The Howie Carr Radio Network

SOTU Predictions & a Sore Loser in CA | 3.7.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace and Jarred wager how long President Biden's State of the Union will go for, thinking of all the possible cheat codes to prolong the minute count.

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07 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. [music] Hello everyone and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for tuning in today and every weekday. We really appreciate it. We love getting you through those lunchtime hours, getting you through work. Bringing you into the afternoon and man, there's a lot to get to today and tonight is the state of the union. And now I'm hearing rumblings about what we're going to get to witness. What it's going to be like. And my question today, Jared, I know I'm not supposed to go right to the poll question right off the bat. But I do have some theories. I am asking people in the numbers 844-542-42. Now there's so many things we could predict about this state of the union. We know he's going to blame Republicans for everything. We know he's going to tell us, "Yeah, when I was in the Greek Orthodox Church and I was raised by the Puerto Rican community and I saw two men and they embraced each other, and my father said, "They need a little bit of breathing room." We know we're going to hear all that. And my question is, how long is this? Stuggling. How long? And a lot of people that I talk to, when I do media hits or when I just interview people on the show, they're all throwing out this like over an hour stuff. Oh well, you know, it's going to be amazing to watch them go over an hour. And I'm like, "Uh, says who? Where did you get that information?" And so I looked back because I didn't know if that's like a rule they have. You have to go for a very long time. Trump would sometimes push it to an hour and a half, an hour and forty-five, I think. Bill Clinton gave really long ones. They said people would be falling asleep. They'd go for so long. So I went back to last year's. And we did the same thing last year. We asked, "How long is he going to speak for?" And he spoke for an hour and one minute. Which to me, they just wanted it to be over an hour so they could say it was over an hour. Tonight, I don't think they're going to get that cute. I don't think they're going to try to push the limits. I think they're going to say, "If we get a solid forty-five out of him, that's enough." And I'm not going to complain. I'm a big fan of like the shorter, the better. When I go see a movie, it makes me laugh. When I used to be in theater, my dad would always say to me. He'd come to all my shows and he loved watching them. But then I'd say to him, "What'd you think?" And he'd oftentimes say to me, "I thought it could have been 20 minutes shorter, 20 minutes." And I would say, "Dad, we were trying to shave off one minute. We had to cut like whole scenes out of the play to shave off one minute in the run time. But I'm always a fan of, you know, brevity. And in this case, I wouldn't mind if Joe Biden spoke for forty-five minutes as opposed to an hour. But I just don't think he can do an hour. I don't think it's possible. And some people are wondering how he's going to manage to try to blame all of this on Republicans. Everything that has been happening. It's going to be an uphill battle. I don't know who's going to believe that. But I wanted to start the show off today. It's throwback Thursday. And I thought it'd be fitting that as we gear up, gird your loins for this state of the union address, I wanted to let people know that there's something you should keep in mind while Joe Biden is blaming all of his problems on everybody else. And that would be a tweet he put out in August of 2020 when he was running for president. It feels like a million years ago. He said, "Here's my promise to you. If I'm elected president, I will always choose to unite rather than divide." Hey, hey, you in the car, are you listening, Neanderthal? Yeah, you, dummy, listen, I'm trying to read you the tweet, okay? God, he says his promises he, if elected president, he'll always choose to unite rather than divide. Findleization. I'll take responsibility instead of blaming others unless they put the documents in the wrong area. I'll never forget that the job isn't about me, it's about you. But it's also about me, and it's also about my family, and it's also about every single thing that's ever happened to me from riding a train to meeting a world leader to eating a cookie. Every single thing is going to come back to me in some way, shape, or form. But sure, it's not about Joe, it's about all of us. So the guy who ran on a buck stops here, I'm going to take personal responsibility, is going to go out there today and try to stretch blaming Republicans to an hour. He's going to try to get an hour's worth of blaming Donald Trump and Republicans for this border crisis. Sean Spicer tweeted out, "According to the White House, Biden State of the Union speech will seek to lay blame for the border crisis at the feet of congressional Republicans." And John Davidson, who