The Howie Carr Radio Network

Scarborough calls Joe "cogent." Watch the SOTU and decide for yourself. | 3.7.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie gears up for the State of the Union tonight, knowing full well Joe may require a little "help" from Dr. Feelgood before he heads on stage.

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07 Mar 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space, there are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code HAWAY3. Better strap yourself in, it's time for the Howie Car Show. President Biden has to take back the narrative that he has been inactive around this issue. Make it clear that he understands this is a problem, he's not sticking his head in the sand on it, and that he has solutions, but the reason those solutions haven't moved forward is because Donald Trump- Hey buddy's always blaming me for everything. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. He's far beyond cogent. Start your tape right now, 'cause I'm about to tell you the truth, and FU, if you can't handle the truth. You can see mother with that man? This version of Biden, we can rebuild it. We have the technology, but don't want to spend a lot of money, is the best Biden ever. And over 100 cutting-edge inspection machines. How big of a risk is it if he were to stumble today? Not if, when. There's always in these moments a desire to focus on the distractions. Do's your rump swabs, hacks and moonbaats beware. It's... Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show 844-542-844-542-442. That's the number to call if you'd like to be on the show today or leave a message on the Chumpline. If you want to do that, leave a message on the Chumpline. Press 2 when you dial and you may or may not hear your message a couple hours from now. So tonight is the state of the Union address at 9 p.m. Eastern time. And, you know, I was just thinking about it today, that the state of the Union, when Joe Biden is president, this is the address, is kind of like going to a NASCAR race. You're there for to see a crash. You know, you just want to see how bad it's going to be. Stuggling. Is he going to catch fire? Is he going to spin into the pit? But then I thought to myself, it's kind of like habits have changed, like everything else. No one watches the late night comedy shows, not just because there's no comedy, but also because they could just see it in the morning. If anything, if anything good happens on that rarest of occasions, it'll be on social media. If he does do a header while he's trying to walk, we'll see it soon enough. Who has got the stamina even for a Brandon 30 minutes stem winder? No one's no one's going to be watching it. I don't think on the other hand, you know, I was thinking back and I believe the house chamber has a slight incline going down. And he doesn't do well on inclines, either going up or coming down. Obviously going up is more difficult than walking down. But if you have balance problems, you don't want to be on any kind of sloping surface. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. So I don't, but I'm not, it's not worth watching it. I thought about making that the poll question. Will you be watching the state of the Union? I was going to have three options. No, yes. The third would be yes. I'm saying that, but I'm really not going to be. I'm lying. So that's, that's, I don't, I'm not going to be watching, but I will, we'll be, we'll be recording it. And, and, you know, the great thing is, not like the old days when somebody had to like actually, you know, record it and then cut it together. We can, we can do this pretty easily in the morning. And I don't know. It's, it's just, there's so many other things to do. There's, you know, the, you know, the old song, 57 channels and there's nothing on. Well, now there's, now there's infinite numbers of channels and there is something on whatever you want to, you, you too, just you too, but by itself, there's some, there's always something on and it's better than the state of the Union. Especially with the chattering skulls afterwards. You already know what they're going to say. But this is the greatest speech of all. You heard, you're Joe Scarborough just now there. You know, he, he is, he, you know, Joe Biden is so smart. He puts, he puts Abraham Lincoln and George Washington together in the outhouse. That's how good he is. He's, he's the, he's a better order than Winston Churchill. He's a better order than he's, he's better than Moses when he came down with the, with the tablets, the 10 commandments. He's apt comparison. Moses was a stutterer too. Was he? Yes, he was. I did not know that. I did not know that. Did, did Moses like to sniff young girls hairs? Dare do we? No, he burning bushes. Okay. Okay. That it was one of Moses sons of bag man for him. I think we're bordering on heresy now. I'm just asking you, you could, you're the one who started this. Who you said Moses. Eight, but you're the one who brought up that he had a stutter. Okay. So I'm looking for other, other similarities. