The Howie Carr Radio Network

Trump's PRE-buttal plus New Hampshire Senate Votes down Sanctuary City Law | 3.7.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie welcomes MA Senator Peter Durant to the show to discuss allowances for illegal aliens and what the few GOP members of the State House are doing to combat it. Then, Howie gets a call from New Hampshire Senator Bill Gannon with some good news: the Granite State senate passed anti-sanctuary city legislation. Apparently, Gov. Sununu is set to sign!

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08 Mar 2024
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We have the technology. But I don't want to spend a lot of money. Is the best Biden ever. And over 100 cutting-edge inspection machines. How big of a risk is it if he were to thumble to him? Not if, when. There's always in these moments a desire to focus on the distractions. Do's your... Rump swabs, hacks and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Car. 844-542, 42 in addition to live-tweeting or live-truth-socialing about the State of the Union tonight, President Trump has issued a pre-bottle. It's about three minutes long. We'll be... We're cutting that up right now. It's a pretty good pre-bottle, I must say. He lays it all out. Meanwhile, the national disaster of the open border, as you know, it's made every state a border state. I think every state was a border state anyway, but it's worse now. And it's just really crippling Massachusetts because Massachusetts has right to shelter, which means basically right to welfare for every illegal alien. And that's the way it's being interpreted anyway. House Democrats, this is Beacon Hill, voted yesterday to steer another quarter billion dollars. Another quarter billion dollars toward the overwhelmed emergency family shelter system while capping how long people can receive at services. Yeah, right, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Along the way, rejecting a Republican proposal to limit program eligibility. Ridiculous. All right, 844-542, 42 in just as a... Just to make it a little more palatable, apparently. It also makes permanent some pandemic error policies like takeout drink sales. I never understand. Are they going to, at the same time, if they're going to approve permanently takeout drinks, mixed drinks, are they going to repeal all the open container laws that are on the books? Or are they just going to just let these two conflicting statutes remain on the books? I don't understand, but that's kind of a sidebar to the main story. Joining us now is Senator Peter Durant, the new Republican state senator from Spencer. This is just another band-aid on this wound that we have festering on the body politic, isn't it, Senator? Well, thanks for having me on, Holly. I don't even know that I'd call it a band-aid. Of course, we're throwing, as you mentioned, another $250 million at this. But we now have, in addition to the cap of 7,500 families, which, of course, we've gone over and we're housing it. The cap is meaningless, too, isn't it? I mean, what does the cap mean? That it is. Yeah. Well, you know, and so now you have, now you say, well, we're going to limit this date until nine for nine months. But my question has always been, what happens on the day after that nine month period? Are you going to have constables coming by forcibly evicting everybody out of the hotels? And even if you do that, which is, I think, will turn into a pretty ugly situation. But even if you did that, you're just going to backfill them with the people that are at the other overflow shelters. So it's really nothing at all to me. This is just kind of a little bit of smoke and mirrors to say, we're doing something, which we're really not. Yeah. I mean, who's buying this? I'm just reading the story here. The bill caps most shelter stays at no longer than nine consecutive months compared to the current average day of 12, 13 to 14 months shelter residents who were employed or enrolled in a job training program could get another three months. I mean, enrolling in job training programs and just continuing to enroll. I mean, this is a scam to keep people on welfare going back at least to the Dukakis administration and probably further back than that. You know? And then you have a real application process for people who hit the limit. Listen to this. The bill would also automatically provide 12 continuous months of shelter for pregnant women, people with certain disabilities. And I'm sure that's a very, very lengthy list of certain disabilities. And thanks to a pair of amendments, veterans and people at, quote, imminent risk of domestic violence. That's another reason. That's another way they claim asylum down at the border, the imminent risk of domestic violence. So there are a million different loopholes to stay at the flop house getting a $64 worth of food a day. Am I right? Or am I wrong? Right. No, no, you're absolutely right. There's really nothing in this bill that makes you say, well, you know, at least we're taking a step forward here because we're really not. And you mentioned also how if you, you know, you get an extended stay if you're in a job training