The Howie Carr Radio Network

Snob Probs: MSNBC Laughs at Illegal Immigration, Insults West Virginians | 3.6.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Can you say, out-of-touch? Grace plays a damning audio cut from MSNBC offensive to rural Americans. Yikes.

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06 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store". Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and a spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show, Mitch McConnell, who announced that he will be retiring from his leadership position in the GOP. Is going to be speaking soon. That's going on. Also, Nikki Haley announced this morning. This is just for people who are tuning in late. First of all, shame on you. How dare you miss the first two hours. You better check them out wherever you get your podcasts. But how dare you? We will give you some information. Nikki Haley is dropping out of the race. She or suspending her campaign might be the best way to put it. In other news, Joe Biden and his administration seem to be in a little bit of a panic mode over the amount of voters who are opting to go with uncommitted, as opposed to voting for Joe Biden. Joe Biden might not be an issue right now in the primary, but it doesn't bode well for the general election. And I've been reading all sorts of different reports coming out from this White House and sources and, you know, palace intrigue. And I read one yesterday about how the White House is thinking about letting Biden be Biden. Like, let it let Joe be Joe. And I thought, isn't that kind of part of the problem? Was operation bubble wrap and operation zed all the protesters so no hecklers get into any of the events? Is that letting Joe be Joe? Like, if you're going to do it, if you're going to let the guy run free, if you're going to let him off the leash and let him do what he wants, you've got to commit to it. You can't be uncommitted. You know, you've got to, you've got to let him go. And let him flap his wings. And yeah, he's going to smell some people's hair. Okay, yeah, he's going to say some inappropriate things. It's going to make people uncomfortable. But that's the risk you run when you let him run. But I don't think that's what they're doing right now. Like, does anyone believe they're letting Joe be Joe? All he talks about all day long is how I can't do this. I can't do that. He said the other day. Not even letting Joe be president. He said the other day he couldn't take questions or else he get yelled at. That's not letting Joe be Joe. But I am team led Joe B. Joe. I just want to, I just want to make that very clear. Patricia, your next stop on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Patricia. Hello, Mike. This is a first time caller. I can't be silent any longer. I cannot stand the thought of another four years of Joe Biden. I hope no one, I know, votes for Joe Biden. He has turned this country into a third world nation. And it's a shame what he's done to America and the American people. And if people can't see that, they've got a big problem. Patricia, I'd like to know, have you always been, have you always leaned towards Republican candidates? No, probably the last 20 years. I started to be a Republican. And what changed for you? And I'm a registered Republican. The way the Democrats were running the country, just the very ideas that I was hearing and seeing. No, I'm not a Democrat, for sure. And I've been watching my son lives in Japan and he came to California on business. And he said he had never seen California in such a big mess. And he said the illegals are just running over everything and destroying the state of California. And it's not just California. It's the whole, our whole nation, America. It's a shame what's happened. Every decision he has made has been wrong. He hasn't made one positive decision for America that I can see. Well, I think he would argue, Patricia, that every decision he's made that's gone wrong is the result of Donald Trump and anything that has managed to stay on the right track since Trump. He takes credit for it. That's kind of how it works. But I'm glad you brought up California, Patricia, because there was a very interesting and like this is what Jared and I were talking about. Maybe it's just I'm getting older, so I pay more attention out of Super Tuesday. But there was a lot of different subplots to pay attention to. And there's a lot of reasons for Republicans and strategists working for Donald Trump to zero in on some of these places and try to catch hold of what these trends are and where somebody like Patricia, where her mind is at. What is her number one issue? What is she worried about? And I'm so glad you brought up California because this is from the New York Post. It says even liberal San Francisco voters are getting tough on crime and public disorder. Now, I'll remind people that a lot of the issues that we're seeing at the border right now, a lot of it is getting really, really bad in San Diego, but San Diego in California tends to run more sane than other parts of California. They've got a lot of ex-military people there, got a lot of families there. So, and I'm not saying it's across the board, but I would say compared to a San Francisco, you have a better shot at having some sanity in San Diego. So I'm talking about San Francisco, which is a bastion for absolute chaos at all times, as Patricia was just describing. Residents of the city by the bay approved ballot measures Tuesday to set minimum police staffing levels, allow officers to chase suspects under reasonable suspicion. They have committed or will commit