The Howie Carr Radio Network

Skunks in the State Committee and a Bulging Bag of Hate Mail | 3.4.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

It's Primary Season at the Howie Carr Show, and that means extra love letters and mash notes during Hate Mail Monday. Tune in for Howie's recap of his run-in with Tim Scott and updates on the Kool Aid Kult.

Broadcast on:
04 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's Picks for the Massachusetts Republican State Committee. Vote Tuesday March 5th to keep the Mass GOP alive. To see Howie's Picks go to and click on the banner. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The High Court just said moments ago that Mr. Trump can stay on this year's presidential ballot in Colorado. It's a little dirty. It's still good. Unfortunately for America, the court isn't necessarily wrong. It's just a little slimy. It's no good. It's still good. So to think that the Congress is going to solve this, they barely can get a post office day in these days. It's just a little airborne. It's still good. It's so good. I know. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. My larger reaction is disappointment. President Biden, number one, stop weaponization. Fight your fight yourself. Don't use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent to try and damage your opponent so you can win an election. Our country is much bigger than that. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show 844-542-442-844-542-442-442-442. Martin County, Florida is just north of Palm Beach and the state of Florida has a problem like every state with illegal aliens. They're dealt with a little more Clinton-esque like here, but there's still a terrible problem. There are so many foreign freeloaders. Excuse me. What did my orca say calls him? I forget. I can't even remember. So it's such a nonsense thing. But anyway, the sheriff of Martin County, Florida says ICE is forcing him to release a dangerous illegal alien rapist from the county jail. Now this has been... This is a story from, I think, Friday and after the story just went viral on the internet, ICE was allowed to authorize the local law enforcement to locate and re-arrest the foreign freeload or third-world savage, Juan Jose Sebastian. Juan Jose... Any relation to John Sebastian from The Loving Spoonful? Juan Jose Sebastian, 26, and the illegal alien from Guatemala was arrested in Martin County for driving without a license. Even though he has a warrant out of Washington County, Oregon, for three counts of rape and sexual abuse, he completed his sentence for the charge of driving without a valid license. And ICE said they would not take him into custody, and Washington County, Oregon, will not extradite from Florida. The guy is a violent rapist and an illegal alien, and they don't want... The Democrats running the federal government don't want to pick them up, but the Democrats running this county in Oregon don't want to convict him. Sheriff... Sheriff Snyder said that he... That we are being pushed and hammered by the level of undocumented immigrants that we're housing and are in our jail. Today is a classic example of what's going on. People ask me all the time, "What can be done? The answer is this. I can't do it." There are no local laws that empower me to do anything about illegal immigration. This year alone, Martin County Sheriff's office... That's Jupiter Stewart. Again, it's a heavy Republican county... Has cited 140 people for driving without a license. More than 30 of them are currently waiting behind bars. The most recent arrest was Thursday when police arrested Johnny Air Alexander Pina Barbosa 26. And I get compliments on the hyphen. For allegedly going... I'm not where am I laughing. For allegedly going over 70 miles an hour in a 45 zone, past a group of kids waiting for their school bus. But it gets worse, Snyder said. We have, quote, we have this the sheriff. We have four undocumented immigrants in our jail. Three of them were driving, never had a license, and ended up killing someone. Again, Lake and Riley is not the exception, unfortunately, tragically. The fourth illegal never had a license, was driving under the influence and also killed somebody. So they got four illegal alien unlicensed drivers in one county jail in Florida. ICE officials on Saturday after the story went national. They authorized a neighboring county sheriff office to re-arrest the Guatemalan savage. 844-542-844-542. Patrick, you're next with how we go ahead, Patrick. So I recently found this article on the internet, I think it's from the New York Times, but it said that if the Supreme Court can't get Trump off the ballot, then the Democrats will. But honestly, it sounds to me like they might call another January 6th, if you know what I mean. Well, I don't know how they could do that if everybody keeps their nose clean, but I don't think they're going to be any major demonstrations that could be false flagged or into another January 6th, phony baloney fed, that's what it wasn't an insurrection. It was a fed insurrection. And the very fact that Trump has never been charged with a charged let alone convicted with insurrection, and they still wanted to bump him off the ballot. And you have these nitwits like this Colorado Supreme Secretary of State, this traffic court judge in Illinois, the Secretary of State in Maine, they're trying to knock him off. I mean, it really is outrageous. 