The Howie Carr Radio Network

What's wrong with West Virginia? plus the Chump Line | 3.6.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Just another day of picking on rural White Americans. Today, Jen Psaki and Rachel Maddow snicker about West Virginians as they joke about building a wall between WV and Virginia. What exactly do they mean by that?

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06 Mar 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space, there are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code HOWE3. "Better strap yourself in, it's time for the Howie Car Show." "I said I wanted Americans to have their voices heard." Oh, have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard. Heard what? Former President Donald Trump will win Virginia's Republican primary, Alabama. Tennessee, there you go. North Carolina. Oklahoma. Minnesota. The state of Texas. The state of Maine, the state of Arkansas, yet another state on the big board for Donald Trump this evening. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. "I sought the honor of being your President." "That's the point. There's no more money." "The time has now come to suspend my campaign." "Who's your Captain, Howie Car?" Let me take you back to Bradley on the stand about the speculation that he says about when this affair all began. "I see nothing, I don't know nothing!" Welcome to the California comeback. "What you are feeling tonight is what it's like to hit a walk-off home run." "Rumb swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car." "844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42." I'm going to send out the story about the Washington State Patrol Trooper who was killed by an illegal alien. I'll tweet that story out right now. Where can I find the election results for the state committee members? Go to Howie Car Show on Twitter at Howie Car Show and I posted them around 9 o'clock this morning. When some knuckleheads were saying they didn't have any results, that wasn't true. But there's been a lot of stuff that's been said by the knuckleheads that wasn't true in the last few days. Just made up or I don't know what they did, but there's been a lot of lying going on, a lot of very fake news. But we should have a story up on the Herald very shortly about it. I wrote a column about it for tomorrow, but I can tell you about a lot of the races. We're going to have a lot of the winners in the next hour just to enjoy the victory. The Kool-Aid cult is now reduced to out of a body of 80 members. There's only 77 people that are going to be in it because there's three races that no one ran in. So let's say 77, there are going to be 2829 members of the Kool-Aid cult. In other words, they're out of business. They're done. I think Jeff Diehl is still going to run DoorDash deal for party chairman. He wants to get another loss on his resume before he gets his ass kicked in November by the drunken state senator Michael Brady that he's already beaten them badly in 2015 in a special election. Anyway, we'll get to all of this later on. 844-542. I'll let you know as soon as the election results are posted by the Herald. I've got a lot of them anyway. But again, go to @HowWeCarShow on Twitter and I have a lot of the results. A lot of the incumbents that were ousted by the sane people, the sane caucus. And I'd like to thank everybody who voted for our candidates. We need to make this state a two-party state. This was not left versus right. This was competence versus incompetence. And the Kool-Aid cult, DoorDash, Deadbeat Deal, and Jim Jones-Lions and Rick Green and the rest of them. But they're nitwits. They don't know what they're doing politically. They lost every race. They had to be eradicated from the political scene. And now thank goodness they have been. All right. Time now for the Chumplied. Hey, Howie. Don Lemon is right. Nikki Haley is past her primary. Well put. Well put. Did you see this? I don't know if I mentioned this, but Don Lamone. It was announced a week or so ago. Finally got his buyout from CNN. $24.5 million. Death, as they say in the New Testament. Where is nice thing? And now another excerpt from Paper Boy, my life and media, as read by the author. One day, while I was doing time working for the World's Worst Radio Company, I walked into the studio and heard a familiar voice say, "Hello, Howie. I looked around but couldn't see anyone." Then I looked down and saw this bald cubal hovering about three feet above the ground. He was felling thinner and I figured that was as low as he could go. That is until I saw his ratings. That was pretty accurate, actually. That was a pretty accurate description. By the way, if you're interested in getting Paper Boy, read all about it in my life in the media. There's right now a $5 discount if you go to Click on store and order the book or order any of our t-shirts like Cheaper to Deport and Support, which I'm wearing right now. All you do is, it's part of merch madness and you just $5 discount on t-shirts or my book Paper Boy. So just go to Click on store and order the book or the t-shirts, any of the t-shirts, and you get $5 off if you use March at the promo code at checkout. Correct. Today's Chump Line is brought to you by Jake Rooney's on the Curve in Harwich Port, open year round with seasonal favorites. For family fun, food, and entertainment, it's Jake Rooney's in Harwich Port, the exclusive home of the stone grill dinner. Online at I'll get in trouble if I answer any questions. I can ask that I can only talk to the cookie monster and then they would tell me what the drop dead hour was. [laughter] Yeah, he said that yesterday, he said that, let's play that cut here, cut Ted. I have a lot of