The Howie Carr Radio Network

John Kerry's Delusional Take on China & Woke or Joke | 3.7.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

It's the second hour on a Thursday, and that means it's time for Woke or Joke. Tune in to Taylor and Grace's triumph over the callers as they quiz them with headlines that sound too wacky to be true.

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07 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello, everyone, and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. We will play you a little bit from the Fannie Willis disqualification here in yesterday. Ashley Merchant actually was testifying. That's the attorney, the Trump attorney. And she testified that Fannie Willis, the Fulton County DA who was in charge. I mean, she's still technically in charge. I don't think she's going to be for much longer of the "find the fraud" case that actually no one ever said "find the fraud." Well, Ashley Merchant finally got to what I've been waiting for, which is the White House visits. That's the part of this. I mean, don't get me wrong. Don't misunderstand. I love hearing about the Grey Goose. I love hearing about the cat, the R. I really love hearing about the tattoo parlors, okay? And the late night visits and the pinging of the cell phones. But I was waiting during Nathan Wade's testimony. I was waiting to hear about the White House visits. Why was he visiting the White House? It's weird, you know? He's visiting the White House and then this whole thing happens where they're trying to prove that Donald Trump had election interference. It seems like there could be, what's that thing they talk about, a conflict of interest perhaps? And Ashley Merchant really laid it all out yesterday and talked about how the vice president met with Fannie Willis. Do we have that, Jared? Let's just play it now. One of the other things I did was I did open records for the White House access and we had records that Miss Willis and the mayor of Atlanta were at meeting with the vice president. Okay, and so this is the access history. How does that work? The White House keeps the records being invited to come in and has any kind of official meeting, for sure. Yes, and my understanding is it's highly regulated who can access the White House and so you have to apply ahead of time and then they give you a time when you make the appointment and they give you a time when you're allowed to be in and when you have to be out by. And they track you, and I mean that makes sense. They don't want anybody lingering in the White House, but they keep that. And so these are, they're called wave records, I believe is what they're called, and I'm not sure what that's an acronym for, but they're publicly available. They're open records. And this record that's shown on the screen shows, Fannie Willis was a visitor with the potus. I presume that's vice president of the United States. Yes, yes it was. And what was the date of that back in was that February sometime of 23 February 28, 2023. Is that before the indictment? Yes. Any further explanation of why Miss Willis was meeting with the vice president of the United States? No, I know Dexter Bonds, and I believe that's the same one that Mr. Dick Dickinson or Dixon, the mayor of Atlanta was also there. I could think of a million reasons why they're meeting. Fannie Willis shares a love of Venn diagrams with Kamala Harris. She also loves space and electric school buses. Perhaps they were meeting to talk about yoga plans or, you know, wedding ideas for Fannie and Nathan. There's so many reasons. And I don't think we should get lost in the details here. I don't think we should be too nitpicky about finding out the why. Fannie Willis. She wants to get Trump. Yeah, she's meeting with the vice president before the indictment. Do we really think something? What are you? Are we suggesting something nefarious is going on? It's just what they call cabin talk. Cabin talk. Exactly. Ron, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on, Ron? Hey, Grace, it sounds like Katie Porter has a bad case of E.D. election denialism. But there's an article in CNBC this morning about February layoffs being the highest that they've been for a February since 2009. Do you think we'll hear anything about that during the State of the Union tonight? No, I don't. I don't think we're going to hear anything negative during tonight's State of the Union. I think it's going to be 45 minutes of delusion. I think it's going to be 45 minutes of propaganda. And I don't mean propaganda. Like, I mean propaganda that would make North Korea blush. I mean propaganda that Kim Jong-un would go, you guys got to make it a little bit more subtle. You know, add a little nuance to it because they're just straight up lying to us at this point. And you know what, Ron, I'll give you a little teaser of what you can expect tonight. This is from Baghdad Bob herself, Karine Jean-Pierre. This was outside the White House this morning. Cut one, please. It's going to be important for the American people as he knows it and understands it. And as you all have been talking about it this morning to hear directly from him on his vision, how, what he has done in the last three years. He's done more in the last three years, Willie, than most presidents have been able to do in their first, in their two terms. And so that is going to be important for the president tonight. Technically, technically she's not lying. Technically, he has done more. Now, I would characterize it as doing more damage than any president ever. Maybe not ever. I'm not a historian, like I always say. You want history, you want