The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Many Unnecessary Layers of Ranked Choice Voting | 3.5.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Two envelopes for early voting? Six options for Ranked Choice? Howie discusses the decline of the American election system as new innovations woo the residents of progressive towns.

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05 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [music] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Mr. President, what's your message to Democrats who are concerned about your opponent? Oh, really? Five, seven, whoa. Here's the difference. Four years ago, we here at the United 12 polls matching up Biden and Trump throughout the entire 19 and 20 election season. Donald Trump was nipped from numerically ahead of Joe Biden. That's not the case now. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. They said he participated in an erection. Into inciting an erection. From the January 6th erection. Donald John Trump incited the erection. Uh, phrasing. President Trump incited an erection. [laughs] Maybe that too. Oh, this is awkward. I'm going to walk. I'm going to walk this situation off, and I will see you later. Nothing to look at. Come back to work, everyone. Don't act like you're not impressed. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaits beware. It's... [music] Howie Car. That last caller, Tony said he voted for Nikki Haley, also said he voted for the good candidates in the Republican state committee fight. And again, this is not a fight between right and left in the Republican state committee. It's a fight between competence and incompetence. He mentioned Amanda Peterson, 19 years old, running for the Republican state committee seat out in that west of southwest of Boston. And, you know, she won as the campaign manager for Peter Durant, who took the special Senate election in November. She won a seat from the Democrats as the campaign manager. That's one seat, and that's one more seat than the Kool-Aid cult won. In four years, they didn't take away a single Democrat seat. They had over 400 elections in the state, just for the legislature alone, in 2020 and 2022. They didn't take away a single Democrat seat. They lost all kinds of Republican seats. So, it's about getting people in there who want to win elections, who just don't want to just keep suing and yelling at other Republicans. So, if you don't know who the candidates are, who want to win the elections on the Republican side, just go to and click on the banner that says, "Stop the Kool-Aid Cult," and you can find out. And, by the way, I sent out a text this morning to the people on my list, and I did not say "please," and I apologize for that. After criticizing Nikki Haley for ordering me to vote for her this morning and not saying "please," I should have said that. I'm begging, you know, to the right thing. Vote for candidates who want to win, not candidates who want to sue each other and get the stupid jobs and say stupid things and post swastikas on their social media and pose with alleged child rapists and all the rest. And also, who were told that they shouldn't even be in Republican politics by Donald Trump, which is what he said yesterday about the capo, the tutti knuckleheads, the second in command in the Kool-Aid cult. Horrible story, I just posted on the Herald, Tufts University in Medford, Somerville, investigating after vile anti-Semitism reported at student meeting, Jewish students reportedly spat on. Good Lord. Tufts University is investigating after vile anti-Semitism was reported during a fiery student meeting when the student senate passed anti-Israel resolutions. Jewish students at the meeting were reportedly spat upon and faced stomach churning anti-Semitic taunts and jeering from their peers according to the leader of Tufts Hillell, the Jewish student group. The Jewish students who were against the Palestinian BDS resolutions were reportedly told that they smelled and were subjected to other anti-Semitic comments such as go back to Israel, we don't want you here. And Israel controls the entire world. Horrible stuff, horrible stuff. It's like it's as bad as being at Harvard University, apparently, or MIT. 844-500-4242-207 says, "Rank choice voting is awesome, I just got to play six votes for Trump in Maine." How stupid is it though? Rank choice voting in the presidential election. A rank choice voting in any election, you have a choice. You know, I keep thinking of rank choice voting. Whenever I heard in 2018 that Bruce Pollack one was ahead by 2,000 votes in the second congressional district that made a great Republican, I think he was the last Republican in New England in the house delegation, in the old six-state region, that he was up by 2,000 votes, but he didn't have the, I don't know what you call it, the majority under rank choice voting. I knew he was going to lose because that's the way it goes. Whenever it goes into extra innings, whatever they say we're going to need until tomorrow to count the votes, you know the Republican is going to lose. And so he beat Jared Golden by 2,000 votes and Jared Golden gets sworn in in January as the new Congressman from a district that voted for Trump in 2016 and in 2020. And they still haven't gotten him out of there. 