The Howie Carr Radio Network

So Long, Sinema! plus Every time Trump incited an Erection | 3.5.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

It's Super Tuesday on the Howie Carr Show, and quite the Tuesday it is! Rep. Kyrsten Sinema has announced her retirement, Meta platforms are down, and liberals are still reeling from the 9-0 SCOTUS ruling in favor of Donald J. Trump.

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05 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store". "Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show." "What's your message to Democrats who are concerned about your build-up?" "Here's the difference. Four years ago. We here at the United 12 polls matching up Biden and Trump throughout the entire 19 and 20 election season. Donald Trump was never numerically ahead of Joe Biden. That's not the case now. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. They said he participated in an erection. Into inciting an erection. From the January 6th erection up. Donald John Trump incited the erection. "President Trump incited an erection. Maybe that too." "This is awkward. I'm going to walk. I'm going to walk this situation off and I will see you later." "Nothing to look at. Come back to work everyone. Don't act like you're not at Fred." "Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's…" "Howie Car." Welcome to the Super Tuesday, March 5th edition of The Howie Car Show. If you'd like to join us, 844-542-844-542. 42 breaking news about an hour ago. I guess it's not a surprise if you've been following Arizona politics, but I haven't, probably you haven't either. Senator Kirsten Sinema is not going to seek another term in the U.S. Senate. It was going to be a three-way fight between Sinema, who dropped out of the Democrat party. And this radical leftist named Gallegos. I think his first name is Ruben Gallegos and Kerry Lake, the Republican. And, you know, I noticed that some people are kind of excited about it, but I'm not sure it's good news for the Republicans. You know, I thought Kerry Lake, you know, Sinema was a Democrat. And Gallegos obviously is a radical Democrat. You know, he's the more mainstream communist, red, pinko socialist Democrat. And I think it would have been easy. I think Kerry Lake, given her previous runs and the fact that she's been on TV locally in Arizona, I think she could have gotten like 40% of the vote. But now she's going to be going one-on-one with Gallegos. I guess she's still got a good chance, but I just think it would have been easier if there had been a three-way race. But Kirsta and Sinema, I mean, she's kind of, you know, one of these posing left. She's a leftist posing as a moderate, but she hasn't, you know, a couple of times done the right thing. And, you know, she's had her own experience with leftists, you know, like AOC last night in New York. How many 34-year-olds go to the 5 p.m. showing of a movie? Hey, that's kind of weird to me. How many people go to movies anyway? Period. But she was at the 5 p.m. showing in Brooklyn. But anyway, she was, she was, she's the woman who was chased into the bathroom at Arizona State University when she was making a speech. I forget what they were after for, but they were just screaming and yelling at her. She got to see what it was like to be a Democrat. But again, the Democrat Party is just going further and further to the left. You know, she always said that in the Senate, her role model was Joe Manchin. You know, again, he's kind of a snake in the grasp, but he was more conservative than the rest of him. He's gone. He's not running for re-election. And now, now cinema's gone. And, you know, a menendez, he's not going to win. And he was, I mean, he's an indicted snake in the grasp, but at least he was right on some of the mid-east issues. And he was willing to take a stand. You know, against Iran, which, you know, that's, that's remote and increasingly verbotened in the Democrat Party. And I can't, I'm trying to think of any conservative Democrats left in the House or even moderate Democrats left in the House. Very few. I mean, Cuellar and Texas, again, he's been indicted. We live in a, we live in a banana republic. I mean, can, can there be any doubt about it? Anyway, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. So one says there was a lithium battery fire in Portland. I don't know if it's Portland, Oregon or Portland, Maine. We'll check into it to see what's going on. Oh, Maine. It's in Maine. We'll check, we'll check that out. Oh, good Lord. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. So it's, it is super Tuesday, get out there and vote. