The Howie Carr Radio Network

Is "Uncommitted" Sending the Biden WH into a Panic? | 3.6.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

An alarming number of Democrat primary voters are selecting, not a person, but rather "Uncommitted" on their ballots. Grace breaks down the Super Tuesday results as well as the reason Biden may be struggling with progressive voters this cycle.

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06 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. The number is 844-542-42. It is Wednesday, March 6th. And we are here to bring you all of the updates, all of the exciting news following Super Tuesday. And it was a Super Tuesday. I was very happy with a lot of what I saw yesterday. I'll break down what we know so far and some things are still pending. That's because the election systems, especially here in Massachusetts, are top-notch. So it takes sometimes more than a couple of days to figure these things out. But obviously, the headline here, a very good night for Donald J. Trump, who managed to dominate the primary races. Everywhere from California to Massachusetts, Nikki Haley did score a victory in Vermont. And yet, it wasn't enough, even with the winds from the Green Mountain State and the D.C. At her back, it wasn't enough. So Nikki's campaign obviously came to terms last night with the fact that Biden and Trump will inevitably be the matchup going into this election. And so she made a big announcement today. She made it official that she is suspending her campaign. She didn't officially endorse Trump. And you know what's funny? So I've seen people putting out these side-by-sides of Biden's statement regarding Nikki Haley and Trump's statement. And Biden's obviously like groveling for those voters. And so he's saying, "Oh, you know, it takes a lot of courage to run for president." He's talking just as sweetly to her as he talks to the Cookie Monster at night. You did a really good job. It takes courage. You need a little bit of breathing room. And now she is for breathing room P. C is for great job. So naturally Trump comes out scorched earth on social media. He's like, "Niki stinks. She lost. Goodbye. Bye, Bing." And there's a lot of critics out there who are going, you know, Trump has to get independent voters, which he does. I've said that on the show before. This isn't the way to do it. And yada, yada. And I'm here to say as much as I am nitpicking some things Donald Trump says, I consider myself to be the peanut gallery in a lot of these cases. This is not a situation where I would expect anything else. Like you're telling me on the heels of this guy's victorious night. Isn't that the expression to the victor goes to spoils? This is his spoils. His spoils is getting to go on true social and all caps and let people know that he beat Nikki Haley. And you're going to take that away from him? Then you don't even have Trump anymore. That's who he is. So I will offer him advice on things that I think he has the possibility to change on strategies that I think could be sharpened up a little bit. But I'm not going to try to take away from Trump what is so fundamentally a part of who he is, which is rubbing someone's face in the fact that he beat them. That's what the man is made of here. And also it's really not his personality to, which is really kind of a crazy thing when you think about running for president. It's all about groveling for votes and asking people to vote for you, but it's really not Trump's style. Like he's more of the type of, you got to vote for me whether you like it or not because I just do a better job. And some people might not like that. I know the principled conservatives, the Washington Post and all these places wish he could be a little bit more polite. But he's not going to do that. Now Joe Biden, on the other hand, he will kiss as many behinds as possible. He will embarrass himself to no end if it even means one vote. He'll change his entire personality. I'm Greek. I'm Jewish. I was raised in the Puerto Rican community. He'll say whatever needs to be said to pander to grovel to get votes. But I like the fact that when Trump beats Nikki Haley, you're not going to pretend that all of a sudden, oh, you know, I'm really proud of her. She did a great job. He's not. You can say a lot of things about him, but he's not inauthentic. So there's that. And the other part of this now is will Nikki Haley declare third-party run? Or is she actually done? Is she actually out? We can discuss third-party potential later in the show. I'm not ruling it out. It does factor into our poll question. But it was a great night for Trump and so many Republicans. Congratulations to all the conservatives out there who ran very strong races and were victorious. I want to give a special shout out to some of the candidates from the New England Young Conservatives. We had on Amanda Peterson, especially. We had her on a few days ago. She ran Peter Durant's successful campaign here in Massachusetts. She won last night and congrats to Amanda. She's a friend of the show. She did a great job. Now also we have on the other side of the country. We have Steve Garvey. And this is where my baseball expert Jared comes in. Is that what they call them? The Garve? That's what I call them. I'm going to call them. No, actually the Garve, I think. The Garve man. I like the Garve man. Garve man. Yeah, former baseball player. And Jared, this is where I need the fact-chicker. You're my Daniel Dale. You're my Glenn Kessler. Am I pushing it because I'm not a baseball historian? I'm not even a regular historian, okay? If you want that, you go to Joy Behar. You go to the view if you want history. You come here if you want fun. So here's my question for you. Would it be over the top for me to call him a baseball legend? No, not at all. That's fair. World Series champion three-time or four-time World Series participant. 