questions. I better not start the questions, I got in trouble. What's your message? I better not start the question. I better not start the question. That was at the same event where he spoke about or to the cookie monster. So Nikki Hailey was telling the truth when she said, "I'm not going anywhere." [laughter] Hey, a lot of good responses to Nikki Hailey today on the Chump Line. Two into tomorrow night, state of the union address, where Joe Biden will put lipstick on a pig and Dr. Jill will put lipstick on dog. [laughter] I'll just let that one go. Hailey, what do you think is bigger, the split in the Massachusetts Republican Party or Chris Christie's pants? You know what, I'm going to let two in a row go. Kamala's Gaza speech had to be watered down. The left doesn't want her to grammatically drown. If she talks too long, they know that the front will be quick to tune out this word salad clown. What did she say Hamas has got to do its thing? Really? She's a real wordsmith. Wouldn't you like to have been a fly on the wall when Fanny Willis met with Kamala Harris at the White House? The fly's brain would have turned to mush. So not now Nikki in her, I can't believe I lost speech, said her campaign was about warning the American people to have a voice. Anybody want a Trump explain to her how that could have possibly worked against her? [laughter] Trump's playing, that's a good word, I like that, I got to remember that one. I hold in my hand the last time below. Senator Leonard Nimoy, Nikki Haley's candidacy. Name a rock, a spark, and a crock. Very good, very good. These Nikki Haley Trump line messages today, outstanding. Holly, the current bat boy for the Dodgers could do a better job than Adam Schiff. I agree. Haven't the Dodgers had some problems with miscreants, shall we say, on the off the field? I would vote for any of those miscreants that the Dodgers have had on their payroll over the last couple of decades than I would vote for Adam Schiff. I would vote for just about anybody anywhere over Adam Schiff, except for maybe Jamie Raskin. Maybe Fanny Willis, the Nathan Wade, don't know how to step aside. It's stepping out that's more their thing. Alright, go ahead. That was your last Trump line message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. Alright, that's it for the Trump line today. The Trump line is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any hour of the Howie Carr show between one and four. Anyway, one and four p.m. eastern time to leave such a message on the Trump line dial one, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, one, eight, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, press two for the Trump line. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like there are a second brand new Trump line every day, we have one. It's called Chop Chumps. It's posted every evening around seven p.m. weeknights eastern time and it's where we put all the messages that we didn't have room at time for. Just now Chop Chumps, the second Trump line of the day. Again, it's available wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Today's Trump line is brought to you by Jake Rooney's on the curve in Harwichport. Open year round with seasonal favorites. For family fun food and entertainment, it's Jake Rooney's in Harwichport, the exclusive home of the stone grill dinner online at I hold in my hand the last time below. Gibraltar Leonard Nimoy, Nikki Haley's candidacy. Name a rock, a spark, and a crock. March is here and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier 3 pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code Howie3. He uses them in both his home and office and he also buys them his gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Henshey has one in every room at the noss at Beach Inn. Dr. Matt the vet swears by them at his pet clinic. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat, or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside your car with the thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden Pure 3 pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also does indeed filters and that saves you both time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements, and more, you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3 pack. Have you ever used your stomach to storm anywhere else other than your basement, Taylor? I used it in the kitchen for certain mishaps that may or may not have been my fault, whether it's cooking odors or a near, you know, house engulfed fire. It takes care of the smells just fine. Joe Biden feels your pain. He does. He could have used a couple of thunderstorms back in, what was it, 2004 or whatever it was. But yeah, they do a great job of taking care of whatever they're up against and they're well worth the investment. The thunderstorm air purifier back in stock now. Order now at use code Howey3. That's the number three and get yours now. That's code Howey3. I'm HoweyCar. Looking for the perfect gift for the HoweyCar fan in your life? Or maybe you're looking for a great deal on a local restaurant or entertainment venue? We've got them all. Go to and click store. He's HoweyCar. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howey at From pillows, towels, slippers and even their giza dream sheets. Go to and use code Howey for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will Biden mention Georgia murder victim, Lacon Riley, in his State of the Union address tomorrow? Yes, no, or only in passing, but not by name, so as not to offend illegal aliens. No, and he won't mention the Washington state patrol trooper either that was killed by a drunk driving Mexican illegal who lacked the enzyme on Saturday morning. No. 87% say no. 2% say yes. 11% say only in passing. All right. 