a felony or nonviolent misdemeanor with the help of drones and set up public safety cameras that could use facial recognition technology to apprehend perps. Another proposition that passed requires anyone who receives employment assistant housing shelter utilities or food from the city coffers to submit to drug screenings. And if they test positive, denies them those benefits unless they have a treatment program, which I'm, that, that one to me is more surprising than the police one. But this is how destructive Democrat policies are that even in a place like San Francisco, one of the most liberal places in the world, you can tell because you can see poop all over the streets syringes everywhere. That's how you know you're in a very progressive place. Even in San Francisco, the voters have said, we got to rain this back. We got to, we got to reel this in a little bit. Hate has no home here, but soon nobody else is going to have a home here either because things are getting out of control. And there was a lot of those stories that occurred last night and into this morning, if you're paying attention to these races, which I know my audience is eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Thank you for the call Patricia. Call back. Don't just be a one time caller call back. We appreciate hearing from you. I want to get back to this situation at MSNBC. And sometimes I get criticism for focusing too much on the media. And I definitely, it's, it's where I go. Like how we oftentimes will talk about Whitey. He loves crime. I do love to a degree to follow what these people are saying because I think they're so crazy and they're so insane. I've been trying to bring a little balance to it, not to focus on it too much. But this one, I can't resist. I've got to talk about it because there's an element here of arrogance and condescension that I think can be fingers crossed so deadly in politics. I think when you start treating people, like you're better than them or they're stupid or, you know, they're dumb and they don't follow things like you do and they're not in the loop. I think it can backfire in a big way. And so take a listen to this cut Jen Psaki and Rachel Maddow cut seven. I mean, if you look at some of these exit polls, I mean, I live in Virginia. Immigration was the number one issue. I mean, again, these could change in Virginia. Build a wall. Build a wall so that you don't have any, you don't have to deal with any of those people in West Virginia. Really nice stuff from the people at MSNBC. And again, they're always wondering like, why doesn't anyone watch our programming? Why does anyone like us? Why does everyone think we're obnoxious? Do you have a mirror? Do you ever watch your shows back? But Bill Malugin, who's the perfect person to respond to this, was talking about it today on Fox. Now, he's the Abercrombie and former Abercrombie and Fitch model. I know he probably doesn't want me to introduce him like that, but too bad. I think it's hysterical that he used to be a model and that's why the Biden administration hates him. They also hate that he actually covers the border like Catherine Herridge. You're not supposed to do real journalism. And this guy has been at the border constantly showing footage of what's really going on there. And to him, unlike Rachel Maddow and Jen Psaki enjoy read, Bill Malugin doesn't find this as funny as some of the ladies on the view, or I'm sorry, the ladies at MSNBC. I got them confused there. Let's take cut eight. Yeah, I mean, talk about out of touch, listening to them giggle and laugh and joke about, oh, well, they got a border with West Virginia. Look, it's just out of touch. We've been down there the last three years and we've watched as this issue has taken over the entire country. It's no longer just Arizona, California, Texas, New Mexico. Look what's happened to the sanctuary cities. Look what's happened ever since Governor Abbott started busting them around the country. Ask Lake and Riley's parents if the border and immigration is something to giggle about. It just shows a massive, massive out of touch moment for those hosts there to be giggling about that. Ask that 14 year old girl in Virginia if she's laughing about the fact that an illegal alien from Venezuela who crossed our border illegally and was released into the country with no legal basis to be here. And allegedly sexually assaulted her. Ask that girl if she thinks it's funny. Yeah, no fact for life forever. Yeah, and look, the exit polls and all these different states that we've been covering issue almost all of them have show. Yeah, it's the number one issue even more than the economy. So laugh at it at your own risk. The voters will have their say in November. Yeah, giggle at your own peril. I mean, if you guys think it's so funny, I don't think you'll be, I think Bill Malloujin is dead on right there. I don't think I don't think people in this country think it says amusing as Rachel Maddow or Jen Psaki. And you know, I'm really happy that Bill Malloujin had had the gumption to bring up Lake and Riley because I was thinking the same thing. Like imagine we talk about when Katie Porter said, Oh, we shouldn't let one day one instant shape policy. I thought that was insensitive. I thought that's something you couldn't say in front of her parents face after what they've been through. But imagine her parents being in, not that MSNBC has an audience, but imagine if they were in the studio that day and they saw that. They say, Oh, maybe it's the number one issue. Isn't that is? What do you think is the number one issue, Jen Psaki? Pronouns at work. Like, well, what's what's