The Howie Carr Radio Network

Super Tuesday Updates Plus AOC Heckled at Movie Theatre | 3.5.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

AOC got a taste of the American pulse when she tried to do normal-people activities. Tune in to Grace's Super Tuesday Special where she covers the latest across the nation as 15 states vote ahead of the general election this year.

Broadcast on:
05 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's Picks for the Massachusetts Republican State Committee. Vote Tuesday March 5th to keep the Mass GOP alive. To see Howie's Picks go to and click on the banner. Live from the Eviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us. Happy Super Tuesday. But Tuesdays are always super when you're tuning in to the Grace Curly Show. I wrote it down Jared and then I crossed it out and then I said it. I couldn't help myself. I'm a cornball. Super, super, super, super Tuesday and I think Joe Biden once called it Super Thursday but I can't even make fun of them because I gave you guys bad intel yesterday. I should have caught it. I don't know if I was just tired or what but I kept saying that I will take that bullet. I gave you that information. Oh you were my bad intel. You were my boy. Yes. I was the bad intel on that one. You know what? You don't want Jared? I want to start today by doing something that I've never done before and I'm inspired by Joe Biden. I'm inspired by Lloyd Austin. I'm inspired by Lori Lightfoot. All of these people who when faced with any sort of adversity, any sort of criticism, they do something so brave and just so new and different. They throw the person working for them under the bus. Now you don't work for me. You work for Howie. But for today we'll pretend. I take responsibility for telling all of you that the State of the Union was tonight. That was stupid of me and I'm going to blame Jared for it because he was the source of said bad information. And so here's the bus Jared and I'm just giving you a nice little shove right underneath it. But yeah we I mean we both should have known why would he give a State of the Union right after or during Super Tuesday. There's kind of a lot going on today and we are all watching this 16 stay on the bus. No round and round. Not to go off on a complete tangent but hey that's the point of doing this show if we don't do that. I've been struggling to admit this because I know Howie is going to be very embarrassed but I've been tuning in a lot lately to the local news. Which I know is such an old person thing to do but it's on right before Jeopardy and I find myself just like running errands and you know going around the house doing laundry and the local news will be on. And there was a whole story and what I notice is and I'm not gonna name many specific networks but you can probably figure out which one it is since I said it's before Jeopardy. I noticed Jared they're big on the green stuff. They're always pushing because you know local news tries to be a little bit more. They're big money sector in Massachusetts. They pretend to be down the middle but there's always an angle to it. A lot of their stories have to do with climate change and yesterday they did a whole story on electric buses and how a town in Massachusetts I can't remember which one it was with Lowell maybe or Lawrence. Got a fleet of electric school buses and actually someone were trying to get on the show and the two o'clock was on with how we earlier this month and was talking about electric school buses and the the problems that you might deal with if you're I don't know going up a hill for example. So we might get to that a little bit later but Massachusetts speaking up is one of the states today where people are voting in these primaries so make sure you get out and vote. There's also Maine, Vermont. We're keeping an eye on everything for people in the New England area. It's a very important day and Trump is expected to dominate as far as the Republicans go. There are 865 delegates up for grabs on the Republican side. He's facing off against Nikki Haley. I don't think he's sweating it. I do think and you know I've kind of not to brag because that would be so unlike me but I've been crushing the predictions lately. So I'm going to predict something. I think she drops out tonight. I know some people think she'll she'll hang on or you know she'll declare a third party run. That's all possible but the vibe I got from her previous victory speech slash concession speech it's a weird kind of combination of the two. The vibe I got from the last one and you said it's you Jared. She was just going through the motions. Like she almost said I told people I'd go till super Tuesday so I'll go till super Tuesday but I think the money's just running out at this point or maybe I'm even running out but they're the donations are drying up so I think she will clock out tonight at some point. Now Joe Biden is you know you might say to yourself well he's not running against anyone but don't rule out uncommitted because uncommitted has been flexing I don't know what pronoun they identify with. They've been flexing their muscle as of late and they've been proving to be a problem for Joe Biden. So those are my predictions Nikki Haley's gonna drop out tonight or you know early tomorrow and whether she decides to run as a third party that one I'm not gonna make any predictions on just yet. She keeps saying she's not going to which makes me suspicious. It's like the NBC article that came out today that Michelle Obama's office told NBC in a statement that she's not running for president. I didn't think she was running for president but now I kind of do. Whenever someone comes out and tells me something, me thinks the lady doth protest too much. So if Nikki Haley keeps saying I'm gonna run as a third party you know no labels candidate that's usually a sign that something is missed. Now meanwhile while all this is going on we're keeping an eye on everything to do with super