The Howie Carr Radio Network

Projection with John Davidson Plus Kamala's Hamas Comments Raise Eyebrows | 3.5.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

John Daniel Davidson joins the show to make his predictions on the Super Tuesday elections across the country. Then, tune in for Grace's commentary on the latest word salads out of Vice President Kamala Harris.

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05 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's Picks for the Massachusetts Republican State Committee. Vote Tuesday March 5th to keep the mass GOP alive. To see Howie's Picks go to and click on the banner. Live from the Ibiba Tratria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Here's the Millennial with the Mike Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. We have a lot to get to today. I also have sounds from Kamala Harris who we don't hear a lot from anymore. She managed to step in it yet again, so we will get back to that. We've got a lot to talk about about Super Tuesday. Hope everyone gets out there to vote, especially here in Massachusetts, but in all of the 16 states that are participating. Joining us now though, I'm very excited about this, we oftentimes talk about projection. It's not a new topic when it comes to politics because we find that whatever the left is accusing us of, they're typically doing themselves. But I really appreciated the way John Daniel Davidson from The Federalist laid out this topic specifically in regards to this recent Supreme Court decision. John, thank you so much for joining the show. Let's start before we go through each of these examples, which I think are all really important. Let's start with the Colorado case and with what you say, and I'm going to quote it here, Democrats engage in this kind of projection constantly, making an extreme position and then decrying any dissent or resistance to it as extremist. How are they doing it in regards to the decision we got yesterday? Yeah, thanks Grace. So yesterday we have a nine-year-old Supreme Court decision, which we never have seemingly anymore. All nine justices agreed that states can't just unilaterally kick off presidential candidates from their state ballots. That's not what they're allowed to do under the Constitution. All the Supreme Court justices agreed. And the idea that you would try to do this, in this case, Colorado tried to do this. Colorado Secretary of State just issued a memo basically saying Coloradoans couldn't vote for Trump. The unilateral attempt to do this was an extreme position. It was trying to irrigate to a state bureaucrat powers that are reserved in the Constitution for Congress. So it's an extreme, what you might call an insurrection against the Constitution. And when the ruling came out yesterday, we had all of these super smart talking heads in the corporate press from the New York Times to CNN, to all the rest of them saying, "Oh, the court is taking an extreme position." Now, the court didn't take an extreme position. The extreme position was taken by Democrats in Colorado who tried to subvert the Constitution to prevent their fellow Coloradans from voting for Donald Trump. And so this was sort of a super obvious example of something that plays out all the time on the left. Yeah. And I want to get into your other examples, but I got to give you credit for this line, which made me laugh. It's hard to imagine anything getting a unanimous ruling on our deeply divided Supreme Court, but these bozos managed to do it. And it's true. It's like I didn't think that we'd ever have a group unified like this, especially in the Supreme Court. But that's what you get when you take things to such the other end of the spectrum. Now, let's go to the next part of this, which is something that didn't get a lot of play from the press, but I found very amusing, which is that the Democrats are trying to—this is the other part of it, John. They're always telling us how the right uses fear as a tactic, and Trump fear-mongers to his base, and he tries to get people terrified. And the truth is, is that just like you said, that's actually what the Democrats are guilty of doing. In this case, they're trying to convince voters that if Trump is reelected, he will weaponize the DOJ, he will weaponize the FBI to go after his political rivals, explain to the listeners, I think they know, but remind them why that is so ridiculous. Absolutely. They do this all the time, and I've written about this before. Democrats are engaged in constant fear-mongering about Trump, and they're accusing him that they're saying that he will do to them what they are right now and have been doing to him for years. Ever since Joe Biden took office, he weaponized the DOJ to go after, not just Trump, but Trump's lawyers, Trump's associates, and Trump's supporters. They're saying that Trump would use the FBI and the intelligence services of the DOJ to attack his political enemies, maybe even imprison them. These are the same people that are trying to imprison Trump, and they're trying desperately to imprison him before anyone has a chance to vote for him. They're the same people who called parents at school board meetings, domestic terrorists. They're the same people who have thrown old grannies who were in the vicinity of the US Capitol on January 6th in prison as insurrectionists and held people for months and months without charges. So everything that they accuse or warn that Trump and his