The Howie Carr Radio Network

Yesterday, they were candidates. Today, they woke up winners! | 3.6.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie takes a victory lap after a successful round of State Committee races last night. He welcomes his picks Amanda Peterson, Dan Hickey, Sean Powers, Stephanie Mulroy, and Judy Crocker to the show.

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07 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [MUSIC] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I said I wanted Americans to have their voices heard. Oh, have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard. Heard what? Former President Donald Trump will win Virginia's Republican primary, Alabama. Tennessee, there you go. North Carolina. Oklahoma. Minnesota. The state of Texas. The state of May. The state of Arkansas. Yet another state on the big board for Donald Trump this evening. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I sought the honor of being your president. That's the point. There's no more money. The time has now come to suspend my campaign. Who's your captain? Howie Car. Let me take you back to Bradley on the stand about the speculation that he says about when this affair all began. I've seen nothing. I don't know nothing. Welcome to the California comeback. What you are feeling tonight is what it's like to hit a walk-off home run. Rum swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's... [MUSIC] Howie Car. [MUSIC] 844-542-442-844-542-442. In addition to Donald Trump's great victory in Massachusetts Republican presidential primary yesterday. There was also a down ballot elections for the Republican state committee. Democrats state committee too, but they were kind of anticlimactic. And the Republican side though was a battle between the losers in the so-called Kool-Aid cult. All the people who spent four years losing elections and sliming and trashing other Republicans from 2019 to 2023. Versus people who actually want to win elections in the words of Representative David DeCoast. Who was also reelected to the state committee last night. This was not a battle between left and right. It was a battle between competence and incompetence. And competence won last night. Thank goodness. And of the 77 elections, 43 to 47 somewhere in there were won by members, by non-knuckleheads, non-members of the Kool-Aid cult. And it's a big victory. I think this is the end of the line for the Jim Jones Lions DoorDash deal group, green group that has just run the party totally into the ground, made the party, the one party state that it is today. The Renaissance has begun a little bit. Republicans won an open seat in the legislature in the Senate in November for the first time in four years. When the Jones Lions, Jim Jones Lions, Jeff Deal Group was in control. They didn't take a single open Senate seat. They didn't, or our House seat, they didn't take a single Democrat seat away. And under Amy Carnavale, the Republicans already have. So we wanted to talk to some of the winning candidates that prevailed last night against the Kool-Aid cult that oftentimes against fairly significant odds. And one of the people that textors have been asking about all through the show is Amanda Patterson. She was the campaign manager for that winning Senate candidate, the first Republican to win an open seat or the House to Democrat in more than four years. Amanda Peterson is 19 years old, 19 years old. And she won. She defeated a Kool-Aid cultist last night. And she has all the good instincts of a politician nine o'clock this morning. I was walking to my car and I got a call and she thanked me. That's what a politician does after he or she wins a race. They call and they thank people and she's already figured it out. Amanda Peterson, congratulations on your win and the listeners are so excited. They really love you. You've done a great job for the Republicans already, even at age 19. How do you feel today? Hi Howie. I'm on a high right now. I'm so thankful and I want to thank everyone who supported me from the bottom of my heart. The support has just been just amazing. And, you know, you were slimed. That's the only way they know how to run a campaign. They don't care about sliming Democrats. They just want to go after Republicans. And, you know, you're 19 years old. You won more races already than they've ever won. And they still went after you and just made the most scurrilous kinds of gossipy rumors about you. Yeah, it was very unfortunate. But, you know what, I won last night and I'm looking to put all of this behind me and I'm just really excited to start getting to work. I told my voters and I told my constituents that the reason I'm running is to unify this party and that's exactly what I'm going to do. So, I'm going to turn a new leaf and just forget about everything that happened during this election cycle and just focus on the positives. And, you know, we can find a commonality and that commonality is getting Donald Trump reelected in 2024 and especially on a local level getting Republicans back in the legislature. So, if we can, you know, ban together and work on that, then, you know, it's going to be a good year. Now, you have to go to a meeting tonight and I think you're going to meet one of the ousted members of the Kool-Aid call tonight, the dog walker, Stephen Frisetti. What