The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Migrant Taj Mahal in Maine with Ed Tomic | 3.7.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace welcomes Ed Tomic of the Maine Wire to the show to discuss Gov. Janet Mills' illegal alien policy that's hurting some of Grace's best listeners.

Broadcast on:
07 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Despite what the trio of geniuses over at MSNBC, Mike Giggle about, don't let it fool you. Illegal immigration is definitely topping people's lists of priorities when they go into vote. And Lake and Riley and her murder have been central to this story. I just wanted to give an update here. The illegal brother of Lake and Riley's murder, the suspect involved in this, is linked to a Venezuelan crime gang. This is from Fox News, a Venezuelan migrant who allegedly handed police a fake green card as they were on the hunt for his brother. The suspected killer of Georgia nursing student Lake and Riley has ties to the violent Venezuela-based organized crime gang according to federal prosecutors. So if we get more information on this, we will let you know. In the meantime though, we have a lot of listeners at WGAN in Maine. We love our Maine listeners. And we have a great resource at the Maine Wire, Ed Tomich, who does some really excellent reporting. And there's this crazy story. It's gone national now. It was picked up by the Daily Mail. And it's all about Brunswick in Maine and what's happening there with what they're calling the Taj Mahal of migrant housing. Now, Ed, before we get into this complex and what ideas they have for this, give us a little information, if you would, on Brunswick, what kind of community it is there and where they want to set up this Taj Mahal. Well, this project in particular gained national attention, of course, because Donald Trump Jr. pointed to it as sort of a double standard between these asylum seekers who are newly arrived in the country. And taxpayer dollars are being used to put them up in this new 60-unit apartment building, which the Maine Senate Republican leader, Trace Stewart, called the Taj Mahal in their nice apartments. It should be noted that the average price of a home in Brunswick is about $450,000. And people at a recent town council meeting in Brunswick, many of residents of Brunswick were saying they were expressing indignation at the fact that there's an apparent double standard for these people who come to the country and are immediately handed all of these taxpayer-funded benefits. And guaranteed rent payments for a period of two years at this new apartment complex. Meanwhile, a lot of manors are struggling to pay their own rents, and there's a housing crisis in Maine to worry about. Yeah, the Maine Housing Authority, have you had any idea of how much money is being poured into this Taj Mahal migrant housing complex? Yeah, so it was a total of $13 million that went into this 60-unit apartment complex, and the Maine Housing and the Maine State Housing Authority put $6 million of that $13 million into the construction of the project. And then, in addition, put about $3 million into escrow in order to guarantee rent payments for those asylum seekers for up to two years. It should be noted that asylum seekers, when they come to this country, they're prohibited from working for a period of six months. And after that six-month period, they can apply for a work permit. But when they get to this country, they're essentially guaranteed to be wards of the state because they are unable to work or pay their rent. Yeah, and the part of this, because it's happening all over, and I'm based out of Boston, and it just recently happened in the seaport in the four-point neighborhood. And you had a lot of angry residents, and actually, I can draw a lot of parallels with what they were saying and what the residents in Brunswick were saying. But the overall sense that I was getting when they were talking to these elected officials was, we never really had a say in any of this. There was no voting. There was no process that gave us an update or a heads up that all of these people are going to arrive in our neighborhood. Is that the same feeling that you're getting in Brunswick? Was there more of a process to this, or was this just kind of thrown at this community? Well, it appears that even the Brunswick Town Council was actually caught off guard by this project because they put out a memo for one of the recent meetings sort of explaining this project and said that they were not aware that this project in Brunswick was going to be used to house asylum seekers until after the deal was finalized. So this was a deal that was brokered between the State Housing Authority and a private Portland-based developer of several similar projects throughout the state. So it appears, you know, if the town council was caught on where is by this, the residents most certainly work. Now, as far as the election goes, as far as the political backlash from this in the state of Maine, do you think this is a top issue for people? Because there seems to be this disconnect where conservative outlets like the main wire are reporting on all of these things, whether it be Chinese nationals and