program. And one of the other parts is it's a smaller part of the bill that does bother me is that, you know, we're giving employers some tax breaks for employing them and training them. And while I don't, I don't, I don't fault the business owners who want to have those tax breaks and want to train. But now we're giving preference to my grants who come in over those citizens who may need that training instead. So there's really just a whole host of problems with this bill. And it's to me, again, it's to make it look like we're doing something when we're actually not. Right. I mean, I mean, who were they kidding? I mean, you know, last week, Ron Mariano, the state, the state house speaker, he admitted he said, we're on our own now. I mean, that was like, you know, kind of like reaching rock bottom and hitting you have a problem if you're in a 12 step program. But now this is more just enabling excuses, isn't it? Now the advocates are saying that, quote, capping shelter stays could put already vulnerable families at risk. I mean, this is like right out of the playbook. You know, you put them on welfare and it's, they call it transitional assistance, but then it's not really transitional assistance. It's permanent assistance. Well, you know what they're doing as well, how is this? This kicks the can down the road until after the election. And so we've done something, right? We've done something to try to take care of this problem. We're on our own, but we're solving this and coming up with solutions on our own and we'll figure it out after the election because after the election is when all of these programs will start to expire. And again, there'll be reasons why they can't be moved out. There'll be reasons why they have to have their stays extended. And as you mentioned, if you're an imminent harm, then, you know, that's just another reason to come in. So it's really, it's just something, again, we kick that can down the road. We'll get past the election and then nobody will remember that you should have voted the proper way when November comes around. When are candidates supposed to start taking out papers? I mean, this seems like a marvelous opportunity for Republicans. And I'm just looking at all these communities that voted heavily for Trump as opposed to the ones who voted heavily for Haley. And I mean, if you live in a community that voted, you know, basically with open primaries that voted 70, 80% for Trump, I mean, that's a good opportunity for a Republican candidate, isn't it? It is. And the papers are available now. And as a state rep seat, you only need 150 signatures. They think they're due, I think they're due to the town clerks in mid April, if I'm not mistaken. So you do have time to get them. And it's not too hard to get 150 signatures and get on the ballot. You got over a month. You got over a month to get them. Yeah. Yeah. And it's not really a too tough a hill to climb. Yeah. And this time around, there will be a Republican state committee that will actually maybe get you some support, unlike the last few election cycles, you know, before. You know, go ahead. Yesterday was a good day. We got a lot of people elected. We, you know, Amy. Carnivale has done a fantastic job there and bringing this all together and working hard for candidates and actually raising money for candidates instead of private investigators. And so we, you know, we have some good shots coming up here in November. And there's a lot of open seats that are coming up as well. You know, I know it can be, it can be kind of daunting. Sometimes take on an opponent who's an incumbent, but we've got some open seats that are coming up and we expect more of them as we get through this cycle. Yeah. And I tweeted out the stories from the Springfield paper showing the cities and towns where Trump did best. And, you know, you're not going to be surprised to learn, Peter. You may have already figured it out. But the places where they have these so-called migrant shelters, they voted extremely high rates for Trump, you know, because they've seen the devastation. And this is, again, this is not just an opportunity for congressional and presidential candidates. This is an opportunity for legislative candidates, I would think. It is. It is 100%. And you're right. Those communities that are seeing that again, we saw it in the special election that occurred last November 4th. Even Democrats who are upset that, you know, we're spending all this money on these migrants coming in. We should be spending this money on those people who are citizens, the people who need it. And our fellow residents in the community who are in need. And that's not what we're doing. So you're absolutely right. You're seeing those communities that are forced to kind of live with this and they're making their voice known. And, again, I think we've got to see that happen in November as well. 844-500-4242-844-542-442-442. Peter Durant, if people want to get in touch with you or your campaign because you are seeking another term in the fall, where can they go to get in touch with you or to see your program or what you're doing? Yeah, we'd love to have the help. It's at and we'd love to have them sign in and help out the campaign. Thank you, Senator Durant, and keep us informed about what's going on. It's not really positive news most days, but we need to know what's going on just to see what's happening. Thank you. 844-500-4242, I'm how we car. Did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy, and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug? I call it a dog. How he still finds time to write three columns a week? Oh, wow. Read his latest at He's howiecar, and he's back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Balance 7. Stop procrastinating and get your energy back. New customers can save 20% and get free shipping at with code Howie. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which of Joe Biden's State of the Union references are you going to find the most irritating? Snickers bars, the last guy/my predecessor, bragging about millions of new jobs, blaming the GOP for the border, pay your fair share, or inflation is down. Blamey the GOP for the border. 60% say blaming the GOP for the border, 13% say inflation is down, and 10% say the last guy/my predecessor. Alright, the more I think about the more I hope Marjorie Taylor Greene yells, say her name. She is from Georgia, like Lake and Riley, and she's the only one that would probably do it. Put it out there, you know? I mean, it's good that the Republicans got it through the bill, through the house today. Not that it'll be mentioned on any of the network newscasts, but increasingly, who even the people in the nursing homes are watching the network newscasts. Alright, 844-542, so the State of the Union is tonight at 9 o'clock, and the President Trump is going to tweet, is going to tweet live, tweet it, or live truth, social it. But he also, just about an hour ago, issued a taped pre-bottle, and it's pretty good, I think. I just read the transcript, so we cut it up, it runs about three minutes, we'll cut it up into segments of about a minute apiece. But anyway, this is President Trump's pre-bottle to the State of the Union address tonight, which is about two and a half hours away. Cut 17. Joe Biden is on the run from his record, and lying like crazy to try and escape accountability for the horrific devastation he and his party have created, all the while they continue, the very policies that are causing this horror show to go. We cannot take it any longer as a country. Joe Biden said, excuse for a State of the Union address aside, here are the facts. When I left office, we gave Joe Biden the most secure border in U.S. history. We gave him, remain in Mexico, very tough to get, but I got it. Safe third agreements, the asylum ban, Title 42, 571 miles of border wall, rapid deportations, and much more. We had the safest border in the history of our country. As soon as he got in, crooked Joe and his radical left lunatics deliberately dismantled each and every one of those policies that were so good, that gave us this best border. According to Tom Holman, according to Brandon Judd, the top people, they said it was the single best border we've ever had in recorded history. Do you want to fact check that? Anything there that's not true? No. Cut 18. It continues. What's happened now is a horror show. The country, our country, is being left at all over the world. Over the past three years, Biden has actively aided and abetted the importation of millions and millions of illegal alien migrants and resettled them into your community. At any time during the past three years, crooked Joe Biden, and he is crooked as you can be, and the most incompetent president we've ever had, could have called off the invasion. But to this day, he is keeping the hordes of illegal migrants and illegal aliens pouring into the country. By the time his term is up, we can have close to 20 million people in our country, and we have no idea from where they come. We have no idea who they are. They have no identification. Many come from mental institutions. Many come from prisons. They're terrorists. We have a calamity, the likes of which we've never seen before. And if he were in the White House, none of this would have happened. None of this would have happened. Laken Riley, and God only knows how many others would still be alive today, because the thugs and the terrorists from the third world with the tattoos on their necks, and they're carrying fentanyl and machetes into the country, they would be somewhere in their third world hellholes, where they belong. We get to the final cut when we come back, 844-542-844-542, if you want to talk about the pre-bottle that you just heard or what's coming up now. Again, the advocates here in Massachusetts, they're going from the playbook. All these services are being provided for the foreign freeloaders, and now they're running out of money, and it's a terrible thing. Like they set up a new system for a new center for allowing illegal aliens to get driver's licenses in Framingham. Well, now it's going to be shut down. Road test site helping immigrants get driver's licenses, closes. Advocates wanted reopened. Advocates wanted reopened. Boston Globe headline this morning. Booding families from emergency shelter is no solution. So we just have