the number one issue to a liberal pundit on MSNBC? I'm serious. What were their number? It's got to be January 6th. January saving democracy. You're right, Jerry. January 6th and Trump slides. Since the Civil War. But I'm here to tell you guys that this has happened before and Libby Emmons was it Libby or one of our callers brought up the deplorables comment and how this is like deplorables 2.0. I think it's worse because we know Hillary Clinton thinks half the country, you know, are bad. She thinks it's made up of bad people because they didn't like her because they found her to be unlikable. But these comments that imply that people are silly or foolish for caring about what they care about. There's something to me at least, Jared, that stings a lot more. It feels more pointed. It feels like the people at the cool table at the smart table, you know, looking down their noses at us and going, "Hey, you think that's important?" People don't like to be told what's important by snobs who have no idea what regular people are dealing with. 844-542-42. We'll come back to this because what it reminds me of is the famous or infamous, maybe I should say, CNN cut of Don Lemon giggling with Rick Wilson and the other people on his panel about the boomerroobs who can't read maps. We know how well that played out for Don Lemon, by the way. Yeah, actually, it could have been worse. You got almost $25 million. Nossa Beach Inn just opened reservations for the spring. Jared, you stayed at the Nossa Beach Inn in the wintertime, but you basically got a little bit of springtime while you were there. It was so nice out. This is a great time to go. Yeah, you want to get in early at the Nossa Beach Inn and you want to get in before the crowds really start showing up because when you're at the Nossa Beach Inn, you get a tranquility because you're right on the beach in every room, whatever room you're in, your steps from the beach, but you can really enjoy it in the winter, in the spring, kind of the off season. If you get in early into the season, we went down there. We loved it. We sat out by the fire pits, drank our morning coffee, watched the sunrise. It's great ambiance by the fire pits. They're pet friendly. You can bring your dog. You can walk along the beach. You can actually hear the waves this time of year. You can just enjoy the tranquility that's there. Or if it's kind of a day like yesterday where you get rained out a little bit, you can still get super cozy in the room because every room has a fireplace. It's got great giant picture windows so you can get great views wherever, whenever you want to. The Nossa Beach Inn. Yeah, and right now you can book your April's Day at the Nossa Beach Inn from $249.99 a night. And this May rates from $259.99 a night. So don't delay. These rooms go fast and they're such a great price. You want to get your hands on these now. Nossa Beach Inn has a view from every room. It's pet friendly. And to reserve your ocean view room today, go to That's 844-542. We'll take all your calls on this when we come back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is The Grace Curly Show. In all likelihood, Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee when our party convention meets in July. I congratulate him and wish him well. I wish anyone well who would be America's president. Our country is too precious to let our differences divide us. I have always been a conservative Republican and always supported the Republican nominee. But on this question, as she did on so many others, Margaret Thatcher provided some good advice when she said, "Never just follow the crowd. Always make up your own mind." Oh, wow. I did not realize how much of a bullet we just dodged with that. Because as someone who listens to a lot of sound, Jared, you should be the one praising the Lord above that Nikki Haley is not going to even come close to the White House because you'd be cutting up. You'd be cutting up those bridesmaid speeches every single day. And to the listeners out there, you should be thanking the Lord too because you'd be listening to it. I'd be playing those cuts and trying to come up with something. It is so boring. I sought the honor of being your president. But in our great country, being a private citizen is privileged enough in itself. And that's a privilege I very much look forward to enjoying. It all has the same cadence. She sounds like, and this is very niche. So if you don't know the reference, I don't blame you. She sounds like the narrator from Desperate Housewives. She would introduce every episode in this same way. Yeah, I didn't really choose that, but I'd never really heard her speak for more than a couple of seconds at a time. And it really, this one especially, it sounds like, you know, when they used to have those essay contests where you could write an essay on patriotism and you might be able to go to Washington, D.C. Like it sounds like she's like a sixth grader doing one of those. Can I brag for a second? Was that you? Were you that sixth grader? Do that girl on the bus? That sixth grader who wrote the speech was me. No, I was in an Abraham Lincoln drawing contest. And I was younger. And I did win a prize. I can't remember what the prize was, but I got to go and they gave me some sort of ribbon. And as I got older, I realized that I think it was, I think very few people entered because my brother also won a prize and it's like, what's the, what are the odds that there's three prizes and the curly kids take two out of the three. There had to only be a ceremony in your parents backyard by any chance. It was in my town. It was in my town. Yeah, the