Tuesday. Meanwhile the left is still coping or trying to cope with the Supreme Court's decision in yesterday. They're trying to put the pieces of their hearts back together yet again thanks to Donald J. Trump and I was actually going to make the poll question which of the liberal justices would you consider to be the most mega inclined? Like which of those justices you've got Kagan, you've got Katanja Brown Jackson, Son of Maior, which of those justices do you think has a red hat in their locker that we just don't know about yet? Because the angle from the media is that this is because the entire Supreme Court is in the bag for Donald Trump and I just didn't know that. I just didn't know that Katanja Brown Jackson was a Trump fan. Now listen I'm all about welcoming her into the party. Son of Maior you are welcome to join. A lot of people have been converted after three and a half years of Biden. Yeah and we're open to it but it's a really crazy thing that let's try to do. Now meanwhile we have those meltdowns happening because of the Supreme Court which we're going to talk about in the poll question because we've got a really interesting matchup going on and I don't want to give any spoilers but when it comes to reactions to the 9-0 decision from the Supreme Court it's looking like the frontrunners in this are Keith Obermann and the ladies of the view. Jared talk about usual suspects talk about a dangerous combination. Can you imagine if they had Keith Obermann on? Not as like a permanent guess. I know you have to be a woman. I don't know because I don't know if that's even PC anymore to say that. You could talk about his skincare routine. But if they had Keith Obermann on mensa convention at the view so coupled with all of those meltdowns that are going on you have these anti-Israel protesters and we mentioned yesterday they were visiting Dr. B while she was in Arizona stumping for her hubby and that was over the weekend. Well yesterday they confronted AOC. She was going to the movies last night in Brooklyn and she has his very contentious back and forth with this guy who's filming her. Now of course my first reaction to this because the anti-Israel pro-Palestine protesters activists whatever you want to label them as they don't think AOC is anti-Semitic enough. They don't think that she is anti-Israel enough for them and they want her to say things on camera that politically she knows is not a good idea to say or she's also claiming like hey listen I've already said that they want her to say that Israel's committing genocide in Gaza and she's trying in these cuts to basically claim listen I've already said it but she hasn't said it strongly enough for these protesters and that's where all I keep thinking about is like Robespierre revolutions eat their own it's never going to be enough you know you can't be far left enough the alligators coming for you and that is exactly what's happening with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a lot of people who at one point are a hero of the left and then soon you know it's it's the um it's the Nolan quote right you either die the hero or you live long enough to become the villain and in this case with the left everyone becomes a villain because at some point you're going to mess up at some point you're not going to go hard enough against BB or hard enough against Joe Biden who's not going hard enough against BB and once you cross these protesters you better get ready for a bridge to be shut down you better get ready to have a camera up in your face and AOT who's been very pro this kind of activism using air quotes here activism is now not a fan of it anymore that the camera is in her face she doesn't like it but like you know what I I noticed here and I'm reading this story in the New York Post I got a lot of details in it and not that it matters but if you're writing a story about a politician who gets confronted at the movies and and I will go on record and say I don't like this I don't like when it happens to AOC I don't like when it happens to Tucker Carlson I don't think it's it's protesting or activism I don't think it does anything I think it's being a nuisance and I think that it's it's bad form and it's just a bad way for us to conduct ourselves in society and it doesn't matter what side of the political aisle you're on you're like everyone thinks oh my issue is so important that this is what I can do I can be an ass because my I have so much I'm fighting for and it's like no you know confronting Alexander Ocasio-Cortez at a movie theater you're not changing what's going on in Gaza hate to break it to you hero I'm sure he feels like a hero today but I'm reading the story and you know what my first question was wonder what movies you want to go see and it doesn't matter it doesn't matter to the story but if you're a journalist and you're writing about someone going to the movie theaters and being confronted isn't your immediate question like I wonder what movie she was going to say just out of curiosity so we can play a guessing game I have the show times of what's playing at the Almodraft House in Brooklyn I can I can make a guess first okay I think she went to see Dune too I do because my husband went to go see it last night and by the way he said it was spectacular Dune part two is playing although Bob Marley won love that seemed like an AOC kind of movie that might be it I don't think she went to see Madam Webb although that's a girl power movie I heard that was awful I ever the same thing uh driveway dolls American fiction the taste of American fiction or Trump King Express American fiction I heard was also great that's one I want to say I'm going to say it's between the Bob Marley movie and Dune too probably the Bob Marley movie probably a 4 4 542 42 I just think that's an important thing to keep in mind when you're writing it just adds a different layer like it adds so much more detail so much more to the picture she's going to the movie what movie is she going to