do you have? Has he called you today to talk about this meeting tonight, this organization that you both belong to? No, no, I haven't spoken to him yet. But, yeah, let's see what happens. But you're going to reach across the aisle, so to speak. That's what you indicated, right? Exactly, exactly. And, you know, I joined that group and I'm joining other groups as well to get Republicans involved in the state. And, like I said, I'm trying to unify this party and I'm going to work with both sides. You know, again, we hold the same values. It's just we like to go about campaigning differently and go about, you know, winning elections differently. And, you know, that's fine. And I'm willing to work with those people and I'm willing to, you know, start winning elections in the state. All right, Amanda Peterson, congratulations. It's a great victory and we're so happy for you. And you're, you know, we wanted to elect, you know, the mailroom manager and I were particularly interested in electing more young Republicans, you know. And, it's just the New England Young Conservatives, which the mailroom manager helped us to set up with Emma Foley, who works for us. We put out a tweet today. Congratulations to our endorsed candidates for Mass GOP State Committee and you're one of them, Amanda. And we're so happy you won. And the New England Young Conservatives are we're very happy that that organization now exists. Thank you, Amanda Peterson, and congratulations and give our best to Steve Frisetti, the dog walker. He had a very rough night last evening. Ha, ha, ha. I just can't say that joke enough. I don't know. Maybe it's not funny to you. You have it's funny to me. I'm having a good time, Taylor. This is an hour for me. Okay, not just for the candidate, the winning candidates. I feel like it's a it's a big, big win for me to get to get rid of these people. I feel like an exterminator who got rid of all the roaches and the termites in the in the bill. Well, I can get rid of all of them, but they're they're more under control. Judy Crocker and her husband, Will Crocker, were are down on the Cape and they were the the targets of all kinds of scurlless allegations and attacks around certainly around the morning hours. And yet they prevailed fairly easily. Judy Crocker, congratulations. Thanks, Howie. We really appreciate all your support and all the help you gave us. You couldn't have done it without you. Why, why were you getting blamed for the fact that the the Kool-Aid cult didn't give any money to anybody on the Cape or in Bristol County for their campaigns? And as a result, they lost the sheriff's offices in Barnstable and Bristol County, the DA's office in in Barnstable County and an estate rep seat in on Cape Cod. And she had somehow it became your fault. I don't understand that. Well, it's easy to blame someone else, right? It's it's not easy to look in the mirror and blame yourself. And you know, a lot of the talk in the morning and around was that, you know, certain people weren't Republican enough and therefore should not be sported. And, you know, it was easy to point fingers at us as being the scapegoats. So that's what we were. And even this morning after we'd won, you know, that now it's where did they get all that money? Well, you know, anybody who knows what I've done in politics is fundraising, right? I've raised millions of dollars for candidates. That's where we got all that money. I raised it for both of us. So, you know, it's just kind of funny and ironic that that's the talk today is where did they get all that money? Instead of congratulations, you won. So, you know, Jen Cunningham won, Will and I won, you know, Jay McMahon worked heavily against the three of us. So it's like his turn to come across the aisle a little bit and start working with us so we can bring this party together on the Cape and the Islands and get some of these. Jay McMahon is one of the leaders of the the knucklehead faction because you got to have at least three losses under your belt to to be a member of the cool leading member of the Kool-Aid cult. So, like deal, like lions, Jay McMahon has has lost twice for AG and once for the state Senate. So, that makes him a BMOC in the in the Kool-Aid cult. Oh, how? You're so funny. I liked the rough comments earlier as I looked at my two puppies. But, you know, the reality is, is we have a lot to do on the Cape right now. We have a ton to do. You know, we have Chris Blozan who's running for Senate. We have some open seats that we have candidates for that we need to get them to commit, officially commit to running for those offices. So, we have a lot of work to do and it's great that, you know, the direction of the party, it was a clear message that we believe in Amy. We believe what Amy Carnavoli can do and the directions she can take the party in. And, you know, all of the the people that were voting believe it too and they voted for Amy Carnavoli. That was what this vote was about, in my opinion. So, it was really a great night, great night. Judy, congratulations to you and Will. I was more concerned about losing those two seats than any anywhere else in the state, actually. Well, that's just because you wanted to prove that the afternoon show is a little more powerful than the morning show, Ally. I'm not going to comment on that. Thank you, Judy Crocker, and