supporters will do, they're already doing, and they've been doing for a long time. Yeah, and John, you mentioned Blaze Media's reporter Steve Baker. Can you give people just a little bit of information on that? Because I can tell you from my perspective, we have not talked about it nearly enough on this show. It hasn't gotten enough coverage everywhere, but I would like people to know what's going on with that because it's a pretty incredible case. Yeah, Blaze Media's reporter Steve Baker is an investigative reporter for Blaze Media, which is a big media organization based out of Dallas, Texas, and he was covering and has been covering the January 6th protest and riot and the subsequent fallout from January 6th. He was there that day, just like a lot of media reporters were there that day interviewing people, reporting on the events on the ground and doing investigative reporting into the role of the federal government, where the federal agents present, and he's been doing a lot of good work. He was arrested by the FBI, marched out of Blaze Media's offices in Dallas yesterday in handcuffs, some of his colleagues videotaped it, and criminally charged. So this is the kind of thing, this exactly is the kind of thing that Democrats say Trump will do to his political enemies, and they are doing it right now. It's also interesting how much noise the corporate media makes about Putin imprisoning this Wall Street Journal reporter for accused of espionage in Russia, but they have nothing to say about this Blaze Media reporter because he's right of center. And so I guess in their world, that's fair game because authoritarianism is okay if your side uses it. Yeah, and I bet even suggesting that right now in the public sphere is enough to get you labeled as a puppet of Putin. If you were even to draw that comparison, John, the other thing I wanted to ask about because later on in this piece, so we're speaking with John Daniel Davidson from the federalist, everyone should check out this piece, it's great. And you're discussing how anything we're being accused of the left is doing and sometimes they're doing it a lot worse. And one of the issues you bring up is abortion. And I think this is really an important thing to kind of tackle here because there's been a lot of polls that show that in general, the American people don't like either extremes when it comes to abortion. They don't want it to be banned federally. They also don't want babies to be they don't want it to be up to nine months and pass that you can abort a baby. And the reason I bring this up is because this is what you write you say on abortion, they take the extreme position that it should be allowed up until the moment of birth, then denounce Republican led states that impose restrictions that are the norm across the Western world. Now, I'm not a huge fan of Nikki Haley, but there was a debate a few months ago where she was asked about this. I think it was on NBC. And she basically, she said kind of something similar to your piece here, which was, why aren't you asking Democrats about their positions? Do you think Republicans are doing a good enough job at kind of holding up this mirror to Democrats and to their voters and saying, this is the extreme, you're the ones guilty of it, or are we kind of getting caught up in always being the villains of these stories? Yeah, no, we're not doing a good enough job at all. But the reason we're not doing a good enough job is that a lot of Republican officeholders aren't really pro-life. They don't want to talk about abortion because they actually don't have a problem with it. And there's a real disconnect between a lot of Republican leaders and Republican voters on this issue. The compromise position, right, that a lot of people have talked about, that there was a federal legislation that was proposed, some states have already passed laws like this, that mirror laws that you see in Western Europe, where abortions not allowed after 12 or 15 weeks, except in certain extraordinary cases. But those are the kind of restrictions that Democrats routinely label as extremists. Right. Well, they're not extremists in France. They're not extremists in most EU countries. And yet that gets you labeled an extremist here. And Republican politicians can't seem to talk about it without putting their foot in their mouth and going on the defensive. This should be an easy issue in line with what most Americans believe. And yet just to talk about it or bring it up, the Democrats will call that extremist, and most Republicans will sort of get into a defensive crouch when they're accused of that, rather than, as you say, kind of going on the offensive and sort of turning a mirror back to Democrats. Yeah. And I think it's important because it's on a lot of these issues, and you also bring up transgenderism. And that's another issue where a lot of Republicans are afraid to say how they feel about it, or afraid to voice any sort of dissent on the issue, because they don't want to be labeled. And this is the part of it that drives me crazy, John. Republicans don't want to be labeled mean, or, you know, callous, or they don't care, or they're bigoted. And so they don't say anything. When in reality, the positions that a lot of Republicans have are actually a lot more common for people across the political spectrum. And they're also a lot more compassionate. And they're also based in the truth. You know, it's child abuse to trans your kid, to