see did she have snacks did she get popcorn we'll play this audio for you but uh again not a fan of this and what killed me is I'm not a fan of it because I can see it happening to everybody at some point and I just think it's it's horrible like if someone's going to a restaurant and you start Sarah Huckabee Sanders and you heckle her out of a restaurant if AOC is going to a movie but it drives me crazy that when it's happening to Republicans Democrats actually cannot do the connecting of the dots they can't go would I like this if it happened to me and then the crazy part is it's happening to them from their own supporters that's how unhinged these people are this is her base these are her fans bothering her at a movie eight four four five hundred forty two forty two when we come back we'll take your calls on everything whether it's super Tuesday the scotest decision we've got tons of sound to get to and we've got a lot of great guests for you on today's show auctions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man auctions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities and they're not a fire sale at a discounted price despite what you might hear because auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing so just because 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contact him at 800-521-0111 or visit call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold today we'll be right back with more this is the grace curly show you're listening to the grace curly show this is the grace curly show yesterday the supreme court had a unanimous decision nine zero that trump should not be kicked off the ballots and um naturally the left is melting down but i did see jamey raskin who loves the cameras he he found a camera doesn't take him long and he he explained that they're trying to come up with some other way to get trump booted off the ballot and i just thought to myself okay i mean if if at first you don't succeed try try try again god forbid we try to win an election i don't know jamey maybe it's time to just tell your guy that he's gonna have to do this on his own as trump said yesterday you got to fight for yourself maybe it's time to tell joe biden this one's on you you know everything else plan a plan b plan c they've all fallen through you're gonna have to actually run for president and try to win which seems to terrify these people but jamey raskin says we're we're working we're hatching a plan we've got another scheme going keep us posted okay keep us posted send us updates we look forward to hearing what the next plan conspiracy scheme you have up your sleeve is now on this topic it does bring us to the poll question before we even do it though jared since it's on this topic of scotus yesterday i had remarked to you and keep in mind i believe the decision came down at like ten o'clock yesterday so we were able to get a lot of reactions but we didn't get the nighttime reactions and that's where you have a lot of the real nuts you know the the real phonies who believe this stuff they show up the lorence o'donnells the racial maddles and my question for you jared is someone who has to watch all this did we get any tears did we get any as as cori booker might call it tears rage sadly no tears wow i'm impressed though attacks on soda my or but no tears i mean no tears that we saw on camera yeah who knows what was happening behind the scenes today's poll question is brought to you by the nasa beach in book your spring stay at the nasa beach in with april rates starting at two forty nine ninety nine to reserve your pet friendly ocean view room with a fireplace go to nasa beach in dot com that's nasa beach in dot com jared what is the poll question and what are the results thus far today's poll question which you can vote in at grace curly show dot com is whose reaction to the scotest decision was the most unhinged keith oberman harry sisson the view or david french okay let's hear a little bit from the view let's let's have cut three please i'm a really was a really big fan of the supreme court because i always felt that they were whether i like their decisions or not that they they with the exception of of um clairns tomas no no um oh my goodness it that it doesn't have a matter but it it it doesn't matter because for a second we all said well why are they voting making it okay for a bush to become president you know we we got very i honestly i think i usually have a better like uh attention span with that i can usually take it a little bit longer i think i've heard enough hearing whoopi try to remember who she's even mad at at the supreme court i love how she says i used to be a fan i used to be a fan now whoopi gives the supreme court two thumbs down they're going to take that one hard i don't know how they're going to recover from it i don't know who do you think is because joy re told us the other day she knows history she was lecturing us on poutine in russia and how your kids are going to be enlisted to uh fight in ukraine um and she told us like i know history that was one of her things who do you think is the views historian at this point is it whoopi or is it is it joy behar it's got to be close now with that being said we also had keith oberman who said that uh jackson kegan and sada myor have proved themselves inept at reading comprehension we'll go through the rest of them but right now i'm going to vote for the view the view is in second place at 26 percent running away with it is he thought we're in at 64 percent five percent for harry sisson four percent for david french i think his tweet his follow-up tweet oh my god where he got into the he got into the urine on his face yes i think that's what's putting him over the edge i don't even know if that's fair to the ladies of the view hey how are they supposed to compete with that keith oberman talking about peeing on his own face all right we'll we'll we'll hit all this when we come back don't worry and don't go anywhere live