we've had on the show a lot recently, said not a single person in the country sincerely believes the border crisis is Trump's fault. Everyone knows it was a direct result of Biden's policies he bragged about before and immediately after taking office. And yet, we'll hear this refrain incessantly from corporate media today. But again, it's not easy. Now, the other thing I wanted to mention, because we'll spend a lot of today talking about the State of the Union, and by the way, who's ever working the POTUS Twitter account is doing a bang-up job. This has been a busy week for the Easter Bunny, or who's ever in charge of typing away on X. First, we get that tweet replying to the Cookie Monster. I don't even remember the reply. I think I tried to block it out because I was so embarrassed at what's happening in this country. But the President's like, "The Cookie Monster is sad about the shrinkflation." He's big on the shrinkflation. It's like shrinkflation and baggage fees at airports. Those are his two big things. He wakes up every day. He's got a to-do list, Jared. Cookies and junk fees. If I have the extra legroom, you don't even get a snicker bar no more. Come on, man. Satisfied? I know I'm not. Yeah, so those are his two big things. And so, who's ever in charge of this Twitter account is putting up replying back to the Cookie Monster. And then today, they put out a video. It says, "You may have heard I've got a big speech coming up." So, I thought I would hear from some folks who have done a job before, sort of. It's Joe Biden, and he's zooming these actors, like Morgan Freeman. And I don't even know who else, Jared, because I didn't watch the whole thing. But he's zooming these actors. Is it Martin Sheen, is he on there? No, it was Morgan Freeman, Tony Goldwyn, Gina Davis, Michael Douglas, and Bill Pullman. Michael Douglas. All of whom have played presidents in some television or movie medium. Okay. Emphasis on played presidents. But how does this stuff get through? There has to be some sort of system, right? There has to be some sort of filtering of these ideas. Or does anyone have an idea and they just run with it? They're like, "Okay. Hear me out, guys. We get all of these actors to go on Zoom and talk to Joe about playing presidents in old movies." Yeah. I mean, it's better than the Cookie Monster thing maybe, but it's marginal. Like, it's not a lot better. And he's sitting there talking to these Hollywood people. Like, this is all they care about. They are so out of touch. Now, I actually don't want to spend this entire opening on this depressing story about Joe Biden and his speech. And I'm telling you right now, as much as I love you guys and I love you all so much, I'm not watching it. I'm just not. I can't. I'll watch it tomorrow. I'll watch the cuts. I'll see what I have to see. But you don't want it for me. You don't want my blood pressure. I'm reading this book right now. Humblebrag. But I am reading a book that's very stressful. And the only reason I read Jared is so that I can fall asleep at night. And this book is really good, but it gets me angry. One of the characters is so annoying. And that's enough stress for me. I don't need to turn on Joe Biden and be screaming at the television. I feel like my grandfather, when he used to see Ted Kennedy, my mom said my grandfather used to see Ted Kennedy on the TV and he would go, "He's a murderer." My grandfather was the sweetest, nicest man. He was so calm and so mellow and he would see Ted Kennedy and he would turn red in the face. He'd get so angry. That is me now. I'm sitting at my house and I can't watch him anymore. And everything is going wrong and this man has never taken accountability. You know what I feel like? I feel like Joe Kernan talking to Pete Buttigieg, just sheer frustration with nothing else. I'm speechless, I'm without speech, but there's good news too. It's not just bad news. There's good news today. I yesterday, we were talking about Super Tuesday, we were talking about some of the fallout, the accomplishments, the Republicans who managed to win. And then one race that I was super focused on was California and this Senate race and how it's now coming down to Steve Garvey and Adam Schiff. Obviously Adam Schiff has a huge like a, not just with financing and Pelosi's seal of approval to thumbs up from octogenarian princess Nancy Pelosi, but also because he's going to, he's going to sweep all of the votes away from the two losers in the race and he's going to end up probably trouncing Steve Garvey, but hey, never say never. But the reason I bring this up is because I was telling everyone that that to me was the best part of Super Tuesday. The fact that Katie Porter is no longer, she lost a swing seat in Congress to run for Senate and then she lost in the primers. It's, I mean, it's a fairy tale. I couldn't write it better myself if I tried. And then this happened and I realized, oh, it gets even better. I think Porter came out and put out a statement about her loss. And she claims that it was rigged. And to me, this is just it's well, first of all, let's just state the obvious is insurrection. And I do feel, I