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, the state of the Union rough, the state of POTUS gone. Go get him. These are facts. Check them out. Wonder if the ghost is going to be there tonight for him to shake hands with after he finishes his speech. And then of course, there's, there's the old, uh, the, the old gallery routine, you know, that was, that worked when Ronald Reagan started it, but that was more than 40 years ago now. It's gotten to be a bit of a cliche. And then all the promises that they make it's, uh, I don't know, not for, not for me. We'll talk about it tomorrow and feel free to, you know, feel free to, you know, think less of me for not watching it, but I, you know, that's the way it is. Are you going to watch it Taylor? Yeah, probably. Really? Yeah. We were talking about this, this morning over breakfast and we heard on the news what time it started. And even my wife said nine o'clock. I'm not going to stay up to nine o'clock just to watch the beginning of this thing. I'm with Joe. I don't want to be up that late. But there's so much other thing. There's so many other things to amuse yourselves with ourselves with. Anyway, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. So Joe's, you got to, you got to listen to this Joe Scarborough cut about the, I mean, this is open and gross bum-kissing. This is fluid and lascivious, rear end smooching. This is unsafe. I guess you can't call them a journalist. This is unsafe broadcast. This, this, this is how diseases, sexually transmitted diseases get passed by saying things like this. Cut four. But comparing that guy's mental state, I've said it for years now. He's cogent. He's cogent. But I understood him when I said he was cogent. He's far beyond cogent. In fact, I think he's better than he's ever been intellectually, analytically, analytic, because he's been around for 50 years. And, you know, I don't know if people know this or not. Biden used to be a hot hat. Sometimes that Irishman would get in front of the reasoning. Sometimes he would say things he didn't want to say. This is, and, and, and, now we can't say anything. You know what? They don't really, cut, start your tape right now, because I'm about to tell you the truth. An F.U. if you can't handle the truth. This version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second. And I've known him for years, the presentees have known him for 50 years. If it weren't the truth, I wouldn't say it. And I may be Irish, but I'm not stupid. Me thinks he does protest too much. You know, one of the, this is just another tell. You know, when someone tells you they're telling you the truth, you can generally figure they're not telling you the truth. It's like when Biden says not a joke. It is a joke. God's truth. Or my word is a Biden. All right. 844 542 42 508. Congressman Seth Moulton bringing a Ukraine refugee, typical Massachusetts hack. Oh, a Ukrainian refugee. That's great. Thanks. Thanks for doing that. 844 542. 844 542. March is here and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier three pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code how we three. He uses them in both his home and office, and he also buys them as gifts. 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And she uses the the bathroom downstairs and she eats downstairs and she's she's getting on in years. So it's tougher for her to get her get up and down the stairs, but she's like Brandon. Yeah. Well, she's not that old, but she's she does make a mess of her now and then and it tends to smell. So that's when the Eden pure really comes in handy, cleans up the smells while we clean up the actual mess. So it's it's not as bad as it could be. Back in stock now, the Eden pure order now at Eden, pure use code how we three. That's the number three and get yours now. That's Eden pure code how we three. I'm how we go get him. The homey car show will be right back. The emperor of hate. Holy car is back. Just looking on the internet from PJ Media, the headline is can doctor feel good save Biden's state of the union address? You know, the doctor feel good can make some people feel better, but he's not a he's not God. You know, he's not he can't perform miracles. And every time I see Biden go out there and he you know, he seems coherent or cogent for one and a half, two minutes, three minutes, and then he just falls apart totally. I keep thinking they got to be giving him stronger and stronger doses of whatever they're giving him. And I'd love to know what they're giving him, not because I'm a physician or a pharmacologist. I just I'm just curious as to as to what you do when you're when you're faced with someone with that kind of dementia, that kind of brain deterioration with all due respect to morning Joe, of course. Today's poll question is brought to you by balance seven. Stop procrastinating and get your energy back. New customers can save 20% and get free shipping at balance seven dot com with code howie. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far today's poll question, which you can vote in at is which of the state of the union Biden references will irritate you the most Snickers bars, last guy or my predecessor, meaning Trump bragging about millions of new jobs, blaming the GOP for the border fiasco. Pay your fair share or inflation is down. They all have their blood pressure raising points like pay your fair share when his son has been indicted for income tax evasion and just failure to file tax returns at all. But I'm going to vote for blaming the GOP for the border. 62% say blaming the GOP for the border. A 15% say inflation is down and 9% say the last guy or my predecessor or my professor. Yeah, right. Yeah, I don't think he's going to mention McDonald's or Wi-Fi this time around. He doesn't mention Wi-Fi because people will be reminded of how much the prices have gone up at McDonald's. I actually got a note from my brother. I give him a $100 gift card. I think for Christmas for McDonald's because he likes to walk there. He lives close to McDonald's gifts and some exercise. It had to happen, he wrote. The McDonald's egg biscuit went from $159 to $229, but inflation is down. Remember that? He said, so I switched to a chocolate chip cookie, 99 cents. A plain biscuit is now 199 exclamation point. That's better than the 549 hash browns though in Connecticut. 