congratulations to your husband, Will, as well. 844-542-42 will be speaking to more of the winning candidates. When we come back, I'm Howie Carr. Watch Howie Live at Howie Carr Show. He's not just another pretty face. He's an extraordinarily good-looking man. He's Howie Carr. That's a little bit of a bromance going on, right? The Howie Carr Show is back. 844-542. Janice Fogarty is the Republican National Committee woman. She's heading to Houston tomorrow to elect the new RNC chairman. And she was targeted for defeat by the Kool-Aid cult after she voted for Amy Carnavoli last January. Janice, congratulations on your landslide victory last night. Thank you so much, Howie. And thank you so much for your endorsement and all the help. I really think that your testimonial definitely resonated in my district. So I appreciate that. Thank you. You raised a lot of money for for deal, didn't you, over the years? Even after you voted for at the convention, you know, you still raised money for him after he won the primary, but that didn't matter, did it? They still had to, you know, eliminate you because you were not of the cult. Yeah, it's unfortunate. I've supported Jeff in every race he's ever run for since before he was even elected to state rep the first time. And I've raised a lot of money for him. You know, I didn't support him in the primary for governor or not because I don't, you know, like him personally or agree with him on issues and stuff. But it's because I just felt that, you know, it's time we start electing electable candidates. And I felt that Dowdy had the resources and the messaging to, you know, come up against more Healy. And but, you know, it was taken personally, I guess. And even though I, I think I flew him as biggest fundraiser after he won the primary, but that wasn't good enough. He targeted me heavily. So, you know, but he didn't prevail. So I'm glad. And we'll be serving together on the state committee and hopefully put it all behind us. Well, Janet, again, congratulations on your on your victory. And everything is everything is under control at the RNC. That the guy from North Carolina is going to be elected tomorrow. Is that the way it's going to work out? Yes, as far as I know, there's no one else seeking, you know, to run for chair. So it should be pretty smooth sailing. Obviously, he has the support and endorsement from President Trump. And along with co chair, Lara Trump, and, you know, so it should be it should all go smoothly. And I look forward to getting down there and casting my vote. All right. President Trump wants. All right, Janet Fogarty. Thank you. Thank you so much for running. Joining us now on the line is Dan Hickey, age 24, another kid. Dan, tell us what you went to sleep last night thinking what? Yeah, I didn't know that I had one. I, you know, didn't have all the the towns in. I stopped at about 11 collecting. They had taken them down from some of the towns. And I woke up to a couple of phone calls letting me know that I had one by 26 votes. Landslide Dan Hickey. That's what we'll call you for a little while. Yeah. That's pretty good. So so now you you know Amanda Peterson, don't you? From where did you meet Amanda Peterson, age 19, who was was also elected yesterday by slightly more than 26 votes? Where did you meet Amanda? I'm the doughty campaign back in 2020. We both worked really hard on that campaign. It was a great experience. You know, she's great at what she does. And that's why she got elected last night. Yeah. Well, this is this is really something now you're from you're from Watertown. Where'd you go to college? I actually live in Brighton, but I went to a manual college. Oh, okay. I mean, okay. My daughter went to a manual college. What are my daughters went for for a year? Yeah, but you're in the you're in the Brighton, Watertown district. I'm sorry. Yeah. And you are you a member of New England Young Conservatives? I am. I'm one of the founding members. I've been there basically since the start. Great. Tell tell people how they if young young people if they want to get involved with New England Young Conservatives to tell build a party in all the New England states. Yeah, just, you know, look up New England Young Conservatives. The website you can sign up. There'll be events coming up in the future. And it's a really great way to get involved. It's, you know, a big part of the reason why I got elected last night. And, you know, in just a short time, they've helped me so much with this whole race. any young That's the website to go to if you're interested in any young It's great that you won Dan. You know, when I when I woke up this morning, I thought you had lost too. I didn't. I think a lot of people thought that, but it's I guess it's it's better to it's better to win late than not win at all. So there you go. You're you're in landslide Dan Hickey and two two young people 19 and 24 elected from the Dodie campaign eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it who laid help. We'll be back with more of the winning candidates when we return. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios eight four four five hundred forty two forty two limerick. I says the election was sticky, but in the end they went with Hickey. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code from pillows, towels, slippers and even their Giza Dream sheets. Go to and use code howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far today's poll question, which you can vote in at is will Biden mention Georgia murder victim, Lake and Riley in his state of the union address tomorrow? Yes, no, or only in passing, but not by names who is not to offend illegal aliens. I'm going to say no. Eighty seven percent say no. Two percent say yes. Eleven percent say only in passing. All right. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two with us now is Alex Haggerty. He was elected in the Quincy district and Alex, how old are you? Hi, Howie. I am 29 years old. Wow. You got really slimed by the Kool-Aid cult, didn't you, in this race? Oh, absolutely. They came at me with with full barrels. Absolutely. You know, they they tried to slander me and, you know, put out a mailer right before the election. You know, calling me a rhino and, you know, a pro Democrat. Howie, Howie, I've been a Republican since I was in elementary school. My gosh, you know, my nickname when I was vice president of the student council in sixth grade was Dick Cheney. So, I mean, the idea that they call me a rhino is absolutely insane. And, you know, you, you, you had some kind of town position and you, you just decided to resign because there was some stuff going on you didn't like and you couldn't do anything about it. So, you didn't want to get tarred with the same brushes. That's my understanding of what happened. And they tried to make it sound like you were involved in a scandal. Oh, yes, absolutely, Howie. Look, you know, I, I believe in public service that, you know, our elected officials need to be honest and, you know, and serve with integrity. There were things that were going on that I just couldn't stand by any longer. And I didn't want to tarnish, you know, my integrity and my public service. You know, I'm going to continue to publicly serve. Now on the Republican State Committee for Avington, Braintree, Hanover, Holbrook, Quincy, and Rockland. I'm so, so excited. We won in a landslide. That's great. Congratulations, Alex. And how old are you again? I am 29 years old. 29 years old. And I guess you've been to some of the meetings of the New England young conservatives over the last, uh, last few months since the organization was founded, correct? Oh, yes, absolutely. You know, we need to be bringing in, you know, new generational conservative leaders. And that's one, you know, I'm so proud to see that New England young conservatives, you know, getting involved in Massachusetts. That's the, you know, we have to be about addition, not subtraction when it comes to our GOP, bringing more people into the party, getting more people to run for local offices. Actually, even, you know, day one now, I'm, uh, as a, you know, state committee man-elect, um, I've actually, you know, there's a school committee candidate in Holbrook. I'm talking to people running for Quincy, you know, getting ready to run for Quincy, looking and adding to New Rockland, you know, already getting to work. That's great. It's good. It's good to see, you know, people that are, that are interested in winning elections rather than, uh, just sliming other Republicans. Congrat- congratulations, Alex Hagerty. We really appreciate it. Uh, Justin from Boyle's body works, Justin Cosano. He was a right in Canada. His wife, Ruthie, was the candidate in, uh, in the, um, third middle sex. I think it was in Waltham and, uh, they didn't, they didn't win, but they're, they, uh, Justin just texted me. Uh, he's a, he's a friend of mine. Congratulations to all the winners last night. We are sad to have lost, but we stopped the bozos. Exactly. Justin. Exactly. And, uh, thanks for, thanks for running. We appreciate it. Now we are joined by, uh, Sean Powers. He's the one who stopped the, uh, dog walker. He made, uh, Steven Frisetti all over last night. Sean Powers, congratulations. This was a great victory. I, we, I was very happy about this one. And so was everybody else, I think. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks so much, Hawi. And thank you and, uh, also to the mailroom manager. And you guys have, have just been working this for, for, for a very long time and, and, and just telling folks how important, uh, these elections were for the state committee, because we really need to bring back, uh, two-party balance in the state because we're just heading in the direction that nobody wants to see the state or this country go to. It's just, it's just very concerning, but, uh, you were fantastic and very helpful. A lot of folks I talked to on the phone said, well, if how we car was with you, I'm with you too. So it was, uh, it was a great endorsement, very helpful. And we had a lot of great, great supporters, including, uh, my dad, who's a long time listener, uh, listening at home, he's been listening to you since you were in the year with Jerry Williams and, and, uh, Barbara Anderson calling yourselves the governors way back in the day. So we, uh, I'm the sole surviving governor, even though I don't have a, even though I don't have a state pension, but Sean, Sean, you know, you know, uh, you work for the last surviving, speaking of survivors, the last surviving Republican district attorney in, uh, in Massachusetts, Tim Cruz down in Plymouth County. And you know, you were running against the sorrow sky on