The Howie Carr Radio Network

Marc Salinas on SCOTUS Decision, Fani Willis Fallout, and NY Fraud Case | 3.4.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace welcomes attorney Marc Salinas to the show to break down the path for Trump after the major victory in the Supreme Court today.

Broadcast on:
04 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's Picks for the Massachusetts Republican State Committee. Vote Tuesday March 5th to keep the Mass GOP alive. To see Howie's Picks go to and click on the banner. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Obviously it's a huge news day. Scotis has ruled that Trump should be on the ballot in Colorado. Great timing for the president and Trump has called this ruling unifying and inspirational. I think even people who are not necessarily huge fans of Donald Trump, there are people who can appreciate the fact that it was a unanimous ruling and that perhaps now we can take it to the ballot. People can you know make their voices heard with their vote and something Trump said that I thought was interesting is he said Biden should fight for himself. In other words stop weaponizing the Justice Department, stop weaponizing the law as a way to take out your political opponents. Just tell people why you're the better option. Of course that poses several different problems for Joe Biden which we will talk about and I also at one point today Jared I would love to have some state of the Union predictions. Maybe we can go to the callers and say what do you think Joe Biden is gonna hit on. We can put put together some sort of bingo card. Will he call us Neanderthals? Only time will tell. Joining us now to talk about everything that's going on as far as the Trump cases go is Mark Salinas he's our go-to legal expert. He's from Silva and Salinas and Mark first of all thank you for joining us. Second of all I would love just your initial reaction to this decision by the Supreme Court. My initial reaction is what a great day for Donald Trump but even more so what a great day for the country and I say that I mean that speaking as a lawyer I'm not attending to sound like I'm on the campaign trail for Donald Trump that's not what this is about. I did represent Donald Trump at the ballot Commission here in Massachusetts and I represented him before the Supreme Judicial Court here in Massachusetts and I had always taken the position that this was most importantly about not disenfranchising millions of voters here in Massachusetts and across the country and when I read this decision I finally thought to myself wow this is concise it says addresses every legal concern that I had and one of the most important parts I took from this and I was so pleased to see was that it was noted that you cannot throw this country into complete chaos by letting states decide who can and cannot appear on the ballot and how ironic from the party that's always saying we need the adults back in the room for the past four years from the party that said we need to eliminate chaos across the country we had the highest court of our country saying what you're trying to do will create chaos and that's what we were trying to avoid and I'm so thrilled that this decision came out the way it did. Mark there was a lot of emphasis in this back and forth of the Supreme Court during the our oral arguments that that we heard about in February about this third section of the 14th amendment of the Constitution which reads that no person who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States should be able to hold office the Supreme Court did come to a decision on that and on the reading of it can you go into that a little bit. Yeah the Supreme Court never had to get to the issue of whether or not Donald Trump did or did not engage in an insurrection and we have always advocated that that was not the case if you really look at the facts of this case there was no activity by Donald Trump that he was supporting or advocating for an insurrection anyone who looks honestly at the facts of this case would conclude the same way but this was more an issue of how do you enact the provisions there on the United States Constitution and in this particular case what the Supreme District Supreme Court said was that if you want to invoke section three of the 14th amendment and put limitations or disqualify someone from running for president of the United States that is an act that must be done by Congress you can't let individual states make these decisions because you're gonna come up with different results all across the country and it'll just create a big mess. Yeah I think that's a really good way to put it. Mark I want to and we might come back to this in a minute here but I wanted to ask you about another case that Trump did mention in his remarks because I really think that this is a person and he kind of has to be at this point it's it's his survival method. He can't wait too long or you know revel too long in a victory like this when there's so many other cases pending and there's so many other fights to be had and one of those that he mentioned a few times in his remarks is Fannie Willis Fannie Willis however you want to pronounce I like to say Fannie it's just easier and I wanted to read you here this is from Red State and just to get your reaction to it. It says a top prosecutor in one of America's largest cities was funneling cash to a married man