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. The polls are open from seven a.m. today until eight p.m. tonight. So you got, you got plenty of time. A lot of absentee ballots have been cast, but I would guess on the Republican side, probably still like 70, 75% of the ballots are being cast today. And, you know, I'm getting, I'm getting these, you know, before Nikki Haley was asking me. You know, she was, she was somewhat polite. She was saying, you know, asking me to go out to like the, the event and need them on Saturday night. Now she's, now she's just gotten really kind of nasty. It's a, first it was last night. Election day is tomorrow, Howard. Get out and vote for Nikki Haley. Make your plan to vote here. She didn't say please though last night. It's election day in mass, Howard. This was today. Go vote all caps for Nikki Haley before polls close at eight p.m. Find your polling location. No, I don't think so, Nikki. I don't think so. And, and you could have said please. You did, you know what? Will you raise in a barn, Nikki? Come on. Did your parents tell you to always say please before you ask someone to do something for you? All right, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. We put a lot of this in the intro, but it's, it's worth, it's worth starting the show with just because it's kind of funny. But, this was a Jake Happer last night with Nikki Haley and Nikki Haley. He asked her, oh, how do you feel about this terrible decision by the Supreme Court to let the voters decide? This is a destruction of democracy to let the voters decide. And she, and Nikki for once, you know, has the wise tactical political answer. And she says, great, I could beat him on my own as ridiculous as that is. Yes, that's what she has to say, right? And she says, I don't, I don't want him knocked off the ballot. That's the, that's what the voters, the voters make the decisions, not the, not the courts, not law fair. And Jake Tapper, of course, gets all excited about that. Who used to, by the way, Jake Tapper used to, he's a Democrat operative, a member of the Clinton crime family, worked for Chelsea's mother-in-law in Congress, whose husband, who was also in Congress, went to prison for bank fraud and still owes $10 million in restitution. He's unpaid. But this is Jake Tapper telling, telling Nikki Haley about Trump, what Trump did on January 6th, cut eight. Explanation was not, they didn't like Donald Trump. They, they said he participated in an erection. And I have to, an insurrection, sorry, an insurrection. And I have to say, I got up at five this morning to do Casey Hunt's show and I'm exhausted. So, what is it with these Democrats? An insurrection. It tells you, it's God's way of telling you it wasn't an insurrection. And do you know that they participated in an, in an, in an erection on January 6th? Jake, how do you know that? How do you know he participated in an erection? Here's a Pramella Jayapal radical from Washington. Same, but this is a flashback, cut nine. We're all outraged about many things, but if we're going to talk about outrageous things that have happened or things that have never happened, let's talk about the fact that President Trump incited an erection. And maybe that's you. He could talk about that too, I guess. Maybe we should talk about that too. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, cut 11. Donald John Trump incited the erection. Adam Schiff, who by the way is on the ballot today in the so-called jungle primary in California. He's probably going to face off against a great former L.A. Dodger first baseman Steve Garvey, the Republican candidate. They're going to end up one and two in some, some version thereof. But here is, here is Schiff flashback, cut 12. Into inciting an erection. And of course, cut 10, Joy Behar. So less than a week after Tucker Carlson is caught in emails and texts fully admitting that he doesn't believe the election fraud lies. He's putting on the air. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy hands him more than 40,000 hours of capital security footage from the January 6th election. You're going to get, you're going to get, you're going to get. Democrats, get your minds out of the gutter. What's wrong with you? 844, 500, 42, 42, 617, Nikki. I will get out to vote if you get out of the race. I don't think she can stay in much longer. But again, I'm going to stick with what I said in the poll yesterday. She's going to suspend her campaign. So just in case there are any marks or golds or suckers, whatever you want to call them who are still willing to give her money, she can, she can still shake them down. 844, 500, 42, 42. I'm back in Florida, but one of my last stops in New England before leaving was at perfect smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire. They are always my first appointment back in my last before I leave. I make them a priority because taking care of your oral health is a