the Democrat side last year. Did you get, I just want people to understand again, as Dave, the coast said, this was not about rhinos, non rhinos and which was ridiculous to be with or, uh, left right. This was about a competence and incompetence. When, when your boss, the last Republican district attorney was faced with a, uh, a Soros challenger. What helped did he get from the state committee under the previous regime? Zero zip, not a nilt and a whole other bunch of adjectives, nothing. Uh, Soros came in, funded this candidate, almost $400,000. We were outspent, um, and you know, despite, uh, Jeff Field losing his own home county by 10 points, Tim Cruz won a resounding victory by over 26 points. Uh, and it's a testament to him, um, and the campaign team that he put together. And, uh, obviously I was honored to have his support too. And, and, and that's why these elections are just so critical and so important. And, and we have to start winning elections again. We just have to, it's just, yeah. And the Bristol County sheriff, Tom Hodgson, he's, you know, he lost and he was, he was Trump's campaign manager last night in the state. One of big victory congratulations to Sheriff Hodgson, but you know, he was running against the Soros guy too. And, and he got no help from the state party, did he? Zero help, zero help. Um, and again, Soros came in and spent about $500,000 to defeat, uh, Tom Hodgson, uh, and the party was nowhere to help him too. It's just, it was very frustrating. Um, it was very discouraging. And, you know, you can see the disaster play out in slow motion. Uh, but thankfully we have a great team. We have a bunch of new state committee members. We have a great chairman. Um, and you know, I, I think things are looking up and, uh, we just got to keep fighting and keep working. Okay. Thank you, Sean Powers and, uh, we appreciate your work and, uh, thanks for, uh, thanks for ridding us of this troublesome dog walker. We appreciate it. Thank you. Stephanie Mulroy. She's the chair of the board of, uh, select, uh, select persons or people, whatever in, uh, Holden. And she is now a, uh, a newly elected member of the Republican state committee. Stephanie, congratulations on your victory. Hey, Howie. I was listening to you earlier talking about doing a victory lap tonight. And I, I actually was on a walk and I almost laughed out loud because he's brought to mind, uh, like a visual of Howard Dean and his wild, uh, from all those years ago, but it does feel like that. It was a massive win yesterday for, um, the future of the Massachusetts GOP. We're all really excited to be on board. Yeah. And, and you know, tell, tell the other side. I mean, they, they were, they were sold this bill of goods that, uh, you know, that these were the only real Republicans and, and everybody else was a, was a rhino and a, and a sellout. And it was just BS, wasn't it? Mm hmm. Yeah. You know, I, I, when we chatted last time, I was on the air with you and that is really the truly like the undermining and most disturbing thing that when, when I entered into politics, I could not believe the name calling and the infighting within the party. I was appalled. And one of the things I've always loved about not just being a Republican, but being a Republican from Massachusetts is that we are patriots. We are rebels. We are the resistance. We are independent thinkers. We are freedom fighters. And I just was completely unaware that we had certain people in leadership that were more about self promotion and ego than in driving the ball down the field and getting the seats and the people at the table to fight the fight that we, that we need in order to make a difference in the Commonwealth. Yeah. And hiring private detectives to go after other Republicans on the, on the state committee. And then, and then they're, they're, their knuckleheads come out and say, well, they're hiring, they're, they're hiring private detectives. No, you were the ones that were hiring the private detectives, you know. Right. Right. Right. I can just, I can just say that from my experience, I have had nothing but positive, enthusiastic support from so many people who truly, like I said, care about conservative values and don't care about their optics or trying to, you know, to be, you know, the, I don't know, the demigol of the party here that it's been a grassroots effort that has been awesome that I've seen personally. Just last night, I was in a where with Michael Fountain, who was running with me and we were just kind of like, yeah, yeah, resounding when I mean, we didn't just go with a couple extra votes. We, we took basically double what our opponents took. I finished with close to 10,000 votes on my opponent was just around 5,000. But we're sitting at this table in this little piece of joy. It was like the fault of the earth, these guys around like 50s, 60s, even we had an 80 year old man there. And I was floored because these guys told me that they were lifelong Democrats and that they had only turned to be Republican within last two or three years because Michael Fountain was out just meeting people and explaining to them that you think you're a Democrat in Massachusetts because you love to the Kennedys, you are not a Democrat. If you think to yourself, I say, what can I do for my government, not what my government could do for me? You're a Republican. So he's winning over people by doing a grassroots effort. And that's what we need to see is people who really care about changing hearts and minds here because that's the only way change is going to happen. Stephanie Mulroy, congratulations. And thanks for your service on the in the town of Holden and also now on the Republican State Committee. It's a new dawn. It's a new dawn. And to the Kool-Aid cult, as they say at last call, you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Thank you, Stephanie. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show. He's Howie Carr, and he's back. Remember that movie, what is Alex Baldwin with the rust where the cinematographer was shot with the live ammunition on a, was supposed to be a prop gun? Today, the armor on the movie, Hannah Gutierrez Reed was found guilty of involuntary and I get compliments on the hyphen. Sure you would. Sure you would. Yeah. I shouldn't laugh. Found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the fatal shooting of the cinematographer, Halina Hutchins. 844-542-42. And tomorrow night, President Trump has just has announced that he is going to, what does he say he's going to be doing exactly, Taylor? Do we, do we know exactly, but he said on truth tonight, I am pleased to inform you that tomorrow night will be doing a live play by play of Crooked Joe Biden's State of the Union address. I will correct in rapid response any and all inaccurate statements, especially pertaining to the border and his weaponization of the DOJ, FBI, AGs and DA's, to go after his political opponent, me, something that never done before in this country. We did this once before to a tremendous success, beating all records. It is important for the country to get the truth. It sounds like to me he's going to be like live tweeting except on truth social. I don't think he's going to be on video doing commentary, which would be hilarious. I was just saying, you know, I love this, that whole series, the mystery science there to 3000, they would take this crappy old movie and these guys with these sort of semi-comics would just sit and sit there and they would critique it as to all these terrible lines. They just talk over it and make terrible jokes about it. Yeah, it's great. Right. It was, it was hilarious stuff. There was a guy who used to work at the Herald, his brother was one of them, Knif, and they were all really good. It was a great, it would be so funny to see the back of Trump's head. Trump's just sitting there going wrong, wrong. It came from China. That would be, that would be a really, that would be must see TV, but yeah, it's probably, it'll probably just be live tweeting, but that's good enough. That's pretty good. 844, 542, 42, by the way, we've started a new promotion on the store. If you, if you go there and you order one of our t-shirts, including the one I'm wearing right now, which is cheaper to deport than support or, or my book, Paper Boy Read All About It, you can, you can get $5 off. It's called merch madness. And all you do is go and or get the book and go to the checkout or the t-shirt. And you just write down march in the, for the code, and you get $5 off either the, either the book or the t-shirt or book. So it's a, it's a good deal. And we also have two, two of the great Eden Pure Vax left from Grace's show. These are a $349 value for just $174. 844, 542, 42, and congratulations to everybody who took part in the, in the races yesterday for the Republican State Committee. You know, we, we didn't win them all, but we, we won a disproportionate number of them. And we, I think we put an end to this, this madness that's been going on for, for years and years. It's just, it's, it's hard to, it's hard to fathom that you would have people in power that, that they, they came in with $700,000 in the bank and they almost bankrupted the entire party. They were $600,000 in debt. And you know, you can, you can tolerate people doing a, you know, doing bad things to other people. I mean, you shouldn't do that obviously, but you can tolerate it if they're getting the job done and they're succeeding, but these people weren't succeeding. They weren't, they were incompetent and, and they were spending all kinds of money and they were hurting the, the people that were supposed to be their allies. And it was just a complete disaster. And they, they wouldn't, they wouldn't give it up. They wouldn't have any outreach for anybody else. And they, they, they've just been, been, been devastated now. And it's, it's overdue to decimate them. And congratulations to Amy Carnavalli, the, the chair of the state Republican party who's worked hard. She was easily reelected yesterday over the woman who was fighting against pagan antiquity with the help of a booze, topless booze crews, impresario Sandy Tennant and who seem to be into bachanelian excess himself. It is days before he supported the woman who's, who's fighting a return to pagan antiquity. 844, 542, 42. Do you know who's doing the Republican response to the state of the union, which the state of the onion, which makes me cry a little joke? He was, I think it's Senator Katie Brett of Alabama. She's a, a not guilty freshman Republican senator. She's kind of very young. She succeeded Shelby in the, in the, in the Senate, U.S. Senate from Alabama. And she's going to be doing the response. Uh.