844, 542, 42, 207. I wonder if Biden is going to go on and on about where, when, and how a bow died during the state of the union. That's more of an ad lib, I think the bow reference. But again, I think he's under strict orders not to veer off whatever's on the teleprompter. As we all know, he likes to follow orders. I get into the trouble if I answer these questions. John, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, John. Hello, Howie. I've got two questions for you. Yes. Who are the gutless knuckleheads in the Republican party who pick who is responsible for giving the rebuttal or response to the state of the union and how in the world could it be anyone other than Donald J. Trump? Well, I don't think Donald J. Trump wants to give the response per star. That would be my answer to that question. He's doing his own play-by-play response. Do we know where that's going to be today, tonight, Taylor, by the way, on truth? Okay. So he's just going to basically tweet. Right. He's going to be live. He calls it. It's truth social, but it's just a version of truth. The other thing is, I don't know, John, I would think probably it would be the Republican National Committee, wouldn't you think? I don't know, but whoever it seems like Katie Brett is a, she's the new senator from Alabama. She took Shelby's place and she used to be an aide. She's a congressional. She's, you know, she's going up the Paul Ryan and the Mitch McConnell way. You know, you used to be an aide, then you're a congressman, then you're a senator. In her case, she was an aide and then she became a senator. So this seems like something Ronah McDaniel would, Ronah McDaniel would do on her way out the door, doesn't it? Exactly. And who wants to hear what she has to say? I want to hear what Donald has to say, and I think it would be awesome to get the equal time and just rebut everything. You know what? I don't, the networks hate him so much. I doubt they would even allow him to do that. I mean, especially the cable networks, which are technically regulated by the FCC. They, you know, they cut out of his, they keep cutting out of his victory speeches. We can't, we can't allow this lying to go on. They're going to allow plenty of lying tonight with Joe Biden on all the subjects we just outlined, but they can't, they can't allow Trump to do anything. That's a good question, though, John. I don't know who picks Katie Brett as the, as the responder. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Most important qualification is she's a woman. I think, can we all agree on that? And she's not a bad looking woman either. Matt, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Matt. Yes, Howie. How are you doing today? Good. Well, I tell you, I'm from Portland, Maine, and I know you're from that area. Yes. And I, I just have a question. I've come to the conclusion that, well, I've always heard how we have the greatest government on, on the planet. And I don't, I have trouble believing that anymore based on Joe Biden getting into office. And they keep saying he's violating the Constitution and all the other laws. And there's nothing done about it. And now seven to 10 million people have come in the country illegally. And here comes the cost, the crime. It's, it's devastating. But how can this government be so great and can't stop that when it starts happening? Well, the government doesn't want to stop that, Matt. The government is, is promoting it. You know, it just came out a couple of days ago that the, the government has flown in more than 300,000 illegal aliens from outside the country and into the country. I mean, how absurd is that? They're, they're flying, they're flying foreigners, unskilled, non-English speaking foreigners into the country to go on welfare. What kind of country does that? You're right. I mean, this is not the kind of country that, that we grew up in. I mean, even, even Democrats were, they, you know, you might disagree with them and they might have some silly policies, but they wouldn't do anything to, to damage the country like, like this is. And, and again, that's why I find it so exasperating that, you know, he's going to blame the Republicans. We have a bipartisan bill and it would shrink, it would make the border stronger than it's ever been before. The border was plenty strong when you took over. I mean, it wasn't great. Some of, some of them were still getting in. We still had millions on welfare committing crimes, but now we have tens of millions coming here. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, five-oh-eight. Tell that guy to back off Katie Britt is hot. She's definitely the hottest, hottest looking Republican, I think, in the Senate. Maybe even in the House, too. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two officer Mark says, I'm guessing that Biden will be arm in arm with Dr. Jill as he walks to the podium. I think a better arm in arm mate would be Dr. Feelgood. As a precaution, all sandbags have been removed from the entire Capitol building. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, nine, nine, one, seven. All those people insulting Katie Britt should Google a photograph of her husband. He does not look like a guy you want to upset. She's, again, I think she's there because she's a woman. She's young by congressional standards certainly. And she's not bad looking at all. So that's it. You know, I think what I'll rather see Trump though giving it directly. But, but again, he's going to be giving a play-by-play. So if he's going to be doing the play-by-play, we don't need him to do the post-game show either, do we? All right, time now for Grace with the news. Yes, Howie, the NYPD during a portion of an interview with NBC revealed it was the transit chief Michael Tempere. He said the police arrest people who have 50-plus arrests, 100-plus arrests all the time. And in a different interview with Fox 5 Mayor Eric Adams did, the city has a recidivism crisis where a small amount of people who have assaulted transit workers or shoplifting have committed a large number of crimes. This is from Breitbart and it actually comes on the heels of the story that Fox and other places have been reporting today. Howie about the National Guard. Yeah, I'm going to hold up the front page of the New York Post so people could see this. Yeah, give people a little rundown of it so they know what I'm talking about. Boots underground and the headline is, "Governor dispatches 1000 National Guard and cops to battle subway crime way, the surge, crime surge." You know, I was thinking of myself, Grace, that, you know, I'm so old, I can remember that they had, they had a group that could handle crime in the subways on the streets. I remember this back to the 1960s being at the New York World's Fair. You know what it was called? What? The NYPD. They didn't need to bring in the National Guard. Glory days. But there's so much crime, there's so much crime that they're going to start, they're going to start checking bags. And of course, my first thought when they said, we're going to start checking bags of people coming in here. Only for citizens or do illegal aliens get their bags checked to I doubt illegal aliens get their bags checked. And the illegal aliens, so many of them have stolen goods because they're running all these, these street shoplifting and mugging gangs, not just in Manhattan, but in all the boroughs. Yeah. One of the chirens I saw today was, was drawing that same comparison and saying, you know, we've gone from defunding the police to now, you know, deploying the National Guard in the subway systems in New York. And the other part of it, how that I find kind of amazing, is that in, in a similar fashion to the way the Biden administration has handled the border, they look at us now and they go, Oh, we're trying our best. We're trying our best. Well, if maybe if it didn't take you three years to acknowledge there was a problem to begin with, then it wouldn't have gotten this bad. Because if you think back to AOC and these other New Yorkers, at one point, they were telling us that it was blown out of proportion and that, you know, just bring a soda on the subway with you and, you know, tip it over to distract someone who might be bothering you. And, you know, really, there's nothing to worry about with crime in the subway. There was a lot of gaslighting when it came to public transportation in New York. How about when when Biden talks about how the border, the border bill was, well, the bipartisan border bill will make everything great and it'll be the strongest border we've had in decades. How about Trump says, Joe apparently never heard the old truism. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Yeah, they were bragging about how much they were fixing it in the beginning. So they had kind of like three stages to this process. They started off by reversing all of Trump's policies and going on TV and, you know, taking a victory lap on we before before that, you had Joe Biden during the campaign saying, when I'm elected, you can surge the border. Yeah. So that'll be the first stage. First stage is I'm going to have everyone surge the border. Second stage is we're reversing all Trump's policies. Third stage is just complete denial. Everything's fine. The border is secure. There's nothing to see here. And the fourth stage is we're doing all we can. It's the Republicans' fault. And people really have to be out to lunch if they're going to buy this. I don't think people will. I don't even think liberals are going to buy that tonight. And you know, the thing is too, they're talking about these planes that are bringing in the 320,000 people at just last year alone, 2023. But this has been going on for a while too. How many stories has the New York Post wrote a written about all these midnight flights into the White Plains airport? Yeah, I was thinking that, Howie, because the stories I've read about the app at CBP one. And it's just what you said. It's allowing people to enter the country illegally via flights as opposed to having to cross the border. But a lot of the information coming out of it is 2023. And I was thinking I was like, those flights that Peter Ducey was asking Jen Psaki about, that was, that was closer to 2021, 2022. It was definitely 2021. And her response in typical cutesy fashion, she said, well, it's not the middle of the night. And he said, okay, like four in the morning, God, are we gonna, you know, fight over that? It's not technically the middle of the night. It's it's early morning. But you're right, it's been going on for a long time. And there was a lot of people in New York in those airports who were actually speaking to reporters about it. They were tipping them off. That's how the, that's how the New York Post was getting all the pictures of them. They'd say there's another flight coming in. The post would have somebody there to take a picture of it. Yeah. Another person in the news, Howie today is John Kerry. He's making waves on a Wednesday broadcast of NPR. He's making waves. He's a wind surfer. This is good if he's making waves. Special presidential envoy for climate for now. He's retiring soon. This is going to be like one of those long retirements like Dr. Fauci. He's got to stay in, stay in his office for a couple months. He stated that hitting