facts, you go to the view. You ask Joy Behar and whoopi. But I would say he's done more damage than good, but technically speaking, like if I had a lie detector test, she could pass it with that answer. He's done more than any president has ever done in one term. Yeah. I mean, he's broken so many records here. Think about it. He's flown in 320,000 illegal aliens through an app. He's gotten them flights into the country. Donald Trump only got like, what, 200 in? Donald Trump could never. Donald Trump wishes. There are so many things Joe Biden is able to do. Inflation? Gas prices? They're just breaking records all the time. And something else that I wanted to talk about here, I really love this story about John Kerry. Maybe we'll do the John Kerry story right now because I haven't talked about him in a really long time. And I was sad because I knew that he was leaving his post as climate envoy, climate czar, climate, you know, whatever, the climate man. And I was sad about that because I read that, oh, John Kerry's stepping down. He's going to go work for it. Of course, he's not like retiring because he's a young how old is he, Jared? Is he 80? So he's got another 15 years before he even thinks about it. Before he even thinks about hanging it up, he's going to work for the Biden re-election campaign. In his job, his climate job is going to John Podesta, who also serves as a White House senior advisor. All these people have all these jobs. They can add on more. They can take some away. Doesn't make a difference. They make tons of money. It must be nice. Doesn't seem like any work is getting done. But I don't want to suggest that they start working harder because Lord knows what would happen if all of these people were working at 100%. I shudder to think what the situation would look like. So anyway, John Kerry is still, even though he might be handing over the baton to John Podesta, he's still working very hard. He's flying the baton over on a private jet. He's like, it's the only way to fly. Would you want me to go coach? Spirit, I'd have to pay for a carry on anyway, so it just made more sense. It was more economical for me to fly private. I didn't want to have to check the baton. So John Kerry is discussing the climate, and he's talking about China, and he's talking about Russia. He's talking about all sorts of things. But the cup that stood out to me was the China cup. Because what I love about John Kerry, what he does not get enough credit for, he's a very trusting guy. He's very trusting. And this is cut 11, it's with NPR, Ari Shapiro. This is John Kerry talking about why China is still building coal plants. Because one of the biggest critiques of the green grift that is currently going on in this country, and it's an entire industry, one of the biggest complaints that a lot of people make, besides what Jared just pointed out, which is how can you guys care so much about the climate if you're flying private around the clock to all of these summits that are doing more damage to the climate than any regular Joe in America could possibly do. But the other complaint is why, as Americans, are we crippling our economy and crippling our ability to produce or to be energy independent when other countries, China, aren't slowing down anything, and they don't seem concerned about it. And we can bend over backwards trying to lower the Earth's temperature or trying to fix whatever these problems are that they claim to have. But if it's not a concerted effort, it's a moot point. It's not really doing anything. John Kerry has a different take, though. John Kerry has, he's giving China the benefit of the doubt. Can I have cut 11, please? China is building more coal-fired power plants in the U.S. emissions are not falling fast enough to meet American climate goals. And so what leads you to believe that these promises will be kept? I mean, yes, China has about 360 gigawatts of coal-fired power that is slated to come online or be built. And that would be catastrophic if that's what happens. But China is, I think, to some degree hedging against the reality of what their economy needs as a backstop, but they're building, they're constructing and deploying more renewables than all of the rest of the world put together. Do you think the coal plants are a just-in-case, break glass-in-case of emergency that might never be used? That's what they say to us, and that's what begins to be a possibility as you look at the massive amount of renewable that's being deployed. Oh, that's what they tell you. Oh, well, in that case, take them at their word. I mean, I don't really see any reason to doubt it, Jared, right? Is Xi Jinping telling him, hey, these coal plants, we're building them, don't worry. We have no plans to actually use them. We're building them at a very rapid pace here. But it's just as a backup plan. Yeah, I don't see why you'd have any doubt about that. I mean, the honor system has always worked with us in China, right? We don't have to doubt anything. It's like the same with the COVID numbers. They tell us, hey, nothing to worry about. We're still sending flights to America. Don't worry about it. You know, COVID's not a big deal. And we go, great. Awesome. And then a couple months later, they go, hey, our COVID cases are plummeting and everything's going great here. And again, our media stenographers type it up, send it out. China tells us their numbers are doing great. We should be doing more things like China. We've always used the honor system with China and it's worked so far. So if John Kerry thinks, I mean, he's like the White House's Lester Holt. When it comes to propaganda, remember Lester Holt