844-542. Scott, you're next with how we go ahead, Scott. Hi, Howie. First time, long time. Thank you. I just want to comment on this decision today from Supreme Court. You know what it reminds me a lot of is Alexi Navalny in that in Russia, they tried to do away with the opposition through poison. So it's likely what happened to him. And here, they're not going to that extreme, but their goal is the same and that they're trying to quiet any opposition. Was it wasn't one of Navalny's problems that he led a demonstration in Moscow after the so-called re-election Putin a few years back? And I think that was one of the times they locked him up earlier. Yes, yes, absolutely. I mean, they tried to lock him up. They tried to poison him twice and he just didn't go away. And he had such a loyal fan base and they just didn't like him. So that's how they get rid of them there. And here, they're just doing it a different way. Yeah, you know, and the thing is there, you know, they're running all these heartstrings stories about Ukraine. And there's a big story in the New York Post today. Oh, this is the Zelensky's wife is there. You know, the one who went on a big, amazingly expensive Christmas shopping spree in Paris a couple of years ago after they got a hundred billion or so in US taxpayer foreign aid. You know, she's there. Oh, this is our last chance. What is it, what is there going to be an auction for the for the beautiful mansion on the French Riviera? I keep saying that all the where is all this money going? They don't even know where all this money went. And you know, we're supposed to think the Russians are the worst people in the world. I'm not saying Putin is a great guy or anything, but how is how is Putin or Russia any worse than any of a lot of the any a lot of a lot of other countries? 844 542 42 339. Why don't those illegals just come up to Massachusetts and get a driver's license? You know, there's still a ton of of illegals in Massachusetts that don't bother with driver's licenses. You talked to any of the people that are at the that are working at these flop houses that used to be motels. And they'll tell you a lot. You know, it's not like the the mail that's delivered every day to these foreign freeloaders has a lot of bills from insurance companies, you know. And the other thing is, I don't think the registry accepts EBT cards. So how are they going to pay? I mean, it's not they're going to go out and work. The only way they only way they get money is to panhandle or to break into a car or something. Very, very, very few of them are working. 844 500 42 4844 500 42 42 Dr. Luke, you're next with how we car go ahead, Dr. Luke. How you doing, Howie? Good. Hey, I was just pondering the idea of if Trump keeps winning, the Democrats are eventually going to get sick of it, which they're probably already sick of it. But you know, they might try to like Epstein him or I know Dr. Luke, you know, you got you know, everybody's thinking the same thing. I just don't I just don't want to get into it, you know, but it's, you know, the deep state dislikes Trump a lot more than they disliked JFK. And you know, you can't put anything past these people, but I don't I don't really want to get into it. 844 500 42 4844 500 42. If you're like me, you need your sleep, not five or six hours. I'm talking about seven or eight blissful hours of uninterrupted sleep. And there's one thing that makes my night complete. That's my pillow's famous Giza dream sheets. They're luxurious ultra soft and breathable. 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It is time now for the poll question. Today's poll question is brought to you by perfect smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashville. Call one eight four four a perfect smile or visit perfect smiles dot com. Taylor what's the poll question what are the results thus far. Today's poll question which you can vote in at howie car show dot com is what will Nikki Haley do after she gets shellacked on super Tuesday. Dropout suspend her campaign. Announce a third party bid or say she's staying in the GOP race all the way. I'm going to say she's going to suspend her campaign and keep her fingers crossed that raskin swallow well at all can figure can figure out some unconstitutional way of knocking him off the ballot. Twenty three percent satial suspend her campaign. Sixty one percent satial stay in the race all the way. Thirteen percent satial announced a third party bid. Three percent satial dropout completely. All right well it's that time of the week after the after the nice couple of days off. We like to come back and see about all the fan mail and all the great. Raws we've gotten from our audience here at the howie car radio network me grace Taylor Jared everybody at the howie car radio network. We call this segment