The Howie Carr Radio Network

Israel, SOTU, and Secret Flights for Illegals with Libby Emmons | 3.6.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace welcomes Libby Emmons of Human Events and the Post Millennial to the show to discuss what issues should come up at the State of the Union this week. Of course, we're dealing with the Biden administration, so "should" and "will" are two different categories.

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06 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattaria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us. As promised, I will be playing the cut that's going viral from MSNBC that a lot of people think could become a problem for the Democrat party. But before I do, I'm bringing on Libby Emmons, who's a fan favorite, one of the first guests we ever had on this show. And we're going to talk all about Super Tuesday, but one thing, Libby, that I wanted to ask you because it goes into what I was discussing in the first hour. Joe Biden's getting a lot of pushback from young voters. They're going in during these primaries and they're voting uncommitted. And I think the number, the sheer number of people doing this is surprising the White House. They're used to the old school Democrats who might be mad at you, but they hold their nose and they come home anyway. These young people, or as Nancy Pelosi described it, that's like five people. This other wing of the party is actually showing that they're a lot more stubborn that I think the Biden administration gave them credit for. And so my question to you, Libby, is do you think the Biden administration is trying to decide right now, which is a more dangerous option? Taking off this faction of the party or not showing enough support to Israel and angering the part of the base that is Democrats who are Jewish? Yeah, it is really quite an interesting thing, isn't it? Because I think that the Biden administration has had something of a commitment to Israel in large part due to the Jewish American population here. But the progressive young people who are voting uncommitted, who are going out there and protesting week after week for Gaza, you know, for Hamas, for a Palestinian state, all of this kind of thing, they have no loyalty to the Democratic party. They don't need the Democratic party. The Democratic party needs them, and there's every reason to believe that they will not support Joe Biden in the presidential contest. There's also not really much reason to believe that they would support Trump. Trump is also very committed to Israel, although in a substantially different way, Trump is much more committed to, you know, attempting to find peace in the Middle East and ways forward instead of boosting support for Hamas. So that is a big difference between the two men for sure. But yeah, Biden is definitely in a tough spot when it comes to these uncommitted votes. I think we saw over 100,000 in Michigan, and we just saw a pretty big number in Minnesota last night. Yeah, and a lot of my textures, because I made the prediction. I said, I think he's going to do something at the State of the Union. I think they're in panic mode, and they're really trying to win these voters back. And I'm not saying it's the right move. It's not saying it's a move I agree with. But I think that this administration is focused on retaining power. That's their number one thing. And one of my textures said, well, great. No, the only thing Biden's going to do at the State of the Union is going to do what he always does, which is, you know, the same old crap and blame Donald Trump. But this is one of those topics. This is one of these issues that's really hard to spin against Donald Trump. As you just pointed out, you can say what you want about Trump. But when it comes to Israel, he's not on the fence at all. No, he is not on the fence. And, you know, the Biden administration sure is as they keep reminding us they are the Biden Harris administration. And we've seen them deploy Kamala Harris in recent days going out there and demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and looking for further support for, you know, the Palestinian population there. So it does look like they are trying to straddle the fence with the president staying his course, which is primarily giving a bunch of money to Israel and giving a bunch of money to Hamas. We also saw the UN come out the other day and say that there was, in fact, evidence of extreme sexual violence against women on October 7 during that massacre. And they also said, however, that Israel needs to stop getting in the way of the UN providing support for Gaza. So it's a very bad situation where you have the US, you know, we recently send like $100 million to Gaza for some reason. Biden said in the fall that we'd send this money to Gaza and that Hamas didn't steal it. We'd send more. Well, we've seen Hamas steal it. And we still keep sending more. So that's very confusing messaging. Of course, Biden continually goes back on his promises. So that's not necessarily surprising messaging, but