The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden's Super Tuesday Radio Debut | 3.5.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

If you haven't yet, get out and vote! It's Super Tuesday, and Howie is gearing up for what he hopes are very good results on the Republican side. Plus, tune in for Biden cuts and KJP being herself at the podium.

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06 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [music] Here's the difference. Four years ago, we here at the United 12 polls matching up Biden and Trump throughout the entire 19 and 20 election season. Donald Trump was never numerically ahead of Joe Biden. That's not the case now. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. They said he participated in an erection into inciting an erection from the January 6th erection up. Donald John Trump incited the erection, uh, phrasing. President Trump incited an erection and maybe that too. This is awkward. I'm gonna walk, uh, I'm gonna walk this situation off and I will see you later. Nothing to look at. Back to work, everyone. Don't act like you're not a threat. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's... [music] Howie-car. You know, every six months or so, maybe even more often than that, you see a story that an animal that was believed to be extinct has turned up. It turns out reports of their extinction were greatly exaggerated. Well, tonight we have a local version of that story. Gray whale, long extinct in the Atlantic, spotted off Nantucket. So I guess isn't it safe to say gray whale long fought to be extinct in the Atlantic, spotted off Nantucket? So these are... these whales are distinctive by the... they have a dorsal hump and no dorsal fin. So they're back. Guess why they're back. They... you know, they seem like good news that there's a... there's a type of whale that they thought was extinct as an extinct. They're in the Pacific. They've been in the Pacific always. Can I guess? Can I guess? Yeah, I... climate change. I'm... you got... [laughter] [ding] How can they take such an educated guess after they just found out that this animal exists again? [laughter] You know, again, it's good news, right? You're thinking, "Oh, this is great. It wasn't really extinct." But they have to make a bet. It's one of the... it's deep in the story. Scientists believe climate change is behind their return. In recent years, the sea lane connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through the Arctic Ocean has been... has routinely been partially ice-free during the summer. In part because of rising temperatures around the globe. This has allowed some gray whales to become world travelers and explore a new ocean, researchers said. So is that good news or is that bad news? I think it's... What's that animal that you like that's extinct? The Tasmanian tiger. The tiger. So there's still hope for the Tasmanian tiger. Right. The Tasmanian tiger is actually a marsupial dog, but it has stripes. Yeah, I... how about the Louisiana red-billed woodpecker, too? I'm hoping... I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him, too. Yeah. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two. I think they're going to bring back the Tasmanian tiger first, though. They say they're... or willy mammoths are coming back, too. Did you read that story, Taylor? There's always a story about they're going to bring back willy mammoths. Well, I think they're getting closer to that. I wish to concentrate on the Tasmanian tiger first. They've got pictures of the Tasmanian, one of the last ones in a zoo, and that's kind of sad. No. I'd much rather have a woolly mammoth burger. Maybe that can be included in the Omaha Steaks lineup. The woolly mammoth burger. I don't think they have beefalo in the... If you ever had beefalo, that's pretty good. I'm not sure that I've had buffalo burgers. I had beefalo once in New York. I think they were selling it. Ted Turner had a steakhouse that sold beefalo, but I don't think I had it at Ted Turner's place. It had it somewhere else. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two. So they'll be an op-ed piece in the globe tomorrow about what a tragedy it is that the gray whale is back and it's a symbol of... Haven't there been other stories that agricultural production has gotten better because of so-called global warming? Because the growing season has become longer and they can plant agricultural products further north. I don't think it's such a bad thing. Global warming, if there is such a thing. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two. And there's a... You've got to get out and vote if you haven't. Justin Cosano, he works so hard on question four along with so many of us. He's from Boyle's Body Works. That's what he owns in Arlington, but he lives in Waltham. Please get out and vote if you haven't already. We can't let these fools win. And Justin and his wife Ruthie, who's a great person as well, they're running in the third Middlesex district in Middlesex County. Obviously, consisting of the city of Waltham and the towns of Bedford, Carlisle, Chelmsford, Concord, Lexington, three precincts in Lexington, Lincoln and Weston in Middlesex County. Ruthie's on the ballot and the Kool-Aid cult knocked Justin off the ballot. But Justin's a native of the area of Waltham, unlike the Kool-Aid cult Nut, who is the incumbent. So vote for Justin Cosano, write him in and vote for Ruth Cosano in the third Middlesex. Please, got to keep these people out. The ivory-billed woodpecker, that's what they call it. Is Woody Woodpecker extinct? No. No, Woody is not extinct. Waltham Lance, though, I believe, is not coming down for breakfast anymore and hasn't been for many years. 844-542-42, we'll take a few more calls. I still got to get to these Biden cuts, and KJP had a meltdown today, too. I know, that's not -- that's not "Stop the Press's News," but there it is. 844-542-42, Bob, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Bob. How you doing? Good. Howie. Good. Yeah, you know, you have brought up early in your program about, you know, whether it's illegal immigrants, you know, they're taking away money from local aid, the senior centers, the fire departments. Well, you know what? The roots are starting to come -- look what we have. We have a one-party system in this state. Right. The people have themselves a blame for what's happening to them. Now it's biting them right, you know, where? Because they voted these -- look at our democratic delegation. They're useless. Every one of them. Look at them. I know. The legislature, even the legislative leaders are saying, "We've got to do something about this, our right to shelter law." You know, they're just kind of like tiptoeing around the issue, saying, "Well, we need a nine-month deadline," but they can't enforce a nine-month deadline. They've got to get rid of the entire law. Exactly. Exactly. But the thing is, the people are the blame for what they -- you get what you deserve. When you vote these clowns in, and now they're coming back, they're going to cut your -- they're going to cut -- see your center locally, like you said. The people are the blame. You get what you deserve. I know. In a democracy, you -- exactly. In a democracy, you get what you vote for, and you get -- and if you vote for it, you deserve it. Unfortunately, there's a huge percentage of people in Massachusetts who didn't vote for this. Not the majority, but we're getting it and we're having to pay for it because the people who work for a living who support themselves, who don't take welfare, are the ones that are getting stuck having to pay for all these newcomers, as Joe Biden calls them, coming in, who don't work. Thanks for the call. 844-500-4242-844 -- even the whales are leaving California. Yeah. If I were a whale and I was leaving California, I don't think too many mammals from California are coming to Massachusetts, are they? They're mainly coming to Nevada, going to Nevada, and they're going to Arizona, even though Arizona's got problems, and they're going to Florida. There are a lot of mammals from California that are now in Florida. Believe it or not. 844-500-4242-ROB, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rob. Hey, Howie. You know, my wife and I went to the pole this morning, and unlike other years, when I go every year, I noticed that they were copying down and were putting us in as ours next to our names. And I looked at the whole list, and all I saw was a couple of ours, no D's, no L's, nothing but ours. What would an L be? Oh, libertarian, yeah. So, and then they gave me the ballot, and it was a blue ballot. Yeah. And I said, "Well, what does the Democratic ballot look like?" And it was a red ballot. It's a red. I know. I don't understand that whole thing. I think the red-blue thing came after the Massachusetts ballot was blue for Republicans. I mean, there used to be, you know, blue bloods, true blues in Massachusetts. Those were the Yankees, and the Yankees were Republican in the old days. I mean, maybe, I don't know. That's just a theory that I just developed instantaneously. I mean, I don't think there's any particular reason, but I mean, why would they? If it's been, if that's the way it's always been, Bob, Rob, why would you change it? I wouldn't. So, I asked them. I said, "What's up with this ballot color?" And they tell me, "Oh, well, the federal government mandated it to us." And I think that was complete BS. I think that is -- I don't know. I don't know, but that's my theory, too, that it's complete BS. It is BS. And, you know, what is this business about marking anybody that comes