she was sleeping with and then going on vacations paid for by that money. Forget disbarment. We could be talking about removal from office and even criminal charges for Willis at some point in the future. Now Red State is a conservative leaning outlet. Is Mark is this wishful thinking or do you see Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade being held accountable in some form in the future? I think that they could very well be held accountable in some form or fashion. I mean I if I would think that the state bar association that regulates lawyers will be looking at this and examining whether or not the ethical violations here were so egregious that not only forget about this case but decision in the Donald Trump case whether or not Fannie Willis is fit to continue even practicing law. I mean when I look at this case it's just so troubling to me and it's disheartening because as a lawyer look we had we're the butt of jokes and we always get a bad name but this these are the type of people that give our profession a bad name. They always say the famous thing is the appearance of the impropriety is as bad as the impropriety itself. I've never seen anything this is bad. She hired her boyfriend and paid him millions of dollars and paid so much more than anybody else would have would have been hired for to prosecute this case and some question and I think legitimately whether or not even the prosecutor the special prosecutor is hired was at all qualified to take on this case. I mean this is just it's disgusting it really is. Now moving to New York Mark this surprised me this came out last week and I didn't see this really coming so obviously we have the four hundred and fifty four million dollar fraud penalty that Trump's being asked to pay or at least put up in order to appeal this verdict and the reason I bring this up Mark is because the judge is not letting him lower the amount that he posts for the bond but the judge is saying that the pause the the three-year ban on business New York is going to be paused in order for him to secure alone there with the New York bank. Does that surprise you because I would think the easier thing to do here for the judge would just would just be to say this is excessive you know these punitive damages are excessive it doesn't make any sense we'll lower it to a hundred million but this judge is saying no it's still going to be four hundred fifty four million dollars but we'll make it a little bit easier for you to secure those funds. I would just like to know if this is typical or if you were surprised by that decision. No it doesn't surprise me anymore and I wish if you had asked me something a question like this three years ago I would say I was surprised. Nothing surprises me anymore if they gave Donald Trump a break at all that's surprising to me. So where this lies right now is that this is a single justice in New York this is going to go to a full panel in the middle of March to determine whether or not he can get a stay in other words time to pay this judgment before he has to post the bond because the posted bond on a judgment like this has got to be potentially crippling you're going to have to pay a hundred and ten to a hundred twenty percent of the judgment just to secure it before the the party that wins the case can start asking for assets to be seized and everything else and I wouldn't trust the district court in New York not to let that happen. Mark just to circle back really quickly on the Supreme Court decision this was obviously in regards to the ruling in Colorado with their Supreme Court justices but as we know these decisions to boot Trump off the ballot it's not it's not just reserved to Colorado this has happened in Maine with a sheet of bellows this has happened now in Illinois so what does that do in the legal world does it mean those other cases automatically Trump is back on the ballot because they've ruled in this case or how does that work so in each case the the actual process of removing Donald Trump on the ballot was stayed and rightfully so because the the state courts understood that the Supreme Judicial Court would be addressing this issue so if that decision had gone the other way we would have seen something like any votes for Donald Trump would not have counted because you just don't have the time to be physically removed someone from the ballot and actually print new ballots so what I expect will happen is the elections will go on as they should have people who vote for Donald Trump their votes for count will count as they should. All right that thank you so much Mark you really did clarify a lot for us here and we always appreciate your time I know you're extremely busy very exciting news for Donald Trump today and like Mark said it's very exciting news for America because now people can go to the ballots and they can decide who they want to be president there instead of having the Supreme Court decided for them or some you know Secretary of State and Maine or some Supreme Court in Colorado. Mark Salinas thank you so much for your time sir please let people know where they can find you if they have any questions. We have an office in north and over is our website and thanks again Grace for everything I love your show. Thank you so much Mark we'll talk to you soon auctions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. I was just talking to Justin Manning the other