hate mail Monday. Grace is here to she's put everything together and did you like those messages people were so happy that I got my free coffee when I was posing for the picture with Tim Scott I realized I'm not holding my coffee I'm not holding my free coffee in my hand so I reached back and I got it and I held it up a nice blue cup. A lot of people were very bothered by this. In fact one person wrote there's literally a star a Starbucks on Worth Avenue. I'm a lot closer to the breakers than I am to Worth Avenue and more importantly the coffee at the breakers is free. Well that brings us to our next one this is Kevin who said you went for the free coffee at the breakers lobby again huh you were such a cheap bastard. Yes I do it every morning and then there's some comments about your physical appearance which there are always the ones that make me giggle Martin said nice but howie you have to do a little bit of strange a little bit what sorry I didn't catch that you started laughing what is I have to I have to do a little bit what he said nice but howie you have to do a little bit of a strange training buddy you have to protect those bones gotta hit the gym bra. What do you mean hey you know I walked I walked to the breakers I walked back then I got in the I got in the pool and I did a 30 minutes jumping up and hopping on my broken leg in the pool. Well you know what howie I can tell you that off the air when we were in the green room how you looked at the photo of you and said howie looks pretty good here. Who looked at the photo of who? you did. You said howie looked at the photo of you. Yeah I thought you looked pretty good and he wasn't trying to suck up to you because you weren't even there. Right I said out of all the photos of howie that one's pretty good. I got a good night's sleep on my pillow what do you want me to say you know and it was a nice day and I had a strong coffee and put it in my coffee it was great. I did I did and then I ran into Tim and I was you know saying you know I was doing a little leg work for my uh you know for for my audience. Another person wrote whitey bulger was right and then just to give a little context they wrote his biggest regret was not taking out howie car. They that's been popping up a lot lately on twitter. Well some people think you need to do some strength training but someone who does not need to do any strength training is Taylor Cormier because he was filling in the audience when he felled in for you howie all about his gym extravaganza. That was not the purpose of me filling in I was talking about judge anger ons creepy gym habits. Okay but this is what we got cut one. Oh great you took another slide and left us with Tucker Taylor first he bragged about going to the gym. As somebody who attends a gym regularly myself and then sees a lot of gym content on my instagram feed please go to the gym it's great. You would know Taylor you hit the gym these days. I do. I'm shaking that creatine all around the video. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. And then try to be hip. Can you say giving creepy? Is that? Giving creep. Giving creep okay yeah but I'm gonna stick with my own vernacular. I got very creepy vibes from the guy. A class A creepazoid. Giving predator. An ick I'm already sus. He was trying to riz her up. Am I giving creep now? You know honestly I was hoping that Trump would take more of the bait that I gave him on that creepy judge. It was a great story. Oh it is. But Taylor I'm surprised to say you attend gym. I don't attend. That's a weird that's a weird verb to use with. Did I say attend? Did I? Do we have to play the kind of game? Play the beginning of it again. I'm going to the gym. As somebody who attends a gym regularly. Yeah that is weird. Do you go to the six o'clock gym or the early ten o'clock gym? Okay we have another one here. This is. Oh you so how many barbell flies? Because Hunter Biden's been in the news so have a lot of his Chinese business friends, business associates and you have been trying to pronounce some of their names. This is cut for. So the guy's name is Henry Zoh and then two minutes later you call him Henry Zoh and three minutes later you call him Henry Zoh. You know we're used to miss you mispronouncing everything but could you maybe pick one mispronunciation and stick with it? Z. From now on I'm gonna call him Smith. That's where he was right to boot. Smith. His name is Smith as far as. You know what I can call him hoe. I can call him all hoe. That's when I can get right. Like Hunter Biden I know I know hoe. We have another one here. I don't know if we'll have time let's see if we have time for another one for Taylor cut too. So on Friday the resident genius Taylor decides to piss off everybody in the state of Tennessee because he thinks the word volunteer is stupid. Well Tennessee has been known as the volunteer state since 1812. So really who's stupid? Do you want to apologize? No I don't. The word is not stupid but for a team name yeah it's dumb. Does that strike fear into anyone's hearts? The Tennessee volunteers? Well you said it's okay but it's not the UNC