marijuana farms. I know you guys have done some groundbreaking reporting on that, whether it be the Taj Mahal housing complex, and they're also doing a great job of reporting on the outrage from residents. And then on the flip side, you get a lot of people on the liberal side of the media saying, "This is going out of proportion. No one's actually concerned about this. What's your take?" Well, I will tell you, I live in Portland, and what I've observed is, of course, Portland has a homelessness crisis. You know, in the past year there were sprawling homeless encampments with over 110 primarily made up of manors, you know, residents of Maine U.S. citizens who have a substance abuse problem or for whatever reason are out on the street. And what I've observed is even among liberal residents of Portland, they've begun to sort of see the disparity between how these migrants and asylum seekers are being treated versus, you know, manors, U.S. citizens who are sort of just left out on the street. And, you know, the same developer who was behind the Brunswick apartment complex for asylum seekers opened a $4 million shelter in November in Portland, and that was 180 beds only for single asylum seekers. And what was interesting about it is the homeless services center in Portland, which is the city's biggest homeless shelter, was full for months and months. And once this single asylum seeker shelter opened, all of a sudden, 150 plus beds opened up at the homeless shelter, and they were able to get, you know, the people living in tents out on the street into the homeless shelter. And what I saw among even the, of course, extremely liberal Portland residents was the sort of anger that, you know, these people who are out on the street with, you know, the fentanyl crisis going on, are not being given the same opportunities and the same handouts from the government that the asylum seekers are getting. Yeah, and I was pretty impressed because I know that the Portland mayor was talking to WGAN this week and was very honest about kind of the scope of this crisis and how it's affecting Portland. So it seems like a lot of the elected officials and politicians there are being almost forced at this point to address this problem, even if, you know, it might not help them politically, the residents are requiring it. Right, and it seems to be the primary concern of the legislative Republicans here that they're not saying they're opposed to immigration per se because they like the Democrats sort of recognize that Maine has a workforce for orders that needs to be addressed in the coming years. But they see Maine as being a magnet for these welfare programs and that combined with the open border caused by, you know, Biden's open border policies leads to people coming to Maine. And for the purpose of receiving these benefits, and the Portland mayor actually said in that recent radio interview that migrants are showing up at the southern border with the address of shelters in Portland in their cell phone. So the legislative Republicans have proposed sort of, you know, putting a time limit on these housing benefits or putting certain eligibility requirements for asylum seekers who wish to receive these benefits. Ed, I'm speaking with Ed Thomas from the main wire, the other question I have for you and then, then, unfortunately, we'll have to wrap it up here is when we're talking about whether it's in Brunswick or other places in Maine. These housing complex these migrant shelters. A big issue with it beyond just paying for it beyond what a lot of people see as the unfair treatment of residents of Maine who aren't getting these housing opportunities. The third part of this is the safety issue. And what we've seen in a lot of places, including Boston, including New York, is that sometimes these migrant shelters, they can become hot beds for domestic abuse for crime for drug abuse. Have you seen any of that in Maine? Well, certainly in Portland, especially we've seen a lot of crime that just seems totally out of place in Maine. You know, recently we've had two or three drive by shootings and some of these areas with with these affordable housing projects. And it is, it is a concern of residents here that, you know, there will be an uptick of crime due to these projects. Yeah, I think that's a very fair concern. Ed Thomas, we thank you so much for joining us from the main wire. Please let people know where they can find you and where they can read all of your work. You can find it all at Thank you, Chris. Thank you, sir, very much. When we come back, we're going to take your calls and we have a lot of other stories to hit, including Joe Biden's latest PR scheme. He thinks if he talks to people who've played presidents, I, this is hard. This is so dumb. It's hard for me to even explain to people. I feel like I'm explaining something to aliens who just arrived on planet Earth. And I'm just as confused as they are. We have a president who not only talks to dead people, but also talks to actors who used to play presidents in movies decades ago for advice on what he should say when he delivers the state of the union. But he's the real president. They're just people who pretended to be president. Do