The Howie Carr Radio Network

A Super Tuesday Indeed | 3.6.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

A Super Tuesday means a Super Wednesday on the Howie Carr Show! Howie recaps the major wins across the United States as well as an embarrassing result in Vermont.

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06 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I said I wanted Americans to have their voices heard. Oh, have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard. Heard what? Former President Donald Trump will win Virginia's Republican primary, Alabama, Tennessee. There you go. North Carolina. Oklahoma, Minnesota. The state of Texas. The state of Maine. The state of Arkansas. Yet another state on the big board for Donald Trump this evening. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I sought the honor of being your president. That's the point. There's no more money. The time has now come to suspend my campaign. Who's your captain? Howie Car. Let me take you back to Bradley on the stand about the speculation that he says about when this affair all began. I see nothing. I know nothing. Welcome to the California comeback. What you are feeling tonight is what it's like to hit a walk-off home run. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon-bats beware. It's Howie Car. My heart feels like an alligator for so many reasons today. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42, and first of all congratulations to President Donald J. Trump on his tri-umphant night, winning 14 out of 15. I thought he was going to win all 15 out of 15, so I was off on the poll question yesterday. But Nikki Haley has now suspended her campaign. She hasn't ended it. She's suspended it. So I was right on the Monday question, the Monday poll question. It's wonderful. Joe Biden lost the American Samoa primary to somebody I'd never heard of. That doesn't make him a bad guy. I never heard of him. I dare say you probably hadn't either. And Dean Phillips, you got to give him credit, the congressman from Minnesota, who was stomped again, including in his home state. This is what he tweeted out. Congratulations to Joe Biden, uncommitted Marianne Williamson, and Nikki Haley for demonstrating more appeal to Democrat Party loyalists than May. Then he followed up with a reference to Jason Palmer, the previously unknown Democrat candidate who defeated Biden and American Samoa. I'm also very happy about what happened in the state committee races in Massachusetts. We'll get into that later on at six o'clock. We'll have a bunch of the winning candidates on. I'm not doing it for them. I'm doing it for me. I owe it to myself to have some fun and just take a lap, victory lap. I even wrote a special column for the paper tomorrow rather than wait till Friday. I'm so happy the Kool-Aid cult has been demolished finally. I think there were 77 seats up because three of them, there were no candidates. And the same people in the party, the people who actually want to win elections. I mean, I know it makes you really weird as far as the knuckleheads are concerned. The people who want to win elections took somewhere between 43 and 47 of the 77 races. The Kool-Aid cult is reduced to maybe 28, 29 dead enders. I tweeted out about this on about, let's say about eight o'clock, nine o'clock in the morning. And you know, I'm happy. I'm really happy. 844-542-508 says Ethan Allen is spinning in his grave today. Ethan Allen, of course, the head of the Green Mountain Boys in Vermont. You know, it's funny, you know, Maine used to be the first state in the union to vote. I know I'm going back in time, Taylor, but my family used to talk about this. Maine voted in September. And so Maine voted in September of 1936 for Al Flanand and then Vermont followed up and voted for Al Flanand. It's hard to believe they were the only two states in the nation, Maine and Vermont, that voted against FDR when he was seeking his first re-election in 1936. And the joke was that I heard a million times as a kid as Maine goes, so goes Vermont. Well, last night we had a new slogan is DC goes, so goes Vermont. That's, that's it. I mean, that's, that's all she got, $114 million she spent, $114 million. The good news is, at least she spent 25,000 or thereabouts on the Howie Car Radio Network. So thank you, Nikki. It was, it was, it was not for not that you ran. But pretty damn close to it. 844, 500, 42, 42, you know, would it have really hurt her to, to endorse Donald Trump? I mean, Donald Trump, she was in kind of a dead end job. I think if she was in her second term as governor, so you get into a second term as governor. It's no matter, no matter what the state is, you, you just start getting embroiled in all these, little headaches and controversies. And he, he gave her a, he gave her a parachute out. He made her the UN ambassador. She owed him something. And then she told, and then, then she, she quit on January 6th, like that was a big deal. And it wasn't, you know that. I know that. She knew that. But, you know, she wanted to keep her options open. Then she went down to Marlago and told them she'd never run against them because she loved them so much. And, and then she went and ran against him. And I never trusted her. Never. You know, she's just, but, you know, what am I going to say? 