844-542-339. Swalwell could use a thunderstorm three-pack for gas odor control. Yeah, I'm sure he could. I'm sure Swalwell is my... Am I going to be the next Adam Schiff? Oh, I look up to Adam Schiff so much because he's going to be a senator. Oh, oh. 617, who won for the Republican State Committee in mass? Did your picks win? I can't find that on the web. Yes, our pick, not all of our picks. There were 80 races, but yeah, we won. 43 to 47 seats. We won out of 80, and the Kool-Aid cult, the knuckleheads only won 28 or 29 seats. Lost a bunch of seats. 844-500. We lost a couple of really close races too. It's really a shame. Some of the races we lost, including John Olds was a good candidate against this horrible guy named Todd Taylor, and he lost by about 100 votes. It's just irritating to lose that one because he was one of the leading... He was one of the heads of the snake that was the Kool-Aid cult. I'm putting it in the past tense now. Let's play one more cut from Ashley Merchant, the lawyer, the defense lawyer. She was under oath today in front of a committee of the Georgia State Senate, and she's asked about the book about Fannie Willis' big investigation of Donald Trump. Cut 18. I'm troubled about this fine-the-votes book. Are you saying that the prosecutor has been discussing an ongoing prosecution and her prosecutorial strategy and indictment strategy to authors of a book during the course of the prosecution? Yes. Yes. And that book has now come out. It is. I don't think I brought it with me. No, I have a copy. We admitted a copy at the hearing. No, it's out there. It was published. Is that a violation of ethical obligations in some way to be publicly discussing, just like the public statements you made about the guilt of a defendant, et cetera? Yes, definitely. And we allege that and argued that, as far as forensic misconduct, it's very surprising shocking. I don't know that there's a ton of cases on it, but that book also, we talked about it somewhat in our hearing because it goes into a lot of details about the financial troubles that Ms. Willis had prior to becoming DA. And so it talks about that a lot. Is she getting the financial benefit from that book? Is she getting the royalty or payment for having been a contributor to it? I have no idea. Remember when they ran Rachel Rollins out of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Boston? And it was one of the lesser counts, but one of the things she was charged with was coming on the Howie Car Show, unannounced just as a regular caller and talking about a sentencing that was about to occur. I mean, that was after the conviction. And she was cited by the Inspector General of the Justice Department for talking about an upcoming sentence after a conviction. And these people haven't even been brought to trial yet, and she's giving interviews about it, about the strategy. I'm Howie Car. [Music] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42, headline in the Babylon B. Raytheon lowers flag to half steps. That's pretty good. No, they're referring to. Yes, yes, we all know. By the way, we have two of these great vacuum cleaners, Eden Pure Biospeed Clean Cordless Vac Model VX200. It's a great vacuum cleaner. It's a $349 value. We've got them for $174, but we only got two of them left. So this is your last opportunity to get it from Grace's Show. Grace is good. He's the Eden Pure Biospeed Clean Cordless Vac. So you can get one now, $349 value for $174. Go to and click on store. And you can also get some of our $5 off of any of our T-shirts and also a paper boy. That's part of the merch madness sale. All you have to do is put in at checkout, put in March as your code. And you get $5 off a T-shirt or a copy of Paper Boy. Read all about it. 844-542-42, 4844-542-42. I want to play this cut from MSNBC last night. It was Jen Pesaki and Rachel Maddow. They're laughing about the fact that according to the exit polls, the biggest issue among Republican voters in the Commonwealth of Virginia was illegal immigration. Illegal immigration. They find it very amusing because they're beautiful people and they have limousines and they live in gated communities and if they live in a building, it's probably a doorman building. So no one can get through to them. So they're amused that someone could be worried about this. This is Jen Pesaki and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. If you look at some of these exit polls, I live in Virginia. Immigration was the number one issue. Again, these could change in Virginia. Virginia does have a border with West Virginia. Very contested there. You're like, what? What does that mean? Are they saying the people who live in West Virginia are just crackers? You know, West Virginia, until about 10 years ago, not much more than 10 years ago, was a totally blue state. And then West Virginia suddenly woke up and it wasn't just Hillary Clinton saying that the coal miners could learn to code. They just realized that the Democrat Party was the enemy of everything that most West Virginians believed in. And the state shifted overnight. That's why Manchin isn't running for re-election. That's why Governor Justice, who is running for the Senate, used to be a Democrat, switched to the Republican Party. And they don't get it. Bill Melugin from Fox mentioned this amazing discussion on MSNBC. And by the way, you know what Rachel Maddow works one night a week now, one night a week. You know what she gets for pay for a year? 30 million bucks. You need another reason to cut the cord. You want to keep paying these people that kind of money? It doesn't matter if you don't watch it or not, some of your money