The Howie Carr Radio Network

Super 2A Tuesday And Mass Dems Float a Time Limit on Shelter Stays | 3.5.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

It's always 2A Tuesday, but Super 2A Tuesday comes only once every 4 years. So tune in and learn the latest about firearm regulations and recommendations from Toby Leary of Cape Gun Works.

Broadcast on:
05 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's Picks for the Massachusetts Republican State Committee. Vote Tuesday March 5th to keep the mass GOP alive. To see Howie's Picks go to and click on the banner. Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice. Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Happy super Tuesday. Is that the correct cure to, you know, sometimes I get a lot of heat for the way I introduce important days. If I say Merry Christmas or if I say, what's one where people get upset? If you say happy Veterans Day, it's not supposed to be happy. So can you say happy super Tuesday? I think super Tuesday qualifies, but just in case have a very dignified super Tuesday. Yeah, I think that's the correct way to put it. And today's super Tuesday, we're watching a lot of races. You see your guy there, Garvey's doing pretty well in California. He's making waves. And here I was, like I dismissed him, like he had no shot. He does his best work when he's got two strikes against him in the leading. He's an underdog. And he's vying for die-fies, old Senate seat against Adam Schiff, who seems to be like the heir apparent. He's he's the guy to beat. And Steve Garvey, the numbers will look good. Obviously it's very early. Obviously it's helpful right now based off the primary, but still he's got some momentum. He's getting interviews on Fox on some other places. He's got a lot of charisma. And I never think that California or New Yorkers, Californians or New Yorkers, they have such a high threshold for BS. Like it takes a lot. It takes a lot for them to say enough is enough. They've got a long rope, you know, that they really do. And a perfect example of that is Gavin Newsom. His approval ratings are just terrible. They're their their nose diving, but he was already recalled or there was an attempt to recall him once. And it wasn't successful because it doesn't matter how bad you are. People in California and people in New York, they're gluttons for punishment. So while I think it's great that maybe Steve Garvey could make something happen and we're watching that race in California. And I'd love to see Adam Schiff not get, you know, the position that is rightfully his. I don't have high hopes for it. Do you Jared? Someone who knows Steve Garvey so well and has followed his career. I, I don't think it's in the cards, much like the Hall of Fame, which is a crime that he's not in the Hall of Fame. Well, think about, think about Lee Zeldin. Like that was a case where I thought if there's ever going to be a time where people in New York say, I can't deal with this anymore. I can't take it anymore. It would be over the last couple of years. And it wasn't. It wasn't people said, no, no, we haven't experienced enough hardship yet. We haven't experienced, you know, enough illegal aliens just pouring into our state, to our city. We're just going to keep this going. And so this is what you're going to get. I mean, elections do have consequences. It's becoming a bit of a cliche, but it's true. Now, I do want to talk about what's happening in Massachusetts in regards to illegal immigration because House Democrats are now trying to, they're trying to change up the rules a little bit here. And I don't know how that's going to work. But before I get to that, around two o'clock, I like to look at my cut sheet, just in case there's anything on there that I've left on the table that I want to play before the end of the show. And there's a cut here from the CDC director. Now, it's not Rochelle Rochelle. Rochelle Rochelle left a long time ago. So did Dr. Fauci. It was the weirdest thing, you know, everyone, they're all so accomplished. They all did such a bang up job handling COVID. And yet once Republicans took over the house and said, hey, we might have some investigations. All these people started dropping out like flies. They wanted no part of the CDC anymore. Well, Mandy Cohen is the new CDC director. And I got to hear this in order to believe it. I think can I have cut six? We need to see everyone get an updated flu shot and an updated COVID vaccine. We also shared on Friday that we and we expect and anticipate there's going to be an updated COVID vaccine coming this fall, right? So plan now. Yeah, it's March. So you could think ahead when you're going to get your flu shot in the fall, you're going to get another updated COVID vaccine. And the reason for it is because this virus continues to change. That's okay. We can stay one step ahead of it. We have the tools to do it. We just need to use them. So FDA, CDC has started that process just like we do with the flu shot. We've started that process to update the COVID vaccine already for this fall. And so we just want folks again already start thinking about that. Oh, okay. So you wrote it in the