seen maniac cop and a few other movies before this But I was probably 23 or 24 years old and I remember because it was my birthday I had just moved to Boston. I had practically just a sack on my back And that was it, and I had moved in with a bunch of people who were cinema cinema files Sit up, sit up files Do do do So they had tons of DVDs And so for my birthday, I didn't really know what to do, you know again. I didn't really know anybody and There was a DVD of the toxic Avenger. I thought well, I've never seen this movie. Let me let me watch it and I really truly thought it was the greatest film I had ever seen I just loved everything about it. I particularly remember watching the scene in the Mexican restaurant When the when one of the goons grabs a sword off the wall of a Mexican restaurant. Yeah grabs us a samurai sword off the wall and Starts fighting Toxie with it and that was the moment where I was like this is probably the greatest movie I've ever seen So we've sort of circled the drain on trauma films We have covered the great return to Nukem High and of course we've covered some produced films Defitation was produced by trauma and you have a few others also we've covered some trauma films with a cut-above horror review Yes, but Toxie's the big one and I love this movie with all of my trauma-loving heart So that's why I wanted to pick this We decided that we wanted to pick some movies we loved and so the toxic Avenger was one for me Our friends are actually at a cut-above horror review have also covered this movie and I think that they covered it really well There is no doubt that some of their coverage has Influenced how I think about this movie because I thought that they really hit a home run and I possibly am going to repeat something that they've said because I Just thought it was a great episode. So I'm gonna include a link in the show notes below Please listen to their episode on the toxic Avenger. Please listen to their episode on paltry guys That's the better of the two but of you know as far as the episodes go I don't know what secret sauce they had on their paltry guys episode that really brought that one to the top Made it the best of the best. I don't know. There's something special about it something Something magical happened on that one and then it didn't happen on the toxic Avenger and you have to ask yourself Why and I I guess that's the time for me to confess. I haven't listened to their toxic Avenger episodes So I don't get to be influenced. I just get to be a dumbass want to get into it. Let's go Let's do it In the city of Tromaville the toxic waste dump capital of the world Our story begins at the Tromaville health club where a 98 pound weekly named Melvin mops the floors as the buildings janitor He's surrounded by Jim rats getting pumped in skippy outfits Four of them are bullies named buzz slug Wanda and Julie who torture him whenever they can When Melvin accidentally walks in on two of them screwing they threatened to kill him these psychos mean business at night they enjoy running over helpless people and taking Polaroids of their bloody corpses the Next day at the Tromaville health club the bullies play a cruel prank on Melvin Julie says she'll have sex with him if he wears a pink tutu puts on a polka dotted unit hard and meets her down by the pool He ends up wearing the outfit and kissing a sheep in front of the entire health club humiliated Melvin runs and throws himself through a window landing in a vat of toxic waste That just happens to be on the back of a truck down below In the 1980s the toxic Avenger proved to be a fantastic name as opposed to the monster hero Which was gonna be the original title of this film until the very last minute. It's all at once a very Comical but powerful name. It's letting you know right away what you're getting into what you're in store for It's very badass in today's modern cancel culture being toxic is a whole different meaning and I wonder if modern audiences would have Related to the name of the same way as we did Today would be called the gaslighting event He's being toxic we can't watch this movie Masculinity adventure, I'm trying to think of what the gaslighting Avenger would do Of course gaslight you I was gonna say I wasn't cheating on you you are crazy This movie starts with just a blast of energy It uses some of the tropes of a superhero movie You know it opens with this narration that you feel like you would hear in a Superman movie or something like that you know here in Metropolis and Then it gets into the first shots of the gem And I don't think that there's been ever been a better establishing shot in a movie that Really tells you the tone of the film because if you are listening to this episode And you've never seen a trauma film you have to understand that trauma is kind of like a genre of its own it is like nothing and You can only compare things to it like this feels like a trauma film You're correct, it relates to me in the same way as something like airplane or naked gun those movies are very much their own thing and you either love them or hate them for what they are and That style of comedy is very unique And I was actually gonna say the Zuckers are the closest that you can get to a trauma film But this opening shot is just so wonderful. They have this song playing called body talk That is a very classic Livya Newton John like let's get physical type of 80s get pumped a Robics style song and then it's just going through the entire gym and showing every Absurd gym rat and like stereo type that you can possibly Have in literally one gym and it's gonna prepare you for the type of humor that this movie has Which is not going to be for everybody but is definitely for me It's gonna be like Fat people like hiding candy bars in their pockets It's gonna be big muscle guys with the teeniest tiniest weights and they are just like screeching trying to lift them up There's two like gay dudes that continually show up throughout the movie and they're always Resizing in thongs with little with little like ribbons Very 80s gay, right? This movie goes in farce and it goes hard Yeah, as it was most trauma films. That's what they do. They they really take that Here, what's weird? What can we make a stereotype? What can we make funny and then crank that up to like 50? Yep, like most bodybuilders and gay dudes this But it's important to know because everything is heightened to its most ridiculous nature So if a character is doing aerobics, it's not that she's doing a normal split It's that literally like her legs are up in a V and she's doing like the biggest split possible It's that when these characters are doing aerobics that none of them are matching and they're just doing the most random sort of like contemporary dance style like almost interpretive dance To be able to land that everything is a joke and other than a particular portion of the film will get to later Everything is really played for a joke like making out working out anytime. There's a villain. It's all played to the nines I wonder how much of this movie killer workout borrowed to make what they made They did a very good job of this kind of forest just not to this level to be fair Like I said when we covered killer workout like when they actually do the aerobics side song that robside sucks kind of fun Like it actually has got me to it. Yeah Be to it and there was these old 80s like let's get physical type songs That then start showing up in some of these horror movies and different things like that But yeah I'm actually pretty impressed with some of the music in this movie other than when they're clearly pulling from like royalty-free like classic And that's saying people walking into any trauma film, but especially this one have to understand This is their first big hit and still only had a micro budget and probably even a micro micro budget This thing didn't cost a lot. They did the best they could with what they had they did shitty voiceovers What you're fucking hilarious? They had scenes that didn't make sense. They had props that didn't make sense But that all added to the fucking charm of it And they hadn't really got into the gore and other things that they would kind of become known for later on The toxic Avenger was the first of its kind that sort of blended You know these genres of like comedies with you know sex and gore and different things like that It's important to say that like you could make a good argument. This is an horror movie at all I just don't give a fuck. I just don't I think it's fair though with most trauma films. They lean more on comedy than they do horror But it's not that the horror isn't in there and You know this there's as much gore and there's as much bloodshed There's much evil and whatever else you want to put in there as any other franchise They just ramp the comedy up and make it loony tunes Well and poultry Geist is more of a parody of Night of the Living Dead than it is anything else I mean, it's a comedy, but it's more of a parody of Night of the Living Dead This right here is much more of a parody of a superhero movie than it is anything else Oh, yeah, I have comparisons to that later on, but it's exactly that It's a spoof of a superhero Especially from the 1980s like now compare it to the Marvel universe You're not gonna see much side by side But if you look at the time era that this was filmed in and the superhero movies that were out then 100% that's what this is so we get to know our main characters Which is gonna be Melvin and these four bullies that really treat him badly I wouldn't say that Melvin in and of himself is totally likable. We'll get to who he becomes later on But everybody here is a larger than life stereotype and we also meet our four villains now One thing that Leo and I have to go over every single time we cover a trauma movie Is that you have to be prepared that these movies are very politically incorrect on purpose on purpose? Yes, and also it was made in the year 1984 so there's going to be quite a few slurs in this movie and I understand that this is going to be you know Very upsetting to some of you because there will always be people that are upset that the racist homophobic murdering bullies Use racist homophobic language when they're murdering and bullying people weird that yeah Let's show a racist being racist. How strange like we can't get away with that I do look back on this movie that was made almost 50 years ago and say boy, I wish they had really toned down the bad language I'm certainly not gonna spend the entire episode going on about this But it's a point to make for what I've said many times before about people assigning today's culture onto yesterday's situation You can't compare one and the other this is a product of the 80s You have to compare it to another product of the 80s and back then people handled the shit differently They were a little looser about it. They weren't as Forward-thinking as we have become today after we've been introduced to our main characters And I do think that this introduction is very funny because you've got our four villains who are sitting in a pool Talking about how much they hate the mop boy because he doesn't mop very well Which I actually think is probably one of the greatest like Justifications for why two people hate each other is that I've ever seen like they just literally cut to the chase He doesn't mop well like thank you Lloyd Kaufman for not having to bother us with a bunch of backstory It just doesn't do his job well enough for my standards So I hate him the end and they have these little moments where the mop of the mop boy Accidentally falls in the jukusi which I don't know what the fuck they thought was on that mop to send these bullies Screaming out of their hot tub, but apparently it was bad enough that they felt that that was necessary All I can say is that I can relate You're talking about four people who commit murders at night take pictures of the bloody corpses after they've murdered them Revaling it one of them gets off on these bloody pictures, but a gross mop in your jukusi water That's the limit I can fucking relate to this. This is me all over Jesus Christ I'm just saying nobody wants gross mop water in their fucking jukusi. It's not it's disgusting I love the idea that you were ever captured and you were ever put into one of those machines from a clockwork orange Yes, it was holding your eyes open but for most people it would be like it would like be like pictures of war and like And for you, it would just be people like walking around barefoot or like stepping on their bed or Literally do it or mop water in a jukusi dirty kitchen counters, sink full of dishes. That'll do it. That'll freak me out I need people to be tidy watch your fucking hands after you go to the bathroom. That's all simple shit What you're trying to say is it really was melvin's fault that he would believe that's right That's right. He should not have put that mop in that jukusi. Tell it Melvin seriously boy seriously But so we get to the first scene where I don't even want to say the first scene where things get ridiculous It's gonna say and then it never ends But we get to one