priority. By neglecting it, it can lead to dementia, depression, and even heart disease. You don't want to get gingivitis. That's why you need to make getting your appointment a perfect smile is a priority. Do you think your mouth issues are too complicated to fix or that it would take so many visits that you give up before even making that first phone call to get started? Are you looking for expertise and experience to help you? Put yourself and your health first, and since your oral health affects your overall well-being, do what I did. I went to perfect smiles in Nashua to be as healthy as I can and to look as good as I can too. Make your health a priority. Call the only dentist I'll go to, Dr. Houghton at Perfect Smiles in Nashua. Look them up at That's I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how many of the 15 Super Tuesday GOP primaries will Trump win tonight? All 15, he'll lose one or he'll lose more than one. I'm going to vote for him all. 70% say all 15, 24% say he'll lose one, 6% say more than one. Hard to go 15 for 15, but he went 9 for 9 yesterday with the U.S. Supreme Court. I guess one of the states that he's least likely to win is Vermont. I guess the polls closed in Vermont at 7 p.m. so we should know very quickly whether or not he's going to lose Vermont. I guess Governor Scott, is that his name? I can't even remember. He's such a zero. The Republican governor of Vermont urged people today to take a Republican ballot and vote for Nikki Haley. So, you know, make of it what you will. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. He's up like 30 points in Vermont. Is he real? Well, I know he's up way up in Maine. So, he's up 30 points, really? I didn't know that. University of New Hampshire Survey Center in mid-February, he's up 30 points over Haley. Okay, so then that's not going to be. That's not in play. They're trying to get people out in Massachusetts, but I don't see Massachusetts. He did very well here in 2016, which was the last time there was a contested primary because I don't consider Bill Weld. A proper Republican candidate under any circumstances, and I guess he's not even a Republican anymore. So, I'm pretty confident that he's going to take 15 out of 15. I don't even know all the states he's running in, but, you know, where is he down? Where is he behind? Where is Nikki come close, other than DC, where she won that glittering 1274 votes. 844, 542, 42. Did you say Nikki Haley will drop out or stay in the race? My car radio dropped out at the moment. You said, "I think she's going to suspend her campaign." That was our poll question yesterday. Will she suspend drop out, continue, et cetera, et cetera. I think if you suspend your campaign, you can still keep grabbing money. And I think that's a large part of her campaign. Now, grabbing money and, you know, appeasing the Never Trumpers in the donor class. Vanessa, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Vanessa. Hi, Howie, love your show. Thanks. Calling in reference to basically using the Democrats using the word, you know, erection over and over again. I personally feel that it's, you know, it's not by accident. It is purposely done. And I think it's just part of all of the propaganda that they're just pushing. It touches upon everything. Every time they say it, they giggle, he, he, he, whoa, whoops. No, you know, it's just stop. It's just part of all of everything that they do is purposely done. I don't know, Vanessa. I mean, it's not an insurrection. I mean, insurrection is not a word in common. I mean, we all know what an insurrection is, but it's not a word in common usage, is it? No, not really, but I mean, they made it to be used every single day for the last few years. Right. I mean, you know, I just think that using the word, erection, they're not the same. They're completely something different and they have so much of an agenda pushing right now with, you know, that's very sexual towards the kids. I truly believe that it's done purposely. All right, Vanessa. Thanks for the call. They, they, they're certainly, you know, when I heard it, when I heard it this morning on the radio, I thought, well, we're going to have to use the Schumer cut. I'd forgotten about all the other ones, but thank goodness we have a, a very good, a good system of making sure that we don't lose any cuts. 844, 542, 42. Be org. You're next with how we car. Go ahead. Be org. Hi, thank you for taking my call. I appreciate that you doing the hard work for us. One day we went out and voted today in the primary. Yeah. And my husband and I voted to make sure that we stuck at our song is at Shayna and we voted for Trump. And the people at the one person at the voting area actually did not want us to vote straight across the board for our, our first choice, second