844-500-4242. We'll take a couple of rank, people are worked up about this rank choice voting again. Mary Beth, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead Mary Beth. Howie, so good to be on, listen, rank choice voting, the year I moved to Maine from New Hampshire, biggest mistake of my life, was when I found out about rank choice voting. And that's when Pollack went lost and I said, "What the heck is this?" And the next, in 2020, I actually collected signatures and was part of trying to get that recalled. And they refused to put it on the ballot because the signatures were refused by the Secretary of State in Maine, which is what they do everywhere. You know what, to Mary Beth, it's like, I always quote Chris Christie on getting more votes than they can steal. I think it's the same thing with signatures. You've got to get so many more signatures that they can't just arbitrarily throw you off the ballot by just picking a few signatures. You've got to get twice as many as you need to, if you've got a Democrat Secretary of State or a Democrat election official. If they control it, they can find all kinds of ways to throw those signatures out. So, what are you going to do? But you've got to keep fighting. Yeah. Thank you, Mary Beth. I appreciate the call. It was actually a story in Gateway Punden today about the shenanigans that have been going on in Michigan. Or we're going on in 2020 that they had these George Soros type. I'm not saying George Soros was behind him, but George Soros type groups. One was registered in Tennessee. He had no legal authorization to collect ballots or to collect voter registration applications in Michigan. But they were collecting them by the tens of thousands. And they put them all in on October 7th, 2020, which was the last day you could register to vote. So, they were just going to try to overwhelm the system. And it's pretty clear that there was massive fraud in Michigan. And there are a couple of Republican legislators in Michigan that are trying to get to the bottom of it. But, you know, again, you have real hard core leftists controlling the Michigan Democrat Party, Gretchen Whitmer. Gretchen Whitmer was in Boston last week, went to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, I'm told. Not looking bad, but, you know, I don't care how good she looks. She wouldn't let you buy packets of seed at the local home depot for the spring planting in 2020, because somehow that was going to cause COVID, but her husband could go out on a boat on the Great Lakes, even though nobody else could. Yeah, no, I'm not going to be -- I don't care much for Gretchen Whitmer. Let me put it that way. Glenn, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Glenn. Hey, Howie, thanks for taking my call. Hey, so more on this ranked choice. My wife went out to vote this morning, and she came back, and she said that it was ranked choice, which I wasn't aware of. Me neither. Well, did you vote for -- well, surprise, surprise. So I asked her, did you vote for Trump all the way across? She says, no, I voted once. So when I went up to vote, I took my ballot, and there was three pollsters there. And I said, if I put Trump straight across, will my ballot be counted? And one lady spoke up, and she said, no, it won't. And then the other two ladies said, oh, yes, it will. And then they started to have it -- You don't need this at the precinct level on election day. Do you, Glenn, this kind of dispute? No, they don't know. Yeah. I mean, they don't -- they don't have a clue, and yet they have any discussion. You would think that discussion would have happened the day before, the week before, the month before. Not the day of. So who knows what they've been telling other people? How about a directive from the Secretary of State? Oh, that's right. She was too busy trying to ban Trump from the ballot to actually handle stuff that she should be doing, like dealing with this nonsense about ranked choice voting. You're right. Thanks for the call, Glenn. Nancy, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Nancy. Hi, Howie. I don't know if you're aware. You may well be. But this whole ranked choice voting started in Maine because the Democrats were so upset that Paul the Page had gotten elected. Right. He got, like, 48 percent of the voters or something, and so they -- Right. There was a three-way race the first year. I think there was a three-way race the second time, but he didn't really have much competition the second time around. But, yeah, they wanted to make sure that he couldn't win again. Yeah, they won. And also, Shannon Bell, that whole thing, she and this guy from Portland, Ethan Grimley, who used to be the mayor. Right. Nobody liked. He can't seem to get along with anybody. I'm sure. I think, basically, the two of them cooked this up. Just the two of them. I don't know. All I remember is it was in California. And one time they had a guy running for office in San Francisco, and he finished third in the preliminary round, and he ended up winning the ranked choice. I mean, and it was so bad. I think Gavin Newsom was involved in getting rid of it. And Jerry Brown, who was then, you know, former governor and the mayor or the attorney general, something like a mayor of Oakland or the attorney general, they just said, you