of the first scenes where it becomes clear Just how far this movie will go to sort of like constantly top itself And it is a scene with the four bullies in a car And they are playing a game where they are committing hit and runs and then running out and taking pictures and it's all for points They like he literally like hit like every slur possible and each one has like a certain Set of number of points. Yeah, exactly for, you know if they kill Someone from that group of people. Can you imagine that there's like some some liberal that watches this movie and gets mad Not because they're using the slurs, but because the points aren't the same I mean, I was not sure how much I agreed with the point system to be honest because You're talking about 28 points for a kid on a bike. That seems small I think that would be worth more. You got to chase him down. You got to get him and the bike That's like 50 at least I'm pretty sure that they said gay people were 25 and like porta reekins were 30 And like do you think that there's somebody that's like why are we only 25? That's the source of contention right there I deserve more points. Our our people have been through a lot and we 75 at least Yeah, you're going to run us over with your car and then back over our heads at least get 30 points I do want to say for a low budget film also of this time era the splattered brain and gore effects on the kid were actually really good Yeah, so when they run over this kid, this is going to really test where your sense of humor is Because I laugh my nuts off It's first of all, it's just it's so and I don't mean this is a negative to the movie. It's so fake You know, it's so fake if I can cut in real quick. That's exactly what makes This scene let alone trauma movies good Is because they realize running over a kid. That's bad. Everyone's going to hate that So we're going to make it as ridiculous and over the top as possible So that people don't freak out about it because we're making fun of the situation They actually time this really well It's actually really intelligently done because they're both able to make you laugh and elicit sympathy at the same time Yeah, because of the way they actually the kill is actually done really well here So first and foremost when we covered return in nukem hi I was like beside myself with laughter at the trauma ville glee team. Oh, yes all of their like fucking Dorky ass like pocket protectors and whatnot And then I just thought it was like literally the greatest thing on earth that they all got consumed by toxic waste and turned Into the villains of the movie. I literally I've never I don't think a movie has ever made a better decision I think that is the best decision that is ever made in cinematic history And I feel very closely about this kid because it is so because the humor is built up In that the very charming way that his mother comes out and she's like have have fun riding to the fucking convenience store at midnight Yeah, I'm not I'm not exactly sure. I know it's the 80s. I can sympathize with the time era I recognize people who had parents that gave a shit I got to go play out at midnight because my mother didn't care where I was this one seems like she gave a shit about the kid She's strapping him in his helmet saying have fun to your point. It's dark out. It's got to be 10 11 12 She's like have a good bike ride Johnny. Goodbye. Yes. I was allowed to play outside too at night But that's because my parents value teaching me independence and not just keeping me in all Sorry kids of now You know And the way that this kid is like strapping on his bike helmet and he's so like chipper and cheery and again I know trauma films pretty well, so you know something's horrible is gonna happen to him But I thought all they need to do is give this kid an inhaler and like headgear And this would be the most perfect kill on earth The pocket protector Backpack with a little thermos and you're right exactly like My timmy I'm basically describing myself as a well. Yeah, I wasn't gonna point you out But you know, right inhaler inhaler and headgear at a at a big old bike helmet That was me during my most attractive years. That's right. Yeah, you wonder why he's single folks But the timing here so perfect because when they hit the kid hit I'm sorry. I laugh. It's funny. It's funny. It's fake. It's not a real movie Well, like I laugh really hard every time but then what they do is when the kid goes over the car And then I show the kid crawling then they actually zero in on being a little bit more sympathetic Yeah, because then it really makes you hate the villains. I love the fact that you hate the villains in this movie And I think to your point that's exactly the smart choice. They're making We understand slaz Lloyd that people are going to freak out about this kid getting killed So now we're going to focus on these villains and show that they're terrible people and da da da da da Get that balance going on so that you're like, okay We feel bad that this happened to this kid even though it was fucking hilarious I've I've always been so like perplexed by people that don't like this movie like you're okay I understand not liking the tone of the movie trauma is not for everybody But I've always been I was it was very weird that people will bring up things like I don't like this movie They kill a kid in it and then there's a woman that's almost raped in it And I'm like, what do you think villains do like villains do bad things like This is one thing that I've always said about trauma films as well Is that actually willing to show villains doing bad things in right modern cinema? You could have the fucking joker who's bat shit crazy Get on screen and blow up a building Nobody cares because you're not seeing the dead people inside who got hit by this Or they'll cut to a scene after going well, we evacuated everyone just before he blew the bomb What fun is that what fucking villain is gonna a villain is going to walk up tie you to a tree and shoot you in the face That's what villains do and again These are supposed to be like these movies have heroes that are fighting back I mean even return to nukem hi had heroes Are the two women were our heroes that were fighting back against the cretins Right, and that's what this is. This is a superhero movie where you know Toxie is gonna come in start saving the day So we have to establish our villains. I really thought it was odd that people Pick these like killing the dog. This movie kills the dog. You know what I mean? Yeah, they do horrible things in this movie And they're always trying to top themselves. So again, they are playing They're playing it for humor, but they're making fun of the villains like For instance, I mean the movie's trying to top itself in that they don't just like hit hit a kid with a car Then they run the kids head over they show it to you And then and then the girls go out and take pictures Right. They get the polarids out. They're like these are so hot these Look at how red the reds are these are great photos like bragging about how cool the camera is I pray to god and we will talk about the 2023 Like remake or re-envision or whatever then there's some a story about that's pretty interesting I pray to god that that scene is them taking a selfie They got like a fucking selfie stick. They're like Don't faces. Yeah And that's also an awareness that Lloyd and this studio has of making a spoof of the modern era for the time the 80s Everything that's going on in here was a parody of how people were at that time And that's funny just like the selfie stick and the duck face and all that That's how you would do it now because that's how people relate to it now Well, and they land the moment because it ends with a line that they can't keep going out and killing kids on bikes I love it. One of them has to go home so they can wake up for church in the morning And that is why trauma is a genius satire That's it And I love the I love the reaction of all three of the bullies in the car Because they all look at this guy who's just said he has to go to church in the morning. They're all like Yeah, oh, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, that's very important totally on board with it. Yeah fucking hilarious so now Scud or buzz or whoever it is is off to church and the next days are all back at the gym figuring out why melvin sucks so much I think honestly the more I spend time with this version of melvin is just stanley spadowski's father For anyone against that reference melvin sucks a little bit. He does though. He does He's he's he's a little endearing in his own way, but he sucks a little bit He's not that same sympathetic nerd type as much as a oh, you're gross Like I don't want to hate you, but don't come near me. Yeah, it's not Rick Moranis in a little shop of horrors. He's exactly right Yeah, he's he's licking the glass As everybody's playing racquetball because he's staring at the two babe bullies Who are you know playing in scantily clad clothes? And this is where we get to julie with the main bully and She says I've got a great idea that we can get my boy for good They all gather together and her whole plan is that she's going to pretend to be in love with him And want to go fuck him down by the pool after everyone leaves And it's amazing what a guy will do Especially someone as desperate as melvin to get laid I Have known guys like this Yeah, I yeah, I've known Guys Not me Not me at all. No, no, no people other people we think I've known other guys. Yes Not me guys You know guys that'll that'll perform stupid acts or dress in stupid outfits Just because a girl thinks it's hot whether that's true or not. Yeah I didn't base an entire 20-year relationship on just trying to give my girlfriend whatever she wanted Oh I didn't spend three weeks courting someone courting someone just to have it all blow up in my face because she says Has said something nice to me, you know, whatever Hoarding I'm picturing you in like renaissance out with like buckle shoes and Did you see the moment that I said that I had the quote marks up because I caught how stupid it was With a big hat with a big feather a bicock Yeah, we just re-release that too. So go listen go listen. That's a good episode But no, I totally agree with you now first of all first of all I gotta take people to task about all of this I have been told forever that men are disgusting and gross We leave the toilet seat up and we piss on the floor and we're just disgusting people And now through this movie. I have seen the inside of the women's locker room. Yeah, I have been lied to my entire life The ladies locker room in this movie is a fucking dump. It's disgusting Think it's shit everywhere clean up your shit. Yeah, I thought like you why am I saying this? That's what I'm saying. I'm glad you pointed this out because finally somebody sees it from my eyes There you are. This is horrible. Nobody should live like this. You don't I know for a fact Even having never met any of you or been to your homes live like this with maybe a few exceptions So don't do it out in the outworld. It's just fucking dumb They got fucking bags and shit anywhere. How many bags do you need for your skinny bikinis? This movie takes trays and trommelville. Everybody's wearing a bikini Jesus Christ is so much junk in there. No wonder melvin has to keep going in there and clean It's like those women that have like 50 pillows on their bed. I'll never understand that either I don't get it Anybody else feel free to chime in I do always laugh during this scene because First of all the scene between melvin and july And just like the way that they're so like playing everything to 11 is really funny Yeah We don't wilder in the locker room. She's trying to get him to put on a pink tutu and a pink unitard He doesn't want to and then she then he does because he's gonna get laid. It's all it's all very fun And look I get it. I actually think july's pretty hot. So I get it And I understand from the product of the 80s just to have people realize when she hands him She says pink is my favorite color. It turns me on if you wear pink So here's this tutu and this polka dot of leotard and he's like that sissy stuff Yeah, it's not like today where you know like wearing a pink polo is like oh That guy's comfortable in his sexuality. Yeah, exactly what people thought no that would get you beat up a lot Yes, it would But it does take it says a lot about melvin that he falls for this trick and then he goes You know, he gets the unitard on and he gets the whole outfit on and he goes downstairs in the dark And then he kisses who he thinks is july, but it turns out is a sheep wearing a giant bra And jewelry and lipstick it really takes a very strong misunderstanding of sex to mistake A woman or sheep for a woman melvin in the previous scene when july was setting him up for all this Was in the locker room with her And she even just to make sure he got down to the pool and believed her took her top off and exposed her breasts to him He can see that she's not covered in wool Right, so when he hugs this sheep. I don't know what the fuck he thought he was hugging I don't know how