to our heels. Now there's a good name. All right thank you Grace. We'll be right back with your calls. I'm Howie Carr. This is Dan Rizzo. It's been well over a year since my brother Paul and I started advertising with Howie. It's been great to meet and work with so many of his listeners and staff. Our goal here is simple to provide peace of mind and build strong relationships based on trust. Our clients know how much we care about them and their insurance needs. So if you want to save money and experience great customer service contact us at You might be amazed by the cost savings you can achieve. Again that's Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542 42 one of the Democrats said to that enough was Raskin. One of the talking heads said that the bright side of the 9-0 ruling by the Supreme Court that Trump could stand the ballot was that they did not quote explicitly deny that he was an insurrectionist. I don't believe that was the question before the Supreme Court. I mean that would be a question first for a grand jury to decide whether to return in the indictment and then for jury to decide and then if he were convicted it would go to an appeal scored and then up the ladder. But they just, you know this is the same thing with the Mueller report. Remember that a few years back there? I mean it was just this total nonsense, the Russian collusion hoax and their answer was that well they didn't specifically say he didn't do anything. And I thought that was like something you don't have to go to law school to know that but you cannot prove a negative. You can't prove that you didn't do something. That's why in a sane society that's ruled by laws rather than men you have to be found guilty and not just found guilty in a criminal case but guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. And so some of these people just want this. They're kind of angry that the Supreme Court just that well he's guilty but you know we can't really throw him off. What did he do? What did he do? He said peacefully and patriotically protest 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. Let's play some of the Joe, Joe getting heckled. This is in Arizona. I haven't even heard these. Are these pretty good? Pretty good cuts? Okay, let's cut. Cut 8. Tell them what's at stake. Sign up for phone banks and canvassing shifts. We're going to meet this moment. You and your husband support the genocide of a fantasy of people. I'm glad. I'm glad they're given Dr. Jill grief but I mean could it could it be about an issue that's more germane shall we say to the American people? Genocide of the Palestinian people that no one was committing genocide. No one is committing genocide against them but they had a ceasefire in Palestine on October 6th. Who broke the ceasefire? Was it the Hamas Nazi savages or was it the Israelis? Cut 9. They don't know that our to to do this are battle maps. They had a ceasefire. They don't know that our to. 844 542 Dennis you're next with how we car go ahead Dennis. Howie I have two quick comments regarding political prosecutions. Navalny was an insurrectionist in an election denier. Some court said so and I don't think that's a good point or denied ballot access for it but that's how the legal system works in that part of the former Soviet Union and I despise tyrants more than I like Nikki Haley but all this law fair has pretty much cemented my vote for Trump in the primary but if Haley can manage to get herself indicted 91 times on politically motivated charges by tomorrow I may give her another look. You know Dennis are you in Massachusetts? Vermont. Vermont aren't you? You know I don't know if you saw this but on Saturday night she was in Massachusetts and I'm told I was talking to a an old time Republican today and he said his father had told him that that this was the first time a Republican had been campaigning before the Massachusetts primary in the state since George H. W. Bush in 1980 when you know he was born in Norfolk County which is where Needham is where she was and they were raised in Connecticut and he carried both those states that year and I was really surprised that she got 300 people at the Needham Sheridan Hotel and I guess a lot of them including Chris Sonuno were from New Hampshire but you know it looks like they're going to get a pretty good turnout tomorrow. I mean I guess a lot of towns now in Massachusetts especially the upper income towns the Republicans have begun switching over to mail-in ballots and in some of these places I think the Secretary of State said last week that in some of these places or the Republican Republican campaigns have noticed that up to 50 percent of the people had already voted by last week the voters in the New Hampshire in the Republican primary and you know the last time I checked the the unenrolled voters in Massachusetts had risen over 60 percent and the Republicans had fallen below 9 percent. Thank you Jim Jones Lions and deadbeat deal but the unenrolleds are now up to 64 percent. That's very close to two-thirds that means the Democrats I believe or the Democrats are under 30 percent now. I