allow a child to go through, you know, a double mastectomy when she doesn't need to, or to be castrated when, you know, when they're perfectly healthy. That's child abuse. Democrats want to invert this. They engage in this moral inversion, where they say, if you don't support these things, then you're for child abuse. And then they try to pass laws like California parents don't affirm their kid's gender identity, then CPS can step in and open up a case for them for child abuse. Well, Republicans should have enough backbone and moral clarity. They clearly know the child abuse is the quote on confirming care. That's abusive. It should be outlawed. And we've got the tolerance accused of an extreme position when the clearly the extreme early and sane position is the one that Democrats have taken on this issue. John Daniel Davidson, we still appreciate you coming on. You're right. It's like bizarre a world. And it's amazing that more Republicans haven't figured this out. I think you should send this piece to everybody, including the Trump administration, because it's a really strong one. If you want to follow John on Twitter, he's back on Twitter. It's @JohnDDavidson, read all of his work at the Federalist. He also has a book coming out, which I'm sure we'll have him on to talk about very soon. And we're very excited for you, John, keep up the good work. When we come back, we'll take your calls on all of this 844-542-42. And speaking of putting your foot in your mouth, we've got Kamala Harris doing what she does best. And that is with... I eat no for breakfast. Whipping up a word salad. Whipping up a word salad. And we will play that. We'll also talk a little bit about the state of the union. We'll play you some sound. And we'll take all of your calls. We got so much more to get to today. Recently, a Grace Curly show listener, Candice called in and she was telling us how much she loves her thunderstorms. And you know what, Jared? I can't blame her because I love my thunderstorm. I cook and my husband cooks most of the time. But sometimes I try to help clear out the smell after a delicious steak or chicken or salmon. You don't want those smells lingering. So you turn on the thunderstorm. It's this device that purifies the air. Doesn't take up a lot of space. Doesn't require a lot of work. You just plug it in, turn it on, and you watch the magic happen. Now, Jared, you love the thunderstorm as well, but you use it for different things. Yeah, I love it for my allergies. It is getting to allergy season. And all the rain this week is going to help all that polliny stuff grow. So you definitely want to have the thunderstorm on hand for that. I like to keep it in my car because each unit comes with the USB cable. They just plug into the unit plug it into your car. You get that ionized there in the car because what it does is it actually eliminates the allergens and the pollutants that are in the air in addition to covering up any odors. But that's what it does. It purifies the air with that super oxygen. And that is a must if you have allergies. Yes, indeed. And with a three pack special, you can use one in your kitchen, your office, or even your car. So go to But don't forget to use code grace three. That's code grace and the number three. So we were just talking about this with John. And I also just want to point out one other sentence here. He says, time and again, Democrats take unprecedented steps and trample every conceivable norm to advance their agenda. And when anyone objects, they label them an extremist or an insurrectionist or a Christian nationalist, whatever that means, they project onto their opponents and especially onto Trump, the very things they are actively engaged in doing. Think about all the times we heard about that. This is unprecedented. We need to restore the norms and try to kick people off the ballot. This, this is their idea of restoring the norms. You have to trample the norms. You have to kill the norms in order to restore them. According to the left, we'll be right back. We get a lot more to get to today. And I see Donna Frank. Everybody on the lines will come right to your calls after the break. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone to the Grace Curly Show. The Co-Chief Deputy District Attorney for Cobb County says she heard Fannie Willis tell Terrence Bradley, "They are coming after us. You don't need to talk to them about anything about us." From what I've seen from Terrence Bradley, he pretty much took her advice, but unfortunately, he did text a couple of things. That's a problem. If you put it down in writing, not a great move. Keep in mind, a lot of these people are lawyers. There's really no excuse. I think you should learn that when you're very young. If you don't want people to go through your messages and I'm not saying you should lie about anything, but you don't write things down if they're going to come back to haunt you. And he's writing in a text message about the timeline, to Ashley Merchant, the lawyer in this case. And I think he went back and he kind of tried to have their backs to a degree. He muttered that, "Oh, dang, which kind of gave the game away." But now we're finding out that according to Missy Eager, Fannie Willis told Mr. Bradley, they're coming after us. You don't need to talk about anything about us. I don't know if I would trust Fannie Willis in this case. I don't know if I'd be standing up for her for Miss Gray Goose, Cash, Safe, Belize