from the aviva threat ria studio there's a lot of news today and i know i say that a lot but it's just like these random little stories and actually one of them that i'm so happy we had on just last week ted benzman from the center for immigration studies because you see jerry he's in the news today huge story that elon musk actually tweeted out whenever elon musk retweets one of your stories not that i know hasn't done it for me yet but it does turn whatever you're talking to into a national situation and so tied i'm sorry not had yeah tod benzman was on the show and he was talking about um the reporting he does for the center for immigration studies on illegal immigrants and elon musk retweeted his latest story and said this administration is both importing voters and creating a national security threat from unvetted illegal migrants it is highly probable that the groundwork is being laid for something far worse than nine eleven it's just a matter of time now when i read that i immediately thought of kathryn herridge formally of cbs she just recently got the pink slip for actually being a journalist which really threw everyone at cbs off they were like uh we prefer fake bed accurate you're gonna have to hit the road but kathryn herage before she was fired she was on a roundtable discussion around new years and they were asking about predictions for 2024 and she said i think there's gonna be some sort of black swan event just because of all the national security issues that we have going on she didn't mention the border i don't think because she probably was trying to avoid what ended up being inevitable which was getting canned from cbs but it shouldn't be a shocker to anyone that when you have an open border that you are and if you go to the new york post right now there's a story about a man who was uh who was recently caught who was on the terror watch list i know that some of these liberals like jake tap or tell us that doesn't necessarily mean they're a terrorist just because they're on the terror watch list but it still doesn't give you that sense of safety and security that you might want from an administration now in this story by tod bensman let me read you this this is from red state says included in details of a freedom of information act lawsuit first reported by tod bensman the center for immigration studies found biden's c_b_p_ approved the latest secret of flights that transported hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from foreign countries into at least forty three different airports from january through december of twenty twenty three the program was part of biden's expansion of the c_b_p_ one app which kicked off at the start of last year when we talked about this app just a little bit migrants were able under biden's expansion to apply for asylum using the app from their home countries like any app that launches there were a lot of issues with it but the difference is if you launch an app that's like oh grocery store pickup and you have issues with it it's not the same level of steaks as an app that's letting people into the country aliens who cannot legally enter the u_s_ u_c_b_p_ one to apply for travel authorization and temporary humanitarian release from those airports under this parole release migrants are able to remain in the u_s_ for two years without obtaining legal status and meanwhile are eligible for work authorization so biden and his administration have this program and they've flown three hundred and twenty thousand illegal aliens into the country and so those those illegal aliens unlike the people who are coming in over the border and have to wait there and you know you see those massive lines of people these people are actually being flown from their countries into our country but again the same level of security which is uh not a lot is happening and one thing that i i just wanted to bring up here and then we'll go back to supreme court decision and super Tuesday is that i was i was thinking about illegal immigration and and how recently and jim jordan was discussing this there was a 60 minutes interview with someone from the board of patrol and he's he's former uh he's a former uh high ranking official for board patrol and he said that he never really spoke to the biden white house can you get me jared um a little information on this because i thought i had the sheet here but now i'm losing it but it was it was really frightening how little communication there was between the biden white house and this high ranking member of the border patrol and the reason i bring this up is i was former chief of the border patrol role or tease that he never once met with he never once met with yeah okay i just want to get the phrasing right clip right here i've never had one conversation with the president or the vice president for that matter and so i was the chief of the board patrol i commanded 21,000 people that's a problem never once spoke with them that is a problem or never once met with them and when we talk about this and we talk about and we see these exit polls and and Joe Biden's obviously getting information or you know his puppet people who's ever pulling his strings are getting information that illegal immigration is quickly starting to overtake the economy as a huge issue for people and this white house is still in denial about it they still want to pretend that you know this is a trump problem and they don't have to worry about it so i was reading this piece in the new yorker and it was from a top biden advisor who was interviewed mike donilon and he's explaining his theory of the case he's talking about donald trump and i just wanted to read you a little bit about this because it's amazing how a lot of the strategies regarding super tuesday regarding this election coming up is what do you think voters care the most about and we heard yesterday from jimma costa who said the supreme court lives in a bubble when i read you this you will start to understand that the people