I have it right? That is. That is. Yes. What a great idea. Exactly what happened. You know what? I'm actually not surprised this idea past the smell test. It's like, yep, this is excellent, guys. This is great. Between this and talking to the cookie monster. What could possibly go wrong? Eating ice cream with Seth Meyers while answering questions about Gaza. This is just a plus stuff from the Biden administration. The Nazi beach in just open reservations for spring. Jared, you've stated the Nazi beach in. What do you remember the most about your visit? I really just remember how peaceful and tranquil it wasn't how nice it was to be down there, especially in the off season, not during the summer. Because you kind of have the beach to yourself, you know, whatever room you're in in the Nazi beach and you're literally steps from the beach. You can enjoy the sound of the ocean. You can take a walk along the beach without having a bob and weave in and out of crowds. They're pet friendly. So if you want to bring your dog down, you can bring your dog along the beach and just kind of relax there. My wife and I, we love the fire pits. We sat outside by the fire pits in the morning, drank our morning coffee and watch the sunrise. You can see the sunrise. You can see the moonrise. You can watch the sun sets. You can see stars, something you can't do in the city. It's a perfect place to get away. And if it's too cold, you can stay cozy in your room because every room has a fireplace, a nice big picture window so you can look out and enjoy the view. And to reserve your ocean view room, go to Right now you can book your April stay at the nasa beach in from 249.99 a night. And this May rates from 259.99 a night. That's an unbelievable deal. And you can get it now if you go to nasa That's nasa When we come back, we'll take your calls. By the way, an update, Biden to announce plan for US military to establish Gaza port to increase flow of aid at the state of the union. This is from the New York Post. And Joe Biden has been, he's been trying to walk this tight rope when it comes to Israel and Hamas. He's not as eloquent as Kamala Harris, who says, you know, Hamas has to do their thing. So Joe Biden is trying to figure out a way where he can appease the radical left who want him to call for a ceasefire and also not lose support by denouncing Israel. And his solution to that is, oh, I'm going to send more aid to Gaza, which will inevitably be hijacked by the terrorist group Hamas and be used against Israel. So essentially, we're funding both sides of this war. And I don't, I'm here to tell you, because I had predicted that he was going to do something at the state of the union to make the alligator happy to keep feeding the alligator, these crazy left wing radicals who confront AOC of all people at the movie theaters. But I'm here to tell Joe Biden, that's not going to be enough. Like, we're sending aid to Gaza is not going to be enough for what these young people want to hear. And I'm basing that off of the TikToks I see, off of the protests I see, off of the soup throwing in the car, the tire slashing. These are not activists who want niceties or platitudes or, oh, we're sending aid, no, no, no, no, no. They, they know what they want and anything else is not going to cut it. So if he thinks the telling all these young people, oh, we're sending aid to Gaza is going to make them happy. Think again, Joe, think again. 844-542-42, we will be right back with your calls. Don't go now. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Silva and Salinas, a small law firm with a proven track record of big results. Whether it's family law, criminal defense or some other legal concern, Mark Salinas and his team are with you from start to finish. Learn more about Silva and Salinas at That's Speaking of big results, getting a lot of votes in for this poll question today, Jared. What do we got? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how long will Biden last for the State of the Union under an hour or over an hour? I'm still going to say under an hour, but I didn't consider what Taylor was filling us in on during Walker Joke, that there are ways where you can make the comma size 16 font during this speech. You can have people clap for a very long time. There's almost like a filibuster. You can pull some tricks. Every trick in the book is Katie Porter might say, "I'm trying to think what else they could do." Like maybe halfway through, he says, "give me a minute." Well, he brings guests. I suppose you could introduce the guests and they could all get a standing ovation for a certain amount of time to kill some time and still have it be considered within the parameters of his speech. You know how sometimes one person will put a joke on Twitter and then everyone, I don't know if it's bots or something, but everyone will start putting out the same joke. There was a joke this morning. Oh, Joe Biden's introducing intermissions to the State of the Union. And this administration is so bizarre. And everything they do is so bizarre, like it's so asinine that I actually Googled it to just double check that it wasn't true. Just mark this day in history, February 7th, 2023, that day intermissions were injured. I wouldn't even be surprised. I'm going to say under an hour though. 