don't think there's any real reason to be an enrolled voter in Massachusetts. I mean if you can vote in either primary it's different if Florida is a closed state if you if you want to vote in a primary you have to be a registered you have to be a member of a certain party but if you're in a state where you can take any ballot why would you why would you ever register in one party? The thing about Massachusetts is you want to be unenrolled because you got two chances to knock off the most odious Democrat. Most of the time you don't succeed you go over two but you got to give it a shot eight four four five hundred forty two forty two uh seven eight one remember per Nancy Pelosi Trump is always guilty and he may be allowed to try to prove his innocence. Yeah five oh eight half the Nikki participants were illegals Mara had busted them in from terminally at these kids that's not true it was a it was a it was a yepster crowd basically. Joe you're next with how we car go ahead Joe. Hey how it appears that you often get the ear of President Trump and I'd love for you to pitch him this idea should acknowledge that we need a lot of immigrants but what we should do is shut down the southern border take all those resources and put them into the legal immigration system that takes the whole from from a business that wants more people in it takes it away from it not being uh humane it takes it away from the cartels and gives up a fantastic advantage to to Republicans. Can you make that happen? I think he's got to get elected first he's talked about having a massive deportation program and I got a I got a really interesting story from front page magazine the truth about illegal alien criminality I'll go I'll go into it as we go through the the afternoon here and you know there there's one thing that the the uh the the deep state uh chattering skulls have been the point they always say oh well you know the the uh immigrants have a have a lesser crime rate than the citizens and number one I don't believe that's true and number two this this guy in front page magazine says the the only way that could possibly be true is if you put illegal immigrants and legal immigrants together because the the crime rate from legal immigrants to the United States is next to nothing and I tend to believe that that's that's my experience anyway and there's another thing too that uh a lot of these illegal aliens they don't know where what they are you know they're you should see all the indictments that all the feds John Doe was convicted today John Doe was convicted they don't they don't want to give their real name because then they they might they might face a small chance when their sentence is completed of being deported back to their native third world hellholes but as long as they don't know what country to send them back there's not even a chance even if Trump were pressed that they couldn't get them out of here and that's they never want to leave the the United States because this is the welfare capital of the world baby eight four four five hundred forty two forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two seventy one as a republican should I cross over to the democrat primary take a ballot and vote for uncommitted to stick it to fjb I don't think I don't think uncommitted is a is an alternative in massachusetts so I no I would yeah and and if dean phillips were making a run for it or bobby kennedy jr were uh were were still on the democrat ballot and he was there I would say that that would be a a potential option but this is uh no not not this time plus you got to you got to vote against the cool aid cult you've got to vote against the cool aid cult we'll be talking more about this is uh as the hour as then hours go on but if you want to see who to vote for in the uh in the republican primary in the republican state committee fights you should be going to uh you should be going to how we car show dot com it's right at the top banner you know save the massachusetts republican party vote for the cool aid vote against the cool aid cult by the way you know Nikki Haley it's pretty pitiful she's won one race good chance that she's only going to win one race she's only been running a year the cool aid cult had control of the republican party in massachusetts for four years you know how many races they won zero zero races zero open seats zero takeaways from the democrats so as bat pathetically as Nikki Haley is doing in one year the cool aid cult did worse in four years look at it another way amanda peterson candidate for the state committee 18 19 years old now she won her first race managing petered the rants campaign for state senate at the age of 19 amanda peterson has won more races than the cool aid cult did statewide in four years eight four four five hundred forty two forty two uh we all got the text from the haly campaign no real republican rsvp's to that's sham i i yeah i but but you know the thing is you don't have to be a republican to vote in the primary because of the the law with the unenrolls so that's what she was going for she she knows no republicans are going to vote for