know, they washed their hands of it. The people in Alaska just got the signatures to put it on the ballot to repeal it. And they tried to pass it in Massachusetts, and fortunately with Anthony Amore, he did a great job. He ran for auditor two years ago, didn't win, but he did a fantastic job in 2020, led a campaign, very underfunded. And the big tech Silicon Valley types just poured tons of money into Massachusetts to try to pass it. I remember they had used to have it in -- I think they still do have it in Cambridge for the municipal elections, and it was insane. You know, Boston, which is, I don't know, five, six times the size of Cambridge, would have their city council results by nine, ten o'clock on election night. And Cambridge would be still counting them on Thursday, counting ballots. And I still -- someone just asked me to explain it, how it works. I have no idea how it works. All I know is, if you have ranked choice voting, the most horrible liberal always wins. That's -- I think that's the bottom line. That's the easiest way to explain it. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, a Rambo, four, one, three, says ranked choice voting brought to you by the same people who instituted trophies for all players and we're all winners' policies. But we're not all winners, because Bruce Pollackwin is not a winner in all the people. The plurality, if not the majority of the voters in the second congressional district of Maine are not the winners. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two, seven, eight, one, simple way to cure the ranked choice nonsense, just vote the bullet like the old days. Yeah, the bullet like the old dapper story, I'll tell it to you later on in the show. 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Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how many of the 15 Super Tuesday GOP primaries will Trump win tonight? All 15, he'll lose one or he'll lose more than one. All 15, 70% say all 15, 22% say he'll lose one, 7% say he'll lose more than one. Yeah, it's, you know, there are very few things in life when you can go 15 for 15, but I think tonight could be one of those nights for Trump. 844-542-42. Bob, you're next with Howiecar. Go ahead, Bob. Hi, Howie. How you doing? Good. Hey, I just thought I'd mention I voted early. I went, I voted last Tuesday and I thought people might be interested because the process isn't quite the same as when you vote in person on election day. Yeah, well, how was it difficult? Well, for a start, when you go in, you have to present your driver's license and they scan the QR code on the back. Give me, it's almost like Florida. It's almost like America. Yeah, well, that's the good news. Okay, that's the good news. They're checking your ID to make sure you're leaving and titled the vote, but then what they do is they print a bar-coded label with your name and address on it. And that goes on the envelope that you put the ballot into. You have to put the ballot in the envelope. They seal it. They put this label on it. You have to sign and date the envelope so they know who you voted for. I thought secret ballots were pretty much the rule across the board in all 50 states, Bob. That's so too, but apparently Bill Galvin thinks otherwise. I don't know. I saw he had a press conference yesterday about where the voting was going, and I was surprised that the more people weren't taking the early voting option, which means going down to your town or city hall and just getting the ballot and voting. But apparently only like 50,000 people in the state took advantage of that, whereas almost a half a million had gotten the ballots in the mail. Bob, are you going to do it again or are you going to just go either on election day or get a mail-in ballot next time? It's one of those spur of the moment things. The reason I did it was because I was on my way to run an errand and I was going right by town hall, so I just thought I'd just stop in and do it. But I think because of the fact that they barcode your envelope and-- Yeah, I don't like that. That bothers me a lot. Oh, by the way, I voted for-- I split your ticket. I voted for state committee. I'm in the first ethics in Middlesex, so I voted for Lisa Remit, Marie Cashman. I voted for Jeff Yoll, the former selectman, because I know him. I've met him several times in town and either in-- He's a Kool-Aid cult member, though, Bob. That's the problem. Well, I wasn't sure which one was-- because there were two guys from North Reading running, and the other guy I had never heard of. But yeah, I agree. Maybe. I don't know if I was going to ask you how you felt. At least you voted for Lisa Marie, though. That's the important. Well, my thing was, like I said, I know Jeff, we've been on the same side on another local issues in town, so at least I know him by sight and I've talked to him several times. I know. That's the thing. I mean, that makes a lot of difference. I'm not knocking you, but that's what the Kool-Aid cult is counting on in some of these races. Anybody who's going to vote for Lions and Deal, those guys are losers. They lost everything. Thanks for the call, Bob. I'm How We Car. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio. Get my voice to bring the voters out, and then count the votes over and over again until they added up right, and he was elected. You know, that is. That's the guy everybody was laughing at me for mentioning the other day. Edward G. Robinson has the Johnny Rocco in that great Warner Brothers classic Key Largo with Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, and Lionel Barramore. What a cast. You know, who else was in that movie? Jay Silverheels, also known as Tonto. He was one of the Indians that was seeking Seminole Indians that was seeking shelter from the storm, and Johnny Rocco shot him. 844-500 bastards. Johnny Rocco. All right. 844-500-4242. Try it until I want. I'm about to tell you, destroy your faith and the integrity of the Democrat Party, but Senator Bob Menendez and his lovely wife Nadine have been hit. Shot. Shot. With another superseding indictment. Taylor and I were just trying to figure out if this is the first or the second supersede. Second, the first was in October, and that was charging him with conspiracy to act as a foreign agent while in office. Yeah, he just keeps getting hit with more. I guess the guy, one of his bag men or victims, pleaded out last week and flipped, so they got some more charges, so they just decided to hit him with him. Senator Bob Menendez was hit today with charges that he and his wife conspired to obstruct justice in the bribery case against them. The new indictment comes just days after one of Menendez's co-defendants in the case pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with the probe. Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera. 844-500-4242. That last call or Bob, he's up on the North Shore, and he said he voted for Lisa Marie Cashman, and he voted for the Kool-Aid cult candidate. He split his ticket because he knows the guy, but our candidate, the candidate who wants to win, and again, this is a competency ticket versus incompetence ticket. If you're up in the North Shore, Clayton Sova, SOVA, Clayton Sova, and Lisa Marie Cashman, 844-500-4242. Someone says, "Don't worry about the driver's licenses being scanned. They open the envelopes." If you want to scan the driver's license, you're going to put me on the plane. That's one thing. But you don't need the scan. You can look at my driver's license and then let me vote and put the ballot in the box. You don't need to put my barcode on a sticker on an envelope. My opinion, 844-500-424413. You got to remember, it's not who votes, it's who counts the votes. That really matters. I think that's what Stalin said that. I think he was right. We're going the way of the Soviet Union, aren't we? The Soviet Union's gone, and we're becoming a carbon copy. Rich, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Rich. Hello. I actually, the first time, call her. It looks like the purpose of that. Oh, thank you. I'm not your usual audience. I'm Mexican-American and I'm gay. That's okay. We welcome everybody. Well, I appreciate that. Thank you. And so, lifelong Democrat, but just within the last, I don't know, probably a year. I don't want to be associated with a Democratic party, so I changed independent. I understand totally what you're saying, Rich. What was the final straw? Let me ask you that. Oh, it was the attack on Israel, and the response from our government, the response from Biden, and just a constant lie, and the violation of the Constitution. So, I'm like, I feel like I'm a constitutionalist. I believe in the Constitution. I think, you know what? I'd like to have that end result, but you can't just circumvent it, because eventually it'll be done to you. So, that's why, for the first time, I'm going to vote for, and I'm kind of embarrassed, but I'm going to vote for Trump. And I'm like, oh, and I don't really like him, but you know what? I really think he's going to help the country, so I've got to like, damn, I've got to do what's right. So, I'm going to vote for him. Thank you, Rich. That's the thing. I mean, you understand history. That's what gets me about the Democrats. Nobody seems to understand that if they do these things to us, it can be done to them down the road. And the road, it's not a long road either. It can happen very quickly, you know? Right. Well, exactly. And that's my greatest concern, and that's the protections we all have. I mean, so that's what we fought for. So, I'm like, God, just be a moderate. You know, I love to build Clinton. I love all this stuff. And now it's like, I'm like, okay, I'm going for the orange guy. You know what? That's what I'm going to do, because it's best for the country. So, but thank you. I appreciate it. Thank you, Rich. Thanks for calling. Call again. 