272 career home runs. He's an absolute baseball legend. Okay. Now how he doesn't like when people call people legends. He thinks he actually thinks that is kind of a derogatory because he means you're old. But we'll call him a legend because he's, he had a very good night. So he's earned it. Steve Garvey, former baseball player. He is, and a lot of these, a lot of these outlets I've noticed because I read all this stuff now, whether it's from AP and Reuters. And I, I would love to only read the conservative outlets. But sometimes you get a lot of funny material reading the people who hate you so much. You know, you, you get a real glimpse into their world. But I've noticed when I'm reading up on Steve Garvey and going beyond just Wikipedia to find out his baseball stats, is that they keep referring to him as a novice as if that's a bad thing. Like he's a novice in politics as opposed to Adam Schiff who is as establishment as they come. And I'm here to tell the media that it is officially as far as I'm concerned. That's a commendation at this point. But that is a massive compliment to be called a novice in politics. If the current state of the country can be attributed to people with decades of experience, this is what we currently have to show for that, for all of that expertise, bring on the fledglings, bring on the newbies because it can't get any worse. So I understand that Garvey, to say he's an underdog in this situation would be, would be putting it mildly. And the reason being is because Adam Schiff's voting bloc last night, you know, it's Democrats in California, it was split up. They were choosing between Adam Schiff, Barbara Lee and Katie Porter. And obviously a lot of people were going for Pelosi's golden boy, Adam Schiff. And that was the real factor here for all those Democrats. Like you'll read about how the women and diversity and Adam Schiff was up against it. It all came down to who Pelosi wanted. Pelosi wants Pelosi gets it. Pelosi wants to get her hair done during lockdown. She's going to get her hair done. If she wants to blame it on being set up, she's going to blame it on being set up. This is Princess Pelosi gets what she wants. She wanted Adam Schiff. So Adam Schiff won. So it's going to be hard because when it goes to the general, he's going to sweep up everybody else's votes except for Steve Garvey's. But, but number one, what I'll say is anything can happen. And what also is important to note is that outsiders right now are having a moment, and especially in places like California. Californians are not thrilled with the current status quo and they're one's beautiful state. So that's, that's all in Garvey's favor. And number two, and this is even more important, even if Garvey doesn't run a great campaign if he flops, if he goes up in flames. Katie Porter still lost. Okay. Katie Porter still lost. And, you know, I didn't think about it too much prior to last night and this morning, but she gave up a swing seat in Congress to run against Adam Schiff to run against Pelosi's heir apparent. And I know it's die-fies technically, but I just mean Pelosi's, you know, the, the special chosen one from Pelosi. So she gave up a swing seat in Congress to go up against Adam Schiff. And Joe Cunningham in Red State wrote this. He said Porter gave up her seat in the halls of Congress to run against essentially the California and National Democratic establishment. Now, I forgot she was a swing district, which makes the whole thing even better. She grossly misjudged the situation much to our delight. Okay, we're reaping the benefits of that. That poor judgment on the part of Katie Porter. And on top of that, the Biden campaign, and this is what I want to talk about next. The Biden campaign is finding it harder and harder to dismiss the vast amount of angry progressives who are displeased with the president's current handling of the Israel Hamas war and to showcase or to send a message of their anger on that front. They're voting uncommitted. We saw that last night in Minnesota. We saw it before then in Michigan. I want to talk about this because I've got a prediction to make. And as much as you could say, my predictions usually stink. Lately, Jared, I've had a good track record. Lately, last couple of weeks, I've been on a winning streak. So I'm going to make a prediction. It does involve the state of the union. Some of you could probably already guess what it's going to be. But it has to do with this whole uncommitted, Middle East, angry, progressive, Democrat situation that Joe Biden's trying to deal with. And I really should say Joe Biden's handlers because I don't think he's, I don't think he's in the weeds of this one. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls on last night. 844-542-42. Also, a cut is going viral from MSNBC. You're going to be hearing it all the time. You're definitely going to be hearing it here at the Grace Curly Show. Again, the Democrats, and really it's more specifically MSNBC, has a snob problem. And it rears its ugly head when they feel like they're backed into a corner. We saw it last night. We'll talk about it also going on today. More testimony on the Willis Wade situation on the luxury trips they were taking. We will fill you in on all that. So we've got a great show planned. Libby Emmons joining us in the one o'clock. Well, more could you ask for? I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Dr. Houghton of Perfect Smiles is a superb architect. When it comes to dentistry, he is the best at what he does. He fixes your teeth and your smile, but what he really does is he builds the self-confidence of his patients. When you have a smile that you're proud of, it builds confidence in your professional life and in your personal life. Because if you feel good, if you look good, you feel good, and every little part of your life gets a little bit better. You know, you have more confidence. You walk in and you smile bigger. You're happier. It just makes your life better. And the thing I love about Perfect Smiles is no matter what you're getting done. If it's a teeth cleaning or an entire transformation, they are going to, first of all, treat you like a VIP because you are one. And second, they know exactly what they're doing. They're going to walk you through it at your own pace. You set the pace. If you say, "Hey, I want to do this and this and this, I want it to take a couple months," you know, "This is what I'm dealing with," they will personalize it to fit you and your experience