blind in his mind. He has to be to this situation Maybe the the idea that he's finally getting laid for the first time was so strong Maybe that's you know what this is what they must mean by love is blind Because he just went right past anything that felt like sheep and imagined it was her Look, I've said that when you're young and the opportunity to have sex comes your way Like you will you will fuck on one of those like plastic mattes behind the counter at a starbucks Like when When you're older, you're like I have opportunities like we can find a bad Like I can pay for a motel tonight. I don't want to throw on my back but but So I get it and I don't know if he either just because he right like he saw that she wasn't covered in wool So either He thought he just like was so caught up in the swill of sex that he you know Wasn't really paying attention or he thought his lips landed in a really lucky position My lips must be a fucking divining rod for vagina Somehow that's where I ended up. It's a good thing. He didn't say anything about her mustache or anything, you know You gotta appreciate the effort they put into dressing up that sheep by putting lipstick on it and giving it jewels and giving it a bra By the way, yeah, so you want to be an actor has somebody Net this is footnotes. I guess of that book of so you want to be backstage somebody had to dress that cheap Somebody had to wrangle that fucking thing and make it look like this and melvin had to kiss it That's right. That's right. Yeah, who knows? Maybe they got lucky and that was just the way the sheep was already dressed Maybe that's living it living its best life Can you imagine they went down to the shop asked for a blow up sheep and the guy said oh you want to sheep and just had that in the back Like okay They went to a farm and it was like 12 sheep and then there was one that was covered in jewelry where makeup And had a bra and they were like that's the one that one is rock fan Yeah, that screams trauma. We've got you're gonna be in a thousand movies You don't have to put on a red light Bye-bye I am impressed by the way at the bully's ability to pull off this prank because I've said it before I can't get three people to show up to my own birthday party Let alone to get an entire gym to show up To humiliate a janitor I want to talk about one of my favorite things too with trauma films and that is the background actors The thing about trauma that you really have to get in the habit of is watching the movie At least two or three times the first time to see the film and as you get more into it You have to watch what's going on in the background because that shit's fucking hilarious And I have never seen a more realistic gathering of goofball characters Then I've seen in a trauma film as modern hollywood background actors look nice They look like normal people quote-unquote, but they look nice compared to this Which looks like everyone you would see at work tomorrow And the customers that come through and drive through and everything you have to deal with just normal fucking weird-ass people I'm so glad you brought this up We have an award that sometimes we give on this show called the no small roles award Which is we haven't done it in a little while But it is for somebody that gives a great performance and you know a very very small part that almost never gets discussed Would you like to know who wins that award in the toxic avenger? Everybody Everybody who's not a main character wins that award Everyone did such a great job of being their stereotype So there's a girl and i'm gonna i'm gonna call her the fat girl because they continually make jokes about her hiding candy And you know that she's the like fat girl doing the you know doing the uh pull-ups or the push-ups or you know Do be fair. I think they call her the fat girl in the credits or something like that I think we get away with it. Yeah So there is a part where she is like way in the background and she's like really aggressively hitting on a dude And of course the joke is is that it's role reversed. She's really big. She's a woman. He's really small He's a guy and she's like aggressively hitting on him. That's the joke right there But it's blinking. You'll miss it. It's happening in the background I'm always doing this stuff. Yeah I love it so much. There's some is there some sort of like program that tromaville has Where they dedicate like a certain part of the town budget to just constantly playing music because Everybody is dancing All the time You're not wrong. I don't know they're piping it through the fucking light poles or something. I don't know I want to know who's in charge of the playlist Oh, yeah, absolutely But it is it is very fun to watch and this is before people knew what a tromafilm was So this is back when everybody in the dancing like in the background, you know, or or whatnot Was just like 20 year olds They were just curious for a part in a film which now Anybody who's in the background of a tromafilm is like 40 year olds and has five septum piercings. That's right. That's right We're not talking about dancing in the way that we do in a musical Where it's all very choreographed and it makes sense and it has something to do with what's going on in the foreground No, this is people Boogieing at random whenever they fucking feel like it down the street in the coffee shop on top of their car Whatever, it's like one of those old elvis beach movies Exactly. Yes snapping their fingers and and sort of like dancing like it's a very it's a very chaste Sort of like look we're all having fun on the beach. I remember I I referenced beach blanket bingo last night Yeah, it's it looks like that. That's what it looks like. Yeah, it is it is very very charming to watch I have a question for you again because it talks about timing And the way this movie is has time some of its gore and some of its jokes I know that this is probably maybe mean spirited because melvin is a character you're supposed to like and this movie has a lot of sincerity later on But the way they shoot melvin running from the crowd And then hurling himself through the window. I always laugh I'm glad you said so this is me talking about no small parts, etc The man playing melvin I forget his name the actor's name. He did such a great fucking job Like we're picking on him because the movie picks on him and it's fun to take on him and that's what it's about but Sincerely this dude owned this role. He didn't just look like a total fucking door He rolled right into that and he made it so real Even and including the way that he runs away and he's doing this muppet flail with his arms the scream that he goes Fucking hilarious every time and I think we have to define what the good acting in this movie means because I think it's full Of good acting But it means something different than what it means when we're talking about like doctor sleep Correct it is a type of acting That would not be considered quote unquote good acting, but I think that leo and I would both agree It's a type of acting. I would never want to live without Oh for sure and everyone must keep in mind again. These people are bad actors on purpose It's part of the joke It's the type of bad acting that we found very charming in evil tunes and hardy eye and different things like that But this is a little bit better because you do feel like the actors are a little bit more in on the assignment Jacqueline said that really well in our Rice episode she said they they knew the homework or they knew the assignment Right. I really like that. I like that way of phrasing it but it's the type of acting where The characters in this in the toxic avenger Are acting so big the audience can only possibly be on the moon. That's right exactly that. Yes Trouble will hire people like steven and i to act in their film And then every once in a while they'll get somebody who actually knows how to act and go Okay, you could be one of the bullies or one of the main guys everyone else in the background Those celebrities that are in like one drama film and then go and have real careers Exactly. I don't love drama, but you get what I mean It's not going to build careers. That's that's how it's going to happen Yeah, you do this shift for fun But but it is and I actually thought that july was really good to her in her own weird way Because she's very entertaining to watch because everything she says is so Big and over the top Melvin, why don't you meet me down by the pool? And it's it's kind of a style of acting that I find I don't know I do I find it very charming I think it's akin to old soap opera acting Where they were just huge in there because they're going off of stage performing into this television media And they have to keep doing their stage performing even though there's not necessary anymore Yeah, don't panic at it too. Like this like like you almost feel like they're somebody told them We've told we've said this before it's the type of acting where the one acting note they get is be louder Right exactly Mark Torgo is Melvin I just wanted to get the actor's name out there correctly And I'm gonna it's not going to make sense to anyone we can cut this if we need to but Uh, I want to show you This is what he looks like today Wow He almost looks like Santa Claus. He's got this big beard Imagine The the traditional neck beard look on a person now with the little fedora that doesn't fit their head right and the huge Overgrown beard, but it's actually kind of styled he looks like that now So it's nice to know he has never stopped being a total fucking dork In a world that has been completely divided for so long Two movie fans have decided to unite for the people and the betterment of mankind One an action movie buff The other a horror movie fanatic Together they will try to bridge the gap of both genres into one podcast with their battle cry Give me back my action and horror movies Listen along as charlie innate alternate each week talking about action and horror movies They cherish mostly from the bhs era Also including some modern examples that felt like the movies they grew up with by answering the battle cry Give me back my action and horror movies Available wherever you listen to podcasts look them up on facebook and instagram Melvin falls to the ground burning and melting from the toxic waste covering his body He runs home Melvin's skin begins to pulse his hair falls out and everything around him glows He's no longer a 98 pound weakling Melvin has changed into a muscle bound mass of chemicals called the toxic avenger Out in the hallway his mom overhears the transformation and thinks he went through puberty Toxie heads to the mean streets of trauma ville and beats the shit out of thugs threatening a good cop It's a high-energy fight with karate kicks head crushes dick punches and poked out eyes Against a troop of creatively dressed goons After killing them he throws mops on their faces as a calling card Our hero tries to go home, but his mother screams at the sight of his mutated face Broken hearted he walks to the nearby waist dump and uses the trash to make himself a place to live It has all of the comforts of home and a picture of his mom on the wall A trauma ville mexican restaurant is attacked by more fashionably dressed criminals who harass patrons Hold a baby at gunpoint and attempt to rape a blind woman named sarah after killing her dog Lucky for us. Toxie arrives to save the day He rips off arms protects the innocent And has another karate fight when the evil doers are defeated Toxie cooks one in an oven melts another in a fryer later and kills the third with an ice cream mixer Toxie escorts sarah home and they start falling in love Not to put the cart before the horse here, but I think the mexican place seems like a happening joint Where all of the dance studio kids come together to have a party in the parking lot and up until the point where the bad guys break in I don't say anything Out of line here. It does seem like the place to go. I think it's supposed to be the hip joint of trauma ville But I think that you speak really well to the energy that's in this movie Because yeah, the parking lot is looked like something out of a 50s movie like everybody's just like partying and cheering and you know dancing and having fun But that also like plays out in some of the earlier scenes too because there's basically three sections here Which is when melvin changes into the toxic avenger Then when he actually goes out and starts fighting evil and then when we have this very long and like excruciatingly fun scene in the Mexican restaurant But that like energy just never lets up one of the things that I really like about the toxic avenger is it's never boring I've seen many trauma films and the thing that kills a trauma film is when it's too long And when it's boring. I think loid koffman is a better director than people give him credit for Because once melvin bursts out of the window and falls into the toxic waste The music here does something really interesting. It doesn't crescendo when he jumps out the window It crescendos when he starts to change So it kind of clues you in when he falls into the toxic