do feel scared. I do feel scared for democracy. I feel scared for what are the other things they like to say? The constitution, it is a constitutional crisis. I feel as though she has incited an insurrection and I, I'm just nervous. I'm nervous for all of us. And something needs to be done. She needs to be charged with insurrection. She's claiming this was rigged against her and even Democrats from like CNN and other places are going, you shouldn't use that word to describe. You just lost. You just lost. But again, if you're Hillary Clinton, if you're Stacey Abrams, if you're Katie Porter, if you're Al Gore, did I mention Hillary Clinton? You can say this all day long and twice on Sunday and it's fine. You're going to be fine. But if she were, for example, Donald Trump, this would just be another unhinged rant with no evidence. 844, 542, my favorite part was she comes out right and she says, ah, it was rigged. I'll read you the whole statement when we come back. I'm trying to be better about keeping the opening a little bit shorter, so we have more time. And then she gets all this pushback, including from people on the left. And my favorite part is that she doubled down. There's nothing like the double down Jared. When you get all this pushback and then they see, everyone starts seeing a statement floating on Twitter and they think, thank God, she, she's walking it back and then you look a little closer and it's like, it was rigged. The only thing she was missing was all caps. If she had made it all caps, it would have looked like a truth social from, from DJT. And then they would have really lost their minds. 844, 542, 40 to I'll read you that when we come back. We've got a really good show planned. Lots of sound. If you want to talk about John Kerry and climate change at some point, we've got Woker joke. We've got news about the NYPD news coming out of Massachusetts as well. And my favorite, we're going to take your calls. So hang on the line. We will be right back recently, a Grace Curly show listener called in and she was telling us how much she loves her thunderstorms. Her furnace was serviced and afterwards, the smell of oil was lingering in her home. She turned on the thunderstorms and she watched the magic happen. The thunderstorm eliminated the funky odor. This is such a great device. It doesn't take up a lot of floor space. It doesn't make really any sound at all. You'll barely hear that it's on, but you'll notice it starts to work because what it does is it purifies the air. You know, when it rains here in New England, Jared, we all complain, but then right afterwards, that clean air is such a nice reset. And that's what the thunderstorm can do for you. It can reset the air in your home, it can keep things fresh, it doesn't try to mask odors. It just gets rid of them. Whether it's food odors, animal smells, allergens, it can handle it all. It can tackle it all. And with the 3-pack, you can keep it running in several different rooms in your house and in your car. So here's what I want you to do. Get the 3-pack special. Go to, use code GRACE3. That's, code GRACE and the number 3. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Silva and Selena as a small law firm with a proven track record of big results. Whether it's family law, criminal defense, or some other legal concern, Mark Selena's and his team are with you from start to finish. To learn more from Silva and Selena's, go to That's and we have a recent interview with Mark Selena's that you guys can check out wherever you get your podcasts. He is an expert in his field and he's always so gracious to help us break down some of the legal cases concerning President Donald Trump. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how long will Biden last for the State of the Union under an hour or over an hour? Yeah, we kept it pretty simple. I didn't want to get involved in, you know, is he going to make it to 30 minutes, 30 to 45, 45 to an hour? I just figure we're in the ballpark. Last year was an hour and one minute. And so this year, he's declined significantly, sometimes I'll see an old clip from like six months ago. It's amazing how much, even if you thought, oh, he lost his fastball four years ago, five years ago, six years ago, it's amazing how quickly it's getting worse. So I'm going to say under an hour, Jared, 88% of the audience agrees with you under an hour, 12% think it'll go over an hour. Okay. So Katie Porter, she's my feel good story of the day. Katie Porter decides to run for Senate against Adam Schiff, Steve Garvey, in barberly. Now to do that, she gave up her seat in Congress, like she's not going to get that again. She's not running for that. And she's losing her seat in Congress, which is in a swing district. And now she's out of the race for to replace die fight, to take over for die fight. And this story gets better and better because she actually put out a statement about this. And I'm going to read it to you. Now if this weren't Katie Porter and she didn't have the protection of being a Democrat, things might be very different. She said, thank you. Actually, can I get a violin, please, this needs a