Tattoo Parlor, Fulton County District Attorney Fannie Willis. I don't think that I would be putting all my eggs in that basket just based off what I've seen over the last couple of weeks. But maybe Terrence Bradley's a better friend than I am. Frank, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Frank. Hi, Grace. I enjoy your show. I've got a quick question for you. Overall, these past month, you've seen the president duck a few things. Number one, on his physical. Naturally, they didn't give an aptitude test because they know he wasn't passing. I mean, so he ducked that. He got away with that. Another simple thing. The Super Bowl, you know, they called to the teams. Good luck. He ducked that. He said because he didn't want to talk politics and have to talk politics. He just ducked it. He got away with that. Now, here's a question for you, Grace. How is he going to get? Is he going to get away without debating Trump? Because he can never take live questions and banter with him, could he? No, I don't think so, Frank. If I was going to put money on it, and I've thought about this, and I mean, you never say never, but they're not even letting him do events with, you know, big groups of people because they're afraid that he won't be able to handle a couple hecklers, some anti-Israel hecklers. They're vetting the people now who they're letting into these fancy fundraisers. They're trying to up the ticket prices so that the soup throwing brigade can't show up and rain on his parade. He's not equipped. And like you said, the Super Bowl is actually a really good example because I think the Super Bowl this year is CBS, right? So he would have been interviewed by Nora O'Donnell or somebody would have given him a real softball interview. They would have edited it. They would have made him look great. They would have asked him, "Are you having mozzarella sticks or potato skins? And who are you rooting for in Taylor Swift?" And he still couldn't do that. So there's no way in hell he's going to debate Trump, and the other thing he has going in his favor on that front is that the media takes it as a perfectly valid excuse for him to say, "I don't want to legitimize Trump's lies and be on a debate stage with him." Plus, the other part of it too, if I'm going to be fair here, which I try to be, is that Trump didn't debate these Republicans. And you can argue that that was a good move. I wouldn't necessarily disagree that he didn't have a lot to gain from the debates, but it does give Biden, whether you like it or not, it gives Biden a little bit of leeway in regards to debating Donald Trump. And I don't think he's going to do it. If I was part of his strategy team, the people who are tweeting at the Cookie Monster, the people who are saying, "Hey, when you go to the border to talk about this crisis, make sure you call the other side Neanderthals." Write that down, old man. If I were part of that team and somebody came to me and said, "Do you think he should debate Donald Trump?" I would say, "No, no, no." Actually, you know what I'd give Biden the same advice that he gives to all these adversaries. I would say, "Don't, don't, don't, don't." Because he has nothing. He has nothing to gain from a debate with Trump, and Lord knows he's got a lot to lose. All right, when we come back, we'll take more of your calls. We're going to talk a little bit about Kamala Harris, the state of the union, and super Tuesday. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back, everyone, to Super Tuesday and to the Grace Curly Show. Do not forget to get out and vote. We're keeping an eye on some very interesting races, not just here in Massachusetts, also in California, was watching a little coverage of the races there today, and it will be interesting. I think in some aspects, we all know what's going to happen here. We know who the nominees are going to be, but I think what is most interesting on the Republican side is whether or not Nikki Haley bows out today or tomorrow. And I also think that how many people go out for uncommitted versus voting for Joe might send the Democrats into a tailspin. And they are looking at this information because when you have a primary like this, and you have all these different states, and you know that you're guys, the nominee, like that he's the incumbent. Nobody's really running against him. No offense to Marion Williamson. You know, I love you, girl. You know, sister, I say, embrace the light being on your head. Let it your entire head is now filled with light, but even though I love her, I don't think she's a real contender. But what ends up happening is the campaigns go to these places and they get a sense, they pull the people there, they get a sense of what people care about. And based off the way the Biden administration has been acting, they're getting some crazy, no, I shouldn't say crazy, but they are getting some frightening information delivered to them through these polls based off his all his sudden turnaround and his desire to visit the border, something he ignored for four years, his, you know, random outburst. There's just, there's a sign that they're in panic mode. And I think that today being super Tuesday, we're going to see more of that can always tell how things are going for them based off whatever crazy thing they come up with. I don't know if you even want to count them tweeting at the cookie monster, which by the way, people are saying everyone is so everyone is so