climate goals will cost between 2.5 and $5 trillion annually for the next 30 years and that he believes China might not actually use the new coal plants they're building because that's what they say to us. And that's what begins to be a possibility as we look at the massive amount of removal. As nutty as nutty as that sound cut is, I want to play the cut where he's talking about how Russia, Russia has, you know, if Russia can fight a war in Ukraine, they've got to find a way to, you know, to reduce emissions. Cut 12. China is building more coal fired power plants. Some of you might know what a big speech like I have to do is coming up to stay in the union. No, I believe that Russia has the ability to be able to make enormous changes if it really wanted to. I mean, if Russia has the ability to wage a war illegally and invade another country, they ought to be able to find the effort to be responsible on the climate issue. Does that make you the slightest bit of sense? That is Biden-esque. He really thinks that everyone cares as much about the climate as he does. It's a religion. Again, you know, we have freedom of religion in the United States, but you don't have, you don't get the chance to charge me and everybody else $2 trillion a year to enforce your dogma, right? And this is, this is, this next one is just as nutty as that last sound bite. Cut 13. We have not been engaged in discussions with Russia. Sadly, I say sadly, because it's a loss for the world, not to be able to have Russia acting constructively on this issue, but we need every country, including Russia. Russia is one of the largest emitters in the world. If Russia wanted to show good faith, they could go out and announce what their reductions are going to be and make a greater effort to reduce emissions now. And maybe that would open up the door for people to feel better about what Russia is choosing to do at this point in time. I'm speechless. He's a lot tougher on Russia than he is on China, though, worth noting. Yeah. And, and China is, has a population about, I think, eight to ten times the size of Russia. And China is responsible for, thus, thus is responsible for a, maybe eight to ten times to twenty times more a so-called global warming than Russia is. But he doesn't care about China. No. And you know what it reminded me of? Remember how we were talking about Robert Herr and how when he came out with that special counsel report, he knew what a jury would think of Joe Biden. And he knew that Joe Biden didn't have bad intentions. That is how John Kerry is able to really see into the soul of China. And he knows that, listen, they're building these coal power plants, but they're not going to use them. They don't want to use them. They're building them as a backup plan. And there's no ill intention there, Howie. Yeah, I guess we got to play the third cut. It's really weird. This is on NPR National Panhandle radio. And you know, when NPR gets John Kerry for these interviews, you say to yourself, these, these NPR stations like WBUR, WGBH, whatever, they Colorado public radio, they can't go out of business fast enough as far as I'm concerned, you know, or at least don't use my tax dollars to put out this nonsense. But this is again, John Kerry on national panhandle radio, a guy named Ari Shapiro, cut 11. China is building more coal-fired power plants in the US emissions are not falling fast enough to meet American climate goals. And so what leads you to believe that these promises will be kept? I mean, yes, China has about 360 gigawatts of coal-fired power that is slated to come online or be built. And that would be catastrophic if that's what happens. But China is, I think, to some degree, hedging against the reality of what their economy needs as a backstop, but they're built on what we need for our economy. They're constructing and deploying more renewables than all of the rest of the world put together. You think the coal plants are a just in case, break glass in case of emergency that might never be used? That's what they say to us. And that's what begins to be a possibility as you look at the massive amount of renewable that's being deployed. It's nice that he can just take them at their word. That's what they say to us. We have no reason. It's like COVID how when they told us about COVID and they were giving us all the information. I tell you what, why don't we do that? Why don't we start building some nuclear plants? Just in case. And just in case, just in case this wonderful solar and wind and battery technology doesn't work out just as a backup. And maybe we'll never put them back into the grid. Because how we failing to prepare is preparing to fail. You keep to prepared. Hey, one more thing. Katie Porter is claiming that the election that she lost to Adam Schiff and Steve Harvey in California that I was talking about on your show yesterday. I was so excited about it. Now she's claiming that it was rigged. And she got a lot of pushback for her original statements that she went back on social media and she doubled down. She said rigged means manipulated by dishonest means. A few billionaires spend $10 million plus on attack ads against me, including an ad rated false by an independent fact checker. They didn't even need to do that. I mean, is anyone anyone who's ever seen her? I dare say would not be inclined to vote for her. She said defending democracy means calling that out at no time have I ever undermined the vote count in election process in California, which are beyond reproach. What is it about these California politicians that have to be nasty in their concession speech going all the way back to Richard Nixon? You know, when he lost the governor's