choice, you know, the ranked choice. Oh, what's that? Now, what state are you in? Be org. And Maine. You're in Maine. You, they have ranked choice voting for president. They, for the primary, they do. Really? Yeah. So how many choices did you have? Oh, we had all of them from Haley to Rama Swami to everybody. Everybody was on the ballot. Oh, my God. Choices. Choices. Man, that's so silly. You know, you know, Alaska, Alaska has a referendum going in the fall to repeal ranked choice voting. And California, in some of the counties like, I think San Francisco had ranked choice voting and got rid of it. I mean, you guys ought to get rid of that. I mean, we were fortunate in Massachusetts to turn it down. It was, I mean, the deep state was pushing it big time. So how do they, how do they ask you to vote ranked choice? I mean, you just voted and you put the, you put your ballot in the machine, don't you? Yes. And the person, one of the people at the voting area said it wasn't appropriate for us to put Trump as first choice, second choice, third choice, fourth choice, and fifth choice. But we were not taking any chances. It wasn't appropriate. Who was she to say what was appropriate and what isn't appropriate? Whatever happened to our bodies ourselves? How about our ballots ourselves, Bjorg? Well, my husband went for a circle with that. So, yeah. God, I had no idea that they were doing this kind of nonsense. I mean, it's horrible enough that, that we have Jared Goldman in the second congressional district because of this nonsense with the ranked choice voting. Now, they, now, yet the October is, was Chris Christie an option today? No, thanks. Now I can't. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. And of course, the among the primary people beating the drums for Nikki Haley over the past few months have been the Murdochs, the, the News Corp organs like Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, just looking at the headline today in the Wall Street Journal website. Voters head to polls at what could be Haley's last stand. If the Wall Street Journal is getting ready to play taps for Nikki Haley, I think it's really on the, really, almost over. 844-542-4271. My mother-in-law left the Democrat party after 67 years because of the vaccine mandates. She called me today to say she voted for Trump. She thought it would hurt, but she's pretty happy about it. Felt better than the COVID jab, didn't it? Ma'am? I heard stories from this morning of Democrats writing in Trump on their ballot. Really? Yep. Wow, that's really something. By the way, down where Taylor is in Bristol County in New Bedford, in one precinct anyway, for about 40 minutes when the polls opened, they had no Republican ballots, but I guess the situation was resolved pretty quickly. I don't think it's going to affect the overall landslide for Trump in the state tonight. Well, you know how people who are unhappy with Biden and his handling of what's going on in the Middle East, they're writing an uncommitted? And actually we heard recently from a woman from Newsweek who was on with Bill Maher that she thought a big part of that backlash in Michigan was the auto workers. Right. But I would tell those people just kind of to what Taylor just said, if you really want to send a message to Joe Biden, write in Trump, that's better than uncommitted. Send a message. Have you noticed the coverage today on the network newscast? They don't want to talk about Trump's going to win all 15 states in all likelihood. What they're saying now is voters in both parties are dissatisfied with their choices. You know, they can't say anything good about Trump. Just like yesterday, they, I guess they knew that for the last week that Trump was probably going to win an overwhelming victory in the Supreme Court. So they waited too well. Let Weisselberg, the former treasurer of his company in New York, plead guilty to perjury charges. So they, I mean, not that it really took the, it took the sheen off the victory, but they tried to do it anyway. It's funny you should say that because I wasn't going to read this, but I think you might appreciate the wording of it. This is from the Washington Post. They said on the Republican side, former President Donald Trump is expected to significantly widen his lead over former UN ambassador Nikki Haley. Why do this lead? President Biden, see if you can spot the difference. How president Biden is expected to dominate on the dominant side. Just a slight. If you're really paying attention, you might. Right. Also happening today, Facebook and Instagram face some major outages. This is right after the AT&T outage that really had people panicking. People across the United States are reporting Facebook, Instagram and threads, which is kind of, I think it's like the Twitter of