captions. Well, I thought she actually said get ready for your 10th. Oh, no, no, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to mislead you there. It's going to say that's a weird way to put it out there. Hey, everybody, get ready for your time. We did talk about how Harold Ford Jr. and other Democrats are very open about the fact that they've had six, seven, eight COVID shots and they've had COVID two, three, four times. But the CDC is still letting people know that a new COVID shot is just around the corner. Now, let's move on here to Massachusetts. You know what I've thought about it. I'm not the 10th is where you draw the one. Yes. That's it. Jared is like, you had me with the first nine, but I'm not crossing over to double digits. It's just this is a this is a bridge too far. All right. So mass house Democrats, this is from the Boston Herald. They want to limit time in state run shelters for migrant local families, migrant and local families. The house plans to vote on legislation Wednesday that curtails families time in state run shelters to nine months, unless they are employed or in job training with it. Well, there's actually a lot of exceptions here. A pregnant woman or a person with a disability could stay a full year in shelter. So there's there's a few exceptions. But the first major changes to the emergency shelter program this year, Thomas House Democrats warned the system could collapse in the face of a $2 billion tab over the next two fiscal years, coupled with declining state revenues that have put financial pressures on Beacon Hill and a little help from Washington and little help from Washington. The so this is Mariano. The Quincy Democrat also wants his chamber to approve an additional $245 million to respond to the influx. And he said, given the challenging revenue conditions facing Massachusetts, the lack of federal support and the severity and ongoing uncertainty surrounding the migrant crisis, the temporary reforms that we are proposing are essential for the shelter programs long term survival. So they want to put on a nine month limit. And maybe I just don't understand. I'm just not as in tune with all of the details that go into being a politician in the state. But how on earth are you going to enforce this? You have the most recent case here in Massachusetts was Farnsworth Street. They said, okay, we're going to take this office building and we're going to put a hundred migrants in it, a hundred illegal aliens or, you know, around there. And the residents in Fort Point were outraged. They were asking the elected officials, like, where, why didn't we have any say in this? They were asking about safety concerns. And also, there's just basic logistics that don't make sense. There's enough showers and enough bathrooms. But my point is, once you open the floodgates and once you let people in and you give people a bed and you give people, and I know, I know people, I've heard people man on the street interviews. It's the compassionate thing to do. How can we help? That's what some people in the sea porter saying, how can we help? Fine. But be warned, you open those doors. I don't see a way in which you then tell those people nine months later. Now you have to go. How do you enforce that? We saw this in New York City, by the way, because whatever happens in New York, it tends to happen here like a month later. But with the row and the rows about hotel, do you guys remember this? They had illegal aliens, a lot of them single adult males staying in these hotels. Then they set up a second shelter. They set up a few of them, but they had set up a separate shelter. Like, where was it, Jared? The port, the terminal. I think it was the port authority. Porta. Okay. Yeah. And they set that at second shelter up. And they said, all right, now we need people to leave the row, the row is about we're going to use those because we need more room for families that are coming in. So we need some of these single adult males to basically volunteer to come to this new shelter. So some of the illegal aliens went to the new shelter and then quickly turned around and said, hell no, I'm going back to the hotel. I'm sure there were plenty of people who just refused from the beginning and said, I'm not leaving here. But it's hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube. Like it's, it's hard to put the genie back in the lamp. Do you know what I'm saying? You give people a shelter and then nine months later, you say, okay, your time's up. You've got to go. And then what are you doing? That person says, Oh, no, thank you. I'm going to stay. That's when all these people are going to get tough and say too bad, you know, hit the road, Jack. I just don't buy it. And the same way that I don't buy that at Melanie, a cast, what they told people was, Oh, well, yes, we're taking away the recreation center from your children. They can't practice track here. They'll have to go down the street. They can't swim. They can't do any of these things. They can't socialize here. But on May 31st, that's when it's going to end. The emergency will end on May 31st. Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous? Like we can, we can tell you the exact date, the emergency is going to end. And so they tell, so let's go based off Massachusetts history, Jared. When we're given a date, an estimated date of departure or, you know, completion on any project in Massachusetts, how far out is it usually from that date? I don't know. The tolls were gone in 1995 and the big dig was done in 1998. So I don't know. I have nothing to go on. May 31st, I just, I have my doubts. And by the way, May 31st, not to bring it back to me, but it happens to me my birthday. So I have that date. That day, I'm telling you, it's a Friday this year. I'm going to be calling up some of these places and saying, okay, is the recreation center in Roxbury or the kids back in the recreation center? Are they able to practice track again? Doubt it. I sincerely doubt it. And like Jared said, we've heard this before and it's not, first of all, it's not just a Massachusetts problem. You look at California, what was the big train project they had in California? Yeah, the super train. One of the 800 super trains coming to California anytime soon. And now, and it's cost like a billion dollars. And now they keep changing where it's going to go. It started off, it's going to take you around the world. And now it's like, I'll take you from San Diego to another part of San Diego. They just keep changing it. And so I don't understand how you're going to say, okay, we're opening up these shelters. All these people can come in. You can get free food, laundry service. That's what we heard from Aaron Murphy, the city councilor at large. We heard that in at Melnea Cass, they're getting laundry service, they're getting food. And it's flowers for Algernon. That's the express, that's the, the metaphor that I'm trying to use here. It's flowers for Algernon. You can't give all this stuff and tell people they can stay somewhere. And then all of a sudden say, okay, now it's over. It's, it's not how, what's the Geico commercial? That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. 844, 500, 42, 42. And one more thing. I want to read you these. I promised I would read them. So I was looking up David French today because David French is very upset about the Supreme Court decision. And this is what he wrote yesterday. He said the Supreme Court just erased part of the Constitution. And so I read that and I just wanted to screenshot it to have for the show. And I stumbled upon some of the other things David French has wrote over the last couple of weeks. So that's March 4th, right? Let's go to January 15th, disqualified Trump or else. Another headline, history argues for disqualifying Trump. Of course it does history. By the way, just, just a heads up for everyone. History argues whatever you want to believe. That's just a tip. If you have an opinion, history probably argues in favor of it. This is January 12th, the greatest threat posed by Trump. This is January 4th. The case for disqualifying Trump is strong. Apparently, the case for erasing part of the Constitution was stronger. According to the Supreme Court, sorry, David French. We'll be right back. We're going to talk to Toby Leary. We're going to take all your calls for Toby. It's two a Tuesday. So get on the line 844-542-42. Recently, Grace Curly show listener called in, her name was Candice and she said, you know, Grace, I just got to tell you, I love the thunderstorm. I have two of them, my husband didn't believe me that they worked so well. And then we got our furnace serviced and we had a smell we had to get rid of. And he was amazed. And we've heard this from so many listeners who try the thunderstorm and they really do love it. And that's because it works. You plug this in. It doesn't take up a lot of space, barely takes up any space, plugs right into the wall. You can use it in your car. It's great for offices where oftentimes you have the windows that don't open. You want to keep that air circulating. You want to keep that air moving. So go to and you can check out the three-pack special. It's the perfect size and it comes in handy. With the three-pack special, you can use one in your kitchen after you cook, get rid of those odors. You can use one in your office, like I said, to keep the air circulating. You can even use one in your car. In allergy seasons coming up, it's the perfect thing to have in your car to fight back against those allergies. Go to Use code GRACE3 to get the three-pack. That's, code GRACE and the number three. We're talking to Toby Leary when we come back. So get on the line now and we'll get right to your calls on the other side. The GRACE Curly Show will be right back. This is the GRACE Curly Show. Jared, you just had some breaking political news. Yes, Kirsten Cinema has announced she will not run for reelection. You know what's interesting is I was just thinking about Kirsten Cinema and I don't think of her often. She's not in the news that much or at least not as much as she used to be. But I was thinking about her today because we had that video of AOC being confronted by an activist and people are bringing up her old tweet where she says that protesting is good and making people uncomfortable is