it surely is confusing. So yeah, I wonder where these are going to go. There doesn't seem to be a candidate who's specifically speaking to them, although, you know, who knows who knows if Biden may throw Israel under the bus and then he would certainly have a totally different set of trouble here in the US. I mean, that's a really good way to put it. Libby, the other thing that stuck out to me last night besides some of the results of these races that we were all watching was the media's response to it. So they're still trying to understand. And I really do think that when it comes to the media elite, when it comes to people at MSNBC, they genuinely do not understand how regular Americans see things. And they have a really hard time wrapping their heads around the issues that Americans care about. Now, the problem that they do is rather than try to learn more about it, they instead mock it. They mock the things they don't understand. And they make people feel less than. And in this case, we have Joy Reid, Jen Psaki, and Rachel Maddow. Now, what a trio, Libby. It's like, talk about must see TV. And the three of them get together and they're talking about Virginia. And there's kind of this is kind of twofold. So everyone keep an ear out for this. They're not just mocking the fact that people care about illegal immigration. And that's the number one issue. But they're also taking digs of people in West Virginia, which is become a theme here with the Democrat Party. But let's take a listen to this. This is cut seven. I mean, if you look at some of these exit polls, I mean, I live in Virginia. Immigration was the number one issue. Again, these could change in Virginia. Well, Virginia does have a border with West Virginia. Very contested there. What? Build a wall, Libby. What's your response to that? Yeah, I live in West Virginia myself at this point. And I think that it's not shocking how much they derive and appear to hate their fellow Americans and think that they are better than all of the rest of us who live in places that we can afford. Certainly, Virginia is an extremely expensive state when I cross the border from West Virginia into Virginia. I can almost smell the money. You know what I mean? It's like, wow, this is a rich place. And so, yeah, that's not surprising. I think people are used to these elite women really hating the rest of everybody else. And here they are. They're very wealthy, which isn't, which is, you know, like, by all means, people make your money, but there's absolutely no reason to look down on everyone else. And immigration is a huge issue for most people in America. In fact, it has surpassed inflation as the number one issue. And it's true what you say that they're still trying to figure out the rest of America. They've been trying to figure it out since 2015 when they had absolutely no idea why anybody would be interested in voting for Donald Trump. And it's almost a direct repeat, right? I mean, Trump was running on a platform saying, hey, let's cut down on this illegal immigration. And everyone was like, yeah, let's do that. And now people are saying the exact same thing again. Let's cut down on this illegal immigration. And you have all of these people who are very happy to have a bunch of illegal immigrants serving them saying that there's no reason to do that. You know, you have Chuck Schumer saying that illegal immigration is good for the economy. You had the Washington Post recently come out saying the economy is booming and illegal immigration is why that's like, you know, I'm paraphrasing, but that was pretty much their whole headline. And, you know, I think for a lot of us who, you know, went to the same schools as Joy Reed and Rachel Maddow and Jen Psaki and like, know all of those same people. It's like almost even more offensive to see them just hate everybody. It's like, how dare you look out at our countrymen who are struggling, who are, you know, smart, critical thinking people who want to raise their families who want to work hard who want to do right by God and country. And you're looking out at them and saying these horrible things about them like, yeah, let's build the wall. Let's build the wall around you guys and you guys can stay over there and let the rest of us, you know, have our country back. Yeah, my boss, Hallie Carr, has an expression. He always goes to self pity is not good box office. And I was thinking about it this morning. And I thought snobbery is not good box office. It's the snobbish behavior from these people, the condescension. We saw it happen in 2015, Libby. And I'm glad you mentioned that because it really does have a toxic effect on voters. Like when they start to see how these media elites feel about them, it does motivate people. It's a hell of a motivator. People look at this and they go, I am working my ass off. And this is how you feel about me. You think it's worth laughing about? You think it's worth. Oh, making fun of me. And then you have Joe Biden talking about the cookie monster and shrinkflation. I mean, I really think that this could be