little background music. Thank you to everyone who supported our campaign and voted to shake up the status quo in Washington. Because of you, we had the establishment running scared with standing three to one in TV spending and an onslaught of billionaires spending millions to rig this election to rig this election. I also want to thank every person who supported us over the past six years. It's clear Californians are hungry for leaders who break the mold, can't be bought and push for accountability in government and across our country. And that's exactly what we as Americans deserve. Not done yet, though. Special interests like politics as it is today. Special interests like politics as it is today because they control the politicians. As we've seen in this campaign, they spend millions to defeat someone who will dilute their influence and disrupt the status quo, but take my word for it. I'll never stop fighting for you. Now one of the one of the commentators from CNN wrote back, she lost by 20 points, but is saying the election is rigged because she was outspent. There was a lot of other tweets and responses to this telling Katie Porter that that might not be the right way to describe it, but I'm here to tell Katie Yas queen, like Hillary Clinton, like Stacey Abrams, like so many other strong, tough, likable Democrat women that have come before you. You have had this election stolen from you by Adam Schiff. How dare he? The only thing that would have made this better for me would be if she also blamed sexism. She can't blame racism, I don't think. Unless she identifies as something, I think she is white, but I would have loved if she said this election was rigged and it's because everyone's sexist against me. But you know what? I will take what I can get. She blamed the election being rigged. She got it and shot at the billionaires. Not bad. Not bad stuff. Maybe the next Hillary Clinton, if she keeps her head down, she might just have it. We'll be right back, everybody. We're going to talk John Kerry in so much more on the other side. Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio. Our opponents threw everything. Every trick, millions of dollars, every trick in the playbook to knock us off our feet. But I'm still standing in high heels. The most important thing I want to say tonight is because of you, we have the establishment running scared with standing three to one in TV spending and an onslaught of billionaires who spent millions peddling lies and our opponents spending more to boost the Republican than promoting his own campaign. I want to thank each and every one of you. Wait, hold on, hold on. The Oscars are this Sunday and I would like to nominate that man who just chimed in. You've got to be kidding. What a line. Delivery. You've got to be kidding. Man, I wish I could be. I wish I could be one of the actors for Katie Porter. I would do something like this, Jared. Ready? Start talking about how the elections rigged and I'll tell you what I would say. This election was rigged against us by the corporations. Are you kidding me? I am not kidding you. This is outrageous. That's what I would say if I was in the background, but I really liked how that guy threw that in. You know, you've got to be kidding me. I've had something to it. I don't like the high heel thing. I'm still standing in high heels. It's giving girl boss, you know. It's very chuggy as the kids would say. It's cringe. I sound chuggy right now describing it, but it reminds me of Nikki Haley when she would say those things about and I'm standing here in high heels. No, what did she say during the debate, Jared, to Vivek Ramaswadi? He called her, I believe. Chris Christie and heels. Chris Christie and heels. And she said, these aren't heels. These are bullets. No, I think she tweeted. These aren't heels. They're ammunition. Oh, ammunition. Yeah. And she tweeted it. Again, I would just like to tell people that when any politician or public figure says something and then they have regrets about saying it out loud. I give people so much grace because I say stupid stuff all the time and I get crapped on for it and I understand that sometimes your brain works faster than your mouth or the other way around. But if you take the time to write something out and click send, then I am going to be a little bit more critical. And the fact that Nikki Haley's thought that was a good idea to say these aren't heels. They're ammunition and now Katie Porter's taking it. They think that that and I want to comment on something that I didn't say yesterday but that was kind of just sitting in my head for a while. Remember how we talked about how when Nikki Haley decided to drop out, Trump came out with a statement on truth to social and then Biden came out with a statement and a lot of people, principal to conservatives, people in the establishment were saying that Trump should have been a little bit more classy, I guess, I don't even know, poised and graceful to Nikki Haley. And Joe Biden was very, oh, this is amazing what she's done. And I saw some people on the TV network saying, wow, she makes history by being the first Republican woman to