waste. Hey, this isn't over. Something's happening Yeah, and it's little touches like that for such a low budget film We talk about this with even great, you know millions of dollars budget hollywood epics that can't get this right And yet loid did it in this movie right exactly and so it just tells you that he's changing You don't really know what's happening. I'm of course You just talk to the avenger you know that there's going to be some sort of like superhero change But still it's really neat how they do it and how they kind of clue you in of like hey, there's something There's something bigger happening here And the music kind of dies down when he actually starts to like bubble and change and then it kind of crescendos when his body lights on fire And he goes running into the streets, which i'm sure was done with pristine fully realized expectations around safety and i'm sure Right And i'm sure they didn't just take someone and offer them a baloney sandwich to be lit on fire I don't know how they did that shop because he's wearing a unitard So you can really see The person that's underneath the flames like it looks amazing But couldn't have been safe There's actually three different people that played toxy There's the guy that played melvin There's this transition between melvin and the toxic avenger That was a different actor and then toxic avenger with a third guy And it's interesting because a lot of people will cite things like that as making this film unwatchable or unlikable or whatever whatever because of the inconsistencies and so forth and so on I have to say Sometimes it feels intentional sometimes it feels maybe i don't like the writers thought The idea would work so well that they got cocky but After he falls into the toxic waste and he transforms into something Gross that the town was terrified of initially, but he means wells. It's the the effects the makeup the the look of the he was so Definitive and it's interesting I didn't even make this comparison until i watched this that we did elm street before this one Because the makeup on freddy in that second film was so fucking good And his his look has always been so iconic and the same thing applies to toxy Yeah, he looks amazing It's a compliment for this film and it's exactly what it's trying to be the toxic avenger is what it is And it's like the absolute best way to represent what they're doing with what they have to work with Yeah, it makes sense. I feel like it was rambling, but I feel like it looks really fun I think that there is some really good makeup here and I think there's some really good Uh special effects design on toxy There's a great shot that I love during the sequence where he's changing Where it shows the mother outside? She's listening as he's screaming in the bathtub and that ends up being a very funny joke that she just she basically just thinks He's going through puberty, but But they show this great shot of the door the bathroom door And there is just this toxic waste that is oozing out from underneath and there's all this smoke Billing out. Yeah, and I really really love that shot as he's you know, something mysterious is happening on the other side But no, absolutely. I mean again, you're you feel sympathy for him You know a lot of times these superhero stories where the superhero becomes a monster It's meant to make you feel a little bad because you know Look, it's great to become spider-man. You can jump around the city and you can you know, you can backflip It sucks becoming the thing. It sucks becoming like a person made of rock You know what this reminded me of actually swamp thing Yeah swamp things great. I love that movie first of all, but The transformation there is very similar and he just ended up being this Bloody mass of swamp goo creature. That's not the best superhero powers a fucking thing in the world No The comic book plays that is very sad as very tragic Yeah, and so you really do sympathize with melvin during this it's it hurts It looks like it hurts as his body's burning as he's you know, sort of like got these welts forming. He's turning green He's growing which of course turns him into the toxic avenger and leads to one of the first of many scenes where he's going out and fighting the sort of evil doers of trauma, ville Yeah, it's a disgusting romp with great practical effects is the way i want to put it Yes, and it's also as we said before a wacky take on the anti hero genre Now he's got all this muscle and everything else on him. Yeah, he's been rejected and all that but that also Fuels the anti hero part of him. I'm gonna get revenge on these guys and while he's doing good deeds for good intentions. He's also Uh an outsider and a freak and he's gonna defeat the cast of heartless blonde bimbos and irrationally annoying alpha males at the gym Just because he's pissed off at what they did to him Which is great anti hero fodder. This is exactly what this shit is made of and of course We always have to have our first fight with the new hero Which is exactly what happens on the in the mean back alleys of trauma ville There's a sign on the wall that I really love again They're always like fitting in little jokes and it is a sign that says no pissing Tuesdays thursdays and sundays from 8 p.m. Until 11 p.m And And I I just think to myself like who is the person that walked up to that sign and was like I'm ready to take a piss and they're like, oh, fuck. It's 10 50 like I got to wait 10 minutes I got to hold it or I got to find another corner Or I got to find another corner, but the corner behind me said monday friday and it's like parking instructions It's like parking you can't park here. Yeah, right exactly And it speaks again to the naked gun Esch nature of this film where these little comedy gems are just hidden throughout Now this fight scene I think proves Who has the most fun making a toxic avenger movie? And it is definitely the foley artists working behind the scenes Because these fights are played for comedy And they are filled with slapstick There is just this like this incredibly incredible work being done by foley artists behind the scenes That are constantly making everything like swish and slap and bang and crash But they're doing it like a slightly higher octave Then needs to be normally done for say Toxie to turn around and give somebody a right hook or for say Toxie to hit somebody's dick like a speed bag Yes That popeye thing that you can imagine where he's doing that circular punch But it's right on the guy's dick Right exactly As he's fighting these these three like very These three goons that are they're sort of hard to describe We have Typical stereotypes throughout this movie, but we also have these insane stereotypes throughout this movie Yes, and this guy who introduces himself as cigar face because he's smoking a cigar Yes, which is what I thought but then he goes They're being up on a cop these three criminals and he says i'm going to show you why they call me cigar face And it's just because he put out his cigar on somebody's forehead And the other two the other two like cronies that are fighting the copper called knuckles and nipples Which is a hell of a thing. Yes Nipples, I believe is the I want to say it correctly cross dresser Yeah, look again if you are trying to watch a trauma film and trying to like really read identities You're really you're in the wrong movie like you're in the wrong in the here in the wrong movie But there is a man wearing women's clothing That is doing karate so take that for what you will Talking in a higher voice. Yes, and he's you know full lipstick blonde wig being black bushy beard Because that's the joke right you're talking like the bearded lady out of a circus sideshow Going down the street acting like a kung fu hero So i was watching the trailer for the toxic avenger and it automatically put on another show that was talking about the toxic avenger And they defended it in the beginning they did a little opening monologue where they said the toxic avengers great and they defended the political incorrect jokes and whatnot But they did warn their audience and they said, you know, this movie has some slurs in it This movie has a lot of gore in it And it makes fun of everybody it makes fun of blind characters and makes fun of fat characters And it says characters that could possibly be gay And it shows the two dudes In their fongs in the in the gym like with little scarves around their neck and then it showed this This character that is in this fight scene that is wearing the dress and wearing the wig And i thought to myself that is very generous of you Say They might be gay They might not who knows the three are definitely in that camp right rimshot here Yeah, I thought yeah, that would be an amazing trauma joke By the way, if they showed those two dudes in thongs with like neck like the bows around their necks And then they showed their wives And see that's appropriate trauma humor, but you make their wives super manly Oh, yeah, they got to be butch dudes, you know, they're gonna be like they're gonna be like butch biker babes Like they're gonna be like dikes on bikes. That's what they gotta be We have these two kind of like back-to-back fight scenes And i'll talk more about the fights in the alley way later because there's more of them But then it leads into the mexican restaurant, which you you Clued into before like has just a such a fantastic establishing shot Because it looks like some sort of like party at the end of the world like the aliens are coming And we just have to party until we all die Everybody's having so much fun at this basic chumpy like doesn't quite know what it is Mexican restaurant because it serves tacos what they've got samurai swords on the walls And they've got cowboy hats for some reason hanging on the walls The name of the restaurant is literally the mexican place That's what it's called and it looks like if you did the movie grease In a mcdonald's parking lot these characters come in and one is kind of like dress like a all black like john wick style assassin And then there's another that is dressed kind of like a vietnam vet I guess like sort of the millet military greens And then the third one is in a Sort of a spandex red and black outfit kind of like harlequin like he's got paint on half the side of his face That's gonna say he's the only one that looks like he could have come out of batman Right. Right. And so I realized something In my last episode where we covered a trauma film I said that the richest people in trauma ville must be the people that own the tattoo parlors and piercing shops Because everybody in trauma ville has got 300 tattoos and 500 piercings Especially by the 2000s when you know, then all the people that they are casting his extras are all trauma fans But i've realized that back in 1984 the real power brokers Of trauma ville must be anybody that owns a karate dojo And costume designers Somebody with a good makeup and wig shop. That's right. Oh my god Every villain in this movie has their own like aesthetic like their own just wild flavor Like talk about a place where your freak flag can fly And it makes me wonder where these specific three people found each other Decided we're good friends and we're good enough friends that we can go rob people and have a great time One joke that i've made for years is that batman batman villains are all about theming and not about powers at all Are you talking about the condiment king? Yeah Yeah Or the calendar man like you know Fucking riddler riddle isn't it powers like he doesn't have powers the penguin doesn't have any powers They just look like the thing that they are they're just they're good. They've good costume designers PR marketing team that's right exactly Like most batman villains are just people and they're just cosplayers like We were lapping and then we thought it would be fun to rob a bank Now we're supervillains And the supervillains in trauma ville are no different Jesus Christ the people that do fucking costume designs. They must be the fucking king pins of crime in trauma ville They have the iceberg lounge they're sitting there dictating who gets to be what and how well they do it They're like yeah sure you want to come in you want to you want to fucking cloud afro wig And you want to rob banks in clown shoes, but have a thong that's sort of like the same color I'll design it for you sure done half your cut. That's exactly You you are a large man, but you want to do karate dressed as a woman and look like you bought all your clothes in salvation army We could do that UBU pounds and you want to be called dainty. We can make that happen Right like i'm picturing like trauma ville costume and design And it's like it's got like a big sign and it's got like wigs and costumes in the windows and shit But it's all for like it's all like advertisements of people like robbing people and putting guns and babies faces Because like an insane party city. It's all the criminals too. It's all the criminals Do you remember in batman forever when they they have that fucking like neon gang which is the most fucking useless like why Why on earth would you wear neon? You know