good. And they're using that as a way to show that AOC is a hypocrite, which you don't really need to tell anyone that anymore. People get it. But I was thinking of Kirsten Cinema because remember when she was harassed in the Arizona State University bathroom because she wouldn't get on board fast enough with the Build Back Better Bill. So they had those activists going there and basically record her while she was going into the bathroom and bothering her while she was in the stall. And I remember being on this show and saying, "I don't like this. I don't like where this is going, but I don't think AOC and the far left had an issue with that." I think they have an issue with it now that these same protesters, these same social justice warriors are bothering them while they're trying to go to the movies. This is why it's good to have some forethought and be able to see that what happens to one person could eventually happen to you. Joining us now is Toby Leary for two-way Tuesdays. Toby, thank you so much for joining the show today. It's a pleasure to be on with you today. Great. Thanks for having me. And we already have people on the lines, Toby. So I'm going to go right to them. Let's start with David. You're up first with Toby Leary from Cape Gun Works. Go ahead, David. Hey, Toby. How you doing? Hey, I'm doing great. Thanks. How are you? I'm good. I have a question. I'm thinking about buying a Ruger 1022. Do you have any other recommendations of comparable 22 semi-auto rifles? Well, in the price point that you get from Ruger, I don't really think there's anyone that can hold a candle to the quality and the price of the Ruger 1022. And they make a huge variety of them. They make ones that are like an M1 carbine, they make them that are a takedown, kind of a backpacker model. They make them as a heavy barrel target rifle. So you get a lot of bang for the bocata, so to speak, out of the Ruger. But there are quite a few companies that have taken that action and kind of made it their own. There's a new one from Black Rain Ordinance. There's one from Taxol, which is a very high-end diversion of the 1022, but they kind of just take the basic design of it and make it their own. And it's a very, very good quality high-end one. They still have a takedown version. And then there's also Magnum Research does a version as well. So the action is very proven. It's very reliable, and they're very accurate guns. So I would say if price becomes an issue, stick with Ruger. And if you want something that's going to shoot at a little bit higher level of performance for target shooting or for competition shooting, you could look into one of those other companies, but you really can't go wrong. And I call into question, anyone who doesn't have a Ruger 1022, are you really a gun guy? So just kidding. But that's one of those guns that just about everybody has. It's a tried and true, been around forever, and you can't go wrong. So I think you'll be real happy with that, David. Good luck with it. Thank you, Toby. And thank you, David, for the question. When we come back, we'll take more questions for Toby Leary. The number is 844-542. Again, it's 844-542. You can also text in 617-213-1066. Start the text with the word curly. It's super Tuesday. We've got Toby Leary on the line. And we're going to talk to Toby when we come back about a recent comment from Joe Biden. He's already trying to tell his supporters, or, you know, people that he wants to be a supporters, that he's going to handle some things the next time around. In other words, just give me one more chance. And I'll pass some of these things that I promise to pass the first time around. And I think a lot of that has to do with gun control. Can we expect to hear from him on guns at the State of the Union? I'm going to say probably, we'll hear what Toby has to say about it when we come back. Again, it's super Tuesday. This is the Grace Curly Show, and we'll take all your calls for Toby when we come back. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. We've got a lot of people on the lines for Toby Leary. Let's go to Harry. You're on the line next. Go ahead Harry. Let's go to the other Harry, who's also on the line. Harry number two, what's your question for Toby? Yes, Toby, my question is, do you hear me? Yes, sir. I want to do a gun store to buy a firearm, and they went past my background check. So I talked out to the ATF, and they told me, and this has been 11 months, they told me that I could not pass the background check and buy a firearm, but I could buy one on a private sale. The FBI sent me some paperwork, I sold it out, I sent it to them, I went into the local police department, and I got my fingerprints taken, they know who I am, and I sent it to them, and I've got nothing back, and it's been 11 months. I talked to the store again, they said, they come back to the store and do the paperwork again, and they denied me again. Do you know anything about this law? Without knowing why they're denying you, did you contact the FBI to see why you got the denial? I sent them letters and emailed them, and I get nothing back. They wanted something from 1982, and I called that