damaging to the Biden administration and to all of these Democrats. And just to go back to your point about illegal immigration, Trump also made mention in his victory speech last night. This report of 325,000 migrants being flown into the U.S. This is from the Daily Mail on secret flights under Biden and Trump claims Democrats want open borders. It's hard to argue with that, Libby, when you find out that just so they wouldn't have to actually physically cross the border, this administration flew them in. How is KJP going to blame this on Republicans? Well, you know, it's actually pretty fascinating. And I think that they'll have an easy time blaming it on Republicans because they just lie and say stuff and then expect everyone to believe them. But people are pretty wise to these tricks right now. And it is, you know, you and I were talking about this earlier and I saw the Daily Mail piece as well, which was shocking. And it said that those who are eligible to schedule their illegal entry into the United States are coming from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Ecuador. And if you recall, Kamala Harris, as the, you know, so-called borders are, was meant to be dealing with the root causes of illegal immigration that start in the Northern Triangle countries in Latin America. And she's done nothing. And now what happens is the Biden administration schedules flights and these people can go onto an app on their phone and schedule at which port of entry and when they would like to enter the U.S. illegally. And then they can make asylum claims, hang out in the U.S. for five to seven years, waiting for those cases, waiting for their asylum case to come up before the court. And then they will likely find that they are not actually eligible for asylum. You've had, you know, Alejandro Mayorkas of the DHS say that most people are not eligible for asylum. I was recently talking to an immigration attorney in Florida who was telling me that, like, some 90% of cases, and she knows a bunch of other immigration attorneys, some 90% of asylum cases that go up in the court, it turns out that the people are not actually eligible for asylum. So I went and check this out, this CBP one trademark mobile app that you can go and download and request an appointment to present yourself. And there's a number of non citizens as they call them who can be processed through the app. It varies appointments are available 21 days in advance. And, you know, you also had in 2023, the plan was to double the number of refugees from the Western Hemisphere, who would be welcoming welcomed into the U.S. And it was like 30,000 per month. The United States, this was written by border control and, or maybe it was DHS in 2023, the United States will continue to accept up to 30,000 individuals per month from Venezuela. Nicaragua, Cuba, and Haiti as part of the expanded parole process announced earlier this year and encounters with the border for these nationalities plummeted when DHS expanded the parole program. So it turns out that when the Biden administration begins flying people in for scheduled illegal border crossing appointments, the number of illegal border crossers who show up without an appointment decreases, and this is for some reason, something to brag about. It's absolutely horrifying. And when I was talking recently about how the Biden administration was flying people in from Venezuela, someone was digging me on Twitter, like, no, that's not happening. And, you know, here it is. Here it is happening. It's clear as day. And they announced these things before they happen. It's just that, you know, it's hard to pay attention to everything. Yeah, that's the only thing they have going in their favor is that there's so many disasters. It's hard for us to keep all of our focus on one at a time. Libby Emmons, we thank you so much for coming on. Everyone should read all of your work, but let them know where they can find you so they can keep up with everything you're reporting on. You can check out what we're doing at the and human We have two great news sites and opinion sites you can check out. You can see everything we're doing at the postmillennial on Twitter at T postmillennial. And I am at Libby Emmons on, well, I guess it's X. Sorry. Yeah, on X or on. Yeah, we still call it Twitter here. We're still old school, Libby. Thank you so much for your time. That's where we're conservative. We stick to the old ways. Yes, we do. Libby, we always appreciate you coming on. You're one of our favorite guests, and we'll talk to you very soon. When we come back, we'll take your calls on this. And I have two things to report on this story about that Libby was just discussing about this app. You know what I just thought of? Remember that commercial? There's an app for that. It's like, do you want to illegally enter the US? There's an app for that. And we have more information because Trump did talk about this. He's using each of these speeches, which I think is really smart, to draw attention to his next thing. So you'll notice that the Supreme Court decision, the 9-0 unanimous decision that came down, rather than focus too much on that, he started focusing on the immunity case. And so each time he gets the mic, each time he knows the cameras are on him, he's working on something else. And I was glad he brought this up. We're going to talk about it, and we're also going to play a little bit of Pete Buttigieg, who's not in the office, but he is on CNBC. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. [music] Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had your insurance audited? Rizzo saved one of my coworkers over $1,700. I also got insurance through Rizzo, so they're definitely a great company to check out. To get your insurance audited, go to Jared, what is the poll question, and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what was the best news to come out of Super Tuesday. Nikki Haley dropping out, Katie Porter losing out to Schiff and Garvey, or a strong showing for uncommitted in Minnesota. I'm going to say Katie Porter leaving behind her swing seat in order to lose to Adam Schiff. 23% now feel that Katie Porter losing out was the best news to come out of there. Nikki Haley still in the lead at 48% and 29% for uncommitted in Minnesota. With the Nikki Haley thing, I think it was going on for so long that by the end of it, I just was fine with it continuing, you know, because it just, in a way, I was trying to think of it this morning. So I was like, I wonder what the last me when I was going on with Fox and First, and I thought, I wonder what the last about, because Nikki Haley hasn't dropped out. And I was kind of thinking, it almost is helping Trump at this point. Like he went on with Howie and he said, I was happy that she won in DC. We wanted her to, we didn't even want a campaign there, we wanted her to win as almost to make a point. And I thought, that's so true. It's a bad look if you're a Republican to win DC. And the more that she was out there campaigning and complaining, I thought it actually helped Trump and it kept, it's always good to have someone you're up against, you know, it keeps people interested. It's like professional wrestling. It's good to have a villain, not saying she really met that criteria. She was a little boring to be a villain, but you catch my drift. Eric, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Eric. Yes, just like to talk about possible VP for Trump, definitely not Haley. I think she's dug her grave. And her people would not probably vote for Trump. However, how about Gabby out there in Hawaii? Like Trump, he was a Democrat, he saw the light, didn't like the way the party was going and moved on. And she would be an excellent sparring partner if the other idiot in our administration is chosen to be the presidential candidate. Did you say Tulsi Gabbard? Eric, is that who you said? Yeah. Yeah, Tulsi Gabbard. And also she has history with Kamala Harris. They were not very friendly on the debate stage last time around. I think that my only fear with Tulsi Gabbard is she is. She has seen the light, but it's fairly recent. And I think at one point, she might have, was she a Bernie babe? Do I have that right? Or she was, I think it's okay to give her a little bit more time to prove that she is indeed a conservative. But I agree with you. I liked Tulsi a lot. I don't think she's probably right for VP pick. But I wouldn't hate it. I wouldn't be against it. That's what I'll say. When we come back, we're going to talk about the snob problem in MSNBC. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Tretria studio. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly show. I want to talk a little bit here about illegal immigration and we're going to work it into this. Condescending cut from MSNBC that's really taken over the internet, taken over a lot of the networks today. But first, let's talk about Trump's speech last night because he mentioned this report about the CBP app. The CBP one app, which Libby was just talking about, essentially, it's do you want to enter the US illegally? There's an app for that. And Joe Biden doesn't seem to care. They want there to be an app for that. And so Donald Trump talked about this. And what's hysterical, Jared? Nothing about this is ha, ha, funny. But I saw that Trump said 325,000 illegal aliens. The reports that I've read are 320,000. So I'm sure that because we're focused on getting the fact street, I'm sure he'll be called a liar in the mainstream media. We fact check that in technically it was only 320,000 people being flown into the country illegally. So Trump's a liar. They're going to have Jeffrey to come on and talk about what an Airbus 320. How many people can actually carry? Okay, we've earned it. You worked Jeffrey to bid into the show. So can we please get the cut that everybody loves? Damn, Jeffrey Tobin. At least Pee Wee Herman was in an X-rated movie theater. I'm just playing. If you can hear the name Jeffrey Tobin and you don't respond, damn Jeffrey Tobin, you are a stronger person than I am. So let's take Donald Trump last night. Like I said, he's really using