to turn the entire state into a flop house forever, until the last person who works for a living leaves. What happens then? 844-542-42, I'm Howie Carr. I can't remember crazier times in my lifetime. Now more than ever, expect the unexpected with ReadyWise. Always be prepared. At ReadyWise, their mission is to bring peace of mind to their consumers by offering high-quality food and gear at a reasonable price. ReadyWise relentlessly pursues solutions to help you be prepared. Go to, enter code Howie20 at checkout and receive 20% off your purchase, or call 895-Ready to speak with an actual person. That's [Music] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-42-42, we just played about two-thirds of the pre-bottle by Donald J. Trump to the State of the Union, addressed tonight by Brandon. And he put this out about an hour ago, and again he's going to be live tweeting, I guess, during the speech or live truth socialing. And this is the final part of his pre-bottle to the State of the Union, Donald Trump, cut 19. The very first bill Joe Biden sent to Congress was a plan to turn illegal aliens into voting citizens. That's just what we need. No matter what Crooked Joe says, his actions prove his priority is to import a colossal new illegal alien population and let them all stay. My priority is securing our border, and sending Crooked Joe's illegals back home. Likewise, the side of a feeble Joe Biden talking about shrinkflation, the term he uses, is one of the most ridiculous things his country has ever seen. Shrinkflation is just another way of saying inflation. It means that you're losing a lot of money because these people don't know what they're doing. It was all caused by Crooked Joe Biden and the people that surround him. And there are radical left, larksists and fascists and communists and socialists. We have people running our country, the likes of which we have never seen before. He and the communists and his party looted trillions of dollars from you and spent it on illegal aliens and the green new scam, triggering the highest inflation in many, many decades. If your packages are getting smaller, that's the reason why under my leadership, there was no inflation. We had the greatest economy in the history of the world. It's time to tell Crooked Joe Biden you're fired. He's so right about shrinkflation and inflation. It's so great to see it called out for what it is. Who does he think is causing them to have to shrink the size of their packages? It's funny too, this shrinkflation, it's been going on for 30, 40 years. The manufacturers are always trying to shrink the product if they think they can get away with it, but it's gotten out of control in the last three years. Currently, as soon as Donald Trump was not in office anymore, all the corporations started providing smaller packages or less, less product in their packaging. Why did Donald Trump keep everything under control? Kind of like gas prices. How come big oil only decided to start jacking up the price of gasoline and fuel oil and diesel fuel and propane? Why did that only start when Joe Biden became president? The Donald Trump was the president of the evil greedy capitalists and Joe Biden represented the working man, yet the inflation has been out of control under Joe Biden, not under Donald Trump. A lot of people coming up now, barely even who are 20 years old, they weren't paying attention when they were young teenagers. They can barely remember. They didn't know what inflation was. They didn't live through it like those of us who were older, lived through it in the 70s and the early 80s under the disastrous Jimmy Carter administration. 844-542-4239. Why does President Trump and the GOP keep calling out Biden? Biden will soon be replaced and Dems will shift all blame to Biden, giving them an out. Blame must be diverted fast to the entire Democrat party and whoever it is actually running the White House and destroying us. Everyone knows Biden is in no way running the show, but you always need a front man, whether it's take credit or take blame. And again, you're right, we have all these faceless leftists or as President Trump was just calling them communists. And I don't think that's an understatement. They're the ones who are behind this. But he's the guy who's in front. You know what he may actually still be there because he won't go. And how do you get rid of a guy who won't go. 844-542-844-542. So they're really going after this guy, Mark Robinson. I don't know if you know who he is. He's the lieutenant governor of North Carolina. And he's one of these guys for a new era of politicians. He's a guy who was unknown until he went viral, as they say. He appeared at a meeting of the Greensboro, North Carolina City Councilies from Greensboro when they were talking about gun control. And he made such an impassioned plea and oration in defense of the Second Amendment that he was picked to run as the candidate for the lieutenant governor on the Republican ticket. And they elect the governor and lieutenant governor separately in North Carolina, unlike Massachusetts. And so Roy Cooper was reelected as governor of the Democrat, but he's term limited in. And so Robinson was