was outside that ski. Resort in North Korea. He was like, it's a bustling ski resort. There's a lot of people here. And it's actually a ghost town. They just sent out some actors to see if they could fool him. And mission accomplished wasn't that hard to fool Lester Holt, surprisingly enough. Well, that is John Kerry. He's talking to China and he actually believes that they're just building these coal plants, not to use them, but just in case. It's always good, Jared, to have a backup plan in any business. You know, you always want to have something to fall back on. Except here, get your solar panels and eat your damn bugs and shut up. Well, he keeps saying, oh, they're doing so much to produce renewables. It's like, yeah, because there, here's what I always go back to. China has it down path. And hear me out on this. They have, as Hannah Montana might say, the best of both worlds. They get to produce the renewables that they send here and make money off of that we use that aren't as good as the other devices and cars and whatever sector of an industry you're talking about. They're sending us solar panels. They're sending us all batteries. They're sending us all of these things. They get to make money from that, but they don't actually have to use it. They can keep using things like coal plants. They can keep using these other industries that aren't deemed compassionate or eco-friendly here. They still use all those things, but then they send us the accessories for our crazy green dreams. And so they make money from sending us all of the green accessories and they keep using the old industries, the old ways that actually work. That wasn't the most eloquent way to put that, but I think people understand what I mean. Yeah. They've got the business model down pad. It's like they're selling us this stuff and we're going, okay, great. This isn't going to work as good as the old thing, but it's going to cost more and we bought it from China. And then they're still creating all those coal plants. But again, it's just in case. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls recently. A listener called in and she was telling us how much she loved the thunderstorm. And I don't blame her, Jared, because the thunderstorm works for me in the kitchen. I really love to turn it on after we cook chicken, fish, steak. You know, I love my Omaha steaks. And as much as I love them, I don't want the smell lingering for too long because the smell of steak is good in the beginning. And then after like five minutes, you just want the air to be purified. And that's what the thunderstorm does. I remember Jared, you told me once you said, I like this product because it doesn't try to cover up smell with more smell and actually gets rid of it. Yeah, it's an absence of smell is the best way that I can describe it. Because it purifies the air. It's great for smells. I love it for my allergies. It works great in getting rid of the allergens and the pollutants in the air because you know what? You're floury smell and whatever plug-in thing isn't going to be able to do that. But you just plug this in. You turn it on and you get that ionized air. It gets rid of anything. It purifies the air. You can breathe easy. Everything smells great or doesn't smell at all depending how you look at it. It's a great product. It's small. It's not intrusive. It's not bulky. It's just the best of everything. And you go to and check out the three-pack special. It's the perfect size. Like Jared said, doesn't take up any floor space. Here's what I want you to do. Go to and use code GRACE3. That's, code GRACE and the number three. Don't forget, code GRACE and the number three. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Yeah, I guess what I was trying to say and the best way I could is that if I was selling you a product and I wasn't actually using that product. I was using a different product. Wouldn't you be suspicious of me, Jared? If I said to you, "Oh, this is the best shampoo. You should use it. Just, you know, pay me and I'll get you the shampoo." And then you say to me, "Do you use the shampoo?" No, no, no. I'll use something else. That's what's happening in China. They're selling us all of these things to make the planet a better place. They're selling us batteries. They're selling us all these renewables, whatever that even means. And then they're still going along with their day. It's 10 years ago. I shouldn't say good for them, but I don't blame them. They're looking at John Kerry. They're looking at all these people and they're going, "That's great that you have this grift going. That's great that you're flying around in private jets and convincing your citizens that they need to eliminate all of their waste and try to ride bikes everywhere and not fly. But we're not going to do that. We're going to keep things running here. We're going to keep making money. We're going to keep, you know, being energy independent. We don't want in on this. But we're happy to sell you this stuff so that you can sell it to the masses in America. Does that, did I sum it up okay? Yes. I need some validation today, Jared. I'm feeling like Katie Porter. Everything's rigged against me. Let's go to Tom. You're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Tom. Hey, Grace, just a little bit of my background. I was an electrician in the IVEW. I worked on a coal-fired power plant in Lumberport, West Virginia that was mandated back in the late '80s to have a scrubber placed on it. That power plant is still in use today. Now, here's the other point. The United States has approximately 240 coal-fired power plants that are online. Now, you