who hasn't the worst anybody who works for two face because I have to wear the stupid fucking outfits that are That are like purple on the left and green on the right or something I just think of that that all the time like i'm like What are the gang members in like the two faces lounge like sitting there Like waiting to go out and rob a bank and their fucking stupid ass makeup This is why I love the venture brothers if anybody's ever watched that it was a take on johnny quest Those kinds of type of cartoons back in the day My god, they did a great job of talking about these henchmen And the kind of shit they had to go through and getting tailored for their outfits for depending on which villain they were with at that moment And all that shit is so fucking funny Well in trauma ville it's true as well because everybody is their own unique flavor of villain See even in the 80s they got it right everyone's a unique individual and very special in their own way So this is really fun and I hesitate a little bit when I say that because of course somebody's gonna be mad that it all starts out with A group of villains coming into the mexican restaurant putting a gun in a baby's face trying to rape sarah and shooting her dog But as I've said doing things that villains do not things that make us happy doing things that villains do But then when toxy bursts in and saves the day Dear god is this fun to watch? This is a great fight scene and again for the time for the budget It is right up there with any other superhero film that you'd want to see Because they might not have All the props and all the choreography and all the bullshit But they have the right idea and they know how to tell a story and they know which beats to hit and when to hit them This is a great example of it. This is him as the hero the newborn hero busting in exactly when he needed to and having a big fight scene with three guys All attacking at once but then each one gets their own turn against toxy And then he dispatches of them in three very unique ways It's perfect. Well like I said also like whoever's running the trauma ville dojo Must be making in fucking a million dollars It makes me make it a mint because everybody who's a criminal in trauma ville knows karate That's right. Do you suppose the dojo master is actually upset with them when they lose It's like the guy out of karate kid like fuck you man. You could have done better get out there and try again Yeah, or it's like uh, it's like the guy in uh the foot clan and the first teams root ninja turtles That's what i'm picturing that trauma ville must be like it must be like that that hilarious base in the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie that is like that is like an arcade and like it's got like a skateboarding. Yeah And i'm like this is a foot clan like this is where they operate out if they steal vcr Fortunately, we'll never be able to cover that wonderful gem So if you want to hear more about teenage being ninja turtles check out our friends over give me back my action movies They've great episode great great episode on it And they also laughed about that base, which I was happy that finally somebody else pointed out like wait a minute My foot clan steal blenders and then they have like They have a skate park with a smoothie machine. It's great. Right. Jesus Christ This looks like an athletic club in cambridge, but But anyway But anyway, so that yeah, that must be what the dojos are like that are just churning out like villains for For the mayor of trauma ville to you know collect money and you know be corrupt Pay 50 bucks. We'll teach you basic karate. You can go fight a toxic guy Yeah, but this fight is so fun And I really like the way you put it that like everybody has their own little turn It's like those great ninja movies We're like exactly all the other ninjas sort of like they all sort of like stand there on the side They wait for their turn and Toxie will rip off one of their arms and throw them to the side and the next one jumps in with a big karate kick to the face And then they fight for a while It's a really good time and there's all sorts of weapons as of all this none chucks have come out There's a sword that comes out. It's just an absolute blast I think it's important to point out that while sometimes the script feels disjointed It actually makes the film feel more fun and spontaneous which I point out deliberately because Again, we have had other films that are made for much more money from bigger studios that don't understand and they're disjointed scripts feel distracting and Off-putting Trauma does their Shit on purpose again and again as I keep saying it's it's hard To say anything negative about a film when they make movies bad on purpose, you know, I mean And they they nailed it. I'm always impressed with how they can take something That is so egregious in one movie and make it work so well in their movie Back at the trauma ville health club The guys are dealing drugs and the girls are looking at the pictures of the dead kids They killed But toxic is coming to punish all evildoers He crushes a drug pusher's head under some weights Burns julies ass on hot sonic holes and saves a young girl from some dangerous pimps While cleaning up the streets our toxic avenger finds time to save children from dangerous cars Help our old ladies cross the street and open the lids of jars for hardworking housewives The citizens of trauma ville love Toxie and the jails are overcrowded with the criminal scum. He's been putting behind bars Meanwhile the corrupt mayor of trauma ville is becoming more and more concerned about the toxic crusader cleaning up his town Sarah and Toxie are falling in love They go on walks have picnics and make love through his unitard He brings her to his toxic waste apartment and she makes it a home Toxie isn't done making criminals pay He corners julie inside the trauma ville health club and kills her with a pair of scissors Buzz and slug are killed after an elaborate car chase, but in a mysterious fit of rage Toxie takes a small innocent woman and murders her inside a laundromat falling in love with a blind woman once again comedic genius as well as a great storytelling Because who else would melvin be able to pull at all whether it was before or after being Toxie That could show him the love he deserved Then somebody who couldn't see what the fuck he looked like I don't mean an ounce of disrespect to the woman who is playing sarah in this movie But there is like this horseshoe theory that something can become so bad that it's good But then there's just like this this weird rotation where you just can't figure out where it is But it doesn't matter because I wouldn't change a goddamn thing That's her her performance in this movie is like out of this world and it is the only thing I can describe it as is She doesn't play blind like a woman who can't see She plays blind like a woman who can't see and is being spoken to by ghosts who are asking her riddles The way her eyes dart around the screen and are never looking in the direction of anybody who's talking I don't know if anybody can relate to this, but from my theater days back in high school I played a The lead guy in butterflies are free. I had to learn how to be a blind guy And I got many different people trying to teach me how to do it and one Running theory from many people was all you have to do When you take your glasses off is keep darting your eyes around It'll make you look blind, but then also you won't focus on that person by mistake And I have to tell you when I tried that in the mirror It looked terrible and that's what this is is high school theater blind acting But by god, she's pulling it off Yeah, it's it's so entertaining. It's almost kind of in its own realm of acting That's right. It's so it's so funny to watch And I really do think I love the way you said, you know, you got a lot of different advice on how to do it I believe that she probably got 20 different totally different pieces of advice as to how to play blind And applied all of them That's right. I believe that wholeheartedly Yes, and and the smile on her face too is as if she's on a billboard for a tooth whitener ad like She just plays it with the big toothiest smile and let me be clear. I'm actually saying this is a compliment like God damn is she so fucking likable Holy shit like she's so fun to watch like it's just it's not heightened to 11 It's heightened to 5 000 and and everything is played with this like mr Magoo style of comedy Great reference. I mean she is she's tripping over things in her own house like how does she not know where things are in her own house And to add to the comedy She's got 500 walking sticks for like blind people use all Hanging on a cabinet behind her like it's a gun rack And any time talks he talks to her the only place that she doesn't look is at him That's right. She looks everywhere else. That's why it says it looks like she's being talked to by spirits Because she's looking at the left and to the right and up and down There's a part where they're making love and she's literally looking at the ceiling What is sort of amazing about this? Also, I just got to tell you something funny She is a part where in the mexican scene in the uh in the restaurant Where the criminals shoot her dog Yes, and then she starts to cry of course totally understandable And then when toxic goes over to her and comforts her she says they shot my dog And then the camera cuts over to a dog that is bleeding and very much alive Yeah, that dog's not the best actor in this movie, but we love him. He is breathing Fine and I'm convinced that maybe she was hoping to get rid of that dog and this was a very good excuse The dog's dead. I'm leaving. The dog is dead. Oh dead Don't come at me about this dog. He's sad that I won't have to clean up this dog who shits on my rug Oh, no, I loved Gary so much He's definitely dead Dead dead dead and she just like pushes over like a heavy object onto him Like a like a microwave Yeah, she's like oh no, I guess he's so dead Oh, I heard what sounded like him being squished flat. I don't know I'm just gonna lean on this refrigerator and oops Right over on him Sorry, I realize I forgot to say something else in the mexican restaurant There is a part where a guy stands up to the criminals of you know, tromaville Some guy in a suit. Yeah, he says, hey, you got to stop treating people this way And he's standing, you know, like in front of this lattice wall And I thought to myself The only reason that lattice walls exist in movies is for someone to get shot and blown through them So if i'm Misremembering that this character does not burst through that lattice wall. I will be very disappointed He didn't he got up from a table and was like, uh, hey, hey stop it stop it And then when they gunshot him he would write through that wall. Yeah, exactly. I was not disappointed at all It was also very clear that that lattice wall was actually a doorway Because when he blew through it, it was very clear that there was stuff on the other side that this was normally a doorway It was leading to the bathrooms. Yes, exactly exactly lattice wall there. Yeah, yep They were just like that's cheap. It's easy to blow actors through it. You just throw yourself through it We'll make it burst into a thousand pieces. You'll be fine. Here's a here's a baloney sandwich I think that's how most of them got paid for this actually, you know, look they did not make a lot of money on this But they made a fucking Almost had franchised they did make a franchise. They also made a studio. That's the cool thing They made a studio from this even if they didn't make a great film even if they didn't make a lot of money They made careers. They made Lloyd Kaufman a household name They made everything happen. Yeah, I do it. I would do it This is exactly what you want if you're an independent filmmaker if you're a low-budget guy This is the dream. This is the end goal You want to watch something really interesting watch the audition tapes for poultry geist Like they did some crazy shit for that I need some crazy shit for that I imagine that's got to be true now. Maybe not back then like back then they're just picking anybody who said yes But these days if you want to be in a trauma movie You've got to get outrageous during the audition process because they're not going to take just anyone right But back to this section of the film So this is when toxy really starts cleaning up the town And I want to connect this to the stuff with sarah because I actually don't want it to sound like i'm being too hard on the storyline with sarah Because this is when the movie gets The other tone deeply sincere And I love every minute of it It's a strange film that takes us down this road of anti hero and over the top everything as we've said all along And then suddenly becomes a love story And actually a pretty good one. I love every second of it. I find it funny and charming I love every time that she Opens up a bottle and because she's blind apparently she can't open up a bottle correctly so she sprays Champagne everywhere and all this like these comedy bits where