88% say under an hour they agree with you. 12% think he'll make it past the 60-minute mark. So he's going to, he's going to address the Israel Hamas situation and I want a war, is a better way to put it. And I want to talk about that when we come back because I have an amazing cut from the State Department and an amazing quote about how you can't defeat an idea on the battlefield when it comes to Hamas. This is from, this is from the hashtag group. They love to hashtag things. They love to give you like weird Instagram quotes to handle something. And now they're telling us that you can't defeat Hamas on the, you can defeat them on the battlefield, but you can't defeat the idea. And it reminded me, it reminded me of something else. It actually reminded me of a quote from John Kerry, but I will get to that. What I wanted to mention here is every single report we're getting about the State of the Union is that it's going to be heavily focused on illegal immigration. And yesterday, how we did a poll question, will Joe Biden mention Lake and Riley? I don't think he will by name. But the level of moronic that you have to be banking on people to be in order to get up there and pretend that you've been doing everything you can to address a crisis you created. And here's the worst part here. Not only is it such garbage that, oh, we put together a bipartisan immigration bill and the Republicans wouldn't pass it because Donald Trump told them not to. Not only is that just such an empty, empty talking point. But what I would turn around with if I was one of these Republicans, I would say, so how do you explain the fact that up until a month ago, you were all telling us that this crisis didn't exist. Now you want us to believe that you've been fighting against it for three years. You've been working your asses off for three years trying to figure out a way to to to stem the flow or to stop the flow of people from coming over. How does that make sense? Because up until a month ago, you were telling us there was nothing going on. The border was secure. You know, our eyes were lying to us. The timeline here does not make sense unless you were lying. Could that ever be an option that you guys were just lying to our faces? Ah, I think I've cracked the code. I think I figured out the mystery. But don't forget that. Like, not only was my orcas and all these people bragging about reversing all Trump's policies, but then once they reversed them and once everything went to crap, then they went on TV and they denied everything going to crap. They talked ad nausea about how there's no problem. The border's secure. Everything looks great. Joe Biden has the most secure border in history. They lied. They lied. They lied. And now they're turning around and they're saying, well, we've tried everything we can. The Republicans won't work with us. It won't work with you. They couldn't even get you to talk about this stuff until about a week ago. And now they're not working with you. You're a little late to the party. I don't know if you're aware of that. We'll talk about all this. When we come back, we'll take your calls. We've got a lot of people on the lines, so don't go anywhere. And we will discuss the latest from Matt Miller in the State Department. He says this. This is the quote that I'm focused on. It's something that we have learned in the United States in our long history with counterterrorism. That you cannot defeat an idea on the battlefield. John Kerry actually discussed something similar years ago. I don't know if anyone, if anyone knows what I'm about to go to, text in. I'll be very impressed. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. [MUSIC] Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Grace Curley Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. So Matt Miller from the State Department. He has this, and I got a, I didn't print it out very big, and my eyes are getting bad, so I have to. I sound so old, but I have to kind of put the paper up close here. He said, this is about Israel. He was asked about Israel. He was asked about Hamas and defeating Hamas and their strategy. And there's been a lot of criticism from this administration of BB Netanyahu and the IDF. And this is what Mr. Miller says. So we support Israel in defeating Hamas. And to unpack that a little bit, I've said a little bit about this from the podium before. There are military objectives that Israel is trying to accomplish when it comes to defeating Hamas, and it supports, we support those military objectives. Now, you know what's coming. But you can't, you can't say that right now at the, in this White House or in anywhere in DC without putting a big, however, follow up. So you let people know, listen, we support defeating Hamas, but we also don't support defeating Hamas that much. So he says, but then we're also going to have to defeat the ideology behind Hamas, and that is not something that can be accomplished on the battlefield. It's something that we have learned in the United States in our long history with counter terrorism that you cannot defeat an idea on the battlefield. You can