flipping critical in this business. I did my best cookie monster, Jared, who is a total enabler, he's a yes, man. He was like, Oh, yeah, that's great. You did a great job. And everyone on the text line is like, that's soft. You sounded like Yoda as the resident Star Wars fan. I can say you did not sound like really you thought I was more cookie monster. You were more cookie monster than you're for cookie. Yeah, Yoda Yoda is much higher pitch, you know, much advice you seek. That is Yoda. Yes. Some people say I sound like Grover. Is he the trash can one? No, Oscar is, Oscar is the trash puppet. I don't care. I just wish you guys would like me once in a while. It's been so long since I've heard Grover talk that I honestly can't know whatever. I can still do an Elizabeth Warren impression. I think that trumps all of them. Yeah. So this administration, they're watching Super Tuesday. They're trying to figure out how panicked they should be. And, you know, we talked about this yesterday with Bill Bruce art. And I did find it interesting that because of Michigan and what happened there with the amount of people who voted uncommitted, it was enough to even make John King at CNN kind of lose loses breath there for a moment. Everyone assumed it's because Michigan has a very high Muslim American population. Dearborn has the highest per capita in the country. And so people assumed it was because the Muslim Americans were not happy and are not happy with the way Biden is handling this Israel Hamas war. But what one woman from Newsweek said on Bill Marshall is, no, this was a lot of auto workers in Michigan who were voting uncommitted because they're so unhappy with the way they've been treated by Joe Biden. The unions are becoming a big problem for Joe, which is ironic because he's such a union guy. He's a trained guy. He's a car guy. He's a high IQ guy and he's a union guy. And yet the unions, including the teamsters, the head of the teamsters, are starting to look favorably upon Donald J. Trump. So they have that to worry about. So part of this is they're sending out Kamala Harris. Always a good idea. You know, break glass in case of emergency. They figure we'll send out Kamala Harris. She'll talk to the unions. She'll get everyone back on Joe Biden's side. What could possibly go wrong? Well, when you send Kamala Harris out anywhere, there's always a chance that she's going to talk to somebody. And it's like if you give a mouse a cookie, you know that book, if you give a mouse cookie, if you give Kamala Harris a chance to talk to someone with a microphone, she's going to step in it in a big way. So here's what she had to say about Joe Biden and the administration's response to calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. Can I have this cut, Jared? You know, the president and I have been very clear that Israel has right to defend itself. That we have got to make sure that in civilians aren't being killed and that we've got to get these hostages out. And that is one of the highest priorities right that right now we have. And I'll tell you, the president has been an extraordinary leader in getting us to this point that we have the six week deal. And so Hamas needs to do this thing as I've talked about yesterday and some. Did you just say Hamas needs to do its thing? I'm gonna do my thing. Hamas needs to do its thing. Do I have that correct? That is what she said. Pretty sure Hamas already did its thing. I don't think I don't think anyone in this administration, when they're talking about Hamas or the Taliban or any of these terrorist groups, I don't think they understand what they're dealing with. And I think that's an important part of the equation. Like when you're dealing with an enemy, when you're dealing with a dangerous terrorist group, you got to know your enemy. You got to know what they're about to a degree. But all I hear from this administration is like, you know, these groups really have to consider their reputation on the world stage. Hamas needs to do its thing. Do you hear yourself? Do you hear how crazy you sound? That's not what we want Hamas to do, actually. And by the way, since we're talking about this, we might as well play AOC getting yelled at, because that's the part of this that drives me crazy, Jared. They're not when I say that, I mean, Kamala Harris, Alexander, because of Cortez, Joe Biden, Dr. Jill, nobody is doing anything besides maybe AOC. She's crazy enough that she probably does believe all this stuff. But the rest of these people, the rest of these politicians, these empty suits, they're not making any of these decisions based off geopolitics, based off what they actually believe, based off any sort of moral compass, based off history. They're not all Joey Behar's out there. I hate to break it to you. Okay. The historians are few and far between. The John Meachums are hard to come by. And so most of the time, when we're talking about Israel versus Hamas, and they're, you know, Joe Biden's supposedly, which I do believe he's disparaging Beebe Netanyahu behind the scenes. He hates Beebe. And he hates Beebe again, not because of any strategy that he believes in or not because of any moral compass or any beliefs that he has. He hates Beebe right now because Beebe is making these radical crazies at the movie theater, hate him. And he doesn't want that. He wants these young nuts to love him. And so that's why he hates Beebe. And this is just where I come back to. It's like, I