she's accidentally hitting him in the junk with stuff I love it and the song underneath it is so Good and so well written for an 80s love ballad. It's fantastic This movie again hits all the right spots And again Fundamentally speaking the movie is so bad. It's kind of astonishing that it exists But you you go back into that realm that it's bad on purpose and they know what they're doing That's the beauty of loitkoff and he knows what the fuck he's doing. I gush on him I know we did this before we gushed all over him, but It's worth it this man. I love his work And I love the way he thinks and I love the way he knows comedy And I love the way he knows how to put this shit together so that exactly as I said It shouldn't work But it does and it brings us some of the most entertaining shit. I have ever sat through I have this big toothy grin on my face When toxy is going around tromaville and just helping the citizens. It's so earnest And it's so sweet And I really enjoy it like I I think to myself like I do think that there is a world where people would enjoy a protective toxic avenger that reaches in your window and opens up a tight jar for you and then leaves The biggest part of the movie Is the toxic adventure jumping from kill to kill with no regard for storytelling and I have Honestly so many questions about this that I never want answers to Because it was a messy beautiful piece of art and laughed my fucking hardest at this movie than I had in a long time Well, and I think it's neat how it separates them out because what you're talking about There's a scene like a montage where he goes through and kills all these criminals But then there's a separate montage where he goes through and actually is doing kind things and helping the Constituates of tromaville. I actually think that that's a very wise choice And it shows that loycoffmanosu is doing he's very smart because Watching toxy kick ass and beat up all the criminals that are you know that are like Purchasing, you know that are trying to sell 12 year olds are doing like literally like every heinous crime known to man Like that's why they have in the mexican restaurant. That's why they have a criminal point a gun in a baby's face That's right They're just trying to think of every Horrible horrible thing that they can have these criminals do so that toxy can kill them horribly And it's so much fun to watch but then I also love separately Just watching him save the people and treat the people of tromaville really well Because that is what endears me to him or him to me and that's the balance we're talking about that's Taking this film from one direction to another again might feel disjointed But he's doing it with such art and such purpose that we get this love story is stupidly good And it seems like that would be a crazy thing to say for this film. It seems like it wouldn't work for this film all that stuff We said before But you're talking about a guy who falls in love with a girl and he's a little nerd and a little nerd gets the the lovely lady It's like you mentioned before with the fantastic for it's like the thing He ends up same thing. He ends up a blind woman ends up being his partner. That is exactly the same. Yes, you're right It's it's beautiful the way they wrote it that the If you look at especially the modern ones The way they're writing the story of the two of them and how well they get on how she's so good for him To help keep him in check with his anger and all that shit It's the same thing here And it's wonderful because it's such an absurdist film That when you get this sincere and lovely point and then you get to see toxy You get a little bit of his melvin was always a good person. He has a nerd He's a little Napoleon dynamite, but at the end of the day He was a really good person in his soul and now he's got the power and the strength and whatever to go and be a good person and he's just doing I guess like Groundhog day when he was going around the town just doing all these good things for people at the end before he finally Worked his way out of there, you know, I don't know. I feel Strongly about this, but I also feel like I'm repeating a lot of what you just said and I don't mean to It's just such good shit I would like to thank whatever city Allowed Lloyd Kaufman and his team to shoot in their alleyway because Boy, oh boy. Do they get the most they can out of one alleyway Because every single time that toxy goes to clean up the streets of tromaville. It's the same fucking alleyway Yep, I might I might recommend just avoiding that alley There's one alley in tromaville don't go near it and I really do believe That tromaville is not just the toxic waste dumping capital of the world But it is also the cardboard box dumping capital of the world Because I've never seen so many fucking cardboard boxes that are just perfectly strong about So that when toxy picks up a criminal and throws him There is a pile of cardboard boxes for that criminal to land in Over and over and over again and jesus christ I don't know if this cardboard boxes were having babies with each other because by the time we got to the third fight scene There were thousands of them and they're all pristine. I don't know where you get so many unblemished cardboard boxes But damn look they used them in every single fight scene. They were all it just so happened They were all perfectly placed so that every single criminal that fell over and died Had a pile of cardboard boxes to fall into I think it was incentive by the city's mayor We're going to clean up the streets by putting boxes out so you guys could put your trash in them or whatever Nobody did it. Of course Maybe maybe like tromaville is the most like gentrified beautiful town in the world But they just have this one alleyway where they stick all their criminals and all their trash They're like you criminals Take your fucking feather fedoras and your weird unitards and your buckle shoes and your weird theming And take these cardboard boxes take them with you and hang out in that alleyway The toxic avenger will be there shortly While toxic is cleaning up the town and doing nice things for everybody else He's also cleaning up his bullies and the people who wronged him and turned him into what he is And julie's high on that list as is everyone else in the gang I want to ask how Possible it is for somebody to die Just by getting hot rocks pushed on their ass because That seems more like a fetish than it was a death scene You actually get to my only complaint about this movie. There is actually one thing I do not like about The toxic avenger. It is that it saves its best kills for random characters Yeah, and the kills of the four main bullies are actually pretty unexciting He killed a guy in with the weight machine Pretty gruesomely and it was awesome and this girl. He just put her on hot rocks Yeah, the there's a drug pusher that gets like the weights of a leg curl machine Crushed onto his head. It looks fucking amazing Every time they did this kill I couldn't take my eyes off of it Because his head is crushed but the bottom half of his mouth was still moving his tongue was still moving It just looked it looked awesome. It looks so awesome his fucking brains are everywhere It looked great But then they killed julie Sorry, they kill wanda by putting her ass on the rocks of the sauna which that just like to me That's just like a bird vag like you'll you'll come back fine. You know agree get some ointment You're okay. Just yeah buff your butt for a couple days Exactly. Just learn your lesson about killing kids running over their heads and taking polaroids of them. It's then jerking off to it Yeah, right exactly That was the moment I remember very vividly watching this movie for the first time and getting to that moment where she Goes into the sauna pulls out the pictures of the dead kid and then starts getting off to it And I thought to myself, I have never seen a movie like this before No one has exactly That'll go right up there with terrifier as a huh. Well, that was new Wasn't it we talk all the time about how rare it is a horror movie can surprise us. So there you are Look I didn't like of a violent nature, but it has a kill in there that I was like, I'll give you credit I've never seen that but the kills of like Julie has a great scene for her kill She talks he shows up in the gym. It's like a horror movie. She runs all around he runs after I'll tell you the woman playing Julie. She could have been a great like best friend in a slasher For sure. Yeah, like you know that like best friend kill that's like towards the end And they always get like a really good kill. It's like that whole scene is really well done That's the most horror movie that this film feels like When it feels like it feels like freddie or jason or michael Like chasing somebody through the hallways and it's surprising them every time they open a door or shit like that It was really well done. Oh, it's fun. It's so fun But then while the scene where he kills the two guys Which is that they're driving they steal a car from an old lady They just want to like drive around and run kids over You know, just do stuff villains do like there's no motivation. They're just like we're villains. We do villain things And so Toxie jumps on the car It's a fun scene in the sense that there's a lot of like driving mechanics and they drive through more cardboard boxes like jesus christ So more so many fucking cardboard boxes. You know what they need for scantily clad women in launch ray You beat me to it If If you would like to understand that joke, please listen to hard to die or evil tunes Foxes carrying boxes That should be the name of their moving company. Yeah, that should be the name of their moving company Just move box move cardboard boxes and lingerie foxes moving boxes But but it's a fun scene, but they're killed the kills are nothing the kills are nothing Yeah, I agree with you completely. It's tragic that they I don't know wasted the best effects they had on the people that didn't matter I suppose it's safe to say no film no matter how much we love it is perfect There will always be at least one small thing to say and And if that's the worst we can say about this film then it's still a top-notch film I agree, but what I enjoy about the kills and say the mexican restaurant or the kill that's coming up in the laundromat Isn't just that Toxie kills them. It's that he kills them and then he kind of like puts them through this like this like Very stereotypical ringer of like whatever he's doing to kill them like for instance In the mexican restaurant once he's once he's finished the three people that were Attacking and raping and pillaging and whatnot. He then like goes through this like process Of killing them by you know like one he puts on a table and puts like ice cream in his mouth and chocolate syrup that a cherry on top Cream then kills them with the ice cream mixer like there's like a process like there's a process afterwards And there's a really funny kill with the woman in a laundromat where he like puts her in the dryer But then he pulls her out and he presses her like she's dry cleaning So those kills are so funny because he puts them through the process of whatever thing he did to kill them with Right that it's kind of lame when he just sort of pulls one of them out and throws them out the side of a car Yeah, and yeah, I I couldn't agree more Our hero goes home and tells Sarah he killed an innocent woman But it turns out his instincts were actually correct The sweet old woman was actually the leader of an international white slavery race Because of course he was It's just so funny when you see her in the movie And then they have the reveal of what she's done It's so such a great contrast But toxic doesn't know this and leaves town with Sarah The mayor decides to kill the toxic avenger once and for all he calls in the national guard and Orders our hero to be shot on site They find him hiding in a tent with Sarah and surround it with heavily armed soldiers in a tank The mayor commands them to fire But the citizens of trauma ville have come to save the day local kids cheering neighbors And melvin's mother form a human wall around toxic and sarah The soldiers refuse to fire move by their heroism No one wants to hurt the toxic avenger our hero walks to the mayor Punches him in the stomach and rips out his guts Toxie runs to sarah and the crowd cheers With the toxic avenger alive to continue protecting the streets of tromaville the movie ends This movie strikes me a lot like an evil version of white hot american summer. It's a cruddy primal extremely violent and fairly entertaining film that captures the spirit of old ec comics And i love that I agree completely And there is some really fun stuff in this ending now We really have not talked about one of the other villains in this movie Which is the mayor of tromaville And the mayor of tromaville is trying to buy or sell or buy and sell or sell and not buy The land that trow that toxie is living on but he's also corrupt. It doesn't really matter He's like every other villain in this movie. He's doing every villainous thing possible Makes no