working around joe biden are in the thickest bubble i've ever seen they are the bubble boy there's no they don't even have access to the remote control with the little uh hand glove things they are in that bubble so deep and they don't even know what they're talking about because if you talk to anyone right now maybe they say illegal immigration comes beneath the economy but biden strategists are still banking on january six they still think that's going to be the winning issue so it says donaldin's mild demeanor can be misleading like biden he has firm beliefs about politics the public the press and a contrary inside in 2020 he and his campaign team had to decide whether to emphasize the economy or the more abstract idea that trump imperiled the essence of america we bet on the ladder donaldan said even though our own poll pollsters told us that talking about the soul of the nation was nutty that experience fortified his belief that this year's campaign should center on what he calls the freedom agenda by november he predicted this is his prediction the focus will become overwhelmingly on democracy i think the biggest images in people's minds are going to be of january six now axor rod david axor rod who joe biden at one point called i can't say it on the air i don't think jared no okay we'll look it up look up joe biden angry david axor rod on google and you'll figure out what joe biden was calling axor rod behind the scenes david axor rod pushes back on joe biden's advisor okay his top advisor he said i'm pretty certain in scranton they're not sitting around their dinner table talking about democracy every night that is the fundamental difference between people who are so disconnected from the public disconnected from regular americans versus even david axor rod i wouldn't say he's like a man of the people but he has like a modicum of common sense to go you're going to really talk about the soul of the nation again people don't want to hear about the soul of the nation and so i was going to do the poll question and say like what image do you think is in people's minds what image over the last four years do you go back to time and time again and i have a couple i would say images of the border the aerial footage you see on fox bill malusion puts it up a lot i would say joe biden falling at that graduation he said he tripped on the sandbag that image comes to mind i would say joe biden putting his hand his head in his hands after the afghanistan withdrawal that one definitely comes to mind there's a few images oh and i would say the um illegal alien after beating up the cops who was released from prison giving the double bird to the media that image stands out to me but if there's anyone out there who says no no no when i go to the polls in november at the image is january six i would love to hear from you uh geo you're up next on the grace curly show go ahead geo hi enjoy the show i have a comment which i think uh is troubling and clarifying at the same time uh the petition before the trump insurrection before the supreme court had nothing to do with trump and had nothing to do with insurrection it neither it doesn't do anything any either way a state attorney general decided to take control of a federal election and what the supreme court decided nine to nothing is that a state attorney general can uh deny a governor or someone running for state office as they did trump but not a federal the and what they decided was states rights versus federal rights which they knew all along this was a very simple case that didn't even need to go to court it's all existing law and so that what this does is it reinforces federal rights on control of federal elections to a greater extent than existed in the past and the democrats are crafting together and have introduced this week those kinds of laws and legislation so the this gives the federal government more power than they had three days ago but what would you have preferred would you prefer them to say oh yeah you're right we should kick them off the ballot like that doesn't that doesn't seem to be this solution to me either i get your point overall geo but i just don't understand what you would have in your ideal world what would have happened i'm not sure what you were asking me i'm saying that your your you're suggesting that this decision is given the federal government more power than they already had and that i think unless i'm misreading what you're what you're getting at that that was the goal of the supreme court in this case but i actually think that the alternative to that which would be them just saying okay yeah you're right states can decide if they want to put trump on the ballot that would have been worse for the country as a whole the uh the outcome of this is the door is still open for the judiciary and the federal prosecutors to trump to indict trump or insurrection that's still open it's not closed yeah yeah and but then then it becomes a question of can will they indict him will they get an end i i don't i don't know um eight four four five hundred forty two forty two i don't claim to be an expert on all these things but you're not going to convince me that the nine oh decision yesterday was a bad thing like there's just there's no way that it wasn't a win for america and democracy which i'm always hearing about like that actually was a good thing for democracy letting people vote for who they want to vote for is a good thing and requiring saying listen if you want to kick someone off of a ballot for insurrection you at least have to actually get a conviction of insurrection that to me is just very basic eight four four five hundred forty two forty two we're even a lot of text updates on certain stories that people sweetened stories that people want to hear about um someone texted in i think it was a 508 that they wanted an update on fanny willess and i do have that for you there's more people now coming out of the woodwork and not in defense of fanny there's