day not anything to do with real estate but I had asked people I said you know you know for people who pay for Twitter do you find that it's worth it. And Justin was one of the people who gave me a very interesting answer about how it's worth it. If you're a small business owner um eliminate some of the bots he had like a very very cool answer on it but I love talking to Justin about everything he's come on the show before we've talked about real estate and he's just he's someone that when you meet him you know you can trust him he knows what he's doing he's a very smart guy and I just I always appreciate him coming on the show and sharing some of his knowledge with us and I appreciate him walking us through why selling your real estate via auction is such a good option for some people and they're going to be honest with you if you come to them they don't think it's the right fit they'll tell you but I think people will be surprised how the way that people have sold real estate and the way people think they have to sell real estate it's not the only way and it's not even necessarily the best way because auctions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities so it only makes sense that it can determine the value of your real estate auctions are not a fire sale at a discounted price they're actually an accelerated sale with competitive pricing so like I said just because your parents listed their home for sale at a set price or your neighbors did or your sister did that doesn't mean that you have to it doesn't mean you can't think outside the box and JJ Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate however sometimes I say that and people think new they think oh this is a new way to do things JJ Manning has been around for a very long time and they've got a time-tested approach that began over 16,000 auctions ago so the proof is in the pudding here they know what they're doing and the main benefits of a JJ Manning accelerated sale versus a traditional listing there's so many but I'll just read you a few no contingencies the buyer signs an exclusive PNS and makes a 10% non-refundable deposit that day and this is my favorite part you set the terms which all buyers must follow so they use their 30 30 marketing plan it's 30 days of marketing saturation and 30 days to close no deviations to the purchase and the buyers feet are kept to the fire if you've sold real estate the traditional way a lot of those things you know a lot of you know having one set open house you know signing that exclusive PNS a lot of these things don't happen with the traditional selling of real estate and they can make your life a lot easier so to learn more on how to get your commercial residential or land sold quickly contact charlie gill he's also a really awesome guy 800 5 2 1 0 1 1 1 or go to again called charlie at 805 2 1 0 1 1 1 or go to and get your real estate sold we'll be right back. Follow grace on twitter at g_curley this is the grace curley show you know here i am talking about how important of a date is with the supreme court decision and i almost forgot to mention it's also a very important day jared because it's our number one fan's birthday today my dad jimbo slice jimmy curley is the birthday boy and we want to wish him a very happy birthday happy birthday dad he's watching my little uh my little dumpling at home right now and i always appreciate that look my wife has a role in our family when somebody's birthday is saying happy birthday ready this one's really happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday deviled happy birthday to you well it's hell turn of 30 that could never get sold that's the new amber was finnegan it just gets better with time uh yes but happy birthday dad um we love you so much and i hope you have a great day today it's a beautiful day march forth and this is good news this is a good birthday gift the supreme court has ruled nine zero in favor of donald trump staying on the ballot the supreme court has voted to kill democracy and to think that nicky haley woke up today jared and thought this was going to be her day you know she won the republican primary in d c she woke up in something more votes than president trump come on she woke up this morning and she you know what she did she looked in the mirror and she said don't call it a comeback this two-man race might be a one-man race very soon because nicky haley is symbolic but small victory in d c i don't think trump mentioned her i don't think he's shaking in his boots but i could be wrong today's poll question is brought to you by perfect smiles don't be fooled by imposters with similar names if you're unhappy with your smile you need to visit dr bruce houton in ashwa call one a four for a perfect smile or visit perfect smiles dot com jared what is the poll question and what are the results thus far today's poll question which you can vote in at grace curly show dot com is who's been the biggest anti-Trump flop michael alvin arty china bellows liz chaney stormy daniels jenna griswold or fanny willess it's fanny but she goes by fanny i mean liz chaney was at one point she had her mom they all had their moment you know but some people were in the spotlight some people stretch their 15 minutes into like 50 minutes and i would say that out of all of those people the one who left an indelible mark on my life on my heart on my brain is michael alvin arty him