in there as a Republican with an R? And I'm looking at the list there, and there was at least 50 people on the list. I don't think -- I think they're just marking what ballot you took, Rob. I don't think -- I don't think there's anything sinister about that. You don't know why I think it's a little more sinister than now, how we've started. But you get -- see, the thing is, it used to be -- it used to be if you went in and you were unenrolled and you took a Republican ballot or a Democrat ballot, you were automatically enrolled in that party, and you had to go back at the -- either at the precinct right then or a town hall or city hall. I can't remember what it was, but you had to go back and switch. But now you're just automatically left you unenrolled, whether you -- whatever ballot you take. And that's why more and more people are going to unenrolled. It's now 64% unenrolled or independent in Massachusetts. Republicans are under 9% after the Kool-Aid cults last four years. And the Democrats are under 30%. So, you know, I would think in 10 years, probably the 80 -- 85% will be unenrolled as people figure it out. All right, thanks for the call, Rob. 844-500-4242. When we come back, we'll do some Biden cuts, and we'll take some more of your calls on how we car. The how we car show will be right back. How we car is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul. At, they have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money, too. Get the Rizzo insurance audit at no charge, no obligation. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at Today's poll question, which you can vote in at how we car, is how many of the 15 Super Tuesday GOP primaries will Trump win tonight? All 15, he'll lose one or he'll lose more than one. I'm going to say all 15. 70% say all 15. 23% say he'll lose one. 7% say he'll lose more than one. All right, 844-542-42. Press release from the U.S. Attorney's office in Boston this afternoon. Guatemala man sentenced for illegal reentry. His name is Romeo Waldemeyer Gabriel Lopez, 32. And I get compliments on the hyphen. Sure you would. Romeo, I don't know if there was a plea for mercy from Juliet, but he was sentenced to time served approximately six months in prison in one year of supervised release. He's an illegal alien. What is this supervised release? Supervised him in Guatemala. He was first deported in April 2016 following a conviction for drunk driving. Second deportation was in October of 2016 after he was apprehended illegally crossing the border in Eagle Pass, Texas looking for another handout from Massachusetts. He was subsequently deported a third time in April 2017. In February 2020, he was found to have unlawfully re-entered the United States when he was arrested and charged with a second OUI. So then he was deported a fourth time in March of 2020. And he subsequently re-entered the United States and was arrested on charges of assault and battery, which were later dismissed. He pleaded guilty to the second OUI charge and was sentenced to probation. He was incarcerated for violating the conditions of his probation in August 2023. And then he was transferred into the custody of immigration authorities. I hope they're going to throw him out of the country. How many crimes does this guy have? Does he get to drive drunk and on welfare until he kills an American? Why doesn't he take the T if he wants to get drunk? I mean, he's going to kill an American. Who's paying his welfare? 844-542-42. 617, are they going to sentence Romeo to a house arrest and a shelter? You mean also known as a flop house? Here's one from New Hampshire. Felipe Orlinga, age 39, has been sentenced in absentia. You know what that means? He's taking it on the lamb. Who wants to bet? Felipe is still in the United States. I don't think so. In the Hillsborough County Southern District, that's Manchester, a class A felony count of theft by unauthorized taking. Felipe Orlinga, fraudulently solicited $28,500 in deposits and advance payments related to a home renovation project he agreed to perform. Rather than apply the funds towards the project, he used them to fund his lifestyle and travel on vacations. I'm guessing he'd been on a permanent vacation in the United States since he arrived here. Let's see, where does it say? You know, even in New Hampshire, now they have to be politically correct. They can't say that he's fled the country or anything like that. 844-542-42. Diane, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Diane. Mr. Carr, this is my first time calling. Thank you. I was winter court, maybe, and I went down to vote tonight, and I did call the town office first, and just to make sure I had the right place. And I said, "Is it that choice ranked?" Whatever, crap. Yeah. You said they didn't know. So anyway, I went to the voting place, and when I got there, I said, "Is this is ranked close?" Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And they said, "Yes." I go, "Oh, my gosh." And I heard that woman like a half an hour ago, and she told you to fill in the circles, all six across. And I said, "I want to make sure this vote really counts." I said, "I don't want any mistakes." And they said, "To put in just the first one." And I voted for Trump. Yeah. And that was it, and I said, "Well, should I put him all the way across, up and down, sideways, whatever?" And she said, "No, you just lose three." Yeah. This is just adding layer upon layer of confusion. And what hour are they going to call it for Trump tonight? Will it be tonight? Tomorrow? Thursday? How long will it take? He's won. Already. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. We got a lot of people want to get on the lines, but we have to play these Biden cuts tonight, as always. So he was on a radio show, believe it or not. And so he was talking about, I guess it was a Delaware radio station. And so let's play cut 19. President Biden, I'm actually just to let you know I'm one of those HBCU graduates. I graduated from Johnson C. Smith University. I'm a fifth generation Smithite right here in Charlotte, North Carolina. Oh, whoa. Yes, yes, yes. I'm Delaware State. The Vice President and I have an ongoing debate on what's the best HBCU in America. Watch new, but it can't. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Forget whoa, whoa, whoa tonight. But the fact he said he went to, he's Delaware State. He said it before, he didn't go to Delaware State. He went to the University of Delaware. I went to UNC. I never say I go, I went to North Carolina A&T. Good Lord. Do you remember, he had a famous event in C, A&T last year. Remember that? That's where he shook hands with a ghost. Turned around and looked at it and put out his hand and shook hands with someone who wasn't there at North Carolina A&T. Anyway, and now here he's hallucinating where he went to college for pandering. And now he's hallucinating where he stands in the polls, cut 18. What's your message to Democrats who are concerned about your poll numbers? My poll numbers last night, what was the last night poll if you guys were in the poll? Five in a row. Five in a row. You guys only look at the New York Times for a great paper. The New York Times, that was a disastrous poll. If you go down into the cross tabs of the New York Times poll, of the Trump voters from 2020, 97% of them are going to vote for Trump again, 97%. Biden has lost 20% of his vote from 2020. And 10% of his voters are now going to vote for Trump. He just heard that guy rich a couple of hours ago. We tweeted it out, that cut from the Mexican-American who's gay in Connecticut. And he's bragging about that poll, too. He's gone. He's gone. Okay, so then after that silliness, he went to convene a meeting of his competition council, cut three. Fair competition is the key to my economic fission. Is economic fission? Is that like fusion? Is economic fission cut four? I'm supposed to leave for a meeting with the business roundtable on the telephone, but I'm going to hang around and listen a little bit. If you're permission, I'd like to stay a few. And my staff will tell me when the drop-dead hour occurs. With you, how do they know you're dropped dead or not? A meeting of the council. I spoke to CEO Joanne Storrs. Wade is here. Wade stand-ups everybody sees you here. Wade Napoli. And by the way, my sympathies to the family of your -- your CFO, who have dropped dead very unexpectedly. That's a flashback. Cut two. In charging hard work in Americans, more than a cumulative effort -- a number -- $14 billion in 2022. What the hell is he talking about, Taylor? I have no idea. An accumulative effort? Let me hear that one again. In charging hard work in Americans, more than a cumulative effort -- a number -- $14 billion in 2022. You know, I'm tired of a lot of things he says, but right up there is the kitchen table. BS. He's sitting there with Mary Ann and the Hamburg and Ambrose, Ambrose Finnegan and all the rest of them. But he was back at the kitchen table. There was an old man named Ambrose Finnegan. Cut five. When I raised this issue a year or so ago with some of my team, they thought no one's going to care much about it. Well, they didn't sit at my kitchen table house growing up. Shut up. Just shut up, okay? Google it. 844-542. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Tom is Tom calling from the famous Greenville, North Carolina, where we love the cut of your chip. I went into -- Thank you. Thank you. Home of East Carolina University. The pirates. Anyway, I graduated from Lisa Craig, so I don't remember. Anyway, what makes me want to gag is when I walk in to get voted today, the guy, she yelled out, "Republicans are Democrats." And I said, "Where are you from?" She goes, "I'm from New York, it doesn't matter where I'm from." I said, "Okay, I thought this was kind of a secret thing, you know, if I was Republican or Democrat." She goes, "No, not here." So, anyway, that's how that started out. And the end it all is Pierre makes me gag when she says he's a famous historic figure. Who? Who's a famous -- Pierre is entering the room. Oh, KJP. Oh, right. Oh, okay. You said that on TV one, Tom. I'm going to vomit it. Yeah. Hey, keep listening to me down in North Carolina, Tom. I appreciate it. Don't worry, buddy. You're doing good. Thank you. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Okay, so KJP is going to get very triggered here this afternoon when she's asked why he relies so heavily on his pre-written note cards. You know, this is one of those questions that everybody knows the answer to, but she doesn't want to have to deal with it. Cut 20. Well, where if I may? The president, I noticed, had note cards at the border when he was doing his briefing there. He also had note cards last Friday with the Italian Prime Minister. Why does the president rely so heavily on note cards? You're upset because the president has note cards? You're asking me a question about the president having note cards? I'm asking why does he rely so good? The president who has had a probably one of the most successful first three years of an administration than any modern-day president. He's done more in the first three years than most presidents who had two terms. You're asking me about note cards? I don't think that's -- Wait, I'm not speaking to you right now, James. I'm talking to your friend over here, Ed. So, thank you so much. But thank you so much for interjecting. Go ahead, Ed. I was just asking why he relies so heavily on note cards? I think what's important here and what the American people care about is how this president is delivering for them, and that's what he's doing, and that's what's the most important thing here. He's delivering for them. That's the most important -- it doesn't matter that his brain is mush. And that it was never that great to begin with. Cut 21. Robert here is supposed to testify that a week from today has the way to estimate a decision on releasing the transcripts of the president's interview. I would refer to my colleagues at the White House Counsel's office. That was a question. If you didn't hear it, it was a question about when are they going to release the transcripts of his interviews or his deposition with the special counsel, Robert Herr, you know, the one where he got confused about the year in which Brandon died -- or, excuse me, Beau died. 844-542. Ray, you're next with how we are. Go ahead, Ray. How are you, Holly? Good. I just want to tell you about my voting experience. A half an hour ago up here in the People's Republic of Lowell, Massachusetts. Yes. I'm disabled and very noticeably disabled. So I was walking into the polling place, and this woman stopped and held the door, and as I was going by here to go into the polling place, she says to me, "He's showing a vote for the right one now." And I said, "Yeah, I'm voting for Trump. I'm voting for Trump." She looked at me and she goes, "And I have the door to you." You weren't surprised when you heard that, though, were you, Ray? Not coming from Lowell, man. I thought you might get it. No, I did. I do get a kick out of that. Lowell has changed from the days when Klim Costello was around, and the Lowell son was a real newspaper, hasn't it, Ray? Yeah. God bless you. Take care. Thanks, Ray. 844-542-42. Klim Costello was the publisher of the Lowell son, and he was a real character. He used to go to all these dive bars in Lowell, and he carried a little briefcase with him, and he would keep his own bottle of champagne, because he knew in these dives where they had the ladies invited, but they had to go in the side door, but he liked to drink in these places, but he liked to drink champagne, so he brought his own champagne with it. You know those stories. The guy I work with here knows the old stories about Klim Costello. Nice story, Grandpa. Could have used a vampire. I'm sorry. The guy's from Lowell. We have a large audience. It's not about what years... When was Klim Costello in his prime? Was it when Edward G. Robinson was still on the silver screen? No, he lasted until the 1980s, as a matter of fact... I'll tell you one more story about Klim Costello. When the stories started coming out about Billy Bulger and Whitey Bulger working to keep him in power, Klim had a big cartoon in the Lowell Sun, and it had Billy Bulger, the little guy, and then there was this dark shadow of Whitey Bulger, and Whitey got the thing. Someone brought it down to him in the South Boston liquor mart, and he was going crazy and just jumping up and