elected as the lieutenant governor. Now he was selected in the primary to be the Republican candidate for governor in North Carolina. I would say he's a favorite. And all they hate him. The Libs hate him. 844-542-42. We'll play some stuff from him in just a moment. They're already trying to dust him up. He's a boy. He's going to be great. I hope we've tried to get him on in the past. He lives in the same city. Greensboro is my brother. I don't think my brother knows him, but I'd love to get the guy on. Joining us now in the line is Senator Bill Gannon from New Hampshire. Go ahead, Senator. Hi, how are you doing? I just wanted to know we did good things, good more reasons for people to move to New Hampshire. We just passed in the Senate, anti-sanctuary city legislation, and we got mandatory sentencing for death resulting from fentanyl sales and just general fentanyl sales. As opposed to the Democrats who had opposite bills on everything we had, and we defeated them on all of them. So, good news from the North. You just have to copy a step. Will Sununu sign the legislation, though? He will. Yep. Before I wrote all three bills, I worked with his people. We got stuff and he will sign all three. So, just get to get him through the House. Our House is rather tight. They're almost identical in numbers. It's almost 200 to 200. So, if we can turn out enough Republicans on a good day in the House, we'll ask everything and the Governor's already said it's fine. So, it's not a bad day. You have to do everything first, though. Next meeting. I know. I know. One step at a time, one day at a time, and also one election at a time, and it's very important to prevent the governorship from being turned over to the Democrats. Sure. No, no. We'll win. We have two good candidates, either Ayat or Chuck Moore, so both good people. They're good, solid Republicans, and who are also against sanctuary cities. You would have thought the world was going to end. I introduced the bill, and we let seven Democrats speak after me for an hour. Boy, they thought it was the end of the world that they were comparing it to World War II. With Hitler, they were comparing it to slavery. And the simple legislation was just, if police officers are arresting someone, and they find out there's an outstanding container warrant for them, just make one phone call to the feds, see if they want to pick them up. And they thought that was the end of the world. We do have sanctuary cities in Lebanon, Hanover, and two other cities that they call them welcome initiatives. And it's really just telling the police that if you cooperate with the federal government in ICE or Homeland or anyone else, you could lose your job. So we have to make sure that those towns are rained in. I like the way they always say, you know, we need the cooperation of the community. I mean, do you think that the community of illegal aliens wants to be terrorized by these illegal aliens, or do you think they'd like them taken out of the general population? I've never understood that argument. My Democrat counterparts have scared, like, the Brazilian community in Nashville that they're going to come after you. And we actually, if you cooperate with the feds or the local police in getting a bad actor or criminal reported, there's processes now in this bill that it'll help you become an American citizen if you cooperate. So the bills are very, you know, they're not doing anything bad, but the other side wants to sell them that we're all racist. And we welcome legal immigrants. We welcome anyone who's here legally. It's just if you come illegally, you've started off on the bad foot. And then if you continue by breaking a state law and getting arrested, and then we've done the third step, they see that there's a detainer by the feds for you. We think it's all you have to do as the local, you know, police chief is make one phone call and see if the feds want to pick them up. Well, look what the anyway, that was Florida. It's great. Yeah, down in Florida. I had a bunch of people that got washed away. Yeah, it's good. You know, 37 Democrats in the house today in the U.S. House voted with the Republicans to pass this legislation to allow ICE to detain illegal aliens who are arrested in charge. With theft, which they call a nonviolent crime. So, you know, I mean that that illegal alien who killed allegedly, uh, Laken Riley. I mean, he was he engaged in the nonviolent crime of theft as well as many other crimes. And so today, 37 Democrats voted with the Republicans. And again, some of them are people who are concerned about their own reelection bids or moving up to the Senate. One of the Democrats who voted was Chris Pappas. We've had our own problems in New Hampshire. We had an in rye in the fall. There was a mass murderer from Brazil. Yeah, 11. 11 murders. Yeah. Yeah. And the other thing, they would ignore that under the towns that have sanctuary city policies. They'd let the person right out. They wouldn't look into it at all. They wouldn't make that phone call to the feds. We have to stop that. Yeah, it's it's ridiculous. It's just so out of control. All right, Senator Bill Gannon, thanks for getting that legislation through. And good luck in the house of representatives. 