and that nike sweat suit just taking on the orange man and fearing no one to a fault you know he was fearless to a fault i'm gonna have to say avinati 2024 is has been the biggest disappointment i have an idea right now is a 22 percent he is in third place first place is now going to liz chaney at 37 percent yep 37 percent for chaney 35 percent for fanny 22 percent for michael alvin arty 3 percent for china bellows 2 percent each for stormy daniels and jenna griswold no you guys are wrong like i don't say that a lot to the voters out there i don't mean to offend or anything but you're just wrong you're forgetting the avinati sparkle that that really took over the country for a little bit this guy was on cn and he was on msnbc liz chaney as she had a book she was part of the j six blue ribbon commission or whatever but she never had the it factor like she was boring on shows where they tried to make her into this renegade like dick chaney's daughter liz is really doing something and they didn't even believe it she was too boring for them like she had a coffee table book big whoop and by the way do you notice that liz chaney will still act as though she might run for president like when they ask for that she's like my i haven't decided yet come on now i do remember at one point kevin nicky haley of chris christie's kevin costner at one point was team liz chaney he wore a t-shirt that should have been the first time that sure that's based in wyoming so yeah and it said something like a movie stars for liz chaney i could have that wrong it could have been something else but yeah that should have been the first sign that yellow stone was was not on the right track i thought he was the democratic trump like they called him the trump of democrats well there wasn't there was a period of time where every person who went up against trump was like ending up in jail you know like they they were they were rising so high and then they were falling so hard and fanny willis could very well be on that same trajectory she has an avanadi style trajectory in front of her the other thing i wanted to mention here before we go to break and we'll take your calls when we come back we'll play some sound i've got a hilarious hunter-biden story for you it involves a trash can and it involves a diamond but not the diamond that you are thinking of and not the trash can that you're thinking of a new diamond and a new trash can if you can believe that but something i wanted to mention just quickly here because i'll forget about it dr jill was on the campaign trail this weekend and she doesn't usually work weekend shared she'll burnt out from her uh schedule of not teaching classes i know what does she teach like one one course a week or something because i'm teaching really college yeah joe always tells us she's a full-time teacher even though she's not but don't bother fact checking him she was on the campaign trail in arizona and she was heckled she was heckled and i will give her credit she takes the heckling better than her better than her better half i guess is the way to put it still she's not great at handling it i wouldn't be great at handling it um but she definitely was more equipped to handle it than joey baby okay everybody when we come back hunter-biden diamonds and trash cans what more do you need don't go anywhere nana live from the aviva thrattria studio i don't usually take a request Jared but some people were tuning in a little late to the jimicosta cut and it's been a while because at one point jimicosta was everywhere he was cnn's go-to guy to just kind of go after trump at all the press conferences and then once trump left it seemed like a costa left too and he got a weekend show i think on cnn so we don't hear from him a lot i don't want to say we miss him but yeah we miss a little bit of his je necequat so let's play jimicosta bemoaning the scotus ruling and we have some other people but first year you know we should introduce it with let's do a little bit of journalism in the news very effective i see a lot of excellent journalism being done give me the brush i i'm not sure to be honest how can you ask a question when you don't know the price he said the journalist make up stories and make up sources as a journalist i don't really like being the story here very effective and many of your competitors had to change the reporting and they had to apologize and they had correct this is a golden age of journalism in a lot of ways to survive and be surviving what flavor did you get news du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du all right so we have a few different hot takes on the scotus ruling let's play jimicosta for everybody who missed it this is cut 12 justices are in a bubble and they're not dealing with i mean when they say oh congress can do this there are members of congress and we can go through the list who are never going to do anything that would make life difficult for donald trump so to think that the congress is going to solve this they they barely can get a post office name these days i would like to think of it here's a here's a positive spin on it there are people in congress who also don't want to violate the constitution i guess that's if you're looking for the silver lining here but jimicosta wants to say that there are people in congress who are too afraid to go against orange man unlike jim by the way who's fearless let's also