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42, and the time has come to suspend her. They always say that, suspend her campaign. By the way, another, another amazing, amazing story today. It just came, came out of nowhere. I didn't know about it till this morning. The Georgia State Senate decided to subpoena this woman, Ashley Murchin. She's the lawyer for, who actually turned up all this, started the, started the, the avalanche of dirt and scandal on Fannie Willis, the DA of Fulton County, Atlanta, Georgia, who is trying to persecute Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, at all. And so she was called before the Georgia State Senate today under oath to discuss her investigations. And, you know, she's a, she's a really good lawyer, but she's an even better witness. She's, she never lost her cool. She's just, you know, totally composed. And I was thinking about it that she, she got to answer any question because she's, she's been, she's been a real lawyer. You know, she's been a, she's been a defense counsel. She, she has a little office with her husband and a paralegal. There's three of them in the office across from a gas station in suburban Atlanta. But she makes her own way. She's not, she's not on some kind of public payroll anymore. Although she used to be a defender or she, no, excuse me, she was a prosecutor. And I was thinking to myself that this is the kind of woman who's never ever going to get to be a judge because, well, for one thing, she's not the, and for another thing, she went to public school. She went to the University of Florida Law School. But she's smart as a whip and she has experience. And I was just thinking about her and how well she could handle questions and answer anything and, and, and knew the answers. And, you know, when the Democrats would call and be kind of, you know, asking her, trying to ask her tough questions, she didn't lose her cool or anything like that. And I was thinking, compare her, Ashley Merchant, just a, a lawyer who's making her own way, supporting herself, got a, got kids, got a husband, has, has never had anything handed to her. To all these judicial nominees that Biden is putting up there, that John Kennedy asked some basic questions like, what's in the eighth amendment? I don't think it's been the answer. The questions haven't been quite that simple, but close to it. And they have no idea. They have no idea. They have these fancy degrees from all these Ivy League colleges, like KJP does. Or Claudine Gay, and they have no clue what's going on. They, they, I dare say they've never tried a case. And, and Biden is trying to put them on the appeal score. Maybe on a fast track to the US Supreme Court, eventually, because they check all the boxes, but they don't know the least what it's, it was just amazing. Yeah. 603, I watched those Georgia State Senate hearings. It was great. Such details. Yeah, she, they're just, they were just putting up all the, all the stuff that, that all, you know, they were just throwing up the text. They didn't, you know, in the, in the actual hearing with it before the judge. They weren't, I don't think they were putting up the actual text. She would just look at the text that the, that the defense lawyer had had, you know, sent her, you know, saying he, he did this or he did that. And they, oh, they were, of course they were a couple. And why don't you call the land lady and et cetera, et cetera. And they were, they're putting them up on the screen and she's explaining everything. Was it was, it was just really something. It's, it's, it's kind of unfortunate that it was the day after Super Tuesday. And the, you know, Nikki Haley was dropping out. And it's the day before the state of the union address. So it kind of got lost in the shuffle today. But boy, it was a, it was a good hearing. If you get a chance to see it, check it out. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 603, hopefully today, completely ended. Never Nikki's chances of ever being elected to public office again. Don't let the door hit you as you go. I, I, yeah, I, I think that door shut a few weeks ago. She just kept getting swamped in one, in one primary after another. But again, I think it's all about the Benjamins, as Yellhan Omar would say. You know, she's going to, she's going to make a ton of money. She's a never-trumper. It's, there's a lot of money in being a never-trumper. 844, 500, 42, 42, officer Mark, 114 million dollars is a lot of money to waste to win Miss Congeniality. I don't even think she wins Miss Congeniality. She wins Miss Mean Girl, I think. That's what she got for her, her hundred and four, and it's officer Mark said 14. It's 114 million. The price of losing has gone up. Didn't, didn't John Connolly in 1980, the former governor of Texas who was shot with JFK. I think he spent 20, 30 million dollars to get one delegate. Nikki Haley, you know, I know she got more than one delegate, but she, her money was as badly wasted as Connolly's. Inflation is bad, I guess. Here are three reasons I need balance seven, a broken leg, a broken elbow, and a broken foot. I take balance seven all day long. It has made a huge difference for me when it comes to dealing with joint pain. No longer do I feel sore or creaky when I get up in the morning. Balance seven works by diluting the acid built up in your body over years of eating acidic foods. When that acid is neutralized, your immune system can function like you were 20 years old again. Nearly every problem comes from too much acid in our bodies. 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Order now at That's When new customers put in code word howie, you will save 20% and you'll also receive free shipping. Balance the number Please don't be stubborn. Do yourself a favor. Order now. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. He's Howie Carr and he's back. [Music] 844-542, 42. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code From pillows, towels, slippers and even their giza dream sheets, go to and use code howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will Biden mention Georgia murder victim Laken Riley in his State of the Union address tomorrow? Yes, no or only in passing but not by name so as to not offend illegal aliens. I'm going to say no period. I thought about this. At first I was going to give the answer and just mention it and say I know there have been some crimes but I don't even think he's going to do that. I'm going to say no. 83% say no, 4% say yes, 14% say only in passing. All right, 844-500, 42, 42. We can take some calls here if you want. We've got a lot to get to here today. And it really is amazing that they haven't stepped aside. I guess that as part of the deal, to be on the Democrat team and to get on the lecture circuit, the rubber chicken circuit down the road, Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade, they can't quit. They have to actually get tossed out by the judge. I was always wondering if the judge would really toss him out or not because he's running for reelection. It's a nonpartisan job, but it's Fulton County. And I thought maybe that he would just try to find some way to get around getting rid of him. But I don't know what he can do now. It's just amazing how bad it is. Jonathan Turley talked about this. Cut 11. So you have this situation for the judge where you have emails where there isn't an ambiguity. He is very clear that this relationship began before Wade was hired. And now you have this other attorney saying, yeah, that was the same clarity that I heard. So how does the court deal with that? What is very clear is that the continuation of Wade and Willis is undermining their case, undermining their office. And they have put their interests before that of the public. I am quite astonished that they have not stepped aside. They have an independent professional obligation towards their office, obviously to the people of the county. I don't believe that they're shouldering that responsibility, regardless of what the court is doing or will do. You know, I think a guy like Jonathan Turley, a law professor and a lawyer, etc. Yeah, I think he has to say things like that. Do you think he's really surprised? I mean, you saw Fannie Willis. You saw Nathan Wade. Are you astonished that they are this corrupt? I'm not astonished. I just thought that maybe they would get, say, hey, it's over. Let's just get out of here and start the clock running for somebody else. JJ, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, JJ. Hi, Howie. Hey, I just want to let you know. I'm from Burlington, Vermont, ground zero. We just elected a progressive mayor. But Phil Scott yesterday told all Vermonters to grab a Republican primary ballot and vote for Nikki Haley. I don't know if he knew that. No, I did. I did. You know, I think that made all the difference. Because Taylor was saying yesterday that in the earlier polls, Trump had been way ahead. I think in this case, probably the instructions from the governor actually meant something. Usually they don't. But in this case, Vermont hates Trump so much. They decided to take him up on his dare. Yeah, it's fine if he endorses Haley, but he shouldn't tell us how to vote. So I was going to pull the trigger for Nikki Haley and I pulled it for Trump. That's good. I'm glad to hear that, JJ. You made the right call. Thanks for the call. Steve, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Steve. I voted in the primary yesterday for Nikki Haley. I feel that Trump will only get his most diehard voters to vote for him in the general election because he has estranged every independent, every moderate Republican. Apparently not, Steve. He won 14 out of 15 primaries. I think a lot of that, how he is simply a reaction to all of these, the law fair that's going on. And I think the primary votes is simply his diehard Republican base. I think he's going to have a lot of trouble in the general election that Nikki Haley might not have had. You know, I know that's a great theoretical argument, but that argument would have worked a lot better before she got swamped in all the caucuses and primaries starting in Iowa and going through last night, Steve. Nobody seems to really like her very much. You know, I know she claims she's electable, but how come she can't get elected? How come she can't win any primaries? Thanks for the call, Steve. 844-542-42. I'm highway car. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios, 617 says I wish you would add another choice to the Paul Biden will mention Lacon Riley, but blame the Republicans for not passing that so-called border bill. If I'd have thought of that, I might have mentioned that. That's not a bad suggestion, but would anyone be buying that? Seriously. I mean, even no info Democrat voters, I don't think are going to accept that as a realistic excuse for what happened to Lacon Riley. 