further out I get from the early O's cereal is giving you this chance to draw Abraham Lincoln. I was really proud of myself and the picture to be fair was terrible. Like I saw it when I was older and I was like, oh man, they must have not had a lot of submissions to that contest. Yeah, so Nikki Haley is dropping out, which is great news. We can finally close. Actually, I should, you know what? For the last time, Jared, I'll say it like Nikki Haley would. This is great news because we can finally close this chapter. This chapter is closing. We ask you to keep your hands inside the vehicle at all times. Thank you for flying with us. And we hope you enjoy your flight. We'll be right back with more. We're going to do the poll question and we're going to do a little trip. We're going to take a little trip down memory lane. [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. What was the last time you had your insurance audited? Rizzo saved one of my coworkers over $1,700. To get your insurance audited, go to Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what was the best news to come out of Super Tuesday. Nikki Haley dropping out, Katie Porter losing to Schiff and Garvey or a strong showing for uncommitted in Minnesota. I'm going to go with Katie Porter because we knew Nikki Haley would drop out eventually. There was no path to victory for her. We've known that for quite some time. But I will always thank Steve Garvey for being the guy who helped defeat Katie Porter and also Adam Schiff because she ran against Adam Schiff. She wanted to take over for Diane Feinstein in the Senate. And now not only is she not going to do that, but she's lost her congressional seat and she's in a swing district. So I think that's an amazing thing. And I think months from now, when Nikki Haley is not even on your mind anymore, you're going to go, "Oh, it's so nice that Katie Porter is no longer in Congress." And she's not a senator. 22% of the audience now thinks Katie Porter, 29% for uncommitted in Minnesota and Nikki Haley dropping out still in the lead, 49%. I want to read a little bit here from Jason Riley from the Wall Street Journal. He's talking about this time, Sienna Pole, which obviously has people in DC quaking because it shows that black support for the former president, Donald Trump, is ticking up to 23%. And he's leading Mr. Biden outright among Hispanics, 46% to 40%. And Jason Riley's point in this article is that for a lot of different groups in this country, it comes down to the economy. And that's their priority. And later, though, in the piece, he said something that really stuck out to me because I think sometimes we focus so much on how it's a rematch from 2020. No, it's the same match up. And the last time around Joe Biden became the president. And so that gets people nervous. And I had me nervous for a long time. That was one of the reasons why I said maybe we do better with Iran DeSantis. But the part of it that gets buried a lot by the media and also by voters who just forget is that it's not a match up. Because the last time around you had Donald Trump, who had four years of investigations and is the word vilification from the media. And there was this rabbit hatred around the country for him, like this idea that any problem that we had and really in comparison to the problems we have now, you understand that they weren't a big deal. They were like mean tweets. But at the time, people were really drinking the Kool-Aid. They thought this man is the worst person in the world. And so people had four years of Trump and then they got this. Then they got served Joe Biden and they were told that he was going to be the unifier. And something else they were sold on with Joe is he was going to be the moderate. That was a huge part of his appeal. He was going to be the moderate who could bring us back to the old days. And so my whole point in this is that now that we're in 2024 and people are saying it's a rematch, well, no. Now you have a guy who for four years, the longer it goes on, the further out you get from Trump's four years, the more fondly people look back on it. And on the contrary, we're very close right now. We're in Joe Biden's four years and people did not get what they expected. It has not been the four years that they were told they were going to get. And it's been just as crazy. That was something I heard all the time from voters. Especially younger people, like my sister's age, her friends, they'd say, "Oh, I just want all the craziness to stop." And that's why they voted. It was never about Joe Biden. It was that Joe Biden wasn't Donald Trump and that they didn't want the craziness anymore. They didn't even know what craziness was. They had no idea. But now they know. Now they know what real craziness is. And now they know that Joe Biden is not only not going to stop the craziness. He's the guy lighting the match. He's the guy setting everything on fire. And Jason Riley wrote, "Joe Biden won four years ago because voters wanted the Donald Trump economy without Donald Trump." That's not what Mr. Biden delivered. And they'll have to do more than call his opponent a threat to democracy if he's going to win reelection. It might not be enough this time around to just not be Trump. And that's all he has. And from what I've been reading, that's the only strategy they're putting forward. Now, let's play this cut from MSNBC one more time for people. This is Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and Jen Psaki, sitting around having a nice chuckle over the fact that Americans are concerned about illegal immigration. This is cut seven. I mean, if you look