these speeches to his advantage. This is what he had to say about this app. This is cut 10. He's the worst president in the history of our country. There's never been anything like what's happening to our country. Today it was announced that 325,000 people were flown in from parts unknown. Migrants were flown in aeroplane. Not going through borders. Not going through that great Texas barrier that I was with the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott the other day. And we were looking at the job they're doing. But in the meantime, they're pouring into California and they're pouring into Arizona. Because those governors aren't doing anything. They're doing nothing. But today it was just announced before I came out. It was unbelievable. I said that must be a mistake. They flew 325,000 migrants flew them in over the borders into our country. So that really tells you where they're coming from. They want open borders and open borders are going to destroy our country. Yeah, and there's, you know, I'm sure there'll be plenty of fact checks on the actual numbers. But from the Daily Mail, it says Biden's expansion of the CBP one app allows migrants to apply for asylum in their country be flown to the U.S. given two years to obtain legal status. Biden's CBP won't disclose airports where it flew 230,000 undocumented aliens from other countries in 2023. And a big reason we had them on last week before this entire thing blew up. But the other reason that this got a lot of attention is because Elon Musk stated the obvious, which I would love to be such a high profile figure because you can state the obvious and still break the Internet. He stated the obvious, which is if we're letting all these people in, we're flying these people in. Unvetted. Nobody needs passports. Nobody needs licenses. Nobody needs background checks. We're going to be dealing with something like a 9/11 or much worse. And I don't want to say that. The thought of it actually terrifies me. But I don't think that Elon Musk writing that out on X is anything groundbreaking. I think that's just what you'd have to expect. If you're a country with no borders, if you're a country with no security, that's kind of a natural next step is that it's going to get dangerous. And so Donald Trump talked about this last night. And yesterday, Pete Buttigieg, who's usually on TV explaining how whatever crisis is happening with airplanes or trains or automobiles, how it's not his fault and how he's done and how actually I think his line of excuse, because every member of the Biden administration, they have a different tactic. Like, they're all weasels in their own way. And I would describe Pete Buttigieg's logic when it comes to excuses. He likes to do the, "Well, these things happen all the time. This disaster is just getting a lot of attention." That's what he told us about East Palestine with a train derailment. It's like, "Actually, these train derailments happen almost every day." And we're all sitting here going, "Is that supposed to exonerate you? Is that supposed to make you look good?" Strange, these humble brags they put out there. So Pete Buttigieg goes on with CNBC. And the host, Joe Kiernan, he just had no patience for this anymore. He's had back and forths like this before with Pete Buttigieg. I believe the last time might have been about the supply chain crisis, but he's tired of Pete's BS. And I think he really, his exasperated expression speaks for all of us. He really represents the frustration that all of us feel when we hear this administration gaslighting us about everything. And the craziest part about gaslighting us on the border is that for so long the Pete Buttigieg's of the world, the Jen Psaki's of the world, the KJP's of the world, the Alejandro Mayorkas of the world, we're bragging ad nauseam about how they reversed all of Trump's policies. They couldn't tell enough people how anything Trump did, they reversed it. And that's why everything was going to get so much better. And then when everything got exponentially worse, how does Joe Biden say it? He doesn't like, he has to do it exponentially. Expedentially worse, thank you. When everything got exponentially worse, then they're saying it's somehow Trump's fault. Wait a second, how can it be Trump's fault when you guys changed up everything from the Trump years? And so now the logical next step is, well, we didn't change everything from when Donald Trump was president. Well, if that's the case, then what the hell were you on a bragging tour of? You were going around the whole country bragging about how you do everything the opposite of Donald Trump. And now you're telling us, oh no, we didn't do everything the opposite of Donald Trump. Which one is it? Listen to Pete Buttigieg, this is cut nine, please. And with real resources at the border, only for Donald Trump, who's not even an elected official to come in and kill it with the chill that he put on control. So yeah, we need to solve problems or we can have them be political football. So the whole move to try to come up with something by the