Instagram. They had outages. A super Tuesday was ramping up. W L W T reported Tuesday morning that users were getting error messages when they tried to log on to their accounts. And I didn't notice because I was working the whole time. You know what the AT&T one affected me. This one did. I'm with you, Taylor. This one did not affect me and the slightest. I had some family members who are big on Facebook who are letting me know that it was down. They're all over 45. Yes. Yeah. Harry from Whereham says, "Can you play Dandy Dawn Meredith Sing and put out the lats? The party is over. You know what, Harry, from Whereham, I was thinking the exact same thing today. Let's cue that one up, Taylor, for later on tonight. Maybe it near the end of the show when the polls are about to close in Virginia and Vermont. We'll definitely play it tomorrow though, Harry. Now, here's a story I typically would not read, but I do think it's pretty telling. So remember how there was a period of time where conservatives were worried that Taylor Swift was going to endorse Joe Biden? She came out with a statement today and I think it's from what I'm reading from this. I think it's clear that she doesn't want to endorse Joe Biden. She said, "I wanted to remind you guys to vote the people who most represent you into power. If you haven't already, make a plan to vote today." And then she just, you know, links the But why did she have to send that out though? I mean, she's not directing it to any particular group of people or states. She's just issuing this. Well, she did say later she said in Tennessee and 16 other states and territories. So she's letting people know in Tennessee. But I get your point, Howie. I just think it's funny that according to sources and according to a lot of reporting about, you know, palace intrigue, the Biden administration has been like chomping at the bit to get her to endorse them. And this is what she comes out with, this very vague statement that really doesn't mean anything. Tell people. That's why people were angry, weren't they, that she was getting all those cutaway shots during the NFL playoffs? Or some people were. I didn't, I couldn't care. I just, I just didn't like seeing her in general. I didn't care who she was for. Yeah. Well, I don't think she's for Joe Biden. Now speaking of 2024, speaking of this presidential election, Michelle Obama's office, I thought this was a bit weird. They put out a statement to NBC News, the former First Lady's office. And they said, as former First Lady Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president. Mrs. Obama supports President Joe Biden and vice president Kamala Harris's reelection campaign. You believe that? I don't know. I believe she's running. I don't believe, I don't believe they support Joe Biden. No. I don't think they like Joe Biden at all. And later in the piece in NBC News, it says, as in 2020, her engagement is likely to be fairly limited compared to that of her husband. But how, I would argue in 2020, his engagement was fairly limited too. He didn't really put in that much effort for Joe Biden. And if, if history's any guide, he's going to put it in. He has zero hotels. I mean, just ask Senator Marcia Cokley, right? Remember that? We came to campaign for her at, I think, Northeastern in the last weekend of the campaign. And Scott Brown proceeded to be the first Republican elected in, I don't know, 30 years, 40 years, something like that. Yeah, he was kind of toxic at the box office, right? There are a lot of candidates. 207 main voter here, we had six choices for presidential primary today. I filled in all six for Donald John Trump, dumbest thing ever. Well, just like the, just like the woman. Just like Biorg. She did the same thing. Binkley, DeSantis, Haley, Rama Swami, Trump, and right in on the main ballot. Wow. Chris Christie didn't make it. He was too busy at the, all you could eat buffet to turn in his signatures before he dropped out. How did you hear about this drama at the Department of Veterans Affairs? Oh, yes, I did. They're already walking it back. This is pretty crazy. So the Veterans Affairs put out a memo calling for a ban on the iconic VJ Day photo of a sailor kissing a woman in Times Square. Everybody knows that picture. Right. And they put a ban on it to promote awareness about a non-consensual act. But now the VA secretary came out and said that the photo will stay. So VA secretary Dennis McDonald was forced to deny the photo's ban after a leaked memo. So the, when you first read this, you might think, oh, it was much to do about nothing. But there was a memo that was leaked and it was signed by the undersecretary. And it began making the rounds online. This is from the Daily Mail. So then McDonough had to come out on Twitter and say, let me be