courthouse, and I got the information, and I sent what they sent me, they mailed it to me, and I mailed it back to the FBI, and I've got no response. Yeah, strange. You might have to get a lawyer involved, I don't know, in order to, you know, rattle their cage. All I can think of is, you know, Ronald Reagan saying, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." You know, they're not here to help you in any way, shape, or form, and unfortunately, I would keep calling and writing and emailing until you get a response. I would do it weekly, or monthly, or whatever, or just get a lawyer who specializes in that. It might be something you need to apply for a federal U-pin. It's the unique personal identification number. It's a federal form you get to fill out and everything else, because some people get denials every time, even though they're not a prohibited person. It shows the effectiveness and the efficiency of the federal government, but I would start there, at least go down that road. If you're not a prohibited person, then you should be able to get by a gun through a gun dealer. And if they keep denying you, then I would at least apply for the U-pin, and you might even have to go get that record expunged if it happened when you were under 21. I think you can still do that. But contact the lawyer, Harry. Good luck with that. I wish I knew more about it. I'd have to know the exact situation in order to decipher what's really going on. But legal, and be kind of a pest about it. It's your right. You shouldn't have to ask permission for free exercise of your right for something that happened in 1982. So good luck with that. Thanks for the call, Harry. Toby, I wanted to ask you to respond to something that I caught that Joe Biden said. This was last week. He was at a presser. He was at an event for crime and safety, which we both know he doesn't really have a leg to stand on when it comes to either of those things. But he decided to talk about gun control, and now he's kind of dangling the carrot yet again to gun control activists, that even though he wasn't able to get really anything done for them this time around, that if they just give him one more chance, then he can make it happen. I want to play this cut for you. Go ahead, Jared. We're going to finish the job. We're going to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines next time around because it has to be done. Now, do you think, Toby, we're going to hear more of that on Thursday? And do you think that that's actually something that Joe Biden is able to do if he were elected again? Yeah, I think that it's a great, great question because he's been saying this now for the whole first term. He likes to run on the idea that he got the first assault weapons ban passed in '94, which was originally attributed to Clinton, but he's taken all the credit for it. And the bottom line is, it's almost like when Obama leaned over to the Russian ambassador saying, "Help, Putin. I'll be able to get some stuff done in my second term." It's really funny. And this is, I think it's a desperation move on his part to get the mom's demand action and the Bloomberg groups and the Everytown and the Giffords to open up their checkbooks and send some money into the war chest and put him back in the White House when I think he's grasping at straws. The truth of the matter is grace that all gun control has one foot on the grave and the other one on a banana peel. It is going to go down and it's going to go down hard. It's just going to take time because people are starting to wake up and realize there's no other right that is treated the same way as the Second Amendment. We don't have to get a license to go to church. We don't need to have a government permission slip in order to have Fourth Amendment protections. We don't have to invoke some special permit that the government issued and we paid a fee for and went to class in order to have the Fifth Amendment rights against illegal property seizures and incriminating ourselves. So it's been treated differently and the courts have finally made that right. And so it's going to take some time but basically everything that they propose is going to fall by the wayside. If you think about this, if Congress could pass a law that said you can ban Catholics, do they have the constitutional authority to do that? No, there's constitutional limitations. I think any honest politician would agree and say they don't have the authority to ban all Catholics. But that's exactly what they're doing with guns. They're saying we're not infringing on your right to keep in bare arms grace because you have other choices. You just can't buy that gun and it's the same argument as banning Catholics. You could say we're not taking away your First Amendment rights because you could be a Harry Krishna or you could be a Jehovah's Witness or you could be a you know a wicker or whatever you want to be. You just can't be a Catholic. Well that's that's the same argument and it doesn't work for any other application to our numerated rights. And people are seeing it and the courts are finally realizing that they have to rule on the text of the right and the