have dana bash on cnn offering her two cents this is cut 13 um you know look unfortunately for america the court isn't necessarily wrong that this is the way the framers wanted it to be they wanted congress the people who are closest to their constituents to be able to make the the roles of the laws that was a weird phrasing so it would be better for america if scottis made the wrong decision i'm unfortunately for america the arbiters of the constitution sided with the constitution and i've held the principles of this country and that's exactly the quote from scalia which is like yeah if you're a judge and you're and i know they're called justices but if you're in that profession and you're doing things based off what you want to happen or based off coming to decisions that you like and everything you do end up being something you agree with you're probably doing a sucky job and in this case dana bash things because the supreme court is doing a good job and they're actually ruling based off the constitution and not just you know what coffee table books they have or how much politico in new york magazine they read on the weekends that they are somehow doing a disservice to united states of america it's it doesn't make any sense and jared the only credit i'm going to give jimma costa dana bash and soon to be kendelanian when i play his cut is that and the day's still early by the way it's only 137 so i could be wrong on this but thus far unless we've missed it and someone can text it if we did there have been no tears there have been no one has been on television that's really what i find to be like the rubicon here is once someone starts to cry about a supreme court decision that's when i have to buckle down and just get ready for the craziness i haven't heard anyone databash you could you could interpret that as getting a little emotional but she she stayed strong on a cabaret on msnbc came close a little bit lisa rubin also an msnbc came close but they never actually got there do you think but do you think when they come close i say this is a thespian so keep that in mind do you think they're making themselves like they want to cry because they think it's gonna it's gonna earn them points with the right people if they cry on tv over this or do you think they genuinely and by the way that's the one i would prefer i would prefer that they're phonies and they're actors and they want to appear as though they care so much that's when you're at the j-six you guys to play yeah that that to me is less concerning than if they're truly brought to tears by the supreme court allowing donald trump to stay on the ballot i would rather the first one let's have kentilanian who by the way just recently was telling us how because of alexander smirnoff that that somehow proves that the the laptop is russian disinformation even though it's not russian disinformation so let's hear what he has to say now this is cut 14 good morning honor we've learned that it was a nine to nothing decision ruling that donald trump can be on the ballot in colorado and other states uh justices during the oral argument seem very skeptical of the idea that one state could decide for the nation whether donald trump was an insurrectionist and was therefore disqualified under this 150 year old provision now we know that there was not a single justice who who held that view so there were no dissents to this nine zero decision uh ruling that donald trump can remain on the ballot in colorado as voters go to the polls tomorrow during super tuesday and also in main where there had been a decision to disqualify him from the ballot uh and and this ruling we understand has the effect of prohibiting other states from attempting to do so and that really reflects what we heard from both liberal and conservative justices during the oral arguments on a uh for example elana cake and confronting uh the the plaintiff's essentially saying your problem here is that you're arguing that one state can decide for the nation who can be president and no justice was willing to go along with that you know what i don't think that was a bad report actually i don't think indelian sounded like he was i mean you can obviously tell he's a little disappointed um there's a somber tone to all of their voices but that was not unhinged or not as unhinged as i thought it would be eight four four five hundred forty two forty two we are going to talk about hunter bide and we are going to play more cuts for you uh but let's go to ron who's on the line go ahead ron great so are you good what's going on i wasn't i'm glad you cleared it up i wasn't sure if it was a cost or a tap or they're both kind of generic and um interchangeable but um they're kind of like they're predictable too they're kind of like a post-ring doll you know what they're going to say yes but uh at any rate um they love to call trump a bully and um but these guys are saying like oh uh people in congress aren't going to make life difficult for trump at the same time i mean we've seen like the covid lab leak we've seen the summer of love we've seen the indictments the ejine cal rom-com amnesia case and everything like that so i'm i'm really having a difficult time figuring out who the bullies are is it trumpets the bully or is it that is it them that are the bullies well it's a great question ron you actually gave me an excuse to play a cut here that i also was waiting