defeat a terrorist group on the battlefield, but ultimately you have to beat that idea with a better idea. So we support their campaign to defeat Hamas, but we also support a broader political resolution that will address the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people. Now, David Harsani was tweeting about this, and he said, everyone knows that the only way to defeat an idea is with a hashtag, and then he put up a picture of Michelle Obama holding a sign that said hashtag terrorism is bad. It was obviously manipulated. And what I actually thought of is an old quote from John Kerry, because John Kerry at one point when he wasn't concerned with the climate. I mean, he, he can walk and chew gum at the same time, so he was probably still concerned about the climate. But during this conversation he was having, he was discussing terrorism and how people can become radicalized. And do we have the actual audio, Jared? I heard you working on it. I have a couple different ones. I don't know specifically which one you're looking for. I'm interested in the one about the menus. Do you have that one? Otherwise I can just read it. He said, in our era, poisonous ideas can come from almost anywhere. He lists a bunch of ideas where poisonous ideas can grow from. They might grow from pictures seen in the nightly news. It could come from the desire to avenge the death of a loved one. This is the one I want to focus on. He says in some cases they may come from a lost job or from the contrast between one family's empty dinner plate and a fancy restaurants lavish menu. I don't know why, but that one really reminded me of what Mr. Miller said. But they talk. They talk as though an Instagram quote or a live left love sign is going to stop these savages who went in to Israel. There was a ceasefire before October 7th, went in and butchered the Jewish people and butchered more Jews, the most Jews since the Holocaust. And they think what we have to cut here, let's play it. Why do people make to what to many of us would seem to be an utterly wrong headed choice and become a kind of terrorist that we're seeing? In our era, poisonous ideas can come from almost anywhere. They might grow from pictures seen on the nightly news. In some cases, they might come from a lost job or from the contrast between one family's empty dinner plate and a fancy restaurants lavish menu. Remember, remember when was it who said we don't negotiate with terrorists? Or has it just been always a, I think it was, I thought it was Bush. I think it was one of the bushes. I think it might have been. Yeah, I think it might have been a bush and the new way is like not only do we negotiate with terrorists, Jared, we negotiate with them, we empathize with them. We try to give them opportunities to make themselves better. We try to give them a second chance. We want the terrorists. We want to try to understand the terrorists and we want to try to make them better. And that's a fundamental issue with the way this administration is handling, not just Israel Hamas, but how they're handling all of these adversaries all over the world. They're handling it as though they're dealing with rational actors. And you saw the same thing when Jen Psaki, who's now, like I said, chuckling on MSNBC about illegal immigration, it's so funny that people care about that in Virginia. She at one point was talking about the Taliban and she was saying, you know, they really have to consider their role in the international community. They're not worried about that. They're not worried about it. And now we're talking about Hamas and being like, we need to give them a better idea. We need to give them, we need to distract them with something positive. They need to go outside and go for a run. Maybe they'll feel better and they'll stop chopping people's heads off. That's not how they're operating. It's a nice idea. It's a nice quote. It would look very pretty in a frame in someone's kitchen. Or if Khloe Kardashian wants to repost it on Instagram, fine, but I don't think you are going to rationalize. You're going to have a rational conversation. Or negotiation with people who want to eradicate the Jews from the planet, who want to wipe Israel off the map. We have to present them with a better idea. Here's an idea. Stop trying to kill Israelis. And, you know, you might not be able to beat an idea with artillery or on the battlefield or whatever. But if you know specifically where the government of a country who is brainwashing people into these ideals or these ideas and raising people to hate people according to these ideas, maybe we could start by taking them out and then see what happens. As a first step, let's get rid of the people that we know are propagating this idea. And then see what happens with the idea. You know what the protesters told Josh Hawley when she was following him around in the Senate hallways. That's never going to happen. Oh, I wonder if anyone here, all these protesters, let's try it and see how it plays out. I wonder if they would be so quick to give up on the idea of eradicating Hamas if it was someone in their family who had their heads chopped off. I wonder if they'd be like, you know what, that's never