844-542. Joining us now is Grace with the nose. Hello, Howie. Elon Musk says he won't donate to either presidential candidate after meeting with Trump. So billionaire Elon Musk, CEO of Electric Vehicle Maker Tesla, said Wednesday he will not donate money to either Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump or Joe Biden in this year's election one day after meeting Trump in Florida. It doesn't make sense to donate a campaign you're going to be a part of. Wait, what do you mean? He's going to be a part you think he's going to be a vice president? He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. He's going to be a vice president. Taylor, if you check the United States, he's already like president of Mars, so check your facts on that, sir. Yeah, and you sound xenophobic, honestly. He's an immigrant. He's an African immigrant. This story is from Reuters. It says Trump met with Musk. How did you know that this was happening? Were you? No, I did not do this. Around the premises? No, it was not around. I was around the premises a week ago tonight, and I ran into them. I was with Caroline Levitt and her fiance. But you didn't see him last night. I did not. And we could go. I did not see him. No. That would have, yesterday, would have been a good time to go. You could have met, you could have had a twofer. You get to talk to Trump. You get to talk to Elon, ask him some questions. I wonder where Elon was staying. You know, maybe I, maybe, maybe if he was staying at the breakers, it was raining this morning, so I didn't go get my coffee. I don't know if he's a breakers guy. I've read before that he crashes with friends, like all over the country. Really? Which seems like such a waste of having all that money and not staying. There's room enough in the bed of his cyber truck for a sleeping bag. In other news, I wanted to play a cut. I know that how you'll play the cuts from MSNBC, featuring Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, and Jen Psaki, talking about West Virginia, talking about illegal immigration. But I actually wanted to play a cut from Nicole Wallace, because you always talk about projection. Howie, I talked to John Davidson from the Federalist about it yesterday. Whatever the laughs accusing you of, they're usually guilty of themselves. And this is what Nicole Wallace thinks this election is coming down to. Hi, everyone. It's Parker, New York, as we begin MSNBC's special coverage of Super Tuesday. Millions are headed to the polls in 16 days for what is the biggest day of voting. It's an election day, of course, a moment after which Americans want to face the fact that this is, in the words of a dear friend of this show, the do you want to have any more elections election where voters are not just choosing between two candidates, but are making critical decisions about the very basic fundamentals of our democracy. It's just so crazy. Does she actually believe that or is she just saying that I have a good gig that pays me three, four million bucks a year, and I don't want to jeopardize it. I'll just say, I'll say anything to keep getting my paycheck. I hope it's the second one for her sake. You know, I really hope it's the second one, because if she thinks that this is the election that's going to decide if we're going to have other elections, she's lost the plot. Also, can I just say from the perspective of a viewer, of someone who might tune into something once in a while, what is it with the music? Am I crazy or was that mute? That was a lot, Taylor. They do special election. Yeah, you know what they used to do? They used to have the teletype machines. So this is the modern version of that. Good evening. This is Walter Cronkite with the news. Oh, that's not bad, Taylor. Yeah, that's not bad. Thank you very much. We had a story a few weeks ago about Panera Bread. I found it very amusing. And now there's an update. Panera Bread owner who donated to California Governor Gavin Newsom will hike wages after outcry over his bread exemption. You know, Grace, I'm going to say that's what he might say. I'm going to guess what I said when this story broke. He has to hike wages because he's not going to have any workers. If you can go down the street to the next fast food place and make 20 bucks an hour, and he's only going to pay you 16. Yeah, plus maybe you get to make flurry every once in a while. You know, you're also competing with that factor. Right. I would, if I had to choose, I would choose McDonald's or those places. What did you call it when this story broke glorified hospital food? Yeah, I'm not a Panera girl. No, that's, I think that's a really good description of it. I can't even take credit. Someone told me that and I said three weeks ago, you had Panera. Me? No, Grace. Oh, yeah, it's soup. Yeah, well, desperate times. I probably needed a soup. And I'm, how was Panera soup any different than, say, progressive soup? It's probably not. It's probably the same, but there's one right down the street, you know, and then I would prefer to go to the McDonald's. But if you go to the McDonald's, you get stuck. You can get stuck in that little traffic up there. And I don't want to get stuck because I don't want to be late. Howie, that's the important thing. I just prefer to drive to five guys. It says Greg Flynn, the commercial real estate investor and founder of Flynn Restaurant Group, the nation's largest restaurant franchisee, will bring employee wages at his 24 California-based Panera locations in line with a new law that raises hourly pay from 16 to $20. He said, to be clear, at no time did I ask for an exemption or special considerations. Sometimes you don't got to ask for things though, you know? Sometimes someone could just... Yeah, you know, that's one of those giveaways though when you say things like, to be clear, frankly. Yeah, honestly. No, exactly. I don't know, to be clear. So Trump has this new, it's not really new, but it's a really smart tactic that he's doing, where