on and that's lisa rubin she's a legal correspondent for msnbc and take a listen to this ron and i think it goes along with what you're saying about you know who's really on the attack here this is cut 15 it was a nine zero decision on it and the decision was decided on the grounds that congress not the states has the power to enforce section three of the 14th amendment still you have four justices concurring in the judgment meaning they agree with the result but also concurring separately and saying that the way that they disagree with the majority or the percureum opinion is that they don't feel that they needed to decide that congress is the exclusive enforcement mechanism both justice Barrett who is concurring only for herself and then justice is so to my or kegan and jackson concurring separately say they don't need to decide anything more than this not a right that belongs to the states but all four of them casting doubt on the idea that the exclusive mechanism of enforcement here is congressionally enacted legislation that's important because one other way that you could find that someone is disqualified is through for example a federal court ruling or you could find that someone is an insurrectionist through their criminal um through criminal liability so there are a number of different ways that i think these justices are raising section three could have been enforced and yet the percureum decision says not only does the power not belong to the states you have to have congress act affirmatively in order to disqualify someone from the back so what you're saying Lisa Rubin is there's a chance that's what you're saying is a translation here this isn't the only way we can get him off the ballot but you're gonna keep going with this how about here's a crazy idea here's a crazy idea on how to get trump run a campaign and beat him if he's so terrible then do that why do you guys need to take his name off of a ballot and you're not giving up on it it's like a dog with a bone you're not going to just drop it at this point nine zero isn't enough to let you know that you're not going to win this one you're going to look to other sections well Lisa Rubin like cheese or mustard with her pretzel it's just pathetic and i also speaking of pathetic i mentioned this earlier and i feel like we should play it jill biden was campaigning for joe and the heckling we we read a piece last week on how joe biden's handlers are trying their best and this is not operation bubble wrap so don't confuse all the different operations that are going on at 1600 pennsylvania avenue okay there are several different operations happening simultaneously operation bubble wrap is trying to stop joe biden from tripping or falling down or tripping over a sandbag at a graduation ceremony operation stop the hecklers involves vetting people who are coming to joe biden's events having him do smaller events having him do events where you don't think you know college people are going to be there necessarily young people and so dr joe was heckled in arizona can i just play one of these cuts Jared let's play cut eight tell them what's at stake sign up for phone banks and canvassing shifts we're going to meet this moment you and your husband support the genocide of a fantasy of people oh so the former years people were trying to counteract or counterbalance the hecklers interesting approach um recently a grace curly show listener candice called in and she was telling us how much he loved the thunderstorms her furnace was serviced and afterwards even though she was happy to have a furnace service she was not happy with the lingering odor kind of a weird smell afterwards so she brought out her two thunderstorms she plugged them in and she watched the magic happen the thunderstorm eliminated all of the odors and it can do the same for you and the best part candice's husband who rolled his eyes when she would talk about how much she loved the products well he finally understood what she was talking about one of the great parts about the thunderstorm it isn't one of those flowery plugins that tries to cover up smell with more smell you want to get rid of smells you want the thunderstorm and you want the three-pack special go to eat impure deals dot com check out the three-pack special it's the perfect size doesn't take up any floor space and it comes in handy just ask candice with the three-pack special you can use one in your kitchen your office or even in your car go to eat impure deals dot com use code grace three to get the three pack that's eating pure deals dot com and code grace and the number three we'll be right back you're listening to the grace curly show this is the grace curly show welcome back everyone to the grace curly show three three nine says grace it's added to me like dana bash was good on her assessment that per the constitution it's up to congress to set the ballot rules yeah her her assessment wasn't wrong which he said unfortunately for america comma and i don't understand why the supreme court coming to a rational conclusion or ruling on something is bad for america i would think if you were a third party or you know a non-biased reporter that you would just say this is the assessment you wouldn't say whether it was good or bad for america but dana bash thinks it's bad for america and the other thing i would add in here is you know you have trump derangement syndrome when