almost have more respect for AOC in a very weird way because she has, to what degree, the courage of her convictions. It's like that old quote I always go back to from breakfast at Tiffany's. And I'd love to say the Truman Capote book version, but you all know I'm talking about the movie. Where they're talking about Audrey Hepburn. And the guy says, is she, what do you think of her? Her agent says, what do you think of her? The guy says, I don't know, I can't really make, I can't really figure her out. And the guy says, do you think she's a phony? And he goes, I don't know. And he goes, she's a phony, but she's a real phony because she believes all these crazy stuff that she's saying. And I always love that line because I knew exactly what the guy was talking about. There are people who are phonies, but they believe it. And it's not a lie if you believe it to quote another great line from George Costanza. And you can hate AOC as much as you want. But she'll go on MSNBC. She'll go on CNN. She'll say this nutty stuff on Instagram lives. And she does believe it. As opposed to Jill Biden, Joe Biden, all these people in this administration, John Kerry, John Podesta, all these hacks who don't actually believe anything. They just they just care about the optics and the politics, which is in and of itself an amazing thing. When you think about how many optics disasters this administration has faced, it's kind of insane considering that's all they care about. They send out things via Twitter for like trial balloons. They're not doing anything because they think it's right. They're not supporting Israel because they they think, oh, Israel's our longest has been our ally for the longest amount of time. And we deserve they deserve our support. And what happened on October 7th is so horrible. No, they're supporting Israel because they know that it's something they have to do. And they're also tiptoeing around saying they don't support Israel so they can get support from people who hate Israel. And it's like, just pick a lane. You know what I mean? Pick be honest about it so that you can have this real conversation. Instead, what is so crazy is that Joe Biden sending out tweets that are like, we will not rest until Gaza gets humanitarian aid. And David Harsani wrote back and goes, how about the we will not rest until the hostages are released from Hamas? Where's that tweet? But he but Joe Biden wants to both support Israel. And I'm using quotes here support Israel and also fund Hamas. Because there there's no courage of their convictions. There's no there's no decision making going on. They're all over the map. They're feckless. That's the word I guess I've been looking for for the last 20 minutes. They're feckless. So here's AOC being confronted by an anti-Israel protester at the movie theater. Okay, so yeah, you get the gist. And she tells them, you know, you're not helping the situation, you're gonna cut this, you're gonna edit it up. Do you have any comments? Cut it and you're going to cut this and you're going to clip this so that it's completely out of context. I already said that it was and y'all are just going to pretend that it wasn't over and over again. It's f***ing up, man. If you're not helping these people and you're not helping them, you're not helping them. You know what, I took away from that. AOC has been in this game now for how long, Jared? What was she elected? Was it a 2018-2019-ish? Oh my god. Yeah, I think it was 18. Yeah, for someone who's been in it now for a pretty long time, she still lets people get under her skin pretty good. I just feel like the Democrats, the left, isn't used to that kind of heckling or that kind of antagonistic behavior. So they kind of have glass jaws. They just don't want to handle it. I would say in that situation, your best way to handle it is just not to respond. Just go into the movie theater, just ignore them. I know people are annoying. I get it, but you can't give in. She has a little bit of a temper. You know what they say about Brett Kavanaugh? I don't know if that's the correct temperament for someone in charge. No, and I don't really blame her for lashing out, but I do think that when you're in it for that long, which she has been at this point, she's not, you know, she's not a fresh face anymore in Congress. You should know how to handle that better. You should know how to block it out. Dennis, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Dennis. Good afternoon, Grace. Hey, I listen to you every afternoon, and I'll tell you, just the last couple of days has really prompted me to put one speed down. You know, I'm from Maine, and I make a decent living, 60k a year, but you know what? I had to take a second job door-dashing, not to support my family, to support the immigrants and all these other people that are bringing in here, you know? And then I see the craziest stuff. You know, yesterday in my town in Portland, they've got a huge Palestinian rally, and those people are rallying like genocide, genocide. Oh, we hate these. You know what, Grace? I'm an Irishman through and through. I got no dog in this fight except there's a decent human being and a fellow American. But you know what? If my neighbors for years and decades have been harassed my family and killed them, and they pulled the move from half-made, guess what? Their family trees getting cut down quick, quick. Well, you know what, Dennis, it kind of goes, it kind of goes into exactly what