people who are claiming that the relationship between nathan wade and fanny willess get this started long before they actually suggested and i just want to read you a little bit here this is nika rayma who's a friend of the show does great jobs she reports on a lot of this stuff it says there was a waiter who identified himself to one of the defense attorneys ashley merchant she was the one who had a lot of back and forth with nathan wade and a very contentious back and forth with fanny willess the waiter alleged that he saw terence bradley now that's the former law partner and former lawyer of nathan wade he saw nathan wade and wade's attorney about uh five weeks ago so he saw terence bradley and nathan wade five weeks ago at a restaurant now that contradicts what nathan wade was saying or i'm sorry what terence bradley was saying that they hadn't spoken in two years but that's not even the worst part because you might say well yeah unless he has proof like some sort of photo of the two of them that doesn't really matter i don't think that's going to sink anything but this is problematic co-chief deputy district attorney for kob county syndi lee yeager yeager had multiple conversations with bradley about the relationship between willess and wade between august 2023 and january 2024 yeager indicated that bradley said he had personal knowledge of the relationship and included details regarding the use of robin yirty's apartment and other meetings prior to november 2021 and that mr wade had definitely begun a romantic relationship with miss willess during the time that miss willess was running for district attorney in 2019 through 2020 and here's the quote miss yeager her district attorney fanny willess tell terence bradley quote they are coming after us you don't need to talk to them about anything about us end quote yeager said she came forward because what bradley testified to was so different than what he told her that it was directly contrary and i believe if history is any guide the response from terence bradley is going to be something along the lines of oh day this is death this rises jared to the oh dang criteria i would say when we come back we'll take more your calls eight four four five hundred forty two forty two the nasa beach in just open reservations for spring jared you love the nasa beach in you stayed there you had such a great time it was a great place to get away and there's so much to do with the nasa beach in yeah it's fantastic because it's so tranquil you're right on the beach you can go you can relax your steps from the beach whatever room you're in you can just walk along the beach you can hear the ocean uh it's pet friendly so you can bring your dog down every room has two double beds and it has a fireplace and a picture window so you can check out the views you can stay cozy inside if you've been out walking the beach in a cool spring day you know you can warm up in there at night you can also sit by the fire pits and you know what my wife and i loved watching the sunrise when we were by the fire pits we went down there and as the days get longer the sun sets are spectacular you want to just hang out have a good time sit by the fire pit be cozy watch a sunset nasa beach in is the place to go and right now you can book your april stay at the nasa beach in from two forty nine ninety nine at night and this may rates from two fifty nine ninety nine at night so don't delay these rooms go fast this is a great deal no matter where you are but especially uh on nasa beach so nasa beach in is pet friendly they've got a view from every room so go to nasa beach in dot com that's nasa beach in dot com when we come back i want to talk about shrink flation because this is something biden has been teasing for his anticipated state of the union which is on thursday and now he's he's taking it to the muppets he's he's going to reach out to some of his supporters in muppet land uh we'll talk about this when we come back and we'll take your calls don't go anywhere follow grace on twitter at g_ underscore kirley this is the grace curly show dad what's a muppet well it's not quite a mop it's not quite a puppet but man so to end your question i don't know yeah the cookie monster who apparently has a twitter because everyone has to have a twitter like your neighbor's dog has a twitter everybody has twitter so the cookie monster row me hate shrink flation at will let me try to do the voice i'm not going to do anything i don't commit to let me see if i can figure this out the cookie monster does he go me hate shrink flation is that how the cookie monster sounds that's pretty close me cookies are getting smaller that's better thanks coming from you know i i don't know if i should be trusting you with all these say is for cookie actually no okay that was good okay so you are a good judge on this boy isn't a sesame street the white house wrote back to the cookie monster this is the best and the brightest okay the this is all of these people who knew so much about politics so much about political science so much about geopolitical affairs they had to be in the white house they were going to fix all our problems they've made a disaster out of absolutely everything and what do we have to show for it they're applying to the cookie monster on twitter and this is what they reply sees for consumers getting ripped off president biden is calling on companies to put a stop to shrink flation is there nothing else for you to concern yourselves with you're replying who thinks this is a good idea like who is running this ship into the ground and going guys you know what the border is out of control um everybody's mad at joe by and the poll sock does the cookie monster have a twitter that we can reply to i mean one puppet's gonna pop it to another puppet right and why is he acting like it's the cookie monster oh we're gonna tackle translation strangulation is a result of your economy and the inflation that you've produced we'll be right back