administration and obviously by partisan, that didn't come until it became clear it was going to be a major campaign issue. And only then did the Biden administration get interested in it. And every time I hear those- Well, no, hold on, let me finish first. But every time we hear those talking points that suddenly it was Republicans who ruined the border, that's why people get so frustrated. We know what President Biden said about inviting people in. We know that he got rid of all the things that were keeping the border closed that President Trump had put in. We know that he got rid of all those. So when you say it's not his fault- No, it's not, but he's done literally not true. It's literally not true when you got rid of the- Did you see 7-point-2? Did you see 7-point-2? Did you see 7-point-2 million people come in during the Trump administration? It was a trickle- He got rid of the policy to tear children out of the arms of their parents. That's true. But it is not true. Some of the other things that have been suggested- This is part of the problem with why there's a disconnect- In 2015, 2006, I mean literally since- When in doubt try to emotionally manipulate whoever you're talking to. When in doubt throw out the "You're a bad person" card. That's all they have. That's how you know you're winning an argument. Is when he has to bring out the Elizabeth Warren- They were tearing the babies from their mamas! Oh, we're running with that again? We're running with that bit of fake news again. Because Donald Trump's administration had to vet a lot of the smugglers who were coming in with kids because they knew that that was going to be a way to get in the country and be able to just pour over the border. So the Trump administration was actually trying to have some structure to the whole thing and he got accused of being like a big, bad orange man and that's what you're going back to people to judge. Oh, we reversed family separation. First of all, Trump reversed it while he was in office because he got so much flack for it from all these celebrities and morons who were peddling fake news. That's number one. But number two, that's not the only thing you reversed. I remember, Jared, I distinctly remember last week I had you pull a cut of my orcas from, I believe, 2021, where he was on the morning shows bragging about all of the policies they reversed that Donald Trump had implemented. It's so weird. It's I do not sell yourself short. You're terrible slouches. You should be proud of all of the destruction in you. At one point, you were proud of it. At one point, you were very proud of it. And now you're backing away from it and I'm not going to let you off the hook that easy. You deserve all your flowers for this. You reversed it all and you bragged about it and you yapped on and on and on about it. And now the only one you can come up with is the family separation policy. No, no, no, no. Yeah, that was the one where AOC wore the white jumpsuit and the red lipstick. But there were plenty of other ones that you guys reversed. And also, even if we are going to play this delusional game of, yo, we didn't change anything since Trump, then why have the numbers changed so much? And also, I don't remember Trump telling people that when he becomes president, you should surge the border. That could have been a hint to some of the bad actors out there that things were going to be a little bit different. But we're supposed to believe that no, no, everything's the same as when Trump was president. He was so bad. These people ran on. I have all the answers. I'm going to fix everything. We got Pete Buttigieg. He's a genius. He's a Harvard guy. Wait until he gets in there. We're going to undo all this horrible thing, all these horrible things. Then they get in there, they undo all of it, it all turns to, you know what? And now they're saying, we never, we never changed anything. We kept everything the way it was. It is infuriated. And now, I don't even think we're going to have time here. I was going to get to MSNBC, but maybe I should save it. We'll do that when we come back. 844-542-42. But the big story here, Jared, it's not the 325,000 migrants being flown in. It's that Trump said 325,000 and it was probably more like 323,542. So let's get the facts straight. We've got to fact check this man when the time calls for it. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. We're going to talk about, uh, West Virginia on the other side. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Let's forget that we have Libby on the post-millennial cuts everything up and puts it online. And they put out the questions about Israel and Hamas and Joe Biden and those are out there. And you know what, Jared? It's a crazy thing. The internet, very opinionated on what's going on in the Middle East. So if you miss that interview, check out the podcast. They are always up around three o'clock and you can hear Libby Emmons from the post-millennial. Also, just an update for everyone, the Fanny Willis saga has taken on a new twist. This is from Phil Holloway. Sources have confirmed that the Georgia Senate committee looking into the Fulton DA have subpoenaed attorney Ashley Merchant to testify today. We've been watching it on Fox and the hearing will be live streamed. It's open to the public. So there have been cuts of it. I haven't seen anything yet, but Jared's got his eye on that. And another update for people. Representative Dean Phillips, remember him? He was the guy who did pretty well, I thought, in New Hampshire. And he is a thorn in Joe Biden's side, right along with uncommitted in Marion, Williamson. I would say he's been having a more successful run than Marion, Williamson, but not by much. And this is from Town Hall. It says Representative Dean Phillips was candid about his presidential campaign after garnering support on Super Tuesday than Democratic candidates who dropped out of the race. That's never a good sign. It's never a good sign when people who are no longer in it are edging you out of votes. It's like those should be up for grabs. An electric light-filled golden elixir. So Dean Phillips writes, "Congratulations to Joe Biden, uncommitted Marion, Williamson, and Nikki Haley for demonstrating more appeal to Democratic Party loyalists than me." He said on X. I would tell Dean Phillips that I wouldn't take that as a bad thing necessarily. Like if the Democratic loyalists in your party, if Democrats in general don't want you as a candidate, it probably just means you're too sane for them. And considering Dean Phillips's habit of being honest about Joe Biden, I understand why Democrats want nothing to do with him. Here's a guy who can actually say that Joe Biden is too old and too senile. That doesn't fly in today's Democrat party. You can't be doing that. But Dean Phillips is a really good sense of humor. So he tweets that outright. He says, "Congratulations to Joe Biden, uncommitted Marion, Williamson, and Nikki Haley for demonstrating more appeal to Democratic Party loyalists than me." And Jason Palmer. He added that in afterwards. And Jason Palmer. Jason Palmer won something by the way, Dino. That's what he's saying. Oh, okay. He's saying all these people have more appeal than I do. Oh, okay. He's being very self-deprecating. And California Governor Gavin Newsom chimes in because he's big online. Actually, he's one of those guys who I would bet does run his own Twitter. He's such an eagle maniac and he loves to think he's dunking on people. Like, he usually really does think that he's owning people. He's like, "Oh, wait. Just wait, honey. Wait till you see what I've got going here." Runs his hand through his hair, gets stuck, and puts it back on the phone. He's like, "Send. Send." I bet he runs his own Twitter. So he sends out a tweet saying that he appreciates the candidate's self-awareness. And you know what Dean Phillips writes back? From a self-awareness professional, which I love. But the other part of this conversation, which we don't talk about it as often anymore because it's kind of a moot point. Joe Biden's going to be the nominee, as far as I can tell. He's old. But I've noticed that I think it was Bob Costa was on Bill Maher and Hillary Clinton recently did an interview where now they're all doing this thing, where they're going, "Joe Biden's old. It's just a fact. Like, people have to move on from it." And the thing that bothers me about that, and you could say it's the same thing that they do with the border. It's the same thing what they do with all these issues. They say it as though they've been being honest about it this entire time. It's like, "Yeah, he is old. It is a fact." But up until yesterday, you guys have been telling me that he can, you know, run laps around the 30-year-olds in the office, and then he's asking all these socratic questions, and then nobody can keep up with him, and he's, you know, figuring out equations on the walls. So I know he's old. You don't have to tell me that. But now they're being so arrogant, and they're going, "Yeah, he's 80 years old. Get over it." That's nothing new. It's not groundbreaking. Well, again, it was very recent that any of you would even acknowledge that maybe people had a right to question his cognitive decline. You wanted to paint people as monsters and ageist morons for even questioning his mental acuity. And now you're looking at all these same morons, and you're saying, "What? Yeah, of course he's old. We all know he's old. Well, this is the first time I'm hearing you talk about it, and we're, what, a couple of months away from November? So I would say this is kind of noteworthy, actually. 844-542-42. When we come back, we're going to play this cut from MSNBC, which has a lot of people up in arms and for good reason. And I want to go down a trip down memory lane. I want to talk about, oh, Senator Mitch McConnell speaks after endorsing Trump. Ooh, didn't see that one coming. I want to talk about the Hall of Fame snob moments of the past, because this one's definitely going to be inducted, but I want to talk about some of the oldies. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music)