every time he knows there's hammers on him rather than spend too long talking about the victory that he's there to remark on, he actually looks forward to something else. And we saw this how he, when the Supreme Court decision came down and it was nine zero, it was unanimous decision to keep Trump on the ballots, he used that opportunity... To go on the Howie Car Show? Yes, to go on the Howie Car Show. And also to talk about the immunity case that was coming up. Yes. So he wanted to fill people in on that. No, he did. I thought that was very, again, a very telling thing that he immediately brought up the immunity. After taking a quick bow for the nine zero victory. Yeah, and kind of giving people who might not read that much about it, a little bit of a breakdown of what's going on with that. Well, last night, while he was discussing his trouncing of Nikki Haley, he decided to talk about this unbelievable report of the 325,000 migrants that have been flown into the U.S. I think his number, and the only reason I bring this up is because the number I've been reading is 320,000. He said 325,000, which I'm sure, if it's incorrect, that will be the headline, that Trump lied about the number, and it was only 320,000 migrants. I disagree, Grace. This story is going to get a good leaving alone. Oh, altogether, even if it gives him a chance to correct Trump. Yeah, Biden's expansion of the CBP1 app allows illegal aliens to apply for asylum in their country be flown to the U.S. and given two years to obtain legal status. Two years. Did you see two that you can't? I think one of the proposals in the amended shelter, right to shelter law in Massachusetts is that if you're pregnant and you're an illegal alien on welfare, you don't get thrown out of your free digs and you don't lose your $64 a day worth of free meals. What could possibly go wrong with such a plan? Grace. But I just don't think that they're going to be able to tell anyone to leave. No, I don't either. But this will give them even more excuse to have an anchor baby and increase the welfare roles even more than they've already been bloated up by the invasion of the state, by these hordes of foreign freeloaders. Well, the latest place in Massachusetts is the seaport and I know that a lot of the residents there in that four-point neighborhood were very upset and they were worried about their safety. They were worried about how these office buildings are going to be converted into shelters when they don't have a lot of it comes down to how these places don't have showers, in some cases. They don't have the appropriate amount of bathrooms. Well, that's the whole thing. The first time I saw it was in the old probate courthouse in East Cambridge on Cambridge Street. They said they didn't have showers, so MIT graciously decided to let them have showers there. And then when they got a good look at them, they said, "You know what? No, no showers for you, not at MIT." And so they had to bring in these shower trucks and so that took all the space. The probate court is gone now, but the registry of deeds for southern Middlesex is still there. So all the people who work in the registry of deeds, they lost their parking spaces and they had to go out onto the street, first street in Cambridge Street. And guess what happened? So now all the few parking spaces that were left in the neighborhood are now reserved for the hacks. Yeah, and when I was talking to City Councilor at large Aaron Murphy about this, she told me that in the case of the seaport that that shelter is only supposed to be used as a nighttime shelter and that during the day, and I might get the exact time line wrong here, but I think it's like 7 a.m. until maybe 6 p.m. The people there will be bused to other places. Right. But yeah, no, it's the exact same thing in East Cambridge that they said, "You're going to have to leave?" Well, what happened during the day? Well, they walked away and apparently there's a small Catholic church nearby and they were just going there and demanding to be taken care of at the free Catholic church. And so the people that are at the church started calling the city and they said, "What are we going to do?" And the city said, "This is on the state," and they called the state and the state, you know, throw up their hands too. And I guess finally, they got buses to take them somewhere. I don't know where they're going. I don't have, I don't check up on what's going on in East Cambridge every day, but it's not good. Let's put it that way. But how we don't you also think that when it comes to these emergency contracts and all of these, you know, no big deals they're making with restaurants, that that's soon going to be a point of contention too. Because if I'm a restaurant in the seaport and another restaurant suddenly gets this big, you know, every day they're getting a check written to them to send food to people, I would say. Well, I think isn't the bigger, isn't the bigger problem that you're not going to get people coming in to those restaurants? I mean, those restaurants in the seaport, they tend to get a higher end clientele. I mean, are they going to want to, you know, run the gauntlet of third world freeloaders? You know, I mean, there are a lot of the, what I've also been told is the wherever these these flop houses are set up, the people, the foreigners just start going door to door, you know, when they're not just hanging around smoking cigarettes and drinking beer in the parking lots, they start going door to door panhand, like what was going on