you're saying right now is what Trump said to Fox News. I think it was just this morning. I was actually watching it. I think it was with Brian, it was Brian kill need, and there was another anchor there who I can't remember, but they were asking Trump all these questions. They asked him about Israel. "Are you on board with the way the IDF is taking the fight to Gaza?" And Trump said, "You've got to finish the problem." And I agree with Dennis. I think it's all easy for us to say here, you know, and it's very easy for Joe Biden because he's all he cares about is the votes. It's easy to say, "Well, you should be doing it this way. You should be doing it that way." Or, "This needs to end." Or, "This needs to end." If what happened in Israel happened here, and a group of terrorists came in and murdered people, raped people, and raped people's corpses, that just came out recently from the UN from their investigation, which I'm already skeptical of. But if they're telling you that, that it's probably even worse, I don't think, I just agree with Dennis. I don't think people would be looking at this in the same way. Now, the other thing Dennis said about illegal immigration, I'm glad he brought this up. There's a story in the Boston Herald, and we'll get to this on the other side. It says, "Mass House Democrats want to limit time in state-run shelters for migrant and local families." Now, this, to me, Jared, is very confusing because they're now they're saying, "Okay, we want to have like a nine-month limit on these shelters." My question is, then what? Then what? Then what? Where do you tell people to go? And listen, I've not been on board with this from the beginning, but if you're going to say you're a sanctuary city, if you're going to say you're a sanctuary state, you're going to have people come here, you're going to offer them shelter, whether it be in the seaport, whether it be at Melnea Cass. I don't think that you putting a limit on it is actually effective at all. I don't think that's going to move the needle here. I don't think people are going to go, "Oh, we only have nine months good. Okay, we'll plan around that." It's just naive to even think that way. We'll talk about this when we come back. Don't go anywhere. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Dr. Houghton of Perfect Smiles is the best. I love Dr. Houghton. He's so nice, and I love everybody on his team because they love what they do. They care about what they do, and they want to walk you through every step of the process to get your perfect smile. Notice I said your perfect smile because everybody has a different idea of what they want their smile to look like. It's very personal, and your unique smile can be whatever you want it to be, and that's what Dr. Houghton is so good at. He's going to be patient with you. He's going to take the time that you need to figure out what you want to do, and you're going to feel great, and the better you look, the better you feel. It just makes every part of your life a little bit better, a little bit easier. If you've thought about this before, you keep putting it off. I got news for you. It's 2024. You should do something for yourself. Take care of yourself. You deserve it. You should call Perfect Smiles in Ashwin, New Hampshire. By the way, if you just want to get your teeth cleaned, they're so gentle. They're so great. The cleanest my teeth have ever felt is from Perfect Smiles. They're located off route three. They've got plenty of parking. Make sure you tell them I sent you because I love everybody there. You can reach them at That's Change your smile. Change your life. We're going to talk about this story. The House Democrats want to change the system because they're afraid it could collapse in the face of a $2 billion tab over the next two fiscal years. We'll come back to this after the break. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2/8 Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. This is The Grace Curly Show. [music] Today's poll question is brought to you by the Nossett Beach In. Book your spring stay at Nossett Beach In with April rates starting at $2.49.99. To reserve your pet-friendly ocean view room with a fireplace, go to That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is whose reaction to the scotest decision was the most unhinged? Keith Obermann, Harry Sisson, The View, or David French? Harry Sisson, who a lot of people might not have heard of, he is a Democrat like social media star. They're big fans of his at the DNC, and he tried to blame the Supreme Court decision on Clarence Thomas, and then people had to remind him, "Hey, it wasn't just Clarence. It was all of the justices, so it's weird. You're just picking him out of the line up here, or picking him apart for no reason." Then there's David French, and David French deserves some attention. He's been tweeting that the case... Well, this is the most recent one. I'll read you all these at some point, but he says the Supreme Court just erased part of the Constitution. That was his take on it yesterday. By upholding the Constitution, he thinks they erased part of the Constitution. Jared, out of all those people, though, I'm going to go with The View. The View is still a 30% Obermann still in the lead, 63%, 4% for French and 3% for sister. I'll read you all of David French's headlines regarding Donald Trump and the Supreme Court when we come back. We got a lot more to get to. Don't go anywhere.