get delegates or whatever the record breaking was. And the more I thought about it yesterday, I was like, can we just be honest? Can we just be honest for a minute here about Nikki Haley? I don't hate Nikki Haley. I know I always may have found a real shit, I don't hate her. But what did she do? Like, what did she really she hung around? She hung around and she waited it out. Let's stop acting like she was the first woman to ever walk on the moon, okay? It's just it's not the same. I'm not buying it. I'm not buying this idea that well, you know, as a woman, we have to give her major props for what she was able to accomplish. What did she accomplish? She hung around, she took a couple of veiled shots at Trump, but barely. And now she's probably going to get a really good gig. Good for her. She's going to make a lot of money. But I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I think that she is some sort of pioneer for women. She's the first woman to get delegates and votes in a GOP primary. And all it took was, you know, 15,000 to 22,000 Democrats voting for her. Congratulations. Yeah. Well, it's a huge congrats. We're supposed to be amazed by that. And one other thing I want to mention on Katie Porter before we move on. I love how she says it played a couple more time for me, Jared, from the top because there's something else that she says that I love. Our opponents through everything, every trick, millions of dollars, every trick in the playbook to knock us off our feet. But I'm still standing in high heels. And the most important thing I want to say tonight is thank you. Because of you, we had the establishment running scared with standing three to one in TV spending and an onslaught of billionaires who spent millions peddling lies and our opponents spending more to boost the Republican than promoting his own campaign. I want to thank each and every one of you. I would have added it sooner, but I had to hear that one more time. You got to be kidding me. Yeah. The establishment that Steve Garvey, you are the establishment. Katie Porter. Yeah. But the other part of it too, she's like, they, they tried every trick in the book is running a better campaign than you considered a trick. Is that a call? Is that called a trick now? They tried every. This is like Hillary Clinton. They, the Russia interfered. They tried every trick in the book. You didn't campaign in Wisconsin. I don't think Putin was involved in that. And Putin get your ear and say, I really, I really have word that if you don't campaign in some major important states, it will bode well for you in the election. Is that a trick that was employed by someone? Oh, it's a trick. They tried every trick in the book. They were much more likable than me. They had more money than me. And they ran a better campaign. What trick is that? I think that's just called being a loser, but no, she's not a loser. They rigged it against her. You know nothing about anything, frankly. You're a loser. And by the way, I'm sick of this on all. I'm sick of everyone losing elections, and this is the immediate go to, and I'm not just saying it about Democrats. It's like, sometimes if you get trounced, that's just it. I don't want to hear about how things were rigged, things were unfair. It was sexist. It was racist. Once in a while, can we take the L? Is that even humanly possible anymore? And it's not. It makes me think of Joe Biden because he cannot take the L with his border crisis. There's so few ways to spin this, to make it seem like it's anyone else's fault. And it's painful to watch the Democrats try. But I did want to play this cut because I'm surprised this even made it to air. I'm surprised this didn't get edited and chopped out of this. So there was an interview. And it was with a gold star family, and it was on CNN with Abby Phillips. Now Jared, break down for us a little bit because you've pulled this cut for us. What happens here? How did this get through on CNN? I don't know what, because I only got the clip that was put out there. So this is Christy Shamblin. She's the mother-in-law of one of the service members who died in the Afghanistan withdrawal. And Abby Phillips is interviewing her, and they're talking about what the Biden White House has done since. And it's not in this clip, but earlier Cindy said, you know, we're still hoping that there will be some kind of accountability. I'm sorry, Christy, not Cindy. There'll be some kind of accountability, but there was none of that. And so then Abby Phillips, as you know, the propagandists are wanting to do, starts talking about, you know, empathetic Joe. Oh, the unifier in chief, the empathizer in chief, the man with the heart that's as deep as the ocean, the man who feels and cries and understands everyone else's pain. Even if he tries to make it about himself, the man who has a whisper that acts as a giant hug towards every American in pain. And Christy Shamblin dropped a truth bomb on Amy Phillips. And Biden, he's often called the consolar in chief. He does talk to families who've lost loved ones because of his own experiences. Have you experienced that from him as you've been coping with