844-542-42. Johnny, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Johnny. First of all, hey, Rich, welcome to the party. And so, Howie, Jeff Diehl, Jeff Diehl is like the Charlie Brown of politics. You know, he's going to kick the football this time, but Lucy's going to pull it away yet again. He is. I've been saying I was going to put out his OCPF Office of Campaign and Political Finance money reports, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it today. I may mention it in my column post-election. He just put in another $13,000 into his account alone. He's like, loaned himself $15,000, $16,000. I don't know where he's getting the money. And you know who else gave him money, Johnny? That guy, Russell Morris, that I tweet about, the guy who's the, he's the, I guess, the close personal friend of his campaign manager or Mando Orlando. He's indicted on violent child rape charges. And we've got all these pictures of Diehl with the guy. He's indicted in Essex County. And Diehl just got $100 contribution from the guy. Would you be taking money from a violent child accused child rapist, Johnny, if you were trying to get it reelected to the state Senate or elected to the state Senate? It just goes to show how bad he is. But Holly, you should have kicked him when he was down. I'm Irish. Kick him when they're down. But I got to ask you, Holly, when I voted today, every knucklehead was out there for president. You know, why did Bill Galvin, I know Bill Galvin is skating on thin ice. He's the last high-burning American. And if he doesn't tow the line, they're going to put somebody up against him. They tried to last time, Johnny. They tried to. They put up a disfired lawyer from New Jersey named Tanjika or something. She figured just having the name Tanjika, you know, Jones was enough to put her over the top. But it wasn't. Hey, thanks, Holly. Appreciate it. Thank you, Johnny. 844-542-42. Glenn, you're next with Holly Carr. Go ahead, Glenn. Hey, Holly. Glenn in Burlington, Vermont. How are you? Good, good. How was voting going up in Burlington today? The People's Republic. Yeah, the People's Republic of Burlington. We were doing prank choice voting this year. Oh, you guys have it now in Vermont? In Burlington, Vermont, for Mayor of Burlington, we've got prank choice voting this year. Wait, wait, wait. The rest of the state doesn't have it. How about Colchester? Do they have it next door? How can you have presidential ranked choice voting in one city and not have it in the rest of the state or any other communities? No, it's not counting the presidential. See, again, they're just putting in these layers and it's going to cause multiple mistakes and confusion, isn't it? Well, it sure is because, you know, when I was listening earlier to the people who were saying that they were filling in all the, you know, like if you have like four candidates, okay, Mayor, all right, you're going to have at least three, you know, rounds of voting. Nobody doesn't get over 50%. So what they do, they drop the one that got the least amount of percentage off and then they go to the next line and read up and down that. But you cannot vote for your own candidate more than once. If you do, your vote doesn't count. That's incredible. It is. It is. What was wrong with going in and deciding who the best candidate is and casting that ballot? What was the problem there? If it ain't broke, don't fix it, Glenn. That's my feeling. I know, I know, but we're being overrun with these progressives and I'm afraid that, you know, Emma, Mulvaney, Stan Act, she's the progressive. And unfortunately, she's probably going to beat out Joan, who's the Democrat. There are no Republicans in, you know, out of ballot here in Burlington. That's for sure. But she's, she's most likely she's not going to win and we're going to be stuck with, you know, with somebody else. Well, that's the whole thing about ranked choice voting. It's, it's not, it's not for the good of the, the common people or the society. It's, it's to, it's to make sure that the, that the deep stators, the progressives get in. It's, it's really bad. If you've got a chance to stop it in wherever you live, go, go to the mat to try to stop it. Because look, again, look what happened in Massachusetts. We stopped to look what happened in Maine. They didn't stop it and they lost their Republican Congressman. Sarah Palin lost in Alaska because of it. And now, now it's going to be on the ballot. Thank goodness to, to, to get rid of it. Eight, thanks for the call, Glenn. I didn't know that. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. That caller has 90% of the early voting in person. Right. The 10% he had wrong. And it is kind of important is that they put a blank envelope inside the envelope with your name. Why do you need to have two? Again. Yeah. So, and, and then, so today in Burlington is, I think what Glenn was saying, and I should know this stuff, you know, the biggest city in, in, in one of our states. They, they had presidential primaries where you didn't have ranked choice voting and they had a municipal election where you had ranked choice voting. So that means you need, does that mean you need to, that means you need two ballots, I believe, right? And why do you want to create all these layers of nonsense? Cindy, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Cindy. I'm also a first time caller. Thanks. And my rich warmed my heart. That would be a great tribute to Trump to have him as when they have these little advertisements on the radio to have him speak. It's a true soul. Rain choice voting Ray Richardson had the secretary of state on the phone on his show yesterday morning. Yeah. And you can take and it's legal and it will be counted. If you choose like Trump, you, you, you can fill in every circle as you go right across and it's legal. It is. See, this is the thing about ranked choice voting. Nobody really seems to know exactly how it works. Everybody's got a different story. Right. Do this last week. It was crazy people