sense, but it's a lot of fun. Oh, it's a lot of fun And he's played by a very rotund actor Who they continually show at the gym, but every time they show him at the gem You got to like fat jokes to like this movie Luckily, you and I both like them you make them all the time and I grew up in a family filled with people that are fat and make jokes Gonna make fun of myself. It's Hey, I do it all the time Not fun make fun of you. I do that too. But anyway, I was gonna say that's also true Yeah, right so but there are just tons of shots of this very obese mayor Laying on a table in front of a giant hero sandwich And having women like rub his skin Yeah, he's getting massages Or just rubbings. I don't know even kind of it as a massage And the whole thing is sponsored by subway apparently Yes, there's a giant sandwich in front of him, which I thought to myself lee almost enjoy watching this because this is his ideal experience at the gym I think me being at the gym with Good food watching everyone else work out That's ideal. I can do that. Yeah, just getting a belly rub from three hot women I mean not while I'm digesting my food, but you know, yeah, that would be disgusting Trying to push it all out, I guess Ladies ladies ladies Let a man digest first. Yeah, look two feet away while I'm eating. Don't get near the food You know the sub the other the sandwiches my first love you ladies are my second You can feed me a ring ding in a moment Just a whole carafe of peanut eminemes. We're good. Yeah Man's got a digest But yeah, it's never quite clear what this mayor is trying to do. I never could quite figure it out He's just the villain. He's just he's just a parody of like every corrupt politician And he just wants to shoot toxic on site. I think you actually said it well enough before and This movie is so great at doing this. We don't need more than what we see They show us him. He is obviously the bad guy. He does bad things He's making deals to dump more toxic waste in more places including next to the reservoir that feeds the entire city Yeah, he's a bad guy The end what I appreciate about this movie is it understands that it can't just be a parody of superhero movies or a really gory comedy Everybody's got to be funny. It's the same thing that we said in the return to new come high episode Yeah, everybody's funny like there's One of the mistakes that often gets made in these kinds of comedies is that you'll have a bunch of serious characters or a bunch of serious villains That's not true here at all. Everybody is funny like even with the bullies the bullies are funny These characters the the mayor is funny too. Like everybody has good lines Everybody has moments that will make you laugh And that is something that I think is a very very very wise choice Throughout the film this movie is uh, the the mayor is also works with the head of the police And he is basically a nazi in disguise. He is his nazi ism is constantly creeping out Which also remember I told you that there was a youtube channel that said hey, this this movie might make fun of gay people But it also he also included he was like it makes fun of you know, like people of other colors It makes fun of you know like possible gay people then he said it makes fun of nazis and I was like rewrite that sentence again Making fun of nazis should be a national pastime. There's right like like one of those is more okay than the other Hahahaha It's hilarious. Yeah, I would read I'd go back and edit that Yeah, yeah a little bit But to the point though again, this is them taking a shot at everyone. It's equal opportunity comedy That's the thing when you're talking about Whatever political correct version of the world we're in today and we want equality And that includes fucking with people uh, we're all here to have a good time. Everyone's on the table. There's nothing sacred I think of that sometimes with sarah and her being seen with toxy where they decide that they're going to you know Like go away because he's really worried that he accidentally killed innocent person And so they're going to go off to this farm and they're going to you know, just get away from society It's very sweet again. Like I'm simultaneously making fun of her performance and also It's the perfect performance for the perfect movie at the same time like i'm not making fun of the actress at all I would never want her to change a goddamn thing But it's still really funny to watch But then I think to myself, you know the the chronically offended that have accidentally made it all the way through this movie Must have a fucking aneurysm When it actually shows him and her on the on the farm Yeah, she gets out of the tent and for like no reason Other than it must be hot outside. She's wearing like this skimpy bodacious like and like and and just like like Sports illustrated swimsuit addition like like yes, exactly bikini I don't know if they didn't get a good tent with like good ventilation or what Or if she's just been like finally like the opportunity to wear my best bikini out in this farm in the middle of nowhere But it is just a very abrupt and very funny change. Hey, listen. She's hot. I'm not complaining I like the idea that Toxie is so upset about what he did and the potential moral implications Going against his own moral code that they say let's run away. Let's get out of town. Okay, great Out of town means let's go to that empty parking lot two blocks down and put a tent Where quote unquote no one's ever going to find us wink wink wink Right exactly. They had more security and and privacy at the fucking toxic waste dump Hey, listen now i'm realizing because you're putting the scene in context that she probably put that bikini on to cheer him up That's probably true I know what will cheer you up. Let's let me get on my best bikini And let's go wander around in the woods where I trip over every rock and stick And piece of grass Was it sexier to him to see her in the bikini? Or to watch her fumbling around trying to find it and put it on in the first place. I can only imagine the comic hijinks That happened when she tried to put that on I know I can't find shit when I move from what plays to another leo knows when he puts on his bikini It's a very funny experience for any of you that actually hear the air raid sirens go off. That's why Warning you once again. I'm out to shenanigans. It is illegal in massachusetts So We get to again this idea of that this movie is half a comedy and have very funny But it is also just fucking sweet and endearing And maybe i'm just a fucking loser But when it gets to the point in the movie Where the military is coming after toxy and the citizens Of tromaville are having these little meetings and they're talking and they're saying like hey, you know We don't really want the military to capture this monster or kill this monster We really like him. We really think he's done a great thing like I actually love the the two gay guys kind of run outside of their house And they're like we hope oh we hope that nobody hurts him. They make up joke of course He's big like you know You know like he's got a big dick but like but then one of them says I hope they don't hurt him And I actually really Find this part again not to use keep it over using the word, but so endearing Yeah, when the citizens of tromaville are like genuinely concerned for toxy's well-being And again, they have that scene that i've seen it in a million other movies and I hate it in every other movie But I like it in this movie which is the citizens all coming to his defense And you know forming that human wall of like if you in order to kill him you're gonna have to get through us first I don't know that always really charms me about this movie. I mean that I don't mean that ironically. I mean I genuinely um Brightened up by it Well, I think that's what we were talking about earlier where You have such a farce of a film and everything's so satirical and so over the top and then they do this I guess what would be a stereotype for any other film of this Nature where they all come together and crowd around and protect him from the bad guy That's always touching I think it's a little more touching when the movie is so strange around it You know what I mean? Like if you if you're in a standard, I don't know what it is superhero film anti-hero film Whatever where this sort of thing would happen you would expect that you know spider-man Just saved everybody on the train and now they all carry him in and they put his mask back on him and say We'll never tell who you are You get that rallying and you're like, okay, we expected that to happen in this movie That made me cry in spider-man too. That made me cry Toxic Avenger you don't expect that it's such a weird film and it's so over the top and it's so outrageous You don't expect such a touching tender moment to happen and actually Come off. Well, so people go. Oh shit. That happened. That's cool That's that's actually a wonderful comparison because the reason that moment works in spider-man too so well Is that he has is that peter parker has been treated so terribly? They they land they land the moment because they basically spent one and three quarters of a film Having peter parker just lose all the time like he was always in heaven. Yeah, everybody was angry at him You know, he loses in the first film like everybody You know just he's never really winning And so for the crowd to actually come to his defense towards the end of the second movie Just it it did like made me cry like really hard when I first saw the movie It really got to me and that's what impresses me so much about the toxic Avenger is that I I actually care about toxic. I actually do like it's not it's not ironic. It's not me making a joke I actually do care about him And I'm really really happy for him that he has a relationship with the idea. I'm happy that everybody Defends him And that's the weirdness but also the magic of this movie Again that it can be so fucking outrageous and so racist and so this and so bad and whatever you want to label on it That's all true. It is all of those things and then it comes together to this moment That you're like why the fuck is this here? How is there such a great? meaningful moment in this movie when it's been so absurd otherwise and I think that is a Strange dichotomy, but a wonderful balance that shows just how powerful this film is and how wonderful a movie it is All right, Leo yet again, you're exiting tromaville Please come again soon sign tears Tears because we will be back We will be back. It's always too short of a visit. It was always too short of a visit, but We will be back soon. Yeah, so my question for you is what do you think? In total about the toxic avenger That's the artsy way of saying it. I get that. Yes, john waters once said Uh, london sensor turned down a showing of pink flamingos stating We do not know how to deal with purposeful bad taste I think that is exactly how most people react to tromo movies. They just don't know how to deal with them And that's understandable because it's such a unique Movie it's such a unique experience and you said it perfectly before where there's nothing like this There's no other genre. There's no other Style that you can compare it to it is sincerely its own thing and you're either in or you're out There's no real other way around it I've watched the toxic avenger for the first time when I was a young man and I immediately fell in love with it Uh, not only did this introduce me to the world at the indie filmmaking and no budget cinema But the toxic avenger quickly became one of my favorite films the This is like If you asked a hormone-raged 14-year-old boy in the early 1980s who collects garbage pill kids to make up the most violent and sexual superhero story they could think of And then you made that movie with no budget lots of blood violence annuity added some racism and corruption and actively paid people to crank their acting up to a thousand in the most ridiculous matter possible I can't Put that in any other category. Troma's triumph of trash is unapologetically cruddy It's putrid. It's vulgar. It mutates into a tongue-in-cheek superhero spoof after all of that full of camp and fun And we've talked about superman Batman spider-man They're all iconic heroes that live up to larger than life mantras The toxic avenger will come in kick the doors off of those ideals stomp them into the ground until they're a bloody pulp Poking fun at film tropes from the time era 1980s in this case Uh, the insane nature of this film. It's like a car wreck on the highway That's hard to look away from the action is going to push boundaries of a film while being exciting to watch The humor is off the rails, but it had me thoroughly entertained throughout this movie is never boring I don't care what you think of it. It's at least that it's not boring And the plot might be very basic But the wild feel of the film kept it from folding in on itself And the toxic avenger perfectly captures the 80s in a hilariously brutal shocking self-aware satire This is trauma at its best The toxic avenger is a cool vigilante gem It's about a nerdy teen who has a little