at some of these examples, I mean, I live in Virginia. Immigration was the number one issue. I mean, again, these could change in Virginia. And in Virginia, Virginia does have a border with West Virginia. Very contested there. Who said build the wall? Was that Joy Reid? It sounded like Joy Reid to me, but then other people were writing that that was Rachel Maddow. That was Rachel Maddow said build the wall. Okay. Now, some people are making comparisons to Don Lemon when he had on Rick Wilson and they joked around about how Trump's supporters can't read maps and they're dumb and they're, you know, boomerroobs. But you know where my mind went, Jared? My mind went to Bette Midler when she tweeted out what Joe Manchin. And this is when he wouldn't get on board with the Build Back Better Act, which, funnily enough, we were also talking about yesterday because Kristen Sinema announced she's not running for reelection. And when she wouldn't get on board with it, what the left did was they had some of their activists follow her into a bathroom at Arizona State University and film her while she was trying to go to the bathroom. That's what happened to Kristen Sinema. What happened to Joe Manchin was celebrities like Bette Midler attacked him on Twitter and people showed up at his houseboat in kayaks with signs. But this is what Bette Midler wrote at the time. What Joe Manchin who represents a population smaller than Brooklyn has done to the rest of America, who wants to move forward, not backward, like his state is horrible. He sold us out. He wants us all to be just like his state, West Virginia, poor, illiterate, and strung out. That was Bette Midler. She had to write that down and then click Send. That's always the craziest part about Twitter is you had to type that out every single letter and then bring your finger over and click Send. You thought it was a good idea. And the other thing that came to my mind as far as a snobbish moments from the press. Remember when a Joe Scarborough had on trying to think of what her name is. It was a lease, a lease something. And she was making fun of Devin Nunes. It was during the Russiagate stuff. Devin Nunes was great in all of that. He's a really smart guy. And she made fun of him because he was a former dairy farmer. She used that as though that was a negative, that was a way to deride him. Oh, he's a former dairy farmer. And again, they can't hide their contempt for regular people who do the jobs that keep the country going. They hate anyone who's not in their liberal bubble. If you're not in their liberal bubble, it's not like, oh, agree to disagree. It's we're right, and you are illiterate, strung out, dumb losers. That's how they see it. Now, speaking of Joe Scarborough, Jared, you have informed me that we have a cut here, but I just want to hold off on one sec. Actually, no, let's play it. You said this cuts really good. Let's hear it. But comparing that guy's mental state, I've said it for years now. He's cogent. But I undersold him when I said he was cogent. He's far beyond cogent. Is he on my bike? In fact, I think he's better than he's ever been intellectually, analytically, because he's been around for 50 years. And, you know, I don't know if people know this or not. Biden used to be a hothead. Sometimes that Irishman would get in front of the reasoning. Sometimes he would say things he didn't want to say. This is -- and I don't really -- you know what? I don't really -- start your tape right now, because I'm about to tell you the truth. And FU, if you can't handle the truth. This version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. (LAUGHTER) Really? Okay, so I should have -- he said start the tape. Okay, did you start the tape? I started a little earlier, but... Okay, well, we can -- I don't know how tape works, but yeah, sure, we got it, though. We got what we need. Amazing. He's really -- he's all in for this, dude. Like, here's my thing to Joe Scarborough. At this point, Joe Biden is accepting support that is lukewarm. Like, I don't think Joe Biden would be that nice about Joe Biden. I don't think Joe Biden would try to claim that. Joe Scarborough is going harder for Joe Biden than his own wife would, than his press secretary would. That's when you really crossed a Rubicon here. Like, we understand that you like him. We understand that you feel obligated to defend him. But have a tiny, tiny bit of pride. And don't try to say, if he's sharper than he was 50 years ago, then that is concerning to me. He's the only one still pushing this, too, by the way. Like, Hillary Clinton doesn't try to do this anymore. Bob Costa doesn't try to do this anymore. Very few people. It's an elite group of dead enders on this one. It's like John Harwood, Joe Scarborough, not even David Axelrod. And that's why -- that's why, by the way, Joe Biden goes around cursing David Axelrod's name. I hate to break this to Joe Scarborough. He still has a temper. You must have missed that report, but he still has a temper. He's still saying mean things behind the scenes, if anyone is critical of him. But don't worry, Joe. You're not going to say anything mean about you. You got a gold star, my friend. Wow. That was the most -- talk about wet kisses. Like, who's he -- are you trying to convince yourself at this point? You're not going to convince any of us. Brit Hume was on yesterday, just covering some of this stuff. He said something about Donald Trump, like, this is what he should do with his concessions -- or not his victory speech or -- all right, he's just giving out advice. And he said, as far as what Joe Biden should do, if he can give the state of