race, was he nasty? You won't have Richard Nixon to kick around more. That was then? That was 62. Oh, wow. Yeah. When he lost, he lost to Edmund G. Pat Brown, Jerry Brown's father. And I thought he said that later on, that seems like an overreaction to losing that race. Well, you know, and then there was Dick Tuck, the guy, you know, he's the famous, they call them sort of a prankster, but he ran for the Senate once the state Senate. I think I think this was a true concession speech. And he lost and he got up there and he said, the people have spoken, the bastards. I like that one better. But he had a he had at least had a sense of humor. I don't think Katie Porter did. And Nixon Nixon was just angry. And he thought he really did think it was all over. Everybody thought it was over. But you know, he just kept punching away and got six years later, he was president of the United States. Hey, if at first you don't succeed, how we, I wanted to let everybody know that if you go to how we car show calm and you click on store and you're the first person to do it, because there's only one left, you can get your hands on a bio speed clean vacuum from Eden pure. These are really great. They're super light. So you can carry them up and down the stairs, use them for every day. There's only one left. So whoever is lucky enough to get on there right now, you can get your hands on it. Yeah. And you can also go to the highway car show and get the one of this t-shirt I'm wearing cheaper to deport than support. And you can also get all of any of our other t-shirts, or you can get a copy of a paper boy, my new book, and you can get $5 off. It's the merch madness sale, just a punch in March when you check out and you get five bucks off any t-shirt or paper boy. Thank you, Grace. Thanks. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. So just because your parents listed their house for sale at a set price doesn't mean that you have to. JJ Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate. Manning's time-tested approach began over 16,000 auctions ago in 1976 with its founder Jerome Manning. What are the main benefits of a JJ Manning accelerated sale versus a traditional sale at a set price? Well, in the Manning method, there are no contingencies. In the Manning method, the buyer signs are exclusive P&S and makes a 10% non-refundable deposit that day. In the Manning method, you set the terms which all buyers must follow. JJ Manning uses their own 30-30 marketing plan, 30 days of marketing saturation and 30 days to close. No deviations to the purchase and the buyer's feet are kept to the fire. To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. If you missed any part of the show, we've got you covered. You know what, Gary? This could be a podcast. Subscribe to the Howie Carr radio network on your preferred podcast platform and start listening to previous shows and exclusive podcast-only features. It's actually not a bad idea. These days, it's a good idea to stock up on supplies in case of emergencies. But where do you start? Learn more in the latest episode of Meet the Experts with Howie Carr as I speak with Brandon Erickson of Randy Weiss. Available now, wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. You're listening to the Howie Carr show. 844-500-4242-508 says, "Who in their right mind spends big money on something they did not use it?" I know. Condo buildings, especially in places like Florida, the owners have debates over whether they're going to have generators. Whether they're going to buy a generator, put it in the basement or the top of the building, so they'll have power in case of a hurricane. We've had the same debate at our building, where our studios are. Can we get a generator on top of the building? Because we don't want to lose power during the show. It would cost us a ton of money and irritate our affiliates, et cetera, et cetera. I mean, the thought of spending billions of dollars on coal-fired plants and then not use them. It's insane. No one in their right mind would believe the Chinese for saying it. The Chinese even say, yeah, they probably did, because they know the John Kerry is a boob and an idiot. Remember when Trump was running the first time in 2016 and he said, "John Kerry is the worst negotiator in American history." You know what? I think he was probably right as a secretary of state. 844-500-4242. Paul, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Paul. Oh, yeah. I just did a couple. Well, first, the, you know, just a quick, the, we just did the climate change. That's always just one big hoax. Oh, absolutely. I agree. Yeah. David, when I said, you know, the, I was going to, I was going to see, I was going to listen to Trump on the tooth social as far as the, see what happens with that. Maybe record the, the, the, the union, you know, and just to see what, you know, if you really can really get a good play by play here. Yeah, I think, I don't think you need to record it. If there's anything good happens, if there's any good crashes, it'll be like a NASCAR race, you know. NASCAR races ratings have gone down since social media came in. And, you know, I, state of the union ratings have gone down since, since social media came in. And you can just watch the highlights at your leisure. Thanks for the call, Paul. Mr. Garcia, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. Hi, hi, Harry. Listen, I want to ask you a question. If Donald Trump, not going to the border, I, I need someone 75% even fix it or 75% by my brother Mike. Hello? We're running out of time, Mr. Garcia. Trump could try to fix the border. Biden is not even going to try to fix the border. I think that's in comfortable.