freak accident with toxic waste ends up being a superhero with a mop that literally cleans up the city It doesn't take itself seriously and that works and the more you try to take it seriously from anything this camp does The less you're going to enjoy it and the best thing you can do is just look for a superhero spoof a cinematic satire Or simply a good time put this movie on and enjoy There is so much that you said that I want to respond to so I love this movie with all of my toxic loving heart There is so much joy that I get watching this movie. It's not the hardest I laugh watching a trauma movie There are others that I find funnier Or there are others that I find more interesting or more weird But I think that the toxic avenger is probably the one that pulls it all together the best that just has the best balance and There is so much talent happening in this movie there are Really fun performances and there are two really great songs that have been written for this movie There is some really good camerawork. There is some great gore effects And there is just this wild and crazy sense of fun This way that Lloyd Kaufman understands that you just when you make a movie like this That when you're making an exploitation movie that you are filling it to the brim With gore and with jokes and with fun and with nudity And you are just getting in as much of it as you humanly can And so you are you're just like pumping it up. You're just like It's just every single scene is just dripping with as much social satire or his own like political things Because I do think these movies are political too. He's making fun of Richard Nixon and republicans and he's making fun of you know all sorts of different people that he makes fun of online Like he's not he's not apologetic about his politics He is making fun of people and that's i'm totally okay with that He is making a great film and he's doing a great job and it's very very very fun to watch There are Two things specifically that I want to comment on that you said so number one You mentioned the word Racism and I understand what you're saying because of course you have these like villains who are just like wretchedly You know like just wretchedly horrible people That are saying horrible things that are you know horrible things are coming out of their mouth And then of course they're just doing horrible things like again putting guns and babies faces and You know and that is like a part of the film is that you have these criminals that are doing these absolutely terrible things But what I want to say is that you and I have said this before in the show This movie has politically incorrect jokes And I think that people that enjoy politically incorrect jokes Need to start standing up for them and they need to stop pretending like There isn't somebody on the other side that isn't actively trying to censor them and get rid of them So There are people that don't like trauma films and some of them just don't like trauma films and they go okay great These aren't for me and they move on But then there are others who are actively trying to say that these politically incorrect jokes Don't belong in movies at all and I don't remember if I've told the story on this show But there is a there's an improv group that is near where I live that used to do a politically incorrect show And they got into a big fight because there were others in the company that Didn't like the show. They didn't like the the politically incorrect humor So the people that didn't like it the people that weren't a fan Said, you know, we don't want this show to be around and everybody defended the show saying well, you know The people that are going to that show, you know, they know what they're getting into. It's fine. They're they're consenting to it. They're signing up I said no, you don't understand. We don't want the show to exist We don't want people to have that option. They may not consent to going there They those things are racist and homophobic and they shouldn't exist at all And I got kind of caught in the middle of that and uh, I gave my opinion Which is I said that they didn't have the fucking right to tell other people Especially people in those communities what jokes they were allowed to like and not like And so I would like to see and i'm starting to see more of this You know a right around the time that politically incorrect humor really started to go downhill where people started really pushing back against it You started seeing comics Get attacked, but then also start they they started doing that kind of humor again and that the humor is coming back You may not like it. That's fine, but it is coming back Andrew shults people like that who like you know, sometimes I like Andrew shults sometimes I don't but he does that kind of humor And the reason that that matters is because quite frankly Lloyd coffins movies are full of that kind of humor They always have been and I love it and one of the reasons that I want us to cover these films and one of the reasons why You know like This actually is really well timed and we can talk about why in a moment I think If you like these films, you have to realize that you have to start standing up for them Because there are plenty of people that want to take them away and you just trying to sit there and say well I like my thing. You like your thing isn't actually enough. It's not actually enough so There was a recent article that came out about how the new toxic avenger the one that came out in 2023 Was is actually not being picked up by studios because nobody wants to touch it Because it's too weird. It's too out there. It's too strange I want to see this movie badly. I am all about I am all about a toxic avenger movie where peter dinklage is the toxic avenger And kevin bakin is the villain. I am in I am in for this But I don't know that we're ever going to see it And I understand that this is a movie that's been made for a very niche audience, but Niche audiences like show up. I mean 10 Terrifier 2 made 10 million dollars Made 10 million dollars and i'm sorry But that movie was gory as fucking shit that movie had a scene where a woman was tortured And honestly not to interrupt, but the fact that terrifier 2 exists When the independent all hellos eve was barely a thing on anyone's radar Right, but the fans and the people who love this shit backed it so hard that we got two movies out of it Exactly And that's the reason why damey leon is doing terivary three on his own. He's not doing any other Producer, you know, he's not like he's not having a big company run it because they'll never let him Kill Santa Claus, which is what's gonna happen. But anyway My point being Is that I don't believe for a second. It's the gore In the new toxic avenger movie. I think it's politically incorrect jokes And there's probably new to you and that's why people are freaking the fuck out And so we got to start defending this stuff and I I'm gonna buy my toxy iheart monster shirt proudly And i'm gonna really start making more of an effort because I think it matters I think it matters. I think this movie is just great And I want to end on one other thing too before I get off myself box You said that you shouldn't take the movie too seriously And I think that you'll agree with me on this my only slight disagreement is the movie So fucking sincere It's so sincere and so heartfelt And and that works for me so much and I would never want to lose any of that because god damn it Do I love toxy and sarah and i'm so glad it's a different actress and two and three and whatnot But i'm so glad that that character sticks around because I just adore the two of them It's a movie that's funny. It's a movie that's got great action. It's got some great gore It's just got some great heart to it. I fucking love the toxic venture with every ounce of my soul What are 10 out of 10 moms? What do you want? I don't know 10 moms I think you nailed my sentiments on that Precisely when you were talking about Terrifier And what we said about how it came to be and how the fans are into it And people needing to stand up for politically incorrect humor and the things that we love This is Potentially could be considered an exploitation movie Allah the black exploitation movies or other exploitation movies of that time Those movies are celebrated for this film everything that loy does is not And in a lot of ways There's same level. We need to take ourselves in check and be hey, if it's good here It's also good over here people are allowed to laugh at themselves So long as it's not hurtful or harmful to others, we're allowed to laugh at each other too And and actually this movies a really good one because of course the most controversial one is paltry guys That's the one that has always been considered the most controversial. We'll we'll cover it eventually But this movie actually has quite a few Jokes that are literally like at more at our expense because they have quite a few fat jokes in it And they have quite a few jokes about these these like gay guys that like, you know Kind of come a little closer to me and I think I think that one of the things that's important to understand here is that like I've never felt that Lloyd Kaufman had a fucking negative bone in his body We've talked about that before and that's where I was getting to with this exactly that point is You and I are at the butt of a lot of the jokes they make in these movies for two different reasons Maybe a couple of reasons depending on what part of our lives it hits Yeah, I'm a gym rat too Right and we've never once felt offended. We've never once felt hurt We've never once screamed to the rafters. That's unfair because we understand human beings Are ridiculous? creatures We all do stupid silly shit And it's okay to take a look at yourself ago. Oh god. That's funny that that's me. That's me. That's fucking funny It's okay to do that. It's okay to just have fun and have fun at your own expense once in a while It's not only that. I've never felt offended I've never felt anything but welcomed right other than the toxic waste and the Criminals that are trying to shoot babies. I think I would feel very welcome in tromaville. Sure As long as our we'd get superpowers eventually anyway So we're okay as long as the toxic Avengers there to protect us will be fine. Thank you all for listening to this episode Uh, it's been a fun string of covering some really like banger movies for the 13th part three and Freddy two and then uh the toxic Avenger So I'm forgetting first like what do we have next? What we have next is one of my absolute favorite moments in tv or cinema history We're going to watch the dark shadows movie house of dark shadows Nice. So after that, we are going to be covering a movie that I have recently fallen in love with It has a lot of hype around it And that's never good But regardless of the hype of how scary people think it is Set aside. I just think it's a really good movie, which is lake mongo And then i'm also because august is my birthday month choosing something that's near and dear to me in a whole different way this one is one of my Low shelf vhs rentals from back in the day That I haven't actually seen in a good 10 or more years We're going to watch hill night And because it's possible that house of dark shadows and lake mongo will require leo and I to think I picked a movie at the end of the month that will require us to not think at all But I think is really fun. I have no idea what leo thinks about this movie Uh, that is the resident evil movie from 2002 So you're welcome for that I know how many people are divided about that film great lineup coming up. I'm excited Uh, just a bunch of steven is excited for everything we have happening. All right, everybody have a good time Go check out a cut above uh their their episode on uh any of their they've done a ton a bunch of trauma movies Check out any of them But particularly check out paltry guys because that had their best guests and also check out toxic avenger Because they just covered the shit out of the movie. They covered it really well. Also Also, they had great guests on for luth of the geek. I recommend they uh, you know what they did That's also true. Yeah, that was there. I believe that is their fifth members if I remember correctly Right because they're gonna do a fifth member, but then they decided on two Yeah, they were like it's it's too much. Yeah, it was it was a whole thing about like you're both brilliant You're both, you know, like sex gods like we can't i thought they were overhyped honestly I I can't I don't know it's gonna take me a while to get into it But I'm sure they'll be great will include links of the show notes and you can just imagine how handsome they both are All right All right, everybody we'll see you next week Bye Toxic crusaders toxic crusader. I had no friends. No girls. It helped me too I got radio actively toxic crusaders toxic crusader I let it in the office of rims wheeled over a little bit private Oh Oh Now here the boys fight against law No where he is need for Hey, I'm sitting on top of the world With my mom to do with you Wow Oh ♪ Rosator's watching ♪ (upbeat music)