clear. The image is not banned from VA facilities and we will keep it in VA facilities. The memo, the original memo that was leaked, instructed employees to promptly remove the historic image and replace it with one deemed less offensive. Less offensive. It's, you know, iconic is an overused word, but that's an iconic photo. There's no question about it. It didn't, didn't the woman say that, you know, well, he surprised me, but, you know, she, she wasn't, she didn't run down to the local precinct and file charges or anything. I know it was 1945, but I mean, it was, it had been a terrible three or four years for the US. Everybody was rightly happy. Yeah. The woman's name was Greta Freedman and her son Joshua said his mother and George Men Dosa became friends as they got older despite Greta being kissed entirely out of the blue. This is what her son said. My mom always had an appreciation for a feminist viewpoint and understood the premise that you don't have a right to be intimate with a stranger on the street, but she didn't assign any bad motives to George in that circumstance, that situation at that time. He was happy. He was in Times Square. He wasn't going to attack her. No, but this is what the left does, how they, they ruin everything. It's like the, you can't have anything nice or iconic or, you know, that make people feel like, oh, go America, go USA. They have to ruin it. They have to put a really negative spin on everything. 978 says, I'm dumb. Please explain right, rank choice voting. I, I'm not going to, let me put, I'll just explain it to you very briefly. That's the worst idea you can imagine. It, it assures that lousy left wing candidates will prevail. That's the only reason it was ever invented. If, if the, if the same people who tried to ban the Times Square in 1945 photo had thought that it would benefit Republicans, it would be against the law to even discuss it. Yes. Right? It's like, it's like if there were, if there were Republicans crossing the border who wanted to get jobs and, and become, you know, found their own churches and church schools and all, and, and work hard, the, the Democrats would be putting alligators in the, in the, in the Rio Grande to stop them from coming over. Howie, I have one more story for you, which I think you're going to like the Biden administration. So Joe Biden, whoever is running his Twitter, put out a tweet about shrinkflation and was responding to the cookie monster, the muppet because the cookie monster is upset about shrinkflation. And so I wasn't going to read that as a story because Joe Biden's Twitter account is always doing stupid things, but then he actually talked about it today and I think we got to play this sound. In fact, some of the small snack companies, you won't, and think you won't even notice what they're doing. When they charge you just as much for the same size bag of potato chips only as the hell of a lot fewer chips in it. I'll tell you what, I'll tell you who did notice, the cookie monster. You point out cookies are, his cookies are getting smaller, playing the same price. I was stunned when I found out that what had actually happened. What a dope, uh, on so many different levels. There's, there's an article in the New Yorker where one of Biden's top advisors talks about how he thinks the biggest images in people's minds are going to be January six before they vote. And David Axelrod, who we know how Joe Biden hates, he, he said back to this guy, I'm pretty certain in Scranton. They're not sitting around the dinner table talking about democracy every night. And I would add in, according to Joe Biden, he thinks people are sitting around talking about the cookie monster and, you know, the size of the cookies. Like this is what he really thinks is the number one issue. When I raised this issue a year or so ago with some of my team, they thought no one's going to care much about it. Well, they didn't sit at my kitchen table house growing up. I mean, everybody knows about it. He didn't, he didn't realize it because he's never paid for anything his entire life. You know what? I went over the, I went over the Hunter Biden, uh, deposition grace. I thought maybe we would do a masterpiece theater, but it's too depressing. I mean, the money they get and they're, and they're laundering it in every possible way. And they're just defending it and own a, and the $142,000 car that he got just given to him. Oh, it was a cock. Is that what it was called? Yeah. Fisker. Fisker. Fisker. Fisker. It was a cockamamie way to buy it, but that's what we did. That was his word. Cockamamie. You know what I say to that? His cockamamie. Excuse. That's malarkey. I say that's poppycock. But you know what I was thinking about Joe Biden because every time any of these conservative outlets put up pictures