going to happen. So let's just table that and let's just try to come to some solution because that's never going to happen. And the craziest part is this is how they handle every situation. We are dealing with dangerous people. We are dealing with people who hate us. They don't just hate Israel. What do you think they chant? They chant death to Israel and then they chant death to America. And we're dealing with a bunch of amateurs who truly think that if they send a strongly worded email to the Taliban or to Hamas that they'll change their minds. Like Andy Blinken's like, they better watch themselves because I've got a strongly worded letter and it has, it has my name at the bottom of it. I signed it with real pen, real ink. And if they don't knock it off, then I'm sending it. I don't care. I'm sending it. What's my favorite line, Jared, from succession? You're not serious people. You're just not. I don't feel, does anyone feel safer with the Avengers at the helm? With all these brilliant Harvard people deciding what's going on? You are such **** dopes. You are not serious people. You're just not. So you have Joe Biden looking at looking at all these terrorist groups going, don't, don't, don't. That's what he's saying to the Iranian regime. Don't, don't, don't. You've got Jen Saki on the Taliban. You really got to consider what you're standing on the international community. You know, your reputation's got a tank after this. If you don't shape up, mister, and you've got Andy Blinken sending strongly worded letters condemning the actions of these groups. It's not working. I hate to be. I hate to be the turn in the punch bowl here, Jared, but it's not working. John, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, John. Grace, best show on the radio. Thank you for that. Mike, I'm going to be tuning in tonight to see like what the over and under is going to be. If you're going to speak for more than 20 minutes or under 20 minutes, is he going to stand? Is he going to just freeze and stare into the camera for like 10 seconds and the vice president's going to come over and have to shake him? Is he going to sniff the speaker of the house's hair? I don't know. Like I'm like, I'm tuning in to see if something strange is going to happen tonight. And I feel bad because it's my president, but I'm curious because I think, you know, this, if he trips up or does something strange tonight, this could be, he could be replaced. That's just my thought or he might have to step down. I don't know. What do you think? Yeah, people are saying it's high stakes. That's what I keep hearing. You know what I will tell you, John, I make predictions all the time. Lately, I've been on a bit of a hot streak, but one thing that I think we can all agree on, that I won't take a victory left for it because it's so obvious this is what's going to happen. He is going to get rave reviews. They already have it written up at all these places. They are ready to press and best speech ever. He commanded the room. He met the moment. Has Biden ever come across a moment that he didn't meet? I feel like he's constantly meeting the moment. And Trump has just traveled 17 million miles with that moment into bed. I forgot he brought up to bed. That was his, that was his Peterman, Jay Peterman moment. He's like, Hey, when I was in, when I was in Tibet, I didn't even get to that one at the time. But yeah, he's never met a moment that he doesn't like. And so the reviews are going to be spectacular. But you know what I just thought of? Because that last caller was saying how he feels bad about that. It's our president and he's going to watch it to see if he messes up. I go back to one of my favorite lines in the office where Pam joins Michael Scott at the Michael Scott paper company and it's a disaster. And she says, when a seven year old gets behind the wheel of a car and crashes it, you don't blame the seven year old. You blame the 35 year old woman who got in the back seat and said to that seven year old drive kid. I trust you. And that's how I feel about this whole Biden thing. It's like, I don't even blame him at this point. I blame the Americans who went in there and voted for him and said drive kid. I trust you because we had every single piece of information that any rational person would have needed to not install this man as the president of the United States and yet here we are. So we only have ourselves to blame. Now, the second time around. And here's the weird part because yesterday I focused a lot and I was going to write about it and then ended up doing that Seinfeld podcast and the article got away from me. Now, there's so many articles already about it about the Jen Psaki, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, Joe, where they were saying how people in Virginia care about illegal immigration. And then Rachel Maddow said, Oh, well, they do share a border with West Virginia, build a wall and this snobbiness. And it's so strange, Jared, because every couple years since Trump went down that golden escalator. Every couple years, you'll get this eureka moment from the press where someone like a Brian Williams will say, we do live in our own bubble. We are disconnected from the average