the death of the whole? No. Have you spoken to him? No. He has not reached out to our family. We've actually reached out to the White House and have never heard back. We asked to meet with them to kind of understand where their thinking was and calling this a success. And we've not received a response. It's been months. No, that's not been our experience at all. Sorry to hear that. Chairman McCall, my understanding is that you have a hearing coming up in about two weeks. Whoa, she did not intend. You know what I'll go back to. And this is taking me back to a disqualification hearing that we're watching right now, which is the old advice that they give lawyers. Don't ask a question. You don't already know the answer to. And Abby Phillips just learned that the hard way because you can tell she did not expect that response. Is anyone surprised? So this is the same guy who went during the dignified transfer. He couldn't stop checking his watch. You would have thought his watch was like an ice cream cone. He was just fixated on it. Just kept checking. What time is it? What time is it? And the families that lost loved ones in the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, the families of those service members, a lot of them spoke out and said they were not impressed with his attempt to console them, that he made it all about himself, that he really didn't treat them with the respect that they were hoping for. And maybe Abby just wasn't aware of that. But she's definitely, I would expect, if I'm Abby, I'd be on the lookout for a call from Ian Sams, the White House PR guy, the assistant to the regional manager. Because they have already been very critical of the media. The White House is not happy with these journalists right now. They think they should be groveling a little bit more. They think they should be kissing up to Joe Biden a little bit more. They think they should be doing even less reporting than they're currently doing, which if you, if you've been following, that's a hard thing to accomplish. It's a hard thing when you're not reporting any real news to somehow bring it down another notch. But that's what Ian Sams, that's what this White House wants. And so if they, I hope for Abby, say they don't see that cut because they'll be on the horn with CNN going, well, what gives here? What gives? This is ridiculous. There was a lot of reporting like that though over the weekend and in now following into this week, 844, 542, 42. And one more thing I want to play from CNN because they had to make up for it, Jared. They made a mistake there. And then they were trying the deep parrots, the propaganda parrots were trying to make good and they were trying to get back on the White House's good side. So this is Natasha Alford giving her take on the State of the Union and what Biden needs to do. Cut seven. And so if Biden has to take back the narrative that he has been inactive around this issue, it is a really complex issue. And when Donald Trump says things like mass deportation, that's very clear and easy to understand that may resonate with certain people who are afraid about what the broken immigration system represents in terms of scarcity of resources, what their opportunities will be in America. That's a little bit different than saying, hey, I need more judges. I need more resources at the border. That's something that doesn't resonate emotionally. So he has to make it clear that he understands this is a problem. He's not sticking his head in the sand on it and that he has solutions. But the reason those solutions haven't moved forward is because Donald Trump is encouraging people to play politics rather than do something immediately about the border. I would love to hear from people who will believe that. I really would because if you're not watching the timing of this, timing is everything. There's a reason why we're getting close to November and suddenly Joe Biden who for so long told us his hands were tied. He was a victim of circumstance. There was nothing he could do is now pushing that he tried to get this bipartisan bill passed and it's all Donald Trump's fault. How powerful. I mean, talk about a man who should be president. This is a guy who hasn't been president for almost four years and he's able to kill legislation just from sitting, you know, sitting at Mar-a-Lago. He gives the word and he's able to unravel everything for Joe Biden. This is what I always go back to this and I can't take credit for it. My dad told me this. He said, people should vote for Donald Trump because even if you don't, he's the focus of everything, whether or not he's in the White House. So you might as well have him in the White House and have a little bit of stability and have a little bit of sanity and have his good policies because even if you don't, the craziness that surrounds him, the meltdowns of the media, they're going to keep going either way. But at least if he's in there and he's getting blamed for things, he's actually in there. For the last four years, we've had all the chaos of the Donald Trump meltdowns, the TDS, without any of the good policy. And so that's the argument I keep