and your vision for your smile. They really know what they're doing and they love what they do. So here's what I want you to do. Call Perfect Smiles in Nashville and New Hampshire. You deserve it. They're located off Route 3. They have plenty of parking and you can reach them at That's Change your smile. Change your life. We'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. Quick reminder to everybody that there's only a handful left, you want to get your hands on a bio-speed clean vacuum from Eden Pure. They're great. I have one. They're great for every day. They're super light, super easy to use, and they actually, they make an awesome gift. So go to, click on store, and that's one of The Grace's goodies. There's not a lot of them left, less than a handful, but you can grab one now if you move quickly. A lot of people find it very amusing that Nikki Haley won Vermont. And I did too. I thought it was very fitting, though, like it worked. Seeing her face up there, and then this little Vermont and this little DC symbol, and then it would count up the delegates, I thought, yeah, this all makes sense. It makes sense that people in Vermont wanted to stick it to Trump, wanted to vote for Nikki Haley, and that actually does bring us to her poll question, because I would say, Jared, and you've been around for a lot more of these super Tuesdays than I have. I thought it was a pretty interesting night. I thought there's been somewhere. I don't even care. I'm bored. You know, we know what's going to happen. But for knowing who the two main contenders were going to be, there were still a lot to watch nationally. It was very interesting, even though we basically knew the outcome. There were a lot of subplots and undercard fights. That's exactly what it was. Subplot A, and then plot B, and then plot C. I would call Garvey like plot, maybe he was plot B, but I really enjoyed watching that. And I'm going to float my theory in a second here, but first, let's do the poll question. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had your insurance audited? Rizzo saved one of my coworkers over $1,700. To get your insurance audited, go to Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what was the best news to come out of Super Tuesday. Nikki Haley dropping out, Katie Porter losing to Schiff and Garvey, or a strong showing for uncommitted in Minnesota. Okay, now hear me out. I understand. I understand that everyone's very excited that Nikki Haley's gone. We will be playing some sound cuts from her concession speech if that's even what you want to call it. And I get that, and I'm not here to yuck. What's the expression? I'm not here to yuck anybody's yums. If that makes you happy, then it can't be that bad. But I'm going to vote for Katie Porter because in the long run, I think that that is something we can all celebrate. Like Katie Porter seems like a pretty bad person. And as I always say, Jared, it's not often I'll throw that label around. She was mean to her employees or her staffers. She allegedly put boiling mashed potatoes or mashed, I don't know, steaming hot mashed potatoes on her husband's head. She recently said that Lake and Riley, we shouldn't change our policy based and have one circumstance or instance. So I'm very excited that Katie Porter not only lost, but in order to lose, she gave up her seat in Congress. Only 16% for Katie Porter losing. Nikki Haley dropping out well in the lead at 59%, 25% for the uncommitted in Minnesota. Some more New England Young Conservative State Committee winners. I wanted to congratulate. We have Jacqueline Carevo, Alex Hagerty, Daniel Hickey, and Tim Smith is up by 12 right now. So those are some other ones, including Amanda Peterson, who we had on the show last week. So congrats to the New England Young Conservatives out there. It's important to bring young people into the Republican Party everywhere, not just in Massachusetts. Now, we have some sound of Nikki Haley. And since people, Jared, based off the poll, a large percentage of people are very happy about that. Let's play cut two. I am filled with the gratitude for the outpouring of support we've received from all across our great country. But the time has now come to suspend my campaign. I said I wanted Americans to have their voices heard. I have done that. I have no regrets. And although I will no longer be a candidate, I will not stop using my voice for the things I believe in. Now, I don't want to be hypercritical, Jared, because that's not what I'm about. But what I just noticed, and I kind of wish I noticed it sooner, because it would have been better for the show, she speaks as though she's delivering the most cliche, predictable bridesmaids toast at a wedding. Me and Lindsay have known each other since eighth grade science. I can't believe we're standing here today. We've had good times and some crazy times. It's like, well, let's mix it up. Where's the energy here? I get that there's a speech about losing. But even so, can we get a little bit of oomph going on here? Now, when we come back, I don't have time to go into my entire question for the audience. But I want to talk about the uncommitted vote because recently in Michigan, there was a primary and Joe Biden lost out on a lot of votes because people were writing in uncommitted. And they were sending a signal. Now, there is some debate over whether or not I tend to think that it was almost all due in part two or all due to the fact that he's not calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. But there have been, and there was a woman from Newsweek we played, some people saying, no, a lot of it was the auto workers, which is possible, I guess. But I think what we saw in Minnesota was definitely people from the progressive wing. That's like five people, as Nancy Pelosi once told us. The progressive wing of the party telling Joe Biden, you better change your tune or we're not going to vote for you. And that is where I want to pick up this conversation when we come back. You know, I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about that. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to talk about it. 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