American. But no one ever fixes it. They're only getting worse and worse. They're only they're only disconnecting themselves more from the average American. And what I'll tell you is, if it was MSNBC that was doing it, they obviously have a snob problem. Jen Psaki has a snob problem. That'd be one thing. Nobody's watching. It's like if a tree falls in the forest. Does it really matter? But the problem is that it's not it's at MSNBC. But I think like all the people at MSNBC, they trickle down from the White House. They're all part of the swamp. They all think the same way. So sure, it's Rachel Maddow who's laughing at people and things were all dumb. But it's also Jen Psaki, who used to be the spokesperson for the president of the United States. They're saying the quiet part out loud that they think you're stupid. That they think it's funny that you care about something like legal immigration. They think it's and one other thing before I go here. I know I'm trying to pack a lot in. While I was having in Hong over writing something last night, I was doing some research. I'm old enough to remember a time where Rachel Maddow thought the situation on our border was so serious that she actually went on TV and cried. Crocodile tears about the babies being separated from their mamas at the border. That's how serious she thought it was. That's how important she thought it was. How times have changed. So the woman who was on television crying over the situation at the border when Trump was president, she was brought to tears. And then she apologized. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I got emotional there. And now you fast forward. And that's how much she actually cares about what's happening at the border. That's how much she cares about someone like Lake and Riley or any of these people who have been the victims of this crisis. Is it now? It's funny. Now she can laugh about it. Yeah, so I will call them crocodile tears because I don't think that you change that quickly. I think it was all an act to make Trump look bad. And now they're now they're the mask is slipped and they're revealing that they don't care about regular people. They don't care about the collateral damage that this administration is, you know, causing everyone. Auctions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Auctions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Auctions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. So just because your parents listed their house for sale at a set price, it doesn't mean you have to. JG Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate. Manning's time tested approach began over 16,000 auctions ago in 1976 by its founder Jerome Manning. 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You guys are going to love him and you can call him at 800-521-0111. He's the best or you can visit Again, call Charlie Gill today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. We'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's car crossover is brought to you by ReadyWise. With inflation, food and energy costs rising, families are feeling the financial pinch as they struggle to make ends meet. Preparation is key. Our friends at ReadyWise have emergency food kits that will provide peace of mind. So go to and use code Howie20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. I wanted Howie to read you a headline here that a listener just sent me from the Boston Globe. Shelter contracts open doors for local vendors. Now, I was just reading about this and they're really trying to put a positive spin on what's happening at Melnea ACAS recreational complex and how a lot of these restaurants, because there's not a bidding process. They're able to make some money from this situation. Yeah, more welfare is what it amounts to. Is this the way to get money to restaurants by bringing in foreign freeloaders and giving them free food? They're also saying, "How dare you put a limit on the amount of time that these poor foreign freeloaders can spend?" And then they've got all these caveats that allow you to spend more time in the flop house, including being pregnant. What could possibly go wrong with allowing them to become pregnant? And they get to take part in the job training programs. I mean, how many decades have these job training programs been used as scams? You know, Dukakis used them when he was running for president. Tom Wolf wrote about them in 1970. You know, people just job training programs, just another welfare scam, you know, and they put all this stuff together, and we're supposed to take it. Now I'm here in the one reason why the National Panhandle of radio stations are having so many problems raising money. Grace, you know why I heard this? Because the common wealth of Massachusetts, when you try to clear out and say you're not a resident anymore, they say, "Well, you must be a resident. You're still giving money to National Panhandle of radio stations in Boston." Well, Howie, I can tell. I got to work on that story, actually. I can tell you the Boston Globe story is not going well, and I know that because they turned off the comments, which is never a good sign. Howie Carr, come to next. [MUSIC PLAYING]