making to people and to see people twisting themselves into pretzels. And I thought, Jared, I thought TDS was so bad once Trump was elected and then once Biden was elected, I thought it would go away a little bit. I thought it would simmer down. This, this four year break we had has somehow made it so much worse, like going into this next election, everyone keeps saying, oh, it's a rematch, it's a rematch of 2020. I think it's even more insane. I think people have lost their minds and become less serious somehow. Like I heard Jonathan Carl, serious person, Jonathan Carl, convincing the ladies of the view that there was no way Donald Trump was going to win the presidency. This is a journalist. This is a guy who's supposed to be giving us the news and he's sitting there basically is like a therapy session telling them, don't worry, everything's going to be fine. They're somehow even more unhinged than they were the last time around. Well, it's more personal and it's more visceral for them this time because the reality is in their face that they were wrong. It's one thing to theoretically be wrong, but still feel like you can be right. Now there is legitimate proof that you were like, you're just, you're wrong. The evidence is out there. Everything is out there. It's all out there. You are absolutely wrong about this guy. You were wrong about everything involving him, but they're so into this that they can't admit it that it makes him even more maniacal and crazy in their denials about this and themselves. It would be sweeter though. I don't think anything could be sweeter than 2016. Oh my God. It would be nuts. This really would be. I'm looking forward to it. 844-542-42. Oh, and an update for everybody, especially our main listeners. I think in the two o'clock, we're going to talk to a reporter from the main wire about the legal immigration situation happening in Maine. So stay tuned for that. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Dr. Houten of Perfect Smiles is the best, whether you're just getting a teeth cleaning, whether you want to transform your smile, he's the best at what he does. He fixes your teeth, your smile, but what he really does is he builds your confidence. I think everyone could use a confidence boost. When you have a smile that you're proud of, it builds confidence in your professional life and in your personal life. The better you look, the better you feel, and that helps every aspect of your life. Every interaction you have daily is going to get better because if you're not afraid to smile, every other part of life becomes a little bit easier. If you've thought about Perfect Smiles, you keep putting it off. You keep saying maybe tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, no, no, no. Call them today and let's get the ball rolling. Take care of yourself. Call Perfect Smiles in National New Hampshire. They're located right off Route 3. They've got plenty of parking. It's easy to get to and you can reach them at That's Change your smile, change your life, we'll be right back. Jared, you were just talking about some people don't want to admit what's going on. You know who's taking a victory lap today? Your guy, George Santos. There was a recent clip of Chuck Schumer, Senator Chuck Schumer from New York being asked about Bob Hernandez and whether or not he should step down and he just kept saying I'm really disappointed in him. But of course, he's not going to call for him to step down. They don't want to lose that Senate seat. They don't want to put themselves in jeopardy. They're smart. Democrats know what they're doing. And so Schumer just keeps pulling the Charlie Baker. I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed. All I keep thinking about is these Republicans who got rid of George Santos because of a couple of lies. Sure, he said he was Jewish. Sure he lied about his resume. But you don't think everybody else is lying? Bob Menendez is being accused of having gold bars and diamonds and Mercedes and all of these things and halal purveyors. His crimes are, you know, a whole nother level, allegedly. And all he gets is I'm disappointed from Chuck Schumer. That's it. So yeah, I think anyone who was team Santos and thought he should stay is feeling pretty vindicated right now because it looks like Democrats stand by their man a little bit more than Republicans do. I see people on the line who want to talk about the state of the union layoffs, all that good stuff. We will get to it when we come back. We don't have enough time right here. Let's just play a little bit of Chuck Schumer, Jared. This is cut 15. Senator Menendez is facing another round of indictments. Is it time for members I and it's not time to go for a take? Look, the bottom line, as I've said, the Senate has certain standards that we must live up to. I'm very disappointed that Senator Menendez has not lived up to those standards. By the way, Republicans, next time you think about turning on one of your own, just instead say we're very disappointed. We're not going to do anything about it, but we are very disappointed. It works for Chuck Schumer. We'll be right back. (upbeat music)