can Google this. And my source is Statista. Statista, I believe I pronounce it correct. They're mandated to have scrubbers. That means they're not belching out ash into the atmosphere like what happened during the Industrial Revolution in the 19th and 20th century. Now, China, they recommend their power plants have scrubbers, but they're not putting them on there. And prior to the pandemic, there were people in China that were wearing paper masks because of the massive pollution there. Now, you know I'm a frequent talk radio caller. I call a guy in Attleboro, Massachusetts about this same particular topic. And then he goes, "Well, eventually China will catch up." So China, their intentions are to continue to build coal-fired power plants to the year 2050. And both John Kerry and Al Gore within the past three years have said, "Even if the United States went completely carbon neutral, it would not do anything to reverse what the man-made climate change is going on." In other words, everybody has to be on the same page. Yeah, well, Tom, Tom, I'm running out of time here. I'm running out of time here, but I just want to say something. What you just reminded me of as well is this idea that it reminds me of Robert Herr with the Special Counsel Report, like somehow John Kerry and all these other geniuses. They think that China has good intentions. Like anyone here who's trying to make us energy independent, nefarious, bad actor, evil, moustache, twirling, villain. But in China, their intentions are good. They're going to get there eventually. Just give them time. Walk or joke when we come back. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. All right, we got Taylor. Do we just do the poll question? Because otherwise, I would ask Taylor where he thinks. We have not done it yet. Oh, perfect. Okay. Today's poll question is brought to you by Silva and Selena is a small law firm with a proven track record of big results. Whether it's family law, criminal defense, or some other legal concern, Mark Selena's and his team are with you from start to finish. Learn more about Silva and Selena's at That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how long will Biden last for the State of the Union under an hour or over an hour? I'm going to take the under. What about you, Taylor? All right. We need to find some parameters here. Never mind. Is this 89% say under? Hold on. I know we're going to ask. Is this start of speech or start of entrance? Start of speech. Start of speech under an hour. 89% agree under an hour. I don't even think it's going to be close to an hour. The last one, just for people who are trying to make the most informed decision possible, the last State of the Union in 2023 was an hour and one minute. Ooh. Yeah. And the one before that I think was like an hour and 20, so they've been decreasing. If history is any guide, which sometimes it is, I think it's going to be under. Hmm. I'll be curious if he even gets to 45, to be honest. I think he'll surpass 50. I don't think he makes it to 60. Did you see the video? Unless there's been an instruction to the Democrats sitting in the chamber to make these applause breaks as long as possible. You're going to feel like a filibuster. Yeah. 42 second ovation after every... No, this is going to be like... After every anyway. This is going to be... Like when you have to write a paper and you have to reach a certain word limit. Like maybe, or word count, maybe they will do that. They'll try to fix the system in his favor. It will be rigged. As an example, for instance, if you will. However, ipso facto, as I said before, per my last sentence. Um, Chiller, I wanted to ask you one other thing. Uh-huh. And now I can't remember. But what are you going to do? Walker Jogas brought to you by Aviva Trattoria. A gift card to Aviva Trattoria is the perfect gift for any occasion. Pick one up at any of their locations to find the one nearest you. Go to Aviva Alrighty, you guys know how this works. Taylor's going to read you a headline. You have to decide is it woke or is it a joke? So let's get after it. Everything woke turns to shit. Okay. I started a joke. [laughter] Take care, Walker. The word woke means loser. [laughter] I do remember what I was going to say. There was a video a couple weeks ago. We never really spoke about it. Maybe how we did. It was a video that the Biden administration put out. And it was a short video clip, but it had in it, like, 25 cuts. Right. It was so edited. And that made me think that things are even worse than what I had previously thought. So I was like, how do you have to take that many cuts in a video? Well, those videos, because they're not his usual speech, he's got to, like, relearn whatever it is they want him to say. The other element of that is the camera is close up. So you can see the wheels trying to turn, okay? Whereas in his usual speeches, the camera's in the back of the room. It's not extremely high dev. You're not, and he's just breezing through everything because he's done the same speech for three and a half years now. Yeah, muscle memory. Yeah, you're right. It'll be very interesting to watch tonight. We'll keep you all posted. Okay. First up today on woke or joke is earnest. Your first up, are you ready for your headline, Ernest? Good morning. Good morning, sir. Good afternoon. Ernest, here's your headline. Queer commentator, dubs Biden's speech straight of the union, smearing weak representation of all sexual identities. Welcome. Oh, I'm sorry, Ernest. It's a joke. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. By the way, I wanted to remind everyone, Emma Foley has a great column up that you guys can check out at right now. It's about the latest woke scandal out of the VA, an iconic picture. What is it? A picture of? The VJ picture that they wanted to take down. Excuse me? The iconic sailor grabbing the nurse, kissing the picture. Oh, no, you were saying that picture. There was a, apparently there was no issue with consent there. Yeah, the undersecretary. All of the 1940s are an issue with consent. Any picture from the 1940s is problematic. Move on. Actually, it would have been a really good woke or joke today, but it's a good time to. That story is a few years old. No, this just happened. No, I know, but the story of that picture and the story behind it has come out in the past few years. Right, but there was a memo that was leaked out from the undersecretary, basically telling people not to put up the photo. And then the undersecretary of the VA. Yeah, and then the head of the VA had to come out and say, we're not taking down the photo all as well. But again, it's just like the priorities of this administration are so strange. Tony Blinken, he's concerned about pronouns. They never seem to have their eye on the prize. They're always worried about these ridiculous. That captures the spirit of America after victory over Japan. I mean, what an incredible iconic image. What a shame. Well, I'm not on the side of taking it down. No, I know. Just spent four years of your life fighting in the most perilous battle ever. But ask permission before you kiss somebody when you're happy. Like that's the most PC thing out of that era. Let's go to Steve, your next stop. I thought you were going to say they're taking it down because it's too hetero. It's not representative of who we are anymore. Steve, your next stop. Are you ready for your headline, Steve? Yes, I am. All right, Steve, here's your headline. High-tech vacay, growing trend sees climate-minded vacationers opt for VR headsets over pollutive getaways. That's got to be woke. Oh, I'm so sorry, Steve. It's a joke. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. We got a lot of big-time losers on the line today. Tommy, your next stop. Let's hope you can break the trend here. Tommy, are you ready for your headline? Let her rip. All right, Tommy, here is your headline. This dance video uses drag queens and twerking to explain kangaroos. Woke. You got it. It is woke. Not a joke. Not a joke. Tommy played the odds on that one. Yes. What are we explaining about kangaroos? I should have read this one. Kangaroo time, a music video featuring drag queens, kangaroos and ballet dancers, has won a prestigious international science competition. Queer behavioral ecologist, Wellington Manario Costa took home the prize at the Eurovision-like "Dance your PhD" competition. Costa has spent years studying eastern gray kangaroos. More like eastern gay and kangaroos, am I right? I guess he used drag queens and twerking drag queens to explain marsupials. Kangaroos are very, very scary when cornered. Have you ever seen the videos of the kangaroos boxing the men? I feel like we've talked about this before. Have we? Yeah, the kangaroos are on their own, jacked up and rotted out. I would be, that's one of my top scariest animals, that in Wales. I mean, you just don't want to mess with them. Ed, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Ed? I've never told you about my fondness for whale. You like whales? Yeah. I love whale. Oh, eating whale? Yeah. Eugh. I feel like it would be very chewy. It's a nice, it's like a beefy fish. It's delicious. A beefy fish. Or a fishy beef. Yuck. That sounds like the worst thing ever. Okay. Sexy fishes. Are you ready for your headline? I'm sorry, Ed. All right. Here's your headline. I'm ready, guys. All right. Here's your headline, Ed. Secretary of Agriculture headed to swing state Pennsylvania to amass the Amish for Biden. I'm sorry, that's a joke. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. Where do you think the Amish stand? They're very much conservative. But so in researching the, you know, veracity of that ridiculous headline, the plausibility of it, I found out that the Amish don't really vote. I was going to say it seems like a more modern thing. I don't think it's because the voting is very ancient thing. But nowadays, like you go in and put in a machine, I could see if we all went in and we just said, I think there'd be some accommodations made if they wanted to vote. But... True, true, true. You could just write it down. Or they could do mail-in. True. But they typically stay out of politics because they're just not part of the greater society that is America. Interesting. Brian, your next step on Walker Joke, are you ready for your headline, Brian? I am ready. And I should point out that as though I've never won a gift certificate, I've never gotten it wrong on the app. Ooh, well hopefully this will be your lucky day, Brian. Hold on one sec. Brian, Brian. Here is your headline, Brian. Check out this secluded spring break spot for competitive clothing optional cyclers. I'm going to say that is woke. This is the first time for everything, Brian. Oh! Sorry, Brian. Pride goeth before the fall. Tony, your next up on Walker Joke, are you ready for your headline, Tony? I'm ready. Okay, Tony, here is your headline. I potty-trained my pet pigeon. Now I treat her to New York City's finest restaurants, cool parties, and Uber rides. Got to be a joke. Not a joke, that's true. Not a joke, not a joke. This woman, her name is Asia Grace. I really, I really enjoyed the way you read that headline. Yeah. Yeah, can you give it to us one more time? I potty-trained my pet pigeon. Now I treat her to New York