her she she's she's going around now ripping the republicans peter your next with how we car go ahead peter how we car hello i was just listening to i was just listening to the show yes um i'm a massachusetts resident and i live in fitchburg massachusetts um i am definitely for never nicky haly never i am all trump i will be voting for trump in 2024 for my third time yes um that makes two of us everything if you it's i don't i almost don't even know where to start i'm a dilly 300 i follow brendan dilly thanks thanks for the call eight four four five hundred forty two forty two that somebody texted me about a poll i haven't seen it but said that uh they were doing hypotheticals and they said if if trump is convicted would you vote for him in his five point or four point lead went up to eight points i think i believe that here are the three reasons i need balance seven a broken leg a broken elbow and a broken foot i take balance seven all day long it's made a huge difference for me when it comes to dealing with joint pain no longer do i feel sore or creaky when i get up in the morning balance seven works by diluting the acid built up in your body over years of eating acidic foods when that acid is neutralized your immune system can function as if you were 20 years old again nearly every 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percent and you'll also receive free shipping balance the number seven dot com please don't be stubborn do yourself a favor order now i'm howie car the howie car show will be right back the emperor of hate howie car is back eight four four five hundred forty two forty two nine seven eight two votes for trump and both of your picks for state committee from an unenrolled who took republican ballots voted by mail thank you thank you go to howie car show dot com and uh it's right at the top of the page and stop the Kool-Aid cult save the massachusetts gop do you want to win or do you want to lose it's not about left versus right it's about people who want to win against people who don't want to win it's as simple as that and the people who don't want to win the Kool-Aid cult Jim jones lions and door dash deadbeat deal they have a record to back themselves up of winning nothing for four years zero for 2020 zero for 2022 eight four four five hundred forty two forty two allen you're next with howie car go ahead allen hi howie thank you so much for taking my call you know i'm i'm a little wound up here so just give me a minute you know i got a couple comments to make first i want to talk about this so-called genocide everybody keeps talking about in the seas fire howie it's reached all we to bangor main i want let i want to let everybody know that benjamin nettinga who waited for a long time before he went in and before he went in everybody listen up he dropped leaflets leaflets everybody i don't remember i don't remember howie i'm so wound up i don't remember Nancy Pelosi talking anything about china and the Uyghurs being wiped out in china and all the concentration camps i remind i read if i remind if i can remember howie nancy Pelosi said let's not talk about it let's just let him have the olympics this is this is so disturbing howie now in main now we have we have this woman called china bellows she just got shut down here i can't i can't play the secretary of state who got shut down along with the traffic court judge in elinoy in the secretary of state in uh in colorado bunch of net points and now howie i i can't i can't support any any i mean we had talk about unfair elections there's an election coming up 2020 for a big one all right yes i do not have any any support i don't trust anything that she's going to bring me on the tag i want republicans behind this no no china bellows i'm sorry you cannot you can't handle on election you showed what you are you're a delegate providing you showed your true colors china bellows thank you very much howie i love you guys keep it going thanks allen eight four four five hundred forty two forty two key a uh textor wants to know uh is there a uh a candidate against the cool aid cult in hudson and yes there is caroline cunning ham caroline cunning ham uh she's on the uh she's on the ballot and uh vote for get out and vote for her she's unopposed but they're the uh the cult is trying to run a uh right in candidate against her i mean i don't know how many of them can actually write anything you know without the shaky little hand that all that and but you know they're going to try so be sure to vote for caroline cunning ham unfortunately there's no uh there's no male candidate running in hudson it's it's kind of hard to get the people to run for these jobs i i uh i've got i'm going to use this uh when i after the elections over and i write the uh the the final obituary for the cool aid cult but uh there was a there was an old Yankee who went up against some of the corrupt democrats in boston and he said this was a hundred years ago he said it's easy to get a bunch of people to go out with you to kill a lion but when you go out after a skunk you got to do it yourself this is skunk hunting i'm howie car