calling in and I can remember when we first started getting this, John McDonald versus sold was still alive and he used to fill in on G.A.N. on the weekends. And he would get calls and he finally had somebody that called in from, you know, the, the legislature, whatever that knew what was legal. And he said, then you could go right across and do every fill in every spot, every little, and the little, it's a little tiny circle in a big square here on the primary. I voted today, you know, because I voted for Trump. How many times you vote for Trump? Oh, got to go vote for Trump. No, no, but how many time, how many did you go across the whole ballot for six times in every one? Six times. Yep. And I got it. So you voted early and often. Well, the thing is, I'm was concerned with, because I got there about quarter of 11 where I have to vote here in Portland. And while I was there, because I also filled in a lot, signed a lot of petitions. Yeah, you know, for people running Republican table, Debbie K, Debbie Kanuna spot. That's only about seven people that came in the whole time I was there. I was able to walk right in. There was no line. And while I was there, maybe seven tops that came in. Well, I mean, 11 o'clock, that's not like prime time for voting, you know. It's usually before working after work is the, and there's few people vote now on election day anyway. Thanks, Cindy though. Thanks for calling. I appreciate it. Every morning I get up early. First, I walk, walk Roscoe down to the ocean and then I take it, bring him back and then I go up to my, my free coffee at the breakers. And you know, all that time I'm walking in the dawn hours, I got my Raycon everyday earbuds plugged in because they are the best. They just make it such a great, it's even better than it normally is than it would be if I didn't have my Raycons. Raycons offer amazing audio quality at half the price of other premium audio brands. Don't believe me? How about their tens of thousands of five star reviews? Raycons optimized gel tips are designed to fit comfortably in your ears to actually stay there. Whether you're on the treadmill or, or, or shopping at the supermarket or doing anything else. My Raycons go with me everywhere so I can listen at any time. With eight hours of play time and a 32 hour battery life, I don't have to worry about whether they're up to the task. They get, they have three customizable sound profiles. They have a earbud tap functions. They have noise isolation and awareness mode. So I know if Roscoe starts barking or if there's a car that's coming up on him when he's going out into the street. It's just a beautiful road, a talented dog. He is, he is, but he's a dog. So, you know, you got to watch out for running, running around, even though he's just a pug. Go to today to get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. That's right. You'll get 20% off and free shipping at I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show returns after this. [Music] You're listening to The Howie Car Show. [Music] For one says, we need an idea to vote in Rhode Island, but now the illegals can get a license that looks exactly like illegal citizens license. And they didn't want to hurt the feelings of the illegals by having a license that identified them as illegal. Yeah, it's just out of control. Now, some people are saying you can select one person all the way across in this ranked choice nonsense. And some people are saying you can't. I don't know. I wish I knew the answer. 844-5. Can we just go back to like one day elections like Trump says. One day, one election. You know, France has these elections. It's not as big as the U.S. obviously. But they have the results in one. You can only vote one day in France. And they have the return. They have every, all the results that night. 844-542-42. By the way, at, you can still go and see who to vote for if you want to please. In the Republican State Committee races in Massachusetts, just click on "Stop the Kool-Aid" culture on the other side. It's a top banner on the front page. And see who to vote for. And if you go to the store, we still have a handful. I think we have three left of Grace's goodies, the Eden Pure Biospeed Clean Cordless Mac. It's a great product. We got three of them left. It's normally a $349 value for just $174 bucks right now. Check it out at Click on "Store." Andy, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, Andy. Hey, Howie. Andy, come on. I'm on my way to vote right now. But I wanted to talk about the Mexican-American who called a little while ago. Right. From Connecticut. Almost apologetic. He was not your typical caller. And listen, I think that's exactly the person who is the best listener because he shows the frustration. Right. The Democratic Party and the election process as a whole. Right. My wife tells us this is the divorce season because we're constantly arguing polar opposites about everything that's happening. But, you know, I think that he's an American. You know, fantastic to be a Mexican American and talk about your heritage. But, you know, the American, the person who can look aside from the party. I know. It's the same question Reagan asked in 1980. "Are you better off or worse off than you were four years ago?" And it's the same answer. As of 1980, and HowieCar.