history and tradition, the analogs, the historical analogs at the ratification of our Constitution in 1791. And we saw a big 14th Amendment case play out yesterday with the whole Supreme Court weighing in that you can't keep a guy off the ballot, right? States have limits to what they can and can't do. That's what the 14th Amendment was doing. When in 1791 the federal government was put on notice as to what it couldn't can't do. It can't restrict the free exercise of religion. It can't restrict you and your exercise of your Second Amendment rights. It can't restrict you in whatever the enumerated right is. And by the way the Second Amendment is the one that says shall not be infringed. So and then the rest of the states, all 50 states, were put on notice while it wasn't quite 50 at the time, but were put on notice when the 14th Amendment was passed that states can't do it either. They cannot deprive you of your federally protected and enumerated rights. So Joe Biden can, you know, gaslight us all he wants and continue to pound the pulpit and shake his finger and say we're going to get it done because it has to get done. The truth of the matter is politicians need to stop worrying about peaceful lawful citizens and start worrying about the massive problems that they themselves have created by allowing crime to run rampant in the street not enforcing the rule of law in our cities which are actually making people, you know, unsafe and costing lives. And that's the bottom line, Grace, is that they are in a serious, serious short time. Let's put it that way. There's a short time for them to continue to enforce this unconstitutional ban on your on your Second Amendment freedoms. Yeah, and I think a part of the problem, Toby, is that they can't actually say what they want. They know that by saying what they actually want to do, which is confiscate everyone's guns and abolish the Second Amendment, that that's not a politically sound strategy, even if it's what they want in their heart. So instead, they have to try to claim, like you said, we want to do this, but we'll make sure this stays the way it is and no one believes that. No one who's been paying attention believes that. Now, Toby just mentioned the 14th Amendment. He mentioned this scotus decision yesterday, nine zero scotus voted unanimously to keep Trump on the ballot to reverse that decision from the Colorado Supreme Court. That actually brings us to our poll question, which is brought to you by the Nossa Beach Inn. Book your spring stay at the Nossa Beach Inn with April rates starting at $249.99 to reserve your pet-friendly ocean view room with a fireplace. Go to That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is whose reaction to the scotus decision was the most unhinged? Keith Oberman, Harry Sisson, the view or David French? I'm going to say the view after listening to Whoopi Goldberg start that cut by not knowing which Supreme Court justice she was mad at and then say it didn't matter which one. I'm going to say the ladies on the view. They've worked their way up now to 29% still in second place to Keith Oberman, who was at 63%, 4% for David French and 3% for Harry Sisson. Toby, we oftentimes go to the callers. We're running a little bit short on time here, but I did want to read one text message that stuck out to me. This is from 978 who says, Toby, I'm new to the gun world. I want to try one out. I want to get some experience, but I'm intimidated. Is Cape Gunwork's a good spot for me to check out? Yeah, I would love to have you. Come on down. If you have no experience with firearms, it's a great place to get started. We'll take a competent range officer out on the range with you and show you how to safely and efficiently shoot that firearm in a way that you'll enjoy for the rest of your life. I'm all for it. We love taking new people to the range and introducing them to firearms. Absolutely. Come on down at Cape Gunwork's. We're set up and equipped for that exact scenario. Grace, real quick, if I may, the constitutional rights of the lawful citizens of Massachusetts is now in the hands of six people, all both the housing in the Senate have ceded their conference committee to hash out the differences between the Senate bill 2584 and the House bill H4139, which started out like HD 4420. That's what most people know it as. So I would urge you to go reach out to all of these politicians. We have the Senate majority leaders, Cynthia Creen. We have the assistant, Joan Lovely. We have the Senate minority leader, Bruce Tar. And then on the House side, Michael Day, who introduced all of this madness back in July, Carlos Gonzalez of Springfield and Joseph McKenna. So those are the six people that are tasked with ironing out the differences in the bill. And I hope to God some common sense will filter its way in. But as of right now, it's an ugly process. So I just wanted to put those names out there and they will go behind closed doors and they will hash it out and then they will bring out a new bill that the House hasn't and the Senate will have an up or down vote on. So reach out to your senators and representatives as well. But those are the six in charge