the union without falling off the podium, then he'll be good. I'm paraphrasing here, but it was pretty accurate. That's what they're hoping for at this point. They're not asking him to be any sort of sharp intellectual. They're just asking him -- They don't have to ask him. He's the best he's been in 50 years. He just comes out and he just does it, Jared. You know why? Because Joe delivers. Margaret, you're next up on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Margaret. Hi, Grace. How are you? Are you a little tired today? A little bit. Do I sound tired? No, because I saw you this morning at five o'clock. Oh! I was like, "Oh, I hope I'm still bringing the energy." Yeah, just a little bit, Margaret, but I'm feeling good. I know. I just got a girl looks good for five o'clock. Thank you. Thank you. That was good, and you were on a few days ago, too, right? Yeah, anytime they ask me, I never say no to be it on TV. That's my rule. Oh, no. That's great. Those women, they're talking about the border. Why do they think everything's a big joke in this country? That border's not a big joke. Exactly. And then I was watching on C-Span -- which was I watching now? C-Span II, and they're talking about -- oh, is that the one -- is that on C-Span -- about China and all that? You know, people don't realize what a threat China is to us and all that. They think that that's a big joke. No, it's not. And we've got all the -- what are that? 35,000 Chinese people in here from the border? We have no idea what they're doing, Grace. I'm scared. The Chinese nationals, I think, are coming in in the area -- in the section of the border near San Diego, and the increase has been -- the last time I checked, the increase was like 4,000 percent. So the numbers are pretty staggering. And what you said about the women on MSNBC making a joke out of these things, it's true and it's -- there's nothing funny about it. And you know, there's that old expression, oh, a Republican's a Democrat who's been mugged. But one, I don't think that's true. And two, I just -- I wish that -- I wish it didn't have to be like that, Jared. I wish the people didn't have to see something happen to them. I wish you could see, for example, Lake and Riley's parents, and you could say, how horrible is that? I would never want that to happen to anyone else. If we can avoid that happening to any parents in this country, we should do everything we can to make sure we avoid it. But they don't think like that. They don't -- they think it's funny, I guess. They think it's funny. And that should be the next question. Next time somebody goes on MSNBC, do you think it's funny? Do you think what's happening with the illegal immigration in this country is amusing? Does it amuse you? 844-542-42. Thank you for the call, Margaret. Thank you to the calls from everyone today. We really appreciate it. And we will be right back with the captain. But first, I wanted to let you know that auctions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. 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And then you decided it was too depressing, but it wasn't too depressing for a column, it seems. A column is different, though. I thought the column turned out nicely, actually. It did, it did. But it just seemed like it would just be too much if you just, it's just so bad and it's really a shame that nobody, you know, nobody on our side really went through it and pulled it out. They pulled out some of the stuff, but there was so much stuff in there. I think part of the reason it would be too much for a masterpiece theater is because there's a lot that you have to explain. There's a lot of lies that he's telling that if you don't have a chance to cut in, you might miss out on. And that's what you do in this column. It's very good. Everybody should check it out. Now, how we, based off last night, Nikki Haley dropped out. I'm sure you're not surprised by that, but I would like to ask you a question because you had said to me about Steve Garvey, you know, he's not Adam Schiff. And that's great news. What are we looking at here? Is there any chance that maybe something could happen in California? Or is that a total, total, you know, delusional dream? I, you know, I guess anything, when it comes down to just two, anything can happen, right? But I would say realistically there's, there's not much chance of him winning. It's Adam, it's California deserves Adam Schiff though, don't they? Yeah. Yeah. You know, elections have consequences, California has been figuring that out for a long time. How we were you surprised that Nikki Haley suspended her campaign today? And what do you think's next? Do you think she's going to do a third party run? Again, I think she's got the problem with these sore loser laws in a lot of states. I don't think, I think she's just going to take the, you know, the board directorships at all the defense contractors and, you know, go, you know, join John Bolton in talking about how important it is to give more weapons to Ukraine that can be stolen and, you know, insult to the third world so that the oligarchs can buy mansions on the French Riviera. I don't think she's going to, I think she's all done. She knows it. She's going to be living well as the best revenge, as they say, grace. Yeah, she's going to be, well, one of my callers said, oh, she wants a TV job and I agree with you. I think the TV jobs, that small potatoes at this point, she's looking for the big bucks. Howie Carr is coming up next. Don't go anywhere. He's got a lot to break down about super Tuesday and he will be with you right after the break. of the day. (upbeat music) You