in Queens. Remember that a few when they had when they set up the tent city? Yeah, remember that that cut I sent you Howie from I saw it on social media of that woman saying that there's it's too dangerous. She was in New York City and she said, you know, people keep coming to my front door every day. I think she said people were urinating on her front door. It was sad. Yeah. Howie Grace's News is brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson, Mass, where you can enjoy a buying experience that is easy, personalized and moves at your own pace. Truck buying, the way you want it to be, visit tuxtrucks GMC dot com. One more headline for you, Howie, that made me very happy today. And I know you'll get to this. Katie Porter gave up a swing seat in Congress to lose to the establishment, more specifically to lose to Adam Schiff and Steve Garvey. So that's good news. And that's something that we can really be happy about that. Well, now she's going to have more time to minister to her child who believes the world is coming to an end. Wouldn't you remember what she said that? Yes. And then a couple of months later, Catherine Clark here in Massachusetts across the continent said exactly the same thing about her child. I was more focused on the the mashed potato thing that she dumped the mashed potatoes on her husband's head. According to her strange husband's head. Yeah, according to divorce filings. Yes. But you're right. You're right. Both things are important. And another Congresswoman bit the dust in that jungle primary, as it's called, Barbara Lee, but she's she's ancient. You know, she was just going out, I think she knew she was going to lose, I believe, and just decide to, you know, go out in a blaze of glory. But I'm glad Steve Garvey, he was a great first baseman for the Dodgers. He was a fantastic hitter. Yeah, Jared, Jared filled me in. He said he's the real deal. Oh, he I don't know. I mean, as a politician, I don't know, but he was a he was a great bait. They had a great the Dodgers had a great team back in those days. You know what I read today, how he because I was doing a little Wikipediaing, and you know how accurate all that information is. But they said that when he was on the Dodgers, he was so affable that they would send him out to do a lot of their media hits because people just really liked him. And he had a nice way with the camera guys and stuff like that. So he clearly knows how to shake him. He's Florida man, Grace. Yeah, he's a Florida man. Yeah, Tampa. All right. Thank you, Grace. Thank you, sir. If you're like me, you need your sleep, not five or six hours. I'm talking about seven or eight blissful hours of uninterrupted sleep. And there's one thing that makes my night complete, and that's my pillow's fabulous Giza dream sheets. These are really the best sheets I've ever slept on. No doubt about it. They're luxurious, ultra soft and breathable. They come in a variety of styles and sizes and stylish colors. 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Wasn't there another woman from California named Katie Hill? She was the one who was having the Thropol or the Thruple with her husband, one of her aides. She was forced out. I'd rather have seen Katie Hill for the last couple of years than Katie Portley. That's just me though. It's just political issues. I'm not a misogynist. 844-542-4242. Peter, you're next with howie car. Go ahead Peter. Hi, how are you? Good afternoon. A couple of nights ago I heard Fox News interview a lady from South Carolina who had said she voted for Nikki Haley because Donald Trump alienates too many people. The point that I want to bring up is that if you're a leader you have to say no to a lot of people half of the time probably. If you're a politician you say yes to everybody and you don't alienate people. So his Donald Trump, he has to say no and this lady was mad at that because he made it this makes decisions and that means that some people don't get their way. That's just the way being a leader. Peter, I come back to what I said to Steve. If Nikki Haley was so electable how come she couldn't get elected in any of these? I mean I know it's not a it's a primary election but it's an election. How come she couldn't win any of them if she was so so likable and so far ahead in the polls? You didn't say yes to everybody. I don't know but if you're going to be a leader you have to say no. You know just like if you're a parent you got to say no to your kids every now and then if you don't you're a politician. I agree. Thank you Peter. I appreciate it. I got to take another call here. Kevin you're next with highway car. Go ahead Kevin. Yes, Holly. I just know you had earlier talked about the people out of that parking lot in Cambridge and all this because of the you know and they're putting all these people in hotels and basically destroying the hotel. Why don't you solve the problem in the Cambridge area? There's this great university very liberal minded one called Harvard. They got that big square in the middle there. There's another place called MIT and I told you MIT wouldn't even let him take showers there. Right so put them all there and say hey you know. And by the way you know they have all these demonstrations at MIT against the Jewish students and Israel's committing genocide and all this. What amount of demonstration against the MIT administration for not letting the the illegal aliens on Cambridge Street take take showers. Their Haitians mostly is is is MIT racist. Thanks for bringing that up Kevin. I'm Howie Carr.