right now for their backdoor deal to hash it out. And no public input will be heard at this point. So it's important that everyone reaches out to them and states how they oppose any more gun restrictions unlawful citizens in Massachusetts. So hopefully everyone will take to the phones, the emails, the letter writing, and also hitting them up on social media wherever they find them on social media. So that's a big development that happened here in Massachusetts. So I just wanted to get the word out there for that. We appreciate it, Toby. Thank you so much. And thank you for always taking time out of your Tuesday to be such a great resource for our listeners. Just a reminder to everybody, it's two way Tuesday, but it's also super Tuesday state committee races today. We also have obviously the primaries for the presidential race. So make sure you get out and vote if you're in Massachusetts, if you're in Maine, if you're in Vermont, if you're in any of the 16 states that are participating today, make sure you make the effort. I know it might seem like who really cares, you know, we know who the the eventual nominees are going to be, but there's a lot of things on the ballot. So get yourselves to the polls today on Super Tuesday. When we come back, we're going to talk to the paper boy. We get a lot to go over with him. Thank you again to Toby Leary. We still appreciate it. We love having you on. And for everybody else, stay right there. We'll be back with more on The Grace Curly Show. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's car crossover is brought to you by ReadyWise with inflation, food and energy costs, rising, families are feeling the financial pinch as they struggle to make ends meet. So preparation is key. Our friends at ReadyWise have emergency food kits that will provide peace of mind. Go to and use code Howie20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. Now Howie Car joins us now, before we get into Super Tuesday, Howie, I wanted your take on something that's happened to a lot of Republicans, but isn't typical for Democrats. And that is protesters that confronted AOC when she was going to the movies in Brooklyn, yelling at her about the fact that she hasn't called what's happening in Gaza, a genocide. This is something that when it was happening to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, when it was happening to other conservatives, it wasn't a big issue. But now we have the left kind of changing their tune on this. Yes, well, that's the way it goes. I mean, Robespierre and Trotsky, among many others, could have told her how these things play out, you know, but they're not around anymore because they got chopped off, they get their heads chopped off or an axe in their heads. This is the revolutions eat their own grace. That's the way it works. Yeah. And there's a reason why you want to, there's a reason why you want to be a society of laws, not of men, you know, because laws are for everybody. A society of men is for those who are the most heavily armed. And it doesn't work out unless you're one of those most heavily armed that eventually you get your head chopped off too. Yeah. And you can't, it's, it reminds me of the climate change activists. It's like, there's nothing you can do to make these people happy. They're malcontents that you're never going to be far left enough for them. They're always going to be looking for something else. Howie, I know that today is super Tuesday. I know you have a lot to talk about in regards to Massachusetts, but one thing I want to ask you about, because you wrote recently about Speaker Mariano and now he's coming out with other Democrats and saying, we need to have a time limit on the shelters here in Massachusetts. You know a lot about Massachusetts politicians and their ability to stay on schedule. Do you think that putting a nine month limit on these shelters is going to do anything in regards to this problem? What's going to happen when you get to nine months? They're just going to go into housing court. I mean, you know, if you've got a three decker, you, it's hard enough to, to eject a deadbeat tenant. I mean, there's, there's a reason why a lot of people who used to own property, you're talking to one of them right now, Grace, don't own property, rental property in Massachusetts, anymore. It's just a hassle. And can you imagine trying to eject illegal illegal alien mendicants from the third world who don't speak English? Oh, oh, what am I going to do? I don't have any skills. I don't speak English. It's, it, they brought this on themselves. I'm sorry. And it's too bad. It's just affecting everybody in the state. Well, it's, it's crazy too, because these, these stories about squatters in California, that's, they're mostly coming out of California, these stories, but you're right on that sense that the squatters, that's a problem we have with American citizen squatting in these places. So this is New York too. Yeah, this is the whole other can of worms. Howie Carr is coming up next. He's got a big show. Don't forget to vote today, everybody. It's super Tuesday. Get out there and make your voice heard. We'll be back tomorrow.