the ruling's nine zero and you still have a full blown meltdown and try to blame it on clarence thomas have you seen that there's people from the dnc and people on uh social media who are trying to vilify per usual i mean this is nothing new clarence thomas is not exactly uh someone that the left looks up to but they're trying to pin this on him and it's like okay now do the other eight justices that agreed with him make that one make sense and as we pointed out keith oberman keith oberman's blaming the women on the court the only woman he didn't blame on the court was uh amy connie barret ironically enough he thinks that katanji brown jacks inside of my orin kegan all have reading comprehension issues and that must really hurt their feelings very male and successful when an intellectual like heath oberman makes fun of you and you're reading comprehension skills that's got to cut deep i'm sure now we do have the state of the union uh coming up what is it it's a tomorrow jared student yes and i was on like i mentioned i was on wg and this morning and mecca and jon said to me he's like yeah i'm in a i'm gonna watch it because you know it's just out of curiosity at this point to see him go for an hour and i stopped him right there i said you think he's gonna talk for an hour an hour is a long time for anyone i'm your nightmare let alone joe biden but here's what i i'm very much looking forward to is that we saw when he was at the border which by the way the assessments are in when biden's at the border it's because he cares and he's trying to do an assessment of what's going on there when trump said the border he's trying to exploit the crisis just so you know i i was tuning in over the weekend and that is the takeaway from those dueling border visits uh but what i wanted to mention here is that biden seemed to have this weird juxtaposition of ideas where on one hand he thinks let's move on from republican versus democrat we got to come together because he's in a lot of trouble when it comes to what's happening on our southern and our northern border but then just as quickly as he as he you know offered up the olive branch he throws in the nanderthal uh slur not slur but you know i don't know accusation and i wanted to play this because kjp is trying to continue with this narrative that joe biden is like this unifier in chief this is cut one so the president worked across the aisle to get a get a piece of a proposal done that was negotiated in a bipartisan way that's getting support from organizations that you would never dream with support shaming people for not acting he's also not acting so sorry that is so false he has taken action he has taken action republicans rejected it because of the last president that is not is what is going on here it isn't i mean they told on themselves republicans told of themselves and said that the former president told them to not move forward with the bipartisan border patrol deal they told on executive action you can take we're saying that the best act the best way to move forward is legislation that's with any issue the best way to move forward is legislation put that into law and we have a bipartisan agreement that would do that by the way the bipartisan agreement that border border border border deal has provisions in there that these house republicans want these congressional republicans have been asking for four years oh it's okay so was it what is the problem you're right you know what i trust you kjp there's this giant piece of legislation and we passed giant pieces of legislation before that we're also going to help republicans secure the border wink wink nudge nudge that worked out so well for us i also don't know why the republicans are skeptical of the people that are calling them neanderthals and white supremacist and you know constantly smearing them at every single turn and now you come forward with this bipartisan wink wink again this bipartisan bill and you're so confused why republicans won't get on board why want those lazy stupid illiterate morons get on board with our bill when it's going to help them according to kjp it's going to help them you've convinced me as a neanderthal i'm going to try to convince the other neanderthals that they should get on board with more reckless spending so that you guys will have a nice talking point going into the election which is the only reason you're even acknowledging this crisis at this point because keep in mind by the way kjp was one of the biggest most outspoken gas sliders when it came to the border she didn't even acknowledge we had a problem until like a week ago and now she's got the hones to go out there and try to accuse republicans of not wanting to get anything done here's a question which peter do see is asked her before and she can't answer it because she can't answer any questions why didn't joe biden pass anything when he had the white house the senate and the house when he when he started off this wonderful presidency that we're now in year four of why didn't he do anything then why is he waiting until a few months before an election to take the blinders off koreen but she thinks it's outrageous he's not trying to shame anyone he would never oh yeah he has such respect for his republican colleagues when he's not calling them racist or neanderthals we'll be right back we're going to talk hunter Biden and the diamond in the trash don't go anywhere