down. I'll tell you another thing he did, one more thing, now that I think about it, John Kerry was running in 1972 against Paul Cronin, a real Lowell guy in that district, and it was an open seat, and Klim Costello said, "Kerry is not winning this seat," and they killed him every day in the Lowell Sun, every day in the Lowell Sun, and they had a picture, a great cartoon. I'm sorry, Kaylar, you can play the thing if you want it again. He's in the Yale Club because he was shopping around for a district, he was going to run against somebody in Worcester, some old Irish war horse, that I think they've named the courthouse after in Worcester, but then he decided to go to Lowell, and so they had a picture of him, and he was in the Yale Club in New York, looking out over the skyscrapers, and the butler is delivering him a glass of champagne, and the caption is, "The fifth district in Massachusetts, I'll be right up," and it was a devastating cartoon. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, if anybody doesn't want to hear that story, 844-500-42-42. I thought maybe there's a moral, no there ain't no moral, I just like that story. I got to get that picture, I got to find that, that's one of the all-time great Massachusetts political cartoons, you know, Richard Nixon stayed up late that night, he won 49 states, I think, except for Massachusetts, but he didn't want to go to bed until he was sure that John Kerry had lost, he hated the guy so much, see what you will about Richard Nixon, he was really on target with his thoughts about John Forbes Kerry, 844-500, they stopped them for a few, for two years, he went to law school, but he came back and the rest is a sad history, 844-500-42-42, I'm Howie Carr. Got a great cop story, email it to and listen to Police Plotter Facts Friday every Friday at 5.30, your story could win you a great prize from The Howie Carr Show Store., man charged with second OUI in less than two months in Oak Bluffs, and a man charged with Martha's Vineyard. What was the tip off? They forgot one, he got left behind on the island. He looks like he's a Brazilian to me. Joao Batista, Ferrara, Sores, Dokarnmo. He was arrested a Sunday night, a male party appeared to be sleeping in the driver's seat of a parked and running vehicle on Kennabuck Avenue near the police station. They were familiar with Joao Batista, Ferrara, Sores, Dokarnmo because on January 20th, he had been involved allegedly in a motor vehicle crash between the bridges on Seaview Avenue. The male operator, the aforementioned jowl, et cetera, et cetera, was subsequently arrested for operating under the influence of alcohol, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, and marked lanes of violation for that incident. I don't know if he knew Romeo, the illegal alien drunk driver from Guatemala, but he's been arrested again a second time. Could Joao's mother be reached for comment? He's a good boy, a very good boy. How about Romeo? He's a good boy, a very good boy. And how about Felipe, the illegal alien contractor from Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, Manchester, who went on the lamb after he was convicted of stealing 28,000 bucks? He's a good boy, a very good boy. Thank you. Thank you. If you haven't voted yet, please get out there and vote in in Massachusetts. You have another hour left. You have another hour left in Maine in Massachusetts. If you're taking the Republican ballot to vote for President Trump or anybody else, but mainly President Trump, and you don't know who to vote for for state committee before you go out, go to and click on our banner at the top of the page to see where we are supporting people who want to win elections, not sue fellow Republicans and hire private detectives to track them around and who have lost nothing, who have lost every election between 2019 and 2023. The new the new group led by Amy Carnavali is has won at least one elections. It's tough to be a Republican in Massachusetts. It's tougher if you're lazy and stupid. And that's what the Kool-Aid cult is. So go to and click on the banner, stop the Kool-Aid cult and see who to vote for if you haven't voted. Vote for all of our candidates, please. Yeah, Joe is Brazil. Yeah, I didn't I say that. I said Brazilian, I thought. 844, 500, 42, um, Jim, you're next with howiecar go ahead, Jim. Run out of time here, Jim. Go ahead. Hey, how's it going? Hey, I was voting today in swam, Scott, Massachusetts. I don't know if you heard this one yet today. I showed up and they said my registration was inactive. And after looking around, why it's inactive, they told me because I didn't do it census this year. Oh God. You should have told them you were an illegal alien. They would have given you a ballot of Democrat and a Republican ballot probably. Get out there and vote. I'm howiecar. (upbeat music)