is still going for Democrat insurrectionists like Rachel Maddow and Jake Tapper. And they are insurrectionists because they're supporting the destruction of the country by supporting Joe Biden. Here's Bill Melugin from Fox six. Yeah, I mean, talk about out of touch. Listening to them giggle and laugh and joke about, oh, well, they got a border with West Virginia. Look, it's just out of touch. We've been down there the last three years and we've watched as this issue has taken over the entire country. It's no longer just Arizona, California, Texas, New Mexico. Look what's happened to the sanctuary cities. Look what's happened ever since Governor Abbott started busting them around the country. Ask Lake and Riley's parents if the border and immigration is something to giggle about. It just shows a massive, massive out of touch moment for those hosts there to be giggling about that. It's just that 14 year old girl in Virginia, if she's laughing about the fact that an illegal alien from Venezuela who crossed our border illegally and was released into the country with no legal basis to be here and allegedly sexually assaulted her, ask that girl if she thinks it's funny. Yeah, the polls. Yeah, and look, the exit polls and all these different states that we've been covering. Almost all of them have, yeah, it's the number one issue even more than the economy. Laugh at it at your own risk. The voters will have their say in November. Amen. As the people in Washington state, one of the most moonbat states in the union, that state trooper that killed by an illegal alien drunk driver from Mexico. How many Americans are killed by illegal alien drunk drivers? Probably more than are murdered by illegal aliens. You know, but one way murdered, killed by a drunk driver, you're still dead. It was totally preventable if you had a border and you weren't allowing third world fiends to come into the country and just think that they can get away with anything because you know what? They can get away with anything. 844, 542, 42, Dan, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Dan. Hey, how I think that border between Virginia and West Virginia was called the Mason Dixon line. Oh, my goodness. You know, Dan, now that you mention it, you know, West Virginia until the Civil War used to be part of Virginia. And do you know why West Virginia split off from Virginia? Because they didn't want to be a slave. Exactly. Nobody in West Virginia owned any slaves. And they said, why are we going to fight our fellow Americans to protect these plantation owners down south, like the Bird family and not Robert Bird, the Harry Bird family that had all these plantations. And then after the Civil War, the Democrats in Virginia were the ones who helped set up the Ku Klux Klan. And then later in the 1950s, massive resistance. That's what they called it, the Bird family, the Bird Democrats, Senator Harry Bird and his son, Harry Bird, Jr. They weren't, they weren't Republicans, Dan. They were Democrats, weren't they? Exactly right. It's like age old grudge match going on there. You know, I want to bring up in Minnesota, Howie, you know, I was looking at those numbers. Biden, for his thing, got like about 170, 170,000 or so primary votes, but like 45 or 46,000 uncommitted in Minnesota. That's a huge number of people that are so radically anti-Semitic and so radically anti-Israel, that the Democrat Party is not good enough for them. That's a huge number of people, Allie, that are sitting at it. I mean, that's like an army size. That's alarming to me. You know, I mean, thankfully, I have to say, you know, thankfully Trump, I think, pulled the state pretty hard. You know, I mean, for Minnesota, you know, even if you give those votes back to Biden again in the end, which I'm not sure if that'll happen, but just the fact that that many people in Minnesota can be, you know, pro-Hamas and, you know, an anti-Israel that they're going to vote uncommitted. I know, you know, and a lot of these states, there aren't that many Muslim immigrants that they brought in. It's just, you see these are rich, rich white suburbanite types who are so rapidly anti-Semitic. And they're throwing around the G or genocide, you know, like the Israelis are committing genocide. The Palestinians, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the Iranians, that's their national policy to have genocide against the Jews from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. That means no Jews. And yet they want to pretend that, and they're chasing around people like AOC. I mean, those were, those were, you know, standard issue moon bats chasing her at that theater in Brooklyn the other day. Those weren't Muslim terrorists. Thanks for the, thanks for the call, Dan. 844-542-4242-978 says, "Got my work bonus this week. Got hoes with taxes. It'd be easier to swallow if I knew this was going to bridges and roads that Joe has issues with. But I know it's going to these deadbeat illegals. Makes me sick." Well, you know, tomorrow night, 978, he's going to be saying, "Well, you know, we've spent all this money that was approved by me on the infrastructure bill. The American, you know, whatever they call it." And I'm going to ask you something, you know, all these billions, if not trillions of dollars spent supposedly on the infrastructure. Have you noticed any bridges, any new bridges, any bridge repairs, any road repairs? Have you noticed any charging stations? Probably not. You know, you don't drive an electric vehicle. I don't either. But I mean, what have they spent all these trillions of dollars on? I'm kind of thinking it's, you know, sustainability and windmills and solar installations. And of course, most importantly, DEI, diversity, equity and inclusion. By the way, you remember the Johns Hopkins DEI chief who said a couple of weeks ago that white males are all privileged and, you know, should be discriminated against? She's out. It's good to know. 844-542-4508. I'll bet more Americans are killed by illegal aliens than by cops. I'm not going to take that bad. I agree with you. You know what? That would be a great statistic to have. You know, how many Americans are killed by illegal aliens as opposed to by cops? I don't think there's any question that illegal aliens kill more. You always hear when a cop kills somebody, right? Did a cop kill anybody over the weekend? I don't think so. An illegal alien killed at least one American and he was a cop. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Hey, Howie. I bought my retirement home at age 27 in West Virginia where my mother was born and raised. It's a very rural county, the most rural in West Virginia. At that time, I had a girlfriend from Haiti that I brought down for the closing in October of '87. And all my college friends said, "Oh, you can't bring her down there. The people in West Virginia are so narrow minded. Don't bring her down there." I was in a diner in this town. And when we went in there, everybody that was white turned and looked at us because they didn't know who we were. And with her in the middle ordering her breakfast, the waitress probably in her early 50s says, "Excuse me, Miss. Where are you from? I've never heard that accent before." And then she explains. And then two other waitresses come over and they're swooning over and saying, "Oh my God, she is so pretty." And then an old man in his 70s almost looked like a Bear Bryant type guy with that hat and a jacket on. Came out to the war table and said, "Well, welcome to Pocahontas County." And I told him, "Not my first rodeo, sir. I've spent my summers here as a kid." And he tips his cap to my girlfriend at the time and says, "Morning, ma'am, how are you? All right?" So the bottom line is the narrow minded bigotry of highly educated northeastern liberals. They don't know what they're talking about. And you're right about West Virginia, how it changed. It used to be Democrat. It changed because one, NAFTA, they lost manufacturing jobs to the condescension that they have towards rural people. And it's real. And they walked away from the Democratic Party. At some point, when you insult people like Rachel Maddow did last night and those other wenches, you know what? We don't need you. And that's why this state went red virtually within one presidential threat. Right. I know. Same thing happened in Arkansas. And it happened a little slower in Tennessee. But, I mean, all these states, they flipped because they just realized these people are not our friends. They hate us. I mean, how else do you describe the way Rachel Maddow and Jen Posaki were acting last night? They despise. And they look down their noses at anyone from West Virginia, and anyone who acts like someone from West Virginia. Thanks for the call, Tom. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. 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Or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show. Howie Carr is back. 844-542-42. I'm surprised you're not making a bigger deal, says 508 of Fannie Willis' meeting with Kamala, and what's more damning if they met before the indictment or after. I mean, I'm not surprised because we already knew that her boyfriend had met twice with the White House once in Athens, Georgia, and then once he actually flew to Washington to meet with them. So this is just kind of a new wrinkle on a story we already knew, which is that the White House is up to its drugged eyeballs in this persecution of Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani at all. 844-542-42. I don't know if you saw this thing in the New York Post, they had a picture. They were having some kind of orchestra performing in the subway station last week in Harold Square. And this nutty woman that had a tattoo on her face, Amira Hunter, came up and bashed the cellist in the head. It's right there on video. It was on the front page of the New York Post. This woman, her name was Amira Hunter. She had five outstanding warrants for court dates, and she'd blown off three of the five warrants for other unrelated criminal cases and judge Marva Brown, Marva, Marva, Marvellous Marva, Brown, cut or loose. Even though she even though it was on video of her attacking this guy who was playing an instrument. So she's let go and guess what happened yesterday. She was arrested again for allegedly stealing a pricey baseball cap, a $235,000, excuse me, $235. Well, sorry about that, baseball hat. New York City. Welcome to New York City. 844-542-42. Randy, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Randy. Hey, how are you? Hi. What a question. Aaron Massachusetts, one of the hardest places to get every through the registry and everything else. Who the hell selling these guys cars and how are they getting plates on them and stuff without licenses and God knows that they have insurance? No, they don't have insurance. I could tell you they don't have insurance. I talked to a couple of people that work in these flop houses and they have to, where the mail is delivered, and they say they're no letters ever for many insurance companies. And the cops have told the people that I know in these flop houses that most of it, most of the cars are registered to people who live outside. I don't know if they work for the NGOs, the non-government organizations, or I don't know who's registering the cars, but it's a really good question, Randy. We'll be right back with some of the winners, the winners!