City's finest restaurants, cool parties, and Uber rides. Imagine being in the Uber with that pigeon. This dedication comes from John. John writes to his pet pigeon. Ponderous. It's not on the phone. Hey, what's going on with the pigeon, tell me about it. Alright, so this is, she found this pigeon. It was a wild pigeon. She lives in New York City. It fell out of the nest at three weeks old. She estimates. I don't know how you would know that, but it was abandoned, and so she... It's just trombone history. It was abandoned. The pigeon liked the Uber's. Here's the thing, the pigeon was abandoned. Nobody wanted the pigeon. I saw the pigeon I said. We took the pigeon. I saw the pigeon. I said, wow, that looks like an abandoned pigeon. We took the pigeon in, and Melania put the pigeon in a purse. She said, I've always wanted a purse pigeon, so... But she took care of the pigeon, and now they just became attached. She takes it everywhere. That's so strange. It's amazing how people are able to do that. But what was the first thing it said that she trained the pigeon, and she can take it into Uber's, what was the other thing? Pigeons and cool parties. Cool parties. Cool. Cool pigeon parties. That seems like we're kind of putting our own spin on it. Like, who's to judge if these are cool parties? You know what I mean? They have the lady with the pigeons. New York City. If there's a pigeon, it's a cool party. I guess. All right, Taylor Cormier, thank you so much for joining us today. Everybody else who wasn't able to get on, there's always next week on Woker Joke, and we will be right back. We're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Oh, what a night. Welcome back, everyone. It's The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for tuning in. Hey, just a heads up. The Biospeed clean vacuum that I have at my house, I really love it. It's lightweight. It's easy to use. You don't have to bring out the massive Ghostbusters machine up and down the stairs. There's two left from The Grace's goodies, and so I want you to be able to get your hands on this. Go to, click on store, and I'm hoping that if you click on it right now, you'll still be able to get it. If you're one of the lucky two, it's probably going to be gone by the end of the show. 844-542. Here's an interesting little tidbit that we should get to before we wrap up here, the second hour. And by the way, we're going to talk to a reporter from the main wire about the illegal immigration issue in Maine. So for all of our WGAN listeners, stay tuned for that and everybody else, because as you all know, this is not a problem that is only affecting one area by any means. Mark Robinson is a North Carolina gubernatorial candidate, and the Huffington Post, which I didn't know was still in business. So first of all, let me say congratulations. Second of all, and don't let this destroy your faith in the Huffington Post, they took Mark out of context. So I have to assume Mark is a Republican if they're taking him wildly out of context. Now, let me preface this by saying, I don't know if I would have made this statement to begin with. I think you have to, as a Republican, know what you're dealing with and know that 99.9% of the time you're going to be taken out of context, so you shouldn't make it easier for people to do that. But with that being said, let me tell you what the headlines were all about. All the headlines were saying is that Mark Robinson wants to go back to a time before women could vote. I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn't vote. That's the headline. Now, Jared, this cut we have gives the full context, and Jen Psaki once told me before she went on to MSNBC to make fun of people from West Virginia, she once told me that context is important. So let's have the full cut is what you're hearing from the Huffington Post is he absolutely wants to go back to the America where women can't couldn't vote. This is what he actually said cut 14. It's narrative about Republicans being racist, and can I say, Mexican people and black people and women is ridiculous. Any odd guy was on stage with Canada, so was a few days ago and asked her, what America are we going back to to make America great again? The one where women couldn't vote, or black people were swinging from cheap trees. I would say to him if I was standing in front of him, I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn't vote. Do you know why? Because in those days we had people who fought for real social change, and they were called Republicans, and they are the reason why women can vote today. In those days that he talked about when black folks were swinging from trees, guess what was out there fighting to bring that to an end, to bring Jim Crow to an end? It was Republicans. Now I think it's very fair to say that he was taken out of context. However, and you know it's bad when the bulwark White House correspondent is defending a gubernatorial candidate from North Carolina who's a Republican, but what I thought was good about Andrew Eggers' response is he said, "Okay, look, Robinson did in fact say all these words in this order." But if you watch the clip, it's plain he wasn't saying he thinks women should lose the vote. He was making a way too cute point about how he wants Republicans to see themselves as fighters for social change. That's how you would accurately describe that cut, but our media, the Hough Post, has no interest in that. They like to run a smear campaign against anyone they see as a threat to a Democrat. When we come back, we've got a reporter from the main wire and then we're taking all your calls. Don't go anywhere. [music]