of them, they always used really funny ones now of him biting into ice cream. Like that's always the one. And I thought you can say what you want about the guy, but he has probably tasted the best ice cream in this country. He's gone around to all these places. He pays like $9 for an ice cream to all these fancy little boutique shops everywhere he goes. If he does anything after he hopefully loses the next election, he should write a book reviewing these ice creams because he's tried them everywhere. They're all the same flavor. I think like chocolate chip, he doesn't really branch out, but still. He's such a nitwit though. I mean, he's even dumber when he's eating the ice cream. That's when he announced that there was going to be a ceasefire in Gaza. Remember that? Oh, yeah. There was like two weeks. Brain space. We'll have it by the beginning of the weekend. Oh, the end of the weekend now it's two weeks later. There's no ceasefire. Nothing says. The Israelis. Nobody. The Hamas. He knew about it. He just he just blurted it out. Nothing says commander in chief like serious person talking about these problems while biting into an ice cream. Right. And knowing nothing about what he's talking about. All right. Thank you, Grace. Thanks. Hi. March is here. And so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pier thunderstorm air purifier three pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code Howie three. He uses them in both his home and office and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Hinchi has one in every room at the Nossett Beach end. Dr. Matt the vet swears by them. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming inside. One can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside of your car with the thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden Pier three pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters and that saves you both time and money for pet owners, odors, cooking smells, tobacco and musty basements. You need the Eden Pier thunderstorm three pack. Right Taylor? Yes. I use mine in my basement. There's the cat lives down there primarily, so you never know when the smell is going to creep in. But thankfully with the thunderstorm, I don't have to worry about that because there are no smells. Just the pleasant smell of the thunderstorm at work. And the more it rains, the damper it is and the more you need the thunderstorm. Back in stock now, order now at Use code HOWE3. That's the number three and get yours now. That's code HOWE3, I'm HOWE3. Cookie, cookie, cookie, start for ten! The HOWE Car Show returns after this. These days, it's a good idea to stock up on supplies in case of emergencies. But where do you start? Learn more in the latest episode of Meet the Experts with HOWE Car as I speak with Brandon Ericsson of ReadyWise, available now, wherever you get your HOWE Car Show podcasts. For $500, $42, $42, get out of it! Well, aren't the Girl Scouts are very woke? Those were the only Girl Scout cookies I kind of liked, but they did shrink the size of the boxes. But they've been doing this for a long time. Well, the cookies are like quarter-size now. I used to sell my daughter's cookies at the federal courthouse. I had a lot of customers there in the old days. My kids did great selling Girl Scout cookies. I wouldn't buy them, let alone peddle them out in my workplaces these days. The mention is just another term for the major shrinkflation in Brandon's brain. You know, the thing is, Brandon's brain to begin with was never fun-sized, as they say, with the candy in Halloween. It was never giant-sized or family-sized. And now it's your right, shrinkflation has set in. Tony, you're next with HOWE Car, go ahead, Tony. Hey, can you hear me all right? Sure. Yes. I've heard, long time since I've heard you, it was years ago, and I actually stumbled upon you. I was doing research for some of the state reps, and thanks to you kind of found Amanda Peterson and Eric Colton. Oh, good. And actually, I ran into Amanda in Franklin today, and a really, really solid person. So thanks. She is. She is. That got me to tune in today, and I heard you talking about your concern about the centrist, the central Democrat Party kind of moving away and going more progressive. And I guess, objectively, and I feel like that's what's happening to the Republican Party. And I did vote in all, in full transparency, I did vote for Nikki Haley. And I don't, I guess I don't understand why we wouldn't embrace, you know, options in that space. I think if going with Trump at this point, we're heading towards disaster. You know, I don't trust Nikki Haley. She stabbed Trump in the back, she's, she's for Ukraine, she's, she's at Neocron. I just, I don't like, I said, okay, I don't hate you for doing it. Thanks.