844-542-508 says that texture was spot on. We need to talk less about Biden and more about the Democrat party as a whole. You need a front man, though, whether it's for good or for evil. You need a, you need a bill, a comic book villain or a comic book hero, you know, a guy on a white horse or a guy wearing a black hat. That's who's running the country, the Democrats. I call, though I do call him the Biden clan just to be sure his name is in there. And Justin from Boyle's Body Works says, I'm glad that Trump called them communists because that's what they are. It is good. I mean, yeah, why, why not call them communists? They're acting like communists, but you know, they can't, they can't deny what they're doing. And it's the, it's, it's from the red playbook. 844-542-844-542-542-542. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show. The emperor of hate, Howie Carr, is back. By the way, we sold out of the eating pure vacuum cleaners, but if you go to and click on store, you can still get a lot of great deals, including our merch madness sale going on right now. All of our T-shirts, $5 off and I'm wearing one right now, cheaper to deport than support. I'm holding standing up right now. It's got to see the dollar sign for support. You get $5 off any of our T-shirts or and you can get $5 off my book, Paper Boy, Read All About It. All you got to do when you check out at the store is put in March as your code, March, and you'll get $5 off your purchase. It's our merch madness sale. 844-542-542-Vents, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Vince. Hey, Howie, appreciate your efforts. I was curious about the total vote count in the Super Tuesday in Massachusetts, so what I did was I added up the votes that Haley got and I added the votes that Trump got. And then I compared them to the total number of votes that Biden got. And believe it or not, there were more votes cast for the Republican side than the Democrat side. It was like 540,000 to 528,000 if the numbers I found were correct. I thought to myself, I said, geez, is the state starting to have a pulse? I don't know. That would be a nice way to look at it, Vince. I'm not sure that that really applies, though, because again, it's an open primary state. And as people have become familiar with the way the law works that you can vote in either primary if you're so-called unenrolled or independent, it's up to 64% now if people are unenrolled in the state. And under 9% are Republicans. And so that totally leaves you about 27% are Democrats. So the action, the excitement, such as it was, was on the Republican side, Vince. So I would assume that most of the vast, not the vast, but the great majority of people voting in the Republican primary were unenrolled. I don't know how they'll vote in the fall. But I think there is a lot of anger out there. I don't know how it's going to translate. A lot depends on how well organized the Republicans are locally. 2010, after Scott Brown was elected and there was a lot of anger about Obamacare, people losing their health insurance policies, and the Republicans in the Massachusetts House went from 16 members to 32 members. Now, I don't know if that, if they could double their numbers again, they're like at 27 or 28 now. But, I mean, don't you send some anger out there in the cities and towns? I do. I mean, you know, all running, it's like, you know, you look at Warren and she gets, you know, 80, 70, some percent of the vote. I can't find a single person that likes her. You know, I mean, and, you know, so I've always questioned where the numbers are coming from. But I guess, you know, to my point of this discussion is if Haley wasn't in it, we're with the 200 and something thousand votes that, you know, go and yeah. Yeah. I mean, this is the point that all the sort of the Rhino publications and the Murdoch organizations that, you know, that support her are making, which is that all those Haley votes are not, are not going to vote for Trump. And I'm not sure that's true, but are they going to vote the other side of that question is, are they going to vote for Biden? I mean, Biden has been such a disaster. You know, you have these huge swaths of the Democrat electorate, you know, young black men, especially Hispanics of all age groups. They're just, they're checked out of the Democrat party because they're suffering the double whammy of inflation and illegal aliens and just coming into their neighborhoods, their towns, the crime, destroying the schools. Look at the city of Chicago and the anger, the city counselors, Democrat city counselors from the black wards. Some of them sound like Trump supporters talking about the illegal aliens coming in and ruining their communities. I don't know how it translates. That's a good question. I mean, where do those, where do those 200,000 Nikki Haley voters go in November? I hate to say it in Massachusetts. I suspect, and look at the towns they're coming from, all these rich communities. They have to write a column about the breakdown of where the Trump and Haley voters came from. They have to write that column for Sunday. I'm Howie Carr. (upbeat music)